Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * postinit.c
4 : * postgres initialization utilities
5 : *
6 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8 : *
9 : *
11 : * src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c
12 : *
13 : *
14 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 : */
16 : #include "postgres.h"
17 :
18 : #include <ctype.h>
19 : #include <fcntl.h>
20 : #include <unistd.h>
21 :
22 : #include "access/genam.h"
23 : #include "access/heapam.h"
24 : #include "access/htup_details.h"
25 : #include "access/session.h"
26 : #include "access/tableam.h"
27 : #include "access/xact.h"
28 : #include "access/xlog.h"
29 : #include "access/xloginsert.h"
30 : #include "catalog/namespace.h"
31 : #include "catalog/pg_authid.h"
32 : #include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
33 : #include "catalog/pg_database.h"
34 : #include "catalog/pg_db_role_setting.h"
35 : #include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
36 : #include "libpq/auth.h"
37 : #include "libpq/libpq-be.h"
38 : #include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
39 : #include "miscadmin.h"
40 : #include "pgstat.h"
41 : #include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
42 : #include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
43 : #include "replication/slot.h"
44 : #include "replication/slotsync.h"
45 : #include "replication/walsender.h"
46 : #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
47 : #include "storage/fd.h"
48 : #include "storage/ipc.h"
49 : #include "storage/lmgr.h"
50 : #include "storage/proc.h"
51 : #include "storage/procarray.h"
52 : #include "storage/procsignal.h"
53 : #include "storage/sinvaladt.h"
54 : #include "storage/smgr.h"
55 : #include "storage/sync.h"
56 : #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
57 : #include "utils/acl.h"
58 : #include "utils/builtins.h"
59 : #include "utils/fmgroids.h"
60 : #include "utils/guc_hooks.h"
61 : #include "utils/memutils.h"
62 : #include "utils/pg_locale.h"
63 : #include "utils/portal.h"
64 : #include "utils/ps_status.h"
65 : #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
66 : #include "utils/syscache.h"
67 : #include "utils/timeout.h"
68 :
69 : static HeapTuple GetDatabaseTuple(const char *dbname);
70 : static HeapTuple GetDatabaseTupleByOid(Oid dboid);
71 : static void PerformAuthentication(Port *port);
72 : static void CheckMyDatabase(const char *name, bool am_superuser, bool override_allow_connections);
73 : static void ShutdownPostgres(int code, Datum arg);
74 : static void StatementTimeoutHandler(void);
75 : static void LockTimeoutHandler(void);
76 : static void IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(void);
77 : static void TransactionTimeoutHandler(void);
78 : static void IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(void);
79 : static void IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(void);
80 : static void ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(void);
81 : static bool ThereIsAtLeastOneRole(void);
82 : static void process_startup_options(Port *port, bool am_superuser);
83 : static void process_settings(Oid databaseid, Oid roleid);
84 :
85 :
86 : /*** InitPostgres support ***/
87 :
88 :
89 : /*
90 : * GetDatabaseTuple -- fetch the pg_database row for a database
91 : *
92 : * This is used during backend startup when we don't yet have any access to
93 : * system catalogs in general. In the worst case, we can seqscan pg_database
94 : * using nothing but the hard-wired descriptor that relcache.c creates for
95 : * pg_database. In more typical cases, relcache.c was able to load
96 : * descriptors for both pg_database and its indexes from the shared relcache
97 : * cache file, and so we can do an indexscan. criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt
98 : * tells whether we got the cached descriptors.
99 : */
100 : static HeapTuple
101 22242 : GetDatabaseTuple(const char *dbname)
102 : {
103 : HeapTuple tuple;
104 : Relation relation;
105 : SysScanDesc scan;
106 : ScanKeyData key[1];
107 :
108 : /*
109 : * form a scan key
110 : */
111 22242 : ScanKeyInit(&key[0],
112 : Anum_pg_database_datname,
113 : BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
114 : CStringGetDatum(dbname));
115 :
116 : /*
117 : * Open pg_database and fetch a tuple. Force heap scan if we haven't yet
118 : * built the critical shared relcache entries (i.e., we're starting up
119 : * without a shared relcache cache file).
120 : */
121 22242 : relation = table_open(DatabaseRelationId, AccessShareLock);
122 22242 : scan = systable_beginscan(relation, DatabaseNameIndexId,
123 : criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt,
124 : NULL,
125 : 1, key);
126 :
127 22242 : tuple = systable_getnext(scan);
128 :
129 : /* Must copy tuple before releasing buffer */
130 22242 : if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
131 22224 : tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
132 :
133 : /* all done */
134 22242 : systable_endscan(scan);
135 22242 : table_close(relation, AccessShareLock);
136 :
137 22242 : return tuple;
138 : }
139 :
140 : /*
141 : * GetDatabaseTupleByOid -- as above, but search by database OID
142 : */
143 : static HeapTuple
144 28084 : GetDatabaseTupleByOid(Oid dboid)
145 : {
146 : HeapTuple tuple;
147 : Relation relation;
148 : SysScanDesc scan;
149 : ScanKeyData key[1];
150 :
151 : /*
152 : * form a scan key
153 : */
154 28084 : ScanKeyInit(&key[0],
155 : Anum_pg_database_oid,
156 : BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
157 : ObjectIdGetDatum(dboid));
158 :
159 : /*
160 : * Open pg_database and fetch a tuple. Force heap scan if we haven't yet
161 : * built the critical shared relcache entries (i.e., we're starting up
162 : * without a shared relcache cache file).
163 : */
164 28084 : relation = table_open(DatabaseRelationId, AccessShareLock);
165 28084 : scan = systable_beginscan(relation, DatabaseOidIndexId,
166 : criticalSharedRelcachesBuilt,
167 : NULL,
168 : 1, key);
169 :
170 28084 : tuple = systable_getnext(scan);
171 :
172 : /* Must copy tuple before releasing buffer */
173 28084 : if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
174 28084 : tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
175 :
176 : /* all done */
177 28084 : systable_endscan(scan);
178 28084 : table_close(relation, AccessShareLock);
179 :
180 28084 : return tuple;
181 : }
182 :
183 :
184 : /*
185 : * PerformAuthentication -- authenticate a remote client
186 : *
187 : * returns: nothing. Will not return at all if there's any failure.
188 : */
189 : static void
190 23166 : PerformAuthentication(Port *port)
191 : {
192 : /* This should be set already, but let's make sure */
193 23166 : ClientAuthInProgress = true; /* limit visibility of log messages */
194 :
195 : /*
196 : * In EXEC_BACKEND case, we didn't inherit the contents of pg_hba.conf
197 : * etcetera from the postmaster, and have to load them ourselves.
198 : *
199 : * FIXME: [fork/exec] Ugh. Is there a way around this overhead?
200 : */
201 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
202 :
203 : /*
204 : * load_hba() and load_ident() want to work within the PostmasterContext,
205 : * so create that if it doesn't exist (which it won't). We'll delete it
206 : * again later, in PostgresMain.
207 : */
208 : if (PostmasterContext == NULL)
209 : PostmasterContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
210 : "Postmaster",
212 :
213 : if (!load_hba())
214 : {
215 : /*
216 : * It makes no sense to continue if we fail to load the HBA file,
217 : * since there is no way to connect to the database in this case.
218 : */
219 : ereport(FATAL,
220 : /* translator: %s is a configuration file */
221 : (errmsg("could not load %s", HbaFileName)));
222 : }
223 :
224 : if (!load_ident())
225 : {
226 : /*
227 : * It is ok to continue if we fail to load the IDENT file, although it
228 : * means that you cannot log in using any of the authentication
229 : * methods that need a user name mapping. load_ident() already logged
230 : * the details of error to the log.
231 : */
232 : }
233 : #endif
234 :
235 : /*
236 : * Set up a timeout in case a buggy or malicious client fails to respond
237 : * during authentication. Since we're inside a transaction and might do
238 : * database access, we have to use the statement_timeout infrastructure.
239 : */
240 23166 : enable_timeout_after(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, AuthenticationTimeout * 1000);
241 :
242 : /*
243 : * Now perform authentication exchange.
244 : */
245 23166 : set_ps_display("authentication");
246 23166 : ClientAuthentication(port); /* might not return, if failure */
247 :
248 : /*
249 : * Done with authentication. Disable the timeout, and log if needed.
250 : */
251 23036 : disable_timeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, false);
252 :
253 23036 : if (Log_connections)
254 : {
255 : StringInfoData logmsg;
256 :
257 602 : initStringInfo(&logmsg);
258 602 : if (am_walsender)
259 6 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg, _("replication connection authorized: user=%s"),
260 : port->user_name);
261 : else
262 596 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg, _("connection authorized: user=%s"),
263 : port->user_name);
264 602 : if (!am_walsender)
265 596 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg, _(" database=%s"), port->database_name);
266 :
267 602 : if (port->application_name != NULL)
268 602 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg, _(" application_name=%s"),
269 : port->application_name);
270 :
271 : #ifdef USE_SSL
272 602 : if (port->ssl_in_use)
273 170 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg, _(" SSL enabled (protocol=%s, cipher=%s, bits=%d)"),
274 : be_tls_get_version(port),
275 : be_tls_get_cipher(port),
276 : be_tls_get_cipher_bits(port));
277 : #endif
278 : #ifdef ENABLE_GSS
279 : if (port->gss)
280 : {
281 : const char *princ = be_gssapi_get_princ(port);
282 :
283 : if (princ)
284 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg,
285 : _(" GSS (authenticated=%s, encrypted=%s, delegated_credentials=%s, principal=%s)"),
286 : be_gssapi_get_auth(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"),
287 : be_gssapi_get_enc(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"),
288 : be_gssapi_get_delegation(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"),
289 : princ);
290 : else
291 : appendStringInfo(&logmsg,
292 : _(" GSS (authenticated=%s, encrypted=%s, delegated_credentials=%s)"),
293 : be_gssapi_get_auth(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"),
294 : be_gssapi_get_enc(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"),
295 : be_gssapi_get_delegation(port) ? _("yes") : _("no"));
296 : }
297 : #endif
298 :
299 602 : ereport(LOG, errmsg_internal("%s",;
300 602 : pfree(;
301 : }
302 :
303 23036 : set_ps_display("startup");
304 :
305 23036 : ClientAuthInProgress = false; /* client_min_messages is active now */
306 23036 : }
307 :
308 :
309 : /*
310 : * CheckMyDatabase -- fetch information from the pg_database entry for our DB
311 : */
312 : static void
313 28068 : CheckMyDatabase(const char *name, bool am_superuser, bool override_allow_connections)
314 : {
315 : HeapTuple tup;
316 : Form_pg_database dbform;
317 : Datum datum;
318 : bool isnull;
319 : char *collate;
320 : char *ctype;
321 :
322 : /* Fetch our pg_database row normally, via syscache */
323 28068 : tup = SearchSysCache1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(MyDatabaseId));
324 28068 : if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
325 0 : elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for database %u", MyDatabaseId);
326 28068 : dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tup);
327 :
328 : /* This recheck is strictly paranoia */
329 28068 : if (strcmp(name, NameStr(dbform->datname)) != 0)
330 0 : ereport(FATAL,
332 : errmsg("database \"%s\" has disappeared from pg_database",
333 : name),
334 : errdetail("Database OID %u now seems to belong to \"%s\".",
335 : MyDatabaseId, NameStr(dbform->datname))));
336 :
337 : /*
338 : * Check permissions to connect to the database.
339 : *
340 : * These checks are not enforced when in standalone mode, so that there is
341 : * a way to recover from disabling all access to all databases, for
342 : * example "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = false;".
343 : */
344 28068 : if (IsUnderPostmaster)
345 : {
346 : /*
347 : * Check that the database is currently allowing connections.
348 : * (Background processes can override this test and the next one by
349 : * setting override_allow_connections.)
350 : */
351 27960 : if (!dbform->datallowconn && !override_allow_connections)
352 2 : ereport(FATAL,
354 : errmsg("database \"%s\" is not currently accepting connections",
355 : name)));
356 :
357 : /*
358 : * Check privilege to connect to the database. (The am_superuser test
359 : * is redundant, but since we have the flag, might as well check it
360 : * and save a few cycles.)
361 : */
362 28462 : if (!am_superuser && !override_allow_connections &&
363 504 : object_aclcheck(DatabaseRelationId, MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(),
365 0 : ereport(FATAL,
367 : errmsg("permission denied for database \"%s\"", name),
368 : errdetail("User does not have CONNECT privilege.")));
369 :
370 : /*
371 : * Check connection limit for this database. We enforce the limit
372 : * only for regular backends, since other process types have their own
373 : * PGPROC pools.
374 : *
375 : * There is a race condition here --- we create our PGPROC before
376 : * checking for other PGPROCs. If two backends did this at about the
377 : * same time, they might both think they were over the limit, while
378 : * ideally one should succeed and one fail. Getting that to work
379 : * exactly seems more trouble than it is worth, however; instead we
380 : * just document that the connection limit is approximate.
381 : */
382 27958 : if (dbform->datconnlimit >= 0 &&
383 0 : AmRegularBackendProcess() &&
384 0 : !am_superuser &&
385 0 : CountDBConnections(MyDatabaseId) > dbform->datconnlimit)
386 0 : ereport(FATAL,
388 : errmsg("too many connections for database \"%s\"",
389 : name)));
390 : }
391 :
392 : /*
393 : * OK, we're golden. Next to-do item is to save the encoding info out of
394 : * the pg_database tuple.
395 : */
396 28066 : SetDatabaseEncoding(dbform->encoding);
397 : /* Record it as a GUC internal option, too */
398 28066 : SetConfigOption("server_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),
400 : /* If we have no other source of client_encoding, use server encoding */
401 28066 : SetConfigOption("client_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),
403 :
404 : /* assign locale variables */
405 28066 : datum = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(DATABASEOID, tup, Anum_pg_database_datcollate);
406 28066 : collate = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
407 28066 : datum = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(DATABASEOID, tup, Anum_pg_database_datctype);
408 28066 : ctype = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
409 :
410 28066 : if (pg_perm_setlocale(LC_COLLATE, collate) == NULL)
411 0 : ereport(FATAL,
412 : (errmsg("database locale is incompatible with operating system"),
413 : errdetail("The database was initialized with LC_COLLATE \"%s\", "
414 : " which is not recognized by setlocale().", collate),
415 : errhint("Recreate the database with another locale or install the missing locale.")));
416 :
417 28066 : if (pg_perm_setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ctype) == NULL)
418 0 : ereport(FATAL,
419 : (errmsg("database locale is incompatible with operating system"),
420 : errdetail("The database was initialized with LC_CTYPE \"%s\", "
421 : " which is not recognized by setlocale().", ctype),
422 : errhint("Recreate the database with another locale or install the missing locale.")));
423 :
424 28066 : if (strcmp(ctype, "C") == 0 ||
425 25268 : strcmp(ctype, "POSIX") == 0)
426 2798 : database_ctype_is_c = true;
427 :
428 28066 : init_database_collation();
429 :
430 : /*
431 : * Check collation version. See similar code in
432 : * pg_newlocale_from_collation(). Note that here we warn instead of error
433 : * in any case, so that we don't prevent connecting.
434 : */
435 28062 : datum = SysCacheGetAttr(DATABASEOID, tup, Anum_pg_database_datcollversion,
436 : &isnull);
437 28062 : if (!isnull)
438 : {
439 : char *actual_versionstr;
440 : char *collversionstr;
441 : char *locale;
442 :
443 26342 : collversionstr = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
444 :
445 26342 : if (dbform->datlocprovider == COLLPROVIDER_LIBC)
446 24644 : locale = collate;
447 : else
448 : {
449 1698 : datum = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(DATABASEOID, tup, Anum_pg_database_datlocale);
450 1698 : locale = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
451 : }
452 :
453 26342 : actual_versionstr = get_collation_actual_version(dbform->datlocprovider, locale);
454 26342 : if (!actual_versionstr)
455 : /* should not happen */
456 0 : elog(WARNING,
457 : "database \"%s\" has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded",
458 : name);
459 26342 : else if (strcmp(actual_versionstr, collversionstr) != 0)
460 0 : ereport(WARNING,
461 : (errmsg("database \"%s\" has a collation version mismatch",
462 : name),
463 : errdetail("The database was created using collation version %s, "
464 : "but the operating system provides version %s.",
465 : collversionstr, actual_versionstr),
466 : errhint("Rebuild all objects in this database that use the default collation and run "
468 : "or build PostgreSQL with the right library version.",
469 : quote_identifier(name))));
470 : }
471 :
472 28062 : ReleaseSysCache(tup);
473 28062 : }
474 :
475 :
476 : /*
477 : * pg_split_opts -- split a string of options and append it to an argv array
478 : *
479 : * The caller is responsible for ensuring the argv array is large enough. The
480 : * maximum possible number of arguments added by this routine is
481 : * (strlen(optstr) + 1) / 2.
482 : *
483 : * Because some option values can contain spaces we allow escaping using
484 : * backslashes, with \\ representing a literal backslash.
485 : */
486 : void
487 6374 : pg_split_opts(char **argv, int *argcp, const char *optstr)
488 : {
489 : StringInfoData s;
490 :
491 6374 : initStringInfo(&s);
492 :
493 23528 : while (*optstr)
494 : {
495 17154 : bool last_was_escape = false;
496 :
497 17154 : resetStringInfo(&s);
498 :
499 : /* skip over leading space */
500 32216 : while (isspace((unsigned char) *optstr))
501 15062 : optstr++;
502 :
503 17154 : if (*optstr == '\0')
504 0 : break;
505 :
506 : /*
507 : * Parse a single option, stopping at the first space, unless it's
508 : * escaped.
509 : */
510 258026 : while (*optstr)
511 : {
512 251652 : if (isspace((unsigned char) *optstr) && !last_was_escape)
513 10780 : break;
514 :
515 240872 : if (!last_was_escape && *optstr == '\\')
516 28 : last_was_escape = true;
517 : else
518 : {
519 240844 : last_was_escape = false;
520 240844 : appendStringInfoChar(&s, *optstr);
521 : }
522 :
523 240872 : optstr++;
524 : }
525 :
526 : /* now store the option in the next argv[] position */
527 17154 : argv[(*argcp)++] = pstrdup(;
528 : }
529 :
530 6374 : pfree(;
531 6374 : }
532 :
533 : /*
534 : * Initialize MaxBackends value from config options.
535 : *
536 : * This must be called after modules have had the chance to alter GUCs in
537 : * shared_preload_libraries and before shared memory size is determined.
538 : *
539 : * Note that in EXEC_BACKEND environment, the value is passed down from
540 : * postmaster to subprocesses via BackendParameters in SubPostmasterMain; only
541 : * postmaster itself and processes not under postmaster control should call
542 : * this.
543 : */
544 : void
545 1934 : InitializeMaxBackends(void)
546 : {
547 : Assert(MaxBackends == 0);
548 :
549 : /* Note that this does not include "auxiliary" processes */
550 1934 : MaxBackends = MaxConnections + autovacuum_worker_slots +
551 1934 : max_worker_processes + max_wal_senders + NUM_SPECIAL_WORKER_PROCS;
552 :
553 1934 : if (MaxBackends > MAX_BACKENDS)
554 0 : ereport(ERROR,
556 : errmsg("too many server processes configured"),
557 : errdetail("\"max_connections\" (%d) plus \"autovacuum_worker_slots\" (%d) plus \"max_worker_processes\" (%d) plus \"max_wal_senders\" (%d) must be less than %d.",
558 : MaxConnections, autovacuum_worker_slots,
559 : max_worker_processes, max_wal_senders,
561 1934 : }
562 :
563 : /*
564 : * Initialize the number of fast-path lock slots in PGPROC.
565 : *
566 : * This must be called after modules have had the chance to alter GUCs in
567 : * shared_preload_libraries and before shared memory size is determined.
568 : *
569 : * The default max_locks_per_xact=64 means 4 groups by default.
570 : *
571 : * We allow anything between 1 and 1024 groups, with the usual power-of-2
572 : * logic. The 1 is the "old" size with only 16 slots, 1024 is an arbitrary
573 : * limit (matching max_locks_per_xact = 16k). Values over 1024 are unlikely
574 : * to be beneficial - there are bottlenecks we'll hit way before that.
575 : */
576 : void
577 1934 : InitializeFastPathLocks(void)
578 : {
579 : /* Should be initialized only once. */
580 : Assert(FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend == 0);
581 :
582 : /* we need at least one group */
583 1934 : FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend = 1;
584 :
585 5802 : while (FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend < FP_LOCK_GROUPS_PER_BACKEND_MAX)
586 : {
587 : /* stop once we exceed max_locks_per_xact */
588 5802 : if (FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend * FP_LOCK_SLOTS_PER_GROUP >= max_locks_per_xact)
589 1934 : break;
590 :
591 3868 : FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend *= 2;
592 : }
593 :
594 : Assert(FastPathLockGroupsPerBackend <= FP_LOCK_GROUPS_PER_BACKEND_MAX);
595 1934 : }
596 :
597 : /*
598 : * Early initialization of a backend (either standalone or under postmaster).
599 : * This happens even before InitPostgres.
600 : *
601 : * This is separate from InitPostgres because it is also called by auxiliary
602 : * processes, such as the background writer process, which may not call
603 : * InitPostgres at all.
604 : */
605 : void
606 35238 : BaseInit(void)
607 : {
608 : Assert(MyProc != NULL);
609 :
610 : /*
611 : * Initialize our input/output/debugging file descriptors.
612 : */
613 35238 : DebugFileOpen();
614 :
615 : /*
616 : * Initialize file access. Done early so other subsystems can access
617 : * files.
618 : */
619 35238 : InitFileAccess();
620 :
621 : /*
622 : * Initialize statistics reporting. This needs to happen early to ensure
623 : * that pgstat's shutdown callback runs after the shutdown callbacks of
624 : * all subsystems that can produce stats (like e.g. transaction commits
625 : * can).
626 : */
627 35238 : pgstat_initialize();
628 :
629 : /* Do local initialization of storage and buffer managers */
630 35238 : InitSync();
631 35238 : smgrinit();
632 35238 : InitBufferManagerAccess();
633 :
634 : /*
635 : * Initialize temporary file access after pgstat, so that the temporary
636 : * file shutdown hook can report temporary file statistics.
637 : */
638 35238 : InitTemporaryFileAccess();
639 :
640 : /*
641 : * Initialize local buffers for WAL record construction, in case we ever
642 : * try to insert XLOG.
643 : */
644 35238 : InitXLogInsert();
645 :
646 : /* Initialize lock manager's local structs */
647 35238 : InitLockManagerAccess();
648 :
649 : /*
650 : * Initialize replication slots after pgstat. The exit hook might need to
651 : * drop ephemeral slots, which in turn triggers stats reporting.
652 : */
653 35238 : ReplicationSlotInitialize();
654 35238 : }
655 :
656 :
657 : /* --------------------------------
658 : * InitPostgres
659 : * Initialize POSTGRES.
660 : *
661 : * Parameters:
662 : * in_dbname, dboid: specify database to connect to, as described below
663 : * username, useroid: specify role to connect as, as described below
664 : * flags:
665 : * - INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS to honor [session|local]_preload_libraries.
666 : * - INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ALLOW_CONNS to connect despite !datallowconn.
667 : * - INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ROLE_LOGIN to connect despite !rolcanlogin.
668 : * out_dbname: optional output parameter, see below; pass NULL if not used
669 : *
670 : * The database can be specified by name, using the in_dbname parameter, or by
671 : * OID, using the dboid parameter. Specify NULL or InvalidOid respectively
672 : * for the unused parameter. If dboid is provided, the actual database
673 : * name can be returned to the caller in out_dbname. If out_dbname isn't
674 : * NULL, it must point to a buffer of size NAMEDATALEN.
675 : *
676 : * Similarly, the role can be passed by name, using the username parameter,
677 : * or by OID using the useroid parameter.
678 : *
679 : * In bootstrap mode the database and username parameters are NULL/InvalidOid.
680 : * The autovacuum launcher process doesn't specify these parameters either,
681 : * because it only goes far enough to be able to read pg_database; it doesn't
682 : * connect to any particular database. An autovacuum worker specifies a
683 : * database but not a username; conversely, a physical walsender specifies
684 : * username but not database.
685 : *
686 : * By convention, INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS should be passed in "flags" in
687 : * "interactive" sessions (including standalone backends), but not in
688 : * background processes such as autovacuum. Note in particular that it
689 : * shouldn't be true in parallel worker processes; those have another
690 : * mechanism for replicating their leader's set of loaded libraries.
691 : *
692 : * We expect that InitProcess() was already called, so we already have a
693 : * PGPROC struct ... but it's not completely filled in yet.
694 : *
695 : * Note:
696 : * Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
697 : * --------------------------------
698 : */
699 : void
700 30674 : InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, Oid dboid,
701 : const char *username, Oid useroid,
702 : bits32 flags,
703 : char *out_dbname)
704 : {
705 30674 : bool bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();
706 : bool am_superuser;
707 : char *fullpath;
708 : char dbname[NAMEDATALEN];
709 30674 : int nfree = 0;
710 :
711 30674 : elog(DEBUG3, "InitPostgres");
712 :
713 : /*
714 : * Add my PGPROC struct to the ProcArray.
715 : *
716 : * Once I have done this, I am visible to other backends!
717 : */
718 30674 : InitProcessPhase2();
719 :
720 : /*
721 : * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
722 : * per-backend data.
723 : */
724 30674 : SharedInvalBackendInit(false);
725 :
726 30674 : ProcSignalInit(MyCancelKeyValid, MyCancelKey);
727 :
728 : /*
729 : * Also set up timeout handlers needed for backend operation. We need
730 : * these in every case except bootstrap.
731 : */
732 30674 : if (!bootstrap)
733 : {
734 30584 : RegisterTimeout(DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, CheckDeadLockAlert);
735 30584 : RegisterTimeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, StatementTimeoutHandler);
736 30584 : RegisterTimeout(LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockTimeoutHandler);
738 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler);
739 30584 : RegisterTimeout(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, TransactionTimeoutHandler);
740 30584 : RegisterTimeout(IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT, IdleSessionTimeoutHandler);
741 30584 : RegisterTimeout(CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT, ClientCheckTimeoutHandler);
742 30584 : RegisterTimeout(IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT,
743 : IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler);
744 : }
745 :
746 : /*
747 : * If this is either a bootstrap process or a standalone backend, start up
748 : * the XLOG machinery, and register to have it closed down at exit. In
749 : * other cases, the startup process is responsible for starting up the
750 : * XLOG machinery, and the checkpointer for closing it down.
751 : */
752 30674 : if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
753 : {
754 : /*
755 : * We don't yet have an aux-process resource owner, but StartupXLOG
756 : * and ShutdownXLOG will need one. Hence, create said resource owner
757 : * (and register a callback to clean it up after ShutdownXLOG runs).
758 : */
759 198 : CreateAuxProcessResourceOwner();
760 :
761 198 : StartupXLOG();
762 : /* Release (and warn about) any buffer pins leaked in StartupXLOG */
763 198 : ReleaseAuxProcessResources(true);
764 : /* Reset CurrentResourceOwner to nothing for the moment */
765 198 : CurrentResourceOwner = NULL;
766 :
767 : /*
768 : * Use before_shmem_exit() so that ShutdownXLOG() can rely on DSM
769 : * segments etc to work (which in turn is required for pgstats).
770 : */
771 198 : before_shmem_exit(pgstat_before_server_shutdown, 0);
772 198 : before_shmem_exit(ShutdownXLOG, 0);
773 : }
774 :
775 : /*
776 : * Initialize the relation cache and the system catalog caches. Note that
777 : * no catalog access happens here; we only set up the hashtable structure.
778 : * We must do this before starting a transaction because transaction abort
779 : * would try to touch these hashtables.
780 : */
781 30674 : RelationCacheInitialize();
782 30674 : InitCatalogCache();
783 30674 : InitPlanCache();
784 :
785 : /* Initialize portal manager */
786 30674 : EnablePortalManager();
787 :
788 : /* Initialize status reporting */
789 30674 : pgstat_beinit();
790 :
791 : /*
792 : * Load relcache entries for the shared system catalogs. This must create
793 : * at least entries for pg_database and catalogs used for authentication.
794 : */
795 30674 : RelationCacheInitializePhase2();
796 :
797 : /*
798 : * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup. This is the
799 : * one of the first before_shmem_exit callbacks we register; thus, this
800 : * will be one the last things we do before low-level modules like the
801 : * buffer manager begin to close down. We need to have this in place
802 : * before we begin our first transaction --- if we fail during the
803 : * initialization transaction, as is entirely possible, we need the
804 : * AbortTransaction call to clean up.
805 : */
806 30674 : before_shmem_exit(ShutdownPostgres, 0);
807 :
808 : /* The autovacuum launcher is done here */
809 30674 : if (AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
810 : {
811 : /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
812 696 : pgstat_bestart();
813 :
814 2336 : return;
815 : }
816 :
817 : /*
818 : * Start a new transaction here before first access to db.
819 : */
820 29978 : if (!bootstrap)
821 : {
822 : /* statement_timestamp must be set for timeouts to work correctly */
823 29888 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
824 29888 : StartTransactionCommand();
825 :
826 : /*
827 : * transaction_isolation will have been set to the default by the
828 : * above. If the default is "serializable", and we are in hot
829 : * standby, we will fail if we don't change it to something lower.
830 : * Fortunately, "read committed" is plenty good enough.
831 : */
832 29888 : XactIsoLevel = XACT_READ_COMMITTED;
833 : }
834 :
835 : /*
836 : * Perform client authentication if necessary, then figure out our
837 : * postgres user ID, and see if we are a superuser.
838 : *
839 : * In standalone mode, autovacuum worker processes and slot sync worker
840 : * process, we use a fixed ID, otherwise we figure it out from the
841 : * authenticated user name.
842 : */
843 29978 : if (bootstrap || AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() || AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess())
844 : {
845 2424 : InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone();
846 2424 : am_superuser = true;
847 : }
848 27554 : else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
849 : {
850 108 : InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone();
851 108 : am_superuser = true;
852 108 : if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneRole())
853 0 : ereport(WARNING,
855 : errmsg("no roles are defined in this database system"),
856 : errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" SUPERUSER;.",
857 : username != NULL ? username : "postgres")));
858 : }
859 27446 : else if (AmBackgroundWorkerProcess())
860 : {
861 4280 : if (username == NULL && !OidIsValid(useroid))
862 : {
863 746 : InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone();
864 746 : am_superuser = true;
865 : }
866 : else
867 : {
868 3534 : InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid,
869 3534 : (flags & INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ROLE_LOGIN) != 0);
870 3530 : am_superuser = superuser();
871 : }
872 : }
873 : else
874 : {
875 : /* normal multiuser case */
876 : Assert(MyProcPort != NULL);
877 23166 : PerformAuthentication(MyProcPort);
878 23036 : InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid, false);
879 : /* ensure that auth_method is actually valid, aka authn_id is not NULL */
880 23028 : if (MyClientConnectionInfo.authn_id)
881 226 : InitializeSystemUser(MyClientConnectionInfo.authn_id,
882 : hba_authname(MyClientConnectionInfo.auth_method));
883 23028 : am_superuser = superuser();
884 : }
885 :
886 : /*
887 : * Binary upgrades only allowed super-user connections
888 : */
889 29836 : if (IsBinaryUpgrade && !am_superuser)
890 : {
891 0 : ereport(FATAL,
893 : errmsg("must be superuser to connect in binary upgrade mode")));
894 : }
895 :
896 : /*
897 : * The last few regular connection slots are reserved for superusers and
898 : * roles with privileges of pg_use_reserved_connections. We do not apply
899 : * these limits to background processes, since they all have their own
900 : * pools of PGPROC slots.
901 : *
902 : * Note: At this point, the new backend has already claimed a proc struct,
903 : * so we must check whether the number of free slots is strictly less than
904 : * the reserved connection limits.
905 : */
906 29836 : if (AmRegularBackendProcess() && !am_superuser &&
907 458 : (SuperuserReservedConnections + ReservedConnections) > 0 &&
908 458 : !HaveNFreeProcs(SuperuserReservedConnections + ReservedConnections, &nfree))
909 : {
910 8 : if (nfree < SuperuserReservedConnections)
911 2 : ereport(FATAL,
913 : errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for roles with the %s attribute",
914 : "SUPERUSER")));
915 :
916 6 : if (!has_privs_of_role(GetUserId(), ROLE_PG_USE_RESERVED_CONNECTIONS))
917 2 : ereport(FATAL,
919 : errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for roles with privileges of the \"%s\" role",
920 : "pg_use_reserved_connections")));
921 : }
922 :
923 : /* Check replication permissions needed for walsender processes. */
924 29832 : if (am_walsender)
925 : {
926 : Assert(!bootstrap);
927 :
928 2154 : if (!has_rolreplication(GetUserId()))
929 0 : ereport(FATAL,
931 : errmsg("permission denied to start WAL sender"),
932 : errdetail("Only roles with the %s attribute may start a WAL sender process.",
933 : "REPLICATION")));
934 : }
935 :
936 : /*
937 : * If this is a plain walsender only supporting physical replication, we
938 : * don't want to connect to any particular database. Just finish the
939 : * backend startup by processing any options from the startup packet, and
940 : * we're done.
941 : */
942 29832 : if (am_walsender && !am_db_walsender)
943 : {
944 : /* process any options passed in the startup packet */
945 898 : if (MyProcPort != NULL)
946 898 : process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
947 :
948 : /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
949 898 : if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
950 0 : pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
951 :
952 : /* initialize client encoding */
953 898 : InitializeClientEncoding();
954 :
955 : /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
956 898 : pgstat_bestart();
957 :
958 : /* close the transaction we started above */
959 898 : CommitTransactionCommand();
960 :
961 898 : return;
962 : }
963 :
964 : /*
965 : * Set up the global variables holding database id and default tablespace.
966 : * But note we won't actually try to touch the database just yet.
967 : *
968 : * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
969 : * the db's entry in pg_database.
970 : */
971 28934 : if (bootstrap)
972 : {
973 90 : dboid = Template1DbOid;
974 90 : MyDatabaseTableSpace = DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID;
975 : }
976 28844 : else if (in_dbname != NULL)
977 : {
978 : HeapTuple tuple;
979 : Form_pg_database dbform;
980 :
981 22242 : tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(in_dbname);
982 22242 : if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
983 18 : ereport(FATAL,
985 : errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname)));
986 22224 : dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
987 22224 : dboid = dbform->oid;
988 : }
989 6602 : else if (!OidIsValid(dboid))
990 : {
991 : /*
992 : * If this is a background worker not bound to any particular
993 : * database, we're done now. Everything that follows only makes sense
994 : * if we are bound to a specific database. We do need to close the
995 : * transaction we started before returning.
996 : */
997 742 : if (!bootstrap)
998 : {
999 742 : pgstat_bestart();
1000 742 : CommitTransactionCommand();
1001 : }
1002 742 : return;
1003 : }
1004 :
1005 : /*
1006 : * Now, take a writer's lock on the database we are trying to connect to.
1007 : * If there is a concurrently running DROP DATABASE on that database, this
1008 : * will block us until it finishes (and has committed its update of
1009 : * pg_database).
1010 : *
1011 : * Note that the lock is not held long, only until the end of this startup
1012 : * transaction. This is OK since we will advertise our use of the
1013 : * database in the ProcArray before dropping the lock (in fact, that's the
1014 : * next thing to do). Anyone trying a DROP DATABASE after this point will
1015 : * see us in the array once they have the lock. Ordering is important for
1016 : * this because we don't want to advertise ourselves as being in this
1017 : * database until we have the lock; otherwise we create what amounts to a
1018 : * deadlock with CountOtherDBBackends().
1019 : *
1020 : * Note: use of RowExclusiveLock here is reasonable because we envision
1021 : * our session as being a concurrent writer of the database. If we had a
1022 : * way of declaring a session as being guaranteed-read-only, we could use
1023 : * AccessShareLock for such sessions and thereby not conflict against
1025 : */
1026 28174 : if (!bootstrap)
1027 28084 : LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, dboid, 0, RowExclusiveLock);
1028 :
1029 : /*
1030 : * Recheck pg_database to make sure the target database hasn't gone away.
1031 : * If there was a concurrent DROP DATABASE, this ensures we will die
1032 : * cleanly without creating a mess.
1033 : */
1034 28174 : if (!bootstrap)
1035 : {
1036 : HeapTuple tuple;
1037 : Form_pg_database datform;
1038 :
1039 28084 : tuple = GetDatabaseTupleByOid(dboid);
1040 28084 : if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
1041 28084 : datform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
1042 :
1043 28084 : if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
1044 22224 : (in_dbname && namestrcmp(&datform->datname, in_dbname)))
1045 : {
1046 0 : if (in_dbname)
1047 0 : ereport(FATAL,
1049 : errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname),
1050 : errdetail("It seems to have just been dropped or renamed.")));
1051 : else
1052 0 : ereport(FATAL,
1054 : errmsg("database %u does not exist", dboid)));
1055 : }
1056 :
1057 28084 : strlcpy(dbname, NameStr(datform->datname), sizeof(dbname));
1058 :
1059 28084 : if (database_is_invalid_form(datform))
1060 : {
1061 12 : ereport(FATAL,
1063 : errmsg("cannot connect to invalid database \"%s\"", dbname),
1064 : errhint("Use DROP DATABASE to drop invalid databases."));
1065 : }
1066 :
1067 28072 : MyDatabaseTableSpace = datform->dattablespace;
1068 28072 : MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers = datform->dathasloginevt;
1069 : /* pass the database name back to the caller */
1070 28072 : if (out_dbname)
1071 2326 : strcpy(out_dbname, dbname);
1072 : }
1073 :
1074 : /*
1075 : * Now that we rechecked, we are certain to be connected to a database and
1076 : * thus can set MyDatabaseId.
1077 : *
1078 : * It is important that MyDatabaseId only be set once we are sure that the
1079 : * target database can no longer be concurrently dropped or renamed. For
1080 : * example, without this guarantee, pgstat_update_dbstats() could create
1081 : * entries for databases that were just dropped in the pgstat shutdown
1082 : * callback, which could confuse other code paths like the autovacuum
1083 : * scheduler.
1084 : */
1085 28162 : MyDatabaseId = dboid;
1086 :
1087 : /*
1088 : * Now we can mark our PGPROC entry with the database ID.
1089 : *
1090 : * We assume this is an atomic store so no lock is needed; though actually
1091 : * things would work fine even if it weren't atomic. Anyone searching the
1092 : * ProcArray for this database's ID should hold the database lock, so they
1093 : * would not be executing concurrently with this store. A process looking
1094 : * for another database's ID could in theory see a chance match if it read
1095 : * a partially-updated databaseId value; but as long as all such searches
1096 : * wait and retry, as in CountOtherDBBackends(), they will certainly see
1097 : * the correct value on their next try.
1098 : */
1099 28162 : MyProc->databaseId = MyDatabaseId;
1100 :
1101 : /*
1102 : * We established a catalog snapshot while reading pg_authid and/or
1103 : * pg_database; but until we have set up MyDatabaseId, we won't react to
1104 : * incoming sinval messages for unshared catalogs, so we won't realize it
1105 : * if the snapshot has been invalidated. Assume it's no good anymore.
1106 : */
1107 28162 : InvalidateCatalogSnapshot();
1108 :
1109 : /*
1110 : * Now we should be able to access the database directory safely. Verify
1111 : * it's there and looks reasonable.
1112 : */
1113 28162 : fullpath = GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace);
1114 :
1115 28162 : if (!bootstrap)
1116 : {
1117 28072 : if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
1118 : {
1119 0 : if (errno == ENOENT)
1120 0 : ereport(FATAL,
1122 : errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
1123 : dbname),
1124 : errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
1125 : fullpath)));
1126 : else
1127 0 : ereport(FATAL,
1128 : (errcode_for_file_access(),
1129 : errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",
1130 : fullpath)));
1131 : }
1132 :
1133 28072 : ValidatePgVersion(fullpath);
1134 : }
1135 :
1136 28162 : SetDatabasePath(fullpath);
1137 28162 : pfree(fullpath);
1138 :
1139 : /*
1140 : * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
1141 : *
1142 : * Load relcache entries for the system catalogs. This must create at
1143 : * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.
1144 : */
1145 28162 : RelationCacheInitializePhase3();
1146 :
1147 : /* set up ACL framework (so CheckMyDatabase can check permissions) */
1148 28158 : initialize_acl();
1149 :
1150 : /*
1151 : * Re-read the pg_database row for our database, check permissions and set
1152 : * up database-specific GUC settings. We can't do this until all the
1153 : * database-access infrastructure is up. (Also, it wants to know if the
1154 : * user is a superuser, so the above stuff has to happen first.)
1155 : */
1156 28158 : if (!bootstrap)
1157 28068 : CheckMyDatabase(dbname, am_superuser,
1158 28068 : (flags & INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ALLOW_CONNS) != 0);
1159 :
1160 : /*
1161 : * Now process any command-line switches and any additional GUC variable
1162 : * settings passed in the startup packet. We couldn't do this before
1163 : * because we didn't know if client is a superuser.
1164 : */
1165 28152 : if (MyProcPort != NULL)
1166 22096 : process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
1167 :
1168 : /* Process pg_db_role_setting options */
1169 28152 : process_settings(MyDatabaseId, GetSessionUserId());
1170 :
1171 : /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
1172 28150 : if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
1173 0 : pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
1174 :
1175 : /*
1176 : * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
1177 : * selected the active user and gotten the right GUC settings.
1178 : */
1179 :
1180 : /* set default namespace search path */
1181 28150 : InitializeSearchPath();
1182 :
1183 : /* initialize client encoding */
1184 28150 : InitializeClientEncoding();
1185 :
1186 : /* Initialize this backend's session state. */
1187 28150 : InitializeSession();
1188 :
1189 : /*
1190 : * If this is an interactive session, load any libraries that should be
1191 : * preloaded at backend start. Since those are determined by GUCs, this
1192 : * can't happen until GUC settings are complete, but we want it to happen
1193 : * during the initial transaction in case anything that requires database
1194 : * access needs to be done.
1195 : */
1196 28150 : if ((flags & INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS) != 0)
1197 20944 : process_session_preload_libraries();
1198 :
1199 : /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
1200 28150 : if (!bootstrap)
1201 28060 : pgstat_bestart();
1202 :
1203 : /* close the transaction we started above */
1204 28150 : if (!bootstrap)
1205 28060 : CommitTransactionCommand();
1206 : }
1207 :
1208 : /*
1209 : * Process any command-line switches and any additional GUC variable
1210 : * settings passed in the startup packet.
1211 : */
1212 : static void
1213 22994 : process_startup_options(Port *port, bool am_superuser)
1214 : {
1215 : GucContext gucctx;
1216 : ListCell *gucopts;
1217 :
1218 22994 : gucctx = am_superuser ? PGC_SU_BACKEND : PGC_BACKEND;
1219 :
1220 : /*
1221 : * First process any command-line switches that were included in the
1222 : * startup packet, if we are in a regular backend.
1223 : */
1224 22994 : if (port->cmdline_options != NULL)
1225 : {
1226 : /*
1227 : * The maximum possible number of commandline arguments that could
1228 : * come from port->cmdline_options is (strlen + 1) / 2; see
1229 : * pg_split_opts().
1230 : */
1231 : char **av;
1232 : int maxac;
1233 : int ac;
1234 :
1235 6374 : maxac = 2 + (strlen(port->cmdline_options) + 1) / 2;
1236 :
1237 6374 : av = (char **) palloc(maxac * sizeof(char *));
1238 6374 : ac = 0;
1239 :
1240 6374 : av[ac++] = "postgres";
1241 :
1242 6374 : pg_split_opts(av, &ac, port->cmdline_options);
1243 :
1244 6374 : av[ac] = NULL;
1245 :
1246 : Assert(ac < maxac);
1247 :
1248 6374 : (void) process_postgres_switches(ac, av, gucctx, NULL);
1249 : }
1250 :
1251 : /*
1252 : * Process any additional GUC variable settings passed in startup packet.
1253 : * These are handled exactly like command-line variables.
1254 : */
1255 22994 : gucopts = list_head(port->guc_options);
1256 56012 : while (gucopts)
1257 : {
1258 : char *name;
1259 : char *value;
1260 :
1261 33018 : name = lfirst(gucopts);
1262 33018 : gucopts = lnext(port->guc_options, gucopts);
1263 :
1264 33018 : value = lfirst(gucopts);
1265 33018 : gucopts = lnext(port->guc_options, gucopts);
1266 :
1267 33018 : SetConfigOption(name, value, gucctx, PGC_S_CLIENT);
1268 : }
1269 22994 : }
1270 :
1271 : /*
1272 : * Load GUC settings from pg_db_role_setting.
1273 : *
1274 : * We try specific settings for the database/role combination, as well as
1275 : * general for this database and for this user.
1276 : */
1277 : static void
1278 28152 : process_settings(Oid databaseid, Oid roleid)
1279 : {
1280 : Relation relsetting;
1281 : Snapshot snapshot;
1282 :
1283 28152 : if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
1284 194 : return;
1285 :
1286 27958 : relsetting = table_open(DbRoleSettingRelationId, AccessShareLock);
1287 :
1288 : /* read all the settings under the same snapshot for efficiency */
1289 27958 : snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetCatalogSnapshot(DbRoleSettingRelationId));
1290 :
1291 : /* Later settings are ignored if set earlier. */
1292 27958 : ApplySetting(snapshot, databaseid, roleid, relsetting, PGC_S_DATABASE_USER);
1293 27956 : ApplySetting(snapshot, InvalidOid, roleid, relsetting, PGC_S_USER);
1294 27956 : ApplySetting(snapshot, databaseid, InvalidOid, relsetting, PGC_S_DATABASE);
1295 27956 : ApplySetting(snapshot, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, relsetting, PGC_S_GLOBAL);
1296 :
1297 27956 : UnregisterSnapshot(snapshot);
1298 27956 : table_close(relsetting, AccessShareLock);
1299 : }
1300 :
1301 : /*
1302 : * Backend-shutdown callback. Do cleanup that we want to be sure happens
1303 : * before all the supporting modules begin to nail their doors shut via
1304 : * their own callbacks.
1305 : *
1306 : * User-level cleanup, such as temp-relation removal and UNLISTEN, happens
1307 : * via separate callbacks that execute before this one. We don't combine the
1308 : * callbacks because we still want this one to happen if the user-level
1309 : * cleanup fails.
1310 : */
1311 : static void
1312 30674 : ShutdownPostgres(int code, Datum arg)
1313 : {
1314 : /* Make sure we've killed any active transaction */
1315 30674 : AbortOutOfAnyTransaction();
1316 :
1317 : /*
1318 : * User locks are not released by transaction end, so be sure to release
1319 : * them explicitly.
1320 : */
1321 30674 : LockReleaseAll(USER_LOCKMETHOD, true);
1322 30674 : }
1323 :
1324 :
1325 : /*
1326 : * STATEMENT_TIMEOUT handler: trigger a query-cancel interrupt.
1327 : */
1328 : static void
1329 12 : StatementTimeoutHandler(void)
1330 : {
1331 12 : int sig = SIGINT;
1332 :
1333 : /*
1334 : * During authentication the timeout is used to deal with
1335 : * authentication_timeout - we want to quit in response to such timeouts.
1336 : */
1337 12 : if (ClientAuthInProgress)
1338 0 : sig = SIGTERM;
1339 :
1340 : #ifdef HAVE_SETSID
1341 : /* try to signal whole process group */
1342 12 : kill(-MyProcPid, sig);
1343 : #endif
1344 12 : kill(MyProcPid, sig);
1345 12 : }
1346 :
1347 : /*
1348 : * LOCK_TIMEOUT handler: trigger a query-cancel interrupt.
1349 : */
1350 : static void
1351 8 : LockTimeoutHandler(void)
1352 : {
1353 : #ifdef HAVE_SETSID
1354 : /* try to signal whole process group */
1355 8 : kill(-MyProcPid, SIGINT);
1356 : #endif
1357 8 : kill(MyProcPid, SIGINT);
1358 8 : }
1359 :
1360 : static void
1361 2 : TransactionTimeoutHandler(void)
1362 : {
1363 2 : TransactionTimeoutPending = true;
1364 2 : InterruptPending = true;
1365 2 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
1366 2 : }
1367 :
1368 : static void
1369 2 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(void)
1370 : {
1371 2 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending = true;
1372 2 : InterruptPending = true;
1373 2 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
1374 2 : }
1375 :
1376 : static void
1377 2 : IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(void)
1378 : {
1379 2 : IdleSessionTimeoutPending = true;
1380 2 : InterruptPending = true;
1381 2 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
1382 2 : }
1383 :
1384 : static void
1385 32 : IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(void)
1386 : {
1387 32 : IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending = true;
1388 32 : InterruptPending = true;
1389 32 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
1390 32 : }
1391 :
1392 : static void
1393 0 : ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(void)
1394 : {
1395 0 : CheckClientConnectionPending = true;
1396 0 : InterruptPending = true;
1397 0 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
1398 0 : }
1399 :
1400 : /*
1401 : * Returns true if at least one role is defined in this database cluster.
1402 : */
1403 : static bool
1404 108 : ThereIsAtLeastOneRole(void)
1405 : {
1406 : Relation pg_authid_rel;
1407 : TableScanDesc scan;
1408 : bool result;
1409 :
1410 108 : pg_authid_rel = table_open(AuthIdRelationId, AccessShareLock);
1411 :
1412 108 : scan = table_beginscan_catalog(pg_authid_rel, 0, NULL);
1413 108 : result = (heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection) != NULL);
1414 :
1415 108 : table_endscan(scan);
1416 108 : table_close(pg_authid_rel, AccessShareLock);
1417 :
1418 108 : return result;
1419 : }