LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/include/nodes - pg_list.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 37 37 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-18 22:14:58 Functions: 13 13 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * pg_list.h
       4             :  *    interface for PostgreSQL generic list package
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Once upon a time, parts of Postgres were written in Lisp and used real
       7             :  * cons-cell lists for major data structures.  When that code was rewritten
       8             :  * in C, we initially had a faithful emulation of cons-cell lists, which
       9             :  * unsurprisingly was a performance bottleneck.  A couple of major rewrites
      10             :  * later, these data structures are actually simple expansible arrays;
      11             :  * but the "List" name and a lot of the notation survives.
      12             :  *
      13             :  * One important concession to the original implementation is that an empty
      14             :  * list is always represented by a null pointer (preferentially written NIL).
      15             :  * Non-empty lists have a header, which will not be relocated as long as the
      16             :  * list remains non-empty, and an expansible data array.
      17             :  *
      18             :  * We support four types of lists:
      19             :  *
      20             :  *  T_List: lists of pointers
      21             :  *      (in practice usually pointers to Nodes, but not always;
      22             :  *      declared as "void *" to minimize casting annoyances)
      23             :  *  T_IntList: lists of integers
      24             :  *  T_OidList: lists of Oids
      25             :  *  T_XidList: lists of TransactionIds
      26             :  *      (the XidList infrastructure is less complete than the other cases)
      27             :  *
      28             :  * (At the moment, ints, Oids, and XIDs are the same size, but they may not
      29             :  * always be so; be careful to use the appropriate list type for your data.)
      30             :  *
      31             :  *
      32             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
      33             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
      34             :  *
      35             :  * src/include/nodes/pg_list.h
      36             :  *
      37             :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      38             :  */
      39             : #ifndef PG_LIST_H
      40             : #define PG_LIST_H
      41             : 
      42             : #include "nodes/nodes.h"
      43             : 
      44             : 
      45             : typedef union ListCell
      46             : {
      47             :     void       *ptr_value;
      48             :     int         int_value;
      49             :     Oid         oid_value;
      50             :     TransactionId xid_value;
      51             : } ListCell;
      52             : 
      53             : typedef struct List
      54             : {
      55             :     NodeTag     type;           /* T_List, T_IntList, T_OidList, or T_XidList */
      56             :     int         length;         /* number of elements currently present */
      57             :     int         max_length;     /* allocated length of elements[] */
      58             :     ListCell   *elements;       /* re-allocatable array of cells */
      59             :     /* We may allocate some cells along with the List header: */
      60             :     ListCell    initial_elements[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
      61             :     /* If elements == initial_elements, it's not a separate allocation */
      62             : } List;
      63             : 
      64             : /*
      65             :  * The *only* valid representation of an empty list is NIL; in other
      66             :  * words, a non-NIL list is guaranteed to have length >= 1.
      67             :  */
      68             : #define NIL                     ((List *) NULL)
      69             : 
      70             : /*
      71             :  * State structs for various looping macros below.
      72             :  */
      73             : typedef struct ForEachState
      74             : {
      75             :     const List *l;              /* list we're looping through */
      76             :     int         i;              /* current element index */
      77             : } ForEachState;
      78             : 
      79             : typedef struct ForBothState
      80             : {
      81             :     const List *l1;             /* lists we're looping through */
      82             :     const List *l2;
      83             :     int         i;              /* common element index */
      84             : } ForBothState;
      85             : 
      86             : typedef struct ForBothCellState
      87             : {
      88             :     const List *l1;             /* lists we're looping through */
      89             :     const List *l2;
      90             :     int         i1;             /* current element indexes */
      91             :     int         i2;
      92             : } ForBothCellState;
      93             : 
      94             : typedef struct ForThreeState
      95             : {
      96             :     const List *l1;             /* lists we're looping through */
      97             :     const List *l2;
      98             :     const List *l3;
      99             :     int         i;              /* common element index */
     100             : } ForThreeState;
     101             : 
     102             : typedef struct ForFourState
     103             : {
     104             :     const List *l1;             /* lists we're looping through */
     105             :     const List *l2;
     106             :     const List *l3;
     107             :     const List *l4;
     108             :     int         i;              /* common element index */
     109             : } ForFourState;
     110             : 
     111             : typedef struct ForFiveState
     112             : {
     113             :     const List *l1;             /* lists we're looping through */
     114             :     const List *l2;
     115             :     const List *l3;
     116             :     const List *l4;
     117             :     const List *l5;
     118             :     int         i;              /* common element index */
     119             : } ForFiveState;
     120             : 
     121             : /*
     122             :  * These routines are small enough, and used often enough, to justify being
     123             :  * inline.
     124             :  */
     125             : 
     126             : /* Fetch address of list's first cell; NULL if empty list */
     127             : static inline ListCell *
     128    30402986 : list_head(const List *l)
     129             : {
     130    30402986 :     return l ? &l->elements[0] : NULL;
     131             : }
     132             : 
     133             : /* Fetch address of list's last cell; NULL if empty list */
     134             : static inline ListCell *
     135             : list_tail(const List *l)
     136             : {
     137             :     return l ? &l->elements[l->length - 1] : NULL;
     138             : }
     139             : 
     140             : /* Fetch address of list's second cell, if it has one, else NULL */
     141             : static inline ListCell *
     142      149790 : list_second_cell(const List *l)
     143             : {
     144      149790 :     if (l && l->length >= 2)
     145      145044 :         return &l->elements[1];
     146             :     else
     147        4746 :         return NULL;
     148             : }
     149             : 
     150             : /* Fetch list's length */
     151             : static inline int
     152    81235656 : list_length(const List *l)
     153             : {
     154    81235656 :     return l ? l->length : 0;
     155             : }
     156             : 
     157             : /*
     158             :  * Macros to access the data values within List cells.
     159             :  *
     160             :  * Note that with the exception of the "xxx_node" macros, these are
     161             :  * lvalues and can be assigned to.
     162             :  *
     163             :  * NB: There is an unfortunate legacy from a previous incarnation of
     164             :  * the List API: the macro lfirst() was used to mean "the data in this
     165             :  * cons cell". To avoid changing every usage of lfirst(), that meaning
     166             :  * has been kept. As a result, lfirst() takes a ListCell and returns
     167             :  * the data it contains; to get the data in the first cell of a
     168             :  * List, use linitial(). Worse, lsecond() is more closely related to
     169             :  * linitial() than lfirst(): given a List, lsecond() returns the data
     170             :  * in the second list cell.
     171             :  */
     172             : #define lfirst(lc)              ((lc)->ptr_value)
     173             : #define lfirst_int(lc)          ((lc)->int_value)
     174             : #define lfirst_oid(lc)          ((lc)->oid_value)
     175             : #define lfirst_xid(lc)          ((lc)->xid_value)
     176             : #define lfirst_node(type,lc)    castNode(type, lfirst(lc))
     177             : 
     178             : #define linitial(l)             lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
     179             : #define linitial_int(l)         lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
     180             : #define linitial_oid(l)         lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
     181             : #define linitial_node(type,l)   castNode(type, linitial(l))
     182             : 
     183             : #define lsecond(l)              lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
     184             : #define lsecond_int(l)          lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
     185             : #define lsecond_oid(l)          lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
     186             : #define lsecond_node(type,l)    castNode(type, lsecond(l))
     187             : 
     188             : #define lthird(l)               lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
     189             : #define lthird_int(l)           lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
     190             : #define lthird_oid(l)           lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
     191             : #define lthird_node(type,l)     castNode(type, lthird(l))
     192             : 
     193             : #define lfourth(l)              lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
     194             : #define lfourth_int(l)          lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
     195             : #define lfourth_oid(l)          lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
     196             : #define lfourth_node(type,l)    castNode(type, lfourth(l))
     197             : 
     198             : #define llast(l)                lfirst(list_last_cell(l))
     199             : #define llast_int(l)            lfirst_int(list_last_cell(l))
     200             : #define llast_oid(l)            lfirst_oid(list_last_cell(l))
     201             : #define llast_xid(l)            lfirst_xid(list_last_cell(l))
     202             : #define llast_node(type,l)      castNode(type, llast(l))
     203             : 
     204             : /*
     205             :  * Convenience macros for building fixed-length lists
     206             :  */
     207             : #define list_make_ptr_cell(v)   ((ListCell) {.ptr_value = (v)})
     208             : #define list_make_int_cell(v)   ((ListCell) {.int_value = (v)})
     209             : #define list_make_oid_cell(v)   ((ListCell) {.oid_value = (v)})
     210             : #define list_make_xid_cell(v)   ((ListCell) {.xid_value = (v)})
     211             : 
     212             : #define list_make1(x1) \
     213             :     list_make1_impl(T_List, list_make_ptr_cell(x1))
     214             : #define list_make2(x1,x2) \
     215             :     list_make2_impl(T_List, list_make_ptr_cell(x1), list_make_ptr_cell(x2))
     216             : #define list_make3(x1,x2,x3) \
     217             :     list_make3_impl(T_List, list_make_ptr_cell(x1), list_make_ptr_cell(x2), \
     218             :                     list_make_ptr_cell(x3))
     219             : #define list_make4(x1,x2,x3,x4) \
     220             :     list_make4_impl(T_List, list_make_ptr_cell(x1), list_make_ptr_cell(x2), \
     221             :                     list_make_ptr_cell(x3), list_make_ptr_cell(x4))
     222             : #define list_make5(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) \
     223             :     list_make5_impl(T_List, list_make_ptr_cell(x1), list_make_ptr_cell(x2), \
     224             :                     list_make_ptr_cell(x3), list_make_ptr_cell(x4), \
     225             :                     list_make_ptr_cell(x5))
     226             : 
     227             : #define list_make1_int(x1) \
     228             :     list_make1_impl(T_IntList, list_make_int_cell(x1))
     229             : #define list_make2_int(x1,x2) \
     230             :     list_make2_impl(T_IntList, list_make_int_cell(x1), list_make_int_cell(x2))
     231             : #define list_make3_int(x1,x2,x3) \
     232             :     list_make3_impl(T_IntList, list_make_int_cell(x1), list_make_int_cell(x2), \
     233             :                     list_make_int_cell(x3))
     234             : #define list_make4_int(x1,x2,x3,x4) \
     235             :     list_make4_impl(T_IntList, list_make_int_cell(x1), list_make_int_cell(x2), \
     236             :                     list_make_int_cell(x3), list_make_int_cell(x4))
     237             : #define list_make5_int(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) \
     238             :     list_make5_impl(T_IntList, list_make_int_cell(x1), list_make_int_cell(x2), \
     239             :                     list_make_int_cell(x3), list_make_int_cell(x4), \
     240             :                     list_make_int_cell(x5))
     241             : 
     242             : #define list_make1_oid(x1) \
     243             :     list_make1_impl(T_OidList, list_make_oid_cell(x1))
     244             : #define list_make2_oid(x1,x2) \
     245             :     list_make2_impl(T_OidList, list_make_oid_cell(x1), list_make_oid_cell(x2))
     246             : #define list_make3_oid(x1,x2,x3) \
     247             :     list_make3_impl(T_OidList, list_make_oid_cell(x1), list_make_oid_cell(x2), \
     248             :                     list_make_oid_cell(x3))
     249             : #define list_make4_oid(x1,x2,x3,x4) \
     250             :     list_make4_impl(T_OidList, list_make_oid_cell(x1), list_make_oid_cell(x2), \
     251             :                     list_make_oid_cell(x3), list_make_oid_cell(x4))
     252             : #define list_make5_oid(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) \
     253             :     list_make5_impl(T_OidList, list_make_oid_cell(x1), list_make_oid_cell(x2), \
     254             :                     list_make_oid_cell(x3), list_make_oid_cell(x4), \
     255             :                     list_make_oid_cell(x5))
     256             : 
     257             : #define list_make1_xid(x1) \
     258             :     list_make1_impl(T_XidList, list_make_xid_cell(x1))
     259             : #define list_make2_xid(x1,x2) \
     260             :     list_make2_impl(T_XidList, list_make_xid_cell(x1), list_make_xid_cell(x2))
     261             : #define list_make3_xid(x1,x2,x3) \
     262             :     list_make3_impl(T_XidList, list_make_xid_cell(x1), list_make_xid_cell(x2), \
     263             :                     list_make_xid_cell(x3))
     264             : #define list_make4_xid(x1,x2,x3,x4) \
     265             :     list_make4_impl(T_XidList, list_make_xid_cell(x1), list_make_xid_cell(x2), \
     266             :                     list_make_xid_cell(x3), list_make_xid_cell(x4))
     267             : #define list_make5_xid(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) \
     268             :     list_make5_impl(T_XidList, list_make_xid_cell(x1), list_make_xid_cell(x2), \
     269             :                     list_make_xid_cell(x3), list_make_xid_cell(x4), \
     270             :                     list_make_xid_cell(x5))
     271             : 
     272             : /*
     273             :  * Locate the n'th cell (counting from 0) of the list.
     274             :  * It is an assertion failure if there is no such cell.
     275             :  */
     276             : static inline ListCell *
     277    67482696 : list_nth_cell(const List *list, int n)
     278             : {
     279             :     Assert(list != NIL);
     280             :     Assert(n >= 0 && n < list->length);
     281    67482696 :     return &list->elements[n];
     282             : }
     283             : 
     284             : /*
     285             :  * Return the last cell in a non-NIL List.
     286             :  */
     287             : static inline ListCell *
     288   145161096 : list_last_cell(const List *list)
     289             : {
     290             :     Assert(list != NIL);
     291   145161096 :     return &list->elements[list->length - 1];
     292             : }
     293             : 
     294             : /*
     295             :  * Return the pointer value contained in the n'th element of the
     296             :  * specified list. (List elements begin at 0.)
     297             :  */
     298             : static inline void *
     299    24530938 : list_nth(const List *list, int n)
     300             : {
     301             :     Assert(IsA(list, List));
     302    24530938 :     return lfirst(list_nth_cell(list, n));
     303             : }
     304             : 
     305             : /*
     306             :  * Return the integer value contained in the n'th element of the
     307             :  * specified list.
     308             :  */
     309             : static inline int
     310       12192 : list_nth_int(const List *list, int n)
     311             : {
     312             :     Assert(IsA(list, IntList));
     313       12192 :     return lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(list, n));
     314             : }
     315             : 
     316             : /*
     317             :  * Return the OID value contained in the n'th element of the specified
     318             :  * list.
     319             :  */
     320             : static inline Oid
     321       21076 : list_nth_oid(const List *list, int n)
     322             : {
     323             :     Assert(IsA(list, OidList));
     324       21076 :     return lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(list, n));
     325             : }
     326             : 
     327             : #define list_nth_node(type,list,n)  castNode(type, list_nth(list, n))
     328             : 
     329             : /*
     330             :  * Get the given ListCell's index (from 0) in the given List.
     331             :  */
     332             : static inline int
     333      228940 : list_cell_number(const List *l, const ListCell *c)
     334             : {
     335             :     Assert(c >= &l->elements[0] && c < &l->elements[l->length]);
     336      228940 :     return c - l->elements;
     337             : }
     338             : 
     339             : /*
     340             :  * Get the address of the next cell after "c" within list "l", or NULL if none.
     341             :  */
     342             : static inline ListCell *
     343    56763602 : lnext(const List *l, const ListCell *c)
     344             : {
     345             :     Assert(c >= &l->elements[0] && c < &l->elements[l->length]);
     346    56763602 :     c++;
     347    56763602 :     if (c < &l->elements[l->length])
     348    36680008 :         return (ListCell *) c;
     349             :     else
     350    20083594 :         return NULL;
     351             : }
     352             : 
     353             : /*
     354             :  * foreach -
     355             :  *    a convenience macro for looping through a list
     356             :  *
     357             :  * "cell" must be the name of a "ListCell *" variable; it's made to point
     358             :  * to each List element in turn.  "cell" will be NULL after normal exit from
     359             :  * the loop, but an early "break" will leave it pointing at the current
     360             :  * List element.
     361             :  *
     362             :  * Beware of changing the List object while the loop is iterating.
     363             :  * The current semantics are that we examine successive list indices in
     364             :  * each iteration, so that insertion or deletion of list elements could
     365             :  * cause elements to be re-visited or skipped unexpectedly.  Previous
     366             :  * implementations of foreach() behaved differently.  However, it's safe
     367             :  * to append elements to the List (or in general, insert them after the
     368             :  * current element); such new elements are guaranteed to be visited.
     369             :  * Also, the current element of the List can be deleted, if you use
     370             :  * foreach_delete_current() to do so.  BUT: either of these actions will
     371             :  * invalidate the "cell" pointer for the remainder of the current iteration.
     372             :  */
     373             : #define foreach(cell, lst)  \
     374             :     for (ForEachState cell##__state = {(lst), 0}; \
     375             :          (cell##__state.l != NIL && \
     376             :           cell##__state.i < cell##__state.l->length) ? \
     377             :          (cell = &cell##__state.l->elements[cell##__state.i], true) : \
     378             :          (cell = NULL, false); \
     379             :          cell##__state.i++)
     380             : 
     381             : /*
     382             :  * foreach_delete_current -
     383             :  *    delete the current list element from the List associated with a
     384             :  *    surrounding foreach() or foreach_*() loop, returning the new List
     385             :  *    pointer; pass the name of the iterator variable.
     386             :  *
     387             :  * This is similar to list_delete_cell(), but it also adjusts the loop's state
     388             :  * so that no list elements will be missed.  Do not delete elements from an
     389             :  * active foreach or foreach_* loop's list in any other way!
     390             :  */
     391             : #define foreach_delete_current(lst, var_or_cell)    \
     392             :     ((List *) (var_or_cell##__state.l = list_delete_nth_cell(lst, var_or_cell##__state.i--)))
     393             : 
     394             : /*
     395             :  * foreach_current_index -
     396             :  *    get the zero-based list index of a surrounding foreach() or foreach_*()
     397             :  *    loop's current element; pass the name of the iterator variable.
     398             :  *
     399             :  * Beware of using this after foreach_delete_current(); the value will be
     400             :  * out of sync for the rest of the current loop iteration.  Anyway, since
     401             :  * you just deleted the current element, the value is pretty meaningless.
     402             :  */
     403             : #define foreach_current_index(var_or_cell)  (var_or_cell##__state.i)
     404             : 
     405             : /*
     406             :  * for_each_from -
     407             :  *    Like foreach(), but start from the N'th (zero-based) list element,
     408             :  *    not necessarily the first one.
     409             :  *
     410             :  * It's okay for N to exceed the list length, but not for it to be negative.
     411             :  *
     412             :  * The caveats for foreach() apply equally here.
     413             :  */
     414             : #define for_each_from(cell, lst, N) \
     415             :     for (ForEachState cell##__state = for_each_from_setup(lst, N); \
     416             :          (cell##__state.l != NIL && \
     417             :           cell##__state.i < cell##__state.l->length) ? \
     418             :          (cell = &cell##__state.l->elements[cell##__state.i], true) : \
     419             :          (cell = NULL, false); \
     420             :          cell##__state.i++)
     421             : 
     422             : static inline ForEachState
     423      642250 : for_each_from_setup(const List *lst, int N)
     424             : {
     425      642250 :     ForEachState r = {lst, N};
     426             : 
     427             :     Assert(N >= 0);
     428      642250 :     return r;
     429             : }
     430             : 
     431             : /*
     432             :  * for_each_cell -
     433             :  *    a convenience macro which loops through a list starting from a
     434             :  *    specified cell
     435             :  *
     436             :  * The caveats for foreach() apply equally here.
     437             :  */
     438             : #define for_each_cell(cell, lst, initcell)  \
     439             :     for (ForEachState cell##__state = for_each_cell_setup(lst, initcell); \
     440             :          (cell##__state.l != NIL && \
     441             :           cell##__state.i < cell##__state.l->length) ? \
     442             :          (cell = &cell##__state.l->elements[cell##__state.i], true) : \
     443             :          (cell = NULL, false); \
     444             :          cell##__state.i++)
     445             : 
     446             : static inline ForEachState
     447      223872 : for_each_cell_setup(const List *lst, const ListCell *initcell)
     448             : {
     449      447744 :     ForEachState r = {lst,
     450      223872 :     initcell ? list_cell_number(lst, initcell) : list_length(lst)};
     451             : 
     452      223872 :     return r;
     453             : }
     454             : 
     455             : /*
     456             :  * Convenience macros that loop through a list without needing a separate
     457             :  * "ListCell *" variable.  Instead, the macros declare a locally-scoped loop
     458             :  * variable with the provided name and the appropriate type.
     459             :  *
     460             :  * Since the variable is scoped to the loop, it's not possible to detect an
     461             :  * early break by checking its value after the loop completes, as is common
     462             :  * practice.  If you need to do this, you can either use foreach() instead or
     463             :  * manually track early breaks with a separate variable declared outside of the
     464             :  * loop.
     465             :  *
     466             :  * Note that the caveats described in the comment above the foreach() macro
     467             :  * also apply to these convenience macros.
     468             :  */
     469             : #define foreach_ptr(type, var, lst) foreach_internal(type, *, var, lst, lfirst)
     470             : #define foreach_int(var, lst)   foreach_internal(int, , var, lst, lfirst_int)
     471             : #define foreach_oid(var, lst)   foreach_internal(Oid, , var, lst, lfirst_oid)
     472             : #define foreach_xid(var, lst)   foreach_internal(TransactionId, , var, lst, lfirst_xid)
     473             : 
     474             : /*
     475             :  * The internal implementation of the above macros.  Do not use directly.
     476             :  *
     477             :  * This macro actually generates two loops in order to declare two variables of
     478             :  * different types.  The outer loop only iterates once, so we expect optimizing
     479             :  * compilers will unroll it, thereby optimizing it away.
     480             :  */
     481             : #define foreach_internal(type, pointer, var, lst, func) \
     482             :     for (type pointer var = 0, pointer var##__outerloop = (type pointer) 1; \
     483             :          var##__outerloop; \
     484             :          var##__outerloop = 0) \
     485             :         for (ForEachState var##__state = {(lst), 0}; \
     486             :              (var##__state.l != NIL && \
     487             :               var##__state.i < var##__state.l->length && \
     488             :              (var = (type pointer) func(&var##__state.l->elements[var##__state.i]), true)); \
     489             :              var##__state.i++)
     490             : 
     491             : /*
     492             :  * foreach_node -
     493             :  *    The same as foreach_ptr, but asserts that the element is of the specified
     494             :  *    node type.
     495             :  */
     496             : #define foreach_node(type, var, lst) \
     497             :     for (type * var = 0, *var##__outerloop = (type *) 1; \
     498             :          var##__outerloop; \
     499             :          var##__outerloop = 0) \
     500             :         for (ForEachState var##__state = {(lst), 0}; \
     501             :              (var##__state.l != NIL && \
     502             :               var##__state.i < var##__state.l->length && \
     503             :              (var = lfirst_node(type, &var##__state.l->elements[var##__state.i]), true)); \
     504             :              var##__state.i++)
     505             : 
     506             : /*
     507             :  * forboth -
     508             :  *    a convenience macro for advancing through two linked lists
     509             :  *    simultaneously. This macro loops through both lists at the same
     510             :  *    time, stopping when either list runs out of elements. Depending
     511             :  *    on the requirements of the call site, it may also be wise to
     512             :  *    assert that the lengths of the two lists are equal. (But, if they
     513             :  *    are not, some callers rely on the ending cell values being separately
     514             :  *    NULL or non-NULL as defined here; don't try to optimize that.)
     515             :  *
     516             :  * The caveats for foreach() apply equally here.
     517             :  */
     518             : #define forboth(cell1, list1, cell2, list2)                         \
     519             :     for (ForBothState cell1##__state = {(list1), (list2), 0}; \
     520             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell1, cell1##__state, l1, i), \
     521             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell2, cell1##__state, l2, i), \
     522             :          (cell1 != NULL && cell2 != NULL); \
     523             :          cell1##__state.i++)
     524             : 
     525             : #define multi_for_advance_cell(cell, state, l, i) \
     526             :     (cell = (state.l != NIL && state.i < state.l->length) ? \
     527             :      &state.l->elements[state.i] : NULL)
     528             : 
     529             : /*
     530             :  * for_both_cell -
     531             :  *    a convenience macro which loops through two lists starting from the
     532             :  *    specified cells of each. This macro loops through both lists at the same
     533             :  *    time, stopping when either list runs out of elements.  Depending on the
     534             :  *    requirements of the call site, it may also be wise to assert that the
     535             :  *    lengths of the two lists are equal, and initcell1 and initcell2 are at
     536             :  *    the same position in the respective lists.
     537             :  *
     538             :  * The caveats for foreach() apply equally here.
     539             :  */
     540             : #define for_both_cell(cell1, list1, initcell1, cell2, list2, initcell2) \
     541             :     for (ForBothCellState cell1##__state = \
     542             :              for_both_cell_setup(list1, initcell1, list2, initcell2); \
     543             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell1, cell1##__state, l1, i1), \
     544             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell2, cell1##__state, l2, i2), \
     545             :          (cell1 != NULL && cell2 != NULL); \
     546             :          cell1##__state.i1++, cell1##__state.i2++)
     547             : 
     548             : static inline ForBothCellState
     549        3436 : for_both_cell_setup(const List *list1, const ListCell *initcell1,
     550             :                     const List *list2, const ListCell *initcell2)
     551             : {
     552       10308 :     ForBothCellState r = {list1, list2,
     553        3436 :         initcell1 ? list_cell_number(list1, initcell1) : list_length(list1),
     554        3436 :     initcell2 ? list_cell_number(list2, initcell2) : list_length(list2)};
     555             : 
     556        3436 :     return r;
     557             : }
     558             : 
     559             : /*
     560             :  * forthree -
     561             :  *    the same for three lists
     562             :  */
     563             : #define forthree(cell1, list1, cell2, list2, cell3, list3) \
     564             :     for (ForThreeState cell1##__state = {(list1), (list2), (list3), 0}; \
     565             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell1, cell1##__state, l1, i), \
     566             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell2, cell1##__state, l2, i), \
     567             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell3, cell1##__state, l3, i), \
     568             :          (cell1 != NULL && cell2 != NULL && cell3 != NULL); \
     569             :          cell1##__state.i++)
     570             : 
     571             : /*
     572             :  * forfour -
     573             :  *    the same for four lists
     574             :  */
     575             : #define forfour(cell1, list1, cell2, list2, cell3, list3, cell4, list4) \
     576             :     for (ForFourState cell1##__state = {(list1), (list2), (list3), (list4), 0}; \
     577             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell1, cell1##__state, l1, i), \
     578             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell2, cell1##__state, l2, i), \
     579             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell3, cell1##__state, l3, i), \
     580             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell4, cell1##__state, l4, i), \
     581             :          (cell1 != NULL && cell2 != NULL && cell3 != NULL && cell4 != NULL); \
     582             :          cell1##__state.i++)
     583             : 
     584             : /*
     585             :  * forfive -
     586             :  *    the same for five lists
     587             :  */
     588             : #define forfive(cell1, list1, cell2, list2, cell3, list3, cell4, list4, cell5, list5) \
     589             :     for (ForFiveState cell1##__state = {(list1), (list2), (list3), (list4), (list5), 0}; \
     590             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell1, cell1##__state, l1, i), \
     591             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell2, cell1##__state, l2, i), \
     592             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell3, cell1##__state, l3, i), \
     593             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell4, cell1##__state, l4, i), \
     594             :          multi_for_advance_cell(cell5, cell1##__state, l5, i), \
     595             :          (cell1 != NULL && cell2 != NULL && cell3 != NULL && \
     596             :           cell4 != NULL && cell5 != NULL); \
     597             :          cell1##__state.i++)
     598             : 
     599             : /* Functions in src/backend/nodes/list.c */
     600             : 
     601             : extern List *list_make1_impl(NodeTag t, ListCell datum1);
     602             : extern List *list_make2_impl(NodeTag t, ListCell datum1, ListCell datum2);
     603             : extern List *list_make3_impl(NodeTag t, ListCell datum1, ListCell datum2,
     604             :                              ListCell datum3);
     605             : extern List *list_make4_impl(NodeTag t, ListCell datum1, ListCell datum2,
     606             :                              ListCell datum3, ListCell datum4);
     607             : extern List *list_make5_impl(NodeTag t, ListCell datum1, ListCell datum2,
     608             :                              ListCell datum3, ListCell datum4,
     609             :                              ListCell datum5);
     610             : 
     611             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lappend(List *list, void *datum);
     612             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lappend_int(List *list, int datum);
     613             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lappend_oid(List *list, Oid datum);
     614             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lappend_xid(List *list, TransactionId datum);
     615             : 
     616             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_insert_nth(List *list, int pos, void *datum);
     617             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_insert_nth_int(List *list, int pos, int datum);
     618             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_insert_nth_oid(List *list, int pos, Oid datum);
     619             : 
     620             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lcons(void *datum, List *list);
     621             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lcons_int(int datum, List *list);
     622             : extern pg_nodiscard List *lcons_oid(Oid datum, List *list);
     623             : 
     624             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat(List *list1, const List *list2);
     625             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat_copy(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     626             : 
     627             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_truncate(List *list, int new_size);
     628             : 
     629             : extern bool list_member(const List *list, const void *datum);
     630             : extern bool list_member_ptr(const List *list, const void *datum);
     631             : extern bool list_member_int(const List *list, int datum);
     632             : extern bool list_member_oid(const List *list, Oid datum);
     633             : extern bool list_member_xid(const List *list, TransactionId datum);
     634             : 
     635             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete(List *list, void *datum);
     636             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_ptr(List *list, void *datum);
     637             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_int(List *list, int datum);
     638             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_oid(List *list, Oid datum);
     639             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_first(List *list);
     640             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_last(List *list);
     641             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_first_n(List *list, int n);
     642             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_nth_cell(List *list, int n);
     643             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_delete_cell(List *list, ListCell *cell);
     644             : 
     645             : extern List *list_union(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     646             : extern List *list_union_ptr(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     647             : extern List *list_union_int(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     648             : extern List *list_union_oid(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     649             : 
     650             : extern List *list_intersection(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     651             : extern List *list_intersection_int(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     652             : 
     653             : /* currently, there's no need for list_intersection_ptr etc */
     654             : 
     655             : extern List *list_difference(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     656             : extern List *list_difference_ptr(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     657             : extern List *list_difference_int(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     658             : extern List *list_difference_oid(const List *list1, const List *list2);
     659             : 
     660             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_append_unique(List *list, void *datum);
     661             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_append_unique_ptr(List *list, void *datum);
     662             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_append_unique_int(List *list, int datum);
     663             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_append_unique_oid(List *list, Oid datum);
     664             : 
     665             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat_unique(List *list1, const List *list2);
     666             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat_unique_ptr(List *list1, const List *list2);
     667             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat_unique_int(List *list1, const List *list2);
     668             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_concat_unique_oid(List *list1, const List *list2);
     669             : 
     670             : extern void list_deduplicate_oid(List *list);
     671             : 
     672             : extern void list_free(List *list);
     673             : extern void list_free_deep(List *list);
     674             : 
     675             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_copy(const List *oldlist);
     676             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_copy_head(const List *oldlist, int len);
     677             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_copy_tail(const List *oldlist, int nskip);
     678             : extern pg_nodiscard List *list_copy_deep(const List *oldlist);
     679             : 
     680             : typedef int (*list_sort_comparator) (const ListCell *a, const ListCell *b);
     681             : extern void list_sort(List *list, list_sort_comparator cmp);
     682             : 
     683             : extern int  list_int_cmp(const ListCell *p1, const ListCell *p2);
     684             : extern int  list_oid_cmp(const ListCell *p1, const ListCell *p2);
     685             : 
     686             : #endif                          /* PG_LIST_H */

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