LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/utils/adt - ri_triggers.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 768 839 91.5 %
Date: 2024-07-27 04:11:39 Functions: 42 42 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * ri_triggers.c
       4             :  *
       5             :  *  Generic trigger procedures for referential integrity constraint
       6             :  *  checks.
       7             :  *
       8             :  *  Note about memory management: the private hashtables kept here live
       9             :  *  across query and transaction boundaries, in fact they live as long as
      10             :  *  the backend does.  This works because the hashtable structures
      11             :  *  themselves are allocated by dynahash.c in its permanent DynaHashCxt,
      12             :  *  and the SPI plans they point to are saved using SPI_keepplan().
      13             :  *  There is not currently any provision for throwing away a no-longer-needed
      14             :  *  plan --- consider improving this someday.
      15             :  *
      16             :  *
      17             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
      18             :  *
      19             :  * src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
      20             :  *
      21             :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      22             :  */
      23             : 
      24             : #include "postgres.h"
      25             : 
      26             : #include "access/htup_details.h"
      27             : #include "access/sysattr.h"
      28             : #include "access/table.h"
      29             : #include "access/tableam.h"
      30             : #include "access/xact.h"
      31             : #include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
      32             : #include "catalog/pg_constraint.h"
      33             : #include "commands/trigger.h"
      34             : #include "executor/executor.h"
      35             : #include "executor/spi.h"
      36             : #include "lib/ilist.h"
      37             : #include "miscadmin.h"
      38             : #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
      39             : #include "parser/parse_relation.h"
      40             : #include "utils/acl.h"
      41             : #include "utils/builtins.h"
      42             : #include "utils/datum.h"
      43             : #include "utils/fmgroids.h"
      44             : #include "utils/guc.h"
      45             : #include "utils/inval.h"
      46             : #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
      47             : #include "utils/memutils.h"
      48             : #include "utils/rel.h"
      49             : #include "utils/rls.h"
      50             : #include "utils/ruleutils.h"
      51             : #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
      52             : #include "utils/syscache.h"
      53             : 
      54             : /*
      55             :  * Local definitions
      56             :  */
      57             : 
      58             : #define RI_MAX_NUMKEYS                  INDEX_MAX_KEYS
      59             : 
      60             : #define RI_INIT_CONSTRAINTHASHSIZE      64
      61             : #define RI_INIT_QUERYHASHSIZE           (RI_INIT_CONSTRAINTHASHSIZE * 4)
      62             : 
      63             : #define RI_KEYS_ALL_NULL                0
      64             : #define RI_KEYS_SOME_NULL               1
      65             : #define RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL               2
      66             : 
      67             : /* RI query type codes */
      68             : /* these queries are executed against the PK (referenced) table: */
      69             : #define RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK          1
      70             : #define RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK  2
      71             : #define RI_PLAN_LAST_ON_PK              RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK
      72             : /* these queries are executed against the FK (referencing) table: */
      73             : #define RI_PLAN_CASCADE_ONDELETE        3
      74             : #define RI_PLAN_CASCADE_ONUPDATE        4
      75             : /* For RESTRICT, the same plan can be used for both ON DELETE and ON UPDATE triggers. */
      76             : #define RI_PLAN_RESTRICT                5
      77             : #define RI_PLAN_SETNULL_ONDELETE        6
      78             : #define RI_PLAN_SETNULL_ONUPDATE        7
      79             : #define RI_PLAN_SETDEFAULT_ONDELETE     8
      80             : #define RI_PLAN_SETDEFAULT_ONUPDATE     9
      81             : 
      82             : #define MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN  (NAMEDATALEN*2+3)
      83             : #define MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN  (MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN*2)
      84             : 
      85             : #define RIAttName(rel, attnum)  NameStr(*attnumAttName(rel, attnum))
      86             : #define RIAttType(rel, attnum)  attnumTypeId(rel, attnum)
      87             : #define RIAttCollation(rel, attnum) attnumCollationId(rel, attnum)
      88             : 
      89             : #define RI_TRIGTYPE_INSERT 1
      90             : #define RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE 2
      91             : #define RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE 3
      92             : 
      93             : 
      94             : /*
      95             :  * RI_ConstraintInfo
      96             :  *
      97             :  * Information extracted from an FK pg_constraint entry.  This is cached in
      98             :  * ri_constraint_cache.
      99             :  */
     100             : typedef struct RI_ConstraintInfo
     101             : {
     102             :     Oid         constraint_id;  /* OID of pg_constraint entry (hash key) */
     103             :     bool        valid;          /* successfully initialized? */
     104             :     Oid         constraint_root_id; /* OID of topmost ancestor constraint;
     105             :                                      * same as constraint_id if not inherited */
     106             :     uint32      oidHashValue;   /* hash value of constraint_id */
     107             :     uint32      rootHashValue;  /* hash value of constraint_root_id */
     108             :     NameData    conname;        /* name of the FK constraint */
     109             :     Oid         pk_relid;       /* referenced relation */
     110             :     Oid         fk_relid;       /* referencing relation */
     111             :     char        confupdtype;    /* foreign key's ON UPDATE action */
     112             :     char        confdeltype;    /* foreign key's ON DELETE action */
     113             :     int         ndelsetcols;    /* number of columns referenced in ON DELETE
     114             :                                  * SET clause */
     115             :     int16       confdelsetcols[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* attnums of cols to set on
     116             :                                                  * delete */
     117             :     char        confmatchtype;  /* foreign key's match type */
     118             :     int         nkeys;          /* number of key columns */
     119             :     int16       pk_attnums[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* attnums of referenced cols */
     120             :     int16       fk_attnums[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* attnums of referencing cols */
     121             :     Oid         pf_eq_oprs[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* equality operators (PK = FK) */
     122             :     Oid         pp_eq_oprs[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* equality operators (PK = PK) */
     123             :     Oid         ff_eq_oprs[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS]; /* equality operators (FK = FK) */
     124             :     dlist_node  valid_link;     /* Link in list of valid entries */
     125             : } RI_ConstraintInfo;
     126             : 
     127             : /*
     128             :  * RI_QueryKey
     129             :  *
     130             :  * The key identifying a prepared SPI plan in our query hashtable
     131             :  */
     132             : typedef struct RI_QueryKey
     133             : {
     134             :     Oid         constr_id;      /* OID of pg_constraint entry */
     135             :     int32       constr_queryno; /* query type ID, see RI_PLAN_XXX above */
     136             : } RI_QueryKey;
     137             : 
     138             : /*
     139             :  * RI_QueryHashEntry
     140             :  */
     141             : typedef struct RI_QueryHashEntry
     142             : {
     143             :     RI_QueryKey key;
     144             :     SPIPlanPtr  plan;
     145             : } RI_QueryHashEntry;
     146             : 
     147             : /*
     148             :  * RI_CompareKey
     149             :  *
     150             :  * The key identifying an entry showing how to compare two values
     151             :  */
     152             : typedef struct RI_CompareKey
     153             : {
     154             :     Oid         eq_opr;         /* the equality operator to apply */
     155             :     Oid         typeid;         /* the data type to apply it to */
     156             : } RI_CompareKey;
     157             : 
     158             : /*
     159             :  * RI_CompareHashEntry
     160             :  */
     161             : typedef struct RI_CompareHashEntry
     162             : {
     163             :     RI_CompareKey key;
     164             :     bool        valid;          /* successfully initialized? */
     165             :     FmgrInfo    eq_opr_finfo;   /* call info for equality fn */
     166             :     FmgrInfo    cast_func_finfo;    /* in case we must coerce input */
     167             : } RI_CompareHashEntry;
     168             : 
     169             : 
     170             : /*
     171             :  * Local data
     172             :  */
     173             : static HTAB *ri_constraint_cache = NULL;
     174             : static HTAB *ri_query_cache = NULL;
     175             : static HTAB *ri_compare_cache = NULL;
     176             : static dclist_head ri_constraint_cache_valid_list;
     177             : 
     178             : 
     179             : /*
     180             :  * Local function prototypes
     181             :  */
     182             : static bool ri_Check_Pk_Match(Relation pk_rel, Relation fk_rel,
     183             :                               TupleTableSlot *oldslot,
     184             :                               const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo);
     185             : static Datum ri_restrict(TriggerData *trigdata, bool is_no_action);
     186             : static Datum ri_set(TriggerData *trigdata, bool is_set_null, int tgkind);
     187             : static void quoteOneName(char *buffer, const char *name);
     188             : static void quoteRelationName(char *buffer, Relation rel);
     189             : static void ri_GenerateQual(StringInfo buf,
     190             :                             const char *sep,
     191             :                             const char *leftop, Oid leftoptype,
     192             :                             Oid opoid,
     193             :                             const char *rightop, Oid rightoptype);
     194             : static void ri_GenerateQualCollation(StringInfo buf, Oid collation);
     195             : static int  ri_NullCheck(TupleDesc tupDesc, TupleTableSlot *slot,
     196             :                          const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk);
     197             : static void ri_BuildQueryKey(RI_QueryKey *key,
     198             :                              const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
     199             :                              int32 constr_queryno);
     200             : static bool ri_KeysEqual(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot,
     201             :                          const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk);
     202             : static bool ri_AttributesEqual(Oid eq_opr, Oid typeid,
     203             :                                Datum oldvalue, Datum newvalue);
     204             : 
     205             : static void ri_InitHashTables(void);
     206             : static void InvalidateConstraintCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue);
     207             : static SPIPlanPtr ri_FetchPreparedPlan(RI_QueryKey *key);
     208             : static void ri_HashPreparedPlan(RI_QueryKey *key, SPIPlanPtr plan);
     209             : static RI_CompareHashEntry *ri_HashCompareOp(Oid eq_opr, Oid typeid);
     210             : 
     211             : static void ri_CheckTrigger(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const char *funcname,
     212             :                             int tgkind);
     213             : static const RI_ConstraintInfo *ri_FetchConstraintInfo(Trigger *trigger,
     214             :                                                        Relation trig_rel, bool rel_is_pk);
     215             : static const RI_ConstraintInfo *ri_LoadConstraintInfo(Oid constraintOid);
     216             : static Oid  get_ri_constraint_root(Oid constrOid);
     217             : static SPIPlanPtr ri_PlanCheck(const char *querystr, int nargs, Oid *argtypes,
     218             :                                RI_QueryKey *qkey, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel);
     219             : static bool ri_PerformCheck(const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
     220             :                             RI_QueryKey *qkey, SPIPlanPtr qplan,
     221             :                             Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel,
     222             :                             TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot,
     223             :                             bool detectNewRows, int expect_OK);
     224             : static void ri_ExtractValues(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
     225             :                              const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk,
     226             :                              Datum *vals, char *nulls);
     227             : static void ri_ReportViolation(const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
     228             :                                Relation pk_rel, Relation fk_rel,
     229             :                                TupleTableSlot *violatorslot, TupleDesc tupdesc,
     230             :                                int queryno, bool partgone) pg_attribute_noreturn();
     231             : 
     232             : 
     233             : /*
     234             :  * RI_FKey_check -
     235             :  *
     236             :  * Check foreign key existence (combined for INSERT and UPDATE).
     237             :  */
     238             : static Datum
     239        4188 : RI_FKey_check(TriggerData *trigdata)
     240             : {
     241             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
     242             :     Relation    fk_rel;
     243             :     Relation    pk_rel;
     244             :     TupleTableSlot *newslot;
     245             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
     246             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
     247             : 
     248        4188 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigdata->tg_trigger,
     249             :                                     trigdata->tg_relation, false);
     250             : 
     251        4188 :     if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
     252         424 :         newslot = trigdata->tg_newslot;
     253             :     else
     254        3764 :         newslot = trigdata->tg_trigslot;
     255             : 
     256             :     /*
     257             :      * We should not even consider checking the row if it is no longer valid,
     258             :      * since it was either deleted (so the deferred check should be skipped)
     259             :      * or updated (in which case only the latest version of the row should be
     260             :      * checked).  Test its liveness according to SnapshotSelf.  We need pin
     261             :      * and lock on the buffer to call HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility.  Caller
     262             :      * should be holding pin, but not lock.
     263             :      */
     264        4188 :     if (!table_tuple_satisfies_snapshot(trigdata->tg_relation, newslot, SnapshotSelf))
     265          60 :         return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     266             : 
     267             :     /*
     268             :      * Get the relation descriptors of the FK and PK tables.
     269             :      *
     270             :      * pk_rel is opened in RowShareLock mode since that's what our eventual
     271             :      * SELECT FOR KEY SHARE will get on it.
     272             :      */
     273        4128 :     fk_rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
     274        4128 :     pk_rel = table_open(riinfo->pk_relid, RowShareLock);
     275             : 
     276        4128 :     switch (ri_NullCheck(RelationGetDescr(fk_rel), newslot, riinfo, false))
     277             :     {
     278         132 :         case RI_KEYS_ALL_NULL:
     279             : 
     280             :             /*
     281             :              * No further check needed - an all-NULL key passes every type of
     282             :              * foreign key constraint.
     283             :              */
     284         132 :             table_close(pk_rel, RowShareLock);
     285         132 :             return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     286             : 
     287         156 :         case RI_KEYS_SOME_NULL:
     288             : 
     289             :             /*
     290             :              * This is the only case that differs between the three kinds of
     291             :              * MATCH.
     292             :              */
     293         156 :             switch (riinfo->confmatchtype)
     294             :             {
     295          36 :                 case FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL:
     296             : 
     297             :                     /*
     298             :                      * Not allowed - MATCH FULL says either all or none of the
     299             :                      * attributes can be NULLs
     300             :                      */
     301          36 :                     ereport(ERROR,
     302             :                             (errcode(ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION),
     303             :                              errmsg("insert or update on table \"%s\" violates foreign key constraint \"%s\"",
     304             :                                     RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel),
     305             :                                     NameStr(riinfo->conname)),
     306             :                              errdetail("MATCH FULL does not allow mixing of null and nonnull key values."),
     307             :                              errtableconstraint(fk_rel,
     308             :                                                 NameStr(riinfo->conname))));
     309             :                     table_close(pk_rel, RowShareLock);
     310             :                     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     311             : 
     312         120 :                 case FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE:
     313             : 
     314             :                     /*
     315             :                      * MATCH SIMPLE - if ANY column is null, the key passes
     316             :                      * the constraint.
     317             :                      */
     318         120 :                     table_close(pk_rel, RowShareLock);
     319         120 :                     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     320             : 
     321             : #ifdef NOT_USED
     322             :                 case FKCONSTR_MATCH_PARTIAL:
     323             : 
     324             :                     /*
     325             :                      * MATCH PARTIAL - all non-null columns must match. (not
     326             :                      * implemented, can be done by modifying the query below
     327             :                      * to only include non-null columns, or by writing a
     328             :                      * special version here)
     329             :                      */
     330             :                     break;
     331             : #endif
     332             :             }
     333             : 
     334             :         case RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL:
     335             : 
     336             :             /*
     337             :              * Have a full qualified key - continue below for all three kinds
     338             :              * of MATCH.
     339             :              */
     340        3840 :             break;
     341             :     }
     342             : 
     343        3840 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
     344           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
     345             : 
     346             :     /* Fetch or prepare a saved plan for the real check */
     347        3840 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK);
     348             : 
     349        3840 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
     350             :     {
     351             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
     352             :         char        pkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
     353             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
     354             :         char        paramname[16];
     355             :         const char *querysep;
     356             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
     357             :         const char *pk_only;
     358             : 
     359             :         /* ----------
     360             :          * The query string built is
     361             :          *  SELECT 1 FROM [ONLY] <pktable> x WHERE pkatt1 = $1 [AND ...]
     362             :          *         FOR KEY SHARE OF x
     363             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
     364             :          * corresponding FK attributes.
     365             :          * ----------
     366             :          */
     367        2080 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
     368        4160 :         pk_only = pk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
     369        2080 :             "" : "ONLY ";
     370        2080 :         quoteRelationName(pkrelname, pk_rel);
     371        2080 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT 1 FROM %s%s x",
     372             :                          pk_only, pkrelname);
     373        2080 :         querysep = "WHERE";
     374        4410 :         for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
     375             :         {
     376        2330 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     377        2330 :             Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     378             : 
     379        2330 :             quoteOneName(attname,
     380        2330 :                          RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]));
     381        2330 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
     382        2330 :             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
     383             :                             attname, pk_type,
     384             :                             riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
     385             :                             paramname, fk_type);
     386        2330 :             querysep = "AND";
     387        2330 :             queryoids[i] = fk_type;
     388             :         }
     389        2080 :         appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, " FOR KEY SHARE OF x");
     390             : 
     391             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
     392        2080 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys, queryoids,
     393             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
     394             :     }
     395             : 
     396             :     /*
     397             :      * Now check that foreign key exists in PK table
     398             :      *
     399             :      * XXX detectNewRows must be true when a partitioned table is on the
     400             :      * referenced side.  The reason is that our snapshot must be fresh in
     401             :      * order for the hack in find_inheritance_children() to work.
     402             :      */
     403        3840 :     ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
     404             :                     fk_rel, pk_rel,
     405             :                     NULL, newslot,
     406        3840 :                     pk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE,
     407             :                     SPI_OK_SELECT);
     408             : 
     409        3340 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
     410           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
     411             : 
     412        3340 :     table_close(pk_rel, RowShareLock);
     413             : 
     414        3340 :     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     415             : }
     416             : 
     417             : 
     418             : /*
     419             :  * RI_FKey_check_ins -
     420             :  *
     421             :  * Check foreign key existence at insert event on FK table.
     422             :  */
     423             : Datum
     424        3764 : RI_FKey_check_ins(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     425             : {
     426             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     427        3764 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_check_ins", RI_TRIGTYPE_INSERT);
     428             : 
     429             :     /* Share code with UPDATE case. */
     430        3764 :     return RI_FKey_check((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context);
     431             : }
     432             : 
     433             : 
     434             : /*
     435             :  * RI_FKey_check_upd -
     436             :  *
     437             :  * Check foreign key existence at update event on FK table.
     438             :  */
     439             : Datum
     440         424 : RI_FKey_check_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     441             : {
     442             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     443         424 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_check_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     444             : 
     445             :     /* Share code with INSERT case. */
     446         424 :     return RI_FKey_check((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context);
     447             : }
     448             : 
     449             : 
     450             : /*
     451             :  * ri_Check_Pk_Match
     452             :  *
     453             :  * Check to see if another PK row has been created that provides the same
     454             :  * key values as the "oldslot" that's been modified or deleted in our trigger
     455             :  * event.  Returns true if a match is found in the PK table.
     456             :  *
     457             :  * We assume the caller checked that the oldslot contains no NULL key values,
     458             :  * since otherwise a match is impossible.
     459             :  */
     460             : static bool
     461         738 : ri_Check_Pk_Match(Relation pk_rel, Relation fk_rel,
     462             :                   TupleTableSlot *oldslot,
     463             :                   const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo)
     464             : {
     465             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
     466             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
     467             :     bool        result;
     468             : 
     469             :     /* Only called for non-null rows */
     470             :     Assert(ri_NullCheck(RelationGetDescr(pk_rel), oldslot, riinfo, true) == RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL);
     471             : 
     472         738 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
     473           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
     474             : 
     475             :     /*
     476             :      * Fetch or prepare a saved plan for checking PK table with values coming
     477             :      * from a PK row
     478             :      */
     479         738 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK);
     480             : 
     481         738 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
     482             :     {
     483             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
     484             :         char        pkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
     485             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
     486             :         char        paramname[16];
     487             :         const char *querysep;
     488             :         const char *pk_only;
     489             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
     490             : 
     491             :         /* ----------
     492             :          * The query string built is
     493             :          *  SELECT 1 FROM [ONLY] <pktable> x WHERE pkatt1 = $1 [AND ...]
     494             :          *         FOR KEY SHARE OF x
     495             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
     496             :          * PK attributes themselves.
     497             :          * ----------
     498             :          */
     499         322 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
     500         644 :         pk_only = pk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
     501         322 :             "" : "ONLY ";
     502         322 :         quoteRelationName(pkrelname, pk_rel);
     503         322 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT 1 FROM %s%s x",
     504             :                          pk_only, pkrelname);
     505         322 :         querysep = "WHERE";
     506         746 :         for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
     507             :         {
     508         424 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     509             : 
     510         424 :             quoteOneName(attname,
     511         424 :                          RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]));
     512         424 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
     513         424 :             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
     514             :                             attname, pk_type,
     515             :                             riinfo->pp_eq_oprs[i],
     516             :                             paramname, pk_type);
     517         424 :             querysep = "AND";
     518         424 :             queryoids[i] = pk_type;
     519             :         }
     520         322 :         appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, " FOR KEY SHARE OF x");
     521             : 
     522             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
     523         322 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys, queryoids,
     524             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
     525             :     }
     526             : 
     527             :     /*
     528             :      * We have a plan now. Run it.
     529             :      */
     530         738 :     result = ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
     531             :                              fk_rel, pk_rel,
     532             :                              oldslot, NULL,
     533             :                              true,  /* treat like update */
     534             :                              SPI_OK_SELECT);
     535             : 
     536         738 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
     537           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
     538             : 
     539         738 :     return result;
     540             : }
     541             : 
     542             : 
     543             : /*
     544             :  * RI_FKey_noaction_del -
     545             :  *
     546             :  * Give an error and roll back the current transaction if the
     547             :  * delete has resulted in a violation of the given referential
     548             :  * integrity constraint.
     549             :  */
     550             : Datum
     551         306 : RI_FKey_noaction_del(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     552             : {
     553             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     554         306 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_noaction_del", RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
     555             : 
     556             :     /* Share code with RESTRICT/UPDATE cases. */
     557         306 :     return ri_restrict((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, true);
     558             : }
     559             : 
     560             : /*
     561             :  * RI_FKey_restrict_del -
     562             :  *
     563             :  * Restrict delete from PK table to rows unreferenced by foreign key.
     564             :  *
     565             :  * The SQL standard intends that this referential action occur exactly when
     566             :  * the delete is performed, rather than after.  This appears to be
     567             :  * the only difference between "NO ACTION" and "RESTRICT".  In Postgres
     568             :  * we still implement this as an AFTER trigger, but it's non-deferrable.
     569             :  */
     570             : Datum
     571          12 : RI_FKey_restrict_del(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     572             : {
     573             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     574          12 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_restrict_del", RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
     575             : 
     576             :     /* Share code with NO ACTION/UPDATE cases. */
     577          12 :     return ri_restrict((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, false);
     578             : }
     579             : 
     580             : /*
     581             :  * RI_FKey_noaction_upd -
     582             :  *
     583             :  * Give an error and roll back the current transaction if the
     584             :  * update has resulted in a violation of the given referential
     585             :  * integrity constraint.
     586             :  */
     587             : Datum
     588         300 : RI_FKey_noaction_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     589             : {
     590             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     591         300 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_noaction_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     592             : 
     593             :     /* Share code with RESTRICT/DELETE cases. */
     594         300 :     return ri_restrict((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, true);
     595             : }
     596             : 
     597             : /*
     598             :  * RI_FKey_restrict_upd -
     599             :  *
     600             :  * Restrict update of PK to rows unreferenced by foreign key.
     601             :  *
     602             :  * The SQL standard intends that this referential action occur exactly when
     603             :  * the update is performed, rather than after.  This appears to be
     604             :  * the only difference between "NO ACTION" and "RESTRICT".  In Postgres
     605             :  * we still implement this as an AFTER trigger, but it's non-deferrable.
     606             :  */
     607             : Datum
     608          24 : RI_FKey_restrict_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     609             : {
     610             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     611          24 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_restrict_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     612             : 
     613             :     /* Share code with NO ACTION/DELETE cases. */
     614          24 :     return ri_restrict((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, false);
     615             : }
     616             : 
     617             : /*
     618             :  * ri_restrict -
     619             :  *
     620             :  * Common code for ON DELETE RESTRICT, ON DELETE NO ACTION,
     621             :  * ON UPDATE RESTRICT, and ON UPDATE NO ACTION.
     622             :  */
     623             : static Datum
     624         774 : ri_restrict(TriggerData *trigdata, bool is_no_action)
     625             : {
     626             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
     627             :     Relation    fk_rel;
     628             :     Relation    pk_rel;
     629             :     TupleTableSlot *oldslot;
     630             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
     631             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
     632             : 
     633         774 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigdata->tg_trigger,
     634             :                                     trigdata->tg_relation, true);
     635             : 
     636             :     /*
     637             :      * Get the relation descriptors of the FK and PK tables and the old tuple.
     638             :      *
     639             :      * fk_rel is opened in RowShareLock mode since that's what our eventual
     640             :      * SELECT FOR KEY SHARE will get on it.
     641             :      */
     642         774 :     fk_rel = table_open(riinfo->fk_relid, RowShareLock);
     643         774 :     pk_rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
     644         774 :     oldslot = trigdata->tg_trigslot;
     645             : 
     646             :     /*
     647             :      * If another PK row now exists providing the old key values, we should
     648             :      * not do anything.  However, this check should only be made in the NO
     649             :      * ACTION case; in RESTRICT cases we don't wish to allow another row to be
     650             :      * substituted.
     651             :      */
     652        1512 :     if (is_no_action &&
     653         738 :         ri_Check_Pk_Match(pk_rel, fk_rel, oldslot, riinfo))
     654             :     {
     655          52 :         table_close(fk_rel, RowShareLock);
     656          52 :         return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     657             :     }
     658             : 
     659         722 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
     660           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
     661             : 
     662             :     /*
     663             :      * Fetch or prepare a saved plan for the restrict lookup (it's the same
     664             :      * query for delete and update cases)
     665             :      */
     666         722 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, RI_PLAN_RESTRICT);
     667             : 
     668         722 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
     669             :     {
     670             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
     671             :         char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
     672             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
     673             :         char        paramname[16];
     674             :         const char *querysep;
     675             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
     676             :         const char *fk_only;
     677             : 
     678             :         /* ----------
     679             :          * The query string built is
     680             :          *  SELECT 1 FROM [ONLY] <fktable> x WHERE $1 = fkatt1 [AND ...]
     681             :          *         FOR KEY SHARE OF x
     682             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
     683             :          * corresponding PK attributes.
     684             :          * ----------
     685             :          */
     686         282 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
     687         564 :         fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
     688         282 :             "" : "ONLY ";
     689         282 :         quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
     690         282 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT 1 FROM %s%s x",
     691             :                          fk_only, fkrelname);
     692         282 :         querysep = "WHERE";
     693         666 :         for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
     694             :         {
     695         384 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     696         384 :             Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     697         384 :             Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     698         384 :             Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     699             : 
     700         384 :             quoteOneName(attname,
     701         384 :                          RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
     702         384 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
     703         384 :             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
     704             :                             paramname, pk_type,
     705             :                             riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
     706             :                             attname, fk_type);
     707         384 :             if (pk_coll != fk_coll && !get_collation_isdeterministic(pk_coll))
     708           0 :                 ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
     709         384 :             querysep = "AND";
     710         384 :             queryoids[i] = pk_type;
     711             :         }
     712         282 :         appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, " FOR KEY SHARE OF x");
     713             : 
     714             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
     715         282 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys, queryoids,
     716             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
     717             :     }
     718             : 
     719             :     /*
     720             :      * We have a plan now. Run it to check for existing references.
     721             :      */
     722         722 :     ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
     723             :                     fk_rel, pk_rel,
     724             :                     oldslot, NULL,
     725             :                     true,       /* must detect new rows */
     726             :                     SPI_OK_SELECT);
     727             : 
     728         412 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
     729           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
     730             : 
     731         412 :     table_close(fk_rel, RowShareLock);
     732             : 
     733         412 :     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     734             : }
     735             : 
     736             : 
     737             : /*
     738             :  * RI_FKey_cascade_del -
     739             :  *
     740             :  * Cascaded delete foreign key references at delete event on PK table.
     741             :  */
     742             : Datum
     743         160 : RI_FKey_cascade_del(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     744             : {
     745         160 :     TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
     746             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
     747             :     Relation    fk_rel;
     748             :     Relation    pk_rel;
     749             :     TupleTableSlot *oldslot;
     750             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
     751             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
     752             : 
     753             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     754         160 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_cascade_del", RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
     755             : 
     756         160 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigdata->tg_trigger,
     757             :                                     trigdata->tg_relation, true);
     758             : 
     759             :     /*
     760             :      * Get the relation descriptors of the FK and PK tables and the old tuple.
     761             :      *
     762             :      * fk_rel is opened in RowExclusiveLock mode since that's what our
     763             :      * eventual DELETE will get on it.
     764             :      */
     765         160 :     fk_rel = table_open(riinfo->fk_relid, RowExclusiveLock);
     766         160 :     pk_rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
     767         160 :     oldslot = trigdata->tg_trigslot;
     768             : 
     769         160 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
     770           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
     771             : 
     772             :     /* Fetch or prepare a saved plan for the cascaded delete */
     773         160 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, RI_PLAN_CASCADE_ONDELETE);
     774             : 
     775         160 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
     776             :     {
     777             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
     778             :         char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
     779             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
     780             :         char        paramname[16];
     781             :         const char *querysep;
     782             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
     783             :         const char *fk_only;
     784             : 
     785             :         /* ----------
     786             :          * The query string built is
     787             :          *  DELETE FROM [ONLY] <fktable> WHERE $1 = fkatt1 [AND ...]
     788             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
     789             :          * corresponding PK attributes.
     790             :          * ----------
     791             :          */
     792         102 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
     793         204 :         fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
     794         102 :             "" : "ONLY ";
     795         102 :         quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
     796         102 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "DELETE FROM %s%s",
     797             :                          fk_only, fkrelname);
     798         102 :         querysep = "WHERE";
     799         226 :         for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
     800             :         {
     801         124 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     802         124 :             Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     803         124 :             Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     804         124 :             Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     805             : 
     806         124 :             quoteOneName(attname,
     807         124 :                          RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
     808         124 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
     809         124 :             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
     810             :                             paramname, pk_type,
     811             :                             riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
     812             :                             attname, fk_type);
     813         124 :             if (pk_coll != fk_coll && !get_collation_isdeterministic(pk_coll))
     814           6 :                 ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
     815         124 :             querysep = "AND";
     816         124 :             queryoids[i] = pk_type;
     817             :         }
     818             : 
     819             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
     820         102 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys, queryoids,
     821             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
     822             :     }
     823             : 
     824             :     /*
     825             :      * We have a plan now. Build up the arguments from the key values in the
     826             :      * deleted PK tuple and delete the referencing rows
     827             :      */
     828         160 :     ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
     829             :                     fk_rel, pk_rel,
     830             :                     oldslot, NULL,
     831             :                     true,       /* must detect new rows */
     832             :                     SPI_OK_DELETE);
     833             : 
     834         158 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
     835           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
     836             : 
     837         158 :     table_close(fk_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
     838             : 
     839         158 :     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     840             : }
     841             : 
     842             : 
     843             : /*
     844             :  * RI_FKey_cascade_upd -
     845             :  *
     846             :  * Cascaded update foreign key references at update event on PK table.
     847             :  */
     848             : Datum
     849         204 : RI_FKey_cascade_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     850             : {
     851         204 :     TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
     852             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
     853             :     Relation    fk_rel;
     854             :     Relation    pk_rel;
     855             :     TupleTableSlot *newslot;
     856             :     TupleTableSlot *oldslot;
     857             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
     858             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
     859             : 
     860             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     861         204 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_cascade_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     862             : 
     863         204 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigdata->tg_trigger,
     864             :                                     trigdata->tg_relation, true);
     865             : 
     866             :     /*
     867             :      * Get the relation descriptors of the FK and PK tables and the new and
     868             :      * old tuple.
     869             :      *
     870             :      * fk_rel is opened in RowExclusiveLock mode since that's what our
     871             :      * eventual UPDATE will get on it.
     872             :      */
     873         204 :     fk_rel = table_open(riinfo->fk_relid, RowExclusiveLock);
     874         204 :     pk_rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
     875         204 :     newslot = trigdata->tg_newslot;
     876         204 :     oldslot = trigdata->tg_trigslot;
     877             : 
     878         204 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
     879           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
     880             : 
     881             :     /* Fetch or prepare a saved plan for the cascaded update */
     882         204 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, RI_PLAN_CASCADE_ONUPDATE);
     883             : 
     884         204 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
     885             :     {
     886             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
     887             :         StringInfoData qualbuf;
     888             :         char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
     889             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
     890             :         char        paramname[16];
     891             :         const char *querysep;
     892             :         const char *qualsep;
     893             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS * 2];
     894             :         const char *fk_only;
     895             : 
     896             :         /* ----------
     897             :          * The query string built is
     898             :          *  UPDATE [ONLY] <fktable> SET fkatt1 = $1 [, ...]
     899             :          *          WHERE $n = fkatt1 [AND ...]
     900             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
     901             :          * corresponding PK attributes.  Note that we are assuming
     902             :          * there is an assignment cast from the PK to the FK type;
     903             :          * else the parser will fail.
     904             :          * ----------
     905             :          */
     906         114 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
     907         114 :         initStringInfo(&qualbuf);
     908         228 :         fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
     909         114 :             "" : "ONLY ";
     910         114 :         quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
     911         114 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "UPDATE %s%s SET",
     912             :                          fk_only, fkrelname);
     913         114 :         querysep = "";
     914         114 :         qualsep = "WHERE";
     915         252 :         for (int i = 0, j = riinfo->nkeys; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++, j++)
     916             :         {
     917         138 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     918         138 :             Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     919         138 :             Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
     920         138 :             Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
     921             : 
     922         138 :             quoteOneName(attname,
     923         138 :                          RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
     924         138 :             appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
     925             :                              "%s %s = $%d",
     926             :                              querysep, attname, i + 1);
     927         138 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", j + 1);
     928         138 :             ri_GenerateQual(&qualbuf, qualsep,
     929             :                             paramname, pk_type,
     930             :                             riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
     931             :                             attname, fk_type);
     932         138 :             if (pk_coll != fk_coll && !get_collation_isdeterministic(pk_coll))
     933           6 :                 ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
     934         138 :             querysep = ",";
     935         138 :             qualsep = "AND";
     936         138 :             queryoids[i] = pk_type;
     937         138 :             queryoids[j] = pk_type;
     938             :         }
     939         114 :         appendBinaryStringInfo(&querybuf,, qualbuf.len);
     940             : 
     941             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
     942         114 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys * 2, queryoids,
     943             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
     944             :     }
     945             : 
     946             :     /*
     947             :      * We have a plan now. Run it to update the existing references.
     948             :      */
     949         204 :     ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
     950             :                     fk_rel, pk_rel,
     951             :                     oldslot, newslot,
     952             :                     true,       /* must detect new rows */
     953             :                     SPI_OK_UPDATE);
     954             : 
     955         204 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
     956           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
     957             : 
     958         204 :     table_close(fk_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
     959             : 
     960         204 :     return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
     961             : }
     962             : 
     963             : 
     964             : /*
     965             :  * RI_FKey_setnull_del -
     966             :  *
     967             :  * Set foreign key references to NULL values at delete event on PK table.
     968             :  */
     969             : Datum
     970          98 : RI_FKey_setnull_del(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     971             : {
     972             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     973          98 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_setnull_del", RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
     974             : 
     975             :     /* Share code with UPDATE case */
     976          98 :     return ri_set((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, true, RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
     977             : }
     978             : 
     979             : /*
     980             :  * RI_FKey_setnull_upd -
     981             :  *
     982             :  * Set foreign key references to NULL at update event on PK table.
     983             :  */
     984             : Datum
     985          30 : RI_FKey_setnull_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
     986             : {
     987             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
     988          30 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_setnull_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     989             : 
     990             :     /* Share code with DELETE case */
     991          30 :     return ri_set((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, true, RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
     992             : }
     993             : 
     994             : /*
     995             :  * RI_FKey_setdefault_del -
     996             :  *
     997             :  * Set foreign key references to defaults at delete event on PK table.
     998             :  */
     999             : Datum
    1000          84 : RI_FKey_setdefault_del(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
    1001             : {
    1002             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
    1003          84 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_setdefault_del", RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
    1004             : 
    1005             :     /* Share code with UPDATE case */
    1006          84 :     return ri_set((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, false, RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE);
    1007             : }
    1008             : 
    1009             : /*
    1010             :  * RI_FKey_setdefault_upd -
    1011             :  *
    1012             :  * Set foreign key references to defaults at update event on PK table.
    1013             :  */
    1014             : Datum
    1015          48 : RI_FKey_setdefault_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
    1016             : {
    1017             :     /* Check that this is a valid trigger call on the right time and event. */
    1018          48 :     ri_CheckTrigger(fcinfo, "RI_FKey_setdefault_upd", RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
    1019             : 
    1020             :     /* Share code with DELETE case */
    1021          48 :     return ri_set((TriggerData *) fcinfo->context, false, RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE);
    1022             : }
    1023             : 
    1024             : /*
    1025             :  * ri_set -
    1026             :  *
    1027             :  * Common code for ON DELETE SET NULL, ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, ON UPDATE SET
    1028             :  * NULL, and ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT.
    1029             :  */
    1030             : static Datum
    1031         260 : ri_set(TriggerData *trigdata, bool is_set_null, int tgkind)
    1032             : {
    1033             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    1034             :     Relation    fk_rel;
    1035             :     Relation    pk_rel;
    1036             :     TupleTableSlot *oldslot;
    1037             :     RI_QueryKey qkey;
    1038             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
    1039             :     int32       queryno;
    1040             : 
    1041         260 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigdata->tg_trigger,
    1042             :                                     trigdata->tg_relation, true);
    1043             : 
    1044             :     /*
    1045             :      * Get the relation descriptors of the FK and PK tables and the old tuple.
    1046             :      *
    1047             :      * fk_rel is opened in RowExclusiveLock mode since that's what our
    1048             :      * eventual UPDATE will get on it.
    1049             :      */
    1050         260 :     fk_rel = table_open(riinfo->fk_relid, RowExclusiveLock);
    1051         260 :     pk_rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
    1052         260 :     oldslot = trigdata->tg_trigslot;
    1053             : 
    1054         260 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
    1055           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
    1056             : 
    1057             :     /*
    1058             :      * Fetch or prepare a saved plan for the trigger.
    1059             :      */
    1060         260 :     switch (tgkind)
    1061             :     {
    1062          78 :         case RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE:
    1063          78 :             queryno = is_set_null
    1064             :                 ? RI_PLAN_SETNULL_ONUPDATE
    1065          78 :                 : RI_PLAN_SETDEFAULT_ONUPDATE;
    1066          78 :             break;
    1067         182 :         case RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE:
    1068         182 :             queryno = is_set_null
    1069             :                 ? RI_PLAN_SETNULL_ONDELETE
    1070         182 :                 : RI_PLAN_SETDEFAULT_ONDELETE;
    1071         182 :             break;
    1072           0 :         default:
    1073           0 :             elog(ERROR, "invalid tgkind passed to ri_set");
    1074             :     }
    1075             : 
    1076         260 :     ri_BuildQueryKey(&qkey, riinfo, queryno);
    1077             : 
    1078         260 :     if ((qplan = ri_FetchPreparedPlan(&qkey)) == NULL)
    1079             :     {
    1080             :         StringInfoData querybuf;
    1081             :         char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
    1082             :         char        attname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
    1083             :         char        paramname[16];
    1084             :         const char *querysep;
    1085             :         const char *qualsep;
    1086             :         Oid         queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
    1087             :         const char *fk_only;
    1088             :         int         num_cols_to_set;
    1089             :         const int16 *set_cols;
    1090             : 
    1091         154 :         switch (tgkind)
    1092             :         {
    1093          52 :             case RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE:
    1094          52 :                 num_cols_to_set = riinfo->nkeys;
    1095          52 :                 set_cols = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    1096          52 :                 break;
    1097         102 :             case RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE:
    1098             : 
    1099             :                 /*
    1100             :                  * If confdelsetcols are present, then we only update the
    1101             :                  * columns specified in that array, otherwise we update all
    1102             :                  * the referencing columns.
    1103             :                  */
    1104         102 :                 if (riinfo->ndelsetcols != 0)
    1105             :                 {
    1106          24 :                     num_cols_to_set = riinfo->ndelsetcols;
    1107          24 :                     set_cols = riinfo->confdelsetcols;
    1108             :                 }
    1109             :                 else
    1110             :                 {
    1111          78 :                     num_cols_to_set = riinfo->nkeys;
    1112          78 :                     set_cols = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    1113             :                 }
    1114         102 :                 break;
    1115           0 :             default:
    1116           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "invalid tgkind passed to ri_set");
    1117             :         }
    1118             : 
    1119             :         /* ----------
    1120             :          * The query string built is
    1121             :          *  UPDATE [ONLY] <fktable> SET fkatt1 = {NULL|DEFAULT} [, ...]
    1122             :          *          WHERE $1 = fkatt1 [AND ...]
    1123             :          * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
    1124             :          * corresponding PK attributes.
    1125             :          * ----------
    1126             :          */
    1127         154 :         initStringInfo(&querybuf);
    1128         308 :         fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
    1129         154 :             "" : "ONLY ";
    1130         154 :         quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
    1131         154 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "UPDATE %s%s SET",
    1132             :                          fk_only, fkrelname);
    1133             : 
    1134             :         /*
    1135             :          * Add assignment clauses
    1136             :          */
    1137         154 :         querysep = "";
    1138         412 :         for (int i = 0; i < num_cols_to_set; i++)
    1139             :         {
    1140         258 :             quoteOneName(attname, RIAttName(fk_rel, set_cols[i]));
    1141         258 :             appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
    1142             :                              "%s %s = %s",
    1143             :                              querysep, attname,
    1144             :                              is_set_null ? "NULL" : "DEFAULT");
    1145         258 :             querysep = ",";
    1146             :         }
    1147             : 
    1148             :         /*
    1149             :          * Add WHERE clause
    1150             :          */
    1151         154 :         qualsep = "WHERE";
    1152         436 :         for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1153             :         {
    1154         282 :             Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1155         282 :             Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1156         282 :             Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1157         282 :             Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1158             : 
    1159         282 :             quoteOneName(attname,
    1160         282 :                          RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1161             : 
    1162         282 :             sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
    1163         282 :             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, qualsep,
    1164             :                             paramname, pk_type,
    1165             :                             riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
    1166             :                             attname, fk_type);
    1167         282 :             if (pk_coll != fk_coll && !get_collation_isdeterministic(pk_coll))
    1168           0 :                 ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
    1169         282 :             qualsep = "AND";
    1170         282 :             queryoids[i] = pk_type;
    1171             :         }
    1172             : 
    1173             :         /* Prepare and save the plan */
    1174         154 :         qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo->nkeys, queryoids,
    1175             :                              &qkey, fk_rel, pk_rel);
    1176             :     }
    1177             : 
    1178             :     /*
    1179             :      * We have a plan now. Run it to update the existing references.
    1180             :      */
    1181         260 :     ri_PerformCheck(riinfo, &qkey, qplan,
    1182             :                     fk_rel, pk_rel,
    1183             :                     oldslot, NULL,
    1184             :                     true,       /* must detect new rows */
    1185             :                     SPI_OK_UPDATE);
    1186             : 
    1187         258 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
    1188           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
    1189             : 
    1190         258 :     table_close(fk_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
    1191             : 
    1192         258 :     if (is_set_null)
    1193         126 :         return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
    1194             :     else
    1195             :     {
    1196             :         /*
    1197             :          * If we just deleted or updated the PK row whose key was equal to the
    1198             :          * FK columns' default values, and a referencing row exists in the FK
    1199             :          * table, we would have updated that row to the same values it already
    1200             :          * had --- and RI_FKey_fk_upd_check_required would hence believe no
    1201             :          * check is necessary.  So we need to do another lookup now and in
    1202             :          * case a reference still exists, abort the operation.  That is
    1203             :          * already implemented in the NO ACTION trigger, so just run it. (This
    1204             :          * recheck is only needed in the SET DEFAULT case, since CASCADE would
    1205             :          * remove such rows in case of a DELETE operation or would change the
    1206             :          * FK key values in case of an UPDATE, while SET NULL is certain to
    1207             :          * result in rows that satisfy the FK constraint.)
    1208             :          */
    1209         132 :         return ri_restrict(trigdata, true);
    1210             :     }
    1211             : }
    1212             : 
    1213             : 
    1214             : /*
    1215             :  * RI_FKey_pk_upd_check_required -
    1216             :  *
    1217             :  * Check if we really need to fire the RI trigger for an update or delete to a PK
    1218             :  * relation.  This is called by the AFTER trigger queue manager to see if
    1219             :  * it can skip queuing an instance of an RI trigger.  Returns true if the
    1220             :  * trigger must be fired, false if we can prove the constraint will still
    1221             :  * be satisfied.
    1222             :  *
    1223             :  * newslot will be NULL if this is called for a delete.
    1224             :  */
    1225             : bool
    1226        1984 : RI_FKey_pk_upd_check_required(Trigger *trigger, Relation pk_rel,
    1227             :                               TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot)
    1228             : {
    1229             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    1230             : 
    1231        1984 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigger, pk_rel, true);
    1232             : 
    1233             :     /*
    1234             :      * If any old key value is NULL, the row could not have been referenced by
    1235             :      * an FK row, so no check is needed.
    1236             :      */
    1237        1984 :     if (ri_NullCheck(RelationGetDescr(pk_rel), oldslot, riinfo, true) != RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL)
    1238           6 :         return false;
    1239             : 
    1240             :     /* If all old and new key values are equal, no check is needed */
    1241        1978 :     if (newslot && ri_KeysEqual(pk_rel, oldslot, newslot, riinfo, true))
    1242         536 :         return false;
    1243             : 
    1244             :     /* Else we need to fire the trigger. */
    1245        1442 :     return true;
    1246             : }
    1247             : 
    1248             : /*
    1249             :  * RI_FKey_fk_upd_check_required -
    1250             :  *
    1251             :  * Check if we really need to fire the RI trigger for an update to an FK
    1252             :  * relation.  This is called by the AFTER trigger queue manager to see if
    1253             :  * it can skip queuing an instance of an RI trigger.  Returns true if the
    1254             :  * trigger must be fired, false if we can prove the constraint will still
    1255             :  * be satisfied.
    1256             :  */
    1257             : bool
    1258        1020 : RI_FKey_fk_upd_check_required(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel,
    1259             :                               TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot)
    1260             : {
    1261             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    1262             :     int         ri_nullcheck;
    1263             : 
    1264             :     /*
    1265             :      * AfterTriggerSaveEvent() handles things such that this function is never
    1266             :      * called for partitioned tables.
    1267             :      */
    1268             :     Assert(fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE);
    1269             : 
    1270        1020 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigger, fk_rel, false);
    1271             : 
    1272        1020 :     ri_nullcheck = ri_NullCheck(RelationGetDescr(fk_rel), newslot, riinfo, false);
    1273             : 
    1274             :     /*
    1275             :      * If all new key values are NULL, the row satisfies the constraint, so no
    1276             :      * check is needed.
    1277             :      */
    1278        1020 :     if (ri_nullcheck == RI_KEYS_ALL_NULL)
    1279         126 :         return false;
    1280             : 
    1281             :     /*
    1282             :      * If some new key values are NULL, the behavior depends on the match
    1283             :      * type.
    1284             :      */
    1285         894 :     else if (ri_nullcheck == RI_KEYS_SOME_NULL)
    1286             :     {
    1287          30 :         switch (riinfo->confmatchtype)
    1288             :         {
    1289          24 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE:
    1290             : 
    1291             :                 /*
    1292             :                  * If any new key value is NULL, the row must satisfy the
    1293             :                  * constraint, so no check is needed.
    1294             :                  */
    1295          24 :                 return false;
    1296             : 
    1297           0 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_PARTIAL:
    1298             : 
    1299             :                 /*
    1300             :                  * Don't know, must run full check.
    1301             :                  */
    1302           0 :                 break;
    1303             : 
    1304           6 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL:
    1305             : 
    1306             :                 /*
    1307             :                  * If some new key values are NULL, the row fails the
    1308             :                  * constraint.  We must not throw error here, because the row
    1309             :                  * might get invalidated before the constraint is to be
    1310             :                  * checked, but we should queue the event to apply the check
    1311             :                  * later.
    1312             :                  */
    1313           6 :                 return true;
    1314             :         }
    1315         864 :     }
    1316             : 
    1317             :     /*
    1318             :      * Continues here for no new key values are NULL, or we couldn't decide
    1319             :      * yet.
    1320             :      */
    1321             : 
    1322             :     /*
    1323             :      * If the original row was inserted by our own transaction, we must fire
    1324             :      * the trigger whether or not the keys are equal.  This is because our
    1325             :      * UPDATE will invalidate the INSERT so that the INSERT RI trigger will
    1326             :      * not do anything; so we had better do the UPDATE check.  (We could skip
    1327             :      * this if we knew the INSERT trigger already fired, but there is no easy
    1328             :      * way to know that.)
    1329             :      */
    1330         864 :     if (slot_is_current_xact_tuple(oldslot))
    1331         124 :         return true;
    1332             : 
    1333             :     /* If all old and new key values are equal, no check is needed */
    1334         740 :     if (ri_KeysEqual(fk_rel, oldslot, newslot, riinfo, false))
    1335         440 :         return false;
    1336             : 
    1337             :     /* Else we need to fire the trigger. */
    1338         300 :     return true;
    1339             : }
    1340             : 
    1341             : /*
    1342             :  * RI_Initial_Check -
    1343             :  *
    1344             :  * Check an entire table for non-matching values using a single query.
    1345             :  * This is not a trigger procedure, but is called during ALTER TABLE
    1346             :  * ADD FOREIGN KEY to validate the initial table contents.
    1347             :  *
    1348             :  * We expect that the caller has made provision to prevent any problems
    1349             :  * caused by concurrent actions. This could be either by locking rel and
    1350             :  * pkrel at ShareRowExclusiveLock or higher, or by otherwise ensuring
    1351             :  * that triggers implementing the checks are already active.
    1352             :  * Hence, we do not need to lock individual rows for the check.
    1353             :  *
    1354             :  * If the check fails because the current user doesn't have permissions
    1355             :  * to read both tables, return false to let our caller know that they will
    1356             :  * need to do something else to check the constraint.
    1357             :  */
    1358             : bool
    1359         944 : RI_Initial_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
    1360             : {
    1361             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    1362             :     StringInfoData querybuf;
    1363             :     char        pkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
    1364             :     char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
    1365             :     char        pkattname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN + 3];
    1366             :     char        fkattname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN + 3];
    1367             :     RangeTblEntry *rte;
    1368             :     RTEPermissionInfo *pk_perminfo;
    1369             :     RTEPermissionInfo *fk_perminfo;
    1370         944 :     List       *rtes = NIL;
    1371         944 :     List       *perminfos = NIL;
    1372             :     const char *sep;
    1373             :     const char *fk_only;
    1374             :     const char *pk_only;
    1375             :     int         save_nestlevel;
    1376             :     char        workmembuf[32];
    1377             :     int         spi_result;
    1378             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
    1379             : 
    1380         944 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigger, fk_rel, false);
    1381             : 
    1382             :     /*
    1383             :      * Check to make sure current user has enough permissions to do the test
    1384             :      * query.  (If not, caller can fall back to the trigger method, which
    1385             :      * works because it changes user IDs on the fly.)
    1386             :      *
    1387             :      * XXX are there any other show-stopper conditions to check?
    1388             :      */
    1389         944 :     pk_perminfo = makeNode(RTEPermissionInfo);
    1390         944 :     pk_perminfo->relid = RelationGetRelid(pk_rel);
    1391         944 :     pk_perminfo->requiredPerms = ACL_SELECT;
    1392         944 :     perminfos = lappend(perminfos, pk_perminfo);
    1393         944 :     rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
    1394         944 :     rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
    1395         944 :     rte->relid = RelationGetRelid(pk_rel);
    1396         944 :     rte->relkind = pk_rel->rd_rel->relkind;
    1397         944 :     rte->rellockmode = AccessShareLock;
    1398         944 :     rte->perminfoindex = list_length(perminfos);
    1399         944 :     rtes = lappend(rtes, rte);
    1400             : 
    1401         944 :     fk_perminfo = makeNode(RTEPermissionInfo);
    1402         944 :     fk_perminfo->relid = RelationGetRelid(fk_rel);
    1403         944 :     fk_perminfo->requiredPerms = ACL_SELECT;
    1404         944 :     perminfos = lappend(perminfos, fk_perminfo);
    1405         944 :     rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
    1406         944 :     rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
    1407         944 :     rte->relid = RelationGetRelid(fk_rel);
    1408         944 :     rte->relkind = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind;
    1409         944 :     rte->rellockmode = AccessShareLock;
    1410         944 :     rte->perminfoindex = list_length(perminfos);
    1411         944 :     rtes = lappend(rtes, rte);
    1412             : 
    1413        2196 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1414             :     {
    1415             :         int         attno;
    1416             : 
    1417        1252 :         attno = riinfo->pk_attnums[i] - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber;
    1418        1252 :         pk_perminfo->selectedCols = bms_add_member(pk_perminfo->selectedCols, attno);
    1419             : 
    1420        1252 :         attno = riinfo->fk_attnums[i] - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber;
    1421        1252 :         fk_perminfo->selectedCols = bms_add_member(fk_perminfo->selectedCols, attno);
    1422             :     }
    1423             : 
    1424         944 :     if (!ExecCheckPermissions(rtes, perminfos, false))
    1425          12 :         return false;
    1426             : 
    1427             :     /*
    1428             :      * Also punt if RLS is enabled on either table unless this role has the
    1429             :      * bypassrls right or is the table owner of the table(s) involved which
    1430             :      * have RLS enabled.
    1431             :      */
    1432         932 :     if (!has_bypassrls_privilege(GetUserId()) &&
    1433           0 :         ((pk_rel->rd_rel->relrowsecurity &&
    1434           0 :           !object_ownercheck(RelationRelationId, RelationGetRelid(pk_rel),
    1435           0 :                              GetUserId())) ||
    1436           0 :          (fk_rel->rd_rel->relrowsecurity &&
    1437           0 :           !object_ownercheck(RelationRelationId, RelationGetRelid(fk_rel),
    1438             :                              GetUserId()))))
    1439           0 :         return false;
    1440             : 
    1441             :     /*----------
    1442             :      * The query string built is:
    1443             :      *  SELECT fk.keycols FROM [ONLY] relname fk
    1444             :      *   LEFT OUTER JOIN [ONLY] pkrelname pk
    1445             :      *   ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...])
    1446             :      *   WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
    1447             :      * For MATCH SIMPLE:
    1448             :      *   (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
    1449             :      * For MATCH FULL:
    1450             :      *   (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
    1451             :      *
    1452             :      * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
    1453             :      * that have different collations.
    1454             :      *----------
    1455             :      */
    1456         932 :     initStringInfo(&querybuf);
    1457         932 :     appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, "SELECT ");
    1458         932 :     sep = "";
    1459        2160 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1460             :     {
    1461        1228 :         quoteOneName(fkattname,
    1462        1228 :                      RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1463        1228 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "%sfk.%s", sep, fkattname);
    1464        1228 :         sep = ", ";
    1465             :     }
    1466             : 
    1467         932 :     quoteRelationName(pkrelname, pk_rel);
    1468         932 :     quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
    1469        1864 :     fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
    1470         932 :         "" : "ONLY ";
    1471        1864 :     pk_only = pk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
    1472         932 :         "" : "ONLY ";
    1473         932 :     appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
    1474             :                      " FROM %s%s fk LEFT OUTER JOIN %s%s pk ON",
    1475             :                      fk_only, fkrelname, pk_only, pkrelname);
    1476             : 
    1477         932 :     strcpy(pkattname, "pk.");
    1478         932 :     strcpy(fkattname, "fk.");
    1479         932 :     sep = "(";
    1480        2160 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1481             :     {
    1482        1228 :         Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1483        1228 :         Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1484        1228 :         Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1485        1228 :         Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1486             : 
    1487        1228 :         quoteOneName(pkattname + 3,
    1488        1228 :                      RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]));
    1489        1228 :         quoteOneName(fkattname + 3,
    1490        1228 :                      RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1491        1228 :         ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, sep,
    1492             :                         pkattname, pk_type,
    1493             :                         riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
    1494             :                         fkattname, fk_type);
    1495        1228 :         if (pk_coll != fk_coll)
    1496          12 :             ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
    1497        1228 :         sep = "AND";
    1498             :     }
    1499             : 
    1500             :     /*
    1501             :      * It's sufficient to test any one pk attribute for null to detect a join
    1502             :      * failure.
    1503             :      */
    1504         932 :     quoteOneName(pkattname, RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[0]));
    1505         932 :     appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ") WHERE pk.%s IS NULL AND (", pkattname);
    1506             : 
    1507         932 :     sep = "";
    1508        2160 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1509             :     {
    1510        1228 :         quoteOneName(fkattname, RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1511        1228 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
    1512             :                          "%sfk.%s IS NOT NULL",
    1513             :                          sep, fkattname);
    1514        1228 :         switch (riinfo->confmatchtype)
    1515             :         {
    1516        1128 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE:
    1517        1128 :                 sep = " AND ";
    1518        1128 :                 break;
    1519         100 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL:
    1520         100 :                 sep = " OR ";
    1521         100 :                 break;
    1522             :         }
    1523        1228 :     }
    1524         932 :     appendStringInfoChar(&querybuf, ')');
    1525             : 
    1526             :     /*
    1527             :      * Temporarily increase work_mem so that the check query can be executed
    1528             :      * more efficiently.  It seems okay to do this because the query is simple
    1529             :      * enough to not use a multiple of work_mem, and one typically would not
    1530             :      * have many large foreign-key validations happening concurrently.  So
    1531             :      * this seems to meet the criteria for being considered a "maintenance"
    1532             :      * operation, and accordingly we use maintenance_work_mem.  However, we
    1533             :      * must also set hash_mem_multiplier to 1, since it is surely not okay to
    1534             :      * let that get applied to the maintenance_work_mem value.
    1535             :      *
    1536             :      * We use the equivalent of a function SET option to allow the setting to
    1537             :      * persist for exactly the duration of the check query.  guc.c also takes
    1538             :      * care of undoing the setting on error.
    1539             :      */
    1540         932 :     save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel();
    1541             : 
    1542         932 :     snprintf(workmembuf, sizeof(workmembuf), "%d", maintenance_work_mem);
    1543         932 :     (void) set_config_option("work_mem", workmembuf,
    1544             :                              PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION,
    1545             :                              GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
    1546         932 :     (void) set_config_option("hash_mem_multiplier", "1",
    1547             :                              PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION,
    1548             :                              GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
    1549             : 
    1550         932 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
    1551           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
    1552             : 
    1553             :     /*
    1554             :      * Generate the plan.  We don't need to cache it, and there are no
    1555             :      * arguments to the plan.
    1556             :      */
    1557         932 :     qplan = SPI_prepare(, 0, NULL);
    1558             : 
    1559         932 :     if (qplan == NULL)
    1560           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned %s for %s",
    1561             :              SPI_result_code_string(SPI_result),;
    1562             : 
    1563             :     /*
    1564             :      * Run the plan.  For safety we force a current snapshot to be used. (In
    1565             :      * transaction-snapshot mode, this arguably violates transaction isolation
    1566             :      * rules, but we really haven't got much choice.) We don't need to
    1567             :      * register the snapshot, because SPI_execute_snapshot will see to it. We
    1568             :      * need at most one tuple returned, so pass limit = 1.
    1569             :      */
    1570         932 :     spi_result = SPI_execute_snapshot(qplan,
    1571             :                                       NULL, NULL,
    1572             :                                       GetLatestSnapshot(),
    1573             :                                       InvalidSnapshot,
    1574             :                                       true, false, 1);
    1575             : 
    1576             :     /* Check result */
    1577         932 :     if (spi_result != SPI_OK_SELECT)
    1578           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_execute_snapshot returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(spi_result));
    1579             : 
    1580             :     /* Did we find a tuple violating the constraint? */
    1581         932 :     if (SPI_processed > 0)
    1582             :     {
    1583             :         TupleTableSlot *slot;
    1584          62 :         HeapTuple   tuple = SPI_tuptable->vals[0];
    1585          62 :         TupleDesc   tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
    1586             :         RI_ConstraintInfo fake_riinfo;
    1587             : 
    1588          62 :         slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
    1589             : 
    1590          62 :         heap_deform_tuple(tuple, tupdesc,
    1591             :                           slot->tts_values, slot->tts_isnull);
    1592          62 :         ExecStoreVirtualTuple(slot);
    1593             : 
    1594             :         /*
    1595             :          * The columns to look at in the result tuple are 1..N, not whatever
    1596             :          * they are in the fk_rel.  Hack up riinfo so that the subroutines
    1597             :          * called here will behave properly.
    1598             :          *
    1599             :          * In addition to this, we have to pass the correct tupdesc to
    1600             :          * ri_ReportViolation, overriding its normal habit of using the pk_rel
    1601             :          * or fk_rel's tupdesc.
    1602             :          */
    1603          62 :         memcpy(&fake_riinfo, riinfo, sizeof(RI_ConstraintInfo));
    1604         142 :         for (int i = 0; i < fake_riinfo.nkeys; i++)
    1605          80 :             fake_riinfo.fk_attnums[i] = i + 1;
    1606             : 
    1607             :         /*
    1608             :          * If it's MATCH FULL, and there are any nulls in the FK keys,
    1609             :          * complain about that rather than the lack of a match.  MATCH FULL
    1610             :          * disallows partially-null FK rows.
    1611             :          */
    1612          86 :         if (fake_riinfo.confmatchtype == FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL &&
    1613          24 :             ri_NullCheck(tupdesc, slot, &fake_riinfo, false) != RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL)
    1614          12 :             ereport(ERROR,
    1615             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION),
    1616             :                      errmsg("insert or update on table \"%s\" violates foreign key constraint \"%s\"",
    1617             :                             RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel),
    1618             :                             NameStr(fake_riinfo.conname)),
    1619             :                      errdetail("MATCH FULL does not allow mixing of null and nonnull key values."),
    1620             :                      errtableconstraint(fk_rel,
    1621             :                                         NameStr(fake_riinfo.conname))));
    1622             : 
    1623             :         /*
    1624             :          * We tell ri_ReportViolation we were doing the RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK
    1625             :          * query, which isn't true, but will cause it to use
    1626             :          * fake_riinfo.fk_attnums as we need.
    1627             :          */
    1628          50 :         ri_ReportViolation(&fake_riinfo,
    1629             :                            pk_rel, fk_rel,
    1630             :                            slot, tupdesc,
    1631             :                            RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK, false);
    1632             : 
    1633             :         ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(slot);
    1634             :     }
    1635             : 
    1636         870 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
    1637           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
    1638             : 
    1639             :     /*
    1640             :      * Restore work_mem and hash_mem_multiplier.
    1641             :      */
    1642         870 :     AtEOXact_GUC(true, save_nestlevel);
    1643             : 
    1644         870 :     return true;
    1645             : }
    1646             : 
    1647             : /*
    1648             :  * RI_PartitionRemove_Check -
    1649             :  *
    1650             :  * Verify no referencing values exist, when a partition is detached on
    1651             :  * the referenced side of a foreign key constraint.
    1652             :  */
    1653             : void
    1654          86 : RI_PartitionRemove_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
    1655             : {
    1656             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    1657             :     StringInfoData querybuf;
    1658             :     char       *constraintDef;
    1659             :     char        pkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
    1660             :     char        fkrelname[MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN];
    1661             :     char        pkattname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN + 3];
    1662             :     char        fkattname[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN + 3];
    1663             :     const char *sep;
    1664             :     const char *fk_only;
    1665             :     int         save_nestlevel;
    1666             :     char        workmembuf[32];
    1667             :     int         spi_result;
    1668             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
    1669             :     int         i;
    1670             : 
    1671          86 :     riinfo = ri_FetchConstraintInfo(trigger, fk_rel, false);
    1672             : 
    1673             :     /*
    1674             :      * We don't check permissions before displaying the error message, on the
    1675             :      * assumption that the user detaching the partition must have enough
    1676             :      * privileges to examine the table contents anyhow.
    1677             :      */
    1678             : 
    1679             :     /*----------
    1680             :      * The query string built is:
    1681             :      *  SELECT fk.keycols FROM [ONLY] relname fk
    1682             :      *    JOIN pkrelname pk
    1683             :      *    ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...])
    1684             :      *    WHERE (<partition constraint>) AND
    1685             :      * For MATCH SIMPLE:
    1686             :      *   (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
    1687             :      * For MATCH FULL:
    1688             :      *   (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
    1689             :      *
    1690             :      * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
    1691             :      * that have different collations.
    1692             :      *----------
    1693             :      */
    1694          86 :     initStringInfo(&querybuf);
    1695          86 :     appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, "SELECT ");
    1696          86 :     sep = "";
    1697         172 :     for (i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1698             :     {
    1699          86 :         quoteOneName(fkattname,
    1700          86 :                      RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1701          86 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "%sfk.%s", sep, fkattname);
    1702          86 :         sep = ", ";
    1703             :     }
    1704             : 
    1705          86 :     quoteRelationName(pkrelname, pk_rel);
    1706          86 :     quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
    1707         172 :     fk_only = fk_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ?
    1708          86 :         "" : "ONLY ";
    1709          86 :     appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
    1710             :                      " FROM %s%s fk JOIN %s pk ON",
    1711             :                      fk_only, fkrelname, pkrelname);
    1712          86 :     strcpy(pkattname, "pk.");
    1713          86 :     strcpy(fkattname, "fk.");
    1714          86 :     sep = "(";
    1715         172 :     for (i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1716             :     {
    1717          86 :         Oid         pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1718          86 :         Oid         fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1719          86 :         Oid         pk_coll = RIAttCollation(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]);
    1720          86 :         Oid         fk_coll = RIAttCollation(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]);
    1721             : 
    1722          86 :         quoteOneName(pkattname + 3,
    1723          86 :                      RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo->pk_attnums[i]));
    1724          86 :         quoteOneName(fkattname + 3,
    1725          86 :                      RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1726          86 :         ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, sep,
    1727             :                         pkattname, pk_type,
    1728             :                         riinfo->pf_eq_oprs[i],
    1729             :                         fkattname, fk_type);
    1730          86 :         if (pk_coll != fk_coll)
    1731           0 :             ri_GenerateQualCollation(&querybuf, pk_coll);
    1732          86 :         sep = "AND";
    1733             :     }
    1734             : 
    1735             :     /*
    1736             :      * Start the WHERE clause with the partition constraint (except if this is
    1737             :      * the default partition and there's no other partition, because the
    1738             :      * partition constraint is the empty string in that case.)
    1739             :      */
    1740          86 :     constraintDef = pg_get_partconstrdef_string(RelationGetRelid(pk_rel), "pk");
    1741          86 :     if (constraintDef && constraintDef[0] != '\0')
    1742          86 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ") WHERE %s AND (",
    1743             :                          constraintDef);
    1744             :     else
    1745           0 :         appendStringInfoString(&querybuf, ") WHERE (");
    1746             : 
    1747          86 :     sep = "";
    1748         172 :     for (i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    1749             :     {
    1750          86 :         quoteOneName(fkattname, RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo->fk_attnums[i]));
    1751          86 :         appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
    1752             :                          "%sfk.%s IS NOT NULL",
    1753             :                          sep, fkattname);
    1754          86 :         switch (riinfo->confmatchtype)
    1755             :         {
    1756          86 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE:
    1757          86 :                 sep = " AND ";
    1758          86 :                 break;
    1759           0 :             case FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL:
    1760           0 :                 sep = " OR ";
    1761           0 :                 break;
    1762             :         }
    1763          86 :     }
    1764          86 :     appendStringInfoChar(&querybuf, ')');
    1765             : 
    1766             :     /*
    1767             :      * Temporarily increase work_mem so that the check query can be executed
    1768             :      * more efficiently.  It seems okay to do this because the query is simple
    1769             :      * enough to not use a multiple of work_mem, and one typically would not
    1770             :      * have many large foreign-key validations happening concurrently.  So
    1771             :      * this seems to meet the criteria for being considered a "maintenance"
    1772             :      * operation, and accordingly we use maintenance_work_mem.  However, we
    1773             :      * must also set hash_mem_multiplier to 1, since it is surely not okay to
    1774             :      * let that get applied to the maintenance_work_mem value.
    1775             :      *
    1776             :      * We use the equivalent of a function SET option to allow the setting to
    1777             :      * persist for exactly the duration of the check query.  guc.c also takes
    1778             :      * care of undoing the setting on error.
    1779             :      */
    1780          86 :     save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel();
    1781             : 
    1782          86 :     snprintf(workmembuf, sizeof(workmembuf), "%d", maintenance_work_mem);
    1783          86 :     (void) set_config_option("work_mem", workmembuf,
    1784             :                              PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION,
    1785             :                              GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
    1786          86 :     (void) set_config_option("hash_mem_multiplier", "1",
    1787             :                              PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION,
    1788             :                              GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
    1789             : 
    1790          86 :     if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
    1791           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed");
    1792             : 
    1793             :     /*
    1794             :      * Generate the plan.  We don't need to cache it, and there are no
    1795             :      * arguments to the plan.
    1796             :      */
    1797          86 :     qplan = SPI_prepare(, 0, NULL);
    1798             : 
    1799          86 :     if (qplan == NULL)
    1800           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned %s for %s",
    1801             :              SPI_result_code_string(SPI_result),;
    1802             : 
    1803             :     /*
    1804             :      * Run the plan.  For safety we force a current snapshot to be used. (In
    1805             :      * transaction-snapshot mode, this arguably violates transaction isolation
    1806             :      * rules, but we really haven't got much choice.) We don't need to
    1807             :      * register the snapshot, because SPI_execute_snapshot will see to it. We
    1808             :      * need at most one tuple returned, so pass limit = 1.
    1809             :      */
    1810          86 :     spi_result = SPI_execute_snapshot(qplan,
    1811             :                                       NULL, NULL,
    1812             :                                       GetLatestSnapshot(),
    1813             :                                       InvalidSnapshot,
    1814             :                                       true, false, 1);
    1815             : 
    1816             :     /* Check result */
    1817          86 :     if (spi_result != SPI_OK_SELECT)
    1818           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_execute_snapshot returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(spi_result));
    1819             : 
    1820             :     /* Did we find a tuple that would violate the constraint? */
    1821          86 :     if (SPI_processed > 0)
    1822             :     {
    1823             :         TupleTableSlot *slot;
    1824          34 :         HeapTuple   tuple = SPI_tuptable->vals[0];
    1825          34 :         TupleDesc   tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
    1826             :         RI_ConstraintInfo fake_riinfo;
    1827             : 
    1828          34 :         slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
    1829             : 
    1830          34 :         heap_deform_tuple(tuple, tupdesc,
    1831             :                           slot->tts_values, slot->tts_isnull);
    1832          34 :         ExecStoreVirtualTuple(slot);
    1833             : 
    1834             :         /*
    1835             :          * The columns to look at in the result tuple are 1..N, not whatever
    1836             :          * they are in the fk_rel.  Hack up riinfo so that ri_ReportViolation
    1837             :          * will behave properly.
    1838             :          *
    1839             :          * In addition to this, we have to pass the correct tupdesc to
    1840             :          * ri_ReportViolation, overriding its normal habit of using the pk_rel
    1841             :          * or fk_rel's tupdesc.
    1842             :          */
    1843          34 :         memcpy(&fake_riinfo, riinfo, sizeof(RI_ConstraintInfo));
    1844          68 :         for (i = 0; i < fake_riinfo.nkeys; i++)
    1845          34 :             fake_riinfo.pk_attnums[i] = i + 1;
    1846             : 
    1847          34 :         ri_ReportViolation(&fake_riinfo, pk_rel, fk_rel,
    1848             :                            slot, tupdesc, 0, true);
    1849             :     }
    1850             : 
    1851          52 :     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
    1852           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish failed");
    1853             : 
    1854             :     /*
    1855             :      * Restore work_mem and hash_mem_multiplier.
    1856             :      */
    1857          52 :     AtEOXact_GUC(true, save_nestlevel);
    1858          52 : }
    1859             : 
    1860             : 
    1861             : /* ----------
    1862             :  * Local functions below
    1863             :  * ----------
    1864             :  */
    1865             : 
    1866             : 
    1867             : /*
    1868             :  * quoteOneName --- safely quote a single SQL name
    1869             :  *
    1870             :  * buffer must be MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN long (includes room for \0)
    1871             :  */
    1872             : static void
    1873       20356 : quoteOneName(char *buffer, const char *name)
    1874             : {
    1875             :     /* Rather than trying to be smart, just always quote it. */
    1876       20356 :     *buffer++ = '"';
    1877      123036 :     while (*name)
    1878             :     {
    1879      102680 :         if (*name == '"')
    1880           0 :             *buffer++ = '"';
    1881      102680 :         *buffer++ = *name++;
    1882             :     }
    1883       20356 :     *buffer++ = '"';
    1884       20356 :     *buffer = '\0';
    1885       20356 : }
    1886             : 
    1887             : /*
    1888             :  * quoteRelationName --- safely quote a fully qualified relation name
    1889             :  *
    1890             :  * buffer must be MAX_QUOTED_REL_NAME_LEN long (includes room for \0)
    1891             :  */
    1892             : static void
    1893        5090 : quoteRelationName(char *buffer, Relation rel)
    1894             : {
    1895        5090 :     quoteOneName(buffer, get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(rel)));
    1896        5090 :     buffer += strlen(buffer);
    1897        5090 :     *buffer++ = '.';
    1898        5090 :     quoteOneName(buffer, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
    1899        5090 : }
    1900             : 
    1901             : /*
    1902             :  * ri_GenerateQual --- generate a WHERE clause equating two variables
    1903             :  *
    1904             :  * This basically appends " sep leftop op rightop" to buf, adding casts
    1905             :  * and schema qualification as needed to ensure that the parser will select
    1906             :  * the operator we specify.  leftop and rightop should be parenthesized
    1907             :  * if they aren't variables or parameters.
    1908             :  */
    1909             : static void
    1910        4996 : ri_GenerateQual(StringInfo buf,
    1911             :                 const char *sep,
    1912             :                 const char *leftop, Oid leftoptype,
    1913             :                 Oid opoid,
    1914             :                 const char *rightop, Oid rightoptype)
    1915             : {
    1916        4996 :     appendStringInfo(buf, " %s ", sep);
    1917        4996 :     generate_operator_clause(buf, leftop, leftoptype, opoid,
    1918             :                              rightop, rightoptype);
    1919        4996 : }
    1920             : 
    1921             : /*
    1922             :  * ri_GenerateQualCollation --- add a COLLATE spec to a WHERE clause
    1923             :  *
    1924             :  * At present, we intentionally do not use this function for RI queries that
    1925             :  * compare a variable to a $n parameter.  Since parameter symbols always have
    1926             :  * default collation, the effect will be to use the variable's collation.
    1927             :  * Now that is only strictly correct when testing the referenced column, since
    1928             :  * the SQL standard specifies that RI comparisons should use the referenced
    1929             :  * column's collation.  However, so long as all collations have the same
    1930             :  * notion of equality (which they do, because texteq reduces to bitwise
    1931             :  * equality), there's no visible semantic impact from using the referencing
    1932             :  * column's collation when testing it, and this is a good thing to do because
    1933             :  * it lets us use a normal index on the referencing column.  However, we do
    1934             :  * have to use this function when directly comparing the referencing and
    1935             :  * referenced columns, if they are of different collations; else the parser
    1936             :  * will fail to resolve the collation to use.
    1937             :  */
    1938             : static void
    1939          24 : ri_GenerateQualCollation(StringInfo buf, Oid collation)
    1940             : {
    1941             :     HeapTuple   tp;
    1942             :     Form_pg_collation colltup;
    1943             :     char       *collname;
    1944             :     char        onename[MAX_QUOTED_NAME_LEN];
    1945             : 
    1946             :     /* Nothing to do if it's a noncollatable data type */
    1947          24 :     if (!OidIsValid(collation))
    1948           0 :         return;
    1949             : 
    1950          24 :     tp = SearchSysCache1(COLLOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(collation));
    1951          24 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp))
    1952           0 :         elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for collation %u", collation);
    1953          24 :     colltup = (Form_pg_collation) GETSTRUCT(tp);
    1954          24 :     collname = NameStr(colltup->collname);
    1955             : 
    1956             :     /*
    1957             :      * We qualify the name always, for simplicity and to ensure the query is
    1958             :      * not search-path-dependent.
    1959             :      */
    1960          24 :     quoteOneName(onename, get_namespace_name(colltup->collnamespace));
    1961          24 :     appendStringInfo(buf, " COLLATE %s", onename);
    1962          24 :     quoteOneName(onename, collname);
    1963          24 :     appendStringInfo(buf, ".%s", onename);
    1964             : 
    1965          24 :     ReleaseSysCache(tp);
    1966             : }
    1967             : 
    1968             : /* ----------
    1969             :  * ri_BuildQueryKey -
    1970             :  *
    1971             :  *  Construct a hashtable key for a prepared SPI plan of an FK constraint.
    1972             :  *
    1973             :  *      key: output argument, *key is filled in based on the other arguments
    1974             :  *      riinfo: info derived from pg_constraint entry
    1975             :  *      constr_queryno: an internal number identifying the query type
    1976             :  *          (see RI_PLAN_XXX constants at head of file)
    1977             :  * ----------
    1978             :  */
    1979             : static void
    1980        5924 : ri_BuildQueryKey(RI_QueryKey *key, const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
    1981             :                  int32 constr_queryno)
    1982             : {
    1983             :     /*
    1984             :      * Inherited constraints with a common ancestor can share ri_query_cache
    1985             :      * entries for all query types except RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK.
    1986             :      * Except in that case, the query processes the other table involved in
    1987             :      * the FK constraint (i.e., not the table on which the trigger has been
    1988             :      * fired), and so it will be the same for all members of the inheritance
    1989             :      * tree.  So we may use the root constraint's OID in the hash key, rather
    1990             :      * than the constraint's own OID.  This avoids creating duplicate SPI
    1991             :      * plans, saving lots of work and memory when there are many partitions
    1992             :      * with similar FK constraints.
    1993             :      *
    1994             :      * (Note that we must still have a separate RI_ConstraintInfo for each
    1995             :      * constraint, because partitions can have different column orders,
    1996             :      * resulting in different pk_attnums[] or fk_attnums[] array contents.)
    1997             :      *
    1998             :      * We assume struct RI_QueryKey contains no padding bytes, else we'd need
    1999             :      * to use memset to clear them.
    2000             :      */
    2001        5924 :     if (constr_queryno != RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK)
    2002        5186 :         key->constr_id = riinfo->constraint_root_id;
    2003             :     else
    2004         738 :         key->constr_id = riinfo->constraint_id;
    2005        5924 :     key->constr_queryno = constr_queryno;
    2006        5924 : }
    2007             : 
    2008             : /*
    2009             :  * Check that RI trigger function was called in expected context
    2010             :  */
    2011             : static void
    2012        5454 : ri_CheckTrigger(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const char *funcname, int tgkind)
    2013             : {
    2014        5454 :     TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
    2015             : 
    2016        5454 :     if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
    2017           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2018             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED),
    2019             :                  errmsg("function \"%s\" was not called by trigger manager", funcname)));
    2020             : 
    2021             :     /*
    2022             :      * Check proper event
    2023             :      */
    2024        5454 :     if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(trigdata->tg_event) ||
    2025        5454 :         !TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event))
    2026           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2027             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED),
    2028             :                  errmsg("function \"%s\" must be fired AFTER ROW", funcname)));
    2029             : 
    2030        5454 :     switch (tgkind)
    2031             :     {
    2032        3764 :         case RI_TRIGTYPE_INSERT:
    2033        3764 :             if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
    2034           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    2035             :                         (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED),
    2036             :                          errmsg("function \"%s\" must be fired for INSERT", funcname)));
    2037        3764 :             break;
    2038        1030 :         case RI_TRIGTYPE_UPDATE:
    2039        1030 :             if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
    2040           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    2041             :                         (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED),
    2042             :                          errmsg("function \"%s\" must be fired for UPDATE", funcname)));
    2043        1030 :             break;
    2044         660 :         case RI_TRIGTYPE_DELETE:
    2045         660 :             if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event))
    2046           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    2047             :                         (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED),
    2048             :                          errmsg("function \"%s\" must be fired for DELETE", funcname)));
    2049         660 :             break;
    2050             :     }
    2051        5454 : }
    2052             : 
    2053             : 
    2054             : /*
    2055             :  * Fetch the RI_ConstraintInfo struct for the trigger's FK constraint.
    2056             :  */
    2057             : static const RI_ConstraintInfo *
    2058        9620 : ri_FetchConstraintInfo(Trigger *trigger, Relation trig_rel, bool rel_is_pk)
    2059             : {
    2060        9620 :     Oid         constraintOid = trigger->tgconstraint;
    2061             :     const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    2062             : 
    2063             :     /*
    2064             :      * Check that the FK constraint's OID is available; it might not be if
    2065             :      * we've been invoked via an ordinary trigger or an old-style "constraint
    2066             :      * trigger".
    2067             :      */
    2068        9620 :     if (!OidIsValid(constraintOid))
    2069           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2070             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION),
    2071             :                  errmsg("no pg_constraint entry for trigger \"%s\" on table \"%s\"",
    2072             :                         trigger->tgname, RelationGetRelationName(trig_rel)),
    2073             :                  errhint("Remove this referential integrity trigger and its mates, then do ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT.")));
    2074             : 
    2075             :     /* Find or create a hashtable entry for the constraint */
    2076        9620 :     riinfo = ri_LoadConstraintInfo(constraintOid);
    2077             : 
    2078             :     /* Do some easy cross-checks against the trigger call data */
    2079        9620 :     if (rel_is_pk)
    2080             :     {
    2081        3382 :         if (riinfo->fk_relid != trigger->tgconstrrelid ||
    2082        3382 :             riinfo->pk_relid != RelationGetRelid(trig_rel))
    2083           0 :             elog(ERROR, "wrong pg_constraint entry for trigger \"%s\" on table \"%s\"",
    2084             :                  trigger->tgname, RelationGetRelationName(trig_rel));
    2085             :     }
    2086             :     else
    2087             :     {
    2088        6238 :         if (riinfo->fk_relid != RelationGetRelid(trig_rel) ||
    2089        6238 :             riinfo->pk_relid != trigger->tgconstrrelid)
    2090           0 :             elog(ERROR, "wrong pg_constraint entry for trigger \"%s\" on table \"%s\"",
    2091             :                  trigger->tgname, RelationGetRelationName(trig_rel));
    2092             :     }
    2093             : 
    2094        9620 :     if (riinfo->confmatchtype != FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL &&
    2095        9156 :         riinfo->confmatchtype != FKCONSTR_MATCH_PARTIAL &&
    2096        9156 :         riinfo->confmatchtype != FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE)
    2097           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized confmatchtype: %d",
    2098             :              riinfo->confmatchtype);
    2099             : 
    2100        9620 :     if (riinfo->confmatchtype == FKCONSTR_MATCH_PARTIAL)
    2101           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2102             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),
    2103             :                  errmsg("MATCH PARTIAL not yet implemented")));
    2104             : 
    2105        9620 :     return riinfo;
    2106             : }
    2107             : 
    2108             : /*
    2109             :  * Fetch or create the RI_ConstraintInfo struct for an FK constraint.
    2110             :  */
    2111             : static const RI_ConstraintInfo *
    2112        9620 : ri_LoadConstraintInfo(Oid constraintOid)
    2113             : {
    2114             :     RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo;
    2115             :     bool        found;
    2116             :     HeapTuple   tup;
    2117             :     Form_pg_constraint conForm;
    2118             : 
    2119             :     /*
    2120             :      * On the first call initialize the hashtable
    2121             :      */
    2122        9620 :     if (!ri_constraint_cache)
    2123         420 :         ri_InitHashTables();
    2124             : 
    2125             :     /*
    2126             :      * Find or create a hash entry.  If we find a valid one, just return it.
    2127             :      */
    2128        9620 :     riinfo = (RI_ConstraintInfo *) hash_search(ri_constraint_cache,
    2129             :                                                &constraintOid,
    2130             :                                                HASH_ENTER, &found);
    2131        9620 :     if (!found)
    2132        3668 :         riinfo->valid = false;
    2133        5952 :     else if (riinfo->valid)
    2134        5766 :         return riinfo;
    2135             : 
    2136             :     /*
    2137             :      * Fetch the pg_constraint row so we can fill in the entry.
    2138             :      */
    2139        3854 :     tup = SearchSysCache1(CONSTROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(constraintOid));
    2140        3854 :     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */
    2141           0 :         elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for constraint %u", constraintOid);
    2142        3854 :     conForm = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(tup);
    2143             : 
    2144        3854 :     if (conForm->contype != CONSTRAINT_FOREIGN) /* should not happen */
    2145           0 :         elog(ERROR, "constraint %u is not a foreign key constraint",
    2146             :              constraintOid);
    2147             : 
    2148             :     /* And extract data */
    2149             :     Assert(riinfo->constraint_id == constraintOid);
    2150        3854 :     if (OidIsValid(conForm->conparentid))
    2151        1338 :         riinfo->constraint_root_id =
    2152        1338 :             get_ri_constraint_root(conForm->conparentid);
    2153             :     else
    2154        2516 :         riinfo->constraint_root_id = constraintOid;
    2155        3854 :     riinfo->oidHashValue = GetSysCacheHashValue1(CONSTROID,
    2156             :                                                  ObjectIdGetDatum(constraintOid));
    2157        3854 :     riinfo->rootHashValue = GetSysCacheHashValue1(CONSTROID,
    2158             :                                                   ObjectIdGetDatum(riinfo->constraint_root_id));
    2159        3854 :     memcpy(&riinfo->conname, &conForm->conname, sizeof(NameData));
    2160        3854 :     riinfo->pk_relid = conForm->confrelid;
    2161        3854 :     riinfo->fk_relid = conForm->conrelid;
    2162        3854 :     riinfo->confupdtype = conForm->confupdtype;
    2163        3854 :     riinfo->confdeltype = conForm->confdeltype;
    2164        3854 :     riinfo->confmatchtype = conForm->confmatchtype;
    2165             : 
    2166        3854 :     DeconstructFkConstraintRow(tup,
    2167             :                                &riinfo->nkeys,
    2168        3854 :                                riinfo->fk_attnums,
    2169        3854 :                                riinfo->pk_attnums,
    2170        3854 :                                riinfo->pf_eq_oprs,
    2171        3854 :                                riinfo->pp_eq_oprs,
    2172        3854 :                                riinfo->ff_eq_oprs,
    2173             :                                &riinfo->ndelsetcols,
    2174        3854 :                                riinfo->confdelsetcols);
    2175             : 
    2176        3854 :     ReleaseSysCache(tup);
    2177             : 
    2178             :     /*
    2179             :      * For efficient processing of invalidation messages below, we keep a
    2180             :      * doubly-linked count list of all currently valid entries.
    2181             :      */
    2182        3854 :     dclist_push_tail(&ri_constraint_cache_valid_list, &riinfo->valid_link);
    2183             : 
    2184        3854 :     riinfo->valid = true;
    2185             : 
    2186        3854 :     return riinfo;
    2187             : }
    2188             : 
    2189             : /*
    2190             :  * get_ri_constraint_root
    2191             :  *      Returns the OID of the constraint's root parent
    2192             :  */
    2193             : static Oid
    2194        1630 : get_ri_constraint_root(Oid constrOid)
    2195             : {
    2196             :     for (;;)
    2197         292 :     {
    2198             :         HeapTuple   tuple;
    2199             :         Oid         constrParentOid;
    2200             : 
    2201        1630 :         tuple = SearchSysCache1(CONSTROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(constrOid));
    2202        1630 :         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
    2203           0 :             elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for constraint %u", constrOid);
    2204        1630 :         constrParentOid = ((Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->conparentid;
    2205        1630 :         ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
    2206        1630 :         if (!OidIsValid(constrParentOid))
    2207        1338 :             break;              /* we reached the root constraint */
    2208         292 :         constrOid = constrParentOid;
    2209             :     }
    2210        1338 :     return constrOid;
    2211             : }
    2212             : 
    2213             : /*
    2214             :  * Callback for pg_constraint inval events
    2215             :  *
    2216             :  * While most syscache callbacks just flush all their entries, pg_constraint
    2217             :  * gets enough update traffic that it's probably worth being smarter.
    2218             :  * Invalidate any ri_constraint_cache entry associated with the syscache
    2219             :  * entry with the specified hash value, or all entries if hashvalue == 0.
    2220             :  *
    2221             :  * Note: at the time a cache invalidation message is processed there may be
    2222             :  * active references to the cache.  Because of this we never remove entries
    2223             :  * from the cache, but only mark them invalid, which is harmless to active
    2224             :  * uses.  (Any query using an entry should hold a lock sufficient to keep that
    2225             :  * data from changing under it --- but we may get cache flushes anyway.)
    2226             :  */
    2227             : static void
    2228       37716 : InvalidateConstraintCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue)
    2229             : {
    2230             :     dlist_mutable_iter iter;
    2231             : 
    2232             :     Assert(ri_constraint_cache != NULL);
    2233             : 
    2234             :     /*
    2235             :      * If the list of currently valid entries gets excessively large, we mark
    2236             :      * them all invalid so we can empty the list.  This arrangement avoids
    2237             :      * O(N^2) behavior in situations where a session touches many foreign keys
    2238             :      * and also does many ALTER TABLEs, such as a restore from pg_dump.
    2239             :      */
    2240       37716 :     if (dclist_count(&ri_constraint_cache_valid_list) > 1000)
    2241           0 :         hashvalue = 0;          /* pretend it's a cache reset */
    2242             : 
    2243      148238 :     dclist_foreach_modify(iter, &ri_constraint_cache_valid_list)
    2244             :     {
    2245      110522 :         RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo = dclist_container(RI_ConstraintInfo,
    2246             :                                                      valid_link, iter.cur);
    2247             : 
    2248             :         /*
    2249             :          * We must invalidate not only entries directly matching the given
    2250             :          * hash value, but also child entries, in case the invalidation
    2251             :          * affects a root constraint.
    2252             :          */
    2253      110522 :         if (hashvalue == 0 ||
    2254      110464 :             riinfo->oidHashValue == hashvalue ||
    2255      108228 :             riinfo->rootHashValue == hashvalue)
    2256             :         {
    2257        2528 :             riinfo->valid = false;
    2258             :             /* Remove invalidated entries from the list, too */
    2259        2528 :             dclist_delete_from(&ri_constraint_cache_valid_list, iter.cur);
    2260             :         }
    2261             :     }
    2262       37716 : }
    2263             : 
    2264             : 
    2265             : /*
    2266             :  * Prepare execution plan for a query to enforce an RI restriction
    2267             :  */
    2268             : static SPIPlanPtr
    2269        3054 : ri_PlanCheck(const char *querystr, int nargs, Oid *argtypes,
    2270             :              RI_QueryKey *qkey, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
    2271             : {
    2272             :     SPIPlanPtr  qplan;
    2273             :     Relation    query_rel;
    2274             :     Oid         save_userid;
    2275             :     int         save_sec_context;
    2276             : 
    2277             :     /*
    2278             :      * Use the query type code to determine whether the query is run against
    2279             :      * the PK or FK table; we'll do the check as that table's owner
    2280             :      */
    2281        3054 :     if (qkey->constr_queryno <= RI_PLAN_LAST_ON_PK)
    2282        2402 :         query_rel = pk_rel;
    2283             :     else
    2284         652 :         query_rel = fk_rel;
    2285             : 
    2286             :     /* Switch to proper UID to perform check as */
    2287        3054 :     GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context);
    2288        3054 :     SetUserIdAndSecContext(RelationGetForm(query_rel)->relowner,
    2289             :                            save_sec_context | SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE |
    2290             :                            SECURITY_NOFORCE_RLS);
    2291             : 
    2292             :     /* Create the plan */
    2293        3054 :     qplan = SPI_prepare(querystr, nargs, argtypes);
    2294             : 
    2295        3054 :     if (qplan == NULL)
    2296           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned %s for %s", SPI_result_code_string(SPI_result), querystr);
    2297             : 
    2298             :     /* Restore UID and security context */
    2299        3054 :     SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context);
    2300             : 
    2301             :     /* Save the plan */
    2302        3054 :     SPI_keepplan(qplan);
    2303        3054 :     ri_HashPreparedPlan(qkey, qplan);
    2304             : 
    2305        3054 :     return qplan;
    2306             : }
    2307             : 
    2308             : /*
    2309             :  * Perform a query to enforce an RI restriction
    2310             :  */
    2311             : static bool
    2312        5924 : ri_PerformCheck(const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
    2313             :                 RI_QueryKey *qkey, SPIPlanPtr qplan,
    2314             :                 Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel,
    2315             :                 TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot,
    2316             :                 bool detectNewRows, int expect_OK)
    2317             : {
    2318             :     Relation    query_rel,
    2319             :                 source_rel;
    2320             :     bool        source_is_pk;
    2321             :     Snapshot    test_snapshot;
    2322             :     Snapshot    crosscheck_snapshot;
    2323             :     int         limit;
    2324             :     int         spi_result;
    2325             :     Oid         save_userid;
    2326             :     int         save_sec_context;
    2327             :     Datum       vals[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS * 2];
    2328             :     char        nulls[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS * 2];
    2329             : 
    2330             :     /*
    2331             :      * Use the query type code to determine whether the query is run against
    2332             :      * the PK or FK table; we'll do the check as that table's owner
    2333             :      */
    2334        5924 :     if (qkey->constr_queryno <= RI_PLAN_LAST_ON_PK)
    2335        4578 :         query_rel = pk_rel;
    2336             :     else
    2337        1346 :         query_rel = fk_rel;
    2338             : 
    2339             :     /*
    2340             :      * The values for the query are taken from the table on which the trigger
    2341             :      * is called - it is normally the other one with respect to query_rel. An
    2342             :      * exception is ri_Check_Pk_Match(), which uses the PK table for both (and
    2343             :      * sets queryno to RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK).  We might eventually
    2344             :      * need some less klugy way to determine this.
    2345             :      */
    2346        5924 :     if (qkey->constr_queryno == RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK)
    2347             :     {
    2348        3840 :         source_rel = fk_rel;
    2349        3840 :         source_is_pk = false;
    2350             :     }
    2351             :     else
    2352             :     {
    2353        2084 :         source_rel = pk_rel;
    2354        2084 :         source_is_pk = true;
    2355             :     }
    2356             : 
    2357             :     /* Extract the parameters to be passed into the query */
    2358        5924 :     if (newslot)
    2359             :     {
    2360        4044 :         ri_ExtractValues(source_rel, newslot, riinfo, source_is_pk,
    2361             :                          vals, nulls);
    2362        4044 :         if (oldslot)
    2363         204 :             ri_ExtractValues(source_rel, oldslot, riinfo, source_is_pk,
    2364         204 :                              vals + riinfo->nkeys, nulls + riinfo->nkeys);
    2365             :     }
    2366             :     else
    2367             :     {
    2368        1880 :         ri_ExtractValues(source_rel, oldslot, riinfo, source_is_pk,
    2369             :                          vals, nulls);
    2370             :     }
    2371             : 
    2372             :     /*
    2373             :      * In READ COMMITTED mode, we just need to use an up-to-date regular
    2374             :      * snapshot, and we will see all rows that could be interesting. But in
    2375             :      * transaction-snapshot mode, we can't change the transaction snapshot. If
    2376             :      * the caller passes detectNewRows == false then it's okay to do the query
    2377             :      * with the transaction snapshot; otherwise we use a current snapshot, and
    2378             :      * tell the executor to error out if it finds any rows under the current
    2379             :      * snapshot that wouldn't be visible per the transaction snapshot.  Note
    2380             :      * that SPI_execute_snapshot will register the snapshots, so we don't need
    2381             :      * to bother here.
    2382             :      */
    2383        5924 :     if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot() && detectNewRows)
    2384             :     {
    2385          32 :         CommandCounterIncrement();  /* be sure all my own work is visible */
    2386          32 :         test_snapshot = GetLatestSnapshot();
    2387          32 :         crosscheck_snapshot = GetTransactionSnapshot();
    2388             :     }
    2389             :     else
    2390             :     {
    2391             :         /* the default SPI behavior is okay */
    2392        5892 :         test_snapshot = InvalidSnapshot;
    2393        5892 :         crosscheck_snapshot = InvalidSnapshot;
    2394             :     }
    2395             : 
    2396             :     /*
    2397             :      * If this is a select query (e.g., for a 'no action' or 'restrict'
    2398             :      * trigger), we only need to see if there is a single row in the table,
    2399             :      * matching the key.  Otherwise, limit = 0 - because we want the query to
    2400             :      * affect ALL the matching rows.
    2401             :      */
    2402        5924 :     limit = (expect_OK == SPI_OK_SELECT) ? 1 : 0;
    2403             : 
    2404             :     /* Switch to proper UID to perform check as */
    2405        5924 :     GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context);
    2406        5924 :     SetUserIdAndSecContext(RelationGetForm(query_rel)->relowner,
    2407             :                            save_sec_context | SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE |
    2408             :                            SECURITY_NOFORCE_RLS);
    2409             : 
    2410             :     /* Finally we can run the query. */
    2411        5924 :     spi_result = SPI_execute_snapshot(qplan,
    2412             :                                       vals, nulls,
    2413             :                                       test_snapshot, crosscheck_snapshot,
    2414             :                                       false, false, limit);
    2415             : 
    2416             :     /* Restore UID and security context */
    2417        5910 :     SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context);
    2418             : 
    2419             :     /* Check result */
    2420        5910 :     if (spi_result < 0)
    2421           0 :         elog(ERROR, "SPI_execute_snapshot returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(spi_result));
    2422             : 
    2423        5910 :     if (expect_OK >= 0 && spi_result != expect_OK)
    2424           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2425             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
    2426             :                  errmsg("referential integrity query on \"%s\" from constraint \"%s\" on \"%s\" gave unexpected result",
    2427             :                         RelationGetRelationName(pk_rel),
    2428             :                         NameStr(riinfo->conname),
    2429             :                         RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel)),
    2430             :                  errhint("This is most likely due to a rule having rewritten the query.")));
    2431             : 
    2432             :     /* XXX wouldn't it be clearer to do this part at the caller? */
    2433        5910 :     if (qkey->constr_queryno != RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK_FROM_PK &&
    2434        4552 :         expect_OK == SPI_OK_SELECT &&
    2435        4552 :         (SPI_processed == 0) == (qkey->constr_queryno == RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK))
    2436         800 :         ri_ReportViolation(riinfo,
    2437             :                            pk_rel, fk_rel,
    2438             :                            newslot ? newslot : oldslot,
    2439             :                            NULL,
    2440             :                            qkey->constr_queryno, false);
    2441             : 
    2442        5110 :     return SPI_processed != 0;
    2443             : }
    2444             : 
    2445             : /*
    2446             :  * Extract fields from a tuple into Datum/nulls arrays
    2447             :  */
    2448             : static void
    2449        6128 : ri_ExtractValues(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
    2450             :                  const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk,
    2451             :                  Datum *vals, char *nulls)
    2452             : {
    2453             :     const int16 *attnums;
    2454             :     bool        isnull;
    2455             : 
    2456        6128 :     if (rel_is_pk)
    2457        2288 :         attnums = riinfo->pk_attnums;
    2458             :     else
    2459        3840 :         attnums = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    2460             : 
    2461       13858 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    2462             :     {
    2463        7730 :         vals[i] = slot_getattr(slot, attnums[i], &isnull);
    2464        7730 :         nulls[i] = isnull ? 'n' : ' ';
    2465             :     }
    2466        6128 : }
    2467             : 
    2468             : /*
    2469             :  * Produce an error report
    2470             :  *
    2471             :  * If the failed constraint was on insert/update to the FK table,
    2472             :  * we want the key names and values extracted from there, and the error
    2473             :  * message to look like 'key blah is not present in PK'.
    2474             :  * Otherwise, the attr names and values come from the PK table and the
    2475             :  * message looks like 'key blah is still referenced from FK'.
    2476             :  */
    2477             : static void
    2478         884 : ri_ReportViolation(const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo,
    2479             :                    Relation pk_rel, Relation fk_rel,
    2480             :                    TupleTableSlot *violatorslot, TupleDesc tupdesc,
    2481             :                    int queryno, bool partgone)
    2482             : {
    2483             :     StringInfoData key_names;
    2484             :     StringInfoData key_values;
    2485             :     bool        onfk;
    2486             :     const int16 *attnums;
    2487             :     Oid         rel_oid;
    2488             :     AclResult   aclresult;
    2489         884 :     bool        has_perm = true;
    2490             : 
    2491             :     /*
    2492             :      * Determine which relation to complain about.  If tupdesc wasn't passed
    2493             :      * by caller, assume the violator tuple came from there.
    2494             :      */
    2495         884 :     onfk = (queryno == RI_PLAN_CHECK_LOOKUPPK);
    2496         884 :     if (onfk)
    2497             :     {
    2498         540 :         attnums = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    2499         540 :         rel_oid = fk_rel->rd_id;
    2500         540 :         if (tupdesc == NULL)
    2501         490 :             tupdesc = fk_rel->rd_att;
    2502             :     }
    2503             :     else
    2504             :     {
    2505         344 :         attnums = riinfo->pk_attnums;
    2506         344 :         rel_oid = pk_rel->rd_id;
    2507         344 :         if (tupdesc == NULL)
    2508         310 :             tupdesc = pk_rel->rd_att;
    2509             :     }
    2510             : 
    2511             :     /*
    2512             :      * Check permissions- if the user does not have access to view the data in
    2513             :      * any of the key columns then we don't include the errdetail() below.
    2514             :      *
    2515             :      * Check if RLS is enabled on the relation first.  If so, we don't return
    2516             :      * any specifics to avoid leaking data.
    2517             :      *
    2518             :      * Check table-level permissions next and, failing that, column-level
    2519             :      * privileges.
    2520             :      *
    2521             :      * When a partition at the referenced side is being detached/dropped, we
    2522             :      * needn't check, since the user must be the table owner anyway.
    2523             :      */
    2524         884 :     if (partgone)
    2525          34 :         has_perm = true;
    2526         850 :     else if (check_enable_rls(rel_oid, InvalidOid, true) != RLS_ENABLED)
    2527             :     {
    2528         844 :         aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(rel_oid, GetUserId(), ACL_SELECT);
    2529         844 :         if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
    2530             :         {
    2531             :             /* Try for column-level permissions */
    2532           0 :             for (int idx = 0; idx < riinfo->nkeys; idx++)
    2533             :             {
    2534           0 :                 aclresult = pg_attribute_aclcheck(rel_oid, attnums[idx],
    2535             :                                                   GetUserId(),
    2536             :                                                   ACL_SELECT);
    2537             : 
    2538             :                 /* No access to the key */
    2539           0 :                 if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
    2540             :                 {
    2541           0 :                     has_perm = false;
    2542           0 :                     break;
    2543             :                 }
    2544             :             }
    2545             :         }
    2546             :     }
    2547             :     else
    2548           6 :         has_perm = false;
    2549             : 
    2550         884 :     if (has_perm)
    2551             :     {
    2552             :         /* Get printable versions of the keys involved */
    2553         878 :         initStringInfo(&key_names);
    2554         878 :         initStringInfo(&key_values);
    2555        2050 :         for (int idx = 0; idx < riinfo->nkeys; idx++)
    2556             :         {
    2557        1172 :             int         fnum = attnums[idx];
    2558        1172 :             Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, fnum - 1);
    2559             :             char       *name,
    2560             :                        *val;
    2561             :             Datum       datum;
    2562             :             bool        isnull;
    2563             : 
    2564        1172 :             name = NameStr(att->attname);
    2565             : 
    2566        1172 :             datum = slot_getattr(violatorslot, fnum, &isnull);
    2567        1172 :             if (!isnull)
    2568             :             {
    2569             :                 Oid         foutoid;
    2570             :                 bool        typisvarlena;
    2571             : 
    2572        1172 :                 getTypeOutputInfo(att->atttypid, &foutoid, &typisvarlena);
    2573        1172 :                 val = OidOutputFunctionCall(foutoid, datum);
    2574             :             }
    2575             :             else
    2576           0 :                 val = "null";
    2577             : 
    2578        1172 :             if (idx > 0)
    2579             :             {
    2580         294 :                 appendStringInfoString(&key_names, ", ");
    2581         294 :                 appendStringInfoString(&key_values, ", ");
    2582             :             }
    2583        1172 :             appendStringInfoString(&key_names, name);
    2584        1172 :             appendStringInfoString(&key_values, val);
    2585             :         }
    2586             :     }
    2587             : 
    2588         884 :     if (partgone)
    2589          34 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2590             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION),
    2591             :                  errmsg("removing partition \"%s\" violates foreign key constraint \"%s\"",
    2592             :                         RelationGetRelationName(pk_rel),
    2593             :                         NameStr(riinfo->conname)),
    2594             :                  errdetail("Key (%s)=(%s) is still referenced from table \"%s\".",
    2595             :                  ,,
    2596             :                            RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel)),
    2597             :                  errtableconstraint(fk_rel, NameStr(riinfo->conname))));
    2598         850 :     else if (onfk)
    2599         540 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2600             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION),
    2601             :                  errmsg("insert or update on table \"%s\" violates foreign key constraint \"%s\"",
    2602             :                         RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel),
    2603             :                         NameStr(riinfo->conname)),
    2604             :                  has_perm ?
    2605             :                  errdetail("Key (%s)=(%s) is not present in table \"%s\".",
    2606             :                  ,,
    2607             :                            RelationGetRelationName(pk_rel)) :
    2608             :                  errdetail("Key is not present in table \"%s\".",
    2609             :                            RelationGetRelationName(pk_rel)),
    2610             :                  errtableconstraint(fk_rel, NameStr(riinfo->conname))));
    2611             :     else
    2612         310 :         ereport(ERROR,
    2613             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION),
    2614             :                  errmsg("update or delete on table \"%s\" violates foreign key constraint \"%s\" on table \"%s\"",
    2615             :                         RelationGetRelationName(pk_rel),
    2616             :                         NameStr(riinfo->conname),
    2617             :                         RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel)),
    2618             :                  has_perm ?
    2619             :                  errdetail("Key (%s)=(%s) is still referenced from table \"%s\".",
    2620             :                  ,,
    2621             :                            RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel)) :
    2622             :                  errdetail("Key is still referenced from table \"%s\".",
    2623             :                            RelationGetRelationName(fk_rel)),
    2624             :                  errtableconstraint(fk_rel, NameStr(riinfo->conname))));
    2625             : }
    2626             : 
    2627             : 
    2628             : /*
    2629             :  * ri_NullCheck -
    2630             :  *
    2631             :  * Determine the NULL state of all key values in a tuple
    2632             :  *
    2633             :  * Returns one of RI_KEYS_ALL_NULL, RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL or RI_KEYS_SOME_NULL.
    2634             :  */
    2635             : static int
    2636        7156 : ri_NullCheck(TupleDesc tupDesc,
    2637             :              TupleTableSlot *slot,
    2638             :              const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk)
    2639             : {
    2640             :     const int16 *attnums;
    2641        7156 :     bool        allnull = true;
    2642        7156 :     bool        nonenull = true;
    2643             : 
    2644        7156 :     if (rel_is_pk)
    2645        1984 :         attnums = riinfo->pk_attnums;
    2646             :     else
    2647        5172 :         attnums = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    2648             : 
    2649       15992 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    2650             :     {
    2651        8836 :         if (slot_attisnull(slot, attnums[i]))
    2652         534 :             nonenull = false;
    2653             :         else
    2654        8302 :             allnull = false;
    2655             :     }
    2656             : 
    2657        7156 :     if (allnull)
    2658         258 :         return RI_KEYS_ALL_NULL;
    2659             : 
    2660        6898 :     if (nonenull)
    2661        6694 :         return RI_KEYS_NONE_NULL;
    2662             : 
    2663         204 :     return RI_KEYS_SOME_NULL;
    2664             : }
    2665             : 
    2666             : 
    2667             : /*
    2668             :  * ri_InitHashTables -
    2669             :  *
    2670             :  * Initialize our internal hash tables.
    2671             :  */
    2672             : static void
    2673         420 : ri_InitHashTables(void)
    2674             : {
    2675             :     HASHCTL     ctl;
    2676             : 
    2677         420 :     ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
    2678         420 :     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(RI_ConstraintInfo);
    2679         420 :     ri_constraint_cache = hash_create("RI constraint cache",
    2680             :                                       RI_INIT_CONSTRAINTHASHSIZE,
    2681             :                                       &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
    2682             : 
    2683             :     /* Arrange to flush cache on pg_constraint changes */
    2684         420 :     CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(CONSTROID,
    2685             :                                   InvalidateConstraintCacheCallBack,
    2686             :                                   (Datum) 0);
    2687             : 
    2688         420 :     ctl.keysize = sizeof(RI_QueryKey);
    2689         420 :     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(RI_QueryHashEntry);
    2690         420 :     ri_query_cache = hash_create("RI query cache",
    2691             :                                  RI_INIT_QUERYHASHSIZE,
    2692             :                                  &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
    2693             : 
    2694         420 :     ctl.keysize = sizeof(RI_CompareKey);
    2695         420 :     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(RI_CompareHashEntry);
    2696         420 :     ri_compare_cache = hash_create("RI compare cache",
    2697             :                                    RI_INIT_QUERYHASHSIZE,
    2698             :                                    &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
    2699         420 : }
    2700             : 
    2701             : 
    2702             : /*
    2703             :  * ri_FetchPreparedPlan -
    2704             :  *
    2705             :  * Lookup for a query key in our private hash table of prepared
    2706             :  * and saved SPI execution plans. Return the plan if found or NULL.
    2707             :  */
    2708             : static SPIPlanPtr
    2709        5924 : ri_FetchPreparedPlan(RI_QueryKey *key)
    2710             : {
    2711             :     RI_QueryHashEntry *entry;
    2712             :     SPIPlanPtr  plan;
    2713             : 
    2714             :     /*
    2715             :      * On the first call initialize the hashtable
    2716             :      */
    2717        5924 :     if (!ri_query_cache)
    2718           0 :         ri_InitHashTables();
    2719             : 
    2720             :     /*
    2721             :      * Lookup for the key
    2722             :      */
    2723        5924 :     entry = (RI_QueryHashEntry *) hash_search(ri_query_cache,
    2724             :                                               key,
    2725             :                                               HASH_FIND, NULL);
    2726        5924 :     if (entry == NULL)
    2727        2778 :         return NULL;
    2728             : 
    2729             :     /*
    2730             :      * Check whether the plan is still valid.  If it isn't, we don't want to
    2731             :      * simply rely on plancache.c to regenerate it; rather we should start
    2732             :      * from scratch and rebuild the query text too.  This is to cover cases
    2733             :      * such as table/column renames.  We depend on the plancache machinery to
    2734             :      * detect possible invalidations, though.
    2735             :      *
    2736             :      * CAUTION: this check is only trustworthy if the caller has already
    2737             :      * locked both FK and PK rels.
    2738             :      */
    2739        3146 :     plan = entry->plan;
    2740        3146 :     if (plan && SPI_plan_is_valid(plan))
    2741        2870 :         return plan;
    2742             : 
    2743             :     /*
    2744             :      * Otherwise we might as well flush the cached plan now, to free a little
    2745             :      * memory space before we make a new one.
    2746             :      */
    2747         276 :     entry->plan = NULL;
    2748         276 :     if (plan)
    2749         276 :         SPI_freeplan(plan);
    2750             : 
    2751         276 :     return NULL;
    2752             : }
    2753             : 
    2754             : 
    2755             : /*
    2756             :  * ri_HashPreparedPlan -
    2757             :  *
    2758             :  * Add another plan to our private SPI query plan hashtable.
    2759             :  */
    2760             : static void
    2761        3054 : ri_HashPreparedPlan(RI_QueryKey *key, SPIPlanPtr plan)
    2762             : {
    2763             :     RI_QueryHashEntry *entry;
    2764             :     bool        found;
    2765             : 
    2766             :     /*
    2767             :      * On the first call initialize the hashtable
    2768             :      */
    2769        3054 :     if (!ri_query_cache)
    2770           0 :         ri_InitHashTables();
    2771             : 
    2772             :     /*
    2773             :      * Add the new plan.  We might be overwriting an entry previously found
    2774             :      * invalid by ri_FetchPreparedPlan.
    2775             :      */
    2776        3054 :     entry = (RI_QueryHashEntry *) hash_search(ri_query_cache,
    2777             :                                               key,
    2778             :                                               HASH_ENTER, &found);
    2779             :     Assert(!found || entry->plan == NULL);
    2780        3054 :     entry->plan = plan;
    2781        3054 : }
    2782             : 
    2783             : 
    2784             : /*
    2785             :  * ri_KeysEqual -
    2786             :  *
    2787             :  * Check if all key values in OLD and NEW are equal.
    2788             :  *
    2789             :  * Note: at some point we might wish to redefine this as checking for
    2790             :  * "IS NOT DISTINCT" rather than "=", that is, allow two nulls to be
    2791             :  * considered equal.  Currently there is no need since all callers have
    2792             :  * previously found at least one of the rows to contain no nulls.
    2793             :  */
    2794             : static bool
    2795        1996 : ri_KeysEqual(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *oldslot, TupleTableSlot *newslot,
    2796             :              const RI_ConstraintInfo *riinfo, bool rel_is_pk)
    2797             : {
    2798             :     const int16 *attnums;
    2799             : 
    2800        1996 :     if (rel_is_pk)
    2801        1256 :         attnums = riinfo->pk_attnums;
    2802             :     else
    2803         740 :         attnums = riinfo->fk_attnums;
    2804             : 
    2805             :     /* XXX: could be worthwhile to fetch all necessary attrs at once */
    2806        3092 :     for (int i = 0; i < riinfo->nkeys; i++)
    2807             :     {
    2808             :         Datum       oldvalue;
    2809             :         Datum       newvalue;
    2810             :         bool        isnull;
    2811             : 
    2812             :         /*
    2813             :          * Get one attribute's oldvalue. If it is NULL - they're not equal.
    2814             :          */
    2815        2116 :         oldvalue = slot_getattr(oldslot, attnums[i], &isnull);
    2816        2116 :         if (isnull)
    2817        1020 :             return false;
    2818             : 
    2819             :         /*
    2820             :          * Get one attribute's newvalue. If it is NULL - they're not equal.
    2821             :          */
    2822        2086 :         newvalue = slot_getattr(newslot, attnums[i], &isnull);
    2823        2086 :         if (isnull)
    2824           0 :             return false;
    2825             : 
    2826        2086 :         if (rel_is_pk)
    2827             :         {
    2828             :             /*
    2829             :              * If we are looking at the PK table, then do a bytewise
    2830             :              * comparison.  We must propagate PK changes if the value is
    2831             :              * changed to one that "looks" different but would compare as
    2832             :              * equal using the equality operator.  This only makes a
    2833             :              * difference for ON UPDATE CASCADE, but for consistency we treat
    2834             :              * all changes to the PK the same.
    2835             :              */
    2836        1340 :             Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(oldslot->tts_tupleDescriptor, attnums[i] - 1);
    2837             : 
    2838        1340 :             if (!datum_image_eq(oldvalue, newvalue, att->attbyval, att->attlen))
    2839         720 :                 return false;
    2840             :         }
    2841             :         else
    2842             :         {
    2843             :             /*
    2844             :              * For the FK table, compare with the appropriate equality
    2845             :              * operator.  Changes that compare equal will still satisfy the
    2846             :              * constraint after the update.
    2847             :              */
    2848         746 :             if (!ri_AttributesEqual(riinfo->ff_eq_oprs[i], RIAttType(rel, attnums[i]),
    2849             :                                     oldvalue, newvalue))
    2850         270 :                 return false;
    2851             :         }
    2852             :     }
    2853             : 
    2854         976 :     return true;
    2855             : }
    2856             : 
    2857             : 
    2858             : /*
    2859             :  * ri_AttributesEqual -
    2860             :  *
    2861             :  * Call the appropriate equality comparison operator for two values.
    2862             :  *
    2863             :  * NB: we have already checked that neither value is null.
    2864             :  */
    2865             : static bool
    2866         746 : ri_AttributesEqual(Oid eq_opr, Oid typeid,
    2867             :                    Datum oldvalue, Datum newvalue)
    2868             : {
    2869         746 :     RI_CompareHashEntry *entry = ri_HashCompareOp(eq_opr, typeid);
    2870             : 
    2871             :     /* Do we need to cast the values? */
    2872         746 :     if (OidIsValid(entry->cast_func_finfo.fn_oid))
    2873             :     {
    2874          12 :         oldvalue = FunctionCall3(&entry->cast_func_finfo,
    2875             :                                  oldvalue,
    2876             :                                  Int32GetDatum(-1), /* typmod */
    2877             :                                  BoolGetDatum(false));  /* implicit coercion */
    2878          12 :         newvalue = FunctionCall3(&entry->cast_func_finfo,
    2879             :                                  newvalue,
    2880             :                                  Int32GetDatum(-1), /* typmod */
    2881             :                                  BoolGetDatum(false));  /* implicit coercion */
    2882             :     }
    2883             : 
    2884             :     /*
    2885             :      * Apply the comparison operator.
    2886             :      *
    2887             :      * Note: This function is part of a call stack that determines whether an
    2888             :      * update to a row is significant enough that it needs checking or action
    2889             :      * on the other side of a foreign-key constraint.  Therefore, the
    2890             :      * comparison here would need to be done with the collation of the *other*
    2891             :      * table.  For simplicity (e.g., we might not even have the other table
    2892             :      * open), we'll just use the default collation here, which could lead to
    2893             :      * some false negatives.  All this would break if we ever allow
    2894             :      * database-wide collations to be nondeterministic.
    2895             :      */
    2896         746 :     return DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2Coll(&entry->eq_opr_finfo,
    2897             :                                           DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID,
    2898             :                                           oldvalue, newvalue));
    2899             : }
    2900             : 
    2901             : /*
    2902             :  * ri_HashCompareOp -
    2903             :  *
    2904             :  * See if we know how to compare two values, and create a new hash entry
    2905             :  * if not.
    2906             :  */
    2907             : static RI_CompareHashEntry *
    2908         746 : ri_HashCompareOp(Oid eq_opr, Oid typeid)
    2909             : {
    2910             :     RI_CompareKey key;
    2911             :     RI_CompareHashEntry *entry;
    2912             :     bool        found;
    2913             : 
    2914             :     /*
    2915             :      * On the first call initialize the hashtable
    2916             :      */
    2917         746 :     if (!ri_compare_cache)
    2918           0 :         ri_InitHashTables();
    2919             : 
    2920             :     /*
    2921             :      * Find or create a hash entry.  Note we're assuming RI_CompareKey
    2922             :      * contains no struct padding.
    2923             :      */
    2924         746 :     key.eq_opr = eq_opr;
    2925         746 :     key.typeid = typeid;
    2926         746 :     entry = (RI_CompareHashEntry *) hash_search(ri_compare_cache,
    2927             :                                                 &key,
    2928             :                                                 HASH_ENTER, &found);
    2929         746 :     if (!found)
    2930         274 :         entry->valid = false;
    2931             : 
    2932             :     /*
    2933             :      * If not already initialized, do so.  Since we'll keep this hash entry
    2934             :      * for the life of the backend, put any subsidiary info for the function
    2935             :      * cache structs into TopMemoryContext.
    2936             :      */
    2937         746 :     if (!entry->valid)
    2938             :     {
    2939             :         Oid         lefttype,
    2940             :                     righttype,
    2941             :                     castfunc;
    2942             :         CoercionPathType pathtype;
    2943             : 
    2944             :         /* We always need to know how to call the equality operator */
    2945         274 :         fmgr_info_cxt(get_opcode(eq_opr), &entry->eq_opr_finfo,
    2946             :                       TopMemoryContext);
    2947             : 
    2948             :         /*
    2949             :          * If we chose to use a cast from FK to PK type, we may have to apply
    2950             :          * the cast function to get to the operator's input type.
    2951             :          *
    2952             :          * XXX eventually it would be good to support array-coercion cases
    2953             :          * here and in ri_AttributesEqual().  At the moment there is no point
    2954             :          * because cases involving nonidentical array types will be rejected
    2955             :          * at constraint creation time.
    2956             :          *
    2957             :          * XXX perhaps also consider supporting CoerceViaIO?  No need at the
    2958             :          * moment since that will never be generated for implicit coercions.
    2959             :          */
    2960         274 :         op_input_types(eq_opr, &lefttype, &righttype);
    2961             :         Assert(lefttype == righttype);
    2962         274 :         if (typeid == lefttype)
    2963         268 :             castfunc = InvalidOid;  /* simplest case */
    2964             :         else
    2965             :         {
    2966           6 :             pathtype = find_coercion_pathway(lefttype, typeid,
    2967             :                                              COERCION_IMPLICIT,
    2968             :                                              &castfunc);
    2969           6 :             if (pathtype != COERCION_PATH_FUNC &&
    2970             :                 pathtype != COERCION_PATH_RELABELTYPE)
    2971             :             {
    2972             :                 /*
    2973             :                  * The declared input type of the eq_opr might be a
    2974             :                  * polymorphic type such as ANYARRAY or ANYENUM, or other
    2975             :                  * special cases such as RECORD; find_coercion_pathway
    2976             :                  * currently doesn't subsume these special cases.
    2977             :                  */
    2978           0 :                 if (!IsBinaryCoercible(typeid, lefttype))
    2979           0 :                     elog(ERROR, "no conversion function from %s to %s",
    2980             :                          format_type_be(typeid),
    2981             :                          format_type_be(lefttype));
    2982             :             }
    2983             :         }
    2984         274 :         if (OidIsValid(castfunc))
    2985           6 :             fmgr_info_cxt(castfunc, &entry->cast_func_finfo,
    2986             :                           TopMemoryContext);
    2987             :         else
    2988         268 :             entry->cast_func_finfo.fn_oid = InvalidOid;
    2989         274 :         entry->valid = true;
    2990             :     }
    2991             : 
    2992         746 :     return entry;
    2993             : }
    2994             : 
    2995             : 
    2996             : /*
    2997             :  * Given a trigger function OID, determine whether it is an RI trigger,
    2998             :  * and if so whether it is attached to PK or FK relation.
    2999             :  */
    3000             : int
    3001        7664 : RI_FKey_trigger_type(Oid tgfoid)
    3002             : {
    3003        7664 :     switch (tgfoid)
    3004             :     {
    3005        2620 :         case F_RI_FKEY_CASCADE_DEL:
    3006             :         case F_RI_FKEY_CASCADE_UPD:
    3007             :         case F_RI_FKEY_RESTRICT_DEL:
    3008             :         case F_RI_FKEY_RESTRICT_UPD:
    3009             :         case F_RI_FKEY_SETNULL_DEL:
    3010             :         case F_RI_FKEY_SETNULL_UPD:
    3011             :         case F_RI_FKEY_SETDEFAULT_DEL:
    3012             :         case F_RI_FKEY_SETDEFAULT_UPD:
    3013             :         case F_RI_FKEY_NOACTION_DEL:
    3014             :         case F_RI_FKEY_NOACTION_UPD:
    3015        2620 :             return RI_TRIGGER_PK;
    3016             : 
    3017        2294 :         case F_RI_FKEY_CHECK_INS:
    3018             :         case F_RI_FKEY_CHECK_UPD:
    3019        2294 :             return RI_TRIGGER_FK;
    3020             :     }
    3021             : 
    3022        2750 :     return RI_TRIGGER_NONE;
    3023             : }

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