LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/utils/cache - relcache.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 1858 2023 91.8 %
Date: 2025-01-18 04:15:08 Functions: 81 82 98.8 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * relcache.c
       4             :  *    POSTGRES relation descriptor cache code
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       7             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
       8             :  *
       9             :  *
      10             :  * IDENTIFICATION
      11             :  *    src/backend/utils/cache/relcache.c
      12             :  *
      13             :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      14             :  */
      15             : /*
      16             :  * INTERFACE ROUTINES
      17             :  *      RelationCacheInitialize         - initialize relcache (to empty)
      18             :  *      RelationCacheInitializePhase2   - initialize shared-catalog entries
      19             :  *      RelationCacheInitializePhase3   - finish initializing relcache
      20             :  *      RelationIdGetRelation           - get a reldesc by relation id
      21             :  *      RelationClose                   - close an open relation
      22             :  *
      23             :  * NOTES
      24             :  *      The following code contains many undocumented hacks.  Please be
      25             :  *      careful....
      26             :  */
      27             : #include "postgres.h"
      28             : 
      29             : #include <sys/file.h>
      30             : #include <fcntl.h>
      31             : #include <unistd.h>
      32             : 
      33             : #include "access/htup_details.h"
      34             : #include "access/multixact.h"
      35             : #include "access/parallel.h"
      36             : #include "access/reloptions.h"
      37             : #include "access/sysattr.h"
      38             : #include "access/table.h"
      39             : #include "access/tableam.h"
      40             : #include "access/tupdesc_details.h"
      41             : #include "access/xact.h"
      42             : #include "catalog/binary_upgrade.h"
      43             : #include "catalog/catalog.h"
      44             : #include "catalog/indexing.h"
      45             : #include "catalog/namespace.h"
      46             : #include "catalog/partition.h"
      47             : #include "catalog/pg_am.h"
      48             : #include "catalog/pg_amproc.h"
      49             : #include "catalog/pg_attrdef.h"
      50             : #include "catalog/pg_auth_members.h"
      51             : #include "catalog/pg_authid.h"
      52             : #include "catalog/pg_constraint.h"
      53             : #include "catalog/pg_database.h"
      54             : #include "catalog/pg_namespace.h"
      55             : #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h"
      56             : #include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
      57             : #include "catalog/pg_publication.h"
      58             : #include "catalog/pg_rewrite.h"
      59             : #include "catalog/pg_shseclabel.h"
      60             : #include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h"
      61             : #include "catalog/pg_subscription.h"
      62             : #include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
      63             : #include "catalog/pg_trigger.h"
      64             : #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
      65             : #include "catalog/schemapg.h"
      66             : #include "catalog/storage.h"
      67             : #include "commands/policy.h"
      68             : #include "commands/publicationcmds.h"
      69             : #include "commands/trigger.h"
      70             : #include "common/int.h"
      71             : #include "miscadmin.h"
      72             : #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
      73             : #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
      74             : #include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
      75             : #include "pgstat.h"
      76             : #include "rewrite/rewriteDefine.h"
      77             : #include "rewrite/rowsecurity.h"
      78             : #include "storage/lmgr.h"
      79             : #include "storage/smgr.h"
      80             : #include "utils/array.h"
      81             : #include "utils/builtins.h"
      82             : #include "utils/catcache.h"
      83             : #include "utils/datum.h"
      84             : #include "utils/fmgroids.h"
      85             : #include "utils/inval.h"
      86             : #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
      87             : #include "utils/memutils.h"
      88             : #include "utils/relmapper.h"
      89             : #include "utils/resowner.h"
      90             : #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
      91             : #include "utils/syscache.h"
      92             : 
      93             : #define RELCACHE_INIT_FILEMAGIC     0x573266    /* version ID value */
      94             : 
      95             : /*
      96             :  * Whether to bother checking if relation cache memory needs to be freed
      97             :  * eagerly.  See also RelationBuildDesc() and pg_config_manual.h.
      98             :  */
      99             : #if defined(RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY) && (RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY != 0)
     100             : #define MAYBE_RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY 1
     101             : #else
     102             : #define RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY 0
     103             : #ifdef DISCARD_CACHES_ENABLED
     104             : #define MAYBE_RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY 1
     105             : #endif
     106             : #endif
     107             : 
     108             : /*
     109             :  *      hardcoded tuple descriptors, contents generated by
     110             :  */
     111             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_class[Natts_pg_class] = {Schema_pg_class};
     112             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_attribute[Natts_pg_attribute] = {Schema_pg_attribute};
     113             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_proc[Natts_pg_proc] = {Schema_pg_proc};
     114             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_type[Natts_pg_type] = {Schema_pg_type};
     115             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_database[Natts_pg_database] = {Schema_pg_database};
     116             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_authid[Natts_pg_authid] = {Schema_pg_authid};
     117             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_auth_members[Natts_pg_auth_members] = {Schema_pg_auth_members};
     118             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_index[Natts_pg_index] = {Schema_pg_index};
     119             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_shseclabel[Natts_pg_shseclabel] = {Schema_pg_shseclabel};
     120             : static const FormData_pg_attribute Desc_pg_subscription[Natts_pg_subscription] = {Schema_pg_subscription};
     121             : 
     122             : /*
     123             :  *      Hash tables that index the relation cache
     124             :  *
     125             :  *      We used to index the cache by both name and OID, but now there
     126             :  *      is only an index by OID.
     127             :  */
     128             : typedef struct relidcacheent
     129             : {
     130             :     Oid         reloid;
     131             :     Relation    reldesc;
     132             : } RelIdCacheEnt;
     133             : 
     134             : static HTAB *RelationIdCache;
     135             : 
     136             : /*
     137             :  * This flag is false until we have prepared the critical relcache entries
     138             :  * that are needed to do indexscans on the tables read by relcache building.
     139             :  */
     140             : bool        criticalRelcachesBuilt = false;
     141             : 
     142             : /*
     143             :  * This flag is false until we have prepared the critical relcache entries
     144             :  * for shared catalogs (which are the tables needed for login).
     145             :  */
     146             : bool        criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt = false;
     147             : 
     148             : /*
     149             :  * This counter counts relcache inval events received since backend startup
     150             :  * (but only for rels that are actually in cache).  Presently, we use it only
     151             :  * to detect whether data about to be written by write_relcache_init_file()
     152             :  * might already be obsolete.
     153             :  */
     154             : static long relcacheInvalsReceived = 0L;
     155             : 
     156             : /*
     157             :  * in_progress_list is a stack of ongoing RelationBuildDesc() calls.  CREATE
     158             :  * INDEX CONCURRENTLY makes catalog changes under ShareUpdateExclusiveLock.
     159             :  * It critically relies on each backend absorbing those changes no later than
     160             :  * next transaction start.  Hence, RelationBuildDesc() loops until it finishes
     161             :  * without accepting a relevant invalidation.  (Most invalidation consumers
     162             :  * don't do this.)
     163             :  */
     164             : typedef struct inprogressent
     165             : {
     166             :     Oid         reloid;         /* OID of relation being built */
     167             :     bool        invalidated;    /* whether an invalidation arrived for it */
     168             : } InProgressEnt;
     169             : 
     170             : static InProgressEnt *in_progress_list;
     171             : static int  in_progress_list_len;
     172             : static int  in_progress_list_maxlen;
     173             : 
     174             : /*
     175             :  * eoxact_list[] stores the OIDs of relations that (might) need AtEOXact
     176             :  * cleanup work.  This list intentionally has limited size; if it overflows,
     177             :  * we fall back to scanning the whole hashtable.  There is no value in a very
     178             :  * large list because (1) at some point, a hash_seq_search scan is faster than
     179             :  * retail lookups, and (2) the value of this is to reduce EOXact work for
     180             :  * short transactions, which can't have dirtied all that many tables anyway.
     181             :  * EOXactListAdd() does not bother to prevent duplicate list entries, so the
     182             :  * cleanup processing must be idempotent.
     183             :  */
     184             : #define MAX_EOXACT_LIST 32
     185             : static Oid  eoxact_list[MAX_EOXACT_LIST];
     186             : static int  eoxact_list_len = 0;
     187             : static bool eoxact_list_overflowed = false;
     188             : 
     189             : #define EOXactListAdd(rel) \
     190             :     do { \
     191             :         if (eoxact_list_len < MAX_EOXACT_LIST) \
     192             :             eoxact_list[eoxact_list_len++] = (rel)->rd_id; \
     193             :         else \
     194             :             eoxact_list_overflowed = true; \
     195             :     } while (0)
     196             : 
     197             : /*
     198             :  * EOXactTupleDescArray stores TupleDescs that (might) need AtEOXact
     199             :  * cleanup work.  The array expands as needed; there is no hashtable because
     200             :  * we don't need to access individual items except at EOXact.
     201             :  */
     202             : static TupleDesc *EOXactTupleDescArray;
     203             : static int  NextEOXactTupleDescNum = 0;
     204             : static int  EOXactTupleDescArrayLen = 0;
     205             : 
     206             : /*
     207             :  *      macros to manipulate the lookup hashtable
     208             :  */
     209             : #define RelationCacheInsert(RELATION, replace_allowed)  \
     210             : do { \
     211             :     RelIdCacheEnt *hentry; bool found; \
     212             :     hentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_search(RelationIdCache, \
     213             :                                            &((RELATION)->rd_id), \
     214             :                                            HASH_ENTER, &found); \
     215             :     if (found) \
     216             :     { \
     217             :         /* see comments in RelationBuildDesc and RelationBuildLocalRelation */ \
     218             :         Relation _old_rel = hentry->reldesc; \
     219             :         Assert(replace_allowed); \
     220             :         hentry->reldesc = (RELATION); \
     221             :         if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(_old_rel)) \
     222             :             RelationDestroyRelation(_old_rel, false); \
     223             :         else if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) \
     224             :             elog(WARNING, "leaking still-referenced relcache entry for \"%s\"", \
     225             :                  RelationGetRelationName(_old_rel)); \
     226             :     } \
     227             :     else \
     228             :         hentry->reldesc = (RELATION); \
     229             : } while(0)
     230             : 
     231             : #define RelationIdCacheLookup(ID, RELATION) \
     232             : do { \
     233             :     RelIdCacheEnt *hentry; \
     234             :     hentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_search(RelationIdCache, \
     235             :                                            &(ID), \
     236             :                                            HASH_FIND, NULL); \
     237             :     if (hentry) \
     238             :         RELATION = hentry->reldesc; \
     239             :     else \
     240             :         RELATION = NULL; \
     241             : } while(0)
     242             : 
     243             : #define RelationCacheDelete(RELATION) \
     244             : do { \
     245             :     RelIdCacheEnt *hentry; \
     246             :     hentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_search(RelationIdCache, \
     247             :                                            &((RELATION)->rd_id), \
     248             :                                            HASH_REMOVE, NULL); \
     249             :     if (hentry == NULL) \
     250             :         elog(WARNING, "failed to delete relcache entry for OID %u", \
     251             :              (RELATION)->rd_id); \
     252             : } while(0)
     253             : 
     254             : 
     255             : /*
     256             :  * Special cache for opclass-related information
     257             :  *
     258             :  * Note: only default support procs get cached, ie, those with
     259             :  * lefttype = righttype = opcintype.
     260             :  */
     261             : typedef struct opclasscacheent
     262             : {
     263             :     Oid         opclassoid;     /* lookup key: OID of opclass */
     264             :     bool        valid;          /* set true after successful fill-in */
     265             :     StrategyNumber numSupport;  /* max # of support procs (from pg_am) */
     266             :     Oid         opcfamily;      /* OID of opclass's family */
     267             :     Oid         opcintype;      /* OID of opclass's declared input type */
     268             :     RegProcedure *supportProcs; /* OIDs of support procedures */
     269             : } OpClassCacheEnt;
     270             : 
     271             : static HTAB *OpClassCache = NULL;
     272             : 
     273             : 
     274             : /* non-export function prototypes */
     275             : 
     276             : static void RelationCloseCleanup(Relation relation);
     277             : static void RelationDestroyRelation(Relation relation, bool remember_tupdesc);
     278             : static void RelationInvalidateRelation(Relation relation);
     279             : static void RelationClearRelation(Relation relation);
     280             : static void RelationRebuildRelation(Relation relation);
     281             : 
     282             : static void RelationReloadIndexInfo(Relation relation);
     283             : static void RelationReloadNailed(Relation relation);
     284             : static void RelationFlushRelation(Relation relation);
     285             : static void RememberToFreeTupleDescAtEOX(TupleDesc td);
     286             : #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING
     287             : static void AssertPendingSyncConsistency(Relation relation);
     288             : #endif
     289             : static void AtEOXact_cleanup(Relation relation, bool isCommit);
     290             : static void AtEOSubXact_cleanup(Relation relation, bool isCommit,
     291             :                                 SubTransactionId mySubid, SubTransactionId parentSubid);
     292             : static bool load_relcache_init_file(bool shared);
     293             : static void write_relcache_init_file(bool shared);
     294             : static void write_item(const void *data, Size len, FILE *fp);
     295             : 
     296             : static void formrdesc(const char *relationName, Oid relationReltype,
     297             :                       bool isshared, int natts, const FormData_pg_attribute *attrs);
     298             : 
     299             : static HeapTuple ScanPgRelation(Oid targetRelId, bool indexOK, bool force_non_historic);
     300             : static Relation AllocateRelationDesc(Form_pg_class relp);
     301             : static void RelationParseRelOptions(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple);
     302             : static void RelationBuildTupleDesc(Relation relation);
     303             : static Relation RelationBuildDesc(Oid targetRelId, bool insertIt);
     304             : static void RelationInitPhysicalAddr(Relation relation);
     305             : static void load_critical_index(Oid indexoid, Oid heapoid);
     306             : static TupleDesc GetPgClassDescriptor(void);
     307             : static TupleDesc GetPgIndexDescriptor(void);
     308             : static void AttrDefaultFetch(Relation relation, int ndef);
     309             : static int  AttrDefaultCmp(const void *a, const void *b);
     310             : static void CheckConstraintFetch(Relation relation);
     311             : static int  CheckConstraintCmp(const void *a, const void *b);
     312             : static void InitIndexAmRoutine(Relation relation);
     313             : static void IndexSupportInitialize(oidvector *indclass,
     314             :                                    RegProcedure *indexSupport,
     315             :                                    Oid *opFamily,
     316             :                                    Oid *opcInType,
     317             :                                    StrategyNumber maxSupportNumber,
     318             :                                    AttrNumber maxAttributeNumber);
     319             : static OpClassCacheEnt *LookupOpclassInfo(Oid operatorClassOid,
     320             :                                           StrategyNumber numSupport);
     321             : static void RelationCacheInitFileRemoveInDir(const char *tblspcpath);
     322             : static void unlink_initfile(const char *initfilename, int elevel);
     323             : 
     324             : 
     325             : /*
     326             :  *      ScanPgRelation
     327             :  *
     328             :  *      This is used by RelationBuildDesc to find a pg_class
     329             :  *      tuple matching targetRelId.  The caller must hold at least
     330             :  *      AccessShareLock on the target relid to prevent concurrent-update
     331             :  *      scenarios; it isn't guaranteed that all scans used to build the
     332             :  *      relcache entry will use the same snapshot.  If, for example,
     333             :  *      an attribute were to be added after scanning pg_class and before
     334             :  *      scanning pg_attribute, relnatts wouldn't match.
     335             :  *
     336             :  *      NB: the returned tuple has been copied into palloc'd storage
     337             :  *      and must eventually be freed with heap_freetuple.
     338             :  */
     339             : static HeapTuple
     340     1524816 : ScanPgRelation(Oid targetRelId, bool indexOK, bool force_non_historic)
     341             : {
     342             :     HeapTuple   pg_class_tuple;
     343             :     Relation    pg_class_desc;
     344             :     SysScanDesc pg_class_scan;
     345             :     ScanKeyData key[1];
     346     1524816 :     Snapshot    snapshot = NULL;
     347             : 
     348             :     /*
     349             :      * If something goes wrong during backend startup, we might find ourselves
     350             :      * trying to read pg_class before we've selected a database.  That ain't
     351             :      * gonna work, so bail out with a useful error message.  If this happens,
     352             :      * it probably means a relcache entry that needs to be nailed isn't.
     353             :      */
     354     1524816 :     if (!OidIsValid(MyDatabaseId))
     355           0 :         elog(FATAL, "cannot read pg_class without having selected a database");
     356             : 
     357             :     /*
     358             :      * form a scan key
     359             :      */
     360     1524816 :     ScanKeyInit(&key[0],
     361             :                 Anum_pg_class_oid,
     362             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
     363             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(targetRelId));
     364             : 
     365             :     /*
     366             :      * Open pg_class and fetch a tuple.  Force heap scan if we haven't yet
     367             :      * built the critical relcache entries (this includes initdb and startup
     368             :      * without a pg_internal.init file).  The caller can also force a heap
     369             :      * scan by setting indexOK == false.
     370             :      */
     371     1524816 :     pg_class_desc = table_open(RelationRelationId, AccessShareLock);
     372             : 
     373             :     /*
     374             :      * The caller might need a tuple that's newer than the one the historic
     375             :      * snapshot; currently the only case requiring to do so is looking up the
     376             :      * relfilenumber of non mapped system relations during decoding. That
     377             :      * snapshot can't change in the midst of a relcache build, so there's no
     378             :      * need to register the snapshot.
     379             :      */
     380     1524816 :     if (force_non_historic)
     381        2744 :         snapshot = GetNonHistoricCatalogSnapshot(RelationRelationId);
     382             : 
     383     1524816 :     pg_class_scan = systable_beginscan(pg_class_desc, ClassOidIndexId,
     384     1524816 :                                        indexOK && criticalRelcachesBuilt,
     385             :                                        snapshot,
     386             :                                        1, key);
     387             : 
     388     1524810 :     pg_class_tuple = systable_getnext(pg_class_scan);
     389             : 
     390             :     /*
     391             :      * Must copy tuple before releasing buffer.
     392             :      */
     393     1524804 :     if (HeapTupleIsValid(pg_class_tuple))
     394     1524758 :         pg_class_tuple = heap_copytuple(pg_class_tuple);
     395             : 
     396             :     /* all done */
     397     1524804 :     systable_endscan(pg_class_scan);
     398     1524804 :     table_close(pg_class_desc, AccessShareLock);
     399             : 
     400     1524804 :     return pg_class_tuple;
     401             : }
     402             : 
     403             : /*
     404             :  *      AllocateRelationDesc
     405             :  *
     406             :  *      This is used to allocate memory for a new relation descriptor
     407             :  *      and initialize the rd_rel field from the given pg_class tuple.
     408             :  */
     409             : static Relation
     410     1384048 : AllocateRelationDesc(Form_pg_class relp)
     411             : {
     412             :     Relation    relation;
     413             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
     414             :     Form_pg_class relationForm;
     415             : 
     416             :     /* Relcache entries must live in CacheMemoryContext */
     417     1384048 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
     418             : 
     419             :     /*
     420             :      * allocate and zero space for new relation descriptor
     421             :      */
     422     1384048 :     relation = (Relation) palloc0(sizeof(RelationData));
     423             : 
     424             :     /* make sure relation is marked as having no open file yet */
     425     1384048 :     relation->rd_smgr = NULL;
     426             : 
     427             :     /*
     428             :      * Copy the relation tuple form
     429             :      *
     430             :      * We only allocate space for the fixed fields, ie, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE. The
     431             :      * variable-length fields (relacl, reloptions) are NOT stored in the
     432             :      * relcache --- there'd be little point in it, since we don't copy the
     433             :      * tuple's nulls bitmap and hence wouldn't know if the values are valid.
     434             :      * Bottom line is that relacl *cannot* be retrieved from the relcache. Get
     435             :      * it from the syscache if you need it.  The same goes for the original
     436             :      * form of reloptions (however, we do store the parsed form of reloptions
     437             :      * in rd_options).
     438             :      */
     439     1384048 :     relationForm = (Form_pg_class) palloc(CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
     440             : 
     441     1384048 :     memcpy(relationForm, relp, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
     442             : 
     443             :     /* initialize relation tuple form */
     444     1384048 :     relation->rd_rel = relationForm;
     445             : 
     446             :     /* and allocate attribute tuple form storage */
     447     1384048 :     relation->rd_att = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(relationForm->relnatts);
     448             :     /* which we mark as a reference-counted tupdesc */
     449     1384048 :     relation->rd_att->tdrefcount = 1;
     450             : 
     451     1384048 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
     452             : 
     453     1384048 :     return relation;
     454             : }
     455             : 
     456             : /*
     457             :  * RelationParseRelOptions
     458             :  *      Convert pg_class.reloptions into pre-parsed rd_options
     459             :  *
     460             :  * tuple is the real pg_class tuple (not rd_rel!) for relation
     461             :  *
     462             :  * Note: rd_rel and (if an index) rd_indam must be valid already
     463             :  */
     464             : static void
     465     1513420 : RelationParseRelOptions(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple)
     466             : {
     467             :     bytea      *options;
     468             :     amoptions_function amoptsfn;
     469             : 
     470     1513420 :     relation->rd_options = NULL;
     471             : 
     472             :     /*
     473             :      * Look up any AM-specific parse function; fall out if relkind should not
     474             :      * have options.
     475             :      */
     476     1513420 :     switch (relation->rd_rel->relkind)
     477             :     {
     478      846802 :         case RELKIND_RELATION:
     479             :         case RELKIND_TOASTVALUE:
     480             :         case RELKIND_VIEW:
     481             :         case RELKIND_MATVIEW:
     482             :         case RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE:
     483      846802 :             amoptsfn = NULL;
     484      846802 :             break;
     485      650712 :         case RELKIND_INDEX:
     486             :         case RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX:
     487      650712 :             amoptsfn = relation->rd_indam->amoptions;
     488      650712 :             break;
     489       15906 :         default:
     490       15906 :             return;
     491             :     }
     492             : 
     493             :     /*
     494             :      * Fetch reloptions from tuple; have to use a hardwired descriptor because
     495             :      * we might not have any other for pg_class yet (consider executing this
     496             :      * code for pg_class itself)
     497             :      */
     498     1497514 :     options = extractRelOptions(tuple, GetPgClassDescriptor(), amoptsfn);
     499             : 
     500             :     /*
     501             :      * Copy parsed data into CacheMemoryContext.  To guard against the
     502             :      * possibility of leaks in the reloptions code, we want to do the actual
     503             :      * parsing in the caller's memory context and copy the results into
     504             :      * CacheMemoryContext after the fact.
     505             :      */
     506     1497514 :     if (options)
     507             :     {
     508       32920 :         relation->rd_options = MemoryContextAlloc(CacheMemoryContext,
     509       16460 :                                                   VARSIZE(options));
     510       16460 :         memcpy(relation->rd_options, options, VARSIZE(options));
     511       16460 :         pfree(options);
     512             :     }
     513             : }
     514             : 
     515             : /*
     516             :  *      RelationBuildTupleDesc
     517             :  *
     518             :  *      Form the relation's tuple descriptor from information in
     519             :  *      the pg_attribute, pg_attrdef & pg_constraint system catalogs.
     520             :  */
     521             : static void
     522     1384048 : RelationBuildTupleDesc(Relation relation)
     523             : {
     524             :     HeapTuple   pg_attribute_tuple;
     525             :     Relation    pg_attribute_desc;
     526             :     SysScanDesc pg_attribute_scan;
     527             :     ScanKeyData skey[2];
     528             :     int         need;
     529             :     TupleConstr *constr;
     530     1384048 :     AttrMissing *attrmiss = NULL;
     531     1384048 :     int         ndef = 0;
     532             : 
     533             :     /* fill rd_att's type ID fields (compare heap.c's AddNewRelationTuple) */
     534     1384048 :     relation->rd_att->tdtypeid =
     535     1384048 :         relation->rd_rel->reltype ? relation->rd_rel->reltype : RECORDOID;
     536     1384048 :     relation->rd_att->tdtypmod = -1;  /* just to be sure */
     537             : 
     538     1384048 :     constr = (TupleConstr *) MemoryContextAllocZero(CacheMemoryContext,
     539             :                                                     sizeof(TupleConstr));
     540             : 
     541             :     /*
     542             :      * Form a scan key that selects only user attributes (attnum > 0).
     543             :      * (Eliminating system attribute rows at the index level is lots faster
     544             :      * than fetching them.)
     545             :      */
     546     1384048 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey[0],
     547             :                 Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid,
     548             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
     549             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
     550     1384048 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey[1],
     551             :                 Anum_pg_attribute_attnum,
     552             :                 BTGreaterStrategyNumber, F_INT2GT,
     553             :                 Int16GetDatum(0));
     554             : 
     555             :     /*
     556             :      * Open pg_attribute and begin a scan.  Force heap scan if we haven't yet
     557             :      * built the critical relcache entries (this includes initdb and startup
     558             :      * without a pg_internal.init file).
     559             :      */
     560     1384048 :     pg_attribute_desc = table_open(AttributeRelationId, AccessShareLock);
     561     1384048 :     pg_attribute_scan = systable_beginscan(pg_attribute_desc,
     562             :                                            AttributeRelidNumIndexId,
     563             :                                            criticalRelcachesBuilt,
     564             :                                            NULL,
     565             :                                            2, skey);
     566             : 
     567             :     /*
     568             :      * add attribute data to relation->rd_att
     569             :      */
     570     1384048 :     need = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation);
     571             : 
     572     4855946 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(pg_attribute_tuple = systable_getnext(pg_attribute_scan)))
     573             :     {
     574             :         Form_pg_attribute attp;
     575             :         int         attnum;
     576             : 
     577     4846932 :         attp = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(pg_attribute_tuple);
     578             : 
     579     4846932 :         attnum = attp->attnum;
     580     4846932 :         if (attnum <= 0 || attnum > RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation))
     581           0 :             elog(ERROR, "invalid attribute number %d for relation \"%s\"",
     582             :                  attp->attnum, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
     583             : 
     584     4846932 :         memcpy(TupleDescAttr(relation->rd_att, attnum - 1),
     585             :                attp,
     586             :                ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE);
     587             : 
     588     4846932 :         populate_compact_attribute(relation->rd_att, attnum - 1);
     589             : 
     590             :         /* Update constraint/default info */
     591     4846932 :         if (attp->attnotnull)
     592     2042862 :             constr->has_not_null = true;
     593     4846932 :         if (attp->attgenerated == ATTRIBUTE_GENERATED_STORED)
     594        8406 :             constr->has_generated_stored = true;
     595     4846932 :         if (attp->atthasdef)
     596       39852 :             ndef++;
     597             : 
     598             :         /* If the column has a "missing" value, put it in the attrmiss array */
     599     4846932 :         if (attp->atthasmissing)
     600             :         {
     601             :             Datum       missingval;
     602             :             bool        missingNull;
     603             : 
     604             :             /* Do we have a missing value? */
     605        7226 :             missingval = heap_getattr(pg_attribute_tuple,
     606             :                                       Anum_pg_attribute_attmissingval,
     607             :                                       pg_attribute_desc->rd_att,
     608             :                                       &missingNull);
     609        7226 :             if (!missingNull)
     610             :             {
     611             :                 /* Yes, fetch from the array */
     612             :                 MemoryContext oldcxt;
     613             :                 bool        is_null;
     614        7226 :                 int         one = 1;
     615             :                 Datum       missval;
     616             : 
     617        7226 :                 if (attrmiss == NULL)
     618             :                     attrmiss = (AttrMissing *)
     619        3410 :                         MemoryContextAllocZero(CacheMemoryContext,
     620        3410 :                                                relation->rd_rel->relnatts *
     621             :                                                sizeof(AttrMissing));
     622             : 
     623        7226 :                 missval = array_get_element(missingval,
     624             :                                             1,
     625             :                                             &one,
     626             :                                             -1,
     627        7226 :                                             attp->attlen,
     628        7226 :                                             attp->attbyval,
     629        7226 :                                             attp->attalign,
     630             :                                             &is_null);
     631             :                 Assert(!is_null);
     632        7226 :                 if (attp->attbyval)
     633             :                 {
     634             :                     /* for copy by val just copy the datum direct */
     635        4520 :                     attrmiss[attnum - 1].am_value = missval;
     636             :                 }
     637             :                 else
     638             :                 {
     639             :                     /* otherwise copy in the correct context */
     640        2706 :                     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
     641        5412 :                     attrmiss[attnum - 1].am_value = datumCopy(missval,
     642        2706 :                                                               attp->attbyval,
     643        2706 :                                                               attp->attlen);
     644        2706 :                     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
     645             :                 }
     646        7226 :                 attrmiss[attnum - 1].am_present = true;
     647             :             }
     648             :         }
     649     4846932 :         need--;
     650     4846932 :         if (need == 0)
     651     1375034 :             break;
     652             :     }
     653             : 
     654             :     /*
     655             :      * end the scan and close the attribute relation
     656             :      */
     657     1384048 :     systable_endscan(pg_attribute_scan);
     658     1384048 :     table_close(pg_attribute_desc, AccessShareLock);
     659             : 
     660     1384048 :     if (need != 0)
     661           0 :         elog(ERROR, "pg_attribute catalog is missing %d attribute(s) for relation OID %u",
     662             :              need, RelationGetRelid(relation));
     663             : 
     664             :     /*
     665             :      * We can easily set the attcacheoff value for the first attribute: it
     666             :      * must be zero.  This eliminates the need for special cases for attnum=1
     667             :      * that used to exist in fastgetattr() and index_getattr().
     668             :      */
     669     1384048 :     if (RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation) > 0)
     670     1375034 :         TupleDescCompactAttr(relation->rd_att, 0)->attcacheoff = 0;
     671             : 
     672             :     /*
     673             :      * Set up constraint/default info
     674             :      */
     675     1384048 :     if (constr->has_not_null ||
     676      958070 :         constr->has_generated_stored ||
     677      950218 :         ndef > 0 ||
     678      950194 :         attrmiss ||
     679      950194 :         relation->rd_rel->relchecks > 0)
     680             :     {
     681      439022 :         relation->rd_att->constr = constr;
     682             : 
     683      439022 :         if (ndef > 0)            /* DEFAULTs */
     684       28306 :             AttrDefaultFetch(relation, ndef);
     685             :         else
     686      410716 :             constr->num_defval = 0;
     687             : 
     688      439022 :         constr->missing = attrmiss;
     689             : 
     690      439022 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relchecks > 0)   /* CHECKs */
     691       11432 :             CheckConstraintFetch(relation);
     692             :         else
     693      427590 :             constr->num_check = 0;
     694             :     }
     695             :     else
     696             :     {
     697      945026 :         pfree(constr);
     698      945026 :         relation->rd_att->constr = NULL;
     699             :     }
     700     1384048 : }
     701             : 
     702             : /*
     703             :  *      RelationBuildRuleLock
     704             :  *
     705             :  *      Form the relation's rewrite rules from information in
     706             :  *      the pg_rewrite system catalog.
     707             :  *
     708             :  * Note: The rule parsetrees are potentially very complex node structures.
     709             :  * To allow these trees to be freed when the relcache entry is flushed,
     710             :  * we make a private memory context to hold the RuleLock information for
     711             :  * each relcache entry that has associated rules.  The context is used
     712             :  * just for rule info, not for any other subsidiary data of the relcache
     713             :  * entry, because that keeps the update logic in RelationRebuildRelation()
     714             :  * manageable.  The other subsidiary data structures are simple enough
     715             :  * to be easy to free explicitly, anyway.
     716             :  *
     717             :  * Note: The relation's reloptions must have been extracted first.
     718             :  */
     719             : static void
     720       35180 : RelationBuildRuleLock(Relation relation)
     721             : {
     722             :     MemoryContext rulescxt;
     723             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
     724             :     HeapTuple   rewrite_tuple;
     725             :     Relation    rewrite_desc;
     726             :     TupleDesc   rewrite_tupdesc;
     727             :     SysScanDesc rewrite_scan;
     728             :     ScanKeyData key;
     729             :     RuleLock   *rulelock;
     730             :     int         numlocks;
     731             :     RewriteRule **rules;
     732             :     int         maxlocks;
     733             : 
     734             :     /*
     735             :      * Make the private context.  Assume it'll not contain much data.
     736             :      */
     737       35180 :     rulescxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CacheMemoryContext,
     738             :                                      "relation rules",
     739             :                                      ALLOCSET_SMALL_SIZES);
     740       35180 :     relation->rd_rulescxt = rulescxt;
     741       35180 :     MemoryContextCopyAndSetIdentifier(rulescxt,
     742             :                                       RelationGetRelationName(relation));
     743             : 
     744             :     /*
     745             :      * allocate an array to hold the rewrite rules (the array is extended if
     746             :      * necessary)
     747             :      */
     748       35180 :     maxlocks = 4;
     749             :     rules = (RewriteRule **)
     750       35180 :         MemoryContextAlloc(rulescxt, sizeof(RewriteRule *) * maxlocks);
     751       35180 :     numlocks = 0;
     752             : 
     753             :     /*
     754             :      * form a scan key
     755             :      */
     756       35180 :     ScanKeyInit(&key,
     757             :                 Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_class,
     758             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
     759             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
     760             : 
     761             :     /*
     762             :      * open pg_rewrite and begin a scan
     763             :      *
     764             :      * Note: since we scan the rules using RewriteRelRulenameIndexId, we will
     765             :      * be reading the rules in name order, except possibly during
     766             :      * emergency-recovery operations (ie, IgnoreSystemIndexes). This in turn
     767             :      * ensures that rules will be fired in name order.
     768             :      */
     769       35180 :     rewrite_desc = table_open(RewriteRelationId, AccessShareLock);
     770       35180 :     rewrite_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rewrite_desc);
     771       35180 :     rewrite_scan = systable_beginscan(rewrite_desc,
     772             :                                       RewriteRelRulenameIndexId,
     773             :                                       true, NULL,
     774             :                                       1, &key);
     775             : 
     776       69720 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(rewrite_tuple = systable_getnext(rewrite_scan)))
     777             :     {
     778       34540 :         Form_pg_rewrite rewrite_form = (Form_pg_rewrite) GETSTRUCT(rewrite_tuple);
     779             :         bool        isnull;
     780             :         Datum       rule_datum;
     781             :         char       *rule_str;
     782             :         RewriteRule *rule;
     783             :         Oid         check_as_user;
     784             : 
     785       34540 :         rule = (RewriteRule *) MemoryContextAlloc(rulescxt,
     786             :                                                   sizeof(RewriteRule));
     787             : 
     788       34540 :         rule->ruleId = rewrite_form->oid;
     789             : 
     790       34540 :         rule->event = rewrite_form->ev_type - '0';
     791       34540 :         rule->enabled = rewrite_form->ev_enabled;
     792       34540 :         rule->isInstead = rewrite_form->is_instead;
     793             : 
     794             :         /*
     795             :          * Must use heap_getattr to fetch ev_action and ev_qual.  Also, the
     796             :          * rule strings are often large enough to be toasted.  To avoid
     797             :          * leaking memory in the caller's context, do the detoasting here so
     798             :          * we can free the detoasted version.
     799             :          */
     800       34540 :         rule_datum = heap_getattr(rewrite_tuple,
     801             :                                   Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_action,
     802             :                                   rewrite_tupdesc,
     803             :                                   &isnull);
     804             :         Assert(!isnull);
     805       34540 :         rule_str = TextDatumGetCString(rule_datum);
     806       34540 :         oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rulescxt);
     807       34540 :         rule->actions = (List *) stringToNode(rule_str);
     808       34540 :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
     809       34540 :         pfree(rule_str);
     810             : 
     811       34540 :         rule_datum = heap_getattr(rewrite_tuple,
     812             :                                   Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_qual,
     813             :                                   rewrite_tupdesc,
     814             :                                   &isnull);
     815             :         Assert(!isnull);
     816       34540 :         rule_str = TextDatumGetCString(rule_datum);
     817       34540 :         oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rulescxt);
     818       34540 :         rule->qual = (Node *) stringToNode(rule_str);
     819       34540 :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
     820       34540 :         pfree(rule_str);
     821             : 
     822             :         /*
     823             :          * If this is a SELECT rule defining a view, and the view has
     824             :          * "security_invoker" set, we must perform all permissions checks on
     825             :          * relations referred to by the rule as the invoking user.
     826             :          *
     827             :          * In all other cases (including non-SELECT rules on security invoker
     828             :          * views), perform the permissions checks as the relation owner.
     829             :          */
     830       34540 :         if (rule->event == CMD_SELECT &&
     831       31420 :             relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_VIEW &&
     832       27568 :             RelationHasSecurityInvoker(relation))
     833         168 :             check_as_user = InvalidOid;
     834             :         else
     835       34372 :             check_as_user = relation->rd_rel->relowner;
     836             : 
     837             :         /*
     838             :          * Scan through the rule's actions and set the checkAsUser field on
     839             :          * all RTEPermissionInfos. We have to look at the qual as well, in
     840             :          * case it contains sublinks.
     841             :          *
     842             :          * The reason for doing this when the rule is loaded, rather than when
     843             :          * it is stored, is that otherwise ALTER TABLE OWNER would have to
     844             :          * grovel through stored rules to update checkAsUser fields. Scanning
     845             :          * the rule tree during load is relatively cheap (compared to
     846             :          * constructing it in the first place), so we do it here.
     847             :          */
     848       34540 :         setRuleCheckAsUser((Node *) rule->actions, check_as_user);
     849       34540 :         setRuleCheckAsUser(rule->qual, check_as_user);
     850             : 
     851       34540 :         if (numlocks >= maxlocks)
     852             :         {
     853          32 :             maxlocks *= 2;
     854             :             rules = (RewriteRule **)
     855          32 :                 repalloc(rules, sizeof(RewriteRule *) * maxlocks);
     856             :         }
     857       34540 :         rules[numlocks++] = rule;
     858             :     }
     859             : 
     860             :     /*
     861             :      * end the scan and close the attribute relation
     862             :      */
     863       35180 :     systable_endscan(rewrite_scan);
     864       35180 :     table_close(rewrite_desc, AccessShareLock);
     865             : 
     866             :     /*
     867             :      * there might not be any rules (if relhasrules is out-of-date)
     868             :      */
     869       35180 :     if (numlocks == 0)
     870             :     {
     871        2846 :         relation->rd_rules = NULL;
     872        2846 :         relation->rd_rulescxt = NULL;
     873        2846 :         MemoryContextDelete(rulescxt);
     874        2846 :         return;
     875             :     }
     876             : 
     877             :     /*
     878             :      * form a RuleLock and insert into relation
     879             :      */
     880       32334 :     rulelock = (RuleLock *) MemoryContextAlloc(rulescxt, sizeof(RuleLock));
     881       32334 :     rulelock->numLocks = numlocks;
     882       32334 :     rulelock->rules = rules;
     883             : 
     884       32334 :     relation->rd_rules = rulelock;
     885             : }
     886             : 
     887             : /*
     888             :  *      equalRuleLocks
     889             :  *
     890             :  *      Determine whether two RuleLocks are equivalent
     891             :  *
     892             :  *      Probably this should be in the rules code someplace...
     893             :  */
     894             : static bool
     895      389448 : equalRuleLocks(RuleLock *rlock1, RuleLock *rlock2)
     896             : {
     897             :     int         i;
     898             : 
     899             :     /*
     900             :      * As of 7.3 we assume the rule ordering is repeatable, because
     901             :      * RelationBuildRuleLock should read 'em in a consistent order.  So just
     902             :      * compare corresponding slots.
     903             :      */
     904      389448 :     if (rlock1 != NULL)
     905             :     {
     906        2486 :         if (rlock2 == NULL)
     907          58 :             return false;
     908        2428 :         if (rlock1->numLocks != rlock2->numLocks)
     909           6 :             return false;
     910        4600 :         for (i = 0; i < rlock1->numLocks; i++)
     911             :         {
     912        2464 :             RewriteRule *rule1 = rlock1->rules[i];
     913        2464 :             RewriteRule *rule2 = rlock2->rules[i];
     914             : 
     915        2464 :             if (rule1->ruleId != rule2->ruleId)
     916           0 :                 return false;
     917        2464 :             if (rule1->event != rule2->event)
     918           0 :                 return false;
     919        2464 :             if (rule1->enabled != rule2->enabled)
     920          46 :                 return false;
     921        2418 :             if (rule1->isInstead != rule2->isInstead)
     922           0 :                 return false;
     923        2418 :             if (!equal(rule1->qual, rule2->qual))
     924           0 :                 return false;
     925        2418 :             if (!equal(rule1->actions, rule2->actions))
     926         240 :                 return false;
     927             :         }
     928             :     }
     929      386962 :     else if (rlock2 != NULL)
     930       15314 :         return false;
     931      373784 :     return true;
     932             : }
     933             : 
     934             : /*
     935             :  *      equalPolicy
     936             :  *
     937             :  *      Determine whether two policies are equivalent
     938             :  */
     939             : static bool
     940         204 : equalPolicy(RowSecurityPolicy *policy1, RowSecurityPolicy *policy2)
     941             : {
     942             :     int         i;
     943             :     Oid        *r1,
     944             :                *r2;
     945             : 
     946         204 :     if (policy1 != NULL)
     947             :     {
     948         204 :         if (policy2 == NULL)
     949           0 :             return false;
     950             : 
     951         204 :         if (policy1->polcmd != policy2->polcmd)
     952           0 :             return false;
     953         204 :         if (policy1->hassublinks != policy2->hassublinks)
     954           0 :             return false;
     955         204 :         if (strcmp(policy1->policy_name, policy2->policy_name) != 0)
     956           0 :             return false;
     957         204 :         if (ARR_DIMS(policy1->roles)[0] != ARR_DIMS(policy2->roles)[0])
     958           0 :             return false;
     959             : 
     960         204 :         r1 = (Oid *) ARR_DATA_PTR(policy1->roles);
     961         204 :         r2 = (Oid *) ARR_DATA_PTR(policy2->roles);
     962             : 
     963         408 :         for (i = 0; i < ARR_DIMS(policy1->roles)[0]; i++)
     964             :         {
     965         204 :             if (r1[i] != r2[i])
     966           0 :                 return false;
     967             :         }
     968             : 
     969         204 :         if (!equal(policy1->qual, policy2->qual))
     970           0 :             return false;
     971         204 :         if (!equal(policy1->with_check_qual, policy2->with_check_qual))
     972           0 :             return false;
     973             :     }
     974           0 :     else if (policy2 != NULL)
     975           0 :         return false;
     976             : 
     977         204 :     return true;
     978             : }
     979             : 
     980             : /*
     981             :  *      equalRSDesc
     982             :  *
     983             :  *      Determine whether two RowSecurityDesc's are equivalent
     984             :  */
     985             : static bool
     986      389448 : equalRSDesc(RowSecurityDesc *rsdesc1, RowSecurityDesc *rsdesc2)
     987             : {
     988             :     ListCell   *lc,
     989             :                *rc;
     990             : 
     991      389448 :     if (rsdesc1 == NULL && rsdesc2 == NULL)
     992      388996 :         return true;
     993             : 
     994         452 :     if ((rsdesc1 != NULL && rsdesc2 == NULL) ||
     995         284 :         (rsdesc1 == NULL && rsdesc2 != NULL))
     996         294 :         return false;
     997             : 
     998         158 :     if (list_length(rsdesc1->policies) != list_length(rsdesc2->policies))
     999           6 :         return false;
    1000             : 
    1001             :     /* RelationBuildRowSecurity should build policies in order */
    1002         356 :     forboth(lc, rsdesc1->policies, rc, rsdesc2->policies)
    1003             :     {
    1004         204 :         RowSecurityPolicy *l = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(lc);
    1005         204 :         RowSecurityPolicy *r = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(rc);
    1006             : 
    1007         204 :         if (!equalPolicy(l, r))
    1008           0 :             return false;
    1009             :     }
    1010             : 
    1011         152 :     return true;
    1012             : }
    1013             : 
    1014             : /*
    1015             :  *      RelationBuildDesc
    1016             :  *
    1017             :  *      Build a relation descriptor.  The caller must hold at least
    1018             :  *      AccessShareLock on the target relid.
    1019             :  *
    1020             :  *      The new descriptor is inserted into the hash table if insertIt is true.
    1021             :  *
    1022             :  *      Returns NULL if no pg_class row could be found for the given relid
    1023             :  *      (suggesting we are trying to access a just-deleted relation).
    1024             :  *      Any other error is reported via elog.
    1025             :  */
    1026             : static Relation
    1027     1384084 : RelationBuildDesc(Oid targetRelId, bool insertIt)
    1028             : {
    1029             :     int         in_progress_offset;
    1030             :     Relation    relation;
    1031             :     Oid         relid;
    1032             :     HeapTuple   pg_class_tuple;
    1033             :     Form_pg_class relp;
    1034             : 
    1035             :     /*
    1036             :      * This function and its subroutines can allocate a good deal of transient
    1037             :      * data in CurrentMemoryContext.  Traditionally we've just leaked that
    1038             :      * data, reasoning that the caller's context is at worst of transaction
    1039             :      * scope, and relcache loads shouldn't happen so often that it's essential
    1040             :      * to recover transient data before end of statement/transaction.  However
    1041             :      * that's definitely not true when debug_discard_caches is active, and
    1042             :      * perhaps it's not true in other cases.
    1043             :      *
    1044             :      * When debug_discard_caches is active or when forced to by
    1045             :      * RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY=1, arrange to allocate the junk in a
    1046             :      * temporary context that we'll free before returning.  Make it a child of
    1047             :      * caller's context so that it will get cleaned up appropriately if we
    1048             :      * error out partway through.
    1049             :      */
    1050             : #ifdef MAYBE_RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY
    1051             :     MemoryContext tmpcxt = NULL;
    1052             :     MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL;
    1053             : 
    1054             :     if (RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY || debug_discard_caches > 0)
    1055             :     {
    1056             :         tmpcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
    1057             :                                        "RelationBuildDesc workspace",
    1058             :                                        ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);
    1059             :         oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcxt);
    1060             :     }
    1061             : #endif
    1062             : 
    1063             :     /* Register to catch invalidation messages */
    1064     1384084 :     if (in_progress_list_len >= in_progress_list_maxlen)
    1065             :     {
    1066             :         int         allocsize;
    1067             : 
    1068          40 :         allocsize = in_progress_list_maxlen * 2;
    1069          40 :         in_progress_list = repalloc(in_progress_list,
    1070             :                                     allocsize * sizeof(*in_progress_list));
    1071          40 :         in_progress_list_maxlen = allocsize;
    1072             :     }
    1073     1384084 :     in_progress_offset = in_progress_list_len++;
    1074     1384084 :     in_progress_list[in_progress_offset].reloid = targetRelId;
    1075     1384094 : retry:
    1076     1384094 :     in_progress_list[in_progress_offset].invalidated = false;
    1077             : 
    1078             :     /*
    1079             :      * find the tuple in pg_class corresponding to the given relation id
    1080             :      */
    1081     1384094 :     pg_class_tuple = ScanPgRelation(targetRelId, true, false);
    1082             : 
    1083             :     /*
    1084             :      * if no such tuple exists, return NULL
    1085             :      */
    1086     1384094 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pg_class_tuple))
    1087             :     {
    1088             : #ifdef MAYBE_RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY
    1089             :         if (tmpcxt)
    1090             :         {
    1091             :             /* Return to caller's context, and blow away the temporary context */
    1092             :             MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    1093             :             MemoryContextDelete(tmpcxt);
    1094             :         }
    1095             : #endif
    1096             :         Assert(in_progress_offset + 1 == in_progress_list_len);
    1097          46 :         in_progress_list_len--;
    1098          46 :         return NULL;
    1099             :     }
    1100             : 
    1101             :     /*
    1102             :      * get information from the pg_class_tuple
    1103             :      */
    1104     1384048 :     relp = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(pg_class_tuple);
    1105     1384048 :     relid = relp->oid;
    1106             :     Assert(relid == targetRelId);
    1107             : 
    1108             :     /*
    1109             :      * allocate storage for the relation descriptor, and copy pg_class_tuple
    1110             :      * to relation->rd_rel.
    1111             :      */
    1112     1384048 :     relation = AllocateRelationDesc(relp);
    1113             : 
    1114             :     /*
    1115             :      * initialize the relation's relation id (relation->rd_id)
    1116             :      */
    1117     1384048 :     RelationGetRelid(relation) = relid;
    1118             : 
    1119             :     /*
    1120             :      * Normal relations are not nailed into the cache.  Since we don't flush
    1121             :      * new relations, it won't be new.  It could be temp though.
    1122             :      */
    1123     1384048 :     relation->rd_refcnt = 0;
    1124     1384048 :     relation->rd_isnailed = false;
    1125     1384048 :     relation->rd_createSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1126     1384048 :     relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1127     1384048 :     relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1128     1384048 :     relation->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1129     1384048 :     switch (relation->rd_rel->relpersistence)
    1130             :     {
    1131     1356240 :         case RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED:
    1132             :         case RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT:
    1133     1356240 :             relation->rd_backend = INVALID_PROC_NUMBER;
    1134     1356240 :             relation->rd_islocaltemp = false;
    1135     1356240 :             break;
    1136       27808 :         case RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP:
    1137       27808 :             if (isTempOrTempToastNamespace(relation->rd_rel->relnamespace))
    1138             :             {
    1139       27772 :                 relation->rd_backend = ProcNumberForTempRelations();
    1140       27772 :                 relation->rd_islocaltemp = true;
    1141             :             }
    1142             :             else
    1143             :             {
    1144             :                 /*
    1145             :                  * If it's a temp table, but not one of ours, we have to use
    1146             :                  * the slow, grotty method to figure out the owning backend.
    1147             :                  *
    1148             :                  * Note: it's possible that rd_backend gets set to
    1149             :                  * MyProcNumber here, in case we are looking at a pg_class
    1150             :                  * entry left over from a crashed backend that coincidentally
    1151             :                  * had the same ProcNumber we're using.  We should *not*
    1152             :                  * consider such a table to be "ours"; this is why we need the
    1153             :                  * separate rd_islocaltemp flag.  The pg_class entry will get
    1154             :                  * flushed if/when we clean out the corresponding temp table
    1155             :                  * namespace in preparation for using it.
    1156             :                  */
    1157          36 :                 relation->rd_backend =
    1158          36 :                     GetTempNamespaceProcNumber(relation->rd_rel->relnamespace);
    1159             :                 Assert(relation->rd_backend != INVALID_PROC_NUMBER);
    1160          36 :                 relation->rd_islocaltemp = false;
    1161             :             }
    1162       27808 :             break;
    1163           0 :         default:
    1164           0 :             elog(ERROR, "invalid relpersistence: %c",
    1165             :                  relation->rd_rel->relpersistence);
    1166             :             break;
    1167             :     }
    1168             : 
    1169             :     /*
    1170             :      * initialize the tuple descriptor (relation->rd_att).
    1171             :      */
    1172     1384048 :     RelationBuildTupleDesc(relation);
    1173             : 
    1174             :     /* foreign key data is not loaded till asked for */
    1175     1384048 :     relation->rd_fkeylist = NIL;
    1176     1384048 :     relation->rd_fkeyvalid = false;
    1177             : 
    1178             :     /* partitioning data is not loaded till asked for */
    1179     1384048 :     relation->rd_partkey = NULL;
    1180     1384048 :     relation->rd_partkeycxt = NULL;
    1181     1384048 :     relation->rd_partdesc = NULL;
    1182     1384048 :     relation->rd_partdesc_nodetached = NULL;
    1183     1384048 :     relation->rd_partdesc_nodetached_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
    1184     1384048 :     relation->rd_pdcxt = NULL;
    1185     1384048 :     relation->rd_pddcxt = NULL;
    1186     1384048 :     relation->rd_partcheck = NIL;
    1187     1384048 :     relation->rd_partcheckvalid = false;
    1188     1384048 :     relation->rd_partcheckcxt = NULL;
    1189             : 
    1190             :     /*
    1191             :      * initialize access method information
    1192             :      */
    1193     1384048 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX ||
    1194      847726 :         relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX)
    1195      542226 :         RelationInitIndexAccessInfo(relation);
    1196      841822 :     else if (RELKIND_HAS_TABLE_AM(relation->rd_rel->relkind) ||
    1197      114870 :              relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    1198      732784 :         RelationInitTableAccessMethod(relation);
    1199             :     else if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
    1200             :     {
    1201             :         /*
    1202             :          * Do nothing: access methods are a setting that partitions can
    1203             :          * inherit.
    1204             :          */
    1205             :     }
    1206             :     else
    1207             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam == InvalidOid);
    1208             : 
    1209             :     /* extract reloptions if any */
    1210     1384038 :     RelationParseRelOptions(relation, pg_class_tuple);
    1211             : 
    1212             :     /*
    1213             :      * Fetch rules and triggers that affect this relation.
    1214             :      *
    1215             :      * Note that RelationBuildRuleLock() relies on this being done after
    1216             :      * extracting the relation's reloptions.
    1217             :      */
    1218     1384038 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relhasrules)
    1219       35180 :         RelationBuildRuleLock(relation);
    1220             :     else
    1221             :     {
    1222     1348858 :         relation->rd_rules = NULL;
    1223     1348858 :         relation->rd_rulescxt = NULL;
    1224             :     }
    1225             : 
    1226     1384038 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relhastriggers)
    1227       58582 :         RelationBuildTriggers(relation);
    1228             :     else
    1229     1325456 :         relation->trigdesc = NULL;
    1230             : 
    1231     1384038 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relrowsecurity)
    1232        1942 :         RelationBuildRowSecurity(relation);
    1233             :     else
    1234     1382096 :         relation->rd_rsdesc = NULL;
    1235             : 
    1236             :     /*
    1237             :      * initialize the relation lock manager information
    1238             :      */
    1239     1384038 :     RelationInitLockInfo(relation); /* see lmgr.c */
    1240             : 
    1241             :     /*
    1242             :      * initialize physical addressing information for the relation
    1243             :      */
    1244     1384038 :     RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    1245             : 
    1246             :     /* make sure relation is marked as having no open file yet */
    1247     1384038 :     relation->rd_smgr = NULL;
    1248             : 
    1249             :     /*
    1250             :      * now we can free the memory allocated for pg_class_tuple
    1251             :      */
    1252     1384038 :     heap_freetuple(pg_class_tuple);
    1253             : 
    1254             :     /*
    1255             :      * If an invalidation arrived mid-build, start over.  Between here and the
    1256             :      * end of this function, don't add code that does or reasonably could read
    1257             :      * system catalogs.  That range must be free from invalidation processing
    1258             :      * for the !insertIt case.  For the insertIt case, RelationCacheInsert()
    1259             :      * will enroll this relation in ordinary relcache invalidation processing,
    1260             :      */
    1261     1384038 :     if (in_progress_list[in_progress_offset].invalidated)
    1262             :     {
    1263          10 :         RelationDestroyRelation(relation, false);
    1264          10 :         goto retry;
    1265             :     }
    1266             :     Assert(in_progress_offset + 1 == in_progress_list_len);
    1267     1384028 :     in_progress_list_len--;
    1268             : 
    1269             :     /*
    1270             :      * Insert newly created relation into relcache hash table, if requested.
    1271             :      *
    1272             :      * There is one scenario in which we might find a hashtable entry already
    1273             :      * present, even though our caller failed to find it: if the relation is a
    1274             :      * system catalog or index that's used during relcache load, we might have
    1275             :      * recursively created the same relcache entry during the preceding steps.
    1276             :      * So allow RelationCacheInsert to delete any already-present relcache
    1277             :      * entry for the same OID.  The already-present entry should have refcount
    1278             :      * zero (else somebody forgot to close it); in the event that it doesn't,
    1279             :      * we'll elog a WARNING and leak the already-present entry.
    1280             :      */
    1281     1384028 :     if (insertIt)
    1282      994580 :         RelationCacheInsert(relation, true);
    1283             : 
    1284             :     /* It's fully valid */
    1285     1384028 :     relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    1286             : 
    1287             : #ifdef MAYBE_RECOVER_RELATION_BUILD_MEMORY
    1288             :     if (tmpcxt)
    1289             :     {
    1290             :         /* Return to caller's context, and blow away the temporary context */
    1291             :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    1292             :         MemoryContextDelete(tmpcxt);
    1293             :     }
    1294             : #endif
    1295             : 
    1296     1384028 :     return relation;
    1297             : }
    1298             : 
    1299             : /*
    1300             :  * Initialize the physical addressing info (RelFileLocator) for a relcache entry
    1301             :  *
    1302             :  * Note: at the physical level, relations in the pg_global tablespace must
    1303             :  * be treated as shared, even if relisshared isn't set.  Hence we do not
    1304             :  * look at relisshared here.
    1305             :  */
    1306             : static void
    1307     5345510 : RelationInitPhysicalAddr(Relation relation)
    1308             : {
    1309     5345510 :     RelFileNumber oldnumber = relation->rd_locator.relNumber;
    1310             : 
    1311             :     /* these relations kinds never have storage */
    1312     5345510 :     if (!RELKIND_HAS_STORAGE(relation->rd_rel->relkind))
    1313      143610 :         return;
    1314             : 
    1315     5201900 :     if (relation->rd_rel->reltablespace)
    1316      829536 :         relation->rd_locator.spcOid = relation->rd_rel->reltablespace;
    1317             :     else
    1318     4372364 :         relation->rd_locator.spcOid = MyDatabaseTableSpace;
    1319     5201900 :     if (relation->rd_locator.spcOid == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
    1320      826162 :         relation->rd_locator.dbOid = InvalidOid;
    1321             :     else
    1322     4375738 :         relation->rd_locator.dbOid = MyDatabaseId;
    1323             : 
    1324     5201900 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relfilenode)
    1325             :     {
    1326             :         /*
    1327             :          * Even if we are using a decoding snapshot that doesn't represent the
    1328             :          * current state of the catalog we need to make sure the filenode
    1329             :          * points to the current file since the older file will be gone (or
    1330             :          * truncated). The new file will still contain older rows so lookups
    1331             :          * in them will work correctly. This wouldn't work correctly if
    1332             :          * rewrites were allowed to change the schema in an incompatible way,
    1333             :          * but those are prevented both on catalog tables and on user tables
    1334             :          * declared as additional catalog tables.
    1335             :          */
    1336     3853948 :         if (HistoricSnapshotActive()
    1337        4202 :             && RelationIsAccessibleInLogicalDecoding(relation)
    1338        2744 :             && IsTransactionState())
    1339             :         {
    1340             :             HeapTuple   phys_tuple;
    1341             :             Form_pg_class physrel;
    1342             : 
    1343        2744 :             phys_tuple = ScanPgRelation(RelationGetRelid(relation),
    1344        2744 :                                         RelationGetRelid(relation) != ClassOidIndexId,
    1345             :                                         true);
    1346        2744 :             if (!HeapTupleIsValid(phys_tuple))
    1347           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "could not find pg_class entry for %u",
    1348             :                      RelationGetRelid(relation));
    1349        2744 :             physrel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(phys_tuple);
    1350             : 
    1351        2744 :             relation->rd_rel->reltablespace = physrel->reltablespace;
    1352        2744 :             relation->rd_rel->relfilenode = physrel->relfilenode;
    1353        2744 :             heap_freetuple(phys_tuple);
    1354             :         }
    1355             : 
    1356     3853948 :         relation->rd_locator.relNumber = relation->rd_rel->relfilenode;
    1357             :     }
    1358             :     else
    1359             :     {
    1360             :         /* Consult the relation mapper */
    1361     1347952 :         relation->rd_locator.relNumber =
    1362     1347952 :             RelationMapOidToFilenumber(relation->rd_id,
    1363     1347952 :                                        relation->rd_rel->relisshared);
    1364     1347952 :         if (!RelFileNumberIsValid(relation->rd_locator.relNumber))
    1365           0 :             elog(ERROR, "could not find relation mapping for relation \"%s\", OID %u",
    1366             :                  RelationGetRelationName(relation), relation->rd_id);
    1367             :     }
    1368             : 
    1369             :     /*
    1370             :      * For RelationNeedsWAL() to answer correctly on parallel workers, restore
    1371             :      * rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid.  No subtransactions start or end while in
    1372             :      * parallel mode, so the specific SubTransactionId does not matter.
    1373             :      */
    1374     5201900 :     if (IsParallelWorker() && oldnumber != relation->rd_locator.relNumber)
    1375             :     {
    1376       55712 :         if (RelFileLocatorSkippingWAL(relation->rd_locator))
    1377         304 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = TopSubTransactionId;
    1378             :         else
    1379       55408 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1380             :     }
    1381             : }
    1382             : 
    1383             : /*
    1384             :  * Fill in the IndexAmRoutine for an index relation.
    1385             :  *
    1386             :  * relation's rd_amhandler and rd_indexcxt must be valid already.
    1387             :  */
    1388             : static void
    1389     2740480 : InitIndexAmRoutine(Relation relation)
    1390             : {
    1391             :     IndexAmRoutine *cached,
    1392             :                *tmp;
    1393             : 
    1394             :     /*
    1395             :      * Call the amhandler in current, short-lived memory context, just in case
    1396             :      * it leaks anything (it probably won't, but let's be paranoid).
    1397             :      */
    1398     2740480 :     tmp = GetIndexAmRoutine(relation->rd_amhandler);
    1399             : 
    1400             :     /* OK, now transfer the data into relation's rd_indexcxt. */
    1401     2740480 :     cached = (IndexAmRoutine *) MemoryContextAlloc(relation->rd_indexcxt,
    1402             :                                                    sizeof(IndexAmRoutine));
    1403     2740480 :     memcpy(cached, tmp, sizeof(IndexAmRoutine));
    1404     2740480 :     relation->rd_indam = cached;
    1405             : 
    1406     2740480 :     pfree(tmp);
    1407     2740480 : }
    1408             : 
    1409             : /*
    1410             :  * Initialize index-access-method support data for an index relation
    1411             :  */
    1412             : void
    1413      556626 : RelationInitIndexAccessInfo(Relation relation)
    1414             : {
    1415             :     HeapTuple   tuple;
    1416             :     Form_pg_am  aform;
    1417             :     Datum       indcollDatum;
    1418             :     Datum       indclassDatum;
    1419             :     Datum       indoptionDatum;
    1420             :     bool        isnull;
    1421             :     oidvector  *indcoll;
    1422             :     oidvector  *indclass;
    1423             :     int2vector *indoption;
    1424             :     MemoryContext indexcxt;
    1425             :     MemoryContext oldcontext;
    1426             :     int         indnatts;
    1427             :     int         indnkeyatts;
    1428             :     uint16      amsupport;
    1429             : 
    1430             :     /*
    1431             :      * Make a copy of the pg_index entry for the index.  Since pg_index
    1432             :      * contains variable-length and possibly-null fields, we have to do this
    1433             :      * honestly rather than just treating it as a Form_pg_index struct.
    1434             :      */
    1435      556626 :     tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID,
    1436             :                             ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    1437      556626 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    1438           0 :         elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u",
    1439             :              RelationGetRelid(relation));
    1440      556626 :     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    1441      556626 :     relation->rd_indextuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
    1442      556626 :     relation->rd_index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(relation->rd_indextuple);
    1443      556626 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
    1444      556626 :     ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
    1445             : 
    1446             :     /*
    1447             :      * Look up the index's access method, save the OID of its handler function
    1448             :      */
    1449             :     Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam != InvalidOid);
    1450      556626 :     tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relation->rd_rel->relam));
    1451      556624 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    1452           0 :         elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for access method %u",
    1453             :              relation->rd_rel->relam);
    1454      556624 :     aform = (Form_pg_am) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
    1455      556624 :     relation->rd_amhandler = aform->amhandler;
    1456      556624 :     ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
    1457             : 
    1458      556624 :     indnatts = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation);
    1459      556624 :     if (indnatts != IndexRelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation))
    1460           0 :         elog(ERROR, "relnatts disagrees with indnatts for index %u",
    1461             :              RelationGetRelid(relation));
    1462      556624 :     indnkeyatts = IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(relation);
    1463             : 
    1464             :     /*
    1465             :      * Make the private context to hold index access info.  The reason we need
    1466             :      * a context, and not just a couple of pallocs, is so that we won't leak
    1467             :      * any subsidiary info attached to fmgr lookup records.
    1468             :      */
    1469      556624 :     indexcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CacheMemoryContext,
    1470             :                                      "index info",
    1471             :                                      ALLOCSET_SMALL_SIZES);
    1472      556624 :     relation->rd_indexcxt = indexcxt;
    1473      556624 :     MemoryContextCopyAndSetIdentifier(indexcxt,
    1474             :                                       RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    1475             : 
    1476             :     /*
    1477             :      * Now we can fetch the index AM's API struct
    1478             :      */
    1479      556624 :     InitIndexAmRoutine(relation);
    1480             : 
    1481             :     /*
    1482             :      * Allocate arrays to hold data. Opclasses are not used for included
    1483             :      * columns, so allocate them for indnkeyatts only.
    1484             :      */
    1485      556624 :     relation->rd_opfamily = (Oid *)
    1486      556624 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, indnkeyatts * sizeof(Oid));
    1487      556624 :     relation->rd_opcintype = (Oid *)
    1488      556624 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, indnkeyatts * sizeof(Oid));
    1489             : 
    1490      556624 :     amsupport = relation->rd_indam->amsupport;
    1491      556624 :     if (amsupport > 0)
    1492             :     {
    1493      556624 :         int         nsupport = indnatts * amsupport;
    1494             : 
    1495      556624 :         relation->rd_support = (RegProcedure *)
    1496      556624 :             MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, nsupport * sizeof(RegProcedure));
    1497      556624 :         relation->rd_supportinfo = (FmgrInfo *)
    1498      556624 :             MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, nsupport * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
    1499             :     }
    1500             :     else
    1501             :     {
    1502           0 :         relation->rd_support = NULL;
    1503           0 :         relation->rd_supportinfo = NULL;
    1504             :     }
    1505             : 
    1506      556624 :     relation->rd_indcollation = (Oid *)
    1507      556624 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, indnkeyatts * sizeof(Oid));
    1508             : 
    1509      556624 :     relation->rd_indoption = (int16 *)
    1510      556624 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, indnkeyatts * sizeof(int16));
    1511             : 
    1512             :     /*
    1513             :      * indcollation cannot be referenced directly through the C struct,
    1514             :      * because it comes after the variable-width indkey field.  Must extract
    1515             :      * the datum the hard way...
    1516             :      */
    1517      556624 :     indcollDatum = fastgetattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    1518             :                                Anum_pg_index_indcollation,
    1519             :                                GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    1520             :                                &isnull);
    1521             :     Assert(!isnull);
    1522      556624 :     indcoll = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(indcollDatum);
    1523      556624 :     memcpy(relation->rd_indcollation, indcoll->values, indnkeyatts * sizeof(Oid));
    1524             : 
    1525             :     /*
    1526             :      * indclass cannot be referenced directly through the C struct, because it
    1527             :      * comes after the variable-width indkey field.  Must extract the datum
    1528             :      * the hard way...
    1529             :      */
    1530      556624 :     indclassDatum = fastgetattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    1531             :                                 Anum_pg_index_indclass,
    1532             :                                 GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    1533             :                                 &isnull);
    1534             :     Assert(!isnull);
    1535      556624 :     indclass = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(indclassDatum);
    1536             : 
    1537             :     /*
    1538             :      * Fill the support procedure OID array, as well as the info about
    1539             :      * opfamilies and opclass input types.  (aminfo and supportinfo are left
    1540             :      * as zeroes, and are filled on-the-fly when used)
    1541             :      */
    1542      556624 :     IndexSupportInitialize(indclass, relation->rd_support,
    1543             :                            relation->rd_opfamily, relation->rd_opcintype,
    1544             :                            amsupport, indnkeyatts);
    1545             : 
    1546             :     /*
    1547             :      * Similarly extract indoption and copy it to the cache entry
    1548             :      */
    1549      556622 :     indoptionDatum = fastgetattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    1550             :                                  Anum_pg_index_indoption,
    1551             :                                  GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    1552             :                                  &isnull);
    1553             :     Assert(!isnull);
    1554      556622 :     indoption = (int2vector *) DatumGetPointer(indoptionDatum);
    1555      556622 :     memcpy(relation->rd_indoption, indoption->values, indnkeyatts * sizeof(int16));
    1556             : 
    1557      556622 :     (void) RelationGetIndexAttOptions(relation, false);
    1558             : 
    1559             :     /*
    1560             :      * expressions, predicate, exclusion caches will be filled later
    1561             :      */
    1562      556616 :     relation->rd_indexprs = NIL;
    1563      556616 :     relation->rd_indpred = NIL;
    1564      556616 :     relation->rd_exclops = NULL;
    1565      556616 :     relation->rd_exclprocs = NULL;
    1566      556616 :     relation->rd_exclstrats = NULL;
    1567      556616 :     relation->rd_amcache = NULL;
    1568      556616 : }
    1569             : 
    1570             : /*
    1571             :  * IndexSupportInitialize
    1572             :  *      Initializes an index's cached opclass information,
    1573             :  *      given the index's pg_index.indclass entry.
    1574             :  *
    1575             :  * Data is returned into *indexSupport, *opFamily, and *opcInType,
    1576             :  * which are arrays allocated by the caller.
    1577             :  *
    1578             :  * The caller also passes maxSupportNumber and maxAttributeNumber, since these
    1579             :  * indicate the size of the arrays it has allocated --- but in practice these
    1580             :  * numbers must always match those obtainable from the system catalog entries
    1581             :  * for the index and access method.
    1582             :  */
    1583             : static void
    1584      556624 : IndexSupportInitialize(oidvector *indclass,
    1585             :                        RegProcedure *indexSupport,
    1586             :                        Oid *opFamily,
    1587             :                        Oid *opcInType,
    1588             :                        StrategyNumber maxSupportNumber,
    1589             :                        AttrNumber maxAttributeNumber)
    1590             : {
    1591             :     int         attIndex;
    1592             : 
    1593     1499388 :     for (attIndex = 0; attIndex < maxAttributeNumber; attIndex++)
    1594             :     {
    1595             :         OpClassCacheEnt *opcentry;
    1596             : 
    1597      942766 :         if (!OidIsValid(indclass->values[attIndex]))
    1598           0 :             elog(ERROR, "bogus pg_index tuple");
    1599             : 
    1600             :         /* look up the info for this opclass, using a cache */
    1601      942766 :         opcentry = LookupOpclassInfo(indclass->values[attIndex],
    1602             :                                      maxSupportNumber);
    1603             : 
    1604             :         /* copy cached data into relcache entry */
    1605      942764 :         opFamily[attIndex] = opcentry->opcfamily;
    1606      942764 :         opcInType[attIndex] = opcentry->opcintype;
    1607      942764 :         if (maxSupportNumber > 0)
    1608      942764 :             memcpy(&indexSupport[attIndex * maxSupportNumber],
    1609      942764 :                    opcentry->supportProcs,
    1610             :                    maxSupportNumber * sizeof(RegProcedure));
    1611             :     }
    1612      556622 : }
    1613             : 
    1614             : /*
    1615             :  * LookupOpclassInfo
    1616             :  *
    1617             :  * This routine maintains a per-opclass cache of the information needed
    1618             :  * by IndexSupportInitialize().  This is more efficient than relying on
    1619             :  * the catalog cache, because we can load all the info about a particular
    1620             :  * opclass in a single indexscan of pg_amproc.
    1621             :  *
    1622             :  * The information from pg_am about expected range of support function
    1623             :  * numbers is passed in, rather than being looked up, mainly because the
    1624             :  * caller will have it already.
    1625             :  *
    1626             :  * Note there is no provision for flushing the cache.  This is OK at the
    1627             :  * moment because there is no way to ALTER any interesting properties of an
    1628             :  * existing opclass --- all you can do is drop it, which will result in
    1629             :  * a useless but harmless dead entry in the cache.  To support altering
    1630             :  * opclass membership (not the same as opfamily membership!), we'd need to
    1631             :  * be able to flush this cache as well as the contents of relcache entries
    1632             :  * for indexes.
    1633             :  */
    1634             : static OpClassCacheEnt *
    1635      942766 : LookupOpclassInfo(Oid operatorClassOid,
    1636             :                   StrategyNumber numSupport)
    1637             : {
    1638             :     OpClassCacheEnt *opcentry;
    1639             :     bool        found;
    1640             :     Relation    rel;
    1641             :     SysScanDesc scan;
    1642             :     ScanKeyData skey[3];
    1643             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    1644             :     bool        indexOK;
    1645             : 
    1646      942766 :     if (OpClassCache == NULL)
    1647             :     {
    1648             :         /* First time through: initialize the opclass cache */
    1649             :         HASHCTL     ctl;
    1650             : 
    1651             :         /* Also make sure CacheMemoryContext exists */
    1652       27894 :         if (!CacheMemoryContext)
    1653           0 :             CreateCacheMemoryContext();
    1654             : 
    1655       27894 :         ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
    1656       27894 :         ctl.entrysize = sizeof(OpClassCacheEnt);
    1657       27894 :         OpClassCache = hash_create("Operator class cache", 64,
    1658             :                                    &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
    1659             :     }
    1660             : 
    1661      942766 :     opcentry = (OpClassCacheEnt *) hash_search(OpClassCache,
    1662             :                                                &operatorClassOid,
    1663             :                                                HASH_ENTER, &found);
    1664             : 
    1665      942766 :     if (!found)
    1666             :     {
    1667             :         /* Initialize new entry */
    1668       77698 :         opcentry->valid = false; /* until known OK */
    1669       77698 :         opcentry->numSupport = numSupport;
    1670       77698 :         opcentry->supportProcs = NULL;   /* filled below */
    1671             :     }
    1672             :     else
    1673             :     {
    1674             :         Assert(numSupport == opcentry->numSupport);
    1675             :     }
    1676             : 
    1677             :     /*
    1678             :      * When aggressively testing cache-flush hazards, we disable the operator
    1679             :      * class cache and force reloading of the info on each call.  This models
    1680             :      * no real-world behavior, since the cache entries are never invalidated
    1681             :      * otherwise.  However it can be helpful for detecting bugs in the cache
    1682             :      * loading logic itself, such as reliance on a non-nailed index.  Given
    1683             :      * the limited use-case and the fact that this adds a great deal of
    1684             :      * expense, we enable it only for high values of debug_discard_caches.
    1685             :      */
    1686             : #ifdef DISCARD_CACHES_ENABLED
    1687             :     if (debug_discard_caches > 2)
    1688             :         opcentry->valid = false;
    1689             : #endif
    1690             : 
    1691      942766 :     if (opcentry->valid)
    1692      865068 :         return opcentry;
    1693             : 
    1694             :     /*
    1695             :      * Need to fill in new entry.  First allocate space, unless we already did
    1696             :      * so in some previous attempt.
    1697             :      */
    1698       77698 :     if (opcentry->supportProcs == NULL && numSupport > 0)
    1699       77698 :         opcentry->supportProcs = (RegProcedure *)
    1700       77698 :             MemoryContextAllocZero(CacheMemoryContext,
    1701             :                                    numSupport * sizeof(RegProcedure));
    1702             : 
    1703             :     /*
    1704             :      * To avoid infinite recursion during startup, force heap scans if we're
    1705             :      * looking up info for the opclasses used by the indexes we would like to
    1706             :      * reference here.
    1707             :      */
    1708       86370 :     indexOK = criticalRelcachesBuilt ||
    1709        8672 :         (operatorClassOid != OID_BTREE_OPS_OID &&
    1710        5960 :          operatorClassOid != INT2_BTREE_OPS_OID);
    1711             : 
    1712             :     /*
    1713             :      * We have to fetch the pg_opclass row to determine its opfamily and
    1714             :      * opcintype, which are needed to look up related operators and functions.
    1715             :      * It'd be convenient to use the syscache here, but that probably doesn't
    1716             :      * work while bootstrapping.
    1717             :      */
    1718       77698 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey[0],
    1719             :                 Anum_pg_opclass_oid,
    1720             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    1721             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(operatorClassOid));
    1722       77698 :     rel = table_open(OperatorClassRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    1723       77698 :     scan = systable_beginscan(rel, OpclassOidIndexId, indexOK,
    1724             :                               NULL, 1, skey);
    1725             : 
    1726       77698 :     if (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan)))
    1727             :     {
    1728       77698 :         Form_pg_opclass opclassform = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    1729             : 
    1730       77698 :         opcentry->opcfamily = opclassform->opcfamily;
    1731       77698 :         opcentry->opcintype = opclassform->opcintype;
    1732             :     }
    1733             :     else
    1734           0 :         elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for opclass %u", operatorClassOid);
    1735             : 
    1736       77698 :     systable_endscan(scan);
    1737       77698 :     table_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
    1738             : 
    1739             :     /*
    1740             :      * Scan pg_amproc to obtain support procs for the opclass.  We only fetch
    1741             :      * the default ones (those with lefttype = righttype = opcintype).
    1742             :      */
    1743       77698 :     if (numSupport > 0)
    1744             :     {
    1745       77698 :         ScanKeyInit(&skey[0],
    1746             :                     Anum_pg_amproc_amprocfamily,
    1747             :                     BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    1748             :                     ObjectIdGetDatum(opcentry->opcfamily));
    1749       77698 :         ScanKeyInit(&skey[1],
    1750             :                     Anum_pg_amproc_amproclefttype,
    1751             :                     BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    1752             :                     ObjectIdGetDatum(opcentry->opcintype));
    1753       77698 :         ScanKeyInit(&skey[2],
    1754             :                     Anum_pg_amproc_amprocrighttype,
    1755             :                     BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    1756             :                     ObjectIdGetDatum(opcentry->opcintype));
    1757       77698 :         rel = table_open(AccessMethodProcedureRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    1758       77698 :         scan = systable_beginscan(rel, AccessMethodProcedureIndexId, indexOK,
    1759             :                                   NULL, 3, skey);
    1760             : 
    1761      322352 :         while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan)))
    1762             :         {
    1763      244654 :             Form_pg_amproc amprocform = (Form_pg_amproc) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    1764             : 
    1765      244654 :             if (amprocform->amprocnum <= 0 ||
    1766      244654 :                 (StrategyNumber) amprocform->amprocnum > numSupport)
    1767           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "invalid amproc number %d for opclass %u",
    1768             :                      amprocform->amprocnum, operatorClassOid);
    1769             : 
    1770      244654 :             opcentry->supportProcs[amprocform->amprocnum - 1] =
    1771      244654 :                 amprocform->amproc;
    1772             :         }
    1773             : 
    1774       77696 :         systable_endscan(scan);
    1775       77696 :         table_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
    1776             :     }
    1777             : 
    1778       77696 :     opcentry->valid = true;
    1779       77696 :     return opcentry;
    1780             : }
    1781             : 
    1782             : /*
    1783             :  * Fill in the TableAmRoutine for a relation
    1784             :  *
    1785             :  * relation's rd_amhandler must be valid already.
    1786             :  */
    1787             : static void
    1788     2085466 : InitTableAmRoutine(Relation relation)
    1789             : {
    1790     2085466 :     relation->rd_tableam = GetTableAmRoutine(relation->rd_amhandler);
    1791     2085466 : }
    1792             : 
    1793             : /*
    1794             :  * Initialize table access method support for a table like relation
    1795             :  */
    1796             : void
    1797     2085466 : RelationInitTableAccessMethod(Relation relation)
    1798             : {
    1799             :     HeapTuple   tuple;
    1800             :     Form_pg_am  aform;
    1801             : 
    1802     2085466 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    1803             :     {
    1804             :         /*
    1805             :          * Sequences are currently accessed like heap tables, but it doesn't
    1806             :          * seem prudent to show that in the catalog. So just overwrite it
    1807             :          * here.
    1808             :          */
    1809             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam == InvalidOid);
    1810        7602 :         relation->rd_amhandler = F_HEAP_TABLEAM_HANDLER;
    1811             :     }
    1812     2077864 :     else if (IsCatalogRelation(relation))
    1813             :     {
    1814             :         /*
    1815             :          * Avoid doing a syscache lookup for catalog tables.
    1816             :          */
    1817             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam == HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID);
    1818     1652678 :         relation->rd_amhandler = F_HEAP_TABLEAM_HANDLER;
    1819             :     }
    1820             :     else
    1821             :     {
    1822             :         /*
    1823             :          * Look up the table access method, save the OID of its handler
    1824             :          * function.
    1825             :          */
    1826             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam != InvalidOid);
    1827      425186 :         tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMOID,
    1828      425186 :                                 ObjectIdGetDatum(relation->rd_rel->relam));
    1829      425186 :         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    1830           0 :             elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for access method %u",
    1831             :                  relation->rd_rel->relam);
    1832      425186 :         aform = (Form_pg_am) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
    1833      425186 :         relation->rd_amhandler = aform->amhandler;
    1834      425186 :         ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
    1835             :     }
    1836             : 
    1837             :     /*
    1838             :      * Now we can fetch the table AM's API struct
    1839             :      */
    1840     2085466 :     InitTableAmRoutine(relation);
    1841     2085466 : }
    1842             : 
    1843             : /*
    1844             :  *      formrdesc
    1845             :  *
    1846             :  *      This is a special cut-down version of RelationBuildDesc(),
    1847             :  *      used while initializing the relcache.
    1848             :  *      The relation descriptor is built just from the supplied parameters,
    1849             :  *      without actually looking at any system table entries.  We cheat
    1850             :  *      quite a lot since we only need to work for a few basic system
    1851             :  *      catalogs.
    1852             :  *
    1853             :  * The catalogs this is used for can't have constraints (except attnotnull),
    1854             :  * default values, rules, or triggers, since we don't cope with any of that.
    1855             :  * (Well, actually, this only matters for properties that need to be valid
    1856             :  * during bootstrap or before RelationCacheInitializePhase3 runs, and none of
    1857             :  * these properties matter then...)
    1858             :  *
    1859             :  * NOTE: we assume we are already switched into CacheMemoryContext.
    1860             :  */
    1861             : static void
    1862       30068 : formrdesc(const char *relationName, Oid relationReltype,
    1863             :           bool isshared,
    1864             :           int natts, const FormData_pg_attribute *attrs)
    1865             : {
    1866             :     Relation    relation;
    1867             :     int         i;
    1868             :     bool        has_not_null;
    1869             : 
    1870             :     /*
    1871             :      * allocate new relation desc, clear all fields of reldesc
    1872             :      */
    1873       30068 :     relation = (Relation) palloc0(sizeof(RelationData));
    1874             : 
    1875             :     /* make sure relation is marked as having no open file yet */
    1876       30068 :     relation->rd_smgr = NULL;
    1877             : 
    1878             :     /*
    1879             :      * initialize reference count: 1 because it is nailed in cache
    1880             :      */
    1881       30068 :     relation->rd_refcnt = 1;
    1882             : 
    1883             :     /*
    1884             :      * all entries built with this routine are nailed-in-cache; none are for
    1885             :      * new or temp relations.
    1886             :      */
    1887       30068 :     relation->rd_isnailed = true;
    1888       30068 :     relation->rd_createSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1889       30068 :     relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1890       30068 :     relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1891       30068 :     relation->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    1892       30068 :     relation->rd_backend = INVALID_PROC_NUMBER;
    1893       30068 :     relation->rd_islocaltemp = false;
    1894             : 
    1895             :     /*
    1896             :      * initialize relation tuple form
    1897             :      *
    1898             :      * The data we insert here is pretty incomplete/bogus, but it'll serve to
    1899             :      * get us launched.  RelationCacheInitializePhase3() will read the real
    1900             :      * data from pg_class and replace what we've done here.  Note in
    1901             :      * particular that relowner is left as zero; this cues
    1902             :      * RelationCacheInitializePhase3 that the real data isn't there yet.
    1903             :      */
    1904       30068 :     relation->rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) palloc0(CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    1905             : 
    1906       30068 :     namestrcpy(&relation->rd_rel->relname, relationName);
    1907       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relnamespace = PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE;
    1908       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->reltype = relationReltype;
    1909             : 
    1910             :     /*
    1911             :      * It's important to distinguish between shared and non-shared relations,
    1912             :      * even at bootstrap time, to make sure we know where they are stored.
    1913             :      */
    1914       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relisshared = isshared;
    1915       30068 :     if (isshared)
    1916       19220 :         relation->rd_rel->reltablespace = GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID;
    1917             : 
    1918             :     /* formrdesc is used only for permanent relations */
    1919       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relpersistence = RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT;
    1920             : 
    1921             :     /* ... and they're always populated, too */
    1922       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relispopulated = true;
    1923             : 
    1924       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relreplident = REPLICA_IDENTITY_NOTHING;
    1925       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relpages = 0;
    1926       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->reltuples = -1;
    1927       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relallvisible = 0;
    1928       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relkind = RELKIND_RELATION;
    1929       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relnatts = (int16) natts;
    1930             : 
    1931             :     /*
    1932             :      * initialize attribute tuple form
    1933             :      *
    1934             :      * Unlike the case with the relation tuple, this data had better be right
    1935             :      * because it will never be replaced.  The data comes from
    1936             :      * src/include/catalog/ headers via
    1937             :      */
    1938       30068 :     relation->rd_att = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(natts);
    1939       30068 :     relation->rd_att->tdrefcount = 1; /* mark as refcounted */
    1940             : 
    1941       30068 :     relation->rd_att->tdtypeid = relationReltype;
    1942       30068 :     relation->rd_att->tdtypmod = -1;  /* just to be sure */
    1943             : 
    1944             :     /*
    1945             :      * initialize tuple desc info
    1946             :      */
    1947       30068 :     has_not_null = false;
    1948      582304 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    1949             :     {
    1950     1104472 :         memcpy(TupleDescAttr(relation->rd_att, i),
    1951      552236 :                &attrs[i],
    1952             :                ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE);
    1953      552236 :         has_not_null |= attrs[i].attnotnull;
    1954             : 
    1955      552236 :         populate_compact_attribute(relation->rd_att, i);
    1956             :     }
    1957             : 
    1958             :     /* initialize first attribute's attcacheoff, cf RelationBuildTupleDesc */
    1959       30068 :     TupleDescCompactAttr(relation->rd_att, 0)->attcacheoff = 0;
    1960             : 
    1961             :     /* mark not-null status */
    1962       30068 :     if (has_not_null)
    1963             :     {
    1964       30068 :         TupleConstr *constr = (TupleConstr *) palloc0(sizeof(TupleConstr));
    1965             : 
    1966       30068 :         constr->has_not_null = true;
    1967       30068 :         relation->rd_att->constr = constr;
    1968             :     }
    1969             : 
    1970             :     /*
    1971             :      * initialize relation id from info in att array (my, this is ugly)
    1972             :      */
    1973       30068 :     RelationGetRelid(relation) = TupleDescAttr(relation->rd_att, 0)->attrelid;
    1974             : 
    1975             :     /*
    1976             :      * All relations made with formrdesc are mapped.  This is necessarily so
    1977             :      * because there is no other way to know what filenumber they currently
    1978             :      * have.  In bootstrap mode, add them to the initial relation mapper data,
    1979             :      * specifying that the initial filenumber is the same as the OID.
    1980             :      */
    1981       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relfilenode = InvalidRelFileNumber;
    1982       30068 :     if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    1983         360 :         RelationMapUpdateMap(RelationGetRelid(relation),
    1984             :                              RelationGetRelid(relation),
    1985             :                              isshared, true);
    1986             : 
    1987             :     /*
    1988             :      * initialize the relation lock manager information
    1989             :      */
    1990       30068 :     RelationInitLockInfo(relation); /* see lmgr.c */
    1991             : 
    1992             :     /*
    1993             :      * initialize physical addressing information for the relation
    1994             :      */
    1995       30068 :     RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    1996             : 
    1997             :     /*
    1998             :      * initialize the table am handler
    1999             :      */
    2000       30068 :     relation->rd_rel->relam = HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID;
    2001       30068 :     relation->rd_tableam = GetHeapamTableAmRoutine();
    2002             : 
    2003             :     /*
    2004             :      * initialize the rel-has-index flag, using hardwired knowledge
    2005             :      */
    2006       30068 :     if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    2007             :     {
    2008             :         /* In bootstrap mode, we have no indexes */
    2009         360 :         relation->rd_rel->relhasindex = false;
    2010             :     }
    2011             :     else
    2012             :     {
    2013             :         /* Otherwise, all the rels formrdesc is used for have indexes */
    2014       29708 :         relation->rd_rel->relhasindex = true;
    2015             :     }
    2016             : 
    2017             :     /*
    2018             :      * add new reldesc to relcache
    2019             :      */
    2020       30068 :     RelationCacheInsert(relation, false);
    2021             : 
    2022             :     /* It's fully valid */
    2023       30068 :     relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    2024       30068 : }
    2025             : 
    2026             : 
    2027             : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2028             :  *               Relation Descriptor Lookup Interface
    2029             :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2030             :  */
    2031             : 
    2032             : /*
    2033             :  *      RelationIdGetRelation
    2034             :  *
    2035             :  *      Lookup a reldesc by OID; make one if not already in cache.
    2036             :  *
    2037             :  *      Returns NULL if no pg_class row could be found for the given relid
    2038             :  *      (suggesting we are trying to access a just-deleted relation).
    2039             :  *      Any other error is reported via elog.
    2040             :  *
    2041             :  *      NB: caller should already have at least AccessShareLock on the
    2042             :  *      relation ID, else there are nasty race conditions.
    2043             :  *
    2044             :  *      NB: relation ref count is incremented, or set to 1 if new entry.
    2045             :  *      Caller should eventually decrement count.  (Usually,
    2046             :  *      that happens by calling RelationClose().)
    2047             :  */
    2048             : Relation
    2049    36815358 : RelationIdGetRelation(Oid relationId)
    2050             : {
    2051             :     Relation    rd;
    2052             : 
    2053             :     /* Make sure we're in an xact, even if this ends up being a cache hit */
    2054             :     Assert(IsTransactionState());
    2055             : 
    2056             :     /*
    2057             :      * first try to find reldesc in the cache
    2058             :      */
    2059    36815358 :     RelationIdCacheLookup(relationId, rd);
    2060             : 
    2061    36815358 :     if (RelationIsValid(rd))
    2062             :     {
    2063             :         /* return NULL for dropped relations */
    2064    35851562 :         if (rd->rd_droppedSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2065             :         {
    2066             :             Assert(!rd->rd_isvalid);
    2067           4 :             return NULL;
    2068             :         }
    2069             : 
    2070    35851558 :         RelationIncrementReferenceCount(rd);
    2071             :         /* revalidate cache entry if necessary */
    2072    35851558 :         if (!rd->rd_isvalid)
    2073             :         {
    2074      157246 :             RelationRebuildRelation(rd);
    2075             : 
    2076             :             /*
    2077             :              * Normally entries need to be valid here, but before the relcache
    2078             :              * has been initialized, not enough infrastructure exists to
    2079             :              * perform pg_class lookups. The structure of such entries doesn't
    2080             :              * change, but we still want to update the rd_rel entry. So
    2081             :              * rd_isvalid = false is left in place for a later lookup.
    2082             :              */
    2083             :             Assert(rd->rd_isvalid ||
    2084             :                    (rd->rd_isnailed && !criticalRelcachesBuilt));
    2085             :         }
    2086    35851546 :         return rd;
    2087             :     }
    2088             : 
    2089             :     /*
    2090             :      * no reldesc in the cache, so have RelationBuildDesc() build one and add
    2091             :      * it.
    2092             :      */
    2093      963796 :     rd = RelationBuildDesc(relationId, true);
    2094      963794 :     if (RelationIsValid(rd))
    2095      963748 :         RelationIncrementReferenceCount(rd);
    2096      963794 :     return rd;
    2097             : }
    2098             : 
    2099             : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2100             :  *              cache invalidation support routines
    2101             :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2102             :  */
    2103             : 
    2104             : /* ResourceOwner callbacks to track relcache references */
    2105             : static void ResOwnerReleaseRelation(Datum res);
    2106             : static char *ResOwnerPrintRelCache(Datum res);
    2107             : 
    2108             : static const ResourceOwnerDesc relref_resowner_desc =
    2109             : {
    2110             :     .name = "relcache reference",
    2111             :     .release_phase = RESOURCE_RELEASE_BEFORE_LOCKS,
    2112             :     .release_priority = RELEASE_PRIO_RELCACHE_REFS,
    2113             :     .ReleaseResource = ResOwnerReleaseRelation,
    2114             :     .DebugPrint = ResOwnerPrintRelCache
    2115             : };
    2116             : 
    2117             : /* Convenience wrappers over ResourceOwnerRemember/Forget */
    2118             : static inline void
    2119    54258720 : ResourceOwnerRememberRelationRef(ResourceOwner owner, Relation rel)
    2120             : {
    2121    54258720 :     ResourceOwnerRemember(owner, PointerGetDatum(rel), &relref_resowner_desc);
    2122    54258720 : }
    2123             : static inline void
    2124    54220878 : ResourceOwnerForgetRelationRef(ResourceOwner owner, Relation rel)
    2125             : {
    2126    54220878 :     ResourceOwnerForget(owner, PointerGetDatum(rel), &relref_resowner_desc);
    2127    54220878 : }
    2128             : 
    2129             : /*
    2130             :  * RelationIncrementReferenceCount
    2131             :  *      Increments relation reference count.
    2132             :  *
    2133             :  * Note: bootstrap mode has its own weird ideas about relation refcount
    2134             :  * behavior; we ought to fix it someday, but for now, just disable
    2135             :  * reference count ownership tracking in bootstrap mode.
    2136             :  */
    2137             : void
    2138    54768570 : RelationIncrementReferenceCount(Relation rel)
    2139             : {
    2140    54768570 :     ResourceOwnerEnlarge(CurrentResourceOwner);
    2141    54768570 :     rel->rd_refcnt += 1;
    2142    54768570 :     if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    2143    54258720 :         ResourceOwnerRememberRelationRef(CurrentResourceOwner, rel);
    2144    54768570 : }
    2145             : 
    2146             : /*
    2147             :  * RelationDecrementReferenceCount
    2148             :  *      Decrements relation reference count.
    2149             :  */
    2150             : void
    2151    54730728 : RelationDecrementReferenceCount(Relation rel)
    2152             : {
    2153             :     Assert(rel->rd_refcnt > 0);
    2154    54730728 :     rel->rd_refcnt -= 1;
    2155    54730728 :     if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    2156    54220878 :         ResourceOwnerForgetRelationRef(CurrentResourceOwner, rel);
    2157    54730728 : }
    2158             : 
    2159             : /*
    2160             :  * RelationClose - close an open relation
    2161             :  *
    2162             :  *  Actually, we just decrement the refcount.
    2163             :  *
    2164             :  *  NOTE: if compiled with -DRELCACHE_FORCE_RELEASE then relcache entries
    2165             :  *  will be freed as soon as their refcount goes to zero.  In combination
    2166             :  *  with aset.c's CLOBBER_FREED_MEMORY option, this provides a good test
    2167             :  *  to catch references to already-released relcache entries.  It slows
    2168             :  *  things down quite a bit, however.
    2169             :  */
    2170             : void
    2171    36909574 : RelationClose(Relation relation)
    2172             : {
    2173             :     /* Note: no locking manipulations needed */
    2174    36909574 :     RelationDecrementReferenceCount(relation);
    2175             : 
    2176    36909574 :     RelationCloseCleanup(relation);
    2177    36909574 : }
    2178             : 
    2179             : static void
    2180    36947416 : RelationCloseCleanup(Relation relation)
    2181             : {
    2182             :     /*
    2183             :      * If the relation is no longer open in this session, we can clean up any
    2184             :      * stale partition descriptors it has.  This is unlikely, so check to see
    2185             :      * if there are child contexts before expending a call to mcxt.c.
    2186             :      */
    2187    36947416 :     if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    2188             :     {
    2189    21357242 :         if (relation->rd_pdcxt != NULL &&
    2190       87436 :             relation->rd_pdcxt->firstchild != NULL)
    2191        3784 :             MemoryContextDeleteChildren(relation->rd_pdcxt);
    2192             : 
    2193    21357242 :         if (relation->rd_pddcxt != NULL &&
    2194          94 :             relation->rd_pddcxt->firstchild != NULL)
    2195           0 :             MemoryContextDeleteChildren(relation->rd_pddcxt);
    2196             :     }
    2197             : 
    2198             : #ifdef RELCACHE_FORCE_RELEASE
    2199             :     if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation) &&
    2200             :         relation->rd_createSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId &&
    2201             :         relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2202             :         RelationClearRelation(relation);
    2203             : #endif
    2204    36947416 : }
    2205             : 
    2206             : /*
    2207             :  * RelationReloadIndexInfo - reload minimal information for an open index
    2208             :  *
    2209             :  *  This function is used only for indexes.  A relcache inval on an index
    2210             :  *  can mean that its pg_class or pg_index row changed.  There are only
    2211             :  *  very limited changes that are allowed to an existing index's schema,
    2212             :  *  so we can update the relcache entry without a complete rebuild; which
    2213             :  *  is fortunate because we can't rebuild an index entry that is "nailed"
    2214             :  *  and/or in active use.  We support full replacement of the pg_class row,
    2215             :  *  as well as updates of a few simple fields of the pg_index row.
    2216             :  *
    2217             :  *  We assume that at the time we are called, we have at least AccessShareLock
    2218             :  *  on the target index.
    2219             :  *
    2220             :  *  If the target index is an index on pg_class or pg_index, we'd better have
    2221             :  *  previously gotten at least AccessShareLock on its underlying catalog,
    2222             :  *  else we are at risk of deadlock against someone trying to exclusive-lock
    2223             :  *  the heap and index in that order.  This is ensured in current usage by
    2224             :  *  only applying this to indexes being opened or having positive refcount.
    2225             :  */
    2226             : static void
    2227      108502 : RelationReloadIndexInfo(Relation relation)
    2228             : {
    2229             :     bool        indexOK;
    2230             :     HeapTuple   pg_class_tuple;
    2231             :     Form_pg_class relp;
    2232             : 
    2233             :     /* Should be called only for invalidated, live indexes */
    2234             :     Assert((relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX ||
    2235             :             relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) &&
    2236             :            !relation->rd_isvalid &&
    2237             :            relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2238             : 
    2239             :     /*
    2240             :      * If it's a shared index, we might be called before backend startup has
    2241             :      * finished selecting a database, in which case we have no way to read
    2242             :      * pg_class yet.  However, a shared index can never have any significant
    2243             :      * schema updates, so it's okay to mostly ignore the invalidation signal.
    2244             :      * Its physical relfilenumber might've changed, but that's all.  Update
    2245             :      * the physical relfilenumber, mark it valid and return without doing
    2246             :      * anything more.
    2247             :      */
    2248      108502 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relisshared && !criticalRelcachesBuilt)
    2249             :     {
    2250           0 :         RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    2251           0 :         relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    2252           0 :         return;
    2253             :     }
    2254             : 
    2255             :     /*
    2256             :      * Read the pg_class row
    2257             :      *
    2258             :      * Don't try to use an indexscan of pg_class_oid_index to reload the info
    2259             :      * for pg_class_oid_index ...
    2260             :      */
    2261      108502 :     indexOK = (RelationGetRelid(relation) != ClassOidIndexId);
    2262      108502 :     pg_class_tuple = ScanPgRelation(RelationGetRelid(relation), indexOK, false);
    2263      108496 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pg_class_tuple))
    2264           0 :         elog(ERROR, "could not find pg_class tuple for index %u",
    2265             :              RelationGetRelid(relation));
    2266      108496 :     relp = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(pg_class_tuple);
    2267      108496 :     memcpy(relation->rd_rel, relp, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    2268             :     /* Reload reloptions in case they changed */
    2269      108496 :     if (relation->rd_options)
    2270        1054 :         pfree(relation->rd_options);
    2271      108496 :     RelationParseRelOptions(relation, pg_class_tuple);
    2272             :     /* done with pg_class tuple */
    2273      108496 :     heap_freetuple(pg_class_tuple);
    2274             :     /* We must recalculate physical address in case it changed */
    2275      108496 :     RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    2276             : 
    2277             :     /*
    2278             :      * For a non-system index, there are fields of the pg_index row that are
    2279             :      * allowed to change, so re-read that row and update the relcache entry.
    2280             :      * Most of the info derived from pg_index (such as support function lookup
    2281             :      * info) cannot change, and indeed the whole point of this routine is to
    2282             :      * update the relcache entry without clobbering that data; so wholesale
    2283             :      * replacement is not appropriate.
    2284             :      */
    2285      108496 :     if (!IsSystemRelation(relation))
    2286             :     {
    2287             :         HeapTuple   tuple;
    2288             :         Form_pg_index index;
    2289             : 
    2290       39936 :         tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID,
    2291             :                                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    2292       39936 :         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    2293           0 :             elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u",
    2294             :                  RelationGetRelid(relation));
    2295       39936 :         index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
    2296             : 
    2297             :         /*
    2298             :          * Basically, let's just copy all the bool fields.  There are one or
    2299             :          * two of these that can't actually change in the current code, but
    2300             :          * it's not worth it to track exactly which ones they are.  None of
    2301             :          * the array fields are allowed to change, though.
    2302             :          */
    2303       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisunique = index->indisunique;
    2304       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indnullsnotdistinct = index->indnullsnotdistinct;
    2305       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisprimary = index->indisprimary;
    2306       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisexclusion = index->indisexclusion;
    2307       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indimmediate = index->indimmediate;
    2308       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisclustered = index->indisclustered;
    2309       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisvalid = index->indisvalid;
    2310       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indcheckxmin = index->indcheckxmin;
    2311       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisready = index->indisready;
    2312       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indislive = index->indislive;
    2313       39936 :         relation->rd_index->indisreplident = index->indisreplident;
    2314             : 
    2315             :         /* Copy xmin too, as that is needed to make sense of indcheckxmin */
    2316       39936 :         HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(relation->rd_indextuple->t_data,
    2317             :                                HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data));
    2318             : 
    2319       39936 :         ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
    2320             :     }
    2321             : 
    2322             :     /* Okay, now it's valid again */
    2323      108496 :     relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    2324             : }
    2325             : 
    2326             : /*
    2327             :  * RelationReloadNailed - reload minimal information for nailed relations.
    2328             :  *
    2329             :  * The structure of a nailed relation can never change (which is good, because
    2330             :  * we rely on knowing their structure to be able to read catalog content). But
    2331             :  * some parts, e.g. pg_class.relfrozenxid, are still important to have
    2332             :  * accurate content for. Therefore those need to be reloaded after the arrival
    2333             :  * of invalidations.
    2334             :  */
    2335             : static void
    2336      143670 : RelationReloadNailed(Relation relation)
    2337             : {
    2338             :     /* Should be called only for invalidated, nailed relations */
    2339             :     Assert(!relation->rd_isvalid);
    2340             :     Assert(relation->rd_isnailed);
    2341             :     /* nailed indexes are handled by RelationReloadIndexInfo() */
    2342             :     Assert(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
    2343             :     /* can only reread catalog contents in a transaction */
    2344             :     Assert(IsTransactionState());
    2345             : 
    2346             :     /*
    2347             :      * Redo RelationInitPhysicalAddr in case it is a mapped relation whose
    2348             :      * mapping changed.
    2349             :      */
    2350      143670 :     RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    2351             : 
    2352             :     /*
    2353             :      * Reload a non-index entry.  We can't easily do so if relcaches aren't
    2354             :      * yet built, but that's fine because at that stage the attributes that
    2355             :      * need to be current (like relfrozenxid) aren't yet accessed.  To ensure
    2356             :      * the entry will later be revalidated, we leave it in invalid state, but
    2357             :      * allow use (cf. RelationIdGetRelation()).
    2358             :      */
    2359      143670 :     if (criticalRelcachesBuilt)
    2360             :     {
    2361             :         HeapTuple   pg_class_tuple;
    2362             :         Form_pg_class relp;
    2363             : 
    2364             :         /*
    2365             :          * NB: Mark the entry as valid before starting to scan, to avoid
    2366             :          * self-recursion when re-building pg_class.
    2367             :          */
    2368       29476 :         relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    2369             : 
    2370       29476 :         pg_class_tuple = ScanPgRelation(RelationGetRelid(relation),
    2371             :                                         true, false);
    2372       29470 :         relp = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(pg_class_tuple);
    2373       29470 :         memcpy(relation->rd_rel, relp, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    2374       29470 :         heap_freetuple(pg_class_tuple);
    2375             : 
    2376             :         /*
    2377             :          * Again mark as valid, to protect against concurrently arriving
    2378             :          * invalidations.
    2379             :          */
    2380       29470 :         relation->rd_isvalid = true;
    2381             :     }
    2382      143664 : }
    2383             : 
    2384             : /*
    2385             :  * RelationDestroyRelation
    2386             :  *
    2387             :  *  Physically delete a relation cache entry and all subsidiary data.
    2388             :  *  Caller must already have unhooked the entry from the hash table.
    2389             :  */
    2390             : static void
    2391     1151178 : RelationDestroyRelation(Relation relation, bool remember_tupdesc)
    2392             : {
    2393             :     Assert(RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation));
    2394             : 
    2395             :     /*
    2396             :      * Make sure smgr and lower levels close the relation's files, if they
    2397             :      * weren't closed already.  (This was probably done by caller, but let's
    2398             :      * just be real sure.)
    2399             :      */
    2400     1151178 :     RelationCloseSmgr(relation);
    2401             : 
    2402             :     /* break mutual link with stats entry */
    2403     1151178 :     pgstat_unlink_relation(relation);
    2404             : 
    2405             :     /*
    2406             :      * Free all the subsidiary data structures of the relcache entry, then the
    2407             :      * entry itself.
    2408             :      */
    2409     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_rel)
    2410     1151178 :         pfree(relation->rd_rel);
    2411             :     /* can't use DecrTupleDescRefCount here */
    2412             :     Assert(relation->rd_att->tdrefcount > 0);
    2413     1151178 :     if (--relation->rd_att->tdrefcount == 0)
    2414             :     {
    2415             :         /*
    2416             :          * If we Rebuilt a relcache entry during a transaction then its
    2417             :          * possible we did that because the TupDesc changed as the result of
    2418             :          * an ALTER TABLE that ran at less than AccessExclusiveLock. It's
    2419             :          * possible someone copied that TupDesc, in which case the copy would
    2420             :          * point to free'd memory. So if we rebuild an entry we keep the
    2421             :          * TupDesc around until end of transaction, to be safe.
    2422             :          */
    2423     1148220 :         if (remember_tupdesc)
    2424       17464 :             RememberToFreeTupleDescAtEOX(relation->rd_att);
    2425             :         else
    2426     1130756 :             FreeTupleDesc(relation->rd_att);
    2427             :     }
    2428     1151178 :     FreeTriggerDesc(relation->trigdesc);
    2429     1151178 :     list_free_deep(relation->rd_fkeylist);
    2430     1151178 :     list_free(relation->rd_indexlist);
    2431     1151178 :     list_free(relation->rd_statlist);
    2432     1151178 :     bms_free(relation->rd_keyattr);
    2433     1151178 :     bms_free(relation->rd_pkattr);
    2434     1151178 :     bms_free(relation->rd_idattr);
    2435     1151178 :     bms_free(relation->rd_hotblockingattr);
    2436     1151178 :     bms_free(relation->rd_summarizedattr);
    2437     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_pubdesc)
    2438        6512 :         pfree(relation->rd_pubdesc);
    2439     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_options)
    2440        9738 :         pfree(relation->rd_options);
    2441     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_indextuple)
    2442      323954 :         pfree(relation->rd_indextuple);
    2443     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_amcache)
    2444           0 :         pfree(relation->rd_amcache);
    2445     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_fdwroutine)
    2446         278 :         pfree(relation->rd_fdwroutine);
    2447     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_indexcxt)
    2448      323954 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_indexcxt);
    2449     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_rulescxt)
    2450       23364 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_rulescxt);
    2451     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_rsdesc)
    2452        1778 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_rsdesc->rscxt);
    2453     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_partkeycxt)
    2454       15506 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_partkeycxt);
    2455     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_pdcxt)
    2456       14996 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_pdcxt);
    2457     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_pddcxt)
    2458          60 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_pddcxt);
    2459     1151178 :     if (relation->rd_partcheckcxt)
    2460        2856 :         MemoryContextDelete(relation->rd_partcheckcxt);
    2461     1151178 :     pfree(relation);
    2462     1151178 : }
    2463             : 
    2464             : /*
    2465             :  * RelationInvalidateRelation - mark a relation cache entry as invalid
    2466             :  *
    2467             :  * An entry that's marked as invalid will be reloaded on next access.
    2468             :  */
    2469             : static void
    2470     1523584 : RelationInvalidateRelation(Relation relation)
    2471             : {
    2472             :     /*
    2473             :      * Make sure smgr and lower levels close the relation's files, if they
    2474             :      * weren't closed already.  If the relation is not getting deleted, the
    2475             :      * next smgr access should reopen the files automatically.  This ensures
    2476             :      * that the low-level file access state is updated after, say, a vacuum
    2477             :      * truncation.
    2478             :      */
    2479     1523584 :     RelationCloseSmgr(relation);
    2480             : 
    2481             :     /* Free AM cached data, if any */
    2482     1523584 :     if (relation->rd_amcache)
    2483       64312 :         pfree(relation->rd_amcache);
    2484     1523584 :     relation->rd_amcache = NULL;
    2485             : 
    2486     1523584 :     relation->rd_isvalid = false;
    2487     1523584 : }
    2488             : 
    2489             : /*
    2490             :  * RelationClearRelation - physically blow away a relation cache entry
    2491             :  *
    2492             :  * The caller must ensure that the entry is no longer needed, i.e. its
    2493             :  * reference count is zero.  Also, the rel or its storage must not be created
    2494             :  * in the current transaction (rd_createSubid and rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid
    2495             :  * must not be set).
    2496             :  */
    2497             : static void
    2498      761720 : RelationClearRelation(Relation relation)
    2499             : {
    2500             :     Assert(RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation));
    2501             :     Assert(!relation->rd_isnailed);
    2502             : 
    2503             :     /*
    2504             :      * Relations created in the same transaction must never be removed, see
    2505             :      * RelationFlushRelation.
    2506             :      */
    2507             :     Assert(relation->rd_createSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2508             :     Assert(relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2509             :     Assert(relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2510             : 
    2511             :     /* first mark it as invalid */
    2512      761720 :     RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2513             : 
    2514             :     /* Remove it from the hash table */
    2515      761720 :     RelationCacheDelete(relation);
    2516             : 
    2517             :     /* And release storage */
    2518      761720 :     RelationDestroyRelation(relation, false);
    2519      761720 : }
    2520             : 
    2521             : /*
    2522             :  * RelationRebuildRelation - rebuild a relation cache entry in place
    2523             :  *
    2524             :  * Reset and rebuild a relation cache entry from scratch (that is, from
    2525             :  * catalog entries).  This is used when we are notified of a change to an open
    2526             :  * relation (one with refcount > 0).  The entry is reconstructed without
    2527             :  * moving the physical RelationData record, so that the refcount holder's
    2528             :  * pointer is still valid.
    2529             :  *
    2530             :  * NB: when rebuilding, we'd better hold some lock on the relation, else the
    2531             :  * catalog data we need to read could be changing under us.  Also, a rel to be
    2532             :  * rebuilt had better have refcnt > 0.  This is because a sinval reset could
    2533             :  * happen while we're accessing the catalogs, and the rel would get blown away
    2534             :  * underneath us by RelationCacheInvalidate if it has zero refcnt.
    2535             :  */
    2536             : static void
    2537      641626 : RelationRebuildRelation(Relation relation)
    2538             : {
    2539             :     Assert(!RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation));
    2540             :     /* rebuilding requires access to the catalogs */
    2541             :     Assert(IsTransactionState());
    2542             :     /* there is no reason to ever rebuild a dropped relation */
    2543             :     Assert(relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2544             : 
    2545             :     /* Close and mark it as invalid until we've finished the rebuild */
    2546      641626 :     RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2547             : 
    2548             :     /*
    2549             :      * Indexes only have a limited number of possible schema changes, and we
    2550             :      * don't want to use the full-blown procedure because it's a headache for
    2551             :      * indexes that reload itself depends on.
    2552             :      *
    2553             :      * As an exception, use the full procedure if the index access info hasn't
    2554             :      * been initialized yet.  Index creation relies on that: it first builds
    2555             :      * the relcache entry with RelationBuildLocalRelation(), creates the
    2556             :      * pg_index tuple only after that, and then relies on
    2557             :      * CommandCounterIncrement to load the pg_index contents.
    2558             :      */
    2559      641626 :     if ((relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX ||
    2560      507528 :          relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) &&
    2561      139226 :         relation->rd_indexcxt != NULL)
    2562             :     {
    2563      108502 :         RelationReloadIndexInfo(relation);
    2564      108496 :         return;
    2565             :     }
    2566             :     /* Nailed relations are handled separately. */
    2567      533124 :     else if (relation->rd_isnailed)
    2568             :     {
    2569      143670 :         RelationReloadNailed(relation);
    2570      143664 :         return;
    2571             :     }
    2572             :     else
    2573             :     {
    2574             :         /*
    2575             :          * Our strategy for rebuilding an open relcache entry is to build a
    2576             :          * new entry from scratch, swap its contents with the old entry, and
    2577             :          * finally delete the new entry (along with any infrastructure swapped
    2578             :          * over from the old entry).  This is to avoid trouble in case an
    2579             :          * error causes us to lose control partway through.  The old entry
    2580             :          * will still be marked !rd_isvalid, so we'll try to rebuild it again
    2581             :          * on next access.  Meanwhile it's not any less valid than it was
    2582             :          * before, so any code that might expect to continue accessing it
    2583             :          * isn't hurt by the rebuild failure.  (Consider for example a
    2584             :          * subtransaction that ALTERs a table and then gets canceled partway
    2585             :          * through the cache entry rebuild.  The outer transaction should
    2586             :          * still see the not-modified cache entry as valid.)  The worst
    2587             :          * consequence of an error is leaking the necessarily-unreferenced new
    2588             :          * entry, and this shouldn't happen often enough for that to be a big
    2589             :          * problem.
    2590             :          *
    2591             :          * When rebuilding an open relcache entry, we must preserve ref count,
    2592             :          * rd_*Subid, and rd_toastoid state.  Also attempt to preserve the
    2593             :          * pg_class entry (rd_rel), tupledesc, rewrite-rule, partition key,
    2594             :          * and partition descriptor substructures in place, because various
    2595             :          * places assume that these structures won't move while they are
    2596             :          * working with an open relcache entry.  (Note:  the refcount
    2597             :          * mechanism for tupledescs might someday allow us to remove this hack
    2598             :          * for the tupledesc.)
    2599             :          *
    2600             :          * Note that this process does not touch CurrentResourceOwner; which
    2601             :          * is good because whatever ref counts the entry may have do not
    2602             :          * necessarily belong to that resource owner.
    2603             :          */
    2604             :         Relation    newrel;
    2605      389454 :         Oid         save_relid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
    2606             :         bool        keep_tupdesc;
    2607             :         bool        keep_rules;
    2608             :         bool        keep_policies;
    2609             :         bool        keep_partkey;
    2610             : 
    2611             :         /* Build temporary entry, but don't link it into hashtable */
    2612      389454 :         newrel = RelationBuildDesc(save_relid, false);
    2613             : 
    2614             :         /*
    2615             :          * Between here and the end of the swap, don't add code that does or
    2616             :          * reasonably could read system catalogs.  That range must be free
    2617             :          * from invalidation processing.  See RelationBuildDesc() manipulation
    2618             :          * of in_progress_list.
    2619             :          */
    2620             : 
    2621      389448 :         if (newrel == NULL)
    2622             :         {
    2623             :             /*
    2624             :              * We can validly get here, if we're using a historic snapshot in
    2625             :              * which a relation, accessed from outside logical decoding, is
    2626             :              * still invisible. In that case it's fine to just mark the
    2627             :              * relation as invalid and return - it'll fully get reloaded by
    2628             :              * the cache reset at the end of logical decoding (or at the next
    2629             :              * access).  During normal processing we don't want to ignore this
    2630             :              * case as it shouldn't happen there, as explained below.
    2631             :              */
    2632           0 :             if (HistoricSnapshotActive())
    2633           0 :                 return;
    2634             : 
    2635             :             /*
    2636             :              * This shouldn't happen as dropping a relation is intended to be
    2637             :              * impossible if still referenced (cf. CheckTableNotInUse()). But
    2638             :              * if we get here anyway, we can't just delete the relcache entry,
    2639             :              * as it possibly could get accessed later (as e.g. the error
    2640             :              * might get trapped and handled via a subtransaction rollback).
    2641             :              */
    2642           0 :             elog(ERROR, "relation %u deleted while still in use", save_relid);
    2643             :         }
    2644             : 
    2645             :         /*
    2646             :          * If we were to, again, have cases of the relkind of a relcache entry
    2647             :          * changing, we would need to ensure that pgstats does not get
    2648             :          * confused.
    2649             :          */
    2650             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relkind == newrel->rd_rel->relkind);
    2651             : 
    2652      389448 :         keep_tupdesc = equalTupleDescs(relation->rd_att, newrel->rd_att);
    2653      389448 :         keep_rules = equalRuleLocks(relation->rd_rules, newrel->rd_rules);
    2654      389448 :         keep_policies = equalRSDesc(relation->rd_rsdesc, newrel->rd_rsdesc);
    2655             :         /* partkey is immutable once set up, so we can always keep it */
    2656      389448 :         keep_partkey = (relation->rd_partkey != NULL);
    2657             : 
    2658             :         /*
    2659             :          * Perform swapping of the relcache entry contents.  Within this
    2660             :          * process the old entry is momentarily invalid, so there *must* be no
    2661             :          * possibility of CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS within this sequence. Do it in
    2662             :          * all-in-line code for safety.
    2663             :          *
    2664             :          * Since the vast majority of fields should be swapped, our method is
    2665             :          * to swap the whole structures and then re-swap those few fields we
    2666             :          * didn't want swapped.
    2667             :          */
    2668             : #define SWAPFIELD(fldtype, fldname) \
    2669             :         do { \
    2670             :             fldtype _tmp = newrel->fldname; \
    2671             :             newrel->fldname = relation->fldname; \
    2672             :             relation->fldname = _tmp; \
    2673             :         } while (0)
    2674             : 
    2675             :         /* swap all Relation struct fields */
    2676             :         {
    2677             :             RelationData tmpstruct;
    2678             : 
    2679      389448 :             memcpy(&tmpstruct, newrel, sizeof(RelationData));
    2680      389448 :             memcpy(newrel, relation, sizeof(RelationData));
    2681      389448 :             memcpy(relation, &tmpstruct, sizeof(RelationData));
    2682             :         }
    2683             : 
    2684             :         /* rd_smgr must not be swapped, due to back-links from smgr level */
    2685      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(SMgrRelation, rd_smgr);
    2686             :         /* rd_refcnt must be preserved */
    2687      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(int, rd_refcnt);
    2688             :         /* isnailed shouldn't change */
    2689             :         Assert(newrel->rd_isnailed == relation->rd_isnailed);
    2690             :         /* creation sub-XIDs must be preserved */
    2691      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(SubTransactionId, rd_createSubid);
    2692      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(SubTransactionId, rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid);
    2693      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(SubTransactionId, rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid);
    2694      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(SubTransactionId, rd_droppedSubid);
    2695             :         /* un-swap rd_rel pointers, swap contents instead */
    2696      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(Form_pg_class, rd_rel);
    2697             :         /* ... but actually, we don't have to update newrel->rd_rel */
    2698      389448 :         memcpy(relation->rd_rel, newrel->rd_rel, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    2699             :         /* preserve old tupledesc, rules, policies if no logical change */
    2700      389448 :         if (keep_tupdesc)
    2701      371772 :             SWAPFIELD(TupleDesc, rd_att);
    2702      389448 :         if (keep_rules)
    2703             :         {
    2704      373784 :             SWAPFIELD(RuleLock *, rd_rules);
    2705      373784 :             SWAPFIELD(MemoryContext, rd_rulescxt);
    2706             :         }
    2707      389448 :         if (keep_policies)
    2708      389148 :             SWAPFIELD(RowSecurityDesc *, rd_rsdesc);
    2709             :         /* toast OID override must be preserved */
    2710      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(Oid, rd_toastoid);
    2711             :         /* pgstat_info / enabled must be preserved */
    2712      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(struct PgStat_TableStatus *, pgstat_info);
    2713      389448 :         SWAPFIELD(bool, pgstat_enabled);
    2714             :         /* preserve old partition key if we have one */
    2715      389448 :         if (keep_partkey)
    2716             :         {
    2717       13518 :             SWAPFIELD(PartitionKey, rd_partkey);
    2718       13518 :             SWAPFIELD(MemoryContext, rd_partkeycxt);
    2719             :         }
    2720      389448 :         if (newrel->rd_pdcxt != NULL || newrel->rd_pddcxt != NULL)
    2721             :         {
    2722             :             /*
    2723             :              * We are rebuilding a partitioned relation with a non-zero
    2724             :              * reference count, so we must keep the old partition descriptor
    2725             :              * around, in case there's a PartitionDirectory with a pointer to
    2726             :              * it.  This means we can't free the old rd_pdcxt yet.  (This is
    2727             :              * necessary because RelationGetPartitionDesc hands out direct
    2728             :              * pointers to the relcache's data structure, unlike our usual
    2729             :              * practice which is to hand out copies.  We'd have the same
    2730             :              * problem with rd_partkey, except that we always preserve that
    2731             :              * once created.)
    2732             :              *
    2733             :              * To ensure that it's not leaked completely, re-attach it to the
    2734             :              * new reldesc, or make it a child of the new reldesc's rd_pdcxt
    2735             :              * in the unlikely event that there is one already.  (Compare hack
    2736             :              * in RelationBuildPartitionDesc.)  RelationClose will clean up
    2737             :              * any such contexts once the reference count reaches zero.
    2738             :              *
    2739             :              * In the case where the reference count is zero, this code is not
    2740             :              * reached, which should be OK because in that case there should
    2741             :              * be no PartitionDirectory with a pointer to the old entry.
    2742             :              *
    2743             :              * Note that newrel and relation have already been swapped, so the
    2744             :              * "old" partition descriptor is actually the one hanging off of
    2745             :              * newrel.
    2746             :              */
    2747       10166 :             relation->rd_partdesc = NULL;    /* ensure rd_partdesc is invalid */
    2748       10166 :             relation->rd_partdesc_nodetached = NULL;
    2749       10166 :             relation->rd_partdesc_nodetached_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
    2750       10166 :             if (relation->rd_pdcxt != NULL) /* probably never happens */
    2751           0 :                 MemoryContextSetParent(newrel->rd_pdcxt, relation->rd_pdcxt);
    2752             :             else
    2753       10166 :                 relation->rd_pdcxt = newrel->rd_pdcxt;
    2754       10166 :             if (relation->rd_pddcxt != NULL)
    2755           0 :                 MemoryContextSetParent(newrel->rd_pddcxt, relation->rd_pddcxt);
    2756             :             else
    2757       10166 :                 relation->rd_pddcxt = newrel->rd_pddcxt;
    2758             :             /* drop newrel's pointers so we don't destroy it below */
    2759       10166 :             newrel->rd_partdesc = NULL;
    2760       10166 :             newrel->rd_partdesc_nodetached = NULL;
    2761       10166 :             newrel->rd_partdesc_nodetached_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
    2762       10166 :             newrel->rd_pdcxt = NULL;
    2763       10166 :             newrel->rd_pddcxt = NULL;
    2764             :         }
    2765             : 
    2766             : #undef SWAPFIELD
    2767             : 
    2768             :         /* And now we can throw away the temporary entry */
    2769      389448 :         RelationDestroyRelation(newrel, !keep_tupdesc);
    2770             :     }
    2771             : }
    2772             : 
    2773             : /*
    2774             :  * RelationFlushRelation
    2775             :  *
    2776             :  *   Rebuild the relation if it is open (refcount > 0), else blow it away.
    2777             :  *   This is used when we receive a cache invalidation event for the rel.
    2778             :  */
    2779             : static void
    2780      807860 : RelationFlushRelation(Relation relation)
    2781             : {
    2782      807860 :     if (relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId ||
    2783      497816 :         relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2784             :     {
    2785             :         /*
    2786             :          * New relcache entries are always rebuilt, not flushed; else we'd
    2787             :          * forget the "new" status of the relation.  Ditto for the
    2788             :          * new-relfilenumber status.
    2789             :          */
    2790      327058 :         if (IsTransactionState() && relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2791             :         {
    2792             :             /*
    2793             :              * The rel could have zero refcnt here, so temporarily increment
    2794             :              * the refcnt to ensure it's safe to rebuild it.  We can assume
    2795             :              * that the current transaction has some lock on the rel already.
    2796             :              */
    2797      325238 :             RelationIncrementReferenceCount(relation);
    2798      325238 :             RelationRebuildRelation(relation);
    2799      325232 :             RelationDecrementReferenceCount(relation);
    2800             :         }
    2801             :         else
    2802        1820 :             RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2803             :     }
    2804             :     else
    2805             :     {
    2806             :         /*
    2807             :          * Pre-existing rels can be dropped from the relcache if not open.
    2808             :          *
    2809             :          * If the entry is in use, rebuild it if possible.  If we're not
    2810             :          * inside a valid transaction, we can't do any catalog access so it's
    2811             :          * not possible to rebuild yet.  Just mark it as invalid in that case,
    2812             :          * so that the rebuild will occur when the entry is next opened.
    2813             :          *
    2814             :          * Note: it's possible that we come here during subtransaction abort,
    2815             :          * and the reason for wanting to rebuild is that the rel is open in
    2816             :          * the outer transaction.  In that case it might seem unsafe to not
    2817             :          * rebuild immediately, since whatever code has the rel already open
    2818             :          * will keep on using the relcache entry as-is.  However, in such a
    2819             :          * case the outer transaction should be holding a lock that's
    2820             :          * sufficient to prevent any significant change in the rel's schema,
    2821             :          * so the existing entry contents should be good enough for its
    2822             :          * purposes; at worst we might be behind on statistics updates or the
    2823             :          * like.  (See also CheckTableNotInUse() and its callers.)
    2824             :          */
    2825      480802 :         if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    2826      300552 :             RelationClearRelation(relation);
    2827      180250 :         else if (!IsTransactionState())
    2828       19258 :             RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2829      160992 :         else if (relation->rd_isnailed && relation->rd_refcnt == 1)
    2830             :         {
    2831             :             /*
    2832             :              * A nailed relation with refcnt == 1 is unused.  We cannot clear
    2833             :              * it, but there's also no need no need to rebuild it immediately.
    2834             :              */
    2835        1986 :             RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2836             :         }
    2837             :         else
    2838      159006 :             RelationRebuildRelation(relation);
    2839             :     }
    2840      807854 : }
    2841             : 
    2842             : /*
    2843             :  * RelationForgetRelation - caller reports that it dropped the relation
    2844             :  */
    2845             : void
    2846       68522 : RelationForgetRelation(Oid rid)
    2847             : {
    2848             :     Relation    relation;
    2849             : 
    2850       68522 :     RelationIdCacheLookup(rid, relation);
    2851             : 
    2852       68522 :     if (!PointerIsValid(relation))
    2853           0 :         return;                 /* not in cache, nothing to do */
    2854             : 
    2855       68522 :     if (!RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    2856           0 :         elog(ERROR, "relation %u is still open", rid);
    2857             : 
    2858             :     Assert(relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    2859       68522 :     if (relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId ||
    2860       66980 :         relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2861             :     {
    2862             :         /*
    2863             :          * In the event of subtransaction rollback, we must not forget
    2864             :          * rd_*Subid.  Mark the entry "dropped" and invalidate it, instead of
    2865             :          * destroying it right away.  (If we're in a top transaction, we could
    2866             :          * opt to destroy the entry.)
    2867             :          */
    2868        1570 :         relation->rd_droppedSubid = GetCurrentSubTransactionId();
    2869        1570 :         RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    2870             :     }
    2871             :     else
    2872       66952 :         RelationClearRelation(relation);
    2873             : }
    2874             : 
    2875             : /*
    2876             :  *      RelationCacheInvalidateEntry
    2877             :  *
    2878             :  *      This routine is invoked for SI cache flush messages.
    2879             :  *
    2880             :  * Any relcache entry matching the relid must be flushed.  (Note: caller has
    2881             :  * already determined that the relid belongs to our database or is a shared
    2882             :  * relation.)
    2883             :  *
    2884             :  * We used to skip local relations, on the grounds that they could
    2885             :  * not be targets of cross-backend SI update messages; but it seems
    2886             :  * safer to process them, so that our *own* SI update messages will
    2887             :  * have the same effects during CommandCounterIncrement for both
    2888             :  * local and nonlocal relations.
    2889             :  */
    2890             : void
    2891     2579576 : RelationCacheInvalidateEntry(Oid relationId)
    2892             : {
    2893             :     Relation    relation;
    2894             : 
    2895     2579576 :     RelationIdCacheLookup(relationId, relation);
    2896             : 
    2897     2579576 :     if (PointerIsValid(relation))
    2898             :     {
    2899      807860 :         relcacheInvalsReceived++;
    2900      807860 :         RelationFlushRelation(relation);
    2901             :     }
    2902             :     else
    2903             :     {
    2904             :         int         i;
    2905             : 
    2906     1808708 :         for (i = 0; i < in_progress_list_len; i++)
    2907       36992 :             if (in_progress_list[i].reloid == relationId)
    2908           8 :                 in_progress_list[i].invalidated = true;
    2909             :     }
    2910     2579570 : }
    2911             : 
    2912             : /*
    2913             :  * RelationCacheInvalidate
    2914             :  *   Blow away cached relation descriptors that have zero reference counts,
    2915             :  *   and rebuild those with positive reference counts.  Also reset the smgr
    2916             :  *   relation cache and re-read relation mapping data.
    2917             :  *
    2918             :  *   Apart from debug_discard_caches, this is currently used only to recover
    2919             :  *   from SI message buffer overflow, so we do not touch relations having
    2920             :  *   new-in-transaction relfilenumbers; they cannot be targets of cross-backend
    2921             :  *   SI updates (and our own updates now go through a separate linked list
    2922             :  *   that isn't limited by the SI message buffer size).
    2923             :  *
    2924             :  *   We do this in two phases: the first pass deletes deletable items, and
    2925             :  *   the second one rebuilds the rebuildable items.  This is essential for
    2926             :  *   safety, because hash_seq_search only copes with concurrent deletion of
    2927             :  *   the element it is currently visiting.  If a second SI overflow were to
    2928             :  *   occur while we are walking the table, resulting in recursive entry to
    2929             :  *   this routine, we could crash because the inner invocation blows away
    2930             :  *   the entry next to be visited by the outer scan.  But this way is OK,
    2931             :  *   because (a) during the first pass we won't process any more SI messages,
    2932             :  *   so hash_seq_search will complete safely; (b) during the second pass we
    2933             :  *   only hold onto pointers to nondeletable entries.
    2934             :  *
    2935             :  *   The two-phase approach also makes it easy to update relfilenumbers for
    2936             :  *   mapped relations before we do anything else, and to ensure that the
    2937             :  *   second pass processes nailed-in-cache items before other nondeletable
    2938             :  *   items.  This should ensure that system catalogs are up to date before
    2939             :  *   we attempt to use them to reload information about other open relations.
    2940             :  *
    2941             :  *   After those two phases of work having immediate effects, we normally
    2942             :  *   signal any RelationBuildDesc() on the stack to start over.  However, we
    2943             :  *   don't do this if called as part of debug_discard_caches.  Otherwise,
    2944             :  *   RelationBuildDesc() would become an infinite loop.
    2945             :  */
    2946             : void
    2947        4444 : RelationCacheInvalidate(bool debug_discard)
    2948             : {
    2949             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    2950             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    2951             :     Relation    relation;
    2952        4444 :     List       *rebuildFirstList = NIL;
    2953        4444 :     List       *rebuildList = NIL;
    2954             :     ListCell   *l;
    2955             :     int         i;
    2956             : 
    2957             :     /*
    2958             :      * Reload relation mapping data before starting to reconstruct cache.
    2959             :      */
    2960        4444 :     RelationMapInvalidateAll();
    2961             : 
    2962             :     /* Phase 1 */
    2963        4444 :     hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    2964             : 
    2965      489172 :     while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    2966             :     {
    2967      484728 :         relation = idhentry->reldesc;
    2968             : 
    2969             :         /*
    2970             :          * Ignore new relations; no other backend will manipulate them before
    2971             :          * we commit.  Likewise, before replacing a relation's relfilelocator,
    2972             :          * we shall have acquired AccessExclusiveLock and drained any
    2973             :          * applicable pending invalidations.
    2974             :          */
    2975      484728 :         if (relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId ||
    2976      484622 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId)
    2977         118 :             continue;
    2978             : 
    2979      484610 :         relcacheInvalsReceived++;
    2980             : 
    2981      484610 :         if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    2982             :         {
    2983             :             /* Delete this entry immediately */
    2984      388870 :             RelationClearRelation(relation);
    2985             :         }
    2986             :         else
    2987             :         {
    2988             :             /*
    2989             :              * If it's a mapped relation, immediately update its rd_locator in
    2990             :              * case its relfilenumber changed.  We must do this during phase 1
    2991             :              * in case the relation is consulted during rebuild of other
    2992             :              * relcache entries in phase 2.  It's safe since consulting the
    2993             :              * map doesn't involve any access to relcache entries.
    2994             :              */
    2995       95740 :             if (RelationIsMapped(relation))
    2996             :             {
    2997       74036 :                 RelationCloseSmgr(relation);
    2998       74036 :                 RelationInitPhysicalAddr(relation);
    2999             :             }
    3000             : 
    3001             :             /*
    3002             :              * Add this entry to list of stuff to rebuild in second pass.
    3003             :              * pg_class goes to the front of rebuildFirstList while
    3004             :              * pg_class_oid_index goes to the back of rebuildFirstList, so
    3005             :              * they are done first and second respectively.  Other nailed
    3006             :              * relations go to the front of rebuildList, so they'll be done
    3007             :              * next in no particular order; and everything else goes to the
    3008             :              * back of rebuildList.
    3009             :              */
    3010       95740 :             if (RelationGetRelid(relation) == RelationRelationId)
    3011        4318 :                 rebuildFirstList = lcons(relation, rebuildFirstList);
    3012       91422 :             else if (RelationGetRelid(relation) == ClassOidIndexId)
    3013        4318 :                 rebuildFirstList = lappend(rebuildFirstList, relation);
    3014       87104 :             else if (relation->rd_isnailed)
    3015       86990 :                 rebuildList = lcons(relation, rebuildList);
    3016             :             else
    3017         114 :                 rebuildList = lappend(rebuildList, relation);
    3018             :         }
    3019             :     }
    3020             : 
    3021             :     /*
    3022             :      * We cannot destroy the SMgrRelations as there might still be references
    3023             :      * to them, but close the underlying file descriptors.
    3024             :      */
    3025        4444 :     smgrreleaseall();
    3026             : 
    3027             :     /*
    3028             :      * Phase 2: rebuild (or invalidate) the items found to need rebuild in
    3029             :      * phase 1
    3030             :      */
    3031       13080 :     foreach(l, rebuildFirstList)
    3032             :     {
    3033        8636 :         relation = (Relation) lfirst(l);
    3034        8636 :         if (!IsTransactionState() || (relation->rd_isnailed && relation->rd_refcnt == 1))
    3035        8636 :             RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    3036             :         else
    3037           0 :             RelationRebuildRelation(relation);
    3038             :     }
    3039        4444 :     list_free(rebuildFirstList);
    3040       91548 :     foreach(l, rebuildList)
    3041             :     {
    3042       87104 :         relation = (Relation) lfirst(l);
    3043       87104 :         if (!IsTransactionState() || (relation->rd_isnailed && relation->rd_refcnt == 1))
    3044       86968 :             RelationInvalidateRelation(relation);
    3045             :         else
    3046         136 :             RelationRebuildRelation(relation);
    3047             :     }
    3048        4444 :     list_free(rebuildList);
    3049             : 
    3050        4444 :     if (!debug_discard)
    3051             :         /* Any RelationBuildDesc() on the stack must start over. */
    3052        4448 :         for (i = 0; i < in_progress_list_len; i++)
    3053           4 :             in_progress_list[i].invalidated = true;
    3054        4444 : }
    3055             : 
    3056             : static void
    3057       17464 : RememberToFreeTupleDescAtEOX(TupleDesc td)
    3058             : {
    3059       17464 :     if (EOXactTupleDescArray == NULL)
    3060             :     {
    3061             :         MemoryContext oldcxt;
    3062             : 
    3063       10308 :         oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    3064             : 
    3065       10308 :         EOXactTupleDescArray = (TupleDesc *) palloc(16 * sizeof(TupleDesc));
    3066       10308 :         EOXactTupleDescArrayLen = 16;
    3067       10308 :         NextEOXactTupleDescNum = 0;
    3068       10308 :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    3069             :     }
    3070        7156 :     else if (NextEOXactTupleDescNum >= EOXactTupleDescArrayLen)
    3071             :     {
    3072          54 :         int32       newlen = EOXactTupleDescArrayLen * 2;
    3073             : 
    3074             :         Assert(EOXactTupleDescArrayLen > 0);
    3075             : 
    3076          54 :         EOXactTupleDescArray = (TupleDesc *) repalloc(EOXactTupleDescArray,
    3077             :                                                       newlen * sizeof(TupleDesc));
    3078          54 :         EOXactTupleDescArrayLen = newlen;
    3079             :     }
    3080             : 
    3081       17464 :     EOXactTupleDescArray[NextEOXactTupleDescNum++] = td;
    3082       17464 : }
    3083             : 
    3084             : #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING
    3085             : static void
    3086             : AssertPendingSyncConsistency(Relation relation)
    3087             : {
    3088             :     bool        relcache_verdict =
    3089             :         RelationIsPermanent(relation) &&
    3090             :         ((relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId &&
    3091             :           RELKIND_HAS_STORAGE(relation->rd_rel->relkind)) ||
    3092             :          relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId);
    3093             : 
    3094             :     Assert(relcache_verdict == RelFileLocatorSkippingWAL(relation->rd_locator));
    3095             : 
    3096             :     if (relation->rd_droppedSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId)
    3097             :         Assert(!relation->rd_isvalid &&
    3098             :                (relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId ||
    3099             :                 relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId));
    3100             : }
    3101             : 
    3102             : /*
    3103             :  * AssertPendingSyncs_RelationCache
    3104             :  *
    3105             :  *  Assert that relcache.c and storage.c agree on whether to skip WAL.
    3106             :  */
    3107             : void
    3108             : AssertPendingSyncs_RelationCache(void)
    3109             : {
    3110             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    3111             :     LOCALLOCK  *locallock;
    3112             :     Relation   *rels;
    3113             :     int         maxrels;
    3114             :     int         nrels;
    3115             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    3116             :     int         i;
    3117             : 
    3118             :     /*
    3119             :      * Open every relation that this transaction has locked.  If, for some
    3120             :      * relation, storage.c is skipping WAL and relcache.c is not skipping WAL,
    3121             :      * a CommandCounterIncrement() typically yields a local invalidation
    3122             :      * message that destroys the relcache entry.  By recreating such entries
    3123             :      * here, we detect the problem.
    3124             :      */
    3125             :     PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
    3126             :     maxrels = 1;
    3127             :     rels = palloc(maxrels * sizeof(*rels));
    3128             :     nrels = 0;
    3129             :     hash_seq_init(&status, GetLockMethodLocalHash());
    3130             :     while ((locallock = (LOCALLOCK *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    3131             :     {
    3132             :         Oid         relid;
    3133             :         Relation    r;
    3134             : 
    3135             :         if (locallock->nLocks <= 0)
    3136             :             continue;
    3137             :         if ((LockTagType) locallock->tag.lock.locktag_type !=
    3138             :             LOCKTAG_RELATION)
    3139             :             continue;
    3140             :         relid = ObjectIdGetDatum(locallock->tag.lock.locktag_field2);
    3141             :         r = RelationIdGetRelation(relid);
    3142             :         if (!RelationIsValid(r))
    3143             :             continue;
    3144             :         if (nrels >= maxrels)
    3145             :         {
    3146             :             maxrels *= 2;
    3147             :             rels = repalloc(rels, maxrels * sizeof(*rels));
    3148             :         }
    3149             :         rels[nrels++] = r;
    3150             :     }
    3151             : 
    3152             :     hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    3153             :     while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    3154             :         AssertPendingSyncConsistency(idhentry->reldesc);
    3155             : 
    3156             :     for (i = 0; i < nrels; i++)
    3157             :         RelationClose(rels[i]);
    3158             :     PopActiveSnapshot();
    3159             : }
    3160             : #endif
    3161             : 
    3162             : /*
    3163             :  * AtEOXact_RelationCache
    3164             :  *
    3165             :  *  Clean up the relcache at main-transaction commit or abort.
    3166             :  *
    3167             :  * Note: this must be called *before* processing invalidation messages.
    3168             :  * In the case of abort, we don't want to try to rebuild any invalidated
    3169             :  * cache entries (since we can't safely do database accesses).  Therefore
    3170             :  * we must reset refcnts before handling pending invalidations.
    3171             :  *
    3172             :  * As of PostgreSQL 8.1, relcache refcnts should get released by the
    3173             :  * ResourceOwner mechanism.  This routine just does a debugging
    3174             :  * cross-check that no pins remain.  However, we also need to do special
    3175             :  * cleanup when the current transaction created any relations or made use
    3176             :  * of forced index lists.
    3177             :  */
    3178             : void
    3179      787384 : AtEOXact_RelationCache(bool isCommit)
    3180             : {
    3181             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    3182             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    3183             :     int         i;
    3184             : 
    3185             :     /*
    3186             :      * Forget in_progress_list.  This is relevant when we're aborting due to
    3187             :      * an error during RelationBuildDesc().
    3188             :      */
    3189             :     Assert(in_progress_list_len == 0 || !isCommit);
    3190      787384 :     in_progress_list_len = 0;
    3191             : 
    3192             :     /*
    3193             :      * Unless the eoxact_list[] overflowed, we only need to examine the rels
    3194             :      * listed in it.  Otherwise fall back on a hash_seq_search scan.
    3195             :      *
    3196             :      * For simplicity, eoxact_list[] entries are not deleted till end of
    3197             :      * top-level transaction, even though we could remove them at
    3198             :      * subtransaction end in some cases, or remove relations from the list if
    3199             :      * they are cleared for other reasons.  Therefore we should expect the
    3200             :      * case that list entries are not found in the hashtable; if not, there's
    3201             :      * nothing to do for them.
    3202             :      */
    3203      787384 :     if (eoxact_list_overflowed)
    3204             :     {
    3205         140 :         hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    3206       37954 :         while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    3207             :         {
    3208       37814 :             AtEOXact_cleanup(idhentry->reldesc, isCommit);
    3209             :         }
    3210             :     }
    3211             :     else
    3212             :     {
    3213      899834 :         for (i = 0; i < eoxact_list_len; i++)
    3214             :         {
    3215      112590 :             idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_search(RelationIdCache,
    3216      112590 :                                                      &eoxact_list[i],
    3217             :                                                      HASH_FIND,
    3218             :                                                      NULL);
    3219      112590 :             if (idhentry != NULL)
    3220      110474 :                 AtEOXact_cleanup(idhentry->reldesc, isCommit);
    3221             :         }
    3222             :     }
    3223             : 
    3224      787384 :     if (EOXactTupleDescArrayLen > 0)
    3225             :     {
    3226             :         Assert(EOXactTupleDescArray != NULL);
    3227       27772 :         for (i = 0; i < NextEOXactTupleDescNum; i++)
    3228       17464 :             FreeTupleDesc(EOXactTupleDescArray[i]);
    3229       10308 :         pfree(EOXactTupleDescArray);
    3230       10308 :         EOXactTupleDescArray = NULL;
    3231             :     }
    3232             : 
    3233             :     /* Now we're out of the transaction and can clear the lists */
    3234      787384 :     eoxact_list_len = 0;
    3235      787384 :     eoxact_list_overflowed = false;
    3236      787384 :     NextEOXactTupleDescNum = 0;
    3237      787384 :     EOXactTupleDescArrayLen = 0;
    3238      787384 : }
    3239             : 
    3240             : /*
    3241             :  * AtEOXact_cleanup
    3242             :  *
    3243             :  *  Clean up a single rel at main-transaction commit or abort
    3244             :  *
    3245             :  * NB: this processing must be idempotent, because EOXactListAdd() doesn't
    3246             :  * bother to prevent duplicate entries in eoxact_list[].
    3247             :  */
    3248             : static void
    3249      148288 : AtEOXact_cleanup(Relation relation, bool isCommit)
    3250             : {
    3251      148288 :     bool        clear_relcache = false;
    3252             : 
    3253             :     /*
    3254             :      * The relcache entry's ref count should be back to its normal
    3255             :      * not-in-a-transaction state: 0 unless it's nailed in cache.
    3256             :      *
    3257             :      * In bootstrap mode, this is NOT true, so don't check it --- the
    3258             :      * bootstrap code expects relations to stay open across start/commit
    3259             :      * transaction calls.  (That seems bogus, but it's not worth fixing.)
    3260             :      *
    3261             :      * Note: ideally this check would be applied to every relcache entry, not
    3262             :      * just those that have eoxact work to do.  But it's not worth forcing a
    3263             :      * scan of the whole relcache just for this.  (Moreover, doing so would
    3264             :      * mean that assert-enabled testing never tests the hash_search code path
    3265             :      * above, which seems a bad idea.)
    3266             :      */
    3267             : #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING
    3268             :     if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    3269             :     {
    3270             :         int         expected_refcnt;
    3271             : 
    3272             :         expected_refcnt = relation->rd_isnailed ? 1 : 0;
    3273             :         Assert(relation->rd_refcnt == expected_refcnt);
    3274             :     }
    3275             : #endif
    3276             : 
    3277             :     /*
    3278             :      * Is the relation live after this transaction ends?
    3279             :      *
    3280             :      * During commit, clear the relcache entry if it is preserved after
    3281             :      * relation drop, in order not to orphan the entry.  During rollback,
    3282             :      * clear the relcache entry if the relation is created in the current
    3283             :      * transaction since it isn't interesting any longer once we are out of
    3284             :      * the transaction.
    3285             :      */
    3286      148288 :     clear_relcache =
    3287             :         (isCommit ?
    3288      148288 :          relation->rd_droppedSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId :
    3289        4366 :          relation->rd_createSubid != InvalidSubTransactionId);
    3290             : 
    3291             :     /*
    3292             :      * Since we are now out of the transaction, reset the subids to zero. That
    3293             :      * also lets RelationClearRelation() drop the relcache entry.
    3294             :      */
    3295      148288 :     relation->rd_createSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3296      148288 :     relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3297      148288 :     relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3298      148288 :     relation->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3299             : 
    3300      148288 :     if (clear_relcache)
    3301             :     {
    3302        5222 :         if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    3303             :         {
    3304        5222 :             RelationClearRelation(relation);
    3305        5222 :             return;
    3306             :         }
    3307             :         else
    3308             :         {
    3309             :             /*
    3310             :              * Hmm, somewhere there's a (leaked?) reference to the relation.
    3311             :              * We daren't remove the entry for fear of dereferencing a
    3312             :              * dangling pointer later.  Bleat, and mark it as not belonging to
    3313             :              * the current transaction.  Hopefully it'll get cleaned up
    3314             :              * eventually.  This must be just a WARNING to avoid
    3315             :              * error-during-error-recovery loops.
    3316             :              */
    3317           0 :             elog(WARNING, "cannot remove relcache entry for \"%s\" because it has nonzero refcount",
    3318             :                  RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    3319             :         }
    3320             :     }
    3321             : }
    3322             : 
    3323             : /*
    3324             :  * AtEOSubXact_RelationCache
    3325             :  *
    3326             :  *  Clean up the relcache at sub-transaction commit or abort.
    3327             :  *
    3328             :  * Note: this must be called *before* processing invalidation messages.
    3329             :  */
    3330             : void
    3331       20096 : AtEOSubXact_RelationCache(bool isCommit, SubTransactionId mySubid,
    3332             :                           SubTransactionId parentSubid)
    3333             : {
    3334             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    3335             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    3336             :     int         i;
    3337             : 
    3338             :     /*
    3339             :      * Forget in_progress_list.  This is relevant when we're aborting due to
    3340             :      * an error during RelationBuildDesc().  We don't commit subtransactions
    3341             :      * during RelationBuildDesc().
    3342             :      */
    3343             :     Assert(in_progress_list_len == 0 || !isCommit);
    3344       20096 :     in_progress_list_len = 0;
    3345             : 
    3346             :     /*
    3347             :      * Unless the eoxact_list[] overflowed, we only need to examine the rels
    3348             :      * listed in it.  Otherwise fall back on a hash_seq_search scan.  Same
    3349             :      * logic as in AtEOXact_RelationCache.
    3350             :      */
    3351       20096 :     if (eoxact_list_overflowed)
    3352             :     {
    3353           0 :         hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    3354           0 :         while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    3355             :         {
    3356           0 :             AtEOSubXact_cleanup(idhentry->reldesc, isCommit,
    3357             :                                 mySubid, parentSubid);
    3358             :         }
    3359             :     }
    3360             :     else
    3361             :     {
    3362       29626 :         for (i = 0; i < eoxact_list_len; i++)
    3363             :         {
    3364        9530 :             idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_search(RelationIdCache,
    3365        9530 :                                                      &eoxact_list[i],
    3366             :                                                      HASH_FIND,
    3367             :                                                      NULL);
    3368        9530 :             if (idhentry != NULL)
    3369        8586 :                 AtEOSubXact_cleanup(idhentry->reldesc, isCommit,
    3370             :                                     mySubid, parentSubid);
    3371             :         }
    3372             :     }
    3373             : 
    3374             :     /* Don't reset the list; we still need more cleanup later */
    3375       20096 : }
    3376             : 
    3377             : /*
    3378             :  * AtEOSubXact_cleanup
    3379             :  *
    3380             :  *  Clean up a single rel at subtransaction commit or abort
    3381             :  *
    3382             :  * NB: this processing must be idempotent, because EOXactListAdd() doesn't
    3383             :  * bother to prevent duplicate entries in eoxact_list[].
    3384             :  */
    3385             : static void
    3386        8586 : AtEOSubXact_cleanup(Relation relation, bool isCommit,
    3387             :                     SubTransactionId mySubid, SubTransactionId parentSubid)
    3388             : {
    3389             :     /*
    3390             :      * Is it a relation created in the current subtransaction?
    3391             :      *
    3392             :      * During subcommit, mark it as belonging to the parent, instead, as long
    3393             :      * as it has not been dropped. Otherwise simply delete the relcache entry.
    3394             :      * --- it isn't interesting any longer.
    3395             :      */
    3396        8586 :     if (relation->rd_createSubid == mySubid)
    3397             :     {
    3398             :         /*
    3399             :          * Valid rd_droppedSubid means the corresponding relation is dropped
    3400             :          * but the relcache entry is preserved for at-commit pending sync. We
    3401             :          * need to drop it explicitly here not to make the entry orphan.
    3402             :          */
    3403             :         Assert(relation->rd_droppedSubid == mySubid ||
    3404             :                relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId);
    3405         198 :         if (isCommit && relation->rd_droppedSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId)
    3406          74 :             relation->rd_createSubid = parentSubid;
    3407         124 :         else if (RelationHasReferenceCountZero(relation))
    3408             :         {
    3409             :             /* allow the entry to be removed */
    3410         124 :             relation->rd_createSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3411         124 :             relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3412         124 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3413         124 :             relation->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3414         124 :             RelationClearRelation(relation);
    3415         124 :             return;
    3416             :         }
    3417             :         else
    3418             :         {
    3419             :             /*
    3420             :              * Hmm, somewhere there's a (leaked?) reference to the relation.
    3421             :              * We daren't remove the entry for fear of dereferencing a
    3422             :              * dangling pointer later.  Bleat, and transfer it to the parent
    3423             :              * subtransaction so we can try again later.  This must be just a
    3424             :              * WARNING to avoid error-during-error-recovery loops.
    3425             :              */
    3426           0 :             relation->rd_createSubid = parentSubid;
    3427           0 :             elog(WARNING, "cannot remove relcache entry for \"%s\" because it has nonzero refcount",
    3428             :                  RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    3429             :         }
    3430             :     }
    3431             : 
    3432             :     /*
    3433             :      * Likewise, update or drop any new-relfilenumber-in-subtransaction record
    3434             :      * or drop record.
    3435             :      */
    3436        8462 :     if (relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid == mySubid)
    3437             :     {
    3438         142 :         if (isCommit)
    3439          74 :             relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = parentSubid;
    3440             :         else
    3441          68 :             relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3442             :     }
    3443             : 
    3444        8462 :     if (relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid == mySubid)
    3445             :     {
    3446          98 :         if (isCommit)
    3447          34 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = parentSubid;
    3448             :         else
    3449          64 :             relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3450             :     }
    3451             : 
    3452        8462 :     if (relation->rd_droppedSubid == mySubid)
    3453             :     {
    3454          20 :         if (isCommit)
    3455           2 :             relation->rd_droppedSubid = parentSubid;
    3456             :         else
    3457          18 :             relation->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3458             :     }
    3459             : }
    3460             : 
    3461             : 
    3462             : /*
    3463             :  *      RelationBuildLocalRelation
    3464             :  *          Build a relcache entry for an about-to-be-created relation,
    3465             :  *          and enter it into the relcache.
    3466             :  */
    3467             : Relation
    3468      126658 : RelationBuildLocalRelation(const char *relname,
    3469             :                            Oid relnamespace,
    3470             :                            TupleDesc tupDesc,
    3471             :                            Oid relid,
    3472             :                            Oid accessmtd,
    3473             :                            RelFileNumber relfilenumber,
    3474             :                            Oid reltablespace,
    3475             :                            bool shared_relation,
    3476             :                            bool mapped_relation,
    3477             :                            char relpersistence,
    3478             :                            char relkind)
    3479             : {
    3480             :     Relation    rel;
    3481             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    3482      126658 :     int         natts = tupDesc->natts;
    3483             :     int         i;
    3484             :     bool        has_not_null;
    3485             :     bool        nailit;
    3486             : 
    3487             :     Assert(natts >= 0);
    3488             : 
    3489             :     /*
    3490             :      * check for creation of a rel that must be nailed in cache.
    3491             :      *
    3492             :      * XXX this list had better match the relations specially handled in
    3493             :      * RelationCacheInitializePhase2/3.
    3494             :      */
    3495      126658 :     switch (relid)
    3496             :     {
    3497         630 :         case DatabaseRelationId:
    3498             :         case AuthIdRelationId:
    3499             :         case AuthMemRelationId:
    3500             :         case RelationRelationId:
    3501             :         case AttributeRelationId:
    3502             :         case ProcedureRelationId:
    3503             :         case TypeRelationId:
    3504         630 :             nailit = true;
    3505         630 :             break;
    3506      126028 :         default:
    3507      126028 :             nailit = false;
    3508      126028 :             break;
    3509             :     }
    3510             : 
    3511             :     /*
    3512             :      * check that hardwired list of shared rels matches what's in the
    3513             :      * bootstrap .bki file.  If you get a failure here during initdb, you
    3514             :      * probably need to fix IsSharedRelation() to match whatever you've done
    3515             :      * to the set of shared relations.
    3516             :      */
    3517      126658 :     if (shared_relation != IsSharedRelation(relid))
    3518           0 :         elog(ERROR, "shared_relation flag for \"%s\" does not match IsSharedRelation(%u)",
    3519             :              relname, relid);
    3520             : 
    3521             :     /* Shared relations had better be mapped, too */
    3522             :     Assert(mapped_relation || !shared_relation);
    3523             : 
    3524             :     /*
    3525             :      * switch to the cache context to create the relcache entry.
    3526             :      */
    3527      126658 :     if (!CacheMemoryContext)
    3528           0 :         CreateCacheMemoryContext();
    3529             : 
    3530      126658 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    3531             : 
    3532             :     /*
    3533             :      * allocate a new relation descriptor and fill in basic state fields.
    3534             :      */
    3535      126658 :     rel = (Relation) palloc0(sizeof(RelationData));
    3536             : 
    3537             :     /* make sure relation is marked as having no open file yet */
    3538      126658 :     rel->rd_smgr = NULL;
    3539             : 
    3540             :     /* mark it nailed if appropriate */
    3541      126658 :     rel->rd_isnailed = nailit;
    3542             : 
    3543      126658 :     rel->rd_refcnt = nailit ? 1 : 0;
    3544             : 
    3545             :     /* it's being created in this transaction */
    3546      126658 :     rel->rd_createSubid = GetCurrentSubTransactionId();
    3547      126658 :     rel->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3548      126658 :     rel->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3549      126658 :     rel->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    3550             : 
    3551             :     /*
    3552             :      * create a new tuple descriptor from the one passed in.  We do this
    3553             :      * partly to copy it into the cache context, and partly because the new
    3554             :      * relation can't have any defaults or constraints yet; they have to be
    3555             :      * added in later steps, because they require additions to multiple system
    3556             :      * catalogs.  We can copy attnotnull constraints here, however.
    3557             :      */
    3558      126658 :     rel->rd_att = CreateTupleDescCopy(tupDesc);
    3559      126658 :     rel->rd_att->tdrefcount = 1;  /* mark as refcounted */
    3560      126658 :     has_not_null = false;
    3561      540946 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    3562             :     {
    3563      414288 :         Form_pg_attribute satt = TupleDescAttr(tupDesc, i);
    3564      414288 :         Form_pg_attribute datt = TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, i);
    3565             : 
    3566      414288 :         datt->attidentity = satt->attidentity;
    3567      414288 :         datt->attgenerated = satt->attgenerated;
    3568      414288 :         datt->attnotnull = satt->attnotnull;
    3569      414288 :         has_not_null |= satt->attnotnull;
    3570      414288 :         populate_compact_attribute(rel->rd_att, i);
    3571             :     }
    3572             : 
    3573      126658 :     if (has_not_null)
    3574             :     {
    3575       18988 :         TupleConstr *constr = (TupleConstr *) palloc0(sizeof(TupleConstr));
    3576             : 
    3577       18988 :         constr->has_not_null = true;
    3578       18988 :         rel->rd_att->constr = constr;
    3579             :     }
    3580             : 
    3581             :     /*
    3582             :      * initialize relation tuple form (caller may add/override data later)
    3583             :      */
    3584      126658 :     rel->rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) palloc0(CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    3585             : 
    3586      126658 :     namestrcpy(&rel->rd_rel->relname, relname);
    3587      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relnamespace = relnamespace;
    3588             : 
    3589      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relkind = relkind;
    3590      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relnatts = natts;
    3591      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->reltype = InvalidOid;
    3592             :     /* needed when bootstrapping: */
    3593      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relowner = BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID;
    3594             : 
    3595             :     /* set up persistence and relcache fields dependent on it */
    3596      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relpersistence = relpersistence;
    3597      126658 :     switch (relpersistence)
    3598             :     {
    3599      120640 :         case RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED:
    3600             :         case RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT:
    3601      120640 :             rel->rd_backend = INVALID_PROC_NUMBER;
    3602      120640 :             rel->rd_islocaltemp = false;
    3603      120640 :             break;
    3604        6018 :         case RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP:
    3605             :             Assert(isTempOrTempToastNamespace(relnamespace));
    3606        6018 :             rel->rd_backend = ProcNumberForTempRelations();
    3607        6018 :             rel->rd_islocaltemp = true;
    3608        6018 :             break;
    3609           0 :         default:
    3610           0 :             elog(ERROR, "invalid relpersistence: %c", relpersistence);
    3611             :             break;
    3612             :     }
    3613             : 
    3614             :     /* if it's a materialized view, it's not populated initially */
    3615      126658 :     if (relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)
    3616         454 :         rel->rd_rel->relispopulated = false;
    3617             :     else
    3618      126204 :         rel->rd_rel->relispopulated = true;
    3619             : 
    3620             :     /* set replica identity -- system catalogs and non-tables don't have one */
    3621      126658 :     if (!IsCatalogNamespace(relnamespace) &&
    3622       69744 :         (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
    3623       69290 :          relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||
    3624             :          relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE))
    3625       38292 :         rel->rd_rel->relreplident = REPLICA_IDENTITY_DEFAULT;
    3626             :     else
    3627       88366 :         rel->rd_rel->relreplident = REPLICA_IDENTITY_NOTHING;
    3628             : 
    3629             :     /*
    3630             :      * Insert relation physical and logical identifiers (OIDs) into the right
    3631             :      * places.  For a mapped relation, we set relfilenumber to zero and rely
    3632             :      * on RelationInitPhysicalAddr to consult the map.
    3633             :      */
    3634      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relisshared = shared_relation;
    3635             : 
    3636      126658 :     RelationGetRelid(rel) = relid;
    3637             : 
    3638      540946 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    3639      414288 :         TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, i)->attrelid = relid;
    3640             : 
    3641      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->reltablespace = reltablespace;
    3642             : 
    3643      126658 :     if (mapped_relation)
    3644             :     {
    3645        6018 :         rel->rd_rel->relfilenode = InvalidRelFileNumber;
    3646             :         /* Add it to the active mapping information */
    3647        6018 :         RelationMapUpdateMap(relid, relfilenumber, shared_relation, true);
    3648             :     }
    3649             :     else
    3650      120640 :         rel->rd_rel->relfilenode = relfilenumber;
    3651             : 
    3652      126658 :     RelationInitLockInfo(rel);  /* see lmgr.c */
    3653             : 
    3654      126658 :     RelationInitPhysicalAddr(rel);
    3655             : 
    3656      126658 :     rel->rd_rel->relam = accessmtd;
    3657             : 
    3658             :     /*
    3659             :      * RelationInitTableAccessMethod will do syscache lookups, so we mustn't
    3660             :      * run it in CacheMemoryContext.  Fortunately, the remaining steps don't
    3661             :      * require a long-lived current context.
    3662             :      */
    3663      126658 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    3664             : 
    3665      126658 :     if (RELKIND_HAS_TABLE_AM(relkind) || relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    3666       57994 :         RelationInitTableAccessMethod(rel);
    3667             : 
    3668             :     /*
    3669             :      * Leave index access method uninitialized, because the pg_index row has
    3670             :      * not been inserted at this stage of index creation yet.  The cache
    3671             :      * invalidation after pg_index row has been inserted will initialize it.
    3672             :      */
    3673             : 
    3674             :     /*
    3675             :      * Okay to insert into the relcache hash table.
    3676             :      *
    3677             :      * Ordinarily, there should certainly not be an existing hash entry for
    3678             :      * the same OID; but during bootstrap, when we create a "real" relcache
    3679             :      * entry for one of the bootstrap relations, we'll be overwriting the
    3680             :      * phony one created with formrdesc.  So allow that to happen for nailed
    3681             :      * rels.
    3682             :      */
    3683      126658 :     RelationCacheInsert(rel, nailit);
    3684             : 
    3685             :     /*
    3686             :      * Flag relation as needing eoxact cleanup (to clear rd_createSubid). We
    3687             :      * can't do this before storing relid in it.
    3688             :      */
    3689      126658 :     EOXactListAdd(rel);
    3690             : 
    3691             :     /* It's fully valid */
    3692      126658 :     rel->rd_isvalid = true;
    3693             : 
    3694             :     /*
    3695             :      * Caller expects us to pin the returned entry.
    3696             :      */
    3697      126658 :     RelationIncrementReferenceCount(rel);
    3698             : 
    3699      126658 :     return rel;
    3700             : }
    3701             : 
    3702             : 
    3703             : /*
    3704             :  * RelationSetNewRelfilenumber
    3705             :  *
    3706             :  * Assign a new relfilenumber (physical file name), and possibly a new
    3707             :  * persistence setting, to the relation.
    3708             :  *
    3709             :  * This allows a full rewrite of the relation to be done with transactional
    3710             :  * safety (since the filenumber assignment can be rolled back).  Note however
    3711             :  * that there is no simple way to access the relation's old data for the
    3712             :  * remainder of the current transaction.  This limits the usefulness to cases
    3713             :  * such as TRUNCATE or rebuilding an index from scratch.
    3714             :  *
    3715             :  * Caller must already hold exclusive lock on the relation.
    3716             :  */
    3717             : void
    3718       13030 : RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(Relation relation, char persistence)
    3719             : {
    3720             :     RelFileNumber newrelfilenumber;
    3721             :     Relation    pg_class;
    3722             :     ItemPointerData otid;
    3723             :     HeapTuple   tuple;
    3724             :     Form_pg_class classform;
    3725       13030 :     MultiXactId minmulti = InvalidMultiXactId;
    3726       13030 :     TransactionId freezeXid = InvalidTransactionId;
    3727             :     RelFileLocator newrlocator;
    3728             : 
    3729       13030 :     if (!IsBinaryUpgrade)
    3730             :     {
    3731             :         /* Allocate a new relfilenumber */
    3732       12990 :         newrelfilenumber = GetNewRelFileNumber(relation->rd_rel->reltablespace,
    3733             :                                                NULL, persistence);
    3734             :     }
    3735          40 :     else if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX)
    3736             :     {
    3737          20 :         if (!OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_relfilenumber))
    3738           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    3739             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    3740             :                      errmsg("index relfilenumber value not set when in binary upgrade mode")));
    3741             : 
    3742          20 :         newrelfilenumber = binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_relfilenumber;
    3743          20 :         binary_upgrade_next_index_pg_class_relfilenumber = InvalidOid;
    3744             :     }
    3745          20 :     else if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION)
    3746             :     {
    3747          20 :         if (!OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_relfilenumber))
    3748           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    3749             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    3750             :                      errmsg("heap relfilenumber value not set when in binary upgrade mode")));
    3751             : 
    3752          20 :         newrelfilenumber = binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_relfilenumber;
    3753          20 :         binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_relfilenumber = InvalidOid;
    3754             :     }
    3755             :     else
    3756           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    3757             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    3758             :                  errmsg("unexpected request for new relfilenumber in binary upgrade mode")));
    3759             : 
    3760             :     /*
    3761             :      * Get a writable copy of the pg_class tuple for the given relation.
    3762             :      */
    3763       13030 :     pg_class = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
    3764             : 
    3765       13030 :     tuple = SearchSysCacheLockedCopy1(RELOID,
    3766             :                                       ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    3767       13030 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    3768           0 :         elog(ERROR, "could not find tuple for relation %u",
    3769             :              RelationGetRelid(relation));
    3770       13030 :     otid = tuple->t_self;
    3771       13030 :     classform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
    3772             : 
    3773             :     /*
    3774             :      * Schedule unlinking of the old storage at transaction commit, except
    3775             :      * when performing a binary upgrade, when we must do it immediately.
    3776             :      */
    3777       13030 :     if (IsBinaryUpgrade)
    3778             :     {
    3779             :         SMgrRelation srel;
    3780             : 
    3781             :         /*
    3782             :          * During a binary upgrade, we use this code path to ensure that
    3783             :          * pg_largeobject and its index have the same relfilenumbers as in the
    3784             :          * old cluster. This is necessary because pg_upgrade treats
    3785             :          * pg_largeobject like a user table, not a system table. It is however
    3786             :          * possible that a table or index may need to end up with the same
    3787             :          * relfilenumber in the new cluster as what it had in the old cluster.
    3788             :          * Hence, we can't wait until commit time to remove the old storage.
    3789             :          *
    3790             :          * In general, this function needs to have transactional semantics,
    3791             :          * and removing the old storage before commit time surely isn't.
    3792             :          * However, it doesn't really matter, because if a binary upgrade
    3793             :          * fails at this stage, the new cluster will need to be recreated
    3794             :          * anyway.
    3795             :          */
    3796          40 :         srel = smgropen(relation->rd_locator, relation->rd_backend);
    3797          40 :         smgrdounlinkall(&srel, 1, false);
    3798          40 :         smgrclose(srel);
    3799             :     }
    3800             :     else
    3801             :     {
    3802             :         /* Not a binary upgrade, so just schedule it to happen later. */
    3803       12990 :         RelationDropStorage(relation);
    3804             :     }
    3805             : 
    3806             :     /*
    3807             :      * Create storage for the main fork of the new relfilenumber.  If it's a
    3808             :      * table-like object, call into the table AM to do so, which'll also
    3809             :      * create the table's init fork if needed.
    3810             :      *
    3811             :      * NOTE: If relevant for the AM, any conflict in relfilenumber value will
    3812             :      * be caught here, if GetNewRelFileNumber messes up for any reason.
    3813             :      */
    3814       13030 :     newrlocator = relation->rd_locator;
    3815       13030 :     newrlocator.relNumber = newrelfilenumber;
    3816             : 
    3817       13030 :     if (RELKIND_HAS_TABLE_AM(relation->rd_rel->relkind))
    3818             :     {
    3819        4684 :         table_relation_set_new_filelocator(relation, &newrlocator,
    3820             :                                            persistence,
    3821             :                                            &freezeXid, &minmulti);
    3822             :     }
    3823        8346 :     else if (RELKIND_HAS_STORAGE(relation->rd_rel->relkind))
    3824        8346 :     {
    3825             :         /* handle these directly, at least for now */
    3826             :         SMgrRelation srel;
    3827             : 
    3828        8346 :         srel = RelationCreateStorage(newrlocator, persistence, true);
    3829        8346 :         smgrclose(srel);
    3830             :     }
    3831             :     else
    3832             :     {
    3833             :         /* we shouldn't be called for anything else */
    3834           0 :         elog(ERROR, "relation \"%s\" does not have storage",
    3835             :              RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    3836             :     }
    3837             : 
    3838             :     /*
    3839             :      * If we're dealing with a mapped index, pg_class.relfilenode doesn't
    3840             :      * change; instead we have to send the update to the relation mapper.
    3841             :      *
    3842             :      * For mapped indexes, we don't actually change the pg_class entry at all;
    3843             :      * this is essential when reindexing pg_class itself.  That leaves us with
    3844             :      * possibly-inaccurate values of relpages etc, but those will be fixed up
    3845             :      * later.
    3846             :      */
    3847       13030 :     if (RelationIsMapped(relation))
    3848             :     {
    3849             :         /* This case is only supported for indexes */
    3850             :         Assert(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX);
    3851             : 
    3852             :         /* Since we're not updating pg_class, these had better not change */
    3853             :         Assert(classform->relfrozenxid == freezeXid);
    3854             :         Assert(classform->relminmxid == minmulti);
    3855             :         Assert(classform->relpersistence == persistence);
    3856             : 
    3857             :         /*
    3858             :          * In some code paths it's possible that the tuple update we'd
    3859             :          * otherwise do here is the only thing that would assign an XID for
    3860             :          * the current transaction.  However, we must have an XID to delete
    3861             :          * files, so make sure one is assigned.
    3862             :          */
    3863         986 :         (void) GetCurrentTransactionId();
    3864             : 
    3865             :         /* Do the deed */
    3866         986 :         RelationMapUpdateMap(RelationGetRelid(relation),
    3867             :                              newrelfilenumber,
    3868         986 :                              relation->rd_rel->relisshared,
    3869             :                              false);
    3870             : 
    3871             :         /* Since we're not updating pg_class, must trigger inval manually */
    3872         986 :         CacheInvalidateRelcache(relation);
    3873             :     }
    3874             :     else
    3875             :     {
    3876             :         /* Normal case, update the pg_class entry */
    3877       12044 :         classform->relfilenode = newrelfilenumber;
    3878             : 
    3879             :         /* relpages etc. never change for sequences */
    3880       12044 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    3881             :         {
    3882       11762 :             classform->relpages = 0; /* it's empty until further notice */
    3883       11762 :             classform->reltuples = -1;
    3884       11762 :             classform->relallvisible = 0;
    3885             :         }
    3886       12044 :         classform->relfrozenxid = freezeXid;
    3887       12044 :         classform->relminmxid = minmulti;
    3888       12044 :         classform->relpersistence = persistence;
    3889             : 
    3890       12044 :         CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_class, &otid, tuple);
    3891             :     }
    3892             : 
    3893       13030 :     UnlockTuple(pg_class, &otid, InplaceUpdateTupleLock);
    3894       13030 :     heap_freetuple(tuple);
    3895             : 
    3896       13030 :     table_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock);
    3897             : 
    3898             :     /*
    3899             :      * Make the pg_class row change or relation map change visible.  This will
    3900             :      * cause the relcache entry to get updated, too.
    3901             :      */
    3902       13030 :     CommandCounterIncrement();
    3903             : 
    3904       13030 :     RelationAssumeNewRelfilelocator(relation);
    3905       13030 : }
    3906             : 
    3907             : /*
    3908             :  * RelationAssumeNewRelfilelocator
    3909             :  *
    3910             :  * Code that modifies pg_class.reltablespace or pg_class.relfilenode must call
    3911             :  * this.  The call shall precede any code that might insert WAL records whose
    3912             :  * replay would modify bytes in the new RelFileLocator, and the call shall follow
    3913             :  * any WAL modifying bytes in the prior RelFileLocator.  See struct RelationData.
    3914             :  * Ideally, call this as near as possible to the CommandCounterIncrement()
    3915             :  * that makes the pg_class change visible (before it or after it); that
    3916             :  * minimizes the chance of future development adding a forbidden WAL insertion
    3917             :  * between RelationAssumeNewRelfilelocator() and CommandCounterIncrement().
    3918             :  */
    3919             : void
    3920       15500 : RelationAssumeNewRelfilelocator(Relation relation)
    3921             : {
    3922       15500 :     relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = GetCurrentSubTransactionId();
    3923       15500 :     if (relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid == InvalidSubTransactionId)
    3924       15406 :         relation->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = relation->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid;
    3925             : 
    3926             :     /* Flag relation as needing eoxact cleanup (to clear these fields) */
    3927       15500 :     EOXactListAdd(relation);
    3928       15500 : }
    3929             : 
    3930             : 
    3931             : /*
    3932             :  *      RelationCacheInitialize
    3933             :  *
    3934             :  *      This initializes the relation descriptor cache.  At the time
    3935             :  *      that this is invoked, we can't do database access yet (mainly
    3936             :  *      because the transaction subsystem is not up); all we are doing
    3937             :  *      is making an empty cache hashtable.  This must be done before
    3938             :  *      starting the initialization transaction, because otherwise
    3939             :  *      AtEOXact_RelationCache would crash if that transaction aborts
    3940             :  *      before we can get the relcache set up.
    3941             :  */
    3942             : 
    3943             : #define INITRELCACHESIZE        400
    3944             : 
    3945             : void
    3946       30406 : RelationCacheInitialize(void)
    3947             : {
    3948             :     HASHCTL     ctl;
    3949             :     int         allocsize;
    3950             : 
    3951             :     /*
    3952             :      * make sure cache memory context exists
    3953             :      */
    3954       30406 :     if (!CacheMemoryContext)
    3955       30406 :         CreateCacheMemoryContext();
    3956             : 
    3957             :     /*
    3958             :      * create hashtable that indexes the relcache
    3959             :      */
    3960       30406 :     ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
    3961       30406 :     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(RelIdCacheEnt);
    3962       30406 :     RelationIdCache = hash_create("Relcache by OID", INITRELCACHESIZE,
    3963             :                                   &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
    3964             : 
    3965             :     /*
    3966             :      * reserve enough in_progress_list slots for many cases
    3967             :      */
    3968       30406 :     allocsize = 4;
    3969       30406 :     in_progress_list =
    3970       30406 :         MemoryContextAlloc(CacheMemoryContext,
    3971             :                            allocsize * sizeof(*in_progress_list));
    3972       30406 :     in_progress_list_maxlen = allocsize;
    3973             : 
    3974             :     /*
    3975             :      * relation mapper needs to be initialized too
    3976             :      */
    3977       30406 :     RelationMapInitialize();
    3978       30406 : }
    3979             : 
    3980             : /*
    3981             :  *      RelationCacheInitializePhase2
    3982             :  *
    3983             :  *      This is called to prepare for access to shared catalogs during startup.
    3984             :  *      We must at least set up nailed reldescs for pg_database, pg_authid,
    3985             :  *      pg_auth_members, and pg_shseclabel. Ideally we'd like to have reldescs
    3986             :  *      for their indexes, too.  We attempt to load this information from the
    3987             :  *      shared relcache init file.  If that's missing or broken, just make
    3988             :  *      phony entries for the catalogs themselves.
    3989             :  *      RelationCacheInitializePhase3 will clean up as needed.
    3990             :  */
    3991             : void
    3992       30406 : RelationCacheInitializePhase2(void)
    3993             : {
    3994             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    3995             : 
    3996             :     /*
    3997             :      * relation mapper needs initialized too
    3998             :      */
    3999       30406 :     RelationMapInitializePhase2();
    4000             : 
    4001             :     /*
    4002             :      * In bootstrap mode, the shared catalogs aren't there yet anyway, so do
    4003             :      * nothing.
    4004             :      */
    4005       30406 :     if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    4006          90 :         return;
    4007             : 
    4008             :     /*
    4009             :      * switch to cache memory context
    4010             :      */
    4011       30316 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4012             : 
    4013             :     /*
    4014             :      * Try to load the shared relcache cache file.  If unsuccessful, bootstrap
    4015             :      * the cache with pre-made descriptors for the critical shared catalogs.
    4016             :      */
    4017       30316 :     if (!load_relcache_init_file(true))
    4018             :     {
    4019        3844 :         formrdesc("pg_database", DatabaseRelation_Rowtype_Id, true,
    4020             :                   Natts_pg_database, Desc_pg_database);
    4021        3844 :         formrdesc("pg_authid", AuthIdRelation_Rowtype_Id, true,
    4022             :                   Natts_pg_authid, Desc_pg_authid);
    4023        3844 :         formrdesc("pg_auth_members", AuthMemRelation_Rowtype_Id, true,
    4024             :                   Natts_pg_auth_members, Desc_pg_auth_members);
    4025        3844 :         formrdesc("pg_shseclabel", SharedSecLabelRelation_Rowtype_Id, true,
    4026             :                   Natts_pg_shseclabel, Desc_pg_shseclabel);
    4027        3844 :         formrdesc("pg_subscription", SubscriptionRelation_Rowtype_Id, true,
    4028             :                   Natts_pg_subscription, Desc_pg_subscription);
    4029             : 
    4030             : #define NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_RELS    5   /* fix if you change list above */
    4031             :     }
    4032             : 
    4033       30316 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4034             : }
    4035             : 
    4036             : /*
    4037             :  *      RelationCacheInitializePhase3
    4038             :  *
    4039             :  *      This is called as soon as the catcache and transaction system
    4040             :  *      are functional and we have determined MyDatabaseId.  At this point
    4041             :  *      we can actually read data from the database's system catalogs.
    4042             :  *      We first try to read pre-computed relcache entries from the local
    4043             :  *      relcache init file.  If that's missing or broken, make phony entries
    4044             :  *      for the minimum set of nailed-in-cache relations.  Then (unless
    4045             :  *      bootstrapping) make sure we have entries for the critical system
    4046             :  *      indexes.  Once we've done all this, we have enough infrastructure to
    4047             :  *      open any system catalog or use any catcache.  The last step is to
    4048             :  *      rewrite the cache files if needed.
    4049             :  */
    4050             : void
    4051       27896 : RelationCacheInitializePhase3(void)
    4052             : {
    4053             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    4054             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    4055             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    4056       27896 :     bool        needNewCacheFile = !criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt;
    4057             : 
    4058             :     /*
    4059             :      * relation mapper needs initialized too
    4060             :      */
    4061       27896 :     RelationMapInitializePhase3();
    4062             : 
    4063             :     /*
    4064             :      * switch to cache memory context
    4065             :      */
    4066       27896 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4067             : 
    4068             :     /*
    4069             :      * Try to load the local relcache cache file.  If unsuccessful, bootstrap
    4070             :      * the cache with pre-made descriptors for the critical "nailed-in" system
    4071             :      * catalogs.
    4072             :      */
    4073       27896 :     if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode() ||
    4074       27806 :         !load_relcache_init_file(false))
    4075             :     {
    4076        2712 :         needNewCacheFile = true;
    4077             : 
    4078        2712 :         formrdesc("pg_class", RelationRelation_Rowtype_Id, false,
    4079             :                   Natts_pg_class, Desc_pg_class);
    4080        2712 :         formrdesc("pg_attribute", AttributeRelation_Rowtype_Id, false,
    4081             :                   Natts_pg_attribute, Desc_pg_attribute);
    4082        2712 :         formrdesc("pg_proc", ProcedureRelation_Rowtype_Id, false,
    4083             :                   Natts_pg_proc, Desc_pg_proc);
    4084        2712 :         formrdesc("pg_type", TypeRelation_Rowtype_Id, false,
    4085             :                   Natts_pg_type, Desc_pg_type);
    4086             : 
    4087             : #define NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_RELS 4   /* fix if you change list above */
    4088             :     }
    4089             : 
    4090       27896 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4091             : 
    4092             :     /* In bootstrap mode, the faked-up formrdesc info is all we'll have */
    4093       27896 :     if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
    4094          90 :         return;
    4095             : 
    4096             :     /*
    4097             :      * If we didn't get the critical system indexes loaded into relcache, do
    4098             :      * so now.  These are critical because the catcache and/or opclass cache
    4099             :      * depend on them for fetches done during relcache load.  Thus, we have an
    4100             :      * infinite-recursion problem.  We can break the recursion by doing
    4101             :      * heapscans instead of indexscans at certain key spots. To avoid hobbling
    4102             :      * performance, we only want to do that until we have the critical indexes
    4103             :      * loaded into relcache.  Thus, the flag criticalRelcachesBuilt is used to
    4104             :      * decide whether to do heapscan or indexscan at the key spots, and we set
    4105             :      * it true after we've loaded the critical indexes.
    4106             :      *
    4107             :      * The critical indexes are marked as "nailed in cache", partly to make it
    4108             :      * easy for load_relcache_init_file to count them, but mainly because we
    4109             :      * cannot flush and rebuild them once we've set criticalRelcachesBuilt to
    4110             :      * true.  (NOTE: perhaps it would be possible to reload them by
    4111             :      * temporarily setting criticalRelcachesBuilt to false again.  For now,
    4112             :      * though, we just nail 'em in.)
    4113             :      *
    4114             :      * RewriteRelRulenameIndexId and TriggerRelidNameIndexId are not critical
    4115             :      * in the same way as the others, because the critical catalogs don't
    4116             :      * (currently) have any rules or triggers, and so these indexes can be
    4117             :      * rebuilt without inducing recursion.  However they are used during
    4118             :      * relcache load when a rel does have rules or triggers, so we choose to
    4119             :      * nail them for performance reasons.
    4120             :      */
    4121       27806 :     if (!criticalRelcachesBuilt)
    4122             :     {
    4123        2622 :         load_critical_index(ClassOidIndexId,
    4124             :                             RelationRelationId);
    4125        2620 :         load_critical_index(AttributeRelidNumIndexId,
    4126             :                             AttributeRelationId);
    4127        2620 :         load_critical_index(IndexRelidIndexId,
    4128             :                             IndexRelationId);
    4129        2620 :         load_critical_index(OpclassOidIndexId,
    4130             :                             OperatorClassRelationId);
    4131        2620 :         load_critical_index(AccessMethodProcedureIndexId,
    4132             :                             AccessMethodProcedureRelationId);
    4133        2620 :         load_critical_index(RewriteRelRulenameIndexId,
    4134             :                             RewriteRelationId);
    4135        2620 :         load_critical_index(TriggerRelidNameIndexId,
    4136             :                             TriggerRelationId);
    4137             : 
    4138             : #define NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_INDEXES  7   /* fix if you change list above */
    4139             : 
    4140        2620 :         criticalRelcachesBuilt = true;
    4141             :     }
    4142             : 
    4143             :     /*
    4144             :      * Process critical shared indexes too.
    4145             :      *
    4146             :      * DatabaseNameIndexId isn't critical for relcache loading, but rather for
    4147             :      * initial lookup of MyDatabaseId, without which we'll never find any
    4148             :      * non-shared catalogs at all.  Autovacuum calls InitPostgres with a
    4149             :      * database OID, so it instead depends on DatabaseOidIndexId.  We also
    4150             :      * need to nail up some indexes on pg_authid and pg_auth_members for use
    4151             :      * during client authentication.  SharedSecLabelObjectIndexId isn't
    4152             :      * critical for the core system, but authentication hooks might be
    4153             :      * interested in it.
    4154             :      */
    4155       27804 :     if (!criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt)
    4156             :     {
    4157        2082 :         load_critical_index(DatabaseNameIndexId,
    4158             :                             DatabaseRelationId);
    4159        2082 :         load_critical_index(DatabaseOidIndexId,
    4160             :                             DatabaseRelationId);
    4161        2082 :         load_critical_index(AuthIdRolnameIndexId,
    4162             :                             AuthIdRelationId);
    4163        2082 :         load_critical_index(AuthIdOidIndexId,
    4164             :                             AuthIdRelationId);
    4165        2082 :         load_critical_index(AuthMemMemRoleIndexId,
    4166             :                             AuthMemRelationId);
    4167        2082 :         load_critical_index(SharedSecLabelObjectIndexId,
    4168             :                             SharedSecLabelRelationId);
    4169             : 
    4170             : #define NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_INDEXES 6   /* fix if you change list above */
    4171             : 
    4172        2082 :         criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt = true;
    4173             :     }
    4174             : 
    4175             :     /*
    4176             :      * Now, scan all the relcache entries and update anything that might be
    4177             :      * wrong in the results from formrdesc or the relcache cache file. If we
    4178             :      * faked up relcache entries using formrdesc, then read the real pg_class
    4179             :      * rows and replace the fake entries with them. Also, if any of the
    4180             :      * relcache entries have rules, triggers, or security policies, load that
    4181             :      * info the hard way since it isn't recorded in the cache file.
    4182             :      *
    4183             :      * Whenever we access the catalogs to read data, there is a possibility of
    4184             :      * a shared-inval cache flush causing relcache entries to be removed.
    4185             :      * Since hash_seq_search only guarantees to still work after the *current*
    4186             :      * entry is removed, it's unsafe to continue the hashtable scan afterward.
    4187             :      * We handle this by restarting the scan from scratch after each access.
    4188             :      * This is theoretically O(N^2), but the number of entries that actually
    4189             :      * need to be fixed is small enough that it doesn't matter.
    4190             :      */
    4191       27804 :     hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    4192             : 
    4193     3989386 :     while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    4194             :     {
    4195     3961582 :         Relation    relation = idhentry->reldesc;
    4196     3961582 :         bool        restart = false;
    4197             : 
    4198             :         /*
    4199             :          * Make sure *this* entry doesn't get flushed while we work with it.
    4200             :          */
    4201     3961582 :         RelationIncrementReferenceCount(relation);
    4202             : 
    4203             :         /*
    4204             :          * If it's a faked-up entry, read the real pg_class tuple.
    4205             :          */
    4206     3961582 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relowner == InvalidOid)
    4207             :         {
    4208             :             HeapTuple   htup;
    4209             :             Form_pg_class relp;
    4210             : 
    4211       20886 :             htup = SearchSysCache1(RELOID,
    4212             :                                    ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4213       20886 :             if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htup))
    4214           0 :                 ereport(FATAL,
    4215             :                         errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT),
    4216             :                         errmsg_internal("cache lookup failed for relation %u",
    4217             :                                         RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4218       20886 :             relp = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    4219             : 
    4220             :             /*
    4221             :              * Copy tuple to relation->rd_rel. (See notes in
    4222             :              * AllocateRelationDesc())
    4223             :              */
    4224       20886 :             memcpy((char *) relation->rd_rel, (char *) relp, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
    4225             : 
    4226             :             /* Update rd_options while we have the tuple */
    4227       20886 :             if (relation->rd_options)
    4228           0 :                 pfree(relation->rd_options);
    4229       20886 :             RelationParseRelOptions(relation, htup);
    4230             : 
    4231             :             /*
    4232             :              * Check the values in rd_att were set up correctly.  (We cannot
    4233             :              * just copy them over now: formrdesc must have set up the rd_att
    4234             :              * data correctly to start with, because it may already have been
    4235             :              * copied into one or more catcache entries.)
    4236             :              */
    4237             :             Assert(relation->rd_att->tdtypeid == relp->reltype);
    4238             :             Assert(relation->rd_att->tdtypmod == -1);
    4239             : 
    4240       20886 :             ReleaseSysCache(htup);
    4241             : 
    4242             :             /* relowner had better be OK now, else we'll loop forever */
    4243       20886 :             if (relation->rd_rel->relowner == InvalidOid)
    4244           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "invalid relowner in pg_class entry for \"%s\"",
    4245             :                      RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4246             : 
    4247       20886 :             restart = true;
    4248             :         }
    4249             : 
    4250             :         /*
    4251             :          * Fix data that isn't saved in relcache cache file.
    4252             :          *
    4253             :          * relhasrules or relhastriggers could possibly be wrong or out of
    4254             :          * date.  If we don't actually find any rules or triggers, clear the
    4255             :          * local copy of the flag so that we don't get into an infinite loop
    4256             :          * here.  We don't make any attempt to fix the pg_class entry, though.
    4257             :          */
    4258     3961582 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relhasrules && relation->rd_rules == NULL)
    4259             :         {
    4260           0 :             RelationBuildRuleLock(relation);
    4261           0 :             if (relation->rd_rules == NULL)
    4262           0 :                 relation->rd_rel->relhasrules = false;
    4263           0 :             restart = true;
    4264             :         }
    4265     3961582 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relhastriggers && relation->trigdesc == NULL)
    4266             :         {
    4267           0 :             RelationBuildTriggers(relation);
    4268           0 :             if (relation->trigdesc == NULL)
    4269           0 :                 relation->rd_rel->relhastriggers = false;
    4270           0 :             restart = true;
    4271             :         }
    4272             : 
    4273             :         /*
    4274             :          * Re-load the row security policies if the relation has them, since
    4275             :          * they are not preserved in the cache.  Note that we can never NOT
    4276             :          * have a policy while relrowsecurity is true,
    4277             :          * RelationBuildRowSecurity will create a single default-deny policy
    4278             :          * if there is no policy defined in pg_policy.
    4279             :          */
    4280     3961582 :         if (relation->rd_rel->relrowsecurity && relation->rd_rsdesc == NULL)
    4281             :         {
    4282           0 :             RelationBuildRowSecurity(relation);
    4283             : 
    4284             :             Assert(relation->rd_rsdesc != NULL);
    4285           0 :             restart = true;
    4286             :         }
    4287             : 
    4288             :         /* Reload tableam data if needed */
    4289     3961582 :         if (relation->rd_tableam == NULL &&
    4290     2430188 :             (RELKIND_HAS_TABLE_AM(relation->rd_rel->relkind) || relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE))
    4291             :         {
    4292           0 :             RelationInitTableAccessMethod(relation);
    4293             :             Assert(relation->rd_tableam != NULL);
    4294             : 
    4295           0 :             restart = true;
    4296             :         }
    4297             : 
    4298             :         /* Release hold on the relation */
    4299     3961582 :         RelationDecrementReferenceCount(relation);
    4300             : 
    4301             :         /* Now, restart the hashtable scan if needed */
    4302     3961582 :         if (restart)
    4303             :         {
    4304       20886 :             hash_seq_term(&status);
    4305       20886 :             hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    4306             :         }
    4307             :     }
    4308             : 
    4309             :     /*
    4310             :      * Lastly, write out new relcache cache files if needed.  We don't bother
    4311             :      * to distinguish cases where only one of the two needs an update.
    4312             :      */
    4313       27804 :     if (needNewCacheFile)
    4314             :     {
    4315             :         /*
    4316             :          * Force all the catcaches to finish initializing and thereby open the
    4317             :          * catalogs and indexes they use.  This will preload the relcache with
    4318             :          * entries for all the most important system catalogs and indexes, so
    4319             :          * that the init files will be most useful for future backends.
    4320             :          */
    4321        2950 :         InitCatalogCachePhase2();
    4322             : 
    4323             :         /* now write the files */
    4324        2946 :         write_relcache_init_file(true);
    4325        2946 :         write_relcache_init_file(false);
    4326             :     }
    4327             : }
    4328             : 
    4329             : /*
    4330             :  * Load one critical system index into the relcache
    4331             :  *
    4332             :  * indexoid is the OID of the target index, heapoid is the OID of the catalog
    4333             :  * it belongs to.
    4334             :  */
    4335             : static void
    4336       30834 : load_critical_index(Oid indexoid, Oid heapoid)
    4337             : {
    4338             :     Relation    ird;
    4339             : 
    4340             :     /*
    4341             :      * We must lock the underlying catalog before locking the index to avoid
    4342             :      * deadlock, since RelationBuildDesc might well need to read the catalog,
    4343             :      * and if anyone else is exclusive-locking this catalog and index they'll
    4344             :      * be doing it in that order.
    4345             :      */
    4346       30834 :     LockRelationOid(heapoid, AccessShareLock);
    4347       30834 :     LockRelationOid(indexoid, AccessShareLock);
    4348       30834 :     ird = RelationBuildDesc(indexoid, true);
    4349       30832 :     if (ird == NULL)
    4350           0 :         ereport(PANIC,
    4351             :                 errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED),
    4352             :                 errmsg_internal("could not open critical system index %u", indexoid));
    4353       30832 :     ird->rd_isnailed = true;
    4354       30832 :     ird->rd_refcnt = 1;
    4355       30832 :     UnlockRelationOid(indexoid, AccessShareLock);
    4356       30832 :     UnlockRelationOid(heapoid, AccessShareLock);
    4357             : 
    4358       30832 :     (void) RelationGetIndexAttOptions(ird, false);
    4359       30832 : }
    4360             : 
    4361             : /*
    4362             :  * GetPgClassDescriptor -- get a predefined tuple descriptor for pg_class
    4363             :  * GetPgIndexDescriptor -- get a predefined tuple descriptor for pg_index
    4364             :  *
    4365             :  * We need this kluge because we have to be able to access non-fixed-width
    4366             :  * fields of pg_class and pg_index before we have the standard catalog caches
    4367             :  * available.  We use predefined data that's set up in just the same way as
    4368             :  * the bootstrapped reldescs used by formrdesc().  The resulting tupdesc is
    4369             :  * not 100% kosher: it does not have the correct rowtype OID in tdtypeid, nor
    4370             :  * does it have a TupleConstr field.  But it's good enough for the purpose of
    4371             :  * extracting fields.
    4372             :  */
    4373             : static TupleDesc
    4374       55790 : BuildHardcodedDescriptor(int natts, const FormData_pg_attribute *attrs)
    4375             : {
    4376             :     TupleDesc   result;
    4377             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    4378             :     int         i;
    4379             : 
    4380       55790 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4381             : 
    4382       55790 :     result = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(natts);
    4383       55790 :     result->tdtypeid = RECORDOID;    /* not right, but we don't care */
    4384       55790 :     result->tdtypmod = -1;
    4385             : 
    4386     1562132 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    4387             :     {
    4388     1506342 :         memcpy(TupleDescAttr(result, i), &attrs[i], ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE);
    4389             : 
    4390     1506342 :         populate_compact_attribute(result, i);
    4391             :     }
    4392             : 
    4393             :     /* initialize first attribute's attcacheoff, cf RelationBuildTupleDesc */
    4394       55790 :     TupleDescCompactAttr(result, 0)->attcacheoff = 0;
    4395             : 
    4396             :     /* Note: we don't bother to set up a TupleConstr entry */
    4397             : 
    4398       55790 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4399             : 
    4400       55790 :     return result;
    4401             : }
    4402             : 
    4403             : static TupleDesc
    4404     1497514 : GetPgClassDescriptor(void)
    4405             : {
    4406             :     static TupleDesc pgclassdesc = NULL;
    4407             : 
    4408             :     /* Already done? */
    4409     1497514 :     if (pgclassdesc == NULL)
    4410       27896 :         pgclassdesc = BuildHardcodedDescriptor(Natts_pg_class,
    4411             :                                                Desc_pg_class);
    4412             : 
    4413     1497514 :     return pgclassdesc;
    4414             : }
    4415             : 
    4416             : static TupleDesc
    4417     1721394 : GetPgIndexDescriptor(void)
    4418             : {
    4419             :     static TupleDesc pgindexdesc = NULL;
    4420             : 
    4421             :     /* Already done? */
    4422     1721394 :     if (pgindexdesc == NULL)
    4423       27894 :         pgindexdesc = BuildHardcodedDescriptor(Natts_pg_index,
    4424             :                                                Desc_pg_index);
    4425             : 
    4426     1721394 :     return pgindexdesc;
    4427             : }
    4428             : 
    4429             : /*
    4430             :  * Load any default attribute value definitions for the relation.
    4431             :  *
    4432             :  * ndef is the number of attributes that were marked atthasdef.
    4433             :  *
    4434             :  * Note: we don't make it a hard error to be missing some pg_attrdef records.
    4435             :  * We can limp along as long as nothing needs to use the default value.  Code
    4436             :  * that fails to find an expected AttrDefault record should throw an error.
    4437             :  */
    4438             : static void
    4439       28306 : AttrDefaultFetch(Relation relation, int ndef)
    4440             : {
    4441             :     AttrDefault *attrdef;
    4442             :     Relation    adrel;
    4443             :     SysScanDesc adscan;
    4444             :     ScanKeyData skey;
    4445             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    4446       28306 :     int         found = 0;
    4447             : 
    4448             :     /* Allocate array with room for as many entries as expected */
    4449             :     attrdef = (AttrDefault *)
    4450       28306 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(CacheMemoryContext,
    4451             :                                ndef * sizeof(AttrDefault));
    4452             : 
    4453             :     /* Search pg_attrdef for relevant entries */
    4454       28306 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey,
    4455             :                 Anum_pg_attrdef_adrelid,
    4456             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    4457             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4458             : 
    4459       28306 :     adrel = table_open(AttrDefaultRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    4460       28306 :     adscan = systable_beginscan(adrel, AttrDefaultIndexId, true,
    4461             :                                 NULL, 1, &skey);
    4462             : 
    4463       68158 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(adscan)))
    4464             :     {
    4465       39852 :         Form_pg_attrdef adform = (Form_pg_attrdef) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    4466             :         Datum       val;
    4467             :         bool        isnull;
    4468             : 
    4469             :         /* protect limited size of array */
    4470       39852 :         if (found >= ndef)
    4471             :         {
    4472           0 :             elog(WARNING, "unexpected pg_attrdef record found for attribute %d of relation \"%s\"",
    4473             :                  adform->adnum, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4474           0 :             break;
    4475             :         }
    4476             : 
    4477       39852 :         val = fastgetattr(htup,
    4478             :                           Anum_pg_attrdef_adbin,
    4479             :                           adrel->rd_att, &isnull);
    4480       39852 :         if (isnull)
    4481           0 :             elog(WARNING, "null adbin for attribute %d of relation \"%s\"",
    4482             :                  adform->adnum, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4483             :         else
    4484             :         {
    4485             :             /* detoast and convert to cstring in caller's context */
    4486       39852 :             char       *s = TextDatumGetCString(val);
    4487             : 
    4488       39852 :             attrdef[found].adnum = adform->adnum;
    4489       39852 :             attrdef[found].adbin = MemoryContextStrdup(CacheMemoryContext, s);
    4490       39852 :             pfree(s);
    4491       39852 :             found++;
    4492             :         }
    4493             :     }
    4494             : 
    4495       28306 :     systable_endscan(adscan);
    4496       28306 :     table_close(adrel, AccessShareLock);
    4497             : 
    4498       28306 :     if (found != ndef)
    4499           0 :         elog(WARNING, "%d pg_attrdef record(s) missing for relation \"%s\"",
    4500             :              ndef - found, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4501             : 
    4502             :     /*
    4503             :      * Sort the AttrDefault entries by adnum, for the convenience of
    4504             :      * equalTupleDescs().  (Usually, they already will be in order, but this
    4505             :      * might not be so if systable_getnext isn't using an index.)
    4506             :      */
    4507       28306 :     if (found > 1)
    4508        6324 :         qsort(attrdef, found, sizeof(AttrDefault), AttrDefaultCmp);
    4509             : 
    4510             :     /* Install array only after it's fully valid */
    4511       28306 :     relation->rd_att->constr->defval = attrdef;
    4512       28306 :     relation->rd_att->constr->num_defval = found;
    4513       28306 : }
    4514             : 
    4515             : /*
    4516             :  * qsort comparator to sort AttrDefault entries by adnum
    4517             :  */
    4518             : static int
    4519       11546 : AttrDefaultCmp(const void *a, const void *b)
    4520             : {
    4521       11546 :     const AttrDefault *ada = (const AttrDefault *) a;
    4522       11546 :     const AttrDefault *adb = (const AttrDefault *) b;
    4523             : 
    4524       11546 :     return pg_cmp_s16(ada->adnum, adb->adnum);
    4525             : }
    4526             : 
    4527             : /*
    4528             :  * Load any check constraints for the relation.
    4529             :  *
    4530             :  * As with defaults, if we don't find the expected number of them, just warn
    4531             :  * here.  The executor should throw an error if an INSERT/UPDATE is attempted.
    4532             :  */
    4533             : static void
    4534       11432 : CheckConstraintFetch(Relation relation)
    4535             : {
    4536             :     ConstrCheck *check;
    4537       11432 :     int         ncheck = relation->rd_rel->relchecks;
    4538             :     Relation    conrel;
    4539             :     SysScanDesc conscan;
    4540             :     ScanKeyData skey[1];
    4541             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    4542       11432 :     int         found = 0;
    4543             : 
    4544             :     /* Allocate array with room for as many entries as expected */
    4545             :     check = (ConstrCheck *)
    4546       11432 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(CacheMemoryContext,
    4547             :                                ncheck * sizeof(ConstrCheck));
    4548             : 
    4549             :     /* Search pg_constraint for relevant entries */
    4550       11432 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey[0],
    4551             :                 Anum_pg_constraint_conrelid,
    4552             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    4553             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4554             : 
    4555       11432 :     conrel = table_open(ConstraintRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    4556       11432 :     conscan = systable_beginscan(conrel, ConstraintRelidTypidNameIndexId, true,
    4557             :                                  NULL, 1, skey);
    4558             : 
    4559       39680 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(conscan)))
    4560             :     {
    4561       28248 :         Form_pg_constraint conform = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    4562             :         Datum       val;
    4563             :         bool        isnull;
    4564             : 
    4565             :         /* We want check constraints only */
    4566       28248 :         if (conform->contype != CONSTRAINT_CHECK)
    4567       11208 :             continue;
    4568             : 
    4569             :         /* protect limited size of array */
    4570       17040 :         if (found >= ncheck)
    4571             :         {
    4572           0 :             elog(WARNING, "unexpected pg_constraint record found for relation \"%s\"",
    4573             :                  RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4574           0 :             break;
    4575             :         }
    4576             : 
    4577       17040 :         check[found].ccenforced = conform->conenforced;
    4578       17040 :         check[found].ccvalid = conform->convalidated;
    4579       17040 :         check[found].ccnoinherit = conform->connoinherit;
    4580       34080 :         check[found].ccname = MemoryContextStrdup(CacheMemoryContext,
    4581       17040 :                                                   NameStr(conform->conname));
    4582             : 
    4583             :         /* Grab and test conbin is actually set */
    4584       17040 :         val = fastgetattr(htup,
    4585             :                           Anum_pg_constraint_conbin,
    4586             :                           conrel->rd_att, &isnull);
    4587       17040 :         if (isnull)
    4588           0 :             elog(WARNING, "null conbin for relation \"%s\"",
    4589             :                  RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4590             :         else
    4591             :         {
    4592             :             /* detoast and convert to cstring in caller's context */
    4593       17040 :             char       *s = TextDatumGetCString(val);
    4594             : 
    4595       17040 :             check[found].ccbin = MemoryContextStrdup(CacheMemoryContext, s);
    4596       17040 :             pfree(s);
    4597       17040 :             found++;
    4598             :         }
    4599             :     }
    4600             : 
    4601       11432 :     systable_endscan(conscan);
    4602       11432 :     table_close(conrel, AccessShareLock);
    4603             : 
    4604       11432 :     if (found != ncheck)
    4605           0 :         elog(WARNING, "%d pg_constraint record(s) missing for relation \"%s\"",
    4606             :              ncheck - found, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4607             : 
    4608             :     /*
    4609             :      * Sort the records by name.  This ensures that CHECKs are applied in a
    4610             :      * deterministic order, and it also makes equalTupleDescs() faster.
    4611             :      */
    4612       11432 :     if (found > 1)
    4613        3426 :         qsort(check, found, sizeof(ConstrCheck), CheckConstraintCmp);
    4614             : 
    4615             :     /* Install array only after it's fully valid */
    4616       11432 :     relation->rd_att->constr->check = check;
    4617       11432 :     relation->rd_att->constr->num_check = found;
    4618       11432 : }
    4619             : 
    4620             : /*
    4621             :  * qsort comparator to sort ConstrCheck entries by name
    4622             :  */
    4623             : static int
    4624        5608 : CheckConstraintCmp(const void *a, const void *b)
    4625             : {
    4626        5608 :     const ConstrCheck *ca = (const ConstrCheck *) a;
    4627        5608 :     const ConstrCheck *cb = (const ConstrCheck *) b;
    4628             : 
    4629        5608 :     return strcmp(ca->ccname, cb->ccname);
    4630             : }
    4631             : 
    4632             : /*
    4633             :  * RelationGetFKeyList -- get a list of foreign key info for the relation
    4634             :  *
    4635             :  * Returns a list of ForeignKeyCacheInfo structs, one per FK constraining
    4636             :  * the given relation.  This data is a direct copy of relevant fields from
    4637             :  * pg_constraint.  The list items are in no particular order.
    4638             :  *
    4639             :  * CAUTION: the returned list is part of the relcache's data, and could
    4640             :  * vanish in a relcache entry reset.  Callers must inspect or copy it
    4641             :  * before doing anything that might trigger a cache flush, such as
    4642             :  * system catalog accesses.  copyObject() can be used if desired.
    4643             :  * (We define it this way because current callers want to filter and
    4644             :  * modify the list entries anyway, so copying would be a waste of time.)
    4645             :  */
    4646             : List *
    4647      206718 : RelationGetFKeyList(Relation relation)
    4648             : {
    4649             :     List       *result;
    4650             :     Relation    conrel;
    4651             :     SysScanDesc conscan;
    4652             :     ScanKeyData skey;
    4653             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    4654             :     List       *oldlist;
    4655             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    4656             : 
    4657             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the list. */
    4658      206718 :     if (relation->rd_fkeyvalid)
    4659        1262 :         return relation->rd_fkeylist;
    4660             : 
    4661             :     /* Fast path: non-partitioned tables without triggers can't have FKs */
    4662      205456 :     if (!relation->rd_rel->relhastriggers &&
    4663      202416 :         relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
    4664      193702 :         return NIL;
    4665             : 
    4666             :     /*
    4667             :      * We build the list we intend to return (in the caller's context) while
    4668             :      * doing the scan.  After successfully completing the scan, we copy that
    4669             :      * list into the relcache entry.  This avoids cache-context memory leakage
    4670             :      * if we get some sort of error partway through.
    4671             :      */
    4672       11754 :     result = NIL;
    4673             : 
    4674             :     /* Prepare to scan pg_constraint for entries having conrelid = this rel. */
    4675       11754 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey,
    4676             :                 Anum_pg_constraint_conrelid,
    4677             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    4678             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4679             : 
    4680       11754 :     conrel = table_open(ConstraintRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    4681       11754 :     conscan = systable_beginscan(conrel, ConstraintRelidTypidNameIndexId, true,
    4682             :                                  NULL, 1, &skey);
    4683             : 
    4684       21442 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(conscan)))
    4685             :     {
    4686        9688 :         Form_pg_constraint constraint = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    4687             :         ForeignKeyCacheInfo *info;
    4688             : 
    4689             :         /* consider only foreign keys */
    4690        9688 :         if (constraint->contype != CONSTRAINT_FOREIGN)
    4691        6652 :             continue;
    4692             : 
    4693        3036 :         info = makeNode(ForeignKeyCacheInfo);
    4694        3036 :         info->conoid = constraint->oid;
    4695        3036 :         info->conrelid = constraint->conrelid;
    4696        3036 :         info->confrelid = constraint->confrelid;
    4697             : 
    4698        3036 :         DeconstructFkConstraintRow(htup, &info->nkeys,
    4699        3036 :                                    info->conkey,
    4700        3036 :                                    info->confkey,
    4701        3036 :                                    info->conpfeqop,
    4702             :                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    4703             : 
    4704             :         /* Add FK's node to the result list */
    4705        3036 :         result = lappend(result, info);
    4706             :     }
    4707             : 
    4708       11754 :     systable_endscan(conscan);
    4709       11754 :     table_close(conrel, AccessShareLock);
    4710             : 
    4711             :     /* Now save a copy of the completed list in the relcache entry. */
    4712       11754 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4713       11754 :     oldlist = relation->rd_fkeylist;
    4714       11754 :     relation->rd_fkeylist = copyObject(result);
    4715       11754 :     relation->rd_fkeyvalid = true;
    4716       11754 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4717             : 
    4718             :     /* Don't leak the old list, if there is one */
    4719       11754 :     list_free_deep(oldlist);
    4720             : 
    4721       11754 :     return result;
    4722             : }
    4723             : 
    4724             : /*
    4725             :  * RelationGetIndexList -- get a list of OIDs of indexes on this relation
    4726             :  *
    4727             :  * The index list is created only if someone requests it.  We scan pg_index
    4728             :  * to find relevant indexes, and add the list to the relcache entry so that
    4729             :  * we won't have to compute it again.  Note that shared cache inval of a
    4730             :  * relcache entry will delete the old list and set rd_indexvalid to false,
    4731             :  * so that we must recompute the index list on next request.  This handles
    4732             :  * creation or deletion of an index.
    4733             :  *
    4734             :  * Indexes that are marked not indislive are omitted from the returned list.
    4735             :  * Such indexes are expected to be dropped momentarily, and should not be
    4736             :  * touched at all by any caller of this function.
    4737             :  *
    4738             :  * The returned list is guaranteed to be sorted in order by OID.  This is
    4739             :  * needed by the executor, since for index types that we obtain exclusive
    4740             :  * locks on when updating the index, all backends must lock the indexes in
    4741             :  * the same order or we will get deadlocks (see ExecOpenIndices()).  Any
    4742             :  * consistent ordering would do, but ordering by OID is easy.
    4743             :  *
    4744             :  * Since shared cache inval causes the relcache's copy of the list to go away,
    4745             :  * we return a copy of the list palloc'd in the caller's context.  The caller
    4746             :  * may list_free() the returned list after scanning it. This is necessary
    4747             :  * since the caller will typically be doing syscache lookups on the relevant
    4748             :  * indexes, and syscache lookup could cause SI messages to be processed!
    4749             :  *
    4750             :  * In exactly the same way, we update rd_pkindex, which is the OID of the
    4751             :  * relation's primary key index if any, else InvalidOid; and rd_replidindex,
    4752             :  * which is the pg_class OID of an index to be used as the relation's
    4753             :  * replication identity index, or InvalidOid if there is no such index.
    4754             :  */
    4755             : List *
    4756     2179754 : RelationGetIndexList(Relation relation)
    4757             : {
    4758             :     Relation    indrel;
    4759             :     SysScanDesc indscan;
    4760             :     ScanKeyData skey;
    4761             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    4762             :     List       *result;
    4763             :     List       *oldlist;
    4764     2179754 :     char        replident = relation->rd_rel->relreplident;
    4765     2179754 :     Oid         pkeyIndex = InvalidOid;
    4766     2179754 :     Oid         candidateIndex = InvalidOid;
    4767     2179754 :     bool        pkdeferrable = false;
    4768             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    4769             : 
    4770             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the list. */
    4771     2179754 :     if (relation->rd_indexvalid)
    4772     1921968 :         return list_copy(relation->rd_indexlist);
    4773             : 
    4774             :     /*
    4775             :      * We build the list we intend to return (in the caller's context) while
    4776             :      * doing the scan.  After successfully completing the scan, we copy that
    4777             :      * list into the relcache entry.  This avoids cache-context memory leakage
    4778             :      * if we get some sort of error partway through.
    4779             :      */
    4780      257786 :     result = NIL;
    4781             : 
    4782             :     /* Prepare to scan pg_index for entries having indrelid = this rel. */
    4783      257786 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey,
    4784             :                 Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
    4785             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    4786             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4787             : 
    4788      257786 :     indrel = table_open(IndexRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    4789      257786 :     indscan = systable_beginscan(indrel, IndexIndrelidIndexId, true,
    4790             :                                  NULL, 1, &skey);
    4791             : 
    4792      634832 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(indscan)))
    4793             :     {
    4794      377046 :         Form_pg_index index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    4795             : 
    4796             :         /*
    4797             :          * Ignore any indexes that are currently being dropped.  This will
    4798             :          * prevent them from being searched, inserted into, or considered in
    4799             :          * HOT-safety decisions.  It's unsafe to touch such an index at all
    4800             :          * since its catalog entries could disappear at any instant.
    4801             :          */
    4802      377046 :         if (!index->indislive)
    4803          48 :             continue;
    4804             : 
    4805             :         /* add index's OID to result list */
    4806      376998 :         result = lappend_oid(result, index->indexrelid);
    4807             : 
    4808             :         /*
    4809             :          * Non-unique or predicate indexes aren't interesting for either oid
    4810             :          * indexes or replication identity indexes, so don't check them.
    4811             :          * Deferred ones are not useful for replication identity either; but
    4812             :          * we do include them if they are PKs.
    4813             :          */
    4814      376998 :         if (!index->indisunique ||
    4815      318060 :             !heap_attisnull(htup, Anum_pg_index_indpred, NULL))
    4816       59096 :             continue;
    4817             : 
    4818             :         /*
    4819             :          * Remember primary key index, if any.  For regular tables we do this
    4820             :          * only if the index is valid; but for partitioned tables, then we do
    4821             :          * it even if it's invalid.
    4822             :          *
    4823             :          * The reason for returning invalid primary keys for partitioned
    4824             :          * tables is that we need it to prevent drop of not-null constraints
    4825             :          * that may underlie such a primary key, which is only a problem for
    4826             :          * partitioned tables.
    4827             :          */
    4828      317902 :         if (index->indisprimary &&
    4829      205464 :             (index->indisvalid ||
    4830          12 :              relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE))
    4831             :         {
    4832      205464 :             pkeyIndex = index->indexrelid;
    4833      205464 :             pkdeferrable = !index->indimmediate;
    4834             :         }
    4835             : 
    4836      317902 :         if (!index->indimmediate)
    4837         170 :             continue;
    4838             : 
    4839      317732 :         if (!index->indisvalid)
    4840          66 :             continue;
    4841             : 
    4842             :         /* remember explicitly chosen replica index */
    4843      317666 :         if (index->indisreplident)
    4844         552 :             candidateIndex = index->indexrelid;
    4845             :     }
    4846             : 
    4847      257786 :     systable_endscan(indscan);
    4848             : 
    4849      257786 :     table_close(indrel, AccessShareLock);
    4850             : 
    4851             :     /* Sort the result list into OID order, per API spec. */
    4852      257786 :     list_sort(result, list_oid_cmp);
    4853             : 
    4854             :     /* Now save a copy of the completed list in the relcache entry. */
    4855      257786 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4856      257786 :     oldlist = relation->rd_indexlist;
    4857      257786 :     relation->rd_indexlist = list_copy(result);
    4858      257786 :     relation->rd_pkindex = pkeyIndex;
    4859      257786 :     relation->rd_ispkdeferrable = pkdeferrable;
    4860      257786 :     if (replident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_DEFAULT && OidIsValid(pkeyIndex) && !pkdeferrable)
    4861       25588 :         relation->rd_replidindex = pkeyIndex;
    4862      232198 :     else if (replident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_INDEX && OidIsValid(candidateIndex))
    4863         552 :         relation->rd_replidindex = candidateIndex;
    4864             :     else
    4865      231646 :         relation->rd_replidindex = InvalidOid;
    4866      257786 :     relation->rd_indexvalid = true;
    4867      257786 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4868             : 
    4869             :     /* Don't leak the old list, if there is one */
    4870      257786 :     list_free(oldlist);
    4871             : 
    4872      257786 :     return result;
    4873             : }
    4874             : 
    4875             : /*
    4876             :  * RelationGetStatExtList
    4877             :  *      get a list of OIDs of statistics objects on this relation
    4878             :  *
    4879             :  * The statistics list is created only if someone requests it, in a way
    4880             :  * similar to RelationGetIndexList().  We scan pg_statistic_ext to find
    4881             :  * relevant statistics, and add the list to the relcache entry so that we
    4882             :  * won't have to compute it again.  Note that shared cache inval of a
    4883             :  * relcache entry will delete the old list and set rd_statvalid to 0,
    4884             :  * so that we must recompute the statistics list on next request.  This
    4885             :  * handles creation or deletion of a statistics object.
    4886             :  *
    4887             :  * The returned list is guaranteed to be sorted in order by OID, although
    4888             :  * this is not currently needed.
    4889             :  *
    4890             :  * Since shared cache inval causes the relcache's copy of the list to go away,
    4891             :  * we return a copy of the list palloc'd in the caller's context.  The caller
    4892             :  * may list_free() the returned list after scanning it. This is necessary
    4893             :  * since the caller will typically be doing syscache lookups on the relevant
    4894             :  * statistics, and syscache lookup could cause SI messages to be processed!
    4895             :  */
    4896             : List *
    4897      427700 : RelationGetStatExtList(Relation relation)
    4898             : {
    4899             :     Relation    indrel;
    4900             :     SysScanDesc indscan;
    4901             :     ScanKeyData skey;
    4902             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    4903             :     List       *result;
    4904             :     List       *oldlist;
    4905             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    4906             : 
    4907             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the list. */
    4908      427700 :     if (relation->rd_statvalid != 0)
    4909      324096 :         return list_copy(relation->rd_statlist);
    4910             : 
    4911             :     /*
    4912             :      * We build the list we intend to return (in the caller's context) while
    4913             :      * doing the scan.  After successfully completing the scan, we copy that
    4914             :      * list into the relcache entry.  This avoids cache-context memory leakage
    4915             :      * if we get some sort of error partway through.
    4916             :      */
    4917      103604 :     result = NIL;
    4918             : 
    4919             :     /*
    4920             :      * Prepare to scan pg_statistic_ext for entries having stxrelid = this
    4921             :      * rel.
    4922             :      */
    4923      103604 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey,
    4924             :                 Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxrelid,
    4925             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    4926             :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
    4927             : 
    4928      103604 :     indrel = table_open(StatisticExtRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    4929      103604 :     indscan = systable_beginscan(indrel, StatisticExtRelidIndexId, true,
    4930             :                                  NULL, 1, &skey);
    4931             : 
    4932      103996 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(indscan)))
    4933             :     {
    4934         392 :         Oid         oid = ((Form_pg_statistic_ext) GETSTRUCT(htup))->oid;
    4935             : 
    4936         392 :         result = lappend_oid(result, oid);
    4937             :     }
    4938             : 
    4939      103604 :     systable_endscan(indscan);
    4940             : 
    4941      103604 :     table_close(indrel, AccessShareLock);
    4942             : 
    4943             :     /* Sort the result list into OID order, per API spec. */
    4944      103604 :     list_sort(result, list_oid_cmp);
    4945             : 
    4946             :     /* Now save a copy of the completed list in the relcache entry. */
    4947      103604 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    4948      103604 :     oldlist = relation->rd_statlist;
    4949      103604 :     relation->rd_statlist = list_copy(result);
    4950             : 
    4951      103604 :     relation->rd_statvalid = true;
    4952      103604 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    4953             : 
    4954             :     /* Don't leak the old list, if there is one */
    4955      103604 :     list_free(oldlist);
    4956             : 
    4957      103604 :     return result;
    4958             : }
    4959             : 
    4960             : /*
    4961             :  * RelationGetPrimaryKeyIndex -- get OID of the relation's primary key index
    4962             :  *
    4963             :  * Returns InvalidOid if there is no such index, or if the primary key is
    4964             :  * DEFERRABLE and the caller isn't OK with that.
    4965             :  */
    4966             : Oid
    4967         416 : RelationGetPrimaryKeyIndex(Relation relation, bool deferrable_ok)
    4968             : {
    4969             :     List       *ilist;
    4970             : 
    4971         416 :     if (!relation->rd_indexvalid)
    4972             :     {
    4973             :         /* RelationGetIndexList does the heavy lifting. */
    4974          18 :         ilist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
    4975          18 :         list_free(ilist);
    4976             :         Assert(relation->rd_indexvalid);
    4977             :     }
    4978             : 
    4979         416 :     if (deferrable_ok)
    4980          18 :         return relation->rd_pkindex;
    4981         398 :     else if (relation->rd_ispkdeferrable)
    4982           0 :         return InvalidOid;
    4983         398 :     return relation->rd_pkindex;
    4984             : }
    4985             : 
    4986             : /*
    4987             :  * RelationGetReplicaIndex -- get OID of the relation's replica identity index
    4988             :  *
    4989             :  * Returns InvalidOid if there is no such index.
    4990             :  */
    4991             : Oid
    4992      318054 : RelationGetReplicaIndex(Relation relation)
    4993             : {
    4994             :     List       *ilist;
    4995             : 
    4996      318054 :     if (!relation->rd_indexvalid)
    4997             :     {
    4998             :         /* RelationGetIndexList does the heavy lifting. */
    4999        4906 :         ilist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
    5000        4906 :         list_free(ilist);
    5001             :         Assert(relation->rd_indexvalid);
    5002             :     }
    5003             : 
    5004      318054 :     return relation->rd_replidindex;
    5005             : }
    5006             : 
    5007             : /*
    5008             :  * RelationGetIndexExpressions -- get the index expressions for an index
    5009             :  *
    5010             :  * We cache the result of transforming pg_index.indexprs into a node tree.
    5011             :  * If the rel is not an index or has no expressional columns, we return NIL.
    5012             :  * Otherwise, the returned tree is copied into the caller's memory context.
    5013             :  * (We don't want to return a pointer to the relcache copy, since it could
    5014             :  * disappear due to relcache invalidation.)
    5015             :  */
    5016             : List *
    5017     3904340 : RelationGetIndexExpressions(Relation relation)
    5018             : {
    5019             :     List       *result;
    5020             :     Datum       exprsDatum;
    5021             :     bool        isnull;
    5022             :     char       *exprsString;
    5023             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5024             : 
    5025             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the result. */
    5026     3904340 :     if (relation->rd_indexprs)
    5027        3000 :         return copyObject(relation->rd_indexprs);
    5028             : 
    5029             :     /* Quick exit if there is nothing to do. */
    5030     7802680 :     if (relation->rd_indextuple == NULL ||
    5031     3901340 :         heap_attisnull(relation->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs, NULL))
    5032     3899798 :         return NIL;
    5033             : 
    5034             :     /*
    5035             :      * We build the tree we intend to return in the caller's context. After
    5036             :      * successfully completing the work, we copy it into the relcache entry.
    5037             :      * This avoids problems if we get some sort of error partway through.
    5038             :      */
    5039        1542 :     exprsDatum = heap_getattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    5040             :                               Anum_pg_index_indexprs,
    5041             :                               GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    5042             :                               &isnull);
    5043             :     Assert(!isnull);
    5044        1542 :     exprsString = TextDatumGetCString(exprsDatum);
    5045        1542 :     result = (List *) stringToNode(exprsString);
    5046        1542 :     pfree(exprsString);
    5047             : 
    5048             :     /*
    5049             :      * Run the expressions through eval_const_expressions. This is not just an
    5050             :      * optimization, but is necessary, because the planner will be comparing
    5051             :      * them to similarly-processed qual clauses, and may fail to detect valid
    5052             :      * matches without this.  We must not use canonicalize_qual, however,
    5053             :      * since these aren't qual expressions.
    5054             :      */
    5055        1542 :     result = (List *) eval_const_expressions(NULL, (Node *) result);
    5056             : 
    5057             :     /* May as well fix opfuncids too */
    5058        1542 :     fix_opfuncids((Node *) result);
    5059             : 
    5060             :     /* Now save a copy of the completed tree in the relcache entry. */
    5061        1542 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(relation->rd_indexcxt);
    5062        1542 :     relation->rd_indexprs = copyObject(result);
    5063        1542 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5064             : 
    5065        1542 :     return result;
    5066             : }
    5067             : 
    5068             : /*
    5069             :  * RelationGetDummyIndexExpressions -- get dummy expressions for an index
    5070             :  *
    5071             :  * Return a list of dummy expressions (just Const nodes) with the same
    5072             :  * types/typmods/collations as the index's real expressions.  This is
    5073             :  * useful in situations where we don't want to run any user-defined code.
    5074             :  */
    5075             : List *
    5076         244 : RelationGetDummyIndexExpressions(Relation relation)
    5077             : {
    5078             :     List       *result;
    5079             :     Datum       exprsDatum;
    5080             :     bool        isnull;
    5081             :     char       *exprsString;
    5082             :     List       *rawExprs;
    5083             :     ListCell   *lc;
    5084             : 
    5085             :     /* Quick exit if there is nothing to do. */
    5086         488 :     if (relation->rd_indextuple == NULL ||
    5087         244 :         heap_attisnull(relation->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs, NULL))
    5088         226 :         return NIL;
    5089             : 
    5090             :     /* Extract raw node tree(s) from index tuple. */
    5091          18 :     exprsDatum = heap_getattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    5092             :                               Anum_pg_index_indexprs,
    5093             :                               GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    5094             :                               &isnull);
    5095             :     Assert(!isnull);
    5096          18 :     exprsString = TextDatumGetCString(exprsDatum);
    5097          18 :     rawExprs = (List *) stringToNode(exprsString);
    5098          18 :     pfree(exprsString);
    5099             : 
    5100             :     /* Construct null Consts; the typlen and typbyval are arbitrary. */
    5101          18 :     result = NIL;
    5102          36 :     foreach(lc, rawExprs)
    5103             :     {
    5104          18 :         Node       *rawExpr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
    5105             : 
    5106          18 :         result = lappend(result,
    5107          18 :                          makeConst(exprType(rawExpr),
    5108             :                                    exprTypmod(rawExpr),
    5109             :                                    exprCollation(rawExpr),
    5110             :                                    1,
    5111             :                                    (Datum) 0,
    5112             :                                    true,
    5113             :                                    true));
    5114             :     }
    5115             : 
    5116          18 :     return result;
    5117             : }
    5118             : 
    5119             : /*
    5120             :  * RelationGetIndexPredicate -- get the index predicate for an index
    5121             :  *
    5122             :  * We cache the result of transforming pg_index.indpred into an implicit-AND
    5123             :  * node tree (suitable for use in planning).
    5124             :  * If the rel is not an index or has no predicate, we return NIL.
    5125             :  * Otherwise, the returned tree is copied into the caller's memory context.
    5126             :  * (We don't want to return a pointer to the relcache copy, since it could
    5127             :  * disappear due to relcache invalidation.)
    5128             :  */
    5129             : List *
    5130     3904192 : RelationGetIndexPredicate(Relation relation)
    5131             : {
    5132             :     List       *result;
    5133             :     Datum       predDatum;
    5134             :     bool        isnull;
    5135             :     char       *predString;
    5136             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5137             : 
    5138             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the result. */
    5139     3904192 :     if (relation->rd_indpred)
    5140        1282 :         return copyObject(relation->rd_indpred);
    5141             : 
    5142             :     /* Quick exit if there is nothing to do. */
    5143     7805820 :     if (relation->rd_indextuple == NULL ||
    5144     3902910 :         heap_attisnull(relation->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indpred, NULL))
    5145     3901950 :         return NIL;
    5146             : 
    5147             :     /*
    5148             :      * We build the tree we intend to return in the caller's context. After
    5149             :      * successfully completing the work, we copy it into the relcache entry.
    5150             :      * This avoids problems if we get some sort of error partway through.
    5151             :      */
    5152         960 :     predDatum = heap_getattr(relation->rd_indextuple,
    5153             :                              Anum_pg_index_indpred,
    5154             :                              GetPgIndexDescriptor(),
    5155             :                              &isnull);
    5156             :     Assert(!isnull);
    5157         960 :     predString = TextDatumGetCString(predDatum);
    5158         960 :     result = (List *) stringToNode(predString);
    5159         960 :     pfree(predString);
    5160             : 
    5161             :     /*
    5162             :      * Run the expression through const-simplification and canonicalization.
    5163             :      * This is not just an optimization, but is necessary, because the planner
    5164             :      * will be comparing it to similarly-processed qual clauses, and may fail
    5165             :      * to detect valid matches without this.  This must match the processing
    5166             :      * done to qual clauses in preprocess_expression()!  (We can skip the
    5167             :      * stuff involving subqueries, however, since we don't allow any in index
    5168             :      * predicates.)
    5169             :      */
    5170         960 :     result = (List *) eval_const_expressions(NULL, (Node *) result);
    5171             : 
    5172         960 :     result = (List *) canonicalize_qual((Expr *) result, false);
    5173             : 
    5174             :     /* Also convert to implicit-AND format */
    5175         960 :     result = make_ands_implicit((Expr *) result);
    5176             : 
    5177             :     /* May as well fix opfuncids too */
    5178         960 :     fix_opfuncids((Node *) result);
    5179             : 
    5180             :     /* Now save a copy of the completed tree in the relcache entry. */
    5181         960 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(relation->rd_indexcxt);
    5182         960 :     relation->rd_indpred = copyObject(result);
    5183         960 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5184             : 
    5185         960 :     return result;
    5186             : }
    5187             : 
    5188             : /*
    5189             :  * RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap -- get a bitmap of index attribute numbers
    5190             :  *
    5191             :  * The result has a bit set for each attribute used anywhere in the index
    5192             :  * definitions of all the indexes on this relation.  (This includes not only
    5193             :  * simple index keys, but attributes used in expressions and partial-index
    5194             :  * predicates.)
    5195             :  *
    5196             :  * Depending on attrKind, a bitmap covering attnums for certain columns is
    5197             :  * returned:
    5198             :  *  INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_KEY           Columns in non-partial unique indexes not
    5199             :  *                                  in expressions (i.e., usable for FKs)
    5200             :  *  INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_PRIMARY_KEY   Columns in the table's primary key
    5201             :  *                                  (beware: even if PK is deferrable!)
    5202             :  *  INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_IDENTITY_KEY  Columns in the table's replica identity
    5203             :  *                                  index (empty if FULL)
    5204             :  *  INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_HOT_BLOCKING  Columns that block updates from being HOT
    5205             :  *  INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_SUMMARIZED    Columns included in summarizing indexes
    5206             :  *
    5207             :  * Attribute numbers are offset by FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber so that
    5208             :  * we can include system attributes (e.g., OID) in the bitmap representation.
    5209             :  *
    5210             :  * Deferred indexes are considered for the primary key, but not for replica
    5211             :  * identity.
    5212             :  *
    5213             :  * Caller had better hold at least RowExclusiveLock on the target relation
    5214             :  * to ensure it is safe (deadlock-free) for us to take locks on the relation's
    5215             :  * indexes.  Note that since the introduction of CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY,
    5216             :  * that lock level doesn't guarantee a stable set of indexes, so we have to
    5217             :  * be prepared to retry here in case of a change in the set of indexes.
    5218             :  *
    5219             :  * The returned result is palloc'd in the caller's memory context and should
    5220             :  * be bms_free'd when not needed anymore.
    5221             :  */
    5222             : Bitmapset *
    5223     2610940 : RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(Relation relation, IndexAttrBitmapKind attrKind)
    5224             : {
    5225             :     Bitmapset  *uindexattrs;    /* columns in unique indexes */
    5226             :     Bitmapset  *pkindexattrs;   /* columns in the primary index */
    5227             :     Bitmapset  *idindexattrs;   /* columns in the replica identity */
    5228             :     Bitmapset  *hotblockingattrs;   /* columns with HOT blocking indexes */
    5229             :     Bitmapset  *summarizedattrs;    /* columns with summarizing indexes */
    5230             :     List       *indexoidlist;
    5231             :     List       *newindexoidlist;
    5232             :     Oid         relpkindex;
    5233             :     Oid         relreplindex;
    5234             :     ListCell   *l;
    5235             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5236             : 
    5237             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the result. */
    5238     2610940 :     if (relation->rd_attrsvalid)
    5239             :     {
    5240     2184152 :         switch (attrKind)
    5241             :         {
    5242      530162 :             case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_KEY:
    5243      530162 :                 return bms_copy(relation->rd_keyattr);
    5244          74 :             case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_PRIMARY_KEY:
    5245          74 :                 return bms_copy(relation->rd_pkattr);
    5246      617922 :             case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_IDENTITY_KEY:
    5247      617922 :                 return bms_copy(relation->rd_idattr);
    5248      512346 :             case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_HOT_BLOCKING:
    5249      512346 :                 return bms_copy(relation->rd_hotblockingattr);
    5250      523648 :             case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_SUMMARIZED:
    5251      523648 :                 return bms_copy(relation->rd_summarizedattr);
    5252           0 :             default:
    5253           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "unknown attrKind %u", attrKind);
    5254             :         }
    5255             :     }
    5256             : 
    5257             :     /* Fast path if definitely no indexes */
    5258      426788 :     if (!RelationGetForm(relation)->relhasindex)
    5259      412138 :         return NULL;
    5260             : 
    5261             :     /*
    5262             :      * Get cached list of index OIDs. If we have to start over, we do so here.
    5263             :      */
    5264       14650 : restart:
    5265       14650 :     indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
    5266             : 
    5267             :     /* Fall out if no indexes (but relhasindex was set) */
    5268       14650 :     if (indexoidlist == NIL)
    5269        1134 :         return NULL;
    5270             : 
    5271             :     /*
    5272             :      * Copy the rd_pkindex and rd_replidindex values computed by
    5273             :      * RelationGetIndexList before proceeding.  This is needed because a
    5274             :      * relcache flush could occur inside index_open below, resetting the
    5275             :      * fields managed by RelationGetIndexList.  We need to do the work with
    5276             :      * stable values of these fields.
    5277             :      */
    5278       13516 :     relpkindex = relation->rd_pkindex;
    5279       13516 :     relreplindex = relation->rd_replidindex;
    5280             : 
    5281             :     /*
    5282             :      * For each index, add referenced attributes to indexattrs.
    5283             :      *
    5284             :      * Note: we consider all indexes returned by RelationGetIndexList, even if
    5285             :      * they are not indisready or indisvalid.  This is important because an
    5286             :      * index for which CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY has just started must be
    5287             :      * included in HOT-safety decisions (see README.HOT).  If a DROP INDEX
    5288             :      * CONCURRENTLY is far enough along that we should ignore the index, it
    5289             :      * won't be returned at all by RelationGetIndexList.
    5290             :      */
    5291       13516 :     uindexattrs = NULL;
    5292       13516 :     pkindexattrs = NULL;
    5293       13516 :     idindexattrs = NULL;
    5294       13516 :     hotblockingattrs = NULL;
    5295       13516 :     summarizedattrs = NULL;
    5296       38018 :     foreach(l, indexoidlist)
    5297             :     {
    5298       24502 :         Oid         indexOid = lfirst_oid(l);
    5299             :         Relation    indexDesc;
    5300             :         Datum       datum;
    5301             :         bool        isnull;
    5302             :         Node       *indexExpressions;
    5303             :         Node       *indexPredicate;
    5304             :         int         i;
    5305             :         bool        isKey;      /* candidate key */
    5306             :         bool        isPK;       /* primary key */
    5307             :         bool        isIDKey;    /* replica identity index */
    5308             :         Bitmapset **attrs;
    5309             : 
    5310       24502 :         indexDesc = index_open(indexOid, AccessShareLock);
    5311             : 
    5312             :         /*
    5313             :          * Extract index expressions and index predicate.  Note: Don't use
    5314             :          * RelationGetIndexExpressions()/RelationGetIndexPredicate(), because
    5315             :          * those might run constant expressions evaluation, which needs a
    5316             :          * snapshot, which we might not have here.  (Also, it's probably more
    5317             :          * sound to collect the bitmaps before any transformations that might
    5318             :          * eliminate columns, but the practical impact of this is limited.)
    5319             :          */
    5320             : 
    5321       24502 :         datum = heap_getattr(indexDesc->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs,
    5322             :                              GetPgIndexDescriptor(), &isnull);
    5323       24502 :         if (!isnull)
    5324          32 :             indexExpressions = stringToNode(TextDatumGetCString(datum));
    5325             :         else
    5326       24470 :             indexExpressions = NULL;
    5327             : 
    5328       24502 :         datum = heap_getattr(indexDesc->rd_indextuple, Anum_pg_index_indpred,
    5329             :                              GetPgIndexDescriptor(), &isnull);
    5330       24502 :         if (!isnull)
    5331         102 :             indexPredicate = stringToNode(TextDatumGetCString(datum));
    5332             :         else
    5333       24400 :             indexPredicate = NULL;
    5334             : 
    5335             :         /* Can this index be referenced by a foreign key? */
    5336       19400 :         isKey = indexDesc->rd_index->indisunique &&
    5337       43902 :             indexExpressions == NULL &&
    5338             :             indexPredicate == NULL;
    5339             : 
    5340             :         /* Is this a primary key? */
    5341       24502 :         isPK = (indexOid == relpkindex);
    5342             : 
    5343             :         /* Is this index the configured (or default) replica identity? */
    5344       24502 :         isIDKey = (indexOid == relreplindex);
    5345             : 
    5346             :         /*
    5347             :          * If the index is summarizing, it doesn't block HOT updates, but we
    5348             :          * may still need to update it (if the attributes were modified). So
    5349             :          * decide which bitmap we'll update in the following loop.
    5350             :          */
    5351       24502 :         if (indexDesc->rd_indam->amsummarizing)
    5352          56 :             attrs = &summarizedattrs;
    5353             :         else
    5354       24446 :             attrs = &hotblockingattrs;
    5355             : 
    5356             :         /* Collect simple attribute references */
    5357       62980 :         for (i = 0; i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnatts; i++)
    5358             :         {
    5359       38478 :             int         attrnum = indexDesc->rd_index->indkey.values[i];
    5360             : 
    5361             :             /*
    5362             :              * Since we have covering indexes with non-key columns, we must
    5363             :              * handle them accurately here. non-key columns must be added into
    5364             :              * hotblockingattrs or summarizedattrs, since they are in index,
    5365             :              * and update shouldn't miss them.
    5366             :              *
    5367             :              * Summarizing indexes do not block HOT, but do need to be updated
    5368             :              * when the column value changes, thus require a separate
    5369             :              * attribute bitmapset.
    5370             :              *
    5371             :              * Obviously, non-key columns couldn't be referenced by foreign
    5372             :              * key or identity key. Hence we do not include them into
    5373             :              * uindexattrs, pkindexattrs and idindexattrs bitmaps.
    5374             :              */
    5375       38478 :             if (attrnum != 0)
    5376             :             {
    5377       38446 :                 *attrs = bms_add_member(*attrs,
    5378             :                                         attrnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
    5379             : 
    5380       38446 :                 if (isKey && i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnkeyatts)
    5381       28918 :                     uindexattrs = bms_add_member(uindexattrs,
    5382             :                                                  attrnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
    5383             : 
    5384       38446 :                 if (isPK && i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnkeyatts)
    5385       14672 :                     pkindexattrs = bms_add_member(pkindexattrs,
    5386             :                                                   attrnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
    5387             : 
    5388       38446 :                 if (isIDKey && i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnkeyatts)
    5389        4246 :                     idindexattrs = bms_add_member(idindexattrs,
    5390             :                                                   attrnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
    5391             :             }
    5392             :         }
    5393             : 
    5394             :         /* Collect all attributes used in expressions, too */
    5395       24502 :         pull_varattnos(indexExpressions, 1, attrs);
    5396             : 
    5397             :         /* Collect all attributes in the index predicate, too */
    5398       24502 :         pull_varattnos(indexPredicate, 1, attrs);
    5399             : 
    5400       24502 :         index_close(indexDesc, AccessShareLock);
    5401             :     }
    5402             : 
    5403             :     /*
    5404             :      * During one of the index_opens in the above loop, we might have received
    5405             :      * a relcache flush event on this relcache entry, which might have been
    5406             :      * signaling a change in the rel's index list.  If so, we'd better start
    5407             :      * over to ensure we deliver up-to-date attribute bitmaps.
    5408             :      */
    5409       13516 :     newindexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
    5410       13516 :     if (equal(indexoidlist, newindexoidlist) &&
    5411       13516 :         relpkindex == relation->rd_pkindex &&
    5412       13516 :         relreplindex == relation->rd_replidindex)
    5413             :     {
    5414             :         /* Still the same index set, so proceed */
    5415       13516 :         list_free(newindexoidlist);
    5416       13516 :         list_free(indexoidlist);
    5417             :     }
    5418             :     else
    5419             :     {
    5420             :         /* Gotta do it over ... might as well not leak memory */
    5421           0 :         list_free(newindexoidlist);
    5422           0 :         list_free(indexoidlist);
    5423           0 :         bms_free(uindexattrs);
    5424           0 :         bms_free(pkindexattrs);
    5425           0 :         bms_free(idindexattrs);
    5426           0 :         bms_free(hotblockingattrs);
    5427           0 :         bms_free(summarizedattrs);
    5428             : 
    5429           0 :         goto restart;
    5430             :     }
    5431             : 
    5432             :     /* Don't leak the old values of these bitmaps, if any */
    5433       13516 :     relation->rd_attrsvalid = false;
    5434       13516 :     bms_free(relation->rd_keyattr);
    5435       13516 :     relation->rd_keyattr = NULL;
    5436       13516 :     bms_free(relation->rd_pkattr);
    5437       13516 :     relation->rd_pkattr = NULL;
    5438       13516 :     bms_free(relation->rd_idattr);
    5439       13516 :     relation->rd_idattr = NULL;
    5440       13516 :     bms_free(relation->rd_hotblockingattr);
    5441       13516 :     relation->rd_hotblockingattr = NULL;
    5442       13516 :     bms_free(relation->rd_summarizedattr);
    5443       13516 :     relation->rd_summarizedattr = NULL;
    5444             : 
    5445             :     /*
    5446             :      * Now save copies of the bitmaps in the relcache entry.  We intentionally
    5447             :      * set rd_attrsvalid last, because that's the one that signals validity of
    5448             :      * the values; if we run out of memory before making that copy, we won't
    5449             :      * leave the relcache entry looking like the other ones are valid but
    5450             :      * empty.
    5451             :      */
    5452       13516 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    5453       13516 :     relation->rd_keyattr = bms_copy(uindexattrs);
    5454       13516 :     relation->rd_pkattr = bms_copy(pkindexattrs);
    5455       13516 :     relation->rd_idattr = bms_copy(idindexattrs);
    5456       13516 :     relation->rd_hotblockingattr = bms_copy(hotblockingattrs);
    5457       13516 :     relation->rd_summarizedattr = bms_copy(summarizedattrs);
    5458       13516 :     relation->rd_attrsvalid = true;
    5459       13516 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5460             : 
    5461             :     /* We return our original working copy for caller to play with */
    5462       13516 :     switch (attrKind)
    5463             :     {
    5464         922 :         case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_KEY:
    5465         922 :             return uindexattrs;
    5466          54 :         case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_PRIMARY_KEY:
    5467          54 :             return pkindexattrs;
    5468        1238 :         case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_IDENTITY_KEY:
    5469        1238 :             return idindexattrs;
    5470       11302 :         case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_HOT_BLOCKING:
    5471       11302 :             return hotblockingattrs;
    5472           0 :         case INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_SUMMARIZED:
    5473           0 :             return summarizedattrs;
    5474           0 :         default:
    5475           0 :             elog(ERROR, "unknown attrKind %u", attrKind);
    5476             :             return NULL;
    5477             :     }
    5478             : }
    5479             : 
    5480             : /*
    5481             :  * RelationGetIdentityKeyBitmap -- get a bitmap of replica identity attribute
    5482             :  * numbers
    5483             :  *
    5484             :  * A bitmap of index attribute numbers for the configured replica identity
    5485             :  * index is returned.
    5486             :  *
    5487             :  * See also comments of RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap().
    5488             :  *
    5489             :  * This is a special purpose function used during logical replication. Here,
    5490             :  * unlike RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(), we don't acquire a lock on the required
    5491             :  * index as we build the cache entry using a historic snapshot and all the
    5492             :  * later changes are absorbed while decoding WAL. Due to this reason, we don't
    5493             :  * need to retry here in case of a change in the set of indexes.
    5494             :  */
    5495             : Bitmapset *
    5496         574 : RelationGetIdentityKeyBitmap(Relation relation)
    5497             : {
    5498         574 :     Bitmapset  *idindexattrs = NULL;    /* columns in the replica identity */
    5499             :     Relation    indexDesc;
    5500             :     int         i;
    5501             :     Oid         replidindex;
    5502             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5503             : 
    5504             :     /* Quick exit if we already computed the result */
    5505         574 :     if (relation->rd_idattr != NULL)
    5506          96 :         return bms_copy(relation->rd_idattr);
    5507             : 
    5508             :     /* Fast path if definitely no indexes */
    5509         478 :     if (!RelationGetForm(relation)->relhasindex)
    5510         114 :         return NULL;
    5511             : 
    5512             :     /* Historic snapshot must be set. */
    5513             :     Assert(HistoricSnapshotActive());
    5514             : 
    5515         364 :     replidindex = RelationGetReplicaIndex(relation);
    5516             : 
    5517             :     /* Fall out if there is no replica identity index */
    5518         364 :     if (!OidIsValid(replidindex))
    5519          10 :         return NULL;
    5520             : 
    5521             :     /* Look up the description for the replica identity index */
    5522         354 :     indexDesc = RelationIdGetRelation(replidindex);
    5523             : 
    5524         354 :     if (!RelationIsValid(indexDesc))
    5525           0 :         elog(ERROR, "could not open relation with OID %u",
    5526             :              relation->rd_replidindex);
    5527             : 
    5528             :     /* Add referenced attributes to idindexattrs */
    5529         722 :     for (i = 0; i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnatts; i++)
    5530             :     {
    5531         368 :         int         attrnum = indexDesc->rd_index->indkey.values[i];
    5532             : 
    5533             :         /*
    5534             :          * We don't include non-key columns into idindexattrs bitmaps. See
    5535             :          * RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap.
    5536             :          */
    5537         368 :         if (attrnum != 0)
    5538             :         {
    5539         368 :             if (i < indexDesc->rd_index->indnkeyatts)
    5540         366 :                 idindexattrs = bms_add_member(idindexattrs,
    5541             :                                               attrnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
    5542             :         }
    5543             :     }
    5544             : 
    5545         354 :     RelationClose(indexDesc);
    5546             : 
    5547             :     /* Don't leak the old values of these bitmaps, if any */
    5548         354 :     bms_free(relation->rd_idattr);
    5549         354 :     relation->rd_idattr = NULL;
    5550             : 
    5551             :     /* Now save copy of the bitmap in the relcache entry */
    5552         354 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    5553         354 :     relation->rd_idattr = bms_copy(idindexattrs);
    5554         354 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5555             : 
    5556             :     /* We return our original working copy for caller to play with */
    5557         354 :     return idindexattrs;
    5558             : }
    5559             : 
    5560             : /*
    5561             :  * RelationGetExclusionInfo -- get info about index's exclusion constraint
    5562             :  *
    5563             :  * This should be called only for an index that is known to have an associated
    5564             :  * exclusion constraint or primary key/unique constraint using WITHOUT
    5565             :  * OVERLAPS.
    5566             : 
    5567             :  * It returns arrays (palloc'd in caller's context) of the exclusion operator
    5568             :  * OIDs, their underlying functions' OIDs, and their strategy numbers in the
    5569             :  * index's opclasses.  We cache all this information since it requires a fair
    5570             :  * amount of work to get.
    5571             :  */
    5572             : void
    5573        2454 : RelationGetExclusionInfo(Relation indexRelation,
    5574             :                          Oid **operators,
    5575             :                          Oid **procs,
    5576             :                          uint16 **strategies)
    5577             : {
    5578             :     int         indnkeyatts;
    5579             :     Oid        *ops;
    5580             :     Oid        *funcs;
    5581             :     uint16     *strats;
    5582             :     Relation    conrel;
    5583             :     SysScanDesc conscan;
    5584             :     ScanKeyData skey[1];
    5585             :     HeapTuple   htup;
    5586             :     bool        found;
    5587             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5588             :     int         i;
    5589             : 
    5590        2454 :     indnkeyatts = IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(indexRelation);
    5591             : 
    5592             :     /* Allocate result space in caller context */
    5593        2454 :     *operators = ops = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5594        2454 :     *procs = funcs = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5595        2454 :     *strategies = strats = (uint16 *) palloc(sizeof(uint16) * indnkeyatts);
    5596             : 
    5597             :     /* Quick exit if we have the data cached already */
    5598        2454 :     if (indexRelation->rd_exclstrats != NULL)
    5599             :     {
    5600        1714 :         memcpy(ops, indexRelation->rd_exclops, sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5601        1714 :         memcpy(funcs, indexRelation->rd_exclprocs, sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5602        1714 :         memcpy(strats, indexRelation->rd_exclstrats, sizeof(uint16) * indnkeyatts);
    5603        1714 :         return;
    5604             :     }
    5605             : 
    5606             :     /*
    5607             :      * Search pg_constraint for the constraint associated with the index. To
    5608             :      * make this not too painfully slow, we use the index on conrelid; that
    5609             :      * will hold the parent relation's OID not the index's own OID.
    5610             :      *
    5611             :      * Note: if we wanted to rely on the constraint name matching the index's
    5612             :      * name, we could just do a direct lookup using pg_constraint's unique
    5613             :      * index.  For the moment it doesn't seem worth requiring that.
    5614             :      */
    5615         740 :     ScanKeyInit(&skey[0],
    5616             :                 Anum_pg_constraint_conrelid,
    5617             :                 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
    5618         740 :                 ObjectIdGetDatum(indexRelation->rd_index->indrelid));
    5619             : 
    5620         740 :     conrel = table_open(ConstraintRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    5621         740 :     conscan = systable_beginscan(conrel, ConstraintRelidTypidNameIndexId, true,
    5622             :                                  NULL, 1, skey);
    5623         740 :     found = false;
    5624             : 
    5625        3008 :     while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(conscan)))
    5626             :     {
    5627        2268 :         Form_pg_constraint conform = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(htup);
    5628             :         Datum       val;
    5629             :         bool        isnull;
    5630             :         ArrayType  *arr;
    5631             :         int         nelem;
    5632             : 
    5633             :         /* We want the exclusion constraint owning the index */
    5634        2268 :         if ((conform->contype != CONSTRAINT_EXCLUSION &&
    5635        2038 :              !(conform->conperiod && (conform->contype == CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY
    5636         302 :                                       || conform->contype == CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE))) ||
    5637         872 :             conform->conindid != RelationGetRelid(indexRelation))
    5638        1528 :             continue;
    5639             : 
    5640             :         /* There should be only one */
    5641         740 :         if (found)
    5642           0 :             elog(ERROR, "unexpected exclusion constraint record found for rel %s",
    5643             :                  RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation));
    5644         740 :         found = true;
    5645             : 
    5646             :         /* Extract the operator OIDS from conexclop */
    5647         740 :         val = fastgetattr(htup,
    5648             :                           Anum_pg_constraint_conexclop,
    5649             :                           conrel->rd_att, &isnull);
    5650         740 :         if (isnull)
    5651           0 :             elog(ERROR, "null conexclop for rel %s",
    5652             :                  RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation));
    5653             : 
    5654         740 :         arr = DatumGetArrayTypeP(val);  /* ensure not toasted */
    5655         740 :         nelem = ARR_DIMS(arr)[0];
    5656         740 :         if (ARR_NDIM(arr) != 1 ||
    5657         740 :             nelem != indnkeyatts ||
    5658         740 :             ARR_HASNULL(arr) ||
    5659         740 :             ARR_ELEMTYPE(arr) != OIDOID)
    5660           0 :             elog(ERROR, "conexclop is not a 1-D Oid array");
    5661             : 
    5662         740 :         memcpy(ops, ARR_DATA_PTR(arr), sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5663             :     }
    5664             : 
    5665         740 :     systable_endscan(conscan);
    5666         740 :     table_close(conrel, AccessShareLock);
    5667             : 
    5668         740 :     if (!found)
    5669           0 :         elog(ERROR, "exclusion constraint record missing for rel %s",
    5670             :              RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation));
    5671             : 
    5672             :     /* We need the func OIDs and strategy numbers too */
    5673        2134 :     for (i = 0; i < indnkeyatts; i++)
    5674             :     {
    5675        1394 :         funcs[i] = get_opcode(ops[i]);
    5676        2788 :         strats[i] = get_op_opfamily_strategy(ops[i],
    5677        1394 :                                              indexRelation->rd_opfamily[i]);
    5678             :         /* shouldn't fail, since it was checked at index creation */
    5679        1394 :         if (strats[i] == InvalidStrategy)
    5680           0 :             elog(ERROR, "could not find strategy for operator %u in family %u",
    5681             :                  ops[i], indexRelation->rd_opfamily[i]);
    5682             :     }
    5683             : 
    5684             :     /* Save a copy of the results in the relcache entry. */
    5685         740 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(indexRelation->rd_indexcxt);
    5686         740 :     indexRelation->rd_exclops = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5687         740 :     indexRelation->rd_exclprocs = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5688         740 :     indexRelation->rd_exclstrats = (uint16 *) palloc(sizeof(uint16) * indnkeyatts);
    5689         740 :     memcpy(indexRelation->rd_exclops, ops, sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5690         740 :     memcpy(indexRelation->rd_exclprocs, funcs, sizeof(Oid) * indnkeyatts);
    5691         740 :     memcpy(indexRelation->rd_exclstrats, strats, sizeof(uint16) * indnkeyatts);
    5692         740 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5693             : }
    5694             : 
    5695             : /*
    5696             :  * Get the publication information for the given relation.
    5697             :  *
    5698             :  * Traverse all the publications which the relation is in to get the
    5699             :  * publication actions and validate:
    5700             :  * 1. The row filter expressions for such publications if any. We consider the
    5701             :  *    row filter expression as invalid if it references any column which is not
    5702             :  *    part of REPLICA IDENTITY.
    5703             :  * 2. The column list for such publication if any. We consider the column list
    5704             :  *    invalid if REPLICA IDENTITY contains any column that is not part of it.
    5705             :  * 3. The generated columns of the relation for such publications. We consider
    5706             :  *    any reference of an unpublished generated column in REPLICA IDENTITY as
    5707             :  *    invalid.
    5708             :  *
    5709             :  * To avoid fetching the publication information repeatedly, we cache the
    5710             :  * publication actions, row filter validation information, column list
    5711             :  * validation information, and generated column validation information.
    5712             :  */
    5713             : void
    5714      171946 : RelationBuildPublicationDesc(Relation relation, PublicationDesc *pubdesc)
    5715             : {
    5716             :     List       *puboids;
    5717             :     ListCell   *lc;
    5718             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5719             :     Oid         schemaid;
    5720      171946 :     List       *ancestors = NIL;
    5721      171946 :     Oid         relid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
    5722             : 
    5723             :     /*
    5724             :      * If not publishable, it publishes no actions.  (pgoutput_change() will
    5725             :      * ignore it.)
    5726             :      */
    5727      171946 :     if (!is_publishable_relation(relation))
    5728             :     {
    5729        5270 :         memset(pubdesc, 0, sizeof(PublicationDesc));
    5730        5270 :         pubdesc->rf_valid_for_update = true;
    5731        5270 :         pubdesc->rf_valid_for_delete = true;
    5732        5270 :         pubdesc->cols_valid_for_update = true;
    5733        5270 :         pubdesc->cols_valid_for_delete = true;
    5734        5270 :         pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_update = true;
    5735        5270 :         pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_delete = true;
    5736        5270 :         return;
    5737             :     }
    5738             : 
    5739      166676 :     if (relation->rd_pubdesc)
    5740             :     {
    5741      158684 :         memcpy(pubdesc, relation->rd_pubdesc, sizeof(PublicationDesc));
    5742      158684 :         return;
    5743             :     }
    5744             : 
    5745        7992 :     memset(pubdesc, 0, sizeof(PublicationDesc));
    5746        7992 :     pubdesc->rf_valid_for_update = true;
    5747        7992 :     pubdesc->rf_valid_for_delete = true;
    5748        7992 :     pubdesc->cols_valid_for_update = true;
    5749        7992 :     pubdesc->cols_valid_for_delete = true;
    5750        7992 :     pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_update = true;
    5751        7992 :     pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_delete = true;
    5752             : 
    5753             :     /* Fetch the publication membership info. */
    5754        7992 :     puboids = GetRelationPublications(relid);
    5755        7992 :     schemaid = RelationGetNamespace(relation);
    5756        7992 :     puboids = list_concat_unique_oid(puboids, GetSchemaPublications(schemaid));
    5757             : 
    5758        7992 :     if (relation->rd_rel->relispartition)
    5759             :     {
    5760             :         /* Add publications that the ancestors are in too. */
    5761        1864 :         ancestors = get_partition_ancestors(relid);
    5762             : 
    5763        4360 :         foreach(lc, ancestors)
    5764             :         {
    5765        2496 :             Oid         ancestor = lfirst_oid(lc);
    5766             : 
    5767        2496 :             puboids = list_concat_unique_oid(puboids,
    5768        2496 :                                              GetRelationPublications(ancestor));
    5769        2496 :             schemaid = get_rel_namespace(ancestor);
    5770        2496 :             puboids = list_concat_unique_oid(puboids,
    5771        2496 :                                              GetSchemaPublications(schemaid));
    5772             :         }
    5773             :     }
    5774        7992 :     puboids = list_concat_unique_oid(puboids, GetAllTablesPublications());
    5775             : 
    5776        8706 :     foreach(lc, puboids)
    5777             :     {
    5778         894 :         Oid         pubid = lfirst_oid(lc);
    5779             :         HeapTuple   tup;
    5780             :         Form_pg_publication pubform;
    5781             :         bool        invalid_column_list;
    5782             :         bool        invalid_gen_col;
    5783             : 
    5784         894 :         tup = SearchSysCache1(PUBLICATIONOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(pubid));
    5785             : 
    5786         894 :         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
    5787           0 :             elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for publication %u", pubid);
    5788             : 
    5789         894 :         pubform = (Form_pg_publication) GETSTRUCT(tup);
    5790             : 
    5791         894 :         pubdesc->pubactions.pubinsert |= pubform->pubinsert;
    5792         894 :         pubdesc->pubactions.pubupdate |= pubform->pubupdate;
    5793         894 :         pubdesc->pubactions.pubdelete |= pubform->pubdelete;
    5794         894 :         pubdesc->pubactions.pubtruncate |= pubform->pubtruncate;
    5795             : 
    5796             :         /*
    5797             :          * Check if all columns referenced in the filter expression are part
    5798             :          * of the REPLICA IDENTITY index or not.
    5799             :          *
    5800             :          * If the publication is FOR ALL TABLES then it means the table has no
    5801             :          * row filters and we can skip the validation.
    5802             :          */
    5803         894 :         if (!pubform->puballtables &&
    5804        1400 :             (pubform->pubupdate || pubform->pubdelete) &&
    5805         698 :             pub_rf_contains_invalid_column(pubid, relation, ancestors,
    5806         698 :                                            pubform->pubviaroot))
    5807             :         {
    5808          60 :             if (pubform->pubupdate)
    5809          60 :                 pubdesc->rf_valid_for_update = false;
    5810          60 :             if (pubform->pubdelete)
    5811          60 :                 pubdesc->rf_valid_for_delete = false;
    5812             :         }
    5813             : 
    5814             :         /*
    5815             :          * Check if all columns are part of the REPLICA IDENTITY index or not.
    5816             :          *
    5817             :          * Check if all generated columns included in the REPLICA IDENTITY are
    5818             :          * published.
    5819             :          */
    5820        1784 :         if ((pubform->pubupdate || pubform->pubdelete) &&
    5821         890 :             pub_contains_invalid_column(pubid, relation, ancestors,
    5822         890 :                                         pubform->pubviaroot,
    5823         890 :                                         pubform->pubgencols,
    5824             :                                         &invalid_column_list,
    5825             :                                         &invalid_gen_col))
    5826             :         {
    5827         120 :             if (pubform->pubupdate)
    5828             :             {
    5829         120 :                 pubdesc->cols_valid_for_update = !invalid_column_list;
    5830         120 :                 pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_update = !invalid_gen_col;
    5831             :             }
    5832             : 
    5833         120 :             if (pubform->pubdelete)
    5834             :             {
    5835         120 :                 pubdesc->cols_valid_for_delete = !invalid_column_list;
    5836         120 :                 pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_delete = !invalid_gen_col;
    5837             :             }
    5838             :         }
    5839             : 
    5840         894 :         ReleaseSysCache(tup);
    5841             : 
    5842             :         /*
    5843             :          * If we know everything is replicated and the row filter is invalid
    5844             :          * for update and delete, there is no point to check for other
    5845             :          * publications.
    5846             :          */
    5847         894 :         if (pubdesc->pubactions.pubinsert && pubdesc->pubactions.pubupdate &&
    5848         888 :             pubdesc->pubactions.pubdelete && pubdesc->pubactions.pubtruncate &&
    5849         876 :             !pubdesc->rf_valid_for_update && !pubdesc->rf_valid_for_delete)
    5850         180 :             break;
    5851             : 
    5852             :         /*
    5853             :          * If we know everything is replicated and the column list is invalid
    5854             :          * for update and delete, there is no point to check for other
    5855             :          * publications.
    5856             :          */
    5857         834 :         if (pubdesc->pubactions.pubinsert && pubdesc->pubactions.pubupdate &&
    5858         828 :             pubdesc->pubactions.pubdelete && pubdesc->pubactions.pubtruncate &&
    5859         816 :             !pubdesc->cols_valid_for_update && !pubdesc->cols_valid_for_delete)
    5860         108 :             break;
    5861             : 
    5862             :         /*
    5863             :          * If we know everything is replicated and replica identity has an
    5864             :          * unpublished generated column, there is no point to check for other
    5865             :          * publications.
    5866             :          */
    5867         726 :         if (pubdesc->pubactions.pubinsert && pubdesc->pubactions.pubupdate &&
    5868         720 :             pubdesc->pubactions.pubdelete && pubdesc->pubactions.pubtruncate &&
    5869         708 :             !pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_update &&
    5870          12 :             !pubdesc->gencols_valid_for_delete)
    5871          12 :             break;
    5872             :     }
    5873             : 
    5874        7992 :     if (relation->rd_pubdesc)
    5875             :     {
    5876           0 :         pfree(relation->rd_pubdesc);
    5877           0 :         relation->rd_pubdesc = NULL;
    5878             :     }
    5879             : 
    5880             :     /* Now save copy of the descriptor in the relcache entry. */
    5881        7992 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext);
    5882        7992 :     relation->rd_pubdesc = palloc(sizeof(PublicationDesc));
    5883        7992 :     memcpy(relation->rd_pubdesc, pubdesc, sizeof(PublicationDesc));
    5884        7992 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5885             : }
    5886             : 
    5887             : static bytea **
    5888     1198840 : CopyIndexAttOptions(bytea **srcopts, int natts)
    5889             : {
    5890     1198840 :     bytea     **opts = palloc(sizeof(*opts) * natts);
    5891             : 
    5892     3387904 :     for (int i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    5893             :     {
    5894     2189064 :         bytea      *opt = srcopts[i];
    5895             : 
    5896     2280856 :         opts[i] = !opt ? NULL : (bytea *)
    5897       91792 :             DatumGetPointer(datumCopy(PointerGetDatum(opt), false, -1));
    5898             :     }
    5899             : 
    5900     1198840 :     return opts;
    5901             : }
    5902             : 
    5903             : /*
    5904             :  * RelationGetIndexAttOptions
    5905             :  *      get AM/opclass-specific options for an index parsed into a binary form
    5906             :  */
    5907             : bytea     **
    5908     2261988 : RelationGetIndexAttOptions(Relation relation, bool copy)
    5909             : {
    5910             :     MemoryContext oldcxt;
    5911     2261988 :     bytea     **opts = relation->rd_opcoptions;
    5912     2261988 :     Oid         relid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
    5913     2261988 :     int         natts = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation);    /* XXX
    5914             :                                                                      * IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes */
    5915             :     int         i;
    5916             : 
    5917             :     /* Try to copy cached options. */
    5918     2261988 :     if (opts)
    5919     1705366 :         return copy ? CopyIndexAttOptions(opts, natts) : opts;
    5920             : 
    5921             :     /* Get and parse opclass options. */
    5922      556622 :     opts = palloc0(sizeof(*opts) * natts);
    5923             : 
    5924     1500858 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    5925             :     {
    5926      944242 :         if (criticalRelcachesBuilt && relid != AttributeRelidNumIndexId)
    5927             :         {
    5928      885252 :             Datum       attoptions = get_attoptions(relid, i + 1);
    5929             : 
    5930      885252 :             opts[i] = index_opclass_options(relation, i + 1, attoptions, false);
    5931             : 
    5932      885246 :             if (attoptions != (Datum) 0)
    5933         292 :                 pfree(DatumGetPointer(attoptions));
    5934             :         }
    5935             :     }
    5936             : 
    5937             :     /* Copy parsed options to the cache. */
    5938      556616 :     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(relation->rd_indexcxt);
    5939      556616 :     relation->rd_opcoptions = CopyIndexAttOptions(opts, natts);
    5940      556616 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
    5941             : 
    5942      556616 :     if (copy)
    5943           0 :         return opts;
    5944             : 
    5945     1500852 :     for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
    5946             :     {
    5947      944236 :         if (opts[i])
    5948        1804 :             pfree(opts[i]);
    5949             :     }
    5950             : 
    5951      556616 :     pfree(opts);
    5952             : 
    5953      556616 :     return relation->rd_opcoptions;
    5954             : }
    5955             : 
    5956             : /*
    5957             :  * Routines to support ereport() reports of relation-related errors
    5958             :  *
    5959             :  * These could have been put into elog.c, but it seems like a module layering
    5960             :  * violation to have elog.c calling relcache or syscache stuff --- and we
    5961             :  * definitely don't want elog.h including rel.h.  So we put them here.
    5962             :  */
    5963             : 
    5964             : /*
    5965             :  * errtable --- stores schema_name and table_name of a table
    5966             :  * within the current errordata.
    5967             :  */
    5968             : int
    5969        3368 : errtable(Relation rel)
    5970             : {
    5971        3368 :     err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_SCHEMA_NAME,
    5972        3368 :                        get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(rel)));
    5973        3368 :     err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_TABLE_NAME, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
    5974             : 
    5975        3368 :     return 0;                   /* return value does not matter */
    5976             : }
    5977             : 
    5978             : /*
    5979             :  * errtablecol --- stores schema_name, table_name and column_name
    5980             :  * of a table column within the current errordata.
    5981             :  *
    5982             :  * The column is specified by attribute number --- for most callers, this is
    5983             :  * easier and less error-prone than getting the column name for themselves.
    5984             :  */
    5985             : int
    5986         428 : errtablecol(Relation rel, int attnum)
    5987             : {
    5988         428 :     TupleDesc   reldesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
    5989             :     const char *colname;
    5990             : 
    5991             :     /* Use reldesc if it's a user attribute, else consult the catalogs */
    5992         428 :     if (attnum > 0 && attnum <= reldesc->natts)
    5993         428 :         colname = NameStr(TupleDescAttr(reldesc, attnum - 1)->attname);
    5994             :     else
    5995           0 :         colname = get_attname(RelationGetRelid(rel), attnum, false);
    5996             : 
    5997         428 :     return errtablecolname(rel, colname);
    5998             : }
    5999             : 
    6000             : /*
    6001             :  * errtablecolname --- stores schema_name, table_name and column_name
    6002             :  * of a table column within the current errordata, where the column name is
    6003             :  * given directly rather than extracted from the relation's catalog data.
    6004             :  *
    6005             :  * Don't use this directly unless errtablecol() is inconvenient for some
    6006             :  * reason.  This might possibly be needed during intermediate states in ALTER
    6007             :  * TABLE, for instance.
    6008             :  */
    6009             : int
    6010         428 : errtablecolname(Relation rel, const char *colname)
    6011             : {
    6012         428 :     errtable(rel);
    6013         428 :     err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_COLUMN_NAME, colname);
    6014             : 
    6015         428 :     return 0;                   /* return value does not matter */
    6016             : }
    6017             : 
    6018             : /*
    6019             :  * errtableconstraint --- stores schema_name, table_name and constraint_name
    6020             :  * of a table-related constraint within the current errordata.
    6021             :  */
    6022             : int
    6023        2432 : errtableconstraint(Relation rel, const char *conname)
    6024             : {
    6025        2432 :     errtable(rel);
    6026        2432 :     err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_CONSTRAINT_NAME, conname);
    6027             : 
    6028        2432 :     return 0;                   /* return value does not matter */
    6029             : }
    6030             : 
    6031             : 
    6032             : /*
    6033             :  *  load_relcache_init_file, write_relcache_init_file
    6034             :  *
    6035             :  *      In late 1992, we started regularly having databases with more than
    6036             :  *      a thousand classes in them.  With this number of classes, it became
    6037             :  *      critical to do indexed lookups on the system catalogs.
    6038             :  *
    6039             :  *      Bootstrapping these lookups is very hard.  We want to be able to
    6040             :  *      use an index on pg_attribute, for example, but in order to do so,
    6041             :  *      we must have read pg_attribute for the attributes in the index,
    6042             :  *      which implies that we need to use the index.
    6043             :  *
    6044             :  *      In order to get around the problem, we do the following:
    6045             :  *
    6046             :  *         +  When the database system is initialized (at initdb time), we
    6047             :  *            don't use indexes.  We do sequential scans.
    6048             :  *
    6049             :  *         +  When the backend is started up in normal mode, we load an image
    6050             :  *            of the appropriate relation descriptors, in internal format,
    6051             :  *            from an initialization file in the data/base/... directory.
    6052             :  *
    6053             :  *         +  If the initialization file isn't there, then we create the
    6054             :  *            relation descriptors using sequential scans and write 'em to
    6055             :  *            the initialization file for use by subsequent backends.
    6056             :  *
    6057             :  *      As of Postgres 9.0, there is one local initialization file in each
    6058             :  *      database, plus one shared initialization file for shared catalogs.
    6059             :  *
    6060             :  *      We could dispense with the initialization files and just build the
    6061             :  *      critical reldescs the hard way on every backend startup, but that
    6062             :  *      slows down backend startup noticeably.
    6063             :  *
    6064             :  *      We can in fact go further, and save more relcache entries than
    6065             :  *      just the ones that are absolutely critical; this allows us to speed
    6066             :  *      up backend startup by not having to build such entries the hard way.
    6067             :  *      Presently, all the catalog and index entries that are referred to
    6068             :  *      by catcaches are stored in the initialization files.
    6069             :  *
    6070             :  *      The same mechanism that detects when catcache and relcache entries
    6071             :  *      need to be invalidated (due to catalog updates) also arranges to
    6072             :  *      unlink the initialization files when the contents may be out of date.
    6073             :  *      The files will then be rebuilt during the next backend startup.
    6074             :  */
    6075             : 
    6076             : /*
    6077             :  * load_relcache_init_file -- attempt to load cache from the shared
    6078             :  * or local cache init file
    6079             :  *
    6080             :  * If successful, return true and set criticalRelcachesBuilt or
    6081             :  * criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt to true.
    6082             :  * If not successful, return false.
    6083             :  *
    6084             :  * NOTE: we assume we are already switched into CacheMemoryContext.
    6085             :  */
    6086             : static bool
    6087       58122 : load_relcache_init_file(bool shared)
    6088             : {
    6089             :     FILE       *fp;
    6090             :     char        initfilename[MAXPGPATH];
    6091             :     Relation   *rels;
    6092             :     int         relno,
    6093             :                 num_rels,
    6094             :                 max_rels,
    6095             :                 nailed_rels,
    6096             :                 nailed_indexes,
    6097             :                 magic;
    6098             :     int         i;
    6099             : 
    6100       58122 :     if (shared)
    6101       30316 :         snprintf(initfilename, sizeof(initfilename), "global/%s",
    6102             :                  RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6103             :     else
    6104       27806 :         snprintf(initfilename, sizeof(initfilename), "%s/%s",
    6105             :                  DatabasePath, RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6106             : 
    6107       58122 :     fp = AllocateFile(initfilename, PG_BINARY_R);
    6108       58122 :     if (fp == NULL)
    6109        6466 :         return false;
    6110             : 
    6111             :     /*
    6112             :      * Read the index relcache entries from the file.  Note we will not enter
    6113             :      * any of them into the cache if the read fails partway through; this
    6114             :      * helps to guard against broken init files.
    6115             :      */
    6116       51656 :     max_rels = 100;
    6117       51656 :     rels = (Relation *) palloc(max_rels * sizeof(Relation));
    6118       51656 :     num_rels = 0;
    6119       51656 :     nailed_rels = nailed_indexes = 0;
    6120             : 
    6121             :     /* check for correct magic number (compatible version) */
    6122       51656 :     if (fread(&magic, 1, sizeof(magic), fp) != sizeof(magic))
    6123           0 :         goto read_failed;
    6124       51656 :     if (magic != RELCACHE_INIT_FILEMAGIC)
    6125           0 :         goto read_failed;
    6126             : 
    6127       51656 :     for (relno = 0;; relno++)
    6128     3478544 :     {
    6129             :         Size        len;
    6130             :         size_t      nread;
    6131             :         Relation    rel;
    6132             :         Form_pg_class relform;
    6133             :         bool        has_not_null;
    6134             : 
    6135             :         /* first read the relation descriptor length */
    6136     3530200 :         nread = fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp);
    6137     3530200 :         if (nread != sizeof(len))
    6138             :         {
    6139       51656 :             if (nread == 0)
    6140       51656 :                 break;          /* end of file */
    6141           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6142             :         }
    6143             : 
    6144             :         /* safety check for incompatible relcache layout */
    6145     3478544 :         if (len != sizeof(RelationData))
    6146           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6147             : 
    6148             :         /* allocate another relcache header */
    6149     3478544 :         if (num_rels >= max_rels)
    6150             :         {
    6151       25184 :             max_rels *= 2;
    6152       25184 :             rels = (Relation *) repalloc(rels, max_rels * sizeof(Relation));
    6153             :         }
    6154             : 
    6155     3478544 :         rel = rels[num_rels++] = (Relation) palloc(len);
    6156             : 
    6157             :         /* then, read the Relation structure */
    6158     3478544 :         if (fread(rel, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6159           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6160             : 
    6161             :         /* next read the relation tuple form */
    6162     3478544 :         if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6163           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6164             : 
    6165     3478544 :         relform = (Form_pg_class) palloc(len);
    6166     3478544 :         if (fread(relform, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6167           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6168             : 
    6169     3478544 :         rel->rd_rel = relform;
    6170             : 
    6171             :         /* initialize attribute tuple forms */
    6172     3478544 :         rel->rd_att = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(relform->relnatts);
    6173     3478544 :         rel->rd_att->tdrefcount = 1;  /* mark as refcounted */
    6174             : 
    6175     3478544 :         rel->rd_att->tdtypeid = relform->reltype ? relform->reltype : RECORDOID;
    6176     3478544 :         rel->rd_att->tdtypmod = -1; /* just to be sure */
    6177             : 
    6178             :         /* next read all the attribute tuple form data entries */
    6179     3478544 :         has_not_null = false;
    6180    20367008 :         for (i = 0; i < relform->relnatts; i++)
    6181             :         {
    6182    16888464 :             Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, i);
    6183             : 
    6184    16888464 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6185           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6186    16888464 :             if (len != ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE)
    6187           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6188    16888464 :             if (fread(attr, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6189           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6190             : 
    6191    16888464 :             has_not_null |= attr->attnotnull;
    6192             : 
    6193    16888464 :             populate_compact_attribute(rel->rd_att, i);
    6194             :         }
    6195             : 
    6196             :         /* next read the access method specific field */
    6197     3478544 :         if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6198           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6199     3478544 :         if (len > 0)
    6200             :         {
    6201           0 :             rel->rd_options = palloc(len);
    6202           0 :             if (fread(rel->rd_options, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6203           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6204           0 :             if (len != VARSIZE(rel->rd_options))
    6205           0 :                 goto read_failed;   /* sanity check */
    6206             :         }
    6207             :         else
    6208             :         {
    6209     3478544 :             rel->rd_options = NULL;
    6210             :         }
    6211             : 
    6212             :         /* mark not-null status */
    6213     3478544 :         if (has_not_null)
    6214             :         {
    6215     1294688 :             TupleConstr *constr = (TupleConstr *) palloc0(sizeof(TupleConstr));
    6216             : 
    6217     1294688 :             constr->has_not_null = true;
    6218     1294688 :             rel->rd_att->constr = constr;
    6219             :         }
    6220             : 
    6221             :         /*
    6222             :          * If it's an index, there's more to do.  Note we explicitly ignore
    6223             :          * partitioned indexes here.
    6224             :          */
    6225     3478544 :         if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX)
    6226             :         {
    6227             :             MemoryContext indexcxt;
    6228             :             Oid        *opfamily;
    6229             :             Oid        *opcintype;
    6230             :             RegProcedure *support;
    6231             :             int         nsupport;
    6232             :             int16      *indoption;
    6233             :             Oid        *indcollation;
    6234             : 
    6235             :             /* Count nailed indexes to ensure we have 'em all */
    6236     2183856 :             if (rel->rd_isnailed)
    6237      335120 :                 nailed_indexes++;
    6238             : 
    6239             :             /* read the pg_index tuple */
    6240     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6241           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6242             : 
    6243     2183856 :             rel->rd_indextuple = (HeapTuple) palloc(len);
    6244     2183856 :             if (fread(rel->rd_indextuple, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6245           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6246             : 
    6247             :             /* Fix up internal pointers in the tuple -- see heap_copytuple */
    6248     2183856 :             rel->rd_indextuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) rel->rd_indextuple + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
    6249     2183856 :             rel->rd_index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(rel->rd_indextuple);
    6250             : 
    6251             :             /*
    6252             :              * prepare index info context --- parameters should match
    6253             :              * RelationInitIndexAccessInfo
    6254             :              */
    6255     2183856 :             indexcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CacheMemoryContext,
    6256             :                                              "index info",
    6257             :                                              ALLOCSET_SMALL_SIZES);
    6258     2183856 :             rel->rd_indexcxt = indexcxt;
    6259     2183856 :             MemoryContextCopyAndSetIdentifier(indexcxt,
    6260             :                                               RelationGetRelationName(rel));
    6261             : 
    6262             :             /*
    6263             :              * Now we can fetch the index AM's API struct.  (We can't store
    6264             :              * that in the init file, since it contains function pointers that
    6265             :              * might vary across server executions.  Fortunately, it should be
    6266             :              * safe to call the amhandler even while bootstrapping indexes.)
    6267             :              */
    6268     2183856 :             InitIndexAmRoutine(rel);
    6269             : 
    6270             :             /* read the vector of opfamily OIDs */
    6271     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6272           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6273             : 
    6274     2183856 :             opfamily = (Oid *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6275     2183856 :             if (fread(opfamily, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6276           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6277             : 
    6278     2183856 :             rel->rd_opfamily = opfamily;
    6279             : 
    6280             :             /* read the vector of opcintype OIDs */
    6281     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6282           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6283             : 
    6284     2183856 :             opcintype = (Oid *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6285     2183856 :             if (fread(opcintype, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6286           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6287             : 
    6288     2183856 :             rel->rd_opcintype = opcintype;
    6289             : 
    6290             :             /* read the vector of support procedure OIDs */
    6291     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6292           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6293     2183856 :             support = (RegProcedure *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6294     2183856 :             if (fread(support, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6295           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6296             : 
    6297     2183856 :             rel->rd_support = support;
    6298             : 
    6299             :             /* read the vector of collation OIDs */
    6300     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6301           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6302             : 
    6303     2183856 :             indcollation = (Oid *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6304     2183856 :             if (fread(indcollation, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6305           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6306             : 
    6307     2183856 :             rel->rd_indcollation = indcollation;
    6308             : 
    6309             :             /* read the vector of indoption values */
    6310     2183856 :             if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6311           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6312             : 
    6313     2183856 :             indoption = (int16 *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6314     2183856 :             if (fread(indoption, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6315           0 :                 goto read_failed;
    6316             : 
    6317     2183856 :             rel->rd_indoption = indoption;
    6318             : 
    6319             :             /* read the vector of opcoptions values */
    6320     2183856 :             rel->rd_opcoptions = (bytea **)
    6321     2183856 :                 MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, sizeof(*rel->rd_opcoptions) * relform->relnatts);
    6322             : 
    6323     5761848 :             for (i = 0; i < relform->relnatts; i++)
    6324             :             {
    6325     3577992 :                 if (fread(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6326           0 :                     goto read_failed;
    6327             : 
    6328     3577992 :                 if (len > 0)
    6329             :                 {
    6330           0 :                     rel->rd_opcoptions[i] = (bytea *) MemoryContextAlloc(indexcxt, len);
    6331           0 :                     if (fread(rel->rd_opcoptions[i], 1, len, fp) != len)
    6332           0 :                         goto read_failed;
    6333             :                 }
    6334             :             }
    6335             : 
    6336             :             /* set up zeroed fmgr-info vector */
    6337     2183856 :             nsupport = relform->relnatts * rel->rd_indam->amsupport;
    6338     2183856 :             rel->rd_supportinfo = (FmgrInfo *)
    6339     2183856 :                 MemoryContextAllocZero(indexcxt, nsupport * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
    6340             :         }
    6341             :         else
    6342             :         {
    6343             :             /* Count nailed rels to ensure we have 'em all */
    6344     1294688 :             if (rel->rd_isnailed)
    6345      233096 :                 nailed_rels++;
    6346             : 
    6347             :             /* Load table AM data */
    6348     1294688 :             if (RELKIND_HAS_TABLE_AM(rel->rd_rel->relkind) || rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    6349     1294688 :                 RelationInitTableAccessMethod(rel);
    6350             : 
    6351             :             Assert(rel->rd_index == NULL);
    6352             :             Assert(rel->rd_indextuple == NULL);
    6353             :             Assert(rel->rd_indexcxt == NULL);
    6354             :             Assert(rel->rd_indam == NULL);
    6355             :             Assert(rel->rd_opfamily == NULL);
    6356             :             Assert(rel->rd_opcintype == NULL);
    6357             :             Assert(rel->rd_support == NULL);
    6358             :             Assert(rel->rd_supportinfo == NULL);
    6359             :             Assert(rel->rd_indoption == NULL);
    6360             :             Assert(rel->rd_indcollation == NULL);
    6361             :             Assert(rel->rd_opcoptions == NULL);
    6362             :         }
    6363             : 
    6364             :         /*
    6365             :          * Rules and triggers are not saved (mainly because the internal
    6366             :          * format is complex and subject to change).  They must be rebuilt if
    6367             :          * needed by RelationCacheInitializePhase3.  This is not expected to
    6368             :          * be a big performance hit since few system catalogs have such. Ditto
    6369             :          * for RLS policy data, partition info, index expressions, predicates,
    6370             :          * exclusion info, and FDW info.
    6371             :          */
    6372     3478544 :         rel->rd_rules = NULL;
    6373     3478544 :         rel->rd_rulescxt = NULL;
    6374     3478544 :         rel->trigdesc = NULL;
    6375     3478544 :         rel->rd_rsdesc = NULL;
    6376     3478544 :         rel->rd_partkey = NULL;
    6377     3478544 :         rel->rd_partkeycxt = NULL;
    6378     3478544 :         rel->rd_partdesc = NULL;
    6379     3478544 :         rel->rd_partdesc_nodetached = NULL;
    6380     3478544 :         rel->rd_partdesc_nodetached_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
    6381     3478544 :         rel->rd_pdcxt = NULL;
    6382     3478544 :         rel->rd_pddcxt = NULL;
    6383     3478544 :         rel->rd_partcheck = NIL;
    6384     3478544 :         rel->rd_partcheckvalid = false;
    6385     3478544 :         rel->rd_partcheckcxt = NULL;
    6386     3478544 :         rel->rd_indexprs = NIL;
    6387     3478544 :         rel->rd_indpred = NIL;
    6388     3478544 :         rel->rd_exclops = NULL;
    6389     3478544 :         rel->rd_exclprocs = NULL;
    6390     3478544 :         rel->rd_exclstrats = NULL;
    6391     3478544 :         rel->rd_fdwroutine = NULL;
    6392             : 
    6393             :         /*
    6394             :          * Reset transient-state fields in the relcache entry
    6395             :          */
    6396     3478544 :         rel->rd_smgr = NULL;
    6397     3478544 :         if (rel->rd_isnailed)
    6398      568216 :             rel->rd_refcnt = 1;
    6399             :         else
    6400     2910328 :             rel->rd_refcnt = 0;
    6401     3478544 :         rel->rd_indexvalid = false;
    6402     3478544 :         rel->rd_indexlist = NIL;
    6403     3478544 :         rel->rd_pkindex = InvalidOid;
    6404     3478544 :         rel->rd_replidindex = InvalidOid;
    6405     3478544 :         rel->rd_attrsvalid = false;
    6406     3478544 :         rel->rd_keyattr = NULL;
    6407     3478544 :         rel->rd_pkattr = NULL;
    6408     3478544 :         rel->rd_idattr = NULL;
    6409     3478544 :         rel->rd_pubdesc = NULL;
    6410     3478544 :         rel->rd_statvalid = false;
    6411     3478544 :         rel->rd_statlist = NIL;
    6412     3478544 :         rel->rd_fkeyvalid = false;
    6413     3478544 :         rel->rd_fkeylist = NIL;
    6414     3478544 :         rel->rd_createSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    6415     3478544 :         rel->rd_newRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    6416     3478544 :         rel->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    6417     3478544 :         rel->rd_droppedSubid = InvalidSubTransactionId;
    6418     3478544 :         rel->rd_amcache = NULL;
    6419     3478544 :         rel->pgstat_info = NULL;
    6420             : 
    6421             :         /*
    6422             :          * Recompute lock and physical addressing info.  This is needed in
    6423             :          * case the pg_internal.init file was copied from some other database
    6424             :          * by CREATE DATABASE.
    6425             :          */
    6426     3478544 :         RelationInitLockInfo(rel);
    6427     3478544 :         RelationInitPhysicalAddr(rel);
    6428             :     }
    6429             : 
    6430             :     /*
    6431             :      * We reached the end of the init file without apparent problem.  Did we
    6432             :      * get the right number of nailed items?  This is a useful crosscheck in
    6433             :      * case the set of critical rels or indexes changes.  However, that should
    6434             :      * not happen in a normally-running system, so let's bleat if it does.
    6435             :      *
    6436             :      * For the shared init file, we're called before client authentication is
    6437             :      * done, which means that elog(WARNING) will go only to the postmaster
    6438             :      * log, where it's easily missed.  To ensure that developers notice bad
    6439             :      * values of NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_RELS/NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_INDEXES, we put
    6440             :      * an Assert(false) there.
    6441             :      */
    6442       51656 :     if (shared)
    6443             :     {
    6444       26472 :         if (nailed_rels != NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_RELS ||
    6445             :             nailed_indexes != NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_INDEXES)
    6446             :         {
    6447           0 :             elog(WARNING, "found %d nailed shared rels and %d nailed shared indexes in init file, but expected %d and %d respectively",
    6448             :                  nailed_rels, nailed_indexes,
    6449             :                  NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_RELS, NUM_CRITICAL_SHARED_INDEXES);
    6450             :             /* Make sure we get developers' attention about this */
    6451             :             Assert(false);
    6452             :             /* In production builds, recover by bootstrapping the relcache */
    6453           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6454             :         }
    6455             :     }
    6456             :     else
    6457             :     {
    6458       25184 :         if (nailed_rels != NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_RELS ||
    6459             :             nailed_indexes != NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_INDEXES)
    6460             :         {
    6461           0 :             elog(WARNING, "found %d nailed rels and %d nailed indexes in init file, but expected %d and %d respectively",
    6462             :                  nailed_rels, nailed_indexes,
    6463             :                  NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_RELS, NUM_CRITICAL_LOCAL_INDEXES);
    6464             :             /* We don't need an Assert() in this case */
    6465           0 :             goto read_failed;
    6466             :         }
    6467             :     }
    6468             : 
    6469             :     /*
    6470             :      * OK, all appears well.
    6471             :      *
    6472             :      * Now insert all the new relcache entries into the cache.
    6473             :      */
    6474     3530200 :     for (relno = 0; relno < num_rels; relno++)
    6475             :     {
    6476     3478544 :         RelationCacheInsert(rels[relno], false);
    6477             :     }
    6478             : 
    6479       51656 :     pfree(rels);
    6480       51656 :     FreeFile(fp);
    6481             : 
    6482       51656 :     if (shared)
    6483       26472 :         criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt = true;
    6484             :     else
    6485       25184 :         criticalRelcachesBuilt = true;
    6486       51656 :     return true;
    6487             : 
    6488             :     /*
    6489             :      * init file is broken, so do it the hard way.  We don't bother trying to
    6490             :      * free the clutter we just allocated; it's not in the relcache so it
    6491             :      * won't hurt.
    6492             :      */
    6493           0 : read_failed:
    6494           0 :     pfree(rels);
    6495           0 :     FreeFile(fp);
    6496             : 
    6497           0 :     return false;
    6498             : }
    6499             : 
    6500             : /*
    6501             :  * Write out a new initialization file with the current contents
    6502             :  * of the relcache (either shared rels or local rels, as indicated).
    6503             :  */
    6504             : static void
    6505        5892 : write_relcache_init_file(bool shared)
    6506             : {
    6507             :     FILE       *fp;
    6508             :     char        tempfilename[MAXPGPATH];
    6509             :     char        finalfilename[MAXPGPATH];
    6510             :     int         magic;
    6511             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
    6512             :     RelIdCacheEnt *idhentry;
    6513             :     int         i;
    6514             : 
    6515             :     /*
    6516             :      * If we have already received any relcache inval events, there's no
    6517             :      * chance of succeeding so we may as well skip the whole thing.
    6518             :      */
    6519        5892 :     if (relcacheInvalsReceived != 0L)
    6520          28 :         return;
    6521             : 
    6522             :     /*
    6523             :      * We must write a temporary file and rename it into place. Otherwise,
    6524             :      * another backend starting at about the same time might crash trying to
    6525             :      * read the partially-complete file.
    6526             :      */
    6527        5864 :     if (shared)
    6528             :     {
    6529        2932 :         snprintf(tempfilename, sizeof(tempfilename), "global/%s.%d",
    6530             :                  RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME, MyProcPid);
    6531        2932 :         snprintf(finalfilename, sizeof(finalfilename), "global/%s",
    6532             :                  RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6533             :     }
    6534             :     else
    6535             :     {
    6536        2932 :         snprintf(tempfilename, sizeof(tempfilename), "%s/%s.%d",
    6537             :                  DatabasePath, RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME, MyProcPid);
    6538        2932 :         snprintf(finalfilename, sizeof(finalfilename), "%s/%s",
    6539             :                  DatabasePath, RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6540             :     }
    6541             : 
    6542        5864 :     unlink(tempfilename);       /* in case it exists w/wrong permissions */
    6543             : 
    6544        5864 :     fp = AllocateFile(tempfilename, PG_BINARY_W);
    6545        5864 :     if (fp == NULL)
    6546             :     {
    6547             :         /*
    6548             :          * We used to consider this a fatal error, but we might as well
    6549             :          * continue with backend startup ...
    6550             :          */
    6551           0 :         ereport(WARNING,
    6552             :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    6553             :                  errmsg("could not create relation-cache initialization file \"%s\": %m",
    6554             :                         tempfilename),
    6555             :                  errdetail("Continuing anyway, but there's something wrong.")));
    6556           0 :         return;
    6557             :     }
    6558             : 
    6559             :     /*
    6560             :      * Write a magic number to serve as a file version identifier.  We can
    6561             :      * change the magic number whenever the relcache layout changes.
    6562             :      */
    6563        5864 :     magic = RELCACHE_INIT_FILEMAGIC;
    6564        5864 :     if (fwrite(&magic, 1, sizeof(magic), fp) != sizeof(magic))
    6565           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6566             :                 errcode_for_file_access(),
    6567             :                 errmsg_internal("could not write init file: %m"));
    6568             : 
    6569             :     /*
    6570             :      * Write all the appropriate reldescs (in no particular order).
    6571             :      */
    6572        5864 :     hash_seq_init(&status, RelationIdCache);
    6573             : 
    6574      809232 :     while ((idhentry = (RelIdCacheEnt *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
    6575             :     {
    6576      803368 :         Relation    rel = idhentry->reldesc;
    6577      803368 :         Form_pg_class relform = rel->rd_rel;
    6578             : 
    6579             :         /* ignore if not correct group */
    6580      803368 :         if (relform->relisshared != shared)
    6581      401684 :             continue;
    6582             : 
    6583             :         /*
    6584             :          * Ignore if not supposed to be in init file.  We can allow any shared
    6585             :          * relation that's been loaded so far to be in the shared init file,
    6586             :          * but unshared relations must be ones that should be in the local
    6587             :          * file per RelationIdIsInInitFile.  (Note: if you want to change the
    6588             :          * criterion for rels to be kept in the init file, see also inval.c.
    6589             :          * The reason for filtering here is to be sure that we don't put
    6590             :          * anything into the local init file for which a relcache inval would
    6591             :          * not cause invalidation of that init file.)
    6592             :          */
    6593      401684 :         if (!shared && !RelationIdIsInInitFile(RelationGetRelid(rel)))
    6594             :         {
    6595             :             /* Nailed rels had better get stored. */
    6596             :             Assert(!rel->rd_isnailed);
    6597           0 :             continue;
    6598             :         }
    6599             : 
    6600             :         /* first write the relcache entry proper */
    6601      401684 :         write_item(rel, sizeof(RelationData), fp);
    6602             : 
    6603             :         /* next write the relation tuple form */
    6604      401684 :         write_item(relform, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE, fp);
    6605             : 
    6606             :         /* next, do all the attribute tuple form data entries */
    6607     2354396 :         for (i = 0; i < relform->relnatts; i++)
    6608             :         {
    6609     1952712 :             write_item(TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, i),
    6610             :                        ATTRIBUTE_FIXED_PART_SIZE, fp);
    6611             :         }
    6612             : 
    6613             :         /* next, do the access method specific field */
    6614      401684 :         write_item(rel->rd_options,
    6615      401684 :                    (rel->rd_options ? VARSIZE(rel->rd_options) : 0),
    6616             :                    fp);
    6617             : 
    6618             :         /*
    6619             :          * If it's an index, there's more to do. Note we explicitly ignore
    6620             :          * partitioned indexes here.
    6621             :          */
    6622      401684 :         if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX)
    6623             :         {
    6624             :             /* write the pg_index tuple */
    6625             :             /* we assume this was created by heap_copytuple! */
    6626      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_indextuple,
    6627      252152 :                        HEAPTUPLESIZE + rel->rd_indextuple->t_len,
    6628             :                        fp);
    6629             : 
    6630             :             /* write the vector of opfamily OIDs */
    6631      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_opfamily,
    6632      252152 :                        relform->relnatts * sizeof(Oid),
    6633             :                        fp);
    6634             : 
    6635             :             /* write the vector of opcintype OIDs */
    6636      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_opcintype,
    6637      252152 :                        relform->relnatts * sizeof(Oid),
    6638             :                        fp);
    6639             : 
    6640             :             /* write the vector of support procedure OIDs */
    6641      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_support,
    6642      252152 :                        relform->relnatts * (rel->rd_indam->amsupport * sizeof(RegProcedure)),
    6643             :                        fp);
    6644             : 
    6645             :             /* write the vector of collation OIDs */
    6646      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_indcollation,
    6647      252152 :                        relform->relnatts * sizeof(Oid),
    6648             :                        fp);
    6649             : 
    6650             :             /* write the vector of indoption values */
    6651      252152 :             write_item(rel->rd_indoption,
    6652      252152 :                        relform->relnatts * sizeof(int16),
    6653             :                        fp);
    6654             : 
    6655             :             Assert(rel->rd_opcoptions);
    6656             : 
    6657             :             /* write the vector of opcoptions values */
    6658      665564 :             for (i = 0; i < relform->relnatts; i++)
    6659             :             {
    6660      413412 :                 bytea      *opt = rel->rd_opcoptions[i];
    6661             : 
    6662      413412 :                 write_item(opt, opt ? VARSIZE(opt) : 0, fp);
    6663             :             }
    6664             :         }
    6665             :     }
    6666             : 
    6667        5864 :     if (FreeFile(fp))
    6668           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6669             :                 errcode_for_file_access(),
    6670             :                 errmsg_internal("could not write init file: %m"));
    6671             : 
    6672             :     /*
    6673             :      * Now we have to check whether the data we've so painstakingly
    6674             :      * accumulated is already obsolete due to someone else's just-committed
    6675             :      * catalog changes.  If so, we just delete the temp file and leave it to
    6676             :      * the next backend to try again.  (Our own relcache entries will be
    6677             :      * updated by SI message processing, but we can't be sure whether what we
    6678             :      * wrote out was up-to-date.)
    6679             :      *
    6680             :      * This mustn't run concurrently with the code that unlinks an init file
    6681             :      * and sends SI messages, so grab a serialization lock for the duration.
    6682             :      */
    6683        5864 :     LWLockAcquire(RelCacheInitLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
    6684             : 
    6685             :     /* Make sure we have seen all incoming SI messages */
    6686        5864 :     AcceptInvalidationMessages();
    6687             : 
    6688             :     /*
    6689             :      * If we have received any SI relcache invals since backend start, assume
    6690             :      * we may have written out-of-date data.
    6691             :      */
    6692        5864 :     if (relcacheInvalsReceived == 0L)
    6693             :     {
    6694             :         /*
    6695             :          * OK, rename the temp file to its final name, deleting any
    6696             :          * previously-existing init file.
    6697             :          *
    6698             :          * Note: a failure here is possible under Cygwin, if some other
    6699             :          * backend is holding open an unlinked-but-not-yet-gone init file. So
    6700             :          * treat this as a noncritical failure; just remove the useless temp
    6701             :          * file on failure.
    6702             :          */
    6703        5864 :         if (rename(tempfilename, finalfilename) < 0)
    6704           0 :             unlink(tempfilename);
    6705             :     }
    6706             :     else
    6707             :     {
    6708             :         /* Delete the already-obsolete temp file */
    6709           0 :         unlink(tempfilename);
    6710             :     }
    6711             : 
    6712        5864 :     LWLockRelease(RelCacheInitLock);
    6713             : }
    6714             : 
    6715             : /* write a chunk of data preceded by its length */
    6716             : static void
    6717     5084088 : write_item(const void *data, Size len, FILE *fp)
    6718             : {
    6719     5084088 :     if (fwrite(&len, 1, sizeof(len), fp) != sizeof(len))
    6720           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6721             :                 errcode_for_file_access(),
    6722             :                 errmsg_internal("could not write init file: %m"));
    6723     5084088 :     if (len > 0 && fwrite(data, 1, len, fp) != len)
    6724           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6725             :                 errcode_for_file_access(),
    6726             :                 errmsg_internal("could not write init file: %m"));
    6727     5084088 : }
    6728             : 
    6729             : /*
    6730             :  * Determine whether a given relation (identified by OID) is one of the ones
    6731             :  * we should store in a relcache init file.
    6732             :  *
    6733             :  * We must cache all nailed rels, and for efficiency we should cache every rel
    6734             :  * that supports a syscache.  The former set is almost but not quite a subset
    6735             :  * of the latter. The special cases are relations where
    6736             :  * RelationCacheInitializePhase2/3 chooses to nail for efficiency reasons, but
    6737             :  * which do not support any syscache.
    6738             :  */
    6739             : bool
    6740     2292994 : RelationIdIsInInitFile(Oid relationId)
    6741             : {
    6742     2292994 :     if (relationId == SharedSecLabelRelationId ||
    6743     2287528 :         relationId == TriggerRelidNameIndexId ||
    6744     2287272 :         relationId == DatabaseNameIndexId ||
    6745             :         relationId == SharedSecLabelObjectIndexId)
    6746             :     {
    6747             :         /*
    6748             :          * If this Assert fails, we don't need the applicable special case
    6749             :          * anymore.
    6750             :          */
    6751             :         Assert(!RelationSupportsSysCache(relationId));
    6752        6004 :         return true;
    6753             :     }
    6754     2286990 :     return RelationSupportsSysCache(relationId);
    6755             : }
    6756             : 
    6757             : /*
    6758             :  * Invalidate (remove) the init file during commit of a transaction that
    6759             :  * changed one or more of the relation cache entries that are kept in the
    6760             :  * local init file.
    6761             :  *
    6762             :  * To be safe against concurrent inspection or rewriting of the init file,
    6763             :  * we must take RelCacheInitLock, then remove the old init file, then send
    6764             :  * the SI messages that include relcache inval for such relations, and then
    6765             :  * release RelCacheInitLock.  This serializes the whole affair against
    6766             :  * write_relcache_init_file, so that we can be sure that any other process
    6767             :  * that's concurrently trying to create a new init file won't move an
    6768             :  * already-stale version into place after we unlink.  Also, because we unlink
    6769             :  * before sending the SI messages, a backend that's currently starting cannot
    6770             :  * read the now-obsolete init file and then miss the SI messages that will
    6771             :  * force it to update its relcache entries.  (This works because the backend
    6772             :  * startup sequence gets into the sinval array before trying to load the init
    6773             :  * file.)
    6774             :  *
    6775             :  * We take the lock and do the unlink in RelationCacheInitFilePreInvalidate,
    6776             :  * then release the lock in RelationCacheInitFilePostInvalidate.  Caller must
    6777             :  * send any pending SI messages between those calls.
    6778             :  */
    6779             : void
    6780       67874 : RelationCacheInitFilePreInvalidate(void)
    6781             : {
    6782             :     char        localinitfname[MAXPGPATH];
    6783             :     char        sharedinitfname[MAXPGPATH];
    6784             : 
    6785       67874 :     if (DatabasePath)
    6786       67874 :         snprintf(localinitfname, sizeof(localinitfname), "%s/%s",
    6787             :                  DatabasePath, RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6788       67874 :     snprintf(sharedinitfname, sizeof(sharedinitfname), "global/%s",
    6789             :              RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6790             : 
    6791       67874 :     LWLockAcquire(RelCacheInitLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
    6792             : 
    6793             :     /*
    6794             :      * The files might not be there if no backend has been started since the
    6795             :      * last removal.  But complain about failures other than ENOENT with
    6796             :      * ERROR.  Fortunately, it's not too late to abort the transaction if we
    6797             :      * can't get rid of the would-be-obsolete init file.
    6798             :      */
    6799       67874 :     if (DatabasePath)
    6800       67874 :         unlink_initfile(localinitfname, ERROR);
    6801       67874 :     unlink_initfile(sharedinitfname, ERROR);
    6802       67874 : }
    6803             : 
    6804             : void
    6805       67874 : RelationCacheInitFilePostInvalidate(void)
    6806             : {
    6807       67874 :     LWLockRelease(RelCacheInitLock);
    6808       67874 : }
    6809             : 
    6810             : /*
    6811             :  * Remove the init files during postmaster startup.
    6812             :  *
    6813             :  * We used to keep the init files across restarts, but that is unsafe in PITR
    6814             :  * scenarios, and even in simple crash-recovery cases there are windows for
    6815             :  * the init files to become out-of-sync with the database.  So now we just
    6816             :  * remove them during startup and expect the first backend launch to rebuild
    6817             :  * them.  Of course, this has to happen in each database of the cluster.
    6818             :  */
    6819             : void
    6820        1650 : RelationCacheInitFileRemove(void)
    6821             : {
    6822        1650 :     const char *tblspcdir = PG_TBLSPC_DIR;
    6823             :     DIR        *dir;
    6824             :     struct dirent *de;
    6825             :     char        path[MAXPGPATH + sizeof(PG_TBLSPC_DIR) + sizeof(TABLESPACE_VERSION_DIRECTORY)];
    6826             : 
    6827        1650 :     snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "global/%s",
    6828             :              RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6829        1650 :     unlink_initfile(path, LOG);
    6830             : 
    6831             :     /* Scan everything in the default tablespace */
    6832        1650 :     RelationCacheInitFileRemoveInDir("base");
    6833             : 
    6834             :     /* Scan the tablespace link directory to find non-default tablespaces */
    6835        1650 :     dir = AllocateDir(tblspcdir);
    6836             : 
    6837        5046 :     while ((de = ReadDirExtended(dir, tblspcdir, LOG)) != NULL)
    6838             :     {
    6839        3396 :         if (strspn(de->d_name, "0123456789") == strlen(de->d_name))
    6840             :         {
    6841             :             /* Scan the tablespace dir for per-database dirs */
    6842          96 :             snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s",
    6843          96 :                      tblspcdir, de->d_name, TABLESPACE_VERSION_DIRECTORY);
    6844          96 :             RelationCacheInitFileRemoveInDir(path);
    6845             :         }
    6846             :     }
    6847             : 
    6848        1650 :     FreeDir(dir);
    6849        1650 : }
    6850             : 
    6851             : /* Process one per-tablespace directory for RelationCacheInitFileRemove */
    6852             : static void
    6853        1746 : RelationCacheInitFileRemoveInDir(const char *tblspcpath)
    6854             : {
    6855             :     DIR        *dir;
    6856             :     struct dirent *de;
    6857             :     char        initfilename[MAXPGPATH * 2];
    6858             : 
    6859             :     /* Scan the tablespace directory to find per-database directories */
    6860        1746 :     dir = AllocateDir(tblspcpath);
    6861             : 
    6862       10554 :     while ((de = ReadDirExtended(dir, tblspcpath, LOG)) != NULL)
    6863             :     {
    6864        8808 :         if (strspn(de->d_name, "0123456789") == strlen(de->d_name))
    6865             :         {
    6866             :             /* Try to remove the init file in each database */
    6867        5176 :             snprintf(initfilename, sizeof(initfilename), "%s/%s/%s",
    6868        5176 :                      tblspcpath, de->d_name, RELCACHE_INIT_FILENAME);
    6869        5176 :             unlink_initfile(initfilename, LOG);
    6870             :         }
    6871             :     }
    6872             : 
    6873        1746 :     FreeDir(dir);
    6874        1746 : }
    6875             : 
    6876             : static void
    6877      142574 : unlink_initfile(const char *initfilename, int elevel)
    6878             : {
    6879      142574 :     if (unlink(initfilename) < 0)
    6880             :     {
    6881             :         /* It might not be there, but log any error other than ENOENT */
    6882      139934 :         if (errno != ENOENT)
    6883           0 :             ereport(elevel,
    6884             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    6885             :                      errmsg("could not remove cache file \"%s\": %m",
    6886             :                             initfilename)));
    6887             :     }
    6888      142574 : }
    6889             : 
    6890             : /*
    6891             :  * ResourceOwner callbacks
    6892             :  */
    6893             : static char *
    6894           0 : ResOwnerPrintRelCache(Datum res)
    6895             : {
    6896           0 :     Relation    rel = (Relation) DatumGetPointer(res);
    6897             : 
    6898           0 :     return psprintf("relation \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(rel));
    6899             : }
    6900             : 
    6901             : static void
    6902       37842 : ResOwnerReleaseRelation(Datum res)
    6903             : {
    6904       37842 :     Relation    rel = (Relation) DatumGetPointer(res);
    6905             : 
    6906             :     /*
    6907             :      * This reference has already been removed from the resource owner, so
    6908             :      * just decrement reference count without calling
    6909             :      * ResourceOwnerForgetRelationRef.
    6910             :      */
    6911             :     Assert(rel->rd_refcnt > 0);
    6912       37842 :     rel->rd_refcnt -= 1;
    6913             : 
    6914       37842 :     RelationCloseCleanup((Relation) res);
    6915       37842 : }

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