Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * postgres.c
4 : * POSTGRES C Backend Interface
5 : *
6 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8 : *
9 : *
11 : * src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
12 : *
13 : * NOTES
14 : * this is the "main" module of the postgres backend and
15 : * hence the main module of the "traffic cop".
16 : *
17 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include "postgres.h"
21 :
22 : #include <fcntl.h>
23 : #include <limits.h>
24 : #include <signal.h>
25 : #include <unistd.h>
26 : #include <sys/resource.h>
27 : #include <sys/socket.h>
28 : #include <sys/time.h>
29 :
30 : #ifdef USE_VALGRIND
31 : #include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
32 : #endif
33 :
34 : #include "access/parallel.h"
35 : #include "access/printtup.h"
36 : #include "access/xact.h"
37 : #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
38 : #include "commands/async.h"
39 : #include "commands/event_trigger.h"
40 : #include "commands/prepare.h"
41 : #include "common/pg_prng.h"
42 : #include "jit/jit.h"
43 : #include "libpq/libpq.h"
44 : #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
45 : #include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
46 : #include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
47 : #include "mb/stringinfo_mb.h"
48 : #include "miscadmin.h"
49 : #include "nodes/print.h"
50 : #include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
51 : #include "parser/analyze.h"
52 : #include "parser/parser.h"
53 : #include "pg_getopt.h"
54 : #include "pg_trace.h"
55 : #include "pgstat.h"
56 : #include "postmaster/interrupt.h"
57 : #include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
58 : #include "replication/logicallauncher.h"
59 : #include "replication/logicalworker.h"
60 : #include "replication/slot.h"
61 : #include "replication/walsender.h"
62 : #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
63 : #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
64 : #include "storage/ipc.h"
65 : #include "storage/pmsignal.h"
66 : #include "storage/proc.h"
67 : #include "storage/procsignal.h"
68 : #include "storage/sinval.h"
69 : #include "tcop/fastpath.h"
70 : #include "tcop/pquery.h"
71 : #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
72 : #include "tcop/utility.h"
73 : #include "utils/guc_hooks.h"
74 : #include "utils/injection_point.h"
75 : #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
76 : #include "utils/memutils.h"
77 : #include "utils/ps_status.h"
78 : #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
79 : #include "utils/timeout.h"
80 : #include "utils/timestamp.h"
81 : #include "utils/varlena.h"
82 :
83 : /* ----------------
84 : * global variables
85 : * ----------------
86 : */
87 : const char *debug_query_string; /* client-supplied query string */
88 :
89 : /* Note: whereToSendOutput is initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case */
90 : CommandDest whereToSendOutput = DestDebug;
91 :
92 : /* flag for logging end of session */
93 : bool Log_disconnections = false;
94 :
95 : int log_statement = LOGSTMT_NONE;
96 :
97 : /* wait N seconds to allow attach from a debugger */
98 : int PostAuthDelay = 0;
99 :
100 : /* Time between checks that the client is still connected. */
101 : int client_connection_check_interval = 0;
102 :
103 : /* flags for non-system relation kinds to restrict use */
104 : int restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind;
105 :
106 : /* ----------------
107 : * private typedefs etc
108 : * ----------------
109 : */
110 :
111 : /* type of argument for bind_param_error_callback */
112 : typedef struct BindParamCbData
113 : {
114 : const char *portalName;
115 : int paramno; /* zero-based param number, or -1 initially */
116 : const char *paramval; /* textual input string, if available */
117 : } BindParamCbData;
118 :
119 : /* ----------------
120 : * private variables
121 : * ----------------
122 : */
123 :
124 : /*
125 : * Flag to keep track of whether we have started a transaction.
126 : * For extended query protocol this has to be remembered across messages.
127 : */
128 : static bool xact_started = false;
129 :
130 : /*
131 : * Flag to indicate that we are doing the outer loop's read-from-client,
132 : * as opposed to any random read from client that might happen within
133 : * commands like COPY FROM STDIN.
134 : */
135 : static bool DoingCommandRead = false;
136 :
137 : /*
138 : * Flags to implement skip-till-Sync-after-error behavior for messages of
139 : * the extended query protocol.
140 : */
141 : static bool doing_extended_query_message = false;
142 : static bool ignore_till_sync = false;
143 :
144 : /*
145 : * If an unnamed prepared statement exists, it's stored here.
146 : * We keep it separate from the hashtable kept by commands/prepare.c
147 : * in order to reduce overhead for short-lived queries.
148 : */
149 : static CachedPlanSource *unnamed_stmt_psrc = NULL;
150 :
151 : /* assorted command-line switches */
152 : static const char *userDoption = NULL; /* -D switch */
153 : static bool EchoQuery = false; /* -E switch */
154 : static bool UseSemiNewlineNewline = false; /* -j switch */
155 :
156 : /* whether or not, and why, we were canceled by conflict with recovery */
157 : static volatile sig_atomic_t RecoveryConflictPending = false;
158 : static volatile sig_atomic_t RecoveryConflictPendingReasons[NUM_PROCSIGNALS];
159 :
160 : /* reused buffer to pass to SendRowDescriptionMessage() */
161 : static MemoryContext row_description_context = NULL;
162 : static StringInfoData row_description_buf;
163 :
164 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
165 : * decls for routines only used in this file
166 : * ----------------------------------------------------------------
167 : */
168 : static int InteractiveBackend(StringInfo inBuf);
169 : static int interactive_getc(void);
170 : static int SocketBackend(StringInfo inBuf);
171 : static int ReadCommand(StringInfo inBuf);
172 : static void forbidden_in_wal_sender(char firstchar);
173 : static bool check_log_statement(List *stmt_list);
174 : static int errdetail_execute(List *raw_parsetree_list);
175 : static int errdetail_params(ParamListInfo params);
176 : static int errdetail_abort(void);
177 : static void bind_param_error_callback(void *arg);
178 : static void start_xact_command(void);
179 : static void finish_xact_command(void);
180 : static bool IsTransactionExitStmt(Node *parsetree);
181 : static bool IsTransactionExitStmtList(List *pstmts);
182 : static bool IsTransactionStmtList(List *pstmts);
183 : static void drop_unnamed_stmt(void);
184 : static void log_disconnections(int code, Datum arg);
185 : static void enable_statement_timeout(void);
186 : static void disable_statement_timeout(void);
187 :
188 :
189 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
190 : * infrastructure for valgrind debugging
191 : * ----------------------------------------------------------------
192 : */
193 : #ifdef USE_VALGRIND
194 : /* This variable should be set at the top of the main loop. */
195 : static unsigned int old_valgrind_error_count;
196 :
197 : /*
198 : * If Valgrind detected any errors since old_valgrind_error_count was updated,
199 : * report the current query as the cause. This should be called at the end
200 : * of message processing.
201 : */
202 : static void
203 : valgrind_report_error_query(const char *query)
204 : {
205 : unsigned int valgrind_error_count = VALGRIND_COUNT_ERRORS;
206 :
207 : if (unlikely(valgrind_error_count != old_valgrind_error_count) &&
208 : query != NULL)
209 : VALGRIND_PRINTF("Valgrind detected %u error(s) during execution of \"%s\"\n",
210 : valgrind_error_count - old_valgrind_error_count,
211 : query);
212 : }
213 :
214 : #else /* !USE_VALGRIND */
215 : #define valgrind_report_error_query(query) ((void) 0)
216 : #endif /* USE_VALGRIND */
217 :
218 :
219 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
220 : * routines to obtain user input
221 : * ----------------------------------------------------------------
222 : */
223 :
224 : /* ----------------
225 : * InteractiveBackend() is called for user interactive connections
226 : *
227 : * the string entered by the user is placed in its parameter inBuf,
228 : * and we act like a Q message was received.
229 : *
230 : * EOF is returned if end-of-file input is seen; time to shut down.
231 : * ----------------
232 : */
233 :
234 : static int
235 61852 : InteractiveBackend(StringInfo inBuf)
236 : {
237 : int c; /* character read from getc() */
238 :
239 : /*
240 : * display a prompt and obtain input from the user
241 : */
242 61852 : printf("backend> ");
243 61852 : fflush(stdout);
244 :
245 61852 : resetStringInfo(inBuf);
246 :
247 : /*
248 : * Read characters until EOF or the appropriate delimiter is seen.
249 : */
250 21680102 : while ((c = interactive_getc()) != EOF)
251 : {
252 21679998 : if (c == '\n')
253 : {
254 582908 : if (UseSemiNewlineNewline)
255 : {
256 : /*
257 : * In -j mode, semicolon followed by two newlines ends the
258 : * command; otherwise treat newline as regular character.
259 : */
260 582908 : if (inBuf->len > 1 &&
261 575942 : inBuf->data[inBuf->len - 1] == '\n' &&
262 91934 : inBuf->data[inBuf->len - 2] == ';')
263 : {
264 : /* might as well drop the second newline */
265 61748 : break;
266 : }
267 : }
268 : else
269 : {
270 : /*
271 : * In plain mode, newline ends the command unless preceded by
272 : * backslash.
273 : */
274 0 : if (inBuf->len > 0 &&
275 0 : inBuf->data[inBuf->len - 1] == '\\')
276 : {
277 : /* discard backslash from inBuf */
278 0 : inBuf->data[--inBuf->len] = '\0';
279 : /* discard newline too */
280 0 : continue;
281 : }
282 : else
283 : {
284 : /* keep the newline character, but end the command */
285 0 : appendStringInfoChar(inBuf, '\n');
286 0 : break;
287 : }
288 : }
289 : }
290 :
291 : /* Not newline, or newline treated as regular character */
292 21618250 : appendStringInfoChar(inBuf, (char) c);
293 : }
294 :
295 : /* No input before EOF signal means time to quit. */
296 61852 : if (c == EOF && inBuf->len == 0)
297 104 : return EOF;
298 :
299 : /*
300 : * otherwise we have a user query so process it.
301 : */
302 :
303 : /* Add '\0' to make it look the same as message case. */
304 61748 : appendStringInfoChar(inBuf, (char) '\0');
305 :
306 : /*
307 : * if the query echo flag was given, print the query..
308 : */
309 61748 : if (EchoQuery)
310 0 : printf("statement: %s\n", inBuf->data);
311 61748 : fflush(stdout);
312 :
313 61748 : return PqMsg_Query;
314 : }
315 :
316 : /*
317 : * interactive_getc -- collect one character from stdin
318 : *
319 : * Even though we are not reading from a "client" process, we still want to
320 : * respond to signals, particularly SIGTERM/SIGQUIT.
321 : */
322 : static int
323 21680102 : interactive_getc(void)
324 : {
325 : int c;
326 :
327 : /*
328 : * This will not process catchup interrupts or notifications while
329 : * reading. But those can't really be relevant for a standalone backend
330 : * anyway. To properly handle SIGTERM there's a hack in die() that
331 : * directly processes interrupts at this stage...
332 : */
333 21680102 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
334 :
335 21680102 : c = getc(stdin);
336 :
337 21680102 : ProcessClientReadInterrupt(false);
338 :
339 21680102 : return c;
340 : }
341 :
342 : /* ----------------
343 : * SocketBackend() Is called for frontend-backend connections
344 : *
345 : * Returns the message type code, and loads message body data into inBuf.
346 : *
347 : * EOF is returned if the connection is lost.
348 : * ----------------
349 : */
350 : static int
351 711368 : SocketBackend(StringInfo inBuf)
352 : {
353 : int qtype;
354 : int maxmsglen;
355 :
356 : /*
357 : * Get message type code from the frontend.
358 : */
360 711368 : pq_startmsgread();
361 711368 : qtype = pq_getbyte();
362 :
363 711290 : if (qtype == EOF) /* frontend disconnected */
364 : {
365 82 : if (IsTransactionState())
366 8 : ereport(COMMERROR,
368 : errmsg("unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction")));
369 : else
370 : {
371 : /*
372 : * Can't send DEBUG log messages to client at this point. Since
373 : * we're disconnecting right away, we don't need to restore
374 : * whereToSendOutput.
375 : */
376 74 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
377 74 : ereport(DEBUG1,
379 : errmsg_internal("unexpected EOF on client connection")));
380 : }
381 82 : return qtype;
382 : }
383 :
384 : /*
385 : * Validate message type code before trying to read body; if we have lost
386 : * sync, better to say "command unknown" than to run out of memory because
387 : * we used garbage as a length word. We can also select a type-dependent
388 : * limit on what a sane length word could be. (The limit could be chosen
389 : * more granularly, but it's not clear it's worth fussing over.)
390 : *
391 : * This also gives us a place to set the doing_extended_query_message flag
392 : * as soon as possible.
393 : */
394 711208 : switch (qtype)
395 : {
396 587288 : case PqMsg_Query:
397 587288 : maxmsglen = PQ_LARGE_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
398 587288 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
399 587288 : break;
400 :
401 2112 : case PqMsg_FunctionCall:
402 2112 : maxmsglen = PQ_LARGE_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
403 2112 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
404 2112 : break;
405 :
406 22068 : case PqMsg_Terminate:
407 22068 : maxmsglen = PQ_SMALL_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
408 22068 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
409 22068 : ignore_till_sync = false;
410 22068 : break;
411 :
412 32750 : case PqMsg_Bind:
413 : case PqMsg_Parse:
414 32750 : maxmsglen = PQ_LARGE_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
415 32750 : doing_extended_query_message = true;
416 32750 : break;
417 :
418 44058 : case PqMsg_Close:
419 : case PqMsg_Describe:
420 : case PqMsg_Execute:
421 : case PqMsg_Flush:
422 44058 : maxmsglen = PQ_SMALL_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
423 44058 : doing_extended_query_message = true;
424 44058 : break;
425 :
426 22696 : case PqMsg_Sync:
427 22696 : maxmsglen = PQ_SMALL_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
428 : /* stop any active skip-till-Sync */
429 22696 : ignore_till_sync = false;
430 : /* mark not-extended, so that a new error doesn't begin skip */
431 22696 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
432 22696 : break;
433 :
434 32 : case PqMsg_CopyData:
435 32 : maxmsglen = PQ_LARGE_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
436 32 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
437 32 : break;
438 :
439 204 : case PqMsg_CopyDone:
440 : case PqMsg_CopyFail:
441 204 : maxmsglen = PQ_SMALL_MESSAGE_LIMIT;
442 204 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
443 204 : break;
444 :
445 0 : default:
446 :
447 : /*
448 : * Otherwise we got garbage from the frontend. We treat this as
449 : * fatal because we have probably lost message boundary sync, and
450 : * there's no good way to recover.
451 : */
452 0 : ereport(FATAL,
454 : errmsg("invalid frontend message type %d", qtype)));
455 : maxmsglen = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */
456 : break;
457 : }
458 :
459 : /*
460 : * In protocol version 3, all frontend messages have a length word next
461 : * after the type code; we can read the message contents independently of
462 : * the type.
463 : */
464 711208 : if (pq_getmessage(inBuf, maxmsglen))
465 0 : return EOF; /* suitable message already logged */
467 :
468 711208 : return qtype;
469 : }
470 :
471 : /* ----------------
472 : * ReadCommand reads a command from either the frontend or
473 : * standard input, places it in inBuf, and returns the
474 : * message type code (first byte of the message).
475 : * EOF is returned if end of file.
476 : * ----------------
477 : */
478 : static int
479 773220 : ReadCommand(StringInfo inBuf)
480 : {
481 : int result;
482 :
483 773220 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
484 711368 : result = SocketBackend(inBuf);
485 : else
486 61852 : result = InteractiveBackend(inBuf);
487 773142 : return result;
488 : }
489 :
490 : /*
491 : * ProcessClientReadInterrupt() - Process interrupts specific to client reads
492 : *
493 : * This is called just before and after low-level reads.
494 : * 'blocked' is true if no data was available to read and we plan to retry,
495 : * false if about to read or done reading.
496 : *
497 : * Must preserve errno!
498 : */
499 : void
500 27124172 : ProcessClientReadInterrupt(bool blocked)
501 : {
502 27124172 : int save_errno = errno;
503 :
504 27124172 : if (DoingCommandRead)
505 : {
506 : /* Check for general interrupts that arrived before/while reading */
507 22971612 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
508 :
509 : /* Process sinval catchup interrupts, if any */
510 22971534 : if (catchupInterruptPending)
511 722 : ProcessCatchupInterrupt();
512 :
513 : /* Process notify interrupts, if any */
514 22971534 : if (notifyInterruptPending)
515 132 : ProcessNotifyInterrupt(true);
516 : }
517 4152560 : else if (ProcDiePending)
518 : {
519 : /*
520 : * We're dying. If there is no data available to read, then it's safe
521 : * (and sane) to handle that now. If we haven't tried to read yet,
522 : * make sure the process latch is set, so that if there is no data
523 : * then we'll come back here and die. If we're done reading, also
524 : * make sure the process latch is set, as we might've undesirably
525 : * cleared it while reading.
526 : */
527 0 : if (blocked)
529 : else
530 0 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
531 : }
532 :
533 27124094 : errno = save_errno;
534 27124094 : }
535 :
536 : /*
537 : * ProcessClientWriteInterrupt() - Process interrupts specific to client writes
538 : *
539 : * This is called just before and after low-level writes.
540 : * 'blocked' is true if no data could be written and we plan to retry,
541 : * false if about to write or done writing.
542 : *
543 : * Must preserve errno!
544 : */
545 : void
546 4176896 : ProcessClientWriteInterrupt(bool blocked)
547 : {
548 4176896 : int save_errno = errno;
549 :
550 4176896 : if (ProcDiePending)
551 : {
552 : /*
553 : * We're dying. If it's not possible to write, then we should handle
554 : * that immediately, else a stuck client could indefinitely delay our
555 : * response to the signal. If we haven't tried to write yet, make
556 : * sure the process latch is set, so that if the write would block
557 : * then we'll come back here and die. If we're done writing, also
558 : * make sure the process latch is set, as we might've undesirably
559 : * cleared it while writing.
560 : */
561 8 : if (blocked)
562 : {
563 : /*
564 : * Don't mess with whereToSendOutput if ProcessInterrupts wouldn't
565 : * service ProcDiePending.
566 : */
567 0 : if (InterruptHoldoffCount == 0 && CritSectionCount == 0)
568 : {
569 : /*
570 : * We don't want to send the client the error message, as a)
571 : * that would possibly block again, and b) it would likely
572 : * lead to loss of protocol sync because we may have already
573 : * sent a partial protocol message.
574 : */
575 0 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
576 0 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
577 :
579 : }
580 : }
581 : else
582 8 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
583 : }
584 :
585 4176896 : errno = save_errno;
586 4176896 : }
587 :
588 : /*
589 : * Do raw parsing (only).
590 : *
591 : * A list of parsetrees (RawStmt nodes) is returned, since there might be
592 : * multiple commands in the given string.
593 : *
594 : * NOTE: for interactive queries, it is important to keep this routine
595 : * separate from the analysis & rewrite stages. Analysis and rewriting
596 : * cannot be done in an aborted transaction, since they require access to
597 : * database tables. So, we rely on the raw parser to determine whether
598 : * we've seen a COMMIT or ABORT command; when we are in abort state, other
599 : * commands are not processed any further than the raw parse stage.
600 : */
601 : List *
602 707266 : pg_parse_query(const char *query_string)
603 : {
604 : List *raw_parsetree_list;
605 :
607 :
608 707266 : if (log_parser_stats)
609 0 : ResetUsage();
610 :
611 707266 : raw_parsetree_list = raw_parser(query_string, RAW_PARSE_DEFAULT);
612 :
613 706088 : if (log_parser_stats)
614 0 : ShowUsage("PARSER STATISTICS");
615 :
617 :
618 : /* Optional debugging check: pass raw parsetrees through copyObject() */
619 706088 : if (Debug_copy_parse_plan_trees)
620 : {
621 706088 : List *new_list = copyObject(raw_parsetree_list);
622 :
623 : /* This checks both copyObject() and the equal() routines... */
624 706082 : if (!equal(new_list, raw_parsetree_list))
625 0 : elog(WARNING, "copyObject() failed to produce an equal raw parse tree");
626 : else
627 706082 : raw_parsetree_list = new_list;
628 : }
629 :
630 : /*
631 : * Optional debugging check: pass raw parsetrees through
632 : * outfuncs/readfuncs
633 : */
634 706082 : if (Debug_write_read_parse_plan_trees)
635 : {
636 706082 : char *str = nodeToStringWithLocations(raw_parsetree_list);
637 706082 : List *new_list = stringToNodeWithLocations(str);
638 :
639 706082 : pfree(str);
640 : /* This checks both outfuncs/readfuncs and the equal() routines... */
641 706082 : if (!equal(new_list, raw_parsetree_list))
642 0 : elog(WARNING, "outfuncs/readfuncs failed to produce an equal raw parse tree");
643 : else
644 706082 : raw_parsetree_list = new_list;
645 : }
646 :
647 : #endif /* DEBUG_NODE_TESTS_ENABLED */
648 :
650 :
651 706082 : return raw_parsetree_list;
652 : }
653 :
654 : /*
655 : * Given a raw parsetree (gram.y output), and optionally information about
656 : * types of parameter symbols ($n), perform parse analysis and rule rewriting.
657 : *
658 : * A list of Query nodes is returned, since either the analyzer or the
659 : * rewriter might expand one query to several.
660 : *
661 : * NOTE: for reasons mentioned above, this must be separate from raw parsing.
662 : */
663 : List *
664 725658 : pg_analyze_and_rewrite_fixedparams(RawStmt *parsetree,
665 : const char *query_string,
666 : const Oid *paramTypes,
667 : int numParams,
668 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv)
669 : {
670 : Query *query;
671 : List *querytree_list;
672 :
674 :
675 : /*
676 : * (1) Perform parse analysis.
677 : */
678 725658 : if (log_parser_stats)
679 0 : ResetUsage();
680 :
681 725658 : query = parse_analyze_fixedparams(parsetree, query_string, paramTypes, numParams,
682 : queryEnv);
683 :
684 718090 : if (log_parser_stats)
686 :
687 : /*
688 : * (2) Rewrite the queries, as necessary
689 : */
690 718090 : querytree_list = pg_rewrite_query(query);
691 :
693 :
694 717412 : return querytree_list;
695 : }
696 :
697 : /*
698 : * Do parse analysis and rewriting. This is the same as
699 : * pg_analyze_and_rewrite_fixedparams except that it's okay to deduce
700 : * information about $n symbol datatypes from context.
701 : */
702 : List *
703 12510 : pg_analyze_and_rewrite_varparams(RawStmt *parsetree,
704 : const char *query_string,
705 : Oid **paramTypes,
706 : int *numParams,
707 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv)
708 : {
709 : Query *query;
710 : List *querytree_list;
711 :
713 :
714 : /*
715 : * (1) Perform parse analysis.
716 : */
717 12510 : if (log_parser_stats)
718 0 : ResetUsage();
719 :
720 12510 : query = parse_analyze_varparams(parsetree, query_string, paramTypes, numParams,
721 : queryEnv);
722 :
723 : /*
724 : * Check all parameter types got determined.
725 : */
726 26754 : for (int i = 0; i < *numParams; i++)
727 : {
728 14266 : Oid ptype = (*paramTypes)[i];
729 :
730 14266 : if (ptype == InvalidOid || ptype == UNKNOWNOID)
731 6 : ereport(ERROR,
733 : errmsg("could not determine data type of parameter $%d",
734 : i + 1)));
735 : }
736 :
737 12488 : if (log_parser_stats)
739 :
740 : /*
741 : * (2) Rewrite the queries, as necessary
742 : */
743 12488 : querytree_list = pg_rewrite_query(query);
744 :
746 :
747 12488 : return querytree_list;
748 : }
749 :
750 : /*
751 : * Do parse analysis and rewriting. This is the same as
752 : * pg_analyze_and_rewrite_fixedparams except that, instead of a fixed list of
753 : * parameter datatypes, a parser callback is supplied that can do
754 : * external-parameter resolution and possibly other things.
755 : */
756 : List *
757 67490 : pg_analyze_and_rewrite_withcb(RawStmt *parsetree,
758 : const char *query_string,
759 : ParserSetupHook parserSetup,
760 : void *parserSetupArg,
761 : QueryEnvironment *queryEnv)
762 : {
763 : Query *query;
764 : List *querytree_list;
765 :
767 :
768 : /*
769 : * (1) Perform parse analysis.
770 : */
771 67490 : if (log_parser_stats)
772 0 : ResetUsage();
773 :
774 67490 : query = parse_analyze_withcb(parsetree, query_string, parserSetup, parserSetupArg,
775 : queryEnv);
776 :
777 67374 : if (log_parser_stats)
779 :
780 : /*
781 : * (2) Rewrite the queries, as necessary
782 : */
783 67374 : querytree_list = pg_rewrite_query(query);
784 :
786 :
787 67374 : return querytree_list;
788 : }
789 :
790 : /*
791 : * Perform rewriting of a query produced by parse analysis.
792 : *
793 : * Note: query must just have come from the parser, because we do not do
794 : * AcquireRewriteLocks() on it.
795 : */
796 : List *
797 808368 : pg_rewrite_query(Query *query)
798 : {
799 : List *querytree_list;
800 :
801 808368 : if (Debug_print_parse)
802 0 : elog_node_display(LOG, "parse tree", query,
803 : Debug_pretty_print);
804 :
805 808368 : if (log_parser_stats)
806 0 : ResetUsage();
807 :
808 808368 : if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
809 : {
810 : /* don't rewrite utilities, just dump 'em into result list */
811 355064 : querytree_list = list_make1(query);
812 : }
813 : else
814 : {
815 : /* rewrite regular queries */
816 453304 : querytree_list = QueryRewrite(query);
817 : }
818 :
819 807690 : if (log_parser_stats)
820 0 : ShowUsage("REWRITER STATISTICS");
821 :
823 :
824 : /* Optional debugging check: pass querytree through copyObject() */
825 807690 : if (Debug_copy_parse_plan_trees)
826 : {
827 : List *new_list;
828 :
829 807690 : new_list = copyObject(querytree_list);
830 : /* This checks both copyObject() and the equal() routines... */
831 807690 : if (!equal(new_list, querytree_list))
832 0 : elog(WARNING, "copyObject() failed to produce an equal rewritten parse tree");
833 : else
834 807690 : querytree_list = new_list;
835 : }
836 :
837 : /* Optional debugging check: pass querytree through outfuncs/readfuncs */
838 807690 : if (Debug_write_read_parse_plan_trees)
839 : {
840 807690 : List *new_list = NIL;
841 : ListCell *lc;
842 :
843 1616022 : foreach(lc, querytree_list)
844 : {
845 808332 : Query *curr_query = lfirst_node(Query, lc);
846 808332 : char *str = nodeToStringWithLocations(curr_query);
847 808332 : Query *new_query = stringToNodeWithLocations(str);
848 :
849 : /*
850 : * queryId is not saved in stored rules, but we must preserve it
851 : * here to avoid breaking pg_stat_statements.
852 : */
853 808332 : new_query->queryId = curr_query->queryId;
854 :
855 808332 : new_list = lappend(new_list, new_query);
856 808332 : pfree(str);
857 : }
858 :
859 : /* This checks both outfuncs/readfuncs and the equal() routines... */
860 807690 : if (!equal(new_list, querytree_list))
861 0 : elog(WARNING, "outfuncs/readfuncs failed to produce an equal rewritten parse tree");
862 : else
863 807690 : querytree_list = new_list;
864 : }
865 :
866 : #endif /* DEBUG_NODE_TESTS_ENABLED */
867 :
868 807690 : if (Debug_print_rewritten)
869 0 : elog_node_display(LOG, "rewritten parse tree", querytree_list,
870 : Debug_pretty_print);
871 :
872 807690 : return querytree_list;
873 : }
874 :
875 :
876 : /*
877 : * Generate a plan for a single already-rewritten query.
878 : * This is a thin wrapper around planner() and takes the same parameters.
879 : */
880 : PlannedStmt *
881 484166 : pg_plan_query(Query *querytree, const char *query_string, int cursorOptions,
882 : ParamListInfo boundParams)
883 : {
884 : PlannedStmt *plan;
885 :
886 : /* Utility commands have no plans. */
887 484166 : if (querytree->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
888 0 : return NULL;
889 :
890 : /* Planner must have a snapshot in case it calls user-defined functions. */
891 : Assert(ActiveSnapshotSet());
892 :
894 :
895 484166 : if (log_planner_stats)
896 0 : ResetUsage();
897 :
898 : /* call the optimizer */
899 484166 : plan = planner(querytree, query_string, cursorOptions, boundParams);
900 :
901 480018 : if (log_planner_stats)
902 0 : ShowUsage("PLANNER STATISTICS");
903 :
905 :
906 : /* Optional debugging check: pass plan tree through copyObject() */
907 480018 : if (Debug_copy_parse_plan_trees)
908 : {
909 480018 : PlannedStmt *new_plan = copyObject(plan);
910 :
911 : /*
912 : * equal() currently does not have routines to compare Plan nodes, so
913 : * don't try to test equality here. Perhaps fix someday?
914 : */
915 : #ifdef NOT_USED
916 : /* This checks both copyObject() and the equal() routines... */
917 : if (!equal(new_plan, plan))
918 : elog(WARNING, "copyObject() failed to produce an equal plan tree");
919 : else
920 : #endif
921 480018 : plan = new_plan;
922 : }
923 :
924 : /* Optional debugging check: pass plan tree through outfuncs/readfuncs */
925 480018 : if (Debug_write_read_parse_plan_trees)
926 : {
927 : char *str;
928 : PlannedStmt *new_plan;
929 :
930 480018 : str = nodeToStringWithLocations(plan);
931 480018 : new_plan = stringToNodeWithLocations(str);
932 480018 : pfree(str);
933 :
934 : /*
935 : * equal() currently does not have routines to compare Plan nodes, so
936 : * don't try to test equality here. Perhaps fix someday?
937 : */
938 : #ifdef NOT_USED
939 : /* This checks both outfuncs/readfuncs and the equal() routines... */
940 : if (!equal(new_plan, plan))
941 : elog(WARNING, "outfuncs/readfuncs failed to produce an equal plan tree");
942 : else
943 : #endif
944 480018 : plan = new_plan;
945 : }
946 :
947 : #endif /* DEBUG_NODE_TESTS_ENABLED */
948 :
949 : /*
950 : * Print plan if debugging.
951 : */
952 480018 : if (Debug_print_plan)
953 0 : elog_node_display(LOG, "plan", plan, Debug_pretty_print);
954 :
956 :
957 480018 : return plan;
958 : }
959 :
960 : /*
961 : * Generate plans for a list of already-rewritten queries.
962 : *
963 : * For normal optimizable statements, invoke the planner. For utility
964 : * statements, just make a wrapper PlannedStmt node.
965 : *
966 : * The result is a list of PlannedStmt nodes.
967 : */
968 : List *
969 775024 : pg_plan_queries(List *querytrees, const char *query_string, int cursorOptions,
970 : ParamListInfo boundParams)
971 : {
972 775024 : List *stmt_list = NIL;
973 : ListCell *query_list;
974 :
975 1546548 : foreach(query_list, querytrees)
976 : {
977 775624 : Query *query = lfirst_node(Query, query_list);
978 : PlannedStmt *stmt;
979 :
980 775624 : if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
981 : {
982 : /* Utility commands require no planning. */
983 354874 : stmt = makeNode(PlannedStmt);
984 354874 : stmt->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
985 354874 : stmt->canSetTag = query->canSetTag;
986 354874 : stmt->utilityStmt = query->utilityStmt;
987 354874 : stmt->stmt_location = query->stmt_location;
988 354874 : stmt->stmt_len = query->stmt_len;
989 354874 : stmt->queryId = query->queryId;
990 : }
991 : else
992 : {
993 420750 : stmt = pg_plan_query(query, query_string, cursorOptions,
994 : boundParams);
995 : }
996 :
997 771524 : stmt_list = lappend(stmt_list, stmt);
998 : }
999 :
1000 770924 : return stmt_list;
1001 : }
1002 :
1003 :
1004 : /*
1005 : * exec_simple_query
1006 : *
1007 : * Execute a "simple Query" protocol message.
1008 : */
1009 : static void
1010 643566 : exec_simple_query(const char *query_string)
1011 : {
1012 643566 : CommandDest dest = whereToSendOutput;
1013 : MemoryContext oldcontext;
1014 : List *parsetree_list;
1015 : ListCell *parsetree_item;
1016 643566 : bool save_log_statement_stats = log_statement_stats;
1017 643566 : bool was_logged = false;
1018 : bool use_implicit_block;
1019 : char msec_str[32];
1020 :
1021 : /*
1022 : * Report query to various monitoring facilities.
1023 : */
1024 643566 : debug_query_string = query_string;
1025 :
1026 643566 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, query_string);
1027 :
1028 : TRACE_POSTGRESQL_QUERY_START(query_string);
1029 :
1030 : /*
1031 : * We use save_log_statement_stats so ShowUsage doesn't report incorrect
1032 : * results because ResetUsage wasn't called.
1033 : */
1034 643566 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
1035 0 : ResetUsage();
1036 :
1037 : /*
1038 : * Start up a transaction command. All queries generated by the
1039 : * query_string will be in this same command block, *unless* we find a
1040 : * BEGIN/COMMIT/ABORT statement; we have to force a new xact command after
1041 : * one of those, else bad things will happen in xact.c. (Note that this
1042 : * will normally change current memory context.)
1043 : */
1044 643566 : start_xact_command();
1045 :
1046 : /*
1047 : * Zap any pre-existing unnamed statement. (While not strictly necessary,
1048 : * it seems best to define simple-Query mode as if it used the unnamed
1049 : * statement and portal; this ensures we recover any storage used by prior
1050 : * unnamed operations.)
1051 : */
1052 643566 : drop_unnamed_stmt();
1053 :
1054 : /*
1055 : * Switch to appropriate context for constructing parsetrees.
1056 : */
1057 643566 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
1058 :
1059 : /*
1060 : * Do basic parsing of the query or queries (this should be safe even if
1061 : * we are in aborted transaction state!)
1062 : */
1063 643566 : parsetree_list = pg_parse_query(query_string);
1064 :
1065 : /* Log immediately if dictated by log_statement */
1066 642412 : if (check_log_statement(parsetree_list))
1067 : {
1068 386998 : ereport(LOG,
1069 : (errmsg("statement: %s", query_string),
1070 : errhidestmt(true),
1071 : errdetail_execute(parsetree_list)));
1072 386998 : was_logged = true;
1073 : }
1074 :
1075 : /*
1076 : * Switch back to transaction context to enter the loop.
1077 : */
1078 642412 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
1079 :
1080 : /*
1081 : * For historical reasons, if multiple SQL statements are given in a
1082 : * single "simple Query" message, we execute them as a single transaction,
1083 : * unless explicit transaction control commands are included to make
1084 : * portions of the list be separate transactions. To represent this
1085 : * behavior properly in the transaction machinery, we use an "implicit"
1086 : * transaction block.
1087 : */
1088 642412 : use_implicit_block = (list_length(parsetree_list) > 1);
1089 :
1090 : /*
1091 : * Run through the raw parsetree(s) and process each one.
1092 : */
1093 1285170 : foreach(parsetree_item, parsetree_list)
1094 : {
1095 683854 : RawStmt *parsetree = lfirst_node(RawStmt, parsetree_item);
1096 683854 : bool snapshot_set = false;
1097 : CommandTag commandTag;
1098 : QueryCompletion qc;
1099 683854 : MemoryContext per_parsetree_context = NULL;
1100 : List *querytree_list,
1101 : *plantree_list;
1102 : Portal portal;
1103 : DestReceiver *receiver;
1104 : int16 format;
1105 : const char *cmdtagname;
1106 : size_t cmdtaglen;
1107 :
1108 683854 : pgstat_report_query_id(0, true);
1109 :
1110 : /*
1111 : * Get the command name for use in status display (it also becomes the
1112 : * default completion tag, down inside PortalRun). Set ps_status and
1113 : * do any special start-of-SQL-command processing needed by the
1114 : * destination.
1115 : */
1116 683854 : commandTag = CreateCommandTag(parsetree->stmt);
1117 683854 : cmdtagname = GetCommandTagNameAndLen(commandTag, &cmdtaglen);
1118 :
1119 683854 : set_ps_display_with_len(cmdtagname, cmdtaglen);
1120 :
1121 683854 : BeginCommand(commandTag, dest);
1122 :
1123 : /*
1124 : * If we are in an aborted transaction, reject all commands except
1125 : * COMMIT/ABORT. It is important that this test occur before we try
1126 : * to do parse analysis, rewrite, or planning, since all those phases
1127 : * try to do database accesses, which may fail in abort state. (It
1128 : * might be safe to allow some additional utility commands in this
1129 : * state, but not many...)
1130 : */
1131 683854 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
1132 1734 : !IsTransactionExitStmt(parsetree->stmt))
1133 88 : ereport(ERROR,
1135 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
1136 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
1137 : errdetail_abort()));
1138 :
1139 : /* Make sure we are in a transaction command */
1140 683766 : start_xact_command();
1141 :
1142 : /*
1143 : * If using an implicit transaction block, and we're not already in a
1144 : * transaction block, start an implicit block to force this statement
1145 : * to be grouped together with any following ones. (We must do this
1146 : * each time through the loop; otherwise, a COMMIT/ROLLBACK in the
1147 : * list would cause later statements to not be grouped.)
1148 : */
1149 683766 : if (use_implicit_block)
1150 54312 : BeginImplicitTransactionBlock();
1151 :
1152 : /* If we got a cancel signal in parsing or prior command, quit */
1153 683766 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
1154 :
1155 : /*
1156 : * Set up a snapshot if parse analysis/planning will need one.
1157 : */
1158 683766 : if (analyze_requires_snapshot(parsetree))
1159 : {
1160 374212 : PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
1161 374212 : snapshot_set = true;
1162 : }
1163 :
1164 : /*
1165 : * OK to analyze, rewrite, and plan this query.
1166 : *
1167 : * Switch to appropriate context for constructing query and plan trees
1168 : * (these can't be in the transaction context, as that will get reset
1169 : * when the command is COMMIT/ROLLBACK). If we have multiple
1170 : * parsetrees, we use a separate context for each one, so that we can
1171 : * free that memory before moving on to the next one. But for the
1172 : * last (or only) parsetree, just use MessageContext, which will be
1173 : * reset shortly after completion anyway. In event of an error, the
1174 : * per_parsetree_context will be deleted when MessageContext is reset.
1175 : */
1176 683766 : if (lnext(parsetree_list, parsetree_item) != NULL)
1177 : {
1178 : per_parsetree_context =
1179 41966 : AllocSetContextCreate(MessageContext,
1180 : "per-parsetree message context",
1182 41966 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_parsetree_context);
1183 : }
1184 : else
1185 641800 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
1186 :
1187 683766 : querytree_list = pg_analyze_and_rewrite_fixedparams(parsetree, query_string,
1188 : NULL, 0, NULL);
1189 :
1190 675566 : plantree_list = pg_plan_queries(querytree_list, query_string,
1192 :
1193 : /*
1194 : * Done with the snapshot used for parsing/planning.
1195 : *
1196 : * While it looks promising to reuse the same snapshot for query
1197 : * execution (at least for simple protocol), unfortunately it causes
1198 : * execution to use a snapshot that has been acquired before locking
1199 : * any of the tables mentioned in the query. This creates user-
1200 : * visible anomalies, so refrain. Refer to
1201 : * for details.
1202 : */
1203 671640 : if (snapshot_set)
1204 362086 : PopActiveSnapshot();
1205 :
1206 : /* If we got a cancel signal in analysis or planning, quit */
1207 671640 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
1208 :
1209 : /*
1210 : * Create unnamed portal to run the query or queries in. If there
1211 : * already is one, silently drop it.
1212 : */
1213 671640 : portal = CreatePortal("", true, true);
1214 : /* Don't display the portal in pg_cursors */
1215 671640 : portal->visible = false;
1216 :
1217 : /*
1218 : * We don't have to copy anything into the portal, because everything
1219 : * we are passing here is in MessageContext or the
1220 : * per_parsetree_context, and so will outlive the portal anyway.
1221 : */
1222 671640 : PortalDefineQuery(portal,
1223 : NULL,
1224 : query_string,
1225 : commandTag,
1226 : plantree_list,
1227 : NULL,
1228 : NULL);
1229 :
1230 : /*
1231 : * Start the portal. No parameters here.
1232 : */
1233 671640 : PortalStart(portal, NULL, 0, InvalidSnapshot);
1234 :
1235 : /*
1236 : * Select the appropriate output format: text unless we are doing a
1237 : * FETCH from a binary cursor. (Pretty grotty to have to do this here
1238 : * --- but it avoids grottiness in other places. Ah, the joys of
1239 : * backward compatibility...)
1240 : */
1241 670956 : format = 0; /* TEXT is default */
1242 670956 : if (IsA(parsetree->stmt, FetchStmt))
1243 : {
1244 5756 : FetchStmt *stmt = (FetchStmt *) parsetree->stmt;
1245 :
1246 5756 : if (!stmt->ismove)
1247 : {
1248 5688 : Portal fportal = GetPortalByName(stmt->portalname);
1249 :
1250 5688 : if (PortalIsValid(fportal) &&
1251 5654 : (fportal->cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_BINARY))
1252 8 : format = 1; /* BINARY */
1253 : }
1254 : }
1255 670956 : PortalSetResultFormat(portal, 1, &format);
1256 :
1257 : /*
1258 : * Now we can create the destination receiver object.
1259 : */
1260 670956 : receiver = CreateDestReceiver(dest);
1261 670956 : if (dest == DestRemote)
1262 601812 : SetRemoteDestReceiverParams(receiver, portal);
1263 :
1264 : /*
1265 : * Switch back to transaction context for execution.
1266 : */
1267 670956 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
1268 :
1269 : /*
1270 : * Run the portal to completion, and then drop it (and the receiver).
1271 : */
1272 670956 : (void) PortalRun(portal,
1273 : FETCH_ALL,
1274 : true, /* always top level */
1275 : receiver,
1276 : receiver,
1277 : &qc);
1278 :
1279 643310 : receiver->rDestroy(receiver);
1280 :
1281 643310 : PortalDrop(portal, false);
1282 :
1283 643310 : if (lnext(parsetree_list, parsetree_item) == NULL)
1284 : {
1285 : /*
1286 : * If this is the last parsetree of the query string, close down
1287 : * transaction statement before reporting command-complete. This
1288 : * is so that any end-of-transaction errors are reported before
1289 : * the command-complete message is issued, to avoid confusing
1290 : * clients who will expect either a command-complete message or an
1291 : * error, not one and then the other. Also, if we're using an
1292 : * implicit transaction block, we must close that out first.
1293 : */
1294 601388 : if (use_implicit_block)
1295 12254 : EndImplicitTransactionBlock();
1296 601388 : finish_xact_command();
1297 : }
1298 41922 : else if (IsA(parsetree->stmt, TransactionStmt))
1299 : {
1300 : /*
1301 : * If this was a transaction control statement, commit it. We will
1302 : * start a new xact command for the next command.
1303 : */
1304 1058 : finish_xact_command();
1305 : }
1306 : else
1307 : {
1308 : /*
1309 : * We had better not see XACT_FLAGS_NEEDIMMEDIATECOMMIT set if
1310 : * we're not calling finish_xact_command(). (The implicit
1311 : * transaction block should have prevented it from getting set.)
1312 : */
1314 :
1315 : /*
1316 : * We need a CommandCounterIncrement after every query, except
1317 : * those that start or end a transaction block.
1318 : */
1319 40864 : CommandCounterIncrement();
1320 :
1321 : /*
1322 : * Disable statement timeout between queries of a multi-query
1323 : * string, so that the timeout applies separately to each query.
1324 : * (Our next loop iteration will start a fresh timeout.)
1325 : */
1326 40864 : disable_statement_timeout();
1327 : }
1328 :
1329 : /*
1330 : * Tell client that we're done with this query. Note we emit exactly
1331 : * one EndCommand report for each raw parsetree, thus one for each SQL
1332 : * command the client sent, regardless of rewriting. (But a command
1333 : * aborted by error will not send an EndCommand report at all.)
1334 : */
1335 642758 : EndCommand(&qc, dest, false);
1336 :
1337 : /* Now we may drop the per-parsetree context, if one was created. */
1338 642758 : if (per_parsetree_context)
1339 41922 : MemoryContextDelete(per_parsetree_context);
1340 : } /* end loop over parsetrees */
1341 :
1342 : /*
1343 : * Close down transaction statement, if one is open. (This will only do
1344 : * something if the parsetree list was empty; otherwise the last loop
1345 : * iteration already did it.)
1346 : */
1347 601316 : finish_xact_command();
1348 :
1349 : /*
1350 : * If there were no parsetrees, return EmptyQueryResponse message.
1351 : */
1352 601316 : if (!parsetree_list)
1353 480 : NullCommand(dest);
1354 :
1355 : /*
1356 : * Emit duration logging if appropriate.
1357 : */
1358 601316 : switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, was_logged))
1359 : {
1360 20 : case 1:
1361 20 : ereport(LOG,
1362 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms", msec_str),
1363 : errhidestmt(true)));
1364 20 : break;
1365 0 : case 2:
1366 0 : ereport(LOG,
1367 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms statement: %s",
1368 : msec_str, query_string),
1369 : errhidestmt(true),
1370 : errdetail_execute(parsetree_list)));
1371 0 : break;
1372 : }
1373 :
1374 601316 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
1375 0 : ShowUsage("QUERY STATISTICS");
1376 :
1377 : TRACE_POSTGRESQL_QUERY_DONE(query_string);
1378 :
1379 601316 : debug_query_string = NULL;
1380 601316 : }
1381 :
1382 : /*
1383 : * exec_parse_message
1384 : *
1385 : * Execute a "Parse" protocol message.
1386 : */
1387 : static void
1388 10788 : exec_parse_message(const char *query_string, /* string to execute */
1389 : const char *stmt_name, /* name for prepared stmt */
1390 : Oid *paramTypes, /* parameter types */
1391 : int numParams) /* number of parameters */
1392 : {
1393 10788 : MemoryContext unnamed_stmt_context = NULL;
1394 : MemoryContext oldcontext;
1395 : List *parsetree_list;
1396 : RawStmt *raw_parse_tree;
1397 : List *querytree_list;
1398 : CachedPlanSource *psrc;
1399 : bool is_named;
1400 10788 : bool save_log_statement_stats = log_statement_stats;
1401 : char msec_str[32];
1402 :
1403 : /*
1404 : * Report query to various monitoring facilities.
1405 : */
1406 10788 : debug_query_string = query_string;
1407 :
1408 10788 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, query_string);
1409 :
1410 10788 : set_ps_display("PARSE");
1411 :
1412 10788 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
1413 0 : ResetUsage();
1414 :
1415 10788 : ereport(DEBUG2,
1416 : (errmsg_internal("parse %s: %s",
1417 : *stmt_name ? stmt_name : "<unnamed>",
1418 : query_string)));
1419 :
1420 : /*
1421 : * Start up a transaction command so we can run parse analysis etc. (Note
1422 : * that this will normally change current memory context.) Nothing happens
1423 : * if we are already in one. This also arms the statement timeout if
1424 : * necessary.
1425 : */
1426 10788 : start_xact_command();
1427 :
1428 : /*
1429 : * Switch to appropriate context for constructing parsetrees.
1430 : *
1431 : * We have two strategies depending on whether the prepared statement is
1432 : * named or not. For a named prepared statement, we do parsing in
1433 : * MessageContext and copy the finished trees into the prepared
1434 : * statement's plancache entry; then the reset of MessageContext releases
1435 : * temporary space used by parsing and rewriting. For an unnamed prepared
1436 : * statement, we assume the statement isn't going to hang around long, so
1437 : * getting rid of temp space quickly is probably not worth the costs of
1438 : * copying parse trees. So in this case, we create the plancache entry's
1439 : * query_context here, and do all the parsing work therein.
1440 : */
1441 10788 : is_named = (stmt_name[0] != '\0');
1442 10788 : if (is_named)
1443 : {
1444 : /* Named prepared statement --- parse in MessageContext */
1445 4338 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
1446 : }
1447 : else
1448 : {
1449 : /* Unnamed prepared statement --- release any prior unnamed stmt */
1450 6450 : drop_unnamed_stmt();
1451 : /* Create context for parsing */
1452 : unnamed_stmt_context =
1453 6450 : AllocSetContextCreate(MessageContext,
1454 : "unnamed prepared statement",
1456 6450 : oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(unnamed_stmt_context);
1457 : }
1458 :
1459 : /*
1460 : * Do basic parsing of the query or queries (this should be safe even if
1461 : * we are in aborted transaction state!)
1462 : */
1463 10788 : parsetree_list = pg_parse_query(query_string);
1464 :
1465 : /*
1466 : * We only allow a single user statement in a prepared statement. This is
1467 : * mainly to keep the protocol simple --- otherwise we'd need to worry
1468 : * about multiple result tupdescs and things like that.
1469 : */
1470 10774 : if (list_length(parsetree_list) > 1)
1471 8 : ereport(ERROR,
1472 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
1473 : errmsg("cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement")));
1474 :
1475 10766 : if (parsetree_list != NIL)
1476 : {
1477 10760 : bool snapshot_set = false;
1478 :
1479 10760 : raw_parse_tree = linitial_node(RawStmt, parsetree_list);
1480 :
1481 : /*
1482 : * If we are in an aborted transaction, reject all commands except
1483 : * COMMIT/ROLLBACK. It is important that this test occur before we
1484 : * try to do parse analysis, rewrite, or planning, since all those
1485 : * phases try to do database accesses, which may fail in abort state.
1486 : * (It might be safe to allow some additional utility commands in this
1487 : * state, but not many...)
1488 : */
1489 10760 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
1490 2 : !IsTransactionExitStmt(raw_parse_tree->stmt))
1491 2 : ereport(ERROR,
1493 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
1494 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
1495 : errdetail_abort()));
1496 :
1497 : /*
1498 : * Create the CachedPlanSource before we do parse analysis, since it
1499 : * needs to see the unmodified raw parse tree.
1500 : */
1501 10758 : psrc = CreateCachedPlan(raw_parse_tree, query_string,
1502 : CreateCommandTag(raw_parse_tree->stmt));
1503 :
1504 : /*
1505 : * Set up a snapshot if parse analysis will need one.
1506 : */
1507 10758 : if (analyze_requires_snapshot(raw_parse_tree))
1508 : {
1509 10094 : PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
1510 10094 : snapshot_set = true;
1511 : }
1512 :
1513 : /*
1514 : * Analyze and rewrite the query. Note that the originally specified
1515 : * parameter set is not required to be complete, so we have to use
1516 : * pg_analyze_and_rewrite_varparams().
1517 : */
1518 10758 : querytree_list = pg_analyze_and_rewrite_varparams(raw_parse_tree,
1519 : query_string,
1520 : ¶mTypes,
1521 : &numParams,
1522 : NULL);
1523 :
1524 : /* Done with the snapshot used for parsing */
1525 10736 : if (snapshot_set)
1526 10072 : PopActiveSnapshot();
1527 : }
1528 : else
1529 : {
1530 : /* Empty input string. This is legal. */
1531 6 : raw_parse_tree = NULL;
1532 6 : psrc = CreateCachedPlan(raw_parse_tree, query_string,
1534 6 : querytree_list = NIL;
1535 : }
1536 :
1537 : /*
1538 : * CachedPlanSource must be a direct child of MessageContext before we
1539 : * reparent unnamed_stmt_context under it, else we have a disconnected
1540 : * circular subgraph. Klugy, but less so than flipping contexts even more
1541 : * above.
1542 : */
1543 10742 : if (unnamed_stmt_context)
1544 6412 : MemoryContextSetParent(psrc->context, MessageContext);
1545 :
1546 : /* Finish filling in the CachedPlanSource */
1547 10742 : CompleteCachedPlan(psrc,
1548 : querytree_list,
1549 : unnamed_stmt_context,
1550 : paramTypes,
1551 : numParams,
1552 : NULL,
1553 : NULL,
1554 : CURSOR_OPT_PARALLEL_OK, /* allow parallel mode */
1555 : true); /* fixed result */
1556 :
1557 : /* If we got a cancel signal during analysis, quit */
1558 10742 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
1559 :
1560 10742 : if (is_named)
1561 : {
1562 : /*
1563 : * Store the query as a prepared statement.
1564 : */
1565 4330 : StorePreparedStatement(stmt_name, psrc, false);
1566 : }
1567 : else
1568 : {
1569 : /*
1570 : * We just save the CachedPlanSource into unnamed_stmt_psrc.
1571 : */
1572 6412 : SaveCachedPlan(psrc);
1573 6412 : unnamed_stmt_psrc = psrc;
1574 : }
1575 :
1576 10742 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
1577 :
1578 : /*
1579 : * We do NOT close the open transaction command here; that only happens
1580 : * when the client sends Sync. Instead, do CommandCounterIncrement just
1581 : * in case something happened during parse/plan.
1582 : */
1583 10742 : CommandCounterIncrement();
1584 :
1585 : /*
1586 : * Send ParseComplete.
1587 : */
1588 10742 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
1589 10742 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_ParseComplete);
1590 :
1591 : /*
1592 : * Emit duration logging if appropriate.
1593 : */
1594 10742 : switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
1595 : {
1596 0 : case 1:
1597 0 : ereport(LOG,
1598 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms", msec_str),
1599 : errhidestmt(true)));
1600 0 : break;
1601 26 : case 2:
1602 26 : ereport(LOG,
1603 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms parse %s: %s",
1604 : msec_str,
1605 : *stmt_name ? stmt_name : "<unnamed>",
1606 : query_string),
1607 : errhidestmt(true)));
1608 26 : break;
1609 : }
1610 :
1611 10742 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
1613 :
1614 10742 : debug_query_string = NULL;
1615 10742 : }
1616 :
1617 : /*
1618 : * exec_bind_message
1619 : *
1620 : * Process a "Bind" message to create a portal from a prepared statement
1621 : */
1622 : static void
1623 21430 : exec_bind_message(StringInfo input_message)
1624 : {
1625 : const char *portal_name;
1626 : const char *stmt_name;
1627 : int numPFormats;
1628 21430 : int16 *pformats = NULL;
1629 : int numParams;
1630 : int numRFormats;
1631 21430 : int16 *rformats = NULL;
1632 : CachedPlanSource *psrc;
1633 : CachedPlan *cplan;
1634 : Portal portal;
1635 : char *query_string;
1636 : char *saved_stmt_name;
1637 : ParamListInfo params;
1638 : MemoryContext oldContext;
1639 21430 : bool save_log_statement_stats = log_statement_stats;
1640 21430 : bool snapshot_set = false;
1641 : char msec_str[32];
1642 : ParamsErrorCbData params_data;
1643 : ErrorContextCallback params_errcxt;
1644 : ListCell *lc;
1645 :
1646 : /* Get the fixed part of the message */
1647 21430 : portal_name = pq_getmsgstring(input_message);
1648 21430 : stmt_name = pq_getmsgstring(input_message);
1649 :
1650 21430 : ereport(DEBUG2,
1651 : (errmsg_internal("bind %s to %s",
1652 : *portal_name ? portal_name : "<unnamed>",
1653 : *stmt_name ? stmt_name : "<unnamed>")));
1654 :
1655 : /* Find prepared statement */
1656 21430 : if (stmt_name[0] != '\0')
1657 : {
1658 : PreparedStatement *pstmt;
1659 :
1660 15084 : pstmt = FetchPreparedStatement(stmt_name, true);
1661 15076 : psrc = pstmt->plansource;
1662 : }
1663 : else
1664 : {
1665 : /* special-case the unnamed statement */
1666 6346 : psrc = unnamed_stmt_psrc;
1667 6346 : if (!psrc)
1668 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1670 : errmsg("unnamed prepared statement does not exist")));
1671 : }
1672 :
1673 : /*
1674 : * Report query to various monitoring facilities.
1675 : */
1676 21422 : debug_query_string = psrc->query_string;
1677 :
1678 21422 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, psrc->query_string);
1679 :
1680 42656 : foreach(lc, psrc->query_list)
1681 : {
1682 21422 : Query *query = lfirst_node(Query, lc);
1683 :
1684 21422 : if (query->queryId != UINT64CONST(0))
1685 : {
1686 188 : pgstat_report_query_id(query->queryId, false);
1687 188 : break;
1688 : }
1689 : }
1690 :
1691 21422 : set_ps_display("BIND");
1692 :
1693 21422 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
1694 0 : ResetUsage();
1695 :
1696 : /*
1697 : * Start up a transaction command so we can call functions etc. (Note that
1698 : * this will normally change current memory context.) Nothing happens if
1699 : * we are already in one. This also arms the statement timeout if
1700 : * necessary.
1701 : */
1702 21422 : start_xact_command();
1703 :
1704 : /* Switch back to message context */
1705 21422 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
1706 :
1707 : /* Get the parameter format codes */
1708 21422 : numPFormats = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 2);
1709 21422 : if (numPFormats > 0)
1710 : {
1711 5108 : pformats = palloc_array(int16, numPFormats);
1712 12036 : for (int i = 0; i < numPFormats; i++)
1713 6928 : pformats[i] = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 2);
1714 : }
1715 :
1716 : /* Get the parameter value count */
1717 21422 : numParams = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 2);
1718 :
1719 21422 : if (numPFormats > 1 && numPFormats != numParams)
1720 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1722 : errmsg("bind message has %d parameter formats but %d parameters",
1723 : numPFormats, numParams)));
1724 :
1725 21422 : if (numParams != psrc->num_params)
1726 48 : ereport(ERROR,
1728 : errmsg("bind message supplies %d parameters, but prepared statement \"%s\" requires %d",
1729 : numParams, stmt_name, psrc->num_params)));
1730 :
1731 : /*
1732 : * If we are in aborted transaction state, the only portals we can
1733 : * actually run are those containing COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands. We
1734 : * disallow binding anything else to avoid problems with infrastructure
1735 : * that expects to run inside a valid transaction. We also disallow
1736 : * binding any parameters, since we can't risk calling user-defined I/O
1737 : * functions.
1738 : */
1739 21374 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
1740 4 : (!(psrc->raw_parse_tree &&
1741 4 : IsTransactionExitStmt(psrc->raw_parse_tree->stmt)) ||
1742 : numParams != 0))
1743 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1745 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
1746 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
1747 : errdetail_abort()));
1748 :
1749 : /*
1750 : * Create the portal. Allow silent replacement of an existing portal only
1751 : * if the unnamed portal is specified.
1752 : */
1753 21374 : if (portal_name[0] == '\0')
1754 21374 : portal = CreatePortal(portal_name, true, true);
1755 : else
1756 0 : portal = CreatePortal(portal_name, false, false);
1757 :
1758 : /*
1759 : * Prepare to copy stuff into the portal's memory context. We do all this
1760 : * copying first, because it could possibly fail (out-of-memory) and we
1761 : * don't want a failure to occur between GetCachedPlan and
1762 : * PortalDefineQuery; that would result in leaking our plancache refcount.
1763 : */
1764 21374 : oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(portal->portalContext);
1765 :
1766 : /* Copy the plan's query string into the portal */
1767 21374 : query_string = pstrdup(psrc->query_string);
1768 :
1769 : /* Likewise make a copy of the statement name, unless it's unnamed */
1770 21374 : if (stmt_name[0])
1771 15070 : saved_stmt_name = pstrdup(stmt_name);
1772 : else
1773 6304 : saved_stmt_name = NULL;
1774 :
1775 : /*
1776 : * Set a snapshot if we have parameters to fetch (since the input
1777 : * functions might need it) or the query isn't a utility command (and
1778 : * hence could require redoing parse analysis and planning). We keep the
1779 : * snapshot active till we're done, so that plancache.c doesn't have to
1780 : * take new ones.
1781 : */
1782 21374 : if (numParams > 0 ||
1783 8204 : (psrc->raw_parse_tree &&
1784 4102 : analyze_requires_snapshot(psrc->raw_parse_tree)))
1785 : {
1786 19362 : PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
1787 19362 : snapshot_set = true;
1788 : }
1789 :
1790 : /*
1791 : * Fetch parameters, if any, and store in the portal's memory context.
1792 : */
1793 21374 : if (numParams > 0)
1794 : {
1795 17272 : char **knownTextValues = NULL; /* allocate on first use */
1796 : BindParamCbData one_param_data;
1797 :
1798 : /*
1799 : * Set up an error callback so that if there's an error in this phase,
1800 : * we can report the specific parameter causing the problem.
1801 : */
1802 17272 : one_param_data.portalName = portal->name;
1803 17272 : one_param_data.paramno = -1;
1804 17272 : one_param_data.paramval = NULL;
1805 17272 : params_errcxt.previous = error_context_stack;
1806 17272 : params_errcxt.callback = bind_param_error_callback;
1807 17272 : params_errcxt.arg = &one_param_data;
1808 17272 : error_context_stack = ¶ms_errcxt;
1809 :
1810 17272 : params = makeParamList(numParams);
1811 :
1812 45592 : for (int paramno = 0; paramno < numParams; paramno++)
1813 : {
1814 28322 : Oid ptype = psrc->param_types[paramno];
1815 : int32 plength;
1816 : Datum pval;
1817 : bool isNull;
1818 : StringInfoData pbuf;
1819 : char csave;
1820 : int16 pformat;
1821 :
1822 28322 : one_param_data.paramno = paramno;
1823 28322 : one_param_data.paramval = NULL;
1824 :
1825 28322 : plength = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 4);
1826 28322 : isNull = (plength == -1);
1827 :
1828 28322 : if (!isNull)
1829 : {
1830 : char *pvalue;
1831 :
1832 : /*
1833 : * Rather than copying data around, we just initialize a
1834 : * StringInfo pointing to the correct portion of the message
1835 : * buffer. We assume we can scribble on the message buffer to
1836 : * add a trailing NUL which is required for the input function
1837 : * call.
1838 : */
1839 27104 : pvalue = unconstify(char *, pq_getmsgbytes(input_message, plength));
1840 27104 : csave = pvalue[plength];
1841 27104 : pvalue[plength] = '\0';
1842 27104 : initReadOnlyStringInfo(&pbuf, pvalue, plength);
1843 : }
1844 : else
1845 : {
1846 1218 : = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
1847 1218 : csave = 0;
1848 : }
1849 :
1850 28322 : if (numPFormats > 1)
1851 3544 : pformat = pformats[paramno];
1852 24778 : else if (numPFormats > 0)
1853 3384 : pformat = pformats[0];
1854 : else
1855 21394 : pformat = 0; /* default = text */
1856 :
1857 28322 : if (pformat == 0) /* text mode */
1858 : {
1859 : Oid typinput;
1860 : Oid typioparam;
1861 : char *pstring;
1862 :
1863 28270 : getTypeInputInfo(ptype, &typinput, &typioparam);
1864 :
1865 : /*
1866 : * We have to do encoding conversion before calling the
1867 : * typinput routine.
1868 : */
1869 28270 : if (isNull)
1870 1218 : pstring = NULL;
1871 : else
1872 27052 : pstring = pg_client_to_server(, plength);
1873 :
1874 : /* Now we can log the input string in case of error */
1875 28270 : one_param_data.paramval = pstring;
1876 :
1877 28270 : pval = OidInputFunctionCall(typinput, pstring, typioparam, -1);
1878 :
1879 28268 : one_param_data.paramval = NULL;
1880 :
1881 : /*
1882 : * If we might need to log parameters later, save a copy of
1883 : * the converted string in MessageContext; then free the
1884 : * result of encoding conversion, if any was done.
1885 : */
1886 28268 : if (pstring)
1887 : {
1888 27050 : if (log_parameter_max_length_on_error != 0)
1889 : {
1890 : MemoryContext oldcxt;
1891 :
1892 14 : oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
1893 :
1894 14 : if (knownTextValues == NULL)
1895 10 : knownTextValues = palloc0_array(char *, numParams);
1896 :
1897 14 : if (log_parameter_max_length_on_error < 0)
1898 8 : knownTextValues[paramno] = pstrdup(pstring);
1899 : else
1900 : {
1901 : /*
1902 : * We can trim the saved string, knowing that we
1903 : * won't print all of it. But we must copy at
1904 : * least two more full characters than
1905 : * BuildParamLogString wants to use; otherwise it
1906 : * might fail to include the trailing ellipsis.
1907 : */
1908 6 : knownTextValues[paramno] =
1909 6 : pnstrdup(pstring,
1910 : log_parameter_max_length_on_error
1911 6 : + 2 * MAX_MULTIBYTE_CHAR_LEN);
1912 : }
1913 :
1914 14 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
1915 : }
1916 27050 : if (pstring !=
1917 0 : pfree(pstring);
1918 : }
1919 : }
1920 52 : else if (pformat == 1) /* binary mode */
1921 : {
1922 : Oid typreceive;
1923 : Oid typioparam;
1924 : StringInfo bufptr;
1925 :
1926 : /*
1927 : * Call the parameter type's binary input converter
1928 : */
1929 52 : getTypeBinaryInputInfo(ptype, &typreceive, &typioparam);
1930 :
1931 52 : if (isNull)
1932 0 : bufptr = NULL;
1933 : else
1934 52 : bufptr = &pbuf;
1935 :
1936 52 : pval = OidReceiveFunctionCall(typreceive, bufptr, typioparam, -1);
1937 :
1938 : /* Trouble if it didn't eat the whole buffer */
1939 52 : if (!isNull && pbuf.cursor != pbuf.len)
1940 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1942 : errmsg("incorrect binary data format in bind parameter %d",
1943 : paramno + 1)));
1944 : }
1945 : else
1946 : {
1947 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1949 : errmsg("unsupported format code: %d",
1950 : pformat)));
1951 : pval = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */
1952 : }
1953 :
1954 : /* Restore message buffer contents */
1955 28320 : if (!isNull)
1956 27102 :[plength] = csave;
1957 :
1958 28320 : params->params[paramno].value = pval;
1959 28320 : params->params[paramno].isnull = isNull;
1960 :
1961 : /*
1962 : * We mark the params as CONST. This ensures that any custom plan
1963 : * makes full use of the parameter values.
1964 : */
1965 28320 : params->params[paramno].pflags = PARAM_FLAG_CONST;
1966 28320 : params->params[paramno].ptype = ptype;
1967 : }
1968 :
1969 : /* Pop the per-parameter error callback */
1970 17270 : error_context_stack = error_context_stack->previous;
1971 :
1972 : /*
1973 : * Once all parameters have been received, prepare for printing them
1974 : * in future errors, if configured to do so. (This is saved in the
1975 : * portal, so that they'll appear when the query is executed later.)
1976 : */
1977 17270 : if (log_parameter_max_length_on_error != 0)
1978 8 : params->paramValuesStr =
1979 8 : BuildParamLogString(params,
1980 : knownTextValues,
1981 : log_parameter_max_length_on_error);
1982 : }
1983 : else
1984 4102 : params = NULL;
1985 :
1986 : /* Done storing stuff in portal's context */
1987 21372 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext);
1988 :
1989 : /*
1990 : * Set up another error callback so that all the parameters are logged if
1991 : * we get an error during the rest of the BIND processing.
1992 : */
1993 21372 : params_data.portalName = portal->name;
1994 21372 : params_data.params = params;
1995 21372 : params_errcxt.previous = error_context_stack;
1996 21372 : params_errcxt.callback = ParamsErrorCallback;
1997 21372 : params_errcxt.arg = ¶ms_data;
1998 21372 : error_context_stack = ¶ms_errcxt;
1999 :
2000 : /* Get the result format codes */
2001 21372 : numRFormats = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 2);
2002 21372 : if (numRFormats > 0)
2003 : {
2004 21372 : rformats = palloc_array(int16, numRFormats);
2005 42744 : for (int i = 0; i < numRFormats; i++)
2006 21372 : rformats[i] = pq_getmsgint(input_message, 2);
2007 : }
2008 :
2009 21372 : pq_getmsgend(input_message);
2010 :
2011 : /*
2012 : * Obtain a plan from the CachedPlanSource. Any cruft from (re)planning
2013 : * will be generated in MessageContext. The plan refcount will be
2014 : * assigned to the Portal, so it will be released at portal destruction.
2015 : */
2016 21372 : cplan = GetCachedPlan(psrc, params, NULL, NULL);
2017 :
2018 : /*
2019 : * Now we can define the portal.
2020 : *
2021 : * DO NOT put any code that could possibly throw an error between the
2022 : * above GetCachedPlan call and here.
2023 : */
2024 21370 : PortalDefineQuery(portal,
2025 : saved_stmt_name,
2026 : query_string,
2027 : psrc->commandTag,
2028 : cplan->stmt_list,
2029 : cplan,
2030 : psrc);
2031 :
2032 : /* Done with the snapshot used for parameter I/O and parsing/planning */
2033 21370 : if (snapshot_set)
2034 19358 : PopActiveSnapshot();
2035 :
2036 : /*
2037 : * And we're ready to start portal execution.
2038 : */
2039 21370 : PortalStart(portal, params, 0, InvalidSnapshot);
2040 :
2041 : /*
2042 : * Apply the result format requests to the portal.
2043 : */
2044 21370 : PortalSetResultFormat(portal, numRFormats, rformats);
2045 :
2046 : /*
2047 : * Done binding; remove the parameters error callback. Entries emitted
2048 : * later determine independently whether to log the parameters or not.
2049 : */
2050 21370 : error_context_stack = error_context_stack->previous;
2051 :
2052 : /*
2053 : * Send BindComplete.
2054 : */
2055 21370 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
2056 21370 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_BindComplete);
2057 :
2058 : /*
2059 : * Emit duration logging if appropriate.
2060 : */
2061 21370 : switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
2062 : {
2063 0 : case 1:
2064 0 : ereport(LOG,
2065 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms", msec_str),
2066 : errhidestmt(true)));
2067 0 : break;
2068 24 : case 2:
2069 24 : ereport(LOG,
2070 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms bind %s%s%s: %s",
2071 : msec_str,
2072 : *stmt_name ? stmt_name : "<unnamed>",
2073 : *portal_name ? "/" : "",
2074 : *portal_name ? portal_name : "",
2075 : psrc->query_string),
2076 : errhidestmt(true),
2077 : errdetail_params(params)));
2078 24 : break;
2079 : }
2080 :
2081 21370 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
2082 0 : ShowUsage("BIND MESSAGE STATISTICS");
2083 :
2084 : valgrind_report_error_query(debug_query_string);
2085 :
2086 21370 : debug_query_string = NULL;
2087 21370 : }
2088 :
2089 : /*
2090 : * exec_execute_message
2091 : *
2092 : * Process an "Execute" message for a portal
2093 : */
2094 : static void
2095 21370 : exec_execute_message(const char *portal_name, long max_rows)
2096 : {
2097 : CommandDest dest;
2098 : DestReceiver *receiver;
2099 : Portal portal;
2100 : bool completed;
2101 : QueryCompletion qc;
2102 : const char *sourceText;
2103 : const char *prepStmtName;
2104 : ParamListInfo portalParams;
2105 21370 : bool save_log_statement_stats = log_statement_stats;
2106 : bool is_xact_command;
2107 : bool execute_is_fetch;
2108 21370 : bool was_logged = false;
2109 : char msec_str[32];
2110 : ParamsErrorCbData params_data;
2111 : ErrorContextCallback params_errcxt;
2112 : const char *cmdtagname;
2113 : size_t cmdtaglen;
2114 : ListCell *lc;
2115 :
2116 : /* Adjust destination to tell printtup.c what to do */
2117 21370 : dest = whereToSendOutput;
2118 21370 : if (dest == DestRemote)
2119 21370 : dest = DestRemoteExecute;
2120 :
2121 21370 : portal = GetPortalByName(portal_name);
2122 21370 : if (!PortalIsValid(portal))
2123 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2125 : errmsg("portal \"%s\" does not exist", portal_name)));
2126 :
2127 : /*
2128 : * If the original query was a null string, just return
2129 : * EmptyQueryResponse.
2130 : */
2131 21370 : if (portal->commandTag == CMDTAG_UNKNOWN)
2132 : {
2133 : Assert(portal->stmts == NIL);
2134 0 : NullCommand(dest);
2135 0 : return;
2136 : }
2137 :
2138 : /* Does the portal contain a transaction command? */
2139 21370 : is_xact_command = IsTransactionStmtList(portal->stmts);
2140 :
2141 : /*
2142 : * We must copy the sourceText and prepStmtName into MessageContext in
2143 : * case the portal is destroyed during finish_xact_command. We do not
2144 : * make a copy of the portalParams though, preferring to just not print
2145 : * them in that case.
2146 : */
2147 21370 : sourceText = pstrdup(portal->sourceText);
2148 21370 : if (portal->prepStmtName)
2149 15068 : prepStmtName = pstrdup(portal->prepStmtName);
2150 : else
2151 6302 : prepStmtName = "<unnamed>";
2152 21370 : portalParams = portal->portalParams;
2153 :
2154 : /*
2155 : * Report query to various monitoring facilities.
2156 : */
2157 21370 : debug_query_string = sourceText;
2158 :
2159 21370 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, sourceText);
2160 :
2161 42568 : foreach(lc, portal->stmts)
2162 : {
2163 21370 : PlannedStmt *stmt = lfirst_node(PlannedStmt, lc);
2164 :
2165 21370 : if (stmt->queryId != UINT64CONST(0))
2166 : {
2167 172 : pgstat_report_query_id(stmt->queryId, false);
2168 172 : break;
2169 : }
2170 : }
2171 :
2172 21370 : cmdtagname = GetCommandTagNameAndLen(portal->commandTag, &cmdtaglen);
2173 :
2174 21370 : set_ps_display_with_len(cmdtagname, cmdtaglen);
2175 :
2176 21370 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
2177 0 : ResetUsage();
2178 :
2179 21370 : BeginCommand(portal->commandTag, dest);
2180 :
2181 : /*
2182 : * Create dest receiver in MessageContext (we don't want it in transaction
2183 : * context, because that may get deleted if portal contains VACUUM).
2184 : */
2185 21370 : receiver = CreateDestReceiver(dest);
2186 21370 : if (dest == DestRemoteExecute)
2187 21370 : SetRemoteDestReceiverParams(receiver, portal);
2188 :
2189 : /*
2190 : * Ensure we are in a transaction command (this should normally be the
2191 : * case already due to prior BIND).
2192 : */
2193 21370 : start_xact_command();
2194 :
2195 : /*
2196 : * If we re-issue an Execute protocol request against an existing portal,
2197 : * then we are only fetching more rows rather than completely re-executing
2198 : * the query from the start. atStart is never reset for a v3 portal, so we
2199 : * are safe to use this check.
2200 : */
2201 21370 : execute_is_fetch = !portal->atStart;
2202 :
2203 : /* Log immediately if dictated by log_statement */
2204 21370 : if (check_log_statement(portal->stmts))
2205 : {
2206 7768 : ereport(LOG,
2207 : (errmsg("%s %s%s%s: %s",
2208 : execute_is_fetch ?
2209 : _("execute fetch from") :
2210 : _("execute"),
2211 : prepStmtName,
2212 : *portal_name ? "/" : "",
2213 : *portal_name ? portal_name : "",
2214 : sourceText),
2215 : errhidestmt(true),
2216 : errdetail_params(portalParams)));
2217 7768 : was_logged = true;
2218 : }
2219 :
2220 : /*
2221 : * If we are in aborted transaction state, the only portals we can
2222 : * actually run are those containing COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands.
2223 : */
2224 21370 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
2225 2 : !IsTransactionExitStmtList(portal->stmts))
2226 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2228 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
2229 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
2230 : errdetail_abort()));
2231 :
2232 : /* Check for cancel signal before we start execution */
2233 21370 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
2234 :
2235 : /*
2236 : * Okay to run the portal. Set the error callback so that parameters are
2237 : * logged. The parameters must have been saved during the bind phase.
2238 : */
2239 21370 : params_data.portalName = portal->name;
2240 21370 : params_data.params = portalParams;
2241 21370 : params_errcxt.previous = error_context_stack;
2242 21370 : params_errcxt.callback = ParamsErrorCallback;
2243 21370 : params_errcxt.arg = ¶ms_data;
2244 21370 : error_context_stack = ¶ms_errcxt;
2245 :
2246 21370 : if (max_rows <= 0)
2247 21370 : max_rows = FETCH_ALL;
2248 :
2249 21370 : completed = PortalRun(portal,
2250 : max_rows,
2251 : true, /* always top level */
2252 : receiver,
2253 : receiver,
2254 : &qc);
2255 :
2256 21312 : receiver->rDestroy(receiver);
2257 :
2258 : /* Done executing; remove the params error callback */
2259 21312 : error_context_stack = error_context_stack->previous;
2260 :
2261 21312 : if (completed)
2262 : {
2263 21312 : if (is_xact_command || (MyXactFlags & XACT_FLAGS_NEEDIMMEDIATECOMMIT))
2264 : {
2265 : /*
2266 : * If this was a transaction control statement, commit it. We
2267 : * will start a new xact command for the next command (if any).
2268 : * Likewise if the statement required immediate commit. Without
2269 : * this provision, we wouldn't force commit until Sync is
2270 : * received, which creates a hazard if the client tries to
2271 : * pipeline immediate-commit statements.
2272 : */
2273 950 : finish_xact_command();
2274 :
2275 : /*
2276 : * These commands typically don't have any parameters, and even if
2277 : * one did we couldn't print them now because the storage went
2278 : * away during finish_xact_command. So pretend there were none.
2279 : */
2280 950 : portalParams = NULL;
2281 : }
2282 : else
2283 : {
2284 : /*
2285 : * We need a CommandCounterIncrement after every query, except
2286 : * those that start or end a transaction block.
2287 : */
2288 20362 : CommandCounterIncrement();
2289 :
2290 : /*
2291 : * Set XACT_FLAGS_PIPELINING whenever we complete an Execute
2292 : * message without immediately committing the transaction.
2293 : */
2294 20362 : MyXactFlags |= XACT_FLAGS_PIPELINING;
2295 :
2296 : /*
2297 : * Disable statement timeout whenever we complete an Execute
2298 : * message. The next protocol message will start a fresh timeout.
2299 : */
2300 20362 : disable_statement_timeout();
2301 : }
2302 :
2303 : /* Send appropriate CommandComplete to client */
2304 21312 : EndCommand(&qc, dest, false);
2305 : }
2306 : else
2307 : {
2308 : /* Portal run not complete, so send PortalSuspended */
2309 0 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
2310 0 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_PortalSuspended);
2311 :
2312 : /*
2313 : * Set XACT_FLAGS_PIPELINING whenever we suspend an Execute message,
2314 : * too.
2315 : */
2316 0 : MyXactFlags |= XACT_FLAGS_PIPELINING;
2317 : }
2318 :
2319 : /*
2320 : * Emit duration logging if appropriate.
2321 : */
2322 21312 : switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, was_logged))
2323 : {
2324 16 : case 1:
2325 16 : ereport(LOG,
2326 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms", msec_str),
2327 : errhidestmt(true)));
2328 16 : break;
2329 0 : case 2:
2330 0 : ereport(LOG,
2331 : (errmsg("duration: %s ms %s %s%s%s: %s",
2332 : msec_str,
2333 : execute_is_fetch ?
2334 : _("execute fetch from") :
2335 : _("execute"),
2336 : prepStmtName,
2337 : *portal_name ? "/" : "",
2338 : *portal_name ? portal_name : "",
2339 : sourceText),
2340 : errhidestmt(true),
2341 : errdetail_params(portalParams)));
2342 0 : break;
2343 : }
2344 :
2345 21312 : if (save_log_statement_stats)
2347 :
2348 : valgrind_report_error_query(debug_query_string);
2349 :
2350 21312 : debug_query_string = NULL;
2351 : }
2352 :
2353 : /*
2354 : * check_log_statement
2355 : * Determine whether command should be logged because of log_statement
2356 : *
2357 : * stmt_list can be either raw grammar output or a list of planned
2358 : * statements
2359 : */
2360 : static bool
2361 663782 : check_log_statement(List *stmt_list)
2362 : {
2363 : ListCell *stmt_item;
2364 :
2365 663782 : if (log_statement == LOGSTMT_NONE)
2366 269016 : return false;
2367 394766 : if (log_statement == LOGSTMT_ALL)
2368 394766 : return true;
2369 :
2370 : /* Else we have to inspect the statement(s) to see whether to log */
2371 0 : foreach(stmt_item, stmt_list)
2372 : {
2373 0 : Node *stmt = (Node *) lfirst(stmt_item);
2374 :
2375 0 : if (GetCommandLogLevel(stmt) <= log_statement)
2376 0 : return true;
2377 : }
2378 :
2379 0 : return false;
2380 : }
2381 :
2382 : /*
2383 : * check_log_duration
2384 : * Determine whether current command's duration should be logged
2385 : * We also check if this statement in this transaction must be logged
2386 : * (regardless of its duration).
2387 : *
2388 : * Returns:
2389 : * 0 if no logging is needed
2390 : * 1 if just the duration should be logged
2391 : * 2 if duration and query details should be logged
2392 : *
2393 : * If logging is needed, the duration in msec is formatted into msec_str[],
2394 : * which must be a 32-byte buffer.
2395 : *
2396 : * was_logged should be true if caller already logged query details (this
2397 : * essentially prevents 2 from being returned).
2398 : */
2399 : int
2400 656852 : check_log_duration(char *msec_str, bool was_logged)
2401 : {
2402 656852 : if (log_duration || log_min_duration_sample >= 0 ||
2403 656852 : log_min_duration_statement >= 0 || xact_is_sampled)
2404 : {
2405 : long secs;
2406 : int usecs;
2407 : int msecs;
2408 : bool exceeded_duration;
2409 : bool exceeded_sample_duration;
2410 86 : bool in_sample = false;
2411 :
2412 86 : TimestampDifference(GetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp(),
2413 : GetCurrentTimestamp(),
2414 : &secs, &usecs);
2415 86 : msecs = usecs / 1000;
2416 :
2417 : /*
2418 : * This odd-looking test for log_min_duration_* being exceeded is
2419 : * designed to avoid integer overflow with very long durations: don't
2420 : * compute secs * 1000 until we've verified it will fit in int.
2421 : */
2422 86 : exceeded_duration = (log_min_duration_statement == 0 ||
2423 0 : (log_min_duration_statement > 0 &&
2424 0 : (secs > log_min_duration_statement / 1000 ||
2425 0 : secs * 1000 + msecs >= log_min_duration_statement)));
2426 :
2427 172 : exceeded_sample_duration = (log_min_duration_sample == 0 ||
2428 86 : (log_min_duration_sample > 0 &&
2429 0 : (secs > log_min_duration_sample / 1000 ||
2430 0 : secs * 1000 + msecs >= log_min_duration_sample)));
2431 :
2432 : /*
2433 : * Do not log if log_statement_sample_rate = 0. Log a sample if
2434 : * log_statement_sample_rate <= 1 and avoid unnecessary PRNG call if
2435 : * log_statement_sample_rate = 1.
2436 : */
2437 86 : if (exceeded_sample_duration)
2438 0 : in_sample = log_statement_sample_rate != 0 &&
2439 0 : (log_statement_sample_rate == 1 ||
2440 0 : pg_prng_double(&pg_global_prng_state) <= log_statement_sample_rate);
2441 :
2442 86 : if (exceeded_duration || in_sample || log_duration || xact_is_sampled)
2443 : {
2444 86 : snprintf(msec_str, 32, "%ld.%03d",
2445 86 : secs * 1000 + msecs, usecs % 1000);
2446 86 : if ((exceeded_duration || in_sample || xact_is_sampled) && !was_logged)
2447 86 : return 2;
2448 : else
2449 36 : return 1;
2450 : }
2451 : }
2452 :
2453 656766 : return 0;
2454 : }
2455 :
2456 : /*
2457 : * errdetail_execute
2458 : *
2459 : * Add an errdetail() line showing the query referenced by an EXECUTE, if any.
2460 : * The argument is the raw parsetree list.
2461 : */
2462 : static int
2463 386998 : errdetail_execute(List *raw_parsetree_list)
2464 : {
2465 : ListCell *parsetree_item;
2466 :
2467 773806 : foreach(parsetree_item, raw_parsetree_list)
2468 : {
2469 401492 : RawStmt *parsetree = lfirst_node(RawStmt, parsetree_item);
2470 :
2471 401492 : if (IsA(parsetree->stmt, ExecuteStmt))
2472 : {
2473 14684 : ExecuteStmt *stmt = (ExecuteStmt *) parsetree->stmt;
2474 : PreparedStatement *pstmt;
2475 :
2476 14684 : pstmt = FetchPreparedStatement(stmt->name, false);
2477 14684 : if (pstmt)
2478 : {
2479 14684 : errdetail("prepare: %s", pstmt->plansource->query_string);
2480 14684 : return 0;
2481 : }
2482 : }
2483 : }
2484 :
2485 372314 : return 0;
2486 : }
2487 :
2488 : /*
2489 : * errdetail_params
2490 : *
2491 : * Add an errdetail() line showing bind-parameter data, if available.
2492 : * Note that this is only used for statement logging, so it is controlled
2493 : * by log_parameter_max_length not log_parameter_max_length_on_error.
2494 : */
2495 : static int
2496 7792 : errdetail_params(ParamListInfo params)
2497 : {
2498 7792 : if (params && params->numParams > 0 && log_parameter_max_length != 0)
2499 : {
2500 : char *str;
2501 :
2502 4836 : str = BuildParamLogString(params, NULL, log_parameter_max_length);
2503 4836 : if (str && str[0] != '\0')
2504 4836 : errdetail("Parameters: %s", str);
2505 : }
2506 :
2507 7792 : return 0;
2508 : }
2509 :
2510 : /*
2511 : * errdetail_abort
2512 : *
2513 : * Add an errdetail() line showing abort reason, if any.
2514 : */
2515 : static int
2516 90 : errdetail_abort(void)
2517 : {
2518 90 : if (MyProc->recoveryConflictPending)
2519 0 : errdetail("Abort reason: recovery conflict");
2520 :
2521 90 : return 0;
2522 : }
2523 :
2524 : /*
2525 : * errdetail_recovery_conflict
2526 : *
2527 : * Add an errdetail() line showing conflict source.
2528 : */
2529 : static int
2530 24 : errdetail_recovery_conflict(ProcSignalReason reason)
2531 : {
2532 24 : switch (reason)
2533 : {
2535 2 : errdetail("User was holding shared buffer pin for too long.");
2536 2 : break;
2538 2 : errdetail("User was holding a relation lock for too long.");
2539 2 : break;
2541 2 : errdetail("User was or might have been using tablespace that must be dropped.");
2542 2 : break;
2544 2 : errdetail("User query might have needed to see row versions that must be removed.");
2545 2 : break;
2547 10 : errdetail("User was using a logical replication slot that must be invalidated.");
2548 10 : break;
2550 2 : errdetail("User transaction caused buffer deadlock with recovery.");
2551 2 : break;
2553 4 : errdetail("User was connected to a database that must be dropped.");
2554 4 : break;
2555 0 : default:
2556 0 : break;
2557 : /* no errdetail */
2558 : }
2559 :
2560 24 : return 0;
2561 : }
2562 :
2563 : /*
2564 : * bind_param_error_callback
2565 : *
2566 : * Error context callback used while parsing parameters in a Bind message
2567 : */
2568 : static void
2569 2 : bind_param_error_callback(void *arg)
2570 : {
2571 2 : BindParamCbData *data = (BindParamCbData *) arg;
2572 : StringInfoData buf;
2573 : char *quotedval;
2574 :
2575 2 : if (data->paramno < 0)
2576 0 : return;
2577 :
2578 : /* If we have a textual value, quote it, and trim if necessary */
2579 2 : if (data->paramval)
2580 : {
2581 2 : initStringInfo(&buf);
2582 2 : appendStringInfoStringQuoted(&buf, data->paramval,
2583 : log_parameter_max_length_on_error);
2584 2 : quotedval =;
2585 : }
2586 : else
2587 0 : quotedval = NULL;
2588 :
2589 2 : if (data->portalName && data->portalName[0] != '\0')
2590 : {
2591 0 : if (quotedval)
2592 0 : errcontext("portal \"%s\" parameter $%d = %s",
2593 0 : data->portalName, data->paramno + 1, quotedval);
2594 : else
2595 0 : errcontext("portal \"%s\" parameter $%d",
2596 0 : data->portalName, data->paramno + 1);
2597 : }
2598 : else
2599 : {
2600 2 : if (quotedval)
2601 2 : errcontext("unnamed portal parameter $%d = %s",
2602 2 : data->paramno + 1, quotedval);
2603 : else
2604 0 : errcontext("unnamed portal parameter $%d",
2605 0 : data->paramno + 1);
2606 : }
2607 :
2608 2 : if (quotedval)
2609 2 : pfree(quotedval);
2610 : }
2611 :
2612 : /*
2613 : * exec_describe_statement_message
2614 : *
2615 : * Process a "Describe" message for a prepared statement
2616 : */
2617 : static void
2618 142 : exec_describe_statement_message(const char *stmt_name)
2619 : {
2620 : CachedPlanSource *psrc;
2621 :
2622 : /*
2623 : * Start up a transaction command. (Note that this will normally change
2624 : * current memory context.) Nothing happens if we are already in one.
2625 : */
2626 142 : start_xact_command();
2627 :
2628 : /* Switch back to message context */
2629 142 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
2630 :
2631 : /* Find prepared statement */
2632 142 : if (stmt_name[0] != '\0')
2633 : {
2634 : PreparedStatement *pstmt;
2635 :
2636 88 : pstmt = FetchPreparedStatement(stmt_name, true);
2637 86 : psrc = pstmt->plansource;
2638 : }
2639 : else
2640 : {
2641 : /* special-case the unnamed statement */
2642 54 : psrc = unnamed_stmt_psrc;
2643 54 : if (!psrc)
2644 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2646 : errmsg("unnamed prepared statement does not exist")));
2647 : }
2648 :
2649 : /* Prepared statements shouldn't have changeable result descs */
2650 : Assert(psrc->fixed_result);
2651 :
2652 : /*
2653 : * If we are in aborted transaction state, we can't run
2654 : * SendRowDescriptionMessage(), because that needs catalog accesses.
2655 : * Hence, refuse to Describe statements that return data. (We shouldn't
2656 : * just refuse all Describes, since that might break the ability of some
2657 : * clients to issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands, if they use code that
2658 : * blindly Describes whatever it does.) We can Describe parameters
2659 : * without doing anything dangerous, so we don't restrict that.
2660 : */
2661 140 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
2662 6 : psrc->resultDesc)
2663 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2665 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
2666 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
2667 : errdetail_abort()));
2668 :
2669 140 : if (whereToSendOutput != DestRemote)
2670 0 : return; /* can't actually do anything... */
2671 :
2672 : /*
2673 : * First describe the parameters...
2674 : */
2675 140 : pq_beginmessage_reuse(&row_description_buf, PqMsg_ParameterDescription);
2676 140 : pq_sendint16(&row_description_buf, psrc->num_params);
2677 :
2678 154 : for (int i = 0; i < psrc->num_params; i++)
2679 : {
2680 14 : Oid ptype = psrc->param_types[i];
2681 :
2682 14 : pq_sendint32(&row_description_buf, (int) ptype);
2683 : }
2684 140 : pq_endmessage_reuse(&row_description_buf);
2685 :
2686 : /*
2687 : * Next send RowDescription or NoData to describe the result...
2688 : */
2689 140 : if (psrc->resultDesc)
2690 : {
2691 : List *tlist;
2692 :
2693 : /* Get the plan's primary targetlist */
2694 128 : tlist = CachedPlanGetTargetList(psrc, NULL);
2695 :
2696 128 : SendRowDescriptionMessage(&row_description_buf,
2697 : psrc->resultDesc,
2698 : tlist,
2699 : NULL);
2700 : }
2701 : else
2702 12 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_NoData);
2703 : }
2704 :
2705 : /*
2706 : * exec_describe_portal_message
2707 : *
2708 : * Process a "Describe" message for a portal
2709 : */
2710 : static void
2711 21374 : exec_describe_portal_message(const char *portal_name)
2712 : {
2713 : Portal portal;
2714 :
2715 : /*
2716 : * Start up a transaction command. (Note that this will normally change
2717 : * current memory context.) Nothing happens if we are already in one.
2718 : */
2719 21374 : start_xact_command();
2720 :
2721 : /* Switch back to message context */
2722 21374 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
2723 :
2724 21374 : portal = GetPortalByName(portal_name);
2725 21374 : if (!PortalIsValid(portal))
2726 2 : ereport(ERROR,
2728 : errmsg("portal \"%s\" does not exist", portal_name)));
2729 :
2730 : /*
2731 : * If we are in aborted transaction state, we can't run
2732 : * SendRowDescriptionMessage(), because that needs catalog accesses.
2733 : * Hence, refuse to Describe portals that return data. (We shouldn't just
2734 : * refuse all Describes, since that might break the ability of some
2735 : * clients to issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands, if they use code that
2736 : * blindly Describes whatever it does.)
2737 : */
2738 21372 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState() &&
2739 2 : portal->tupDesc)
2740 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2742 : errmsg("current transaction is aborted, "
2743 : "commands ignored until end of transaction block"),
2744 : errdetail_abort()));
2745 :
2746 21372 : if (whereToSendOutput != DestRemote)
2747 0 : return; /* can't actually do anything... */
2748 :
2749 21372 : if (portal->tupDesc)
2750 8828 : SendRowDescriptionMessage(&row_description_buf,
2751 : portal->tupDesc,
2752 : FetchPortalTargetList(portal),
2753 : portal->formats);
2754 : else
2755 12544 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_NoData);
2756 : }
2757 :
2758 :
2759 : /*
2760 : * Convenience routines for starting/committing a single command.
2761 : */
2762 : static void
2763 1404540 : start_xact_command(void)
2764 : {
2765 1404540 : if (!xact_started)
2766 : {
2767 669454 : StartTransactionCommand();
2768 :
2769 669454 : xact_started = true;
2770 : }
2771 735086 : else if (MyXactFlags & XACT_FLAGS_PIPELINING)
2772 : {
2773 : /*
2774 : * When the first Execute message is completed, following commands
2775 : * will be done in an implicit transaction block created via
2776 : * pipelining. The transaction state needs to be updated to an
2777 : * implicit block if we're not already in a transaction block (like
2778 : * one started by an explicit BEGIN).
2779 : */
2780 30790 : BeginImplicitTransactionBlock();
2781 : }
2782 :
2783 : /*
2784 : * Start statement timeout if necessary. Note that this'll intentionally
2785 : * not reset the clock on an already started timeout, to avoid the timing
2786 : * overhead when start_xact_command() is invoked repeatedly, without an
2787 : * interceding finish_xact_command() (e.g. parse/bind/execute). If that's
2788 : * not desired, the timeout has to be disabled explicitly.
2789 : */
2790 1404540 : enable_statement_timeout();
2791 :
2792 : /* Start timeout for checking if the client has gone away if necessary. */
2793 1404540 : if (client_connection_check_interval > 0 &&
2794 0 : IsUnderPostmaster &&
2795 0 : MyProcPort &&
2796 0 : !get_timeout_active(CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT))
2797 0 : enable_timeout_after(CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT,
2798 : client_connection_check_interval);
2799 1404540 : }
2800 :
2801 : static void
2802 1229520 : finish_xact_command(void)
2803 : {
2804 : /* cancel active statement timeout after each command */
2805 1229520 : disable_statement_timeout();
2806 :
2807 1229520 : if (xact_started)
2808 : {
2809 627590 : CommitTransactionCommand();
2810 :
2812 : /* Check all memory contexts that weren't freed during commit */
2813 : /* (those that were, were checked before being deleted) */
2814 : MemoryContextCheck(TopMemoryContext);
2815 : #endif
2816 :
2817 : #ifdef SHOW_MEMORY_STATS
2818 : /* Print mem stats after each commit for leak tracking */
2819 : MemoryContextStats(TopMemoryContext);
2820 : #endif
2821 :
2822 627038 : xact_started = false;
2823 : }
2824 1228968 : }
2825 :
2826 :
2827 : /*
2828 : * Convenience routines for checking whether a statement is one of the
2829 : * ones that we allow in transaction-aborted state.
2830 : */
2831 :
2832 : /* Test a bare parsetree */
2833 : static bool
2834 1740 : IsTransactionExitStmt(Node *parsetree)
2835 : {
2836 1740 : if (parsetree && IsA(parsetree, TransactionStmt))
2837 : {
2838 1662 : TransactionStmt *stmt = (TransactionStmt *) parsetree;
2839 :
2840 1662 : if (stmt->kind == TRANS_STMT_COMMIT ||
2841 914 : stmt->kind == TRANS_STMT_PREPARE ||
2842 910 : stmt->kind == TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK ||
2843 210 : stmt->kind == TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK_TO)
2844 1650 : return true;
2845 : }
2846 90 : return false;
2847 : }
2848 :
2849 : /* Test a list that contains PlannedStmt nodes */
2850 : static bool
2851 2 : IsTransactionExitStmtList(List *pstmts)
2852 : {
2853 2 : if (list_length(pstmts) == 1)
2854 : {
2855 2 : PlannedStmt *pstmt = linitial_node(PlannedStmt, pstmts);
2856 :
2857 4 : if (pstmt->commandType == CMD_UTILITY &&
2858 2 : IsTransactionExitStmt(pstmt->utilityStmt))
2859 2 : return true;
2860 : }
2861 0 : return false;
2862 : }
2863 :
2864 : /* Test a list that contains PlannedStmt nodes */
2865 : static bool
2866 21370 : IsTransactionStmtList(List *pstmts)
2867 : {
2868 21370 : if (list_length(pstmts) == 1)
2869 : {
2870 21370 : PlannedStmt *pstmt = linitial_node(PlannedStmt, pstmts);
2871 :
2872 21370 : if (pstmt->commandType == CMD_UTILITY &&
2873 3686 : IsA(pstmt->utilityStmt, TransactionStmt))
2874 952 : return true;
2875 : }
2876 20418 : return false;
2877 : }
2878 :
2879 : /* Release any existing unnamed prepared statement */
2880 : static void
2881 650022 : drop_unnamed_stmt(void)
2882 : {
2883 : /* paranoia to avoid a dangling pointer in case of error */
2884 650022 : if (unnamed_stmt_psrc)
2885 : {
2886 6156 : CachedPlanSource *psrc = unnamed_stmt_psrc;
2887 :
2888 6156 : unnamed_stmt_psrc = NULL;
2889 6156 : DropCachedPlan(psrc);
2890 : }
2891 650022 : }
2892 :
2893 :
2894 : /* --------------------------------
2895 : * signal handler routines used in PostgresMain()
2896 : * --------------------------------
2897 : */
2898 :
2899 : /*
2900 : * quickdie() occurs when signaled SIGQUIT by the postmaster.
2901 : *
2902 : * Either some backend has bought the farm, or we've been told to shut down
2903 : * "immediately"; so we need to stop what we're doing and exit.
2904 : */
2905 : void
2906 0 : quickdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
2907 : {
2908 0 : sigaddset(&BlockSig, SIGQUIT); /* prevent nested calls */
2909 0 : sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
2910 :
2911 : /*
2912 : * Prevent interrupts while exiting; though we just blocked signals that
2913 : * would queue new interrupts, one may have been pending. We don't want a
2914 : * quickdie() downgraded to a mere query cancel.
2915 : */
2917 :
2918 : /*
2919 : * If we're aborting out of client auth, don't risk trying to send
2920 : * anything to the client; we will likely violate the protocol, not to
2921 : * mention that we may have interrupted the guts of OpenSSL or some
2922 : * authentication library.
2923 : */
2924 0 : if (ClientAuthInProgress && whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
2925 0 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
2926 :
2927 : /*
2928 : * Notify the client before exiting, to give a clue on what happened.
2929 : *
2930 : * It's dubious to call ereport() from a signal handler. It is certainly
2931 : * not async-signal safe. But it seems better to try, than to disconnect
2932 : * abruptly and leave the client wondering what happened. It's remotely
2933 : * possible that we crash or hang while trying to send the message, but
2934 : * receiving a SIGQUIT is a sign that something has already gone badly
2935 : * wrong, so there's not much to lose. Assuming the postmaster is still
2936 : * running, it will SIGKILL us soon if we get stuck for some reason.
2937 : *
2938 : * One thing we can do to make this a tad safer is to clear the error
2939 : * context stack, so that context callbacks are not called. That's a lot
2940 : * less code that could be reached here, and the context info is unlikely
2941 : * to be very relevant to a SIGQUIT report anyway.
2942 : */
2943 0 : error_context_stack = NULL;
2944 :
2945 : /*
2946 : * When responding to a postmaster-issued signal, we send the message only
2947 : * to the client; sending to the server log just creates log spam, plus
2948 : * it's more code that we need to hope will work in a signal handler.
2949 : *
2950 : * Ideally these should be ereport(FATAL), but then we'd not get control
2951 : * back to force the correct type of process exit.
2952 : */
2953 0 : switch (GetQuitSignalReason())
2954 : {
2955 0 : case PMQUIT_NOT_SENT:
2956 : /* Hmm, SIGQUIT arrived out of the blue */
2957 0 : ereport(WARNING,
2958 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
2959 : errmsg("terminating connection because of unexpected SIGQUIT signal")));
2960 0 : break;
2961 0 : case PMQUIT_FOR_CRASH:
2962 : /* A crash-and-restart cycle is in progress */
2963 0 : ereport(WARNING_CLIENT_ONLY,
2964 : (errcode(ERRCODE_CRASH_SHUTDOWN),
2965 : errmsg("terminating connection because of crash of another server process"),
2966 : errdetail("The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back"
2967 : " the current transaction and exit, because another"
2968 : " server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted"
2969 : " shared memory."),
2970 : errhint("In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the"
2971 : " database and repeat your command.")));
2972 0 : break;
2973 0 : case PMQUIT_FOR_STOP:
2974 : /* Immediate-mode stop */
2975 0 : ereport(WARNING_CLIENT_ONLY,
2976 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
2977 : errmsg("terminating connection due to immediate shutdown command")));
2978 0 : break;
2979 : }
2980 :
2981 : /*
2982 : * We DO NOT want to run proc_exit() or atexit() callbacks -- we're here
2983 : * because shared memory may be corrupted, so we don't want to try to
2984 : * clean up our transaction. Just nail the windows shut and get out of
2985 : * town. The callbacks wouldn't be safe to run from a signal handler,
2986 : * anyway.
2987 : *
2988 : * Note we do _exit(2) not _exit(0). This is to force the postmaster into
2989 : * a system reset cycle if someone sends a manual SIGQUIT to a random
2990 : * backend. This is necessary precisely because we don't clean up our
2991 : * shared memory state. (The "dead man switch" mechanism in pmsignal.c
2992 : * should ensure the postmaster sees this as a crash, too, but no harm in
2993 : * being doubly sure.)
2994 : */
2995 0 : _exit(2);
2996 : }
2997 :
2998 : /*
2999 : * Shutdown signal from postmaster: abort transaction and exit
3000 : * at soonest convenient time
3001 : */
3002 : void
3003 1440 : die(SIGNAL_ARGS)
3004 : {
3005 : /* Don't joggle the elbow of proc_exit */
3006 1440 : if (!proc_exit_inprogress)
3007 : {
3008 996 : InterruptPending = true;
3009 996 : ProcDiePending = true;
3010 : }
3011 :
3012 : /* for the cumulative stats system */
3013 1440 : pgStatSessionEndCause = DISCONNECT_KILLED;
3014 :
3015 : /* If we're still here, waken anything waiting on the process latch */
3016 1440 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
3017 :
3018 : /*
3019 : * If we're in single user mode, we want to quit immediately - we can't
3020 : * rely on latches as they wouldn't work when stdin/stdout is a file.
3021 : * Rather ugly, but it's unlikely to be worthwhile to invest much more
3022 : * effort just for the benefit of single user mode.
3023 : */
3024 1440 : if (DoingCommandRead && whereToSendOutput != DestRemote)
3025 0 : ProcessInterrupts();
3026 1440 : }
3027 :
3028 : /*
3029 : * Query-cancel signal from postmaster: abort current transaction
3030 : * at soonest convenient time
3031 : */
3032 : void
3033 120 : StatementCancelHandler(SIGNAL_ARGS)
3034 : {
3035 : /*
3036 : * Don't joggle the elbow of proc_exit
3037 : */
3038 120 : if (!proc_exit_inprogress)
3039 : {
3040 120 : InterruptPending = true;
3041 120 : QueryCancelPending = true;
3042 : }
3043 :
3044 : /* If we're still here, waken anything waiting on the process latch */
3045 120 : SetLatch(MyLatch);
3046 120 : }
3047 :
3048 : /* signal handler for floating point exception */
3049 : void
3050 0 : FloatExceptionHandler(SIGNAL_ARGS)
3051 : {
3052 : /* We're not returning, so no need to save errno */
3053 0 : ereport(ERROR,
3055 : errmsg("floating-point exception"),
3056 : errdetail("An invalid floating-point operation was signaled. "
3057 : "This probably means an out-of-range result or an "
3058 : "invalid operation, such as division by zero.")));
3059 : }
3060 :
3061 : /*
3062 : * Tell the next CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() to check for a particular type of
3063 : * recovery conflict. Runs in a SIGUSR1 handler.
3064 : */
3065 : void
3066 38 : HandleRecoveryConflictInterrupt(ProcSignalReason reason)
3067 : {
3068 38 : RecoveryConflictPendingReasons[reason] = true;
3069 38 : RecoveryConflictPending = true;
3070 38 : InterruptPending = true;
3071 : /* latch will be set by procsignal_sigusr1_handler */
3072 38 : }
3073 :
3074 : /*
3075 : * Check one individual conflict reason.
3076 : */
3077 : static void
3078 38 : ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupt(ProcSignalReason reason)
3079 : {
3080 38 : switch (reason)
3081 : {
3083 :
3084 : /*
3085 : * If we aren't waiting for a lock we can never deadlock.
3086 : */
3087 16 : if (GetAwaitedLock() == NULL)
3088 12 : return;
3089 :
3090 : /* Intentional fall through to check wait for pin */
3091 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3092 :
3094 :
3095 : /*
3096 : * If PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_BUFFERPIN is requested but we
3097 : * aren't blocking the Startup process there is nothing more to
3098 : * do.
3099 : *
3101 : * if we're waiting for locks and the startup process is not
3102 : * waiting for buffer pin (i.e., also waiting for locks), we set
3103 : * the flag so that ProcSleep() will check for deadlocks.
3104 : */
3105 6 : if (!HoldingBufferPinThatDelaysRecovery())
3106 : {
3108 2 : GetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId() < 0)
3109 2 : CheckDeadLockAlert();
3110 2 : return;
3111 : }
3112 :
3113 4 : MyProc->recoveryConflictPending = true;
3114 :
3115 : /* Intentional fall through to error handling */
3116 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3117 :
3121 :
3122 : /*
3123 : * If we aren't in a transaction any longer then ignore.
3124 : */
3125 10 : if (!IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock())
3126 0 : return;
3127 :
3128 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3129 :
3131 :
3132 : /*
3133 : * If we're not in a subtransaction then we are OK to throw an
3134 : * ERROR to resolve the conflict. Otherwise drop through to the
3135 : * FATAL case.
3136 : *
3137 : * PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_LOGICALSLOT is a special case that
3138 : * always throws an ERROR (ie never promotes to FATAL), though it
3139 : * still has to respect QueryCancelHoldoffCount, so it shares this
3140 : * code path. Logical decoding slots are only acquired while
3141 : * performing logical decoding. During logical decoding no user
3142 : * controlled code is run. During [sub]transaction abort, the
3143 : * slot is released. Therefore user controlled code cannot
3144 : * intercept an error before the replication slot is released.
3145 : *
3146 : * XXX other times that we can throw just an ERROR *may* be
3147 : * PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_LOCK if no locks are held in parent
3148 : * transactions
3149 : *
3150 : * PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_SNAPSHOT if no snapshots are held by
3151 : * parent transactions and the transaction is not
3152 : * transaction-snapshot mode
3153 : *
3155 : * cursors open in parent transactions
3156 : */
3158 10 : !IsSubTransaction())
3159 : {
3160 : /*
3161 : * If we already aborted then we no longer need to cancel. We
3162 : * do this here since we do not wish to ignore aborted
3163 : * subtransactions, which must cause FATAL, currently.
3164 : */
3165 20 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState())
3166 0 : return;
3167 :
3168 : /*
3169 : * If a recovery conflict happens while we are waiting for
3170 : * input from the client, the client is presumably just
3171 : * sitting idle in a transaction, preventing recovery from
3172 : * making progress. We'll drop through to the FATAL case
3173 : * below to dislodge it, in that case.
3174 : */
3175 20 : if (!DoingCommandRead)
3176 : {
3177 : /* Avoid losing sync in the FE/BE protocol. */
3178 12 : if (QueryCancelHoldoffCount != 0)
3179 : {
3180 : /*
3181 : * Re-arm and defer this interrupt until later. See
3182 : * similar code in ProcessInterrupts().
3183 : */
3184 0 : RecoveryConflictPendingReasons[reason] = true;
3185 0 : RecoveryConflictPending = true;
3186 0 : InterruptPending = true;
3187 0 : return;
3188 : }
3189 :
3190 : /*
3191 : * We are cleared to throw an ERROR. Either it's the
3192 : * logical slot case, or we have a top-level transaction
3193 : * that we can abort and a conflict that isn't inherently
3194 : * non-retryable.
3195 : */
3196 12 : LockErrorCleanup();
3197 12 : pgstat_report_recovery_conflict(reason);
3198 12 : ereport(ERROR,
3200 : errmsg("canceling statement due to conflict with recovery"),
3201 : errdetail_recovery_conflict(reason)));
3202 : break;
3203 : }
3204 : }
3205 :
3206 : /* Intentional fall through to session cancel */
3207 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3208 :
3210 :
3211 : /*
3212 : * Retrying is not possible because the database is dropped, or we
3213 : * decided above that we couldn't resolve the conflict with an
3214 : * ERROR and fell through. Terminate the session.
3215 : */
3216 12 : pgstat_report_recovery_conflict(reason);
3217 12 : ereport(FATAL,
3218 : (errcode(reason == PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_DATABASE ?
3221 : errmsg("terminating connection due to conflict with recovery"),
3222 : errdetail_recovery_conflict(reason),
3223 : errhint("In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the"
3224 : " database and repeat your command.")));
3225 : break;
3226 :
3227 0 : default:
3228 0 : elog(FATAL, "unrecognized conflict mode: %d", (int) reason);
3229 : }
3230 : }
3231 :
3232 : /*
3233 : * Check each possible recovery conflict reason.
3234 : */
3235 : static void
3236 38 : ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts(void)
3237 : {
3238 : /*
3239 : * We don't need to worry about joggling the elbow of proc_exit, because
3240 : * proc_exit_prepare() holds interrupts, so ProcessInterrupts() won't call
3241 : * us.
3242 : */
3243 : Assert(!proc_exit_inprogress);
3244 : Assert(InterruptHoldoffCount == 0);
3245 : Assert(RecoveryConflictPending);
3246 :
3247 38 : RecoveryConflictPending = false;
3248 :
3249 210 : for (ProcSignalReason reason = PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_FIRST;
3251 172 : reason++)
3252 : {
3253 196 : if (RecoveryConflictPendingReasons[reason])
3254 : {
3255 38 : RecoveryConflictPendingReasons[reason] = false;
3256 38 : ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupt(reason);
3257 : }
3258 : }
3259 14 : }
3260 :
3261 : /*
3262 : * ProcessInterrupts: out-of-line portion of CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() macro
3263 : *
3264 : * If an interrupt condition is pending, and it's safe to service it,
3265 : * then clear the flag and accept the interrupt. Called only when
3266 : * InterruptPending is true.
3267 : *
3268 : * Note: if INTERRUPTS_CAN_BE_PROCESSED() is true, then ProcessInterrupts
3269 : * is guaranteed to clear the InterruptPending flag before returning.
3270 : * (This is not the same as guaranteeing that it's still clear when we
3271 : * return; another interrupt could have arrived. But we promise that
3272 : * any pre-existing one will have been serviced.)
3273 : */
3274 : void
3275 6452 : ProcessInterrupts(void)
3276 : {
3277 : /* OK to accept any interrupts now? */
3278 6452 : if (InterruptHoldoffCount != 0 || CritSectionCount != 0)
3279 1206 : return;
3280 5246 : InterruptPending = false;
3281 :
3282 5246 : if (ProcDiePending)
3283 : {
3284 986 : ProcDiePending = false;
3285 986 : QueryCancelPending = false; /* ProcDie trumps QueryCancel */
3286 986 : LockErrorCleanup();
3287 : /* As in quickdie, don't risk sending to client during auth */
3288 986 : if (ClientAuthInProgress && whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
3289 0 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
3290 986 : if (ClientAuthInProgress)
3291 0 : ereport(FATAL,
3292 : (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED),
3293 : errmsg("canceling authentication due to timeout")));
3294 986 : else if (AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
3295 2 : ereport(FATAL,
3296 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
3297 : errmsg("terminating autovacuum process due to administrator command")));
3298 984 : else if (IsLogicalWorker())
3299 200 : ereport(FATAL,
3300 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
3301 : errmsg("terminating logical replication worker due to administrator command")));
3302 784 : else if (IsLogicalLauncher())
3303 : {
3304 740 : ereport(DEBUG1,
3305 : (errmsg_internal("logical replication launcher shutting down")));
3306 :
3307 : /*
3308 : * The logical replication launcher can be stopped at any time.
3309 : * Use exit status 1 so the background worker is restarted.
3310 : */
3311 740 : proc_exit(1);
3312 : }
3313 44 : else if (AmBackgroundWorkerProcess())
3314 2 : ereport(FATAL,
3315 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
3316 : errmsg("terminating background worker \"%s\" due to administrator command",
3317 : MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_type)));
3318 : else
3319 42 : ereport(FATAL,
3320 : (errcode(ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN),
3321 : errmsg("terminating connection due to administrator command")));
3322 : }
3323 :
3324 4260 : if (CheckClientConnectionPending)
3325 : {
3326 0 : CheckClientConnectionPending = false;
3327 :
3328 : /*
3329 : * Check for lost connection and re-arm, if still configured, but not
3330 : * if we've arrived back at DoingCommandRead state. We don't want to
3331 : * wake up idle sessions, and they already know how to detect lost
3332 : * connections.
3333 : */
3334 0 : if (!DoingCommandRead && client_connection_check_interval > 0)
3335 : {
3336 0 : if (!pq_check_connection())
3337 0 : ClientConnectionLost = true;
3338 : else
3339 0 : enable_timeout_after(CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT,
3340 : client_connection_check_interval);
3341 : }
3342 : }
3343 :
3344 4260 : if (ClientConnectionLost)
3345 : {
3346 48 : QueryCancelPending = false; /* lost connection trumps QueryCancel */
3347 48 : LockErrorCleanup();
3348 : /* don't send to client, we already know the connection to be dead. */
3349 48 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
3350 48 : ereport(FATAL,
3352 : errmsg("connection to client lost")));
3353 : }
3354 :
3355 : /*
3356 : * Don't allow query cancel interrupts while reading input from the
3357 : * client, because we might lose sync in the FE/BE protocol. (Die
3358 : * interrupts are OK, because we won't read any further messages from the
3359 : * client in that case.)
3360 : *
3361 : * See similar logic in ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts().
3362 : */
3363 4212 : if (QueryCancelPending && QueryCancelHoldoffCount != 0)
3364 : {
3365 : /*
3366 : * Re-arm InterruptPending so that we process the cancel request as
3367 : * soon as we're done reading the message. (XXX this is seriously
3368 : * ugly: it complicates INTERRUPTS_CAN_BE_PROCESSED(), and it means we
3369 : * can't use that macro directly as the initial test in this function,
3370 : * meaning that this code also creates opportunities for other bugs to
3371 : * appear.)
3372 : */
3373 24 : InterruptPending = true;
3374 : }
3375 4188 : else if (QueryCancelPending)
3376 : {
3377 : bool lock_timeout_occurred;
3378 : bool stmt_timeout_occurred;
3379 :
3380 100 : QueryCancelPending = false;
3381 :
3382 : /*
3383 : * If LOCK_TIMEOUT and STATEMENT_TIMEOUT indicators are both set, we
3384 : * need to clear both, so always fetch both.
3385 : */
3386 100 : lock_timeout_occurred = get_timeout_indicator(LOCK_TIMEOUT, true);
3387 100 : stmt_timeout_occurred = get_timeout_indicator(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, true);
3388 :
3389 : /*
3390 : * If both were set, we want to report whichever timeout completed
3391 : * earlier; this ensures consistent behavior if the machine is slow
3392 : * enough that the second timeout triggers before we get here. A tie
3393 : * is arbitrarily broken in favor of reporting a lock timeout.
3394 : */
3395 100 : if (lock_timeout_occurred && stmt_timeout_occurred &&
3396 0 : get_timeout_finish_time(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT) < get_timeout_finish_time(LOCK_TIMEOUT))
3397 0 : lock_timeout_occurred = false; /* report stmt timeout */
3398 :
3399 100 : if (lock_timeout_occurred)
3400 : {
3401 8 : LockErrorCleanup();
3402 8 : ereport(ERROR,
3404 : errmsg("canceling statement due to lock timeout")));
3405 : }
3406 92 : if (stmt_timeout_occurred)
3407 : {
3408 12 : LockErrorCleanup();
3409 12 : ereport(ERROR,
3410 : (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED),
3411 : errmsg("canceling statement due to statement timeout")));
3412 : }
3413 80 : if (AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
3414 : {
3415 0 : LockErrorCleanup();
3416 0 : ereport(ERROR,
3417 : (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED),
3418 : errmsg("canceling autovacuum task")));
3419 : }
3420 :
3421 : /*
3422 : * If we are reading a command from the client, just ignore the cancel
3423 : * request --- sending an extra error message won't accomplish
3424 : * anything. Otherwise, go ahead and throw the error.
3425 : */
3426 80 : if (!DoingCommandRead)
3427 : {
3428 70 : LockErrorCleanup();
3429 70 : ereport(ERROR,
3430 : (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED),
3431 : errmsg("canceling statement due to user request")));
3432 : }
3433 : }
3434 :
3435 4122 : if (RecoveryConflictPending)
3436 38 : ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts();
3437 :
3438 4098 : if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending)
3439 : {
3440 : /*
3441 : * If the GUC has been reset to zero, ignore the signal. This is
3442 : * important because the GUC update itself won't disable any pending
3443 : * interrupt. We need to unset the flag before the injection point,
3444 : * otherwise we could loop in interrupts checking.
3445 : */
3446 2 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending = false;
3447 2 : if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout > 0)
3448 : {
3449 2 : INJECTION_POINT("idle-in-transaction-session-timeout");
3450 2 : ereport(FATAL,
3452 : errmsg("terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout")));
3453 : }
3454 : }
3455 :
3456 4096 : if (TransactionTimeoutPending)
3457 : {
3458 : /* As above, ignore the signal if the GUC has been reset to zero. */
3459 2 : TransactionTimeoutPending = false;
3460 2 : if (TransactionTimeout > 0)
3461 : {
3462 2 : INJECTION_POINT("transaction-timeout");
3463 2 : ereport(FATAL,
3465 : errmsg("terminating connection due to transaction timeout")));
3466 : }
3467 : }
3468 :
3469 4094 : if (IdleSessionTimeoutPending)
3470 : {
3471 : /* As above, ignore the signal if the GUC has been reset to zero. */
3472 2 : IdleSessionTimeoutPending = false;
3473 2 : if (IdleSessionTimeout > 0)
3474 : {
3475 2 : INJECTION_POINT("idle-session-timeout");
3476 2 : ereport(FATAL,
3478 : errmsg("terminating connection due to idle-session timeout")));
3479 : }
3480 : }
3481 :
3482 : /*
3483 : * If there are pending stats updates and we currently are truly idle
3484 : * (matching the conditions in PostgresMain(), report stats now.
3485 : */
3486 4092 : if (IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending &&
3487 42 : DoingCommandRead && !IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock())
3488 : {
3489 12 : IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending = false;
3490 12 : pgstat_report_stat(true);
3491 : }
3492 :
3493 4092 : if (ProcSignalBarrierPending)
3494 364 : ProcessProcSignalBarrier();
3495 :
3496 4092 : if (ParallelMessagePending)
3497 3520 : HandleParallelMessages();
3498 :
3499 4080 : if (LogMemoryContextPending)
3500 16 : ProcessLogMemoryContextInterrupt();
3501 :
3502 4080 : if (ParallelApplyMessagePending)
3503 12 : HandleParallelApplyMessages();
3504 : }
3505 :
3506 : /*
3507 : * GUC check_hook for client_connection_check_interval
3508 : */
3509 : bool
3510 2004 : check_client_connection_check_interval(int *newval, void **extra, GucSource source)
3511 : {
3512 2004 : if (!WaitEventSetCanReportClosed() && *newval != 0)
3513 : {
3514 0 : GUC_check_errdetail("\"client_connection_check_interval\" must be set to 0 on this platform.");
3515 0 : return false;
3516 : }
3517 2004 : return true;
3518 : }
3519 :
3520 : /*
3521 : * GUC check_hook for log_parser_stats, log_planner_stats, log_executor_stats
3522 : *
3523 : * This function and check_log_stats interact to prevent their variables from
3524 : * being set in a disallowed combination. This is a hack that doesn't really
3525 : * work right; for example it might fail while applying pg_db_role_setting
3526 : * values even though the final state would have been acceptable. However,
3527 : * since these variables are legacy settings with little production usage,
3528 : * we tolerate that.
3529 : */
3530 : bool
3531 6012 : check_stage_log_stats(bool *newval, void **extra, GucSource source)
3532 : {
3533 6012 : if (*newval && log_statement_stats)
3534 : {
3535 0 : GUC_check_errdetail("Cannot enable parameter when \"log_statement_stats\" is true.");
3536 0 : return false;
3537 : }
3538 6012 : return true;
3539 : }
3540 :
3541 : /*
3542 : * GUC check_hook for log_statement_stats
3543 : */
3544 : bool
3545 2004 : check_log_stats(bool *newval, void **extra, GucSource source)
3546 : {
3547 2004 : if (*newval &&
3548 0 : (log_parser_stats || log_planner_stats || log_executor_stats))
3549 : {
3550 0 : GUC_check_errdetail("Cannot enable \"log_statement_stats\" when "
3551 : "\"log_parser_stats\", \"log_planner_stats\", "
3552 : "or \"log_executor_stats\" is true.");
3553 0 : return false;
3554 : }
3555 2004 : return true;
3556 : }
3557 :
3558 : /* GUC assign hook for transaction_timeout */
3559 : void
3560 5572 : assign_transaction_timeout(int newval, void *extra)
3561 : {
3562 5572 : if (IsTransactionState())
3563 : {
3564 : /*
3565 : * If transaction_timeout GUC has changed within the transaction block
3566 : * enable or disable the timer correspondingly.
3567 : */
3568 546 : if (newval > 0 && !get_timeout_active(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT))
3569 2 : enable_timeout_after(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, newval);
3570 544 : else if (newval <= 0 && get_timeout_active(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT))
3571 0 : disable_timeout(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, false);
3572 : }
3573 5572 : }
3574 :
3575 : /*
3576 : * GUC check_hook for restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind
3577 : */
3578 : bool
3579 2398 : check_restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind(char **newval, void **extra, GucSource source)
3580 : {
3581 : char *rawstring;
3582 : List *elemlist;
3583 : ListCell *l;
3584 2398 : int flags = 0;
3585 :
3586 : /* Need a modifiable copy of string */
3587 2398 : rawstring = pstrdup(*newval);
3588 :
3589 2398 : if (!SplitIdentifierString(rawstring, ',', &elemlist))
3590 : {
3591 : /* syntax error in list */
3592 0 : GUC_check_errdetail("List syntax is invalid.");
3593 0 : pfree(rawstring);
3594 0 : list_free(elemlist);
3595 0 : return false;
3596 : }
3597 :
3598 3176 : foreach(l, elemlist)
3599 : {
3600 778 : char *tok = (char *) lfirst(l);
3601 :
3602 778 : if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "view") == 0)
3603 392 : flags |= RESTRICT_RELKIND_VIEW;
3604 386 : else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "foreign-table") == 0)
3606 : else
3607 : {
3608 0 : GUC_check_errdetail("Unrecognized key word: \"%s\".", tok);
3609 0 : pfree(rawstring);
3610 0 : list_free(elemlist);
3611 0 : return false;
3612 : }
3613 : }
3614 :
3615 2398 : pfree(rawstring);
3616 2398 : list_free(elemlist);
3617 :
3618 : /* Save the flags in *extra, for use by the assign function */
3619 2398 : *extra = guc_malloc(ERROR, sizeof(int));
3620 2398 : *((int *) *extra) = flags;
3621 :
3622 2398 : return true;
3623 : }
3624 :
3625 : /*
3626 : * GUC assign_hook for restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind
3627 : */
3628 : void
3629 2408 : assign_restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind(const char *newval, void *extra)
3630 : {
3631 2408 : int *flags = (int *) extra;
3632 :
3633 2408 : restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind = *flags;
3634 2408 : }
3635 :
3636 : /*
3637 : * set_debug_options --- apply "-d N" command line option
3638 : *
3639 : * -d is not quite the same as setting log_min_messages because it enables
3640 : * other output options.
3641 : */
3642 : void
3643 0 : set_debug_options(int debug_flag, GucContext context, GucSource source)
3644 : {
3645 0 : if (debug_flag > 0)
3646 : {
3647 : char debugstr[64];
3648 :
3649 0 : sprintf(debugstr, "debug%d", debug_flag);
3650 0 : SetConfigOption("log_min_messages", debugstr, context, source);
3651 : }
3652 : else
3653 0 : SetConfigOption("log_min_messages", "notice", context, source);
3654 :
3655 0 : if (debug_flag >= 1 && context == PGC_POSTMASTER)
3656 : {
3657 0 : SetConfigOption("log_connections", "true", context, source);
3658 0 : SetConfigOption("log_disconnections", "true", context, source);
3659 : }
3660 0 : if (debug_flag >= 2)
3661 0 : SetConfigOption("log_statement", "all", context, source);
3662 0 : if (debug_flag >= 3)
3663 0 : SetConfigOption("debug_print_parse", "true", context, source);
3664 0 : if (debug_flag >= 4)
3665 0 : SetConfigOption("debug_print_plan", "true", context, source);
3666 0 : if (debug_flag >= 5)
3667 0 : SetConfigOption("debug_print_rewritten", "true", context, source);
3668 0 : }
3669 :
3670 :
3671 : bool
3672 0 : set_plan_disabling_options(const char *arg, GucContext context, GucSource source)
3673 : {
3674 0 : const char *tmp = NULL;
3675 :
3676 0 : switch (arg[0])
3677 : {
3678 0 : case 's': /* seqscan */
3679 0 : tmp = "enable_seqscan";
3680 0 : break;
3681 0 : case 'i': /* indexscan */
3682 0 : tmp = "enable_indexscan";
3683 0 : break;
3684 0 : case 'o': /* indexonlyscan */
3685 0 : tmp = "enable_indexonlyscan";
3686 0 : break;
3687 0 : case 'b': /* bitmapscan */
3688 0 : tmp = "enable_bitmapscan";
3689 0 : break;
3690 0 : case 't': /* tidscan */
3691 0 : tmp = "enable_tidscan";
3692 0 : break;
3693 0 : case 'n': /* nestloop */
3694 0 : tmp = "enable_nestloop";
3695 0 : break;
3696 0 : case 'm': /* mergejoin */
3697 0 : tmp = "enable_mergejoin";
3698 0 : break;
3699 0 : case 'h': /* hashjoin */
3700 0 : tmp = "enable_hashjoin";
3701 0 : break;
3702 : }
3703 0 : if (tmp)
3704 : {
3705 0 : SetConfigOption(tmp, "false", context, source);
3706 0 : return true;
3707 : }
3708 : else
3709 0 : return false;
3710 : }
3711 :
3712 :
3713 : const char *
3714 0 : get_stats_option_name(const char *arg)
3715 : {
3716 0 : switch (arg[0])
3717 : {
3718 0 : case 'p':
3719 0 : if (optarg[1] == 'a') /* "parser" */
3720 0 : return "log_parser_stats";
3721 0 : else if (optarg[1] == 'l') /* "planner" */
3722 0 : return "log_planner_stats";
3723 0 : break;
3724 :
3725 0 : case 'e': /* "executor" */
3726 0 : return "log_executor_stats";
3727 : break;
3728 : }
3729 :
3730 0 : return NULL;
3731 : }
3732 :
3733 :
3734 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
3735 : * process_postgres_switches
3736 : * Parse command line arguments for backends
3737 : *
3738 : * This is called twice, once for the "secure" options coming from the
3739 : * postmaster or command line, and once for the "insecure" options coming
3740 : * from the client's startup packet. The latter have the same syntax but
3741 : * may be restricted in what they can do.
3742 : *
3743 : * argv[0] is ignored in either case (it's assumed to be the program name).
3744 : *
3745 : * ctx is PGC_POSTMASTER for secure options, PGC_BACKEND for insecure options
3746 : * coming from the client, or PGC_SU_BACKEND for insecure options coming from
3747 : * a superuser client.
3748 : *
3749 : * If a database name is present in the command line arguments, it's
3750 : * returned into *dbname (this is allowed only if *dbname is initially NULL).
3751 : * ----------------------------------------------------------------
3752 : */
3753 : void
3754 6484 : process_postgres_switches(int argc, char *argv[], GucContext ctx,
3755 : const char **dbname)
3756 : {
3757 6484 : bool secure = (ctx == PGC_POSTMASTER);
3758 6484 : int errs = 0;
3759 : GucSource gucsource;
3760 : int flag;
3761 :
3762 6484 : if (secure)
3763 : {
3764 112 : gucsource = PGC_S_ARGV; /* switches came from command line */
3765 :
3766 : /* Ignore the initial --single argument, if present */
3767 112 : if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--single") == 0)
3768 : {
3769 112 : argv++;
3770 112 : argc--;
3771 : }
3772 : }
3773 : else
3774 : {
3775 6372 : gucsource = PGC_S_CLIENT; /* switches came from client */
3776 : }
3777 :
3778 : #ifdef HAVE_INT_OPTERR
3779 :
3780 : /*
3781 : * Turn this off because it's either printed to stderr and not the log
3782 : * where we'd want it, or argv[0] is now "--single", which would make for
3783 : * a weird error message. We print our own error message below.
3784 : */
3785 6484 : opterr = 0;
3786 : #endif
3787 :
3788 : /*
3789 : * Parse command-line options. CAUTION: keep this in sync with
3790 : * postmaster/postmaster.c (the option sets should not conflict) and with
3791 : * the common help() function in main/main.c.
3792 : */
3793 15724 : while ((flag = getopt(argc, argv, "B:bC:c:D:d:EeFf:h:ijk:lN:nOPp:r:S:sTt:v:W:-:")) != -1)
3794 : {
3795 9240 : switch (flag)
3796 : {
3797 0 : case 'B':
3798 0 : SetConfigOption("shared_buffers", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3799 0 : break;
3800 :
3801 0 : case 'b':
3802 : /* Undocumented flag used for binary upgrades */
3803 0 : if (secure)
3804 0 : IsBinaryUpgrade = true;
3805 0 : break;
3806 :
3807 0 : case 'C':
3808 : /* ignored for consistency with the postmaster */
3809 0 : break;
3810 :
3811 134 : case '-':
3812 :
3813 : /*
3814 : * Error if the user misplaced a special must-be-first option
3815 : * for dispatching to a subprogram. parse_dispatch_option()
3816 : * returns DISPATCH_POSTMASTER if it doesn't find a match, so
3817 : * error for anything else.
3818 : */
3819 134 : if (parse_dispatch_option(optarg) != DISPATCH_POSTMASTER)
3820 0 : ereport(ERROR,
3821 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
3822 : errmsg("--%s must be first argument", optarg)));
3823 :
3824 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
3825 : case 'c':
3826 : {
3827 : char *name,
3828 : *value;
3829 :
3830 8928 : ParseLongOption(optarg, &name, &value);
3831 8928 : if (!value)
3832 : {
3833 0 : if (flag == '-')
3834 0 : ereport(ERROR,
3835 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
3836 : errmsg("--%s requires a value",
3837 : optarg)));
3838 : else
3839 0 : ereport(ERROR,
3840 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
3841 : errmsg("-c %s requires a value",
3842 : optarg)));
3843 : }
3844 8928 : SetConfigOption(name, value, ctx, gucsource);
3845 8928 : pfree(name);
3846 8928 : pfree(value);
3847 8928 : break;
3848 : }
3849 :
3850 22 : case 'D':
3851 22 : if (secure)
3852 22 : userDoption = strdup(optarg);
3853 22 : break;
3854 :
3855 0 : case 'd':
3856 0 : set_debug_options(atoi(optarg), ctx, gucsource);
3857 0 : break;
3858 :
3859 0 : case 'E':
3860 0 : if (secure)
3861 0 : EchoQuery = true;
3862 0 : break;
3863 :
3864 0 : case 'e':
3865 0 : SetConfigOption("datestyle", "euro", ctx, gucsource);
3866 0 : break;
3867 :
3868 110 : case 'F':
3869 110 : SetConfigOption("fsync", "false", ctx, gucsource);
3870 110 : break;
3871 :
3872 0 : case 'f':
3873 0 : if (!set_plan_disabling_options(optarg, ctx, gucsource))
3874 0 : errs++;
3875 0 : break;
3876 :
3877 0 : case 'h':
3878 0 : SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3879 0 : break;
3880 :
3881 0 : case 'i':
3882 0 : SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", "*", ctx, gucsource);
3883 0 : break;
3884 :
3885 90 : case 'j':
3886 90 : if (secure)
3887 90 : UseSemiNewlineNewline = true;
3888 90 : break;
3889 :
3890 0 : case 'k':
3891 0 : SetConfigOption("unix_socket_directories", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3892 0 : break;
3893 :
3894 0 : case 'l':
3895 0 : SetConfigOption("ssl", "true", ctx, gucsource);
3896 0 : break;
3897 :
3898 0 : case 'N':
3899 0 : SetConfigOption("max_connections", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3900 0 : break;
3901 :
3902 0 : case 'n':
3903 : /* ignored for consistency with postmaster */
3904 0 : break;
3905 :
3906 90 : case 'O':
3907 90 : SetConfigOption("allow_system_table_mods", "true", ctx, gucsource);
3908 90 : break;
3909 :
3910 0 : case 'P':
3911 0 : SetConfigOption("ignore_system_indexes", "true", ctx, gucsource);
3912 0 : break;
3913 :
3914 0 : case 'p':
3915 0 : SetConfigOption("port", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3916 0 : break;
3917 :
3918 0 : case 'r':
3919 : /* send output (stdout and stderr) to the given file */
3920 0 : if (secure)
3921 0 : strlcpy(OutputFileName, optarg, MAXPGPATH);
3922 0 : break;
3923 :
3924 0 : case 'S':
3925 0 : SetConfigOption("work_mem", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3926 0 : break;
3927 :
3928 0 : case 's':
3929 0 : SetConfigOption("log_statement_stats", "true", ctx, gucsource);
3930 0 : break;
3931 :
3932 0 : case 'T':
3933 : /* ignored for consistency with the postmaster */
3934 0 : break;
3935 :
3936 0 : case 't':
3937 : {
3938 0 : const char *tmp = get_stats_option_name(optarg);
3939 :
3940 0 : if (tmp)
3941 0 : SetConfigOption(tmp, "true", ctx, gucsource);
3942 : else
3943 0 : errs++;
3944 0 : break;
3945 : }
3946 :
3947 0 : case 'v':
3948 :
3949 : /*
3950 : * -v is no longer used in normal operation, since
3951 : * FrontendProtocol is already set before we get here. We keep
3952 : * the switch only for possible use in standalone operation,
3953 : * in case we ever support using normal FE/BE protocol with a
3954 : * standalone backend.
3955 : */
3956 0 : if (secure)
3957 0 : FrontendProtocol = (ProtocolVersion) atoi(optarg);
3958 0 : break;
3959 :
3960 0 : case 'W':
3961 0 : SetConfigOption("post_auth_delay", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
3962 0 : break;
3963 :
3964 0 : default:
3965 0 : errs++;
3966 0 : break;
3967 : }
3968 :
3969 9240 : if (errs)
3970 0 : break;
3971 : }
3972 :
3973 : /*
3974 : * Optional database name should be there only if *dbname is NULL.
3975 : */
3976 6484 : if (!errs && dbname && *dbname == NULL && argc - optind >= 1)
3977 112 : *dbname = strdup(argv[optind++]);
3978 :
3979 6484 : if (errs || argc != optind)
3980 : {
3981 0 : if (errs)
3982 0 : optind--; /* complain about the previous argument */
3983 :
3984 : /* spell the error message a bit differently depending on context */
3985 0 : if (IsUnderPostmaster)
3986 0 : ereport(FATAL,
3987 : errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
3988 : errmsg("invalid command-line argument for server process: %s", argv[optind]),
3989 : errhint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname));
3990 : else
3991 0 : ereport(FATAL,
3992 : errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
3993 : errmsg("%s: invalid command-line argument: %s",
3994 : progname, argv[optind]),
3995 : errhint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname));
3996 : }
3997 :
3998 : /*
3999 : * Reset getopt(3) library so that it will work correctly in subprocesses
4000 : * or when this function is called a second time with another array.
4001 : */
4002 6484 : optind = 1;
4003 : #ifdef HAVE_INT_OPTRESET
4004 : optreset = 1; /* some systems need this too */
4005 : #endif
4006 6484 : }
4007 :
4008 :
4009 : /*
4010 : * PostgresSingleUserMain
4011 : * Entry point for single user mode. argc/argv are the command line
4012 : * arguments to be used.
4013 : *
4014 : * Performs single user specific setup then calls PostgresMain() to actually
4015 : * process queries. Single user mode specific setup should go here, rather
4016 : * than PostgresMain() or InitPostgres() when reasonably possible.
4017 : */
4018 : void
4019 112 : PostgresSingleUserMain(int argc, char *argv[],
4020 : const char *username)
4021 : {
4022 112 : const char *dbname = NULL;
4023 :
4024 : Assert(!IsUnderPostmaster);
4025 :
4026 : /* Initialize startup process environment. */
4027 112 : InitStandaloneProcess(argv[0]);
4028 :
4029 : /*
4030 : * Set default values for command-line options.
4031 : */
4032 112 : InitializeGUCOptions();
4033 :
4034 : /*
4035 : * Parse command-line options.
4036 : */
4037 112 : process_postgres_switches(argc, argv, PGC_POSTMASTER, &dbname);
4038 :
4039 : /* Must have gotten a database name, or have a default (the username) */
4040 112 : if (dbname == NULL)
4041 : {
4042 0 : dbname = username;
4043 0 : if (dbname == NULL)
4044 0 : ereport(FATAL,
4046 : errmsg("%s: no database nor user name specified",
4047 : progname)));
4048 : }
4049 :
4050 : /* Acquire configuration parameters */
4051 112 : if (!SelectConfigFiles(userDoption, progname))
4052 0 : proc_exit(1);
4053 :
4054 : /*
4055 : * Validate we have been given a reasonable-looking DataDir and change
4056 : * into it.
4057 : */
4058 112 : checkDataDir();
4059 112 : ChangeToDataDir();
4060 :
4061 : /*
4062 : * Create lockfile for data directory.
4063 : */
4064 112 : CreateDataDirLockFile(false);
4065 :
4066 : /* read control file (error checking and contains config ) */
4067 110 : LocalProcessControlFile(false);
4068 :
4069 : /*
4070 : * process any libraries that should be preloaded at postmaster start
4071 : */
4072 110 : process_shared_preload_libraries();
4073 :
4074 : /* Initialize MaxBackends */
4075 110 : InitializeMaxBackends();
4076 :
4077 : /*
4078 : * We don't need postmaster child slots in single-user mode, but
4079 : * initialize them anyway to avoid having special handling.
4080 : */
4081 110 : InitPostmasterChildSlots();
4082 :
4083 : /* Initialize size of fast-path lock cache. */
4084 110 : InitializeFastPathLocks();
4085 :
4086 : /*
4087 : * Give preloaded libraries a chance to request additional shared memory.
4088 : */
4089 110 : process_shmem_requests();
4090 :
4091 : /*
4092 : * Now that loadable modules have had their chance to request additional
4093 : * shared memory, determine the value of any runtime-computed GUCs that
4094 : * depend on the amount of shared memory required.
4095 : */
4096 110 : InitializeShmemGUCs();
4097 :
4098 : /*
4099 : * Now that modules have been loaded, we can process any custom resource
4100 : * managers specified in the wal_consistency_checking GUC.
4101 : */
4102 110 : InitializeWalConsistencyChecking();
4103 :
4104 : /*
4105 : * Create shared memory etc. (Nothing's really "shared" in single-user
4106 : * mode, but we must have these data structures anyway.)
4107 : */
4108 110 : CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
4109 :
4110 : /*
4111 : * Estimate number of openable files. This must happen after setting up
4112 : * semaphores, because on some platforms semaphores count as open files.
4113 : */
4114 108 : set_max_safe_fds();
4115 :
4116 : /*
4117 : * Remember stand-alone backend startup time,roughly at the same point
4118 : * during startup that postmaster does so.
4119 : */
4120 108 : PgStartTime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
4121 :
4122 : /*
4123 : * Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory. We must do this
4124 : * before we can use LWLocks.
4125 : */
4126 108 : InitProcess();
4127 :
4128 : /*
4129 : * Now that sufficient infrastructure has been initialized, PostgresMain()
4130 : * can do the rest.
4131 : */
4132 108 : PostgresMain(dbname, username);
4133 : }
4134 :
4135 :
4136 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
4137 : * PostgresMain
4138 : * postgres main loop -- all backends, interactive or otherwise loop here
4139 : *
4140 : * dbname is the name of the database to connect to, username is the
4141 : * PostgreSQL user name to be used for the session.
4142 : *
4143 : * NB: Single user mode specific setup should go to PostgresSingleUserMain()
4144 : * if reasonably possible.
4145 : * ----------------------------------------------------------------
4146 : */
4147 : void
4148 23064 : PostgresMain(const char *dbname, const char *username)
4149 : {
4150 : sigjmp_buf local_sigjmp_buf;
4151 :
4152 : /* these must be volatile to ensure state is preserved across longjmp: */
4153 23064 : volatile bool send_ready_for_query = true;
4154 23064 : volatile bool idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = false;
4155 23064 : volatile bool idle_session_timeout_enabled = false;
4156 :
4157 : Assert(dbname != NULL);
4158 : Assert(username != NULL);
4159 :
4160 : Assert(GetProcessingMode() == InitProcessing);
4161 :
4162 : /*
4163 : * Set up signal handlers. (InitPostmasterChild or InitStandaloneProcess
4164 : * has already set up BlockSig and made that the active signal mask.)
4165 : *
4166 : * Note that postmaster blocked all signals before forking child process,
4167 : * so there is no race condition whereby we might receive a signal before
4168 : * we have set up the handler.
4169 : *
4170 : * Also note: it's best not to use any signals that are SIG_IGNored in the
4171 : * postmaster. If such a signal arrives before we are able to change the
4172 : * handler to non-SIG_IGN, it'll get dropped. Instead, make a dummy
4173 : * handler in the postmaster to reserve the signal. (Of course, this isn't
4174 : * an issue for signals that are locally generated, such as SIGALRM and
4175 : * SIGPIPE.)
4176 : */
4177 23064 : if (am_walsender)
4178 2144 : WalSndSignals();
4179 : else
4180 : {
4181 20920 : pqsignal(SIGHUP, SignalHandlerForConfigReload);
4182 20920 : pqsignal(SIGINT, StatementCancelHandler); /* cancel current query */
4183 20920 : pqsignal(SIGTERM, die); /* cancel current query and exit */
4184 :
4185 : /*
4186 : * In a postmaster child backend, replace SignalHandlerForCrashExit
4187 : * with quickdie, so we can tell the client we're dying.
4188 : *
4189 : * In a standalone backend, SIGQUIT can be generated from the keyboard
4190 : * easily, while SIGTERM cannot, so we make both signals do die()
4191 : * rather than quickdie().
4192 : */
4193 20920 : if (IsUnderPostmaster)
4194 20812 : pqsignal(SIGQUIT, quickdie); /* hard crash time */
4195 : else
4196 108 : pqsignal(SIGQUIT, die); /* cancel current query and exit */
4197 20920 : InitializeTimeouts(); /* establishes SIGALRM handler */
4198 :
4199 : /*
4200 : * Ignore failure to write to frontend. Note: if frontend closes
4201 : * connection, we will notice it and exit cleanly when control next
4202 : * returns to outer loop. This seems safer than forcing exit in the
4203 : * midst of output during who-knows-what operation...
4204 : */
4205 20920 : pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
4206 20920 : pqsignal(SIGUSR1, procsignal_sigusr1_handler);
4207 20920 : pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
4208 20920 : pqsignal(SIGFPE, FloatExceptionHandler);
4209 :
4210 : /*
4211 : * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not by
4212 : * backend
4213 : */
4214 20920 : pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); /* system() requires this on some
4215 : * platforms */
4216 : }
4217 :
4218 : /* Early initialization */
4219 23064 : BaseInit();
4220 :
4221 : /* We need to allow SIGINT, etc during the initial transaction */
4222 23064 : sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &UnBlockSig, NULL);
4223 :
4224 : /*
4225 : * Generate a random cancel key, if this is a backend serving a
4226 : * connection. InitPostgres() will advertise it in shared memory.
4227 : */
4228 : Assert(!MyCancelKeyValid);
4229 23064 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
4230 : {
4231 22956 : if (!pg_strong_random(&MyCancelKey, sizeof(int32)))
4232 : {
4233 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4234 : (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
4235 : errmsg("could not generate random cancel key")));
4236 : }
4237 22956 : MyCancelKeyValid = true;
4238 : }
4239 :
4240 : /*
4241 : * General initialization.
4242 : *
4243 : * NOTE: if you are tempted to add code in this vicinity, consider putting
4244 : * it inside InitPostgres() instead. In particular, anything that
4245 : * involves database access should be there, not here.
4246 : *
4247 : * Honor session_preload_libraries if not dealing with a WAL sender.
4248 : */
4249 23064 : InitPostgres(dbname, InvalidOid, /* database to connect to */
4250 : username, InvalidOid, /* role to connect as */
4251 23064 : (!am_walsender) ? INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS : 0,
4252 : NULL); /* no out_dbname */
4253 :
4254 : /*
4255 : * If the PostmasterContext is still around, recycle the space; we don't
4256 : * need it anymore after InitPostgres completes.
4257 : */
4258 22894 : if (PostmasterContext)
4259 : {
4260 22790 : MemoryContextDelete(PostmasterContext);
4261 22790 : PostmasterContext = NULL;
4262 : }
4263 :
4264 22894 : SetProcessingMode(NormalProcessing);
4265 :
4266 : /*
4267 : * Now all GUC states are fully set up. Report them to client if
4268 : * appropriate.
4269 : */
4270 22894 : BeginReportingGUCOptions();
4271 :
4272 : /*
4273 : * Also set up handler to log session end; we have to wait till now to be
4274 : * sure Log_disconnections has its final value.
4275 : */
4276 22894 : if (IsUnderPostmaster && Log_disconnections)
4277 80 : on_proc_exit(log_disconnections, 0);
4278 :
4279 22894 : pgstat_report_connect(MyDatabaseId);
4280 :
4281 : /* Perform initialization specific to a WAL sender process. */
4282 22894 : if (am_walsender)
4283 2144 : InitWalSender();
4284 :
4285 : /*
4286 : * Send this backend's cancellation info to the frontend.
4287 : */
4288 22894 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
4289 : {
4290 : StringInfoData buf;
4291 :
4292 : Assert(MyCancelKeyValid);
4293 22790 : pq_beginmessage(&buf, PqMsg_BackendKeyData);
4294 22790 : pq_sendint32(&buf, (int32) MyProcPid);
4295 22790 : pq_sendint32(&buf, (int32) MyCancelKey);
4296 22790 : pq_endmessage(&buf);
4297 : /* Need not flush since ReadyForQuery will do it. */
4298 : }
4299 :
4300 : /* Welcome banner for standalone case */
4301 22894 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestDebug)
4302 104 : printf("\nPostgreSQL stand-alone backend %s\n", PG_VERSION);
4303 :
4304 : /*
4305 : * Create the memory context we will use in the main loop.
4306 : *
4307 : * MessageContext is reset once per iteration of the main loop, ie, upon
4308 : * completion of processing of each command message from the client.
4309 : */
4310 22894 : MessageContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
4311 : "MessageContext",
4313 :
4314 : /*
4315 : * Create memory context and buffer used for RowDescription messages. As
4316 : * SendRowDescriptionMessage(), via exec_describe_statement_message(), is
4317 : * frequently executed for ever single statement, we don't want to
4318 : * allocate a separate buffer every time.
4319 : */
4320 22894 : row_description_context = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
4321 : "RowDescriptionContext",
4323 22894 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(row_description_context);
4324 22894 : initStringInfo(&row_description_buf);
4325 22894 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
4326 :
4327 : /* Fire any defined login event triggers, if appropriate */
4328 22894 : EventTriggerOnLogin();
4329 :
4330 : /*
4331 : * POSTGRES main processing loop begins here
4332 : *
4333 : * If an exception is encountered, processing resumes here so we abort the
4334 : * current transaction and start a new one.
4335 : *
4336 : * You might wonder why this isn't coded as an infinite loop around a
4337 : * PG_TRY construct. The reason is that this is the bottom of the
4338 : * exception stack, and so with PG_TRY there would be no exception handler
4339 : * in force at all during the CATCH part. By leaving the outermost setjmp
4340 : * always active, we have at least some chance of recovering from an error
4341 : * during error recovery. (If we get into an infinite loop thereby, it
4342 : * will soon be stopped by overflow of elog.c's internal state stack.)
4343 : *
4344 : * Note that we use sigsetjmp(..., 1), so that this function's signal mask
4345 : * (to wit, UnBlockSig) will be restored when longjmp'ing to here. This
4346 : * is essential in case we longjmp'd out of a signal handler on a platform
4347 : * where that leaves the signal blocked. It's not redundant with the
4348 : * unblock in AbortTransaction() because the latter is only called if we
4349 : * were inside a transaction.
4350 : */
4351 :
4352 22894 : if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0)
4353 : {
4354 : /*
4355 : * NOTE: if you are tempted to add more code in this if-block,
4356 : * consider the high probability that it should be in
4357 : * AbortTransaction() instead. The only stuff done directly here
4358 : * should be stuff that is guaranteed to apply *only* for outer-level
4359 : * error recovery, such as adjusting the FE/BE protocol status.
4360 : */
4361 :
4362 : /* Since not using PG_TRY, must reset error stack by hand */
4363 42508 : error_context_stack = NULL;
4364 :
4365 : /* Prevent interrupts while cleaning up */
4366 42508 : HOLD_INTERRUPTS();
4367 :
4368 : /*
4369 : * Forget any pending QueryCancel request, since we're returning to
4370 : * the idle loop anyway, and cancel any active timeout requests. (In
4371 : * future we might want to allow some timeout requests to survive, but
4372 : * at minimum it'd be necessary to do reschedule_timeouts(), in case
4373 : * we got here because of a query cancel interrupting the SIGALRM
4374 : * interrupt handler.) Note in particular that we must clear the
4375 : * statement and lock timeout indicators, to prevent any future plain
4376 : * query cancels from being misreported as timeouts in case we're
4377 : * forgetting a timeout cancel.
4378 : */
4379 42508 : disable_all_timeouts(false); /* do first to avoid race condition */
4380 42508 : QueryCancelPending = false;
4381 42508 : idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = false;
4382 42508 : idle_session_timeout_enabled = false;
4383 :
4384 : /* Not reading from the client anymore. */
4385 42508 : DoingCommandRead = false;
4386 :
4387 : /* Make sure libpq is in a good state */
4388 42508 : pq_comm_reset();
4389 :
4390 : /* Report the error to the client and/or server log */
4391 42508 : EmitErrorReport();
4392 :
4393 : /*
4394 : * If Valgrind noticed something during the erroneous query, print the
4395 : * query string, assuming we have one.
4396 : */
4397 : valgrind_report_error_query(debug_query_string);
4398 :
4399 : /*
4400 : * Make sure debug_query_string gets reset before we possibly clobber
4401 : * the storage it points at.
4402 : */
4403 42508 : debug_query_string = NULL;
4404 :
4405 : /*
4406 : * Abort the current transaction in order to recover.
4407 : */
4408 42508 : AbortCurrentTransaction();
4409 :
4410 42508 : if (am_walsender)
4411 102 : WalSndErrorCleanup();
4412 :
4413 42508 : PortalErrorCleanup();
4414 :
4415 : /*
4416 : * We can't release replication slots inside AbortTransaction() as we
4417 : * need to be able to start and abort transactions while having a slot
4418 : * acquired. But we never need to hold them across top level errors,
4419 : * so releasing here is fine. There also is a before_shmem_exit()
4420 : * callback ensuring correct cleanup on FATAL errors.
4421 : */
4422 42508 : if (MyReplicationSlot != NULL)
4423 28 : ReplicationSlotRelease();
4424 :
4425 : /* We also want to cleanup temporary slots on error. */
4426 42508 : ReplicationSlotCleanup(false);
4427 :
4428 42508 : jit_reset_after_error();
4429 :
4430 : /*
4431 : * Now return to normal top-level context and clear ErrorContext for
4432 : * next time.
4433 : */
4434 42508 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
4435 42508 : FlushErrorState();
4436 :
4437 : /*
4438 : * If we were handling an extended-query-protocol message, initiate
4439 : * skip till next Sync. This also causes us not to issue
4440 : * ReadyForQuery (until we get Sync).
4441 : */
4442 42508 : if (doing_extended_query_message)
4443 168 : ignore_till_sync = true;
4444 :
4445 : /* We don't have a transaction command open anymore */
4446 42508 : xact_started = false;
4447 :
4448 : /*
4449 : * If an error occurred while we were reading a message from the
4450 : * client, we have potentially lost track of where the previous
4451 : * message ends and the next one begins. Even though we have
4452 : * otherwise recovered from the error, we cannot safely read any more
4453 : * messages from the client, so there isn't much we can do with the
4454 : * connection anymore.
4455 : */
4456 42508 : if (pq_is_reading_msg())
4457 0 : ereport(FATAL,
4459 : errmsg("terminating connection because protocol synchronization was lost")));
4460 :
4461 : /* Now we can allow interrupts again */
4462 42508 : RESUME_INTERRUPTS();
4463 : }
4464 :
4465 : /* We can now handle ereport(ERROR) */
4466 65402 : PG_exception_stack = &local_sigjmp_buf;
4467 :
4468 65402 : if (!ignore_till_sync)
4469 65234 : send_ready_for_query = true; /* initially, or after error */
4470 :
4471 : /*
4472 : * Non-error queries loop here.
4473 : */
4474 :
4475 : for (;;)
4476 707818 : {
4477 : int firstchar;
4478 : StringInfoData input_message;
4479 :
4480 : /*
4481 : * At top of loop, reset extended-query-message flag, so that any
4482 : * errors encountered in "idle" state don't provoke skip.
4483 : */
4484 773220 : doing_extended_query_message = false;
4485 :
4486 : /*
4487 : * For valgrind reporting purposes, the "current query" begins here.
4488 : */
4489 : #ifdef USE_VALGRIND
4490 : old_valgrind_error_count = VALGRIND_COUNT_ERRORS;
4491 : #endif
4492 :
4493 : /*
4494 : * Release storage left over from prior query cycle, and create a new
4495 : * query input buffer in the cleared MessageContext.
4496 : */
4497 773220 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
4498 773220 : MemoryContextReset(MessageContext);
4499 :
4500 773220 : initStringInfo(&input_message);
4501 :
4502 : /*
4503 : * Also consider releasing our catalog snapshot if any, so that it's
4504 : * not preventing advance of global xmin while we wait for the client.
4505 : */
4506 773220 : InvalidateCatalogSnapshotConditionally();
4507 :
4508 : /*
4509 : * (1) If we've reached idle state, tell the frontend we're ready for
4510 : * a new query.
4511 : *
4512 : * Note: this includes fflush()'ing the last of the prior output.
4513 : *
4514 : * This is also a good time to flush out collected statistics to the
4515 : * cumulative stats system, and to update the PS stats display. We
4516 : * avoid doing those every time through the message loop because it'd
4517 : * slow down processing of batched messages, and because we don't want
4518 : * to report uncommitted updates (that confuses autovacuum). The
4519 : * notification processor wants a call too, if we are not in a
4520 : * transaction block.
4521 : *
4522 : * Also, if an idle timeout is enabled, start the timer for that.
4523 : */
4524 773220 : if (send_ready_for_query)
4525 : {
4526 696178 : if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState())
4527 : {
4528 1778 : set_ps_display("idle in transaction (aborted)");
4529 1778 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLEINTRANSACTION_ABORTED, NULL);
4530 :
4531 : /* Start the idle-in-transaction timer */
4532 1778 : if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout > 0
4533 0 : && (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout < TransactionTimeout || TransactionTimeout == 0))
4534 : {
4535 0 : idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = true;
4536 0 : enable_timeout_after(IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT,
4537 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout);
4538 : }
4539 : }
4540 694400 : else if (IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock())
4541 : {
4542 169234 : set_ps_display("idle in transaction");
4543 169234 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLEINTRANSACTION, NULL);
4544 :
4545 : /* Start the idle-in-transaction timer */
4546 169234 : if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout > 0
4547 2 : && (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout < TransactionTimeout || TransactionTimeout == 0))
4548 : {
4549 2 : idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = true;
4550 2 : enable_timeout_after(IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT,
4551 : IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout);
4552 : }
4553 : }
4554 : else
4555 : {
4556 : long stats_timeout;
4557 :
4558 : /*
4559 : * Process incoming notifies (including self-notifies), if
4560 : * any, and send relevant messages to the client. Doing it
4561 : * here helps ensure stable behavior in tests: if any notifies
4562 : * were received during the just-finished transaction, they'll
4563 : * be seen by the client before ReadyForQuery is.
4564 : */
4565 525166 : if (notifyInterruptPending)
4566 58 : ProcessNotifyInterrupt(false);
4567 :
4568 : /*
4569 : * Check if we need to report stats. If pgstat_report_stat()
4570 : * decides it's too soon to flush out pending stats / lock
4571 : * contention prevented reporting, it'll tell us when we
4572 : * should try to report stats again (so that stats updates
4573 : * aren't unduly delayed if the connection goes idle for a
4574 : * long time). We only enable the timeout if we don't already
4575 : * have a timeout in progress, because we don't disable the
4576 : * timeout below. enable_timeout_after() needs to determine
4577 : * the current timestamp, which can have a negative
4578 : * performance impact. That's OK because pgstat_report_stat()
4579 : * won't have us wake up sooner than a prior call.
4580 : */
4581 525166 : stats_timeout = pgstat_report_stat(false);
4582 525166 : if (stats_timeout > 0)
4583 : {
4584 494846 : if (!get_timeout_active(IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT))
4585 64996 : enable_timeout_after(IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT,
4586 : stats_timeout);
4587 : }
4588 : else
4589 : {
4590 : /* all stats flushed, no need for the timeout */
4591 30320 : if (get_timeout_active(IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT))
4592 1840 : disable_timeout(IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, false);
4593 : }
4594 :
4595 525166 : set_ps_display("idle");
4596 525166 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL);
4597 :
4598 : /* Start the idle-session timer */
4599 525166 : if (IdleSessionTimeout > 0)
4600 : {
4601 2 : idle_session_timeout_enabled = true;
4602 2 : enable_timeout_after(IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT,
4603 : IdleSessionTimeout);
4604 : }
4605 : }
4606 :
4607 : /* Report any recently-changed GUC options */
4608 696178 : ReportChangedGUCOptions();
4609 :
4610 696178 : ReadyForQuery(whereToSendOutput);
4611 696178 : send_ready_for_query = false;
4612 : }
4613 :
4614 : /*
4615 : * (2) Allow asynchronous signals to be executed immediately if they
4616 : * come in while we are waiting for client input. (This must be
4617 : * conditional since we don't want, say, reads on behalf of COPY FROM
4618 : * STDIN doing the same thing.)
4619 : */
4620 773220 : DoingCommandRead = true;
4621 :
4622 : /*
4623 : * (3) read a command (loop blocks here)
4624 : */
4625 773220 : firstchar = ReadCommand(&input_message);
4626 :
4627 : /*
4628 : * (4) turn off the idle-in-transaction and idle-session timeouts if
4629 : * active. We do this before step (5) so that any last-moment timeout
4630 : * is certain to be detected in step (5).
4631 : *
4632 : * At most one of these timeouts will be active, so there's no need to
4633 : * worry about combining the timeout.c calls into one.
4634 : */
4635 773142 : if (idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled)
4636 : {
4637 0 : disable_timeout(IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT, false);
4638 0 : idle_in_transaction_timeout_enabled = false;
4639 : }
4640 773142 : if (idle_session_timeout_enabled)
4641 : {
4642 0 : disable_timeout(IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT, false);
4643 0 : idle_session_timeout_enabled = false;
4644 : }
4645 :
4646 : /*
4647 : * (5) disable async signal conditions again.
4648 : *
4649 : * Query cancel is supposed to be a no-op when there is no query in
4650 : * progress, so if a query cancel arrived while we were idle, just
4651 : * reset QueryCancelPending. ProcessInterrupts() has that effect when
4652 : * it's called when DoingCommandRead is set, so check for interrupts
4653 : * before resetting DoingCommandRead.
4654 : */
4655 773142 : CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
4656 773138 : DoingCommandRead = false;
4657 :
4658 : /*
4659 : * (6) check for any other interesting events that happened while we
4660 : * slept.
4661 : */
4662 773138 : if (ConfigReloadPending)
4663 : {
4664 8 : ConfigReloadPending = false;
4665 8 : ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP);
4666 : }
4667 :
4668 : /*
4669 : * (7) process the command. But ignore it if we're skipping till
4670 : * Sync.
4671 : */
4672 773138 : if (ignore_till_sync && firstchar != EOF)
4673 1616 : continue;
4674 :
4675 771522 : switch (firstchar)
4676 : {
4677 649036 : case PqMsg_Query:
4678 : {
4679 : const char *query_string;
4680 :
4681 : /* Set statement_timestamp() */
4682 649036 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4683 :
4684 649036 : query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4685 649036 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4686 :
4687 649036 : if (am_walsender)
4688 : {
4689 9792 : if (!exec_replication_command(query_string))
4690 4322 : exec_simple_query(query_string);
4691 : }
4692 : else
4693 639244 : exec_simple_query(query_string);
4694 :
4695 : valgrind_report_error_query(query_string);
4696 :
4697 606136 : send_ready_for_query = true;
4698 : }
4699 606136 : break;
4700 :
4701 10788 : case PqMsg_Parse:
4702 : {
4703 : const char *stmt_name;
4704 : const char *query_string;
4705 : int numParams;
4706 10788 : Oid *paramTypes = NULL;
4707 :
4708 10788 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4709 :
4710 : /* Set statement_timestamp() */
4711 10788 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4712 :
4713 10788 : stmt_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4714 10788 : query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4715 10788 : numParams = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 2);
4716 10788 : if (numParams > 0)
4717 : {
4718 56 : paramTypes = palloc_array(Oid, numParams);
4719 140 : for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
4720 84 : paramTypes[i] = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);
4721 : }
4722 10788 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4723 :
4724 10788 : exec_parse_message(query_string, stmt_name,
4725 : paramTypes, numParams);
4726 :
4727 : valgrind_report_error_query(query_string);
4728 : }
4729 10742 : break;
4730 :
4731 21430 : case PqMsg_Bind:
4732 21430 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4733 :
4734 : /* Set statement_timestamp() */
4735 21430 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4736 :
4737 : /*
4738 : * this message is complex enough that it seems best to put
4739 : * the field extraction out-of-line
4740 : */
4741 21430 : exec_bind_message(&input_message);
4742 :
4743 : /* exec_bind_message does valgrind_report_error_query */
4744 21370 : break;
4745 :
4746 21370 : case PqMsg_Execute:
4747 : {
4748 : const char *portal_name;
4749 : int max_rows;
4750 :
4751 21370 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4752 :
4753 : /* Set statement_timestamp() */
4754 21370 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4755 :
4756 21370 : portal_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4757 21370 : max_rows = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);
4758 21370 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4759 :
4760 21370 : exec_execute_message(portal_name, max_rows);
4761 :
4762 : /* exec_execute_message does valgrind_report_error_query */
4763 : }
4764 21312 : break;
4765 :
4766 2112 : case PqMsg_FunctionCall:
4767 2112 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4768 :
4769 : /* Set statement_timestamp() */
4770 2112 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4771 :
4772 : /* Report query to various monitoring facilities. */
4773 2112 : pgstat_report_activity(STATE_FASTPATH, NULL);
4774 2112 : set_ps_display("<FASTPATH>");
4775 :
4776 : /* start an xact for this function invocation */
4777 2112 : start_xact_command();
4778 :
4779 : /*
4780 : * Note: we may at this point be inside an aborted
4781 : * transaction. We can't throw error for that until we've
4782 : * finished reading the function-call message, so
4783 : * HandleFunctionRequest() must check for it after doing so.
4784 : * Be careful not to do anything that assumes we're inside a
4785 : * valid transaction here.
4786 : */
4787 :
4788 : /* switch back to message context */
4789 2112 : MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext);
4790 :
4791 2112 : HandleFunctionRequest(&input_message);
4792 :
4793 : /* commit the function-invocation transaction */
4794 2112 : finish_xact_command();
4795 :
4796 : valgrind_report_error_query("fastpath function call");
4797 :
4798 2112 : send_ready_for_query = true;
4799 2112 : break;
4800 :
4801 32 : case PqMsg_Close:
4802 : {
4803 : int close_type;
4804 : const char *close_target;
4805 :
4806 32 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4807 :
4808 32 : close_type = pq_getmsgbyte(&input_message);
4809 32 : close_target = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4810 32 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4811 :
4812 : switch (close_type)
4813 : {
4814 28 : case 'S':
4815 28 : if (close_target[0] != '\0')
4816 22 : DropPreparedStatement(close_target, false);
4817 : else
4818 : {
4819 : /* special-case the unnamed statement */
4820 6 : drop_unnamed_stmt();
4821 : }
4822 28 : break;
4823 4 : case 'P':
4824 : {
4825 : Portal portal;
4826 :
4827 4 : portal = GetPortalByName(close_target);
4828 4 : if (PortalIsValid(portal))
4829 2 : PortalDrop(portal, false);
4830 : }
4831 4 : break;
4832 0 : default:
4833 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4835 : errmsg("invalid CLOSE message subtype %d",
4836 : close_type)));
4837 : break;
4838 : }
4839 :
4840 32 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
4841 32 : pq_putemptymessage(PqMsg_CloseComplete);
4842 :
4843 : valgrind_report_error_query("CLOSE message");
4844 : }
4845 32 : break;
4846 :
4847 21516 : case PqMsg_Describe:
4848 : {
4849 : int describe_type;
4850 : const char *describe_target;
4851 :
4852 21516 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(firstchar);
4853 :
4854 : /* Set statement_timestamp() (needed for xact) */
4855 21516 : SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
4856 :
4857 21516 : describe_type = pq_getmsgbyte(&input_message);
4858 21516 : describe_target = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
4859 21516 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4860 :
4861 : switch (describe_type)
4862 : {
4863 142 : case 'S':
4864 142 : exec_describe_statement_message(describe_target);
4865 140 : break;
4866 21374 : case 'P':
4867 21374 : exec_describe_portal_message(describe_target);
4868 21372 : break;
4869 0 : default:
4870 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4872 : errmsg("invalid DESCRIBE message subtype %d",
4873 : describe_type)));
4874 : break;
4875 : }
4876 :
4877 : valgrind_report_error_query("DESCRIBE message");
4878 : }
4879 21512 : break;
4880 :
4881 56 : case PqMsg_Flush:
4882 56 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4883 56 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
4884 56 : pq_flush();
4885 56 : break;
4886 :
4887 22696 : case PqMsg_Sync:
4888 22696 : pq_getmsgend(&input_message);
4889 :
4890 : /*
4891 : * If pipelining was used, we may be in an implicit
4892 : * transaction block. Close it before calling
4893 : * finish_xact_command.
4894 : */
4895 22696 : EndImplicitTransactionBlock();
4896 22696 : finish_xact_command();
4897 : valgrind_report_error_query("SYNC message");
4898 22696 : send_ready_for_query = true;
4899 22696 : break;
4900 :
4901 : /*
4902 : * PqMsg_Terminate means that the frontend is closing down the
4903 : * socket. EOF means unexpected loss of frontend connection.
4904 : * Either way, perform normal shutdown.
4905 : */
4906 186 : case EOF:
4907 :
4908 : /* for the cumulative statistics system */
4909 186 : pgStatSessionEndCause = DISCONNECT_CLIENT_EOF;
4910 :
4911 : /* FALLTHROUGH */
4912 :
4913 22252 : case PqMsg_Terminate:
4914 :
4915 : /*
4916 : * Reset whereToSendOutput to prevent ereport from attempting
4917 : * to send any more messages to client.
4918 : */
4919 22252 : if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
4920 22074 : whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
4921 :
4922 : /*
4923 : * NOTE: if you are tempted to add more code here, DON'T!
4924 : * Whatever you had in mind to do should be set up as an
4925 : * on_proc_exit or on_shmem_exit callback, instead. Otherwise
4926 : * it will fail to be called during other backend-shutdown
4927 : * scenarios.
4928 : */
4929 22252 : proc_exit(0);
4930 :
4931 234 : case PqMsg_CopyData:
4932 : case PqMsg_CopyDone:
4933 : case PqMsg_CopyFail:
4934 :
4935 : /*
4936 : * Accept but ignore these messages, per protocol spec; we
4937 : * probably got here because a COPY failed, and the frontend
4938 : * is still sending data.
4939 : */
4940 234 : break;
4941 :
4942 0 : default:
4943 0 : ereport(FATAL,
4945 : errmsg("invalid frontend message type %d",
4946 : firstchar)));
4947 : }
4948 : } /* end of input-reading loop */
4949 : }
4950 :
4951 : /*
4952 : * Throw an error if we're a WAL sender process.
4953 : *
4954 : * This is used to forbid anything else than simple query protocol messages
4955 : * in a WAL sender process. 'firstchar' specifies what kind of a forbidden
4956 : * message was received, and is used to construct the error message.
4957 : */
4958 : static void
4959 77248 : forbidden_in_wal_sender(char firstchar)
4960 : {
4961 77248 : if (am_walsender)
4962 : {
4963 0 : if (firstchar == PqMsg_FunctionCall)
4964 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4966 : errmsg("fastpath function calls not supported in a replication connection")));
4967 : else
4968 0 : ereport(ERROR,
4970 : errmsg("extended query protocol not supported in a replication connection")));
4971 : }
4972 77248 : }
4973 :
4974 :
4975 : static struct rusage Save_r;
4976 : static struct timeval Save_t;
4977 :
4978 : void
4979 0 : ResetUsage(void)
4980 : {
4981 0 : getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &Save_r);
4982 0 : gettimeofday(&Save_t, NULL);
4983 0 : }
4984 :
4985 : void
4986 0 : ShowUsage(const char *title)
4987 : {
4988 : StringInfoData str;
4989 : struct timeval user,
4990 : sys;
4991 : struct timeval elapse_t;
4992 : struct rusage r;
4993 :
4994 0 : getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r);
4995 0 : gettimeofday(&elapse_t, NULL);
4996 0 : memcpy(&user, &r.ru_utime, sizeof(user));
4997 0 : memcpy(&sys, &r.ru_stime, sizeof(sys));
4998 0 : if (elapse_t.tv_usec < Save_t.tv_usec)
4999 : {
5000 0 : elapse_t.tv_sec--;
5001 0 : elapse_t.tv_usec += 1000000;
5002 : }
5003 0 : if (r.ru_utime.tv_usec < Save_r.ru_utime.tv_usec)
5004 : {
5005 0 : r.ru_utime.tv_sec--;
5006 0 : r.ru_utime.tv_usec += 1000000;
5007 : }
5008 0 : if (r.ru_stime.tv_usec < Save_r.ru_stime.tv_usec)
5009 : {
5010 0 : r.ru_stime.tv_sec--;
5011 0 : r.ru_stime.tv_usec += 1000000;
5012 : }
5013 :
5014 : /*
5015 : * The only stats we don't show here are ixrss, idrss, isrss. It takes
5016 : * some work to interpret them, and most platforms don't fill them in.
5017 : */
5018 0 : initStringInfo(&str);
5019 :
5020 0 : appendStringInfoString(&str, "! system usage stats:\n");
5021 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5022 : "!\t%ld.%06ld s user, %ld.%06ld s system, %ld.%06ld s elapsed\n",
5023 0 : (long) (r.ru_utime.tv_sec - Save_r.ru_utime.tv_sec),
5024 0 : (long) (r.ru_utime.tv_usec - Save_r.ru_utime.tv_usec),
5025 0 : (long) (r.ru_stime.tv_sec - Save_r.ru_stime.tv_sec),
5026 0 : (long) (r.ru_stime.tv_usec - Save_r.ru_stime.tv_usec),
5027 0 : (long) (elapse_t.tv_sec - Save_t.tv_sec),
5028 0 : (long) (elapse_t.tv_usec - Save_t.tv_usec));
5029 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5030 : "!\t[%ld.%06ld s user, %ld.%06ld s system total]\n",
5031 0 : (long) user.tv_sec,
5032 0 : (long) user.tv_usec,
5033 0 : (long) sys.tv_sec,
5034 0 : (long) sys.tv_usec);
5035 : #ifndef WIN32
5036 :
5037 : /*
5038 : * The following rusage fields are not defined by POSIX, but they're
5039 : * present on all current Unix-like systems so we use them without any
5040 : * special checks. Some of these could be provided in our Windows
5041 : * emulation in src/port/win32getrusage.c with more work.
5042 : */
5043 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5044 : "!\t%ld kB max resident size\n",
5045 : #if defined(__darwin__)
5046 : /* in bytes on macOS */
5047 : r.ru_maxrss / 1024
5048 : #else
5049 : /* in kilobytes on most other platforms */
5050 : r.ru_maxrss
5051 : #endif
5052 : );
5053 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5054 : "!\t%ld/%ld [%ld/%ld] filesystem blocks in/out\n",
5055 0 : r.ru_inblock - Save_r.ru_inblock,
5056 : /* they only drink coffee at dec */
5057 0 : r.ru_oublock - Save_r.ru_oublock,
5058 : r.ru_inblock, r.ru_oublock);
5059 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5060 : "!\t%ld/%ld [%ld/%ld] page faults/reclaims, %ld [%ld] swaps\n",
5061 0 : r.ru_majflt - Save_r.ru_majflt,
5062 0 : r.ru_minflt - Save_r.ru_minflt,
5063 : r.ru_majflt, r.ru_minflt,
5064 0 : r.ru_nswap - Save_r.ru_nswap,
5065 : r.ru_nswap);
5066 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5067 : "!\t%ld [%ld] signals rcvd, %ld/%ld [%ld/%ld] messages rcvd/sent\n",
5068 0 : r.ru_nsignals - Save_r.ru_nsignals,
5069 : r.ru_nsignals,
5070 0 : r.ru_msgrcv - Save_r.ru_msgrcv,
5071 0 : r.ru_msgsnd - Save_r.ru_msgsnd,
5072 : r.ru_msgrcv, r.ru_msgsnd);
5073 0 : appendStringInfo(&str,
5074 : "!\t%ld/%ld [%ld/%ld] voluntary/involuntary context switches\n",
5075 0 : r.ru_nvcsw - Save_r.ru_nvcsw,
5076 0 : r.ru_nivcsw - Save_r.ru_nivcsw,
5077 : r.ru_nvcsw, r.ru_nivcsw);
5078 : #endif /* !WIN32 */
5079 :
5080 : /* remove trailing newline */
5081 0 : if ([str.len - 1] == '\n')
5082 0 :[--str.len] = '\0';
5083 :
5084 0 : ereport(LOG,
5085 : (errmsg_internal("%s", title),
5086 : errdetail_internal("%s",;
5087 :
5088 0 : pfree(;
5089 0 : }
5090 :
5091 : /*
5092 : * on_proc_exit handler to log end of session
5093 : */
5094 : static void
5095 80 : log_disconnections(int code, Datum arg)
5096 : {
5097 80 : Port *port = MyProcPort;
5098 : long secs;
5099 : int usecs;
5100 : int msecs;
5101 : int hours,
5102 : minutes,
5103 : seconds;
5104 :
5105 80 : TimestampDifference(MyStartTimestamp,
5106 : GetCurrentTimestamp(),
5107 : &secs, &usecs);
5108 80 : msecs = usecs / 1000;
5109 :
5110 80 : hours = secs / SECS_PER_HOUR;
5111 80 : secs %= SECS_PER_HOUR;
5112 80 : minutes = secs / SECS_PER_MINUTE;
5113 80 : seconds = secs % SECS_PER_MINUTE;
5114 :
5115 80 : ereport(LOG,
5116 : (errmsg("disconnection: session time: %d:%02d:%02d.%03d "
5117 : "user=%s database=%s host=%s%s%s",
5118 : hours, minutes, seconds, msecs,
5119 : port->user_name, port->database_name, port->remote_host,
5120 : port->remote_port[0] ? " port=" : "", port->remote_port)));
5121 80 : }
5122 :
5123 : /*
5124 : * Start statement timeout timer, if enabled.
5125 : *
5126 : * If there's already a timeout running, don't restart the timer. That
5127 : * enables compromises between accuracy of timeouts and cost of starting a
5128 : * timeout.
5129 : */
5130 : static void
5131 1404540 : enable_statement_timeout(void)
5132 : {
5133 : /* must be within an xact */
5134 : Assert(xact_started);
5135 :
5136 1404540 : if (StatementTimeout > 0
5137 56 : && (StatementTimeout < TransactionTimeout || TransactionTimeout == 0))
5138 : {
5139 56 : if (!get_timeout_active(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT))
5140 28 : enable_timeout_after(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, StatementTimeout);
5141 : }
5142 : else
5143 : {
5144 1404484 : if (get_timeout_active(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT))
5145 0 : disable_timeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, false);
5146 : }
5147 1404540 : }
5148 :
5149 : /*
5150 : * Disable statement timeout, if active.
5151 : */
5152 : static void
5153 1290746 : disable_statement_timeout(void)
5154 : {
5155 1290746 : if (get_timeout_active(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT))
5156 12 : disable_timeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, false);
5157 1290746 : }