Line data Source code
1 : /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : * guc.c
3 : *
4 : * Support for grand unified configuration scheme, including SET
5 : * command, configuration file, and command line options.
6 : *
7 : * This file contains the generic option processing infrastructure.
8 : * guc_funcs.c contains SQL-level functionality, including SET/SHOW
9 : * commands and various system-administration SQL functions.
10 : * guc_tables.c contains the arrays that define all the built-in
11 : * GUC variables. Code that implements variable-specific behavior
12 : * is scattered around the system in check, assign, and show hooks.
13 : *
14 : * See src/backend/utils/misc/README for more information.
15 : *
16 : *
17 : * Copyright (c) 2000-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
18 : * Written by Peter Eisentraut <>.
19 : *
21 : * src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
22 : *
23 : *--------------------------------------------------------------------
24 : */
25 : #include "postgres.h"
26 :
27 : #include <limits.h>
28 : #include <math.h>
29 : #include <sys/stat.h>
30 : #include <unistd.h>
31 :
32 : #include "access/xact.h"
33 : #include "access/xlog.h"
34 : #include "catalog/objectaccess.h"
35 : #include "catalog/pg_authid.h"
36 : #include "catalog/pg_parameter_acl.h"
37 : #include "guc_internal.h"
38 : #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
39 : #include "libpq/protocol.h"
40 : #include "miscadmin.h"
41 : #include "parser/scansup.h"
42 : #include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
43 : #include "storage/fd.h"
44 : #include "storage/lwlock.h"
45 : #include "storage/shmem.h"
46 : #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
47 : #include "utils/acl.h"
48 : #include "utils/builtins.h"
49 : #include "utils/conffiles.h"
50 : #include "utils/guc_tables.h"
51 : #include "utils/memutils.h"
52 : #include "utils/timestamp.h"
53 :
54 :
55 : #define CONFIG_FILENAME "postgresql.conf"
56 : #define HBA_FILENAME "pg_hba.conf"
57 : #define IDENT_FILENAME "pg_ident.conf"
58 :
59 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
60 : #define CONFIG_EXEC_PARAMS "global/config_exec_params"
61 : #define CONFIG_EXEC_PARAMS_NEW "global/"
62 : #endif
63 :
64 : /*
65 : * Precision with which REAL type guc values are to be printed for GUC
66 : * serialization.
67 : */
68 : #define REALTYPE_PRECISION 17
69 :
70 : /*
71 : * Safe search path when executing code as the table owner, such as during
72 : * maintenance operations.
73 : */
74 : #define GUC_SAFE_SEARCH_PATH "pg_catalog, pg_temp"
75 :
76 : static int GUC_check_errcode_value;
77 :
78 : static List *reserved_class_prefix = NIL;
79 :
80 : /* global variables for check hook support */
81 : char *GUC_check_errmsg_string;
82 : char *GUC_check_errdetail_string;
83 : char *GUC_check_errhint_string;
84 :
85 :
86 : /*
87 : * Unit conversion tables.
88 : *
89 : * There are two tables, one for memory units, and another for time units.
90 : * For each supported conversion from one unit to another, we have an entry
91 : * in the table.
92 : *
93 : * To keep things simple, and to avoid possible roundoff error,
94 : * conversions are never chained. There needs to be a direct conversion
95 : * between all units (of the same type).
96 : *
97 : * The conversions for each base unit must be kept in order from greatest to
98 : * smallest human-friendly unit; convert_xxx_from_base_unit() rely on that.
99 : * (The order of the base-unit groups does not matter.)
100 : */
101 : #define MAX_UNIT_LEN 3 /* length of longest recognized unit string */
102 :
103 : typedef struct
104 : {
105 : char unit[MAX_UNIT_LEN + 1]; /* unit, as a string, like "kB" or
106 : * "min" */
107 : int base_unit; /* GUC_UNIT_XXX */
108 : double multiplier; /* Factor for converting unit -> base_unit */
109 : } unit_conversion;
110 :
111 : /* Ensure that the constants in the tables don't overflow or underflow */
112 : #if BLCKSZ < 1024 || BLCKSZ > (1024*1024)
113 : #error BLCKSZ must be between 1KB and 1MB
114 : #endif
115 : #if XLOG_BLCKSZ < 1024 || XLOG_BLCKSZ > (1024*1024)
116 : #error XLOG_BLCKSZ must be between 1KB and 1MB
117 : #endif
118 :
119 : static const char *const memory_units_hint = gettext_noop("Valid units for this parameter are \"B\", \"kB\", \"MB\", \"GB\", and \"TB\".");
120 :
121 : static const unit_conversion memory_unit_conversion_table[] =
122 : {
123 : {"TB", GUC_UNIT_BYTE, 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0},
124 : {"GB", GUC_UNIT_BYTE, 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0},
125 : {"MB", GUC_UNIT_BYTE, 1024.0 * 1024.0},
126 : {"kB", GUC_UNIT_BYTE, 1024.0},
127 : {"B", GUC_UNIT_BYTE, 1.0},
128 :
129 : {"TB", GUC_UNIT_KB, 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0},
130 : {"GB", GUC_UNIT_KB, 1024.0 * 1024.0},
131 : {"MB", GUC_UNIT_KB, 1024.0},
132 : {"kB", GUC_UNIT_KB, 1.0},
133 : {"B", GUC_UNIT_KB, 1.0 / 1024.0},
134 :
135 : {"TB", GUC_UNIT_MB, 1024.0 * 1024.0},
136 : {"GB", GUC_UNIT_MB, 1024.0},
137 : {"MB", GUC_UNIT_MB, 1.0},
138 : {"kB", GUC_UNIT_MB, 1.0 / 1024.0},
139 : {"B", GUC_UNIT_MB, 1.0 / (1024.0 * 1024.0)},
140 :
141 : {"TB", GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS, (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) / (BLCKSZ / 1024)},
142 : {"GB", GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS, (1024.0 * 1024.0) / (BLCKSZ / 1024)},
143 : {"MB", GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS, 1024.0 / (BLCKSZ / 1024)},
144 : {"kB", GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS, 1.0 / (BLCKSZ / 1024)},
145 : {"B", GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS, 1.0 / BLCKSZ},
146 :
147 : {"TB", GUC_UNIT_XBLOCKS, (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) / (XLOG_BLCKSZ / 1024)},
148 : {"GB", GUC_UNIT_XBLOCKS, (1024.0 * 1024.0) / (XLOG_BLCKSZ / 1024)},
149 : {"MB", GUC_UNIT_XBLOCKS, 1024.0 / (XLOG_BLCKSZ / 1024)},
150 : {"kB", GUC_UNIT_XBLOCKS, 1.0 / (XLOG_BLCKSZ / 1024)},
152 :
153 : {""} /* end of table marker */
154 : };
155 :
156 : static const char *const time_units_hint = gettext_noop("Valid units for this parameter are \"us\", \"ms\", \"s\", \"min\", \"h\", and \"d\".");
157 :
158 : static const unit_conversion time_unit_conversion_table[] =
159 : {
160 : {"d", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24},
161 : {"h", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1000 * 60 * 60},
162 : {"min", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1000 * 60},
163 : {"s", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1000},
164 : {"ms", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1},
165 : {"us", GUC_UNIT_MS, 1.0 / 1000},
166 :
167 : {"d", GUC_UNIT_S, 60 * 60 * 24},
168 : {"h", GUC_UNIT_S, 60 * 60},
169 : {"min", GUC_UNIT_S, 60},
170 : {"s", GUC_UNIT_S, 1},
171 : {"ms", GUC_UNIT_S, 1.0 / 1000},
172 : {"us", GUC_UNIT_S, 1.0 / (1000 * 1000)},
173 :
174 : {"d", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 60 * 24},
175 : {"h", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 60},
176 : {"min", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 1},
177 : {"s", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 1.0 / 60},
178 : {"ms", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 1.0 / (1000 * 60)},
179 : {"us", GUC_UNIT_MIN, 1.0 / (1000 * 1000 * 60)},
180 :
181 : {""} /* end of table marker */
182 : };
183 :
184 : /*
185 : * To allow continued support of obsolete names for GUC variables, we apply
186 : * the following mappings to any unrecognized name. Note that an old name
187 : * should be mapped to a new one only if the new variable has very similar
188 : * semantics to the old.
189 : */
190 : static const char *const map_old_guc_names[] = {
191 : "sort_mem", "work_mem",
192 : "vacuum_mem", "maintenance_work_mem",
193 : "ssl_ecdh_curve", "ssl_groups",
194 : NULL
195 : };
196 :
197 :
198 : /* Memory context holding all GUC-related data */
199 : static MemoryContext GUCMemoryContext;
200 :
201 : /*
202 : * We use a dynahash table to look up GUCs by name, or to iterate through
203 : * all the GUCs. The gucname field is redundant with gucvar->name, but
204 : * dynahash makes it too painful to not store the hash key separately.
205 : */
206 : typedef struct
207 : {
208 : const char *gucname; /* hash key */
209 : struct config_generic *gucvar; /* -> GUC's defining structure */
210 : } GUCHashEntry;
211 :
212 : static HTAB *guc_hashtab; /* entries are GUCHashEntrys */
213 :
214 : /*
215 : * In addition to the hash table, variables having certain properties are
216 : * linked into these lists, so that we can find them without scanning the
217 : * whole hash table. In most applications, only a small fraction of the
218 : * GUCs appear in these lists at any given time. The usage of the stack
219 : * and report lists is stylized enough that they can be slists, but the
220 : * nondef list has to be a dlist to avoid O(N) deletes in common cases.
221 : */
222 : static dlist_head guc_nondef_list; /* list of variables that have source
223 : * different from PGC_S_DEFAULT */
224 : static slist_head guc_stack_list; /* list of variables that have non-NULL
225 : * stack */
226 : static slist_head guc_report_list; /* list of variables that have the
227 : * GUC_NEEDS_REPORT bit set in status */
228 :
229 : static bool reporting_enabled; /* true to enable GUC_REPORT */
230 :
231 : static int GUCNestLevel = 0; /* 1 when in main transaction */
232 :
233 :
234 : static int guc_var_compare(const void *a, const void *b);
235 : static uint32 guc_name_hash(const void *key, Size keysize);
236 : static int guc_name_match(const void *key1, const void *key2, Size keysize);
237 : static void InitializeGUCOptionsFromEnvironment(void);
238 : static void InitializeOneGUCOption(struct config_generic *gconf);
239 : static void RemoveGUCFromLists(struct config_generic *gconf);
240 : static void set_guc_source(struct config_generic *gconf, GucSource newsource);
241 : static void pg_timezone_abbrev_initialize(void);
242 : static void push_old_value(struct config_generic *gconf, GucAction action);
243 : static void ReportGUCOption(struct config_generic *record);
244 : static void set_config_sourcefile(const char *name, char *sourcefile,
245 : int sourceline);
246 : static void reapply_stacked_values(struct config_generic *variable,
247 : struct config_string *pHolder,
248 : GucStack *stack,
249 : const char *curvalue,
250 : GucContext curscontext, GucSource cursource,
251 : Oid cursrole);
252 : static bool validate_option_array_item(const char *name, const char *value,
253 : bool skipIfNoPermissions);
254 : static void write_auto_conf_file(int fd, const char *filename, ConfigVariable *head);
255 : static void replace_auto_config_value(ConfigVariable **head_p, ConfigVariable **tail_p,
256 : const char *name, const char *value);
257 : static bool valid_custom_variable_name(const char *name);
258 : static bool assignable_custom_variable_name(const char *name, bool skip_errors,
259 : int elevel);
260 : static void do_serialize(char **destptr, Size *maxbytes,
261 : const char *fmt,...) pg_attribute_printf(3, 4);
262 : static bool call_bool_check_hook(struct config_bool *conf, bool *newval,
263 : void **extra, GucSource source, int elevel);
264 : static bool call_int_check_hook(struct config_int *conf, int *newval,
265 : void **extra, GucSource source, int elevel);
266 : static bool call_real_check_hook(struct config_real *conf, double *newval,
267 : void **extra, GucSource source, int elevel);
268 : static bool call_string_check_hook(struct config_string *conf, char **newval,
269 : void **extra, GucSource source, int elevel);
270 : static bool call_enum_check_hook(struct config_enum *conf, int *newval,
271 : void **extra, GucSource source, int elevel);
272 :
273 :
274 : /*
275 : * This function handles both actual config file (re)loads and execution of
276 : * show_all_file_settings() (i.e., the pg_file_settings view). In the latter
277 : * case we don't apply any of the settings, but we make all the usual validity
278 : * checks, and we return the ConfigVariable list so that it can be printed out
279 : * by show_all_file_settings().
280 : */
281 : ConfigVariable *
282 4776 : ProcessConfigFileInternal(GucContext context, bool applySettings, int elevel)
283 : {
284 4776 : bool error = false;
285 4776 : bool applying = false;
286 : const char *ConfFileWithError;
287 : ConfigVariable *item,
288 : *head,
289 : *tail;
290 : HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
291 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
292 :
293 : /* Parse the main config file into a list of option names and values */
294 4776 : ConfFileWithError = ConfigFileName;
295 4776 : head = tail = NULL;
296 :
297 4776 : if (!ParseConfigFile(ConfigFileName, true,
298 : NULL, 0, CONF_FILE_START_DEPTH, elevel,
299 : &head, &tail))
300 : {
301 : /* Syntax error(s) detected in the file, so bail out */
302 0 : error = true;
303 0 : goto bail_out;
304 : }
305 :
306 : /*
307 : * Parse the PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file, if present, after the main file to
308 : * replace any parameters set by ALTER SYSTEM command. Because this file
309 : * is in the data directory, we can't read it until the DataDir has been
310 : * set.
311 : */
312 4776 : if (DataDir)
313 : {
314 2814 : if (!ParseConfigFile(PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME, false,
315 : NULL, 0, CONF_FILE_START_DEPTH, elevel,
316 : &head, &tail))
317 : {
318 : /* Syntax error(s) detected in the file, so bail out */
319 0 : error = true;
320 0 : ConfFileWithError = PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME;
321 0 : goto bail_out;
322 : }
323 : }
324 : else
325 : {
326 : /*
327 : * If DataDir is not set, the PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file cannot be
328 : * read. In this case, we don't want to accept any settings but
329 : * data_directory from postgresql.conf, because they might be
330 : * overwritten with settings in the PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file which
331 : * will be read later. OTOH, since data_directory isn't allowed in the
332 : * PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file, it will never be overwritten later.
333 : */
334 1962 : ConfigVariable *newlist = NULL;
335 :
336 : /*
337 : * Prune all items except the last "data_directory" from the list.
338 : */
339 53738 : for (item = head; item; item = item->next)
340 : {
341 51776 : if (!item->ignore &&
342 51776 : strcmp(item->name, "data_directory") == 0)
343 0 : newlist = item;
344 : }
345 :
346 1962 : if (newlist)
347 0 : newlist->next = NULL;
348 1962 : head = tail = newlist;
349 :
350 : /*
351 : * Quick exit if data_directory is not present in file.
352 : *
353 : * We need not do any further processing, in particular we don't set
354 : * PgReloadTime; that will be set soon by subsequent full loading of
355 : * the config file.
356 : */
357 1962 : if (head == NULL)
358 1962 : goto bail_out;
359 : }
360 :
361 : /*
362 : * Mark all extant GUC variables as not present in the config file. We
363 : * need this so that we can tell below which ones have been removed from
364 : * the file since we last processed it.
365 : */
366 2814 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
367 1120056 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
368 : {
369 1117242 : struct config_generic *gconf = hentry->gucvar;
370 :
371 1117242 : gconf->status &= ~GUC_IS_IN_FILE;
372 : }
373 :
374 : /*
375 : * Check if all the supplied option names are valid, as an additional
376 : * quasi-syntactic check on the validity of the config file. It is
377 : * important that the postmaster and all backends agree on the results of
378 : * this phase, else we will have strange inconsistencies about which
379 : * processes accept a config file update and which don't. Hence, unknown
380 : * custom variable names have to be accepted without complaint. For the
381 : * same reason, we don't attempt to validate the options' values here.
382 : *
383 : * In addition, the GUC_IS_IN_FILE flag is set on each existing GUC
384 : * variable mentioned in the file; and we detect duplicate entries in the
385 : * file and mark the earlier occurrences as ignorable.
386 : */
387 84600 : for (item = head; item; item = item->next)
388 : {
389 : struct config_generic *record;
390 :
391 : /* Ignore anything already marked as ignorable */
392 81786 : if (item->ignore)
393 0 : continue;
394 :
395 : /*
396 : * Try to find the variable; but do not create a custom placeholder if
397 : * it's not there already.
398 : */
399 81786 : record = find_option(item->name, false, true, elevel);
400 :
401 81786 : if (record)
402 : {
403 : /* If it's already marked, then this is a duplicate entry */
404 81728 : if (record->status & GUC_IS_IN_FILE)
405 : {
406 : /*
407 : * Mark the earlier occurrence(s) as dead/ignorable. We could
408 : * avoid the O(N^2) behavior here with some additional state,
409 : * but it seems unlikely to be worth the trouble.
410 : */
411 : ConfigVariable *pitem;
412 :
413 291094 : for (pitem = head; pitem != item; pitem = pitem->next)
414 : {
415 281914 : if (!pitem->ignore &&
416 250394 : strcmp(pitem->name, item->name) == 0)
417 9180 : pitem->ignore = true;
418 : }
419 : }
420 : /* Now mark it as present in file */
421 81728 : record->status |= GUC_IS_IN_FILE;
422 : }
423 58 : else if (!valid_custom_variable_name(item->name))
424 : {
425 : /* Invalid non-custom variable, so complain */
426 2 : ereport(elevel,
428 : errmsg("unrecognized configuration parameter \"%s\" in file \"%s\" line %d",
429 : item->name,
430 : item->filename, item->sourceline)));
431 2 : item->errmsg = pstrdup("unrecognized configuration parameter");
432 2 : error = true;
433 2 : ConfFileWithError = item->filename;
434 : }
435 : }
436 :
437 : /*
438 : * If we've detected any errors so far, we don't want to risk applying any
439 : * changes.
440 : */
441 2814 : if (error)
442 2 : goto bail_out;
443 :
444 : /* Otherwise, set flag that we're beginning to apply changes */
445 2812 : applying = true;
446 :
447 : /*
448 : * Check for variables having been removed from the config file, and
449 : * revert their reset values (and perhaps also effective values) to the
450 : * boot-time defaults. If such a variable can't be changed after startup,
451 : * report that and continue.
452 : */
453 2812 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
454 1119260 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
455 : {
456 1116448 : struct config_generic *gconf = hentry->gucvar;
457 : GucStack *stack;
458 :
459 1116448 : if (gconf->reset_source != PGC_S_FILE ||
460 25102 : (gconf->status & GUC_IS_IN_FILE))
461 1116444 : continue;
462 4 : if (gconf->context < PGC_SIGHUP)
463 : {
464 : /* The removal can't be effective without a restart */
465 0 : gconf->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
466 0 : ereport(elevel,
468 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
469 : gconf->name)));
470 0 : record_config_file_error(psprintf("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
471 : gconf->name),
472 : NULL, 0,
473 : &head, &tail);
474 0 : error = true;
475 0 : continue;
476 : }
477 :
478 : /* No more to do if we're just doing show_all_file_settings() */
479 4 : if (!applySettings)
480 0 : continue;
481 :
482 : /*
483 : * Reset any "file" sources to "default", else set_config_option will
484 : * not override those settings.
485 : */
486 4 : if (gconf->reset_source == PGC_S_FILE)
487 4 : gconf->reset_source = PGC_S_DEFAULT;
488 4 : if (gconf->source == PGC_S_FILE)
489 4 : set_guc_source(gconf, PGC_S_DEFAULT);
490 4 : for (stack = gconf->stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
491 : {
492 0 : if (stack->source == PGC_S_FILE)
493 0 : stack->source = PGC_S_DEFAULT;
494 : }
495 :
496 : /* Now we can re-apply the wired-in default (i.e., the boot_val) */
497 4 : if (set_config_option(gconf->name, NULL,
498 : context, PGC_S_DEFAULT,
499 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, 0, false) > 0)
500 : {
501 : /* Log the change if appropriate */
502 4 : if (context == PGC_SIGHUP)
503 4 : ereport(elevel,
504 : (errmsg("parameter \"%s\" removed from configuration file, reset to default",
505 : gconf->name)));
506 : }
507 : }
508 :
509 : /*
510 : * Restore any variables determined by environment variables or
511 : * dynamically-computed defaults. This is a no-op except in the case
512 : * where one of these had been in the config file and is now removed.
513 : *
514 : * In particular, we *must not* do this during the postmaster's initial
515 : * loading of the file, since the timezone functions in particular should
516 : * be run only after initialization is complete.
517 : *
518 : * XXX this is an unmaintainable crock, because we have to know how to set
519 : * (or at least what to call to set) every non-PGC_INTERNAL variable that
520 : * could potentially have PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT or PGC_S_ENV_VAR source.
521 : */
522 2812 : if (context == PGC_SIGHUP && applySettings)
523 : {
524 846 : InitializeGUCOptionsFromEnvironment();
525 846 : pg_timezone_abbrev_initialize();
526 : /* this selects SQL_ASCII in processes not connected to a database */
527 846 : SetConfigOption("client_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),
529 : }
530 :
531 : /*
532 : * Now apply the values from the config file.
533 : */
534 84566 : for (item = head; item; item = item->next)
535 : {
536 81756 : char *pre_value = NULL;
537 : int scres;
538 :
539 : /* Ignore anything marked as ignorable */
540 81756 : if (item->ignore)
541 9180 : continue;
542 :
543 : /* In SIGHUP cases in the postmaster, we want to report changes */
544 72576 : if (context == PGC_SIGHUP && applySettings && !IsUnderPostmaster)
545 : {
546 7408 : const char *preval = GetConfigOption(item->name, true, false);
547 :
548 : /* If option doesn't exist yet or is NULL, treat as empty string */
549 7408 : if (!preval)
550 2 : preval = "";
551 : /* must dup, else might have dangling pointer below */
552 7408 : pre_value = pstrdup(preval);
553 : }
554 :
555 72576 : scres = set_config_option(item->name, item->value,
556 : context, PGC_S_FILE,
557 : GUC_ACTION_SET, applySettings, 0, false);
558 72574 : if (scres > 0)
559 : {
560 : /* variable was updated, so log the change if appropriate */
561 62756 : if (pre_value)
562 : {
563 4686 : const char *post_value = GetConfigOption(item->name, true, false);
564 :
565 4686 : if (!post_value)
566 0 : post_value = "";
567 4686 : if (strcmp(pre_value, post_value) != 0)
568 188 : ereport(elevel,
569 : (errmsg("parameter \"%s\" changed to \"%s\"",
570 : item->name, item->value)));
571 : }
572 62756 : item->applied = true;
573 : }
574 9818 : else if (scres == 0)
575 : {
576 0 : error = true;
577 0 : item->errmsg = pstrdup("setting could not be applied");
578 0 : ConfFileWithError = item->filename;
579 : }
580 : else
581 : {
582 : /* no error, but variable's active value was not changed */
583 9818 : item->applied = true;
584 : }
585 :
586 : /*
587 : * We should update source location unless there was an error, since
588 : * even if the active value didn't change, the reset value might have.
589 : * (In the postmaster, there won't be a difference, but it does matter
590 : * in backends.)
591 : */
592 72574 : if (scres != 0 && applySettings)
593 72414 : set_config_sourcefile(item->name, item->filename,
594 : item->sourceline);
595 :
596 72574 : if (pre_value)
597 7408 : pfree(pre_value);
598 : }
599 :
600 : /* Remember when we last successfully loaded the config file. */
601 2810 : if (applySettings)
602 2804 : PgReloadTime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
603 :
604 6 : bail_out:
605 4774 : if (error && applySettings)
606 : {
607 : /* During postmaster startup, any error is fatal */
608 2 : if (context == PGC_POSTMASTER)
609 2 : ereport(ERROR,
611 : errmsg("configuration file \"%s\" contains errors",
612 : ConfFileWithError)));
613 0 : else if (applying)
614 0 : ereport(elevel,
616 : errmsg("configuration file \"%s\" contains errors; unaffected changes were applied",
617 : ConfFileWithError)));
618 : else
619 0 : ereport(elevel,
621 : errmsg("configuration file \"%s\" contains errors; no changes were applied",
622 : ConfFileWithError)));
623 : }
624 :
625 : /* Successful or otherwise, return the collected data list */
626 4772 : return head;
627 : }
628 :
629 :
630 : /*
631 : * Some infrastructure for GUC-related memory allocation
632 : *
633 : * These functions are generally modeled on libc's malloc/realloc/etc,
634 : * but any OOM issue is reported at the specified elevel.
635 : * (Thus, control returns only if that's less than ERROR.)
636 : */
637 : void *
638 1479666 : guc_malloc(int elevel, size_t size)
639 : {
640 : void *data;
641 :
642 1479666 : data = MemoryContextAllocExtended(GUCMemoryContext, size,
644 1479666 : if (unlikely(data == NULL))
645 0 : ereport(elevel,
646 : (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
647 : errmsg("out of memory")));
648 1479666 : return data;
649 : }
650 :
651 : void *
652 0 : guc_realloc(int elevel, void *old, size_t size)
653 : {
654 : void *data;
655 :
656 0 : if (old != NULL)
657 : {
658 : /* This is to help catch old code that malloc's GUC data. */
659 : Assert(GetMemoryChunkContext(old) == GUCMemoryContext);
660 0 : data = repalloc_extended(old, size,
662 : }
663 : else
664 : {
665 : /* Like realloc(3), but not like repalloc(), we allow old == NULL. */
666 0 : data = MemoryContextAllocExtended(GUCMemoryContext, size,
668 : }
669 0 : if (unlikely(data == NULL))
670 0 : ereport(elevel,
671 : (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
672 : errmsg("out of memory")));
673 0 : return data;
674 : }
675 :
676 : char *
677 1243290 : guc_strdup(int elevel, const char *src)
678 : {
679 : char *data;
680 1243290 : size_t len = strlen(src) + 1;
681 :
682 1243290 : data = guc_malloc(elevel, len);
683 1243290 : if (likely(data != NULL))
684 1243290 : memcpy(data, src, len);
685 1243290 : return data;
686 : }
687 :
688 : void
689 1378228 : guc_free(void *ptr)
690 : {
691 : /*
692 : * Historically, GUC-related code has relied heavily on the ability to do
693 : * free(NULL), so we allow that here even though pfree() doesn't.
694 : */
695 1378228 : if (ptr != NULL)
696 : {
697 : /* This is to help catch old code that malloc's GUC data. */
698 : Assert(GetMemoryChunkContext(ptr) == GUCMemoryContext);
699 801160 : pfree(ptr);
700 : }
701 1378228 : }
702 :
703 :
704 : /*
705 : * Detect whether strval is referenced anywhere in a GUC string item
706 : */
707 : static bool
708 1809652 : string_field_used(struct config_string *conf, char *strval)
709 : {
710 : GucStack *stack;
711 :
712 1809652 : if (strval == *(conf->variable) ||
713 1003002 : strval == conf->reset_val ||
714 577038 : strval == conf->boot_val)
715 1232614 : return true;
716 884122 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
717 : {
718 390084 : if (strval == stack->prior.val.stringval ||
719 307090 : strval == stack->masked.val.stringval)
720 83000 : return true;
721 : }
722 494038 : return false;
723 : }
724 :
725 : /*
726 : * Support for assigning to a field of a string GUC item. Free the prior
727 : * value if it's not referenced anywhere else in the item (including stacked
728 : * states).
729 : */
730 : static void
731 1895440 : set_string_field(struct config_string *conf, char **field, char *newval)
732 : {
733 1895440 : char *oldval = *field;
734 :
735 : /* Do the assignment */
736 1895440 : *field = newval;
737 :
738 : /* Free old value if it's not NULL and isn't referenced anymore */
739 1895440 : if (oldval && !string_field_used(conf, oldval))
740 490856 : guc_free(oldval);
741 1895440 : }
742 :
743 : /*
744 : * Detect whether an "extra" struct is referenced anywhere in a GUC item
745 : */
746 : static bool
747 379004 : extra_field_used(struct config_generic *gconf, void *extra)
748 : {
749 : GucStack *stack;
750 :
751 379004 : if (extra == gconf->extra)
752 153306 : return true;
753 225698 : switch (gconf->vartype)
754 : {
755 0 : case PGC_BOOL:
756 0 : if (extra == ((struct config_bool *) gconf)->reset_extra)
757 0 : return true;
758 0 : break;
759 0 : case PGC_INT:
760 0 : if (extra == ((struct config_int *) gconf)->reset_extra)
761 0 : return true;
762 0 : break;
763 0 : case PGC_REAL:
764 0 : if (extra == ((struct config_real *) gconf)->reset_extra)
765 0 : return true;
766 0 : break;
767 225698 : case PGC_STRING:
768 225698 : if (extra == ((struct config_string *) gconf)->reset_extra)
769 110606 : return true;
770 115092 : break;
771 0 : case PGC_ENUM:
772 0 : if (extra == ((struct config_enum *) gconf)->reset_extra)
773 0 : return true;
774 0 : break;
775 : }
776 129658 : for (stack = gconf->stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
777 : {
778 20510 : if (extra == stack->prior.extra ||
779 14572 : extra == stack->masked.extra)
780 5944 : return true;
781 : }
782 :
783 109148 : return false;
784 : }
785 :
786 : /*
787 : * Support for assigning to an "extra" field of a GUC item. Free the prior
788 : * value if it's not referenced anywhere else in the item (including stacked
789 : * states).
790 : */
791 : static void
792 2594928 : set_extra_field(struct config_generic *gconf, void **field, void *newval)
793 : {
794 2594928 : void *oldval = *field;
795 :
796 : /* Do the assignment */
797 2594928 : *field = newval;
798 :
799 : /* Free old value if it's not NULL and isn't referenced anymore */
800 2594928 : if (oldval && !extra_field_used(gconf, oldval))
801 108684 : guc_free(oldval);
802 2594928 : }
803 :
804 : /*
805 : * Support for copying a variable's active value into a stack entry.
806 : * The "extra" field associated with the active value is copied, too.
807 : *
808 : * NB: be sure stringval and extra fields of a new stack entry are
809 : * initialized to NULL before this is used, else we'll try to guc_free() them.
810 : */
811 : static void
812 347722 : set_stack_value(struct config_generic *gconf, config_var_value *val)
813 : {
814 347722 : switch (gconf->vartype)
815 : {
816 16896 : case PGC_BOOL:
817 16896 : val->val.boolval =
818 16896 : *((struct config_bool *) gconf)->variable;
819 16896 : break;
820 20348 : case PGC_INT:
821 20348 : val->val.intval =
822 20348 : *((struct config_int *) gconf)->variable;
823 20348 : break;
824 8228 : case PGC_REAL:
825 8228 : val->val.realval =
826 8228 : *((struct config_real *) gconf)->variable;
827 8228 : break;
828 283108 : case PGC_STRING:
829 283108 : set_string_field((struct config_string *) gconf,
830 : &(val->val.stringval),
831 283108 : *((struct config_string *) gconf)->variable);
832 283108 : break;
833 19142 : case PGC_ENUM:
834 19142 : val->val.enumval =
835 19142 : *((struct config_enum *) gconf)->variable;
836 19142 : break;
837 : }
838 347722 : set_extra_field(gconf, &(val->extra), gconf->extra);
839 347722 : }
840 :
841 : /*
842 : * Support for discarding a no-longer-needed value in a stack entry.
843 : * The "extra" field associated with the stack entry is cleared, too.
844 : */
845 : static void
846 50388 : discard_stack_value(struct config_generic *gconf, config_var_value *val)
847 : {
848 50388 : switch (gconf->vartype)
849 : {
850 34086 : case PGC_BOOL:
851 : case PGC_INT:
852 : case PGC_REAL:
853 : case PGC_ENUM:
854 : /* no need to do anything */
855 34086 : break;
856 16302 : case PGC_STRING:
857 16302 : set_string_field((struct config_string *) gconf,
858 : &(val->val.stringval),
859 : NULL);
860 16302 : break;
861 : }
862 50388 : set_extra_field(gconf, &(val->extra), NULL);
863 50388 : }
864 :
865 :
866 : /*
867 : * Fetch a palloc'd, sorted array of GUC struct pointers
868 : *
869 : * The array length is returned into *num_vars.
870 : */
871 : struct config_generic **
872 3422 : get_guc_variables(int *num_vars)
873 : {
874 : struct config_generic **result;
875 : HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
876 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
877 : int i;
878 :
879 3422 : *num_vars = hash_get_num_entries(guc_hashtab);
880 3422 : result = palloc(sizeof(struct config_generic *) * *num_vars);
881 :
882 : /* Extract pointers from the hash table */
883 3422 : i = 0;
884 3422 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
885 1377024 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
886 1373602 : result[i++] = hentry->gucvar;
887 : Assert(i == *num_vars);
888 :
889 : /* Sort by name */
890 3422 : qsort(result, *num_vars,
891 : sizeof(struct config_generic *), guc_var_compare);
892 :
893 3422 : return result;
894 : }
895 :
896 :
897 : /*
898 : * Build the GUC hash table. This is split out so that help_config.c can
899 : * extract all the variables without running all of InitializeGUCOptions.
900 : * It's not meant for use anyplace else.
901 : */
902 : void
903 2012 : build_guc_variables(void)
904 : {
905 : int size_vars;
906 2012 : int num_vars = 0;
907 : HASHCTL hash_ctl;
908 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
909 : bool found;
910 : int i;
911 :
912 : /*
913 : * Create the memory context that will hold all GUC-related data.
914 : */
915 : Assert(GUCMemoryContext == NULL);
916 2012 : GUCMemoryContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
917 : "GUCMemoryContext",
919 :
920 : /*
921 : * Count all the built-in variables, and set their vartypes correctly.
922 : */
923 235404 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesBool[i]; i++)
924 : {
925 233392 : struct config_bool *conf = &ConfigureNamesBool[i];
926 :
927 : /* Rather than requiring vartype to be filled in by hand, do this: */
928 233392 : conf->gen.vartype = PGC_BOOL;
929 233392 : num_vars++;
930 : }
931 :
932 289728 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesInt[i]; i++)
933 : {
934 287716 : struct config_int *conf = &ConfigureNamesInt[i];
935 :
936 287716 : conf->gen.vartype = PGC_INT;
937 287716 : num_vars++;
938 : }
939 :
940 54324 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesReal[i]; i++)
941 : {
942 52312 : struct config_real *conf = &ConfigureNamesReal[i];
943 :
944 52312 : conf->gen.vartype = PGC_REAL;
945 52312 : num_vars++;
946 : }
947 :
948 150900 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesString[i]; i++)
949 : {
950 148888 : struct config_string *conf = &ConfigureNamesString[i];
951 :
952 148888 : conf->gen.vartype = PGC_STRING;
953 148888 : num_vars++;
954 : }
955 :
956 78468 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesEnum[i]; i++)
957 : {
958 76456 : struct config_enum *conf = &ConfigureNamesEnum[i];
959 :
960 76456 : conf->gen.vartype = PGC_ENUM;
961 76456 : num_vars++;
962 : }
963 :
964 : /*
965 : * Create hash table with 20% slack
966 : */
967 2012 : size_vars = num_vars + num_vars / 4;
968 :
969 2012 : hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(char *);
970 2012 : hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(GUCHashEntry);
971 2012 : hash_ctl.hash = guc_name_hash;
972 2012 : hash_ctl.match = guc_name_match;
973 2012 : hash_ctl.hcxt = GUCMemoryContext;
974 2012 : guc_hashtab = hash_create("GUC hash table",
975 : size_vars,
976 : &hash_ctl,
978 :
979 235404 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesBool[i]; i++)
980 : {
981 233392 : struct config_generic *gucvar = &ConfigureNamesBool[i].gen;
982 :
983 233392 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
984 233392 : &gucvar->name,
986 : &found);
987 : Assert(!found);
988 233392 : hentry->gucvar = gucvar;
989 : }
990 :
991 289728 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesInt[i]; i++)
992 : {
993 287716 : struct config_generic *gucvar = &ConfigureNamesInt[i].gen;
994 :
995 287716 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
996 287716 : &gucvar->name,
998 : &found);
999 : Assert(!found);
1000 287716 : hentry->gucvar = gucvar;
1001 : }
1002 :
1003 54324 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesReal[i]; i++)
1004 : {
1005 52312 : struct config_generic *gucvar = &ConfigureNamesReal[i].gen;
1006 :
1007 52312 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
1008 52312 : &gucvar->name,
1009 : HASH_ENTER,
1010 : &found);
1011 : Assert(!found);
1012 52312 : hentry->gucvar = gucvar;
1013 : }
1014 :
1015 150900 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesString[i]; i++)
1016 : {
1017 148888 : struct config_generic *gucvar = &ConfigureNamesString[i].gen;
1018 :
1019 148888 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
1020 148888 : &gucvar->name,
1021 : HASH_ENTER,
1022 : &found);
1023 : Assert(!found);
1024 148888 : hentry->gucvar = gucvar;
1025 : }
1026 :
1027 78468 : for (i = 0; ConfigureNamesEnum[i]; i++)
1028 : {
1029 76456 : struct config_generic *gucvar = &ConfigureNamesEnum[i].gen;
1030 :
1031 76456 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
1032 76456 : &gucvar->name,
1033 : HASH_ENTER,
1034 : &found);
1035 : Assert(!found);
1036 76456 : hentry->gucvar = gucvar;
1037 : }
1038 :
1039 : Assert(num_vars == hash_get_num_entries(guc_hashtab));
1040 2012 : }
1041 :
1042 : /*
1043 : * Add a new GUC variable to the hash of known variables. The
1044 : * hash is expanded if needed.
1045 : */
1046 : static bool
1047 18380 : add_guc_variable(struct config_generic *var, int elevel)
1048 : {
1049 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
1050 : bool found;
1051 :
1052 18380 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
1053 18380 : &var->name,
1055 : &found);
1056 18380 : if (unlikely(hentry == NULL))
1057 : {
1058 0 : ereport(elevel,
1059 : (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
1060 : errmsg("out of memory")));
1061 0 : return false; /* out of memory */
1062 : }
1063 : Assert(!found);
1064 18380 : hentry->gucvar = var;
1065 18380 : return true;
1066 : }
1067 :
1068 : /*
1069 : * Decide whether a proposed custom variable name is allowed.
1070 : *
1071 : * It must be two or more identifiers separated by dots, where the rules
1072 : * for what is an identifier agree with scan.l. (If you change this rule,
1073 : * adjust the errdetail in assignable_custom_variable_name().)
1074 : */
1075 : static bool
1076 198 : valid_custom_variable_name(const char *name)
1077 : {
1078 198 : bool saw_sep = false;
1079 198 : bool name_start = true;
1080 :
1081 4048 : for (const char *p = name; *p; p++)
1082 : {
1083 3862 : if (*p == GUC_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR)
1084 : {
1085 208 : if (name_start)
1086 0 : return false; /* empty name component */
1087 208 : saw_sep = true;
1088 208 : name_start = true;
1089 : }
1090 3654 : else if (strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
1091 3654 : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_", *p) != NULL ||
1092 16 : IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*p))
1093 : {
1094 : /* okay as first or non-first character */
1095 3638 : name_start = false;
1096 : }
1097 16 : else if (!name_start && strchr("0123456789$", *p) != NULL)
1098 : /* okay as non-first character */ ;
1099 : else
1100 12 : return false;
1101 : }
1102 186 : if (name_start)
1103 0 : return false; /* empty name component */
1104 : /* OK if we found at least one separator */
1105 186 : return saw_sep;
1106 : }
1107 :
1108 : /*
1109 : * Decide whether an unrecognized variable name is allowed to be SET.
1110 : *
1111 : * It must pass the syntactic rules of valid_custom_variable_name(),
1112 : * and it must not be in any namespace already reserved by an extension.
1113 : * (We make this separate from valid_custom_variable_name() because we don't
1114 : * apply the reserved-namespace test when reading configuration files.)
1115 : *
1116 : * If valid, return true. Otherwise, return false if skip_errors is true,
1117 : * else throw a suitable error at the specified elevel (and return false
1118 : * if that's less than ERROR).
1119 : */
1120 : static bool
1121 196 : assignable_custom_variable_name(const char *name, bool skip_errors, int elevel)
1122 : {
1123 : /* If there's no separator, it can't be a custom variable */
1124 196 : const char *sep = strchr(name, GUC_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR);
1125 :
1126 196 : if (sep != NULL)
1127 : {
1128 140 : size_t classLen = sep - name;
1129 : ListCell *lc;
1130 :
1131 : /* The name must be syntactically acceptable ... */
1132 140 : if (!valid_custom_variable_name(name))
1133 : {
1134 12 : if (!skip_errors)
1135 12 : ereport(elevel,
1136 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_NAME),
1137 : errmsg("invalid configuration parameter name \"%s\"",
1138 : name),
1139 : errdetail("Custom parameter names must be two or more simple identifiers separated by dots.")));
1140 0 : return false;
1141 : }
1142 : /* ... and it must not match any previously-reserved prefix */
1143 148 : foreach(lc, reserved_class_prefix)
1144 : {
1145 26 : const char *rcprefix = lfirst(lc);
1146 :
1147 26 : if (strlen(rcprefix) == classLen &&
1148 6 : strncmp(name, rcprefix, classLen) == 0)
1149 : {
1150 6 : if (!skip_errors)
1151 6 : ereport(elevel,
1152 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_NAME),
1153 : errmsg("invalid configuration parameter name \"%s\"",
1154 : name),
1155 : errdetail("\"%s\" is a reserved prefix.",
1156 : rcprefix)));
1157 0 : return false;
1158 : }
1159 : }
1160 : /* OK to create it */
1161 122 : return true;
1162 : }
1163 :
1164 : /* Unrecognized single-part name */
1165 56 : if (!skip_errors)
1166 56 : ereport(elevel,
1168 : errmsg("unrecognized configuration parameter \"%s\"",
1169 : name)));
1170 0 : return false;
1171 : }
1172 :
1173 : /*
1174 : * Create and add a placeholder variable for a custom variable name.
1175 : */
1176 : static struct config_generic *
1177 108 : add_placeholder_variable(const char *name, int elevel)
1178 : {
1179 108 : size_t sz = sizeof(struct config_string) + sizeof(char *);
1180 : struct config_string *var;
1181 : struct config_generic *gen;
1182 :
1183 108 : var = (struct config_string *) guc_malloc(elevel, sz);
1184 108 : if (var == NULL)
1185 0 : return NULL;
1186 108 : memset(var, 0, sz);
1187 108 : gen = &var->gen;
1188 :
1189 108 : gen->name = guc_strdup(elevel, name);
1190 108 : if (gen->name == NULL)
1191 : {
1192 0 : guc_free(var);
1193 0 : return NULL;
1194 : }
1195 :
1196 108 : gen->context = PGC_USERSET;
1197 108 : gen->group = CUSTOM_OPTIONS;
1198 108 : gen->short_desc = "GUC placeholder variable";
1200 108 : gen->vartype = PGC_STRING;
1201 :
1202 : /*
1203 : * The char* is allocated at the end of the struct since we have no
1204 : * 'static' place to point to. Note that the current value, as well as
1205 : * the boot and reset values, start out NULL.
1206 : */
1207 108 : var->variable = (char **) (var + 1);
1208 :
1209 108 : if (!add_guc_variable((struct config_generic *) var, elevel))
1210 : {
1211 0 : guc_free(unconstify(char *, gen->name));
1212 0 : guc_free(var);
1213 0 : return NULL;
1214 : }
1215 :
1216 108 : return gen;
1217 : }
1218 :
1219 : /*
1220 : * Look up option "name". If it exists, return a pointer to its record.
1221 : * Otherwise, if create_placeholders is true and name is a valid-looking
1222 : * custom variable name, we'll create and return a placeholder record.
1223 : * Otherwise, if skip_errors is true, then we silently return NULL for
1224 : * an unrecognized or invalid name. Otherwise, the error is reported at
1225 : * error level elevel (and we return NULL if that's less than ERROR).
1226 : *
1227 : * Note: internal errors, primarily out-of-memory, draw an elevel-level
1228 : * report and NULL return regardless of skip_errors. Hence, callers must
1229 : * handle a NULL return whenever elevel < ERROR, but they should not need
1230 : * to emit any additional error message. (In practice, internal errors
1231 : * can only happen when create_placeholders is true, so callers passing
1232 : * false need not think terribly hard about this.)
1233 : */
1234 : struct config_generic *
1235 1116926 : find_option(const char *name, bool create_placeholders, bool skip_errors,
1236 : int elevel)
1237 : {
1238 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
1239 : int i;
1240 :
1241 : Assert(name);
1242 :
1243 : /* Look it up using the hash table. */
1244 1116926 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
1245 : &name,
1246 : HASH_FIND,
1247 : NULL);
1248 1116926 : if (hentry)
1249 1116558 : return hentry->gucvar;
1250 :
1251 : /*
1252 : * See if the name is an obsolete name for a variable. We assume that the
1253 : * set of supported old names is short enough that a brute-force search is
1254 : * the best way.
1255 : */
1256 1472 : for (i = 0; map_old_guc_names[i] != NULL; i += 2)
1257 : {
1258 1104 : if (guc_name_compare(name, map_old_guc_names[i]) == 0)
1259 0 : return find_option(map_old_guc_names[i + 1], false,
1260 : skip_errors, elevel);
1261 : }
1262 :
1263 368 : if (create_placeholders)
1264 : {
1265 : /*
1266 : * Check if the name is valid, and if so, add a placeholder.
1267 : */
1268 180 : if (assignable_custom_variable_name(name, skip_errors, elevel))
1269 108 : return add_placeholder_variable(name, elevel);
1270 : else
1271 0 : return NULL; /* error message, if any, already emitted */
1272 : }
1273 :
1274 : /* Unknown name and we're not supposed to make a placeholder */
1275 188 : if (!skip_errors)
1276 38 : ereport(elevel,
1278 : errmsg("unrecognized configuration parameter \"%s\"",
1279 : name)));
1280 150 : return NULL;
1281 : }
1282 :
1283 :
1284 : /*
1285 : * comparator for qsorting an array of GUC pointers
1286 : */
1287 : static int
1288 11929724 : guc_var_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
1289 : {
1290 11929724 : const char *namea = **(const char **const *) a;
1291 11929724 : const char *nameb = **(const char **const *) b;
1292 :
1293 11929724 : return guc_name_compare(namea, nameb);
1294 : }
1295 :
1296 : /*
1297 : * the bare comparison function for GUC names
1298 : */
1299 : int
1300 13529484 : guc_name_compare(const char *namea, const char *nameb)
1301 : {
1302 : /*
1303 : * The temptation to use strcasecmp() here must be resisted, because the
1304 : * hash mapping has to remain stable across setlocale() calls. So, build
1305 : * our own with a simple ASCII-only downcasing.
1306 : */
1307 56045258 : while (*namea && *nameb)
1308 : {
1309 54801266 : char cha = *namea++;
1310 54801266 : char chb = *nameb++;
1311 :
1312 54801266 : if (cha >= 'A' && cha <= 'Z')
1313 244750 : cha += 'a' - 'A';
1314 54801266 : if (chb >= 'A' && chb <= 'Z')
1315 34040 : chb += 'a' - 'A';
1316 54801266 : if (cha != chb)
1317 12285492 : return cha - chb;
1318 : }
1319 1243992 : if (*namea)
1320 73900 : return 1; /* a is longer */
1321 1170092 : if (*nameb)
1322 53244 : return -1; /* b is longer */
1323 1116848 : return 0;
1324 : }
1325 :
1326 : /*
1327 : * Hash function that's compatible with guc_name_compare
1328 : */
1329 : static uint32
1330 1952452 : guc_name_hash(const void *key, Size keysize)
1331 : {
1332 1952452 : uint32 result = 0;
1333 1952452 : const char *name = *(const char *const *) key;
1334 :
1335 33776892 : while (*name)
1336 : {
1337 31824440 : char ch = *name++;
1338 :
1339 : /* Case-fold in the same way as guc_name_compare */
1340 31824440 : if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
1341 39880 : ch += 'a' - 'A';
1342 :
1343 : /* Merge into hash ... not very bright, but it needn't be */
1344 31824440 : result = pg_rotate_left32(result, 5);
1345 31824440 : result ^= (uint32) ch;
1346 : }
1347 1952452 : return result;
1348 : }
1349 :
1350 : /*
1351 : * Dynahash match function to use in guc_hashtab
1352 : */
1353 : static int
1354 1116668 : guc_name_match(const void *key1, const void *key2, Size keysize)
1355 : {
1356 1116668 : const char *name1 = *(const char *const *) key1;
1357 1116668 : const char *name2 = *(const char *const *) key2;
1358 :
1359 1116668 : return guc_name_compare(name1, name2);
1360 : }
1361 :
1362 :
1363 : /*
1364 : * Convert a GUC name to the form that should be used in pg_parameter_acl.
1365 : *
1366 : * We need to canonicalize entries since, for example, case should not be
1367 : * significant. In addition, we apply the map_old_guc_names[] mapping so that
1368 : * any obsolete names will be converted when stored in a new PG version.
1369 : * Note however that this function does not verify legality of the name.
1370 : *
1371 : * The result is a palloc'd string.
1372 : */
1373 : char *
1374 352 : convert_GUC_name_for_parameter_acl(const char *name)
1375 : {
1376 : char *result;
1377 :
1378 : /* Apply old-GUC-name mapping. */
1379 1408 : for (int i = 0; map_old_guc_names[i] != NULL; i += 2)
1380 : {
1381 1056 : if (guc_name_compare(name, map_old_guc_names[i]) == 0)
1382 : {
1383 0 : name = map_old_guc_names[i + 1];
1384 0 : break;
1385 : }
1386 : }
1387 :
1388 : /* Apply case-folding that matches guc_name_compare(). */
1389 352 : result = pstrdup(name);
1390 5728 : for (char *ptr = result; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++)
1391 : {
1392 5376 : char ch = *ptr;
1393 :
1394 5376 : if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
1395 : {
1396 12 : ch += 'a' - 'A';
1397 12 : *ptr = ch;
1398 : }
1399 : }
1400 :
1401 352 : return result;
1402 : }
1403 :
1404 : /*
1405 : * Check whether we should allow creation of a pg_parameter_acl entry
1406 : * for the given name. (This can be applied either before or after
1407 : * canonicalizing it.) Throws error if not.
1408 : */
1409 : void
1410 68 : check_GUC_name_for_parameter_acl(const char *name)
1411 : {
1412 : /* OK if the GUC exists. */
1413 68 : if (find_option(name, false, true, DEBUG5) != NULL)
1414 54 : return;
1415 : /* Otherwise, it'd better be a valid custom GUC name. */
1416 14 : (void) assignable_custom_variable_name(name, false, ERROR);
1417 : }
1418 :
1419 : /*
1420 : * Routine in charge of checking various states of a GUC.
1421 : *
1422 : * This performs two sanity checks. First, it checks that the initial
1423 : * value of a GUC is the same when declared and when loaded to prevent
1424 : * anybody looking at the C declarations of these GUCs from being fooled by
1425 : * mismatched values. Second, it checks for incorrect flag combinations.
1426 : *
1427 : * The following validation rules apply for the values:
1428 : * bool - can be false, otherwise must be same as the boot_val
1429 : * int - can be 0, otherwise must be same as the boot_val
1430 : * real - can be 0.0, otherwise must be same as the boot_val
1431 : * string - can be NULL, otherwise must be strcmp equal to the boot_val
1432 : * enum - must be same as the boot_val
1433 : */
1435 : static bool
1436 : check_GUC_init(struct config_generic *gconf)
1437 : {
1438 : /* Checks on values */
1439 : switch (gconf->vartype)
1440 : {
1441 : case PGC_BOOL:
1442 : {
1443 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
1444 :
1445 : if (*conf->variable && !conf->boot_val)
1446 : {
1447 : elog(LOG, "GUC (PGC_BOOL) %s, boot_val=%d, C-var=%d",
1448 : conf->, conf->boot_val, *conf->variable);
1449 : return false;
1450 : }
1451 : break;
1452 : }
1453 : case PGC_INT:
1454 : {
1455 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
1456 :
1457 : if (*conf->variable != 0 && *conf->variable != conf->boot_val)
1458 : {
1459 : elog(LOG, "GUC (PGC_INT) %s, boot_val=%d, C-var=%d",
1460 : conf->, conf->boot_val, *conf->variable);
1461 : return false;
1462 : }
1463 : break;
1464 : }
1465 : case PGC_REAL:
1466 : {
1467 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
1468 :
1469 : if (*conf->variable != 0.0 && *conf->variable != conf->boot_val)
1470 : {
1471 : elog(LOG, "GUC (PGC_REAL) %s, boot_val=%g, C-var=%g",
1472 : conf->, conf->boot_val, *conf->variable);
1473 : return false;
1474 : }
1475 : break;
1476 : }
1477 : case PGC_STRING:
1478 : {
1479 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
1480 :
1481 : if (*conf->variable != NULL &&
1482 : (conf->boot_val == NULL ||
1483 : strcmp(*conf->variable, conf->boot_val) != 0))
1484 : {
1485 : elog(LOG, "GUC (PGC_STRING) %s, boot_val=%s, C-var=%s",
1486 : conf->, conf->boot_val ? conf->boot_val : "<null>", *conf->variable);
1487 : return false;
1488 : }
1489 : break;
1490 : }
1491 : case PGC_ENUM:
1492 : {
1493 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
1494 :
1495 : if (*conf->variable != conf->boot_val)
1496 : {
1497 : elog(LOG, "GUC (PGC_ENUM) %s, boot_val=%d, C-var=%d",
1498 : conf->, conf->boot_val, *conf->variable);
1499 : return false;
1500 : }
1501 : break;
1502 : }
1503 : }
1504 :
1505 : /* Flag combinations */
1506 :
1507 : /*
1508 : * GUC_NO_SHOW_ALL requires GUC_NOT_IN_SAMPLE, as a parameter not part of
1509 : * SHOW ALL should not be hidden in postgresql.conf.sample.
1510 : */
1511 : if ((gconf->flags & GUC_NO_SHOW_ALL) &&
1512 : !(gconf->flags & GUC_NOT_IN_SAMPLE))
1513 : {
1514 : elog(LOG, "GUC %s flags: NO_SHOW_ALL and !NOT_IN_SAMPLE",
1515 : gconf->name);
1516 : return false;
1517 : }
1518 :
1519 : return true;
1520 : }
1521 : #endif
1522 :
1523 : /*
1524 : * Initialize GUC options during program startup.
1525 : *
1526 : * Note that we cannot read the config file yet, since we have not yet
1527 : * processed command-line switches.
1528 : */
1529 : void
1530 2012 : InitializeGUCOptions(void)
1531 : {
1532 : HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
1533 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
1534 :
1535 : /*
1536 : * Before log_line_prefix could possibly receive a nonempty setting, make
1537 : * sure that timezone processing is minimally alive (see elog.c).
1538 : */
1539 2012 : pg_timezone_initialize();
1540 :
1541 : /*
1542 : * Create GUCMemoryContext and build hash table of all GUC variables.
1543 : */
1544 2012 : build_guc_variables();
1545 :
1546 : /*
1547 : * Load all variables with their compiled-in defaults, and initialize
1548 : * status fields as needed.
1549 : */
1550 2012 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
1551 800776 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
1552 : {
1553 : /* Check mapping between initial and default value */
1554 : Assert(check_GUC_init(hentry->gucvar));
1555 :
1556 798764 : InitializeOneGUCOption(hentry->gucvar);
1557 : }
1558 :
1559 2012 : reporting_enabled = false;
1560 :
1561 : /*
1562 : * Prevent any attempt to override the transaction modes from
1563 : * non-interactive sources.
1564 : */
1565 2012 : SetConfigOption("transaction_isolation", "read committed",
1567 2012 : SetConfigOption("transaction_read_only", "no",
1569 2012 : SetConfigOption("transaction_deferrable", "no",
1571 :
1572 : /*
1573 : * For historical reasons, some GUC parameters can receive defaults from
1574 : * environment variables. Process those settings.
1575 : */
1576 2012 : InitializeGUCOptionsFromEnvironment();
1577 2012 : }
1578 :
1579 : /*
1580 : * Assign any GUC values that can come from the server's environment.
1581 : *
1582 : * This is called from InitializeGUCOptions, and also from ProcessConfigFile
1583 : * to deal with the possibility that a setting has been removed from
1584 : * postgresql.conf and should now get a value from the environment.
1585 : * (The latter is a kludge that should probably go away someday; if so,
1586 : * fold this back into InitializeGUCOptions.)
1587 : */
1588 : static void
1589 2858 : InitializeGUCOptionsFromEnvironment(void)
1590 : {
1591 : char *env;
1592 : ssize_t stack_rlimit;
1593 :
1594 2858 : env = getenv("PGPORT");
1595 2858 : if (env != NULL)
1596 2572 : SetConfigOption("port", env, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ENV_VAR);
1597 :
1598 2858 : env = getenv("PGDATESTYLE");
1599 2858 : if (env != NULL)
1600 208 : SetConfigOption("datestyle", env, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ENV_VAR);
1601 :
1602 2858 : env = getenv("PGCLIENTENCODING");
1603 2858 : if (env != NULL)
1604 30 : SetConfigOption("client_encoding", env, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ENV_VAR);
1605 :
1606 : /*
1607 : * rlimit isn't exactly an "environment variable", but it behaves about
1608 : * the same. If we can identify the platform stack depth rlimit, increase
1609 : * default stack depth setting up to whatever is safe (but at most 2MB).
1610 : * Report the value's source as PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT if it's 2MB, or as
1611 : * PGC_S_ENV_VAR if it's reflecting the rlimit limit.
1612 : */
1613 2858 : stack_rlimit = get_stack_depth_rlimit();
1614 2858 : if (stack_rlimit > 0)
1615 : {
1616 2858 : ssize_t new_limit = (stack_rlimit - STACK_DEPTH_SLOP) / 1024;
1617 :
1618 2858 : if (new_limit > 100)
1619 : {
1620 : GucSource source;
1621 : char limbuf[16];
1622 :
1623 2858 : if (new_limit < 2048)
1624 0 : source = PGC_S_ENV_VAR;
1625 : else
1626 : {
1627 2858 : new_limit = 2048;
1628 2858 : source = PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT;
1629 : }
1630 2858 : snprintf(limbuf, sizeof(limbuf), "%d", (int) new_limit);
1631 2858 : SetConfigOption("max_stack_depth", limbuf,
1632 : PGC_POSTMASTER, source);
1633 : }
1634 : }
1635 2858 : }
1636 :
1637 : /*
1638 : * Initialize one GUC option variable to its compiled-in default.
1639 : *
1640 : * Note: the reason for calling check_hooks is not that we think the boot_val
1641 : * might fail, but that the hooks might wish to compute an "extra" struct.
1642 : */
1643 : static void
1644 883288 : InitializeOneGUCOption(struct config_generic *gconf)
1645 : {
1646 883288 : gconf->status = 0;
1647 883288 : gconf->source = PGC_S_DEFAULT;
1648 883288 : gconf->reset_source = PGC_S_DEFAULT;
1649 883288 : gconf->scontext = PGC_INTERNAL;
1650 883288 : gconf->reset_scontext = PGC_INTERNAL;
1651 883288 : gconf->srole = BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID;
1652 883288 : gconf->reset_srole = BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID;
1653 883288 : gconf->stack = NULL;
1654 883288 : gconf->extra = NULL;
1655 883288 : gconf->last_reported = NULL;
1656 883288 : gconf->sourcefile = NULL;
1657 883288 : gconf->sourceline = 0;
1658 :
1659 883288 : switch (gconf->vartype)
1660 : {
1661 255248 : case PGC_BOOL:
1662 : {
1663 255248 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
1664 255248 : bool newval = conf->boot_val;
1665 255248 : void *extra = NULL;
1666 :
1667 255248 : if (!call_bool_check_hook(conf, &newval, &extra,
1669 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to initialize %s to %d",
1670 : conf->, (int) newval);
1671 255248 : if (conf->assign_hook)
1672 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, extra);
1673 255248 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val = newval;
1674 255248 : conf->gen.extra = conf->reset_extra = extra;
1675 255248 : break;
1676 : }
1677 300520 : case PGC_INT:
1678 : {
1679 300520 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
1680 300520 : int newval = conf->boot_val;
1681 300520 : void *extra = NULL;
1682 :
1683 : Assert(newval >= conf->min);
1684 : Assert(newval <= conf->max);
1685 300520 : if (!call_int_check_hook(conf, &newval, &extra,
1687 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to initialize %s to %d",
1688 : conf->, newval);
1689 300520 : if (conf->assign_hook)
1690 21540 : conf->assign_hook(newval, extra);
1691 300520 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val = newval;
1692 300520 : conf->gen.extra = conf->reset_extra = extra;
1693 300520 : break;
1694 : }
1695 52354 : case PGC_REAL:
1696 : {
1697 52354 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
1698 52354 : double newval = conf->boot_val;
1699 52354 : void *extra = NULL;
1700 :
1701 : Assert(newval >= conf->min);
1702 : Assert(newval <= conf->max);
1703 52354 : if (!call_real_check_hook(conf, &newval, &extra,
1705 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to initialize %s to %g",
1706 : conf->, newval);
1707 52354 : if (conf->assign_hook)
1708 4024 : conf->assign_hook(newval, extra);
1709 52354 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val = newval;
1710 52354 : conf->gen.extra = conf->reset_extra = extra;
1711 52354 : break;
1712 : }
1713 186986 : case PGC_STRING:
1714 : {
1715 186986 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
1716 : char *newval;
1717 186986 : void *extra = NULL;
1718 :
1719 : /* non-NULL boot_val must always get strdup'd */
1720 186986 : if (conf->boot_val != NULL)
1721 169962 : newval = guc_strdup(FATAL, conf->boot_val);
1722 : else
1723 17024 : newval = NULL;
1724 :
1725 186986 : if (!call_string_check_hook(conf, &newval, &extra,
1727 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to initialize %s to \"%s\"",
1728 : conf->, newval ? newval : "");
1729 186986 : if (conf->assign_hook)
1730 97514 : conf->assign_hook(newval, extra);
1731 186986 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val = newval;
1732 186986 : conf->gen.extra = conf->reset_extra = extra;
1733 186986 : break;
1734 : }
1735 88180 : case PGC_ENUM:
1736 : {
1737 88180 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
1738 88180 : int newval = conf->boot_val;
1739 88180 : void *extra = NULL;
1740 :
1741 88180 : if (!call_enum_check_hook(conf, &newval, &extra,
1743 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to initialize %s to %d",
1744 : conf->, newval);
1745 88180 : if (conf->assign_hook)
1746 12072 : conf->assign_hook(newval, extra);
1747 88180 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val = newval;
1748 88180 : conf->gen.extra = conf->reset_extra = extra;
1749 88180 : break;
1750 : }
1751 : }
1752 883288 : }
1753 :
1754 : /*
1755 : * Summarily remove a GUC variable from any linked lists it's in.
1756 : *
1757 : * We use this in cases where the variable is about to be deleted or reset.
1758 : * These aren't common operations, so it's okay if this is a bit slow.
1759 : */
1760 : static void
1761 66258 : RemoveGUCFromLists(struct config_generic *gconf)
1762 : {
1763 66258 : if (gconf->source != PGC_S_DEFAULT)
1764 66258 : dlist_delete(&gconf->nondef_link);
1765 66258 : if (gconf->stack != NULL)
1766 0 : slist_delete(&guc_stack_list, &gconf->stack_link);
1767 66258 : if (gconf->status & GUC_NEEDS_REPORT)
1768 8166 : slist_delete(&guc_report_list, &gconf->report_link);
1769 66258 : }
1770 :
1771 :
1772 : /*
1773 : * Select the configuration files and data directory to be used, and
1774 : * do the initial read of postgresql.conf.
1775 : *
1776 : * This is called after processing command-line switches.
1777 : * userDoption is the -D switch value if any (NULL if unspecified).
1778 : * progname is just for use in error messages.
1779 : *
1780 : * Returns true on success; on failure, prints a suitable error message
1781 : * to stderr and returns false.
1782 : */
1783 : bool
1784 1962 : SelectConfigFiles(const char *userDoption, const char *progname)
1785 : {
1786 : char *configdir;
1787 : char *fname;
1788 : bool fname_is_malloced;
1789 : struct stat stat_buf;
1790 : struct config_string *data_directory_rec;
1791 :
1792 : /* configdir is -D option, or $PGDATA if no -D */
1793 1962 : if (userDoption)
1794 1600 : configdir = make_absolute_path(userDoption);
1795 : else
1796 362 : configdir = make_absolute_path(getenv("PGDATA"));
1797 :
1798 1962 : if (configdir && stat(configdir, &stat_buf) != 0)
1799 : {
1800 0 : write_stderr("%s: could not access directory \"%s\": %m\n",
1801 : progname,
1802 : configdir);
1803 0 : if (errno == ENOENT)
1804 0 : write_stderr("Run initdb or pg_basebackup to initialize a PostgreSQL data directory.\n");
1805 0 : return false;
1806 : }
1807 :
1808 : /*
1809 : * Find the configuration file: if config_file was specified on the
1810 : * command line, use it, else use configdir/postgresql.conf. In any case
1811 : * ensure the result is an absolute path, so that it will be interpreted
1812 : * the same way by future backends.
1813 : */
1814 1962 : if (ConfigFileName)
1815 : {
1816 20 : fname = make_absolute_path(ConfigFileName);
1817 20 : fname_is_malloced = true;
1818 : }
1819 1942 : else if (configdir)
1820 : {
1821 1942 : fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
1822 1942 : strlen(configdir) + strlen(CONFIG_FILENAME) + 2);
1823 1942 : sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, CONFIG_FILENAME);
1824 1942 : fname_is_malloced = false;
1825 : }
1826 : else
1827 : {
1828 0 : write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the server configuration file.\n"
1829 : "You must specify the --config-file or -D invocation "
1830 : "option or set the PGDATA environment variable.\n",
1831 : progname);
1832 0 : return false;
1833 : }
1834 :
1835 : /*
1836 : * Set the ConfigFileName GUC variable to its final value, ensuring that
1837 : * it can't be overridden later.
1838 : */
1839 1962 : SetConfigOption("config_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
1840 :
1841 1962 : if (fname_is_malloced)
1842 20 : free(fname);
1843 : else
1844 1942 : guc_free(fname);
1845 :
1846 : /*
1847 : * Now read the config file for the first time.
1848 : */
1849 1962 : if (stat(ConfigFileName, &stat_buf) != 0)
1850 : {
1851 0 : write_stderr("%s: could not access the server configuration file \"%s\": %m\n",
1852 : progname, ConfigFileName);
1853 0 : free(configdir);
1854 0 : return false;
1855 : }
1856 :
1857 : /*
1858 : * Read the configuration file for the first time. This time only the
1859 : * data_directory parameter is picked up to determine the data directory,
1860 : * so that we can read the PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file next time.
1861 : */
1862 1962 : ProcessConfigFile(PGC_POSTMASTER);
1863 :
1864 : /*
1865 : * If the data_directory GUC variable has been set, use that as DataDir;
1866 : * otherwise use configdir if set; else punt.
1867 : *
1868 : * Note: SetDataDir will copy and absolute-ize its argument, so we don't
1869 : * have to.
1870 : */
1871 : data_directory_rec = (struct config_string *)
1872 1962 : find_option("data_directory", false, false, PANIC);
1873 1962 : if (*data_directory_rec->variable)
1874 0 : SetDataDir(*data_directory_rec->variable);
1875 1962 : else if (configdir)
1876 1962 : SetDataDir(configdir);
1877 : else
1878 : {
1879 0 : write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the database system data.\n"
1880 : "This can be specified as \"data_directory\" in \"%s\", "
1881 : "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
1882 : "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
1883 : progname, ConfigFileName);
1884 0 : return false;
1885 : }
1886 :
1887 : /*
1888 : * Reflect the final DataDir value back into the data_directory GUC var.
1889 : * (If you are wondering why we don't just make them a single variable,
1890 : * it's because the EXEC_BACKEND case needs DataDir to be transmitted to
1891 : * child backends specially. XXX is that still true? Given that we now
1892 : * chdir to DataDir, EXEC_BACKEND can read the config file without knowing
1893 : * DataDir in advance.)
1894 : */
1895 1962 : SetConfigOption("data_directory", DataDir, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
1896 :
1897 : /*
1898 : * Now read the config file a second time, allowing any settings in the
1899 : * PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file to take effect. (This is pretty ugly, but
1900 : * since we have to determine the DataDir before we can find the autoconf
1901 : * file, the alternatives seem worse.)
1902 : */
1903 1962 : ProcessConfigFile(PGC_POSTMASTER);
1904 :
1905 : /*
1906 : * If timezone_abbreviations wasn't set in the configuration file, install
1907 : * the default value. We do it this way because we can't safely install a
1908 : * "real" value until my_exec_path is set, which may not have happened
1909 : * when InitializeGUCOptions runs, so the bootstrap default value cannot
1910 : * be the real desired default.
1911 : */
1912 1958 : pg_timezone_abbrev_initialize();
1913 :
1914 : /*
1915 : * Figure out where pg_hba.conf is, and make sure the path is absolute.
1916 : */
1917 1958 : if (HbaFileName)
1918 : {
1919 2 : fname = make_absolute_path(HbaFileName);
1920 2 : fname_is_malloced = true;
1921 : }
1922 1956 : else if (configdir)
1923 : {
1924 1956 : fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
1925 1956 : strlen(configdir) + strlen(HBA_FILENAME) + 2);
1926 1956 : sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, HBA_FILENAME);
1927 1956 : fname_is_malloced = false;
1928 : }
1929 : else
1930 : {
1931 0 : write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the \"hba\" configuration file.\n"
1932 : "This can be specified as \"hba_file\" in \"%s\", "
1933 : "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
1934 : "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
1935 : progname, ConfigFileName);
1936 0 : return false;
1937 : }
1938 1958 : SetConfigOption("hba_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
1939 :
1940 1958 : if (fname_is_malloced)
1941 2 : free(fname);
1942 : else
1943 1956 : guc_free(fname);
1944 :
1945 : /*
1946 : * Likewise for pg_ident.conf.
1947 : */
1948 1958 : if (IdentFileName)
1949 : {
1950 2 : fname = make_absolute_path(IdentFileName);
1951 2 : fname_is_malloced = true;
1952 : }
1953 1956 : else if (configdir)
1954 : {
1955 1956 : fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
1956 1956 : strlen(configdir) + strlen(IDENT_FILENAME) + 2);
1957 1956 : sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, IDENT_FILENAME);
1958 1956 : fname_is_malloced = false;
1959 : }
1960 : else
1961 : {
1962 0 : write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the \"ident\" configuration file.\n"
1963 : "This can be specified as \"ident_file\" in \"%s\", "
1964 : "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
1965 : "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
1966 : progname, ConfigFileName);
1967 0 : return false;
1968 : }
1969 1958 : SetConfigOption("ident_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
1970 :
1971 1958 : if (fname_is_malloced)
1972 2 : free(fname);
1973 : else
1974 1956 : guc_free(fname);
1975 :
1976 1958 : free(configdir);
1977 :
1978 1958 : return true;
1979 : }
1980 :
1981 : /*
1982 : * pg_timezone_abbrev_initialize --- set default value if not done already
1983 : *
1984 : * This is called after initial loading of postgresql.conf. If no
1985 : * timezone_abbreviations setting was found therein, select default.
1986 : * If a non-default value is already installed, nothing will happen.
1987 : *
1988 : * This can also be called from ProcessConfigFile to establish the default
1989 : * value after a postgresql.conf entry for it is removed.
1990 : */
1991 : static void
1992 2804 : pg_timezone_abbrev_initialize(void)
1993 : {
1994 2804 : SetConfigOption("timezone_abbreviations", "Default",
1996 2804 : }
1997 :
1998 :
1999 : /*
2000 : * Reset all options to their saved default values (implements RESET ALL)
2001 : */
2002 : void
2003 8 : ResetAllOptions(void)
2004 : {
2005 : dlist_mutable_iter iter;
2006 :
2007 : /* We need only consider GUCs not already at PGC_S_DEFAULT */
2008 468 : dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
2009 : {
2010 460 : struct config_generic *gconf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
2011 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
2012 :
2013 : /* Don't reset non-SET-able values */
2014 460 : if (gconf->context != PGC_SUSET &&
2015 422 : gconf->context != PGC_USERSET)
2016 272 : continue;
2017 : /* Don't reset if special exclusion from RESET ALL */
2018 188 : if (gconf->flags & GUC_NO_RESET_ALL)
2019 40 : continue;
2020 : /* No need to reset if wasn't SET */
2021 148 : if (gconf->source <= PGC_S_OVERRIDE)
2022 126 : continue;
2023 :
2024 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
2025 22 : push_old_value(gconf, GUC_ACTION_SET);
2026 :
2027 22 : switch (gconf->vartype)
2028 : {
2029 4 : case PGC_BOOL:
2030 : {
2031 4 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
2032 :
2033 4 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2034 0 : conf->assign_hook(conf->reset_val,
2035 : conf->reset_extra);
2036 4 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val;
2037 4 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2038 : conf->reset_extra);
2039 4 : break;
2040 : }
2041 2 : case PGC_INT:
2042 : {
2043 2 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
2044 :
2045 2 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2046 0 : conf->assign_hook(conf->reset_val,
2047 : conf->reset_extra);
2048 2 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val;
2049 2 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2050 : conf->reset_extra);
2051 2 : break;
2052 : }
2053 6 : case PGC_REAL:
2054 : {
2055 6 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
2056 :
2057 6 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2058 0 : conf->assign_hook(conf->reset_val,
2059 : conf->reset_extra);
2060 6 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val;
2061 6 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2062 : conf->reset_extra);
2063 6 : break;
2064 : }
2065 8 : case PGC_STRING:
2066 : {
2067 8 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
2068 :
2069 8 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2070 2 : conf->assign_hook(conf->reset_val,
2071 : conf->reset_extra);
2072 8 : set_string_field(conf, conf->variable, conf->reset_val);
2073 8 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2074 : conf->reset_extra);
2075 8 : break;
2076 : }
2077 2 : case PGC_ENUM:
2078 : {
2079 2 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
2080 :
2081 2 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2082 0 : conf->assign_hook(conf->reset_val,
2083 : conf->reset_extra);
2084 2 : *conf->variable = conf->reset_val;
2085 2 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2086 : conf->reset_extra);
2087 2 : break;
2088 : }
2089 : }
2090 :
2091 22 : set_guc_source(gconf, gconf->reset_source);
2092 22 : gconf->scontext = gconf->reset_scontext;
2093 22 : gconf->srole = gconf->reset_srole;
2094 :
2095 22 : if ((gconf->flags & GUC_REPORT) && !(gconf->status & GUC_NEEDS_REPORT))
2096 : {
2097 4 : gconf->status |= GUC_NEEDS_REPORT;
2098 4 : slist_push_head(&guc_report_list, &gconf->report_link);
2099 : }
2100 : }
2101 8 : }
2102 :
2103 :
2104 : /*
2105 : * Apply a change to a GUC variable's "source" field.
2106 : *
2107 : * Use this rather than just assigning, to ensure that the variable's
2108 : * membership in guc_nondef_list is updated correctly.
2109 : */
2110 : static void
2111 1130042 : set_guc_source(struct config_generic *gconf, GucSource newsource)
2112 : {
2113 : /* Adjust nondef list membership if appropriate for change */
2114 1130042 : if (gconf->source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
2115 : {
2116 495842 : if (newsource != PGC_S_DEFAULT)
2117 495710 : dlist_push_tail(&guc_nondef_list, &gconf->nondef_link);
2118 : }
2119 : else
2120 : {
2121 634200 : if (newsource == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
2122 101126 : dlist_delete(&gconf->nondef_link);
2123 : }
2124 : /* Now update the source field */
2125 1130042 : gconf->source = newsource;
2126 1130042 : }
2127 :
2128 :
2129 : /*
2130 : * push_old_value
2131 : * Push previous state during transactional assignment to a GUC variable.
2132 : */
2133 : static void
2134 358978 : push_old_value(struct config_generic *gconf, GucAction action)
2135 : {
2136 : GucStack *stack;
2137 :
2138 : /* If we're not inside a nest level, do nothing */
2139 358978 : if (GUCNestLevel == 0)
2140 0 : return;
2141 :
2142 : /* Do we already have a stack entry of the current nest level? */
2143 358978 : stack = gconf->stack;
2144 358978 : if (stack && stack->nest_level >= GUCNestLevel)
2145 : {
2146 : /* Yes, so adjust its state if necessary */
2147 : Assert(stack->nest_level == GUCNestLevel);
2148 11268 : switch (action)
2149 : {
2150 11120 : case GUC_ACTION_SET:
2151 : /* SET overrides any prior action at same nest level */
2152 11120 : if (stack->state == GUC_SET_LOCAL)
2153 : {
2154 : /* must discard old masked value */
2155 0 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &stack->masked);
2156 : }
2157 11120 : stack->state = GUC_SET;
2158 11120 : break;
2159 148 : case GUC_ACTION_LOCAL:
2160 148 : if (stack->state == GUC_SET)
2161 : {
2162 : /* SET followed by SET LOCAL, remember SET's value */
2163 12 : stack->masked_scontext = gconf->scontext;
2164 12 : stack->masked_srole = gconf->srole;
2165 12 : set_stack_value(gconf, &stack->masked);
2166 12 : stack->state = GUC_SET_LOCAL;
2167 : }
2168 : /* in all other cases, no change to stack entry */
2169 148 : break;
2170 0 : case GUC_ACTION_SAVE:
2171 : /* Could only have a prior SAVE of same variable */
2172 : Assert(stack->state == GUC_SAVE);
2173 0 : break;
2174 : }
2175 11268 : return;
2176 : }
2177 :
2178 : /*
2179 : * Push a new stack entry
2180 : *
2181 : * We keep all the stack entries in TopTransactionContext for simplicity.
2182 : */
2183 347710 : stack = (GucStack *) MemoryContextAllocZero(TopTransactionContext,
2184 : sizeof(GucStack));
2185 :
2186 347710 : stack->prev = gconf->stack;
2187 347710 : stack->nest_level = GUCNestLevel;
2188 347710 : switch (action)
2189 : {
2190 52512 : case GUC_ACTION_SET:
2191 52512 : stack->state = GUC_SET;
2192 52512 : break;
2193 8440 : case GUC_ACTION_LOCAL:
2194 8440 : stack->state = GUC_LOCAL;
2195 8440 : break;
2196 286758 : case GUC_ACTION_SAVE:
2197 286758 : stack->state = GUC_SAVE;
2198 286758 : break;
2199 : }
2200 347710 : stack->source = gconf->source;
2201 347710 : stack->scontext = gconf->scontext;
2202 347710 : stack->srole = gconf->srole;
2203 347710 : set_stack_value(gconf, &stack->prior);
2204 :
2205 347710 : if (gconf->stack == NULL)
2206 318000 : slist_push_head(&guc_stack_list, &gconf->stack_link);
2207 347710 : gconf->stack = stack;
2208 : }
2209 :
2210 :
2211 : /*
2212 : * Do GUC processing at main transaction start.
2213 : */
2214 : void
2215 806714 : AtStart_GUC(void)
2216 : {
2217 : /*
2218 : * The nest level should be 0 between transactions; if it isn't, somebody
2219 : * didn't call AtEOXact_GUC, or called it with the wrong nestLevel. We
2220 : * throw a warning but make no other effort to clean up.
2221 : */
2222 806714 : if (GUCNestLevel != 0)
2223 0 : elog(WARNING, "GUC nest level = %d at transaction start",
2224 : GUCNestLevel);
2225 806714 : GUCNestLevel = 1;
2226 806714 : }
2227 :
2228 : /*
2229 : * Enter a new nesting level for GUC values. This is called at subtransaction
2230 : * start, and when entering a function that has proconfig settings, and in
2231 : * some other places where we want to set GUC variables transiently.
2232 : * NOTE we must not risk error here, else subtransaction start will be unhappy.
2233 : */
2234 : int
2235 334112 : NewGUCNestLevel(void)
2236 : {
2237 334112 : return ++GUCNestLevel;
2238 : }
2239 :
2240 : /*
2241 : * Set search_path to a fixed value for maintenance operations. No effect
2242 : * during bootstrap, when the search_path is already set to a fixed value and
2243 : * cannot be changed.
2244 : */
2245 : void
2246 302594 : RestrictSearchPath(void)
2247 : {
2248 302594 : if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
2249 247424 : set_config_option("search_path", GUC_SAFE_SEARCH_PATH, PGC_USERSET,
2250 : PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
2251 302594 : }
2252 :
2253 : /*
2254 : * Do GUC processing at transaction or subtransaction commit or abort, or
2255 : * when exiting a function that has proconfig settings, or when undoing a
2256 : * transient assignment to some GUC variables. (The name is thus a bit of
2257 : * a misnomer; perhaps it should be ExitGUCNestLevel or some such.)
2258 : * During abort, we discard all GUC settings that were applied at nesting
2259 : * levels >= nestLevel. nestLevel == 1 corresponds to the main transaction.
2260 : */
2261 : void
2262 1139296 : AtEOXact_GUC(bool isCommit, int nestLevel)
2263 : {
2264 : slist_mutable_iter iter;
2265 :
2266 : /*
2267 : * Note: it's possible to get here with GUCNestLevel == nestLevel-1 during
2268 : * abort, if there is a failure during transaction start before
2269 : * AtStart_GUC is called.
2270 : */
2271 : Assert(nestLevel > 0 &&
2272 : (nestLevel <= GUCNestLevel ||
2273 : (nestLevel == GUCNestLevel + 1 && !isCommit)));
2274 :
2275 : /* We need only process GUCs having nonempty stacks */
2276 1493158 : slist_foreach_modify(iter, &guc_stack_list)
2277 : {
2278 353862 : struct config_generic *gconf = slist_container(struct config_generic,
2279 : stack_link, iter.cur);
2280 : GucStack *stack;
2281 :
2282 : /*
2283 : * Process and pop each stack entry within the nest level. To simplify
2284 : * fmgr_security_definer() and other places that use GUC_ACTION_SAVE,
2285 : * we allow failure exit from code that uses a local nest level to be
2286 : * recovered at the surrounding transaction or subtransaction abort;
2287 : * so there could be more than one stack entry to pop.
2288 : */
2289 701604 : while ((stack = gconf->stack) != NULL &&
2290 383608 : stack->nest_level >= nestLevel)
2291 : {
2292 347742 : GucStack *prev = stack->prev;
2293 347742 : bool restorePrior = false;
2294 347742 : bool restoreMasked = false;
2295 : bool changed;
2296 :
2297 : /*
2298 : * In this next bit, if we don't set either restorePrior or
2299 : * restoreMasked, we must "discard" any unwanted fields of the
2300 : * stack entries to avoid leaking memory. If we do set one of
2301 : * those flags, unused fields will be cleaned up after restoring.
2302 : */
2303 347742 : if (!isCommit) /* if abort, always restore prior value */
2304 252210 : restorePrior = true;
2305 95532 : else if (stack->state == GUC_SAVE)
2306 38458 : restorePrior = true;
2307 57074 : else if (stack->nest_level == 1)
2308 : {
2309 : /* transaction commit */
2310 57032 : if (stack->state == GUC_SET_LOCAL)
2311 12 : restoreMasked = true;
2312 57020 : else if (stack->state == GUC_SET)
2313 : {
2314 : /* we keep the current active value */
2315 50382 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &stack->prior);
2316 : }
2317 : else /* must be GUC_LOCAL */
2318 6638 : restorePrior = true;
2319 : }
2320 42 : else if (prev == NULL ||
2321 12 : prev->nest_level < stack->nest_level - 1)
2322 : {
2323 : /* decrement entry's level and do not pop it */
2324 36 : stack->nest_level--;
2325 36 : continue;
2326 : }
2327 : else
2328 : {
2329 : /*
2330 : * We have to merge this stack entry into prev. See README for
2331 : * discussion of this bit.
2332 : */
2333 6 : switch (stack->state)
2334 : {
2335 0 : case GUC_SAVE:
2336 : Assert(false); /* can't get here */
2337 0 : break;
2338 :
2339 6 : case GUC_SET:
2340 : /* next level always becomes SET */
2341 6 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &stack->prior);
2342 6 : if (prev->state == GUC_SET_LOCAL)
2343 0 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &prev->masked);
2344 6 : prev->state = GUC_SET;
2345 6 : break;
2346 :
2347 0 : case GUC_LOCAL:
2348 0 : if (prev->state == GUC_SET)
2349 : {
2350 : /* LOCAL migrates down */
2351 0 : prev->masked_scontext = stack->scontext;
2352 0 : prev->masked_srole = stack->srole;
2353 0 : prev->masked = stack->prior;
2354 0 : prev->state = GUC_SET_LOCAL;
2355 : }
2356 : else
2357 : {
2358 : /* else just forget this stack level */
2359 0 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &stack->prior);
2360 : }
2361 0 : break;
2362 :
2363 0 : case GUC_SET_LOCAL:
2364 : /* prior state at this level no longer wanted */
2365 0 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &stack->prior);
2366 : /* copy down the masked state */
2367 0 : prev->masked_scontext = stack->masked_scontext;
2368 0 : prev->masked_srole = stack->masked_srole;
2369 0 : if (prev->state == GUC_SET_LOCAL)
2370 0 : discard_stack_value(gconf, &prev->masked);
2371 0 : prev->masked = stack->masked;
2372 0 : prev->state = GUC_SET_LOCAL;
2373 0 : break;
2374 : }
2375 347706 : }
2376 :
2377 347706 : changed = false;
2378 :
2379 347706 : if (restorePrior || restoreMasked)
2380 : {
2381 : /* Perform appropriate restoration of the stacked value */
2382 : config_var_value newvalue;
2383 : GucSource newsource;
2384 : GucContext newscontext;
2385 : Oid newsrole;
2386 :
2387 297318 : if (restoreMasked)
2388 : {
2389 12 : newvalue = stack->masked;
2390 12 : newsource = PGC_S_SESSION;
2391 12 : newscontext = stack->masked_scontext;
2392 12 : newsrole = stack->masked_srole;
2393 : }
2394 : else
2395 : {
2396 297306 : newvalue = stack->prior;
2397 297306 : newsource = stack->source;
2398 297306 : newscontext = stack->scontext;
2399 297306 : newsrole = stack->srole;
2400 : }
2401 :
2402 297318 : switch (gconf->vartype)
2403 : {
2404 3330 : case PGC_BOOL:
2405 : {
2406 3330 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
2407 3330 : bool newval = newvalue.val.boolval;
2408 3330 : void *newextra = newvalue.extra;
2409 :
2410 3330 : if (*conf->variable != newval ||
2411 436 : conf->gen.extra != newextra)
2412 : {
2413 2894 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2414 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
2415 2894 : *conf->variable = newval;
2416 2894 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2417 : newextra);
2418 2894 : changed = true;
2419 : }
2420 3330 : break;
2421 : }
2422 9786 : case PGC_INT:
2423 : {
2424 9786 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
2425 9786 : int newval = newvalue.val.intval;
2426 9786 : void *newextra = newvalue.extra;
2427 :
2428 9786 : if (*conf->variable != newval ||
2429 198 : conf->gen.extra != newextra)
2430 : {
2431 9588 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2432 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
2433 9588 : *conf->variable = newval;
2434 9588 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2435 : newextra);
2436 9588 : changed = true;
2437 : }
2438 9786 : break;
2439 : }
2440 1480 : case PGC_REAL:
2441 : {
2442 1480 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
2443 1480 : double newval = newvalue.val.realval;
2444 1480 : void *newextra = newvalue.extra;
2445 :
2446 1480 : if (*conf->variable != newval ||
2447 24 : conf->gen.extra != newextra)
2448 : {
2449 1456 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2450 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
2451 1456 : *conf->variable = newval;
2452 1456 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2453 : newextra);
2454 1456 : changed = true;
2455 : }
2456 1480 : break;
2457 : }
2458 266796 : case PGC_STRING:
2459 : {
2460 266796 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
2461 266796 : char *newval = newvalue.val.stringval;
2462 266796 : void *newextra = newvalue.extra;
2463 :
2464 266796 : if (*conf->variable != newval ||
2465 20 : conf->gen.extra != newextra)
2466 : {
2467 266776 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2468 266306 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
2469 266776 : set_string_field(conf, conf->variable, newval);
2470 266776 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2471 : newextra);
2472 266776 : changed = true;
2473 : }
2474 :
2475 : /*
2476 : * Release stacked values if not used anymore. We
2477 : * could use discard_stack_value() here, but since
2478 : * we have type-specific code anyway, might as
2479 : * well inline it.
2480 : */
2481 266796 : set_string_field(conf, &stack->prior.val.stringval, NULL);
2482 266796 : set_string_field(conf, &stack->masked.val.stringval, NULL);
2483 266796 : break;
2484 : }
2485 15926 : case PGC_ENUM:
2486 : {
2487 15926 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
2488 15926 : int newval = newvalue.val.enumval;
2489 15926 : void *newextra = newvalue.extra;
2490 :
2491 15926 : if (*conf->variable != newval ||
2492 922 : conf->gen.extra != newextra)
2493 : {
2494 15004 : if (conf->assign_hook)
2495 30 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
2496 15004 : *conf->variable = newval;
2497 15004 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
2498 : newextra);
2499 15004 : changed = true;
2500 : }
2501 15926 : break;
2502 : }
2503 : }
2504 :
2505 : /*
2506 : * Release stacked extra values if not used anymore.
2507 : */
2508 297318 : set_extra_field(gconf, &(stack->prior.extra), NULL);
2509 297318 : set_extra_field(gconf, &(stack->masked.extra), NULL);
2510 :
2511 : /* And restore source information */
2512 297318 : set_guc_source(gconf, newsource);
2513 297318 : gconf->scontext = newscontext;
2514 297318 : gconf->srole = newsrole;
2515 : }
2516 :
2517 : /*
2518 : * Pop the GUC's state stack; if it's now empty, remove the GUC
2519 : * from guc_stack_list.
2520 : */
2521 347706 : gconf->stack = prev;
2522 347706 : if (prev == NULL)
2523 317996 : slist_delete_current(&iter);
2524 347706 : pfree(stack);
2525 :
2526 : /* Report new value if we changed it */
2527 347706 : if (changed && (gconf->flags & GUC_REPORT) &&
2528 274242 : !(gconf->status & GUC_NEEDS_REPORT))
2529 : {
2530 318 : gconf->status |= GUC_NEEDS_REPORT;
2531 318 : slist_push_head(&guc_report_list, &gconf->report_link);
2532 : }
2533 : } /* end of stack-popping loop */
2534 : }
2535 :
2536 : /* Update nesting level */
2537 1139296 : GUCNestLevel = nestLevel - 1;
2538 1139296 : }
2539 :
2540 :
2541 : /*
2542 : * Start up automatic reporting of changes to variables marked GUC_REPORT.
2543 : * This is executed at completion of backend startup.
2544 : */
2545 : void
2546 23142 : BeginReportingGUCOptions(void)
2547 : {
2548 : HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
2549 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
2550 :
2551 : /*
2552 : * Don't do anything unless talking to an interactive frontend.
2553 : */
2554 23142 : if (whereToSendOutput != DestRemote)
2555 104 : return;
2556 :
2557 23038 : reporting_enabled = true;
2558 :
2559 : /*
2560 : * Hack for in_hot_standby: set the GUC value true if appropriate. This
2561 : * is kind of an ugly place to do it, but there's few better options.
2562 : *
2563 : * (This could be out of date by the time we actually send it, in which
2564 : * case the next ReportChangedGUCOptions call will send a duplicate
2565 : * report.)
2566 : */
2567 23038 : if (RecoveryInProgress())
2568 1034 : SetConfigOption("in_hot_standby", "true",
2570 :
2571 : /* Transmit initial values of interesting variables */
2572 23038 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
2573 9172848 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
2574 : {
2575 9149810 : struct config_generic *conf = hentry->gucvar;
2576 :
2577 9149810 : if (conf->flags & GUC_REPORT)
2578 345570 : ReportGUCOption(conf);
2579 : }
2580 : }
2581 :
2582 : /*
2583 : * ReportChangedGUCOptions: report recently-changed GUC_REPORT variables
2584 : *
2585 : * This is called just before we wait for a new client query.
2586 : *
2587 : * By handling things this way, we ensure that a ParameterStatus message
2588 : * is sent at most once per variable per query, even if the variable
2589 : * changed multiple times within the query. That's quite possible when
2590 : * using features such as function SET clauses. Function SET clauses
2591 : * also tend to cause values to change intraquery but eventually revert
2592 : * to their prevailing values; ReportGUCOption is responsible for avoiding
2593 : * redundant reports in such cases.
2594 : */
2595 : void
2596 686686 : ReportChangedGUCOptions(void)
2597 : {
2598 : slist_mutable_iter iter;
2599 :
2600 : /* Quick exit if not (yet) enabled */
2601 686686 : if (!reporting_enabled)
2602 61852 : return;
2603 :
2604 : /*
2605 : * Since in_hot_standby isn't actually changed by normal GUC actions, we
2606 : * need a hack to check whether a new value needs to be reported to the
2607 : * client. For speed, we rely on the assumption that it can never
2608 : * transition from false to true.
2609 : */
2610 624834 : if (in_hot_standby_guc && !RecoveryInProgress())
2611 8 : SetConfigOption("in_hot_standby", "false",
2613 :
2614 : /* Transmit new values of interesting variables */
2615 858910 : slist_foreach_modify(iter, &guc_report_list)
2616 : {
2617 234076 : struct config_generic *conf = slist_container(struct config_generic,
2618 : report_link, iter.cur);
2619 :
2620 : Assert((conf->flags & GUC_REPORT) && (conf->status & GUC_NEEDS_REPORT));
2621 234076 : ReportGUCOption(conf);
2622 234076 : conf->status &= ~GUC_NEEDS_REPORT;
2623 234076 : slist_delete_current(&iter);
2624 : }
2625 : }
2626 :
2627 : /*
2628 : * ReportGUCOption: if appropriate, transmit option value to frontend
2629 : *
2630 : * We need not transmit the value if it's the same as what we last
2631 : * transmitted.
2632 : */
2633 : static void
2634 579646 : ReportGUCOption(struct config_generic *record)
2635 : {
2636 579646 : char *val = ShowGUCOption(record, false);
2637 :
2638 579646 : if (record->last_reported == NULL ||
2639 234076 : strcmp(val, record->last_reported) != 0)
2640 : {
2641 : StringInfoData msgbuf;
2642 :
2643 358618 : pq_beginmessage(&msgbuf, PqMsg_ParameterStatus);
2644 358618 : pq_sendstring(&msgbuf, record->name);
2645 358618 : pq_sendstring(&msgbuf, val);
2646 358618 : pq_endmessage(&msgbuf);
2647 :
2648 : /*
2649 : * We need a long-lifespan copy. If guc_strdup() fails due to OOM,
2650 : * we'll set last_reported to NULL and thereby possibly make a
2651 : * duplicate report later.
2652 : */
2653 358618 : guc_free(record->last_reported);
2654 358618 : record->last_reported = guc_strdup(LOG, val);
2655 : }
2656 :
2657 579646 : pfree(val);
2658 579646 : }
2659 :
2660 : /*
2661 : * Convert a value from one of the human-friendly units ("kB", "min" etc.)
2662 : * to the given base unit. 'value' and 'unit' are the input value and unit
2663 : * to convert from (there can be trailing spaces in the unit string).
2664 : * The converted value is stored in *base_value.
2665 : * It's caller's responsibility to round off the converted value as necessary
2666 : * and check for out-of-range.
2667 : *
2668 : * Returns true on success, false if the input unit is not recognized.
2669 : */
2670 : static bool
2671 11472 : convert_to_base_unit(double value, const char *unit,
2672 : int base_unit, double *base_value)
2673 : {
2674 : char unitstr[MAX_UNIT_LEN + 1];
2675 : int unitlen;
2676 : const unit_conversion *table;
2677 : int i;
2678 :
2679 : /* extract unit string to compare to table entries */
2680 11472 : unitlen = 0;
2681 34274 : while (*unit != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char) *unit) &&
2682 : unitlen < MAX_UNIT_LEN)
2683 22802 : unitstr[unitlen++] = *(unit++);
2684 11472 : unitstr[unitlen] = '\0';
2685 : /* allow whitespace after unit */
2686 11472 : while (isspace((unsigned char) *unit))
2687 0 : unit++;
2688 11472 : if (*unit != '\0')
2689 0 : return false; /* unit too long, or garbage after it */
2690 :
2691 : /* now search the appropriate table */
2692 11472 : if (base_unit & GUC_UNIT_MEMORY)
2693 8848 : table = memory_unit_conversion_table;
2694 : else
2695 2624 : table = time_unit_conversion_table;
2696 :
2697 137380 : for (i = 0; *table[i].unit; i++)
2698 : {
2699 137380 : if (base_unit == table[i].base_unit &&
2700 38428 : strcmp(unitstr, table[i].unit) == 0)
2701 : {
2702 11472 : double cvalue = value * table[i].multiplier;
2703 :
2704 : /*
2705 : * If the user gave a fractional value such as "30.1GB", round it
2706 : * off to the nearest multiple of the next smaller unit, if there
2707 : * is one.
2708 : */
2709 11472 : if (*table[i + 1].unit &&
2710 11472 : base_unit == table[i + 1].base_unit)
2711 11466 : cvalue = rint(cvalue / table[i + 1].multiplier) *
2712 11466 : table[i + 1].multiplier;
2713 :
2714 11472 : *base_value = cvalue;
2715 11472 : return true;
2716 : }
2717 : }
2718 0 : return false;
2719 : }
2720 :
2721 : /*
2722 : * Convert an integer value in some base unit to a human-friendly unit.
2723 : *
2724 : * The output unit is chosen so that it's the greatest unit that can represent
2725 : * the value without loss. For example, if the base unit is GUC_UNIT_KB, 1024
2726 : * is converted to 1 MB, but 1025 is represented as 1025 kB.
2727 : */
2728 : static void
2729 740 : convert_int_from_base_unit(int64 base_value, int base_unit,
2730 : int64 *value, const char **unit)
2731 : {
2732 : const unit_conversion *table;
2733 : int i;
2734 :
2735 740 : *unit = NULL;
2736 :
2737 740 : if (base_unit & GUC_UNIT_MEMORY)
2738 636 : table = memory_unit_conversion_table;
2739 : else
2740 104 : table = time_unit_conversion_table;
2741 :
2742 4940 : for (i = 0; *table[i].unit; i++)
2743 : {
2744 4940 : if (base_unit == table[i].base_unit)
2745 : {
2746 : /*
2747 : * Accept the first conversion that divides the value evenly. We
2748 : * assume that the conversions for each base unit are ordered from
2749 : * greatest unit to the smallest!
2750 : */
2751 2294 : if (table[i].multiplier <= 1.0 ||
2752 2184 : base_value % (int64) table[i].multiplier == 0)
2753 : {
2754 740 : *value = (int64) rint(base_value / table[i].multiplier);
2755 740 : *unit = table[i].unit;
2756 740 : break;
2757 : }
2758 : }
2759 : }
2760 :
2761 : Assert(*unit != NULL);
2762 740 : }
2763 :
2764 : /*
2765 : * Convert a floating-point value in some base unit to a human-friendly unit.
2766 : *
2767 : * Same as above, except we have to do the math a bit differently, and
2768 : * there's a possibility that we don't find any exact divisor.
2769 : */
2770 : static void
2771 268 : convert_real_from_base_unit(double base_value, int base_unit,
2772 : double *value, const char **unit)
2773 : {
2774 : const unit_conversion *table;
2775 : int i;
2776 :
2777 268 : *unit = NULL;
2778 :
2779 268 : if (base_unit & GUC_UNIT_MEMORY)
2780 0 : table = memory_unit_conversion_table;
2781 : else
2782 268 : table = time_unit_conversion_table;
2783 :
2784 1364 : for (i = 0; *table[i].unit; i++)
2785 : {
2786 1364 : if (base_unit == table[i].base_unit)
2787 : {
2788 : /*
2789 : * Accept the first conversion that divides the value evenly; or
2790 : * if there is none, use the smallest (last) target unit.
2791 : *
2792 : * What we actually care about here is whether snprintf with "%g"
2793 : * will print the value as an integer, so the obvious test of
2794 : * "*value == rint(*value)" is too strict; roundoff error might
2795 : * make us choose an unreasonably small unit. As a compromise,
2796 : * accept a divisor that is within 1e-8 of producing an integer.
2797 : */
2798 1364 : *value = base_value / table[i].multiplier;
2799 1364 : *unit = table[i].unit;
2800 1364 : if (*value > 0 &&
2801 1364 : fabs((rint(*value) / *value) - 1.0) <= 1e-8)
2802 268 : break;
2803 : }
2804 : }
2805 :
2806 : Assert(*unit != NULL);
2807 268 : }
2808 :
2809 : /*
2810 : * Return the name of a GUC's base unit (e.g. "ms") given its flags.
2811 : * Return NULL if the GUC is unitless.
2812 : */
2813 : const char *
2814 1351220 : get_config_unit_name(int flags)
2815 : {
2816 1351220 : switch (flags & GUC_UNIT)
2817 : {
2818 1088028 : case 0:
2819 1088028 : return NULL; /* GUC has no units */
2820 17090 : case GUC_UNIT_BYTE:
2821 17090 : return "B";
2822 41016 : case GUC_UNIT_KB:
2823 41016 : return "kB";
2824 20508 : case GUC_UNIT_MB:
2825 20508 : return "MB";
2826 58106 : case GUC_UNIT_BLOCKS:
2827 : {
2828 : static char bbuf[8];
2829 :
2830 : /* initialize if first time through */
2831 58106 : if (bbuf[0] == '\0')
2832 452 : snprintf(bbuf, sizeof(bbuf), "%dkB", BLCKSZ / 1024);
2833 58106 : return bbuf;
2834 : }
2835 6836 : case GUC_UNIT_XBLOCKS:
2836 : {
2837 : static char xbuf[8];
2838 :
2839 : /* initialize if first time through */
2840 6836 : if (xbuf[0] == '\0')
2841 452 : snprintf(xbuf, sizeof(xbuf), "%dkB", XLOG_BLCKSZ / 1024);
2842 6836 : return xbuf;
2843 : }
2844 75202 : case GUC_UNIT_MS:
2845 75202 : return "ms";
2846 34180 : case GUC_UNIT_S:
2847 34180 : return "s";
2848 10254 : case GUC_UNIT_MIN:
2849 10254 : return "min";
2850 0 : default:
2851 0 : elog(ERROR, "unrecognized GUC units value: %d",
2852 : flags & GUC_UNIT);
2853 : return NULL;
2854 : }
2855 : }
2856 :
2857 :
2858 : /*
2859 : * Try to parse value as an integer. The accepted formats are the
2860 : * usual decimal, octal, or hexadecimal formats, as well as floating-point
2861 : * formats (which will be rounded to integer after any units conversion).
2862 : * Optionally, the value can be followed by a unit name if "flags" indicates
2863 : * a unit is allowed.
2864 : *
2865 : * If the string parses okay, return true, else false.
2866 : * If okay and result is not NULL, return the value in *result.
2867 : * If not okay and hintmsg is not NULL, *hintmsg is set to a suitable
2868 : * HINT message, or NULL if no hint provided.
2869 : */
2870 : bool
2871 98716 : parse_int(const char *value, int *result, int flags, const char **hintmsg)
2872 : {
2873 : /*
2874 : * We assume here that double is wide enough to represent any integer
2875 : * value with adequate precision.
2876 : */
2877 : double val;
2878 : char *endptr;
2879 :
2880 : /* To suppress compiler warnings, always set output params */
2881 98716 : if (result)
2882 98716 : *result = 0;
2883 98716 : if (hintmsg)
2884 90236 : *hintmsg = NULL;
2885 :
2886 : /*
2887 : * Try to parse as an integer (allowing octal or hex input). If the
2888 : * conversion stops at a decimal point or 'e', or overflows, re-parse as
2889 : * float. This should work fine as long as we have no unit names starting
2890 : * with 'e'. If we ever do, the test could be extended to check for a
2891 : * sign or digit after 'e', but for now that's unnecessary.
2892 : */
2893 98716 : errno = 0;
2894 98716 : val = strtol(value, &endptr, 0);
2895 98716 : if (*endptr == '.' || *endptr == 'e' || *endptr == 'E' ||
2896 98704 : errno == ERANGE)
2897 : {
2898 12 : errno = 0;
2899 12 : val = strtod(value, &endptr);
2900 : }
2901 :
2902 98716 : if (endptr == value || errno == ERANGE)
2903 22 : return false; /* no HINT for these cases */
2904 :
2905 : /* reject NaN (infinities will fail range check below) */
2906 98694 : if (isnan(val))
2907 0 : return false; /* treat same as syntax error; no HINT */
2908 :
2909 : /* allow whitespace between number and unit */
2910 98734 : while (isspace((unsigned char) *endptr))
2911 40 : endptr++;
2912 :
2913 : /* Handle possible unit */
2914 98694 : if (*endptr != '\0')
2915 : {
2916 11464 : if ((flags & GUC_UNIT) == 0)
2917 4 : return false; /* this setting does not accept a unit */
2918 :
2919 11460 : if (!convert_to_base_unit(val,
2920 : endptr, (flags & GUC_UNIT),
2921 : &val))
2922 : {
2923 : /* invalid unit, or garbage after the unit; set hint and fail. */
2924 0 : if (hintmsg)
2925 : {
2926 0 : if (flags & GUC_UNIT_MEMORY)
2927 0 : *hintmsg = memory_units_hint;
2928 : else
2929 0 : *hintmsg = time_units_hint;
2930 : }
2931 0 : return false;
2932 : }
2933 : }
2934 :
2935 : /* Round to int, then check for overflow */
2936 98690 : val = rint(val);
2937 :
2938 98690 : if (val > INT_MAX || val < INT_MIN)
2939 : {
2940 6 : if (hintmsg)
2941 6 : *hintmsg = gettext_noop("Value exceeds integer range.");
2942 6 : return false;
2943 : }
2944 :
2945 98684 : if (result)
2946 98684 : *result = (int) val;
2947 98684 : return true;
2948 : }
2949 :
2950 : /*
2951 : * Try to parse value as a floating point number in the usual format.
2952 : * Optionally, the value can be followed by a unit name if "flags" indicates
2953 : * a unit is allowed.
2954 : *
2955 : * If the string parses okay, return true, else false.
2956 : * If okay and result is not NULL, return the value in *result.
2957 : * If not okay and hintmsg is not NULL, *hintmsg is set to a suitable
2958 : * HINT message, or NULL if no hint provided.
2959 : */
2960 : bool
2961 8592 : parse_real(const char *value, double *result, int flags, const char **hintmsg)
2962 : {
2963 : double val;
2964 : char *endptr;
2965 :
2966 : /* To suppress compiler warnings, always set output params */
2967 8592 : if (result)
2968 8592 : *result = 0;
2969 8592 : if (hintmsg)
2970 8084 : *hintmsg = NULL;
2971 :
2972 8592 : errno = 0;
2973 8592 : val = strtod(value, &endptr);
2974 :
2975 8592 : if (endptr == value || errno == ERANGE)
2976 16 : return false; /* no HINT for these cases */
2977 :
2978 : /* reject NaN (infinities will fail range checks later) */
2979 8576 : if (isnan(val))
2980 6 : return false; /* treat same as syntax error; no HINT */
2981 :
2982 : /* allow whitespace between number and unit */
2983 8570 : while (isspace((unsigned char) *endptr))
2984 0 : endptr++;
2985 :
2986 : /* Handle possible unit */
2987 8570 : if (*endptr != '\0')
2988 : {
2989 16 : if ((flags & GUC_UNIT) == 0)
2990 4 : return false; /* this setting does not accept a unit */
2991 :
2992 12 : if (!convert_to_base_unit(val,
2993 : endptr, (flags & GUC_UNIT),
2994 : &val))
2995 : {
2996 : /* invalid unit, or garbage after the unit; set hint and fail. */
2997 0 : if (hintmsg)
2998 : {
2999 0 : if (flags & GUC_UNIT_MEMORY)
3000 0 : *hintmsg = memory_units_hint;
3001 : else
3002 0 : *hintmsg = time_units_hint;
3003 : }
3004 0 : return false;
3005 : }
3006 : }
3007 :
3008 8566 : if (result)
3009 8566 : *result = val;
3010 8566 : return true;
3011 : }
3012 :
3013 :
3014 : /*
3015 : * Lookup the name for an enum option with the selected value.
3016 : * Should only ever be called with known-valid values, so throws
3017 : * an elog(ERROR) if the enum option is not found.
3018 : *
3019 : * The returned string is a pointer to static data and not
3020 : * allocated for modification.
3021 : */
3022 : const char *
3023 438084 : config_enum_lookup_by_value(struct config_enum *record, int val)
3024 : {
3025 : const struct config_enum_entry *entry;
3026 :
3027 1104746 : for (entry = record->options; entry && entry->name; entry++)
3028 : {
3029 1104746 : if (entry->val == val)
3030 438084 : return entry->name;
3031 : }
3032 :
3033 0 : elog(ERROR, "could not find enum option %d for %s",
3034 : val, record->;
3035 : return NULL; /* silence compiler */
3036 : }
3037 :
3038 :
3039 : /*
3040 : * Lookup the value for an enum option with the selected name
3041 : * (case-insensitive).
3042 : * If the enum option is found, sets the retval value and returns
3043 : * true. If it's not found, return false and retval is set to 0.
3044 : */
3045 : bool
3046 64102 : config_enum_lookup_by_name(struct config_enum *record, const char *value,
3047 : int *retval)
3048 : {
3049 : const struct config_enum_entry *entry;
3050 :
3051 141288 : for (entry = record->options; entry && entry->name; entry++)
3052 : {
3053 141252 : if (pg_strcasecmp(value, entry->name) == 0)
3054 : {
3055 64066 : *retval = entry->val;
3056 64066 : return true;
3057 : }
3058 : }
3059 :
3060 36 : *retval = 0;
3061 36 : return false;
3062 : }
3063 :
3064 :
3065 : /*
3066 : * Return a palloc'd string listing all the available options for an enum GUC
3067 : * (excluding hidden ones), separated by the given separator.
3068 : * If prefix is non-NULL, it is added before the first enum value.
3069 : * If suffix is non-NULL, it is added to the end of the string.
3070 : */
3071 : char *
3072 132904 : config_enum_get_options(struct config_enum *record, const char *prefix,
3073 : const char *suffix, const char *separator)
3074 : {
3075 : const struct config_enum_entry *entry;
3076 : StringInfoData retstr;
3077 : int seplen;
3078 :
3079 132904 : initStringInfo(&retstr);
3080 132904 : appendStringInfoString(&retstr, prefix);
3081 :
3082 132904 : seplen = strlen(separator);
3083 880246 : for (entry = record->options; entry && entry->name; entry++)
3084 : {
3085 747342 : if (!entry->hidden)
3086 : {
3087 535390 : appendStringInfoString(&retstr, entry->name);
3088 535390 : appendBinaryStringInfo(&retstr, separator, seplen);
3089 : }
3090 : }
3091 :
3092 : /*
3093 : * All the entries may have been hidden, leaving the string empty if no
3094 : * prefix was given. This indicates a broken GUC setup, since there is no
3095 : * use for an enum without any values, so we just check to make sure we
3096 : * don't write to invalid memory instead of actually trying to do
3097 : * something smart with it.
3098 : */
3099 132904 : if (retstr.len >= seplen)
3100 : {
3101 : /* Replace final separator */
3102 132904 :[retstr.len - seplen] = '\0';
3103 132904 : retstr.len -= seplen;
3104 : }
3105 :
3106 132904 : appendStringInfoString(&retstr, suffix);
3107 :
3108 132904 : return;
3109 : }
3110 :
3111 : /*
3112 : * Parse and validate a proposed value for the specified configuration
3113 : * parameter.
3114 : *
3115 : * This does built-in checks (such as range limits for an integer parameter)
3116 : * and also calls any check hook the parameter may have.
3117 : *
3118 : * record: GUC variable's info record
3119 : * value: proposed value, as a string
3120 : * source: identifies source of value (check hooks may need this)
3121 : * elevel: level to log any error reports at
3122 : * newval: on success, converted parameter value is returned here
3123 : * newextra: on success, receives any "extra" data returned by check hook
3124 : * (caller must initialize *newextra to NULL)
3125 : *
3126 : * Returns true if OK, false if not (or throws error, if elevel >= ERROR)
3127 : */
3128 : static bool
3129 839864 : parse_and_validate_value(struct config_generic *record,
3130 : const char *value,
3131 : GucSource source, int elevel,
3132 : union config_var_val *newval, void **newextra)
3133 : {
3134 839864 : switch (record->vartype)
3135 : {
3136 137612 : case PGC_BOOL:
3137 : {
3138 137612 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) record;
3139 :
3140 137612 : if (!parse_bool(value, &newval->boolval))
3141 : {
3142 0 : ereport(elevel,
3144 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" requires a Boolean value",
3145 : conf->;
3146 0 : return false;
3147 : }
3148 :
3149 137612 : if (!call_bool_check_hook(conf, &newval->boolval, newextra,
3150 : source, elevel))
3151 0 : return false;
3152 : }
3153 137588 : break;
3154 90182 : case PGC_INT:
3155 : {
3156 90182 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) record;
3157 : const char *hintmsg;
3158 :
3159 90182 : if (!parse_int(value, &newval->intval,
3160 : conf->gen.flags, &hintmsg))
3161 : {
3162 0 : ereport(elevel,
3164 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
3165 : conf->, value),
3166 : hintmsg ? errhint("%s", _(hintmsg)) : 0));
3167 0 : return false;
3168 : }
3169 :
3170 90182 : if (newval->intval < conf->min || newval->intval > conf->max)
3171 : {
3172 0 : const char *unit = get_config_unit_name(conf->gen.flags);
3173 : const char *unitspace;
3174 :
3175 0 : if (unit)
3176 0 : unitspace = " ";
3177 : else
3178 0 : unit = unitspace = "";
3179 :
3180 0 : ereport(elevel,
3182 : errmsg("%d%s%s is outside the valid range for parameter \"%s\" (%d%s%s .. %d%s%s)",
3183 : newval->intval, unitspace, unit,
3184 : conf->,
3185 : conf->min, unitspace, unit,
3186 : conf->max, unitspace, unit)));
3187 0 : return false;
3188 : }
3189 :
3190 90182 : if (!call_int_check_hook(conf, &newval->intval, newextra,
3191 : source, elevel))
3192 0 : return false;
3193 : }
3194 90182 : break;
3195 8084 : case PGC_REAL:
3196 : {
3197 8084 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) record;
3198 : const char *hintmsg;
3199 :
3200 8084 : if (!parse_real(value, &newval->realval,
3201 : conf->gen.flags, &hintmsg))
3202 : {
3203 6 : ereport(elevel,
3205 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
3206 : conf->, value),
3207 : hintmsg ? errhint("%s", _(hintmsg)) : 0));
3208 0 : return false;
3209 : }
3210 :
3211 8078 : if (newval->realval < conf->min || newval->realval > conf->max)
3212 : {
3213 6 : const char *unit = get_config_unit_name(conf->gen.flags);
3214 : const char *unitspace;
3215 :
3216 6 : if (unit)
3217 6 : unitspace = " ";
3218 : else
3219 0 : unit = unitspace = "";
3220 :
3221 6 : ereport(elevel,
3223 : errmsg("%g%s%s is outside the valid range for parameter \"%s\" (%g%s%s .. %g%s%s)",
3224 : newval->realval, unitspace, unit,
3225 : conf->,
3226 : conf->min, unitspace, unit,
3227 : conf->max, unitspace, unit)));
3228 0 : return false;
3229 : }
3230 :
3231 8072 : if (!call_real_check_hook(conf, &newval->realval, newextra,
3232 : source, elevel))
3233 0 : return false;
3234 : }
3235 8072 : break;
3236 539884 : case PGC_STRING:
3237 : {
3238 539884 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) record;
3239 :
3240 : /*
3241 : * The value passed by the caller could be transient, so we
3242 : * always strdup it.
3243 : */
3244 539884 : newval->stringval = guc_strdup(elevel, value);
3245 539884 : if (newval->stringval == NULL)
3246 0 : return false;
3247 :
3248 : /*
3249 : * The only built-in "parsing" check we have is to apply
3250 : * truncation if GUC_IS_NAME.
3251 : */
3252 539884 : if (conf->gen.flags & GUC_IS_NAME)
3253 149664 : truncate_identifier(newval->stringval,
3254 149664 : strlen(newval->stringval),
3255 : true);
3256 :
3257 539884 : if (!call_string_check_hook(conf, &newval->stringval, newextra,
3258 : source, elevel))
3259 : {
3260 0 : guc_free(newval->stringval);
3261 0 : newval->stringval = NULL;
3262 0 : return false;
3263 : }
3264 : }
3265 539842 : break;
3266 64102 : case PGC_ENUM:
3267 : {
3268 64102 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) record;
3269 :
3270 64102 : if (!config_enum_lookup_by_name(conf, value, &newval->enumval))
3271 : {
3272 : char *hintmsg;
3273 :
3274 36 : hintmsg = config_enum_get_options(conf,
3275 : "Available values: ",
3276 : ".", ", ");
3277 :
3278 36 : ereport(elevel,
3280 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
3281 : conf->, value),
3282 : hintmsg ? errhint("%s", _(hintmsg)) : 0));
3283 :
3284 0 : if (hintmsg)
3285 0 : pfree(hintmsg);
3286 0 : return false;
3287 : }
3288 :
3289 64066 : if (!call_enum_check_hook(conf, &newval->enumval, newextra,
3290 : source, elevel))
3291 0 : return false;
3292 : }
3293 64064 : break;
3294 : }
3295 :
3296 839748 : return true;
3297 : }
3298 :
3299 :
3300 : /*
3301 : * set_config_option: sets option `name' to given value.
3302 : *
3303 : * The value should be a string, which will be parsed and converted to
3304 : * the appropriate data type. The context and source parameters indicate
3305 : * in which context this function is being called, so that it can apply the
3306 : * access restrictions properly.
3307 : *
3308 : * If value is NULL, set the option to its default value (normally the
3309 : * reset_val, but if source == PGC_S_DEFAULT we instead use the boot_val).
3310 : *
3311 : * action indicates whether to set the value globally in the session, locally
3312 : * to the current top transaction, or just for the duration of a function call.
3313 : *
3314 : * If changeVal is false then don't really set the option but do all
3315 : * the checks to see if it would work.
3316 : *
3317 : * elevel should normally be passed as zero, allowing this function to make
3318 : * its standard choice of ereport level. However some callers need to be
3319 : * able to override that choice; they should pass the ereport level to use.
3320 : *
3321 : * is_reload should be true only when called from read_nondefault_variables()
3322 : * or RestoreGUCState(), where we are trying to load some other process's
3323 : * GUC settings into a new process.
3324 : *
3325 : * Return value:
3326 : * +1: the value is valid and was successfully applied.
3327 : * 0: the name or value is invalid, or it's invalid to try to set
3328 : * this GUC now; but elevel was less than ERROR (see below).
3329 : * -1: no error detected, but the value was not applied, either
3330 : * because changeVal is false or there is some overriding setting.
3331 : *
3332 : * If there is an error (non-existing option, invalid value, etc) then an
3333 : * ereport(ERROR) is thrown *unless* this is called for a source for which
3334 : * we don't want an ERROR (currently, those are defaults, the config file,
3335 : * and per-database or per-user settings, as well as callers who specify
3336 : * a less-than-ERROR elevel). In those cases we write a suitable error
3337 : * message via ereport() and return 0.
3338 : *
3339 : * See also SetConfigOption for an external interface.
3340 : */
3341 : int
3342 720310 : set_config_option(const char *name, const char *value,
3343 : GucContext context, GucSource source,
3344 : GucAction action, bool changeVal, int elevel,
3345 : bool is_reload)
3346 : {
3347 : Oid srole;
3348 :
3349 : /*
3350 : * Non-interactive sources should be treated as having all privileges,
3351 : * except for PGC_S_CLIENT. Note in particular that this is true for
3352 : * pg_db_role_setting sources (PGC_S_GLOBAL etc): we assume a suitable
3353 : * privilege check was done when the pg_db_role_setting entry was made.
3354 : */
3355 720310 : if (source >= PGC_S_INTERACTIVE || source == PGC_S_CLIENT)
3356 378236 : srole = GetUserId();
3357 : else
3358 342074 : srole = BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID;
3359 :
3360 720310 : return set_config_with_handle(name, NULL, value,
3361 : context, source, srole,
3362 : action, changeVal, elevel,
3363 : is_reload);
3364 : }
3365 :
3366 : /*
3367 : * set_config_option_ext: sets option `name' to given value.
3368 : *
3369 : * This API adds the ability to explicitly specify which role OID
3370 : * is considered to be setting the value. Most external callers can use
3371 : * set_config_option() and let it determine that based on the GucSource,
3372 : * but there are a few that are supplying a value that was determined
3373 : * in some special way and need to override the decision. Also, when
3374 : * restoring a previously-assigned value, it's important to supply the
3375 : * same role OID that set the value originally; so all guc.c callers
3376 : * that are doing that type of thing need to call this directly.
3377 : *
3378 : * Generally, srole should be GetUserId() when the source is a SQL operation,
3379 : * or BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID if the source is a config file or similar.
3380 : */
3381 : int
3382 97476 : set_config_option_ext(const char *name, const char *value,
3383 : GucContext context, GucSource source, Oid srole,
3384 : GucAction action, bool changeVal, int elevel,
3385 : bool is_reload)
3386 : {
3387 97476 : return set_config_with_handle(name, NULL, value,
3388 : context, source, srole,
3389 : action, changeVal, elevel,
3390 : is_reload);
3391 : }
3392 :
3393 :
3394 : /*
3395 : * set_config_with_handle: sets option `name' to given value.
3396 : *
3397 : * This API adds the ability to pass a 'handle' argument, which can be
3398 : * obtained by the caller from get_config_handle(). NULL has no effect,
3399 : * but a non-null value avoids the need to search the GUC tables.
3400 : *
3401 : * This should be used by callers which repeatedly set the same config
3402 : * option(s), and want to avoid the overhead of a hash lookup each time.
3403 : */
3404 : int
3405 845164 : set_config_with_handle(const char *name, config_handle *handle,
3406 : const char *value,
3407 : GucContext context, GucSource source, Oid srole,
3408 : GucAction action, bool changeVal, int elevel,
3409 : bool is_reload)
3410 : {
3411 : struct config_generic *record;
3412 : union config_var_val newval_union;
3413 845164 : void *newextra = NULL;
3414 845164 : bool prohibitValueChange = false;
3415 : bool makeDefault;
3416 :
3417 845164 : if (elevel == 0)
3418 : {
3419 720478 : if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT || source == PGC_S_FILE)
3420 : {
3421 : /*
3422 : * To avoid cluttering the log, only the postmaster bleats loudly
3423 : * about problems with the config file.
3424 : */
3425 72580 : elevel = IsUnderPostmaster ? DEBUG3 : LOG;
3426 : }
3427 647898 : else if (source == PGC_S_GLOBAL ||
3428 607940 : source == PGC_S_DATABASE ||
3429 607936 : source == PGC_S_USER ||
3430 : source == PGC_S_DATABASE_USER)
3431 39962 : elevel = WARNING;
3432 : else
3433 607936 : elevel = ERROR;
3434 : }
3435 :
3436 : /* if handle is specified, no need to look up option */
3437 845164 : if (!handle)
3438 : {
3439 845000 : record = find_option(name, true, false, elevel);
3440 844928 : if (record == NULL)
3441 0 : return 0;
3442 : }
3443 : else
3444 164 : record = handle;
3445 :
3446 : /*
3447 : * GUC_ACTION_SAVE changes are acceptable during a parallel operation,
3448 : * because the current worker will also pop the change. We're probably
3449 : * dealing with a function having a proconfig entry. Only the function's
3450 : * body should observe the change, and peer workers do not share in the
3451 : * execution of a function call started by this worker.
3452 : *
3453 : * Also allow normal setting if the GUC is marked GUC_ALLOW_IN_PARALLEL.
3454 : *
3455 : * Other changes might need to affect other workers, so forbid them.
3456 : */
3457 845092 : if (IsInParallelMode() && changeVal && action != GUC_ACTION_SAVE &&
3458 18 : (record->flags & GUC_ALLOW_IN_PARALLEL) == 0)
3459 : {
3460 0 : ereport(elevel,
3462 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be set during a parallel operation",
3463 : record->name)));
3464 0 : return 0;
3465 : }
3466 :
3467 : /*
3468 : * Check if the option can be set at this time. See guc.h for the precise
3469 : * rules.
3470 : */
3471 845092 : switch (record->context)
3472 : {
3473 113442 : case PGC_INTERNAL:
3474 113442 : if (context != PGC_INTERNAL)
3475 : {
3476 4 : ereport(elevel,
3478 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed",
3479 : record->name)));
3480 0 : return 0;
3481 : }
3482 113438 : break;
3483 47870 : case PGC_POSTMASTER:
3484 47870 : if (context == PGC_SIGHUP)
3485 : {
3486 : /*
3487 : * We are re-reading a PGC_POSTMASTER variable from
3488 : * postgresql.conf. We can't change the setting, so we should
3489 : * give a warning if the DBA tries to change it. However,
3490 : * because of variant formats, canonicalization by check
3491 : * hooks, etc, we can't just compare the given string directly
3492 : * to what's stored. Set a flag to check below after we have
3493 : * the final storable value.
3494 : */
3495 9370 : prohibitValueChange = true;
3496 : }
3497 38500 : else if (context != PGC_POSTMASTER)
3498 : {
3499 8 : ereport(elevel,
3501 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
3502 : record->name)));
3503 0 : return 0;
3504 : }
3505 47862 : break;
3506 42368 : case PGC_SIGHUP:
3507 42368 : if (context != PGC_SIGHUP && context != PGC_POSTMASTER)
3508 : {
3509 6 : ereport(elevel,
3511 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed now",
3512 : record->name)));
3513 0 : return 0;
3514 : }
3515 :
3516 : /*
3517 : * Hmm, the idea of the SIGHUP context is "ought to be global, but
3518 : * can be changed after postmaster start". But there's nothing
3519 : * that prevents a crafty administrator from sending SIGHUP
3520 : * signals to individual backends only.
3521 : */
3522 42362 : break;
3523 292 : case PGC_SU_BACKEND:
3524 292 : if (context == PGC_BACKEND)
3525 : {
3526 : /*
3527 : * Check whether the requesting user has been granted
3528 : * privilege to set this GUC.
3529 : */
3530 : AclResult aclresult;
3531 :
3532 0 : aclresult = pg_parameter_aclcheck(record->name, srole, ACL_SET);
3533 0 : if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
3534 : {
3535 : /* No granted privilege */
3536 0 : ereport(elevel,
3538 : errmsg("permission denied to set parameter \"%s\"",
3539 : record->name)));
3540 0 : return 0;
3541 : }
3542 : }
3543 : /* fall through to process the same as PGC_BACKEND */
3544 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3545 : case PGC_BACKEND:
3546 296 : if (context == PGC_SIGHUP)
3547 : {
3548 : /*
3549 : * If a PGC_BACKEND or PGC_SU_BACKEND parameter is changed in
3550 : * the config file, we want to accept the new value in the
3551 : * postmaster (whence it will propagate to
3552 : * subsequently-started backends), but ignore it in existing
3553 : * backends. This is a tad klugy, but necessary because we
3554 : * don't re-read the config file during backend start.
3555 : *
3556 : * However, if changeVal is false then plow ahead anyway since
3557 : * we are trying to find out if the value is potentially good,
3558 : * not actually use it.
3559 : *
3560 : * In EXEC_BACKEND builds, this works differently: we load all
3561 : * non-default settings from the CONFIG_EXEC_PARAMS file
3562 : * during backend start. In that case we must accept
3563 : * PGC_SIGHUP settings, so as to have the same value as if
3564 : * we'd forked from the postmaster. This can also happen when
3565 : * using RestoreGUCState() within a background worker that
3566 : * needs to have the same settings as the user backend that
3567 : * started it. is_reload will be true when either situation
3568 : * applies.
3569 : */
3570 150 : if (IsUnderPostmaster && changeVal && !is_reload)
3571 48 : return -1;
3572 : }
3573 146 : else if (context != PGC_POSTMASTER &&
3574 8 : context != PGC_BACKEND &&
3575 8 : context != PGC_SU_BACKEND &&
3576 : source != PGC_S_CLIENT)
3577 : {
3578 8 : ereport(elevel,
3580 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be set after connection start",
3581 : record->name)));
3582 0 : return 0;
3583 : }
3584 240 : break;
3585 35380 : case PGC_SUSET:
3586 35380 : if (context == PGC_USERSET || context == PGC_BACKEND)
3587 : {
3588 : /*
3589 : * Check whether the requesting user has been granted
3590 : * privilege to set this GUC.
3591 : */
3592 : AclResult aclresult;
3593 :
3594 30 : aclresult = pg_parameter_aclcheck(record->name, srole, ACL_SET);
3595 30 : if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
3596 : {
3597 : /* No granted privilege */
3598 16 : ereport(elevel,
3600 : errmsg("permission denied to set parameter \"%s\"",
3601 : record->name)));
3602 4 : return 0;
3603 : }
3604 : }
3605 35364 : break;
3606 605736 : case PGC_USERSET:
3607 : /* always okay */
3608 605736 : break;
3609 : }
3610 :
3611 : /*
3612 : * Disallow changing GUC_NOT_WHILE_SEC_REST values if we are inside a
3613 : * security restriction context. We can reject this regardless of the GUC
3614 : * context or source, mainly because sources that it might be reasonable
3615 : * to override for won't be seen while inside a function.
3616 : *
3617 : * Note: variables marked GUC_NOT_WHILE_SEC_REST should usually be marked
3618 : * GUC_NO_RESET_ALL as well, because ResetAllOptions() doesn't check this.
3619 : * An exception might be made if the reset value is assumed to be "safe".
3620 : *
3621 : * Note: this flag is currently used for "session_authorization" and
3622 : * "role". We need to prohibit changing these inside a local userid
3623 : * context because when we exit it, GUC won't be notified, leaving things
3624 : * out of sync. (This could be fixed by forcing a new GUC nesting level,
3625 : * but that would change behavior in possibly-undesirable ways.) Also, we
3626 : * prohibit changing these in a security-restricted operation because
3627 : * otherwise RESET could be used to regain the session user's privileges.
3628 : */
3629 845002 : if (record->flags & GUC_NOT_WHILE_SEC_REST)
3630 : {
3631 61522 : if (InLocalUserIdChange())
3632 : {
3633 : /*
3634 : * Phrasing of this error message is historical, but it's the most
3635 : * common case.
3636 : */
3637 0 : ereport(elevel,
3639 : errmsg("cannot set parameter \"%s\" within security-definer function",
3640 : record->name)));
3641 0 : return 0;
3642 : }
3643 61522 : if (InSecurityRestrictedOperation())
3644 : {
3645 0 : ereport(elevel,
3647 : errmsg("cannot set parameter \"%s\" within security-restricted operation",
3648 : record->name)));
3649 0 : return 0;
3650 : }
3651 : }
3652 :
3653 : /* Disallow resetting and saving GUC_NO_RESET values */
3654 845002 : if (record->flags & GUC_NO_RESET)
3655 : {
3656 22374 : if (value == NULL)
3657 : {
3658 18 : ereport(elevel,
3660 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be reset", record->name)));
3661 0 : return 0;
3662 : }
3663 22356 : if (action == GUC_ACTION_SAVE)
3664 : {
3665 6 : ereport(elevel,
3667 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be set locally in functions",
3668 : record->name)));
3669 0 : return 0;
3670 : }
3671 : }
3672 :
3673 : /*
3674 : * Should we set reset/stacked values? (If so, the behavior is not
3675 : * transactional.) This is done either when we get a default value from
3676 : * the database's/user's/client's default settings or when we reset a
3677 : * value to its default.
3678 : */
3679 844982 : makeDefault = changeVal && (source <= PGC_S_OVERRIDE) &&
3680 4 : ((value != NULL) || source == PGC_S_DEFAULT);
3681 :
3682 : /*
3683 : * Ignore attempted set if overridden by previously processed setting.
3684 : * However, if changeVal is false then plow ahead anyway since we are
3685 : * trying to find out if the value is potentially good, not actually use
3686 : * it. Also keep going if makeDefault is true, since we may want to set
3687 : * the reset/stacked values even if we can't set the variable itself.
3688 : */
3689 844978 : if (record->source > source)
3690 : {
3691 1420 : if (changeVal && !makeDefault)
3692 : {
3693 0 : elog(DEBUG3, "\"%s\": setting ignored because previous source is higher priority",
3694 : record->name);
3695 0 : return -1;
3696 : }
3697 1420 : changeVal = false;
3698 : }
3699 :
3700 : /*
3701 : * Evaluate value and set variable.
3702 : */
3703 844978 : switch (record->vartype)
3704 : {
3705 138998 : case PGC_BOOL:
3706 : {
3707 138998 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) record;
3708 :
3709 : #define newval (newval_union.boolval)
3710 :
3711 138998 : if (value)
3712 : {
3713 137588 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
3714 : source, elevel,
3715 : &newval_union, &newextra))
3716 0 : return 0;
3717 : }
3718 1410 : else if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
3719 : {
3720 0 : newval = conf->boot_val;
3721 0 : if (!call_bool_check_hook(conf, &newval, &newextra,
3722 : source, elevel))
3723 0 : return 0;
3724 : }
3725 : else
3726 : {
3727 1410 : newval = conf->reset_val;
3728 1410 : newextra = conf->reset_extra;
3729 1410 : source = conf->gen.reset_source;
3730 1410 : context = conf->gen.reset_scontext;
3731 1410 : srole = conf->gen.reset_srole;
3732 : }
3733 :
3734 138974 : if (prohibitValueChange)
3735 : {
3736 : /* Release newextra, unless it's reset_extra */
3737 1018 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3738 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3739 :
3740 1018 : if (*conf->variable != newval)
3741 : {
3742 0 : record->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3743 0 : ereport(elevel,
3745 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
3746 : conf->;
3747 0 : return 0;
3748 : }
3749 1018 : record->status &= ~GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3750 1018 : return -1;
3751 : }
3752 :
3753 137956 : if (changeVal)
3754 : {
3755 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
3756 137880 : if (!makeDefault)
3757 27726 : push_old_value(&conf->gen, action);
3758 :
3759 137880 : if (conf->assign_hook)
3760 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
3761 137880 : *conf->variable = newval;
3762 137880 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
3763 : newextra);
3764 137880 : set_guc_source(&conf->gen, source);
3765 137880 : conf->gen.scontext = context;
3766 137880 : conf->gen.srole = srole;
3767 : }
3768 137956 : if (makeDefault)
3769 : {
3770 : GucStack *stack;
3771 :
3772 110206 : if (conf->gen.reset_source <= source)
3773 : {
3774 110154 : conf->reset_val = newval;
3775 110154 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->reset_extra,
3776 : newextra);
3777 110154 : conf->gen.reset_source = source;
3778 110154 : conf->gen.reset_scontext = context;
3779 110154 : conf->gen.reset_srole = srole;
3780 : }
3781 110206 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
3782 : {
3783 0 : if (stack->source <= source)
3784 : {
3785 0 : stack->prior.val.boolval = newval;
3786 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &stack->prior.extra,
3787 : newextra);
3788 0 : stack->source = source;
3789 0 : stack->scontext = context;
3790 0 : stack->srole = srole;
3791 : }
3792 : }
3793 : }
3794 :
3795 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newextra anywhere */
3796 137956 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3797 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3798 137956 : break;
3799 :
3800 : #undef newval
3801 : }
3802 :
3803 90488 : case PGC_INT:
3804 : {
3805 90488 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) record;
3806 :
3807 : #define newval (newval_union.intval)
3808 :
3809 90488 : if (value)
3810 : {
3811 90158 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
3812 : source, elevel,
3813 : &newval_union, &newextra))
3814 0 : return 0;
3815 : }
3816 330 : else if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
3817 : {
3818 0 : newval = conf->boot_val;
3819 0 : if (!call_int_check_hook(conf, &newval, &newextra,
3820 : source, elevel))
3821 0 : return 0;
3822 : }
3823 : else
3824 : {
3825 330 : newval = conf->reset_val;
3826 330 : newextra = conf->reset_extra;
3827 330 : source = conf->gen.reset_source;
3828 330 : context = conf->gen.reset_scontext;
3829 330 : srole = conf->gen.reset_srole;
3830 : }
3831 :
3832 90488 : if (prohibitValueChange)
3833 : {
3834 : /* Release newextra, unless it's reset_extra */
3835 4840 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3836 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3837 :
3838 4840 : if (*conf->variable != newval)
3839 : {
3840 0 : record->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3841 0 : ereport(elevel,
3843 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
3844 : conf->;
3845 0 : return 0;
3846 : }
3847 4840 : record->status &= ~GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3848 4840 : return -1;
3849 : }
3850 :
3851 85648 : if (changeVal)
3852 : {
3853 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
3854 84656 : if (!makeDefault)
3855 20418 : push_old_value(&conf->gen, action);
3856 :
3857 84656 : if (conf->assign_hook)
3858 14496 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
3859 84656 : *conf->variable = newval;
3860 84656 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
3861 : newextra);
3862 84656 : set_guc_source(&conf->gen, source);
3863 84656 : conf->gen.scontext = context;
3864 84656 : conf->gen.srole = srole;
3865 : }
3866 85648 : if (makeDefault)
3867 : {
3868 : GucStack *stack;
3869 :
3870 65148 : if (conf->gen.reset_source <= source)
3871 : {
3872 64238 : conf->reset_val = newval;
3873 64238 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->reset_extra,
3874 : newextra);
3875 64238 : conf->gen.reset_source = source;
3876 64238 : conf->gen.reset_scontext = context;
3877 64238 : conf->gen.reset_srole = srole;
3878 : }
3879 65148 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
3880 : {
3881 0 : if (stack->source <= source)
3882 : {
3883 0 : stack->prior.val.intval = newval;
3884 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &stack->prior.extra,
3885 : newextra);
3886 0 : stack->source = source;
3887 0 : stack->scontext = context;
3888 0 : stack->srole = srole;
3889 : }
3890 : }
3891 : }
3892 :
3893 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newextra anywhere */
3894 85648 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3895 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3896 85648 : break;
3897 :
3898 : #undef newval
3899 : }
3900 :
3901 8244 : case PGC_REAL:
3902 : {
3903 8244 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) record;
3904 :
3905 : #define newval (newval_union.realval)
3906 :
3907 8244 : if (value)
3908 : {
3909 8084 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
3910 : source, elevel,
3911 : &newval_union, &newextra))
3912 0 : return 0;
3913 : }
3914 160 : else if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
3915 : {
3916 0 : newval = conf->boot_val;
3917 0 : if (!call_real_check_hook(conf, &newval, &newextra,
3918 : source, elevel))
3919 0 : return 0;
3920 : }
3921 : else
3922 : {
3923 160 : newval = conf->reset_val;
3924 160 : newextra = conf->reset_extra;
3925 160 : source = conf->gen.reset_source;
3926 160 : context = conf->gen.reset_scontext;
3927 160 : srole = conf->gen.reset_srole;
3928 : }
3929 :
3930 8232 : if (prohibitValueChange)
3931 : {
3932 : /* Release newextra, unless it's reset_extra */
3933 0 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3934 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3935 :
3936 0 : if (*conf->variable != newval)
3937 : {
3938 0 : record->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3939 0 : ereport(elevel,
3941 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
3942 : conf->;
3943 0 : return 0;
3944 : }
3945 0 : record->status &= ~GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
3946 0 : return -1;
3947 : }
3948 :
3949 8232 : if (changeVal)
3950 : {
3951 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
3952 8232 : if (!makeDefault)
3953 8232 : push_old_value(&conf->gen, action);
3954 :
3955 8232 : if (conf->assign_hook)
3956 0 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
3957 8232 : *conf->variable = newval;
3958 8232 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
3959 : newextra);
3960 8232 : set_guc_source(&conf->gen, source);
3961 8232 : conf->gen.scontext = context;
3962 8232 : conf->gen.srole = srole;
3963 : }
3964 8232 : if (makeDefault)
3965 : {
3966 : GucStack *stack;
3967 :
3968 0 : if (conf->gen.reset_source <= source)
3969 : {
3970 0 : conf->reset_val = newval;
3971 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->reset_extra,
3972 : newextra);
3973 0 : conf->gen.reset_source = source;
3974 0 : conf->gen.reset_scontext = context;
3975 0 : conf->gen.reset_srole = srole;
3976 : }
3977 0 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
3978 : {
3979 0 : if (stack->source <= source)
3980 : {
3981 0 : stack->prior.val.realval = newval;
3982 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &stack->prior.extra,
3983 : newextra);
3984 0 : stack->source = source;
3985 0 : stack->scontext = context;
3986 0 : stack->srole = srole;
3987 : }
3988 : }
3989 : }
3990 :
3991 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newextra anywhere */
3992 8232 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
3993 0 : guc_free(newextra);
3994 8232 : break;
3995 :
3996 : #undef newval
3997 : }
3998 :
3999 542676 : case PGC_STRING:
4000 : {
4001 542676 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) record;
4002 542676 : GucContext orig_context = context;
4003 542676 : GucSource orig_source = source;
4004 542676 : Oid orig_srole = srole;
4005 :
4006 : #define newval (newval_union.stringval)
4007 :
4008 542676 : if (value)
4009 : {
4010 539846 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
4011 : source, elevel,
4012 : &newval_union, &newextra))
4013 0 : return 0;
4014 : }
4015 2830 : else if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
4016 : {
4017 : /* non-NULL boot_val must always get strdup'd */
4018 4 : if (conf->boot_val != NULL)
4019 : {
4020 4 : newval = guc_strdup(elevel, conf->boot_val);
4021 4 : if (newval == NULL)
4022 0 : return 0;
4023 : }
4024 : else
4025 0 : newval = NULL;
4026 :
4027 4 : if (!call_string_check_hook(conf, &newval, &newextra,
4028 : source, elevel))
4029 : {
4030 0 : guc_free(newval);
4031 0 : return 0;
4032 : }
4033 : }
4034 : else
4035 : {
4036 : /*
4037 : * strdup not needed, since reset_val is already under
4038 : * guc.c's control
4039 : */
4040 2826 : newval = conf->reset_val;
4041 2826 : newextra = conf->reset_extra;
4042 2826 : source = conf->gen.reset_source;
4043 2826 : context = conf->gen.reset_scontext;
4044 2826 : srole = conf->gen.reset_srole;
4045 : }
4046 :
4047 542634 : if (prohibitValueChange)
4048 : {
4049 : bool newval_different;
4050 :
4051 : /* newval shouldn't be NULL, so we're a bit sloppy here */
4052 5070 : newval_different = (*conf->variable == NULL ||
4053 3380 : newval == NULL ||
4054 1690 : strcmp(*conf->variable, newval) != 0);
4055 :
4056 : /* Release newval, unless it's reset_val */
4057 1690 : if (newval && !string_field_used(conf, newval))
4058 1690 : guc_free(newval);
4059 : /* Release newextra, unless it's reset_extra */
4060 1690 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
4061 0 : guc_free(newextra);
4062 :
4063 1690 : if (newval_different)
4064 : {
4065 0 : record->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
4066 0 : ereport(elevel,
4068 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
4069 : conf->;
4070 0 : return 0;
4071 : }
4072 1690 : record->status &= ~GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
4073 1690 : return -1;
4074 : }
4075 :
4076 540944 : if (changeVal)
4077 : {
4078 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
4079 539426 : if (!makeDefault)
4080 283404 : push_old_value(&conf->gen, action);
4081 :
4082 539426 : if (conf->assign_hook)
4083 491232 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
4084 539424 : set_string_field(conf, conf->variable, newval);
4085 539424 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
4086 : newextra);
4087 539424 : set_guc_source(&conf->gen, source);
4088 539424 : conf->gen.scontext = context;
4089 539424 : conf->gen.srole = srole;
4090 :
4091 : /*
4092 : * Ugly hack: during SET session_authorization, forcibly
4093 : * do SET ROLE NONE with the same context/source/etc, so
4094 : * that the effects will have identical lifespan. This is
4095 : * required by the SQL spec, and it's not possible to do
4096 : * it within the variable's check hook or assign hook
4097 : * because our APIs for those don't pass enough info.
4098 : * However, don't do it if is_reload: in that case we
4099 : * expect that if "role" isn't supposed to be default, it
4100 : * has been or will be set by a separate reload action.
4101 : *
4102 : * Also, for the call from InitializeSessionUserId with
4103 : * source == PGC_S_OVERRIDE, use PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT for
4104 : * "role"'s source, so that it's still possible to set
4105 : * "role" from pg_db_role_setting entries. (See notes in
4106 : * InitializeSessionUserId before changing this.)
4107 : *
4108 : * A fine point: for RESET session_authorization, we do
4109 : * "RESET role" not "SET ROLE NONE" (by passing down NULL
4110 : * rather than "none" for the value). This would have the
4111 : * same effects in typical cases, but if the reset value
4112 : * of "role" is not "none" it seems better to revert to
4113 : * that.
4114 : */
4115 539424 : if (!is_reload &&
4116 500156 : strcmp(conf->, "session_authorization") == 0)
4117 27214 : (void) set_config_with_handle("role", NULL,
4118 : value ? "none" : NULL,
4119 : orig_context,
4120 : (orig_source == PGC_S_OVERRIDE)
4122 : : orig_source,
4123 : orig_srole,
4124 : action,
4125 : true,
4126 : elevel,
4127 : false);
4128 : }
4129 :
4130 540942 : if (makeDefault)
4131 : {
4132 : GucStack *stack;
4133 :
4134 256402 : if (conf->gen.reset_source <= source)
4135 : {
4136 256022 : set_string_field(conf, &conf->reset_val, newval);
4137 256022 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->reset_extra,
4138 : newextra);
4139 256022 : conf->gen.reset_source = source;
4140 256022 : conf->gen.reset_scontext = context;
4141 256022 : conf->gen.reset_srole = srole;
4142 : }
4143 256402 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
4144 : {
4145 0 : if (stack->source <= source)
4146 : {
4147 0 : set_string_field(conf, &stack->prior.val.stringval,
4148 : newval);
4149 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &stack->prior.extra,
4150 : newextra);
4151 0 : stack->source = source;
4152 0 : stack->scontext = context;
4153 0 : stack->srole = srole;
4154 : }
4155 : }
4156 : }
4157 :
4158 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newval anywhere */
4159 540942 : if (newval && !string_field_used(conf, newval))
4160 1492 : guc_free(newval);
4161 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newextra anywhere */
4162 540942 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
4163 464 : guc_free(newextra);
4164 540942 : break;
4165 :
4166 : #undef newval
4167 : }
4168 :
4169 64572 : case PGC_ENUM:
4170 : {
4171 64572 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) record;
4172 :
4173 : #define newval (newval_union.enumval)
4174 :
4175 64572 : if (value)
4176 : {
4177 64096 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
4178 : source, elevel,
4179 : &newval_union, &newextra))
4180 0 : return 0;
4181 : }
4182 476 : else if (source == PGC_S_DEFAULT)
4183 : {
4184 0 : newval = conf->boot_val;
4185 0 : if (!call_enum_check_hook(conf, &newval, &newextra,
4186 : source, elevel))
4187 0 : return 0;
4188 : }
4189 : else
4190 : {
4191 476 : newval = conf->reset_val;
4192 476 : newextra = conf->reset_extra;
4193 476 : source = conf->gen.reset_source;
4194 476 : context = conf->gen.reset_scontext;
4195 476 : srole = conf->gen.reset_srole;
4196 : }
4197 :
4198 64534 : if (prohibitValueChange)
4199 : {
4200 : /* Release newextra, unless it's reset_extra */
4201 1822 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
4202 0 : guc_free(newextra);
4203 :
4204 1822 : if (*conf->variable != newval)
4205 : {
4206 0 : record->status |= GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
4207 0 : ereport(elevel,
4209 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server",
4210 : conf->;
4211 0 : return 0;
4212 : }
4213 1822 : record->status &= ~GUC_PENDING_RESTART;
4214 1822 : return -1;
4215 : }
4216 :
4217 62712 : if (changeVal)
4218 : {
4219 : /* Save old value to support transaction abort */
4220 62506 : if (!makeDefault)
4221 19176 : push_old_value(&conf->gen, action);
4222 :
4223 62506 : if (conf->assign_hook)
4224 7602 : conf->assign_hook(newval, newextra);
4225 62506 : *conf->variable = newval;
4226 62506 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->gen.extra,
4227 : newextra);
4228 62506 : set_guc_source(&conf->gen, source);
4229 62506 : conf->gen.scontext = context;
4230 62506 : conf->gen.srole = srole;
4231 : }
4232 62712 : if (makeDefault)
4233 : {
4234 : GucStack *stack;
4235 :
4236 43330 : if (conf->gen.reset_source <= source)
4237 : {
4238 43330 : conf->reset_val = newval;
4239 43330 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &conf->reset_extra,
4240 : newextra);
4241 43330 : conf->gen.reset_source = source;
4242 43330 : conf->gen.reset_scontext = context;
4243 43330 : conf->gen.reset_srole = srole;
4244 : }
4245 43330 : for (stack = conf->gen.stack; stack; stack = stack->prev)
4246 : {
4247 0 : if (stack->source <= source)
4248 : {
4249 0 : stack->prior.val.enumval = newval;
4250 0 : set_extra_field(&conf->gen, &stack->prior.extra,
4251 : newextra);
4252 0 : stack->source = source;
4253 0 : stack->scontext = context;
4254 0 : stack->srole = srole;
4255 : }
4256 : }
4257 : }
4258 :
4259 : /* Perhaps we didn't install newextra anywhere */
4260 62712 : if (newextra && !extra_field_used(&conf->gen, newextra))
4261 0 : guc_free(newextra);
4262 62712 : break;
4263 :
4264 : #undef newval
4265 : }
4266 : }
4267 :
4268 835490 : if (changeVal && (record->flags & GUC_REPORT) &&
4269 507680 : !(record->status & GUC_NEEDS_REPORT))
4270 : {
4271 230076 : record->status |= GUC_NEEDS_REPORT;
4272 230076 : slist_push_head(&guc_report_list, &record->report_link);
4273 : }
4274 :
4275 835490 : return changeVal ? 1 : -1;
4276 : }
4277 :
4278 :
4279 : /*
4280 : * Retrieve a config_handle for the given name, suitable for calling
4281 : * set_config_with_handle(). Only return handle to permanent GUC.
4282 : */
4283 : config_handle *
4284 132 : get_config_handle(const char *name)
4285 : {
4286 132 : struct config_generic *gen = find_option(name, false, false, 0);
4287 :
4288 132 : if (gen && ((gen->flags & GUC_CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER) == 0))
4289 132 : return gen;
4290 :
4291 0 : return NULL;
4292 : }
4293 :
4294 :
4295 : /*
4296 : * Set the fields for source file and line number the setting came from.
4297 : */
4298 : static void
4299 118660 : set_config_sourcefile(const char *name, char *sourcefile, int sourceline)
4300 : {
4301 : struct config_generic *record;
4302 : int elevel;
4303 :
4304 : /*
4305 : * To avoid cluttering the log, only the postmaster bleats loudly about
4306 : * problems with the config file.
4307 : */
4308 118660 : elevel = IsUnderPostmaster ? DEBUG3 : LOG;
4309 :
4310 118660 : record = find_option(name, true, false, elevel);
4311 : /* should not happen */
4312 118660 : if (record == NULL)
4313 0 : return;
4314 :
4315 118660 : sourcefile = guc_strdup(elevel, sourcefile);
4316 118660 : guc_free(record->sourcefile);
4317 118660 : record->sourcefile = sourcefile;
4318 118660 : record->sourceline = sourceline;
4319 : }
4320 :
4321 : /*
4322 : * Set a config option to the given value.
4323 : *
4324 : * See also set_config_option; this is just the wrapper to be called from
4325 : * outside GUC. (This function should be used when possible, because its API
4326 : * is more stable than set_config_option's.)
4327 : *
4328 : * Note: there is no support here for setting source file/line, as it
4329 : * is currently not needed.
4330 : */
4331 : void
4332 271288 : SetConfigOption(const char *name, const char *value,
4333 : GucContext context, GucSource source)
4334 : {
4335 271288 : (void) set_config_option(name, value, context, source,
4336 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, 0, false);
4337 271240 : }
4338 :
4339 :
4340 :
4341 : /*
4342 : * Fetch the current value of the option `name', as a string.
4343 : *
4344 : * If the option doesn't exist, return NULL if missing_ok is true,
4345 : * otherwise throw an ereport and don't return.
4346 : *
4347 : * If restrict_privileged is true, we also enforce that only superusers and
4348 : * members of the pg_read_all_settings role can see GUC_SUPERUSER_ONLY
4349 : * variables. This should only be passed as true in user-driven calls.
4350 : *
4351 : * The string is *not* allocated for modification and is really only
4352 : * valid until the next call to configuration related functions.
4353 : */
4354 : const char *
4355 12226 : GetConfigOption(const char *name, bool missing_ok, bool restrict_privileged)
4356 : {
4357 : struct config_generic *record;
4358 : static char buffer[256];
4359 :
4360 12226 : record = find_option(name, false, missing_ok, ERROR);
4361 12226 : if (record == NULL)
4362 2 : return NULL;
4363 12224 : if (restrict_privileged &&
4364 0 : !ConfigOptionIsVisible(record))
4365 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4367 : errmsg("permission denied to examine \"%s\"", name),
4368 : errdetail("Only roles with privileges of the \"%s\" role may examine this parameter.",
4369 : "pg_read_all_settings")));
4370 :
4371 12224 : switch (record->vartype)
4372 : {
4373 2088 : case PGC_BOOL:
4374 2088 : return *((struct config_bool *) record)->variable ? "on" : "off";
4375 :
4376 3132 : case PGC_INT:
4377 3132 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d",
4378 3132 : *((struct config_int *) record)->variable);
4379 3132 : return buffer;
4380 :
4381 0 : case PGC_REAL:
4382 0 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%g",
4383 0 : *((struct config_real *) record)->variable);
4384 0 : return buffer;
4385 :
4386 5774 : case PGC_STRING:
4387 5774 : return *((struct config_string *) record)->variable ?
4388 5774 : *((struct config_string *) record)->variable : "";
4389 :
4390 1230 : case PGC_ENUM:
4391 1230 : return config_enum_lookup_by_value((struct config_enum *) record,
4392 1230 : *((struct config_enum *) record)->variable);
4393 : }
4394 0 : return NULL;
4395 : }
4396 :
4397 : /*
4398 : * Get the RESET value associated with the given option.
4399 : *
4400 : * Note: this is not re-entrant, due to use of static result buffer;
4401 : * not to mention that a string variable could have its reset_val changed.
4402 : * Beware of assuming the result value is good for very long.
4403 : */
4404 : const char *
4405 0 : GetConfigOptionResetString(const char *name)
4406 : {
4407 : struct config_generic *record;
4408 : static char buffer[256];
4409 :
4410 0 : record = find_option(name, false, false, ERROR);
4411 : Assert(record != NULL);
4412 0 : if (!ConfigOptionIsVisible(record))
4413 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4415 : errmsg("permission denied to examine \"%s\"", name),
4416 : errdetail("Only roles with privileges of the \"%s\" role may examine this parameter.",
4417 : "pg_read_all_settings")));
4418 :
4419 0 : switch (record->vartype)
4420 : {
4421 0 : case PGC_BOOL:
4422 0 : return ((struct config_bool *) record)->reset_val ? "on" : "off";
4423 :
4424 0 : case PGC_INT:
4425 0 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d",
4426 : ((struct config_int *) record)->reset_val);
4427 0 : return buffer;
4428 :
4429 0 : case PGC_REAL:
4430 0 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%g",
4431 : ((struct config_real *) record)->reset_val);
4432 0 : return buffer;
4433 :
4434 0 : case PGC_STRING:
4435 0 : return ((struct config_string *) record)->reset_val ?
4436 0 : ((struct config_string *) record)->reset_val : "";
4437 :
4438 0 : case PGC_ENUM:
4439 0 : return config_enum_lookup_by_value((struct config_enum *) record,
4440 : ((struct config_enum *) record)->reset_val);
4441 : }
4442 0 : return NULL;
4443 : }
4444 :
4445 : /*
4446 : * Get the GUC flags associated with the given option.
4447 : *
4448 : * If the option doesn't exist, return 0 if missing_ok is true,
4449 : * otherwise throw an ereport and don't return.
4450 : */
4451 : int
4452 34 : GetConfigOptionFlags(const char *name, bool missing_ok)
4453 : {
4454 : struct config_generic *record;
4455 :
4456 34 : record = find_option(name, false, missing_ok, ERROR);
4457 34 : if (record == NULL)
4458 0 : return 0;
4459 34 : return record->flags;
4460 : }
4461 :
4462 :
4463 : /*
4464 : * Write updated configuration parameter values into a temporary file.
4465 : * This function traverses the list of parameters and quotes the string
4466 : * values before writing them.
4467 : */
4468 : static void
4469 134 : write_auto_conf_file(int fd, const char *filename, ConfigVariable *head)
4470 : {
4471 : StringInfoData buf;
4472 : ConfigVariable *item;
4473 :
4474 134 : initStringInfo(&buf);
4475 :
4476 : /* Emit file header containing warning comment */
4477 134 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, "# Do not edit this file manually!\n");
4478 134 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, "# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.\n");
4479 :
4480 134 : errno = 0;
4481 134 : if (write(fd,, buf.len) != buf.len)
4482 : {
4483 : /* if write didn't set errno, assume problem is no disk space */
4484 0 : if (errno == 0)
4485 0 : errno = ENOSPC;
4486 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4487 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
4488 : errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m", filename)));
4489 : }
4490 :
4491 : /* Emit each parameter, properly quoting the value */
4492 294 : for (item = head; item != NULL; item = item->next)
4493 : {
4494 : char *escaped;
4495 :
4496 160 : resetStringInfo(&buf);
4497 :
4498 160 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, item->name);
4499 160 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, " = '");
4500 :
4501 160 : escaped = escape_single_quotes_ascii(item->value);
4502 160 : if (!escaped)
4503 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4504 : (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
4505 : errmsg("out of memory")));
4506 160 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, escaped);
4507 160 : free(escaped);
4508 :
4509 160 : appendStringInfoString(&buf, "'\n");
4510 :
4511 160 : errno = 0;
4512 160 : if (write(fd,, buf.len) != buf.len)
4513 : {
4514 : /* if write didn't set errno, assume problem is no disk space */
4515 0 : if (errno == 0)
4516 0 : errno = ENOSPC;
4517 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4518 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
4519 : errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m", filename)));
4520 : }
4521 : }
4522 :
4523 : /* fsync before considering the write to be successful */
4524 134 : if (pg_fsync(fd) != 0)
4525 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4526 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
4527 : errmsg("could not fsync file \"%s\": %m", filename)));
4528 :
4529 134 : pfree(;
4530 134 : }
4531 :
4532 : /*
4533 : * Update the given list of configuration parameters, adding, replacing
4534 : * or deleting the entry for item "name" (delete if "value" == NULL).
4535 : */
4536 : static void
4537 134 : replace_auto_config_value(ConfigVariable **head_p, ConfigVariable **tail_p,
4538 : const char *name, const char *value)
4539 : {
4540 : ConfigVariable *item,
4541 : *next,
4542 134 : *prev = NULL;
4543 :
4544 : /*
4545 : * Remove any existing match(es) for "name". Normally there'd be at most
4546 : * one, but if external tools have modified the config file, there could
4547 : * be more.
4548 : */
4549 264 : for (item = *head_p; item != NULL; item = next)
4550 : {
4551 130 : next = item->next;
4552 130 : if (guc_name_compare(item->name, name) == 0)
4553 : {
4554 : /* found a match, delete it */
4555 64 : if (prev)
4556 10 : prev->next = next;
4557 : else
4558 54 : *head_p = next;
4559 64 : if (next == NULL)
4560 58 : *tail_p = prev;
4561 :
4562 64 : pfree(item->name);
4563 64 : pfree(item->value);
4564 64 : pfree(item->filename);
4565 64 : pfree(item);
4566 : }
4567 : else
4568 66 : prev = item;
4569 : }
4570 :
4571 : /* Done if we're trying to delete it */
4572 134 : if (value == NULL)
4573 40 : return;
4574 :
4575 : /* OK, append a new entry */
4576 94 : item = palloc(sizeof *item);
4577 94 : item->name = pstrdup(name);
4578 94 : item->value = pstrdup(value);
4579 94 : item->errmsg = NULL;
4580 94 : item->filename = pstrdup(""); /* new item has no location */
4581 94 : item->sourceline = 0;
4582 94 : item->ignore = false;
4583 94 : item->applied = false;
4584 94 : item->next = NULL;
4585 :
4586 94 : if (*head_p == NULL)
4587 68 : *head_p = item;
4588 : else
4589 26 : (*tail_p)->next = item;
4590 94 : *tail_p = item;
4591 : }
4592 :
4593 :
4594 : /*
4595 : * Execute ALTER SYSTEM statement.
4596 : *
4597 : * Read the old PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file, merge in the new variable value,
4598 : * and write out an updated file. If the command is ALTER SYSTEM RESET ALL,
4599 : * we can skip reading the old file and just write an empty file.
4600 : *
4601 : * An LWLock is used to serialize updates of the configuration file.
4602 : *
4603 : * In case of an error, we leave the original automatic
4604 : * configuration file (PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME) intact.
4605 : */
4606 : void
4607 174 : AlterSystemSetConfigFile(AlterSystemStmt *altersysstmt)
4608 : {
4609 : char *name;
4610 : char *value;
4611 174 : bool resetall = false;
4612 174 : ConfigVariable *head = NULL;
4613 174 : ConfigVariable *tail = NULL;
4614 : volatile int Tmpfd;
4615 : char AutoConfFileName[MAXPGPATH];
4616 : char AutoConfTmpFileName[MAXPGPATH];
4617 :
4618 : /*
4619 : * Extract statement arguments
4620 : */
4621 174 : name = altersysstmt->setstmt->name;
4622 :
4623 174 : if (!AllowAlterSystem)
4624 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4626 : errmsg("ALTER SYSTEM is not allowed in this environment")));
4627 :
4628 174 : switch (altersysstmt->setstmt->kind)
4629 : {
4630 120 : case VAR_SET_VALUE:
4631 120 : value = ExtractSetVariableArgs(altersysstmt->setstmt);
4632 120 : break;
4633 :
4634 52 : case VAR_SET_DEFAULT:
4635 : case VAR_RESET:
4636 52 : value = NULL;
4637 52 : break;
4638 :
4639 2 : case VAR_RESET_ALL:
4640 2 : value = NULL;
4641 2 : resetall = true;
4642 2 : break;
4643 :
4644 0 : default:
4645 0 : elog(ERROR, "unrecognized alter system stmt type: %d",
4646 : altersysstmt->setstmt->kind);
4647 : break;
4648 : }
4649 :
4650 : /*
4651 : * Check permission to run ALTER SYSTEM on the target variable
4652 : */
4653 174 : if (!superuser())
4654 : {
4655 46 : if (resetall)
4656 2 : ereport(ERROR,
4658 : errmsg("permission denied to perform ALTER SYSTEM RESET ALL")));
4659 : else
4660 : {
4661 : AclResult aclresult;
4662 :
4663 44 : aclresult = pg_parameter_aclcheck(name, GetUserId(),
4665 44 : if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
4666 26 : ereport(ERROR,
4668 : errmsg("permission denied to set parameter \"%s\"",
4669 : name)));
4670 : }
4671 : }
4672 :
4673 : /*
4674 : * Unless it's RESET_ALL, validate the target variable and value
4675 : */
4676 146 : if (!resetall)
4677 : {
4678 : struct config_generic *record;
4679 :
4680 : /* We don't want to create a placeholder if there's not one already */
4681 146 : record = find_option(name, false, true, DEBUG5);
4682 146 : if (record != NULL)
4683 : {
4684 : /*
4685 : * Don't allow parameters that can't be set in configuration files
4686 : * to be set in PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file.
4687 : */
4688 144 : if ((record->context == PGC_INTERNAL) ||
4689 140 : (record->flags & GUC_DISALLOW_IN_FILE) ||
4690 132 : (record->flags & GUC_DISALLOW_IN_AUTO_FILE))
4691 12 : ereport(ERROR,
4693 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed",
4694 : name)));
4695 :
4696 : /*
4697 : * If a value is specified, verify that it's sane.
4698 : */
4699 132 : if (value)
4700 : {
4701 : union config_var_val newval;
4702 92 : void *newextra = NULL;
4703 :
4704 92 : if (!parse_and_validate_value(record, value,
4706 : &newval, &newextra))
4707 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4709 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
4710 : name, value)));
4711 :
4712 92 : if (record->vartype == PGC_STRING && newval.stringval != NULL)
4713 38 : guc_free(newval.stringval);
4714 92 : guc_free(newextra);
4715 : }
4716 : }
4717 : else
4718 : {
4719 : /*
4720 : * Variable not known; check we'd be allowed to create it. (We
4721 : * cannot validate the value, but that's fine. A non-core GUC in
4722 : * the config file cannot cause postmaster start to fail, so we
4723 : * don't have to be too tense about possibly installing a bad
4724 : * value.)
4725 : */
4726 2 : (void) assignable_custom_variable_name(name, false, ERROR);
4727 : }
4728 :
4729 : /*
4730 : * We must also reject values containing newlines, because the grammar
4731 : * for config files doesn't support embedded newlines in string
4732 : * literals.
4733 : */
4734 134 : if (value && strchr(value, '\n'))
4735 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4737 : errmsg("parameter value for ALTER SYSTEM must not contain a newline")));
4738 : }
4739 :
4740 : /*
4741 : * PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME and its corresponding temporary file are always in
4742 : * the data directory, so we can reference them by simple relative paths.
4743 : */
4744 134 : snprintf(AutoConfFileName, sizeof(AutoConfFileName), "%s",
4746 134 : snprintf(AutoConfTmpFileName, sizeof(AutoConfTmpFileName), "%s.%s",
4747 : AutoConfFileName,
4748 : "tmp");
4749 :
4750 : /*
4751 : * Only one backend is allowed to operate on PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME at a
4752 : * time. Use AutoFileLock to ensure that. We must hold the lock while
4753 : * reading the old file contents.
4754 : */
4755 134 : LWLockAcquire(AutoFileLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
4756 :
4757 : /*
4758 : * If we're going to reset everything, then no need to open or parse the
4759 : * old file. We'll just write out an empty list.
4760 : */
4761 134 : if (!resetall)
4762 : {
4763 : struct stat st;
4764 :
4765 134 : if (stat(AutoConfFileName, &st) == 0)
4766 : {
4767 : /* open old file PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME */
4768 : FILE *infile;
4769 :
4770 134 : infile = AllocateFile(AutoConfFileName, "r");
4771 134 : if (infile == NULL)
4772 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4773 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
4774 : errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m",
4775 : AutoConfFileName)));
4776 :
4777 : /* parse it */
4778 134 : if (!ParseConfigFp(infile, AutoConfFileName, CONF_FILE_START_DEPTH,
4779 : LOG, &head, &tail))
4780 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4782 : errmsg("could not parse contents of file \"%s\"",
4783 : AutoConfFileName)));
4784 :
4785 134 : FreeFile(infile);
4786 : }
4787 :
4788 : /*
4789 : * Now, replace any existing entry with the new value, or add it if
4790 : * not present.
4791 : */
4792 134 : replace_auto_config_value(&head, &tail, name, value);
4793 : }
4794 :
4795 : /*
4796 : * Invoke the post-alter hook for setting this GUC variable. GUCs
4797 : * typically do not have corresponding entries in pg_parameter_acl, so we
4798 : * call the hook using the name rather than a potentially-non-existent
4799 : * OID. Nonetheless, we pass ParameterAclRelationId so that this call
4800 : * context can be distinguished from others. (Note that "name" will be
4801 : * NULL in the RESET ALL case.)
4802 : *
4803 : * We do this here rather than at the end, because ALTER SYSTEM is not
4804 : * transactional. If the hook aborts our transaction, it will be cleaner
4805 : * to do so before we touch any files.
4806 : */
4807 134 : InvokeObjectPostAlterHookArgStr(ParameterAclRelationId, name,
4809 : altersysstmt->setstmt->kind,
4810 : false);
4811 :
4812 : /*
4813 : * To ensure crash safety, first write the new file data to a temp file,
4814 : * then atomically rename it into place.
4815 : *
4816 : * If there is a temp file left over due to a previous crash, it's okay to
4817 : * truncate and reuse it.
4818 : */
4819 134 : Tmpfd = BasicOpenFile(AutoConfTmpFileName,
4820 : O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC);
4821 134 : if (Tmpfd < 0)
4822 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4823 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
4824 : errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m",
4825 : AutoConfTmpFileName)));
4826 :
4827 : /*
4828 : * Use a TRY block to clean up the file if we fail. Since we need a TRY
4829 : * block anyway, OK to use BasicOpenFile rather than OpenTransientFile.
4830 : */
4831 134 : PG_TRY();
4832 : {
4833 : /* Write and sync the new contents to the temporary file */
4834 134 : write_auto_conf_file(Tmpfd, AutoConfTmpFileName, head);
4835 :
4836 : /* Close before renaming; may be required on some platforms */
4837 134 : close(Tmpfd);
4838 134 : Tmpfd = -1;
4839 :
4840 : /*
4841 : * As the rename is atomic operation, if any problem occurs after this
4842 : * at worst it can lose the parameters set by last ALTER SYSTEM
4843 : * command.
4844 : */
4845 134 : durable_rename(AutoConfTmpFileName, AutoConfFileName, ERROR);
4846 : }
4847 0 : PG_CATCH();
4848 : {
4849 : /* Close file first, else unlink might fail on some platforms */
4850 0 : if (Tmpfd >= 0)
4851 0 : close(Tmpfd);
4852 :
4853 : /* Unlink, but ignore any error */
4854 0 : (void) unlink(AutoConfTmpFileName);
4855 :
4856 0 : PG_RE_THROW();
4857 : }
4858 134 : PG_END_TRY();
4859 :
4860 134 : FreeConfigVariables(head);
4861 :
4862 134 : LWLockRelease(AutoFileLock);
4863 134 : }
4864 :
4865 :
4866 : /*
4867 : * Common code for DefineCustomXXXVariable subroutines: allocate the
4868 : * new variable's config struct and fill in generic fields.
4869 : */
4870 : static struct config_generic *
4871 18376 : init_custom_variable(const char *name,
4872 : const char *short_desc,
4873 : const char *long_desc,
4874 : GucContext context,
4875 : int flags,
4876 : enum config_type type,
4877 : size_t sz)
4878 : {
4879 : struct config_generic *gen;
4880 :
4881 : /*
4882 : * Only allow custom PGC_POSTMASTER variables to be created during shared
4883 : * library preload; any later than that, we can't ensure that the value
4884 : * doesn't change after startup. This is a fatal elog if it happens; just
4885 : * erroring out isn't safe because we don't know what the calling loadable
4886 : * module might already have hooked into.
4887 : */
4888 18376 : if (context == PGC_POSTMASTER &&
4889 28 : !process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress)
4890 0 : elog(FATAL, "cannot create PGC_POSTMASTER variables after startup");
4891 :
4892 : /*
4893 : * We can't support custom GUC_LIST_QUOTE variables, because the wrong
4894 : * things would happen if such a variable were set or pg_dump'd when the
4895 : * defining extension isn't loaded. Again, treat this as fatal because
4896 : * the loadable module may be partly initialized already.
4897 : */
4898 18376 : if (flags & GUC_LIST_QUOTE)
4899 0 : elog(FATAL, "extensions cannot define GUC_LIST_QUOTE variables");
4900 :
4901 : /*
4902 : * Before pljava commit 398f3b876ed402bdaec8bc804f29e2be95c75139
4903 : * (2015-12-15), two of that module's PGC_USERSET variables facilitated
4904 : * trivial escalation to superuser privileges. Restrict the variables to
4905 : * protect sites that have yet to upgrade pljava.
4906 : */
4907 18376 : if (context == PGC_USERSET &&
4908 14160 : (strcmp(name, "pljava.classpath") == 0 ||
4909 14160 : strcmp(name, "pljava.vmoptions") == 0))
4910 0 : context = PGC_SUSET;
4911 :
4912 18376 : gen = (struct config_generic *) guc_malloc(ERROR, sz);
4913 18376 : memset(gen, 0, sz);
4914 :
4915 18376 : gen->name = guc_strdup(ERROR, name);
4916 18376 : gen->context = context;
4917 18376 : gen->group = CUSTOM_OPTIONS;
4918 18376 : gen->short_desc = short_desc;
4919 18376 : gen->long_desc = long_desc;
4920 18376 : gen->flags = flags;
4921 18376 : gen->vartype = type;
4922 :
4923 18376 : return gen;
4924 : }
4925 :
4926 : /*
4927 : * Common code for DefineCustomXXXVariable subroutines: insert the new
4928 : * variable into the GUC variable hash, replacing any placeholder.
4929 : */
4930 : static void
4931 18376 : define_custom_variable(struct config_generic *variable)
4932 : {
4933 18376 : const char *name = variable->name;
4934 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
4935 : struct config_string *pHolder;
4936 :
4937 : /* Check mapping between initial and default value */
4938 : Assert(check_GUC_init(variable));
4939 :
4940 : /*
4941 : * See if there's a placeholder by the same name.
4942 : */
4943 18376 : hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_search(guc_hashtab,
4944 : &name,
4945 : HASH_FIND,
4946 : NULL);
4947 18376 : if (hentry == NULL)
4948 : {
4949 : /*
4950 : * No placeholder to replace, so we can just add it ... but first,
4951 : * make sure it's initialized to its default value.
4952 : */
4953 18272 : InitializeOneGUCOption(variable);
4954 18272 : add_guc_variable(variable, ERROR);
4955 18272 : return;
4956 : }
4957 :
4958 : /*
4959 : * This better be a placeholder
4960 : */
4961 104 : if ((hentry->gucvar->flags & GUC_CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER) == 0)
4962 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4963 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
4964 : errmsg("attempt to redefine parameter \"%s\"", name)));
4965 :
4966 : Assert(hentry->gucvar->vartype == PGC_STRING);
4967 104 : pHolder = (struct config_string *) hentry->gucvar;
4968 :
4969 : /*
4970 : * First, set the variable to its default value. We must do this even
4971 : * though we intend to immediately apply a new value, since it's possible
4972 : * that the new value is invalid.
4973 : */
4974 104 : InitializeOneGUCOption(variable);
4975 :
4976 : /*
4977 : * Replace the placeholder in the hash table. We aren't changing the name
4978 : * (at least up to case-folding), so the hash value is unchanged.
4979 : */
4980 104 : hentry->gucname = name;
4981 104 : hentry->gucvar = variable;
4982 :
4983 : /*
4984 : * Remove the placeholder from any lists it's in, too.
4985 : */
4986 104 : RemoveGUCFromLists(&pHolder->gen);
4987 :
4988 : /*
4989 : * Assign the string value(s) stored in the placeholder to the real
4990 : * variable. Essentially, we need to duplicate all the active and stacked
4991 : * values, but with appropriate validation and datatype adjustment.
4992 : *
4993 : * If an assignment fails, we report a WARNING and keep going. We don't
4994 : * want to throw ERROR for bad values, because it'd bollix the add-on
4995 : * module that's presumably halfway through getting loaded. In such cases
4996 : * the default or previous state will become active instead.
4997 : */
4998 :
4999 : /* First, apply the reset value if any */
5000 104 : if (pHolder->reset_val)
5001 98 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, pHolder->reset_val,
5002 : pHolder->gen.reset_scontext,
5003 : pHolder->gen.reset_source,
5004 : pHolder->gen.reset_srole,
5005 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, WARNING, false);
5006 : /* That should not have resulted in stacking anything */
5007 : Assert(variable->stack == NULL);
5008 :
5009 : /* Now, apply current and stacked values, in the order they were stacked */
5010 104 : reapply_stacked_values(variable, pHolder, pHolder->gen.stack,
5011 104 : *(pHolder->variable),
5012 : pHolder->gen.scontext, pHolder->gen.source,
5013 : pHolder->gen.srole);
5014 :
5015 : /* Also copy over any saved source-location information */
5016 104 : if (pHolder->gen.sourcefile)
5017 82 : set_config_sourcefile(name, pHolder->gen.sourcefile,
5018 : pHolder->gen.sourceline);
5019 :
5020 : /*
5021 : * Free up as much as we conveniently can of the placeholder structure.
5022 : * (This neglects any stack items, so it's possible for some memory to be
5023 : * leaked. Since this can only happen once per session per variable, it
5024 : * doesn't seem worth spending much code on.)
5025 : */
5026 104 : set_string_field(pHolder, pHolder->variable, NULL);
5027 104 : set_string_field(pHolder, &pHolder->reset_val, NULL);
5028 :
5029 104 : guc_free(pHolder);
5030 : }
5031 :
5032 : /*
5033 : * Recursive subroutine for define_custom_variable: reapply non-reset values
5034 : *
5035 : * We recurse so that the values are applied in the same order as originally.
5036 : * At each recursion level, apply the upper-level value (passed in) in the
5037 : * fashion implied by the stack entry.
5038 : */
5039 : static void
5040 104 : reapply_stacked_values(struct config_generic *variable,
5041 : struct config_string *pHolder,
5042 : GucStack *stack,
5043 : const char *curvalue,
5044 : GucContext curscontext, GucSource cursource,
5045 : Oid cursrole)
5046 : {
5047 104 : const char *name = variable->name;
5048 104 : GucStack *oldvarstack = variable->stack;
5049 :
5050 104 : if (stack != NULL)
5051 : {
5052 : /* First, recurse, so that stack items are processed bottom to top */
5053 0 : reapply_stacked_values(variable, pHolder, stack->prev,
5054 0 : stack->prior.val.stringval,
5055 : stack->scontext, stack->source, stack->srole);
5056 :
5057 : /* See how to apply the passed-in value */
5058 0 : switch (stack->state)
5059 : {
5060 0 : case GUC_SAVE:
5061 0 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, curvalue,
5062 : curscontext, cursource, cursrole,
5063 : GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true,
5064 : WARNING, false);
5065 0 : break;
5066 :
5067 0 : case GUC_SET:
5068 0 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, curvalue,
5069 : curscontext, cursource, cursrole,
5070 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true,
5071 : WARNING, false);
5072 0 : break;
5073 :
5074 0 : case GUC_LOCAL:
5075 0 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, curvalue,
5076 : curscontext, cursource, cursrole,
5077 : GUC_ACTION_LOCAL, true,
5078 : WARNING, false);
5079 0 : break;
5080 :
5081 0 : case GUC_SET_LOCAL:
5082 : /* first, apply the masked value as SET */
5083 0 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, stack->masked.val.stringval,
5084 : stack->masked_scontext,
5086 : stack->masked_srole,
5087 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true,
5088 : WARNING, false);
5089 : /* then apply the current value as LOCAL */
5090 0 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, curvalue,
5091 : curscontext, cursource, cursrole,
5092 : GUC_ACTION_LOCAL, true,
5093 : WARNING, false);
5094 0 : break;
5095 : }
5096 :
5097 : /* If we successfully made a stack entry, adjust its nest level */
5098 0 : if (variable->stack != oldvarstack)
5099 0 : variable->stack->nest_level = stack->nest_level;
5100 : }
5101 : else
5102 : {
5103 : /*
5104 : * We are at the end of the stack. If the active/previous value is
5105 : * different from the reset value, it must represent a previously
5106 : * committed session value. Apply it, and then drop the stack entry
5107 : * that set_config_option will have created under the impression that
5108 : * this is to be just a transactional assignment. (We leak the stack
5109 : * entry.)
5110 : */
5111 104 : if (curvalue != pHolder->reset_val ||
5112 98 : curscontext != pHolder->gen.reset_scontext ||
5113 98 : cursource != pHolder->gen.reset_source ||
5114 98 : cursrole != pHolder->gen.reset_srole)
5115 : {
5116 6 : (void) set_config_option_ext(name, curvalue,
5117 : curscontext, cursource, cursrole,
5118 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, WARNING, false);
5119 6 : if (variable->stack != NULL)
5120 : {
5121 4 : slist_delete(&guc_stack_list, &variable->stack_link);
5122 4 : variable->stack = NULL;
5123 : }
5124 : }
5125 : }
5126 104 : }
5127 :
5128 : /*
5129 : * Functions for extensions to call to define their custom GUC variables.
5130 : */
5131 : void
5132 7360 : DefineCustomBoolVariable(const char *name,
5133 : const char *short_desc,
5134 : const char *long_desc,
5135 : bool *valueAddr,
5136 : bool bootValue,
5137 : GucContext context,
5138 : int flags,
5139 : GucBoolCheckHook check_hook,
5140 : GucBoolAssignHook assign_hook,
5141 : GucShowHook show_hook)
5142 : {
5143 : struct config_bool *var;
5144 :
5145 : var = (struct config_bool *)
5146 7360 : init_custom_variable(name, short_desc, long_desc, context, flags,
5147 : PGC_BOOL, sizeof(struct config_bool));
5148 7360 : var->variable = valueAddr;
5149 7360 : var->boot_val = bootValue;
5150 7360 : var->reset_val = bootValue;
5151 7360 : var->check_hook = check_hook;
5152 7360 : var->assign_hook = assign_hook;
5153 7360 : var->show_hook = show_hook;
5154 7360 : define_custom_variable(&var->gen);
5155 7360 : }
5156 :
5157 : void
5158 90 : DefineCustomIntVariable(const char *name,
5159 : const char *short_desc,
5160 : const char *long_desc,
5161 : int *valueAddr,
5162 : int bootValue,
5163 : int minValue,
5164 : int maxValue,
5165 : GucContext context,
5166 : int flags,
5167 : GucIntCheckHook check_hook,
5168 : GucIntAssignHook assign_hook,
5169 : GucShowHook show_hook)
5170 : {
5171 : struct config_int *var;
5172 :
5173 : var = (struct config_int *)
5174 90 : init_custom_variable(name, short_desc, long_desc, context, flags,
5175 : PGC_INT, sizeof(struct config_int));
5176 90 : var->variable = valueAddr;
5177 90 : var->boot_val = bootValue;
5178 90 : var->reset_val = bootValue;
5179 90 : var->min = minValue;
5180 90 : var->max = maxValue;
5181 90 : var->check_hook = check_hook;
5182 90 : var->assign_hook = assign_hook;
5183 90 : var->show_hook = show_hook;
5184 90 : define_custom_variable(&var->gen);
5185 90 : }
5186 :
5187 : void
5188 42 : DefineCustomRealVariable(const char *name,
5189 : const char *short_desc,
5190 : const char *long_desc,
5191 : double *valueAddr,
5192 : double bootValue,
5193 : double minValue,
5194 : double maxValue,
5195 : GucContext context,
5196 : int flags,
5197 : GucRealCheckHook check_hook,
5198 : GucRealAssignHook assign_hook,
5199 : GucShowHook show_hook)
5200 : {
5201 : struct config_real *var;
5202 :
5203 : var = (struct config_real *)
5204 42 : init_custom_variable(name, short_desc, long_desc, context, flags,
5205 : PGC_REAL, sizeof(struct config_real));
5206 42 : var->variable = valueAddr;
5207 42 : var->boot_val = bootValue;
5208 42 : var->reset_val = bootValue;
5209 42 : var->min = minValue;
5210 42 : var->max = maxValue;
5211 42 : var->check_hook = check_hook;
5212 42 : var->assign_hook = assign_hook;
5213 42 : var->show_hook = show_hook;
5214 42 : define_custom_variable(&var->gen);
5215 42 : }
5216 :
5217 : void
5218 7262 : DefineCustomStringVariable(const char *name,
5219 : const char *short_desc,
5220 : const char *long_desc,
5221 : char **valueAddr,
5222 : const char *bootValue,
5223 : GucContext context,
5224 : int flags,
5225 : GucStringCheckHook check_hook,
5226 : GucStringAssignHook assign_hook,
5227 : GucShowHook show_hook)
5228 : {
5229 : struct config_string *var;
5230 :
5231 : var = (struct config_string *)
5232 7262 : init_custom_variable(name, short_desc, long_desc, context, flags,
5233 : PGC_STRING, sizeof(struct config_string));
5234 7262 : var->variable = valueAddr;
5235 7262 : var->boot_val = bootValue;
5236 7262 : var->check_hook = check_hook;
5237 7262 : var->assign_hook = assign_hook;
5238 7262 : var->show_hook = show_hook;
5239 7262 : define_custom_variable(&var->gen);
5240 7262 : }
5241 :
5242 : void
5243 3622 : DefineCustomEnumVariable(const char *name,
5244 : const char *short_desc,
5245 : const char *long_desc,
5246 : int *valueAddr,
5247 : int bootValue,
5248 : const struct config_enum_entry *options,
5249 : GucContext context,
5250 : int flags,
5251 : GucEnumCheckHook check_hook,
5252 : GucEnumAssignHook assign_hook,
5253 : GucShowHook show_hook)
5254 : {
5255 : struct config_enum *var;
5256 :
5257 : var = (struct config_enum *)
5258 3622 : init_custom_variable(name, short_desc, long_desc, context, flags,
5259 : PGC_ENUM, sizeof(struct config_enum));
5260 3622 : var->variable = valueAddr;
5261 3622 : var->boot_val = bootValue;
5262 3622 : var->reset_val = bootValue;
5263 3622 : var->options = options;
5264 3622 : var->check_hook = check_hook;
5265 3622 : var->assign_hook = assign_hook;
5266 3622 : var->show_hook = show_hook;
5267 3622 : define_custom_variable(&var->gen);
5268 3622 : }
5269 :
5270 : /*
5271 : * Mark the given GUC prefix as "reserved".
5272 : *
5273 : * This deletes any existing placeholders matching the prefix,
5274 : * and then prevents new ones from being created.
5275 : * Extensions should call this after they've defined all of their custom
5276 : * GUCs, to help catch misspelled config-file entries.
5277 : */
5278 : void
5279 3748 : MarkGUCPrefixReserved(const char *className)
5280 : {
5281 3748 : int classLen = strlen(className);
5282 : HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
5283 : GUCHashEntry *hentry;
5284 : MemoryContext oldcontext;
5285 :
5286 : /*
5287 : * Check for existing placeholders. We must actually remove invalid
5288 : * placeholders, else future parallel worker startups will fail. (We
5289 : * don't bother trying to free associated memory, since this shouldn't
5290 : * happen often.)
5291 : */
5292 3748 : hash_seq_init(&status, guc_hashtab);
5293 1514848 : while ((hentry = (GUCHashEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
5294 : {
5295 1511100 : struct config_generic *var = hentry->gucvar;
5296 :
5297 1511100 : if ((var->flags & GUC_CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER) != 0 &&
5298 24 : strncmp(className, var->name, classLen) == 0 &&
5299 6 : var->name[classLen] == GUC_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR)
5300 : {
5301 6 : ereport(WARNING,
5302 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_NAME),
5303 : errmsg("invalid configuration parameter name \"%s\", removing it",
5304 : var->name),
5305 : errdetail("\"%s\" is now a reserved prefix.",
5306 : className)));
5307 : /* Remove it from the hash table */
5308 6 : hash_search(guc_hashtab,
5309 6 : &var->name,
5311 : NULL);
5312 : /* Remove it from any lists it's in, too */
5313 6 : RemoveGUCFromLists(var);
5314 : }
5315 : }
5316 :
5317 : /* And remember the name so we can prevent future mistakes. */
5318 3748 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GUCMemoryContext);
5319 3748 : reserved_class_prefix = lappend(reserved_class_prefix, pstrdup(className));
5320 3748 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
5321 3748 : }
5322 :
5323 :
5324 : /*
5325 : * Return an array of modified GUC options to show in EXPLAIN.
5326 : *
5327 : * We only report options related to query planning (marked with GUC_EXPLAIN),
5328 : * with values different from their built-in defaults.
5329 : */
5330 : struct config_generic **
5331 12 : get_explain_guc_options(int *num)
5332 : {
5333 : struct config_generic **result;
5334 : dlist_iter iter;
5335 :
5336 12 : *num = 0;
5337 :
5338 : /*
5339 : * While only a fraction of all the GUC variables are marked GUC_EXPLAIN,
5340 : * it doesn't seem worth dynamically resizing this array.
5341 : */
5342 12 : result = palloc(sizeof(struct config_generic *) * hash_get_num_entries(guc_hashtab));
5343 :
5344 : /* We need only consider GUCs with source not PGC_S_DEFAULT */
5345 716 : dlist_foreach(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
5346 : {
5347 704 : struct config_generic *conf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
5348 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
5349 : bool modified;
5350 :
5351 : /* return only parameters marked for inclusion in explain */
5352 704 : if (!(conf->flags & GUC_EXPLAIN))
5353 680 : continue;
5354 :
5355 : /* return only options visible to the current user */
5356 24 : if (!ConfigOptionIsVisible(conf))
5357 0 : continue;
5358 :
5359 : /* return only options that are different from their boot values */
5360 24 : modified = false;
5361 :
5362 24 : switch (conf->vartype)
5363 : {
5364 12 : case PGC_BOOL:
5365 : {
5366 12 : struct config_bool *lconf = (struct config_bool *) conf;
5367 :
5368 12 : modified = (lconf->boot_val != *(lconf->variable));
5369 : }
5370 12 : break;
5371 :
5372 0 : case PGC_INT:
5373 : {
5374 0 : struct config_int *lconf = (struct config_int *) conf;
5375 :
5376 0 : modified = (lconf->boot_val != *(lconf->variable));
5377 : }
5378 0 : break;
5379 :
5380 0 : case PGC_REAL:
5381 : {
5382 0 : struct config_real *lconf = (struct config_real *) conf;
5383 :
5384 0 : modified = (lconf->boot_val != *(lconf->variable));
5385 : }
5386 0 : break;
5387 :
5388 0 : case PGC_STRING:
5389 : {
5390 0 : struct config_string *lconf = (struct config_string *) conf;
5391 :
5392 0 : if (lconf->boot_val == NULL &&
5393 0 : *lconf->variable == NULL)
5394 0 : modified = false;
5395 0 : else if (lconf->boot_val == NULL ||
5396 0 : *lconf->variable == NULL)
5397 0 : modified = true;
5398 : else
5399 0 : modified = (strcmp(lconf->boot_val, *(lconf->variable)) != 0);
5400 : }
5401 0 : break;
5402 :
5403 12 : case PGC_ENUM:
5404 : {
5405 12 : struct config_enum *lconf = (struct config_enum *) conf;
5406 :
5407 12 : modified = (lconf->boot_val != *(lconf->variable));
5408 : }
5409 12 : break;
5410 :
5411 0 : default:
5412 0 : elog(ERROR, "unexpected GUC type: %d", conf->vartype);
5413 : }
5414 :
5415 24 : if (!modified)
5416 0 : continue;
5417 :
5418 : /* OK, report it */
5419 24 : result[*num] = conf;
5420 24 : *num = *num + 1;
5421 : }
5422 :
5423 12 : return result;
5424 : }
5425 :
5426 : /*
5427 : * Return GUC variable value by name; optionally return canonical form of
5428 : * name. If the GUC is unset, then throw an error unless missing_ok is true,
5429 : * in which case return NULL. Return value is palloc'd (but *varname isn't).
5430 : */
5431 : char *
5432 10082 : GetConfigOptionByName(const char *name, const char **varname, bool missing_ok)
5433 : {
5434 : struct config_generic *record;
5435 :
5436 10082 : record = find_option(name, false, missing_ok, ERROR);
5437 10044 : if (record == NULL)
5438 : {
5439 6 : if (varname)
5440 0 : *varname = NULL;
5441 6 : return NULL;
5442 : }
5443 :
5444 10038 : if (!ConfigOptionIsVisible(record))
5445 2 : ereport(ERROR,
5447 : errmsg("permission denied to examine \"%s\"", name),
5448 : errdetail("Only roles with privileges of the \"%s\" role may examine this parameter.",
5449 : "pg_read_all_settings")));
5450 :
5451 10036 : if (varname)
5452 2774 : *varname = record->name;
5453 :
5454 10036 : return ShowGUCOption(record, true);
5455 : }
5456 :
5457 : /*
5458 : * ShowGUCOption: get string value of variable
5459 : *
5460 : * We express a numeric value in appropriate units if it has units and
5461 : * use_units is true; else you just get the raw number.
5462 : * The result string is palloc'd.
5463 : */
5464 : char *
5465 1942470 : ShowGUCOption(struct config_generic *record, bool use_units)
5466 : {
5467 : char buffer[256];
5468 : const char *val;
5469 :
5470 1942470 : switch (record->vartype)
5471 : {
5472 542098 : case PGC_BOOL:
5473 : {
5474 542098 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) record;
5475 :
5476 542098 : if (conf->show_hook)
5477 27502 : val = conf->show_hook();
5478 : else
5479 514596 : val = *conf->variable ? "on" : "off";
5480 : }
5481 542098 : break;
5482 :
5483 510670 : case PGC_INT:
5484 : {
5485 510670 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) record;
5486 :
5487 510670 : if (conf->show_hook)
5488 24688 : val = conf->show_hook();
5489 : else
5490 : {
5491 : /*
5492 : * Use int64 arithmetic to avoid overflows in units
5493 : * conversion.
5494 : */
5495 485982 : int64 result = *conf->variable;
5496 : const char *unit;
5497 :
5498 485982 : if (use_units && result > 0 && (record->flags & GUC_UNIT))
5499 740 : convert_int_from_base_unit(result,
5500 740 : record->flags & GUC_UNIT,
5501 : &result, &unit);
5502 : else
5503 485242 : unit = "";
5504 :
5505 485982 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), INT64_FORMAT "%s",
5506 : result, unit);
5507 485982 : val = buffer;
5508 : }
5509 : }
5510 510670 : break;
5511 :
5512 85826 : case PGC_REAL:
5513 : {
5514 85826 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) record;
5515 :
5516 85826 : if (conf->show_hook)
5517 0 : val = conf->show_hook();
5518 : else
5519 : {
5520 85826 : double result = *conf->variable;
5521 : const char *unit;
5522 :
5523 85826 : if (use_units && result > 0 && (record->flags & GUC_UNIT))
5524 268 : convert_real_from_base_unit(result,
5525 268 : record->flags & GUC_UNIT,
5526 : &result, &unit);
5527 : else
5528 85558 : unit = "";
5529 :
5530 85826 : snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%g%s",
5531 : result, unit);
5532 85826 : val = buffer;
5533 : }
5534 : }
5535 85826 : break;
5536 :
5537 640266 : case PGC_STRING:
5538 : {
5539 640266 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) record;
5540 :
5541 640266 : if (conf->show_hook)
5542 57072 : val = conf->show_hook();
5543 583194 : else if (*conf->variable && **conf->variable)
5544 434554 : val = *conf->variable;
5545 : else
5546 148640 : val = "";
5547 : }
5548 640266 : break;
5549 :
5550 163610 : case PGC_ENUM:
5551 : {
5552 163610 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) record;
5553 :
5554 163610 : if (conf->show_hook)
5555 0 : val = conf->show_hook();
5556 : else
5557 163610 : val = config_enum_lookup_by_value(conf, *conf->variable);
5558 : }
5559 163610 : break;
5560 :
5561 0 : default:
5562 : /* just to keep compiler quiet */
5563 0 : val = "???";
5564 0 : break;
5565 : }
5566 :
5567 1942470 : return pstrdup(val);
5568 : }
5569 :
5570 :
5571 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
5572 :
5573 : /*
5574 : * These routines dump out all non-default GUC options into a binary
5575 : * file that is read by all exec'ed backends. The format is:
5576 : *
5577 : * variable name, string, null terminated
5578 : * variable value, string, null terminated
5579 : * variable sourcefile, string, null terminated (empty if none)
5580 : * variable sourceline, integer
5581 : * variable source, integer
5582 : * variable scontext, integer
5583 : * variable srole, OID
5584 : */
5585 : static void
5586 : write_one_nondefault_variable(FILE *fp, struct config_generic *gconf)
5587 : {
5588 : Assert(gconf->source != PGC_S_DEFAULT);
5589 :
5590 : fprintf(fp, "%s", gconf->name);
5591 : fputc(0, fp);
5592 :
5593 : switch (gconf->vartype)
5594 : {
5595 : case PGC_BOOL:
5596 : {
5597 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
5598 :
5599 : if (*conf->variable)
5600 : fprintf(fp, "true");
5601 : else
5602 : fprintf(fp, "false");
5603 : }
5604 : break;
5605 :
5606 : case PGC_INT:
5607 : {
5608 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
5609 :
5610 : fprintf(fp, "%d", *conf->variable);
5611 : }
5612 : break;
5613 :
5614 : case PGC_REAL:
5615 : {
5616 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
5617 :
5618 : fprintf(fp, "%.17g", *conf->variable);
5619 : }
5620 : break;
5621 :
5622 : case PGC_STRING:
5623 : {
5624 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
5625 :
5626 : if (*conf->variable)
5627 : fprintf(fp, "%s", *conf->variable);
5628 : }
5629 : break;
5630 :
5631 : case PGC_ENUM:
5632 : {
5633 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
5634 :
5635 : fprintf(fp, "%s",
5636 : config_enum_lookup_by_value(conf, *conf->variable));
5637 : }
5638 : break;
5639 : }
5640 :
5641 : fputc(0, fp);
5642 :
5643 : if (gconf->sourcefile)
5644 : fprintf(fp, "%s", gconf->sourcefile);
5645 : fputc(0, fp);
5646 :
5647 : fwrite(&gconf->sourceline, 1, sizeof(gconf->sourceline), fp);
5648 : fwrite(&gconf->source, 1, sizeof(gconf->source), fp);
5649 : fwrite(&gconf->scontext, 1, sizeof(gconf->scontext), fp);
5650 : fwrite(&gconf->srole, 1, sizeof(gconf->srole), fp);
5651 : }
5652 :
5653 : void
5654 : write_nondefault_variables(GucContext context)
5655 : {
5656 : int elevel;
5657 : FILE *fp;
5658 : dlist_iter iter;
5659 :
5660 : Assert(context == PGC_POSTMASTER || context == PGC_SIGHUP);
5661 :
5662 : elevel = (context == PGC_SIGHUP) ? LOG : ERROR;
5663 :
5664 : /*
5665 : * Open file
5666 : */
5667 : fp = AllocateFile(CONFIG_EXEC_PARAMS_NEW, "w");
5668 : if (!fp)
5669 : {
5670 : ereport(elevel,
5671 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
5672 : errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m",
5674 : return;
5675 : }
5676 :
5677 : /* We need only consider GUCs with source not PGC_S_DEFAULT */
5678 : dlist_foreach(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
5679 : {
5680 : struct config_generic *gconf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
5681 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
5682 :
5683 : write_one_nondefault_variable(fp, gconf);
5684 : }
5685 :
5686 : if (FreeFile(fp))
5687 : {
5688 : ereport(elevel,
5689 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
5690 : errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m",
5692 : return;
5693 : }
5694 :
5695 : /*
5696 : * Put new file in place. This could delay on Win32, but we don't hold
5697 : * any exclusive locks.
5698 : */
5700 : }
5701 :
5702 :
5703 : /*
5704 : * Read string, including null byte from file
5705 : *
5706 : * Return NULL on EOF and nothing read
5707 : */
5708 : static char *
5709 : read_string_with_null(FILE *fp)
5710 : {
5711 : int i = 0,
5712 : ch,
5713 : maxlen = 256;
5714 : char *str = NULL;
5715 :
5716 : do
5717 : {
5718 : if ((ch = fgetc(fp)) == EOF)
5719 : {
5720 : if (i == 0)
5721 : return NULL;
5722 : else
5723 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5724 : }
5725 : if (i == 0)
5726 : str = guc_malloc(FATAL, maxlen);
5727 : else if (i == maxlen)
5728 : str = guc_realloc(FATAL, str, maxlen *= 2);
5729 : str[i++] = ch;
5730 : } while (ch != 0);
5731 :
5732 : return str;
5733 : }
5734 :
5735 :
5736 : /*
5737 : * This routine loads a previous postmaster dump of its non-default
5738 : * settings.
5739 : */
5740 : void
5741 : read_nondefault_variables(void)
5742 : {
5743 : FILE *fp;
5744 : char *varname,
5745 : *varvalue,
5746 : *varsourcefile;
5747 : int varsourceline;
5748 : GucSource varsource;
5749 : GucContext varscontext;
5750 : Oid varsrole;
5751 :
5752 : /*
5753 : * Open file
5754 : */
5755 : fp = AllocateFile(CONFIG_EXEC_PARAMS, "r");
5756 : if (!fp)
5757 : {
5758 : /* File not found is fine */
5759 : if (errno != ENOENT)
5760 : ereport(FATAL,
5761 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
5762 : errmsg("could not read from file \"%s\": %m",
5764 : return;
5765 : }
5766 :
5767 : for (;;)
5768 : {
5769 : if ((varname = read_string_with_null(fp)) == NULL)
5770 : break;
5771 :
5772 : if (find_option(varname, true, false, FATAL) == NULL)
5773 : elog(FATAL, "failed to locate variable \"%s\" in exec config params file", varname);
5774 :
5775 : if ((varvalue = read_string_with_null(fp)) == NULL)
5776 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5777 : if ((varsourcefile = read_string_with_null(fp)) == NULL)
5778 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5779 : if (fread(&varsourceline, 1, sizeof(varsourceline), fp) != sizeof(varsourceline))
5780 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5781 : if (fread(&varsource, 1, sizeof(varsource), fp) != sizeof(varsource))
5782 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5783 : if (fread(&varscontext, 1, sizeof(varscontext), fp) != sizeof(varscontext))
5784 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5785 : if (fread(&varsrole, 1, sizeof(varsrole), fp) != sizeof(varsrole))
5786 : elog(FATAL, "invalid format of exec config params file");
5787 :
5788 : (void) set_config_option_ext(varname, varvalue,
5789 : varscontext, varsource, varsrole,
5790 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, 0, true);
5791 : if (varsourcefile[0])
5792 : set_config_sourcefile(varname, varsourcefile, varsourceline);
5793 :
5794 : guc_free(varname);
5795 : guc_free(varvalue);
5796 : guc_free(varsourcefile);
5797 : }
5798 :
5799 : FreeFile(fp);
5800 : }
5801 : #endif /* EXEC_BACKEND */
5802 :
5803 : /*
5804 : * can_skip_gucvar:
5805 : * Decide whether SerializeGUCState can skip sending this GUC variable,
5806 : * or whether RestoreGUCState can skip resetting this GUC to default.
5807 : *
5808 : * It is somewhat magical and fragile that the same test works for both cases.
5809 : * Realize in particular that we are very likely selecting different sets of
5810 : * GUCs on the leader and worker sides! Be sure you've understood the
5811 : * comments here and in RestoreGUCState thoroughly before changing this.
5812 : */
5813 : static bool
5814 250704 : can_skip_gucvar(struct config_generic *gconf)
5815 : {
5816 : /*
5817 : * We can skip GUCs that are guaranteed to have the same values in leaders
5818 : * and workers. (Note it is critical that the leader and worker have the
5819 : * same idea of which GUCs fall into this category. It's okay to consider
5820 : * context and name for this purpose, since those are unchanging
5821 : * properties of a GUC.)
5822 : *
5823 : * PGC_POSTMASTER variables always have the same value in every child of a
5824 : * particular postmaster, so the worker will certainly have the right
5825 : * value already. Likewise, PGC_INTERNAL variables are set by special
5826 : * mechanisms (if indeed they aren't compile-time constants). So we may
5827 : * always skip these.
5828 : *
5829 : * For all other GUCs, we skip if the GUC has its compiled-in default
5830 : * value (i.e., source == PGC_S_DEFAULT). On the leader side, this means
5831 : * we don't send GUCs that have their default values, which typically
5832 : * saves lots of work. On the worker side, this means we don't need to
5833 : * reset the GUC to default because it already has that value. See
5834 : * comments in RestoreGUCState for more info.
5835 : */
5836 414488 : return gconf->context == PGC_POSTMASTER ||
5837 378344 : gconf->context == PGC_INTERNAL ||
5838 127640 : gconf->source == PGC_S_DEFAULT;
5839 : }
5840 :
5841 : /*
5842 : * estimate_variable_size:
5843 : * Compute space needed for dumping the given GUC variable.
5844 : *
5845 : * It's OK to overestimate, but not to underestimate.
5846 : */
5847 : static Size
5848 55172 : estimate_variable_size(struct config_generic *gconf)
5849 : {
5850 : Size size;
5851 55172 : Size valsize = 0;
5852 :
5853 : /* Skippable GUCs consume zero space. */
5854 55172 : if (can_skip_gucvar(gconf))
5855 24426 : return 0;
5856 :
5857 : /* Name, plus trailing zero byte. */
5858 30746 : size = strlen(gconf->name) + 1;
5859 :
5860 : /* Get the maximum display length of the GUC value. */
5861 30746 : switch (gconf->vartype)
5862 : {
5863 6212 : case PGC_BOOL:
5864 : {
5865 6212 : valsize = 5; /* max(strlen('true'), strlen('false')) */
5866 : }
5867 6212 : break;
5868 :
5869 6044 : case PGC_INT:
5870 : {
5871 6044 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
5872 :
5873 : /*
5874 : * Instead of getting the exact display length, use max
5875 : * length. Also reduce the max length for typical ranges of
5876 : * small values. Maximum value is 2147483647, i.e. 10 chars.
5877 : * Include one byte for sign.
5878 : */
5879 6044 : if (abs(*conf->variable) < 1000)
5880 4756 : valsize = 3 + 1;
5881 : else
5882 1288 : valsize = 10 + 1;
5883 : }
5884 6044 : break;
5885 :
5886 1676 : case PGC_REAL:
5887 : {
5888 : /*
5889 : * We are going to print it with %e with REALTYPE_PRECISION
5890 : * fractional digits. Account for sign, leading digit,
5891 : * decimal point, and exponent with up to 3 digits. E.g.
5892 : * -3.99329042340000021e+110
5893 : */
5894 1676 : valsize = 1 + 1 + 1 + REALTYPE_PRECISION + 5;
5895 : }
5896 1676 : break;
5897 :
5898 13060 : case PGC_STRING:
5899 : {
5900 13060 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
5901 :
5902 : /*
5903 : * If the value is NULL, we transmit it as an empty string.
5904 : * Although this is not physically the same value, GUC
5905 : * generally treats a NULL the same as empty string.
5906 : */
5907 13060 : if (*conf->variable)
5908 13060 : valsize = strlen(*conf->variable);
5909 : else
5910 0 : valsize = 0;
5911 : }
5912 13060 : break;
5913 :
5914 3754 : case PGC_ENUM:
5915 : {
5916 3754 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
5917 :
5918 3754 : valsize = strlen(config_enum_lookup_by_value(conf, *conf->variable));
5919 : }
5920 3754 : break;
5921 : }
5922 :
5923 : /* Allow space for terminating zero-byte for value */
5924 30746 : size = add_size(size, valsize + 1);
5925 :
5926 30746 : if (gconf->sourcefile)
5927 15196 : size = add_size(size, strlen(gconf->sourcefile));
5928 :
5929 : /* Allow space for terminating zero-byte for sourcefile */
5930 30746 : size = add_size(size, 1);
5931 :
5932 : /* Include line whenever file is nonempty. */
5933 30746 : if (gconf->sourcefile && gconf->sourcefile[0])
5934 15196 : size = add_size(size, sizeof(gconf->sourceline));
5935 :
5936 30746 : size = add_size(size, sizeof(gconf->source));
5937 30746 : size = add_size(size, sizeof(gconf->scontext));
5938 30746 : size = add_size(size, sizeof(gconf->srole));
5939 :
5940 30746 : return size;
5941 : }
5942 :
5943 : /*
5944 : * EstimateGUCStateSpace:
5945 : * Returns the size needed to store the GUC state for the current process
5946 : */
5947 : Size
5948 898 : EstimateGUCStateSpace(void)
5949 : {
5950 : Size size;
5951 : dlist_iter iter;
5952 :
5953 : /* Add space reqd for saving the data size of the guc state */
5954 898 : size = sizeof(Size);
5955 :
5956 : /*
5957 : * Add up the space needed for each GUC variable.
5958 : *
5959 : * We need only process non-default GUCs.
5960 : */
5961 56070 : dlist_foreach(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
5962 : {
5963 55172 : struct config_generic *gconf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
5964 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
5965 :
5966 55172 : size = add_size(size, estimate_variable_size(gconf));
5967 : }
5968 :
5969 898 : return size;
5970 : }
5971 :
5972 : /*
5973 : * do_serialize:
5974 : * Copies the formatted string into the destination. Moves ahead the
5975 : * destination pointer, and decrements the maxbytes by that many bytes. If
5976 : * maxbytes is not sufficient to copy the string, error out.
5977 : */
5978 : static void
5979 92238 : do_serialize(char **destptr, Size *maxbytes, const char *fmt,...)
5980 : {
5981 : va_list vargs;
5982 : int n;
5983 :
5984 92238 : if (*maxbytes <= 0)
5985 0 : elog(ERROR, "not enough space to serialize GUC state");
5986 :
5987 92238 : va_start(vargs, fmt);
5988 92238 : n = vsnprintf(*destptr, *maxbytes, fmt, vargs);
5989 92238 : va_end(vargs);
5990 :
5991 92238 : if (n < 0)
5992 : {
5993 : /* Shouldn't happen. Better show errno description. */
5994 0 : elog(ERROR, "vsnprintf failed: %m with format string \"%s\"", fmt);
5995 : }
5996 92238 : if (n >= *maxbytes)
5997 : {
5998 : /* This shouldn't happen either, really. */
5999 0 : elog(ERROR, "not enough space to serialize GUC state");
6000 : }
6001 :
6002 : /* Shift the destptr ahead of the null terminator */
6003 92238 : *destptr += n + 1;
6004 92238 : *maxbytes -= n + 1;
6005 92238 : }
6006 :
6007 : /* Binary copy version of do_serialize() */
6008 : static void
6009 107434 : do_serialize_binary(char **destptr, Size *maxbytes, void *val, Size valsize)
6010 : {
6011 107434 : if (valsize > *maxbytes)
6012 0 : elog(ERROR, "not enough space to serialize GUC state");
6013 :
6014 107434 : memcpy(*destptr, val, valsize);
6015 107434 : *destptr += valsize;
6016 107434 : *maxbytes -= valsize;
6017 107434 : }
6018 :
6019 : /*
6020 : * serialize_variable:
6021 : * Dumps name, value and other information of a GUC variable into destptr.
6022 : */
6023 : static void
6024 55172 : serialize_variable(char **destptr, Size *maxbytes,
6025 : struct config_generic *gconf)
6026 : {
6027 : /* Ignore skippable GUCs. */
6028 55172 : if (can_skip_gucvar(gconf))
6029 24426 : return;
6030 :
6031 30746 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%s", gconf->name);
6032 :
6033 30746 : switch (gconf->vartype)
6034 : {
6035 6212 : case PGC_BOOL:
6036 : {
6037 6212 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
6038 :
6039 6212 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes,
6040 6212 : (*conf->variable ? "true" : "false"));
6041 : }
6042 6212 : break;
6043 :
6044 6044 : case PGC_INT:
6045 : {
6046 6044 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
6047 :
6048 6044 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%d", *conf->variable);
6049 : }
6050 6044 : break;
6051 :
6052 1676 : case PGC_REAL:
6053 : {
6054 1676 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
6055 :
6056 1676 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%.*e",
6057 1676 : REALTYPE_PRECISION, *conf->variable);
6058 : }
6059 1676 : break;
6060 :
6061 13060 : case PGC_STRING:
6062 : {
6063 13060 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
6064 :
6065 : /* NULL becomes empty string, see estimate_variable_size() */
6066 13060 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%s",
6067 13060 : *conf->variable ? *conf->variable : "");
6068 : }
6069 13060 : break;
6070 :
6071 3754 : case PGC_ENUM:
6072 : {
6073 3754 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
6074 :
6075 3754 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%s",
6076 3754 : config_enum_lookup_by_value(conf, *conf->variable));
6077 : }
6078 3754 : break;
6079 : }
6080 :
6081 30746 : do_serialize(destptr, maxbytes, "%s",
6082 30746 : (gconf->sourcefile ? gconf->sourcefile : ""));
6083 :
6084 30746 : if (gconf->sourcefile && gconf->sourcefile[0])
6085 15196 : do_serialize_binary(destptr, maxbytes, &gconf->sourceline,
6086 : sizeof(gconf->sourceline));
6087 :
6088 30746 : do_serialize_binary(destptr, maxbytes, &gconf->source,
6089 : sizeof(gconf->source));
6090 30746 : do_serialize_binary(destptr, maxbytes, &gconf->scontext,
6091 : sizeof(gconf->scontext));
6092 30746 : do_serialize_binary(destptr, maxbytes, &gconf->srole,
6093 : sizeof(gconf->srole));
6094 : }
6095 :
6096 : /*
6097 : * SerializeGUCState:
6098 : * Dumps the complete GUC state onto the memory location at start_address.
6099 : */
6100 : void
6101 898 : SerializeGUCState(Size maxsize, char *start_address)
6102 : {
6103 : char *curptr;
6104 : Size actual_size;
6105 : Size bytes_left;
6106 : dlist_iter iter;
6107 :
6108 : /* Reserve space for saving the actual size of the guc state */
6109 : Assert(maxsize > sizeof(actual_size));
6110 898 : curptr = start_address + sizeof(actual_size);
6111 898 : bytes_left = maxsize - sizeof(actual_size);
6112 :
6113 : /* We need only consider GUCs with source not PGC_S_DEFAULT */
6114 56070 : dlist_foreach(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
6115 : {
6116 55172 : struct config_generic *gconf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
6117 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
6118 :
6119 55172 : serialize_variable(&curptr, &bytes_left, gconf);
6120 : }
6121 :
6122 : /* Store actual size without assuming alignment of start_address. */
6123 898 : actual_size = maxsize - bytes_left - sizeof(actual_size);
6124 898 : memcpy(start_address, &actual_size, sizeof(actual_size));
6125 898 : }
6126 :
6127 : /*
6128 : * read_gucstate:
6129 : * Actually it does not read anything, just returns the srcptr. But it does
6130 : * move the srcptr past the terminating zero byte, so that the caller is ready
6131 : * to read the next string.
6132 : */
6133 : static char *
6134 292104 : read_gucstate(char **srcptr, char *srcend)
6135 : {
6136 292104 : char *retptr = *srcptr;
6137 : char *ptr;
6138 :
6139 292104 : if (*srcptr >= srcend)
6140 0 : elog(ERROR, "incomplete GUC state");
6141 :
6142 : /* The string variables are all null terminated */
6143 7169154 : for (ptr = *srcptr; ptr < srcend && *ptr != '\0'; ptr++)
6144 : ;
6145 :
6146 292104 : if (ptr >= srcend)
6147 0 : elog(ERROR, "could not find null terminator in GUC state");
6148 :
6149 : /* Set the new position to the byte following the terminating NUL */
6150 292104 : *srcptr = ptr + 1;
6151 :
6152 292104 : return retptr;
6153 : }
6154 :
6155 : /* Binary read version of read_gucstate(). Copies into dest */
6156 : static void
6157 338268 : read_gucstate_binary(char **srcptr, char *srcend, void *dest, Size size)
6158 : {
6159 338268 : if (*srcptr + size > srcend)
6160 0 : elog(ERROR, "incomplete GUC state");
6161 :
6162 338268 : memcpy(dest, *srcptr, size);
6163 338268 : *srcptr += size;
6164 338268 : }
6165 :
6166 : /*
6167 : * Callback used to add a context message when reporting errors that occur
6168 : * while trying to restore GUCs in parallel workers.
6169 : */
6170 : static void
6171 0 : guc_restore_error_context_callback(void *arg)
6172 : {
6173 0 : char **error_context_name_and_value = (char **) arg;
6174 :
6175 0 : if (error_context_name_and_value)
6176 0 : errcontext("while setting parameter \"%s\" to \"%s\"",
6177 : error_context_name_and_value[0],
6178 0 : error_context_name_and_value[1]);
6179 0 : }
6180 :
6181 : /*
6182 : * RestoreGUCState:
6183 : * Reads the GUC state at the specified address and sets this process's
6184 : * GUCs to match.
6185 : *
6186 : * Note that this provides the worker with only a very shallow view of the
6187 : * leader's GUC state: we'll know about the currently active values, but not
6188 : * about stacked or reset values. That's fine since the worker is just
6189 : * executing one part of a query, within which the active values won't change
6190 : * and the stacked values are invisible.
6191 : */
6192 : void
6193 2722 : RestoreGUCState(void *gucstate)
6194 : {
6195 : char *varname,
6196 : *varvalue,
6197 : *varsourcefile;
6198 : int varsourceline;
6199 : GucSource varsource;
6200 : GucContext varscontext;
6201 : Oid varsrole;
6202 2722 : char *srcptr = (char *) gucstate;
6203 : char *srcend;
6204 : Size len;
6205 : dlist_mutable_iter iter;
6206 : ErrorContextCallback error_context_callback;
6207 :
6208 : /*
6209 : * First, ensure that all potentially-shippable GUCs are reset to their
6210 : * default values. We must not touch those GUCs that the leader will
6211 : * never ship, while there is no need to touch those that are shippable
6212 : * but already have their default values. Thus, this ends up being the
6213 : * same test that SerializeGUCState uses, even though the sets of
6214 : * variables involved may well be different since the leader's set of
6215 : * variables-not-at-default-values can differ from the set that are
6216 : * not-default in this freshly started worker.
6217 : *
6218 : * Once we have set all the potentially-shippable GUCs to default values,
6219 : * restoring the GUCs that the leader sent (because they had non-default
6220 : * values over there) leads us to exactly the set of GUC values that the
6221 : * leader has. This is true even though the worker may have initially
6222 : * absorbed postgresql.conf settings that the leader hasn't yet seen, or
6223 : * ALTER USER/DATABASE SET settings that were established after the leader
6224 : * started.
6225 : *
6226 : * Note that ensuring all the potential target GUCs are at PGC_S_DEFAULT
6227 : * also ensures that set_config_option won't refuse to set them because of
6228 : * source-priority comparisons.
6229 : */
6230 143082 : dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &guc_nondef_list)
6231 : {
6232 140360 : struct config_generic *gconf = dlist_container(struct config_generic,
6233 : nondef_link, iter.cur);
6234 :
6235 : /* Do nothing if non-shippable or if already at PGC_S_DEFAULT. */
6236 140360 : if (can_skip_gucvar(gconf))
6237 74212 : continue;
6238 :
6239 : /*
6240 : * We can use InitializeOneGUCOption to reset the GUC to default, but
6241 : * first we must free any existing subsidiary data to avoid leaking
6242 : * memory. The stack must be empty, but we have to clean up all other
6243 : * fields. Beware that there might be duplicate value or "extra"
6244 : * pointers. We also have to be sure to take it out of any lists it's
6245 : * in.
6246 : */
6247 : Assert(gconf->stack == NULL);
6248 66148 : guc_free(gconf->extra);
6249 66148 : guc_free(gconf->last_reported);
6250 66148 : guc_free(gconf->sourcefile);
6251 66148 : switch (gconf->vartype)
6252 : {
6253 14496 : case PGC_BOOL:
6254 : {
6255 14496 : struct config_bool *conf = (struct config_bool *) gconf;
6256 :
6257 14496 : if (conf->reset_extra && conf->reset_extra != gconf->extra)
6258 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_extra);
6259 14496 : break;
6260 : }
6261 12714 : case PGC_INT:
6262 : {
6263 12714 : struct config_int *conf = (struct config_int *) gconf;
6264 :
6265 12714 : if (conf->reset_extra && conf->reset_extra != gconf->extra)
6266 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_extra);
6267 12714 : break;
6268 : }
6269 0 : case PGC_REAL:
6270 : {
6271 0 : struct config_real *conf = (struct config_real *) gconf;
6272 :
6273 0 : if (conf->reset_extra && conf->reset_extra != gconf->extra)
6274 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_extra);
6275 0 : break;
6276 : }
6277 30836 : case PGC_STRING:
6278 : {
6279 30836 : struct config_string *conf = (struct config_string *) gconf;
6280 :
6281 30836 : guc_free(*conf->variable);
6282 30836 : if (conf->reset_val && conf->reset_val != *conf->variable)
6283 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_val);
6284 30836 : if (conf->reset_extra && conf->reset_extra != gconf->extra)
6285 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_extra);
6286 30836 : break;
6287 : }
6288 8102 : case PGC_ENUM:
6289 : {
6290 8102 : struct config_enum *conf = (struct config_enum *) gconf;
6291 :
6292 8102 : if (conf->reset_extra && conf->reset_extra != gconf->extra)
6293 0 : guc_free(conf->reset_extra);
6294 8102 : break;
6295 : }
6296 : }
6297 : /* Remove it from any lists it's in. */
6298 66148 : RemoveGUCFromLists(gconf);
6299 : /* Now we can reset the struct to PGS_S_DEFAULT state. */
6300 66148 : InitializeOneGUCOption(gconf);
6301 : }
6302 :
6303 : /* First item is the length of the subsequent data */
6304 2722 : memcpy(&len, gucstate, sizeof(len));
6305 :
6306 2722 : srcptr += sizeof(len);
6307 2722 : srcend = srcptr + len;
6308 :
6309 : /* If the GUC value check fails, we want errors to show useful context. */
6310 2722 : error_context_callback.callback = guc_restore_error_context_callback;
6311 2722 : error_context_callback.previous = error_context_stack;
6312 2722 : error_context_callback.arg = NULL;
6313 2722 : error_context_stack = &error_context_callback;
6314 :
6315 : /* Restore all the listed GUCs. */
6316 100090 : while (srcptr < srcend)
6317 : {
6318 : int result;
6319 : char *error_context_name_and_value[2];
6320 :
6321 97368 : varname = read_gucstate(&srcptr, srcend);
6322 97368 : varvalue = read_gucstate(&srcptr, srcend);
6323 97368 : varsourcefile = read_gucstate(&srcptr, srcend);
6324 97368 : if (varsourcefile[0])
6325 46164 : read_gucstate_binary(&srcptr, srcend,
6326 : &varsourceline, sizeof(varsourceline));
6327 : else
6328 51204 : varsourceline = 0;
6329 97368 : read_gucstate_binary(&srcptr, srcend,
6330 : &varsource, sizeof(varsource));
6331 97368 : read_gucstate_binary(&srcptr, srcend,
6332 : &varscontext, sizeof(varscontext));
6333 97368 : read_gucstate_binary(&srcptr, srcend,
6334 : &varsrole, sizeof(varsrole));
6335 :
6336 97368 : error_context_name_and_value[0] = varname;
6337 97368 : error_context_name_and_value[1] = varvalue;
6338 97368 : error_context_callback.arg = &error_context_name_and_value[0];
6339 97368 : result = set_config_option_ext(varname, varvalue,
6340 : varscontext, varsource, varsrole,
6341 : GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, true);
6342 97368 : if (result <= 0)
6343 0 : ereport(ERROR,
6344 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
6345 : errmsg("parameter \"%s\" could not be set", varname)));
6346 97368 : if (varsourcefile[0])
6347 46164 : set_config_sourcefile(varname, varsourcefile, varsourceline);
6348 97368 : error_context_callback.arg = NULL;
6349 : }
6350 :
6351 2722 : error_context_stack = error_context_callback.previous;
6352 2722 : }
6353 :
6354 : /*
6355 : * A little "long argument" simulation, although not quite GNU
6356 : * compliant. Takes a string of the form "some-option=some value" and
6357 : * returns name = "some_option" and value = "some value" in palloc'ed
6358 : * storage. Note that '-' is converted to '_' in the option name. If
6359 : * there is no '=' in the input string then value will be NULL.
6360 : */
6361 : void
6362 52404 : ParseLongOption(const char *string, char **name, char **value)
6363 : {
6364 : size_t equal_pos;
6365 : char *cp;
6366 :
6367 : Assert(string);
6368 : Assert(name);
6369 : Assert(value);
6370 :
6371 52404 : equal_pos = strcspn(string, "=");
6372 :
6373 52404 : if (string[equal_pos] == '=')
6374 : {
6375 52402 : *name = palloc(equal_pos + 1);
6376 52402 : strlcpy(*name, string, equal_pos + 1);
6377 :
6378 52402 : *value = pstrdup(&string[equal_pos + 1]);
6379 : }
6380 : else
6381 : {
6382 : /* no equal sign in string */
6383 2 : *name = pstrdup(string);
6384 2 : *value = NULL;
6385 : }
6386 :
6387 723728 : for (cp = *name; *cp; cp++)
6388 671324 : if (*cp == '-')
6389 1578 : *cp = '_';
6390 52404 : }
6391 :
6392 :
6393 : /*
6394 : * Transform array of GUC settings into lists of names and values. The lists
6395 : * are faster to process in cases where the settings must be applied
6396 : * repeatedly (e.g. for each function invocation).
6397 : */
6398 : void
6399 6882 : TransformGUCArray(ArrayType *array, List **names, List **values)
6400 : {
6401 : int i;
6402 :
6403 : Assert(array != NULL);
6404 : Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array) == TEXTOID);
6405 : Assert(ARR_NDIM(array) == 1);
6406 : Assert(ARR_LBOUND(array)[0] == 1);
6407 :
6408 6882 : *names = NIL;
6409 6882 : *values = NIL;
6410 47084 : for (i = 1; i <= ARR_DIMS(array)[0]; i++)
6411 : {
6412 : Datum d;
6413 : bool isnull;
6414 : char *s;
6415 : char *name;
6416 : char *value;
6417 :
6418 40202 : d = array_ref(array, 1, &i,
6419 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6420 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6421 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6422 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ ,
6423 : &isnull);
6424 :
6425 40202 : if (isnull)
6426 0 : continue;
6427 :
6428 40202 : s = TextDatumGetCString(d);
6429 :
6430 40202 : ParseLongOption(s, &name, &value);
6431 40202 : if (!value)
6432 : {
6433 0 : ereport(WARNING,
6434 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
6435 : errmsg("could not parse setting for parameter \"%s\"",
6436 : name)));
6437 0 : pfree(name);
6438 0 : continue;
6439 : }
6440 :
6441 40202 : *names = lappend(*names, name);
6442 40202 : *values = lappend(*values, value);
6443 :
6444 40202 : pfree(s);
6445 : }
6446 6882 : }
6447 :
6448 :
6449 : /*
6450 : * Handle options fetched from pg_db_role_setting.setconfig,
6451 : * pg_proc.proconfig, etc. Caller must specify proper context/source/action.
6452 : *
6453 : * The array parameter must be an array of TEXT (it must not be NULL).
6454 : */
6455 : void
6456 6750 : ProcessGUCArray(ArrayType *array,
6457 : GucContext context, GucSource source, GucAction action)
6458 : {
6459 : List *gucNames;
6460 : List *gucValues;
6461 : ListCell *lc1;
6462 : ListCell *lc2;
6463 :
6464 6750 : TransformGUCArray(array, &gucNames, &gucValues);
6465 46808 : forboth(lc1, gucNames, lc2, gucValues)
6466 : {
6467 40070 : char *name = lfirst(lc1);
6468 40070 : char *value = lfirst(lc2);
6469 :
6470 40070 : (void) set_config_option(name, value,
6471 : context, source,
6472 : action, true, 0, false);
6473 :
6474 40058 : pfree(name);
6475 40058 : pfree(value);
6476 : }
6477 :
6478 6738 : list_free(gucNames);
6479 6738 : list_free(gucValues);
6480 6738 : }
6481 :
6482 :
6483 : /*
6484 : * Add an entry to an option array. The array parameter may be NULL
6485 : * to indicate the current table entry is NULL.
6486 : */
6487 : ArrayType *
6488 1314 : GUCArrayAdd(ArrayType *array, const char *name, const char *value)
6489 : {
6490 : struct config_generic *record;
6491 : Datum datum;
6492 : char *newval;
6493 : ArrayType *a;
6494 :
6495 : Assert(name);
6496 : Assert(value);
6497 :
6498 : /* test if the option is valid and we're allowed to set it */
6499 1314 : (void) validate_option_array_item(name, value, false);
6500 :
6501 : /* normalize name (converts obsolete GUC names to modern spellings) */
6502 1312 : record = find_option(name, false, true, WARNING);
6503 1312 : if (record)
6504 1312 : name = record->name;
6505 :
6506 : /* build new item for array */
6507 1312 : newval = psprintf("%s=%s", name, value);
6508 1312 : datum = CStringGetTextDatum(newval);
6509 :
6510 1312 : if (array)
6511 : {
6512 : int index;
6513 : bool isnull;
6514 : int i;
6515 :
6516 : Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array) == TEXTOID);
6517 : Assert(ARR_NDIM(array) == 1);
6518 : Assert(ARR_LBOUND(array)[0] == 1);
6519 :
6520 994 : index = ARR_DIMS(array)[0] + 1; /* add after end */
6521 :
6522 3922 : for (i = 1; i <= ARR_DIMS(array)[0]; i++)
6523 : {
6524 : Datum d;
6525 : char *current;
6526 :
6527 2942 : d = array_ref(array, 1, &i,
6528 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6529 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6530 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6531 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ ,
6532 : &isnull);
6533 2942 : if (isnull)
6534 0 : continue;
6535 2942 : current = TextDatumGetCString(d);
6536 :
6537 : /* check for match up through and including '=' */
6538 2942 : if (strncmp(current, newval, strlen(name) + 1) == 0)
6539 : {
6540 14 : index = i;
6541 14 : break;
6542 : }
6543 : }
6544 :
6545 994 : a = array_set(array, 1, &index,
6546 : datum,
6547 : false,
6548 : -1 /* varlena array */ ,
6549 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6550 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6551 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ );
6552 : }
6553 : else
6554 318 : a = construct_array_builtin(&datum, 1, TEXTOID);
6555 :
6556 1312 : return a;
6557 : }
6558 :
6559 :
6560 : /*
6561 : * Delete an entry from an option array. The array parameter may be NULL
6562 : * to indicate the current table entry is NULL. Also, if the return value
6563 : * is NULL then a null should be stored.
6564 : */
6565 : ArrayType *
6566 26 : GUCArrayDelete(ArrayType *array, const char *name)
6567 : {
6568 : struct config_generic *record;
6569 : ArrayType *newarray;
6570 : int i;
6571 : int index;
6572 :
6573 : Assert(name);
6574 :
6575 : /* test if the option is valid and we're allowed to set it */
6576 26 : (void) validate_option_array_item(name, NULL, false);
6577 :
6578 : /* normalize name (converts obsolete GUC names to modern spellings) */
6579 26 : record = find_option(name, false, true, WARNING);
6580 26 : if (record)
6581 26 : name = record->name;
6582 :
6583 : /* if array is currently null, then surely nothing to delete */
6584 26 : if (!array)
6585 0 : return NULL;
6586 :
6587 26 : newarray = NULL;
6588 26 : index = 1;
6589 :
6590 78 : for (i = 1; i <= ARR_DIMS(array)[0]; i++)
6591 : {
6592 : Datum d;
6593 : char *val;
6594 : bool isnull;
6595 :
6596 52 : d = array_ref(array, 1, &i,
6597 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6598 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6599 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6600 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ ,
6601 : &isnull);
6602 52 : if (isnull)
6603 26 : continue;
6604 52 : val = TextDatumGetCString(d);
6605 :
6606 : /* ignore entry if it's what we want to delete */
6607 52 : if (strncmp(val, name, strlen(name)) == 0
6608 26 : && val[strlen(name)] == '=')
6609 26 : continue;
6610 :
6611 : /* else add it to the output array */
6612 26 : if (newarray)
6613 20 : newarray = array_set(newarray, 1, &index,
6614 : d,
6615 : false,
6616 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6617 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6618 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6619 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ );
6620 : else
6621 6 : newarray = construct_array_builtin(&d, 1, TEXTOID);
6622 :
6623 26 : index++;
6624 : }
6625 :
6626 26 : return newarray;
6627 : }
6628 :
6629 :
6630 : /*
6631 : * Given a GUC array, delete all settings from it that our permission
6632 : * level allows: if superuser, delete them all; if regular user, only
6633 : * those that are PGC_USERSET or we have permission to set
6634 : */
6635 : ArrayType *
6636 2 : GUCArrayReset(ArrayType *array)
6637 : {
6638 : ArrayType *newarray;
6639 : int i;
6640 : int index;
6641 :
6642 : /* if array is currently null, nothing to do */
6643 2 : if (!array)
6644 0 : return NULL;
6645 :
6646 : /* if we're superuser, we can delete everything, so just do it */
6647 2 : if (superuser())
6648 0 : return NULL;
6649 :
6650 2 : newarray = NULL;
6651 2 : index = 1;
6652 :
6653 6 : for (i = 1; i <= ARR_DIMS(array)[0]; i++)
6654 : {
6655 : Datum d;
6656 : char *val;
6657 : char *eqsgn;
6658 : bool isnull;
6659 :
6660 4 : d = array_ref(array, 1, &i,
6661 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6662 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6663 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6664 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ ,
6665 : &isnull);
6666 4 : if (isnull)
6667 2 : continue;
6668 4 : val = TextDatumGetCString(d);
6669 :
6670 4 : eqsgn = strchr(val, '=');
6671 4 : *eqsgn = '\0';
6672 :
6673 : /* skip if we have permission to delete it */
6674 4 : if (validate_option_array_item(val, NULL, true))
6675 2 : continue;
6676 :
6677 : /* else add it to the output array */
6678 2 : if (newarray)
6679 0 : newarray = array_set(newarray, 1, &index,
6680 : d,
6681 : false,
6682 : -1 /* varlenarray */ ,
6683 : -1 /* TEXT's typlen */ ,
6684 : false /* TEXT's typbyval */ ,
6685 : TYPALIGN_INT /* TEXT's typalign */ );
6686 : else
6687 2 : newarray = construct_array_builtin(&d, 1, TEXTOID);
6688 :
6689 2 : index++;
6690 2 : pfree(val);
6691 : }
6692 :
6693 2 : return newarray;
6694 : }
6695 :
6696 : /*
6697 : * Validate a proposed option setting for GUCArrayAdd/Delete/Reset.
6698 : *
6699 : * name is the option name. value is the proposed value for the Add case,
6700 : * or NULL for the Delete/Reset cases. If skipIfNoPermissions is true, it's
6701 : * not an error to have no permissions to set the option.
6702 : *
6703 : * Returns true if OK, false if skipIfNoPermissions is true and user does not
6704 : * have permission to change this option (all other error cases result in an
6705 : * error being thrown).
6706 : */
6707 : static bool
6708 1344 : validate_option_array_item(const char *name, const char *value,
6709 : bool skipIfNoPermissions)
6710 :
6711 : {
6712 : struct config_generic *gconf;
6713 :
6714 : /*
6715 : * There are three cases to consider:
6716 : *
6717 : * name is a known GUC variable. Check the value normally, check
6718 : * permissions normally (i.e., allow if variable is USERSET, or if it's
6719 : * SUSET and user is superuser or holds ACL_SET permissions).
6720 : *
6721 : * name is not known, but exists or can be created as a placeholder (i.e.,
6722 : * it has a valid custom name). We allow this case if you're a superuser,
6723 : * otherwise not. Superusers are assumed to know what they're doing. We
6724 : * can't allow it for other users, because when the placeholder is
6725 : * resolved it might turn out to be a SUSET variable. (With currently
6726 : * available infrastructure, we can actually handle such cases within the
6727 : * current session --- but once an entry is made in pg_db_role_setting,
6728 : * it's assumed to be fully validated.)
6729 : *
6730 : * name is not known and can't be created as a placeholder. Throw error,
6731 : * unless skipIfNoPermissions is true, in which case return false.
6732 : */
6733 1344 : gconf = find_option(name, true, skipIfNoPermissions, ERROR);
6734 1344 : if (!gconf)
6735 : {
6736 : /* not known, failed to make a placeholder */
6737 0 : return false;
6738 : }
6739 :
6740 1344 : if (gconf->flags & GUC_CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER)
6741 : {
6742 : /*
6743 : * We cannot do any meaningful check on the value, so only permissions
6744 : * are useful to check.
6745 : */
6746 0 : if (superuser() ||
6747 0 : pg_parameter_aclcheck(name, GetUserId(), ACL_SET) == ACLCHECK_OK)
6748 0 : return true;
6749 0 : if (skipIfNoPermissions)
6750 0 : return false;
6751 0 : ereport(ERROR,
6753 : errmsg("permission denied to set parameter \"%s\"", name)));
6754 : }
6755 :
6756 : /* manual permissions check so we can avoid an error being thrown */
6757 1344 : if (gconf->context == PGC_USERSET)
6758 : /* ok */ ;
6759 404 : else if (gconf->context == PGC_SUSET &&
6760 214 : (superuser() ||
6761 12 : pg_parameter_aclcheck(name, GetUserId(), ACL_SET) == ACLCHECK_OK))
6762 : /* ok */ ;
6763 4 : else if (skipIfNoPermissions)
6764 2 : return false;
6765 : /* if a permissions error should be thrown, let set_config_option do it */
6766 :
6767 : /* test for permissions and valid option value */
6768 1342 : (void) set_config_option(name, value,
6769 1342 : superuser() ? PGC_SUSET : PGC_USERSET,
6770 : PGC_S_TEST, GUC_ACTION_SET, false, 0, false);
6771 :
6772 1340 : return true;
6773 : }
6774 :
6775 :
6776 : /*
6777 : * Called by check_hooks that want to override the normal
6778 : * ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE SQLSTATE for check hook failures.
6779 : *
6780 : * Note that GUC_check_errmsg() etc are just macros that result in a direct
6781 : * assignment to the associated variables. That is ugly, but forced by the
6782 : * limitations of C's macro mechanisms.
6783 : */
6784 : void
6785 38 : GUC_check_errcode(int sqlerrcode)
6786 : {
6787 38 : GUC_check_errcode_value = sqlerrcode;
6788 38 : }
6789 :
6790 :
6791 : /*
6792 : * Convenience functions to manage calling a variable's check_hook.
6793 : * These mostly take care of the protocol for letting check hooks supply
6794 : * portions of the error report on failure.
6795 : */
6796 :
6797 : static bool
6798 392860 : call_bool_check_hook(struct config_bool *conf, bool *newval, void **extra,
6799 : GucSource source, int elevel)
6800 : {
6801 : /* Quick success if no hook */
6802 392860 : if (!conf->check_hook)
6803 358264 : return true;
6804 :
6805 : /* Reset variables that might be set by hook */
6806 34596 : GUC_check_errcode_value = ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
6807 34596 : GUC_check_errmsg_string = NULL;
6808 34596 : GUC_check_errdetail_string = NULL;
6809 34596 : GUC_check_errhint_string = NULL;
6810 :
6811 34596 : if (!conf->check_hook(newval, extra, source))
6812 : {
6813 24 : ereport(elevel,
6814 : (errcode(GUC_check_errcode_value),
6815 : GUC_check_errmsg_string ?
6816 : errmsg_internal("%s", GUC_check_errmsg_string) :
6817 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": %d",
6818 : conf->, (int) *newval),
6819 : GUC_check_errdetail_string ?
6820 : errdetail_internal("%s", GUC_check_errdetail_string) : 0,
6821 : GUC_check_errhint_string ?
6822 : errhint("%s", GUC_check_errhint_string) : 0));
6823 : /* Flush any strings created in ErrorContext */
6824 0 : FlushErrorState();
6825 0 : return false;
6826 : }
6827 :
6828 34572 : return true;
6829 : }
6830 :
6831 : static bool
6832 390702 : call_int_check_hook(struct config_int *conf, int *newval, void **extra,
6833 : GucSource source, int elevel)
6834 : {
6835 : /* Quick success if no hook */
6836 390702 : if (!conf->check_hook)
6837 333588 : return true;
6838 :
6839 : /* Reset variables that might be set by hook */
6840 57114 : GUC_check_errcode_value = ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
6841 57114 : GUC_check_errmsg_string = NULL;
6842 57114 : GUC_check_errdetail_string = NULL;
6843 57114 : GUC_check_errhint_string = NULL;
6844 :
6845 57114 : if (!conf->check_hook(newval, extra, source))
6846 : {
6847 0 : ereport(elevel,
6848 : (errcode(GUC_check_errcode_value),
6849 : GUC_check_errmsg_string ?
6850 : errmsg_internal("%s", GUC_check_errmsg_string) :
6851 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": %d",
6852 : conf->, *newval),
6853 : GUC_check_errdetail_string ?
6854 : errdetail_internal("%s", GUC_check_errdetail_string) : 0,
6855 : GUC_check_errhint_string ?
6856 : errhint("%s", GUC_check_errhint_string) : 0));
6857 : /* Flush any strings created in ErrorContext */
6858 0 : FlushErrorState();
6859 0 : return false;
6860 : }
6861 :
6862 57114 : return true;
6863 : }
6864 :
6865 : static bool
6866 60426 : call_real_check_hook(struct config_real *conf, double *newval, void **extra,
6867 : GucSource source, int elevel)
6868 : {
6869 : /* Quick success if no hook */
6870 60426 : if (!conf->check_hook)
6871 58414 : return true;
6872 :
6873 : /* Reset variables that might be set by hook */
6874 2012 : GUC_check_errcode_value = ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
6875 2012 : GUC_check_errmsg_string = NULL;
6876 2012 : GUC_check_errdetail_string = NULL;
6877 2012 : GUC_check_errhint_string = NULL;
6878 :
6879 2012 : if (!conf->check_hook(newval, extra, source))
6880 : {
6881 0 : ereport(elevel,
6882 : (errcode(GUC_check_errcode_value),
6883 : GUC_check_errmsg_string ?
6884 : errmsg_internal("%s", GUC_check_errmsg_string) :
6885 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": %g",
6886 : conf->, *newval),
6887 : GUC_check_errdetail_string ?
6888 : errdetail_internal("%s", GUC_check_errdetail_string) : 0,
6889 : GUC_check_errhint_string ?
6890 : errhint("%s", GUC_check_errhint_string) : 0));
6891 : /* Flush any strings created in ErrorContext */
6892 0 : FlushErrorState();
6893 0 : return false;
6894 : }
6895 :
6896 2012 : return true;
6897 : }
6898 :
6899 : static bool
6900 726874 : call_string_check_hook(struct config_string *conf, char **newval, void **extra,
6901 : GucSource source, int elevel)
6902 : {
6903 726874 : volatile bool result = true;
6904 :
6905 : /* Quick success if no hook */
6906 726874 : if (!conf->check_hook)
6907 127186 : return true;
6908 :
6909 : /*
6910 : * If elevel is ERROR, or if the check_hook itself throws an elog
6911 : * (undesirable, but not always avoidable), make sure we don't leak the
6912 : * already-malloc'd newval string.
6913 : */
6914 599688 : PG_TRY();
6915 : {
6916 : /* Reset variables that might be set by hook */
6917 599688 : GUC_check_errcode_value = ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
6918 599688 : GUC_check_errmsg_string = NULL;
6919 599688 : GUC_check_errdetail_string = NULL;
6920 599688 : GUC_check_errhint_string = NULL;
6921 :
6922 599688 : if (!conf->check_hook(newval, extra, source))
6923 : {
6924 36 : ereport(elevel,
6925 : (errcode(GUC_check_errcode_value),
6926 : GUC_check_errmsg_string ?
6927 : errmsg_internal("%s", GUC_check_errmsg_string) :
6928 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
6929 : conf->, *newval ? *newval : ""),
6930 : GUC_check_errdetail_string ?
6931 : errdetail_internal("%s", GUC_check_errdetail_string) : 0,
6932 : GUC_check_errhint_string ?
6933 : errhint("%s", GUC_check_errhint_string) : 0));
6934 : /* Flush any strings created in ErrorContext */
6935 0 : FlushErrorState();
6936 0 : result = false;
6937 : }
6938 : }
6939 42 : PG_CATCH();
6940 : {
6941 42 : guc_free(*newval);
6942 42 : PG_RE_THROW();
6943 : }
6944 599646 : PG_END_TRY();
6945 :
6946 599646 : return result;
6947 : }
6948 :
6949 : static bool
6950 152246 : call_enum_check_hook(struct config_enum *conf, int *newval, void **extra,
6951 : GucSource source, int elevel)
6952 : {
6953 : /* Quick success if no hook */
6954 152246 : if (!conf->check_hook)
6955 134092 : return true;
6956 :
6957 : /* Reset variables that might be set by hook */
6958 18154 : GUC_check_errcode_value = ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
6959 18154 : GUC_check_errmsg_string = NULL;
6960 18154 : GUC_check_errdetail_string = NULL;
6961 18154 : GUC_check_errhint_string = NULL;
6962 :
6963 18154 : if (!conf->check_hook(newval, extra, source))
6964 : {
6965 2 : ereport(elevel,
6966 : (errcode(GUC_check_errcode_value),
6967 : GUC_check_errmsg_string ?
6968 : errmsg_internal("%s", GUC_check_errmsg_string) :
6969 : errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
6970 : conf->,
6971 : config_enum_lookup_by_value(conf, *newval)),
6972 : GUC_check_errdetail_string ?
6973 : errdetail_internal("%s", GUC_check_errdetail_string) : 0,
6974 : GUC_check_errhint_string ?
6975 : errhint("%s", GUC_check_errhint_string) : 0));
6976 : /* Flush any strings created in ErrorContext */
6977 0 : FlushErrorState();
6978 0 : return false;
6979 : }
6980 :
6981 18152 : return true;
6982 : }