Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * plancache.h
4 : * Plan cache definitions.
5 : *
6 : * See plancache.c for comments.
7 : *
8 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
9 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
10 : *
11 : * src/include/utils/plancache.h
12 : *
13 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 : */
15 : #ifndef PLANCACHE_H
16 : #define PLANCACHE_H
17 :
18 : #include "access/tupdesc.h"
19 : #include "lib/ilist.h"
20 : #include "nodes/params.h"
21 : #include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
22 : #include "nodes/plannodes.h"
23 : #include "tcop/cmdtag.h"
24 : #include "utils/queryenvironment.h"
25 : #include "utils/resowner.h"
26 :
27 :
28 : /* Forward declaration, to avoid including parsenodes.h here */
29 : struct RawStmt;
30 :
31 : /* possible values for plan_cache_mode */
32 : typedef enum
33 : {
37 : } PlanCacheMode;
38 :
39 : /* GUC parameter */
40 : extern PGDLLIMPORT int plan_cache_mode;
41 :
42 : #define CACHEDPLANSOURCE_MAGIC 195726186
43 : #define CACHEDPLAN_MAGIC 953717834
44 : #define CACHEDEXPR_MAGIC 838275847
45 :
46 : /*
47 : * CachedPlanSource (which might better have been called CachedQuery)
48 : * represents a SQL query that we expect to use multiple times. It stores
49 : * the query source text, the raw parse tree, and the analyzed-and-rewritten
50 : * query tree, as well as adjunct data. Cache invalidation can happen as a
51 : * result of DDL affecting objects used by the query. In that case we discard
52 : * the analyzed-and-rewritten query tree, and rebuild it when next needed.
53 : *
54 : * An actual execution plan, represented by CachedPlan, is derived from the
55 : * CachedPlanSource when we need to execute the query. The plan could be
56 : * either generic (usable with any set of plan parameters) or custom (for a
57 : * specific set of parameters). plancache.c contains the logic that decides
58 : * which way to do it for any particular execution. If we are using a generic
59 : * cached plan then it is meant to be re-used across multiple executions, so
60 : * callers must always treat CachedPlans as read-only.
61 : *
62 : * Once successfully built and "saved", CachedPlanSources typically live
63 : * for the life of the backend, although they can be dropped explicitly.
64 : * CachedPlans are reference-counted and go away automatically when the last
65 : * reference is dropped. A CachedPlan can outlive the CachedPlanSource it
66 : * was created from.
67 : *
68 : * An "unsaved" CachedPlanSource can be used for generating plans, but it
69 : * lives in transient storage and will not be updated in response to sinval
70 : * events.
71 : *
72 : * CachedPlans made from saved CachedPlanSources are likewise in permanent
73 : * storage, so to avoid memory leaks, the reference-counted references to them
74 : * must be held in permanent data structures or ResourceOwners. CachedPlans
75 : * made from unsaved CachedPlanSources are in children of the caller's
76 : * memory context, so references to them should not be longer-lived than
77 : * that context. (Reference counting is somewhat pro forma in that case,
78 : * though it may be useful if the CachedPlan can be discarded early.)
79 : *
80 : * A CachedPlanSource has two associated memory contexts: one that holds the
81 : * struct itself, the query source text and the raw parse tree, and another
82 : * context that holds the rewritten query tree and associated data. This
83 : * allows the query tree to be discarded easily when it is invalidated.
84 : *
85 : * Some callers wish to use the CachedPlan API even with one-shot queries
86 : * that have no reason to be saved at all. We therefore support a "oneshot"
87 : * variant that does no data copying or invalidation checking. In this case
88 : * there are no separate memory contexts: the CachedPlanSource struct and
89 : * all subsidiary data live in the caller's CurrentMemoryContext, and there
90 : * is no way to free memory short of clearing that entire context. A oneshot
91 : * plan is always treated as unsaved.
92 : *
93 : * Note: the string referenced by commandTag is not subsidiary storage;
94 : * it is assumed to be a compile-time-constant string. As with portals,
95 : * commandTag shall be NULL if and only if the original query string (before
96 : * rewriting) was an empty string.
97 : */
98 : typedef struct CachedPlanSource
99 : {
100 : int magic; /* should equal CACHEDPLANSOURCE_MAGIC */
101 : struct RawStmt *raw_parse_tree; /* output of raw_parser(), or NULL */
102 : const char *query_string; /* source text of query */
103 : CommandTag commandTag; /* 'nuff said */
104 : Oid *param_types; /* array of parameter type OIDs, or NULL */
105 : int num_params; /* length of param_types array */
106 : ParserSetupHook parserSetup; /* alternative parameter spec method */
107 : void *parserSetupArg;
108 : int cursor_options; /* cursor options used for planning */
109 : bool fixed_result; /* disallow change in result tupdesc? */
110 : TupleDesc resultDesc; /* result type; NULL = doesn't return tuples */
111 : MemoryContext context; /* memory context holding all above */
112 : /* These fields describe the current analyzed-and-rewritten query tree: */
113 : List *query_list; /* list of Query nodes, or NIL if not valid */
114 : List *relationOids; /* OIDs of relations the queries depend on */
115 : List *invalItems; /* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
116 : struct SearchPathMatcher *search_path; /* search_path used for parsing
117 : * and planning */
118 : MemoryContext query_context; /* context holding the above, or NULL */
119 : Oid rewriteRoleId; /* Role ID we did rewriting for */
120 : bool rewriteRowSecurity; /* row_security used during rewrite */
121 : bool dependsOnRLS; /* is rewritten query specific to the above? */
122 : /* If we have a generic plan, this is a reference-counted link to it: */
123 : struct CachedPlan *gplan; /* generic plan, or NULL if not valid */
124 : /* Some state flags: */
125 : bool is_oneshot; /* is it a "oneshot" plan? */
126 : bool is_complete; /* has CompleteCachedPlan been done? */
127 : bool is_saved; /* has CachedPlanSource been "saved"? */
128 : bool is_valid; /* is the query_list currently valid? */
129 : int generation; /* increments each time we create a plan */
130 : /* If CachedPlanSource has been saved, it is a member of a global list */
131 : dlist_node node; /* list link, if is_saved */
132 : /* State kept to help decide whether to use custom or generic plans: */
133 : double generic_cost; /* cost of generic plan, or -1 if not known */
134 : double total_custom_cost; /* total cost of custom plans so far */
135 : int64 num_custom_plans; /* # of custom plans included in total */
136 : int64 num_generic_plans; /* # of generic plans */
137 : } CachedPlanSource;
138 :
139 : /*
140 : * CachedPlan represents an execution plan derived from a CachedPlanSource.
141 : * The reference count includes both the link from the parent CachedPlanSource
142 : * (if any), and any active plan executions, so the plan can be discarded
143 : * exactly when refcount goes to zero. Both the struct itself and the
144 : * subsidiary data, except the PlannedStmts in stmt_list live in the context
145 : * denoted by the context field; the PlannedStmts live in the context denoted
146 : * by stmt_context. Separate contexts makes it easy to free a no-longer-needed
147 : * cached plan. (However, if is_oneshot is true, the context does not belong
148 : * solely to the CachedPlan so no freeing is possible.)
149 : */
150 : typedef struct CachedPlan
151 : {
152 : int magic; /* should equal CACHEDPLAN_MAGIC */
153 : List *stmt_list; /* list of PlannedStmts */
154 : bool is_oneshot; /* is it a "oneshot" plan? */
155 : bool is_saved; /* is CachedPlan in a long-lived context? */
156 : bool is_reused; /* is it a reused generic plan? */
157 : bool is_valid; /* is the stmt_list currently valid? */
158 : Oid planRoleId; /* Role ID the plan was created for */
159 : bool dependsOnRole; /* is plan specific to that role? */
160 : TransactionId saved_xmin; /* if valid, replan when TransactionXmin
161 : * changes from this value */
162 : int generation; /* parent's generation number for this plan */
163 : int refcount; /* count of live references to this struct */
164 : MemoryContext context; /* context containing this CachedPlan */
165 : MemoryContext stmt_context; /* context containing the PlannedStmts in
166 : * stmt_list, but not the List itself which is
167 : * in the above context; NULL if is_oneshot is
168 : * true. */
169 : } CachedPlan;
170 :
171 : /*
172 : * CachedExpression is a low-overhead mechanism for caching the planned form
173 : * of standalone scalar expressions. While such expressions are not usually
174 : * subject to cache invalidation events, that can happen, for example because
175 : * of replacement of a SQL function that was inlined into the expression.
176 : * The plancache takes care of storing the expression tree and marking it
177 : * invalid if a cache invalidation occurs, but the caller must notice the
178 : * !is_valid status and discard the obsolete expression without reusing it.
179 : * We do not store the original parse tree, only the planned expression;
180 : * this is an optimization based on the assumption that we usually will not
181 : * need to replan for the life of the session.
182 : */
183 : typedef struct CachedExpression
184 : {
185 : int magic; /* should equal CACHEDEXPR_MAGIC */
186 : Node *expr; /* planned form of expression */
187 : bool is_valid; /* is the expression still valid? */
188 : /* remaining fields should be treated as private to plancache.c: */
189 : List *relationOids; /* OIDs of relations the expr depends on */
190 : List *invalItems; /* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
191 : MemoryContext context; /* context containing this CachedExpression */
192 : dlist_node node; /* link in global list of CachedExpressions */
193 : } CachedExpression;
194 :
195 :
196 : extern void InitPlanCache(void);
197 : extern void ResetPlanCache(void);
198 :
199 : extern void ReleaseAllPlanCacheRefsInOwner(ResourceOwner owner);
200 :
201 : extern CachedPlanSource *CreateCachedPlan(struct RawStmt *raw_parse_tree,
202 : const char *query_string,
203 : CommandTag commandTag);
204 : extern CachedPlanSource *CreateOneShotCachedPlan(struct RawStmt *raw_parse_tree,
205 : const char *query_string,
206 : CommandTag commandTag);
207 : extern void CompleteCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
208 : List *querytree_list,
209 : MemoryContext querytree_context,
210 : Oid *param_types,
211 : int num_params,
212 : ParserSetupHook parserSetup,
213 : void *parserSetupArg,
214 : int cursor_options,
215 : bool fixed_result);
216 :
217 : extern void SaveCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource);
218 : extern void DropCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource);
219 :
220 : extern void CachedPlanSetParentContext(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
221 : MemoryContext newcontext);
222 :
223 : extern CachedPlanSource *CopyCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource);
224 :
225 : extern bool CachedPlanIsValid(CachedPlanSource *plansource);
226 :
227 : extern List *CachedPlanGetTargetList(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
228 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv);
229 :
230 : extern CachedPlan *GetCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
231 : ParamListInfo boundParams,
232 : ResourceOwner owner,
233 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv);
234 : extern PlannedStmt *UpdateCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
235 : int query_index,
236 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv);
237 :
238 : extern void ReleaseCachedPlan(CachedPlan *plan, ResourceOwner owner);
239 :
240 : extern bool CachedPlanAllowsSimpleValidityCheck(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
241 : CachedPlan *plan,
242 : ResourceOwner owner);
243 : extern bool CachedPlanIsSimplyValid(CachedPlanSource *plansource,
244 : CachedPlan *plan,
245 : ResourceOwner owner);
246 :
247 : extern CachedExpression *GetCachedExpression(Node *expr);
248 : extern void FreeCachedExpression(CachedExpression *cexpr);
249 :
250 : /*
251 : * CachedPlanRequiresLocking: should the executor acquire additional locks?
252 : *
253 : * If the plan is a saved generic plan, the executor must acquire locks for
254 : * relations that are not covered by AcquireExecutorLocks(), such as partitions
255 : * that are subject to initial runtime pruning.
256 : */
257 : static inline bool
258 290 : CachedPlanRequiresLocking(CachedPlan *cplan)
259 : {
260 290 : return !cplan->is_oneshot && cplan->is_reused;
261 : }
262 :
263 : /*
264 : * CachedPlanValid
265 : * Returns whether a cached generic plan is still valid.
266 : *
267 : * Invoked by the executor to check if the plan has not been invalidated after
268 : * taking locks during the initialization of the plan.
269 : */
270 : static inline bool
271 359658 : CachedPlanValid(CachedPlan *cplan)
272 : {
273 359658 : return cplan->is_valid;
274 : }
275 :
276 : #endif /* PLANCACHE_H */