LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/bin/pgbench - pgbench.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 2438 2838 85.9 %
Date: 2024-10-10 05:14:53 Functions: 120 125 96.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * pgbench.c
       3             :  *
       4             :  * A simple benchmark program for PostgreSQL
       5             :  * Originally written by Tatsuo Ishii and enhanced by many contributors.
       6             :  *
       7             :  * src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2000-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       9             :  * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED;
      10             :  *
      11             :  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
      12             :  * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
      13             :  * is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
      14             :  * paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
      15             :  *
      20             :  * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      21             :  *
      27             :  *
      28             :  */
      29             : 
      30             : #if defined(WIN32) && FD_SETSIZE < 1024
      31             : #error FD_SETSIZE needs to have been increased
      32             : #endif
      33             : 
      34             : #include "postgres_fe.h"
      35             : 
      36             : #include <ctype.h>
      37             : #include <float.h>
      38             : #include <limits.h>
      39             : #include <math.h>
      40             : #include <signal.h>
      41             : #include <time.h>
      42             : #include <sys/time.h>
      43             : #include <sys/resource.h>     /* for getrlimit */
      44             : 
      45             : /* For testing, PGBENCH_USE_SELECT can be defined to force use of that code */
      46             : #if defined(HAVE_PPOLL) && !defined(PGBENCH_USE_SELECT)
      47             : #define POLL_USING_PPOLL
      48             : #ifdef HAVE_POLL_H
      49             : #include <poll.h>
      50             : #endif
      51             : #else                           /* no ppoll(), so use select() */
      52             : #define POLL_USING_SELECT
      53             : #include <sys/select.h>
      54             : #endif
      55             : 
      56             : #include "common/int.h"
      57             : #include "common/logging.h"
      58             : #include "common/pg_prng.h"
      59             : #include "common/string.h"
      60             : #include "common/username.h"
      61             : #include "fe_utils/cancel.h"
      62             : #include "fe_utils/conditional.h"
      63             : #include "fe_utils/option_utils.h"
      64             : #include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
      65             : #include "getopt_long.h"
      66             : #include "libpq-fe.h"
      67             : #include "pgbench.h"
      68             : #include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
      69             : #include "portability/instr_time.h"
      70             : 
      71             : /* X/Open (XSI) requires <math.h> to provide M_PI, but core POSIX does not */
      72             : #ifndef M_PI
      73             : #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
      74             : #endif
      75             : 
      76             : #define ERRCODE_T_R_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE  "40001"
      77             : #define ERRCODE_T_R_DEADLOCK_DETECTED  "40P01"
      78             : #define ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE  "42P01"
      79             : 
      80             : /*
      81             :  * Hashing constants
      82             :  */
      83             : #define FNV_PRIME           UINT64CONST(0x100000001b3)
      84             : #define FNV_OFFSET_BASIS    UINT64CONST(0xcbf29ce484222325)
      85             : #define MM2_MUL             UINT64CONST(0xc6a4a7935bd1e995)
      86             : #define MM2_MUL_TIMES_8     UINT64CONST(0x35253c9ade8f4ca8)
      87             : #define MM2_ROT             47
      88             : 
      89             : /*
      90             :  * Multi-platform socket set implementations
      91             :  */
      92             : 
      93             : #ifdef POLL_USING_PPOLL
      94             : #define SOCKET_WAIT_METHOD "ppoll"
      95             : 
      96             : typedef struct socket_set
      97             : {
      98             :     int         maxfds;         /* allocated length of pollfds[] array */
      99             :     int         curfds;         /* number currently in use */
     100             :     struct pollfd pollfds[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
     101             : } socket_set;
     102             : 
     103             : #endif                          /* POLL_USING_PPOLL */
     104             : 
     105             : #ifdef POLL_USING_SELECT
     106             : #define SOCKET_WAIT_METHOD "select"
     107             : 
     108             : typedef struct socket_set
     109             : {
     110             :     int         maxfd;          /* largest FD currently set in fds */
     111             :     fd_set      fds;
     112             : } socket_set;
     113             : 
     114             : #endif                          /* POLL_USING_SELECT */
     115             : 
     116             : /*
     117             :  * Multi-platform thread implementations
     118             :  */
     119             : 
     120             : #ifdef WIN32
     121             : /* Use Windows threads */
     122             : #include <windows.h>
     123             : #define GETERRNO() (_dosmaperr(GetLastError()), errno)
     124             : #define THREAD_T HANDLE
     125             : #define THREAD_FUNC_RETURN_TYPE unsigned
     126             : #define THREAD_FUNC_RETURN return 0
     127             : #define THREAD_FUNC_CC __stdcall
     128             : #define THREAD_CREATE(handle, function, arg) \
     129             :     ((*(handle) = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (function), (arg), 0, NULL)) == 0 ? errno : 0)
     130             : #define THREAD_JOIN(handle) \
     131             :     (WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? \
     132             :     GETERRNO() : CloseHandle(handle) ? 0 : GETERRNO())
     134             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, n) \
     135             :     (InitializeSynchronizationBarrier((barrier), (n), 0) ? 0 : GETERRNO())
     136             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_WAIT(barrier) \
     137             :     EnterSynchronizationBarrier((barrier), \
     138             :                                 SYNCHRONIZATION_BARRIER_FLAGS_BLOCK_ONLY)
     139             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier)
     140             : #else
     141             : /* Use POSIX threads */
     142             : #include "port/pg_pthread.h"
     143             : #define THREAD_T pthread_t
     144             : #define THREAD_FUNC_RETURN_TYPE void *
     145             : #define THREAD_FUNC_RETURN return NULL
     146             : #define THREAD_FUNC_CC
     147             : #define THREAD_CREATE(handle, function, arg) \
     148             :     pthread_create((handle), NULL, (function), (arg))
     149             : #define THREAD_JOIN(handle) \
     150             :     pthread_join((handle), NULL)
     151             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_T pthread_barrier_t
     152             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, n) \
     153             :     pthread_barrier_init((barrier), NULL, (n))
     154             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_WAIT(barrier) pthread_barrier_wait((barrier))
     155             : #define THREAD_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) pthread_barrier_destroy((barrier))
     156             : #endif
     157             : 
     158             : 
     159             : /********************************************************************
     160             :  * some configurable parameters */
     161             : 
     162             : #define DEFAULT_INIT_STEPS "dtgvp"    /* default -I setting */
     163             : #define ALL_INIT_STEPS "dtgGvpf"  /* all possible steps */
     164             : 
     165             : #define LOG_STEP_SECONDS    5   /* seconds between log messages */
     166             : #define DEFAULT_NXACTS  10      /* default nxacts */
     167             : 
     168             : #define MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM      2.0 /* minimum parameter for gauss */
     169             : 
     170             : #define MIN_ZIPFIAN_PARAM       1.001   /* minimum parameter for zipfian */
     171             : #define MAX_ZIPFIAN_PARAM       1000.0  /* maximum parameter for zipfian */
     172             : 
     173             : static int  nxacts = 0;         /* number of transactions per client */
     174             : static int  duration = 0;       /* duration in seconds */
     175             : static int64 end_time = 0;      /* when to stop in micro seconds, under -T */
     176             : 
     177             : /*
     178             :  * scaling factor. for example, scale = 10 will make 1000000 tuples in
     179             :  * pgbench_accounts table.
     180             :  */
     181             : static int  scale = 1;
     182             : 
     183             : /*
     184             :  * fillfactor. for example, fillfactor = 90 will use only 90 percent
     185             :  * space during inserts and leave 10 percent free.
     186             :  */
     187             : static int  fillfactor = 100;
     188             : 
     189             : /*
     190             :  * use unlogged tables?
     191             :  */
     192             : static bool unlogged_tables = false;
     193             : 
     194             : /*
     195             :  * log sampling rate (1.0 = log everything, 0.0 = option not given)
     196             :  */
     197             : static double sample_rate = 0.0;
     198             : 
     199             : /*
     200             :  * When threads are throttled to a given rate limit, this is the target delay
     201             :  * to reach that rate in usec.  0 is the default and means no throttling.
     202             :  */
     203             : static double throttle_delay = 0;
     204             : 
     205             : /*
     206             :  * Transactions which take longer than this limit (in usec) are counted as
     207             :  * late, and reported as such, although they are completed anyway. When
     208             :  * throttling is enabled, execution time slots that are more than this late
     209             :  * are skipped altogether, and counted separately.
     210             :  */
     211             : static int64 latency_limit = 0;
     212             : 
     213             : /*
     214             :  * tablespace selection
     215             :  */
     216             : static char *tablespace = NULL;
     217             : static char *index_tablespace = NULL;
     218             : 
     219             : /*
     220             :  * Number of "pgbench_accounts" partitions.  0 is the default and means no
     221             :  * partitioning.
     222             :  */
     223             : static int  partitions = 0;
     224             : 
     225             : /* partitioning strategy for "pgbench_accounts" */
     226             : typedef enum
     227             : {
     228             :     PART_NONE,                  /* no partitioning */
     229             :     PART_RANGE,                 /* range partitioning */
     230             :     PART_HASH,                  /* hash partitioning */
     231             : } partition_method_t;
     232             : 
     233             : static partition_method_t partition_method = PART_NONE;
     234             : static const char *const PARTITION_METHOD[] = {"none", "range", "hash"};
     235             : 
     236             : /* random seed used to initialize base_random_sequence */
     237             : static int64 random_seed = -1;
     238             : 
     239             : /*
     240             :  * end of configurable parameters
     241             :  *********************************************************************/
     242             : 
     243             : #define nbranches   1           /* Makes little sense to change this.  Change
     244             :                                  * -s instead */
     245             : #define ntellers    10
     246             : #define naccounts   100000
     247             : 
     248             : /*
     249             :  * The scale factor at/beyond which 32bit integers are incapable of storing
     250             :  * 64bit values.
     251             :  *
     252             :  * Although the actual threshold is 21474, we use 20000 because it is easier to
     253             :  * document and remember, and isn't that far away from the real threshold.
     254             :  */
     255             : #define SCALE_32BIT_THRESHOLD 20000
     256             : 
     257             : static bool use_log;            /* log transaction latencies to a file */
     258             : static bool use_quiet;          /* quiet logging onto stderr */
     259             : static int  agg_interval;       /* log aggregates instead of individual
     260             :                                  * transactions */
     261             : static bool per_script_stats = false;   /* whether to collect stats per script */
     262             : static int  progress = 0;       /* thread progress report every this seconds */
     263             : static bool progress_timestamp = false; /* progress report with Unix time */
     264             : static int  nclients = 1;       /* number of clients */
     265             : static int  nthreads = 1;       /* number of threads */
     266             : static bool is_connect;         /* establish connection for each transaction */
     267             : static bool report_per_command = false; /* report per-command latencies,
     268             :                                          * retries after errors and failures
     269             :                                          * (errors without retrying) */
     270             : static int  main_pid;           /* main process id used in log filename */
     271             : 
     272             : /*
     273             :  * There are different types of restrictions for deciding that the current
     274             :  * transaction with a serialization/deadlock error can no longer be retried and
     275             :  * should be reported as failed:
     276             :  * - max_tries (--max-tries) can be used to limit the number of tries;
     277             :  * - latency_limit (-L) can be used to limit the total time of tries;
     278             :  * - duration (-T) can be used to limit the total benchmark time.
     279             :  *
     280             :  * They can be combined together, and you need to use at least one of them to
     281             :  * retry the transactions with serialization/deadlock errors. If none of them is
     282             :  * used, the default value of max_tries is 1 and such transactions will not be
     283             :  * retried.
     284             :  */
     285             : 
     286             : /*
     287             :  * We cannot retry a transaction after the serialization/deadlock error if its
     288             :  * number of tries reaches this maximum; if its value is zero, it is not used.
     289             :  */
     290             : static uint32 max_tries = 1;
     291             : 
     292             : static bool failures_detailed = false;  /* whether to group failures in
     293             :                                          * reports or logs by basic types */
     294             : 
     295             : static const char *pghost = NULL;
     296             : static const char *pgport = NULL;
     297             : static const char *username = NULL;
     298             : static const char *dbName = NULL;
     299             : static char *logfile_prefix = NULL;
     300             : static const char *progname;
     301             : 
     302             : #define WSEP '@'                /* weight separator */
     303             : 
     304             : static volatile sig_atomic_t timer_exceeded = false;    /* flag from signal
     305             :                                                          * handler */
     306             : 
     307             : /*
     308             :  * We don't want to allocate variables one by one; for efficiency, add a
     309             :  * constant margin each time it overflows.
     310             :  */
     311             : #define VARIABLES_ALLOC_MARGIN  8
     312             : 
     313             : /*
     314             :  * Variable definitions.
     315             :  *
     316             :  * If a variable only has a string value, "svalue" is that value, and value is
     317             :  * "not set".  If the value is known, "value" contains the value (in any
     318             :  * variant).
     319             :  *
     320             :  * In this case "svalue" contains the string equivalent of the value, if we've
     321             :  * had occasion to compute that, or NULL if we haven't.
     322             :  */
     323             : typedef struct
     324             : {
     325             :     char       *name;           /* variable's name */
     326             :     char       *svalue;         /* its value in string form, if known */
     327             :     PgBenchValue value;         /* actual variable's value */
     328             : } Variable;
     329             : 
     330             : /*
     331             :  * Data structure for client variables.
     332             :  */
     333             : typedef struct
     334             : {
     335             :     Variable   *vars;           /* array of variable definitions */
     336             :     int         nvars;          /* number of variables */
     337             : 
     338             :     /*
     339             :      * The maximum number of variables that we can currently store in 'vars'
     340             :      * without having to reallocate more space. We must always have max_vars
     341             :      * >= nvars.
     342             :      */
     343             :     int         max_vars;
     344             : 
     345             :     bool        vars_sorted;    /* are variables sorted by name? */
     346             : } Variables;
     347             : 
     348             : #define MAX_SCRIPTS     128     /* max number of SQL scripts allowed */
     349             : #define SHELL_COMMAND_SIZE  256 /* maximum size allowed for shell command */
     350             : 
     351             : /*
     352             :  * Simple data structure to keep stats about something.
     353             :  *
     354             :  * XXX probably the first value should be kept and used as an offset for
     355             :  * better numerical stability...
     356             :  */
     357             : typedef struct SimpleStats
     358             : {
     359             :     int64       count;          /* how many values were encountered */
     360             :     double      min;            /* the minimum seen */
     361             :     double      max;            /* the maximum seen */
     362             :     double      sum;            /* sum of values */
     363             :     double      sum2;           /* sum of squared values */
     364             : } SimpleStats;
     365             : 
     366             : /*
     367             :  * The instr_time type is expensive when dealing with time arithmetic.  Define
     368             :  * a type to hold microseconds instead.  Type int64 is good enough for about
     369             :  * 584500 years.
     370             :  */
     371             : typedef int64 pg_time_usec_t;
     372             : 
     373             : /*
     374             :  * Data structure to hold various statistics: per-thread and per-script stats
     375             :  * are maintained and merged together.
     376             :  */
     377             : typedef struct StatsData
     378             : {
     379             :     pg_time_usec_t start_time;  /* interval start time, for aggregates */
     380             : 
     381             :     /*----------
     382             :      * Transactions are counted depending on their execution and outcome.
     383             :      * First a transaction may have started or not: skipped transactions occur
     384             :      * under --rate and --latency-limit when the client is too late to execute
     385             :      * them. Secondly, a started transaction may ultimately succeed or fail,
     386             :      * possibly after some retries when --max-tries is not one. Thus
     387             :      *
     388             :      * the number of all transactions =
     389             :      *   'skipped' (it was too late to execute them) +
     390             :      *   'cnt' (the number of successful transactions) +
     391             :      *   'failed' (the number of failed transactions).
     392             :      *
     393             :      * A successful transaction can have several unsuccessful tries before a
     394             :      * successful run. Thus
     395             :      *
     396             :      * 'cnt' (the number of successful transactions) =
     397             :      *   successfully retried transactions (they got a serialization or a
     398             :      *                                      deadlock error(s), but were
     399             :      *                                      successfully retried from the very
     400             :      *                                      beginning) +
     401             :      *   directly successful transactions (they were successfully completed on
     402             :      *                                     the first try).
     403             :      *
     404             :      * A failed transaction is defined as unsuccessfully retried transactions.
     405             :      * It can be one of two types:
     406             :      *
     407             :      * failed (the number of failed transactions) =
     408             :      *   'serialization_failures' (they got a serialization error and were not
     409             :      *                             successfully retried) +
     410             :      *   'deadlock_failures' (they got a deadlock error and were not
     411             :      *                        successfully retried).
     412             :      *
     413             :      * If the transaction was retried after a serialization or a deadlock
     414             :      * error this does not guarantee that this retry was successful. Thus
     415             :      *
     416             :      * 'retries' (number of retries) =
     417             :      *   number of retries in all retried transactions =
     418             :      *   number of retries in (successfully retried transactions +
     419             :      *                         failed transactions);
     420             :      *
     421             :      * 'retried' (number of all retried transactions) =
     422             :      *   successfully retried transactions +
     423             :      *   failed transactions.
     424             :      *----------
     425             :      */
     426             :     int64       cnt;            /* number of successful transactions, not
     427             :                                  * including 'skipped' */
     428             :     int64       skipped;        /* number of transactions skipped under --rate
     429             :                                  * and --latency-limit */
     430             :     int64       retries;        /* number of retries after a serialization or
     431             :                                  * a deadlock error in all the transactions */
     432             :     int64       retried;        /* number of all transactions that were
     433             :                                  * retried after a serialization or a deadlock
     434             :                                  * error (perhaps the last try was
     435             :                                  * unsuccessful) */
     436             :     int64       serialization_failures; /* number of transactions that were
     437             :                                          * not successfully retried after a
     438             :                                          * serialization error */
     439             :     int64       deadlock_failures;  /* number of transactions that were not
     440             :                                      * successfully retried after a deadlock
     441             :                                      * error */
     442             :     SimpleStats latency;
     443             :     SimpleStats lag;
     444             : } StatsData;
     445             : 
     446             : /*
     447             :  * For displaying Unix epoch timestamps, as some time functions may have
     448             :  * another reference.
     449             :  */
     450             : static pg_time_usec_t epoch_shift;
     451             : 
     452             : /*
     453             :  * Error status for errors during script execution.
     454             :  */
     455             : typedef enum EStatus
     456             : {
     457             :     ESTATUS_NO_ERROR = 0,
     458             :     ESTATUS_META_COMMAND_ERROR,
     459             : 
     460             :     /* SQL errors */
     461             :     ESTATUS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR,
     462             :     ESTATUS_DEADLOCK_ERROR,
     463             :     ESTATUS_OTHER_SQL_ERROR,
     464             : } EStatus;
     465             : 
     466             : /*
     467             :  * Transaction status at the end of a command.
     468             :  */
     469             : typedef enum TStatus
     470             : {
     471             :     TSTATUS_IDLE,
     472             :     TSTATUS_IN_BLOCK,
     473             :     TSTATUS_CONN_ERROR,
     474             :     TSTATUS_OTHER_ERROR,
     475             : } TStatus;
     476             : 
     477             : /* Various random sequences are initialized from this one. */
     478             : static pg_prng_state base_random_sequence;
     479             : 
     480             : /* Synchronization barrier for start and connection */
     481             : static THREAD_BARRIER_T barrier;
     482             : 
     483             : /*
     484             :  * Connection state machine states.
     485             :  */
     486             : typedef enum
     487             : {
     488             :     /*
     489             :      * The client must first choose a script to execute.  Once chosen, it can
     490             :      * either be throttled (state CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE under --rate), start
     491             :      * right away (state CSTATE_START_TX) or not start at all if the timer was
     492             :      * exceeded (state CSTATE_FINISHED).
     493             :      */
     494             :     CSTATE_CHOOSE_SCRIPT,
     495             : 
     496             :     /*
     497             :      * CSTATE_START_TX performs start-of-transaction processing.  Establishes
     498             :      * a new connection for the transaction in --connect mode, records the
     499             :      * transaction start time, and proceed to the first command.
     500             :      *
     501             :      * Note: once a script is started, it will either error or run till its
     502             :      * end, where it may be interrupted. It is not interrupted while running,
     503             :      * so pgbench --time is to be understood as tx are allowed to start in
     504             :      * that time, and will finish when their work is completed.
     505             :      */
     506             :     CSTATE_START_TX,
     507             : 
     508             :     /*
     509             :      * In CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE state, we calculate when to begin the next
     510             :      * transaction, and advance to CSTATE_THROTTLE.  CSTATE_THROTTLE state
     511             :      * sleeps until that moment, then advances to CSTATE_START_TX, or
     512             :      * CSTATE_FINISHED if the next transaction would start beyond the end of
     513             :      * the run.
     514             :      */
     515             :     CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE,
     516             :     CSTATE_THROTTLE,
     517             : 
     518             :     /*
     519             :      * We loop through these states, to process each command in the script:
     520             :      *
     521             :      * CSTATE_START_COMMAND starts the execution of a command.  On a SQL
     522             :      * command, the command is sent to the server, and we move to
     523             :      * CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT state unless in pipeline mode. On a \sleep
     524             :      * meta-command, the timer is set, and we enter the CSTATE_SLEEP state to
     525             :      * wait for it to expire. Other meta-commands are executed immediately. If
     526             :      * the command about to start is actually beyond the end of the script,
     527             :      * advance to CSTATE_END_TX.
     528             :      *
     529             :      * CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT waits until we get a result set back from the server
     530             :      * for the current command.
     531             :      *
     532             :      * CSTATE_SLEEP waits until the end of \sleep.
     533             :      *
     534             :      * CSTATE_END_COMMAND records the end-of-command timestamp, increments the
     535             :      * command counter, and loops back to CSTATE_START_COMMAND state.
     536             :      *
     537             :      * CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND is used by conditional branches which are not
     538             :      * executed. It quickly skip commands that do not need any evaluation.
     539             :      * This state can move forward several commands, till there is something
     540             :      * to do or the end of the script.
     541             :      */
     542             :     CSTATE_START_COMMAND,
     543             :     CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT,
     544             :     CSTATE_SLEEP,
     545             :     CSTATE_END_COMMAND,
     546             :     CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND,
     547             : 
     548             :     /*
     549             :      * States for failed commands.
     550             :      *
     551             :      * If the SQL/meta command fails, in CSTATE_ERROR clean up after an error:
     552             :      * (1) clear the conditional stack; (2) if we have an unterminated
     553             :      * (possibly failed) transaction block, send the rollback command to the
     554             :      * server and wait for the result in CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT.  If
     555             :      * something goes wrong with rolling back, go to CSTATE_ABORTED.
     556             :      *
     557             :      * But if everything is ok we are ready for future transactions: if this
     558             :      * is a serialization or deadlock error and we can re-execute the
     559             :      * transaction from the very beginning, go to CSTATE_RETRY; otherwise go
     560             :      * to CSTATE_FAILURE.
     561             :      *
     562             :      * In CSTATE_RETRY report an error, set the same parameters for the
     563             :      * transaction execution as in the previous tries and process the first
     564             :      * transaction command in CSTATE_START_COMMAND.
     565             :      *
     566             :      * In CSTATE_FAILURE report a failure, set the parameters for the
     567             :      * transaction execution as they were before the first run of this
     568             :      * transaction (except for a random state) and go to CSTATE_END_TX to
     569             :      * complete this transaction.
     570             :      */
     571             :     CSTATE_ERROR,
     572             :     CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT,
     573             :     CSTATE_RETRY,
     574             :     CSTATE_FAILURE,
     575             : 
     576             :     /*
     577             :      * CSTATE_END_TX performs end-of-transaction processing.  It calculates
     578             :      * latency, and logs the transaction.  In --connect mode, it closes the
     579             :      * current connection.
     580             :      *
     581             :      * Then either starts over in CSTATE_CHOOSE_SCRIPT, or enters
     582             :      * CSTATE_FINISHED if we have no more work to do.
     583             :      */
     584             :     CSTATE_END_TX,
     585             : 
     586             :     /*
     587             :      * Final states.  CSTATE_ABORTED means that the script execution was
     588             :      * aborted because a command failed, CSTATE_FINISHED means success.
     589             :      */
     590             :     CSTATE_ABORTED,
     591             :     CSTATE_FINISHED,
     592             : } ConnectionStateEnum;
     593             : 
     594             : /*
     595             :  * Connection state.
     596             :  */
     597             : typedef struct
     598             : {
     599             :     PGconn     *con;            /* connection handle to DB */
     600             :     int         id;             /* client No. */
     601             :     ConnectionStateEnum state;  /* state machine's current state. */
     602             :     ConditionalStack cstack;    /* enclosing conditionals state */
     603             : 
     604             :     /*
     605             :      * Separate randomness for each client. This is used for random functions
     606             :      * PGBENCH_RANDOM_* during the execution of the script.
     607             :      */
     608             :     pg_prng_state cs_func_rs;
     609             : 
     610             :     int         use_file;       /* index in sql_script for this client */
     611             :     int         command;        /* command number in script */
     612             :     int         num_syncs;      /* number of ongoing sync commands */
     613             : 
     614             :     /* client variables */
     615             :     Variables   variables;
     616             : 
     617             :     /* various times about current transaction in microseconds */
     618             :     pg_time_usec_t txn_scheduled;   /* scheduled start time of transaction */
     619             :     pg_time_usec_t sleep_until; /* scheduled start time of next cmd */
     620             :     pg_time_usec_t txn_begin;   /* used for measuring schedule lag times */
     621             :     pg_time_usec_t stmt_begin;  /* used for measuring statement latencies */
     622             : 
     623             :     /* whether client prepared each command of each script */
     624             :     bool      **prepared;
     625             : 
     626             :     /*
     627             :      * For processing failures and repeating transactions with serialization
     628             :      * or deadlock errors:
     629             :      */
     630             :     EStatus     estatus;        /* the error status of the current transaction
     631             :                                  * execution; this is ESTATUS_NO_ERROR if
     632             :                                  * there were no errors */
     633             :     pg_prng_state random_state; /* random state */
     634             :     uint32      tries;          /* how many times have we already tried the
     635             :                                  * current transaction? */
     636             : 
     637             :     /* per client collected stats */
     638             :     int64       cnt;            /* client transaction count, for -t; skipped
     639             :                                  * and failed transactions are also counted
     640             :                                  * here */
     641             : } CState;
     642             : 
     643             : /*
     644             :  * Thread state
     645             :  */
     646             : typedef struct
     647             : {
     648             :     int         tid;            /* thread id */
     649             :     THREAD_T    thread;         /* thread handle */
     650             :     CState     *state;          /* array of CState */
     651             :     int         nstate;         /* length of state[] */
     652             : 
     653             :     /*
     654             :      * Separate randomness for each thread. Each thread option uses its own
     655             :      * random state to make all of them independent of each other and
     656             :      * therefore deterministic at the thread level.
     657             :      */
     658             :     pg_prng_state ts_choose_rs; /* random state for selecting a script */
     659             :     pg_prng_state ts_throttle_rs;   /* random state for transaction throttling */
     660             :     pg_prng_state ts_sample_rs; /* random state for log sampling */
     661             : 
     662             :     int64       throttle_trigger;   /* previous/next throttling (us) */
     663             :     FILE       *logfile;        /* where to log, or NULL */
     664             : 
     665             :     /* per thread collected stats in microseconds */
     666             :     pg_time_usec_t create_time; /* thread creation time */
     667             :     pg_time_usec_t started_time;    /* thread is running */
     668             :     pg_time_usec_t bench_start; /* thread is benchmarking */
     669             :     pg_time_usec_t conn_duration;   /* cumulated connection and disconnection
     670             :                                      * delays */
     671             : 
     672             :     StatsData   stats;
     673             :     int64       latency_late;   /* count executed but late transactions */
     674             : } TState;
     675             : 
     676             : /*
     677             :  * queries read from files
     678             :  */
     679             : #define SQL_COMMAND     1
     680             : #define META_COMMAND    2
     681             : 
     682             : /*
     683             :  * max number of backslash command arguments or SQL variables,
     684             :  * including the command or SQL statement itself
     685             :  */
     686             : #define MAX_ARGS        256
     687             : 
     688             : typedef enum MetaCommand
     689             : {
     690             :     META_NONE,                  /* not a known meta-command */
     691             :     META_SET,                   /* \set */
     692             :     META_SETSHELL,              /* \setshell */
     693             :     META_SHELL,                 /* \shell */
     694             :     META_SLEEP,                 /* \sleep */
     695             :     META_GSET,                  /* \gset */
     696             :     META_ASET,                  /* \aset */
     697             :     META_IF,                    /* \if */
     698             :     META_ELIF,                  /* \elif */
     699             :     META_ELSE,                  /* \else */
     700             :     META_ENDIF,                 /* \endif */
     701             :     META_STARTPIPELINE,         /* \startpipeline */
     702             :     META_SYNCPIPELINE,          /* \syncpipeline */
     703             :     META_ENDPIPELINE,           /* \endpipeline */
     704             : } MetaCommand;
     705             : 
     706             : typedef enum QueryMode
     707             : {
     708             :     QUERY_SIMPLE,               /* simple query */
     709             :     QUERY_EXTENDED,             /* extended query */
     710             :     QUERY_PREPARED,             /* extended query with prepared statements */
     711             :     NUM_QUERYMODE
     712             : } QueryMode;
     713             : 
     714             : static QueryMode querymode = QUERY_SIMPLE;
     715             : static const char *const QUERYMODE[] = {"simple", "extended", "prepared"};
     716             : 
     717             : /*
     718             :  * struct Command represents one command in a script.
     719             :  *
     720             :  * lines        The raw, possibly multi-line command text.  Variable substitution
     721             :  *              not applied.
     722             :  * first_line   A short, single-line extract of 'lines', for error reporting.
     723             :  * type         SQL_COMMAND or META_COMMAND
     724             :  * meta         The type of meta-command, with META_NONE/GSET/ASET if command
     725             :  *              is SQL.
     726             :  * argc         Number of arguments of the command, 0 if not yet processed.
     727             :  * argv         Command arguments, the first of which is the command or SQL
     728             :  *              string itself.  For SQL commands, after post-processing
     729             :  *              argv[0] is the same as 'lines' with variables substituted.
     730             :  * prepname     The name that this command is prepared under, in prepare mode
     731             :  * varprefix    SQL commands terminated with \gset or \aset have this set
     732             :  *              to a non NULL value.  If nonempty, it's used to prefix the
     733             :  *              variable name that receives the value.
     734             :  * aset         do gset on all possible queries of a combined query (\;).
     735             :  * expr         Parsed expression, if needed.
     736             :  * stats        Time spent in this command.
     737             :  * retries      Number of retries after a serialization or deadlock error in the
     738             :  *              current command.
     739             :  * failures     Number of errors in the current command that were not retried.
     740             :  */
     741             : typedef struct Command
     742             : {
     743             :     PQExpBufferData lines;
     744             :     char       *first_line;
     745             :     int         type;
     746             :     MetaCommand meta;
     747             :     int         argc;
     748             :     char       *argv[MAX_ARGS];
     749             :     char       *prepname;
     750             :     char       *varprefix;
     751             :     PgBenchExpr *expr;
     752             :     SimpleStats stats;
     753             :     int64       retries;
     754             :     int64       failures;
     755             : } Command;
     756             : 
     757             : typedef struct ParsedScript
     758             : {
     759             :     const char *desc;           /* script descriptor (eg, file name) */
     760             :     int         weight;         /* selection weight */
     761             :     Command   **commands;       /* NULL-terminated array of Commands */
     762             :     StatsData   stats;          /* total time spent in script */
     763             : } ParsedScript;
     764             : 
     765             : static ParsedScript sql_script[MAX_SCRIPTS];    /* SQL script files */
     766             : static int  num_scripts;        /* number of scripts in sql_script[] */
     767             : static int64 total_weight = 0;
     768             : 
     769             : static bool verbose_errors = false; /* print verbose messages of all errors */
     770             : 
     771             : static bool exit_on_abort = false;  /* exit when any client is aborted */
     772             : 
     773             : /* Builtin test scripts */
     774             : typedef struct BuiltinScript
     775             : {
     776             :     const char *name;           /* very short name for -b ... */
     777             :     const char *desc;           /* short description */
     778             :     const char *script;         /* actual pgbench script */
     779             : } BuiltinScript;
     780             : 
     781             : static const BuiltinScript builtin_script[] =
     782             : {
     783             :     {
     784             :         "tpcb-like",
     785             :         "<builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>",
     786             :         "\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
     787             :         "\\set bid random(1, " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale)\n"
     788             :         "\\set tid random(1, " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale)\n"
     789             :         "\\set delta random(-5000, 5000)\n"
     790             :         "BEGIN;\n"
     791             :         "UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
     792             :         "SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
     793             :         "UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;\n"
     794             :         "UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;\n"
     795             :         "INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);\n"
     796             :         "END;\n"
     797             :     },
     798             :     {
     799             :         "simple-update",
     800             :         "<builtin: simple update>",
     801             :         "\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
     802             :         "\\set bid random(1, " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale)\n"
     803             :         "\\set tid random(1, " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale)\n"
     804             :         "\\set delta random(-5000, 5000)\n"
     805             :         "BEGIN;\n"
     806             :         "UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
     807             :         "SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
     808             :         "INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);\n"
     809             :         "END;\n"
     810             :     },
     811             :     {
     812             :         "select-only",
     813             :         "<builtin: select only>",
     814             :         "\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
     815             :         "SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
     816             :     }
     817             : };
     818             : 
     819             : 
     820             : /* Function prototypes */
     821             : static void setNullValue(PgBenchValue *pv);
     822             : static void setBoolValue(PgBenchValue *pv, bool bval);
     823             : static void setIntValue(PgBenchValue *pv, int64 ival);
     824             : static void setDoubleValue(PgBenchValue *pv, double dval);
     825             : static bool evaluateExpr(CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr,
     826             :                          PgBenchValue *retval);
     827             : static ConnectionStateEnum executeMetaCommand(CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now);
     828             : static void doLog(TState *thread, CState *st,
     829             :                   StatsData *agg, bool skipped, double latency, double lag);
     830             : static void processXactStats(TState *thread, CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now,
     831             :                              bool skipped, StatsData *agg);
     832             : static void addScript(const ParsedScript *script);
     833             : static THREAD_FUNC_RETURN_TYPE THREAD_FUNC_CC threadRun(void *arg);
     834             : static void finishCon(CState *st);
     835             : static void setalarm(int seconds);
     836             : static socket_set *alloc_socket_set(int count);
     837             : static void free_socket_set(socket_set *sa);
     838             : static void clear_socket_set(socket_set *sa);
     839             : static void add_socket_to_set(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx);
     840             : static int  wait_on_socket_set(socket_set *sa, int64 usecs);
     841             : static bool socket_has_input(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx);
     842             : 
     843             : /* callback used to build rows for COPY during data loading */
     844             : typedef void (*initRowMethod) (PQExpBufferData *sql, int64 curr);
     845             : 
     846             : /* callback functions for our flex lexer */
     847             : static const PsqlScanCallbacks pgbench_callbacks = {
     848             :     NULL,                       /* don't need get_variable functionality */
     849             : };
     850             : 
     851             : static inline pg_time_usec_t
     852       23536 : pg_time_now(void)
     853             : {
     854             :     instr_time  now;
     855             : 
     856       23536 :     INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(now);
     857             : 
     858       23536 :     return (pg_time_usec_t) INSTR_TIME_GET_MICROSEC(now);
     859             : }
     860             : 
     861             : static inline void
     862       21464 : pg_time_now_lazy(pg_time_usec_t *now)
     863             : {
     864       21464 :     if ((*now) == 0)
     865       19378 :         (*now) = pg_time_now();
     866       21464 : }
     867             : 
     868             : #define PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(t) (0.000001 * (t))
     869             : 
     870             : static void
     871           2 : usage(void)
     872             : {
     873           2 :     printf("%s is a benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL.\n\n"
     874             :            "Usage:\n"
     875             :            "  %s [OPTION]... [DBNAME]\n"
     876             :            "\nInitialization options:\n"
     877             :            "  -i, --initialize         invokes initialization mode\n"
     878             :            "  -I, --init-steps=[" ALL_INIT_STEPS "]+ (default \"" DEFAULT_INIT_STEPS "\")\n"
     879             :            "                           run selected initialization steps, in the specified order\n"
     880             :            "                           d: drop any existing pgbench tables\n"
     881             :            "                           t: create the tables used by the standard pgbench scenario\n"
     882             :            "                           g: generate data, client-side\n"
     883             :            "                           G: generate data, server-side\n"
     884             :            "                           v: invoke VACUUM on the standard tables\n"
     885             :            "                           p: create primary key indexes on the standard tables\n"
     886             :            "                           f: create foreign keys between the standard tables\n"
     887             :            "  -F, --fillfactor=NUM     set fill factor\n"
     888             :            "  -n, --no-vacuum          do not run VACUUM during initialization\n"
     889             :            "  -q, --quiet              quiet logging (one message each 5 seconds)\n"
     890             :            "  -s, --scale=NUM          scaling factor\n"
     891             :            "  --foreign-keys           create foreign key constraints between tables\n"
     892             :            "  --index-tablespace=TABLESPACE\n"
     893             :            "                           create indexes in the specified tablespace\n"
     894             :            "  --partition-method=(range|hash)\n"
     895             :            "                           partition pgbench_accounts with this method (default: range)\n"
     896             :            "  --partitions=NUM         partition pgbench_accounts into NUM parts (default: 0)\n"
     897             :            "  --tablespace=TABLESPACE  create tables in the specified tablespace\n"
     898             :            "  --unlogged-tables        create tables as unlogged tables\n"
     899             :            "\nOptions to select what to run:\n"
     900             :            "  -b, --builtin=NAME[@W]   add builtin script NAME weighted at W (default: 1)\n"
     901             :            "                           (use \"-b list\" to list available scripts)\n"
     902             :            "  -f, --file=FILENAME[@W]  add script FILENAME weighted at W (default: 1)\n"
     903             :            "  -N, --skip-some-updates  skip updates of pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches\n"
     904             :            "                           (same as \"-b simple-update\")\n"
     905             :            "  -S, --select-only        perform SELECT-only transactions\n"
     906             :            "                           (same as \"-b select-only\")\n"
     907             :            "\nBenchmarking options:\n"
     908             :            "  -c, --client=NUM         number of concurrent database clients (default: 1)\n"
     909             :            "  -C, --connect            establish new connection for each transaction\n"
     910             :            "  -D, --define=VARNAME=VALUE\n"
     911             :            "                           define variable for use by custom script\n"
     912             :            "  -j, --jobs=NUM           number of threads (default: 1)\n"
     913             :            "  -l, --log                write transaction times to log file\n"
     914             :            "  -L, --latency-limit=NUM  count transactions lasting more than NUM ms as late\n"
     915             :            "  -M, --protocol=simple|extended|prepared\n"
     916             :            "                           protocol for submitting queries (default: simple)\n"
     917             :            "  -n, --no-vacuum          do not run VACUUM before tests\n"
     918             :            "  -P, --progress=NUM       show thread progress report every NUM seconds\n"
     919             :            "  -r, --report-per-command report latencies, failures, and retries per command\n"
     920             :            "  -R, --rate=NUM           target rate in transactions per second\n"
     921             :            "  -s, --scale=NUM          report this scale factor in output\n"
     922             :            "  -t, --transactions=NUM   number of transactions each client runs (default: 10)\n"
     923             :            "  -T, --time=NUM           duration of benchmark test in seconds\n"
     924             :            "  -v, --vacuum-all         vacuum all four standard tables before tests\n"
     925             :            "  --aggregate-interval=NUM aggregate data over NUM seconds\n"
     926             :            "  --exit-on-abort          exit when any client is aborted\n"
     927             :            "  --failures-detailed      report the failures grouped by basic types\n"
     928             :            "  --log-prefix=PREFIX      prefix for transaction time log file\n"
     929             :            "                           (default: \"pgbench_log\")\n"
     930             :            "  --max-tries=NUM          max number of tries to run transaction (default: 1)\n"
     931             :            "  --progress-timestamp     use Unix epoch timestamps for progress\n"
     932             :            "  --random-seed=SEED       set random seed (\"time\", \"rand\", integer)\n"
     933             :            "  --sampling-rate=NUM      fraction of transactions to log (e.g., 0.01 for 1%%)\n"
     934             :            "  --show-script=NAME       show builtin script code, then exit\n"
     935             :            "  --verbose-errors         print messages of all errors\n"
     936             :            "\nCommon options:\n"
     937             :            "  --debug                  print debugging output\n"
     938             :            "  -d, --dbname=DBNAME      database name to connect to\n"
     939             :            "  -h, --host=HOSTNAME      database server host or socket directory\n"
     940             :            "  -p, --port=PORT          database server port number\n"
     941             :            "  -U, --username=USERNAME  connect as specified database user\n"
     942             :            "  -V, --version            output version information, then exit\n"
     943             :            "  -?, --help               show this help, then exit\n"
     944             :            "\n"
     945             :            "Report bugs to <%s>.\n"
     946             :            "%s home page: <%s>\n",
     947             :            progname, progname, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_URL);
     948           2 : }
     949             : 
     950             : /* return whether str matches "^\s*[-+]?[0-9]+$" */
     951             : static bool
     952         888 : is_an_int(const char *str)
     953             : {
     954         888 :     const char *ptr = str;
     955             : 
     956             :     /* skip leading spaces; cast is consistent with strtoint64 */
     957         888 :     while (*ptr && isspace((unsigned char) *ptr))
     958           0 :         ptr++;
     959             : 
     960             :     /* skip sign */
     961         888 :     if (*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-')
     962           6 :         ptr++;
     963             : 
     964             :     /* at least one digit */
     965         888 :     if (*ptr && !isdigit((unsigned char) *ptr))
     966           4 :         return false;
     967             : 
     968             :     /* eat all digits */
     969        1878 :     while (*ptr && isdigit((unsigned char) *ptr))
     970         994 :         ptr++;
     971             : 
     972             :     /* must have reached end of string */
     973         884 :     return *ptr == '\0';
     974             : }
     975             : 
     976             : 
     977             : /*
     978             :  * strtoint64 -- convert a string to 64-bit integer
     979             :  *
     980             :  * This function is a slightly modified version of pg_strtoint64() from
     981             :  * src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.c.
     982             :  *
     983             :  * The function returns whether the conversion worked, and if so
     984             :  * "*result" is set to the result.
     985             :  *
     986             :  * If not errorOK, an error message is also printed out on errors.
     987             :  */
     988             : bool
     989        2476 : strtoint64(const char *str, bool errorOK, int64 *result)
     990             : {
     991        2476 :     const char *ptr = str;
     992        2476 :     int64       tmp = 0;
     993        2476 :     bool        neg = false;
     994             : 
     995             :     /*
     996             :      * Do our own scan, rather than relying on sscanf which might be broken
     997             :      * for long long.
     998             :      *
     999             :      * As INT64_MIN can't be stored as a positive 64 bit integer, accumulate
    1000             :      * value as a negative number.
    1001             :      */
    1002             : 
    1003             :     /* skip leading spaces */
    1004        2476 :     while (*ptr && isspace((unsigned char) *ptr))
    1005           0 :         ptr++;
    1006             : 
    1007             :     /* handle sign */
    1008        2476 :     if (*ptr == '-')
    1009             :     {
    1010           4 :         ptr++;
    1011           4 :         neg = true;
    1012             :     }
    1013        2472 :     else if (*ptr == '+')
    1014           0 :         ptr++;
    1015             : 
    1016             :     /* require at least one digit */
    1017        2476 :     if (unlikely(!isdigit((unsigned char) *ptr)))
    1018           0 :         goto invalid_syntax;
    1019             : 
    1020             :     /* process digits */
    1021        7558 :     while (*ptr && isdigit((unsigned char) *ptr))
    1022             :     {
    1023        5084 :         int8        digit = (*ptr++ - '0');
    1024             : 
    1025        5084 :         if (unlikely(pg_mul_s64_overflow(tmp, 10, &tmp)) ||
    1026        5082 :             unlikely(pg_sub_s64_overflow(tmp, digit, &tmp)))
    1027           2 :             goto out_of_range;
    1028             :     }
    1029             : 
    1030             :     /* allow trailing whitespace, but not other trailing chars */
    1031        2474 :     while (*ptr != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char) *ptr))
    1032           0 :         ptr++;
    1033             : 
    1034        2474 :     if (unlikely(*ptr != '\0'))
    1035           0 :         goto invalid_syntax;
    1036             : 
    1037        2474 :     if (!neg)
    1038             :     {
    1039        2470 :         if (unlikely(tmp == PG_INT64_MIN))
    1040           0 :             goto out_of_range;
    1041        2470 :         tmp = -tmp;
    1042             :     }
    1043             : 
    1044        2474 :     *result = tmp;
    1045        2474 :     return true;
    1046             : 
    1047           2 : out_of_range:
    1048           2 :     if (!errorOK)
    1049           0 :         pg_log_error("value \"%s\" is out of range for type bigint", str);
    1050           2 :     return false;
    1051             : 
    1052           0 : invalid_syntax:
    1053           0 :     if (!errorOK)
    1054           0 :         pg_log_error("invalid input syntax for type bigint: \"%s\"", str);
    1055           0 :     return false;
    1056             : }
    1057             : 
    1058             : /* convert string to double, detecting overflows/underflows */
    1059             : bool
    1060         132 : strtodouble(const char *str, bool errorOK, double *dv)
    1061             : {
    1062             :     char       *end;
    1063             : 
    1064         132 :     errno = 0;
    1065         132 :     *dv = strtod(str, &end);
    1066             : 
    1067         132 :     if (unlikely(errno != 0))
    1068             :     {
    1069           4 :         if (!errorOK)
    1070           0 :             pg_log_error("value \"%s\" is out of range for type double", str);
    1071           4 :         return false;
    1072             :     }
    1073             : 
    1074         128 :     if (unlikely(end == str || *end != '\0'))
    1075             :     {
    1076           4 :         if (!errorOK)
    1077           0 :             pg_log_error("invalid input syntax for type double: \"%s\"", str);
    1078           4 :         return false;
    1079             :     }
    1080         124 :     return true;
    1081             : }
    1082             : 
    1083             : /*
    1084             :  * Initialize a prng state struct.
    1085             :  *
    1086             :  * We derive the seed from base_random_sequence, which must be set up already.
    1087             :  */
    1088             : static void
    1089         690 : initRandomState(pg_prng_state *state)
    1090             : {
    1091         690 :     pg_prng_seed(state, pg_prng_uint64(&base_random_sequence));
    1092         690 : }
    1093             : 
    1094             : 
    1095             : /*
    1096             :  * random number generator: uniform distribution from min to max inclusive.
    1097             :  *
    1098             :  * Although the limits are expressed as int64, you can't generate the full
    1099             :  * int64 range in one call, because the difference of the limits mustn't
    1100             :  * overflow int64.  This is not checked.
    1101             :  */
    1102             : static int64
    1103        5736 : getrand(pg_prng_state *state, int64 min, int64 max)
    1104             : {
    1105        5736 :     return min + (int64) pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0, max - min);
    1106             : }
    1107             : 
    1108             : /*
    1109             :  * random number generator: exponential distribution from min to max inclusive.
    1110             :  * the parameter is so that the density of probability for the last cut-off max
    1111             :  * value is exp(-parameter).
    1112             :  */
    1113             : static int64
    1114           6 : getExponentialRand(pg_prng_state *state, int64 min, int64 max,
    1115             :                    double parameter)
    1116             : {
    1117             :     double      cut,
    1118             :                 uniform,
    1119             :                 rand;
    1120             : 
    1121             :     /* abort if wrong parameter, but must really be checked beforehand */
    1122             :     Assert(parameter > 0.0);
    1123           6 :     cut = exp(-parameter);
    1124             :     /* pg_prng_double value in [0, 1), uniform in (0, 1] */
    1125           6 :     uniform = 1.0 - pg_prng_double(state);
    1126             : 
    1127             :     /*
    1128             :      * inner expression in (cut, 1] (if parameter > 0), rand in [0, 1)
    1129             :      */
    1130             :     Assert((1.0 - cut) != 0.0);
    1131           6 :     rand = -log(cut + (1.0 - cut) * uniform) / parameter;
    1132             :     /* return int64 random number within between min and max */
    1133           6 :     return min + (int64) ((max - min + 1) * rand);
    1134             : }
    1135             : 
    1136             : /* random number generator: gaussian distribution from min to max inclusive */
    1137             : static int64
    1138           6 : getGaussianRand(pg_prng_state *state, int64 min, int64 max,
    1139             :                 double parameter)
    1140             : {
    1141             :     double      stdev;
    1142             :     double      rand;
    1143             : 
    1144             :     /* abort if parameter is too low, but must really be checked beforehand */
    1145             :     Assert(parameter >= MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM);
    1146             : 
    1147             :     /*
    1148             :      * Get normally-distributed random number in the range -parameter <= stdev
    1149             :      * < parameter.
    1150             :      *
    1151             :      * This loop is executed until the number is in the expected range.
    1152             :      *
    1153             :      * As the minimum parameter is 2.0, the probability of looping is low:
    1154             :      * sqrt(-2 ln(r)) <= 2 => r >= e^{-2} ~ 0.135, then when taking the
    1155             :      * average sinus multiplier as 2/pi, we have a 8.6% looping probability in
    1156             :      * the worst case. For a parameter value of 5.0, the looping probability
    1157             :      * is about e^{-5} * 2 / pi ~ 0.43%.
    1158             :      */
    1159             :     do
    1160             :     {
    1161           6 :         stdev = pg_prng_double_normal(state);
    1162             :     }
    1163           6 :     while (stdev < -parameter || stdev >= parameter);
    1164             : 
    1165             :     /* stdev is in [-parameter, parameter), normalization to [0,1) */
    1166           6 :     rand = (stdev + parameter) / (parameter * 2.0);
    1167             : 
    1168             :     /* return int64 random number within between min and max */
    1169           6 :     return min + (int64) ((max - min + 1) * rand);
    1170             : }
    1171             : 
    1172             : /*
    1173             :  * random number generator: generate a value, such that the series of values
    1174             :  * will approximate a Poisson distribution centered on the given value.
    1175             :  *
    1176             :  * Individual results are rounded to integers, though the center value need
    1177             :  * not be one.
    1178             :  */
    1179             : static int64
    1180         420 : getPoissonRand(pg_prng_state *state, double center)
    1181             : {
    1182             :     /*
    1183             :      * Use inverse transform sampling to generate a value > 0, such that the
    1184             :      * expected (i.e. average) value is the given argument.
    1185             :      */
    1186             :     double      uniform;
    1187             : 
    1188             :     /* pg_prng_double value in [0, 1), uniform in (0, 1] */
    1189         420 :     uniform = 1.0 - pg_prng_double(state);
    1190             : 
    1191         420 :     return (int64) (-log(uniform) * center + 0.5);
    1192             : }
    1193             : 
    1194             : /*
    1195             :  * Computing zipfian using rejection method, based on
    1196             :  * "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation",
    1197             :  * Luc Devroye, p. 550-551, Springer 1986.
    1198             :  *
    1199             :  * This works for s > 1.0, but may perform badly for s very close to 1.0.
    1200             :  */
    1201             : static int64
    1202           6 : computeIterativeZipfian(pg_prng_state *state, int64 n, double s)
    1203             : {
    1204           6 :     double      b = pow(2.0, s - 1.0);
    1205             :     double      x,
    1206             :                 t,
    1207             :                 u,
    1208             :                 v;
    1209             : 
    1210             :     /* Ensure n is sane */
    1211           6 :     if (n <= 1)
    1212           0 :         return 1;
    1213             : 
    1214             :     while (true)
    1215             :     {
    1216             :         /* random variates */
    1217          10 :         u = pg_prng_double(state);
    1218          10 :         v = pg_prng_double(state);
    1219             : 
    1220          10 :         x = floor(pow(u, -1.0 / (s - 1.0)));
    1221             : 
    1222          10 :         t = pow(1.0 + 1.0 / x, s - 1.0);
    1223             :         /* reject if too large or out of bound */
    1224          10 :         if (v * x * (t - 1.0) / (b - 1.0) <= t / b && x <= n)
    1225           6 :             break;
    1226             :     }
    1227           6 :     return (int64) x;
    1228             : }
    1229             : 
    1230             : /* random number generator: zipfian distribution from min to max inclusive */
    1231             : static int64
    1232           6 : getZipfianRand(pg_prng_state *state, int64 min, int64 max, double s)
    1233             : {
    1234           6 :     int64       n = max - min + 1;
    1235             : 
    1236             :     /* abort if parameter is invalid */
    1237             :     Assert(MIN_ZIPFIAN_PARAM <= s && s <= MAX_ZIPFIAN_PARAM);
    1238             : 
    1239           6 :     return min - 1 + computeIterativeZipfian(state, n, s);
    1240             : }
    1241             : 
    1242             : /*
    1243             :  * FNV-1a hash function
    1244             :  */
    1245             : static int64
    1246           2 : getHashFnv1a(int64 val, uint64 seed)
    1247             : {
    1248             :     int64       result;
    1249             :     int         i;
    1250             : 
    1251           2 :     result = FNV_OFFSET_BASIS ^ seed;
    1252          18 :     for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
    1253             :     {
    1254          16 :         int32       octet = val & 0xff;
    1255             : 
    1256          16 :         val = val >> 8;
    1257          16 :         result = result ^ octet;
    1258          16 :         result = result * FNV_PRIME;
    1259             :     }
    1260             : 
    1261           2 :     return result;
    1262             : }
    1263             : 
    1264             : /*
    1265             :  * Murmur2 hash function
    1266             :  *
    1267             :  * Based on original work of Austin Appleby
    1268             :  *
    1269             :  */
    1270             : static int64
    1271          10 : getHashMurmur2(int64 val, uint64 seed)
    1272             : {
    1273          10 :     uint64      result = seed ^ MM2_MUL_TIMES_8;    /* sizeof(int64) */
    1274          10 :     uint64      k = (uint64) val;
    1275             : 
    1276          10 :     k *= MM2_MUL;
    1277          10 :     k ^= k >> MM2_ROT;
    1278          10 :     k *= MM2_MUL;
    1279             : 
    1280          10 :     result ^= k;
    1281          10 :     result *= MM2_MUL;
    1282             : 
    1283          10 :     result ^= result >> MM2_ROT;
    1284          10 :     result *= MM2_MUL;
    1285          10 :     result ^= result >> MM2_ROT;
    1286             : 
    1287          10 :     return (int64) result;
    1288             : }
    1289             : 
    1290             : /*
    1291             :  * Pseudorandom permutation function
    1292             :  *
    1293             :  * For small sizes, this generates each of the (size!) possible permutations
    1294             :  * of integers in the range [0, size) with roughly equal probability.  Once
    1295             :  * the size is larger than 20, the number of possible permutations exceeds the
    1296             :  * number of distinct states of the internal pseudorandom number generator,
    1297             :  * and so not all possible permutations can be generated, but the permutations
    1298             :  * chosen should continue to give the appearance of being random.
    1299             :  *
    1301             :  * DO NOT USE FOR SUCH PURPOSE.
    1302             :  */
    1303             : static int64
    1304          90 : permute(const int64 val, const int64 isize, const int64 seed)
    1305             : {
    1306             :     /* using a high-end PRNG is probably overkill */
    1307             :     pg_prng_state state;
    1308             :     uint64      size;
    1309             :     uint64      v;
    1310             :     int         masklen;
    1311             :     uint64      mask;
    1312             :     int         i;
    1313             : 
    1314          90 :     if (isize < 2)
    1315           2 :         return 0;               /* nothing to permute */
    1316             : 
    1317             :     /* Initialize prng state using the seed */
    1318          88 :     pg_prng_seed(&state, (uint64) seed);
    1319             : 
    1320             :     /* Computations are performed on unsigned values */
    1321          88 :     size = (uint64) isize;
    1322          88 :     v = (uint64) val % size;
    1323             : 
    1324             :     /* Mask to work modulo largest power of 2 less than or equal to size */
    1325          88 :     masklen = pg_leftmost_one_pos64(size);
    1326          88 :     mask = (((uint64) 1) << masklen) - 1;
    1327             : 
    1328             :     /*
    1329             :      * Permute the input value by applying several rounds of pseudorandom
    1330             :      * bijective transformations.  The intention here is to distribute each
    1331             :      * input uniformly randomly across the range, and separate adjacent inputs
    1332             :      * approximately uniformly randomly from each other, leading to a fairly
    1333             :      * random overall choice of permutation.
    1334             :      *
    1335             :      * To separate adjacent inputs, we multiply by a random number modulo
    1336             :      * (mask + 1), which is a power of 2.  For this to be a bijection, the
    1337             :      * multiplier must be odd.  Since this is known to lead to less randomness
    1338             :      * in the lower bits, we also apply a rotation that shifts the topmost bit
    1339             :      * into the least significant bit.  In the special cases where size <= 3,
    1340             :      * mask = 1 and each of these operations is actually a no-op, so we also
    1341             :      * XOR the value with a different random number to inject additional
    1342             :      * randomness.  Since the size is generally not a power of 2, we apply
    1343             :      * this bijection on overlapping upper and lower halves of the input.
    1344             :      *
    1345             :      * To distribute the inputs uniformly across the range, we then also apply
    1346             :      * a random offset modulo the full range.
    1347             :      *
    1348             :      * Taken together, these operations resemble a modified linear
    1349             :      * congruential generator, as is commonly used in pseudorandom number
    1350             :      * generators.  The number of rounds is fairly arbitrary, but six has been
    1351             :      * found empirically to give a fairly good tradeoff between performance
    1352             :      * and uniform randomness.  For small sizes it selects each of the (size!)
    1353             :      * possible permutations with roughly equal probability.  For larger
    1354             :      * sizes, not all permutations can be generated, but the intended random
    1355             :      * spread is still produced.
    1356             :      */
    1357         616 :     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    1358             :     {
    1359             :         uint64      m,
    1360             :                     r,
    1361             :                     t;
    1362             : 
    1363             :         /* Random multiply (by an odd number), XOR and rotate of lower half */
    1364         528 :         m = (pg_prng_uint64(&state) & mask) | 1;
    1365         528 :         r = pg_prng_uint64(&state) & mask;
    1366         528 :         if (v <= mask)
    1367             :         {
    1368         438 :             v = ((v * m) ^ r) & mask;
    1369         438 :             v = ((v << 1) & mask) | (v >> (masklen - 1));
    1370             :         }
    1371             : 
    1372             :         /* Random multiply (by an odd number), XOR and rotate of upper half */
    1373         528 :         m = (pg_prng_uint64(&state) & mask) | 1;
    1374         528 :         r = pg_prng_uint64(&state) & mask;
    1375         528 :         t = size - 1 - v;
    1376         528 :         if (t <= mask)
    1377             :         {
    1378         470 :             t = ((t * m) ^ r) & mask;
    1379         470 :             t = ((t << 1) & mask) | (t >> (masklen - 1));
    1380         470 :             v = size - 1 - t;
    1381             :         }
    1382             : 
    1383             :         /* Random offset */
    1384         528 :         r = pg_prng_uint64_range(&state, 0, size - 1);
    1385         528 :         v = (v + r) % size;
    1386             :     }
    1387             : 
    1388          88 :     return (int64) v;
    1389             : }
    1390             : 
    1391             : /*
    1392             :  * Initialize the given SimpleStats struct to all zeroes
    1393             :  */
    1394             : static void
    1395        3700 : initSimpleStats(SimpleStats *ss)
    1396             : {
    1397        3700 :     memset(ss, 0, sizeof(SimpleStats));
    1398        3700 : }
    1399             : 
    1400             : /*
    1401             :  * Accumulate one value into a SimpleStats struct.
    1402             :  */
    1403             : static void
    1404       19272 : addToSimpleStats(SimpleStats *ss, double val)
    1405             : {
    1406       19272 :     if (ss->count == 0 || val < ss->min)
    1407         330 :         ss->min = val;
    1408       19272 :     if (ss->count == 0 || val > ss->max)
    1409         942 :         ss->max = val;
    1410       19272 :     ss->count++;
    1411       19272 :     ss->sum += val;
    1412       19272 :     ss->sum2 += val * val;
    1413       19272 : }
    1414             : 
    1415             : /*
    1416             :  * Merge two SimpleStats objects
    1417             :  */
    1418             : static void
    1419         296 : mergeSimpleStats(SimpleStats *acc, SimpleStats *ss)
    1420             : {
    1421         296 :     if (acc->count == 0 || ss->min < acc->min)
    1422         296 :         acc->min = ss->min;
    1423         296 :     if (acc->count == 0 || ss->max > acc->max)
    1424         296 :         acc->max = ss->max;
    1425         296 :     acc->count += ss->count;
    1426         296 :     acc->sum += ss->sum;
    1427         296 :     acc->sum2 += ss->sum2;
    1428         296 : }
    1429             : 
    1430             : /*
    1431             :  * Initialize a StatsData struct to mostly zeroes, with its start time set to
    1432             :  * the given value.
    1433             :  */
    1434             : static void
    1435         992 : initStats(StatsData *sd, pg_time_usec_t start)
    1436             : {
    1437         992 :     sd->start_time = start;
    1438         992 :     sd->cnt = 0;
    1439         992 :     sd->skipped = 0;
    1440         992 :     sd->retries = 0;
    1441         992 :     sd->retried = 0;
    1442         992 :     sd->serialization_failures = 0;
    1443         992 :     sd->deadlock_failures = 0;
    1444         992 :     initSimpleStats(&sd->latency);
    1445         992 :     initSimpleStats(&sd->lag);
    1446         992 : }
    1447             : 
    1448             : /*
    1449             :  * Accumulate one additional item into the given stats object.
    1450             :  */
    1451             : static void
    1452       18086 : accumStats(StatsData *stats, bool skipped, double lat, double lag,
    1453             :            EStatus estatus, int64 tries)
    1454             : {
    1455             :     /* Record the skipped transaction */
    1456       18086 :     if (skipped)
    1457             :     {
    1458             :         /* no latency to record on skipped transactions */
    1459          18 :         stats->skipped++;
    1460          18 :         return;
    1461             :     }
    1462             : 
    1463             :     /*
    1464             :      * Record the number of retries regardless of whether the transaction was
    1465             :      * successful or failed.
    1466             :      */
    1467       18068 :     if (tries > 1)
    1468             :     {
    1469           4 :         stats->retries += (tries - 1);
    1470           4 :         stats->retried++;
    1471             :     }
    1472             : 
    1473       18068 :     switch (estatus)
    1474             :     {
    1475             :             /* Record the successful transaction */
    1476       18068 :         case ESTATUS_NO_ERROR:
    1477       18068 :             stats->cnt++;
    1478             : 
    1479       18068 :             addToSimpleStats(&stats->latency, lat);
    1480             : 
    1481             :             /* and possibly the same for schedule lag */
    1482       18068 :             if (throttle_delay)
    1483         402 :                 addToSimpleStats(&stats->lag, lag);
    1484       18068 :             break;
    1485             : 
    1486             :             /* Record the failed transaction */
    1487           0 :         case ESTATUS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
    1488           0 :             stats->serialization_failures++;
    1489           0 :             break;
    1490           0 :         case ESTATUS_DEADLOCK_ERROR:
    1491           0 :             stats->deadlock_failures++;
    1492           0 :             break;
    1493           0 :         default:
    1494             :             /* internal error which should never occur */
    1495           0 :             pg_fatal("unexpected error status: %d", estatus);
    1496             :     }
    1497             : }
    1498             : 
    1499             : /* call PQexec() and exit() on failure */
    1500             : static void
    1501         118 : executeStatement(PGconn *con, const char *sql)
    1502             : {
    1503             :     PGresult   *res;
    1504             : 
    1505         118 :     res = PQexec(con, sql);
    1506         118 :     if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    1507             :     {
    1508           0 :         pg_log_error("query failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(con));
    1509           0 :         pg_log_error_detail("Query was: %s", sql);
    1510           0 :         exit(1);
    1511             :     }
    1512         118 :     PQclear(res);
    1513         118 : }
    1514             : 
    1515             : /* call PQexec() and complain, but without exiting, on failure */
    1516             : static void
    1517          60 : tryExecuteStatement(PGconn *con, const char *sql)
    1518             : {
    1519             :     PGresult   *res;
    1520             : 
    1521          60 :     res = PQexec(con, sql);
    1522          60 :     if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    1523             :     {
    1524           0 :         pg_log_error("%s", PQerrorMessage(con));
    1525           0 :         pg_log_error_detail("(ignoring this error and continuing anyway)");
    1526             :     }
    1527          60 :     PQclear(res);
    1528          60 : }
    1529             : 
    1530             : /* set up a connection to the backend */
    1531             : static PGconn *
    1532         596 : doConnect(void)
    1533             : {
    1534             :     PGconn     *conn;
    1535             :     bool        new_pass;
    1536             :     static char *password = NULL;
    1537             : 
    1538             :     /*
    1539             :      * Start the connection.  Loop until we have a password if requested by
    1540             :      * backend.
    1541             :      */
    1542             :     do
    1543             :     {
    1544             : #define PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE   7
    1545             : 
    1546             :         const char *keywords[PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    1547             :         const char *values[PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE];
    1548             : 
    1549         596 :         keywords[0] = "host";
    1550         596 :         values[0] = pghost;
    1551         596 :         keywords[1] = "port";
    1552         596 :         values[1] = pgport;
    1553         596 :         keywords[2] = "user";
    1554         596 :         values[2] = username;
    1555         596 :         keywords[3] = "password";
    1556         596 :         values[3] = password;
    1557         596 :         keywords[4] = "dbname";
    1558         596 :         values[4] = dbName;
    1559         596 :         keywords[5] = "fallback_application_name";
    1560         596 :         values[5] = progname;
    1561         596 :         keywords[6] = NULL;
    1562         596 :         values[6] = NULL;
    1563             : 
    1564         596 :         new_pass = false;
    1565             : 
    1566         596 :         conn = PQconnectdbParams(keywords, values, true);
    1567             : 
    1568         596 :         if (!conn)
    1569             :         {
    1570           0 :             pg_log_error("connection to database \"%s\" failed", dbName);
    1571           0 :             return NULL;
    1572             :         }
    1573             : 
    1574         598 :         if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD &&
    1575           2 :             PQconnectionNeedsPassword(conn) &&
    1576           0 :             !password)
    1577             :         {
    1578           0 :             PQfinish(conn);
    1579           0 :             password = simple_prompt("Password: ", false);
    1580           0 :             new_pass = true;
    1581             :         }
    1582         596 :     } while (new_pass);
    1583             : 
    1584             :     /* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
    1585         596 :     if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
    1586             :     {
    1587           2 :         pg_log_error("%s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
    1588           2 :         PQfinish(conn);
    1589           2 :         return NULL;
    1590             :     }
    1591             : 
    1592         594 :     return conn;
    1593             : }
    1594             : 
    1595             : /* qsort comparator for Variable array */
    1596             : static int
    1597      106852 : compareVariableNames(const void *v1, const void *v2)
    1598             : {
    1599      213704 :     return strcmp(((const Variable *) v1)->name,
    1600      106852 :                   ((const Variable *) v2)->name);
    1601             : }
    1602             : 
    1603             : /* Locate a variable by name; returns NULL if unknown */
    1604             : static Variable *
    1605       15818 : lookupVariable(Variables *variables, char *name)
    1606             : {
    1607             :     Variable    key;
    1608             : 
    1609             :     /* On some versions of Solaris, bsearch of zero items dumps core */
    1610       15818 :     if (variables->nvars <= 0)
    1611         354 :         return NULL;
    1612             : 
    1613             :     /* Sort if we have to */
    1614       15464 :     if (!variables->vars_sorted)
    1615             :     {
    1616        1952 :         qsort(variables->vars, variables->nvars, sizeof(Variable),
    1617             :               compareVariableNames);
    1618        1952 :         variables->vars_sorted = true;
    1619             :     }
    1620             : 
    1621             :     /* Now we can search */
    1622       15464 : = name;
    1623       15464 :     return (Variable *) bsearch(&key,
    1624       15464 :                                 variables->vars,
    1625       15464 :                                 variables->nvars,
    1626             :                                 sizeof(Variable),
    1627             :                                 compareVariableNames);
    1628             : }
    1629             : 
    1630             : /* Get the value of a variable, in string form; returns NULL if unknown */
    1631             : static char *
    1632        5268 : getVariable(Variables *variables, char *name)
    1633             : {
    1634             :     Variable   *var;
    1635             :     char        stringform[64];
    1636             : 
    1637        5268 :     var = lookupVariable(variables, name);
    1638        5268 :     if (var == NULL)
    1639           8 :         return NULL;            /* not found */
    1640             : 
    1641        5260 :     if (var->svalue)
    1642        2048 :         return var->svalue;      /* we have it in string form */
    1643             : 
    1644             :     /* We need to produce a string equivalent of the value */
    1645             :     Assert(var->value.type != PGBT_NO_VALUE);
    1646        3212 :     if (var->value.type == PGBT_NULL)
    1647           2 :         snprintf(stringform, sizeof(stringform), "NULL");
    1648        3210 :     else if (var->value.type == PGBT_BOOLEAN)
    1649           2 :         snprintf(stringform, sizeof(stringform),
    1650           2 :                  "%s", var->value.u.bval ? "true" : "false");
    1651        3208 :     else if (var->value.type == PGBT_INT)
    1652        3204 :         snprintf(stringform, sizeof(stringform),
    1653             :                  INT64_FORMAT, var->value.u.ival);
    1654           4 :     else if (var->value.type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    1655           4 :         snprintf(stringform, sizeof(stringform),
    1656             :                  "%.*g", DBL_DIG, var->value.u.dval);
    1657             :     else                        /* internal error, unexpected type */
    1658             :         Assert(0);
    1659        3212 :     var->svalue = pg_strdup(stringform);
    1660        3212 :     return var->svalue;
    1661             : }
    1662             : 
    1663             : /* Try to convert variable to a value; return false on failure */
    1664             : static bool
    1665        3876 : makeVariableValue(Variable *var)
    1666             : {
    1667             :     size_t      slen;
    1668             : 
    1669        3876 :     if (var->value.type != PGBT_NO_VALUE)
    1670        2982 :         return true;            /* no work */
    1671             : 
    1672         894 :     slen = strlen(var->svalue);
    1673             : 
    1674         894 :     if (slen == 0)
    1675             :         /* what should it do on ""? */
    1676           0 :         return false;
    1677             : 
    1678         894 :     if (pg_strcasecmp(var->svalue, "null") == 0)
    1679             :     {
    1680           2 :         setNullValue(&var->value);
    1681             :     }
    1682             : 
    1683             :     /*
    1684             :      * accept prefixes such as y, ye, n, no... but not for "o". 0/1 are
    1685             :      * recognized later as an int, which is converted to bool if needed.
    1686             :      */
    1687        1782 :     else if (pg_strncasecmp(var->svalue, "true", slen) == 0 ||
    1688        1780 :              pg_strncasecmp(var->svalue, "yes", slen) == 0 ||
    1689         890 :              pg_strcasecmp(var->svalue, "on") == 0)
    1690             :     {
    1691           2 :         setBoolValue(&var->value, true);
    1692             :     }
    1693        1780 :     else if (pg_strncasecmp(var->svalue, "false", slen) == 0 ||
    1694        1780 :              pg_strncasecmp(var->svalue, "no", slen) == 0 ||
    1695        1780 :              pg_strcasecmp(var->svalue, "off") == 0 ||
    1696         890 :              pg_strcasecmp(var->svalue, "of") == 0)
    1697             :     {
    1698           2 :         setBoolValue(&var->value, false);
    1699             :     }
    1700         888 :     else if (is_an_int(var->svalue))
    1701             :     {
    1702             :         /* if it looks like an int, it must be an int without overflow */
    1703             :         int64       iv;
    1704             : 
    1705         882 :         if (!strtoint64(var->svalue, false, &iv))
    1706           0 :             return false;
    1707             : 
    1708         882 :         setIntValue(&var->value, iv);
    1709             :     }
    1710             :     else                        /* type should be double */
    1711             :     {
    1712             :         double      dv;
    1713             : 
    1714           6 :         if (!strtodouble(var->svalue, true, &dv))
    1715             :         {
    1716           4 :             pg_log_error("malformed variable \"%s\" value: \"%s\"",
    1717             :                          var->name, var->svalue);
    1718           4 :             return false;
    1719             :         }
    1720           2 :         setDoubleValue(&var->value, dv);
    1721             :     }
    1722         890 :     return true;
    1723             : }
    1724             : 
    1725             : /*
    1726             :  * Check whether a variable's name is allowed.
    1727             :  *
    1728             :  * We allow any non-ASCII character, as well as ASCII letters, digits, and
    1729             :  * underscore.
    1730             :  *
    1731             :  * Keep this in sync with the definitions of variable name characters in
    1732             :  * "src/fe_utils/psqlscan.l", "src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l" and
    1733             :  * "src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l".  Also see parseVariable(), below.
    1734             :  *
    1735             :  * Note: this static function is copied from "src/bin/psql/variables.c"
    1736             :  * but changed to disallow variable names starting with a digit.
    1737             :  */
    1738             : static bool
    1739        2112 : valid_variable_name(const char *name)
    1740             : {
    1741        2112 :     const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *) name;
    1742             : 
    1743             :     /* Mustn't be zero-length */
    1744        2112 :     if (*ptr == '\0')
    1745           0 :         return false;
    1746             : 
    1747             :     /* must not start with [0-9] */
    1748        2112 :     if (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*ptr) ||
    1749        2112 :         strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    1750        2112 :                "_", *ptr) != NULL)
    1751        2108 :         ptr++;
    1752             :     else
    1753           4 :         return false;
    1754             : 
    1755             :     /* remaining characters can include [0-9] */
    1756       13522 :     while (*ptr)
    1757             :     {
    1758       11416 :         if (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*ptr) ||
    1759       11416 :             strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    1760       11416 :                    "_0123456789", *ptr) != NULL)
    1761       11414 :             ptr++;
    1762             :         else
    1763           2 :             return false;
    1764             :     }
    1765             : 
    1766        2106 :     return true;
    1767             : }
    1768             : 
    1769             : /*
    1770             :  * Make sure there is enough space for 'needed' more variable in the variables
    1771             :  * array.
    1772             :  */
    1773             : static void
    1774        2106 : enlargeVariables(Variables *variables, int needed)
    1775             : {
    1776             :     /* total number of variables required now */
    1777        2106 :     needed += variables->nvars;
    1778             : 
    1779        2106 :     if (variables->max_vars < needed)
    1780             :     {
    1781         354 :         variables->max_vars = needed + VARIABLES_ALLOC_MARGIN;
    1782         354 :         variables->vars = (Variable *)
    1783         354 :             pg_realloc(variables->vars, variables->max_vars * sizeof(Variable));
    1784             :     }
    1785        2106 : }
    1786             : 
    1787             : /*
    1788             :  * Lookup a variable by name, creating it if need be.
    1789             :  * Caller is expected to assign a value to the variable.
    1790             :  * Returns NULL on failure (bad name).
    1791             :  */
    1792             : static Variable *
    1793        6070 : lookupCreateVariable(Variables *variables, const char *context, char *name)
    1794             : {
    1795             :     Variable   *var;
    1796             : 
    1797        6070 :     var = lookupVariable(variables, name);
    1798        6070 :     if (var == NULL)
    1799             :     {
    1800             :         /*
    1801             :          * Check for the name only when declaring a new variable to avoid
    1802             :          * overhead.
    1803             :          */
    1804        2112 :         if (!valid_variable_name(name))
    1805             :         {
    1806           6 :             pg_log_error("%s: invalid variable name: \"%s\"", context, name);
    1807           6 :             return NULL;
    1808             :         }
    1809             : 
    1810             :         /* Create variable at the end of the array */
    1811        2106 :         enlargeVariables(variables, 1);
    1812             : 
    1813        2106 :         var = &(variables->vars[variables->nvars]);
    1814             : 
    1815        2106 :         var->name = pg_strdup(name);
    1816        2106 :         var->svalue = NULL;
    1817             :         /* caller is expected to initialize remaining fields */
    1818             : 
    1819        2106 :         variables->nvars++;
    1820             :         /* we don't re-sort the array till we have to */
    1821        2106 :         variables->vars_sorted = false;
    1822             :     }
    1823             : 
    1824        6064 :     return var;
    1825             : }
    1826             : 
    1827             : /* Assign a string value to a variable, creating it if need be */
    1828             : /* Returns false on failure (bad name) */
    1829             : static bool
    1830        1770 : putVariable(Variables *variables, const char *context, char *name,
    1831             :             const char *value)
    1832             : {
    1833             :     Variable   *var;
    1834             :     char       *val;
    1835             : 
    1836        1770 :     var = lookupCreateVariable(variables, context, name);
    1837        1770 :     if (!var)
    1838           4 :         return false;
    1839             : 
    1840             :     /* dup then free, in case value is pointing at this variable */
    1841        1766 :     val = pg_strdup(value);
    1842             : 
    1843        1766 :     free(var->svalue);
    1844        1766 :     var->svalue = val;
    1845        1766 :     var->value.type = PGBT_NO_VALUE;
    1846             : 
    1847        1766 :     return true;
    1848             : }
    1849             : 
    1850             : /* Assign a value to a variable, creating it if need be */
    1851             : /* Returns false on failure (bad name) */
    1852             : static bool
    1853        4300 : putVariableValue(Variables *variables, const char *context, char *name,
    1854             :                  const PgBenchValue *value)
    1855             : {
    1856             :     Variable   *var;
    1857             : 
    1858        4300 :     var = lookupCreateVariable(variables, context, name);
    1859        4300 :     if (!var)
    1860           2 :         return false;
    1861             : 
    1862        4298 :     free(var->svalue);
    1863        4298 :     var->svalue = NULL;
    1864        4298 :     var->value = *value;
    1865             : 
    1866        4298 :     return true;
    1867             : }
    1868             : 
    1869             : /* Assign an integer value to a variable, creating it if need be */
    1870             : /* Returns false on failure (bad name) */
    1871             : static bool
    1872         922 : putVariableInt(Variables *variables, const char *context, char *name,
    1873             :                int64 value)
    1874             : {
    1875             :     PgBenchValue val;
    1876             : 
    1877         922 :     setIntValue(&val, value);
    1878         922 :     return putVariableValue(variables, context, name, &val);
    1879             : }
    1880             : 
    1881             : /*
    1882             :  * Parse a possible variable reference (:varname).
    1883             :  *
    1884             :  * "sql" points at a colon.  If what follows it looks like a valid
    1885             :  * variable name, return a malloc'd string containing the variable name,
    1886             :  * and set *eaten to the number of characters consumed (including the colon).
    1887             :  * Otherwise, return NULL.
    1888             :  */
    1889             : static char *
    1890        3402 : parseVariable(const char *sql, int *eaten)
    1891             : {
    1892        3402 :     int         i = 1;          /* starting at 1 skips the colon */
    1893             :     char       *name;
    1894             : 
    1895             :     /* keep this logic in sync with valid_variable_name() */
    1896        3402 :     if (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(sql[i]) ||
    1897        3402 :         strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    1898        3402 :                "_", sql[i]) != NULL)
    1899        2476 :         i++;
    1900             :     else
    1901         926 :         return NULL;
    1902             : 
    1903       12782 :     while (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(sql[i]) ||
    1904       12782 :            strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    1905       12782 :                   "_0123456789", sql[i]) != NULL)
    1906       10306 :         i++;
    1907             : 
    1908        2476 :     name = pg_malloc(i);
    1909        2476 :     memcpy(name, &sql[1], i - 1);
    1910        2476 :     name[i - 1] = '\0';
    1911             : 
    1912        2476 :     *eaten = i;
    1913        2476 :     return name;
    1914             : }
    1915             : 
    1916             : static char *
    1917        2474 : replaceVariable(char **sql, char *param, int len, char *value)
    1918             : {
    1919        2474 :     int         valueln = strlen(value);
    1920             : 
    1921        2474 :     if (valueln > len)
    1922             :     {
    1923        1152 :         size_t      offset = param - *sql;
    1924             : 
    1925        1152 :         *sql = pg_realloc(*sql, strlen(*sql) - len + valueln + 1);
    1926        1152 :         param = *sql + offset;
    1927             :     }
    1928             : 
    1929        2474 :     if (valueln != len)
    1930        2396 :         memmove(param + valueln, param + len, strlen(param + len) + 1);
    1931        2474 :     memcpy(param, value, valueln);
    1932             : 
    1933        2474 :     return param + valueln;
    1934             : }
    1935             : 
    1936             : static char *
    1937       16492 : assignVariables(Variables *variables, char *sql)
    1938             : {
    1939             :     char       *p,
    1940             :                *name,
    1941             :                *val;
    1942             : 
    1943       16492 :     p = sql;
    1944       19300 :     while ((p = strchr(p, ':')) != NULL)
    1945             :     {
    1946             :         int         eaten;
    1947             : 
    1948        2808 :         name = parseVariable(p, &eaten);
    1949        2808 :         if (name == NULL)
    1950             :         {
    1951        2682 :             while (*p == ':')
    1952             :             {
    1953        1788 :                 p++;
    1954             :             }
    1955         894 :             continue;
    1956             :         }
    1957             : 
    1958        1914 :         val = getVariable(variables, name);
    1959        1914 :         free(name);
    1960        1914 :         if (val == NULL)
    1961             :         {
    1962           0 :             p++;
    1963           0 :             continue;
    1964             :         }
    1965             : 
    1966        1914 :         p = replaceVariable(&sql, p, eaten, val);
    1967             :     }
    1968             : 
    1969       16492 :     return sql;
    1970             : }
    1971             : 
    1972             : static void
    1973        5046 : getQueryParams(Variables *variables, const Command *command,
    1974             :                const char **params)
    1975             : {
    1976             :     int         i;
    1977             : 
    1978        8390 :     for (i = 0; i < command->argc - 1; i++)
    1979        3344 :         params[i] = getVariable(variables, command->argv[i + 1]);
    1980        5046 : }
    1981             : 
    1982             : static char *
    1983           8 : valueTypeName(PgBenchValue *pval)
    1984             : {
    1985           8 :     if (pval->type == PGBT_NO_VALUE)
    1986           0 :         return "none";
    1987           8 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_NULL)
    1988           0 :         return "null";
    1989           8 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_INT)
    1990           0 :         return "int";
    1991           8 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    1992           2 :         return "double";
    1993           6 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_BOOLEAN)
    1994           6 :         return "boolean";
    1995             :     else
    1996             :     {
    1997             :         /* internal error, should never get there */
    1998             :         Assert(false);
    1999           0 :         return NULL;
    2000             :     }
    2001             : }
    2002             : 
    2003             : /* get a value as a boolean, or tell if there is a problem */
    2004             : static bool
    2005         216 : coerceToBool(PgBenchValue *pval, bool *bval)
    2006             : {
    2007         216 :     if (pval->type == PGBT_BOOLEAN)
    2008             :     {
    2009         214 :         *bval = pval->u.bval;
    2010         214 :         return true;
    2011             :     }
    2012             :     else                        /* NULL, INT or DOUBLE */
    2013             :     {
    2014           2 :         pg_log_error("cannot coerce %s to boolean", valueTypeName(pval));
    2015           2 :         *bval = false;          /* suppress uninitialized-variable warnings */
    2016           2 :         return false;
    2017             :     }
    2018             : }
    2019             : 
    2020             : /*
    2021             :  * Return true or false from an expression for conditional purposes.
    2022             :  * Non zero numerical values are true, zero and NULL are false.
    2023             :  */
    2024             : static bool
    2025         908 : valueTruth(PgBenchValue *pval)
    2026             : {
    2027         908 :     switch (pval->type)
    2028             :     {
    2029           2 :         case PGBT_NULL:
    2030           2 :             return false;
    2031          52 :         case PGBT_BOOLEAN:
    2032          52 :             return pval->u.bval;
    2033         852 :         case PGBT_INT:
    2034         852 :             return pval->u.ival != 0;
    2035           2 :         case PGBT_DOUBLE:
    2036           2 :             return pval->u.dval != 0.0;
    2037           0 :         default:
    2038             :             /* internal error, unexpected type */
    2039             :             Assert(0);
    2040           0 :             return false;
    2041             :     }
    2042             : }
    2043             : 
    2044             : /* get a value as an int, tell if there is a problem */
    2045             : static bool
    2046       13168 : coerceToInt(PgBenchValue *pval, int64 *ival)
    2047             : {
    2048       13168 :     if (pval->type == PGBT_INT)
    2049             :     {
    2050       13160 :         *ival = pval->u.ival;
    2051       13160 :         return true;
    2052             :     }
    2053           8 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    2054             :     {
    2055           4 :         double      dval = rint(pval->u.dval);
    2056             : 
    2057           4 :         if (isnan(dval) || !FLOAT8_FITS_IN_INT64(dval))
    2058             :         {
    2059           2 :             pg_log_error("double to int overflow for %f", dval);
    2060           2 :             return false;
    2061             :         }
    2062           2 :         *ival = (int64) dval;
    2063           2 :         return true;
    2064             :     }
    2065             :     else                        /* BOOLEAN or NULL */
    2066             :     {
    2067           4 :         pg_log_error("cannot coerce %s to int", valueTypeName(pval));
    2068           4 :         return false;
    2069             :     }
    2070             : }
    2071             : 
    2072             : /* get a value as a double, or tell if there is a problem */
    2073             : static bool
    2074         208 : coerceToDouble(PgBenchValue *pval, double *dval)
    2075             : {
    2076         208 :     if (pval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    2077             :     {
    2078         146 :         *dval = pval->u.dval;
    2079         146 :         return true;
    2080             :     }
    2081          62 :     else if (pval->type == PGBT_INT)
    2082             :     {
    2083          60 :         *dval = (double) pval->u.ival;
    2084          60 :         return true;
    2085             :     }
    2086             :     else                        /* BOOLEAN or NULL */
    2087             :     {
    2088           2 :         pg_log_error("cannot coerce %s to double", valueTypeName(pval));
    2089           2 :         return false;
    2090             :     }
    2091             : }
    2092             : 
    2093             : /* assign a null value */
    2094             : static void
    2095           8 : setNullValue(PgBenchValue *pv)
    2096             : {
    2097           8 :     pv->type = PGBT_NULL;
    2098           8 :     pv->u.ival = 0;
    2099           8 : }
    2100             : 
    2101             : /* assign a boolean value */
    2102             : static void
    2103         278 : setBoolValue(PgBenchValue *pv, bool bval)
    2104             : {
    2105         278 :     pv->type = PGBT_BOOLEAN;
    2106         278 :     pv->u.bval = bval;
    2107         278 : }
    2108             : 
    2109             : /* assign an integer value */
    2110             : static void
    2111        8204 : setIntValue(PgBenchValue *pv, int64 ival)
    2112             : {
    2113        8204 :     pv->type = PGBT_INT;
    2114        8204 :     pv->u.ival = ival;
    2115        8204 : }
    2116             : 
    2117             : /* assign a double value */
    2118             : static void
    2119          78 : setDoubleValue(PgBenchValue *pv, double dval)
    2120             : {
    2121          78 :     pv->type = PGBT_DOUBLE;
    2122          78 :     pv->u.dval = dval;
    2123          78 : }
    2124             : 
    2125             : static bool
    2126        6996 : isLazyFunc(PgBenchFunction func)
    2127             : {
    2128        6996 :     return func == PGBENCH_AND || func == PGBENCH_OR || func == PGBENCH_CASE;
    2129             : }
    2130             : 
    2131             : /* lazy evaluation of some functions */
    2132             : static bool
    2133         130 : evalLazyFunc(CState *st,
    2134             :              PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args, PgBenchValue *retval)
    2135             : {
    2136             :     PgBenchValue a1,
    2137             :                 a2;
    2138             :     bool        ba1,
    2139             :                 ba2;
    2140             : 
    2141             :     Assert(isLazyFunc(func) && args != NULL && args->next != NULL);
    2142             : 
    2143             :     /* args points to first condition */
    2144         130 :     if (!evaluateExpr(st, args->expr, &a1))
    2145           2 :         return false;
    2146             : 
    2147             :     /* second condition for AND/OR and corresponding branch for CASE */
    2148         128 :     args = args->next;
    2149             : 
    2150         128 :     switch (func)
    2151             :     {
    2152          88 :         case PGBENCH_AND:
    2153          88 :             if (a1.type == PGBT_NULL)
    2154             :             {
    2155           0 :                 setNullValue(retval);
    2156           0 :                 return true;
    2157             :             }
    2158             : 
    2159          88 :             if (!coerceToBool(&a1, &ba1))
    2160           0 :                 return false;
    2161             : 
    2162          88 :             if (!ba1)
    2163             :             {
    2164           6 :                 setBoolValue(retval, false);
    2165           6 :                 return true;
    2166             :             }
    2167             : 
    2168          82 :             if (!evaluateExpr(st, args->expr, &a2))
    2169           0 :                 return false;
    2170             : 
    2171          82 :             if (a2.type == PGBT_NULL)
    2172             :             {
    2173           0 :                 setNullValue(retval);
    2174           0 :                 return true;
    2175             :             }
    2176          82 :             else if (!coerceToBool(&a2, &ba2))
    2177           0 :                 return false;
    2178             :             else
    2179             :             {
    2180          82 :                 setBoolValue(retval, ba2);
    2181          82 :                 return true;
    2182             :             }
    2183             : 
    2184             :             return true;
    2185             : 
    2186           8 :         case PGBENCH_OR:
    2187             : 
    2188           8 :             if (a1.type == PGBT_NULL)
    2189             :             {
    2190           0 :                 setNullValue(retval);
    2191           0 :                 return true;
    2192             :             }
    2193             : 
    2194           8 :             if (!coerceToBool(&a1, &ba1))
    2195           0 :                 return false;
    2196             : 
    2197           8 :             if (ba1)
    2198             :             {
    2199           2 :                 setBoolValue(retval, true);
    2200           2 :                 return true;
    2201             :             }
    2202             : 
    2203           6 :             if (!evaluateExpr(st, args->expr, &a2))
    2204           0 :                 return false;
    2205             : 
    2206           6 :             if (a2.type == PGBT_NULL)
    2207             :             {
    2208           0 :                 setNullValue(retval);
    2209           0 :                 return true;
    2210             :             }
    2211           6 :             else if (!coerceToBool(&a2, &ba2))
    2212           0 :                 return false;
    2213             :             else
    2214             :             {
    2215           6 :                 setBoolValue(retval, ba2);
    2216           6 :                 return true;
    2217             :             }
    2218             : 
    2219          32 :         case PGBENCH_CASE:
    2220             :             /* when true, execute branch */
    2221          32 :             if (valueTruth(&a1))
    2222          22 :                 return evaluateExpr(st, args->expr, retval);
    2223             : 
    2224             :             /* now args contains next condition or final else expression */
    2225          10 :             args = args->next;
    2226             : 
    2227             :             /* final else case? */
    2228          10 :             if (args->next == NULL)
    2229           6 :                 return evaluateExpr(st, args->expr, retval);
    2230             : 
    2231             :             /* no, another when, proceed */
    2232           4 :             return evalLazyFunc(st, PGBENCH_CASE, args, retval);
    2233             : 
    2234           0 :         default:
    2235             :             /* internal error, cannot get here */
    2236             :             Assert(0);
    2237           0 :             break;
    2238             :     }
    2239           0 :     return false;
    2240             : }
    2241             : 
    2242             : /* maximum number of function arguments */
    2243             : #define MAX_FARGS 16
    2244             : 
    2245             : /*
    2246             :  * Recursive evaluation of standard functions,
    2247             :  * which do not require lazy evaluation.
    2248             :  */
    2249             : static bool
    2250        6870 : evalStandardFunc(CState *st,
    2251             :                  PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args,
    2252             :                  PgBenchValue *retval)
    2253             : {
    2254             :     /* evaluate all function arguments */
    2255        6870 :     int         nargs = 0;
    2256        6870 :     PgBenchExprLink *l = args;
    2257        6870 :     bool        has_null = false;
    2258             : 
    2259             :     /*
    2260             :      * This value is double braced to workaround GCC bug 53119, which seems to
    2261             :      * exist at least on gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2, 32-bit.
    2262             :      */
    2263        6870 :     PgBenchValue vargs[MAX_FARGS] = {{0}};
    2264             : 
    2265       20536 :     for (nargs = 0; nargs < MAX_FARGS && l != NULL; nargs++, l = l->next)
    2266             :     {
    2267       13670 :         if (!evaluateExpr(st, l->expr, &vargs[nargs]))
    2268           4 :             return false;
    2269       13666 :         has_null |= vargs[nargs].type == PGBT_NULL;
    2270             :     }
    2271             : 
    2272        6866 :     if (l != NULL)
    2273             :     {
    2274           2 :         pg_log_error("too many function arguments, maximum is %d", MAX_FARGS);
    2275           2 :         return false;
    2276             :     }
    2277             : 
    2278             :     /* NULL arguments */
    2279        6864 :     if (has_null && func != PGBENCH_IS && func != PGBENCH_DEBUG)
    2280             :     {
    2281           6 :         setNullValue(retval);
    2282           6 :         return true;
    2283             :     }
    2284             : 
    2285             :     /* then evaluate function */
    2286        6858 :     switch (func)
    2287             :     {
    2288             :             /* overloaded operators */
    2289        3392 :         case PGBENCH_ADD:
    2290             :         case PGBENCH_SUB:
    2291             :         case PGBENCH_MUL:
    2292             :         case PGBENCH_DIV:
    2293             :         case PGBENCH_MOD:
    2294             :         case PGBENCH_EQ:
    2295             :         case PGBENCH_NE:
    2296             :         case PGBENCH_LE:
    2297             :         case PGBENCH_LT:
    2298             :             {
    2299        3392 :                 PgBenchValue *lval = &vargs[0],
    2300        3392 :                            *rval = &vargs[1];
    2301             : 
    2302             :                 Assert(nargs == 2);
    2303             : 
    2304             :                 /* overloaded type management, double if some double */
    2305        3392 :                 if ((lval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE ||
    2306        3392 :                      rval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE) && func != PGBENCH_MOD)
    2307           0 :                 {
    2308             :                     double      ld,
    2309             :                                 rd;
    2310             : 
    2311          62 :                     if (!coerceToDouble(lval, &ld) ||
    2312          62 :                         !coerceToDouble(rval, &rd))
    2313          62 :                         return false;
    2314             : 
    2315          62 :                     switch (func)
    2316             :                     {
    2317           2 :                         case PGBENCH_ADD:
    2318           2 :                             setDoubleValue(retval, ld + rd);
    2319           2 :                             return true;
    2320             : 
    2321          20 :                         case PGBENCH_SUB:
    2322          20 :                             setDoubleValue(retval, ld - rd);
    2323          20 :                             return true;
    2324             : 
    2325          16 :                         case PGBENCH_MUL:
    2326          16 :                             setDoubleValue(retval, ld * rd);
    2327          16 :                             return true;
    2328             : 
    2329           4 :                         case PGBENCH_DIV:
    2330           4 :                             setDoubleValue(retval, ld / rd);
    2331           4 :                             return true;
    2332             : 
    2333           8 :                         case PGBENCH_EQ:
    2334           8 :                             setBoolValue(retval, ld == rd);
    2335           8 :                             return true;
    2336             : 
    2337           4 :                         case PGBENCH_NE:
    2338           4 :                             setBoolValue(retval, ld != rd);
    2339           4 :                             return true;
    2340             : 
    2341           4 :                         case PGBENCH_LE:
    2342           4 :                             setBoolValue(retval, ld <= rd);
    2343           4 :                             return true;
    2344             : 
    2345           4 :                         case PGBENCH_LT:
    2346           4 :                             setBoolValue(retval, ld < rd);
    2347           4 :                             return true;
    2348             : 
    2349           0 :                         default:
    2350             :                             /* cannot get here */
    2351             :                             Assert(0);
    2352             :                     }
    2353             :                 }
    2354             :                 else            /* we have integer operands, or % */
    2355             :                 {
    2356             :                     int64       li,
    2357             :                                 ri,
    2358             :                                 res;
    2359             : 
    2360        3330 :                     if (!coerceToInt(lval, &li) ||
    2361        3328 :                         !coerceToInt(rval, &ri))
    2362        3330 :                         return false;
    2363             : 
    2364        3328 :                     switch (func)
    2365             :                     {
    2366          88 :                         case PGBENCH_ADD:
    2367          88 :                             if (pg_add_s64_overflow(li, ri, &res))
    2368             :                             {
    2369           2 :                                 pg_log_error("bigint add out of range");
    2370           2 :                                 return false;
    2371             :                             }
    2372          86 :                             setIntValue(retval, res);
    2373          86 :                             return true;
    2374             : 
    2375         298 :                         case PGBENCH_SUB:
    2376         298 :                             if (pg_sub_s64_overflow(li, ri, &res))
    2377             :                             {
    2378           2 :                                 pg_log_error("bigint sub out of range");
    2379           2 :                                 return false;
    2380             :                             }
    2381         296 :                             setIntValue(retval, res);
    2382         296 :                             return true;
    2383             : 
    2384        2814 :                         case PGBENCH_MUL:
    2385        2814 :                             if (pg_mul_s64_overflow(li, ri, &res))
    2386             :                             {
    2387           2 :                                 pg_log_error("bigint mul out of range");
    2388           2 :                                 return false;
    2389             :                             }
    2390        2812 :                             setIntValue(retval, res);
    2391        2812 :                             return true;
    2392             : 
    2393          64 :                         case PGBENCH_EQ:
    2394          64 :                             setBoolValue(retval, li == ri);
    2395          64 :                             return true;
    2396             : 
    2397          10 :                         case PGBENCH_NE:
    2398          10 :                             setBoolValue(retval, li != ri);
    2399          10 :                             return true;
    2400             : 
    2401          10 :                         case PGBENCH_LE:
    2402          10 :                             setBoolValue(retval, li <= ri);
    2403          10 :                             return true;
    2404             : 
    2405          24 :                         case PGBENCH_LT:
    2406          24 :                             setBoolValue(retval, li < ri);
    2407          24 :                             return true;
    2408             : 
    2409          20 :                         case PGBENCH_DIV:
    2410             :                         case PGBENCH_MOD:
    2411          20 :                             if (ri == 0)
    2412             :                             {
    2413           4 :                                 pg_log_error("division by zero");
    2414           4 :                                 return false;
    2415             :                             }
    2416             :                             /* special handling of -1 divisor */
    2417          16 :                             if (ri == -1)
    2418             :                             {
    2419           6 :                                 if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
    2420             :                                 {
    2421             :                                     /* overflow check (needed for INT64_MIN) */
    2422           4 :                                     if (li == PG_INT64_MIN)
    2423             :                                     {
    2424           2 :                                         pg_log_error("bigint div out of range");
    2425           2 :                                         return false;
    2426             :                                     }
    2427             :                                     else
    2428           2 :                                         setIntValue(retval, -li);
    2429             :                                 }
    2430             :                                 else
    2431           2 :                                     setIntValue(retval, 0);
    2432           4 :                                 return true;
    2433             :                             }
    2434             :                             /* else divisor is not -1 */
    2435          10 :                             if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
    2436           4 :                                 setIntValue(retval, li / ri);
    2437             :                             else    /* func == PGBENCH_MOD */
    2438           6 :                                 setIntValue(retval, li % ri);
    2439             : 
    2440          10 :                             return true;
    2441             : 
    2442           0 :                         default:
    2443             :                             /* cannot get here */
    2444             :                             Assert(0);
    2445             :                     }
    2446             :                 }
    2447             : 
    2448             :                 Assert(0);
    2449           0 :                 return false;   /* NOTREACHED */
    2450             :             }
    2451             : 
    2452             :             /* integer bitwise operators */
    2453          28 :         case PGBENCH_BITAND:
    2454             :         case PGBENCH_BITOR:
    2455             :         case PGBENCH_BITXOR:
    2456             :         case PGBENCH_LSHIFT:
    2457             :         case PGBENCH_RSHIFT:
    2458             :             {
    2459             :                 int64       li,
    2460             :                             ri;
    2461             : 
    2462          28 :                 if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &li) || !coerceToInt(&vargs[1], &ri))
    2463           0 :                     return false;
    2464             : 
    2465          28 :                 if (func == PGBENCH_BITAND)
    2466           2 :                     setIntValue(retval, li & ri);
    2467          26 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_BITOR)
    2468           4 :                     setIntValue(retval, li | ri);
    2469          22 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_BITXOR)
    2470           6 :                     setIntValue(retval, li ^ ri);
    2471          16 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_LSHIFT)
    2472          14 :                     setIntValue(retval, li << ri);
    2473           2 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_RSHIFT)
    2474           2 :                     setIntValue(retval, li >> ri);
    2475             :                 else            /* cannot get here */
    2476             :                     Assert(0);
    2477             : 
    2478          28 :                 return true;
    2479             :             }
    2480             : 
    2481             :             /* logical operators */
    2482          32 :         case PGBENCH_NOT:
    2483             :             {
    2484             :                 bool        b;
    2485             : 
    2486          32 :                 if (!coerceToBool(&vargs[0], &b))
    2487           2 :                     return false;
    2488             : 
    2489          30 :                 setBoolValue(retval, !b);
    2490          30 :                 return true;
    2491             :             }
    2492             : 
    2493             :             /* no arguments */
    2494           2 :         case PGBENCH_PI:
    2495           2 :             setDoubleValue(retval, M_PI);
    2496           2 :             return true;
    2497             : 
    2498             :             /* 1 overloaded argument */
    2499           4 :         case PGBENCH_ABS:
    2500             :             {
    2501           4 :                 PgBenchValue *varg = &vargs[0];
    2502             : 
    2503             :                 Assert(nargs == 1);
    2504             : 
    2505           4 :                 if (varg->type == PGBT_INT)
    2506             :                 {
    2507           2 :                     int64       i = varg->u.ival;
    2508             : 
    2509           2 :                     setIntValue(retval, i < 0 ? -i : i);
    2510             :                 }
    2511             :                 else
    2512             :                 {
    2513           2 :                     double      d = varg->u.dval;
    2514             : 
    2515             :                     Assert(varg->type == PGBT_DOUBLE);
    2516           2 :                     setDoubleValue(retval, d < 0.0 ? -d : d);
    2517             :                 }
    2518             : 
    2519           4 :                 return true;
    2520             :             }
    2521             : 
    2522         168 :         case PGBENCH_DEBUG:
    2523             :             {
    2524         168 :                 PgBenchValue *varg = &vargs[0];
    2525             : 
    2526             :                 Assert(nargs == 1);
    2527             : 
    2528         168 :                 fprintf(stderr, "debug(script=%d,command=%d): ",
    2529         168 :                         st->use_file, st->command + 1);
    2530             : 
    2531         168 :                 if (varg->type == PGBT_NULL)
    2532           4 :                     fprintf(stderr, "null\n");
    2533         164 :                 else if (varg->type == PGBT_BOOLEAN)
    2534          38 :                     fprintf(stderr, "boolean %s\n", varg->u.bval ? "true" : "false");
    2535         126 :                 else if (varg->type == PGBT_INT)
    2536          94 :                     fprintf(stderr, "int " INT64_FORMAT "\n", varg->u.ival);
    2537          32 :                 else if (varg->type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    2538          32 :                     fprintf(stderr, "double %.*g\n", DBL_DIG, varg->u.dval);
    2539             :                 else            /* internal error, unexpected type */
    2540             :                     Assert(0);
    2541             : 
    2542         168 :                 *retval = *varg;
    2543             : 
    2544         168 :                 return true;
    2545             :             }
    2546             : 
    2547             :             /* 1 double argument */
    2548          10 :         case PGBENCH_DOUBLE:
    2549             :         case PGBENCH_SQRT:
    2550             :         case PGBENCH_LN:
    2551             :         case PGBENCH_EXP:
    2552             :             {
    2553             :                 double      dval;
    2554             : 
    2555             :                 Assert(nargs == 1);
    2556             : 
    2557          10 :                 if (!coerceToDouble(&vargs[0], &dval))
    2558           2 :                     return false;
    2559             : 
    2560           8 :                 if (func == PGBENCH_SQRT)
    2561           2 :                     dval = sqrt(dval);
    2562           6 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_LN)
    2563           2 :                     dval = log(dval);
    2564           4 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_EXP)
    2565           2 :                     dval = exp(dval);
    2566             :                 /* else is cast: do nothing */
    2567             : 
    2568           8 :                 setDoubleValue(retval, dval);
    2569           8 :                 return true;
    2570             :             }
    2571             : 
    2572             :             /* 1 int argument */
    2573           4 :         case PGBENCH_INT:
    2574             :             {
    2575             :                 int64       ival;
    2576             : 
    2577             :                 Assert(nargs == 1);
    2578             : 
    2579           4 :                 if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &ival))
    2580           2 :                     return false;
    2581             : 
    2582           2 :                 setIntValue(retval, ival);
    2583           2 :                 return true;
    2584             :             }
    2585             : 
    2586             :             /* variable number of arguments */
    2587           8 :         case PGBENCH_LEAST:
    2588             :         case PGBENCH_GREATEST:
    2589             :             {
    2590             :                 bool        havedouble;
    2591             :                 int         i;
    2592             : 
    2593             :                 Assert(nargs >= 1);
    2594             : 
    2595             :                 /* need double result if any input is double */
    2596           8 :                 havedouble = false;
    2597          28 :                 for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
    2598             :                 {
    2599          24 :                     if (vargs[i].type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
    2600             :                     {
    2601           4 :                         havedouble = true;
    2602           4 :                         break;
    2603             :                     }
    2604             :                 }
    2605           8 :                 if (havedouble)
    2606             :                 {
    2607             :                     double      extremum;
    2608             : 
    2609           4 :                     if (!coerceToDouble(&vargs[0], &extremum))
    2610           0 :                         return false;
    2611          12 :                     for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
    2612             :                     {
    2613             :                         double      dval;
    2614             : 
    2615           8 :                         if (!coerceToDouble(&vargs[i], &dval))
    2616           0 :                             return false;
    2617           8 :                         if (func == PGBENCH_LEAST)
    2618           4 :                             extremum = Min(extremum, dval);
    2619             :                         else
    2620           4 :                             extremum = Max(extremum, dval);
    2621             :                     }
    2622           4 :                     setDoubleValue(retval, extremum);
    2623             :                 }
    2624             :                 else
    2625             :                 {
    2626             :                     int64       extremum;
    2627             : 
    2628           4 :                     if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &extremum))
    2629           0 :                         return false;
    2630          16 :                     for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
    2631             :                     {
    2632             :                         int64       ival;
    2633             : 
    2634          12 :                         if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[i], &ival))
    2635           0 :                             return false;
    2636          12 :                         if (func == PGBENCH_LEAST)
    2637           6 :                             extremum = Min(extremum, ival);
    2638             :                         else
    2639           6 :                             extremum = Max(extremum, ival);
    2640             :                     }
    2641           4 :                     setIntValue(retval, extremum);
    2642             :                 }
    2643           8 :                 return true;
    2644             :             }
    2645             : 
    2646             :             /* random functions */
    2647        3068 :         case PGBENCH_RANDOM:
    2648             :         case PGBENCH_RANDOM_EXPONENTIAL:
    2649             :         case PGBENCH_RANDOM_GAUSSIAN:
    2650             :         case PGBENCH_RANDOM_ZIPFIAN:
    2651             :             {
    2652             :                 int64       imin,
    2653             :                             imax,
    2654             :                             delta;
    2655             : 
    2656             :                 Assert(nargs >= 2);
    2657             : 
    2658        3068 :                 if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &imin) ||
    2659        3066 :                     !coerceToInt(&vargs[1], &imax))
    2660           2 :                     return false;
    2661             : 
    2662             :                 /* check random range */
    2663        3066 :                 if (unlikely(imin > imax))
    2664             :                 {
    2665           2 :                     pg_log_error("empty range given to random");
    2666           2 :                     return false;
    2667             :                 }
    2668        3064 :                 else if (unlikely(pg_sub_s64_overflow(imax, imin, &delta) ||
    2669             :                                   pg_add_s64_overflow(delta, 1, &delta)))
    2670             :                 {
    2671             :                     /* prevent int overflows in random functions */
    2672           2 :                     pg_log_error("random range is too large");
    2673           2 :                     return false;
    2674             :                 }
    2675             : 
    2676        3062 :                 if (func == PGBENCH_RANDOM)
    2677             :                 {
    2678             :                     Assert(nargs == 2);
    2679        3036 :                     setIntValue(retval, getrand(&st->cs_func_rs, imin, imax));
    2680             :                 }
    2681             :                 else            /* gaussian & exponential */
    2682             :                 {
    2683             :                     double      param;
    2684             : 
    2685             :                     Assert(nargs == 3);
    2686             : 
    2687          26 :                     if (!coerceToDouble(&vargs[2], &param))
    2688           8 :                         return false;
    2689             : 
    2690          26 :                     if (func == PGBENCH_RANDOM_GAUSSIAN)
    2691             :                     {
    2692           8 :                         if (param < MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM)
    2693             :                         {
    2694           2 :                             pg_log_error("gaussian parameter must be at least %f (not %f)",
    2695             :                                          MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM, param);
    2696           2 :                             return false;
    2697             :                         }
    2698             : 
    2699           6 :                         setIntValue(retval,
    2700             :                                     getGaussianRand(&st->cs_func_rs,
    2701             :                                                     imin, imax, param));
    2702             :                     }
    2703          18 :                     else if (func == PGBENCH_RANDOM_ZIPFIAN)
    2704             :                     {
    2705          10 :                         if (param < MIN_ZIPFIAN_PARAM || param > MAX_ZIPFIAN_PARAM)
    2706             :                         {
    2707           4 :                             pg_log_error("zipfian parameter must be in range [%.3f, %.0f] (not %f)",
    2708             :                                          MIN_ZIPFIAN_PARAM, MAX_ZIPFIAN_PARAM, param);
    2709           4 :                             return false;
    2710             :                         }
    2711             : 
    2712           6 :                         setIntValue(retval,
    2713             :                                     getZipfianRand(&st->cs_func_rs, imin, imax, param));
    2714             :                     }
    2715             :                     else        /* exponential */
    2716             :                     {
    2717           8 :                         if (param <= 0.0)
    2718             :                         {
    2719           2 :                             pg_log_error("exponential parameter must be greater than zero (not %f)",
    2720             :                                          param);
    2721           2 :                             return false;
    2722             :                         }
    2723             : 
    2724           6 :                         setIntValue(retval,
    2725             :                                     getExponentialRand(&st->cs_func_rs,
    2726             :                                                        imin, imax, param));
    2727             :                     }
    2728             :                 }
    2729             : 
    2730        3054 :                 return true;
    2731             :             }
    2732             : 
    2733          18 :         case PGBENCH_POW:
    2734             :             {
    2735          18 :                 PgBenchValue *lval = &vargs[0];
    2736          18 :                 PgBenchValue *rval = &vargs[1];
    2737             :                 double      ld,
    2738             :                             rd;
    2739             : 
    2740             :                 Assert(nargs == 2);
    2741             : 
    2742          18 :                 if (!coerceToDouble(lval, &ld) ||
    2743          18 :                     !coerceToDouble(rval, &rd))
    2744           0 :                     return false;
    2745             : 
    2746          18 :                 setDoubleValue(retval, pow(ld, rd));
    2747             : 
    2748          18 :                 return true;
    2749             :             }
    2750             : 
    2751          20 :         case PGBENCH_IS:
    2752             :             {
    2753             :                 Assert(nargs == 2);
    2754             : 
    2755             :                 /*
    2756             :                  * note: this simple implementation is more permissive than
    2757             :                  * SQL
    2758             :                  */
    2759          20 :                 setBoolValue(retval,
    2760          30 :                              vargs[0].type == vargs[1].type &&
    2761          10 :                              vargs[0].u.bval == vargs[1].u.bval);
    2762          20 :                 return true;
    2763             :             }
    2764             : 
    2765             :             /* hashing */
    2766          12 :         case PGBENCH_HASH_FNV1A:
    2767             :         case PGBENCH_HASH_MURMUR2:
    2768             :             {
    2769             :                 int64       val,
    2770             :                             seed;
    2771             : 
    2772             :                 Assert(nargs == 2);
    2773             : 
    2774          12 :                 if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &val) ||
    2775          12 :                     !coerceToInt(&vargs[1], &seed))
    2776           0 :                     return false;
    2777             : 
    2778          12 :                 if (func == PGBENCH_HASH_MURMUR2)
    2779          10 :                     setIntValue(retval, getHashMurmur2(val, seed));
    2780           2 :                 else if (func == PGBENCH_HASH_FNV1A)
    2781           2 :                     setIntValue(retval, getHashFnv1a(val, seed));
    2782             :                 else
    2783             :                     /* cannot get here */
    2784             :                     Assert(0);
    2785             : 
    2786          12 :                 return true;
    2787             :             }
    2788             : 
    2789          92 :         case PGBENCH_PERMUTE:
    2790             :             {
    2791             :                 int64       val,
    2792             :                             size,
    2793             :                             seed;
    2794             : 
    2795             :                 Assert(nargs == 3);
    2796             : 
    2797          92 :                 if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &val) ||
    2798          92 :                     !coerceToInt(&vargs[1], &size) ||
    2799          92 :                     !coerceToInt(&vargs[2], &seed))
    2800           0 :                     return false;
    2801             : 
    2802          92 :                 if (size <= 0)
    2803             :                 {
    2804           2 :                     pg_log_error("permute size parameter must be greater than zero");
    2805           2 :                     return false;
    2806             :                 }
    2807             : 
    2808          90 :                 setIntValue(retval, permute(val, size, seed));
    2809          90 :                 return true;
    2810             :             }
    2811             : 
    2812           0 :         default:
    2813             :             /* cannot get here */
    2814             :             Assert(0);
    2815             :             /* dead code to avoid a compiler warning */
    2816           0 :             return false;
    2817             :     }
    2818             : }
    2819             : 
    2820             : /* evaluate some function */
    2821             : static bool
    2822        6996 : evalFunc(CState *st,
    2823             :          PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args, PgBenchValue *retval)
    2824             : {
    2825        6996 :     if (isLazyFunc(func))
    2826         126 :         return evalLazyFunc(st, func, args, retval);
    2827             :     else
    2828        6870 :         return evalStandardFunc(st, func, args, retval);
    2829             : }
    2830             : 
    2831             : /*
    2832             :  * Recursive evaluation of an expression in a pgbench script
    2833             :  * using the current state of variables.
    2834             :  * Returns whether the evaluation was ok,
    2835             :  * the value itself is returned through the retval pointer.
    2836             :  */
    2837             : static bool
    2838       18216 : evaluateExpr(CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr, PgBenchValue *retval)
    2839             : {
    2840       18216 :     switch (expr->etype)
    2841             :     {
    2842        7340 :         case ENODE_CONSTANT:
    2843             :             {
    2844        7340 :                 *retval = expr->u.constant;
    2845        7340 :                 return true;
    2846             :             }
    2847             : 
    2848        3880 :         case ENODE_VARIABLE:
    2849             :             {
    2850             :                 Variable   *var;
    2851             : 
    2852        3880 :                 if ((var = lookupVariable(&st->variables, expr->u.variable.varname)) == NULL)
    2853             :                 {
    2854           4 :                     pg_log_error("undefined variable \"%s\"", expr->u.variable.varname);
    2855           4 :                     return false;
    2856             :                 }
    2857             : 
    2858        3876 :                 if (!makeVariableValue(var))
    2859           4 :                     return false;
    2860             : 
    2861        3872 :                 *retval = var->value;
    2862        3872 :                 return true;
    2863             :             }
    2864             : 
    2865        6996 :         case ENODE_FUNCTION:
    2866        6996 :             return evalFunc(st,
    2867             :                             expr->u.function.function,
    2868             :                             expr->u.function.args,
    2869             :                             retval);
    2870             : 
    2871           0 :         default:
    2872             :             /* internal error which should never occur */
    2873           0 :             pg_fatal("unexpected enode type in evaluation: %d", expr->etype);
    2874             :     }
    2875             : }
    2876             : 
    2877             : /*
    2878             :  * Convert command name to meta-command enum identifier
    2879             :  */
    2880             : static MetaCommand
    2881         964 : getMetaCommand(const char *cmd)
    2882             : {
    2883             :     MetaCommand mc;
    2884             : 
    2885         964 :     if (cmd == NULL)
    2886           0 :         mc = META_NONE;
    2887         964 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "set") == 0)
    2888         726 :         mc = META_SET;
    2889         238 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "setshell") == 0)
    2890           8 :         mc = META_SETSHELL;
    2891         230 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "shell") == 0)
    2892          10 :         mc = META_SHELL;
    2893         220 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "sleep") == 0)
    2894          18 :         mc = META_SLEEP;
    2895         202 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "if") == 0)
    2896          32 :         mc = META_IF;
    2897         170 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "elif") == 0)
    2898          16 :         mc = META_ELIF;
    2899         154 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "else") == 0)
    2900          16 :         mc = META_ELSE;
    2901         138 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "endif") == 0)
    2902          26 :         mc = META_ENDIF;
    2903         112 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "gset") == 0)
    2904          60 :         mc = META_GSET;
    2905          52 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "aset") == 0)
    2906           6 :         mc = META_ASET;
    2907          46 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "startpipeline") == 0)
    2908          22 :         mc = META_STARTPIPELINE;
    2909          24 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "syncpipeline") == 0)
    2910           8 :         mc = META_SYNCPIPELINE;
    2911          16 :     else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "endpipeline") == 0)
    2912          14 :         mc = META_ENDPIPELINE;
    2913             :     else
    2914           2 :         mc = META_NONE;
    2915         964 :     return mc;
    2916             : }
    2917             : 
    2918             : /*
    2919             :  * Run a shell command. The result is assigned to the variable if not NULL.
    2920             :  * Return true if succeeded, or false on error.
    2921             :  */
    2922             : static bool
    2923          12 : runShellCommand(Variables *variables, char *variable, char **argv, int argc)
    2924             : {
    2925             :     char        command[SHELL_COMMAND_SIZE];
    2926             :     int         i,
    2927          12 :                 len = 0;
    2928             :     FILE       *fp;
    2929             :     char        res[64];
    2930             :     char       *endptr;
    2931             :     int         retval;
    2932             : 
    2933             :     /*----------
    2934             :      * Join arguments with whitespace separators. Arguments starting with
    2935             :      * exactly one colon are treated as variables:
    2936             :      *  name - append a string "name"
    2937             :      *  :var - append a variable named 'var'
    2938             :      *  ::name - append a string ":name"
    2939             :      *----------
    2940             :      */
    2941          34 :     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
    2942             :     {
    2943             :         char       *arg;
    2944             :         int         arglen;
    2945             : 
    2946          24 :         if (argv[i][0] != ':')
    2947             :         {
    2948          18 :             arg = argv[i];      /* a string literal */
    2949             :         }
    2950           6 :         else if (argv[i][1] == ':')
    2951             :         {
    2952           2 :             arg = argv[i] + 1;  /* a string literal starting with colons */
    2953             :         }
    2954           4 :         else if ((arg = getVariable(variables, argv[i] + 1)) == NULL)
    2955             :         {
    2956           2 :             pg_log_error("%s: undefined variable \"%s\"", argv[0], argv[i]);
    2957           2 :             return false;
    2958             :         }
    2959             : 
    2960          22 :         arglen = strlen(arg);
    2961          22 :         if (len + arglen + (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) >= SHELL_COMMAND_SIZE - 1)
    2962             :         {
    2963           0 :             pg_log_error("%s: shell command is too long", argv[0]);
    2964           0 :             return false;
    2965             :         }
    2966             : 
    2967          22 :         if (i > 0)
    2968          10 :             command[len++] = ' ';
    2969          22 :         memcpy(command + len, arg, arglen);
    2970          22 :         len += arglen;
    2971             :     }
    2972             : 
    2973          10 :     command[len] = '\0';
    2974             : 
    2975          10 :     fflush(NULL);               /* needed before either system() or popen() */
    2976             : 
    2977             :     /* Fast path for non-assignment case */
    2978          10 :     if (variable == NULL)
    2979             :     {
    2980           4 :         if (system(command))
    2981             :         {
    2982           2 :             if (!timer_exceeded)
    2983           2 :                 pg_log_error("%s: could not launch shell command", argv[0]);
    2984           2 :             return false;
    2985             :         }
    2986           2 :         return true;
    2987             :     }
    2988             : 
    2989             :     /* Execute the command with pipe and read the standard output. */
    2990           6 :     if ((fp = popen(command, "r")) == NULL)
    2991             :     {
    2992           0 :         pg_log_error("%s: could not launch shell command", argv[0]);
    2993           0 :         return false;
    2994             :     }
    2995           6 :     if (fgets(res, sizeof(res), fp) == NULL)
    2996             :     {
    2997           2 :         if (!timer_exceeded)
    2998           2 :             pg_log_error("%s: could not read result of shell command", argv[0]);
    2999           2 :         (void) pclose(fp);
    3000           2 :         return false;
    3001             :     }
    3002           4 :     if (pclose(fp) < 0)
    3003             :     {
    3004           0 :         pg_log_error("%s: could not run shell command: %m", argv[0]);
    3005           0 :         return false;
    3006             :     }
    3007             : 
    3008             :     /* Check whether the result is an integer and assign it to the variable */
    3009           4 :     retval = (int) strtol(res, &endptr, 10);
    3010           6 :     while (*endptr != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char) *endptr))
    3011           2 :         endptr++;
    3012           4 :     if (*res == '\0' || *endptr != '\0')
    3013             :     {
    3014           2 :         pg_log_error("%s: shell command must return an integer (not \"%s\")", argv[0], res);
    3015           2 :         return false;
    3016             :     }
    3017           2 :     if (!putVariableInt(variables, "setshell", variable, retval))
    3018           0 :         return false;
    3019             : 
    3020           2 :     pg_log_debug("%s: shell parameter name: \"%s\", value: \"%s\"", argv[0], argv[1], res);
    3021             : 
    3022           2 :     return true;
    3023             : }
    3024             : 
    3025             : /*
    3026             :  * Report the abortion of the client when processing SQL commands.
    3027             :  */
    3028             : static void
    3029          64 : commandFailed(CState *st, const char *cmd, const char *message)
    3030             : {
    3031          64 :     pg_log_error("client %d aborted in command %d (%s) of script %d; %s",
    3032             :                  st->id, st->command, cmd, st->use_file, message);
    3033          64 : }
    3034             : 
    3035             : /*
    3036             :  * Report the error in the command while the script is executing.
    3037             :  */
    3038             : static void
    3039           4 : commandError(CState *st, const char *message)
    3040             : {
    3041             :     Assert(sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command]->type == SQL_COMMAND);
    3042           4 :     pg_log_info("client %d got an error in command %d (SQL) of script %d; %s",
    3043             :                 st->id, st->command, st->use_file, message);
    3044           4 : }
    3045             : 
    3046             : /* return a script number with a weighted choice. */
    3047             : static int
    3048       15466 : chooseScript(TState *thread)
    3049             : {
    3050       15466 :     int         i = 0;
    3051             :     int64       w;
    3052             : 
    3053       15466 :     if (num_scripts == 1)
    3054       12766 :         return 0;
    3055             : 
    3056        2700 :     w = getrand(&thread->ts_choose_rs, 0, total_weight - 1);
    3057             :     do
    3058             :     {
    3059        5348 :         w -= sql_script[i++].weight;
    3060        5348 :     } while (w >= 0);
    3061             : 
    3062        2700 :     return i - 1;
    3063             : }
    3064             : 
    3065             : /*
    3066             :  * Allocate space for CState->prepared: we need one boolean for each command
    3067             :  * of each script.
    3068             :  */
    3069             : static void
    3070          68 : allocCStatePrepared(CState *st)
    3071             : {
    3072             :     Assert(st->prepared == NULL);
    3073             : 
    3074          68 :     st->prepared = pg_malloc(sizeof(bool *) * num_scripts);
    3075         148 :     for (int i = 0; i < num_scripts; i++)
    3076             :     {
    3077          80 :         ParsedScript *script = &sql_script[i];
    3078             :         int         numcmds;
    3079             : 
    3080         340 :         for (numcmds = 0; script->commands[numcmds] != NULL; numcmds++)
    3081             :             ;
    3082          80 :         st->prepared[i] = pg_malloc0(sizeof(bool) * numcmds);
    3083             :     }
    3084          68 : }
    3085             : 
    3086             : /*
    3087             :  * Prepare the SQL command from st->use_file at command_num.
    3088             :  */
    3089             : static void
    3090        4016 : prepareCommand(CState *st, int command_num)
    3091             : {
    3092        4016 :     Command    *command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[command_num];
    3093             : 
    3094             :     /* No prepare for non-SQL commands */
    3095        4016 :     if (command->type != SQL_COMMAND)
    3096           0 :         return;
    3097             : 
    3098        4016 :     if (!st->prepared)
    3099          58 :         allocCStatePrepared(st);
    3100             : 
    3101        4016 :     if (!st->prepared[st->use_file][command_num])
    3102             :     {
    3103             :         PGresult   *res;
    3104             : 
    3105         218 :         pg_log_debug("client %d preparing %s", st->id, command->prepname);
    3106         218 :         res = PQprepare(st->con, command->prepname,
    3107         218 :                         command->argv[0], command->argc - 1, NULL);
    3108         218 :         if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    3109           2 :             pg_log_error("%s", PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    3110         218 :         PQclear(res);
    3111         218 :         st->prepared[st->use_file][command_num] = true;
    3112             :     }
    3113             : }
    3114             : 
    3115             : /*
    3116             :  * Prepare all the commands in the script that come after the \startpipeline
    3117             :  * that's at position st->command, and the first \endpipeline we find.
    3118             :  *
    3119             :  * This sets the ->prepared flag for each relevant command as well as the
    3120             :  * \startpipeline itself, but doesn't move the st->command counter.
    3121             :  */
    3122             : static void
    3123          84 : prepareCommandsInPipeline(CState *st)
    3124             : {
    3125             :     int         j;
    3126          84 :     Command   **commands = sql_script[st->use_file].commands;
    3127             : 
    3128             :     Assert(commands[st->command]->type == META_COMMAND &&
    3129             :            commands[st->command]->meta == META_STARTPIPELINE);
    3130             : 
    3131          84 :     if (!st->prepared)
    3132          10 :         allocCStatePrepared(st);
    3133             : 
    3134             :     /*
    3135             :      * We set the 'prepared' flag on the \startpipeline itself to flag that we
    3136             :      * don't need to do this next time without calling prepareCommand(), even
    3137             :      * though we don't actually prepare this command.
    3138             :      */
    3139          84 :     if (st->prepared[st->use_file][st->command])
    3140          72 :         return;
    3141             : 
    3142         128 :     for (j = st->command + 1; commands[j] != NULL; j++)
    3143             :     {
    3144         128 :         if (commands[j]->type == META_COMMAND &&
    3145          12 :             commands[j]->meta == META_ENDPIPELINE)
    3146          12 :             break;
    3147             : 
    3148         116 :         prepareCommand(st, j);
    3149             :     }
    3150             : 
    3151          12 :     st->prepared[st->use_file][st->command] = true;
    3152             : }
    3153             : 
    3154             : /* Send a SQL command, using the chosen querymode */
    3155             : static bool
    3156       21538 : sendCommand(CState *st, Command *command)
    3157             : {
    3158             :     int         r;
    3159             : 
    3160       21538 :     if (querymode == QUERY_SIMPLE)
    3161             :     {
    3162             :         char       *sql;
    3163             : 
    3164       16492 :         sql = pg_strdup(command->argv[0]);
    3165       16492 :         sql = assignVariables(&st->variables, sql);
    3166             : 
    3167       16492 :         pg_log_debug("client %d sending %s", st->id, sql);
    3168       16492 :         r = PQsendQuery(st->con, sql);
    3169       16492 :         free(sql);
    3170             :     }
    3171        5046 :     else if (querymode == QUERY_EXTENDED)
    3172             :     {
    3173        1146 :         const char *sql = command->argv[0];
    3174             :         const char *params[MAX_ARGS];
    3175             : 
    3176        1146 :         getQueryParams(&st->variables, command, params);
    3177             : 
    3178        1146 :         pg_log_debug("client %d sending %s", st->id, sql);
    3179        1146 :         r = PQsendQueryParams(st->con, sql, command->argc - 1,
    3180             :                               NULL, params, NULL, NULL, 0);
    3181             :     }
    3182        3900 :     else if (querymode == QUERY_PREPARED)
    3183             :     {
    3184             :         const char *params[MAX_ARGS];
    3185             : 
    3186        3900 :         prepareCommand(st, st->command);
    3187        3900 :         getQueryParams(&st->variables, command, params);
    3188             : 
    3189        3900 :         pg_log_debug("client %d sending %s", st->id, command->prepname);
    3190        3900 :         r = PQsendQueryPrepared(st->con, command->prepname, command->argc - 1,
    3191             :                                 params, NULL, NULL, 0);
    3192             :     }
    3193             :     else                        /* unknown sql mode */
    3194           0 :         r = 0;
    3195             : 
    3196       21538 :     if (r == 0)
    3197             :     {
    3198           0 :         pg_log_debug("client %d could not send %s", st->id, command->argv[0]);
    3199           0 :         return false;
    3200             :     }
    3201             :     else
    3202       21538 :         return true;
    3203             : }
    3204             : 
    3205             : /*
    3206             :  * Get the error status from the error code.
    3207             :  */
    3208             : static EStatus
    3209          18 : getSQLErrorStatus(const char *sqlState)
    3210             : {
    3211          18 :     if (sqlState != NULL)
    3212             :     {
    3213          18 :         if (strcmp(sqlState, ERRCODE_T_R_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE) == 0)
    3214           2 :             return ESTATUS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
    3215          16 :         else if (strcmp(sqlState, ERRCODE_T_R_DEADLOCK_DETECTED) == 0)
    3216           2 :             return ESTATUS_DEADLOCK_ERROR;
    3217             :     }
    3218             : 
    3219          14 :     return ESTATUS_OTHER_SQL_ERROR;
    3220             : }
    3221             : 
    3222             : /*
    3223             :  * Returns true if this type of error can be retried.
    3224             :  */
    3225             : static bool
    3226          50 : canRetryError(EStatus estatus)
    3227             : {
    3228          50 :     return (estatus == ESTATUS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR ||
    3229             :             estatus == ESTATUS_DEADLOCK_ERROR);
    3230             : }
    3231             : 
    3232             : /*
    3233             :  * Process query response from the backend.
    3234             :  *
    3235             :  * If varprefix is not NULL, it's the variable name prefix where to store
    3236             :  * the results of the *last* command (META_GSET) or *all* commands
    3237             :  * (META_ASET).
    3238             :  *
    3239             :  * Returns true if everything is A-OK, false if any error occurs.
    3240             :  */
    3241             : static bool
    3242       21624 : readCommandResponse(CState *st, MetaCommand meta, char *varprefix)
    3243             : {
    3244             :     PGresult   *res;
    3245             :     PGresult   *next_res;
    3246       21624 :     int         qrynum = 0;
    3247             : 
    3248             :     /*
    3249             :      * varprefix should be set only with \gset or \aset, and \endpipeline and
    3250             :      * SQL commands do not need it.
    3251             :      */
    3252             :     Assert((meta == META_NONE && varprefix == NULL) ||
    3253             :            ((meta == META_ENDPIPELINE) && varprefix == NULL) ||
    3254             :            ((meta == META_GSET || meta == META_ASET) && varprefix != NULL));
    3255             : 
    3256       21624 :     res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    3257             : 
    3258       43230 :     while (res != NULL)
    3259             :     {
    3260             :         bool        is_last;
    3261             : 
    3262             :         /* peek at the next result to know whether the current is last */
    3263       21634 :         next_res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    3264       21634 :         is_last = (next_res == NULL);
    3265             : 
    3266       21634 :         switch (PQresultStatus(res))
    3267             :         {
    3268       17112 :             case PGRES_COMMAND_OK:  /* non-SELECT commands */
    3269             :             case PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY: /* may be used for testing no-op overhead */
    3270       17112 :                 if (is_last && meta == META_GSET)
    3271             :                 {
    3272           2 :                     pg_log_error("client %d script %d command %d query %d: expected one row, got %d",
    3273             :                                  st->id, st->use_file, st->command, qrynum, 0);
    3274           2 :                     st->estatus = ESTATUS_META_COMMAND_ERROR;
    3275           2 :                     goto error;
    3276             :                 }
    3277       17110 :                 break;
    3278             : 
    3279        4410 :             case PGRES_TUPLES_OK:
    3280        4410 :                 if ((is_last && meta == META_GSET) || meta == META_ASET)
    3281             :                 {
    3282         906 :                     int         ntuples = PQntuples(res);
    3283             : 
    3284         906 :                     if (meta == META_GSET && ntuples != 1)
    3285             :                     {
    3286             :                         /* under \gset, report the error */
    3287           4 :                         pg_log_error("client %d script %d command %d query %d: expected one row, got %d",
    3288             :                                      st->id, st->use_file, st->command, qrynum, PQntuples(res));
    3289           4 :                         st->estatus = ESTATUS_META_COMMAND_ERROR;
    3290           4 :                         goto error;
    3291             :                     }
    3292         902 :                     else if (meta == META_ASET && ntuples <= 0)
    3293             :                     {
    3294             :                         /* coldly skip empty result under \aset */
    3295           2 :                         break;
    3296             :                     }
    3297             : 
    3298             :                     /* store results into variables */
    3299        1800 :                     for (int fld = 0; fld < PQnfields(res); fld++)
    3300             :                     {
    3301         904 :                         char       *varname = PQfname(res, fld);
    3302             : 
    3303             :                         /* allocate varname only if necessary, freed below */
    3304         904 :                         if (*varprefix != '\0')
    3305           2 :                             varname = psprintf("%s%s", varprefix, varname);
    3306             : 
    3307             :                         /* store last row result as a string */
    3308         904 :                         if (!putVariable(&st->variables, meta == META_ASET ? "aset" : "gset", varname,
    3309         904 :                                          PQgetvalue(res, ntuples - 1, fld)))
    3310             :                         {
    3311             :                             /* internal error */
    3312           4 :                             pg_log_error("client %d script %d command %d query %d: error storing into variable %s",
    3313             :                                          st->id, st->use_file, st->command, qrynum, varname);
    3314           4 :                             st->estatus = ESTATUS_META_COMMAND_ERROR;
    3315           4 :                             goto error;
    3316             :                         }
    3317             : 
    3318         900 :                         if (*varprefix != '\0')
    3319           2 :                             pg_free(varname);
    3320             :                     }
    3321             :                 }
    3322             :                 /* otherwise the result is simply thrown away by PQclear below */
    3323        4400 :                 break;
    3324             : 
    3325          94 :             case PGRES_PIPELINE_SYNC:
    3326          94 :                 pg_log_debug("client %d pipeline ending, ongoing syncs: %d",
    3327             :                              st->id, st->num_syncs);
    3328          94 :                 st->num_syncs--;
    3329          94 :                 if (st->num_syncs == 0 && PQexitPipelineMode(st->con) != 1)
    3330           0 :                     pg_log_error("client %d failed to exit pipeline mode: %s", st->id,
    3331             :                                  PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    3332          94 :                 break;
    3333             : 
    3334          18 :             case PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR:
    3335             :             case PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:
    3336          18 :                 st->estatus = getSQLErrorStatus(PQresultErrorField(res,
    3337             :                                                                    PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE));
    3338          18 :                 if (canRetryError(st->estatus))
    3339             :                 {
    3340           4 :                     if (verbose_errors)
    3341           4 :                         commandError(st, PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    3342           4 :                     goto error;
    3343             :                 }
    3344             :                 /* fall through */
    3345             : 
    3346             :             default:
    3347             :                 /* anything else is unexpected */
    3348          14 :                 pg_log_error("client %d script %d aborted in command %d query %d: %s",
    3349             :                              st->id, st->use_file, st->command, qrynum,
    3350             :                              PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    3351          14 :                 goto error;
    3352             :         }
    3353             : 
    3354       21606 :         PQclear(res);
    3355       21606 :         qrynum++;
    3356       21606 :         res = next_res;
    3357             :     }
    3358             : 
    3359       21596 :     if (qrynum == 0)
    3360             :     {
    3361           0 :         pg_log_error("client %d command %d: no results", st->id, st->command);
    3362           0 :         return false;
    3363             :     }
    3364             : 
    3365       21596 :     return true;
    3366             : 
    3367          28 : error:
    3368          28 :     PQclear(res);
    3369          28 :     PQclear(next_res);
    3370             :     do
    3371             :     {
    3372          28 :         res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    3373          28 :         PQclear(res);
    3374          28 :     } while (res);
    3375             : 
    3376          28 :     return false;
    3377             : }
    3378             : 
    3379             : /*
    3380             :  * Parse the argument to a \sleep command, and return the requested amount
    3381             :  * of delay, in microseconds.  Returns true on success, false on error.
    3382             :  */
    3383             : static bool
    3384          12 : evaluateSleep(Variables *variables, int argc, char **argv, int *usecs)
    3385             : {
    3386             :     char       *var;
    3387             :     int         usec;
    3388             : 
    3389          12 :     if (*argv[1] == ':')
    3390             :     {
    3391           6 :         if ((var = getVariable(variables, argv[1] + 1)) == NULL)
    3392             :         {
    3393           2 :             pg_log_error("%s: undefined variable \"%s\"", argv[0], argv[1] + 1);
    3394           2 :             return false;
    3395             :         }
    3396             : 
    3397           4 :         usec = atoi(var);
    3398             : 
    3399             :         /* Raise an error if the value of a variable is not a number */
    3400           4 :         if (usec == 0 && !isdigit((unsigned char) *var))
    3401             :         {
    3402           0 :             pg_log_error("%s: invalid sleep time \"%s\" for variable \"%s\"",
    3403             :                          argv[0], var, argv[1] + 1);
    3404           0 :             return false;
    3405             :         }
    3406             :     }
    3407             :     else
    3408           6 :         usec = atoi(argv[1]);
    3409             : 
    3410          10 :     if (argc > 2)
    3411             :     {
    3412           8 :         if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[2], "ms") == 0)
    3413           4 :             usec *= 1000;
    3414           4 :         else if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[2], "s") == 0)
    3415           2 :             usec *= 1000000;
    3416             :     }
    3417             :     else
    3418           2 :         usec *= 1000000;
    3419             : 
    3420          10 :     *usecs = usec;
    3421          10 :     return true;
    3422             : }
    3423             : 
    3424             : 
    3425             : /*
    3426             :  * Returns true if the error can be retried.
    3427             :  */
    3428             : static bool
    3429           4 : doRetry(CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now)
    3430             : {
    3431             :     Assert(st->estatus != ESTATUS_NO_ERROR);
    3432             : 
    3433             :     /* We can only retry serialization or deadlock errors. */
    3434           4 :     if (!canRetryError(st->estatus))
    3435           0 :         return false;
    3436             : 
    3437             :     /*
    3438             :      * We must have at least one option to limit the retrying of transactions
    3439             :      * that got an error.
    3440             :      */
    3441             :     Assert(max_tries || latency_limit || duration > 0);
    3442             : 
    3443             :     /*
    3444             :      * We cannot retry the error if we have reached the maximum number of
    3445             :      * tries.
    3446             :      */
    3447           4 :     if (max_tries && st->tries >= max_tries)
    3448           0 :         return false;
    3449             : 
    3450             :     /*
    3451             :      * We cannot retry the error if we spent too much time on this
    3452             :      * transaction.
    3453             :      */
    3454           4 :     if (latency_limit)
    3455             :     {
    3456           0 :         pg_time_now_lazy(now);
    3457           0 :         if (*now - st->txn_scheduled > latency_limit)
    3458           0 :             return false;
    3459             :     }
    3460             : 
    3461             :     /*
    3462             :      * We cannot retry the error if the benchmark duration is over.
    3463             :      */
    3464           4 :     if (timer_exceeded)
    3465           0 :         return false;
    3466             : 
    3467             :     /* OK */
    3468           4 :     return true;
    3469             : }
    3470             : 
    3471             : /*
    3472             :  * Read results and discard it until a sync point.
    3473             :  */
    3474             : static int
    3475           0 : discardUntilSync(CState *st)
    3476             : {
    3477             :     /* send a sync */
    3478           0 :     if (!PQpipelineSync(st->con))
    3479             :     {
    3480           0 :         pg_log_error("client %d aborted: failed to send a pipeline sync",
    3481             :                      st->id);
    3482           0 :         return 0;
    3483             :     }
    3484             : 
    3485             :     /* receive PGRES_PIPELINE_SYNC and null following it */
    3486             :     for (;;)
    3487           0 :     {
    3488           0 :         PGresult   *res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    3489             : 
    3490           0 :         if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_PIPELINE_SYNC)
    3491             :         {
    3492           0 :             PQclear(res);
    3493           0 :             res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    3494             :             Assert(res == NULL);
    3495           0 :             break;
    3496             :         }
    3497           0 :         PQclear(res);
    3498             :     }
    3499             : 
    3500             :     /* exit pipeline */
    3501           0 :     if (PQexitPipelineMode(st->con) != 1)
    3502             :     {
    3503           0 :         pg_log_error("client %d aborted: failed to exit pipeline mode for rolling back the failed transaction",
    3504             :                      st->id);
    3505           0 :         return 0;
    3506             :     }
    3507           0 :     return 1;
    3508             : }
    3509             : 
    3510             : /*
    3511             :  * Get the transaction status at the end of a command especially for
    3512             :  * checking if we are in a (failed) transaction block.
    3513             :  */
    3514             : static TStatus
    3515       15372 : getTransactionStatus(PGconn *con)
    3516             : {
    3517             :     PGTransactionStatusType tx_status;
    3518             : 
    3519       15372 :     tx_status = PQtransactionStatus(con);
    3520       15372 :     switch (tx_status)
    3521             :     {
    3522       15368 :         case PQTRANS_IDLE:
    3523       15368 :             return TSTATUS_IDLE;
    3524           4 :         case PQTRANS_INTRANS:
    3525             :         case PQTRANS_INERROR:
    3526           4 :             return TSTATUS_IN_BLOCK;
    3527           0 :         case PQTRANS_UNKNOWN:
    3528             :             /* PQTRANS_UNKNOWN is expected given a broken connection */
    3529           0 :             if (PQstatus(con) == CONNECTION_BAD)
    3530           0 :                 return TSTATUS_CONN_ERROR;
    3531             :             /* fall through */
    3532             :         case PQTRANS_ACTIVE:
    3533             :         default:
    3534             : 
    3535             :             /*
    3536             :              * We cannot find out whether we are in a transaction block or
    3537             :              * not. Internal error which should never occur.
    3538             :              */
    3539           0 :             pg_log_error("unexpected transaction status %d", tx_status);
    3540           0 :             return TSTATUS_OTHER_ERROR;
    3541             :     }
    3542             : 
    3543             :     /* not reached */
    3544             :     Assert(false);
    3545             :     return TSTATUS_OTHER_ERROR;
    3546             : }
    3547             : 
    3548             : /*
    3549             :  * Print verbose messages of an error
    3550             :  */
    3551             : static void
    3552           4 : printVerboseErrorMessages(CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now, bool is_retry)
    3553             : {
    3554             :     static PQExpBuffer buf = NULL;
    3555             : 
    3556           4 :     if (buf == NULL)
    3557           4 :         buf = createPQExpBuffer();
    3558             :     else
    3559           0 :         resetPQExpBuffer(buf);
    3560             : 
    3561           4 :     printfPQExpBuffer(buf, "client %d ", st->id);
    3562           4 :     appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, (is_retry ?
    3563             :                                "repeats the transaction after the error" :
    3564             :                                "ends the failed transaction"));
    3565           4 :     appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " (try %u", st->tries);
    3566             : 
    3567             :     /* Print max_tries if it is not unlimited. */
    3568           4 :     if (max_tries)
    3569           4 :         appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "/%u", max_tries);
    3570             : 
    3571             :     /*
    3572             :      * If the latency limit is used, print a percentage of the current
    3573             :      * transaction latency from the latency limit.
    3574             :      */
    3575           4 :     if (latency_limit)
    3576             :     {
    3577           0 :         pg_time_now_lazy(now);
    3578           0 :         appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ", %.3f%% of the maximum time of tries was used",
    3579           0 :                           (100.0 * (*now - st->txn_scheduled) / latency_limit));
    3580             :     }
    3581           4 :     appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, ")\n");
    3582             : 
    3583           4 :     pg_log_info("%s", buf->data);
    3584           4 : }
    3585             : 
    3586             : /*
    3587             :  * Advance the state machine of a connection.
    3588             :  */
    3589             : static void
    3590       35290 : advanceConnectionState(TState *thread, CState *st, StatsData *agg)
    3591             : {
    3592             : 
    3593             :     /*
    3594             :      * gettimeofday() isn't free, so we get the current timestamp lazily the
    3595             :      * first time it's needed, and reuse the same value throughout this
    3596             :      * function after that.  This also ensures that e.g. the calculated
    3597             :      * latency reported in the log file and in the totals are the same. Zero
    3598             :      * means "not set yet".  Reset "now" when we execute shell commands or
    3599             :      * expressions, which might take a non-negligible amount of time, though.
    3600             :      */
    3601       35290 :     pg_time_usec_t now = 0;
    3602             : 
    3603             :     /*
    3604             :      * Loop in the state machine, until we have to wait for a result from the
    3605             :      * server or have to sleep for throttling or \sleep.
    3606             :      *
    3607             :      * Note: In the switch-statement below, 'break' will loop back here,
    3608             :      * meaning "continue in the state machine".  Return is used to return to
    3609             :      * the caller, giving the thread the opportunity to advance another
    3610             :      * client.
    3611             :      */
    3612             :     for (;;)
    3613      121882 :     {
    3614             :         Command    *command;
    3615             : 
    3616      157172 :         switch (st->state)
    3617             :         {
    3618             :                 /* Select transaction (script) to run.  */
    3619       15466 :             case CSTATE_CHOOSE_SCRIPT:
    3620       15466 :                 st->use_file = chooseScript(thread);
    3621             :                 Assert(conditional_stack_empty(st->cstack));
    3622             : 
    3623             :                 /* reset transaction variables to default values */
    3624       15466 :                 st->estatus = ESTATUS_NO_ERROR;
    3625       15466 :                 st->tries = 1;
    3626             : 
    3627       15466 :                 pg_log_debug("client %d executing script \"%s\"",
    3628             :                              st->id, sql_script[st->use_file].desc);
    3629             : 
    3630             :                 /*
    3631             :                  * If time is over, we're done; otherwise, get ready to start
    3632             :                  * a new transaction, or to get throttled if that's requested.
    3633             :                  */
    3634       30932 :                 st->state = timer_exceeded ? CSTATE_FINISHED :
    3635       15466 :                     throttle_delay > 0 ? CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE : CSTATE_START_TX;
    3636       15466 :                 break;
    3637             : 
    3638             :                 /* Start new transaction (script) */
    3639       15464 :             case CSTATE_START_TX:
    3640       15464 :                 pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    3641             : 
    3642             :                 /* establish connection if needed, i.e. under --connect */
    3643       15464 :                 if (st->con == NULL)
    3644             :                 {
    3645         220 :                     pg_time_usec_t start = now;
    3646             : 
    3647         220 :                     if ((st->con = doConnect()) == NULL)
    3648             :                     {
    3649             :                         /*
    3650             :                          * as the bench is already running, we do not abort
    3651             :                          * the process
    3652             :                          */
    3653           0 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted while establishing connection", st->id);
    3654           0 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3655           0 :                         break;
    3656             :                     }
    3657             : 
    3658             :                     /* reset now after connection */
    3659         220 :                     now = pg_time_now();
    3660             : 
    3661         220 :                     thread->conn_duration += now - start;
    3662             : 
    3663             :                     /* Reset session-local state */
    3664         220 :                     pg_free(st->prepared);
    3665         220 :                     st->prepared = NULL;
    3666             :                 }
    3667             : 
    3668             :                 /*
    3669             :                  * It is the first try to run this transaction. Remember the
    3670             :                  * random state: maybe it will get an error and we will need
    3671             :                  * to run it again.
    3672             :                  */
    3673       15464 :                 st->random_state = st->cs_func_rs;
    3674             : 
    3675             :                 /* record transaction start time */
    3676       15464 :                 st->txn_begin = now;
    3677             : 
    3678             :                 /*
    3679             :                  * When not throttling, this is also the transaction's
    3680             :                  * scheduled start time.
    3681             :                  */
    3682       15464 :                 if (!throttle_delay)
    3683       15062 :                     st->txn_scheduled = now;
    3684             : 
    3685             :                 /* Begin with the first command */
    3686       15464 :                 st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    3687       15464 :                 st->command = 0;
    3688       15464 :                 break;
    3689             : 
    3690             :                 /*
    3691             :                  * Handle throttling once per transaction by sleeping.
    3692             :                  */
    3693         420 :             case CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE:
    3694             : 
    3695             :                 /*
    3696             :                  * Generate a delay such that the series of delays will
    3697             :                  * approximate a Poisson distribution centered on the
    3698             :                  * throttle_delay time.
    3699             :                  *
    3700             :                  * If transactions are too slow or a given wait is shorter
    3701             :                  * than a transaction, the next transaction will start right
    3702             :                  * away.
    3703             :                  */
    3704             :                 Assert(throttle_delay > 0);
    3705             : 
    3706         420 :                 thread->throttle_trigger +=
    3707         420 :                     getPoissonRand(&thread->ts_throttle_rs, throttle_delay);
    3708         420 :                 st->txn_scheduled = thread->throttle_trigger;
    3709             : 
    3710             :                 /*
    3711             :                  * If --latency-limit is used, and this slot is already late
    3712             :                  * so that the transaction will miss the latency limit even if
    3713             :                  * it completed immediately, skip this time slot and loop to
    3714             :                  * reschedule.
    3715             :                  */
    3716         420 :                 if (latency_limit)
    3717             :                 {
    3718         420 :                     pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    3719             : 
    3720         420 :                     if (thread->throttle_trigger < now - latency_limit)
    3721             :                     {
    3722          18 :                         processXactStats(thread, st, &now, true, agg);
    3723             : 
    3724             :                         /*
    3725             :                          * Finish client if -T or -t was exceeded.
    3726             :                          *
    3727             :                          * Stop counting skipped transactions under -T as soon
    3728             :                          * as the timer is exceeded. Because otherwise it can
    3729             :                          * take a very long time to count all of them
    3730             :                          * especially when quite a lot of them happen with
    3731             :                          * unrealistically high rate setting in -R, which
    3732             :                          * would prevent pgbench from ending immediately.
    3733             :                          * Because of this behavior, note that there is no
    3734             :                          * guarantee that all skipped transactions are counted
    3735             :                          * under -T though there is under -t. This is OK in
    3736             :                          * practice because it's very unlikely to happen with
    3737             :                          * realistic setting.
    3738             :                          */
    3739          18 :                         if (timer_exceeded || (nxacts > 0 && st->cnt >= nxacts))
    3740           2 :                             st->state = CSTATE_FINISHED;
    3741             : 
    3742             :                         /* Go back to top of loop with CSTATE_PREPARE_THROTTLE */
    3743          18 :                         break;
    3744             :                     }
    3745             :                 }
    3746             : 
    3747             :                 /*
    3748             :                  * stop client if next transaction is beyond pgbench end of
    3749             :                  * execution; otherwise, throttle it.
    3750             :                  */
    3751           0 :                 st->state = end_time > 0 && st->txn_scheduled > end_time ?
    3752         402 :                     CSTATE_FINISHED : CSTATE_THROTTLE;
    3753         402 :                 break;
    3754             : 
    3755             :                 /*
    3756             :                  * Wait until it's time to start next transaction.
    3757             :                  */
    3758         402 :             case CSTATE_THROTTLE:
    3759         402 :                 pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    3760             : 
    3761         402 :                 if (now < st->txn_scheduled)
    3762           0 :                     return;     /* still sleeping, nothing to do here */
    3763             : 
    3764             :                 /* done sleeping, but don't start transaction if we're done */
    3765         402 :                 st->state = timer_exceeded ? CSTATE_FINISHED : CSTATE_START_TX;
    3766         402 :                 break;
    3767             : 
    3768             :                 /*
    3769             :                  * Send a command to server (or execute a meta-command)
    3770             :                  */
    3771       41504 :             case CSTATE_START_COMMAND:
    3772       41504 :                 command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    3773             : 
    3774             :                 /*
    3775             :                  * Transition to script end processing if done, but close up
    3776             :                  * shop if a pipeline is open at this point.
    3777             :                  */
    3778       41504 :                 if (command == NULL)
    3779             :                 {
    3780       15374 :                     if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) == PQ_PIPELINE_OFF)
    3781       15368 :                         st->state = CSTATE_END_TX;
    3782             :                     else
    3783             :                     {
    3784           6 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted: end of script reached with pipeline open",
    3785             :                                      st->id);
    3786           6 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3787             :                     }
    3788             : 
    3789       15374 :                     break;
    3790             :                 }
    3791             : 
    3792             :                 /* record begin time of next command, and initiate it */
    3793       26130 :                 if (report_per_command)
    3794             :                 {
    3795         802 :                     pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    3796         802 :                     st->stmt_begin = now;
    3797             :                 }
    3798             : 
    3799             :                 /* Execute the command */
    3800       26130 :                 if (command->type == SQL_COMMAND)
    3801             :                 {
    3802             :                     /* disallow \aset and \gset in pipeline mode */
    3803       21540 :                     if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_OFF)
    3804             :                     {
    3805        1008 :                         if (command->meta == META_GSET)
    3806             :                         {
    3807           2 :                             commandFailed(st, "gset", "\\gset is not allowed in pipeline mode");
    3808           2 :                             st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3809           2 :                             break;
    3810             :                         }
    3811        1006 :                         else if (command->meta == META_ASET)
    3812             :                         {
    3813           0 :                             commandFailed(st, "aset", "\\aset is not allowed in pipeline mode");
    3814           0 :                             st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3815           0 :                             break;
    3816             :                         }
    3817             :                     }
    3818             : 
    3819       21538 :                     if (!sendCommand(st, command))
    3820             :                     {
    3821           0 :                         commandFailed(st, "SQL", "SQL command send failed");
    3822           0 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3823             :                     }
    3824             :                     else
    3825             :                     {
    3826             :                         /* Wait for results, unless in pipeline mode */
    3827       21538 :                         if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) == PQ_PIPELINE_OFF)
    3828       20532 :                             st->state = CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT;
    3829             :                         else
    3830        1006 :                             st->state = CSTATE_END_COMMAND;
    3831             :                     }
    3832             :                 }
    3833        4590 :                 else if (command->type == META_COMMAND)
    3834             :                 {
    3835             :                     /*-----
    3836             :                      * Possible state changes when executing meta commands:
    3837             :                      * - on errors CSTATE_ABORTED
    3838             :                      * - on sleep CSTATE_SLEEP
    3839             :                      * - else CSTATE_END_COMMAND
    3840             :                      */
    3841        4590 :                     st->state = executeMetaCommand(st, &now);
    3842        4590 :                     if (st->state == CSTATE_ABORTED)
    3843          62 :                         st->estatus = ESTATUS_META_COMMAND_ERROR;
    3844             :                 }
    3845             : 
    3846             :                 /*
    3847             :                  * We're now waiting for an SQL command to complete, or
    3848             :                  * finished processing a metacommand, or need to sleep, or
    3849             :                  * something bad happened.
    3850             :                  */
    3851             :                 Assert(st->state == CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT ||
    3852             :                        st->state == CSTATE_END_COMMAND ||
    3853             :                        st->state == CSTATE_SLEEP ||
    3854             :                        st->state == CSTATE_ABORTED);
    3855       26128 :                 break;
    3856             : 
    3857             :                 /*
    3858             :                  * non executed conditional branch
    3859             :                  */
    3860        3744 :             case CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND:
    3861             :                 Assert(!conditional_active(st->cstack));
    3862             :                 /* quickly skip commands until something to do... */
    3863             :                 while (true)
    3864             :                 {
    3865        3744 :                     command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    3866             : 
    3867             :                     /* cannot reach end of script in that state */
    3868             :                     Assert(command != NULL);
    3869             : 
    3870             :                     /*
    3871             :                      * if this is conditional related, update conditional
    3872             :                      * state
    3873             :                      */
    3874        3744 :                     if (command->type == META_COMMAND &&
    3875         840 :                         (command->meta == META_IF ||
    3876         840 :                          command->meta == META_ELIF ||
    3877         834 :                          command->meta == META_ELSE ||
    3878         830 :                          command->meta == META_ENDIF))
    3879             :                     {
    3880         816 :                         switch (conditional_stack_peek(st->cstack))
    3881             :                         {
    3882         808 :                             case IFSTATE_FALSE:
    3883         808 :                                 if (command->meta == META_IF ||
    3884         808 :                                     command->meta == META_ELIF)
    3885             :                                 {
    3886             :                                     /* we must evaluate the condition */
    3887           6 :                                     st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    3888             :                                 }
    3889         802 :                                 else if (command->meta == META_ELSE)
    3890             :                                 {
    3891             :                                     /* we must execute next command */
    3892           2 :                                     conditional_stack_poke(st->cstack,
    3893             :                                                            IFSTATE_ELSE_TRUE);
    3894           2 :                                     st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    3895           2 :                                     st->command++;
    3896             :                                 }
    3897         800 :                                 else if (command->meta == META_ENDIF)
    3898             :                                 {
    3899             :                                     Assert(!conditional_stack_empty(st->cstack));
    3900         800 :                                     conditional_stack_pop(st->cstack);
    3901         800 :                                     if (conditional_active(st->cstack))
    3902         800 :                                         st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    3903             : 
    3904             :                                     /*
    3905             :                                      * else state remains in
    3906             :                                      * CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND
    3907             :                                      */
    3908         800 :                                     st->command++;
    3909             :                                 }
    3910         808 :                                 break;
    3911             : 
    3912           8 :                             case IFSTATE_IGNORED:
    3913             :                             case IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE:
    3914           8 :                                 if (command->meta == META_IF)
    3915           0 :                                     conditional_stack_push(st->cstack,
    3916             :                                                            IFSTATE_IGNORED);
    3917           8 :                                 else if (command->meta == META_ENDIF)
    3918             :                                 {
    3919             :                                     Assert(!conditional_stack_empty(st->cstack));
    3920           6 :                                     conditional_stack_pop(st->cstack);
    3921           6 :                                     if (conditional_active(st->cstack))
    3922           6 :                                         st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    3923             :                                 }
    3924             :                                 /* could detect "else" & "elif" after "else" */
    3925           8 :                                 st->command++;
    3926           8 :                                 break;
    3927             : 
    3928         816 :                             case IFSTATE_NONE:
    3929             :                             case IFSTATE_TRUE:
    3930             :                             case IFSTATE_ELSE_TRUE:
    3931             :                             default:
    3932             : 
    3933             :                                 /*
    3934             :                                  * inconsistent if inactive, unreachable dead
    3935             :                                  * code
    3936             :                                  */
    3937             :                                 Assert(false);
    3938             :                         }
    3939             :                     }
    3940             :                     else
    3941             :                     {
    3942             :                         /* skip and consider next */
    3943        2928 :                         st->command++;
    3944             :                     }
    3945             : 
    3946        3744 :                     if (st->state != CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND)
    3947             :                         /* out of quick skip command loop */
    3948         814 :                         break;
    3949             :                 }
    3950         814 :                 break;
    3951             : 
    3952             :                 /*
    3953             :                  * Wait for the current SQL command to complete
    3954             :                  */
    3955       41442 :             case CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT:
    3956       41442 :                 pg_log_debug("client %d receiving", st->id);
    3957             : 
    3958             :                 /*
    3959             :                  * Only check for new network data if we processed all data
    3960             :                  * fetched prior. Otherwise we end up doing a syscall for each
    3961             :                  * individual pipelined query, which has a measurable
    3962             :                  * performance impact.
    3963             :                  */
    3964       41442 :                 if (PQisBusy(st->con) && !PQconsumeInput(st->con))
    3965             :                 {
    3966             :                     /* there's something wrong */
    3967           0 :                     commandFailed(st, "SQL", "perhaps the backend died while processing");
    3968           0 :                     st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3969           0 :                     break;
    3970             :                 }
    3971       41442 :                 if (PQisBusy(st->con))
    3972       19818 :                     return;     /* don't have the whole result yet */
    3973             : 
    3974             :                 /* store or discard the query results */
    3975       21624 :                 if (readCommandResponse(st,
    3976       21624 :                                         sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command]->meta,
    3977       21624 :                                         sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command]->varprefix))
    3978             :                 {
    3979             :                     /*
    3980             :                      * outside of pipeline mode: stop reading results.
    3981             :                      * pipeline mode: continue reading results until an
    3982             :                      * end-of-pipeline response.
    3983             :                      */
    3984       21596 :                     if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_ON)
    3985       20590 :                         st->state = CSTATE_END_COMMAND;
    3986             :                 }
    3987          28 :                 else if (canRetryError(st->estatus))
    3988           4 :                     st->state = CSTATE_ERROR;
    3989             :                 else
    3990          24 :                     st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    3991       21624 :                 break;
    3992             : 
    3993             :                 /*
    3994             :                  * Wait until sleep is done. This state is entered after a
    3995             :                  * \sleep metacommand. The behavior is similar to
    3996             :                  * CSTATE_THROTTLE, but proceeds to CSTATE_START_COMMAND
    3997             :                  * instead of CSTATE_START_TX.
    3998             :                  */
    3999          16 :             case CSTATE_SLEEP:
    4000          16 :                 pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    4001          16 :                 if (now < st->sleep_until)
    4002           6 :                     return;     /* still sleeping, nothing to do here */
    4003             :                 /* Else done sleeping. */
    4004          10 :                 st->state = CSTATE_END_COMMAND;
    4005          10 :                 break;
    4006             : 
    4007             :                 /*
    4008             :                  * End of command: record stats and proceed to next command.
    4009             :                  */
    4010       26036 :             case CSTATE_END_COMMAND:
    4011             : 
    4012             :                 /*
    4013             :                  * command completed: accumulate per-command execution times
    4014             :                  * in thread-local data structure, if per-command latencies
    4015             :                  * are requested.
    4016             :                  */
    4017       26036 :                 if (report_per_command)
    4018             :                 {
    4019         802 :                     pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    4020             : 
    4021         802 :                     command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    4022             :                     /* XXX could use a mutex here, but we choose not to */
    4023         802 :                     addToSimpleStats(&command->stats,
    4024         802 :                                      PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(now - st->stmt_begin));
    4025             :                 }
    4026             : 
    4027             :                 /* Go ahead with next command, to be executed or skipped */
    4028       26036 :                 st->command++;
    4029       26036 :                 st->state = conditional_active(st->cstack) ?
    4030       26036 :                     CSTATE_START_COMMAND : CSTATE_SKIP_COMMAND;
    4031       26036 :                 break;
    4032             : 
    4033             :                 /*
    4034             :                  * Clean up after an error.
    4035             :                  */
    4036           4 :             case CSTATE_ERROR:
    4037             :                 {
    4038             :                     TStatus     tstatus;
    4039             : 
    4040             :                     Assert(st->estatus != ESTATUS_NO_ERROR);
    4041             : 
    4042             :                     /* Clear the conditional stack */
    4043           4 :                     conditional_stack_reset(st->cstack);
    4044             : 
    4045             :                     /* Read and discard until a sync point in pipeline mode */
    4046           4 :                     if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_OFF)
    4047             :                     {
    4048           0 :                         if (!discardUntilSync(st))
    4049             :                         {
    4050           0 :                             st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4051           0 :                             break;
    4052             :                         }
    4053             :                     }
    4054             : 
    4055             :                     /*
    4056             :                      * Check if we have a (failed) transaction block or not,
    4057             :                      * and roll it back if any.
    4058             :                      */
    4059           4 :                     tstatus = getTransactionStatus(st->con);
    4060           4 :                     if (tstatus == TSTATUS_IN_BLOCK)
    4061             :                     {
    4062             :                         /* Try to rollback a (failed) transaction block. */
    4063           2 :                         if (!PQsendQuery(st->con, "ROLLBACK"))
    4064             :                         {
    4065           0 :                             pg_log_error("client %d aborted: failed to send sql command for rolling back the failed transaction",
    4066             :                                          st->id);
    4067           0 :                             st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4068             :                         }
    4069             :                         else
    4070           2 :                             st->state = CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT;
    4071             :                     }
    4072           2 :                     else if (tstatus == TSTATUS_IDLE)
    4073             :                     {
    4074             :                         /*
    4075             :                          * If time is over, we're done; otherwise, check if we
    4076             :                          * can retry the error.
    4077             :                          */
    4078           4 :                         st->state = timer_exceeded ? CSTATE_FINISHED :
    4079           2 :                             doRetry(st, &now) ? CSTATE_RETRY : CSTATE_FAILURE;
    4080             :                     }
    4081             :                     else
    4082             :                     {
    4083           0 :                         if (tstatus == TSTATUS_CONN_ERROR)
    4084           0 :                             pg_log_error("perhaps the backend died while processing");
    4085             : 
    4086           0 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted while receiving the transaction status", st->id);
    4087           0 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4088             :                     }
    4089           4 :                     break;
    4090             :                 }
    4091             : 
    4092             :                 /*
    4093             :                  * Wait for the rollback command to complete
    4094             :                  */
    4095           4 :             case CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT:
    4096             :                 {
    4097             :                     PGresult   *res;
    4098             : 
    4099           4 :                     pg_log_debug("client %d receiving", st->id);
    4100           4 :                     if (!PQconsumeInput(st->con))
    4101             :                     {
    4102           0 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted while rolling back the transaction after an error; perhaps the backend died while processing",
    4103             :                                      st->id);
    4104           0 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4105           0 :                         break;
    4106             :                     }
    4107           4 :                     if (PQisBusy(st->con))
    4108           2 :                         return; /* don't have the whole result yet */
    4109             : 
    4110             :                     /*
    4111             :                      * Read and discard the query result;
    4112             :                      */
    4113           2 :                     res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    4114           2 :                     switch (PQresultStatus(res))
    4115             :                     {
    4116           2 :                         case PGRES_COMMAND_OK:
    4117             :                             /* OK */
    4118           2 :                             PQclear(res);
    4119             :                             /* null must be returned */
    4120           2 :                             res = PQgetResult(st->con);
    4121             :                             Assert(res == NULL);
    4122             : 
    4123             :                             /*
    4124             :                              * If time is over, we're done; otherwise, check
    4125             :                              * if we can retry the error.
    4126             :                              */
    4127           4 :                             st->state = timer_exceeded ? CSTATE_FINISHED :
    4128           2 :                                 doRetry(st, &now) ? CSTATE_RETRY : CSTATE_FAILURE;
    4129           2 :                             break;
    4130           0 :                         default:
    4131           0 :                             pg_log_error("client %d aborted while rolling back the transaction after an error; %s",
    4132             :                                          st->id, PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    4133           0 :                             PQclear(res);
    4134           0 :                             st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4135           0 :                             break;
    4136             :                     }
    4137           2 :                     break;
    4138             :                 }
    4139             : 
    4140             :                 /*
    4141             :                  * Retry the transaction after an error.
    4142             :                  */
    4143           4 :             case CSTATE_RETRY:
    4144           4 :                 command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    4145             : 
    4146             :                 /*
    4147             :                  * Inform that the transaction will be retried after the
    4148             :                  * error.
    4149             :                  */
    4150           4 :                 if (verbose_errors)
    4151           4 :                     printVerboseErrorMessages(st, &now, true);
    4152             : 
    4153             :                 /* Count tries and retries */
    4154           4 :                 st->tries++;
    4155           4 :                 command->retries++;
    4156             : 
    4157             :                 /*
    4158             :                  * Reset the random state as they were at the beginning of the
    4159             :                  * transaction.
    4160             :                  */
    4161           4 :                 st->cs_func_rs = st->random_state;
    4162             : 
    4163             :                 /* Process the first transaction command. */
    4164           4 :                 st->command = 0;
    4165           4 :                 st->estatus = ESTATUS_NO_ERROR;
    4166           4 :                 st->state = CSTATE_START_COMMAND;
    4167           4 :                 break;
    4168             : 
    4169             :                 /*
    4170             :                  * Record a failed transaction.
    4171             :                  */
    4172           0 :             case CSTATE_FAILURE:
    4173           0 :                 command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    4174             : 
    4175             :                 /* Accumulate the failure. */
    4176           0 :                 command->failures++;
    4177             : 
    4178             :                 /*
    4179             :                  * Inform that the failed transaction will not be retried.
    4180             :                  */
    4181           0 :                 if (verbose_errors)
    4182           0 :                     printVerboseErrorMessages(st, &now, false);
    4183             : 
    4184             :                 /* End the failed transaction. */
    4185           0 :                 st->state = CSTATE_END_TX;
    4186           0 :                 break;
    4187             : 
    4188             :                 /*
    4189             :                  * End of transaction (end of script, really).
    4190             :                  */
    4191       15368 :             case CSTATE_END_TX:
    4192             :                 {
    4193             :                     TStatus     tstatus;
    4194             : 
    4195             :                     /* transaction finished: calculate latency and do log */
    4196       15368 :                     processXactStats(thread, st, &now, false, agg);
    4197             : 
    4198             :                     /*
    4199             :                      * missing \endif... cannot happen if CheckConditional was
    4200             :                      * okay
    4201             :                      */
    4202             :                     Assert(conditional_stack_empty(st->cstack));
    4203             : 
    4204             :                     /*
    4205             :                      * We must complete all the transaction blocks that were
    4206             :                      * started in this script.
    4207             :                      */
    4208       15368 :                     tstatus = getTransactionStatus(st->con);
    4209       15368 :                     if (tstatus == TSTATUS_IN_BLOCK)
    4210             :                     {
    4211           2 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted: end of script reached without completing the last transaction",
    4212             :                                      st->id);
    4213           2 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4214           2 :                         break;
    4215             :                     }
    4216       15366 :                     else if (tstatus != TSTATUS_IDLE)
    4217             :                     {
    4218           0 :                         if (tstatus == TSTATUS_CONN_ERROR)
    4219           0 :                             pg_log_error("perhaps the backend died while processing");
    4220             : 
    4221           0 :                         pg_log_error("client %d aborted while receiving the transaction status", st->id);
    4222           0 :                         st->state = CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4223           0 :                         break;
    4224             :                     }
    4225             : 
    4226       15366 :                     if (is_connect)
    4227             :                     {
    4228         220 :                         pg_time_usec_t start = now;
    4229             : 
    4230         220 :                         pg_time_now_lazy(&start);
    4231         220 :                         finishCon(st);
    4232         220 :                         now = pg_time_now();
    4233         220 :                         thread->conn_duration += now - start;
    4234             :                     }
    4235             : 
    4236       15366 :                     if ((st->cnt >= nxacts && duration <= 0) || timer_exceeded)
    4237             :                     {
    4238             :                         /* script completed */
    4239         130 :                         st->state = CSTATE_FINISHED;
    4240         130 :                         break;
    4241             :                     }
    4242             : 
    4243             :                     /* next transaction (script) */
    4244       15236 :                     st->state = CSTATE_CHOOSE_SCRIPT;
    4245             : 
    4246             :                     /*
    4247             :                      * Ensure that we always return on this point, so as to
    4248             :                      * avoid an infinite loop if the script only contains meta
    4249             :                      * commands.
    4250             :                      */
    4251       15236 :                     return;
    4252             :                 }
    4253             : 
    4254             :                 /*
    4255             :                  * Final states.  Close the connection if it's still open.
    4256             :                  */
    4257         228 :             case CSTATE_ABORTED:
    4258             :             case CSTATE_FINISHED:
    4259             : 
    4260             :                 /*
    4261             :                  * Don't measure the disconnection delays here even if in
    4262             :                  * CSTATE_FINISHED and -C/--connect option is specified.
    4263             :                  * Because in this case all the connections that this thread
    4264             :                  * established are closed at the end of transactions and the
    4265             :                  * disconnection delays should have already been measured at
    4266             :                  * that moment.
    4267             :                  *
    4268             :                  * In CSTATE_ABORTED state, the measurement is no longer
    4269             :                  * necessary because we cannot report complete results anyways
    4270             :                  * in this case.
    4271             :                  */
    4272         228 :                 finishCon(st);
    4273         228 :                 return;
    4274             :         }
    4275      121882 :     }
    4276             : }
    4277             : 
    4278             : /*
    4279             :  * Subroutine for advanceConnectionState -- initiate or execute the current
    4280             :  * meta command, and return the next state to set.
    4281             :  *
    4282             :  * *now is updated to the current time, unless the command is expected to
    4283             :  * take no time to execute.
    4284             :  */
    4285             : static ConnectionStateEnum
    4286        4590 : executeMetaCommand(CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now)
    4287             : {
    4288        4590 :     Command    *command = sql_script[st->use_file].commands[st->command];
    4289             :     int         argc;
    4290             :     char      **argv;
    4291             : 
    4292             :     Assert(command != NULL && command->type == META_COMMAND);
    4293             : 
    4294        4590 :     argc = command->argc;
    4295        4590 :     argv = command->argv;
    4296             : 
    4297        4590 :     if (unlikely(__pg_log_level <= PG_LOG_DEBUG))
    4298             :     {
    4299             :         PQExpBufferData buf;
    4300             : 
    4301        1406 :         initPQExpBuffer(&buf);
    4302             : 
    4303        1406 :         printfPQExpBuffer(&buf, "client %d executing \\%s", st->id, argv[0]);
    4304        2812 :         for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    4305        1406 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " %s", argv[i]);
    4306             : 
    4307        1406 :         pg_log_debug("%s",;
    4308             : 
    4309        1406 :         termPQExpBuffer(&buf);
    4310             :     }
    4311             : 
    4312        4590 :     if (command->meta == META_SLEEP)
    4313             :     {
    4314             :         int         usec;
    4315             : 
    4316             :         /*
    4317             :          * A \sleep doesn't execute anything, we just get the delay from the
    4318             :          * argument, and enter the CSTATE_SLEEP state.  (The per-command
    4319             :          * latency will be recorded in CSTATE_SLEEP state, not here, after the
    4320             :          * delay has elapsed.)
    4321             :          */
    4322          12 :         if (!evaluateSleep(&st->variables, argc, argv, &usec))
    4323             :         {
    4324           2 :             commandFailed(st, "sleep", "execution of meta-command failed");
    4325           2 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4326             :         }
    4327             : 
    4328          10 :         pg_time_now_lazy(now);
    4329          10 :         st->sleep_until = (*now) + usec;
    4330          10 :         return CSTATE_SLEEP;
    4331             :     }
    4332        4578 :     else if (command->meta == META_SET)
    4333             :     {
    4334        3424 :         PgBenchExpr *expr = command->expr;
    4335             :         PgBenchValue result;
    4336             : 
    4337        3424 :         if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr, &result))
    4338             :         {
    4339          46 :             commandFailed(st, argv[0], "evaluation of meta-command failed");
    4340          48 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4341             :         }
    4342             : 
    4343        3378 :         if (!putVariableValue(&st->variables, argv[0], argv[1], &result))
    4344             :         {
    4345           2 :             commandFailed(st, "set", "assignment of meta-command failed");
    4346           2 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4347             :         }
    4348             :     }
    4349        1154 :     else if (command->meta == META_IF)
    4350             :     {
    4351             :         /* backslash commands with an expression to evaluate */
    4352         870 :         PgBenchExpr *expr = command->expr;
    4353             :         PgBenchValue result;
    4354             :         bool        cond;
    4355             : 
    4356         870 :         if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr, &result))
    4357             :         {
    4358           0 :             commandFailed(st, argv[0], "evaluation of meta-command failed");
    4359           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4360             :         }
    4361             : 
    4362         870 :         cond = valueTruth(&result);
    4363         870 :         conditional_stack_push(st->cstack, cond ? IFSTATE_TRUE : IFSTATE_FALSE);
    4364             :     }
    4365         284 :     else if (command->meta == META_ELIF)
    4366             :     {
    4367             :         /* backslash commands with an expression to evaluate */
    4368          10 :         PgBenchExpr *expr = command->expr;
    4369             :         PgBenchValue result;
    4370             :         bool        cond;
    4371             : 
    4372          10 :         if (conditional_stack_peek(st->cstack) == IFSTATE_TRUE)
    4373             :         {
    4374             :             /* elif after executed block, skip eval and wait for endif. */
    4375           4 :             conditional_stack_poke(st->cstack, IFSTATE_IGNORED);
    4376           4 :             return CSTATE_END_COMMAND;
    4377             :         }
    4378             : 
    4379           6 :         if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr, &result))
    4380             :         {
    4381           0 :             commandFailed(st, argv[0], "evaluation of meta-command failed");
    4382           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4383             :         }
    4384             : 
    4385           6 :         cond = valueTruth(&result);
    4386             :         Assert(conditional_stack_peek(st->cstack) == IFSTATE_FALSE);
    4387           6 :         conditional_stack_poke(st->cstack, cond ? IFSTATE_TRUE : IFSTATE_FALSE);
    4388             :     }
    4389         274 :     else if (command->meta == META_ELSE)
    4390             :     {
    4391           2 :         switch (conditional_stack_peek(st->cstack))
    4392             :         {
    4393           2 :             case IFSTATE_TRUE:
    4394           2 :                 conditional_stack_poke(st->cstack, IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE);
    4395           2 :                 break;
    4396           2 :             case IFSTATE_FALSE: /* inconsistent if active */
    4397             :             case IFSTATE_IGNORED:   /* inconsistent if active */
    4398             :             case IFSTATE_NONE:  /* else without if */
    4399             :             case IFSTATE_ELSE_TRUE: /* else after else */
    4400             :             case IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE:    /* else after else */
    4401             :             default:
    4402             :                 /* dead code if conditional check is ok */
    4403             :                 Assert(false);
    4404             :         }
    4405             :     }
    4406         272 :     else if (command->meta == META_ENDIF)
    4407             :     {
    4408             :         Assert(!conditional_stack_empty(st->cstack));
    4409          62 :         conditional_stack_pop(st->cstack);
    4410             :     }
    4411         210 :     else if (command->meta == META_SETSHELL)
    4412             :     {
    4413           6 :         if (!runShellCommand(&st->variables, argv[1], argv + 2, argc - 2))
    4414             :         {
    4415           4 :             commandFailed(st, "setshell", "execution of meta-command failed");
    4416           4 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4417             :         }
    4418             :     }
    4419         204 :     else if (command->meta == META_SHELL)
    4420             :     {
    4421           6 :         if (!runShellCommand(&st->variables, NULL, argv + 1, argc - 1))
    4422             :         {
    4423           4 :             commandFailed(st, "shell", "execution of meta-command failed");
    4424           4 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4425             :         }
    4426             :     }
    4427         198 :     else if (command->meta == META_STARTPIPELINE)
    4428             :     {
    4429             :         /*
    4430             :          * In pipeline mode, we use a workflow based on libpq pipeline
    4431             :          * functions.
    4432             :          */
    4433         100 :         if (querymode == QUERY_SIMPLE)
    4434             :         {
    4435           0 :             commandFailed(st, "startpipeline", "cannot use pipeline mode with the simple query protocol");
    4436           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4437             :         }
    4438             : 
    4439             :         /*
    4440             :          * If we're in prepared-query mode, we need to prepare all the
    4441             :          * commands that are inside the pipeline before we actually start the
    4442             :          * pipeline itself.  This solves the problem that running BEGIN
    4443             :          * ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE in a pipeline would fail due to a
    4444             :          * snapshot having been acquired by the prepare within the pipeline.
    4445             :          */
    4446         100 :         if (querymode == QUERY_PREPARED)
    4447          84 :             prepareCommandsInPipeline(st);
    4448             : 
    4449         100 :         if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_OFF)
    4450             :         {
    4451           2 :             commandFailed(st, "startpipeline", "already in pipeline mode");
    4452           2 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4453             :         }
    4454          98 :         if (PQenterPipelineMode(st->con) == 0)
    4455             :         {
    4456           0 :             commandFailed(st, "startpipeline", "failed to enter pipeline mode");
    4457           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4458             :         }
    4459             :     }
    4460          98 :     else if (command->meta == META_SYNCPIPELINE)
    4461             :     {
    4462           8 :         if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_ON)
    4463             :         {
    4464           0 :             commandFailed(st, "syncpipeline", "not in pipeline mode");
    4465           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4466             :         }
    4467           8 :         if (PQsendPipelineSync(st->con) == 0)
    4468             :         {
    4469           0 :             commandFailed(st, "syncpipeline", "failed to send a pipeline sync");
    4470           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4471             :         }
    4472           8 :         st->num_syncs++;
    4473             :     }
    4474          90 :     else if (command->meta == META_ENDPIPELINE)
    4475             :     {
    4476          90 :         if (PQpipelineStatus(st->con) != PQ_PIPELINE_ON)
    4477             :         {
    4478           2 :             commandFailed(st, "endpipeline", "not in pipeline mode");
    4479           2 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4480             :         }
    4481          88 :         if (!PQpipelineSync(st->con))
    4482             :         {
    4483           0 :             commandFailed(st, "endpipeline", "failed to send a pipeline sync");
    4484           0 :             return CSTATE_ABORTED;
    4485             :         }
    4486          88 :         st->num_syncs++;
    4487             :         /* Now wait for the PGRES_PIPELINE_SYNC and exit pipeline mode there */
    4488             :         /* collect pending results before getting out of pipeline mode */
    4489          88 :         return CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT;
    4490             :     }
    4491             : 
    4492             :     /*
    4493             :      * executing the expression or shell command might have taken a
    4494             :      * non-negligible amount of time, so reset 'now'
    4495             :      */
    4496        4426 :     *now = 0;
    4497             : 
    4498        4426 :     return CSTATE_END_COMMAND;
    4499             : }
    4500             : 
    4501             : /*
    4502             :  * Return the number of failed transactions.
    4503             :  */
    4504             : static int64
    4505         170 : getFailures(const StatsData *stats)
    4506             : {
    4507         340 :     return (stats->serialization_failures +
    4508         170 :             stats->deadlock_failures);
    4509             : }
    4510             : 
    4511             : /*
    4512             :  * Return a string constant representing the result of a transaction
    4513             :  * that is not successfully processed.
    4514             :  */
    4515             : static const char *
    4516           0 : getResultString(bool skipped, EStatus estatus)
    4517             : {
    4518           0 :     if (skipped)
    4519           0 :         return "skipped";
    4520           0 :     else if (failures_detailed)
    4521             :     {
    4522           0 :         switch (estatus)
    4523             :         {
    4524           0 :             case ESTATUS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
    4525           0 :                 return "serialization";
    4526           0 :             case ESTATUS_DEADLOCK_ERROR:
    4527           0 :                 return "deadlock";
    4528           0 :             default:
    4529             :                 /* internal error which should never occur */
    4530           0 :                 pg_fatal("unexpected error status: %d", estatus);
    4531             :         }
    4532             :     }
    4533             :     else
    4534           0 :         return "failed";
    4535             : }
    4536             : 
    4537             : /*
    4538             :  * Print log entry after completing one transaction.
    4539             :  *
    4540             :  * We print Unix-epoch timestamps in the log, so that entries can be
    4541             :  * correlated against other logs.
    4542             :  *
    4543             :  * XXX We could obtain the time from the caller and just shift it here, to
    4544             :  * avoid the cost of an extra call to pg_time_now().
    4545             :  */
    4546             : static void
    4547         220 : doLog(TState *thread, CState *st,
    4548             :       StatsData *agg, bool skipped, double latency, double lag)
    4549             : {
    4550         220 :     FILE       *logfile = thread->logfile;
    4551         220 :     pg_time_usec_t now = pg_time_now() + epoch_shift;
    4552             : 
    4553             :     Assert(use_log);
    4554             : 
    4555             :     /*
    4556             :      * Skip the log entry if sampling is enabled and this row doesn't belong
    4557             :      * to the random sample.
    4558             :      */
    4559         220 :     if (sample_rate != 0.0 &&
    4560         200 :         pg_prng_double(&thread->ts_sample_rs) > sample_rate)
    4561         110 :         return;
    4562             : 
    4563             :     /* should we aggregate the results or not? */
    4564         110 :     if (agg_interval > 0)
    4565             :     {
    4566             :         pg_time_usec_t next;
    4567             : 
    4568             :         /*
    4569             :          * Loop until we reach the interval of the current moment, and print
    4570             :          * any empty intervals in between (this may happen with very low tps,
    4571             :          * e.g. --rate=0.1).
    4572             :          */
    4573             : 
    4574           0 :         while ((next = agg->start_time + agg_interval * INT64CONST(1000000)) <= now)
    4575             :         {
    4576           0 :             double      lag_sum = 0.0;
    4577           0 :             double      lag_sum2 = 0.0;
    4578           0 :             double      lag_min = 0.0;
    4579           0 :             double      lag_max = 0.0;
    4580           0 :             int64       skipped = 0;
    4581           0 :             int64       serialization_failures = 0;
    4582           0 :             int64       deadlock_failures = 0;
    4583           0 :             int64       retried = 0;
    4584           0 :             int64       retries = 0;
    4585             : 
    4586             :             /* print aggregated report to logfile */
    4587           0 :             fprintf(logfile, INT64_FORMAT " " INT64_FORMAT " %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f",
    4588           0 :                     agg->start_time / 1000000,   /* seconds since Unix epoch */
    4589             :                     agg->cnt,
    4590             :                     agg->latency.sum,
    4591             :                     agg->latency.sum2,
    4592             :                     agg->latency.min,
    4593             :                     agg->latency.max);
    4594             : 
    4595           0 :             if (throttle_delay)
    4596             :             {
    4597           0 :                 lag_sum = agg->lag.sum;
    4598           0 :                 lag_sum2 = agg->lag.sum2;
    4599           0 :                 lag_min = agg->lag.min;
    4600           0 :                 lag_max = agg->lag.max;
    4601             :             }
    4602           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f",
    4603             :                     lag_sum,
    4604             :                     lag_sum2,
    4605             :                     lag_min,
    4606             :                     lag_max);
    4607             : 
    4608           0 :             if (latency_limit)
    4609           0 :                 skipped = agg->skipped;
    4610           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " " INT64_FORMAT, skipped);
    4611             : 
    4612           0 :             if (max_tries != 1)
    4613             :             {
    4614           0 :                 retried = agg->retried;
    4615           0 :                 retries = agg->retries;
    4616             :             }
    4617           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " " INT64_FORMAT " " INT64_FORMAT, retried, retries);
    4618             : 
    4619           0 :             if (failures_detailed)
    4620             :             {
    4621           0 :                 serialization_failures = agg->serialization_failures;
    4622           0 :                 deadlock_failures = agg->deadlock_failures;
    4623             :             }
    4624           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " " INT64_FORMAT " " INT64_FORMAT,
    4625             :                     serialization_failures,
    4626             :                     deadlock_failures);
    4627             : 
    4628           0 :             fputc('\n', logfile);
    4629             : 
    4630             :             /* reset data and move to next interval */
    4631           0 :             initStats(agg, next);
    4632             :         }
    4633             : 
    4634             :         /* accumulate the current transaction */
    4635           0 :         accumStats(agg, skipped, latency, lag, st->estatus, st->tries);
    4636             :     }
    4637             :     else
    4638             :     {
    4639             :         /* no, print raw transactions */
    4640         110 :         if (!skipped && st->estatus == ESTATUS_NO_ERROR)
    4641         110 :             fprintf(logfile, "%d " INT64_FORMAT " %.0f %d " INT64_FORMAT " "
    4642             :                     INT64_FORMAT,
    4643             :                     st->id, st->cnt, latency, st->use_file,
    4644             :                     now / 1000000, now % 1000000);
    4645             :         else
    4646           0 :             fprintf(logfile, "%d " INT64_FORMAT " %s %d " INT64_FORMAT " "
    4647             :                     INT64_FORMAT,
    4648             :                     st->id, st->cnt, getResultString(skipped, st->estatus),
    4649             :                     st->use_file, now / 1000000, now % 1000000);
    4650             : 
    4651         110 :         if (throttle_delay)
    4652           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " %.0f", lag);
    4653         110 :         if (max_tries != 1)
    4654           0 :             fprintf(logfile, " %u", st->tries - 1);
    4655         110 :         fputc('\n', logfile);
    4656             :     }
    4657             : }
    4658             : 
    4659             : /*
    4660             :  * Accumulate and report statistics at end of a transaction.
    4661             :  *
    4662             :  * (This is also called when a transaction is late and thus skipped.
    4663             :  * Note that even skipped and failed transactions are counted in the CState
    4664             :  * "cnt" field.)
    4665             :  */
    4666             : static void
    4667       15386 : processXactStats(TState *thread, CState *st, pg_time_usec_t *now,
    4668             :                  bool skipped, StatsData *agg)
    4669             : {
    4670       15386 :     double      latency = 0.0,
    4671       15386 :                 lag = 0.0;
    4672       15386 :     bool        detailed = progress || throttle_delay || latency_limit ||
    4673       30772 :         use_log || per_script_stats;
    4674             : 
    4675       15386 :     if (detailed && !skipped && st->estatus == ESTATUS_NO_ERROR)
    4676             :     {
    4677        3322 :         pg_time_now_lazy(now);
    4678             : 
    4679             :         /* compute latency & lag */
    4680        3322 :         latency = (*now) - st->txn_scheduled;
    4681        3322 :         lag = st->txn_begin - st->txn_scheduled;
    4682             :     }
    4683             : 
    4684             :     /* keep detailed thread stats */
    4685       15386 :     accumStats(&thread->stats, skipped, latency, lag, st->estatus, st->tries);
    4686             : 
    4687             :     /* count transactions over the latency limit, if needed */
    4688       15386 :     if (latency_limit && latency > latency_limit)
    4689           2 :         thread->latency_late++;
    4690             : 
    4691             :     /* client stat is just counting */
    4692       15386 :     st->cnt++;
    4693             : 
    4694       15386 :     if (use_log)
    4695         220 :         doLog(thread, st, agg, skipped, latency, lag);
    4696             : 
    4697             :     /* XXX could use a mutex here, but we choose not to */
    4698       15386 :     if (per_script_stats)
    4699        2700 :         accumStats(&sql_script[st->use_file].stats, skipped, latency, lag,
    4700        2700 :                    st->estatus, st->tries);
    4701       15386 : }
    4702             : 
    4703             : 
    4704             : /* discard connections */
    4705             : static void
    4706         296 : disconnect_all(CState *state, int length)
    4707             : {
    4708             :     int         i;
    4709             : 
    4710         748 :     for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    4711         452 :         finishCon(&state[i]);
    4712         296 : }
    4713             : 
    4714             : /*
    4715             :  * Remove old pgbench tables, if any exist
    4716             :  */
    4717             : static void
    4718           6 : initDropTables(PGconn *con)
    4719             : {
    4720           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "dropping old tables...\n");
    4721             : 
    4722             :     /*
    4723             :      * We drop all the tables in one command, so that whether there are
    4724             :      * foreign key dependencies or not doesn't matter.
    4725             :      */
    4726           6 :     executeStatement(con, "drop table if exists "
    4727             :                      "pgbench_accounts, "
    4728             :                      "pgbench_branches, "
    4729             :                      "pgbench_history, "
    4730             :                      "pgbench_tellers");
    4731           6 : }
    4732             : 
    4733             : /*
    4734             :  * Create "pgbench_accounts" partitions if needed.
    4735             :  *
    4736             :  * This is the larger table of pgbench default tpc-b like schema
    4737             :  * with a known size, so we choose to partition it.
    4738             :  */
    4739             : static void
    4740           4 : createPartitions(PGconn *con)
    4741             : {
    4742             :     PQExpBufferData query;
    4743             : 
    4744             :     /* we must have to create some partitions */
    4745             :     Assert(partitions > 0);
    4746             : 
    4747           4 :     fprintf(stderr, "creating %d partitions...\n", partitions);
    4748             : 
    4749           4 :     initPQExpBuffer(&query);
    4750             : 
    4751          14 :     for (int p = 1; p <= partitions; p++)
    4752             :     {
    4753          10 :         if (partition_method == PART_RANGE)
    4754             :         {
    4755           6 :             int64       part_size = (naccounts * (int64) scale + partitions - 1) / partitions;
    4756             : 
    4757           6 :             printfPQExpBuffer(&query,
    4758             :                               "create%s table pgbench_accounts_%d\n"
    4759             :                               "  partition of pgbench_accounts\n"
    4760             :                               "  for values from (",
    4761           6 :                               unlogged_tables ? " unlogged" : "", p);
    4762             : 
    4763             :             /*
    4764             :              * For RANGE, we use open-ended partitions at the beginning and
    4765             :              * end to allow any valid value for the primary key.  Although the
    4766             :              * actual minimum and maximum values can be derived from the
    4767             :              * scale, it is more generic and the performance is better.
    4768             :              */
    4769           6 :             if (p == 1)
    4770           2 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&query, "minvalue");
    4771             :             else
    4772           4 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query, INT64_FORMAT, (p - 1) * part_size + 1);
    4773             : 
    4774           6 :             appendPQExpBufferStr(&query, ") to (");
    4775             : 
    4776           6 :             if (p < partitions)
    4777           4 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query, INT64_FORMAT, p * part_size + 1);
    4778             :             else
    4779           2 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&query, "maxvalue");
    4780             : 
    4781           6 :             appendPQExpBufferChar(&query, ')');
    4782             :         }
    4783           4 :         else if (partition_method == PART_HASH)
    4784           4 :             printfPQExpBuffer(&query,
    4785             :                               "create%s table pgbench_accounts_%d\n"
    4786             :                               "  partition of pgbench_accounts\n"
    4787             :                               "  for values with (modulus %d, remainder %d)",
    4788           4 :                               unlogged_tables ? " unlogged" : "", p,
    4789             :                               partitions, p - 1);
    4790             :         else                    /* cannot get there */
    4791             :             Assert(0);
    4792             : 
    4793             :         /*
    4794             :          * Per ddlinfo in initCreateTables, fillfactor is needed on table
    4795             :          * pgbench_accounts.
    4796             :          */
    4797          10 :         appendPQExpBuffer(&query, " with (fillfactor=%d)", fillfactor);
    4798             : 
    4799          10 :         executeStatement(con,;
    4800             :     }
    4801             : 
    4802           4 :     termPQExpBuffer(&query);
    4803           4 : }
    4804             : 
    4805             : /*
    4806             :  * Create pgbench's standard tables
    4807             :  */
    4808             : static void
    4809           6 : initCreateTables(PGconn *con)
    4810             : {
    4811             :     /*
    4812             :      * Note: TPC-B requires at least 100 bytes per row, and the "filler"
    4813             :      * fields in these table declarations were intended to comply with that.
    4814             :      * The pgbench_accounts table complies with that because the "filler"
    4815             :      * column is set to blank-padded empty string. But for all other tables
    4816             :      * the columns default to NULL and so don't actually take any space.  We
    4817             :      * could fix that by giving them non-null default values.  However, that
    4818             :      * would completely break comparability of pgbench results with prior
    4819             :      * versions. Since pgbench has never pretended to be fully TPC-B compliant
    4820             :      * anyway, we stick with the historical behavior.
    4821             :      */
    4822             :     struct ddlinfo
    4823             :     {
    4824             :         const char *table;      /* table name */
    4825             :         const char *smcols;     /* column decls if accountIDs are 32 bits */
    4826             :         const char *bigcols;    /* column decls if accountIDs are 64 bits */
    4827             :         int         declare_fillfactor;
    4828             :     };
    4829             :     static const struct ddlinfo DDLs[] = {
    4830             :         {
    4831             :             "pgbench_history",
    4832             :             "tid int,bid int,aid    int,delta int,mtime timestamp,filler char(22)",
    4833             :             "tid int,bid int,aid bigint,delta int,mtime timestamp,filler char(22)",
    4834             :             0
    4835             :         },
    4836             :         {
    4837             :             "pgbench_tellers",
    4838             :             "tid int not null,bid int,tbalance int,filler char(84)",
    4839             :             "tid int not null,bid int,tbalance int,filler char(84)",
    4840             :             1
    4841             :         },
    4842             :         {
    4843             :             "pgbench_accounts",
    4844             :             "aid    int not null,bid int,abalance int,filler char(84)",
    4845             :             "aid bigint not null,bid int,abalance int,filler char(84)",
    4846             :             1
    4847             :         },
    4848             :         {
    4849             :             "pgbench_branches",
    4850             :             "bid int not null,bbalance int,filler char(88)",
    4851             :             "bid int not null,bbalance int,filler char(88)",
    4852             :             1
    4853             :         }
    4854             :     };
    4855             :     int         i;
    4856             :     PQExpBufferData query;
    4857             : 
    4858           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "creating tables...\n");
    4859             : 
    4860           6 :     initPQExpBuffer(&query);
    4861             : 
    4862          30 :     for (i = 0; i < lengthof(DDLs); i++)
    4863             :     {
    4864          24 :         const struct ddlinfo *ddl = &DDLs[i];
    4865             : 
    4866             :         /* Construct new create table statement. */
    4867          48 :         printfPQExpBuffer(&query, "create%s table %s(%s)",
    4868          24 :                           (unlogged_tables && partition_method == PART_NONE) ? " unlogged" : "",
    4869             :                           ddl->table,
    4870          24 :                           (scale >= SCALE_32BIT_THRESHOLD) ? ddl->bigcols : ddl->smcols);
    4871             : 
    4872             :         /* Partition pgbench_accounts table */
    4873          24 :         if (partition_method != PART_NONE && strcmp(ddl->table, "pgbench_accounts") == 0)
    4874           4 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&query,
    4875             :                               " partition by %s (aid)", PARTITION_METHOD[partition_method]);
    4876          20 :         else if (ddl->declare_fillfactor)
    4877             :         {
    4878             :             /* fillfactor is only expected on actual tables */
    4879          14 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&query, " with (fillfactor=%d)", fillfactor);
    4880             :         }
    4881             : 
    4882          24 :         if (tablespace != NULL)
    4883             :         {
    4884             :             char       *escape_tablespace;
    4885             : 
    4886           8 :             escape_tablespace = PQescapeIdentifier(con, tablespace, strlen(tablespace));
    4887           8 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&query, " tablespace %s", escape_tablespace);
    4888           8 :             PQfreemem(escape_tablespace);
    4889             :         }
    4890             : 
    4891          24 :         executeStatement(con,;
    4892             :     }
    4893             : 
    4894           6 :     termPQExpBuffer(&query);
    4895             : 
    4896           6 :     if (partition_method != PART_NONE)
    4897           4 :         createPartitions(con);
    4898           6 : }
    4899             : 
    4900             : /*
    4901             :  * Truncate away any old data, in one command in case there are foreign keys
    4902             :  */
    4903             : static void
    4904           6 : initTruncateTables(PGconn *con)
    4905             : {
    4906           6 :     executeStatement(con, "truncate table "
    4907             :                      "pgbench_accounts, "
    4908             :                      "pgbench_branches, "
    4909             :                      "pgbench_history, "
    4910             :                      "pgbench_tellers");
    4911           6 : }
    4912             : 
    4913             : static void
    4914           4 : initBranch(PQExpBufferData *sql, int64 curr)
    4915             : {
    4916             :     /* "filler" column uses NULL */
    4917           4 :     printfPQExpBuffer(sql,
    4918             :                       INT64_FORMAT "\t0\t\\N\n",
    4919             :                       curr + 1);
    4920           4 : }
    4921             : 
    4922             : static void
    4923          40 : initTeller(PQExpBufferData *sql, int64 curr)
    4924             : {
    4925             :     /* "filler" column uses NULL */
    4926          40 :     printfPQExpBuffer(sql,
    4927             :                       INT64_FORMAT "\t" INT64_FORMAT "\t0\t\\N\n",
    4928          40 :                       curr + 1, curr / ntellers + 1);
    4929          40 : }
    4930             : 
    4931             : static void
    4932      400000 : initAccount(PQExpBufferData *sql, int64 curr)
    4933             : {
    4934             :     /* "filler" column defaults to blank padded empty string */
    4935      400000 :     printfPQExpBuffer(sql,
    4936             :                       INT64_FORMAT "\t" INT64_FORMAT "\t0\t\n",
    4937      400000 :                       curr + 1, curr / naccounts + 1);
    4938      400000 : }
    4939             : 
    4940             : static void
    4941          12 : initPopulateTable(PGconn *con, const char *table, int64 base,
    4942             :                   initRowMethod init_row)
    4943             : {
    4944             :     int         n;
    4945             :     int64       k;
    4946          12 :     int         chars = 0;
    4947             :     PGresult   *res;
    4948             :     PQExpBufferData sql;
    4949             :     char        copy_statement[256];
    4950          12 :     const char *copy_statement_fmt = "copy %s from stdin";
    4951          12 :     int64       total = base * scale;
    4952             : 
    4953             :     /* used to track elapsed time and estimate of the remaining time */
    4954             :     pg_time_usec_t start;
    4955          12 :     int         log_interval = 1;
    4956             : 
    4957             :     /* Stay on the same line if reporting to a terminal */
    4958          12 :     char        eol = isatty(fileno(stderr)) ? '\r' : '\n';
    4959             : 
    4960          12 :     initPQExpBuffer(&sql);
    4961             : 
    4962             :     /*
    4963             :      * Use COPY with FREEZE on v14 and later for all the tables except
    4964             :      * pgbench_accounts when it is partitioned.
    4965             :      */
    4966          12 :     if (PQserverVersion(con) >= 140000)
    4967             :     {
    4968          12 :         if (strcmp(table, "pgbench_accounts") != 0 ||
    4969           4 :             partitions == 0)
    4970          10 :             copy_statement_fmt = "copy %s from stdin with (freeze on)";
    4971             :     }
    4972             : 
    4973          12 :     n = pg_snprintf(copy_statement, sizeof(copy_statement), copy_statement_fmt, table);
    4974          12 :     if (n >= sizeof(copy_statement))
    4975           0 :         pg_fatal("invalid buffer size: must be at least %d characters long", n);
    4976          12 :     else if (n == -1)
    4977           0 :         pg_fatal("invalid format string");
    4978             : 
    4979          12 :     res = PQexec(con, copy_statement);
    4980             : 
    4981          12 :     if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COPY_IN)
    4982           0 :         pg_fatal("unexpected copy in result: %s", PQerrorMessage(con));
    4983          12 :     PQclear(res);
    4984             : 
    4985          12 :     start = pg_time_now();
    4986             : 
    4987      400056 :     for (k = 0; k < total; k++)
    4988             :     {
    4989      400044 :         int64       j = k + 1;
    4990             : 
    4991      400044 :         init_row(&sql, k);
    4992      400044 :         if (PQputline(con,
    4993           0 :             pg_fatal("PQputline failed");
    4994             : 
    4995      400044 :         if (CancelRequested)
    4996           0 :             break;
    4997             : 
    4998             :         /*
    4999             :          * If we want to stick with the original logging, print a message each
    5000             :          * 100k inserted rows.
    5001             :          */
    5002      400044 :         if ((!use_quiet) && (j % 100000 == 0))
    5003           2 :         {
    5004           2 :             double      elapsed_sec = PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(pg_time_now() - start);
    5005           2 :             double      remaining_sec = ((double) total - j) * elapsed_sec / j;
    5006             : 
    5007           2 :             chars = fprintf(stderr, INT64_FORMAT " of " INT64_FORMAT " tuples (%d%%) of %s done (elapsed %.2f s, remaining %.2f s)%c",
    5008             :                             j, total,
    5009           2 :                             (int) ((j * 100) / total),
    5010             :                             table, elapsed_sec, remaining_sec, eol);
    5011             :         }
    5012             :         /* let's not call the timing for each row, but only each 100 rows */
    5013      400042 :         else if (use_quiet && (j % 100 == 0))
    5014             :         {
    5015        2000 :             double      elapsed_sec = PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(pg_time_now() - start);
    5016        2000 :             double      remaining_sec = ((double) total - j) * elapsed_sec / j;
    5017             : 
    5018             :             /* have we reached the next interval (or end)? */
    5019        2000 :             if ((j == total) || (elapsed_sec >= log_interval * LOG_STEP_SECONDS))
    5020             :             {
    5021           2 :                 chars = fprintf(stderr, INT64_FORMAT " of " INT64_FORMAT " tuples (%d%%) of %s done (elapsed %.2f s, remaining %.2f s)%c",
    5022             :                                 j, total,
    5023           2 :                                 (int) ((j * 100) / total),
    5024             :                                 table, elapsed_sec, remaining_sec, eol);
    5025             : 
    5026             :                 /* skip to the next interval */
    5027           2 :                 log_interval = (int) ceil(elapsed_sec / LOG_STEP_SECONDS);
    5028             :             }
    5029             :         }
    5030             :     }
    5031             : 
    5032          12 :     if (chars != 0 && eol != '\n')
    5033           0 :         fprintf(stderr, "%*c\r", chars - 1, ' '); /* Clear the current line */
    5034             : 
    5035          12 :     if (PQputline(con, "\\.\n"))
    5036           0 :         pg_fatal("very last PQputline failed");
    5037          12 :     if (PQendcopy(con))
    5038           0 :         pg_fatal("PQendcopy failed");
    5039             : 
    5040          12 :     termPQExpBuffer(&sql);
    5041          12 : }
    5042             : 
    5043             : /*
    5044             :  * Fill the standard tables with some data generated and sent from the client.
    5045             :  *
    5046             :  * The filler column is NULL in pgbench_branches and pgbench_tellers, and is
    5047             :  * a blank-padded string in pgbench_accounts.
    5048             :  */
    5049             : static void
    5050           4 : initGenerateDataClientSide(PGconn *con)
    5051             : {
    5052           4 :     fprintf(stderr, "generating data (client-side)...\n");
    5053             : 
    5054             :     /*
    5055             :      * we do all of this in one transaction to enable the backend's
    5056             :      * data-loading optimizations
    5057             :      */
    5058           4 :     executeStatement(con, "begin");
    5059             : 
    5060             :     /* truncate away any old data */
    5061           4 :     initTruncateTables(con);
    5062             : 
    5063             :     /*
    5064             :      * fill branches, tellers, accounts in that order in case foreign keys
    5065             :      * already exist
    5066             :      */
    5067           4 :     initPopulateTable(con, "pgbench_branches", nbranches, initBranch);
    5068           4 :     initPopulateTable(con, "pgbench_tellers", ntellers, initTeller);
    5069           4 :     initPopulateTable(con, "pgbench_accounts", naccounts, initAccount);
    5070             : 
    5071           4 :     executeStatement(con, "commit");
    5072           4 : }
    5073             : 
    5074             : /*
    5075             :  * Fill the standard tables with some data generated on the server
    5076             :  *
    5077             :  * As already the case with the client-side data generation, the filler
    5078             :  * column defaults to NULL in pgbench_branches and pgbench_tellers,
    5079             :  * and is a blank-padded string in pgbench_accounts.
    5080             :  */
    5081             : static void
    5082           2 : initGenerateDataServerSide(PGconn *con)
    5083             : {
    5084             :     PQExpBufferData sql;
    5085             : 
    5086           2 :     fprintf(stderr, "generating data (server-side)...\n");
    5087             : 
    5088             :     /*
    5089             :      * we do all of this in one transaction to enable the backend's
    5090             :      * data-loading optimizations
    5091             :      */
    5092           2 :     executeStatement(con, "begin");
    5093             : 
    5094             :     /* truncate away any old data */
    5095           2 :     initTruncateTables(con);
    5096             : 
    5097           2 :     initPQExpBuffer(&sql);
    5098             : 
    5099           2 :     printfPQExpBuffer(&sql,
    5100             :                       "insert into pgbench_branches(bid,bbalance) "
    5101             :                       "select bid, 0 "
    5102             :                       "from generate_series(1, %d) as bid", nbranches * scale);
    5103           2 :     executeStatement(con,;
    5104             : 
    5105           2 :     printfPQExpBuffer(&sql,
    5106             :                       "insert into pgbench_tellers(tid,bid,tbalance) "
    5107             :                       "select tid, (tid - 1) / %d + 1, 0 "
    5108             :                       "from generate_series(1, %d) as tid", ntellers, ntellers * scale);
    5109           2 :     executeStatement(con,;
    5110             : 
    5111           2 :     printfPQExpBuffer(&sql,
    5112             :                       "insert into pgbench_accounts(aid,bid,abalance,filler) "
    5113             :                       "select aid, (aid - 1) / %d + 1, 0, '' "
    5114             :                       "from generate_series(1, " INT64_FORMAT ") as aid",
    5115             :                       naccounts, (int64) naccounts * scale);
    5116           2 :     executeStatement(con,;
    5117             : 
    5118           2 :     termPQExpBuffer(&sql);
    5119             : 
    5120           2 :     executeStatement(con, "commit");
    5121           2 : }
    5122             : 
    5123             : /*
    5124             :  * Invoke vacuum on the standard tables
    5125             :  */
    5126             : static void
    5127           4 : initVacuum(PGconn *con)
    5128             : {
    5129           4 :     fprintf(stderr, "vacuuming...\n");
    5130           4 :     executeStatement(con, "vacuum analyze pgbench_branches");
    5131           4 :     executeStatement(con, "vacuum analyze pgbench_tellers");
    5132           4 :     executeStatement(con, "vacuum analyze pgbench_accounts");
    5133           4 :     executeStatement(con, "vacuum analyze pgbench_history");
    5134           4 : }
    5135             : 
    5136             : /*
    5137             :  * Create primary keys on the standard tables
    5138             :  */
    5139             : static void
    5140           6 : initCreatePKeys(PGconn *con)
    5141             : {
    5142             :     static const char *const DDLINDEXes[] = {
    5143             :         "alter table pgbench_branches add primary key (bid)",
    5144             :         "alter table pgbench_tellers add primary key (tid)",
    5145             :         "alter table pgbench_accounts add primary key (aid)"
    5146             :     };
    5147             :     int         i;
    5148             :     PQExpBufferData query;
    5149             : 
    5150           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "creating primary keys...\n");
    5151           6 :     initPQExpBuffer(&query);
    5152             : 
    5153          24 :     for (i = 0; i < lengthof(DDLINDEXes); i++)
    5154             :     {
    5155          18 :         resetPQExpBuffer(&query);
    5156          18 :         appendPQExpBufferStr(&query, DDLINDEXes[i]);
    5157             : 
    5158          18 :         if (index_tablespace != NULL)
    5159             :         {
    5160             :             char       *escape_tablespace;
    5161             : 
    5162           6 :             escape_tablespace = PQescapeIdentifier(con, index_tablespace,
    5163             :                                                    strlen(index_tablespace));
    5164           6 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&query, " using index tablespace %s", escape_tablespace);
    5165           6 :             PQfreemem(escape_tablespace);
    5166             :         }
    5167             : 
    5168          18 :         executeStatement(con,;
    5169             :     }
    5170             : 
    5171           6 :     termPQExpBuffer(&query);
    5172           6 : }
    5173             : 
    5174             : /*
    5175             :  * Create foreign key constraints between the standard tables
    5176             :  */
    5177             : static void
    5178           4 : initCreateFKeys(PGconn *con)
    5179             : {
    5180             :     static const char *const DDLKEYs[] = {
    5181             :         "alter table pgbench_tellers add constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey foreign key (bid) references pgbench_branches",
    5182             :         "alter table pgbench_accounts add constraint pgbench_accounts_bid_fkey foreign key (bid) references pgbench_branches",
    5183             :         "alter table pgbench_history add constraint pgbench_history_bid_fkey foreign key (bid) references pgbench_branches",
    5184             :         "alter table pgbench_history add constraint pgbench_history_tid_fkey foreign key (tid) references pgbench_tellers",
    5185             :         "alter table pgbench_history add constraint pgbench_history_aid_fkey foreign key (aid) references pgbench_accounts"
    5186             :     };
    5187             :     int         i;
    5188             : 
    5189           4 :     fprintf(stderr, "creating foreign keys...\n");
    5190          24 :     for (i = 0; i < lengthof(DDLKEYs); i++)
    5191             :     {
    5192          20 :         executeStatement(con, DDLKEYs[i]);
    5193             :     }
    5194           4 : }
    5195             : 
    5196             : /*
    5197             :  * Validate an initialization-steps string
    5198             :  *
    5199             :  * (We could just leave it to runInitSteps() to fail if there are wrong
    5200             :  * characters, but since initialization can take awhile, it seems friendlier
    5201             :  * to check during option parsing.)
    5202             :  */
    5203             : static void
    5204           8 : checkInitSteps(const char *initialize_steps)
    5205             : {
    5206           8 :     if (initialize_steps[0] == '\0')
    5207           0 :         pg_fatal("no initialization steps specified");
    5208             : 
    5209          42 :     for (const char *step = initialize_steps; *step != '\0'; step++)
    5210             :     {
    5211          36 :         if (strchr(ALL_INIT_STEPS " ", *step) == NULL)
    5212             :         {
    5213           2 :             pg_log_error("unrecognized initialization step \"%c\"", *step);
    5214           2 :             pg_log_error_detail("Allowed step characters are: \"" ALL_INIT_STEPS "\".");
    5215           2 :             exit(1);
    5216             :         }
    5217             :     }
    5218           6 : }
    5219             : 
    5220             : /*
    5221             :  * Invoke each initialization step in the given string
    5222             :  */
    5223             : static void
    5224           6 : runInitSteps(const char *initialize_steps)
    5225             : {
    5226             :     PQExpBufferData stats;
    5227             :     PGconn     *con;
    5228             :     const char *step;
    5229           6 :     double      run_time = 0.0;
    5230           6 :     bool        first = true;
    5231             : 
    5232           6 :     initPQExpBuffer(&stats);
    5233             : 
    5234           6 :     if ((con = doConnect()) == NULL)
    5235           0 :         pg_fatal("could not create connection for initialization");
    5236             : 
    5237           6 :     setup_cancel_handler(NULL);
    5238           6 :     SetCancelConn(con);
    5239             : 
    5240          44 :     for (step = initialize_steps; *step != '\0'; step++)
    5241             :     {
    5242          38 :         char       *op = NULL;
    5243          38 :         pg_time_usec_t start = pg_time_now();
    5244             : 
    5245          38 :         switch (*step)
    5246             :         {
    5247           6 :             case 'd':
    5248           6 :                 op = "drop tables";
    5249           6 :                 initDropTables(con);
    5250           6 :                 break;
    5251           6 :             case 't':
    5252           6 :                 op = "create tables";
    5253           6 :                 initCreateTables(con);
    5254           6 :                 break;
    5255           4 :             case 'g':
    5256           4 :                 op = "client-side generate";
    5257           4 :                 initGenerateDataClientSide(con);
    5258           4 :                 break;
    5259           2 :             case 'G':
    5260           2 :                 op = "server-side generate";
    5261           2 :                 initGenerateDataServerSide(con);
    5262           2 :                 break;
    5263           4 :             case 'v':
    5264           4 :                 op = "vacuum";
    5265           4 :                 initVacuum(con);
    5266           4 :                 break;
    5267           6 :             case 'p':
    5268           6 :                 op = "primary keys";
    5269           6 :                 initCreatePKeys(con);
    5270           6 :                 break;
    5271           4 :             case 'f':
    5272           4 :                 op = "foreign keys";
    5273           4 :                 initCreateFKeys(con);
    5274           4 :                 break;
    5275           6 :             case ' ':
    5276           6 :                 break;          /* ignore */
    5277           0 :             default:
    5278           0 :                 pg_log_error("unrecognized initialization step \"%c\"", *step);
    5279           0 :                 PQfinish(con);
    5280           0 :                 exit(1);
    5281             :         }
    5282             : 
    5283          38 :         if (op != NULL)
    5284             :         {
    5285          32 :             double      elapsed_sec = PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(pg_time_now() - start);
    5286             : 
    5287          32 :             if (!first)
    5288          26 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&stats, ", ");
    5289             :             else
    5290           6 :                 first = false;
    5291             : 
    5292          32 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&stats, "%s %.2f s", op, elapsed_sec);
    5293             : 
    5294          32 :             run_time += elapsed_sec;
    5295             :         }
    5296             :     }
    5297             : 
    5298           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "done in %.2f s (%s).\n", run_time,;
    5299           6 :     ResetCancelConn();
    5300           6 :     PQfinish(con);
    5301           6 :     termPQExpBuffer(&stats);
    5302           6 : }
    5303             : 
    5304             : /*
    5305             :  * Extract pgbench table information into global variables scale,
    5306             :  * partition_method and partitions.
    5307             :  */
    5308             : static void
    5309          14 : GetTableInfo(PGconn *con, bool scale_given)
    5310             : {
    5311             :     PGresult   *res;
    5312             : 
    5313             :     /*
    5314             :      * get the scaling factor that should be same as count(*) from
    5315             :      * pgbench_branches if this is not a custom query
    5316             :      */
    5317          14 :     res = PQexec(con, "select count(*) from pgbench_branches");
    5318          14 :     if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
    5319             :     {
    5320           2 :         char       *sqlState = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
    5321             : 
    5322           2 :         pg_log_error("could not count number of branches: %s", PQerrorMessage(con));
    5323             : 
    5324           2 :         if (sqlState && strcmp(sqlState, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE) == 0)
    5325           2 :             pg_log_error_hint("Perhaps you need to do initialization (\"pgbench -i\") in database \"%s\".",
    5326             :                               PQdb(con));
    5327             : 
    5328           2 :         exit(1);
    5329             :     }
    5330          12 :     scale = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
    5331          12 :     if (scale < 0)
    5332           0 :         pg_fatal("invalid count(*) from pgbench_branches: \"%s\"",
    5333             :                  PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
    5334          12 :     PQclear(res);
    5335             : 
    5336             :     /* warn if we override user-given -s switch */
    5337          12 :     if (scale_given)
    5338           2 :         pg_log_warning("scale option ignored, using count from pgbench_branches table (%d)",
    5339             :                        scale);
    5340             : 
    5341             :     /*
    5342             :      * Get the partition information for the first "pgbench_accounts" table
    5343             :      * found in search_path.
    5344             :      *
    5345             :      * The result is empty if no "pgbench_accounts" is found.
    5346             :      *
    5347             :      * Otherwise, it always returns one row even if the table is not
    5348             :      * partitioned (in which case the partition strategy is NULL).
    5349             :      *
    5350             :      * The number of partitions can be 0 even for partitioned tables, if no
    5351             :      * partition is attached.
    5352             :      *
    5353             :      * We assume no partitioning on any failure, so as to avoid failing on an
    5354             :      * old version without "pg_partitioned_table".
    5355             :      */
    5356          12 :     res = PQexec(con,
    5357             :                  "select o.n, p.partstrat, pg_catalog.count(i.inhparent) "
    5358             :                  "from pg_catalog.pg_class as c "
    5359             :                  "join pg_catalog.pg_namespace as n on (n.oid = c.relnamespace) "
    5360             :                  "cross join lateral (select pg_catalog.array_position(pg_catalog.current_schemas(true), n.nspname)) as o(n) "
    5361             :                  "left join pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table as p on (p.partrelid = c.oid) "
    5362             :                  "left join pg_catalog.pg_inherits as i on (c.oid = i.inhparent) "
    5363             :                  "where c.relname = 'pgbench_accounts' and o.n is not null "
    5364             :                  "group by 1, 2 "
    5365             :                  "order by 1 asc "
    5366             :                  "limit 1");
    5367             : 
    5368          12 :     if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
    5369             :     {
    5370             :         /* probably an older version, coldly assume no partitioning */
    5371           0 :         partition_method = PART_NONE;
    5372           0 :         partitions = 0;
    5373             :     }
    5374          12 :     else if (PQntuples(res) == 0)
    5375             :     {
    5376             :         /*
    5377             :          * This case is unlikely as pgbench already found "pgbench_branches"
    5378             :          * above to compute the scale.
    5379             :          */
    5380           0 :         pg_log_error("no pgbench_accounts table found in \"search_path\"");
    5381           0 :         pg_log_error_hint("Perhaps you need to do initialization (\"pgbench -i\") in database \"%s\".", PQdb(con));
    5382           0 :         exit(1);
    5383             :     }
    5384             :     else                        /* PQntuples(res) == 1 */
    5385             :     {
    5386             :         /* normal case, extract partition information */
    5387          12 :         if (PQgetisnull(res, 0, 1))
    5388           0 :             partition_method = PART_NONE;
    5389             :         else
    5390             :         {
    5391          12 :             char       *ps = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1);
    5392             : 
    5393             :             /* column must be there */
    5394             :             Assert(ps != NULL);
    5395             : 
    5396          12 :             if (strcmp(ps, "r") == 0)
    5397          12 :                 partition_method = PART_RANGE;
    5398           0 :             else if (strcmp(ps, "h") == 0)
    5399           0 :                 partition_method = PART_HASH;
    5400             :             else
    5401             :             {
    5402             :                 /* possibly a newer version with new partition method */
    5403           0 :                 pg_fatal("unexpected partition method: \"%s\"", ps);
    5404             :             }
    5405             :         }
    5406             : 
    5407          12 :         partitions = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2));
    5408             :     }
    5409             : 
    5410          12 :     PQclear(res);
    5411          12 : }
    5412             : 
    5413             : /*
    5414             :  * Replace :param with $n throughout the command's SQL text, which
    5415             :  * is a modifiable string in cmd->lines.
    5416             :  */
    5417             : static bool
    5418         148 : parseQuery(Command *cmd)
    5419             : {
    5420             :     char       *sql,
    5421             :                *p;
    5422             : 
    5423         148 :     cmd->argc = 1;
    5424             : 
    5425         148 :     p = sql = pg_strdup(cmd->;
    5426         740 :     while ((p = strchr(p, ':')) != NULL)
    5427             :     {
    5428             :         char        var[13];
    5429             :         char       *name;
    5430             :         int         eaten;
    5431             : 
    5432         594 :         name = parseVariable(p, &eaten);
    5433         594 :         if (name == NULL)
    5434             :         {
    5435          96 :             while (*p == ':')
    5436             :             {
    5437          64 :                 p++;
    5438             :             }
    5439          32 :             continue;
    5440             :         }
    5441             : 
    5442             :         /*
    5443             :          * cmd->argv[0] is the SQL statement itself, so the max number of
    5444             :          * arguments is one less than MAX_ARGS
    5445             :          */
    5446         562 :         if (cmd->argc >= MAX_ARGS)
    5447             :         {
    5448           2 :             pg_log_error("statement has too many arguments (maximum is %d): %s",
    5449             :                          MAX_ARGS - 1, cmd->;
    5450           2 :             pg_free(name);
    5451           2 :             return false;
    5452             :         }
    5453             : 
    5454         560 :         sprintf(var, "$%d", cmd->argc);
    5455         560 :         p = replaceVariable(&sql, p, eaten, var);
    5456             : 
    5457         560 :         cmd->argv[cmd->argc] = name;
    5458         560 :         cmd->argc++;
    5459             :     }
    5460             : 
    5461             :     Assert(cmd->argv[0] == NULL);
    5462         146 :     cmd->argv[0] = sql;
    5463         146 :     return true;
    5464             : }
    5465             : 
    5466             : /*
    5467             :  * syntax error while parsing a script (in practice, while parsing a
    5468             :  * backslash command, because we don't detect syntax errors in SQL)
    5469             :  *
    5470             :  * source: source of script (filename or builtin-script ID)
    5471             :  * lineno: line number within script (count from 1)
    5472             :  * line: whole line of backslash command, if available
    5473             :  * command: backslash command name, if available
    5474             :  * msg: the actual error message
    5475             :  * more: optional extra message
    5476             :  * column: zero-based column number, or -1 if unknown
    5477             :  */
    5478             : void
    5479          66 : syntax_error(const char *source, int lineno,
    5480             :              const char *line, const char *command,
    5481             :              const char *msg, const char *more, int column)
    5482             : {
    5483             :     PQExpBufferData buf;
    5484             : 
    5485          66 :     initPQExpBuffer(&buf);
    5486             : 
    5487          66 :     printfPQExpBuffer(&buf, "%s:%d: %s", source, lineno, msg);
    5488          66 :     if (more != NULL)
    5489          30 :         appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " (%s)", more);
    5490          66 :     if (column >= 0 && line == NULL)
    5491           0 :         appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " at column %d", column + 1);
    5492          66 :     if (command != NULL)
    5493          60 :         appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " in command \"%s\"", command);
    5494             : 
    5495          66 :     pg_log_error("%s",;
    5496             : 
    5497          66 :     termPQExpBuffer(&buf);
    5498             : 
    5499          66 :     if (line != NULL)
    5500             :     {
    5501          56 :         fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line);
    5502          56 :         if (column >= 0)
    5503          42 :             fprintf(stderr, "%*c error found here\n", column + 1, '^');
    5504             :     }
    5505             : 
    5506          66 :     exit(1);
    5507             : }
    5508             : 
    5509             : /*
    5510             :  * Return a pointer to the start of the SQL command, after skipping over
    5511             :  * whitespace and "--" comments.
    5512             :  * If the end of the string is reached, return NULL.
    5513             :  */
    5514             : static char *
    5515        2126 : skip_sql_comments(char *sql_command)
    5516             : {
    5517        2126 :     char       *p = sql_command;
    5518             : 
    5519             :     /* Skip any leading whitespace, as well as "--" style comments */
    5520             :     for (;;)
    5521             :     {
    5522        2126 :         if (isspace((unsigned char) *p))
    5523           0 :             p++;
    5524        2126 :         else if (strncmp(p, "--", 2) == 0)
    5525             :         {
    5526           0 :             p = strchr(p, '\n');
    5527           0 :             if (p == NULL)
    5528           0 :                 return NULL;
    5529           0 :             p++;
    5530             :         }
    5531             :         else
    5532        2126 :             break;
    5533             :     }
    5534             : 
    5535             :     /* NULL if there's nothing but whitespace and comments */
    5536        2126 :     if (*p == '\0')
    5537        1374 :         return NULL;
    5538             : 
    5539         752 :     return p;
    5540             : }
    5541             : 
    5542             : /*
    5543             :  * Parse a SQL command; return a Command struct, or NULL if it's a comment
    5544             :  *
    5545             :  * On entry, psqlscan.l has collected the command into "buf", so we don't
    5546             :  * really need to do much here except check for comments and set up a Command
    5547             :  * struct.
    5548             :  */
    5549             : static Command *
    5550        2126 : create_sql_command(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *source)
    5551             : {
    5552             :     Command    *my_command;
    5553        2126 :     char       *p = skip_sql_comments(buf->data);
    5554             : 
    5555        2126 :     if (p == NULL)
    5556        1374 :         return NULL;
    5557             : 
    5558             :     /* Allocate and initialize Command structure */
    5559         752 :     my_command = (Command *) pg_malloc(sizeof(Command));
    5560         752 :     initPQExpBuffer(&my_command->lines);
    5561         752 :     appendPQExpBufferStr(&my_command->lines, p);
    5562         752 :     my_command->first_line = NULL;   /* this is set later */
    5563         752 :     my_command->type = SQL_COMMAND;
    5564         752 :     my_command->meta = META_NONE;
    5565         752 :     my_command->argc = 0;
    5566         752 :     my_command->retries = 0;
    5567         752 :     my_command->failures = 0;
    5568         752 :     memset(my_command->argv, 0, sizeof(my_command->argv));
    5569         752 :     my_command->varprefix = NULL;    /* allocated later, if needed */
    5570         752 :     my_command->expr = NULL;
    5571         752 :     initSimpleStats(&my_command->stats);
    5572         752 :     my_command->prepname = NULL; /* set later, if needed */
    5573             : 
    5574         752 :     return my_command;
    5575             : }
    5576             : 
    5577             : /* Free a Command structure and associated data */
    5578             : static void
    5579          58 : free_command(Command *command)
    5580             : {
    5581          58 :     termPQExpBuffer(&command->lines);
    5582          58 :     pg_free(command->first_line);
    5583         120 :     for (int i = 0; i < command->argc; i++)
    5584          62 :         pg_free(command->argv[i]);
    5585          58 :     pg_free(command->varprefix);
    5586             : 
    5587             :     /*
    5588             :      * It should also free expr recursively, but this is currently not needed
    5589             :      * as only gset commands (which do not have an expression) are freed.
    5590             :      */
    5591          58 :     pg_free(command);
    5592          58 : }
    5593             : 
    5594             : /*
    5595             :  * Once an SQL command is fully parsed, possibly by accumulating several
    5596             :  * parts, complete other fields of the Command structure.
    5597             :  */
    5598             : static void
    5599         490 : postprocess_sql_command(Command *my_command)
    5600             : {
    5601             :     char        buffer[128];
    5602             :     static int  prepnum = 0;
    5603             : 
    5604             :     Assert(my_command->type == SQL_COMMAND);
    5605             : 
    5606             :     /* Save the first line for error display. */
    5607         490 :     strlcpy(buffer, my_command->, sizeof(buffer));
    5608         490 :     buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\n\r")] = '\0';
    5609         490 :     my_command->first_line = pg_strdup(buffer);
    5610             : 
    5611             :     /* Parse query and generate prepared statement name, if necessary */
    5612         490 :     switch (querymode)
    5613             :     {
    5614         342 :         case QUERY_SIMPLE:
    5615         342 :             my_command->argv[0] = my_command->;
    5616         342 :             my_command->argc++;
    5617         342 :             break;
    5618         104 :         case QUERY_PREPARED:
    5619         104 :             my_command->prepname = psprintf("P_%d", prepnum++);
    5620             :             /* fall through */
    5621         148 :         case QUERY_EXTENDED:
    5622         148 :             if (!parseQuery(my_command))
    5623           2 :                 exit(1);
    5624         146 :             break;
    5625           0 :         default:
    5626           0 :             exit(1);
    5627             :     }
    5628         488 : }
    5629             : 
    5630             : /*
    5631             :  * Parse a backslash command; return a Command struct, or NULL if comment
    5632             :  *
    5633             :  * At call, we have scanned only the initial backslash.
    5634             :  */
    5635             : static Command *
    5636         964 : process_backslash_command(PsqlScanState sstate, const char *source)
    5637             : {
    5638             :     Command    *my_command;
    5639             :     PQExpBufferData word_buf;
    5640             :     int         word_offset;
    5641             :     int         offsets[MAX_ARGS];  /* offsets of argument words */
    5642             :     int         start_offset;
    5643             :     int         lineno;
    5644             :     int         j;
    5645             : 
    5646         964 :     initPQExpBuffer(&word_buf);
    5647             : 
    5648             :     /* Remember location of the backslash */
    5649         964 :     start_offset = expr_scanner_offset(sstate) - 1;
    5650         964 :     lineno = expr_scanner_get_lineno(sstate, start_offset);
    5651             : 
    5652             :     /* Collect first word of command */
    5653         964 :     if (!expr_lex_one_word(sstate, &word_buf, &word_offset))
    5654             :     {
    5655           0 :         termPQExpBuffer(&word_buf);
    5656           0 :         return NULL;
    5657             :     }
    5658             : 
    5659             :     /* Allocate and initialize Command structure */
    5660         964 :     my_command = (Command *) pg_malloc0(sizeof(Command));
    5661         964 :     my_command->type = META_COMMAND;
    5662         964 :     my_command->argc = 0;
    5663         964 :     initSimpleStats(&my_command->stats);
    5664             : 
    5665             :     /* Save first word (command name) */
    5666         964 :     j = 0;
    5667         964 :     offsets[j] = word_offset;
    5668         964 :     my_command->argv[j++] = pg_strdup(;
    5669         964 :     my_command->argc++;
    5670             : 
    5671             :     /* ... and convert it to enum form */
    5672         964 :     my_command->meta = getMetaCommand(my_command->argv[0]);
    5673             : 
    5674         964 :     if (my_command->meta == META_SET ||
    5675         238 :         my_command->meta == META_IF ||
    5676         206 :         my_command->meta == META_ELIF)
    5677             :     {
    5678             :         yyscan_t    yyscanner;
    5679             : 
    5680             :         /* For \set, collect var name */
    5681         774 :         if (my_command->meta == META_SET)
    5682             :         {
    5683         726 :             if (!expr_lex_one_word(sstate, &word_buf, &word_offset))
    5684           2 :                 syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5685             :                              "missing argument", NULL, -1);
    5686             : 
    5687         724 :             offsets[j] = word_offset;
    5688         724 :             my_command->argv[j++] = pg_strdup(;
    5689         724 :             my_command->argc++;
    5690             :         }
    5691             : 
    5692             :         /* then for all parse the expression */
    5693         772 :         yyscanner = expr_scanner_init(sstate, source, lineno, start_offset,
    5694         772 :                                       my_command->argv[0]);
    5695             : 
    5696         772 :         if (expr_yyparse(yyscanner) != 0)
    5697             :         {
    5698             :             /* dead code: exit done from syntax_error called by yyerror */
    5699           0 :             exit(1);
    5700             :         }
    5701             : 
    5702         734 :         my_command->expr = expr_parse_result;
    5703             : 
    5704             :         /* Save line, trimming any trailing newline */
    5705         734 :         my_command->first_line =
    5706         734 :             expr_scanner_get_substring(sstate,
    5707             :                                        start_offset,
    5708             :                                        expr_scanner_offset(sstate),
    5709             :                                        true);
    5710             : 
    5711         734 :         expr_scanner_finish(yyscanner);
    5712             : 
    5713         734 :         termPQExpBuffer(&word_buf);
    5714             : 
    5715         734 :         return my_command;
    5716             :     }
    5717             : 
    5718             :     /* For all other commands, collect remaining words. */
    5719         772 :     while (expr_lex_one_word(sstate, &word_buf, &word_offset))
    5720             :     {
    5721             :         /*
    5722             :          * my_command->argv[0] is the command itself, so the max number of
    5723             :          * arguments is one less than MAX_ARGS
    5724             :          */
    5725         584 :         if (j >= MAX_ARGS)
    5726           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5727             :                          "too many arguments", NULL, -1);
    5728             : 
    5729         582 :         offsets[j] = word_offset;
    5730         582 :         my_command->argv[j++] = pg_strdup(;
    5731         582 :         my_command->argc++;
    5732             :     }
    5733             : 
    5734             :     /* Save line, trimming any trailing newline */
    5735         188 :     my_command->first_line =
    5736         188 :         expr_scanner_get_substring(sstate,
    5737             :                                    start_offset,
    5738             :                                    expr_scanner_offset(sstate),
    5739             :                                    true);
    5740             : 
    5741         188 :     if (my_command->meta == META_SLEEP)
    5742             :     {
    5743          18 :         if (my_command->argc < 2)
    5744           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5745             :                          "missing argument", NULL, -1);
    5746             : 
    5747          16 :         if (my_command->argc > 3)
    5748           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5749             :                          "too many arguments", NULL,
    5750           2 :                          offsets[3] - start_offset);
    5751             : 
    5752             :         /*
    5753             :          * Split argument into number and unit to allow "sleep 1ms" etc. We
    5754             :          * don't have to terminate the number argument with null because it
    5755             :          * will be parsed with atoi, which ignores trailing non-digit
    5756             :          * characters.
    5757             :          */
    5758          14 :         if (my_command->argv[1][0] != ':')
    5759             :         {
    5760           8 :             char       *c = my_command->argv[1];
    5761           8 :             bool        have_digit = false;
    5762             : 
    5763             :             /* Skip sign */
    5764           8 :             if (*c == '+' || *c == '-')
    5765           0 :                 c++;
    5766             : 
    5767             :             /* Require at least one digit */
    5768           8 :             if (*c && isdigit((unsigned char) *c))
    5769           8 :                 have_digit = true;
    5770             : 
    5771             :             /* Eat all digits */
    5772          20 :             while (*c && isdigit((unsigned char) *c))
    5773          12 :                 c++;
    5774             : 
    5775           8 :             if (*c)
    5776             :             {
    5777           2 :                 if (my_command->argc == 2 && have_digit)
    5778             :                 {
    5779           2 :                     my_command->argv[2] = c;
    5780           2 :                     offsets[2] = offsets[1] + (c - my_command->argv[1]);
    5781           2 :                     my_command->argc = 3;
    5782             :                 }
    5783             :                 else
    5784             :                 {
    5785             :                     /*
    5786             :                      * Raise an error if argument starts with non-digit
    5787             :                      * character (after sign).
    5788             :                      */
    5789           0 :                     syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5790             :                                  "invalid sleep time, must be an integer",
    5791           0 :                                  my_command->argv[1], offsets[1] - start_offset);
    5792             :                 }
    5793             :             }
    5794             :         }
    5795             : 
    5796          14 :         if (my_command->argc == 3)
    5797             :         {
    5798          18 :             if (pg_strcasecmp(my_command->argv[2], "us") != 0 &&
    5799          12 :                 pg_strcasecmp(my_command->argv[2], "ms") != 0 &&
    5800           4 :                 pg_strcasecmp(my_command->argv[2], "s") != 0)
    5801           2 :                 syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5802             :                              "unrecognized time unit, must be us, ms or s",
    5803           2 :                              my_command->argv[2], offsets[2] - start_offset);
    5804             :         }
    5805             :     }
    5806         170 :     else if (my_command->meta == META_SETSHELL)
    5807             :     {
    5808           8 :         if (my_command->argc < 3)
    5809           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5810             :                          "missing argument", NULL, -1);
    5811             :     }
    5812         162 :     else if (my_command->meta == META_SHELL)
    5813             :     {
    5814           8 :         if (my_command->argc < 2)
    5815           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5816             :                          "missing command", NULL, -1);
    5817             :     }
    5818         154 :     else if (my_command->meta == META_ELSE || my_command->meta == META_ENDIF ||
    5819         112 :              my_command->meta == META_STARTPIPELINE ||
    5820          90 :              my_command->meta == META_ENDPIPELINE ||
    5821          76 :              my_command->meta == META_SYNCPIPELINE)
    5822             :     {
    5823          86 :         if (my_command->argc != 1)
    5824           4 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5825             :                          "unexpected argument", NULL, -1);
    5826             :     }
    5827          68 :     else if (my_command->meta == META_GSET || my_command->meta == META_ASET)
    5828             :     {
    5829          66 :         if (my_command->argc > 2)
    5830           2 :             syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5831             :                          "too many arguments", NULL, -1);
    5832             :     }
    5833             :     else
    5834             :     {
    5835             :         /* my_command->meta == META_NONE */
    5836           2 :         syntax_error(source, lineno, my_command->first_line, my_command->argv[0],
    5837             :                      "invalid command", NULL, -1);
    5838             :     }
    5839             : 
    5840         170 :     termPQExpBuffer(&word_buf);
    5841             : 
    5842         170 :     return my_command;
    5843             : }
    5844             : 
    5845             : static void
    5846          12 : ConditionError(const char *desc, int cmdn, const char *msg)
    5847             : {
    5848          12 :     pg_fatal("condition error in script \"%s\" command %d: %s",
    5849             :              desc, cmdn, msg);
    5850             : }
    5851             : 
    5852             : /*
    5853             :  * Partial evaluation of conditionals before recording and running the script.
    5854             :  */
    5855             : static void
    5856         470 : CheckConditional(const ParsedScript *ps)
    5857             : {
    5858             :     /* statically check conditional structure */
    5859         470 :     ConditionalStack cs = conditional_stack_create();
    5860             :     int         i;
    5861             : 
    5862        2032 :     for (i = 0; ps->commands[i] != NULL; i++)
    5863             :     {
    5864        1572 :         Command    *cmd = ps->commands[i];
    5865             : 
    5866        1572 :         if (cmd->type == META_COMMAND)
    5867             :         {
    5868         826 :             switch (cmd->meta)
    5869             :             {
    5870          24 :                 case META_IF:
    5871          24 :                     conditional_stack_push(cs, IFSTATE_FALSE);
    5872          24 :                     break;
    5873          14 :                 case META_ELIF:
    5874          14 :                     if (conditional_stack_empty(cs))
    5875           2 :                         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\elif without matching \\if");
    5876          12 :                     if (conditional_stack_peek(cs) == IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE)
    5877           2 :                         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\elif after \\else");
    5878          10 :                     break;
    5879          14 :                 case META_ELSE:
    5880          14 :                     if (conditional_stack_empty(cs))
    5881           2 :                         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\else without matching \\if");
    5882          12 :                     if (conditional_stack_peek(cs) == IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE)
    5883           2 :                         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\else after \\else");
    5884          10 :                     conditional_stack_poke(cs, IFSTATE_ELSE_FALSE);
    5885          10 :                     break;
    5886          20 :                 case META_ENDIF:
    5887          20 :                     if (!conditional_stack_pop(cs))
    5888           2 :                         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\endif without matching \\if");
    5889          18 :                     break;
    5890         754 :                 default:
    5891             :                     /* ignore anything else... */
    5892         754 :                     break;
    5893             :             }
    5894         746 :         }
    5895             :     }
    5896         460 :     if (!conditional_stack_empty(cs))
    5897           2 :         ConditionError(ps->desc, i + 1, "\\if without matching \\endif");
    5898         458 :     conditional_stack_destroy(cs);
    5899         458 : }
    5900             : 
    5901             : /*
    5902             :  * Parse a script (either the contents of a file, or a built-in script)
    5903             :  * and add it to the list of scripts.
    5904             :  */
    5905             : static void
    5906         540 : ParseScript(const char *script, const char *desc, int weight)
    5907             : {
    5908             :     ParsedScript ps;
    5909             :     PsqlScanState sstate;
    5910             :     PQExpBufferData line_buf;
    5911             :     int         alloc_num;
    5912             :     int         index;
    5913             :     int         lineno;
    5914             :     int         start_offset;
    5915             : 
    5916             : #define COMMANDS_ALLOC_NUM 128
    5917         540 :     alloc_num = COMMANDS_ALLOC_NUM;
    5918             : 
    5919             :     /* Initialize all fields of ps */
    5920         540 :     ps.desc = desc;
    5921         540 :     ps.weight = weight;
    5922         540 :     ps.commands = (Command **) pg_malloc(sizeof(Command *) * alloc_num);
    5923         540 :     initStats(&ps.stats, 0);
    5924             : 
    5925             :     /* Prepare to parse script */
    5926         540 :     sstate = psql_scan_create(&pgbench_callbacks);
    5927             : 
    5928             :     /*
    5929             :      * Ideally, we'd scan scripts using the encoding and stdstrings settings
    5930             :      * we get from a DB connection.  However, without major rearrangement of
    5931             :      * pgbench's argument parsing, we can't have a DB connection at the time
    5932             :      * we parse scripts.  Using SQL_ASCII (encoding 0) should work well enough
    5933             :      * with any backend-safe encoding, though conceivably we could be fooled
    5934             :      * if a script file uses a client-only encoding.  We also assume that
    5935             :      * stdstrings should be true, which is a bit riskier.
    5936             :      */
    5937         540 :     psql_scan_setup(sstate, script, strlen(script), 0, true);
    5938         540 :     start_offset = expr_scanner_offset(sstate) - 1;
    5939             : 
    5940         540 :     initPQExpBuffer(&line_buf);
    5941             : 
    5942         540 :     index = 0;
    5943             : 
    5944             :     for (;;)
    5945        1586 :     {
    5946             :         PsqlScanResult sr;
    5947             :         promptStatus_t prompt;
    5948        2126 :         Command    *command = NULL;
    5949             : 
    5950        2126 :         resetPQExpBuffer(&line_buf);
    5951        2126 :         lineno = expr_scanner_get_lineno(sstate, start_offset);
    5952             : 
    5953        2126 :         sr = psql_scan(sstate, &line_buf, &prompt);
    5954             : 
    5955             :         /* If we collected a new SQL command, process that */
    5956        2126 :         command = create_sql_command(&line_buf, desc);
    5957             : 
    5958             :         /* store new command */
    5959        2126 :         if (command)
    5960         752 :             ps.commands[index++] = command;
    5961             : 
    5962             :         /* If we reached a backslash, process that */
    5963        2126 :         if (sr == PSCAN_BACKSLASH)
    5964             :         {
    5965         964 :             command = process_backslash_command(sstate, desc);
    5966             : 
    5967         904 :             if (command)
    5968             :             {
    5969             :                 /*
    5970             :                  * If this is gset or aset, merge into the preceding command.
    5971             :                  * (We don't use a command slot in this case).
    5972             :                  */
    5973         904 :                 if (command->meta == META_GSET || command->meta == META_ASET)
    5974             :                 {
    5975             :                     Command    *cmd;
    5976             : 
    5977          64 :                     if (index == 0)
    5978           2 :                         syntax_error(desc, lineno, NULL, NULL,
    5979             :                                      "\\gset must follow an SQL command",
    5980             :                                      NULL, -1);
    5981             : 
    5982          62 :                     cmd = ps.commands[index - 1];
    5983             : 
    5984          62 :                     if (cmd->type != SQL_COMMAND ||
    5985          60 :                         cmd->varprefix != NULL)
    5986           4 :                         syntax_error(desc, lineno, NULL, NULL,
    5987             :                                      "\\gset must follow an SQL command",
    5988           4 :                                      cmd->first_line, -1);
    5989             : 
    5990             :                     /* get variable prefix */
    5991          58 :                     if (command->argc <= 1 || command->argv[1][0] == '\0')
    5992          54 :                         cmd->varprefix = pg_strdup("");
    5993             :                     else
    5994           4 :                         cmd->varprefix = pg_strdup(command->argv[1]);
    5995             : 
    5996             :                     /* update the sql command meta */
    5997          58 :                     cmd->meta = command->meta;
    5998             : 
    5999             :                     /* cleanup unused command */
    6000          58 :                     free_command(command);
    6001             : 
    6002          58 :                     continue;
    6003             :                 }
    6004             : 
    6005             :                 /* Attach any other backslash command as a new command */
    6006         840 :                 ps.commands[index++] = command;
    6007             :             }
    6008             :         }
    6009             : 
    6010             :         /*
    6011             :          * Since we used a command slot, allocate more if needed.  Note we
    6012             :          * always allocate one more in order to accommodate the NULL
    6013             :          * terminator below.
    6014             :          */
    6015        2002 :         if (index >= alloc_num)
    6016             :         {
    6017           0 :             alloc_num += COMMANDS_ALLOC_NUM;
    6018           0 :             ps.commands = (Command **)
    6019           0 :                 pg_realloc(ps.commands, sizeof(Command *) * alloc_num);
    6020             :         }
    6021             : 
    6022             :         /* Done if we reached EOF */
    6023        2002 :         if (sr == PSCAN_INCOMPLETE || sr == PSCAN_EOL)
    6024             :             break;
    6025             :     }
    6026             : 
    6027         474 :     ps.commands[index] = NULL;
    6028             : 
    6029         474 :     addScript(&ps);
    6030             : 
    6031         458 :     termPQExpBuffer(&line_buf);
    6032         458 :     psql_scan_finish(sstate);
    6033         458 :     psql_scan_destroy(sstate);
    6034         458 : }
    6035             : 
    6036             : /*
    6037             :  * Read the entire contents of file fd, and return it in a malloc'd buffer.
    6038             :  *
    6039             :  * The buffer will typically be larger than necessary, but we don't care
    6040             :  * in this program, because we'll free it as soon as we've parsed the script.
    6041             :  */
    6042             : static char *
    6043         234 : read_file_contents(FILE *fd)
    6044             : {
    6045             :     char       *buf;
    6046         234 :     size_t      buflen = BUFSIZ;
    6047         234 :     size_t      used = 0;
    6048             : 
    6049         234 :     buf = (char *) pg_malloc(buflen);
    6050             : 
    6051             :     for (;;)
    6052           0 :     {
    6053             :         size_t      nread;
    6054             : 
    6055         234 :         nread = fread(buf + used, 1, BUFSIZ, fd);
    6056         234 :         used += nread;
    6057             :         /* If fread() read less than requested, must be EOF or error */
    6058         234 :         if (nread < BUFSIZ)
    6059         234 :             break;
    6060             :         /* Enlarge buf so we can read some more */
    6061           0 :         buflen += BUFSIZ;
    6062           0 :         buf = (char *) pg_realloc(buf, buflen);
    6063             :     }
    6064             :     /* There is surely room for a terminator */
    6065         234 :     buf[used] = '\0';
    6066             : 
    6067         234 :     return buf;
    6068             : }
    6069             : 
    6070             : /*
    6071             :  * Given a file name, read it and add its script to the list.
    6072             :  * "-" means to read stdin.
    6073             :  * NB: filename must be storage that won't disappear.
    6074             :  */
    6075             : static void
    6076         236 : process_file(const char *filename, int weight)
    6077             : {
    6078             :     FILE       *fd;
    6079             :     char       *buf;
    6080             : 
    6081             :     /* Slurp the file contents into "buf" */
    6082         236 :     if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0)
    6083           0 :         fd = stdin;
    6084         236 :     else if ((fd = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
    6085           2 :         pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %m", filename);
    6086             : 
    6087         234 :     buf = read_file_contents(fd);
    6088             : 
    6089         234 :     if (ferror(fd))
    6090           0 :         pg_fatal("could not read file \"%s\": %m", filename);
    6091             : 
    6092         234 :     if (fd != stdin)
    6093         234 :         fclose(fd);
    6094             : 
    6095         234 :     ParseScript(buf, filename, weight);
    6096             : 
    6097         154 :     free(buf);
    6098         154 : }
    6099             : 
    6100             : /* Parse the given builtin script and add it to the list. */
    6101             : static void
    6102         306 : process_builtin(const BuiltinScript *bi, int weight)
    6103             : {
    6104         306 :     ParseScript(bi->script, bi->desc, weight);
    6105         304 : }
    6106             : 
    6107             : /* show available builtin scripts */
    6108             : static void
    6109           6 : listAvailableScripts(void)
    6110             : {
    6111             :     int         i;
    6112             : 
    6113           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "Available builtin scripts:\n");
    6114          24 :     for (i = 0; i < lengthof(builtin_script); i++)
    6115          18 :         fprintf(stderr, "  %13s: %s\n", builtin_script[i].name, builtin_script[i].desc);
    6116           6 :     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    6117           6 : }
    6118             : 
    6119             : /* return builtin script "name" if unambiguous, fails if not found */
    6120             : static const BuiltinScript *
    6121         312 : findBuiltin(const char *name)
    6122             : {
    6123             :     int         i,
    6124         312 :                 found = 0,
    6125         312 :                 len = strlen(name);
    6126         312 :     const BuiltinScript *result = NULL;
    6127             : 
    6128        1248 :     for (i = 0; i < lengthof(builtin_script); i++)
    6129             :     {
    6130         936 :         if (strncmp(builtin_script[i].name, name, len) == 0)
    6131             :         {
    6132         312 :             result = &builtin_script[i];
    6133         312 :             found++;
    6134             :         }
    6135             :     }
    6136             : 
    6137             :     /* ok, unambiguous result */
    6138         312 :     if (found == 1)
    6139         308 :         return result;
    6140             : 
    6141             :     /* error cases */
    6142           4 :     if (found == 0)
    6143           2 :         pg_log_error("no builtin script found for name \"%s\"", name);
    6144             :     else                        /* found > 1 */
    6145           2 :         pg_log_error("ambiguous builtin name: %d builtin scripts found for prefix \"%s\"", found, name);
    6146             : 
    6147           4 :     listAvailableScripts();
    6148           4 :     exit(1);
    6149             : }
    6150             : 
    6151             : /*
    6152             :  * Determine the weight specification from a script option (-b, -f), if any,
    6153             :  * and return it as an integer (1 is returned if there's no weight).  The
    6154             :  * script name is returned in *script as a malloc'd string.
    6155             :  */
    6156             : static int
    6157         258 : parseScriptWeight(const char *option, char **script)
    6158             : {
    6159             :     char       *sep;
    6160             :     int         weight;
    6161             : 
    6162         258 :     if ((sep = strrchr(option, WSEP)))
    6163             :     {
    6164          18 :         int         namelen = sep - option;
    6165             :         long        wtmp;
    6166             :         char       *badp;
    6167             : 
    6168             :         /* generate the script name */
    6169          18 :         *script = pg_malloc(namelen + 1);
    6170          18 :         strncpy(*script, option, namelen);
    6171          18 :         (*script)[namelen] = '\0';
    6172             : 
    6173             :         /* process digits of the weight spec */
    6174          18 :         errno = 0;
    6175          18 :         wtmp = strtol(sep + 1, &badp, 10);
    6176          18 :         if (errno != 0 || badp == sep + 1 || *badp != '\0')
    6177           2 :             pg_fatal("invalid weight specification: %s", sep);
    6178          16 :         if (wtmp > INT_MAX || wtmp < 0)
    6179           2 :             pg_fatal("weight specification out of range (0 .. %d): %lld",
    6180             :                      INT_MAX, (long long) wtmp);
    6181          14 :         weight = wtmp;
    6182             :     }
    6183             :     else
    6184             :     {
    6185         240 :         *script = pg_strdup(option);
    6186         240 :         weight = 1;
    6187             :     }
    6188             : 
    6189         254 :     return weight;
    6190             : }
    6191             : 
    6192             : /* append a script to the list of scripts to process */
    6193             : static void
    6194         474 : addScript(const ParsedScript *script)
    6195             : {
    6196         474 :     if (script->commands == NULL || script->commands[0] == NULL)
    6197           2 :         pg_fatal("empty command list for script \"%s\"", script->desc);
    6198             : 
    6199         472 :     if (num_scripts >= MAX_SCRIPTS)
    6200           2 :         pg_fatal("at most %d SQL scripts are allowed", MAX_SCRIPTS);
    6201             : 
    6202         470 :     CheckConditional(script);
    6203             : 
    6204         458 :     sql_script[num_scripts] = *script;
    6205         458 :     num_scripts++;
    6206         458 : }
    6207             : 
    6208             : /*
    6209             :  * Print progress report.
    6210             :  *
    6211             :  * On entry, *last and *last_report contain the statistics and time of last
    6212             :  * progress report.  On exit, they are updated with the new stats.
    6213             :  */
    6214             : static void
    6215           0 : printProgressReport(TState *threads, int64 test_start, pg_time_usec_t now,
    6216             :                     StatsData *last, int64 *last_report)
    6217             : {
    6218             :     /* generate and show report */
    6219           0 :     pg_time_usec_t run = now - *last_report;
    6220             :     int64       cnt,
    6221             :                 failures,
    6222             :                 retried;
    6223             :     double      tps,
    6224             :                 total_run,
    6225             :                 latency,
    6226             :                 sqlat,
    6227             :                 lag,
    6228             :                 stdev;
    6229             :     char        tbuf[315];
    6230             :     StatsData   cur;
    6231             : 
    6232             :     /*
    6233             :      * Add up the statistics of all threads.
    6234             :      *
    6235             :      * XXX: No locking.  There is no guarantee that we get an atomic snapshot
    6236             :      * of the transaction count and latencies, so these figures can well be
    6237             :      * off by a small amount.  The progress report's purpose is to give a
    6238             :      * quick overview of how the test is going, so that shouldn't matter too
    6239             :      * much.  (If a read from a 64-bit integer is not atomic, you might get a
    6240             :      * "torn" read and completely bogus latencies though!)
    6241             :      */
    6242           0 :     initStats(&cur, 0);
    6243           0 :     for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
    6244             :     {
    6245           0 :         mergeSimpleStats(&cur.latency, &threads[i].stats.latency);
    6246           0 :         mergeSimpleStats(&cur.lag, &threads[i].stats.lag);
    6247           0 :         cur.cnt += threads[i].stats.cnt;
    6248           0 :         cur.skipped += threads[i].stats.skipped;
    6249           0 :         cur.retries += threads[i].stats.retries;
    6250           0 :         cur.retried += threads[i].stats.retried;
    6251           0 :         cur.serialization_failures +=
    6252           0 :             threads[i].stats.serialization_failures;
    6253           0 :         cur.deadlock_failures += threads[i].stats.deadlock_failures;
    6254             :     }
    6255             : 
    6256             :     /* we count only actually executed transactions */
    6257           0 :     cnt = cur.cnt - last->cnt;
    6258           0 :     total_run = (now - test_start) / 1000000.0;
    6259           0 :     tps = 1000000.0 * cnt / run;
    6260           0 :     if (cnt > 0)
    6261             :     {
    6262           0 :         latency = 0.001 * (cur.latency.sum - last->latency.sum) / cnt;
    6263           0 :         sqlat = 1.0 * (cur.latency.sum2 - last->latency.sum2) / cnt;
    6264           0 :         stdev = 0.001 * sqrt(sqlat - 1000000.0 * latency * latency);
    6265           0 :         lag = 0.001 * (cur.lag.sum - last->lag.sum) / cnt;
    6266             :     }
    6267             :     else
    6268             :     {
    6269           0 :         latency = sqlat = stdev = lag = 0;
    6270             :     }
    6271           0 :     failures = getFailures(&cur) - getFailures(last);
    6272           0 :     retried = cur.retried - last->retried;
    6273             : 
    6274           0 :     if (progress_timestamp)
    6275             :     {
    6276           0 :         snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%.3f s",
    6277           0 :                  PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(now + epoch_shift));
    6278             :     }
    6279             :     else
    6280             :     {
    6281             :         /* round seconds are expected, but the thread may be late */
    6282           0 :         snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%.1f s", total_run);
    6283             :     }
    6284             : 
    6285           0 :     fprintf(stderr,
    6286             :             "progress: %s, %.1f tps, lat %.3f ms stddev %.3f, " INT64_FORMAT " failed",
    6287             :             tbuf, tps, latency, stdev, failures);
    6288             : 
    6289           0 :     if (throttle_delay)
    6290             :     {
    6291           0 :         fprintf(stderr, ", lag %.3f ms", lag);
    6292           0 :         if (latency_limit)
    6293           0 :             fprintf(stderr, ", " INT64_FORMAT " skipped",
    6294           0 :                     cur.skipped - last->skipped);
    6295             :     }
    6296             : 
    6297             :     /* it can be non-zero only if max_tries is not equal to one */
    6298           0 :     if (max_tries != 1)
    6299           0 :         fprintf(stderr,
    6300             :                 ", " INT64_FORMAT " retried, " INT64_FORMAT " retries",
    6301           0 :                 retried, cur.retries - last->retries);
    6302           0 :     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    6303             : 
    6304           0 :     *last = cur;
    6305           0 :     *last_report = now;
    6306           0 : }
    6307             : 
    6308             : static void
    6309          26 : printSimpleStats(const char *prefix, SimpleStats *ss)
    6310             : {
    6311          26 :     if (ss->count > 0)
    6312             :     {
    6313          26 :         double      latency = ss->sum / ss->count;
    6314          26 :         double      stddev = sqrt(ss->sum2 / ss->count - latency * latency);
    6315             : 
    6316          26 :         printf("%s average = %.3f ms\n", prefix, 0.001 * latency);
    6317          26 :         printf("%s stddev = %.3f ms\n", prefix, 0.001 * stddev);
    6318             :     }
    6319          26 : }
    6320             : 
    6321             : /* print version banner */
    6322             : static void
    6323         152 : printVersion(PGconn *con)
    6324             : {
    6325         152 :     int         server_ver = PQserverVersion(con);
    6326         152 :     int         client_ver = PG_VERSION_NUM;
    6327             : 
    6328         152 :     if (server_ver != client_ver)
    6329             :     {
    6330             :         const char *server_version;
    6331             :         char        sverbuf[32];
    6332             : 
    6333             :         /* Try to get full text form, might include "devel" etc */
    6334           0 :         server_version = PQparameterStatus(con, "server_version");
    6335             :         /* Otherwise fall back on server_ver */
    6336           0 :         if (!server_version)
    6337             :         {
    6338           0 :             formatPGVersionNumber(server_ver, true,
    6339             :                                   sverbuf, sizeof(sverbuf));
    6340           0 :             server_version = sverbuf;
    6341             :         }
    6342             : 
    6343           0 :         printf(_("%s (%s, server %s)\n"),
    6344             :                "pgbench", PG_VERSION, server_version);
    6345             :     }
    6346             :     /* For version match, only print pgbench version */
    6347             :     else
    6348         152 :         printf("%s (%s)\n", "pgbench", PG_VERSION);
    6349         152 :     fflush(stdout);
    6350         152 : }
    6351             : 
    6352             : /* print out results */
    6353             : static void
    6354         148 : printResults(StatsData *total,
    6355             :              pg_time_usec_t total_duration, /* benchmarking time */
    6356             :              pg_time_usec_t conn_total_duration,    /* is_connect */
    6357             :              pg_time_usec_t conn_elapsed_duration,  /* !is_connect */
    6358             :              int64 latency_late)
    6359             : {
    6360             :     /* tps is about actually executed transactions during benchmarking */
    6361         148 :     int64       failures = getFailures(total);
    6362         148 :     int64       total_cnt = total->cnt + total->skipped + failures;
    6363         148 :     double      bench_duration = PG_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(total_duration);
    6364         148 :     double      tps = total->cnt / bench_duration;
    6365             : 
    6366             :     /* Report test parameters. */
    6367         148 :     printf("transaction type: %s\n",
    6368             :            num_scripts == 1 ? sql_script[0].desc : "multiple scripts");
    6369         148 :     printf("scaling factor: %d\n", scale);
    6370             :     /* only print partitioning information if some partitioning was detected */
    6371         148 :     if (partition_method != PART_NONE)
    6372          12 :         printf("partition method: %s\npartitions: %d\n",
    6373             :                PARTITION_METHOD[partition_method], partitions);
    6374         148 :     printf("query mode: %s\n", QUERYMODE[querymode]);
    6375         148 :     printf("number of clients: %d\n", nclients);
    6376         148 :     printf("number of threads: %d\n", nthreads);
    6377             : 
    6378         148 :     if (max_tries)
    6379         148 :         printf("maximum number of tries: %u\n", max_tries);
    6380             : 
    6381         148 :     if (duration <= 0)
    6382             :     {
    6383         148 :         printf("number of transactions per client: %d\n", nxacts);
    6384         148 :         printf("number of transactions actually processed: " INT64_FORMAT "/%d\n",
    6385             :                total->cnt, nxacts * nclients);
    6386             :     }
    6387             :     else
    6388             :     {
    6389           0 :         printf("duration: %d s\n", duration);
    6390           0 :         printf("number of transactions actually processed: " INT64_FORMAT "\n",
    6391             :                total->cnt);
    6392             :     }
    6393             : 
    6394         148 :     printf("number of failed transactions: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6395             :            failures, 100.0 * failures / total_cnt);
    6396             : 
    6397         148 :     if (failures_detailed)
    6398             :     {
    6399           0 :         printf("number of serialization failures: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6400             :                total->serialization_failures,
    6401             :                100.0 * total->serialization_failures / total_cnt);
    6402           0 :         printf("number of deadlock failures: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6403             :                total->deadlock_failures,
    6404             :                100.0 * total->deadlock_failures / total_cnt);
    6405             :     }
    6406             : 
    6407             :     /* it can be non-zero only if max_tries is not equal to one */
    6408         148 :     if (max_tries != 1)
    6409             :     {
    6410           4 :         printf("number of transactions retried: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6411             :                total->retried, 100.0 * total->retried / total_cnt);
    6412           4 :         printf("total number of retries: " INT64_FORMAT "\n", total->retries);
    6413             :     }
    6414             : 
    6415             :     /* Remaining stats are nonsensical if we failed to execute any xacts */
    6416         148 :     if (total->cnt + total->skipped <= 0)
    6417          92 :         return;
    6418             : 
    6419          56 :     if (throttle_delay && latency_limit)
    6420           4 :         printf("number of transactions skipped: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6421             :                total->skipped, 100.0 * total->skipped / total_cnt);
    6422             : 
    6423          56 :     if (latency_limit)
    6424           4 :         printf("number of transactions above the %.1f ms latency limit: " INT64_FORMAT "/" INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6425             :                latency_limit / 1000.0, latency_late, total->cnt,
    6426             :                (total->cnt > 0) ? 100.0 * latency_late / total->cnt : 0.0);
    6427             : 
    6428          56 :     if (throttle_delay || progress || latency_limit)
    6429           4 :         printSimpleStats("latency", &total->latency);
    6430             :     else
    6431             :     {
    6432             :         /* no measurement, show average latency computed from run time */
    6433          52 :         printf("latency average = %.3f ms%s\n",
    6434             :                0.001 * total_duration * nclients / total_cnt,
    6435             :                failures > 0 ? " (including failures)" : "");
    6436             :     }
    6437             : 
    6438          56 :     if (throttle_delay)
    6439             :     {
    6440             :         /*
    6441             :          * Report average transaction lag under rate limit throttling.  This
    6442             :          * is the delay between scheduled and actual start times for the
    6443             :          * transaction.  The measured lag may be caused by thread/client load,
    6444             :          * the database load, or the Poisson throttling process.
    6445             :          */
    6446           4 :         printf("rate limit schedule lag: avg %.3f (max %.3f) ms\n",
    6447             :                0.001 * total->lag.sum / total->cnt, 0.001 * total->lag.max);
    6448             :     }
    6449             : 
    6450             :     /*
    6451             :      * Under -C/--connect, each transaction incurs a significant connection
    6452             :      * cost, it would not make much sense to ignore it in tps, and it would
    6453             :      * not be tps anyway.
    6454             :      *
    6455             :      * Otherwise connections are made just once at the beginning of the run
    6456             :      * and should not impact performance but for very short run, so they are
    6457             :      * (right)fully ignored in tps.
    6458             :      */
    6459          56 :     if (is_connect)
    6460             :     {
    6461           4 :         printf("average connection time = %.3f ms\n", 0.001 * conn_total_duration / (total->cnt + failures));
    6462           4 :         printf("tps = %f (including reconnection times)\n", tps);
    6463             :     }
    6464             :     else
    6465             :     {
    6466          52 :         printf("initial connection time = %.3f ms\n", 0.001 * conn_elapsed_duration);
    6467          52 :         printf("tps = %f (without initial connection time)\n", tps);
    6468             :     }
    6469             : 
    6470             :     /* Report per-script/command statistics */
    6471          56 :     if (per_script_stats || report_per_command)
    6472             :     {
    6473             :         int         i;
    6474             : 
    6475          38 :         for (i = 0; i < num_scripts; i++)
    6476             :         {
    6477          26 :             if (per_script_stats)
    6478             :             {
    6479          22 :                 StatsData  *sstats = &sql_script[i].stats;
    6480          22 :                 int64       script_failures = getFailures(sstats);
    6481          22 :                 int64       script_total_cnt =
    6482          22 :                     sstats->cnt + sstats->skipped + script_failures;
    6483             : 
    6484          22 :                 printf("SQL script %d: %s\n"
    6485             :                        " - weight: %d (targets %.1f%% of total)\n"
    6486             :                        " - " INT64_FORMAT " transactions (%.1f%% of total, tps = %f)\n",
    6487             :                        i + 1, sql_script[i].desc,
    6488             :                        sql_script[i].weight,
    6489             :                        100.0 * sql_script[i].weight / total_weight,
    6490             :                        sstats->cnt,
    6491             :                        100.0 * sstats->cnt / total->cnt,
    6492             :                        sstats->cnt / bench_duration);
    6493             : 
    6494          22 :                 printf(" - number of failed transactions: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6495             :                        script_failures,
    6496             :                        100.0 * script_failures / script_total_cnt);
    6497             : 
    6498          22 :                 if (failures_detailed)
    6499             :                 {
    6500           0 :                     printf(" - number of serialization failures: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6501             :                            sstats->serialization_failures,
    6502             :                            (100.0 * sstats->serialization_failures /
    6503             :                             script_total_cnt));
    6504           0 :                     printf(" - number of deadlock failures: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6505             :                            sstats->deadlock_failures,
    6506             :                            (100.0 * sstats->deadlock_failures /
    6507             :                             script_total_cnt));
    6508             :                 }
    6509             : 
    6510             :                 /* it can be non-zero only if max_tries is not equal to one */
    6511          22 :                 if (max_tries != 1)
    6512             :                 {
    6513           0 :                     printf(" - number of transactions retried: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6514             :                            sstats->retried,
    6515             :                            100.0 * sstats->retried / script_total_cnt);
    6516           0 :                     printf(" - total number of retries: " INT64_FORMAT "\n",
    6517             :                            sstats->retries);
    6518             :                 }
    6519             : 
    6520          22 :                 if (throttle_delay && latency_limit && script_total_cnt > 0)
    6521           0 :                     printf(" - number of transactions skipped: " INT64_FORMAT " (%.3f%%)\n",
    6522             :                            sstats->skipped,
    6523             :                            100.0 * sstats->skipped / script_total_cnt);
    6524             : 
    6525          22 :                 printSimpleStats(" - latency", &sstats->latency);
    6526             :             }
    6527             : 
    6528             :             /*
    6529             :              * Report per-command statistics: latencies, retries after errors,
    6530             :              * failures (errors without retrying).
    6531             :              */
    6532          26 :             if (report_per_command)
    6533             :             {
    6534             :                 Command   **commands;
    6535             : 
    6536           4 :                 printf("%sstatement latencies in milliseconds%s:\n",
    6537             :                        per_script_stats ? " - " : "",
    6538             :                        (max_tries == 1 ?
    6539             :                         " and failures" :
    6540             :                         ", failures and retries"));
    6541             : 
    6542           4 :                 for (commands = sql_script[i].commands;
    6543          10 :                      *commands != NULL;
    6544           6 :                      commands++)
    6545             :                 {
    6546           6 :                     SimpleStats *cstats = &(*commands)->stats;
    6547             : 
    6548           6 :                     if (max_tries == 1)
    6549           6 :                         printf("   %11.3f  %10" INT64_MODIFIER "d  %s\n",
    6550             :                                (cstats->count > 0) ?
    6551             :                                1000.0 * cstats->sum / cstats->count : 0.0,
    6552             :                                (*commands)->failures,
    6553             :                                (*commands)->first_line);
    6554             :                     else
    6555           0 :                         printf("   %11.3f  %10" INT64_MODIFIER "d  %10" INT64_MODIFIER "d  %s\n",
    6556             :                                (cstats->count > 0) ?
    6557             :                                1000.0 * cstats->sum / cstats->count : 0.0,
    6558             :                                (*commands)->failures,
    6559             :                                (*commands)->retries,
    6560             :                                (*commands)->first_line);
    6561             :                 }
    6562             :             }
    6563             :         }
    6564             :     }
    6565             : }
    6566             : 
    6567             : /*
    6568             :  * Set up a random seed according to seed parameter (NULL means default),
    6569             :  * and initialize base_random_sequence for use in initializing other sequences.
    6570             :  */
    6571             : static bool
    6572         336 : set_random_seed(const char *seed)
    6573             : {
    6574             :     uint64      iseed;
    6575             : 
    6576         336 :     if (seed == NULL || strcmp(seed, "time") == 0)
    6577             :     {
    6578             :         /* rely on current time */
    6579         328 :         iseed = pg_time_now();
    6580             :     }
    6581           8 :     else if (strcmp(seed, "rand") == 0)
    6582             :     {
    6583             :         /* use some "strong" random source */
    6584           0 :         if (!pg_strong_random(&iseed, sizeof(iseed)))
    6585             :         {
    6586           0 :             pg_log_error("could not generate random seed");
    6587           0 :             return false;
    6588             :         }
    6589             :     }
    6590             :     else
    6591             :     {
    6592             :         /* parse unsigned-int seed value */
    6593             :         unsigned long ulseed;
    6594             :         char        garbage;
    6595             : 
    6596             :         /* Don't try to use UINT64_FORMAT here; it might not work for sscanf */
    6597           8 :         if (sscanf(seed, "%lu%c", &ulseed, &garbage) != 1)
    6598             :         {
    6599           2 :             pg_log_error("unrecognized random seed option \"%s\"", seed);
    6600           2 :             pg_log_error_detail("Expecting an unsigned integer, \"time\" or \"rand\".");
    6601           2 :             return false;
    6602             :         }
    6603           6 :         iseed = (uint64) ulseed;
    6604             :     }
    6605             : 
    6606         334 :     if (seed != NULL)
    6607           6 :         pg_log_info("setting random seed to %llu", (unsigned long long) iseed);
    6608             : 
    6609         334 :     random_seed = iseed;
    6610             : 
    6611             :     /* Initialize base_random_sequence using seed */
    6612         334 :     pg_prng_seed(&base_random_sequence, (uint64) iseed);
    6613             : 
    6614         334 :     return true;
    6615             : }
    6616             : 
    6617             : int
    6618         332 : main(int argc, char **argv)
    6619             : {
    6620             :     static struct option long_options[] = {
    6621             :         /* systematic long/short named options */
    6622             :         {"builtin", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
    6623             :         {"client", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
    6624             :         {"connect", no_argument, NULL, 'C'},
    6625             :         {"dbname", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
    6626             :         {"define", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
    6627             :         {"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
    6628             :         {"fillfactor", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
    6629             :         {"host", required_argument, NULL, 'h'},
    6630             :         {"initialize", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
    6631             :         {"init-steps", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
    6632             :         {"jobs", required_argument, NULL, 'j'},
    6633             :         {"log", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
    6634             :         {"latency-limit", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
    6635             :         {"no-vacuum", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
    6636             :         {"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
    6637             :         {"progress", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
    6638             :         {"protocol", required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
    6639             :         {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
    6640             :         {"report-per-command", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
    6641             :         {"rate", required_argument, NULL, 'R'},
    6642             :         {"scale", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
    6643             :         {"select-only", no_argument, NULL, 'S'},
    6644             :         {"skip-some-updates", no_argument, NULL, 'N'},
    6645             :         {"time", required_argument, NULL, 'T'},
    6646             :         {"transactions", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
    6647             :         {"username", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
    6648             :         {"vacuum-all", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
    6649             :         /* long-named only options */
    6650             :         {"unlogged-tables", no_argument, NULL, 1},
    6651             :         {"tablespace", required_argument, NULL, 2},
    6652             :         {"index-tablespace", required_argument, NULL, 3},
    6653             :         {"sampling-rate", required_argument, NULL, 4},
    6654             :         {"aggregate-interval", required_argument, NULL, 5},
    6655             :         {"progress-timestamp", no_argument, NULL, 6},
    6656             :         {"log-prefix", required_argument, NULL, 7},
    6657             :         {"foreign-keys", no_argument, NULL, 8},
    6658             :         {"random-seed", required_argument, NULL, 9},
    6659             :         {"show-script", required_argument, NULL, 10},
    6660             :         {"partitions", required_argument, NULL, 11},
    6661             :         {"partition-method", required_argument, NULL, 12},
    6662             :         {"failures-detailed", no_argument, NULL, 13},
    6663             :         {"max-tries", required_argument, NULL, 14},
    6664             :         {"verbose-errors", no_argument, NULL, 15},
    6665             :         {"exit-on-abort", no_argument, NULL, 16},
    6666             :         {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 17},
    6667             :         {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
    6668             :     };
    6669             : 
    6670             :     int         c;
    6671         332 :     bool        is_init_mode = false;   /* initialize mode? */
    6672         332 :     char       *initialize_steps = NULL;
    6673         332 :     bool        foreign_keys = false;
    6674         332 :     bool        is_no_vacuum = false;
    6675         332 :     bool        do_vacuum_accounts = false; /* vacuum accounts table? */
    6676             :     int         optindex;
    6677         332 :     bool        scale_given = false;
    6678             : 
    6679         332 :     bool        benchmarking_option_set = false;
    6680         332 :     bool        initialization_option_set = false;
    6681         332 :     bool        internal_script_used = false;
    6682             : 
    6683             :     CState     *state;          /* status of clients */
    6684             :     TState     *threads;        /* array of thread */
    6685             : 
    6686             :     pg_time_usec_t
    6687             :                 start_time,     /* start up time */
    6688         332 :                 bench_start = 0,    /* first recorded benchmarking time */
    6689             :                 conn_total_duration;    /* cumulated connection time in
    6690             :                                          * threads */
    6691         332 :     int64       latency_late = 0;
    6692             :     StatsData   stats;
    6693             :     int         weight;
    6694             : 
    6695             :     int         i;
    6696             :     int         nclients_dealt;
    6697             : 
    6698             : #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT
    6699             :     struct rlimit rlim;
    6700             : #endif
    6701             : 
    6702             :     PGconn     *con;
    6703             :     char       *env;
    6704             : 
    6705         332 :     int         exit_code = 0;
    6706             :     struct timeval tv;
    6707             : 
    6708             :     /*
    6709             :      * Record difference between Unix time and instr_time time.  We'll use
    6710             :      * this for logging and aggregation.
    6711             :      */
    6712         332 :     gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    6713         332 :     epoch_shift = tv.tv_sec * INT64CONST(1000000) + tv.tv_usec - pg_time_now();
    6714             : 
    6715         332 :     pg_logging_init(argv[0]);
    6716         332 :     progname = get_progname(argv[0]);
    6717             : 
    6718         332 :     if (argc > 1)
    6719             :     {
    6720         332 :         if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)
    6721             :         {
    6722           2 :             usage();
    6723           2 :             exit(0);
    6724             :         }
    6725         330 :         if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)
    6726             :         {
    6727           2 :             puts("pgbench (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION);
    6728           2 :             exit(0);
    6729             :         }
    6730             :     }
    6731             : 
    6732         328 :     state = (CState *) pg_malloc0(sizeof(CState));
    6733             : 
    6734             :     /* set random seed early, because it may be used while parsing scripts. */
    6735         328 :     if (!set_random_seed(getenv("PGBENCH_RANDOM_SEED")))
    6736           0 :         pg_fatal("error while setting random seed from PGBENCH_RANDOM_SEED environment variable");
    6737             : 
    6738        2360 :     while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "b:c:Cd:D:f:F:h:iI:j:lL:M:nNp:P:qrR:s:St:T:U:v", long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
    6739             :     {
    6740             :         char       *script;
    6741             : 
    6742        2168 :         switch (c)
    6743             :         {
    6744          24 :             case 'b':
    6745          24 :                 if (strcmp(optarg, "list") == 0)
    6746             :                 {
    6747           2 :                     listAvailableScripts();
    6748           2 :                     exit(0);
    6749             :                 }
    6750          22 :                 weight = parseScriptWeight(optarg, &script);
    6751          18 :                 process_builtin(findBuiltin(script), weight);
    6752          14 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6753          14 :                 internal_script_used = true;
    6754          14 :                 break;
    6755          48 :             case 'c':
    6756          48 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6757          48 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-c/--clients", 1, INT_MAX,
    6758             :                                       &nclients))
    6759             :                 {
    6760           2 :                     exit(1);
    6761             :                 }
    6762             : #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT
    6763          46 :                 if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) == -1)
    6764           0 :                     pg_fatal("getrlimit failed: %m");
    6765          46 :                 if (rlim.rlim_cur < nclients + 3)
    6766             :                 {
    6767           0 :                     pg_log_error("need at least %d open files, but system limit is %ld",
    6768             :                                  nclients + 3, (long) rlim.rlim_cur);
    6769           0 :                     pg_log_error_hint("Reduce number of clients, or use limit/ulimit to increase the system limit.");
    6770           0 :                     exit(1);
    6771             :                 }
    6772             : #endif                          /* HAVE_GETRLIMIT */
    6773          46 :                 break;
    6774           4 :             case 'C':
    6775           4 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6776           4 :                 is_connect = true;
    6777           4 :                 break;
    6778           0 :             case 'd':
    6779           0 :                 dbName = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6780           0 :                 break;
    6781         866 :             case 'D':
    6782             :                 {
    6783             :                     char       *p;
    6784             : 
    6785         866 :                     benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6786             : 
    6787         866 :                     if ((p = strchr(optarg, '=')) == NULL || p == optarg || *(p + 1) == '\0')
    6788           2 :                         pg_fatal("invalid variable definition: \"%s\"", optarg);
    6789             : 
    6790         864 :                     *p++ = '\0';
    6791         864 :                     if (!putVariable(&state[0].variables, "option", optarg, p))
    6792           0 :                         exit(1);
    6793             :                 }
    6794         864 :                 break;
    6795         236 :             case 'f':
    6796         236 :                 weight = parseScriptWeight(optarg, &script);
    6797         236 :                 process_file(script, weight);
    6798         154 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6799         154 :                 break;
    6800           6 :             case 'F':
    6801           6 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6802           6 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-F/--fillfactor", 10, 100,
    6803             :                                       &fillfactor))
    6804           2 :                     exit(1);
    6805           4 :                 break;
    6806           2 :             case 'h':
    6807           2 :                 pghost = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6808           2 :                 break;
    6809          18 :             case 'i':
    6810          18 :                 is_init_mode = true;
    6811          18 :                 break;
    6812           8 :             case 'I':
    6813           8 :                 pg_free(initialize_steps);
    6814           8 :                 initialize_steps = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6815           8 :                 checkInitSteps(initialize_steps);
    6816           6 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6817           6 :                 break;
    6818           8 :             case 'j':           /* jobs */
    6819           8 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6820           8 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-j/--jobs", 1, INT_MAX,
    6821             :                                       &nthreads))
    6822             :                 {
    6823           2 :                     exit(1);
    6824             :                 }
    6825           6 :                 break;
    6826          14 :             case 'l':
    6827          14 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6828          14 :                 use_log = true;
    6829          14 :                 break;
    6830           6 :             case 'L':
    6831             :                 {
    6832           6 :                     double      limit_ms = atof(optarg);
    6833             : 
    6834           6 :                     if (limit_ms <= 0.0)
    6835           2 :                         pg_fatal("invalid latency limit: \"%s\"", optarg);
    6836           4 :                     benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6837           4 :                     latency_limit = (int64) (limit_ms * 1000);
    6838             :                 }
    6839           4 :                 break;
    6840         156 :             case 'M':
    6841         156 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6842         442 :                 for (querymode = 0; querymode < NUM_QUERYMODE; querymode++)
    6843         440 :                     if (strcmp(optarg, QUERYMODE[querymode]) == 0)
    6844         154 :                         break;
    6845         156 :                 if (querymode >= NUM_QUERYMODE)
    6846           2 :                     pg_fatal("invalid query mode (-M): \"%s\"", optarg);
    6847         154 :                 break;
    6848         176 :             case 'n':
    6849         176 :                 is_no_vacuum = true;
    6850         176 :                 break;
    6851           2 :             case 'N':
    6852           2 :                 process_builtin(findBuiltin("simple-update"), 1);
    6853           2 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6854           2 :                 internal_script_used = true;
    6855           2 :                 break;
    6856           2 :             case 'p':
    6857           2 :                 pgport = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6858           2 :                 break;
    6859           4 :             case 'P':
    6860           4 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6861           4 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-P/--progress", 1, INT_MAX,
    6862             :                                       &progress))
    6863           2 :                     exit(1);
    6864           2 :                 break;
    6865           2 :             case 'q':
    6866           2 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6867           2 :                 use_quiet = true;
    6868           2 :                 break;
    6869           4 :             case 'r':
    6870           4 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6871           4 :                 report_per_command = true;
    6872           4 :                 break;
    6873           6 :             case 'R':
    6874             :                 {
    6875             :                     /* get a double from the beginning of option value */
    6876           6 :                     double      throttle_value = atof(optarg);
    6877             : 
    6878           6 :                     benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6879             : 
    6880           6 :                     if (throttle_value <= 0.0)
    6881           2 :                         pg_fatal("invalid rate limit: \"%s\"", optarg);
    6882             :                     /* Invert rate limit into per-transaction delay in usec */
    6883           4 :                     throttle_delay = 1000000.0 / throttle_value;
    6884             :                 }
    6885           4 :                 break;
    6886           6 :             case 's':
    6887           6 :                 scale_given = true;
    6888           6 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-s/--scale", 1, INT_MAX,
    6889             :                                       &scale))
    6890           2 :                     exit(1);
    6891           4 :                 break;
    6892         268 :             case 'S':
    6893         268 :                 process_builtin(findBuiltin("select-only"), 1);
    6894         266 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6895         266 :                 internal_script_used = true;
    6896         266 :                 break;
    6897         198 :             case 't':
    6898         198 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6899         198 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-t/--transactions", 1, INT_MAX,
    6900             :                                       &nxacts))
    6901           2 :                     exit(1);
    6902         196 :                 break;
    6903          10 :             case 'T':
    6904          10 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6905          10 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "-T/--time", 1, INT_MAX,
    6906             :                                       &duration))
    6907           2 :                     exit(1);
    6908           8 :                 break;
    6909           2 :             case 'U':
    6910           2 :                 username = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6911           2 :                 break;
    6912           2 :             case 'v':
    6913           2 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6914           2 :                 do_vacuum_accounts = true;
    6915           2 :                 break;
    6916           4 :             case 1:             /* unlogged-tables */
    6917           4 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6918           4 :                 unlogged_tables = true;
    6919           4 :                 break;
    6920           2 :             case 2:             /* tablespace */
    6921           2 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6922           2 :                 tablespace = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6923           2 :                 break;
    6924           2 :             case 3:             /* index-tablespace */
    6925           2 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6926           2 :                 index_tablespace = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6927           2 :                 break;
    6928          10 :             case 4:             /* sampling-rate */
    6929          10 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6930          10 :                 sample_rate = atof(optarg);
    6931          10 :                 if (sample_rate <= 0.0 || sample_rate > 1.0)
    6932           2 :                     pg_fatal("invalid sampling rate: \"%s\"", optarg);
    6933           8 :                 break;
    6934          12 :             case 5:             /* aggregate-interval */
    6935          12 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6936          12 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "--aggregate-interval", 1, INT_MAX,
    6937             :                                       &agg_interval))
    6938           2 :                     exit(1);
    6939          10 :                 break;
    6940           4 :             case 6:             /* progress-timestamp */
    6941           4 :                 progress_timestamp = true;
    6942           4 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6943           4 :                 break;
    6944           8 :             case 7:             /* log-prefix */
    6945           8 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6946           8 :                 logfile_prefix = pg_strdup(optarg);
    6947           8 :                 break;
    6948           4 :             case 8:             /* foreign-keys */
    6949           4 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6950           4 :                 foreign_keys = true;
    6951           4 :                 break;
    6952           8 :             case 9:             /* random-seed */
    6953           8 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6954           8 :                 if (!set_random_seed(optarg))
    6955           2 :                     pg_fatal("error while setting random seed from --random-seed option");
    6956           6 :                 break;
    6957           2 :             case 10:            /* list */
    6958             :                 {
    6959           2 :                     const BuiltinScript *s = findBuiltin(optarg);
    6960             : 
    6961           2 :                     fprintf(stderr, "-- %s: %s\n%s\n", s->name, s->desc, s->script);
    6962           2 :                     exit(0);
    6963             :                 }
    6964             :                 break;
    6965           6 :             case 11:            /* partitions */
    6966           6 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6967           6 :                 if (!option_parse_int(optarg, "--partitions", 0, INT_MAX,
    6968             :                                       &partitions))
    6969           2 :                     exit(1);
    6970           4 :                 break;
    6971           6 :             case 12:            /* partition-method */
    6972           6 :                 initialization_option_set = true;
    6973           6 :                 if (pg_strcasecmp(optarg, "range") == 0)
    6974           0 :                     partition_method = PART_RANGE;
    6975           6 :                 else if (pg_strcasecmp(optarg, "hash") == 0)
    6976           4 :                     partition_method = PART_HASH;
    6977             :                 else
    6978           2 :                     pg_fatal("invalid partition method, expecting \"range\" or \"hash\", got: \"%s\"",
    6979             :                              optarg);
    6980           4 :                 break;
    6981           0 :             case 13:            /* failures-detailed */
    6982           0 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6983           0 :                 failures_detailed = true;
    6984           0 :                 break;
    6985           8 :             case 14:            /* max-tries */
    6986             :                 {
    6987           8 :                     int32       max_tries_arg = atoi(optarg);
    6988             : 
    6989           8 :                     if (max_tries_arg < 0)
    6990           2 :                         pg_fatal("invalid number of maximum tries: \"%s\"", optarg);
    6991             : 
    6992           6 :                     benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6993           6 :                     max_tries = (uint32) max_tries_arg;
    6994             :                 }
    6995           6 :                 break;
    6996           4 :             case 15:            /* verbose-errors */
    6997           4 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    6998           4 :                 verbose_errors = true;
    6999           4 :                 break;
    7000           2 :             case 16:            /* exit-on-abort */
    7001           2 :                 benchmarking_option_set = true;
    7002           2 :                 exit_on_abort = true;
    7003           2 :                 break;
    7004           4 :             case 17:            /* debug */
    7005           4 :                 pg_logging_increase_verbosity();
    7006           4 :                 break;
    7007           4 :             default:
    7008             :                 /* getopt_long already emitted a complaint */
    7009           4 :                 pg_log_error_hint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname);
    7010           4 :                 exit(1);
    7011             :         }
    7012             :     }
    7013             : 
    7014             :     /* set default script if none */
    7015         192 :     if (num_scripts == 0 && !is_init_mode)
    7016             :     {
    7017          22 :         process_builtin(findBuiltin("tpcb-like"), 1);
    7018          22 :         benchmarking_option_set = true;
    7019          22 :         internal_script_used = true;
    7020             :     }
    7021             : 
    7022             :     /* complete SQL command initialization and compute total weight */
    7023         392 :     for (i = 0; i < num_scripts; i++)
    7024             :     {
    7025         202 :         Command   **commands = sql_script[i].commands;
    7026             : 
    7027        1240 :         for (int j = 0; commands[j] != NULL; j++)
    7028        1040 :             if (commands[j]->type == SQL_COMMAND)
    7029         490 :                 postprocess_sql_command(commands[j]);
    7030             : 
    7031             :         /* cannot overflow: weight is 32b, total_weight 64b */
    7032         200 :         total_weight += sql_script[i].weight;
    7033             :     }
    7034             : 
    7035         190 :     if (total_weight == 0 && !is_init_mode)
    7036           2 :         pg_fatal("total script weight must not be zero");
    7037             : 
    7038             :     /* show per script stats if several scripts are used */
    7039         188 :     if (num_scripts > 1)
    7040           8 :         per_script_stats = true;
    7041             : 
    7042             :     /*
    7043             :      * Don't need more threads than there are clients.  (This is not merely an
    7044             :      * optimization; throttle_delay is calculated incorrectly below if some
    7045             :      * threads have no clients assigned to them.)
    7046             :      */
    7047         188 :     if (nthreads > nclients)
    7048           2 :         nthreads = nclients;
    7049             : 
    7050             :     /*
    7051             :      * Convert throttle_delay to a per-thread delay time.  Note that this
    7052             :      * might be a fractional number of usec, but that's OK, since it's just
    7053             :      * the center of a Poisson distribution of delays.
    7054             :      */
    7055         188 :     throttle_delay *= nthreads;
    7056             : 
    7057         188 :     if (dbName == NULL)
    7058             :     {
    7059         188 :         if (argc > optind)
    7060           2 :             dbName = argv[optind++];
    7061             :         else
    7062             :         {
    7063         186 :             if ((env = getenv("PGDATABASE")) != NULL && *env != '\0')
    7064         158 :                 dbName = env;
    7065          28 :             else if ((env = getenv("PGUSER")) != NULL && *env != '\0')
    7066           0 :                 dbName = env;
    7067             :             else
    7068          28 :                 dbName = get_user_name_or_exit(progname);
    7069             :         }
    7070             :     }
    7071             : 
    7072         188 :     if (optind < argc)
    7073             :     {
    7074           0 :         pg_log_error("too many command-line arguments (first is \"%s\")",
    7075             :                      argv[optind]);
    7076           0 :         pg_log_error_hint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname);
    7077           0 :         exit(1);
    7078             :     }
    7079             : 
    7080         188 :     if (is_init_mode)
    7081             :     {
    7082          10 :         if (benchmarking_option_set)
    7083           2 :             pg_fatal("some of the specified options cannot be used in initialization (-i) mode");
    7084             : 
    7085           8 :         if (partitions == 0 && partition_method != PART_NONE)
    7086           2 :             pg_fatal("--partition-method requires greater than zero --partitions");
    7087             : 
    7088             :         /* set default method */
    7089           6 :         if (partitions > 0 && partition_method == PART_NONE)
    7090           2 :             partition_method = PART_RANGE;
    7091             : 
    7092           6 :         if (initialize_steps == NULL)
    7093           2 :             initialize_steps = pg_strdup(DEFAULT_INIT_STEPS);
    7094             : 
    7095           6 :         if (is_no_vacuum)
    7096             :         {
    7097             :             /* Remove any vacuum step in initialize_steps */
    7098             :             char       *p;
    7099             : 
    7100           8 :             while ((p = strchr(initialize_steps, 'v')) != NULL)
    7101           6 :                 *p = ' ';
    7102             :         }
    7103             : 
    7104           6 :         if (foreign_keys)
    7105             :         {
    7106             :             /* Add 'f' to end of initialize_steps, if not already there */
    7107           4 :             if (strchr(initialize_steps, 'f') == NULL)
    7108             :             {
    7109             :                 initialize_steps = (char *)
    7110           4 :                     pg_realloc(initialize_steps,
    7111           4 :                                strlen(initialize_steps) + 2);
    7112           4 :                 strcat(initialize_steps, "f");
    7113             :             }
    7114             :         }
    7115             : 
    7116           6 :         runInitSteps(initialize_steps);
    7117           6 :         exit(0);
    7118             :     }
    7119             :     else
    7120             :     {
    7121         178 :         if (initialization_option_set)
    7122           4 :             pg_fatal("some of the specified options cannot be used in benchmarking mode");
    7123             :     }
    7124             : 
    7125         174 :     if (nxacts > 0 && duration > 0)
    7126           4 :         pg_fatal("specify either a number of transactions (-t) or a duration (-T), not both");
    7127             : 
    7128             :     /* Use DEFAULT_NXACTS if neither nxacts nor duration is specified. */
    7129         170 :     if (nxacts <= 0 && duration <= 0)
    7130          16 :         nxacts = DEFAULT_NXACTS;
    7131             : 
    7132             :     /* --sampling-rate may be used only with -l */
    7133         170 :     if (sample_rate > 0.0 && !use_log)
    7134           2 :         pg_fatal("log sampling (--sampling-rate) is allowed only when logging transactions (-l)");
    7135             : 
    7136             :     /* --sampling-rate may not be used with --aggregate-interval */
    7137         168 :     if (sample_rate > 0.0 && agg_interval > 0)
    7138           2 :         pg_fatal("log sampling (--sampling-rate) and aggregation (--aggregate-interval) cannot be used at the same time");
    7139             : 
    7140         166 :     if (agg_interval > 0 && !use_log)
    7141           2 :         pg_fatal("log aggregation is allowed only when actually logging transactions");
    7142             : 
    7143         164 :     if (!use_log && logfile_prefix)
    7144           2 :         pg_fatal("log file prefix (--log-prefix) is allowed only when logging transactions (-l)");
    7145             : 
    7146         162 :     if (duration > 0 && agg_interval > duration)
    7147           2 :         pg_fatal("number of seconds for aggregation (%d) must not be higher than test duration (%d)", agg_interval, duration);
    7148             : 
    7149         160 :     if (duration > 0 && agg_interval > 0 && duration % agg_interval != 0)
    7150           2 :         pg_fatal("duration (%d) must be a multiple of aggregation interval (%d)", duration, agg_interval);
    7151             : 
    7152         158 :     if (progress_timestamp && progress == 0)
    7153           2 :         pg_fatal("--progress-timestamp is allowed only under --progress");
    7154             : 
    7155         156 :     if (!max_tries)
    7156             :     {
    7157           2 :         if (!latency_limit && duration <= 0)
    7158           2 :             pg_fatal("an unlimited number of transaction tries can only be used with --latency-limit or a duration (-T)");
    7159             :     }
    7160             : 
    7161             :     /*
    7162             :      * save main process id in the global variable because process id will be
    7163             :      * changed after fork.
    7164             :      */
    7165         154 :     main_pid = (int) getpid();
    7166             : 
    7167         154 :     if (nclients > 1)
    7168             :     {
    7169          30 :         state = (CState *) pg_realloc(state, sizeof(CState) * nclients);
    7170          30 :         memset(state + 1, 0, sizeof(CState) * (nclients - 1));
    7171             : 
    7172             :         /* copy any -D switch values to all clients */
    7173         110 :         for (i = 1; i < nclients; i++)
    7174             :         {
    7175             :             int         j;
    7176             : 
    7177          80 :             state[i].id = i;
    7178          82 :             for (j = 0; j < state[0].variables.nvars; j++)
    7179             :             {
    7180           2 :                 Variable   *var = &state[0].variables.vars[j];
    7181             : 
    7182           2 :                 if (var->value.type != PGBT_NO_VALUE)
    7183             :                 {
    7184           0 :                     if (!putVariableValue(&state[i].variables, "startup",
    7185           0 :                                           var->name, &var->value))
    7186           0 :                         exit(1);
    7187             :                 }
    7188             :                 else
    7189             :                 {
    7190           2 :                     if (!putVariable(&state[i].variables, "startup",
    7191           2 :                                      var->name, var->svalue))
    7192           0 :                         exit(1);
    7193             :                 }
    7194             :             }
    7195             :         }
    7196             :     }
    7197             : 
    7198             :     /* other CState initializations */
    7199         388 :     for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    7200             :     {
    7201         234 :         state[i].cstack = conditional_stack_create();
    7202         234 :         initRandomState(&state[i].cs_func_rs);
    7203             :     }
    7204             : 
    7205             :     /* opening connection... */
    7206         154 :     con = doConnect();
    7207         154 :     if (con == NULL)
    7208           2 :         pg_fatal("could not create connection for setup");
    7209             : 
    7210             :     /* report pgbench and server versions */
    7211         152 :     printVersion(con);
    7212             : 
    7213         152 :     pg_log_debug("pghost: %s pgport: %s nclients: %d %s: %d dbName: %s",
    7214             :                  PQhost(con), PQport(con), nclients,
    7215             :                  duration <= 0 ? "nxacts" : "duration",
    7216             :                  duration <= 0 ? nxacts : duration, PQdb(con));
    7217             : 
    7218         152 :     if (internal_script_used)
    7219          14 :         GetTableInfo(con, scale_given);
    7220             : 
    7221             :     /*
    7222             :      * :scale variables normally get -s or database scale, but don't override
    7223             :      * an explicit -D switch
    7224             :      */
    7225         150 :     if (lookupVariable(&state[0].variables, "scale") == NULL)
    7226             :     {
    7227         380 :         for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    7228             :         {
    7229         230 :             if (!putVariableInt(&state[i].variables, "startup", "scale", scale))
    7230           0 :                 exit(1);
    7231             :         }
    7232             :     }
    7233             : 
    7234             :     /*
    7235             :      * Define a :client_id variable that is unique per connection. But don't
    7236             :      * override an explicit -D switch.
    7237             :      */
    7238         150 :     if (lookupVariable(&state[0].variables, "client_id") == NULL)
    7239             :     {
    7240         380 :         for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    7241         230 :             if (!putVariableInt(&state[i].variables, "startup", "client_id", i))
    7242           0 :                 exit(1);
    7243             :     }
    7244             : 
    7245             :     /* set default seed for hash functions */
    7246         150 :     if (lookupVariable(&state[0].variables, "default_seed") == NULL)
    7247             :     {
    7248         150 :         uint64      seed = pg_prng_uint64(&base_random_sequence);
    7249             : 
    7250         380 :         for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    7251         230 :             if (!putVariableInt(&state[i].variables, "startup", "default_seed",
    7252             :                                 (int64) seed))
    7253           0 :                 exit(1);
    7254             :     }
    7255             : 
    7256             :     /* set random seed unless overwritten */
    7257         150 :     if (lookupVariable(&state[0].variables, "random_seed") == NULL)
    7258             :     {
    7259         380 :         for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    7260         230 :             if (!putVariableInt(&state[i].variables, "startup", "random_seed",
    7261             :                                 random_seed))
    7262           0 :                 exit(1);
    7263             :     }
    7264             : 
    7265         150 :     if (!is_no_vacuum)
    7266             :     {
    7267          20 :         fprintf(stderr, "starting vacuum...");
    7268          20 :         tryExecuteStatement(con, "vacuum pgbench_branches");
    7269          20 :         tryExecuteStatement(con, "vacuum pgbench_tellers");
    7270          20 :         tryExecuteStatement(con, "truncate pgbench_history");
    7271          20 :         fprintf(stderr, "end.\n");
    7272             : 
    7273          20 :         if (do_vacuum_accounts)
    7274             :         {
    7275           0 :             fprintf(stderr, "starting vacuum pgbench_accounts...");
    7276           0 :             tryExecuteStatement(con, "vacuum analyze pgbench_accounts");
    7277           0 :             fprintf(stderr, "end.\n");
    7278             :         }
    7279             :     }
    7280         150 :     PQfinish(con);
    7281             : 
    7282             :     /* set up thread data structures */
    7283         150 :     threads = (TState *) pg_malloc(sizeof(TState) * nthreads);
    7284         150 :     nclients_dealt = 0;
    7285             : 
    7286         302 :     for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
    7287             :     {
    7288         152 :         TState     *thread = &threads[i];
    7289             : 
    7290         152 :         thread->tid = i;
    7291         152 :         thread->state = &state[nclients_dealt];
    7292         152 :         thread->nstate =
    7293         152 :             (nclients - nclients_dealt + nthreads - i - 1) / (nthreads - i);
    7294         152 :         initRandomState(&thread->ts_choose_rs);
    7295         152 :         initRandomState(&thread->ts_throttle_rs);
    7296         152 :         initRandomState(&thread->ts_sample_rs);
    7297         152 :         thread->logfile = NULL; /* filled in later */
    7298         152 :         thread->latency_late = 0;
    7299         152 :         initStats(&thread->stats, 0);
    7300             : 
    7301         152 :         nclients_dealt += thread->nstate;
    7302             :     }
    7303             : 
    7304             :     /* all clients must be assigned to a thread */
    7305             :     Assert(nclients_dealt == nclients);
    7306             : 
    7307             :     /* get start up time for the whole computation */
    7308         150 :     start_time = pg_time_now();
    7309             : 
    7310             :     /* set alarm if duration is specified. */
    7311         150 :     if (duration > 0)
    7312           0 :         setalarm(duration);
    7313             : 
    7314         150 :     errno = THREAD_BARRIER_INIT(&barrier, nthreads);
    7315         150 :     if (errno != 0)
    7316           0 :         pg_fatal("could not initialize barrier: %m");
    7317             : 
    7318             :     /* start all threads but thread 0 which is executed directly later */
    7319         152 :     for (i = 1; i < nthreads; i++)
    7320             :     {
    7321           2 :         TState     *thread = &threads[i];
    7322             : 
    7323           2 :         thread->create_time = pg_time_now();
    7324           2 :         errno = THREAD_CREATE(&thread->thread, threadRun, thread);
    7325             : 
    7326           2 :         if (errno != 0)
    7327           0 :             pg_fatal("could not create thread: %m");
    7328             :     }
    7329             : 
    7330             :     /* compute when to stop */
    7331         150 :     threads[0].create_time = pg_time_now();
    7332         150 :     if (duration > 0)
    7333           0 :         end_time = threads[0].create_time + (int64) 1000000 * duration;
    7334             : 
    7335             :     /* run thread 0 directly */
    7336         150 :     (void) threadRun(&threads[0]);
    7337             : 
    7338             :     /* wait for other threads and accumulate results */
    7339         148 :     initStats(&stats, 0);
    7340         148 :     conn_total_duration = 0;
    7341             : 
    7342         296 :     for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
    7343             :     {
    7344         148 :         TState     *thread = &threads[i];
    7345             : 
    7346         148 :         if (i > 0)
    7347           0 :             THREAD_JOIN(thread->thread);
    7348             : 
    7349         374 :         for (int j = 0; j < thread->nstate; j++)
    7350         226 :             if (thread->state[j].state != CSTATE_FINISHED)
    7351          94 :                 exit_code = 2;
    7352             : 
    7353             :         /* aggregate thread level stats */
    7354         148 :         mergeSimpleStats(&stats.latency, &thread->stats.latency);
    7355         148 :         mergeSimpleStats(&stats.lag, &thread->stats.lag);
    7356         148 :         stats.cnt += thread->stats.cnt;
    7357         148 :         stats.skipped += thread->stats.skipped;
    7358         148 :         stats.retries += thread->stats.retries;
    7359         148 :         stats.retried += thread->stats.retried;
    7360         148 :         stats.serialization_failures += thread->stats.serialization_failures;
    7361         148 :         stats.deadlock_failures += thread->stats.deadlock_failures;
    7362         148 :         latency_late += thread->latency_late;
    7363         148 :         conn_total_duration += thread->conn_duration;
    7364             : 
    7365             :         /* first recorded benchmarking start time */
    7366         148 :         if (bench_start == 0 || thread->bench_start < bench_start)
    7367         148 :             bench_start = thread->bench_start;
    7368             :     }
    7369             : 
    7370             :     /*
    7371             :      * All connections should be already closed in threadRun(), so this
    7372             :      * disconnect_all() will be a no-op, but clean up the connections just to
    7373             :      * be sure. We don't need to measure the disconnection delays here.
    7374             :      */
    7375         148 :     disconnect_all(state, nclients);
    7376             : 
    7377             :     /*
    7378             :      * Beware that performance of short benchmarks with many threads and
    7379             :      * possibly long transactions can be deceptive because threads do not
    7380             :      * start and finish at the exact same time. The total duration computed
    7381             :      * here encompasses all transactions so that tps shown is somehow slightly
    7382             :      * underestimated.
    7383             :      */
    7384         148 :     printResults(&stats, pg_time_now() - bench_start, conn_total_duration,
    7385             :                  bench_start - start_time, latency_late);
    7386             : 
    7387         148 :     THREAD_BARRIER_DESTROY(&barrier);
    7388             : 
    7389         148 :     if (exit_code != 0)
    7390          94 :         pg_log_error("Run was aborted; the above results are incomplete.");
    7391             : 
    7392         148 :     return exit_code;
    7393             : }
    7394             : 
    7395             : static THREAD_FUNC_RETURN_TYPE THREAD_FUNC_CC
    7396         152 : threadRun(void *arg)
    7397             : {
    7398         152 :     TState     *thread = (TState *) arg;
    7399         152 :     CState     *state = thread->state;
    7400             :     pg_time_usec_t start;
    7401         152 :     int         nstate = thread->nstate;
    7402         152 :     int         remains = nstate;   /* number of remaining clients */
    7403         152 :     socket_set *sockets = alloc_socket_set(nstate);
    7404             :     int64       thread_start,
    7405             :                 last_report,
    7406             :                 next_report;
    7407             :     StatsData   last,
    7408             :                 aggs;
    7409             : 
    7410             :     /* open log file if requested */
    7411         152 :     if (use_log)
    7412             :     {
    7413             :         char        logpath[MAXPGPATH];
    7414           4 :         char       *prefix = logfile_prefix ? logfile_prefix : "pgbench_log";
    7415             : 
    7416           4 :         if (thread->tid == 0)
    7417           4 :             snprintf(logpath, sizeof(logpath), "%s.%d", prefix, main_pid);
    7418             :         else
    7419           0 :             snprintf(logpath, sizeof(logpath), "%s.%d.%d", prefix, main_pid, thread->tid);
    7420             : 
    7421           4 :         thread->logfile = fopen(logpath, "w");
    7422             : 
    7423           4 :         if (thread->logfile == NULL)
    7424           0 :             pg_fatal("could not open logfile \"%s\": %m", logpath);
    7425             :     }
    7426             : 
    7427             :     /* explicitly initialize the state machines */
    7428         382 :     for (int i = 0; i < nstate; i++)
    7429         230 :         state[i].state = CSTATE_CHOOSE_SCRIPT;
    7430             : 
    7431             :     /* READY */
    7432         152 :     THREAD_BARRIER_WAIT(&barrier);
    7433             : 
    7434         152 :     thread_start = pg_time_now();
    7435         152 :     thread->started_time = thread_start;
    7436         152 :     thread->conn_duration = 0;
    7437         152 :     last_report = thread_start;
    7438         152 :     next_report = last_report + (int64) 1000000 * progress;
    7439             : 
    7440             :     /* STEADY */
    7441         152 :     if (!is_connect)
    7442             :     {
    7443             :         /* make connections to the database before starting */
    7444         364 :         for (int i = 0; i < nstate; i++)
    7445             :         {
    7446         216 :             if ((state[i].con = doConnect()) == NULL)
    7447             :             {
    7448             :                 /* coldly abort on initial connection failure */
    7449           0 :                 pg_fatal("could not create connection for client %d",
    7450             :                          state[i].id);
    7451             :             }
    7452             :         }
    7453             :     }
    7454             : 
    7455             :     /* GO */
    7456         152 :     THREAD_BARRIER_WAIT(&barrier);
    7457             : 
    7458         152 :     start = pg_time_now();
    7459         152 :     thread->bench_start = start;
    7460         152 :     thread->throttle_trigger = start;
    7461             : 
    7462             :     /*
    7463             :      * The log format currently has Unix epoch timestamps with whole numbers
    7464             :      * of seconds.  Round the first aggregate's start time down to the nearest
    7465             :      * Unix epoch second (the very first aggregate might really have started a
    7466             :      * fraction of a second later, but later aggregates are measured from the
    7467             :      * whole number time that is actually logged).
    7468             :      */
    7469         152 :     initStats(&aggs, (start + epoch_shift) / 1000000 * 1000000);
    7470         152 :     last = aggs;
    7471             : 
    7472             :     /* loop till all clients have terminated */
    7473       32320 :     while (remains > 0)
    7474             :     {
    7475             :         int         nsocks;     /* number of sockets to be waited for */
    7476             :         pg_time_usec_t min_usec;
    7477       32172 :         pg_time_usec_t now = 0; /* set this only if needed */
    7478             : 
    7479             :         /*
    7480             :          * identify which client sockets should be checked for input, and
    7481             :          * compute the nearest time (if any) at which we need to wake up.
    7482             :          */
    7483       32172 :         clear_socket_set(sockets);
    7484       32172 :         nsocks = 0;
    7485       32172 :         min_usec = PG_INT64_MAX;
    7486      144532 :         for (int i = 0; i < nstate; i++)
    7487             :         {
    7488      126602 :             CState     *st = &state[i];
    7489             : 
    7490      126602 :             if (st->state == CSTATE_SLEEP || st->state == CSTATE_THROTTLE)
    7491           6 :             {
    7492             :                 /* a nap from the script, or under throttling */
    7493             :                 pg_time_usec_t this_usec;
    7494             : 
    7495             :                 /* get current time if needed */
    7496           6 :                 pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    7497             : 
    7498             :                 /* min_usec should be the minimum delay across all clients */
    7499          12 :                 this_usec = (st->state == CSTATE_SLEEP ?
    7500           6 :                              st->sleep_until : st->txn_scheduled) - now;
    7501           6 :                 if (min_usec > this_usec)
    7502           6 :                     min_usec = this_usec;
    7503             :             }
    7504      126596 :             else if (st->state == CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT ||
    7505       22946 :                      st->state == CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT)
    7506      103652 :             {
    7507             :                 /*
    7508             :                  * waiting for result from server - nothing to do unless the
    7509             :                  * socket is readable
    7510             :                  */
    7511      103652 :                 int         sock = PQsocket(st->con);
    7512             : 
    7513      103652 :                 if (sock < 0)
    7514             :                 {
    7515           0 :                     pg_log_error("invalid socket: %s", PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    7516           2 :                     goto done;
    7517             :                 }
    7518             : 
    7519      103652 :                 add_socket_to_set(sockets, sock, nsocks++);
    7520             :             }
    7521       22944 :             else if (st->state != CSTATE_ABORTED &&
    7522       22944 :                      st->state != CSTATE_FINISHED)
    7523             :             {
    7524             :                 /*
    7525             :                  * This client thread is ready to do something, so we don't
    7526             :                  * want to wait.  No need to examine additional clients.
    7527             :                  */
    7528       14242 :                 min_usec = 0;
    7529       14242 :                 break;
    7530             :             }
    7531             :         }
    7532             : 
    7533             :         /* also wake up to print the next progress report on time */
    7534       32172 :         if (progress && min_usec > 0 && thread->tid == 0)
    7535             :         {
    7536           0 :             pg_time_now_lazy(&now);
    7537             : 
    7538           0 :             if (now >= next_report)
    7539           0 :                 min_usec = 0;
    7540           0 :             else if ((next_report - now) < min_usec)
    7541           0 :                 min_usec = next_report - now;
    7542             :         }
    7543             : 
    7544             :         /*
    7545             :          * If no clients are ready to execute actions, sleep until we receive
    7546             :          * data on some client socket or the timeout (if any) elapses.
    7547             :          */
    7548       32172 :         if (min_usec > 0)
    7549             :         {
    7550       17930 :             int         rc = 0;
    7551             : 
    7552       17930 :             if (min_usec != PG_INT64_MAX)
    7553             :             {
    7554           6 :                 if (nsocks > 0)
    7555             :                 {
    7556           0 :                     rc = wait_on_socket_set(sockets, min_usec);
    7557             :                 }
    7558             :                 else            /* nothing active, simple sleep */
    7559             :                 {
    7560           6 :                     pg_usleep(min_usec);
    7561             :                 }
    7562             :             }
    7563             :             else                /* no explicit delay, wait without timeout */
    7564             :             {
    7565       17924 :                 rc = wait_on_socket_set(sockets, 0);
    7566             :             }
    7567             : 
    7568       17928 :             if (rc < 0)
    7569             :             {
    7570           0 :                 if (errno == EINTR)
    7571             :                 {
    7572             :                     /* On EINTR, go back to top of loop */
    7573           0 :                     continue;
    7574             :                 }
    7575             :                 /* must be something wrong */
    7576           0 :                 pg_log_error("%s() failed: %m", SOCKET_WAIT_METHOD);
    7577           0 :                 goto done;
    7578             :             }
    7579             :         }
    7580             :         else
    7581             :         {
    7582             :             /* min_usec <= 0, i.e. something needs to be executed now */
    7583             : 
    7584             :             /* If we didn't wait, don't try to read any data */
    7585       14242 :             clear_socket_set(sockets);
    7586             :         }
    7587             : 
    7588             :         /* ok, advance the state machine of each connection */
    7589       32170 :         nsocks = 0;
    7590      187206 :         for (int i = 0; i < nstate; i++)
    7591             :         {
    7592      155038 :             CState     *st = &state[i];
    7593             : 
    7594      155038 :             if (st->state == CSTATE_WAIT_RESULT ||
    7595       27884 :                 st->state == CSTATE_WAIT_ROLLBACK_RESULT)
    7596       19818 :             {
    7597             :                 /* don't call advanceConnectionState unless data is available */
    7598      127156 :                 int         sock = PQsocket(st->con);
    7599             : 
    7600      127156 :                 if (sock < 0)
    7601             :                 {
    7602           0 :                     pg_log_error("invalid socket: %s", PQerrorMessage(st->con));
    7603           0 :                     goto done;
    7604             :                 }
    7605             : 
    7606      127156 :                 if (!socket_has_input(sockets, sock, nsocks++))
    7607      107338 :                     continue;
    7608             :             }
    7609       27882 :             else if (st->state == CSTATE_FINISHED ||
    7610       15472 :                      st->state == CSTATE_ABORTED)
    7611             :             {
    7612             :                 /* this client is done, no need to consider it anymore */
    7613       12410 :                 continue;
    7614             :             }
    7615             : 
    7616       35290 :             advanceConnectionState(thread, st, &aggs);
    7617             : 
    7618             :             /*
    7619             :              * If --exit-on-abort is used, the program is going to exit when
    7620             :              * any client is aborted.
    7621             :              */
    7622       35290 :             if (exit_on_abort && st->state == CSTATE_ABORTED)
    7623           2 :                 goto done;
    7624             : 
    7625             :             /*
    7626             :              * If advanceConnectionState changed client to finished state,
    7627             :              * that's one fewer client that remains.
    7628             :              */
    7629       35288 :             else if (st->state == CSTATE_FINISHED ||
    7630       35156 :                      st->state == CSTATE_ABORTED)
    7631         226 :                 remains--;
    7632             :         }
    7633             : 
    7634             :         /* progress report is made by thread 0 for all threads */
    7635       32168 :         if (progress && thread->tid == 0)
    7636             :         {
    7637           0 :             pg_time_usec_t now2 = pg_time_now();
    7638             : 
    7639           0 :             if (now2 >= next_report)
    7640             :             {
    7641             :                 /*
    7642             :                  * Horrible hack: this relies on the thread pointer we are
    7643             :                  * passed to be equivalent to threads[0], that is the first
    7644             :                  * entry of the threads array.  That is why this MUST be done
    7645             :                  * by thread 0 and not any other.
    7646             :                  */
    7647           0 :                 printProgressReport(thread, thread_start, now2,
    7648             :                                     &last, &last_report);
    7649             : 
    7650             :                 /*
    7651             :                  * Ensure that the next report is in the future, in case
    7652             :                  * pgbench/postgres got stuck somewhere.
    7653             :                  */
    7654             :                 do
    7655             :                 {
    7656           0 :                     next_report += (int64) 1000000 * progress;
    7657           0 :                 } while (now2 >= next_report);
    7658             :             }
    7659             :         }
    7660             :     }
    7661             : 
    7662         148 : done:
    7663         150 :     if (exit_on_abort)
    7664             :     {
    7665             :         /*
    7666             :          * Abort if any client is not finished, meaning some error occurred.
    7667             :          */
    7668           2 :         for (int i = 0; i < nstate; i++)
    7669             :         {
    7670           2 :             if (state[i].state != CSTATE_FINISHED)
    7671             :             {
    7672           2 :                 pg_log_error("Run was aborted due to an error in thread %d",
    7673             :                              thread->tid);
    7674           2 :                 exit(2);
    7675             :             }
    7676             :         }
    7677             :     }
    7678             : 
    7679         148 :     disconnect_all(state, nstate);
    7680             : 
    7681         148 :     if (thread->logfile)
    7682             :     {
    7683           4 :         if (agg_interval > 0)
    7684             :         {
    7685             :             /* log aggregated but not yet reported transactions */
    7686           0 :             doLog(thread, state, &aggs, false, 0, 0);
    7687             :         }
    7688           4 :         fclose(thread->logfile);
    7689           4 :         thread->logfile = NULL;
    7690             :     }
    7691         148 :     free_socket_set(sockets);
    7692         148 :     THREAD_FUNC_RETURN;
    7693             : }
    7694             : 
    7695             : static void
    7696         900 : finishCon(CState *st)
    7697             : {
    7698         900 :     if (st->con != NULL)
    7699             :     {
    7700         434 :         PQfinish(st->con);
    7701         434 :         st->con = NULL;
    7702             :     }
    7703         900 : }
    7704             : 
    7705             : /*
    7706             :  * Support for duration option: set timer_exceeded after so many seconds.
    7707             :  */
    7708             : 
    7709             : #ifndef WIN32
    7710             : 
    7711             : static void
    7712           0 : handle_sig_alarm(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    7713             : {
    7714           0 :     timer_exceeded = true;
    7715           0 : }
    7716             : 
    7717             : static void
    7718           0 : setalarm(int seconds)
    7719             : {
    7720           0 :     pqsignal(SIGALRM, handle_sig_alarm);
    7721           0 :     alarm(seconds);
    7722           0 : }
    7723             : 
    7724             : #else                           /* WIN32 */
    7725             : 
    7726             : static VOID CALLBACK
    7727             : win32_timer_callback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
    7728             : {
    7729             :     timer_exceeded = true;
    7730             : }
    7731             : 
    7732             : static void
    7733             : setalarm(int seconds)
    7734             : {
    7735             :     HANDLE      queue;
    7736             :     HANDLE      timer;
    7737             : 
    7738             :     /* This function will be called at most once, so we can cheat a bit. */
    7739             :     queue = CreateTimerQueue();
    7740             :     if (seconds > ((DWORD) -1) / 1000 ||
    7741             :         !CreateTimerQueueTimer(&timer, queue,
    7742             :                                win32_timer_callback, NULL, seconds * 1000, 0,
    7743             :                                WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE))
    7744             :         pg_fatal("failed to set timer");
    7745             : }
    7746             : 
    7747             : #endif                          /* WIN32 */
    7748             : 
    7749             : 
    7750             : /*
    7751             :  * These functions provide an abstraction layer that hides the syscall
    7752             :  * we use to wait for input on a set of sockets.
    7753             :  *
    7754             :  * Currently there are two implementations, based on ppoll(2) and select(2).
    7755             :  * ppoll() is preferred where available due to its typically higher ceiling
    7756             :  * on the number of usable sockets.  We do not use the more-widely-available
    7757             :  * poll(2) because it only offers millisecond timeout resolution, which could
    7758             :  * be problematic with high --rate settings.
    7759             :  *
    7760             :  * Function APIs:
    7761             :  *
    7762             :  * alloc_socket_set: allocate an empty socket set with room for up to
    7763             :  *      "count" sockets.
    7764             :  *
    7765             :  * free_socket_set: deallocate a socket set.
    7766             :  *
    7767             :  * clear_socket_set: reset a socket set to empty.
    7768             :  *
    7769             :  * add_socket_to_set: add socket with indicated FD to slot "idx" in the
    7770             :  *      socket set.  Slots must be filled in order, starting with 0.
    7771             :  *
    7772             :  * wait_on_socket_set: wait for input on any socket in set, or for timeout
    7773             :  *      to expire.  timeout is measured in microseconds; 0 means wait forever.
    7774             :  *      Returns result code of underlying syscall (>=0 if OK, else see errno).
    7775             :  *
    7776             :  * socket_has_input: after waiting, call this to see if given socket has
    7777             :  *      input.  fd and idx parameters should match some previous call to
    7778             :  *      add_socket_to_set.
    7779             :  *
    7780             :  * Note that wait_on_socket_set destructively modifies the state of the
    7781             :  * socket set.  After checking for input, caller must apply clear_socket_set
    7782             :  * and add_socket_to_set again before waiting again.
    7783             :  */
    7784             : 
    7785             : #ifdef POLL_USING_PPOLL
    7786             : 
    7787             : static socket_set *
    7788         152 : alloc_socket_set(int count)
    7789             : {
    7790             :     socket_set *sa;
    7791             : 
    7792         152 :     sa = (socket_set *) pg_malloc0(offsetof(socket_set, pollfds) +
    7793             :                                    sizeof(struct pollfd) * count);
    7794         152 :     sa->maxfds = count;
    7795         152 :     sa->curfds = 0;
    7796         152 :     return sa;
    7797             : }
    7798             : 
    7799             : static void
    7800         148 : free_socket_set(socket_set *sa)
    7801             : {
    7802         148 :     pg_free(sa);
    7803         148 : }
    7804             : 
    7805             : static void
    7806       46414 : clear_socket_set(socket_set *sa)
    7807             : {
    7808       46414 :     sa->curfds = 0;
    7809       46414 : }
    7810             : 
    7811             : static void
    7812      103652 : add_socket_to_set(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx)
    7813             : {
    7814             :     Assert(idx < sa->maxfds && idx == sa->curfds);
    7815      103652 :     sa->pollfds[idx].fd = fd;
    7816      103652 :     sa->pollfds[idx].events = POLLIN;
    7817      103652 :     sa->pollfds[idx].revents = 0;
    7818      103652 :     sa->curfds++;
    7819      103652 : }
    7820             : 
    7821             : static int
    7822       17924 : wait_on_socket_set(socket_set *sa, int64 usecs)
    7823             : {
    7824       17924 :     if (usecs > 0)
    7825             :     {
    7826             :         struct timespec timeout;
    7827             : 
    7828           0 :         timeout.tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
    7829           0 :         timeout.tv_nsec = (usecs % 1000000) * 1000;
    7830           0 :         return ppoll(sa->pollfds, sa->curfds, &timeout, NULL);
    7831             :     }
    7832             :     else
    7833             :     {
    7834       17924 :         return ppoll(sa->pollfds, sa->curfds, NULL, NULL);
    7835             :     }
    7836             : }
    7837             : 
    7838             : static bool
    7839      127156 : socket_has_input(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx)
    7840             : {
    7841             :     /*
    7842             :      * In some cases, threadRun will apply clear_socket_set and then try to
    7843             :      * apply socket_has_input anyway with arguments that it used before that,
    7844             :      * or might've used before that except that it exited its setup loop
    7845             :      * early.  Hence, if the socket set is empty, silently return false
    7846             :      * regardless of the parameters.  If it's not empty, we can Assert that
    7847             :      * the parameters match a previous call.
    7848             :      */
    7849      127156 :     if (sa->curfds == 0)
    7850       49090 :         return false;
    7851             : 
    7852             :     Assert(idx < sa->curfds && sa->pollfds[idx].fd == fd);
    7853       78066 :     return (sa->pollfds[idx].revents & POLLIN) != 0;
    7854             : }
    7855             : 
    7856             : #endif                          /* POLL_USING_PPOLL */
    7857             : 
    7858             : #ifdef POLL_USING_SELECT
    7859             : 
    7860             : static socket_set *
    7861             : alloc_socket_set(int count)
    7862             : {
    7863             :     return (socket_set *) pg_malloc0(sizeof(socket_set));
    7864             : }
    7865             : 
    7866             : static void
    7867             : free_socket_set(socket_set *sa)
    7868             : {
    7869             :     pg_free(sa);
    7870             : }
    7871             : 
    7872             : static void
    7873             : clear_socket_set(socket_set *sa)
    7874             : {
    7875             :     FD_ZERO(&sa->fds);
    7876             :     sa->maxfd = -1;
    7877             : }
    7878             : 
    7879             : static void
    7880             : add_socket_to_set(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx)
    7881             : {
    7882             :     /* See connect_slot() for background on this code. */
    7883             : #ifdef WIN32
    7884             :     if (sa->fds.fd_count + 1 >= FD_SETSIZE)
    7885             :     {
    7886             :         pg_log_error("too many concurrent database clients for this platform: %d",
    7887             :                      sa->fds.fd_count + 1);
    7888             :         exit(1);
    7889             :     }
    7890             : #else
    7891             :     if (fd < 0 || fd >= FD_SETSIZE)
    7892             :     {
    7893             :         pg_log_error("socket file descriptor out of range for select(): %d",
    7894             :                      fd);
    7895             :         pg_log_error_hint("Try fewer concurrent database clients.");
    7896             :         exit(1);
    7897             :     }
    7898             : #endif
    7899             :     FD_SET(fd, &sa->fds);
    7900             :     if (fd > sa->maxfd)
    7901             :         sa->maxfd = fd;
    7902             : }
    7903             : 
    7904             : static int
    7905             : wait_on_socket_set(socket_set *sa, int64 usecs)
    7906             : {
    7907             :     if (usecs > 0)
    7908             :     {
    7909             :         struct timeval timeout;
    7910             : 
    7911             :         timeout.tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
    7912             :         timeout.tv_usec = usecs % 1000000;
    7913             :         return select(sa->maxfd + 1, &sa->fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    7914             :     }
    7915             :     else
    7916             :     {
    7917             :         return select(sa->maxfd + 1, &sa->fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    7918             :     }
    7919             : }
    7920             : 
    7921             : static bool
    7922             : socket_has_input(socket_set *sa, int fd, int idx)
    7923             : {
    7924             :     return (FD_ISSET(fd, &sa->fds) != 0);
    7925             : }
    7926             : 
    7927             : #endif                          /* POLL_USING_SELECT */

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