LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/replication/logical - reorderbuffer.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 1440 1542 93.4 %
Date: 2024-12-12 19:15:15 Functions: 88 88 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * reorderbuffer.c
       4             :  *    PostgreSQL logical replay/reorder buffer management
       5             :  *
       6             :  *
       7             :  * Copyright (c) 2012-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       8             :  *
       9             :  *
      10             :  * IDENTIFICATION
      11             :  *    src/backend/replication/logical/reorderbuffer.c
      12             :  *
      13             :  * NOTES
      14             :  *    This module gets handed individual pieces of transactions in the order
      15             :  *    they are written to the WAL and is responsible to reassemble them into
      16             :  *    toplevel transaction sized pieces. When a transaction is completely
      17             :  *    reassembled - signaled by reading the transaction commit record - it
      18             :  *    will then call the output plugin (cf. ReorderBufferCommit()) with the
      19             :  *    individual changes. The output plugins rely on snapshots built by
      20             :  *    snapbuild.c which hands them to us.
      21             :  *
      22             :  *    Transactions and subtransactions/savepoints in postgres are not
      23             :  *    immediately linked to each other from outside the performing
      24             :  *    backend. Only at commit/abort (or special xact_assignment records) they
      25             :  *    are linked together. Which means that we will have to splice together a
      26             :  *    toplevel transaction from its subtransactions. To do that efficiently we
      27             :  *    build a binary heap indexed by the smallest current lsn of the individual
      28             :  *    subtransactions' changestreams. As the individual streams are inherently
      29             :  *    ordered by LSN - since that is where we build them from - the transaction
      30             :  *    can easily be reassembled by always using the subtransaction with the
      31             :  *    smallest current LSN from the heap.
      32             :  *
      33             :  *    In order to cope with large transactions - which can be several times as
      34             :  *    big as the available memory - this module supports spooling the contents
      35             :  *    of large transactions to disk. When the transaction is replayed the
      36             :  *    contents of individual (sub-)transactions will be read from disk in
      37             :  *    chunks.
      38             :  *
      39             :  *    This module also has to deal with reassembling toast records from the
      40             :  *    individual chunks stored in WAL. When a new (or initial) version of a
      41             :  *    tuple is stored in WAL it will always be preceded by the toast chunks
      42             :  *    emitted for the columns stored out of line. Within a single toplevel
      43             :  *    transaction there will be no other data carrying records between a row's
      44             :  *    toast chunks and the row data itself. See ReorderBufferToast* for
      45             :  *    details.
      46             :  *
      47             :  *    ReorderBuffer uses two special memory context types - SlabContext for
      48             :  *    allocations of fixed-length structures (changes and transactions), and
      49             :  *    GenerationContext for the variable-length transaction data (allocated
      50             :  *    and freed in groups with similar lifespans).
      51             :  *
      52             :  *    To limit the amount of memory used by decoded changes, we track memory
      53             :  *    used at the reorder buffer level (i.e. total amount of memory), and for
      54             :  *    each transaction. When the total amount of used memory exceeds the
      55             :  *    limit, the transaction consuming the most memory is then serialized to
      56             :  *    disk.
      57             :  *
      58             :  *    Only decoded changes are evicted from memory (spilled to disk), not the
      59             :  *    transaction records. The number of toplevel transactions is limited,
      60             :  *    but a transaction with many subtransactions may still consume significant
      61             :  *    amounts of memory. However, the transaction records are fairly small and
      62             :  *    are not included in the memory limit.
      63             :  *
      64             :  *    The current eviction algorithm is very simple - the transaction is
      65             :  *    picked merely by size, while it might be useful to also consider age
      66             :  *    (LSN) of the changes for example. With the new Generational memory
      67             :  *    allocator, evicting the oldest changes would make it more likely the
      68             :  *    memory gets actually freed.
      69             :  *
      70             :  *    We use a max-heap with transaction size as the key to efficiently find
      71             :  *    the largest transaction. We update the max-heap whenever the memory
      72             :  *    counter is updated; however transactions with size 0 are not stored in
      73             :  *    the heap, because they have no changes to evict.
      74             :  *
      75             :  *    We still rely on max_changes_in_memory when loading serialized changes
      76             :  *    back into memory. At that point we can't use the memory limit directly
      77             :  *    as we load the subxacts independently. One option to deal with this
      78             :  *    would be to count the subxacts, and allow each to allocate 1/N of the
      79             :  *    memory limit. That however does not seem very appealing, because with
      80             :  *    many subtransactions it may easily cause thrashing (short cycles of
      81             :  *    deserializing and applying very few changes). We probably should give
      82             :  *    a bit more memory to the oldest subtransactions, because it's likely
      83             :  *    they are the source for the next sequence of changes.
      84             :  *
      85             :  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      86             :  */
      87             : #include "postgres.h"
      88             : 
      89             : #include <unistd.h>
      90             : #include <sys/stat.h>
      91             : 
      92             : #include "access/detoast.h"
      93             : #include "access/heapam.h"
      94             : #include "access/rewriteheap.h"
      95             : #include "access/transam.h"
      96             : #include "access/xact.h"
      97             : #include "access/xlog_internal.h"
      98             : #include "catalog/catalog.h"
      99             : #include "common/int.h"
     100             : #include "lib/binaryheap.h"
     101             : #include "miscadmin.h"
     102             : #include "pgstat.h"
     103             : #include "replication/logical.h"
     104             : #include "replication/reorderbuffer.h"
     105             : #include "replication/slot.h"
     106             : #include "replication/snapbuild.h"    /* just for SnapBuildSnapDecRefcount */
     107             : #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
     108             : #include "storage/fd.h"
     109             : #include "storage/sinval.h"
     110             : #include "utils/builtins.h"
     111             : #include "utils/memutils.h"
     112             : #include "utils/rel.h"
     113             : #include "utils/relfilenumbermap.h"
     114             : 
     115             : /* entry for a hash table we use to map from xid to our transaction state */
     116             : typedef struct ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt
     117             : {
     118             :     TransactionId xid;
     119             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
     120             : } ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt;
     121             : 
     122             : /* data structures for (relfilelocator, ctid) => (cmin, cmax) mapping */
     123             : typedef struct ReorderBufferTupleCidKey
     124             : {
     125             :     RelFileLocator rlocator;
     126             :     ItemPointerData tid;
     127             : } ReorderBufferTupleCidKey;
     128             : 
     129             : typedef struct ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt
     130             : {
     131             :     ReorderBufferTupleCidKey key;
     132             :     CommandId   cmin;
     133             :     CommandId   cmax;
     134             :     CommandId   combocid;       /* just for debugging */
     135             : } ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt;
     136             : 
     137             : /* Virtual file descriptor with file offset tracking */
     138             : typedef struct TXNEntryFile
     139             : {
     140             :     File        vfd;            /* -1 when the file is closed */
     141             :     off_t       curOffset;      /* offset for next write or read. Reset to 0
     142             :                                  * when vfd is opened. */
     143             : } TXNEntryFile;
     144             : 
     145             : /* k-way in-order change iteration support structures */
     146             : typedef struct ReorderBufferIterTXNEntry
     147             : {
     148             :     XLogRecPtr  lsn;
     149             :     ReorderBufferChange *change;
     150             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
     151             :     TXNEntryFile file;
     152             :     XLogSegNo   segno;
     153             : } ReorderBufferIterTXNEntry;
     154             : 
     155             : typedef struct ReorderBufferIterTXNState
     156             : {
     157             :     binaryheap *heap;
     158             :     Size        nr_txns;
     159             :     dlist_head  old_change;
     160             :     ReorderBufferIterTXNEntry entries[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
     161             : } ReorderBufferIterTXNState;
     162             : 
     163             : /* toast datastructures */
     164             : typedef struct ReorderBufferToastEnt
     165             : {
     166             :     Oid         chunk_id;       /* toast_table.chunk_id */
     167             :     int32       last_chunk_seq; /* toast_table.chunk_seq of the last chunk we
     168             :                                  * have seen */
     169             :     Size        num_chunks;     /* number of chunks we've already seen */
     170             :     Size        size;           /* combined size of chunks seen */
     171             :     dlist_head  chunks;         /* linked list of chunks */
     172             :     struct varlena *reconstructed;  /* reconstructed varlena now pointed to in
     173             :                                      * main tup */
     174             : } ReorderBufferToastEnt;
     175             : 
     176             : /* Disk serialization support datastructures */
     177             : typedef struct ReorderBufferDiskChange
     178             : {
     179             :     Size        size;
     180             :     ReorderBufferChange change;
     181             :     /* data follows */
     182             : } ReorderBufferDiskChange;
     183             : 
     184             : #define IsSpecInsert(action) \
     185             : ( \
     186             :     ((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT) \
     187             : )
     188             : #define IsSpecConfirmOrAbort(action) \
     189             : ( \
     190             :     (((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM) || \
     191             :     ((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT)) \
     192             : )
     193             : #define IsInsertOrUpdate(action) \
     194             : ( \
     195             :     (((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT) || \
     196             :     ((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE) || \
     197             :     ((action) == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT)) \
     198             : )
     199             : 
     200             : /*
     201             :  * Maximum number of changes kept in memory, per transaction. After that,
     202             :  * changes are spooled to disk.
     203             :  *
     204             :  * The current value should be sufficient to decode the entire transaction
     205             :  * without hitting disk in OLTP workloads, while starting to spool to disk in
     206             :  * other workloads reasonably fast.
     207             :  *
     208             :  * At some point in the future it probably makes sense to have a more elaborate
     209             :  * resource management here, but it's not entirely clear what that would look
     210             :  * like.
     211             :  */
     212             : int         logical_decoding_work_mem;
     213             : static const Size max_changes_in_memory = 4096; /* XXX for restore only */
     214             : 
     215             : /* GUC variable */
     216             : int         debug_logical_replication_streaming = DEBUG_LOGICAL_REP_STREAMING_BUFFERED;
     217             : 
     218             : /* ---------------------------------------
     219             :  * primary reorderbuffer support routines
     220             :  * ---------------------------------------
     221             :  */
     222             : static ReorderBufferTXN *ReorderBufferGetTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb);
     223             : static void ReorderBufferReturnTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     224             : static ReorderBufferTXN *ReorderBufferTXNByXid(ReorderBuffer *rb,
     225             :                                                TransactionId xid, bool create, bool *is_new,
     226             :                                                XLogRecPtr lsn, bool create_as_top);
     227             : static void ReorderBufferTransferSnapToParent(ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     228             :                                               ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn);
     229             : 
     230             : static void AssertTXNLsnOrder(ReorderBuffer *rb);
     231             : 
     232             : /* ---------------------------------------
     233             :  * support functions for lsn-order iterating over the ->changes of a
     234             :  * transaction and its subtransactions
     235             :  *
     236             :  * used for iteration over the k-way heap merge of a transaction and its
     237             :  * subtransactions
     238             :  * ---------------------------------------
     239             :  */
     240             : static void ReorderBufferIterTXNInit(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     241             :                                      ReorderBufferIterTXNState *volatile *iter_state);
     242             : static ReorderBufferChange *ReorderBufferIterTXNNext(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state);
     243             : static void ReorderBufferIterTXNFinish(ReorderBuffer *rb,
     244             :                                        ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state);
     245             : static void ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(uint32 nmsgs, SharedInvalidationMessage *msgs);
     246             : 
     247             : /*
     248             :  * ---------------------------------------
     249             :  * Disk serialization support functions
     250             :  * ---------------------------------------
     251             :  */
     252             : static void ReorderBufferCheckMemoryLimit(ReorderBuffer *rb);
     253             : static void ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     254             : static void ReorderBufferSerializeChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     255             :                                          int fd, ReorderBufferChange *change);
     256             : static Size ReorderBufferRestoreChanges(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     257             :                                         TXNEntryFile *file, XLogSegNo *segno);
     258             : static void ReorderBufferRestoreChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     259             :                                        char *data);
     260             : static void ReorderBufferRestoreCleanup(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     261             : static void ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     262             :                                      bool txn_prepared);
     263             : static void ReorderBufferCleanupSerializedTXNs(const char *slotname);
     264             : static void ReorderBufferSerializedPath(char *path, ReplicationSlot *slot,
     265             :                                         TransactionId xid, XLogSegNo segno);
     266             : static int  ReorderBufferTXNSizeCompare(const pairingheap_node *a, const pairingheap_node *b, void *arg);
     267             : 
     268             : static void ReorderBufferFreeSnap(ReorderBuffer *rb, Snapshot snap);
     269             : static Snapshot ReorderBufferCopySnap(ReorderBuffer *rb, Snapshot orig_snap,
     270             :                                       ReorderBufferTXN *txn, CommandId cid);
     271             : 
     272             : /*
     273             :  * ---------------------------------------
     274             :  * Streaming support functions
     275             :  * ---------------------------------------
     276             :  */
     277             : static inline bool ReorderBufferCanStream(ReorderBuffer *rb);
     278             : static inline bool ReorderBufferCanStartStreaming(ReorderBuffer *rb);
     279             : static void ReorderBufferStreamTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     280             : static void ReorderBufferStreamCommit(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     281             : 
     282             : /* ---------------------------------------
     283             :  * toast reassembly support
     284             :  * ---------------------------------------
     285             :  */
     286             : static void ReorderBufferToastInitHash(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     287             : static void ReorderBufferToastReset(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
     288             : static void ReorderBufferToastReplace(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     289             :                                       Relation relation, ReorderBufferChange *change);
     290             : static void ReorderBufferToastAppendChunk(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     291             :                                           Relation relation, ReorderBufferChange *change);
     292             : 
     293             : /*
     294             :  * ---------------------------------------
     295             :  * memory accounting
     296             :  * ---------------------------------------
     297             :  */
     298             : static Size ReorderBufferChangeSize(ReorderBufferChange *change);
     299             : static void ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(ReorderBuffer *rb,
     300             :                                             ReorderBufferChange *change,
     301             :                                             ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     302             :                                             bool addition, Size sz);
     303             : 
     304             : /*
     305             :  * Allocate a new ReorderBuffer and clean out any old serialized state from
     306             :  * prior ReorderBuffer instances for the same slot.
     307             :  */
     308             : ReorderBuffer *
     309        2010 : ReorderBufferAllocate(void)
     310             : {
     311             :     ReorderBuffer *buffer;
     312             :     HASHCTL     hash_ctl;
     313             :     MemoryContext new_ctx;
     314             : 
     315             :     Assert(MyReplicationSlot != NULL);
     316             : 
     317             :     /* allocate memory in own context, to have better accountability */
     318        2010 :     new_ctx = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
     319             :                                     "ReorderBuffer",
     320             :                                     ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);
     321             : 
     322             :     buffer =
     323        2010 :         (ReorderBuffer *) MemoryContextAlloc(new_ctx, sizeof(ReorderBuffer));
     324             : 
     325        2010 :     memset(&hash_ctl, 0, sizeof(hash_ctl));
     326             : 
     327        2010 :     buffer->context = new_ctx;
     328             : 
     329        2010 :     buffer->change_context = SlabContextCreate(new_ctx,
     330             :                                                "Change",
     331             :                                                SLAB_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
     332             :                                                sizeof(ReorderBufferChange));
     333             : 
     334        2010 :     buffer->txn_context = SlabContextCreate(new_ctx,
     335             :                                             "TXN",
     336             :                                             SLAB_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
     337             :                                             sizeof(ReorderBufferTXN));
     338             : 
     339             :     /*
     340             :      * To minimize memory fragmentation caused by long-running transactions
     341             :      * with changes spanning multiple memory blocks, we use a single
     342             :      * fixed-size memory block for decoded tuple storage. The performance
     343             :      * testing showed that the default memory block size maintains logical
     344             :      * decoding performance without causing fragmentation due to concurrent
     345             :      * transactions. One might think that we can use the max size as
     346             :      * SLAB_LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE but the test also showed it doesn't help resolve
     347             :      * the memory fragmentation.
     348             :      */
     349        2010 :     buffer->tup_context = GenerationContextCreate(new_ctx,
     350             :                                                   "Tuples",
     351             :                                                   SLAB_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
     352             :                                                   SLAB_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
     353             :                                                   SLAB_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
     354             : 
     355        2010 :     hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(TransactionId);
     356        2010 :     hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt);
     357        2010 :     hash_ctl.hcxt = buffer->context;
     358             : 
     359        2010 :     buffer->by_txn = hash_create("ReorderBufferByXid", 1000, &hash_ctl,
     360             :                                  HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT);
     361             : 
     362        2010 :     buffer->by_txn_last_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
     363        2010 :     buffer->by_txn_last_txn = NULL;
     364             : 
     365        2010 :     buffer->outbuf = NULL;
     366        2010 :     buffer->outbufsize = 0;
     367        2010 :     buffer->size = 0;
     368             : 
     369             :     /* txn_heap is ordered by transaction size */
     370        2010 :     buffer->txn_heap = pairingheap_allocate(ReorderBufferTXNSizeCompare, NULL);
     371             : 
     372        2010 :     buffer->spillTxns = 0;
     373        2010 :     buffer->spillCount = 0;
     374        2010 :     buffer->spillBytes = 0;
     375        2010 :     buffer->streamTxns = 0;
     376        2010 :     buffer->streamCount = 0;
     377        2010 :     buffer->streamBytes = 0;
     378        2010 :     buffer->totalTxns = 0;
     379        2010 :     buffer->totalBytes = 0;
     380             : 
     381        2010 :     buffer->current_restart_decoding_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
     382             : 
     383        2010 :     dlist_init(&buffer->toplevel_by_lsn);
     384        2010 :     dlist_init(&buffer->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn);
     385        2010 :     dclist_init(&buffer->catchange_txns);
     386             : 
     387             :     /*
     388             :      * Ensure there's no stale data from prior uses of this slot, in case some
     389             :      * prior exit avoided calling ReorderBufferFree. Failure to do this can
     390             :      * produce duplicated txns, and it's very cheap if there's nothing there.
     391             :      */
     392        2010 :     ReorderBufferCleanupSerializedTXNs(NameStr(MyReplicationSlot->;
     393             : 
     394        2010 :     return buffer;
     395             : }
     396             : 
     397             : /*
     398             :  * Free a ReorderBuffer
     399             :  */
     400             : void
     401        1646 : ReorderBufferFree(ReorderBuffer *rb)
     402             : {
     403        1646 :     MemoryContext context = rb->context;
     404             : 
     405             :     /*
     406             :      * We free separately allocated data by entirely scrapping reorderbuffer's
     407             :      * memory context.
     408             :      */
     409        1646 :     MemoryContextDelete(context);
     410             : 
     411             :     /* Free disk space used by unconsumed reorder buffers */
     412        1646 :     ReorderBufferCleanupSerializedTXNs(NameStr(MyReplicationSlot->;
     413        1646 : }
     414             : 
     415             : /*
     416             :  * Get an unused, possibly preallocated, ReorderBufferTXN.
     417             :  */
     418             : static ReorderBufferTXN *
     419        6924 : ReorderBufferGetTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb)
     420             : {
     421             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
     422             : 
     423             :     txn = (ReorderBufferTXN *)
     424        6924 :         MemoryContextAlloc(rb->txn_context, sizeof(ReorderBufferTXN));
     425             : 
     426        6924 :     memset(txn, 0, sizeof(ReorderBufferTXN));
     427             : 
     428        6924 :     dlist_init(&txn->changes);
     429        6924 :     dlist_init(&txn->tuplecids);
     430        6924 :     dlist_init(&txn->subtxns);
     431             : 
     432             :     /* InvalidCommandId is not zero, so set it explicitly */
     433        6924 :     txn->command_id = InvalidCommandId;
     434        6924 :     txn->output_plugin_private = NULL;
     435             : 
     436        6924 :     return txn;
     437             : }
     438             : 
     439             : /*
     440             :  * Free a ReorderBufferTXN.
     441             :  */
     442             : static void
     443        6820 : ReorderBufferReturnTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
     444             : {
     445             :     /* clean the lookup cache if we were cached (quite likely) */
     446        6820 :     if (rb->by_txn_last_xid == txn->xid)
     447             :     {
     448        6448 :         rb->by_txn_last_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
     449        6448 :         rb->by_txn_last_txn = NULL;
     450             :     }
     451             : 
     452             :     /* free data that's contained */
     453             : 
     454        6820 :     if (txn->gid != NULL)
     455             :     {
     456          82 :         pfree(txn->gid);
     457          82 :         txn->gid = NULL;
     458             :     }
     459             : 
     460        6820 :     if (txn->tuplecid_hash != NULL)
     461             :     {
     462         970 :         hash_destroy(txn->tuplecid_hash);
     463         970 :         txn->tuplecid_hash = NULL;
     464             :     }
     465             : 
     466        6820 :     if (txn->invalidations)
     467             :     {
     468        2004 :         pfree(txn->invalidations);
     469        2004 :         txn->invalidations = NULL;
     470             :     }
     471             : 
     472             :     /* Reset the toast hash */
     473        6820 :     ReorderBufferToastReset(rb, txn);
     474             : 
     475             :     /* All changes must be deallocated */
     476             :     Assert(txn->size == 0);
     477             : 
     478        6820 :     pfree(txn);
     479        6820 : }
     480             : 
     481             : /*
     482             :  * Get a fresh ReorderBufferChange.
     483             :  */
     484             : ReorderBufferChange *
     485     3484442 : ReorderBufferGetChange(ReorderBuffer *rb)
     486             : {
     487             :     ReorderBufferChange *change;
     488             : 
     489             :     change = (ReorderBufferChange *)
     490     3484442 :         MemoryContextAlloc(rb->change_context, sizeof(ReorderBufferChange));
     491             : 
     492     3484442 :     memset(change, 0, sizeof(ReorderBufferChange));
     493     3484442 :     return change;
     494             : }
     495             : 
     496             : /*
     497             :  * Free a ReorderBufferChange and update memory accounting, if requested.
     498             :  */
     499             : void
     500     3484010 : ReorderBufferReturnChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferChange *change,
     501             :                           bool upd_mem)
     502             : {
     503             :     /* update memory accounting info */
     504     3484010 :     if (upd_mem)
     505      373714 :         ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, change, NULL, false,
     506             :                                         ReorderBufferChangeSize(change));
     507             : 
     508             :     /* free contained data */
     509     3484010 :     switch (change->action)
     510             :     {
     511     3339574 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT:
     512             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE:
     513             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE:
     514             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT:
     515     3339574 :             if (change->
     516             :             {
     517     2780994 :                 ReorderBufferReturnTupleBuf(change->;
     518     2780994 :                 change-> = NULL;
     519             :             }
     520             : 
     521     3339574 :             if (change->
     522             :             {
     523      421988 :                 ReorderBufferReturnTupleBuf(change->;
     524      421988 :                 change-> = NULL;
     525             :             }
     526     3339574 :             break;
     527          80 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE:
     528          80 :             if (change->data.msg.prefix != NULL)
     529          80 :                 pfree(change->data.msg.prefix);
     530          80 :             change->data.msg.prefix = NULL;
     531          80 :             if (change->data.msg.message != NULL)
     532          80 :                 pfree(change->data.msg.message);
     533          80 :             change->data.msg.message = NULL;
     534          80 :             break;
     535        9680 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION:
     536        9680 :             if (change->data.inval.invalidations)
     537        9680 :                 pfree(change->data.inval.invalidations);
     538        9680 :             change->data.inval.invalidations = NULL;
     539        9680 :             break;
     540        2044 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT:
     541        2044 :             if (change->data.snapshot)
     542             :             {
     543        2044 :                 ReorderBufferFreeSnap(rb, change->data.snapshot);
     544        2044 :                 change->data.snapshot = NULL;
     545             :             }
     546        2044 :             break;
     547             :             /* no data in addition to the struct itself */
     548          96 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE:
     549          96 :             if (change->data.truncate.relids != NULL)
     550             :             {
     551          96 :                 ReorderBufferReturnRelids(rb, change->data.truncate.relids);
     552          96 :                 change->data.truncate.relids = NULL;
     553             :             }
     554          96 :             break;
     555      132536 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM:
     556             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT:
     557             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID:
     558             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID:
     559      132536 :             break;
     560             :     }
     561             : 
     562     3484010 :     pfree(change);
     563     3484010 : }
     564             : 
     565             : /*
     566             :  * Get a fresh HeapTuple fitting a tuple of size tuple_len (excluding header
     567             :  * overhead).
     568             :  */
     569             : HeapTuple
     570     3203056 : ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ReorderBuffer *rb, Size tuple_len)
     571             : {
     572             :     HeapTuple   tuple;
     573             :     Size        alloc_len;
     574             : 
     575     3203056 :     alloc_len = tuple_len + SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
     576             : 
     577     3203056 :     tuple = (HeapTuple) MemoryContextAlloc(rb->tup_context,
     578             :                                            HEAPTUPLESIZE + alloc_len);
     579     3203056 :     tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) tuple + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
     580             : 
     581     3203056 :     return tuple;
     582             : }
     583             : 
     584             : /*
     585             :  * Free a HeapTuple returned by ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf().
     586             :  */
     587             : void
     588     3202982 : ReorderBufferReturnTupleBuf(HeapTuple tuple)
     589             : {
     590     3202982 :     pfree(tuple);
     591     3202982 : }
     592             : 
     593             : /*
     594             :  * Get an array for relids of truncated relations.
     595             :  *
     596             :  * We use the global memory context (for the whole reorder buffer), because
     597             :  * none of the existing ones seems like a good match (some are SLAB, so we
     598             :  * can't use those, and tup_context is meant for tuple data, not relids). We
     599             :  * could add yet another context, but it seems like an overkill - TRUNCATE is
     600             :  * not particularly common operation, so it does not seem worth it.
     601             :  */
     602             : Oid *
     603         106 : ReorderBufferGetRelids(ReorderBuffer *rb, int nrelids)
     604             : {
     605             :     Oid        *relids;
     606             :     Size        alloc_len;
     607             : 
     608         106 :     alloc_len = sizeof(Oid) * nrelids;
     609             : 
     610         106 :     relids = (Oid *) MemoryContextAlloc(rb->context, alloc_len);
     611             : 
     612         106 :     return relids;
     613             : }
     614             : 
     615             : /*
     616             :  * Free an array of relids.
     617             :  */
     618             : void
     619          96 : ReorderBufferReturnRelids(ReorderBuffer *rb, Oid *relids)
     620             : {
     621          96 :     pfree(relids);
     622          96 : }
     623             : 
     624             : /*
     625             :  * Return the ReorderBufferTXN from the given buffer, specified by Xid.
     626             :  * If create is true, and a transaction doesn't already exist, create it
     627             :  * (with the given LSN, and as top transaction if that's specified);
     628             :  * when this happens, is_new is set to true.
     629             :  */
     630             : static ReorderBufferTXN *
     631    11707610 : ReorderBufferTXNByXid(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, bool create,
     632             :                       bool *is_new, XLogRecPtr lsn, bool create_as_top)
     633             : {
     634             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
     635             :     ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt *ent;
     636             :     bool        found;
     637             : 
     638             :     Assert(TransactionIdIsValid(xid));
     639             : 
     640             :     /*
     641             :      * Check the one-entry lookup cache first
     642             :      */
     643    11707610 :     if (TransactionIdIsValid(rb->by_txn_last_xid) &&
     644    11701096 :         rb->by_txn_last_xid == xid)
     645             :     {
     646    10161724 :         txn = rb->by_txn_last_txn;
     647             : 
     648    10161724 :         if (txn != NULL)
     649             :         {
     650             :             /* found it, and it's valid */
     651    10161696 :             if (is_new)
     652        5442 :                 *is_new = false;
     653    10161696 :             return txn;
     654             :         }
     655             : 
     656             :         /*
     657             :          * cached as non-existent, and asked not to create? Then nothing else
     658             :          * to do.
     659             :          */
     660          28 :         if (!create)
     661          20 :             return NULL;
     662             :         /* otherwise fall through to create it */
     663             :     }
     664             : 
     665             :     /*
     666             :      * If the cache wasn't hit or it yielded a "does-not-exist" and we want to
     667             :      * create an entry.
     668             :      */
     669             : 
     670             :     /* search the lookup table */
     671             :     ent = (ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt *)
     672     1545894 :         hash_search(rb->by_txn,
     673             :                     &xid,
     674             :                     create ? HASH_ENTER : HASH_FIND,
     675             :                     &found);
     676     1545894 :     if (found)
     677     1536398 :         txn = ent->txn;
     678        9496 :     else if (create)
     679             :     {
     680             :         /* initialize the new entry, if creation was requested */
     681             :         Assert(ent != NULL);
     682             :         Assert(lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
     683             : 
     684        6924 :         ent->txn = ReorderBufferGetTXN(rb);
     685        6924 :         ent->txn->xid = xid;
     686        6924 :         txn = ent->txn;
     687        6924 :         txn->first_lsn = lsn;
     688        6924 :         txn->restart_decoding_lsn = rb->current_restart_decoding_lsn;
     689             : 
     690        6924 :         if (create_as_top)
     691             :         {
     692        5612 :             dlist_push_tail(&rb->toplevel_by_lsn, &txn->node);
     693        5612 :             AssertTXNLsnOrder(rb);
     694             :         }
     695             :     }
     696             :     else
     697        2572 :         txn = NULL;             /* not found and not asked to create */
     698             : 
     699             :     /* update cache */
     700     1545894 :     rb->by_txn_last_xid = xid;
     701     1545894 :     rb->by_txn_last_txn = txn;
     702             : 
     703     1545894 :     if (is_new)
     704        3466 :         *is_new = !found;
     705             : 
     706             :     Assert(!create || txn != NULL);
     707     1545894 :     return txn;
     708             : }
     709             : 
     710             : /*
     711             :  * Record the partial change for the streaming of in-progress transactions.  We
     712             :  * can stream only complete changes so if we have a partial change like toast
     713             :  * table insert or speculative insert then we mark such a 'txn' so that it
     714             :  * can't be streamed.  We also ensure that if the changes in such a 'txn' can
     715             :  * be streamed and are above logical_decoding_work_mem threshold then we stream
     716             :  * them as soon as we have a complete change.
     717             :  */
     718             : static void
     719     3110390 : ReorderBufferProcessPartialChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
     720             :                                   ReorderBufferChange *change,
     721             :                                   bool toast_insert)
     722             : {
     723             :     ReorderBufferTXN *toptxn;
     724             : 
     725             :     /*
     726             :      * The partial changes need to be processed only while streaming
     727             :      * in-progress transactions.
     728             :      */
     729     3110390 :     if (!ReorderBufferCanStream(rb))
     730     2108466 :         return;
     731             : 
     732             :     /* Get the top transaction. */
     733     1001924 :     toptxn = rbtxn_get_toptxn(txn);
     734             : 
     735             :     /*
     736             :      * Indicate a partial change for toast inserts.  The change will be
     737             :      * considered as complete once we get the insert or update on the main
     738             :      * table and we are sure that the pending toast chunks are not required
     739             :      * anymore.
     740             :      *
     741             :      * If we allow streaming when there are pending toast chunks then such
     742             :      * chunks won't be released till the insert (multi_insert) is complete and
     743             :      * we expect the txn to have streamed all changes after streaming.  This
     744             :      * restriction is mainly to ensure the correctness of streamed
     745             :      * transactions and it doesn't seem worth uplifting such a restriction
     746             :      * just to allow this case because anyway we will stream the transaction
     747             :      * once such an insert is complete.
     748             :      */
     749     1001924 :     if (toast_insert)
     750        3332 :         toptxn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_HAS_PARTIAL_CHANGE;
     751      998592 :     else if (rbtxn_has_partial_change(toptxn) &&
     752         126 :              IsInsertOrUpdate(change->action) &&
     753         126 :              change->
     754          86 :         toptxn->txn_flags &= ~RBTXN_HAS_PARTIAL_CHANGE;
     755             : 
     756             :     /*
     757             :      * Indicate a partial change for speculative inserts.  The change will be
     758             :      * considered as complete once we get the speculative confirm or abort
     759             :      * token.
     760             :      */
     761     1001924 :     if (IsSpecInsert(change->action))
     762           0 :         toptxn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_HAS_PARTIAL_CHANGE;
     763     1001924 :     else if (rbtxn_has_partial_change(toptxn) &&
     764        3372 :              IsSpecConfirmOrAbort(change->action))
     765           0 :         toptxn->txn_flags &= ~RBTXN_HAS_PARTIAL_CHANGE;
     766             : 
     767             :     /*
     768             :      * Stream the transaction if it is serialized before and the changes are
     769             :      * now complete in the top-level transaction.
     770             :      *
     771             :      * The reason for doing the streaming of such a transaction as soon as we
     772             :      * get the complete change for it is that previously it would have reached
     773             :      * the memory threshold and wouldn't get streamed because of incomplete
     774             :      * changes.  Delaying such transactions would increase apply lag for them.
     775             :      */
     776     1001924 :     if (ReorderBufferCanStartStreaming(rb) &&
     777      366156 :         !(rbtxn_has_partial_change(toptxn)) &&
     778      363084 :         rbtxn_is_serialized(txn) &&
     779          74 :         rbtxn_has_streamable_change(toptxn))
     780          14 :         ReorderBufferStreamTXN(rb, toptxn);
     781             : }
     782             : 
     783             : /*
     784             :  * Queue a change into a transaction so it can be replayed upon commit or will be
     785             :  * streamed when we reach logical_decoding_work_mem threshold.
     786             :  */
     787             : void
     788     3110526 : ReorderBufferQueueChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, XLogRecPtr lsn,
     789             :                          ReorderBufferChange *change, bool toast_insert)
     790             : {
     791             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
     792             : 
     793     3110526 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
     794             : 
     795             :     /*
     796             :      * While streaming the previous changes we have detected that the
     797             :      * transaction is aborted.  So there is no point in collecting further
     798             :      * changes for it.
     799             :      */
     800     3110526 :     if (txn->concurrent_abort)
     801             :     {
     802             :         /*
     803             :          * We don't need to update memory accounting for this change as we
     804             :          * have not added it to the queue yet.
     805             :          */
     806         136 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, false);
     807         136 :         return;
     808             :     }
     809             : 
     810             :     /*
     811             :      * The changes that are sent downstream are considered streamable.  We
     812             :      * remember such transactions so that only those will later be considered
     813             :      * for streaming.
     814             :      */
     815     3110390 :     if (change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT ||
     816     1079008 :         change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE ||
     817      664848 :         change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE ||
     818      130068 :         change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT ||
     819       94236 :         change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE ||
     820       94136 :         change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE)
     821             :     {
     822     3016332 :         ReorderBufferTXN *toptxn = rbtxn_get_toptxn(txn);
     823             : 
     824     3016332 :         toptxn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_HAS_STREAMABLE_CHANGE;
     825             :     }
     826             : 
     827     3110390 :     change->lsn = lsn;
     828     3110390 :     change->txn = txn;
     829             : 
     830             :     Assert(InvalidXLogRecPtr != lsn);
     831     3110390 :     dlist_push_tail(&txn->changes, &change->node);
     832     3110390 :     txn->nentries++;
     833     3110390 :     txn->nentries_mem++;
     834             : 
     835             :     /* update memory accounting information */
     836     3110390 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, change, NULL, true,
     837             :                                     ReorderBufferChangeSize(change));
     838             : 
     839             :     /* process partial change */
     840     3110390 :     ReorderBufferProcessPartialChange(rb, txn, change, toast_insert);
     841             : 
     842             :     /* check the memory limits and evict something if needed */
     843     3110390 :     ReorderBufferCheckMemoryLimit(rb);
     844             : }
     845             : 
     846             : /*
     847             :  * A transactional message is queued to be processed upon commit and a
     848             :  * non-transactional message gets processed immediately.
     849             :  */
     850             : void
     851          94 : ReorderBufferQueueMessage(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
     852             :                           Snapshot snap, XLogRecPtr lsn,
     853             :                           bool transactional, const char *prefix,
     854             :                           Size message_size, const char *message)
     855             : {
     856          94 :     if (transactional)
     857             :     {
     858             :         MemoryContext oldcontext;
     859             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
     860             : 
     861             :         Assert(xid != InvalidTransactionId);
     862             : 
     863             :         /*
     864             :          * We don't expect snapshots for transactional changes - we'll use the
     865             :          * snapshot derived later during apply (unless the change gets
     866             :          * skipped).
     867             :          */
     868             :         Assert(!snap);
     869             : 
     870          78 :         oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rb->context);
     871             : 
     872          78 :         change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
     873          78 :         change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE;
     874          78 :         change->data.msg.prefix = pstrdup(prefix);
     875          78 :         change->data.msg.message_size = message_size;
     876          78 :         change->data.msg.message = palloc(message_size);
     877          78 :         memcpy(change->data.msg.message, message, message_size);
     878             : 
     879          78 :         ReorderBufferQueueChange(rb, xid, lsn, change, false);
     880             : 
     881          78 :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
     882             :     }
     883             :     else
     884             :     {
     885          16 :         ReorderBufferTXN *txn = NULL;
     886          16 :         volatile Snapshot snapshot_now = snap;
     887             : 
     888             :         /* Non-transactional changes require a valid snapshot. */
     889             :         Assert(snapshot_now);
     890             : 
     891          16 :         if (xid != InvalidTransactionId)
     892           6 :             txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
     893             : 
     894             :         /* setup snapshot to allow catalog access */
     895          16 :         SetupHistoricSnapshot(snapshot_now, NULL);
     896          16 :         PG_TRY();
     897             :         {
     898          16 :             rb->message(rb, txn, lsn, false, prefix, message_size, message);
     899             : 
     900          16 :             TeardownHistoricSnapshot(false);
     901             :         }
     902           0 :         PG_CATCH();
     903             :         {
     904           0 :             TeardownHistoricSnapshot(true);
     905           0 :             PG_RE_THROW();
     906             :         }
     907          16 :         PG_END_TRY();
     908             :     }
     909          94 : }
     910             : 
     911             : /*
     912             :  * AssertTXNLsnOrder
     913             :  *      Verify LSN ordering of transaction lists in the reorderbuffer
     914             :  *
     915             :  * Other LSN-related invariants are checked too.
     916             :  *
     917             :  * No-op if assertions are not in use.
     918             :  */
     919             : static void
     920       13872 : AssertTXNLsnOrder(ReorderBuffer *rb)
     921             : {
     922             : #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING
     923             :     LogicalDecodingContext *ctx = rb->private_data;
     924             :     dlist_iter  iter;
     925             :     XLogRecPtr  prev_first_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
     926             :     XLogRecPtr  prev_base_snap_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
     927             : 
     928             :     /*
     929             :      * Skip the verification if we don't reach the LSN at which we start
     930             :      * decoding the contents of transactions yet because until we reach the
     931             :      * LSN, we could have transactions that don't have the association between
     932             :      * the top-level transaction and subtransaction yet and consequently have
     933             :      * the same LSN.  We don't guarantee this association until we try to
     934             :      * decode the actual contents of transaction. The ordering of the records
     935             :      * prior to the start_decoding_at LSN should have been checked before the
     936             :      * restart.
     937             :      */
     938             :     if (SnapBuildXactNeedsSkip(ctx->snapshot_builder, ctx->reader->EndRecPtr))
     939             :         return;
     940             : 
     941             :     dlist_foreach(iter, &rb->toplevel_by_lsn)
     942             :     {
     943             :         ReorderBufferTXN *cur_txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node,
     944             :                                                     iter.cur);
     945             : 
     946             :         /* start LSN must be set */
     947             :         Assert(cur_txn->first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
     948             : 
     949             :         /* If there is an end LSN, it must be higher than start LSN */
     950             :         if (cur_txn->end_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr)
     951             :             Assert(cur_txn->first_lsn <= cur_txn->end_lsn);
     952             : 
     953             :         /* Current initial LSN must be strictly higher than previous */
     954             :         if (prev_first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr)
     955             :             Assert(prev_first_lsn < cur_txn->first_lsn);
     956             : 
     957             :         /* known-as-subtxn txns must not be listed */
     958             :         Assert(!rbtxn_is_known_subxact(cur_txn));
     959             : 
     960             :         prev_first_lsn = cur_txn->first_lsn;
     961             :     }
     962             : 
     963             :     dlist_foreach(iter, &rb->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn)
     964             :     {
     965             :         ReorderBufferTXN *cur_txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN,
     966             :                                                     base_snapshot_node,
     967             :                                                     iter.cur);
     968             : 
     969             :         /* base snapshot (and its LSN) must be set */
     970             :         Assert(cur_txn->base_snapshot != NULL);
     971             :         Assert(cur_txn->base_snapshot_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
     972             : 
     973             :         /* current LSN must be strictly higher than previous */
     974             :         if (prev_base_snap_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr)
     975             :             Assert(prev_base_snap_lsn < cur_txn->base_snapshot_lsn);
     976             : 
     977             :         /* known-as-subtxn txns must not be listed */
     978             :         Assert(!rbtxn_is_known_subxact(cur_txn));
     979             : 
     980             :         prev_base_snap_lsn = cur_txn->base_snapshot_lsn;
     981             :     }
     982             : #endif
     983       13872 : }
     984             : 
     985             : /*
     986             :  * AssertChangeLsnOrder
     987             :  *
     988             :  * Check ordering of changes in the (sub)transaction.
     989             :  */
     990             : static void
     991        4782 : AssertChangeLsnOrder(ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
     992             : {
     993             : #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING
     994             :     dlist_iter  iter;
     995             :     XLogRecPtr  prev_lsn = txn->first_lsn;
     996             : 
     997             :     dlist_foreach(iter, &txn->changes)
     998             :     {
     999             :         ReorderBufferChange *cur_change;
    1000             : 
    1001             :         cur_change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1002             : 
    1003             :         Assert(txn->first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    1004             :         Assert(cur_change->lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    1005             :         Assert(txn->first_lsn <= cur_change->lsn);
    1006             : 
    1007             :         if (txn->end_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr)
    1008             :             Assert(cur_change->lsn <= txn->end_lsn);
    1009             : 
    1010             :         Assert(prev_lsn <= cur_change->lsn);
    1011             : 
    1012             :         prev_lsn = cur_change->lsn;
    1013             :     }
    1014             : #endif
    1015        4782 : }
    1016             : 
    1017             : /*
    1018             :  * ReorderBufferGetOldestTXN
    1019             :  *      Return oldest transaction in reorderbuffer
    1020             :  */
    1021             : ReorderBufferTXN *
    1022         686 : ReorderBufferGetOldestTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    1023             : {
    1024             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    1025             : 
    1026         686 :     AssertTXNLsnOrder(rb);
    1027             : 
    1028         686 :     if (dlist_is_empty(&rb->toplevel_by_lsn))
    1029         578 :         return NULL;
    1030             : 
    1031         108 :     txn = dlist_head_element(ReorderBufferTXN, node, &rb->toplevel_by_lsn);
    1032             : 
    1033             :     Assert(!rbtxn_is_known_subxact(txn));
    1034             :     Assert(txn->first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    1035         108 :     return txn;
    1036             : }
    1037             : 
    1038             : /*
    1039             :  * ReorderBufferGetOldestXmin
    1040             :  *      Return oldest Xmin in reorderbuffer
    1041             :  *
    1042             :  * Returns oldest possibly running Xid from the point of view of snapshots
    1043             :  * used in the transactions kept by reorderbuffer, or InvalidTransactionId if
    1044             :  * there are none.
    1045             :  *
    1046             :  * Since snapshots are assigned monotonically, this equals the Xmin of the
    1047             :  * base snapshot with minimal base_snapshot_lsn.
    1048             :  */
    1049             : TransactionId
    1050         726 : ReorderBufferGetOldestXmin(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    1051             : {
    1052             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    1053             : 
    1054         726 :     AssertTXNLsnOrder(rb);
    1055             : 
    1056         726 :     if (dlist_is_empty(&rb->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn))
    1057         638 :         return InvalidTransactionId;
    1058             : 
    1059          88 :     txn = dlist_head_element(ReorderBufferTXN, base_snapshot_node,
    1060             :                              &rb->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn);
    1061          88 :     return txn->base_snapshot->xmin;
    1062             : }
    1063             : 
    1064             : void
    1065         768 : ReorderBufferSetRestartPoint(ReorderBuffer *rb, XLogRecPtr ptr)
    1066             : {
    1067         768 :     rb->current_restart_decoding_lsn = ptr;
    1068         768 : }
    1069             : 
    1070             : /*
    1071             :  * ReorderBufferAssignChild
    1072             :  *
    1073             :  * Make note that we know that subxid is a subtransaction of xid, seen as of
    1074             :  * the given lsn.
    1075             :  */
    1076             : void
    1077        1686 : ReorderBufferAssignChild(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    1078             :                          TransactionId subxid, XLogRecPtr lsn)
    1079             : {
    1080             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    1081             :     ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    1082             :     bool        new_top;
    1083             :     bool        new_sub;
    1084             : 
    1085        1686 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, &new_top, lsn, true);
    1086        1686 :     subtxn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, subxid, true, &new_sub, lsn, false);
    1087             : 
    1088        1686 :     if (!new_sub)
    1089             :     {
    1090         374 :         if (rbtxn_is_known_subxact(subtxn))
    1091             :         {
    1092             :             /* already associated, nothing to do */
    1093         374 :             return;
    1094             :         }
    1095             :         else
    1096             :         {
    1097             :             /*
    1098             :              * We already saw this transaction, but initially added it to the
    1099             :              * list of top-level txns.  Now that we know it's not top-level,
    1100             :              * remove it from there.
    1101             :              */
    1102           0 :             dlist_delete(&subtxn->node);
    1103             :         }
    1104             :     }
    1105             : 
    1106        1312 :     subtxn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_IS_SUBXACT;
    1107        1312 :     subtxn->toplevel_xid = xid;
    1108             :     Assert(subtxn->nsubtxns == 0);
    1109             : 
    1110             :     /* set the reference to top-level transaction */
    1111        1312 :     subtxn->toptxn = txn;
    1112             : 
    1113             :     /* add to subtransaction list */
    1114        1312 :     dlist_push_tail(&txn->subtxns, &subtxn->node);
    1115        1312 :     txn->nsubtxns++;
    1116             : 
    1117             :     /* Possibly transfer the subtxn's snapshot to its top-level txn. */
    1118        1312 :     ReorderBufferTransferSnapToParent(txn, subtxn);
    1119             : 
    1120             :     /* Verify LSN-ordering invariant */
    1121        1312 :     AssertTXNLsnOrder(rb);
    1122             : }
    1123             : 
    1124             : /*
    1125             :  * ReorderBufferTransferSnapToParent
    1126             :  *      Transfer base snapshot from subtxn to top-level txn, if needed
    1127             :  *
    1128             :  * This is done if the top-level txn doesn't have a base snapshot, or if the
    1129             :  * subtxn's base snapshot has an earlier LSN than the top-level txn's base
    1130             :  * snapshot's LSN.  This can happen if there are no changes in the toplevel
    1131             :  * txn but there are some in the subtxn, or the first change in subtxn has
    1132             :  * earlier LSN than first change in the top-level txn and we learned about
    1133             :  * their kinship only now.
    1134             :  *
    1135             :  * The subtransaction's snapshot is cleared regardless of the transfer
    1136             :  * happening, since it's not needed anymore in either case.
    1137             :  *
    1138             :  * We do this as soon as we become aware of their kinship, to avoid queueing
    1139             :  * extra snapshots to txns known-as-subtxns -- only top-level txns will
    1140             :  * receive further snapshots.
    1141             :  */
    1142             : static void
    1143        1320 : ReorderBufferTransferSnapToParent(ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    1144             :                                   ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn)
    1145             : {
    1146             :     Assert(subtxn->toplevel_xid == txn->xid);
    1147             : 
    1148        1320 :     if (subtxn->base_snapshot != NULL)
    1149             :     {
    1150           0 :         if (txn->base_snapshot == NULL ||
    1151           0 :             subtxn->base_snapshot_lsn < txn->base_snapshot_lsn)
    1152             :         {
    1153             :             /*
    1154             :              * If the toplevel transaction already has a base snapshot but
    1155             :              * it's newer than the subxact's, purge it.
    1156             :              */
    1157           0 :             if (txn->base_snapshot != NULL)
    1158             :             {
    1159           0 :                 SnapBuildSnapDecRefcount(txn->base_snapshot);
    1160           0 :                 dlist_delete(&txn->base_snapshot_node);
    1161             :             }
    1162             : 
    1163             :             /*
    1164             :              * The snapshot is now the top transaction's; transfer it, and
    1165             :              * adjust the list position of the top transaction in the list by
    1166             :              * moving it to where the subtransaction is.
    1167             :              */
    1168           0 :             txn->base_snapshot = subtxn->base_snapshot;
    1169           0 :             txn->base_snapshot_lsn = subtxn->base_snapshot_lsn;
    1170           0 :             dlist_insert_before(&subtxn->base_snapshot_node,
    1171             :                                 &txn->base_snapshot_node);
    1172             : 
    1173             :             /*
    1174             :              * The subtransaction doesn't have a snapshot anymore (so it
    1175             :              * mustn't be in the list.)
    1176             :              */
    1177           0 :             subtxn->base_snapshot = NULL;
    1178           0 :             subtxn->base_snapshot_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
    1179           0 :             dlist_delete(&subtxn->base_snapshot_node);
    1180             :         }
    1181             :         else
    1182             :         {
    1183             :             /* Base snap of toplevel is fine, so subxact's is not needed */
    1184           0 :             SnapBuildSnapDecRefcount(subtxn->base_snapshot);
    1185           0 :             dlist_delete(&subtxn->base_snapshot_node);
    1186           0 :             subtxn->base_snapshot = NULL;
    1187           0 :             subtxn->base_snapshot_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
    1188             :         }
    1189             :     }
    1190        1320 : }
    1191             : 
    1192             : /*
    1193             :  * Associate a subtransaction with its toplevel transaction at commit
    1194             :  * time. There may be no further changes added after this.
    1195             :  */
    1196             : void
    1197         536 : ReorderBufferCommitChild(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    1198             :                          TransactionId subxid, XLogRecPtr commit_lsn,
    1199             :                          XLogRecPtr end_lsn)
    1200             : {
    1201             :     ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    1202             : 
    1203         536 :     subtxn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, subxid, false, NULL,
    1204             :                                    InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    1205             : 
    1206             :     /*
    1207             :      * No need to do anything if that subtxn didn't contain any changes
    1208             :      */
    1209         536 :     if (!subtxn)
    1210         162 :         return;
    1211             : 
    1212         374 :     subtxn->final_lsn = commit_lsn;
    1213         374 :     subtxn->end_lsn = end_lsn;
    1214             : 
    1215             :     /*
    1216             :      * Assign this subxact as a child of the toplevel xact (no-op if already
    1217             :      * done.)
    1218             :      */
    1219         374 :     ReorderBufferAssignChild(rb, xid, subxid, InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    1220             : }
    1221             : 
    1222             : 
    1223             : /*
    1224             :  * Support for efficiently iterating over a transaction's and its
    1225             :  * subtransactions' changes.
    1226             :  *
    1227             :  * We do by doing a k-way merge between transactions/subtransactions. For that
    1228             :  * we model the current heads of the different transactions as a binary heap
    1229             :  * so we easily know which (sub-)transaction has the change with the smallest
    1230             :  * lsn next.
    1231             :  *
    1232             :  * We assume the changes in individual transactions are already sorted by LSN.
    1233             :  */
    1234             : 
    1235             : /*
    1236             :  * Binary heap comparison function.
    1237             :  */
    1238             : static int
    1239      103152 : ReorderBufferIterCompare(Datum a, Datum b, void *arg)
    1240             : {
    1241      103152 :     ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state = (ReorderBufferIterTXNState *) arg;
    1242      103152 :     XLogRecPtr  pos_a = state->entries[DatumGetInt32(a)].lsn;
    1243      103152 :     XLogRecPtr  pos_b = state->entries[DatumGetInt32(b)].lsn;
    1244             : 
    1245      103152 :     if (pos_a < pos_b)
    1246      101438 :         return 1;
    1247        1714 :     else if (pos_a == pos_b)
    1248           0 :         return 0;
    1249        1714 :     return -1;
    1250             : }
    1251             : 
    1252             : /*
    1253             :  * Allocate & initialize an iterator which iterates in lsn order over a
    1254             :  * transaction and all its subtransactions.
    1255             :  *
    1256             :  * Note: The iterator state is returned through iter_state parameter rather
    1257             :  * than the function's return value.  This is because the state gets cleaned up
    1258             :  * in a PG_CATCH block in the caller, so we want to make sure the caller gets
    1259             :  * back the state even if this function throws an exception.
    1260             :  */
    1261             : static void
    1262        3854 : ReorderBufferIterTXNInit(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    1263             :                          ReorderBufferIterTXNState *volatile *iter_state)
    1264             : {
    1265        3854 :     Size        nr_txns = 0;
    1266             :     ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state;
    1267             :     dlist_iter  cur_txn_i;
    1268             :     int32       off;
    1269             : 
    1270        3854 :     *iter_state = NULL;
    1271             : 
    1272             :     /* Check ordering of changes in the toplevel transaction. */
    1273        3854 :     AssertChangeLsnOrder(txn);
    1274             : 
    1275             :     /*
    1276             :      * Calculate the size of our heap: one element for every transaction that
    1277             :      * contains changes.  (Besides the transactions already in the reorder
    1278             :      * buffer, we count the one we were directly passed.)
    1279             :      */
    1280        3854 :     if (txn->nentries > 0)
    1281        3494 :         nr_txns++;
    1282             : 
    1283        4782 :     dlist_foreach(cur_txn_i, &txn->subtxns)
    1284             :     {
    1285             :         ReorderBufferTXN *cur_txn;
    1286             : 
    1287         928 :         cur_txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, cur_txn_i.cur);
    1288             : 
    1289             :         /* Check ordering of changes in this subtransaction. */
    1290         928 :         AssertChangeLsnOrder(cur_txn);
    1291             : 
    1292         928 :         if (cur_txn->nentries > 0)
    1293         604 :             nr_txns++;
    1294             :     }
    1295             : 
    1296             :     /* allocate iteration state */
    1297             :     state = (ReorderBufferIterTXNState *)
    1298        3854 :         MemoryContextAllocZero(rb->context,
    1299             :                                sizeof(ReorderBufferIterTXNState) +
    1300        3854 :                                sizeof(ReorderBufferIterTXNEntry) * nr_txns);
    1301             : 
    1302        3854 :     state->nr_txns = nr_txns;
    1303        3854 :     dlist_init(&state->old_change);
    1304             : 
    1305        7952 :     for (off = 0; off < state->nr_txns; off++)
    1306             :     {
    1307        4098 :         state->entries[off].file.vfd = -1;
    1308        4098 :         state->entries[off].segno = 0;
    1309             :     }
    1310             : 
    1311             :     /* allocate heap */
    1312        3854 :     state->heap = binaryheap_allocate(state->nr_txns,
    1313             :                                       ReorderBufferIterCompare,
    1314             :                                       state);
    1315             : 
    1316             :     /* Now that the state fields are initialized, it is safe to return it. */
    1317        3854 :     *iter_state = state;
    1318             : 
    1319             :     /*
    1320             :      * Now insert items into the binary heap, in an unordered fashion.  (We
    1321             :      * will run a heap assembly step at the end; this is more efficient.)
    1322             :      */
    1323             : 
    1324        3854 :     off = 0;
    1325             : 
    1326             :     /* add toplevel transaction if it contains changes */
    1327        3854 :     if (txn->nentries > 0)
    1328             :     {
    1329             :         ReorderBufferChange *cur_change;
    1330             : 
    1331        3494 :         if (rbtxn_is_serialized(txn))
    1332             :         {
    1333             :             /* serialize remaining changes */
    1334          42 :             ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(rb, txn);
    1335          42 :             ReorderBufferRestoreChanges(rb, txn, &state->entries[off].file,
    1336             :                                         &state->entries[off].segno);
    1337             :         }
    1338             : 
    1339        3494 :         cur_change = dlist_head_element(ReorderBufferChange, node,
    1340             :                                         &txn->changes);
    1341             : 
    1342        3494 :         state->entries[off].lsn = cur_change->lsn;
    1343        3494 :         state->entries[off].change = cur_change;
    1344        3494 :         state->entries[off].txn = txn;
    1345             : 
    1346        3494 :         binaryheap_add_unordered(state->heap, Int32GetDatum(off++));
    1347             :     }
    1348             : 
    1349             :     /* add subtransactions if they contain changes */
    1350        4782 :     dlist_foreach(cur_txn_i, &txn->subtxns)
    1351             :     {
    1352             :         ReorderBufferTXN *cur_txn;
    1353             : 
    1354         928 :         cur_txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, cur_txn_i.cur);
    1355             : 
    1356         928 :         if (cur_txn->nentries > 0)
    1357             :         {
    1358             :             ReorderBufferChange *cur_change;
    1359             : 
    1360         604 :             if (rbtxn_is_serialized(cur_txn))
    1361             :             {
    1362             :                 /* serialize remaining changes */
    1363          34 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(rb, cur_txn);
    1364          34 :                 ReorderBufferRestoreChanges(rb, cur_txn,
    1365             :                                             &state->entries[off].file,
    1366             :                                             &state->entries[off].segno);
    1367             :             }
    1368         604 :             cur_change = dlist_head_element(ReorderBufferChange, node,
    1369             :                                             &cur_txn->changes);
    1370             : 
    1371         604 :             state->entries[off].lsn = cur_change->lsn;
    1372         604 :             state->entries[off].change = cur_change;
    1373         604 :             state->entries[off].txn = cur_txn;
    1374             : 
    1375         604 :             binaryheap_add_unordered(state->heap, Int32GetDatum(off++));
    1376             :         }
    1377             :     }
    1378             : 
    1379             :     /* assemble a valid binary heap */
    1380        3854 :     binaryheap_build(state->heap);
    1381        3854 : }
    1382             : 
    1383             : /*
    1384             :  * Return the next change when iterating over a transaction and its
    1385             :  * subtransactions.
    1386             :  *
    1387             :  * Returns NULL when no further changes exist.
    1388             :  */
    1389             : static ReorderBufferChange *
    1390      714962 : ReorderBufferIterTXNNext(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state)
    1391             : {
    1392             :     ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1393             :     ReorderBufferIterTXNEntry *entry;
    1394             :     int32       off;
    1395             : 
    1396             :     /* nothing there anymore */
    1397      714962 :     if (state->heap->bh_size == 0)
    1398        3832 :         return NULL;
    1399             : 
    1400      711130 :     off = DatumGetInt32(binaryheap_first(state->heap));
    1401      711130 :     entry = &state->entries[off];
    1402             : 
    1403             :     /* free memory we might have "leaked" in the previous *Next call */
    1404      711130 :     if (!dlist_is_empty(&state->old_change))
    1405             :     {
    1406          84 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node,
    1407             :                                  dlist_pop_head_node(&state->old_change));
    1408          84 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, true);
    1409             :         Assert(dlist_is_empty(&state->old_change));
    1410             :     }
    1411             : 
    1412      711130 :     change = entry->change;
    1413             : 
    1414             :     /*
    1415             :      * update heap with information about which transaction has the next
    1416             :      * relevant change in LSN order
    1417             :      */
    1418             : 
    1419             :     /* there are in-memory changes */
    1420      711130 :     if (dlist_has_next(&entry->txn->changes, &entry->change->node))
    1421             :     {
    1422      706972 :         dlist_node *next = dlist_next_node(&entry->txn->changes, &change->node);
    1423      706972 :         ReorderBufferChange *next_change =
    1424      706972 :             dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, next);
    1425             : 
    1426             :         /* txn stays the same */
    1427      706972 :         state->entries[off].lsn = next_change->lsn;
    1428      706972 :         state->entries[off].change = next_change;
    1429             : 
    1430      706972 :         binaryheap_replace_first(state->heap, Int32GetDatum(off));
    1431      706972 :         return change;
    1432             :     }
    1433             : 
    1434             :     /* try to load changes from disk */
    1435        4158 :     if (entry->txn->nentries != entry->txn->nentries_mem)
    1436             :     {
    1437             :         /*
    1438             :          * Ugly: restoring changes will reuse *Change records, thus delete the
    1439             :          * current one from the per-tx list and only free in the next call.
    1440             :          */
    1441         120 :         dlist_delete(&change->node);
    1442         120 :         dlist_push_tail(&state->old_change, &change->node);
    1443             : 
    1444             :         /*
    1445             :          * Update the total bytes processed by the txn for which we are
    1446             :          * releasing the current set of changes and restoring the new set of
    1447             :          * changes.
    1448             :          */
    1449         120 :         rb->totalBytes += entry->txn->size;
    1450         120 :         if (ReorderBufferRestoreChanges(rb, entry->txn, &entry->file,
    1451             :                                         &state->entries[off].segno))
    1452             :         {
    1453             :             /* successfully restored changes from disk */
    1454             :             ReorderBufferChange *next_change =
    1455          66 :                 dlist_head_element(ReorderBufferChange, node,
    1456             :                                    &entry->txn->changes);
    1457             : 
    1458          66 :             elog(DEBUG2, "restored %u/%u changes from disk",
    1459             :                  (uint32) entry->txn->nentries_mem,
    1460             :                  (uint32) entry->txn->nentries);
    1461             : 
    1462             :             Assert(entry->txn->nentries_mem);
    1463             :             /* txn stays the same */
    1464          66 :             state->entries[off].lsn = next_change->lsn;
    1465          66 :             state->entries[off].change = next_change;
    1466          66 :             binaryheap_replace_first(state->heap, Int32GetDatum(off));
    1467             : 
    1468          66 :             return change;
    1469             :         }
    1470             :     }
    1471             : 
    1472             :     /* ok, no changes there anymore, remove */
    1473        4092 :     binaryheap_remove_first(state->heap);
    1474             : 
    1475        4092 :     return change;
    1476             : }
    1477             : 
    1478             : /*
    1479             :  * Deallocate the iterator
    1480             :  */
    1481             : static void
    1482        3852 : ReorderBufferIterTXNFinish(ReorderBuffer *rb,
    1483             :                            ReorderBufferIterTXNState *state)
    1484             : {
    1485             :     int32       off;
    1486             : 
    1487        7948 :     for (off = 0; off < state->nr_txns; off++)
    1488             :     {
    1489        4096 :         if (state->entries[off].file.vfd != -1)
    1490           0 :             FileClose(state->entries[off].file.vfd);
    1491             :     }
    1492             : 
    1493             :     /* free memory we might have "leaked" in the last *Next call */
    1494        3852 :     if (!dlist_is_empty(&state->old_change))
    1495             :     {
    1496             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1497             : 
    1498          34 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node,
    1499             :                                  dlist_pop_head_node(&state->old_change));
    1500          34 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, true);
    1501             :         Assert(dlist_is_empty(&state->old_change));
    1502             :     }
    1503             : 
    1504        3852 :     binaryheap_free(state->heap);
    1505        3852 :     pfree(state);
    1506        3852 : }
    1507             : 
    1508             : /*
    1509             :  * Cleanup the contents of a transaction, usually after the transaction
    1510             :  * committed or aborted.
    1511             :  */
    1512             : static void
    1513        6820 : ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    1514             : {
    1515             :     bool        found;
    1516             :     dlist_mutable_iter iter;
    1517        6820 :     Size        mem_freed = 0;
    1518             : 
    1519             :     /* cleanup subtransactions & their changes */
    1520        7192 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->subtxns)
    1521             :     {
    1522             :         ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    1523             : 
    1524         372 :         subtxn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, iter.cur);
    1525             : 
    1526             :         /*
    1527             :          * Subtransactions are always associated to the toplevel TXN, even if
    1528             :          * they originally were happening inside another subtxn, so we won't
    1529             :          * ever recurse more than one level deep here.
    1530             :          */
    1531             :         Assert(rbtxn_is_known_subxact(subtxn));
    1532             :         Assert(subtxn->nsubtxns == 0);
    1533             : 
    1534         372 :         ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, subtxn);
    1535             :     }
    1536             : 
    1537             :     /* cleanup changes in the txn */
    1538      143594 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->changes)
    1539             :     {
    1540             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1541             : 
    1542      136774 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1543             : 
    1544             :         /* Check we're not mixing changes from different transactions. */
    1545             :         Assert(change->txn == txn);
    1546             : 
    1547             :         /*
    1548             :          * Instead of updating the memory counter for individual changes, we
    1549             :          * sum up the size of memory to free so we can update the memory
    1550             :          * counter all together below. This saves costs of maintaining the
    1551             :          * max-heap.
    1552             :          */
    1553      136774 :         mem_freed += ReorderBufferChangeSize(change);
    1554             : 
    1555      136774 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, false);
    1556             :     }
    1557             : 
    1558             :     /* Update the memory counter */
    1559        6820 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, NULL, txn, false, mem_freed);
    1560             : 
    1561             :     /*
    1562             :      * Cleanup the tuplecids we stored for decoding catalog snapshot access.
    1563             :      * They are always stored in the toplevel transaction.
    1564             :      */
    1565       52944 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->tuplecids)
    1566             :     {
    1567             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1568             : 
    1569       46124 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1570             : 
    1571             :         /* Check we're not mixing changes from different transactions. */
    1572             :         Assert(change->txn == txn);
    1573             :         Assert(change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID);
    1574             : 
    1575       46124 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, true);
    1576             :     }
    1577             : 
    1578             :     /*
    1579             :      * Cleanup the base snapshot, if set.
    1580             :      */
    1581        6820 :     if (txn->base_snapshot != NULL)
    1582             :     {
    1583        5454 :         SnapBuildSnapDecRefcount(txn->base_snapshot);
    1584        5454 :         dlist_delete(&txn->base_snapshot_node);
    1585             :     }
    1586             : 
    1587             :     /*
    1588             :      * Cleanup the snapshot for the last streamed run.
    1589             :      */
    1590        6820 :     if (txn->snapshot_now != NULL)
    1591             :     {
    1592             :         Assert(rbtxn_is_streamed(txn));
    1593         132 :         ReorderBufferFreeSnap(rb, txn->snapshot_now);
    1594             :     }
    1595             : 
    1596             :     /*
    1597             :      * Remove TXN from its containing lists.
    1598             :      *
    1599             :      * Note: if txn is known as subxact, we are deleting the TXN from its
    1600             :      * parent's list of known subxacts; this leaves the parent's nsubxacts
    1601             :      * count too high, but we don't care.  Otherwise, we are deleting the TXN
    1602             :      * from the LSN-ordered list of toplevel TXNs. We remove the TXN from the
    1603             :      * list of catalog modifying transactions as well.
    1604             :      */
    1605        6820 :     dlist_delete(&txn->node);
    1606        6820 :     if (rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(txn))
    1607        2112 :         dclist_delete_from(&rb->catchange_txns, &txn->catchange_node);
    1608             : 
    1609             :     /* now remove reference from buffer */
    1610        6820 :     hash_search(rb->by_txn, &txn->xid, HASH_REMOVE, &found);
    1611             :     Assert(found);
    1612             : 
    1613             :     /* remove entries spilled to disk */
    1614        6820 :     if (rbtxn_is_serialized(txn))
    1615         538 :         ReorderBufferRestoreCleanup(rb, txn);
    1616             : 
    1617             :     /* deallocate */
    1618        6820 :     ReorderBufferReturnTXN(rb, txn);
    1619        6820 : }
    1620             : 
    1621             : /*
    1622             :  * Discard changes from a transaction (and subtransactions), either after
    1623             :  * streaming or decoding them at PREPARE. Keep the remaining info -
    1624             :  * transactions, tuplecids, invalidations and snapshots.
    1625             :  *
    1626             :  * We additionally remove tuplecids after decoding the transaction at prepare
    1627             :  * time as we only need to perform invalidation at rollback or commit prepared.
    1628             :  *
    1629             :  * 'txn_prepared' indicates that we have decoded the transaction at prepare
    1630             :  * time.
    1631             :  */
    1632             : static void
    1633        2164 : ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn, bool txn_prepared)
    1634             : {
    1635             :     dlist_mutable_iter iter;
    1636        2164 :     Size        mem_freed = 0;
    1637             : 
    1638             :     /* cleanup subtransactions & their changes */
    1639        2758 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->subtxns)
    1640             :     {
    1641             :         ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    1642             : 
    1643         594 :         subtxn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, iter.cur);
    1644             : 
    1645             :         /*
    1646             :          * Subtransactions are always associated to the toplevel TXN, even if
    1647             :          * they originally were happening inside another subtxn, so we won't
    1648             :          * ever recurse more than one level deep here.
    1649             :          */
    1650             :         Assert(rbtxn_is_known_subxact(subtxn));
    1651             :         Assert(subtxn->nsubtxns == 0);
    1652             : 
    1653         594 :         ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, subtxn, txn_prepared);
    1654             :     }
    1655             : 
    1656             :     /* cleanup changes in the txn */
    1657      345042 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->changes)
    1658             :     {
    1659             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1660             : 
    1661      342878 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1662             : 
    1663             :         /* Check we're not mixing changes from different transactions. */
    1664             :         Assert(change->txn == txn);
    1665             : 
    1666             :         /* remove the change from it's containing list */
    1667      342878 :         dlist_delete(&change->node);
    1668             : 
    1669             :         /*
    1670             :          * Instead of updating the memory counter for individual changes, we
    1671             :          * sum up the size of memory to free so we can update the memory
    1672             :          * counter all together below. This saves costs of maintaining the
    1673             :          * max-heap.
    1674             :          */
    1675      342878 :         mem_freed += ReorderBufferChangeSize(change);
    1676             : 
    1677      342878 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, false);
    1678             :     }
    1679             : 
    1680             :     /* Update the memory counter */
    1681        2164 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, NULL, txn, false, mem_freed);
    1682             : 
    1683             :     /*
    1684             :      * Mark the transaction as streamed.
    1685             :      *
    1686             :      * The top-level transaction, is marked as streamed always, even if it
    1687             :      * does not contain any changes (that is, when all the changes are in
    1688             :      * subtransactions).
    1689             :      *
    1690             :      * For subtransactions, we only mark them as streamed when there are
    1691             :      * changes in them.
    1692             :      *
    1693             :      * We do it this way because of aborts - we don't want to send aborts for
    1694             :      * XIDs the downstream is not aware of. And of course, it always knows
    1695             :      * about the toplevel xact (we send the XID in all messages), but we never
    1696             :      * stream XIDs of empty subxacts.
    1697             :      */
    1698        2164 :     if ((!txn_prepared) && (rbtxn_is_toptxn(txn) || (txn->nentries_mem != 0)))
    1699        1724 :         txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_IS_STREAMED;
    1700             : 
    1701        2164 :     if (txn_prepared)
    1702             :     {
    1703             :         /*
    1704             :          * If this is a prepared txn, cleanup the tuplecids we stored for
    1705             :          * decoding catalog snapshot access. They are always stored in the
    1706             :          * toplevel transaction.
    1707             :          */
    1708         364 :         dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &txn->tuplecids)
    1709             :         {
    1710             :             ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1711             : 
    1712         246 :             change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1713             : 
    1714             :             /* Check we're not mixing changes from different transactions. */
    1715             :             Assert(change->txn == txn);
    1716             :             Assert(change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID);
    1717             : 
    1718             :             /* Remove the change from its containing list. */
    1719         246 :             dlist_delete(&change->node);
    1720             : 
    1721         246 :             ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, true);
    1722             :         }
    1723             :     }
    1724             : 
    1725             :     /*
    1726             :      * Destroy the (relfilelocator, ctid) hashtable, so that we don't leak any
    1727             :      * memory. We could also keep the hash table and update it with new ctid
    1728             :      * values, but this seems simpler and good enough for now.
    1729             :      */
    1730        2164 :     if (txn->tuplecid_hash != NULL)
    1731             :     {
    1732          90 :         hash_destroy(txn->tuplecid_hash);
    1733          90 :         txn->tuplecid_hash = NULL;
    1734             :     }
    1735             : 
    1736             :     /* If this txn is serialized then clean the disk space. */
    1737        2164 :     if (rbtxn_is_serialized(txn))
    1738             :     {
    1739          14 :         ReorderBufferRestoreCleanup(rb, txn);
    1740          14 :         txn->txn_flags &= ~RBTXN_IS_SERIALIZED;
    1741             : 
    1742             :         /*
    1743             :          * We set this flag to indicate if the transaction is ever serialized.
    1744             :          * We need this to accurately update the stats as otherwise the same
    1745             :          * transaction can be counted as serialized multiple times.
    1746             :          */
    1747          14 :         txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_IS_SERIALIZED_CLEAR;
    1748             :     }
    1749             : 
    1750             :     /* also reset the number of entries in the transaction */
    1751        2164 :     txn->nentries_mem = 0;
    1752        2164 :     txn->nentries = 0;
    1753        2164 : }
    1754             : 
    1755             : /*
    1756             :  * Build a hash with a (relfilelocator, ctid) -> (cmin, cmax) mapping for use by
    1757             :  * HeapTupleSatisfiesHistoricMVCC.
    1758             :  */
    1759             : static void
    1760        3854 : ReorderBufferBuildTupleCidHash(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    1761             : {
    1762             :     dlist_iter  iter;
    1763             :     HASHCTL     hash_ctl;
    1764             : 
    1765        3854 :     if (!rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(txn) || dlist_is_empty(&txn->tuplecids))
    1766        2794 :         return;
    1767             : 
    1768        1060 :     hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(ReorderBufferTupleCidKey);
    1769        1060 :     hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt);
    1770        1060 :     hash_ctl.hcxt = rb->context;
    1771             : 
    1772             :     /*
    1773             :      * create the hash with the exact number of to-be-stored tuplecids from
    1774             :      * the start
    1775             :      */
    1776        1060 :     txn->tuplecid_hash =
    1777        1060 :         hash_create("ReorderBufferTupleCid", txn->ntuplecids, &hash_ctl,
    1778             :                     HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT);
    1779             : 
    1780       24032 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &txn->tuplecids)
    1781             :     {
    1782             :         ReorderBufferTupleCidKey key;
    1783             :         ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *ent;
    1784             :         bool        found;
    1785             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    1786             : 
    1787       22972 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, iter.cur);
    1788             : 
    1789             :         Assert(change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID);
    1790             : 
    1791             :         /* be careful about padding */
    1792       22972 :         memset(&key, 0, sizeof(ReorderBufferTupleCidKey));
    1793             : 
    1794       22972 :         key.rlocator = change->data.tuplecid.locator;
    1795             : 
    1796       22972 :         ItemPointerCopy(&change->data.tuplecid.tid,
    1797             :                         &key.tid);
    1798             : 
    1799             :         ent = (ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *)
    1800       22972 :             hash_search(txn->tuplecid_hash, &key, HASH_ENTER, &found);
    1801       22972 :         if (!found)
    1802             :         {
    1803       19706 :             ent->cmin = change->data.tuplecid.cmin;
    1804       19706 :             ent->cmax = change->data.tuplecid.cmax;
    1805       19706 :             ent->combocid = change->data.tuplecid.combocid;
    1806             :         }
    1807             :         else
    1808             :         {
    1809             :             /*
    1810             :              * Maybe we already saw this tuple before in this transaction, but
    1811             :              * if so it must have the same cmin.
    1812             :              */
    1813             :             Assert(ent->cmin == change->data.tuplecid.cmin);
    1814             : 
    1815             :             /*
    1816             :              * cmax may be initially invalid, but once set it can only grow,
    1817             :              * and never become invalid again.
    1818             :              */
    1819             :             Assert((ent->cmax == InvalidCommandId) ||
    1820             :                    ((change->data.tuplecid.cmax != InvalidCommandId) &&
    1821             :                     (change->data.tuplecid.cmax > ent->cmax)));
    1822        3266 :             ent->cmax = change->data.tuplecid.cmax;
    1823             :         }
    1824             :     }
    1825             : }
    1826             : 
    1827             : /*
    1828             :  * Copy a provided snapshot so we can modify it privately. This is needed so
    1829             :  * that catalog modifying transactions can look into intermediate catalog
    1830             :  * states.
    1831             :  */
    1832             : static Snapshot
    1833        3444 : ReorderBufferCopySnap(ReorderBuffer *rb, Snapshot orig_snap,
    1834             :                       ReorderBufferTXN *txn, CommandId cid)
    1835             : {
    1836             :     Snapshot    snap;
    1837             :     dlist_iter  iter;
    1838        3444 :     int         i = 0;
    1839             :     Size        size;
    1840             : 
    1841        3444 :     size = sizeof(SnapshotData) +
    1842        3444 :         sizeof(TransactionId) * orig_snap->xcnt +
    1843        3444 :         sizeof(TransactionId) * (txn->nsubtxns + 1);
    1844             : 
    1845        3444 :     snap = MemoryContextAllocZero(rb->context, size);
    1846        3444 :     memcpy(snap, orig_snap, sizeof(SnapshotData));
    1847             : 
    1848        3444 :     snap->copied = true;
    1849        3444 :     snap->active_count = 1;      /* mark as active so nobody frees it */
    1850        3444 :     snap->regd_count = 0;
    1851        3444 :     snap->xip = (TransactionId *) (snap + 1);
    1852             : 
    1853        3444 :     memcpy(snap->xip, orig_snap->xip, sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->xcnt);
    1854             : 
    1855             :     /*
    1856             :      * snap->subxip contains all txids that belong to our transaction which we
    1857             :      * need to check via cmin/cmax. That's why we store the toplevel
    1858             :      * transaction in there as well.
    1859             :      */
    1860        3444 :     snap->subxip = snap->xip + snap->xcnt;
    1861        3444 :     snap->subxip[i++] = txn->xid;
    1862             : 
    1863             :     /*
    1864             :      * subxcnt isn't decreased when subtransactions abort, so count manually.
    1865             :      * Since it's an upper boundary it is safe to use it for the allocation
    1866             :      * above.
    1867             :      */
    1868        3444 :     snap->subxcnt = 1;
    1869             : 
    1870        4066 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &txn->subtxns)
    1871             :     {
    1872             :         ReorderBufferTXN *sub_txn;
    1873             : 
    1874         622 :         sub_txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, iter.cur);
    1875         622 :         snap->subxip[i++] = sub_txn->xid;
    1876         622 :         snap->subxcnt++;
    1877             :     }
    1878             : 
    1879             :     /* sort so we can bsearch() later */
    1880        3444 :     qsort(snap->subxip, snap->subxcnt, sizeof(TransactionId), xidComparator);
    1881             : 
    1882             :     /* store the specified current CommandId */
    1883        3444 :     snap->curcid = cid;
    1884             : 
    1885        3444 :     return snap;
    1886             : }
    1887             : 
    1888             : /*
    1889             :  * Free a previously ReorderBufferCopySnap'ed snapshot
    1890             :  */
    1891             : static void
    1892        5476 : ReorderBufferFreeSnap(ReorderBuffer *rb, Snapshot snap)
    1893             : {
    1894        5476 :     if (snap->copied)
    1895        3436 :         pfree(snap);
    1896             :     else
    1897        2040 :         SnapBuildSnapDecRefcount(snap);
    1898        5476 : }
    1899             : 
    1900             : /*
    1901             :  * If the transaction was (partially) streamed, we need to prepare or commit
    1902             :  * it in a 'streamed' way.  That is, we first stream the remaining part of the
    1903             :  * transaction, and then invoke stream_prepare or stream_commit message as per
    1904             :  * the case.
    1905             :  */
    1906             : static void
    1907         132 : ReorderBufferStreamCommit(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    1908             : {
    1909             :     /* we should only call this for previously streamed transactions */
    1910             :     Assert(rbtxn_is_streamed(txn));
    1911             : 
    1912         132 :     ReorderBufferStreamTXN(rb, txn);
    1913             : 
    1914         132 :     if (rbtxn_prepared(txn))
    1915             :     {
    1916             :         /*
    1917             :          * Note, we send stream prepare even if a concurrent abort is
    1918             :          * detected. See DecodePrepare for more information.
    1919             :          */
    1920          30 :         rb->stream_prepare(rb, txn, txn->final_lsn);
    1921             : 
    1922             :         /*
    1923             :          * This is a PREPARED transaction, part of a two-phase commit. The
    1924             :          * full cleanup will happen as part of the COMMIT PREPAREDs, so now
    1925             :          * just truncate txn by removing changes and tuplecids.
    1926             :          */
    1927          30 :         ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, true);
    1928             :         /* Reset the CheckXidAlive */
    1929          30 :         CheckXidAlive = InvalidTransactionId;
    1930             :     }
    1931             :     else
    1932             :     {
    1933         102 :         rb->stream_commit(rb, txn, txn->final_lsn);
    1934         102 :         ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    1935             :     }
    1936         132 : }
    1937             : 
    1938             : /*
    1939             :  * Set xid to detect concurrent aborts.
    1940             :  *
    1941             :  * While streaming an in-progress transaction or decoding a prepared
    1942             :  * transaction there is a possibility that the (sub)transaction might get
    1943             :  * aborted concurrently.  In such case if the (sub)transaction has catalog
    1944             :  * update then we might decode the tuple using wrong catalog version.  For
    1945             :  * example, suppose there is one catalog tuple with (xmin: 500, xmax: 0).  Now,
    1946             :  * the transaction 501 updates the catalog tuple and after that we will have
    1947             :  * two tuples (xmin: 500, xmax: 501) and (xmin: 501, xmax: 0).  Now, if 501 is
    1948             :  * aborted and some other transaction say 502 updates the same catalog tuple
    1949             :  * then the first tuple will be changed to (xmin: 500, xmax: 502).  So, the
    1950             :  * problem is that when we try to decode the tuple inserted/updated in 501
    1951             :  * after the catalog update, we will see the catalog tuple with (xmin: 500,
    1952             :  * xmax: 502) as visible because it will consider that the tuple is deleted by
    1953             :  * xid 502 which is not visible to our snapshot.  And when we will try to
    1954             :  * decode with that catalog tuple, it can lead to a wrong result or a crash.
    1955             :  * So, it is necessary to detect concurrent aborts to allow streaming of
    1956             :  * in-progress transactions or decoding of prepared transactions.
    1957             :  *
    1958             :  * For detecting the concurrent abort we set CheckXidAlive to the current
    1959             :  * (sub)transaction's xid for which this change belongs to.  And, during
    1960             :  * catalog scan we can check the status of the xid and if it is aborted we will
    1961             :  * report a specific error so that we can stop streaming current transaction
    1962             :  * and discard the already streamed changes on such an error.  We might have
    1963             :  * already streamed some of the changes for the aborted (sub)transaction, but
    1964             :  * that is fine because when we decode the abort we will stream abort message
    1965             :  * to truncate the changes in the subscriber. Similarly, for prepared
    1966             :  * transactions, we stop decoding if concurrent abort is detected and then
    1967             :  * rollback the changes when rollback prepared is encountered. See
    1968             :  * DecodePrepare.
    1969             :  */
    1970             : static inline void
    1971      355740 : SetupCheckXidLive(TransactionId xid)
    1972             : {
    1973             :     /*
    1974             :      * If the input transaction id is already set as a CheckXidAlive then
    1975             :      * nothing to do.
    1976             :      */
    1977      355740 :     if (TransactionIdEquals(CheckXidAlive, xid))
    1978      146506 :         return;
    1979             : 
    1980             :     /*
    1981             :      * setup CheckXidAlive if it's not committed yet.  We don't check if the
    1982             :      * xid is aborted.  That will happen during catalog access.
    1983             :      */
    1984      209234 :     if (!TransactionIdDidCommit(xid))
    1985         632 :         CheckXidAlive = xid;
    1986             :     else
    1987      208602 :         CheckXidAlive = InvalidTransactionId;
    1988             : }
    1989             : 
    1990             : /*
    1991             :  * Helper function for ReorderBufferProcessTXN for applying change.
    1992             :  */
    1993             : static inline void
    1994      667972 : ReorderBufferApplyChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    1995             :                          Relation relation, ReorderBufferChange *change,
    1996             :                          bool streaming)
    1997             : {
    1998      667972 :     if (streaming)
    1999      352012 :         rb->stream_change(rb, txn, relation, change);
    2000             :     else
    2001      315960 :         rb->apply_change(rb, txn, relation, change);
    2002      667966 : }
    2003             : 
    2004             : /*
    2005             :  * Helper function for ReorderBufferProcessTXN for applying the truncate.
    2006             :  */
    2007             : static inline void
    2008          46 : ReorderBufferApplyTruncate(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2009             :                            int nrelations, Relation *relations,
    2010             :                            ReorderBufferChange *change, bool streaming)
    2011             : {
    2012          46 :     if (streaming)
    2013           0 :         rb->stream_truncate(rb, txn, nrelations, relations, change);
    2014             :     else
    2015          46 :         rb->apply_truncate(rb, txn, nrelations, relations, change);
    2016          46 : }
    2017             : 
    2018             : /*
    2019             :  * Helper function for ReorderBufferProcessTXN for applying the message.
    2020             :  */
    2021             : static inline void
    2022          22 : ReorderBufferApplyMessage(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2023             :                           ReorderBufferChange *change, bool streaming)
    2024             : {
    2025          22 :     if (streaming)
    2026           6 :         rb->stream_message(rb, txn, change->lsn, true,
    2027           6 :                            change->data.msg.prefix,
    2028             :                            change->data.msg.message_size,
    2029           6 :                            change->data.msg.message);
    2030             :     else
    2031          16 :         rb->message(rb, txn, change->lsn, true,
    2032          16 :                     change->data.msg.prefix,
    2033             :                     change->data.msg.message_size,
    2034          16 :                     change->data.msg.message);
    2035          22 : }
    2036             : 
    2037             : /*
    2038             :  * Function to store the command id and snapshot at the end of the current
    2039             :  * stream so that we can reuse the same while sending the next stream.
    2040             :  */
    2041             : static inline void
    2042        1486 : ReorderBufferSaveTXNSnapshot(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2043             :                              Snapshot snapshot_now, CommandId command_id)
    2044             : {
    2045        1486 :     txn->command_id = command_id;
    2046             : 
    2047             :     /* Avoid copying if it's already copied. */
    2048        1486 :     if (snapshot_now->copied)
    2049        1486 :         txn->snapshot_now = snapshot_now;
    2050             :     else
    2051           0 :         txn->snapshot_now = ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, snapshot_now,
    2052             :                                                   txn, command_id);
    2053        1486 : }
    2054             : 
    2055             : /*
    2056             :  * Helper function for ReorderBufferProcessTXN to handle the concurrent
    2057             :  * abort of the streaming transaction.  This resets the TXN such that it
    2058             :  * can be used to stream the remaining data of transaction being processed.
    2059             :  * This can happen when the subtransaction is aborted and we still want to
    2060             :  * continue processing the main or other subtransactions data.
    2061             :  */
    2062             : static void
    2063          16 : ReorderBufferResetTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2064             :                       Snapshot snapshot_now,
    2065             :                       CommandId command_id,
    2066             :                       XLogRecPtr last_lsn,
    2067             :                       ReorderBufferChange *specinsert)
    2068             : {
    2069             :     /* Discard the changes that we just streamed */
    2070          16 :     ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, rbtxn_prepared(txn));
    2071             : 
    2072             :     /* Free all resources allocated for toast reconstruction */
    2073          16 :     ReorderBufferToastReset(rb, txn);
    2074             : 
    2075             :     /* Return the spec insert change if it is not NULL */
    2076          16 :     if (specinsert != NULL)
    2077             :     {
    2078           0 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, specinsert, true);
    2079           0 :         specinsert = NULL;
    2080             :     }
    2081             : 
    2082             :     /*
    2083             :      * For the streaming case, stop the stream and remember the command ID and
    2084             :      * snapshot for the streaming run.
    2085             :      */
    2086          16 :     if (rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2087             :     {
    2088          16 :         rb->stream_stop(rb, txn, last_lsn);
    2089          16 :         ReorderBufferSaveTXNSnapshot(rb, txn, snapshot_now, command_id);
    2090             :     }
    2091             : 
    2092             :     /* All changes must be deallocated */
    2093             :     Assert(txn->size == 0);
    2094          16 : }
    2095             : 
    2096             : /*
    2097             :  * Helper function for ReorderBufferReplay and ReorderBufferStreamTXN.
    2098             :  *
    2099             :  * Send data of a transaction (and its subtransactions) to the
    2100             :  * output plugin. We iterate over the top and subtransactions (using a k-way
    2101             :  * merge) and replay the changes in lsn order.
    2102             :  *
    2103             :  * If streaming is true then data will be sent using stream API.
    2104             :  *
    2105             :  * Note: "volatile" markers on some parameters are to avoid trouble with
    2106             :  * PG_TRY inside the function.
    2107             :  */
    2108             : static void
    2109        3854 : ReorderBufferProcessTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2110             :                         XLogRecPtr commit_lsn,
    2111             :                         volatile Snapshot snapshot_now,
    2112             :                         volatile CommandId command_id,
    2113             :                         bool streaming)
    2114             : {
    2115             :     bool        using_subtxn;
    2116        3854 :     MemoryContext ccxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
    2117        3854 :     ReorderBufferIterTXNState *volatile iterstate = NULL;
    2118        3854 :     volatile XLogRecPtr prev_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
    2119        3854 :     ReorderBufferChange *volatile specinsert = NULL;
    2120        3854 :     volatile bool stream_started = false;
    2121        3854 :     ReorderBufferTXN *volatile curtxn = NULL;
    2122             : 
    2123             :     /* build data to be able to lookup the CommandIds of catalog tuples */
    2124        3854 :     ReorderBufferBuildTupleCidHash(rb, txn);
    2125             : 
    2126             :     /* setup the initial snapshot */
    2127        3854 :     SetupHistoricSnapshot(snapshot_now, txn->tuplecid_hash);
    2128             : 
    2129             :     /*
    2130             :      * Decoding needs access to syscaches et al., which in turn use
    2131             :      * heavyweight locks and such. Thus we need to have enough state around to
    2132             :      * keep track of those.  The easiest way is to simply use a transaction
    2133             :      * internally.  That also allows us to easily enforce that nothing writes
    2134             :      * to the database by checking for xid assignments.
    2135             :      *
    2136             :      * When we're called via the SQL SRF there's already a transaction
    2137             :      * started, so start an explicit subtransaction there.
    2138             :      */
    2139        3854 :     using_subtxn = IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock();
    2140             : 
    2141        3854 :     PG_TRY();
    2142             :     {
    2143             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    2144        3854 :         int         changes_count = 0;  /* used to accumulate the number of
    2145             :                                          * changes */
    2146             : 
    2147        3854 :         if (using_subtxn)
    2148         948 :             BeginInternalSubTransaction(streaming ? "stream" : "replay");
    2149             :         else
    2150        2906 :             StartTransactionCommand();
    2151             : 
    2152             :         /*
    2153             :          * We only need to send begin/begin-prepare for non-streamed
    2154             :          * transactions.
    2155             :          */
    2156        3854 :         if (!streaming)
    2157             :         {
    2158        2368 :             if (rbtxn_prepared(txn))
    2159          54 :                 rb->begin_prepare(rb, txn);
    2160             :             else
    2161        2314 :                 rb->begin(rb, txn);
    2162             :         }
    2163             : 
    2164        3854 :         ReorderBufferIterTXNInit(rb, txn, &iterstate);
    2165      714962 :         while ((change = ReorderBufferIterTXNNext(rb, iterstate)) != NULL)
    2166             :         {
    2167      711130 :             Relation    relation = NULL;
    2168             :             Oid         reloid;
    2169             : 
    2170      711130 :             CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
    2171             : 
    2172             :             /*
    2173             :              * We can't call start stream callback before processing first
    2174             :              * change.
    2175             :              */
    2176      711130 :             if (prev_lsn == InvalidXLogRecPtr)
    2177             :             {
    2178        3778 :                 if (streaming)
    2179             :                 {
    2180        1410 :                     txn->origin_id = change->origin_id;
    2181        1410 :                     rb->stream_start(rb, txn, change->lsn);
    2182        1410 :                     stream_started = true;
    2183             :                 }
    2184             :             }
    2185             : 
    2186             :             /*
    2187             :              * Enforce correct ordering of changes, merged from multiple
    2188             :              * subtransactions. The changes may have the same LSN due to
    2189             :              * MULTI_INSERT xlog records.
    2190             :              */
    2191             :             Assert(prev_lsn == InvalidXLogRecPtr || prev_lsn <= change->lsn);
    2192             : 
    2193      711130 :             prev_lsn = change->lsn;
    2194             : 
    2195             :             /*
    2196             :              * Set the current xid to detect concurrent aborts. This is
    2197             :              * required for the cases when we decode the changes before the
    2198             :              * COMMIT record is processed.
    2199             :              */
    2200      711130 :             if (streaming || rbtxn_prepared(change->txn))
    2201             :             {
    2202      355740 :                 curtxn = change->txn;
    2203      355740 :                 SetupCheckXidLive(curtxn->xid);
    2204             :             }
    2205             : 
    2206      711130 :             switch (change->action)
    2207             :             {
    2208        3564 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM:
    2209             : 
    2210             :                     /*
    2211             :                      * Confirmation for speculative insertion arrived. Simply
    2212             :                      * use as a normal record. It'll be cleaned up at the end
    2213             :                      * of INSERT processing.
    2214             :                      */
    2215        3564 :                     if (specinsert == NULL)
    2216           0 :                         elog(ERROR, "invalid ordering of speculative insertion changes");
    2217             :                     Assert(specinsert-> == NULL);
    2218        3564 :                     change = specinsert;
    2219        3564 :                     change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT;
    2220             : 
    2221             :                     /* intentionally fall through */
    2222      680926 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT:
    2223             :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE:
    2224             :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE:
    2225             :                     Assert(snapshot_now);
    2226             : 
    2227      680926 :                     reloid = RelidByRelfilenumber(change->,
    2228             :                                                   change->;
    2229             : 
    2230             :                     /*
    2231             :                      * Mapped catalog tuple without data, emitted while
    2232             :                      * catalog table was in the process of being rewritten. We
    2233             :                      * can fail to look up the relfilenumber, because the
    2234             :                      * relmapper has no "historic" view, in contrast to the
    2235             :                      * normal catalog during decoding. Thus repeated rewrites
    2236             :                      * can cause a lookup failure. That's OK because we do not
    2237             :                      * decode catalog changes anyway. Normally such tuples
    2238             :                      * would be skipped over below, but we can't identify
    2239             :                      * whether the table should be logically logged without
    2240             :                      * mapping the relfilenumber to the oid.
    2241             :                      */
    2242      680910 :                     if (reloid == InvalidOid &&
    2243         166 :                         change-> == NULL &&
    2244         166 :                         change-> == NULL)
    2245         166 :                         goto change_done;
    2246      680744 :                     else if (reloid == InvalidOid)
    2247           0 :                         elog(ERROR, "could not map filenumber \"%s\" to relation OID",
    2248             :                              relpathperm(change->,
    2249             :                                          MAIN_FORKNUM));
    2250             : 
    2251      680744 :                     relation = RelationIdGetRelation(reloid);
    2252             : 
    2253      680744 :                     if (!RelationIsValid(relation))
    2254           0 :                         elog(ERROR, "could not open relation with OID %u (for filenumber \"%s\")",
    2255             :                              reloid,
    2256             :                              relpathperm(change->,
    2257             :                                          MAIN_FORKNUM));
    2258             : 
    2259      680744 :                     if (!RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation))
    2260        8598 :                         goto change_done;
    2261             : 
    2262             :                     /*
    2263             :                      * Ignore temporary heaps created during DDL unless the
    2264             :                      * plugin has asked for them.
    2265             :                      */
    2266      672146 :                     if (relation->rd_rel->relrewrite && !rb->output_rewrites)
    2267          52 :                         goto change_done;
    2268             : 
    2269             :                     /*
    2270             :                      * For now ignore sequence changes entirely. Most of the
    2271             :                      * time they don't log changes using records we
    2272             :                      * understand, so it doesn't make sense to handle the few
    2273             :                      * cases we do.
    2274             :                      */
    2275      672094 :                     if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
    2276           0 :                         goto change_done;
    2277             : 
    2278             :                     /* user-triggered change */
    2279      672094 :                     if (!IsToastRelation(relation))
    2280             :                     {
    2281      667972 :                         ReorderBufferToastReplace(rb, txn, relation, change);
    2282      667972 :                         ReorderBufferApplyChange(rb, txn, relation, change,
    2283             :                                                  streaming);
    2284             : 
    2285             :                         /*
    2286             :                          * Only clear reassembled toast chunks if we're sure
    2287             :                          * they're not required anymore. The creator of the
    2288             :                          * tuple tells us.
    2289             :                          */
    2290      667966 :                         if (change->
    2291      667522 :                             ReorderBufferToastReset(rb, txn);
    2292             :                     }
    2293             :                     /* we're not interested in toast deletions */
    2294        4122 :                     else if (change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT)
    2295             :                     {
    2296             :                         /*
    2297             :                          * Need to reassemble the full toasted Datum in
    2298             :                          * memory, to ensure the chunks don't get reused till
    2299             :                          * we're done remove it from the list of this
    2300             :                          * transaction's changes. Otherwise it will get
    2301             :                          * freed/reused while restoring spooled data from
    2302             :                          * disk.
    2303             :                          */
    2304             :                         Assert(change-> != NULL);
    2305             : 
    2306        3660 :                         dlist_delete(&change->node);
    2307        3660 :                         ReorderBufferToastAppendChunk(rb, txn, relation,
    2308             :                                                       change);
    2309             :                     }
    2310             : 
    2311         462 :             change_done:
    2312             : 
    2313             :                     /*
    2314             :                      * If speculative insertion was confirmed, the record
    2315             :                      * isn't needed anymore.
    2316             :                      */
    2317      680904 :                     if (specinsert != NULL)
    2318             :                     {
    2319        3564 :                         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, specinsert, true);
    2320        3564 :                         specinsert = NULL;
    2321             :                     }
    2322             : 
    2323      680904 :                     if (RelationIsValid(relation))
    2324             :                     {
    2325      680738 :                         RelationClose(relation);
    2326      680738 :                         relation = NULL;
    2327             :                     }
    2328      680904 :                     break;
    2329             : 
    2330        3564 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT:
    2331             : 
    2332             :                     /*
    2333             :                      * Speculative insertions are dealt with by delaying the
    2334             :                      * processing of the insert until the confirmation record
    2335             :                      * arrives. For that we simply unlink the record from the
    2336             :                      * chain, so it does not get freed/reused while restoring
    2337             :                      * spooled data from disk.
    2338             :                      *
    2339             :                      * This is safe in the face of concurrent catalog changes
    2340             :                      * because the relevant relation can't be changed between
    2341             :                      * speculative insertion and confirmation due to
    2342             :                      * CheckTableNotInUse() and locking.
    2343             :                      */
    2344             : 
    2345             :                     /* clear out a pending (and thus failed) speculation */
    2346        3564 :                     if (specinsert != NULL)
    2347             :                     {
    2348           0 :                         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, specinsert, true);
    2349           0 :                         specinsert = NULL;
    2350             :                     }
    2351             : 
    2352             :                     /* and memorize the pending insertion */
    2353        3564 :                     dlist_delete(&change->node);
    2354        3564 :                     specinsert = change;
    2355        3564 :                     break;
    2356             : 
    2357           0 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT:
    2358             : 
    2359             :                     /*
    2360             :                      * Abort for speculative insertion arrived. So cleanup the
    2361             :                      * specinsert tuple and toast hash.
    2362             :                      *
    2363             :                      * Note that we get the spec abort change for each toast
    2364             :                      * entry but we need to perform the cleanup only the first
    2365             :                      * time we get it for the main table.
    2366             :                      */
    2367           0 :                     if (specinsert != NULL)
    2368             :                     {
    2369             :                         /*
    2370             :                          * We must clean the toast hash before processing a
    2371             :                          * completely new tuple to avoid confusion about the
    2372             :                          * previous tuple's toast chunks.
    2373             :                          */
    2374             :                         Assert(change->;
    2375           0 :                         ReorderBufferToastReset(rb, txn);
    2376             : 
    2377             :                         /* We don't need this record anymore. */
    2378           0 :                         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, specinsert, true);
    2379           0 :                         specinsert = NULL;
    2380             :                     }
    2381           0 :                     break;
    2382             : 
    2383          46 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE:
    2384             :                     {
    2385             :                         int         i;
    2386          46 :                         int         nrelids = change->data.truncate.nrelids;
    2387          46 :                         int         nrelations = 0;
    2388             :                         Relation   *relations;
    2389             : 
    2390          46 :                         relations = palloc0(nrelids * sizeof(Relation));
    2391         132 :                         for (i = 0; i < nrelids; i++)
    2392             :                         {
    2393          86 :                             Oid         relid = change->data.truncate.relids[i];
    2394             :                             Relation    rel;
    2395             : 
    2396          86 :                             rel = RelationIdGetRelation(relid);
    2397             : 
    2398          86 :                             if (!RelationIsValid(rel))
    2399           0 :                                 elog(ERROR, "could not open relation with OID %u", relid);
    2400             : 
    2401          86 :                             if (!RelationIsLogicallyLogged(rel))
    2402           0 :                                 continue;
    2403             : 
    2404          86 :                             relations[nrelations++] = rel;
    2405             :                         }
    2406             : 
    2407             :                         /* Apply the truncate. */
    2408          46 :                         ReorderBufferApplyTruncate(rb, txn, nrelations,
    2409             :                                                    relations, change,
    2410             :                                                    streaming);
    2411             : 
    2412         132 :                         for (i = 0; i < nrelations; i++)
    2413          86 :                             RelationClose(relations[i]);
    2414             : 
    2415          46 :                         break;
    2416             :                     }
    2417             : 
    2418          22 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE:
    2419          22 :                     ReorderBufferApplyMessage(rb, txn, change, streaming);
    2420          22 :                     break;
    2421             : 
    2422        4356 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION:
    2423             :                     /* Execute the invalidation messages locally */
    2424        4356 :                     ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(change->data.inval.ninvalidations,
    2425             :                                                       change->data.inval.invalidations);
    2426        4356 :                     break;
    2427             : 
    2428        1024 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT:
    2429             :                     /* get rid of the old */
    2430        1024 :                     TeardownHistoricSnapshot(false);
    2431             : 
    2432        1024 :                     if (snapshot_now->copied)
    2433             :                     {
    2434         984 :                         ReorderBufferFreeSnap(rb, snapshot_now);
    2435         984 :                         snapshot_now =
    2436         984 :                             ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, change->data.snapshot,
    2437             :                                                   txn, command_id);
    2438             :                     }
    2439             : 
    2440             :                     /*
    2441             :                      * Restored from disk, need to be careful not to double
    2442             :                      * free. We could introduce refcounting for that, but for
    2443             :                      * now this seems infrequent enough not to care.
    2444             :                      */
    2445          40 :                     else if (change->data.snapshot->copied)
    2446             :                     {
    2447           0 :                         snapshot_now =
    2448           0 :                             ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, change->data.snapshot,
    2449             :                                                   txn, command_id);
    2450             :                     }
    2451             :                     else
    2452             :                     {
    2453          40 :                         snapshot_now = change->data.snapshot;
    2454             :                     }
    2455             : 
    2456             :                     /* and continue with the new one */
    2457        1024 :                     SetupHistoricSnapshot(snapshot_now, txn->tuplecid_hash);
    2458        1024 :                     break;
    2459             : 
    2460       21192 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID:
    2461             :                     Assert(change->data.command_id != InvalidCommandId);
    2462             : 
    2463       21192 :                     if (command_id < change->data.command_id)
    2464             :                     {
    2465        3764 :                         command_id = change->data.command_id;
    2466             : 
    2467        3764 :                         if (!snapshot_now->copied)
    2468             :                         {
    2469             :                             /* we don't use the global one anymore */
    2470         974 :                             snapshot_now = ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, snapshot_now,
    2471             :                                                                  txn, command_id);
    2472             :                         }
    2473             : 
    2474        3764 :                         snapshot_now->curcid = command_id;
    2475             : 
    2476        3764 :                         TeardownHistoricSnapshot(false);
    2477        3764 :                         SetupHistoricSnapshot(snapshot_now, txn->tuplecid_hash);
    2478             :                     }
    2479             : 
    2480       21192 :                     break;
    2481             : 
    2482           0 :                 case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID:
    2483           0 :                     elog(ERROR, "tuplecid value in changequeue");
    2484             :                     break;
    2485             :             }
    2486             : 
    2487             :             /*
    2488             :              * It is possible that the data is not sent to downstream for a
    2489             :              * long time either because the output plugin filtered it or there
    2490             :              * is a DDL that generates a lot of data that is not processed by
    2491             :              * the plugin. So, in such cases, the downstream can timeout. To
    2492             :              * avoid that we try to send a keepalive message if required.
    2493             :              * Trying to send a keepalive message after every change has some
    2494             :              * overhead, but testing showed there is no noticeable overhead if
    2495             :              * we do it after every ~100 changes.
    2496             :              */
    2497             : #define CHANGES_THRESHOLD 100
    2498             : 
    2499      711108 :             if (++changes_count >= CHANGES_THRESHOLD)
    2500             :             {
    2501        6148 :                 rb->update_progress_txn(rb, txn, change->lsn);
    2502        6148 :                 changes_count = 0;
    2503             :             }
    2504             :         }
    2505             : 
    2506             :         /* speculative insertion record must be freed by now */
    2507             :         Assert(!specinsert);
    2508             : 
    2509             :         /* clean up the iterator */
    2510        3832 :         ReorderBufferIterTXNFinish(rb, iterstate);
    2511        3832 :         iterstate = NULL;
    2512             : 
    2513             :         /*
    2514             :          * Update total transaction count and total bytes processed by the
    2515             :          * transaction and its subtransactions. Ensure to not count the
    2516             :          * streamed transaction multiple times.
    2517             :          *
    2518             :          * Note that the statistics computation has to be done after
    2519             :          * ReorderBufferIterTXNFinish as it releases the serialized change
    2520             :          * which we have already accounted in ReorderBufferIterTXNNext.
    2521             :          */
    2522        3832 :         if (!rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2523        2498 :             rb->totalTxns++;
    2524             : 
    2525        3832 :         rb->totalBytes += txn->total_size;
    2526             : 
    2527             :         /*
    2528             :          * Done with current changes, send the last message for this set of
    2529             :          * changes depending upon streaming mode.
    2530             :          */
    2531        3832 :         if (streaming)
    2532             :         {
    2533        1470 :             if (stream_started)
    2534             :             {
    2535        1394 :                 rb->stream_stop(rb, txn, prev_lsn);
    2536        1394 :                 stream_started = false;
    2537             :             }
    2538             :         }
    2539             :         else
    2540             :         {
    2541             :             /*
    2542             :              * Call either PREPARE (for two-phase transactions) or COMMIT (for
    2543             :              * regular ones).
    2544             :              */
    2545        2362 :             if (rbtxn_prepared(txn))
    2546          54 :                 rb->prepare(rb, txn, commit_lsn);
    2547             :             else
    2548        2308 :                 rb->commit(rb, txn, commit_lsn);
    2549             :         }
    2550             : 
    2551             :         /* this is just a sanity check against bad output plugin behaviour */
    2552        3832 :         if (GetCurrentTransactionIdIfAny() != InvalidTransactionId)
    2553           0 :             elog(ERROR, "output plugin used XID %u",
    2554             :                  GetCurrentTransactionId());
    2555             : 
    2556             :         /*
    2557             :          * Remember the command ID and snapshot for the next set of changes in
    2558             :          * streaming mode.
    2559             :          */
    2560        3832 :         if (streaming)
    2561        1470 :             ReorderBufferSaveTXNSnapshot(rb, txn, snapshot_now, command_id);
    2562        2362 :         else if (snapshot_now->copied)
    2563         974 :             ReorderBufferFreeSnap(rb, snapshot_now);
    2564             : 
    2565             :         /* cleanup */
    2566        3832 :         TeardownHistoricSnapshot(false);
    2567             : 
    2568             :         /*
    2569             :          * Aborting the current (sub-)transaction as a whole has the right
    2570             :          * semantics. We want all locks acquired in here to be released, not
    2571             :          * reassigned to the parent and we do not want any database access
    2572             :          * have persistent effects.
    2573             :          */
    2574        3832 :         AbortCurrentTransaction();
    2575             : 
    2576             :         /* make sure there's no cache pollution */
    2577        3832 :         ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(txn->ninvalidations, txn->invalidations);
    2578             : 
    2579        3832 :         if (using_subtxn)
    2580         940 :             RollbackAndReleaseCurrentSubTransaction();
    2581             : 
    2582             :         /*
    2583             :          * We are here due to one of the four reasons: 1. Decoding an
    2584             :          * in-progress txn. 2. Decoding a prepared txn. 3. Decoding of a
    2585             :          * prepared txn that was (partially) streamed. 4. Decoding a committed
    2586             :          * txn.
    2587             :          *
    2588             :          * For 1, we allow truncation of txn data by removing the changes
    2589             :          * already streamed but still keeping other things like invalidations,
    2590             :          * snapshot, and tuplecids. For 2 and 3, we indicate
    2591             :          * ReorderBufferTruncateTXN to do more elaborate truncation of txn
    2592             :          * data as the entire transaction has been decoded except for commit.
    2593             :          * For 4, as the entire txn has been decoded, we can fully clean up
    2594             :          * the TXN reorder buffer.
    2595             :          */
    2596        3832 :         if (streaming || rbtxn_prepared(txn))
    2597             :         {
    2598        1524 :             ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, rbtxn_prepared(txn));
    2599             :             /* Reset the CheckXidAlive */
    2600        1524 :             CheckXidAlive = InvalidTransactionId;
    2601             :         }
    2602             :         else
    2603        2308 :             ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    2604             :     }
    2605          20 :     PG_CATCH();
    2606             :     {
    2607          20 :         MemoryContext ecxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(ccxt);
    2608          20 :         ErrorData  *errdata = CopyErrorData();
    2609             : 
    2610             :         /* TODO: Encapsulate cleanup from the PG_TRY and PG_CATCH blocks */
    2611          20 :         if (iterstate)
    2612          20 :             ReorderBufferIterTXNFinish(rb, iterstate);
    2613             : 
    2614          20 :         TeardownHistoricSnapshot(true);
    2615             : 
    2616             :         /*
    2617             :          * Force cache invalidation to happen outside of a valid transaction
    2618             :          * to prevent catalog access as we just caught an error.
    2619             :          */
    2620          20 :         AbortCurrentTransaction();
    2621             : 
    2622             :         /* make sure there's no cache pollution */
    2623          20 :         ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(txn->ninvalidations,
    2624             :                                           txn->invalidations);
    2625             : 
    2626          20 :         if (using_subtxn)
    2627           8 :             RollbackAndReleaseCurrentSubTransaction();
    2628             : 
    2629             :         /*
    2630             :          * The error code ERRCODE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK indicates a concurrent
    2631             :          * abort of the (sub)transaction we are streaming or preparing. We
    2632             :          * need to do the cleanup and return gracefully on this error, see
    2633             :          * SetupCheckXidLive.
    2634             :          *
    2635             :          * This error code can be thrown by one of the callbacks we call
    2636             :          * during decoding so we need to ensure that we return gracefully only
    2637             :          * when we are sending the data in streaming mode and the streaming is
    2638             :          * not finished yet or when we are sending the data out on a PREPARE
    2639             :          * during a two-phase commit.
    2640             :          */
    2641          20 :         if (errdata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK &&
    2642          16 :             (stream_started || rbtxn_prepared(txn)))
    2643             :         {
    2644             :             /* curtxn must be set for streaming or prepared transactions */
    2645             :             Assert(curtxn);
    2646             : 
    2647             :             /* Cleanup the temporary error state. */
    2648          16 :             FlushErrorState();
    2649          16 :             FreeErrorData(errdata);
    2650          16 :             errdata = NULL;
    2651          16 :             curtxn->concurrent_abort = true;
    2652             : 
    2653             :             /* Reset the TXN so that it is allowed to stream remaining data. */
    2654          16 :             ReorderBufferResetTXN(rb, txn, snapshot_now,
    2655             :                                   command_id, prev_lsn,
    2656             :                                   specinsert);
    2657             :         }
    2658             :         else
    2659             :         {
    2660           4 :             ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    2661           4 :             MemoryContextSwitchTo(ecxt);
    2662           4 :             PG_RE_THROW();
    2663             :         }
    2664             :     }
    2665        3848 :     PG_END_TRY();
    2666        3848 : }
    2667             : 
    2668             : /*
    2669             :  * Perform the replay of a transaction and its non-aborted subtransactions.
    2670             :  *
    2671             :  * Subtransactions previously have to be processed by
    2672             :  * ReorderBufferCommitChild(), even if previously assigned to the toplevel
    2673             :  * transaction with ReorderBufferAssignChild.
    2674             :  *
    2675             :  * This interface is called once a prepare or toplevel commit is read for both
    2676             :  * streamed as well as non-streamed transactions.
    2677             :  */
    2678             : static void
    2679        2506 : ReorderBufferReplay(ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    2680             :                     ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    2681             :                     XLogRecPtr commit_lsn, XLogRecPtr end_lsn,
    2682             :                     TimestampTz commit_time,
    2683             :                     RepOriginId origin_id, XLogRecPtr origin_lsn)
    2684             : {
    2685             :     Snapshot    snapshot_now;
    2686        2506 :     CommandId   command_id = FirstCommandId;
    2687             : 
    2688        2506 :     txn->final_lsn = commit_lsn;
    2689        2506 :     txn->end_lsn = end_lsn;
    2690        2506 :     txn->xact_time.commit_time = commit_time;
    2691        2506 :     txn->origin_id = origin_id;
    2692        2506 :     txn->origin_lsn = origin_lsn;
    2693             : 
    2694             :     /*
    2695             :      * If the transaction was (partially) streamed, we need to commit it in a
    2696             :      * 'streamed' way. That is, we first stream the remaining part of the
    2697             :      * transaction, and then invoke stream_commit message.
    2698             :      *
    2699             :      * Called after everything (origin ID, LSN, ...) is stored in the
    2700             :      * transaction to avoid passing that information directly.
    2701             :      */
    2702        2506 :     if (rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2703             :     {
    2704         132 :         ReorderBufferStreamCommit(rb, txn);
    2705         132 :         return;
    2706             :     }
    2707             : 
    2708             :     /*
    2709             :      * If this transaction has no snapshot, it didn't make any changes to the
    2710             :      * database, so there's nothing to decode.  Note that
    2711             :      * ReorderBufferCommitChild will have transferred any snapshots from
    2712             :      * subtransactions if there were any.
    2713             :      */
    2714        2374 :     if (txn->base_snapshot == NULL)
    2715             :     {
    2716             :         Assert(txn->ninvalidations == 0);
    2717             : 
    2718             :         /*
    2719             :          * Removing this txn before a commit might result in the computation
    2720             :          * of an incorrect restart_lsn. See SnapBuildProcessRunningXacts.
    2721             :          */
    2722           6 :         if (!rbtxn_prepared(txn))
    2723           6 :             ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    2724           6 :         return;
    2725             :     }
    2726             : 
    2727        2368 :     snapshot_now = txn->base_snapshot;
    2728             : 
    2729             :     /* Process and send the changes to output plugin. */
    2730        2368 :     ReorderBufferProcessTXN(rb, txn, commit_lsn, snapshot_now,
    2731             :                             command_id, false);
    2732             : }
    2733             : 
    2734             : /*
    2735             :  * Commit a transaction.
    2736             :  *
    2737             :  * See comments for ReorderBufferReplay().
    2738             :  */
    2739             : void
    2740        2424 : ReorderBufferCommit(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    2741             :                     XLogRecPtr commit_lsn, XLogRecPtr end_lsn,
    2742             :                     TimestampTz commit_time,
    2743             :                     RepOriginId origin_id, XLogRecPtr origin_lsn)
    2744             : {
    2745             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2746             : 
    2747        2424 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    2748             :                                 false);
    2749             : 
    2750             :     /* unknown transaction, nothing to replay */
    2751        2424 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2752           2 :         return;
    2753             : 
    2754        2422 :     ReorderBufferReplay(txn, rb, xid, commit_lsn, end_lsn, commit_time,
    2755             :                         origin_id, origin_lsn);
    2756             : }
    2757             : 
    2758             : /*
    2759             :  * Record the prepare information for a transaction.
    2760             :  */
    2761             : bool
    2762         284 : ReorderBufferRememberPrepareInfo(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    2763             :                                  XLogRecPtr prepare_lsn, XLogRecPtr end_lsn,
    2764             :                                  TimestampTz prepare_time,
    2765             :                                  RepOriginId origin_id, XLogRecPtr origin_lsn)
    2766             : {
    2767             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2768             : 
    2769         284 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    2770             : 
    2771             :     /* unknown transaction, nothing to do */
    2772         284 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2773           0 :         return false;
    2774             : 
    2775             :     /*
    2776             :      * Remember the prepare information to be later used by commit prepared in
    2777             :      * case we skip doing prepare.
    2778             :      */
    2779         284 :     txn->final_lsn = prepare_lsn;
    2780         284 :     txn->end_lsn = end_lsn;
    2781         284 :     txn->xact_time.prepare_time = prepare_time;
    2782         284 :     txn->origin_id = origin_id;
    2783         284 :     txn->origin_lsn = origin_lsn;
    2784             : 
    2785         284 :     return true;
    2786             : }
    2787             : 
    2788             : /* Remember that we have skipped prepare */
    2789             : void
    2790         204 : ReorderBufferSkipPrepare(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid)
    2791             : {
    2792             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2793             : 
    2794         204 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    2795             : 
    2796             :     /* unknown transaction, nothing to do */
    2797         204 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2798           0 :         return;
    2799             : 
    2800         204 :     txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_SKIPPED_PREPARE;
    2801             : }
    2802             : 
    2803             : /*
    2804             :  * Prepare a two-phase transaction.
    2805             :  *
    2806             :  * See comments for ReorderBufferReplay().
    2807             :  */
    2808             : void
    2809          80 : ReorderBufferPrepare(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    2810             :                      char *gid)
    2811             : {
    2812             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2813             : 
    2814          80 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    2815             :                                 false);
    2816             : 
    2817             :     /* unknown transaction, nothing to replay */
    2818          80 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2819           0 :         return;
    2820             : 
    2821          80 :     txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_PREPARE;
    2822          80 :     txn->gid = pstrdup(gid);
    2823             : 
    2824             :     /* The prepare info must have been updated in txn by now. */
    2825             :     Assert(txn->final_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    2826             : 
    2827          80 :     ReorderBufferReplay(txn, rb, xid, txn->final_lsn, txn->end_lsn,
    2828          80 :                         txn->xact_time.prepare_time, txn->origin_id, txn->origin_lsn);
    2829             : 
    2830             :     /*
    2831             :      * We send the prepare for the concurrently aborted xacts so that later
    2832             :      * when rollback prepared is decoded and sent, the downstream should be
    2833             :      * able to rollback such a xact. See comments atop DecodePrepare.
    2834             :      *
    2835             :      * Note, for the concurrent_abort + streaming case a stream_prepare was
    2836             :      * already sent within the ReorderBufferReplay call above.
    2837             :      */
    2838          80 :     if (txn->concurrent_abort && !rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2839           0 :         rb->prepare(rb, txn, txn->final_lsn);
    2840             : }
    2841             : 
    2842             : /*
    2843             :  * This is used to handle COMMIT/ROLLBACK PREPARED.
    2844             :  */
    2845             : void
    2846          82 : ReorderBufferFinishPrepared(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    2847             :                             XLogRecPtr commit_lsn, XLogRecPtr end_lsn,
    2848             :                             XLogRecPtr two_phase_at,
    2849             :                             TimestampTz commit_time, RepOriginId origin_id,
    2850             :                             XLogRecPtr origin_lsn, char *gid, bool is_commit)
    2851             : {
    2852             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2853             :     XLogRecPtr  prepare_end_lsn;
    2854             :     TimestampTz prepare_time;
    2855             : 
    2856          82 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, commit_lsn, false);
    2857             : 
    2858             :     /* unknown transaction, nothing to do */
    2859          82 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2860           0 :         return;
    2861             : 
    2862             :     /*
    2863             :      * By this time the txn has the prepare record information, remember it to
    2864             :      * be later used for rollback.
    2865             :      */
    2866          82 :     prepare_end_lsn = txn->end_lsn;
    2867          82 :     prepare_time = txn->xact_time.prepare_time;
    2868             : 
    2869             :     /* add the gid in the txn */
    2870          82 :     txn->gid = pstrdup(gid);
    2871             : 
    2872             :     /*
    2873             :      * It is possible that this transaction is not decoded at prepare time
    2874             :      * either because by that time we didn't have a consistent snapshot, or
    2875             :      * two_phase was not enabled, or it was decoded earlier but we have
    2876             :      * restarted. We only need to send the prepare if it was not decoded
    2877             :      * earlier. We don't need to decode the xact for aborts if it is not done
    2878             :      * already.
    2879             :      */
    2880          82 :     if ((txn->final_lsn < two_phase_at) && is_commit)
    2881             :     {
    2882           4 :         txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_PREPARE;
    2883             : 
    2884             :         /*
    2885             :          * The prepare info must have been updated in txn even if we skip
    2886             :          * prepare.
    2887             :          */
    2888             :         Assert(txn->final_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    2889             : 
    2890             :         /*
    2891             :          * By this time the txn has the prepare record information and it is
    2892             :          * important to use that so that downstream gets the accurate
    2893             :          * information. If instead, we have passed commit information here
    2894             :          * then downstream can behave as it has already replayed commit
    2895             :          * prepared after the restart.
    2896             :          */
    2897           4 :         ReorderBufferReplay(txn, rb, xid, txn->final_lsn, txn->end_lsn,
    2898           4 :                             txn->xact_time.prepare_time, txn->origin_id, txn->origin_lsn);
    2899             :     }
    2900             : 
    2901          82 :     txn->final_lsn = commit_lsn;
    2902          82 :     txn->end_lsn = end_lsn;
    2903          82 :     txn->xact_time.commit_time = commit_time;
    2904          82 :     txn->origin_id = origin_id;
    2905          82 :     txn->origin_lsn = origin_lsn;
    2906             : 
    2907          82 :     if (is_commit)
    2908          62 :         rb->commit_prepared(rb, txn, commit_lsn);
    2909             :     else
    2910          20 :         rb->rollback_prepared(rb, txn, prepare_end_lsn, prepare_time);
    2911             : 
    2912             :     /* cleanup: make sure there's no cache pollution */
    2913          82 :     ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(txn->ninvalidations,
    2914             :                                       txn->invalidations);
    2915          82 :     ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    2916             : }
    2917             : 
    2918             : /*
    2919             :  * Abort a transaction that possibly has previous changes. Needs to be first
    2920             :  * called for subtransactions and then for the toplevel xid.
    2921             :  *
    2922             :  * NB: Transactions handled here have to have actively aborted (i.e. have
    2923             :  * produced an abort record). Implicitly aborted transactions are handled via
    2924             :  * ReorderBufferAbortOld(); transactions we're just not interested in, but
    2925             :  * which have committed are handled in ReorderBufferForget().
    2926             :  *
    2927             :  * This function purges this transaction and its contents from memory and
    2928             :  * disk.
    2929             :  */
    2930             : void
    2931         220 : ReorderBufferAbort(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, XLogRecPtr lsn,
    2932             :                    TimestampTz abort_time)
    2933             : {
    2934             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2935             : 
    2936         220 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    2937             :                                 false);
    2938             : 
    2939             :     /* unknown, nothing to remove */
    2940         220 :     if (txn == NULL)
    2941           0 :         return;
    2942             : 
    2943         220 :     txn->xact_time.abort_time = abort_time;
    2944             : 
    2945             :     /* For streamed transactions notify the remote node about the abort. */
    2946         220 :     if (rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2947             :     {
    2948          60 :         rb->stream_abort(rb, txn, lsn);
    2949             : 
    2950             :         /*
    2951             :          * We might have decoded changes for this transaction that could load
    2952             :          * the cache as per the current transaction's view (consider DDL's
    2953             :          * happened in this transaction). We don't want the decoding of future
    2954             :          * transactions to use those cache entries so execute invalidations.
    2955             :          */
    2956          60 :         if (txn->ninvalidations > 0)
    2957           0 :             ReorderBufferImmediateInvalidation(rb, txn->ninvalidations,
    2958             :                                                txn->invalidations);
    2959             :     }
    2960             : 
    2961             :     /* cosmetic... */
    2962         220 :     txn->final_lsn = lsn;
    2963             : 
    2964             :     /* remove potential on-disk data, and deallocate */
    2965         220 :     ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    2966             : }
    2967             : 
    2968             : /*
    2969             :  * Abort all transactions that aren't actually running anymore because the
    2970             :  * server restarted.
    2971             :  *
    2972             :  * NB: These really have to be transactions that have aborted due to a server
    2973             :  * crash/immediate restart, as we don't deal with invalidations here.
    2974             :  */
    2975             : void
    2976        2678 : ReorderBufferAbortOld(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId oldestRunningXid)
    2977             : {
    2978             :     dlist_mutable_iter it;
    2979             : 
    2980             :     /*
    2981             :      * Iterate through all (potential) toplevel TXNs and abort all that are
    2982             :      * older than what possibly can be running. Once we've found the first
    2983             :      * that is alive we stop, there might be some that acquired an xid earlier
    2984             :      * but started writing later, but it's unlikely and they will be cleaned
    2985             :      * up in a later call to this function.
    2986             :      */
    2987        2692 :     dlist_foreach_modify(it, &rb->toplevel_by_lsn)
    2988             :     {
    2989             :         ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    2990             : 
    2991         124 :         txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, it.cur);
    2992             : 
    2993         124 :         if (TransactionIdPrecedes(txn->xid, oldestRunningXid))
    2994             :         {
    2995          14 :             elog(DEBUG2, "aborting old transaction %u", txn->xid);
    2996             : 
    2997             :             /* Notify the remote node about the crash/immediate restart. */
    2998          14 :             if (rbtxn_is_streamed(txn))
    2999           0 :                 rb->stream_abort(rb, txn, InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    3000             : 
    3001             :             /* remove potential on-disk data, and deallocate this tx */
    3002          14 :             ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    3003             :         }
    3004             :         else
    3005         110 :             return;
    3006             :     }
    3007             : }
    3008             : 
    3009             : /*
    3010             :  * Forget the contents of a transaction if we aren't interested in its
    3011             :  * contents. Needs to be first called for subtransactions and then for the
    3012             :  * toplevel xid.
    3013             :  *
    3014             :  * This is significantly different to ReorderBufferAbort() because
    3015             :  * transactions that have committed need to be treated differently from aborted
    3016             :  * ones since they may have modified the catalog.
    3017             :  *
    3018             :  * Note that this is only allowed to be called in the moment a transaction
    3019             :  * commit has just been read, not earlier; otherwise later records referring
    3020             :  * to this xid might re-create the transaction incompletely.
    3021             :  */
    3022             : void
    3023        4836 : ReorderBufferForget(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, XLogRecPtr lsn)
    3024             : {
    3025             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3026             : 
    3027        4836 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    3028             :                                 false);
    3029             : 
    3030             :     /* unknown, nothing to forget */
    3031        4836 :     if (txn == NULL)
    3032        1124 :         return;
    3033             : 
    3034             :     /* this transaction mustn't be streamed */
    3035             :     Assert(!rbtxn_is_streamed(txn));
    3036             : 
    3037             :     /* cosmetic... */
    3038        3712 :     txn->final_lsn = lsn;
    3039             : 
    3040             :     /*
    3041             :      * Process cache invalidation messages if there are any. Even if we're not
    3042             :      * interested in the transaction's contents, it could have manipulated the
    3043             :      * catalog and we need to update the caches according to that.
    3044             :      */
    3045        3712 :     if (txn->base_snapshot != NULL && txn->ninvalidations > 0)
    3046        1014 :         ReorderBufferImmediateInvalidation(rb, txn->ninvalidations,
    3047             :                                            txn->invalidations);
    3048             :     else
    3049             :         Assert(txn->ninvalidations == 0);
    3050             : 
    3051             :     /* remove potential on-disk data, and deallocate */
    3052        3712 :     ReorderBufferCleanupTXN(rb, txn);
    3053             : }
    3054             : 
    3055             : /*
    3056             :  * Invalidate cache for those transactions that need to be skipped just in case
    3057             :  * catalogs were manipulated as part of the transaction.
    3058             :  *
    3059             :  * Note that this is a special-purpose function for prepared transactions where
    3060             :  * we don't want to clean up the TXN even when we decide to skip it. See
    3061             :  * DecodePrepare.
    3062             :  */
    3063             : void
    3064         198 : ReorderBufferInvalidate(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, XLogRecPtr lsn)
    3065             : {
    3066             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3067             : 
    3068         198 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    3069             :                                 false);
    3070             : 
    3071             :     /* unknown, nothing to do */
    3072         198 :     if (txn == NULL)
    3073           0 :         return;
    3074             : 
    3075             :     /*
    3076             :      * Process cache invalidation messages if there are any. Even if we're not
    3077             :      * interested in the transaction's contents, it could have manipulated the
    3078             :      * catalog and we need to update the caches according to that.
    3079             :      */
    3080         198 :     if (txn->base_snapshot != NULL && txn->ninvalidations > 0)
    3081          58 :         ReorderBufferImmediateInvalidation(rb, txn->ninvalidations,
    3082             :                                            txn->invalidations);
    3083             :     else
    3084             :         Assert(txn->ninvalidations == 0);
    3085             : }
    3086             : 
    3087             : 
    3088             : /*
    3089             :  * Execute invalidations happening outside the context of a decoded
    3090             :  * transaction. That currently happens either for xid-less commits
    3091             :  * (cf. RecordTransactionCommit()) or for invalidations in uninteresting
    3092             :  * transactions (via ReorderBufferForget()).
    3093             :  */
    3094             : void
    3095        1076 : ReorderBufferImmediateInvalidation(ReorderBuffer *rb, uint32 ninvalidations,
    3096             :                                    SharedInvalidationMessage *invalidations)
    3097             : {
    3098        1076 :     bool        use_subtxn = IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock();
    3099             :     int         i;
    3100             : 
    3101        1076 :     if (use_subtxn)
    3102         862 :         BeginInternalSubTransaction("replay");
    3103             : 
    3104             :     /*
    3105             :      * Force invalidations to happen outside of a valid transaction - that way
    3106             :      * entries will just be marked as invalid without accessing the catalog.
    3107             :      * That's advantageous because we don't need to setup the full state
    3108             :      * necessary for catalog access.
    3109             :      */
    3110        1076 :     if (use_subtxn)
    3111         862 :         AbortCurrentTransaction();
    3112             : 
    3113       48564 :     for (i = 0; i < ninvalidations; i++)
    3114       47488 :         LocalExecuteInvalidationMessage(&invalidations[i]);
    3115             : 
    3116        1076 :     if (use_subtxn)
    3117         862 :         RollbackAndReleaseCurrentSubTransaction();
    3118        1076 : }
    3119             : 
    3120             : /*
    3121             :  * Tell reorderbuffer about an xid seen in the WAL stream. Has to be called at
    3122             :  * least once for every xid in XLogRecord->xl_xid (other places in records
    3123             :  * may, but do not have to be passed through here).
    3124             :  *
    3125             :  * Reorderbuffer keeps some data structures about transactions in LSN order,
    3126             :  * for efficiency. To do that it has to know about when transactions are seen
    3127             :  * first in the WAL. As many types of records are not actually interesting for
    3128             :  * logical decoding, they do not necessarily pass through here.
    3129             :  */
    3130             : void
    3131     4625376 : ReorderBufferProcessXid(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid, XLogRecPtr lsn)
    3132             : {
    3133             :     /* many records won't have an xid assigned, centralize check here */
    3134     4625376 :     if (xid != InvalidTransactionId)
    3135     4621652 :         ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
    3136     4625376 : }
    3137             : 
    3138             : /*
    3139             :  * Add a new snapshot to this transaction that may only used after lsn 'lsn'
    3140             :  * because the previous snapshot doesn't describe the catalog correctly for
    3141             :  * following rows.
    3142             :  */
    3143             : void
    3144        2052 : ReorderBufferAddSnapshot(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3145             :                          XLogRecPtr lsn, Snapshot snap)
    3146             : {
    3147        2052 :     ReorderBufferChange *change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
    3148             : 
    3149        2052 :     change->data.snapshot = snap;
    3150        2052 :     change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT;
    3151             : 
    3152        2052 :     ReorderBufferQueueChange(rb, xid, lsn, change, false);
    3153        2052 : }
    3154             : 
    3155             : /*
    3156             :  * Set up the transaction's base snapshot.
    3157             :  *
    3158             :  * If we know that xid is a subtransaction, set the base snapshot on the
    3159             :  * top-level transaction instead.
    3160             :  */
    3161             : void
    3162        5536 : ReorderBufferSetBaseSnapshot(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3163             :                              XLogRecPtr lsn, Snapshot snap)
    3164             : {
    3165             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3166             :     bool        is_new;
    3167             : 
    3168             :     Assert(snap != NULL);
    3169             : 
    3170             :     /*
    3171             :      * Fetch the transaction to operate on.  If we know it's a subtransaction,
    3172             :      * operate on its top-level transaction instead.
    3173             :      */
    3174        5536 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, &is_new, lsn, true);
    3175        5536 :     if (rbtxn_is_known_subxact(txn))
    3176         214 :         txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, txn->toplevel_xid, false,
    3177             :                                     NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    3178             :     Assert(txn->base_snapshot == NULL);
    3179             : 
    3180        5536 :     txn->base_snapshot = snap;
    3181        5536 :     txn->base_snapshot_lsn = lsn;
    3182        5536 :     dlist_push_tail(&rb->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn, &txn->base_snapshot_node);
    3183             : 
    3184        5536 :     AssertTXNLsnOrder(rb);
    3185        5536 : }
    3186             : 
    3187             : /*
    3188             :  * Access the catalog with this CommandId at this point in the changestream.
    3189             :  *
    3190             :  * May only be called for command ids > 1
    3191             :  */
    3192             : void
    3193       46598 : ReorderBufferAddNewCommandId(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3194             :                              XLogRecPtr lsn, CommandId cid)
    3195             : {
    3196       46598 :     ReorderBufferChange *change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
    3197             : 
    3198       46598 :     change->data.command_id = cid;
    3199       46598 :     change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID;
    3200             : 
    3201       46598 :     ReorderBufferQueueChange(rb, xid, lsn, change, false);
    3202       46598 : }
    3203             : 
    3204             : /*
    3205             :  * Update memory counters to account for the new or removed change.
    3206             :  *
    3207             :  * We update two counters - in the reorder buffer, and in the transaction
    3208             :  * containing the change. The reorder buffer counter allows us to quickly
    3209             :  * decide if we reached the memory limit, the transaction counter allows
    3210             :  * us to quickly pick the largest transaction for eviction.
    3211             :  *
    3212             :  * Either txn or change must be non-NULL at least. We update the memory
    3213             :  * counter of txn if it's non-NULL, otherwise change->txn.
    3214             :  *
    3215             :  * When streaming is enabled, we need to update the toplevel transaction
    3216             :  * counters instead - we don't really care about subtransactions as we
    3217             :  * can't stream them individually anyway, and we only pick toplevel
    3218             :  * transactions for eviction. So only toplevel transactions matter.
    3219             :  */
    3220             : static void
    3221     3828814 : ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(ReorderBuffer *rb,
    3222             :                                 ReorderBufferChange *change,
    3223             :                                 ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    3224             :                                 bool addition, Size sz)
    3225             : {
    3226             :     ReorderBufferTXN *toptxn;
    3227             : 
    3228             :     Assert(txn || change);
    3229             : 
    3230             :     /*
    3231             :      * Ignore tuple CID changes, because those are not evicted when reaching
    3232             :      * memory limit. So we just don't count them, because it might easily
    3233             :      * trigger a pointless attempt to spill.
    3234             :      */
    3235     3828814 :     if (change && change->action == REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID)
    3236       46370 :         return;
    3237             : 
    3238     3782444 :     if (sz == 0)
    3239        1774 :         return;
    3240             : 
    3241     3780670 :     if (txn == NULL)
    3242     3766036 :         txn = change->txn;
    3243             :     Assert(txn != NULL);
    3244             : 
    3245             :     /*
    3246             :      * Update the total size in top level as well. This is later used to
    3247             :      * compute the decoding stats.
    3248             :      */
    3249     3780670 :     toptxn = rbtxn_get_toptxn(txn);
    3250             : 
    3251     3780670 :     if (addition)
    3252             :     {
    3253     3438200 :         Size        oldsize = txn->size;
    3254             : 
    3255     3438200 :         txn->size += sz;
    3256     3438200 :         rb->size += sz;
    3257             : 
    3258             :         /* Update the total size in the top transaction. */
    3259     3438200 :         toptxn->total_size += sz;
    3260             : 
    3261             :         /* Update the max-heap */
    3262     3438200 :         if (oldsize != 0)
    3263     3423458 :             pairingheap_remove(rb->txn_heap, &txn->txn_node);
    3264     3438200 :         pairingheap_add(rb->txn_heap, &txn->txn_node);
    3265             :     }
    3266             :     else
    3267             :     {
    3268             :         Assert((rb->size >= sz) && (txn->size >= sz));
    3269      342470 :         txn->size -= sz;
    3270      342470 :         rb->size -= sz;
    3271             : 
    3272             :         /* Update the total size in the top transaction. */
    3273      342470 :         toptxn->total_size -= sz;
    3274             : 
    3275             :         /* Update the max-heap */
    3276      342470 :         pairingheap_remove(rb->txn_heap, &txn->txn_node);
    3277      342470 :         if (txn->size != 0)
    3278      327782 :             pairingheap_add(rb->txn_heap, &txn->txn_node);
    3279             :     }
    3280             : 
    3281             :     Assert(txn->size <= rb->size);
    3282             : }
    3283             : 
    3284             : /*
    3285             :  * Add new (relfilelocator, tid) -> (cmin, cmax) mappings.
    3286             :  *
    3287             :  * We do not include this change type in memory accounting, because we
    3288             :  * keep CIDs in a separate list and do not evict them when reaching
    3289             :  * the memory limit.
    3290             :  */
    3291             : void
    3292       46598 : ReorderBufferAddNewTupleCids(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3293             :                              XLogRecPtr lsn, RelFileLocator locator,
    3294             :                              ItemPointerData tid, CommandId cmin,
    3295             :                              CommandId cmax, CommandId combocid)
    3296             : {
    3297       46598 :     ReorderBufferChange *change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
    3298             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3299             : 
    3300       46598 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
    3301             : 
    3302       46598 :     change->data.tuplecid.locator = locator;
    3303       46598 :     change->data.tuplecid.tid = tid;
    3304       46598 :     change->data.tuplecid.cmin = cmin;
    3305       46598 :     change->data.tuplecid.cmax = cmax;
    3306       46598 :     change->data.tuplecid.combocid = combocid;
    3307       46598 :     change->lsn = lsn;
    3308       46598 :     change->txn = txn;
    3309       46598 :     change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID;
    3310             : 
    3311       46598 :     dlist_push_tail(&txn->tuplecids, &change->node);
    3312       46598 :     txn->ntuplecids++;
    3313       46598 : }
    3314             : 
    3315             : /*
    3316             :  * Accumulate the invalidations for executing them later.
    3317             :  *
    3318             :  * This needs to be called for each XLOG_XACT_INVALIDATIONS message and
    3319             :  * accumulates all the invalidation messages in the toplevel transaction, if
    3320             :  * available, otherwise in the current transaction, as well as in the form of
    3321             :  * change in reorder buffer.  We require to record it in form of the change
    3322             :  * so that we can execute only the required invalidations instead of executing
    3323             :  * all the invalidations on each CommandId increment.  We also need to
    3324             :  * accumulate these in the txn buffer because in some cases where we skip
    3325             :  * processing the transaction (see ReorderBufferForget), we need to execute
    3326             :  * all the invalidations together.
    3327             :  */
    3328             : void
    3329        9658 : ReorderBufferAddInvalidations(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3330             :                               XLogRecPtr lsn, Size nmsgs,
    3331             :                               SharedInvalidationMessage *msgs)
    3332             : {
    3333             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3334             :     MemoryContext oldcontext;
    3335             :     ReorderBufferChange *change;
    3336             : 
    3337        9658 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
    3338             : 
    3339        9658 :     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rb->context);
    3340             : 
    3341             :     /*
    3342             :      * Collect all the invalidations under the top transaction, if available,
    3343             :      * so that we can execute them all together.  See comments atop this
    3344             :      * function.
    3345             :      */
    3346        9658 :     txn = rbtxn_get_toptxn(txn);
    3347             : 
    3348             :     Assert(nmsgs > 0);
    3349             : 
    3350             :     /* Accumulate invalidations. */
    3351        9658 :     if (txn->ninvalidations == 0)
    3352             :     {
    3353        2034 :         txn->ninvalidations = nmsgs;
    3354        2034 :         txn->invalidations = (SharedInvalidationMessage *)
    3355        2034 :             palloc(sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) * nmsgs);
    3356        2034 :         memcpy(txn->invalidations, msgs,
    3357             :                sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) * nmsgs);
    3358             :     }
    3359             :     else
    3360             :     {
    3361        7624 :         txn->invalidations = (SharedInvalidationMessage *)
    3362        7624 :             repalloc(txn->invalidations, sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) *
    3363        7624 :                      (txn->ninvalidations + nmsgs));
    3364             : 
    3365        7624 :         memcpy(txn->invalidations + txn->ninvalidations, msgs,
    3366             :                nmsgs * sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage));
    3367        7624 :         txn->ninvalidations += nmsgs;
    3368             :     }
    3369             : 
    3370        9658 :     change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
    3371        9658 :     change->action = REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION;
    3372        9658 :     change->data.inval.ninvalidations = nmsgs;
    3373        9658 :     change->data.inval.invalidations = (SharedInvalidationMessage *)
    3374        9658 :         palloc(sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) * nmsgs);
    3375        9658 :     memcpy(change->data.inval.invalidations, msgs,
    3376             :            sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) * nmsgs);
    3377             : 
    3378        9658 :     ReorderBufferQueueChange(rb, xid, lsn, change, false);
    3379             : 
    3380        9658 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
    3381        9658 : }
    3382             : 
    3383             : /*
    3384             :  * Apply all invalidations we know. Possibly we only need parts at this point
    3385             :  * in the changestream but we don't know which those are.
    3386             :  */
    3387             : static void
    3388        8290 : ReorderBufferExecuteInvalidations(uint32 nmsgs, SharedInvalidationMessage *msgs)
    3389             : {
    3390             :     int         i;
    3391             : 
    3392       87202 :     for (i = 0; i < nmsgs; i++)
    3393       78912 :         LocalExecuteInvalidationMessage(&msgs[i]);
    3394        8290 : }
    3395             : 
    3396             : /*
    3397             :  * Mark a transaction as containing catalog changes
    3398             :  */
    3399             : void
    3400       56288 : ReorderBufferXidSetCatalogChanges(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid,
    3401             :                                   XLogRecPtr lsn)
    3402             : {
    3403             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3404             : 
    3405       56288 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, true, NULL, lsn, true);
    3406             : 
    3407       56288 :     if (!rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(txn))
    3408             :     {
    3409        2106 :         txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_HAS_CATALOG_CHANGES;
    3410        2106 :         dclist_push_tail(&rb->catchange_txns, &txn->catchange_node);
    3411             :     }
    3412             : 
    3413             :     /*
    3414             :      * Mark top-level transaction as having catalog changes too if one of its
    3415             :      * children has so that the ReorderBufferBuildTupleCidHash can
    3416             :      * conveniently check just top-level transaction and decide whether to
    3417             :      * build the hash table or not.
    3418             :      */
    3419       56288 :     if (rbtxn_is_subtxn(txn))
    3420             :     {
    3421        1798 :         ReorderBufferTXN *toptxn = rbtxn_get_toptxn(txn);
    3422             : 
    3423        1798 :         if (!rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(toptxn))
    3424             :         {
    3425          42 :             toptxn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_HAS_CATALOG_CHANGES;
    3426          42 :             dclist_push_tail(&rb->catchange_txns, &toptxn->catchange_node);
    3427             :         }
    3428             :     }
    3429       56288 : }
    3430             : 
    3431             : /*
    3432             :  * Return palloc'ed array of the transactions that have changed catalogs.
    3433             :  * The returned array is sorted in xidComparator order.
    3434             :  *
    3435             :  * The caller must free the returned array when done with it.
    3436             :  */
    3437             : TransactionId *
    3438         562 : ReorderBufferGetCatalogChangesXacts(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    3439             : {
    3440             :     dlist_iter  iter;
    3441         562 :     TransactionId *xids = NULL;
    3442         562 :     size_t      xcnt = 0;
    3443             : 
    3444             :     /* Quick return if the list is empty */
    3445         562 :     if (dclist_count(&rb->catchange_txns) == 0)
    3446         544 :         return NULL;
    3447             : 
    3448             :     /* Initialize XID array */
    3449          18 :     xids = (TransactionId *) palloc(sizeof(TransactionId) *
    3450          18 :                                     dclist_count(&rb->catchange_txns));
    3451          42 :     dclist_foreach(iter, &rb->catchange_txns)
    3452             :     {
    3453          24 :         ReorderBufferTXN *txn = dclist_container(ReorderBufferTXN,
    3454             :                                                  catchange_node,
    3455             :                                                  iter.cur);
    3456             : 
    3457             :         Assert(rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(txn));
    3458             : 
    3459          24 :         xids[xcnt++] = txn->xid;
    3460             :     }
    3461             : 
    3462          18 :     qsort(xids, xcnt, sizeof(TransactionId), xidComparator);
    3463             : 
    3464             :     Assert(xcnt == dclist_count(&rb->catchange_txns));
    3465          18 :     return xids;
    3466             : }
    3467             : 
    3468             : /*
    3469             :  * Query whether a transaction is already *known* to contain catalog
    3470             :  * changes. This can be wrong until directly before the commit!
    3471             :  */
    3472             : bool
    3473        7856 : ReorderBufferXidHasCatalogChanges(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid)
    3474             : {
    3475             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3476             : 
    3477        7856 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false, NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
    3478             :                                 false);
    3479        7856 :     if (txn == NULL)
    3480        1296 :         return false;
    3481             : 
    3482        6560 :     return rbtxn_has_catalog_changes(txn);
    3483             : }
    3484             : 
    3485             : /*
    3486             :  * ReorderBufferXidHasBaseSnapshot
    3487             :  *      Have we already set the base snapshot for the given txn/subtxn?
    3488             :  */
    3489             : bool
    3490     3072974 : ReorderBufferXidHasBaseSnapshot(ReorderBuffer *rb, TransactionId xid)
    3491             : {
    3492             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3493             : 
    3494     3072974 :     txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, xid, false,
    3495             :                                 NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    3496             : 
    3497             :     /* transaction isn't known yet, ergo no snapshot */
    3498     3072974 :     if (txn == NULL)
    3499           8 :         return false;
    3500             : 
    3501             :     /* a known subtxn? operate on top-level txn instead */
    3502     3072966 :     if (rbtxn_is_known_subxact(txn))
    3503      764066 :         txn = ReorderBufferTXNByXid(rb, txn->toplevel_xid, false,
    3504             :                                     NULL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, false);
    3505             : 
    3506     3072966 :     return txn->base_snapshot != NULL;
    3507             : }
    3508             : 
    3509             : 
    3510             : /*
    3511             :  * ---------------------------------------
    3512             :  * Disk serialization support
    3513             :  * ---------------------------------------
    3514             :  */
    3515             : 
    3516             : /*
    3517             :  * Ensure the IO buffer is >= sz.
    3518             :  */
    3519             : static void
    3520     5881190 : ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(ReorderBuffer *rb, Size sz)
    3521             : {
    3522     5881190 :     if (!rb->outbufsize)
    3523             :     {
    3524         100 :         rb->outbuf = MemoryContextAlloc(rb->context, sz);
    3525         100 :         rb->outbufsize = sz;
    3526             :     }
    3527     5881090 :     else if (rb->outbufsize < sz)
    3528             :     {
    3529         562 :         rb->outbuf = repalloc(rb->outbuf, sz);
    3530         562 :         rb->outbufsize = sz;
    3531             :     }
    3532     5881190 : }
    3533             : 
    3534             : 
    3535             : /* Compare two transactions by size */
    3536             : static int
    3537      703114 : ReorderBufferTXNSizeCompare(const pairingheap_node *a, const pairingheap_node *b, void *arg)
    3538             : {
    3539      703114 :     const ReorderBufferTXN *ta = pairingheap_const_container(ReorderBufferTXN, txn_node, a);
    3540      703114 :     const ReorderBufferTXN *tb = pairingheap_const_container(ReorderBufferTXN, txn_node, b);
    3541             : 
    3542      703114 :     if (ta->size < tb->size)
    3543      499962 :         return -1;
    3544      203152 :     if (ta->size > tb->size)
    3545      201324 :         return 1;
    3546        1828 :     return 0;
    3547             : }
    3548             : 
    3549             : /*
    3550             :  * Find the largest transaction (toplevel or subxact) to evict (spill to disk).
    3551             :  */
    3552             : static ReorderBufferTXN *
    3553        6908 : ReorderBufferLargestTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    3554             : {
    3555             :     ReorderBufferTXN *largest;
    3556             : 
    3557             :     /* Get the largest transaction from the max-heap */
    3558        6908 :     largest = pairingheap_container(ReorderBufferTXN, txn_node,
    3559             :                                     pairingheap_first(rb->txn_heap));
    3560             : 
    3561             :     Assert(largest);
    3562             :     Assert(largest->size > 0);
    3563             :     Assert(largest->size <= rb->size);
    3564             : 
    3565        6908 :     return largest;
    3566             : }
    3567             : 
    3568             : /*
    3569             :  * Find the largest streamable toplevel transaction to evict (by streaming).
    3570             :  *
    3571             :  * This can be seen as an optimized version of ReorderBufferLargestTXN, which
    3572             :  * should give us the same transaction (because we don't update memory account
    3573             :  * for subtransaction with streaming, so it's always 0). But we can simply
    3574             :  * iterate over the limited number of toplevel transactions that have a base
    3575             :  * snapshot. There is no use of selecting a transaction that doesn't have base
    3576             :  * snapshot because we don't decode such transactions.  Also, we do not select
    3577             :  * the transaction which doesn't have any streamable change.
    3578             :  *
    3579             :  * Note that, we skip transactions that contain incomplete changes. There
    3580             :  * is a scope of optimization here such that we can select the largest
    3581             :  * transaction which has incomplete changes.  But that will make the code and
    3582             :  * design quite complex and that might not be worth the benefit.  If we plan to
    3583             :  * stream the transactions that contain incomplete changes then we need to
    3584             :  * find a way to partially stream/truncate the transaction changes in-memory
    3585             :  * and build a mechanism to partially truncate the spilled files.
    3586             :  * Additionally, whenever we partially stream the transaction we need to
    3587             :  * maintain the last streamed lsn and next time we need to restore from that
    3588             :  * segment and the offset in WAL.  As we stream the changes from the top
    3589             :  * transaction and restore them subtransaction wise, we need to even remember
    3590             :  * the subxact from where we streamed the last change.
    3591             :  */
    3592             : static ReorderBufferTXN *
    3593        1494 : ReorderBufferLargestStreamableTopTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    3594             : {
    3595             :     dlist_iter  iter;
    3596        1494 :     Size        largest_size = 0;
    3597        1494 :     ReorderBufferTXN *largest = NULL;
    3598             : 
    3599             :     /* Find the largest top-level transaction having a base snapshot. */
    3600        3212 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &rb->txns_by_base_snapshot_lsn)
    3601             :     {
    3602             :         ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3603             : 
    3604        1718 :         txn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, base_snapshot_node, iter.cur);
    3605             : 
    3606             :         /* must not be a subtxn */
    3607             :         Assert(!rbtxn_is_known_subxact(txn));
    3608             :         /* base_snapshot must be set */
    3609             :         Assert(txn->base_snapshot != NULL);
    3610             : 
    3611        1718 :         if ((largest == NULL || txn->total_size > largest_size) &&
    3612        1718 :             (txn->total_size > 0) && !(rbtxn_has_partial_change(txn)) &&
    3613        1532 :             rbtxn_has_streamable_change(txn))
    3614             :         {
    3615        1472 :             largest = txn;
    3616        1472 :             largest_size = txn->total_size;
    3617             :         }
    3618             :     }
    3619             : 
    3620        1494 :     return largest;
    3621             : }
    3622             : 
    3623             : /*
    3624             :  * Check whether the logical_decoding_work_mem limit was reached, and if yes
    3625             :  * pick the largest (sub)transaction at-a-time to evict and spill its changes to
    3626             :  * disk or send to the output plugin until we reach under the memory limit.
    3627             :  *
    3628             :  * If debug_logical_replication_streaming is set to "immediate", stream or
    3629             :  * serialize the changes immediately.
    3630             :  *
    3631             :  * XXX At this point we select the transactions until we reach under the memory
    3632             :  * limit, but we might also adapt a more elaborate eviction strategy - for example
    3633             :  * evicting enough transactions to free certain fraction (e.g. 50%) of the memory
    3634             :  * limit.
    3635             :  */
    3636             : static void
    3637     3110390 : ReorderBufferCheckMemoryLimit(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    3638             : {
    3639             :     ReorderBufferTXN *txn;
    3640             : 
    3641             :     /*
    3642             :      * Bail out if debug_logical_replication_streaming is buffered and we
    3643             :      * haven't exceeded the memory limit.
    3644             :      */
    3645     3110390 :     if (debug_logical_replication_streaming == DEBUG_LOGICAL_REP_STREAMING_BUFFERED &&
    3646     3109130 :         rb->size < logical_decoding_work_mem * 1024L)
    3647     3102140 :         return;
    3648             : 
    3649             :     /*
    3650             :      * If debug_logical_replication_streaming is immediate, loop until there's
    3651             :      * no change. Otherwise, loop until we reach under the memory limit. One
    3652             :      * might think that just by evicting the largest (sub)transaction we will
    3653             :      * come under the memory limit based on assumption that the selected
    3654             :      * transaction is at least as large as the most recent change (which
    3655             :      * caused us to go over the memory limit). However, that is not true
    3656             :      * because a user can reduce the logical_decoding_work_mem to a smaller
    3657             :      * value before the most recent change.
    3658             :      */
    3659       16498 :     while (rb->size >= logical_decoding_work_mem * 1024L ||
    3660        9508 :            (debug_logical_replication_streaming == DEBUG_LOGICAL_REP_STREAMING_IMMEDIATE &&
    3661        2518 :             rb->size > 0))
    3662             :     {
    3663             :         /*
    3664             :          * Pick the largest transaction and evict it from memory by streaming,
    3665             :          * if possible.  Otherwise, spill to disk.
    3666             :          */
    3667        9742 :         if (ReorderBufferCanStartStreaming(rb) &&
    3668        1494 :             (txn = ReorderBufferLargestStreamableTopTXN(rb)) != NULL)
    3669             :         {
    3670             :             /* we know there has to be one, because the size is not zero */
    3671             :             Assert(txn && rbtxn_is_toptxn(txn));
    3672             :             Assert(txn->total_size > 0);
    3673             :             Assert(rb->size >= txn->total_size);
    3674             : 
    3675        1340 :             ReorderBufferStreamTXN(rb, txn);
    3676             :         }
    3677             :         else
    3678             :         {
    3679             :             /*
    3680             :              * Pick the largest transaction (or subtransaction) and evict it
    3681             :              * from memory by serializing it to disk.
    3682             :              */
    3683        6908 :             txn = ReorderBufferLargestTXN(rb);
    3684             : 
    3685             :             /* we know there has to be one, because the size is not zero */
    3686             :             Assert(txn);
    3687             :             Assert(txn->size > 0);
    3688             :             Assert(rb->size >= txn->size);
    3689             : 
    3690        6908 :             ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(rb, txn);
    3691             :         }
    3692             : 
    3693             :         /*
    3694             :          * After eviction, the transaction should have no entries in memory,
    3695             :          * and should use 0 bytes for changes.
    3696             :          */
    3697             :         Assert(txn->size == 0);
    3698             :         Assert(txn->nentries_mem == 0);
    3699             :     }
    3700             : 
    3701             :     /* We must be under the memory limit now. */
    3702             :     Assert(rb->size < logical_decoding_work_mem * 1024L);
    3703             : 
    3704             : }
    3705             : 
    3706             : /*
    3707             :  * Spill data of a large transaction (and its subtransactions) to disk.
    3708             :  */
    3709             : static void
    3710        7424 : ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    3711             : {
    3712             :     dlist_iter  subtxn_i;
    3713             :     dlist_mutable_iter change_i;
    3714        7424 :     int         fd = -1;
    3715        7424 :     XLogSegNo   curOpenSegNo = 0;
    3716        7424 :     Size        spilled = 0;
    3717        7424 :     Size        size = txn->size;
    3718             : 
    3719        7424 :     elog(DEBUG2, "spill %u changes in XID %u to disk",
    3720             :          (uint32) txn->nentries_mem, txn->xid);
    3721             : 
    3722             :     /* do the same to all child TXs */
    3723        7864 :     dlist_foreach(subtxn_i, &txn->subtxns)
    3724             :     {
    3725             :         ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    3726             : 
    3727         440 :         subtxn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, subtxn_i.cur);
    3728         440 :         ReorderBufferSerializeTXN(rb, subtxn);
    3729             :     }
    3730             : 
    3731             :     /* serialize changestream */
    3732     2637932 :     dlist_foreach_modify(change_i, &txn->changes)
    3733             :     {
    3734             :         ReorderBufferChange *change;
    3735             : 
    3736     2630508 :         change = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, change_i.cur);
    3737             : 
    3738             :         /*
    3739             :          * store in segment in which it belongs by start lsn, don't split over
    3740             :          * multiple segments tho
    3741             :          */
    3742     2630508 :         if (fd == -1 ||
    3743     2623498 :             !XLByteInSeg(change->lsn, curOpenSegNo, wal_segment_size))
    3744             :         {
    3745             :             char        path[MAXPGPATH];
    3746             : 
    3747        7024 :             if (fd != -1)
    3748          14 :                 CloseTransientFile(fd);
    3749             : 
    3750        7024 :             XLByteToSeg(change->lsn, curOpenSegNo, wal_segment_size);
    3751             : 
    3752             :             /*
    3753             :              * No need to care about TLIs here, only used during a single run,
    3754             :              * so each LSN only maps to a specific WAL record.
    3755             :              */
    3756        7024 :             ReorderBufferSerializedPath(path, MyReplicationSlot, txn->xid,
    3757             :                                         curOpenSegNo);
    3758             : 
    3759             :             /* open segment, create it if necessary */
    3760        7024 :             fd = OpenTransientFile(path,
    3761             :                                    O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | PG_BINARY);
    3762             : 
    3763        7024 :             if (fd < 0)
    3764           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    3765             :                         (errcode_for_file_access(),
    3766             :                          errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m", path)));
    3767             :         }
    3768             : 
    3769     2630508 :         ReorderBufferSerializeChange(rb, txn, fd, change);
    3770     2630508 :         dlist_delete(&change->node);
    3771     2630508 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, false);
    3772             : 
    3773     2630508 :         spilled++;
    3774             :     }
    3775             : 
    3776             :     /* Update the memory counter */
    3777        7424 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, NULL, txn, false, size);
    3778             : 
    3779             :     /* update the statistics iff we have spilled anything */
    3780        7424 :     if (spilled)
    3781             :     {
    3782        7010 :         rb->spillCount += 1;
    3783        7010 :         rb->spillBytes += size;
    3784             : 
    3785             :         /* don't consider already serialized transactions */
    3786        7010 :         rb->spillTxns += (rbtxn_is_serialized(txn) || rbtxn_is_serialized_clear(txn)) ? 0 : 1;
    3787             : 
    3788             :         /* update the decoding stats */
    3789        7010 :         UpdateDecodingStats((LogicalDecodingContext *) rb->private_data);
    3790             :     }
    3791             : 
    3792             :     Assert(spilled == txn->nentries_mem);
    3793             :     Assert(dlist_is_empty(&txn->changes));
    3794        7424 :     txn->nentries_mem = 0;
    3795        7424 :     txn->txn_flags |= RBTXN_IS_SERIALIZED;
    3796             : 
    3797        7424 :     if (fd != -1)
    3798        7010 :         CloseTransientFile(fd);
    3799        7424 : }
    3800             : 
    3801             : /*
    3802             :  * Serialize individual change to disk.
    3803             :  */
    3804             : static void
    3805     2630508 : ReorderBufferSerializeChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    3806             :                              int fd, ReorderBufferChange *change)
    3807             : {
    3808             :     ReorderBufferDiskChange *ondisk;
    3809     2630508 :     Size        sz = sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3810             : 
    3811     2630508 :     ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3812             : 
    3813     2630508 :     ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3814     2630508 :     memcpy(&ondisk->change, change, sizeof(ReorderBufferChange));
    3815             : 
    3816     2630508 :     switch (change->action)
    3817             :     {
    3818             :             /* fall through these, they're all similar enough */
    3819     2595626 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT:
    3820             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE:
    3821             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE:
    3822             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT:
    3823             :             {
    3824             :                 char       *data;
    3825             :                 HeapTuple   oldtup,
    3826             :                             newtup;
    3827     2595626 :                 Size        oldlen = 0;
    3828     2595626 :                 Size        newlen = 0;
    3829             : 
    3830     2595626 :                 oldtup = change->;
    3831     2595626 :                 newtup = change->;
    3832             : 
    3833     2595626 :                 if (oldtup)
    3834             :                 {
    3835      320254 :                     sz += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    3836      320254 :                     oldlen = oldtup->t_len;
    3837      320254 :                     sz += oldlen;
    3838             :                 }
    3839             : 
    3840     2595626 :                 if (newtup)
    3841             :                 {
    3842     2167952 :                     sz += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    3843     2167952 :                     newlen = newtup->t_len;
    3844     2167952 :                     sz += newlen;
    3845             :                 }
    3846             : 
    3847             :                 /* make sure we have enough space */
    3848     2595626 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3849             : 
    3850     2595626 :                 data = ((char *) rb->outbuf) + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3851             :                 /* might have been reallocated above */
    3852     2595626 :                 ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3853             : 
    3854     2595626 :                 if (oldlen)
    3855             :                 {
    3856      320254 :                     memcpy(data, oldtup, sizeof(HeapTupleData));
    3857      320254 :                     data += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    3858             : 
    3859      320254 :                     memcpy(data, oldtup->t_data, oldlen);
    3860      320254 :                     data += oldlen;
    3861             :                 }
    3862             : 
    3863     2595626 :                 if (newlen)
    3864             :                 {
    3865     2167952 :                     memcpy(data, newtup, sizeof(HeapTupleData));
    3866     2167952 :                     data += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    3867             : 
    3868     2167952 :                     memcpy(data, newtup->t_data, newlen);
    3869     2167952 :                     data += newlen;
    3870             :                 }
    3871     2595626 :                 break;
    3872             :             }
    3873          40 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE:
    3874             :             {
    3875             :                 char       *data;
    3876          40 :                 Size        prefix_size = strlen(change->data.msg.prefix) + 1;
    3877             : 
    3878          40 :                 sz += prefix_size + change->data.msg.message_size +
    3879             :                     sizeof(Size) + sizeof(Size);
    3880          40 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3881             : 
    3882          40 :                 data = ((char *) rb->outbuf) + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3883             : 
    3884             :                 /* might have been reallocated above */
    3885          40 :                 ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3886             : 
    3887             :                 /* write the prefix including the size */
    3888          40 :                 memcpy(data, &prefix_size, sizeof(Size));
    3889          40 :                 data += sizeof(Size);
    3890          40 :                 memcpy(data, change->data.msg.prefix,
    3891             :                        prefix_size);
    3892          40 :                 data += prefix_size;
    3893             : 
    3894             :                 /* write the message including the size */
    3895          40 :                 memcpy(data, &change->data.msg.message_size, sizeof(Size));
    3896          40 :                 data += sizeof(Size);
    3897          40 :                 memcpy(data, change->data.msg.message,
    3898             :                        change->data.msg.message_size);
    3899          40 :                 data += change->data.msg.message_size;
    3900             : 
    3901          40 :                 break;
    3902             :             }
    3903         288 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION:
    3904             :             {
    3905             :                 char       *data;
    3906         288 :                 Size        inval_size = sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) *
    3907         288 :                     change->data.inval.ninvalidations;
    3908             : 
    3909         288 :                 sz += inval_size;
    3910             : 
    3911         288 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3912         288 :                 data = ((char *) rb->outbuf) + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3913             : 
    3914             :                 /* might have been reallocated above */
    3915         288 :                 ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3916         288 :                 memcpy(data, change->data.inval.invalidations, inval_size);
    3917         288 :                 data += inval_size;
    3918             : 
    3919         288 :                 break;
    3920             :             }
    3921          10 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT:
    3922             :             {
    3923             :                 Snapshot    snap;
    3924             :                 char       *data;
    3925             : 
    3926          10 :                 snap = change->data.snapshot;
    3927             : 
    3928          10 :                 sz += sizeof(SnapshotData) +
    3929          10 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->xcnt +
    3930          10 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->subxcnt;
    3931             : 
    3932             :                 /* make sure we have enough space */
    3933          10 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3934          10 :                 data = ((char *) rb->outbuf) + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3935             :                 /* might have been reallocated above */
    3936          10 :                 ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3937             : 
    3938          10 :                 memcpy(data, snap, sizeof(SnapshotData));
    3939          10 :                 data += sizeof(SnapshotData);
    3940             : 
    3941          10 :                 if (snap->xcnt)
    3942             :                 {
    3943          10 :                     memcpy(data, snap->xip,
    3944          10 :                            sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->xcnt);
    3945          10 :                     data += sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->xcnt;
    3946             :                 }
    3947             : 
    3948          10 :                 if (snap->subxcnt)
    3949             :                 {
    3950           0 :                     memcpy(data, snap->subxip,
    3951           0 :                            sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->subxcnt);
    3952           0 :                     data += sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->subxcnt;
    3953             :                 }
    3954          10 :                 break;
    3955             :             }
    3956           2 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE:
    3957             :             {
    3958             :                 Size        size;
    3959             :                 char       *data;
    3960             : 
    3961             :                 /* account for the OIDs of truncated relations */
    3962           2 :                 size = sizeof(Oid) * change->data.truncate.nrelids;
    3963           2 :                 sz += size;
    3964             : 
    3965             :                 /* make sure we have enough space */
    3966           2 :                 ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sz);
    3967             : 
    3968           2 :                 data = ((char *) rb->outbuf) + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    3969             :                 /* might have been reallocated above */
    3970           2 :                 ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    3971             : 
    3972           2 :                 memcpy(data, change->data.truncate.relids, size);
    3973           2 :                 data += size;
    3974             : 
    3975           2 :                 break;
    3976             :             }
    3977       34542 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM:
    3978             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT:
    3979             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID:
    3980             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID:
    3981             :             /* ReorderBufferChange contains everything important */
    3982       34542 :             break;
    3983             :     }
    3984             : 
    3985     2630508 :     ondisk->size = sz;
    3986             : 
    3987     2630508 :     errno = 0;
    3988     2630508 :     pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_REORDER_BUFFER_WRITE);
    3989     2630508 :     if (write(fd, rb->outbuf, ondisk->size) != ondisk->size)
    3990             :     {
    3991           0 :         int         save_errno = errno;
    3992             : 
    3993           0 :         CloseTransientFile(fd);
    3994             : 
    3995             :         /* if write didn't set errno, assume problem is no disk space */
    3996           0 :         errno = save_errno ? save_errno : ENOSPC;
    3997           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    3998             :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    3999             :                  errmsg("could not write to data file for XID %u: %m",
    4000             :                         txn->xid)));
    4001             :     }
    4002     2630508 :     pgstat_report_wait_end();
    4003             : 
    4004             :     /*
    4005             :      * Keep the transaction's final_lsn up to date with each change we send to
    4006             :      * disk, so that ReorderBufferRestoreCleanup works correctly.  (We used to
    4007             :      * only do this on commit and abort records, but that doesn't work if a
    4008             :      * system crash leaves a transaction without its abort record).
    4009             :      *
    4010             :      * Make sure not to move it backwards.
    4011             :      */
    4012     2630508 :     if (txn->final_lsn < change->lsn)
    4013     2621552 :         txn->final_lsn = change->lsn;
    4014             : 
    4015             :     Assert(ondisk->change.action == change->action);
    4016     2630508 : }
    4017             : 
    4018             : /* Returns true, if the output plugin supports streaming, false, otherwise. */
    4019             : static inline bool
    4020     4120562 : ReorderBufferCanStream(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    4021             : {
    4022     4120562 :     LogicalDecodingContext *ctx = rb->private_data;
    4023             : 
    4024     4120562 :     return ctx->streaming;
    4025             : }
    4026             : 
    4027             : /* Returns true, if the streaming can be started now, false, otherwise. */
    4028             : static inline bool
    4029     1010172 : ReorderBufferCanStartStreaming(ReorderBuffer *rb)
    4030             : {
    4031     1010172 :     LogicalDecodingContext *ctx = rb->private_data;
    4032     1010172 :     SnapBuild  *builder = ctx->snapshot_builder;
    4033             : 
    4034             :     /* We can't start streaming unless a consistent state is reached. */
    4035     1010172 :     if (SnapBuildCurrentState(builder) < SNAPBUILD_CONSISTENT)
    4036           0 :         return false;
    4037             : 
    4038             :     /*
    4039             :      * We can't start streaming immediately even if the streaming is enabled
    4040             :      * because we previously decoded this transaction and now just are
    4041             :      * restarting.
    4042             :      */
    4043     1010172 :     if (ReorderBufferCanStream(rb) &&
    4044     1005632 :         !SnapBuildXactNeedsSkip(builder, ctx->reader->ReadRecPtr))
    4045      367650 :         return true;
    4046             : 
    4047      642522 :     return false;
    4048             : }
    4049             : 
    4050             : /*
    4051             :  * Send data of a large transaction (and its subtransactions) to the
    4052             :  * output plugin, but using the stream API.
    4053             :  */
    4054             : static void
    4055        1486 : ReorderBufferStreamTXN(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    4056             : {
    4057             :     Snapshot    snapshot_now;
    4058             :     CommandId   command_id;
    4059             :     Size        stream_bytes;
    4060             :     bool        txn_is_streamed;
    4061             : 
    4062             :     /* We can never reach here for a subtransaction. */
    4063             :     Assert(rbtxn_is_toptxn(txn));
    4064             : 
    4065             :     /*
    4066             :      * We can't make any assumptions about base snapshot here, similar to what
    4067             :      * ReorderBufferCommit() does. That relies on base_snapshot getting
    4068             :      * transferred from subxact in ReorderBufferCommitChild(), but that was
    4069             :      * not yet called as the transaction is in-progress.
    4070             :      *
    4071             :      * So just walk the subxacts and use the same logic here. But we only need
    4072             :      * to do that once, when the transaction is streamed for the first time.
    4073             :      * After that we need to reuse the snapshot from the previous run.
    4074             :      *
    4075             :      * Unlike DecodeCommit which adds xids of all the subtransactions in
    4076             :      * snapshot's xip array via SnapBuildCommitTxn, we can't do that here but
    4077             :      * we do add them to subxip array instead via ReorderBufferCopySnap. This
    4078             :      * allows the catalog changes made in subtransactions decoded till now to
    4079             :      * be visible.
    4080             :      */
    4081        1486 :     if (txn->snapshot_now == NULL)
    4082             :     {
    4083             :         dlist_iter  subxact_i;
    4084             : 
    4085             :         /* make sure this transaction is streamed for the first time */
    4086             :         Assert(!rbtxn_is_streamed(txn));
    4087             : 
    4088             :         /* at the beginning we should have invalid command ID */
    4089             :         Assert(txn->command_id == InvalidCommandId);
    4090             : 
    4091         152 :         dlist_foreach(subxact_i, &txn->subtxns)
    4092             :         {
    4093             :             ReorderBufferTXN *subtxn;
    4094             : 
    4095           8 :             subtxn = dlist_container(ReorderBufferTXN, node, subxact_i.cur);
    4096           8 :             ReorderBufferTransferSnapToParent(txn, subtxn);
    4097             :         }
    4098             : 
    4099             :         /*
    4100             :          * If this transaction has no snapshot, it didn't make any changes to
    4101             :          * the database till now, so there's nothing to decode.
    4102             :          */
    4103         144 :         if (txn->base_snapshot == NULL)
    4104             :         {
    4105             :             Assert(txn->ninvalidations == 0);
    4106           0 :             return;
    4107             :         }
    4108             : 
    4109         144 :         command_id = FirstCommandId;
    4110         144 :         snapshot_now = ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, txn->base_snapshot,
    4111             :                                              txn, command_id);
    4112             :     }
    4113             :     else
    4114             :     {
    4115             :         /* the transaction must have been already streamed */
    4116             :         Assert(rbtxn_is_streamed(txn));
    4117             : 
    4118             :         /*
    4119             :          * Nah, we already have snapshot from the previous streaming run. We
    4120             :          * assume new subxacts can't move the LSN backwards, and so can't beat
    4121             :          * the LSN condition in the previous branch (so no need to walk
    4122             :          * through subxacts again). In fact, we must not do that as we may be
    4123             :          * using snapshot half-way through the subxact.
    4124             :          */
    4125        1342 :         command_id = txn->command_id;
    4126             : 
    4127             :         /*
    4128             :          * We can't use txn->snapshot_now directly because after the last
    4129             :          * streaming run, we might have got some new sub-transactions. So we
    4130             :          * need to add them to the snapshot.
    4131             :          */
    4132        1342 :         snapshot_now = ReorderBufferCopySnap(rb, txn->snapshot_now,
    4133             :                                              txn, command_id);
    4134             : 
    4135             :         /* Free the previously copied snapshot. */
    4136             :         Assert(txn->snapshot_now->copied);
    4137        1342 :         ReorderBufferFreeSnap(rb, txn->snapshot_now);
    4138        1342 :         txn->snapshot_now = NULL;
    4139             :     }
    4140             : 
    4141             :     /*
    4142             :      * Remember this information to be used later to update stats. We can't
    4143             :      * update the stats here as an error while processing the changes would
    4144             :      * lead to the accumulation of stats even though we haven't streamed all
    4145             :      * the changes.
    4146             :      */
    4147        1486 :     txn_is_streamed = rbtxn_is_streamed(txn);
    4148        1486 :     stream_bytes = txn->total_size;
    4149             : 
    4150             :     /* Process and send the changes to output plugin. */
    4151        1486 :     ReorderBufferProcessTXN(rb, txn, InvalidXLogRecPtr, snapshot_now,
    4152             :                             command_id, true);
    4153             : 
    4154        1486 :     rb->streamCount += 1;
    4155        1486 :     rb->streamBytes += stream_bytes;
    4156             : 
    4157             :     /* Don't consider already streamed transaction. */
    4158        1486 :     rb->streamTxns += (txn_is_streamed) ? 0 : 1;
    4159             : 
    4160             :     /* update the decoding stats */
    4161        1486 :     UpdateDecodingStats((LogicalDecodingContext *) rb->private_data);
    4162             : 
    4163             :     Assert(dlist_is_empty(&txn->changes));
    4164             :     Assert(txn->nentries == 0);
    4165             :     Assert(txn->nentries_mem == 0);
    4166             : }
    4167             : 
    4168             : /*
    4169             :  * Size of a change in memory.
    4170             :  */
    4171             : static Size
    4172     4292058 : ReorderBufferChangeSize(ReorderBufferChange *change)
    4173             : {
    4174     4292058 :     Size        sz = sizeof(ReorderBufferChange);
    4175             : 
    4176     4292058 :     switch (change->action)
    4177             :     {
    4178             :             /* fall through these, they're all similar enough */
    4179     4084498 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT:
    4180             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE:
    4181             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE:
    4182             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT:
    4183             :             {
    4184             :                 HeapTuple   oldtup,
    4185             :                             newtup;
    4186     4084498 :                 Size        oldlen = 0;
    4187     4084498 :                 Size        newlen = 0;
    4188             : 
    4189     4084498 :                 oldtup = change->;
    4190     4084498 :                 newtup = change->;
    4191             : 
    4192     4084498 :                 if (oldtup)
    4193             :                 {
    4194      523738 :                     sz += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    4195      523738 :                     oldlen = oldtup->t_len;
    4196      523738 :                     sz += oldlen;
    4197             :                 }
    4198             : 
    4199     4084498 :                 if (newtup)
    4200             :                 {
    4201     3395046 :                     sz += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    4202     3395046 :                     newlen = newtup->t_len;
    4203     3395046 :                     sz += newlen;
    4204             :                 }
    4205             : 
    4206     4084498 :                 break;
    4207             :             }
    4208         120 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE:
    4209             :             {
    4210         120 :                 Size        prefix_size = strlen(change->data.msg.prefix) + 1;
    4211             : 
    4212         120 :                 sz += prefix_size + change->data.msg.message_size +
    4213             :                     sizeof(Size) + sizeof(Size);
    4214             : 
    4215         120 :                 break;
    4216             :             }
    4217       19036 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION:
    4218             :             {
    4219       19036 :                 sz += sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) *
    4220       19036 :                     change->data.inval.ninvalidations;
    4221       19036 :                 break;
    4222             :             }
    4223        4090 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT:
    4224             :             {
    4225             :                 Snapshot    snap;
    4226             : 
    4227        4090 :                 snap = change->data.snapshot;
    4228             : 
    4229        4090 :                 sz += sizeof(SnapshotData) +
    4230        4090 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->xcnt +
    4231        4090 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * snap->subxcnt;
    4232             : 
    4233        4090 :                 break;
    4234             :             }
    4235         188 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE:
    4236             :             {
    4237         188 :                 sz += sizeof(Oid) * change->data.truncate.nrelids;
    4238             : 
    4239         188 :                 break;
    4240             :             }
    4241      184126 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM:
    4242             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT:
    4243             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID:
    4244             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID:
    4245             :             /* ReorderBufferChange contains everything important */
    4246      184126 :             break;
    4247             :     }
    4248             : 
    4249     4292058 :     return sz;
    4250             : }
    4251             : 
    4252             : 
    4253             : /*
    4254             :  * Restore a number of changes spilled to disk back into memory.
    4255             :  */
    4256             : static Size
    4257         196 : ReorderBufferRestoreChanges(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    4258             :                             TXNEntryFile *file, XLogSegNo *segno)
    4259             : {
    4260         196 :     Size        restored = 0;
    4261             :     XLogSegNo   last_segno;
    4262             :     dlist_mutable_iter cleanup_iter;
    4263         196 :     File       *fd = &file->vfd;
    4264             : 
    4265             :     Assert(txn->first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    4266             :     Assert(txn->final_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    4267             : 
    4268             :     /* free current entries, so we have memory for more */
    4269      320198 :     dlist_foreach_modify(cleanup_iter, &txn->changes)
    4270             :     {
    4271      320002 :         ReorderBufferChange *cleanup =
    4272      320002 :             dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, cleanup_iter.cur);
    4273             : 
    4274      320002 :         dlist_delete(&cleanup->node);
    4275      320002 :         ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, cleanup, true);
    4276             :     }
    4277         196 :     txn->nentries_mem = 0;
    4278             :     Assert(dlist_is_empty(&txn->changes));
    4279             : 
    4280         196 :     XLByteToSeg(txn->final_lsn, last_segno, wal_segment_size);
    4281             : 
    4282      327594 :     while (restored < max_changes_in_memory && *segno <= last_segno)
    4283             :     {
    4284             :         int         readBytes;
    4285             :         ReorderBufferDiskChange *ondisk;
    4286             : 
    4287      327398 :         CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
    4288             : 
    4289      327398 :         if (*fd == -1)
    4290             :         {
    4291             :             char        path[MAXPGPATH];
    4292             : 
    4293             :             /* first time in */
    4294          80 :             if (*segno == 0)
    4295          76 :                 XLByteToSeg(txn->first_lsn, *segno, wal_segment_size);
    4296             : 
    4297             :             Assert(*segno != 0 || dlist_is_empty(&txn->changes));
    4298             : 
    4299             :             /*
    4300             :              * No need to care about TLIs here, only used during a single run,
    4301             :              * so each LSN only maps to a specific WAL record.
    4302             :              */
    4303          80 :             ReorderBufferSerializedPath(path, MyReplicationSlot, txn->xid,
    4304             :                                         *segno);
    4305             : 
    4306          80 :             *fd = PathNameOpenFile(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);
    4307             : 
    4308             :             /* No harm in resetting the offset even in case of failure */
    4309          80 :             file->curOffset = 0;
    4310             : 
    4311          80 :             if (*fd < 0 && errno == ENOENT)
    4312             :             {
    4313           0 :                 *fd = -1;
    4314           0 :                 (*segno)++;
    4315           0 :                 continue;
    4316             :             }
    4317          80 :             else if (*fd < 0)
    4318           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    4319             :                         (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4320             :                          errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m",
    4321             :                                 path)));
    4322             :         }
    4323             : 
    4324             :         /*
    4325             :          * Read the statically sized part of a change which has information
    4326             :          * about the total size. If we couldn't read a record, we're at the
    4327             :          * end of this file.
    4328             :          */
    4329      327398 :         ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb, sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange));
    4330      327398 :         readBytes = FileRead(file->vfd, rb->outbuf,
    4331             :                              sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange),
    4332             :                              file->curOffset, WAIT_EVENT_REORDER_BUFFER_READ);
    4333             : 
    4334             :         /* eof */
    4335      327398 :         if (readBytes == 0)
    4336             :         {
    4337          80 :             FileClose(*fd);
    4338          80 :             *fd = -1;
    4339          80 :             (*segno)++;
    4340          80 :             continue;
    4341             :         }
    4342      327318 :         else if (readBytes < 0)
    4343           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    4344             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4345             :                      errmsg("could not read from reorderbuffer spill file: %m")));
    4346      327318 :         else if (readBytes != sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange))
    4347           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    4348             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4349             :                      errmsg("could not read from reorderbuffer spill file: read %d instead of %u bytes",
    4350             :                             readBytes,
    4351             :                             (uint32) sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange))));
    4352             : 
    4353      327318 :         file->curOffset += readBytes;
    4354             : 
    4355      327318 :         ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    4356             : 
    4357      327318 :         ReorderBufferSerializeReserve(rb,
    4358      327318 :                                       sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange) + ondisk->size);
    4359      327318 :         ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) rb->outbuf;
    4360             : 
    4361      654636 :         readBytes = FileRead(file->vfd,
    4362      327318 :                              rb->outbuf + sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange),
    4363      327318 :                              ondisk->size - sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange),
    4364             :                              file->curOffset,
    4365             :                              WAIT_EVENT_REORDER_BUFFER_READ);
    4366             : 
    4367      327318 :         if (readBytes < 0)
    4368           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    4369             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4370             :                      errmsg("could not read from reorderbuffer spill file: %m")));
    4371      327318 :         else if (readBytes != ondisk->size - sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange))
    4372           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    4373             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4374             :                      errmsg("could not read from reorderbuffer spill file: read %d instead of %u bytes",
    4375             :                             readBytes,
    4376             :                             (uint32) (ondisk->size - sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange)))));
    4377             : 
    4378      327318 :         file->curOffset += readBytes;
    4379             : 
    4380             :         /*
    4381             :          * ok, read a full change from disk, now restore it into proper
    4382             :          * in-memory format
    4383             :          */
    4384      327318 :         ReorderBufferRestoreChange(rb, txn, rb->outbuf);
    4385      327318 :         restored++;
    4386             :     }
    4387             : 
    4388         196 :     return restored;
    4389             : }
    4390             : 
    4391             : /*
    4392             :  * Convert change from its on-disk format to in-memory format and queue it onto
    4393             :  * the TXN's ->changes list.
    4394             :  *
    4395             :  * Note: although "data" is declared char*, at entry it points to a
    4396             :  * maxalign'd buffer, making it safe in most of this function to assume
    4397             :  * that the pointed-to data is suitably aligned for direct access.
    4398             :  */
    4399             : static void
    4400      327318 : ReorderBufferRestoreChange(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    4401             :                            char *data)
    4402             : {
    4403             :     ReorderBufferDiskChange *ondisk;
    4404             :     ReorderBufferChange *change;
    4405             : 
    4406      327318 :     ondisk = (ReorderBufferDiskChange *) data;
    4407             : 
    4408      327318 :     change = ReorderBufferGetChange(rb);
    4409             : 
    4410             :     /* copy static part */
    4411      327318 :     memcpy(change, &ondisk->change, sizeof(ReorderBufferChange));
    4412             : 
    4413      327318 :     data += sizeof(ReorderBufferDiskChange);
    4414             : 
    4415             :     /* restore individual stuff */
    4416      327318 :     switch (change->action)
    4417             :     {
    4418             :             /* fall through these, they're all similar enough */
    4419      323460 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INSERT:
    4420             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_UPDATE:
    4421             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_DELETE:
    4422             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT:
    4423      323460 :             if (change->
    4424             :             {
    4425       10012 :                 uint32      tuplelen = ((HeapTuple) data)->t_len;
    4426             : 
    4427       10012 :                 change-> =
    4428       10012 :                     ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(rb, tuplelen - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
    4429             : 
    4430             :                 /* restore ->tuple */
    4431       10012 :                 memcpy(change->, data,
    4432             :                        sizeof(HeapTupleData));
    4433       10012 :                 data += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    4434             : 
    4435             :                 /* reset t_data pointer into the new tuplebuf */
    4436       10012 :                 change->>t_data =
    4437       10012 :                     (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) change-> + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
    4438             : 
    4439             :                 /* restore tuple data itself */
    4440       10012 :                 memcpy(change->>t_data, data, tuplelen);
    4441       10012 :                 data += tuplelen;
    4442             :             }
    4443             : 
    4444      323460 :             if (change->
    4445             :             {
    4446             :                 /* here, data might not be suitably aligned! */
    4447             :                 uint32      tuplelen;
    4448             : 
    4449      303018 :                 memcpy(&tuplelen, data + offsetof(HeapTupleData, t_len),
    4450             :                        sizeof(uint32));
    4451             : 
    4452      303018 :                 change-> =
    4453      303018 :                     ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(rb, tuplelen - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
    4454             : 
    4455             :                 /* restore ->tuple */
    4456      303018 :                 memcpy(change->, data,
    4457             :                        sizeof(HeapTupleData));
    4458      303018 :                 data += sizeof(HeapTupleData);
    4459             : 
    4460             :                 /* reset t_data pointer into the new tuplebuf */
    4461      303018 :                 change->>t_data =
    4462      303018 :                     (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) change-> + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
    4463             : 
    4464             :                 /* restore tuple data itself */
    4465      303018 :                 memcpy(change->>t_data, data, tuplelen);
    4466      303018 :                 data += tuplelen;
    4467             :             }
    4468             : 
    4469      323460 :             break;
    4470           2 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_MESSAGE:
    4471             :             {
    4472             :                 Size        prefix_size;
    4473             : 
    4474             :                 /* read prefix */
    4475           2 :                 memcpy(&prefix_size, data, sizeof(Size));
    4476           2 :                 data += sizeof(Size);
    4477           2 :                 change->data.msg.prefix = MemoryContextAlloc(rb->context,
    4478             :                                                              prefix_size);
    4479           2 :                 memcpy(change->data.msg.prefix, data, prefix_size);
    4480             :                 Assert(change->data.msg.prefix[prefix_size - 1] == '\0');
    4481           2 :                 data += prefix_size;
    4482             : 
    4483             :                 /* read the message */
    4484           2 :                 memcpy(&change->data.msg.message_size, data, sizeof(Size));
    4485           2 :                 data += sizeof(Size);
    4486           2 :                 change->data.msg.message = MemoryContextAlloc(rb->context,
    4487             :                                                               change->data.msg.message_size);
    4488           2 :                 memcpy(change->data.msg.message, data,
    4489             :                        change->data.msg.message_size);
    4490           2 :                 data += change->data.msg.message_size;
    4491             : 
    4492           2 :                 break;
    4493             :             }
    4494          46 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INVALIDATION:
    4495             :             {
    4496          46 :                 Size        inval_size = sizeof(SharedInvalidationMessage) *
    4497          46 :                     change->data.inval.ninvalidations;
    4498             : 
    4499          46 :                 change->data.inval.invalidations =
    4500          46 :                     MemoryContextAlloc(rb->context, inval_size);
    4501             : 
    4502             :                 /* read the message */
    4503          46 :                 memcpy(change->data.inval.invalidations, data, inval_size);
    4504             : 
    4505          46 :                 break;
    4506             :             }
    4507           4 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT:
    4508             :             {
    4509             :                 Snapshot    oldsnap;
    4510             :                 Snapshot    newsnap;
    4511             :                 Size        size;
    4512             : 
    4513           4 :                 oldsnap = (Snapshot) data;
    4514             : 
    4515           4 :                 size = sizeof(SnapshotData) +
    4516           4 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * oldsnap->xcnt +
    4517           4 :                     sizeof(TransactionId) * (oldsnap->subxcnt + 0);
    4518             : 
    4519           4 :                 change->data.snapshot = MemoryContextAllocZero(rb->context, size);
    4520             : 
    4521           4 :                 newsnap = change->data.snapshot;
    4522             : 
    4523           4 :                 memcpy(newsnap, data, size);
    4524           4 :                 newsnap->xip = (TransactionId *)
    4525             :                     (((char *) newsnap) + sizeof(SnapshotData));
    4526           4 :                 newsnap->subxip = newsnap->xip + newsnap->xcnt;
    4527           4 :                 newsnap->copied = true;
    4528           4 :                 break;
    4529             :             }
    4530             :             /* the base struct contains all the data, easy peasy */
    4531           0 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_TRUNCATE:
    4532             :             {
    4533             :                 Oid        *relids;
    4534             : 
    4535           0 :                 relids = ReorderBufferGetRelids(rb,
    4536           0 :                                                 change->data.truncate.nrelids);
    4537           0 :                 memcpy(relids, data, change->data.truncate.nrelids * sizeof(Oid));
    4538           0 :                 change->data.truncate.relids = relids;
    4539             : 
    4540           0 :                 break;
    4541             :             }
    4542        3806 :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_CONFIRM:
    4543             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_ABORT:
    4544             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_COMMAND_ID:
    4545             :         case REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_TUPLECID:
    4546        3806 :             break;
    4547             :     }
    4548             : 
    4549      327318 :     dlist_push_tail(&txn->changes, &change->node);
    4550      327318 :     txn->nentries_mem++;
    4551             : 
    4552             :     /*
    4553             :      * Update memory accounting for the restored change.  We need to do this
    4554             :      * although we don't check the memory limit when restoring the changes in
    4555             :      * this branch (we only do that when initially queueing the changes after
    4556             :      * decoding), because we will release the changes later, and that will
    4557             :      * update the accounting too (subtracting the size from the counters). And
    4558             :      * we don't want to underflow there.
    4559             :      */
    4560      327318 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, change, NULL, true,
    4561             :                                     ReorderBufferChangeSize(change));
    4562      327318 : }
    4563             : 
    4564             : /*
    4565             :  * Remove all on-disk stored for the passed in transaction.
    4566             :  */
    4567             : static void
    4568         552 : ReorderBufferRestoreCleanup(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    4569             : {
    4570             :     XLogSegNo   first;
    4571             :     XLogSegNo   cur;
    4572             :     XLogSegNo   last;
    4573             : 
    4574             :     Assert(txn->first_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    4575             :     Assert(txn->final_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr);
    4576             : 
    4577         552 :     XLByteToSeg(txn->first_lsn, first, wal_segment_size);
    4578         552 :     XLByteToSeg(txn->final_lsn, last, wal_segment_size);
    4579             : 
    4580             :     /* iterate over all possible filenames, and delete them */
    4581        1118 :     for (cur = first; cur <= last; cur++)
    4582             :     {
    4583             :         char        path[MAXPGPATH];
    4584             : 
    4585         566 :         ReorderBufferSerializedPath(path, MyReplicationSlot, txn->xid, cur);
    4586         566 :         if (unlink(path) != 0 && errno != ENOENT)
    4587           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    4588             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4589             :                      errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m", path)));
    4590             :     }
    4591         552 : }
    4592             : 
    4593             : /*
    4594             :  * Remove any leftover serialized reorder buffers from a slot directory after a
    4595             :  * prior crash or decoding session exit.
    4596             :  */
    4597             : static void
    4598        3792 : ReorderBufferCleanupSerializedTXNs(const char *slotname)
    4599             : {
    4600             :     DIR        *spill_dir;
    4601             :     struct dirent *spill_de;
    4602             :     struct stat statbuf;
    4603             :     char        path[MAXPGPATH * 2 + sizeof(PG_REPLSLOT_DIR)];
    4604             : 
    4605        3792 :     sprintf(path, "%s/%s", PG_REPLSLOT_DIR, slotname);
    4606             : 
    4607             :     /* we're only handling directories here, skip if it's not ours */
    4608        3792 :     if (lstat(path, &statbuf) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
    4609           0 :         return;
    4610             : 
    4611        3792 :     spill_dir = AllocateDir(path);
    4612       15168 :     while ((spill_de = ReadDirExtended(spill_dir, path, INFO)) != NULL)
    4613             :     {
    4614             :         /* only look at names that can be ours */
    4615       11376 :         if (strncmp(spill_de->d_name, "xid", 3) == 0)
    4616             :         {
    4617           0 :             snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
    4618             :                      "%s/%s/%s", PG_REPLSLOT_DIR, slotname,
    4619           0 :                      spill_de->d_name);
    4620             : 
    4621           0 :             if (unlink(path) != 0)
    4622           0 :                 ereport(ERROR,
    4623             :                         (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4624             :                          errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\" during removal of %s/%s/xid*: %m",
    4625             :                                 path, PG_REPLSLOT_DIR, slotname)));
    4626             :         }
    4627             :     }
    4628        3792 :     FreeDir(spill_dir);
    4629             : }
    4630             : 
    4631             : /*
    4632             :  * Given a replication slot, transaction ID and segment number, fill in the
    4633             :  * corresponding spill file into 'path', which is a caller-owned buffer of size
    4634             :  * at least MAXPGPATH.
    4635             :  */
    4636             : static void
    4637        7670 : ReorderBufferSerializedPath(char *path, ReplicationSlot *slot, TransactionId xid,
    4638             :                             XLogSegNo segno)
    4639             : {
    4640             :     XLogRecPtr  recptr;
    4641             : 
    4642        7670 :     XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(segno, 0, wal_segment_size, recptr);
    4643             : 
    4644        7670 :     snprintf(path, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s/xid-%u-lsn-%X-%X.spill",
    4645             :              PG_REPLSLOT_DIR,
    4646        7670 :              NameStr(MyReplicationSlot->,
    4647        7670 :              xid, LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(recptr));
    4648        7670 : }
    4649             : 
    4650             : /*
    4651             :  * Delete all data spilled to disk after we've restarted/crashed. It will be
    4652             :  * recreated when the respective slots are reused.
    4653             :  */
    4654             : void
    4655        1640 : StartupReorderBuffer(void)
    4656             : {
    4657             :     DIR        *logical_dir;
    4658             :     struct dirent *logical_de;
    4659             : 
    4660        1640 :     logical_dir = AllocateDir(PG_REPLSLOT_DIR);
    4661        5056 :     while ((logical_de = ReadDir(logical_dir, PG_REPLSLOT_DIR)) != NULL)
    4662             :     {
    4663        3416 :         if (strcmp(logical_de->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
    4664        1776 :             strcmp(logical_de->d_name, "..") == 0)
    4665        3280 :             continue;
    4666             : 
    4667             :         /* if it cannot be a slot, skip the directory */
    4668         136 :         if (!ReplicationSlotValidateName(logical_de->d_name, DEBUG2))
    4669           0 :             continue;
    4670             : 
    4671             :         /*
    4672             :          * ok, has to be a surviving logical slot, iterate and delete
    4673             :          * everything starting with xid-*
    4674             :          */
    4675         136 :         ReorderBufferCleanupSerializedTXNs(logical_de->d_name);
    4676             :     }
    4677        1640 :     FreeDir(logical_dir);
    4678        1640 : }
    4679             : 
    4680             : /* ---------------------------------------
    4681             :  * toast reassembly support
    4682             :  * ---------------------------------------
    4683             :  */
    4684             : 
    4685             : /*
    4686             :  * Initialize per tuple toast reconstruction support.
    4687             :  */
    4688             : static void
    4689          70 : ReorderBufferToastInitHash(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    4690             : {
    4691             :     HASHCTL     hash_ctl;
    4692             : 
    4693             :     Assert(txn->toast_hash == NULL);
    4694             : 
    4695          70 :     hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
    4696          70 :     hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ReorderBufferToastEnt);
    4697          70 :     hash_ctl.hcxt = rb->context;
    4698          70 :     txn->toast_hash = hash_create("ReorderBufferToastHash", 5, &hash_ctl,
    4699             :                                   HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT);
    4700          70 : }
    4701             : 
    4702             : /*
    4703             :  * Per toast-chunk handling for toast reconstruction
    4704             :  *
    4705             :  * Appends a toast chunk so we can reconstruct it when the tuple "owning" the
    4706             :  * toasted Datum comes along.
    4707             :  */
    4708             : static void
    4709        3660 : ReorderBufferToastAppendChunk(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    4710             :                               Relation relation, ReorderBufferChange *change)
    4711             : {
    4712             :     ReorderBufferToastEnt *ent;
    4713             :     HeapTuple   newtup;
    4714             :     bool        found;
    4715             :     int32       chunksize;
    4716             :     bool        isnull;
    4717             :     Pointer     chunk;
    4718        3660 :     TupleDesc   desc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
    4719             :     Oid         chunk_id;
    4720             :     int32       chunk_seq;
    4721             : 
    4722        3660 :     if (txn->toast_hash == NULL)
    4723          70 :         ReorderBufferToastInitHash(rb, txn);
    4724             : 
    4725             :     Assert(IsToastRelation(relation));
    4726             : 
    4727        3660 :     newtup = change->;
    4728        3660 :     chunk_id = DatumGetObjectId(fastgetattr(newtup, 1, desc, &isnull));
    4729             :     Assert(!isnull);
    4730        3660 :     chunk_seq = DatumGetInt32(fastgetattr(newtup, 2, desc, &isnull));
    4731             :     Assert(!isnull);
    4732             : 
    4733             :     ent = (ReorderBufferToastEnt *)
    4734        3660 :         hash_search(txn->toast_hash, &chunk_id, HASH_ENTER, &found);
    4735             : 
    4736        3660 :     if (!found)
    4737             :     {
    4738             :         Assert(ent->chunk_id == chunk_id);
    4739          98 :         ent->num_chunks = 0;
    4740          98 :         ent->last_chunk_seq = 0;
    4741          98 :         ent->size = 0;
    4742          98 :         ent->reconstructed = NULL;
    4743          98 :         dlist_init(&ent->chunks);
    4744             : 
    4745          98 :         if (chunk_seq != 0)
    4746           0 :             elog(ERROR, "got sequence entry %d for toast chunk %u instead of seq 0",
    4747             :                  chunk_seq, chunk_id);
    4748             :     }
    4749        3562 :     else if (found && chunk_seq != ent->last_chunk_seq + 1)
    4750           0 :         elog(ERROR, "got sequence entry %d for toast chunk %u instead of seq %d",
    4751             :              chunk_seq, chunk_id, ent->last_chunk_seq + 1);
    4752             : 
    4753        3660 :     chunk = DatumGetPointer(fastgetattr(newtup, 3, desc, &isnull));
    4754             :     Assert(!isnull);
    4755             : 
    4756             :     /* calculate size so we can allocate the right size at once later */
    4757        3660 :     if (!VARATT_IS_EXTENDED(chunk))
    4758        3660 :         chunksize = VARSIZE(chunk) - VARHDRSZ;
    4759           0 :     else if (VARATT_IS_SHORT(chunk))
    4760             :         /* could happen due to heap_form_tuple doing its thing */
    4761           0 :         chunksize = VARSIZE_SHORT(chunk) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
    4762             :     else
    4763           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected type of toast chunk");
    4764             : 
    4765        3660 :     ent->size += chunksize;
    4766        3660 :     ent->last_chunk_seq = chunk_seq;
    4767        3660 :     ent->num_chunks++;
    4768        3660 :     dlist_push_tail(&ent->chunks, &change->node);
    4769        3660 : }
    4770             : 
    4771             : /*
    4772             :  * Rejigger change->newtuple to point to in-memory toast tuples instead of
    4773             :  * on-disk toast tuples that may no longer exist (think DROP TABLE or VACUUM).
    4774             :  *
    4775             :  * We cannot replace unchanged toast tuples though, so those will still point
    4776             :  * to on-disk toast data.
    4777             :  *
    4778             :  * While updating the existing change with detoasted tuple data, we need to
    4779             :  * update the memory accounting info, because the change size will differ.
    4780             :  * Otherwise the accounting may get out of sync, triggering serialization
    4781             :  * at unexpected times.
    4782             :  *
    4783             :  * We simply subtract size of the change before rejiggering the tuple, and
    4784             :  * then add the new size. This makes it look like the change was removed
    4785             :  * and then added back, except it only tweaks the accounting info.
    4786             :  *
    4787             :  * In particular it can't trigger serialization, which would be pointless
    4788             :  * anyway as it happens during commit processing right before handing
    4789             :  * the change to the output plugin.
    4790             :  */
    4791             : static void
    4792      667972 : ReorderBufferToastReplace(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
    4793             :                           Relation relation, ReorderBufferChange *change)
    4794             : {
    4795             :     TupleDesc   desc;
    4796             :     int         natt;
    4797             :     Datum      *attrs;
    4798             :     bool       *isnull;
    4799             :     bool       *free;
    4800             :     HeapTuple   tmphtup;
    4801             :     Relation    toast_rel;
    4802             :     TupleDesc   toast_desc;
    4803             :     MemoryContext oldcontext;
    4804             :     HeapTuple   newtup;
    4805             :     Size        old_size;
    4806             : 
    4807             :     /* no toast tuples changed */
    4808      667972 :     if (txn->toast_hash == NULL)
    4809      667480 :         return;
    4810             : 
    4811             :     /*
    4812             :      * We're going to modify the size of the change. So, to make sure the
    4813             :      * accounting is correct we record the current change size and then after
    4814             :      * re-computing the change we'll subtract the recorded size and then
    4815             :      * re-add the new change size at the end. We don't immediately subtract
    4816             :      * the old size because if there is any error before we add the new size,
    4817             :      * we will release the changes and that will update the accounting info
    4818             :      * (subtracting the size from the counters). And we don't want to
    4819             :      * underflow there.
    4820             :      */
    4821         492 :     old_size = ReorderBufferChangeSize(change);
    4822             : 
    4823         492 :     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rb->context);
    4824             : 
    4825             :     /* we should only have toast tuples in an INSERT or UPDATE */
    4826             :     Assert(change->;
    4827             : 
    4828         492 :     desc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
    4829             : 
    4830         492 :     toast_rel = RelationIdGetRelation(relation->rd_rel->reltoastrelid);
    4831         492 :     if (!RelationIsValid(toast_rel))
    4832           0 :         elog(ERROR, "could not open toast relation with OID %u (base relation \"%s\")",
    4833             :              relation->rd_rel->reltoastrelid, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
    4834             : 
    4835         492 :     toast_desc = RelationGetDescr(toast_rel);
    4836             : 
    4837             :     /* should we allocate from stack instead? */
    4838         492 :     attrs = palloc0(sizeof(Datum) * desc->natts);
    4839         492 :     isnull = palloc0(sizeof(bool) * desc->natts);
    4840         492 :     free = palloc0(sizeof(bool) * desc->natts);
    4841             : 
    4842         492 :     newtup = change->;
    4843             : 
    4844         492 :     heap_deform_tuple(newtup, desc, attrs, isnull);
    4845             : 
    4846        1514 :     for (natt = 0; natt < desc->natts; natt++)
    4847             :     {
    4848        1022 :         Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(desc, natt);
    4849             :         ReorderBufferToastEnt *ent;
    4850             :         struct varlena *varlena;
    4851             : 
    4852             :         /* va_rawsize is the size of the original datum -- including header */
    4853             :         struct varatt_external toast_pointer;
    4854             :         struct varatt_indirect redirect_pointer;
    4855        1022 :         struct varlena *new_datum = NULL;
    4856             :         struct varlena *reconstructed;
    4857             :         dlist_iter  it;
    4858        1022 :         Size        data_done = 0;
    4859             : 
    4860             :         /* system columns aren't toasted */
    4861        1022 :         if (attr->attnum < 0)
    4862         926 :             continue;
    4863             : 
    4864        1022 :         if (attr->attisdropped)
    4865           0 :             continue;
    4866             : 
    4867             :         /* not a varlena datatype */
    4868        1022 :         if (attr->attlen != -1)
    4869         482 :             continue;
    4870             : 
    4871             :         /* no data */
    4872         540 :         if (isnull[natt])
    4873          24 :             continue;
    4874             : 
    4875             :         /* ok, we know we have a toast datum */
    4876         516 :         varlena = (struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(attrs[natt]);
    4877             : 
    4878             :         /* no need to do anything if the tuple isn't external */
    4879         516 :         if (!VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL(varlena))
    4880         404 :             continue;
    4881             : 
    4882         112 :         VARATT_EXTERNAL_GET_POINTER(toast_pointer, varlena);
    4883             : 
    4884             :         /*
    4885             :          * Check whether the toast tuple changed, replace if so.
    4886             :          */
    4887             :         ent = (ReorderBufferToastEnt *)
    4888         112 :             hash_search(txn->toast_hash,
    4889             :                         &toast_pointer.va_valueid,
    4890             :                         HASH_FIND,
    4891             :                         NULL);
    4892         112 :         if (ent == NULL)
    4893          16 :             continue;
    4894             : 
    4895             :         new_datum =
    4896          96 :             (struct varlena *) palloc0(INDIRECT_POINTER_SIZE);
    4897             : 
    4898          96 :         free[natt] = true;
    4899             : 
    4900          96 :         reconstructed = palloc0(toast_pointer.va_rawsize);
    4901             : 
    4902          96 :         ent->reconstructed = reconstructed;
    4903             : 
    4904             :         /* stitch toast tuple back together from its parts */
    4905        3654 :         dlist_foreach(it, &ent->chunks)
    4906             :         {
    4907             :             bool        cisnull;
    4908             :             ReorderBufferChange *cchange;
    4909             :             HeapTuple   ctup;
    4910             :             Pointer     chunk;
    4911             : 
    4912        3558 :             cchange = dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, it.cur);
    4913        3558 :             ctup = cchange->;
    4914        3558 :             chunk = DatumGetPointer(fastgetattr(ctup, 3, toast_desc, &cisnull));
    4915             : 
    4916             :             Assert(!cisnull);
    4917             :             Assert(!VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL(chunk));
    4918             :             Assert(!VARATT_IS_SHORT(chunk));
    4919             : 
    4920        3558 :             memcpy(VARDATA(reconstructed) + data_done,
    4921        3558 :                    VARDATA(chunk),
    4922        3558 :                    VARSIZE(chunk) - VARHDRSZ);
    4923        3558 :             data_done += VARSIZE(chunk) - VARHDRSZ;
    4924             :         }
    4925             :         Assert(data_done == VARATT_EXTERNAL_GET_EXTSIZE(toast_pointer));
    4926             : 
    4927             :         /* make sure its marked as compressed or not */
    4928          96 :         if (VARATT_EXTERNAL_IS_COMPRESSED(toast_pointer))
    4929          10 :             SET_VARSIZE_COMPRESSED(reconstructed, data_done + VARHDRSZ);
    4930             :         else
    4931          86 :             SET_VARSIZE(reconstructed, data_done + VARHDRSZ);
    4932             : 
    4933          96 :         memset(&redirect_pointer, 0, sizeof(redirect_pointer));
    4934          96 :         redirect_pointer.pointer = reconstructed;
    4935             : 
    4936          96 :         SET_VARTAG_EXTERNAL(new_datum, VARTAG_INDIRECT);
    4937          96 :         memcpy(VARDATA_EXTERNAL(new_datum), &redirect_pointer,
    4938             :                sizeof(redirect_pointer));
    4939             : 
    4940          96 :         attrs[natt] = PointerGetDatum(new_datum);
    4941             :     }
    4942             : 
    4943             :     /*
    4944             :      * Build tuple in separate memory & copy tuple back into the tuplebuf
    4945             :      * passed to the output plugin. We can't directly heap_fill_tuple() into
    4946             :      * the tuplebuf because attrs[] will point back into the current content.
    4947             :      */
    4948         492 :     tmphtup = heap_form_tuple(desc, attrs, isnull);
    4949             :     Assert(newtup->t_len <= MaxHeapTupleSize);
    4950             :     Assert(newtup->t_data == (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) newtup + HEAPTUPLESIZE));
    4951             : 
    4952         492 :     memcpy(newtup->t_data, tmphtup->t_data, tmphtup->t_len);
    4953         492 :     newtup->t_len = tmphtup->t_len;
    4954             : 
    4955             :     /*
    4956             :      * free resources we won't further need, more persistent stuff will be
    4957             :      * free'd in ReorderBufferToastReset().
    4958             :      */
    4959         492 :     RelationClose(toast_rel);
    4960         492 :     pfree(tmphtup);
    4961        1514 :     for (natt = 0; natt < desc->natts; natt++)
    4962             :     {
    4963        1022 :         if (free[natt])
    4964          96 :             pfree(DatumGetPointer(attrs[natt]));
    4965             :     }
    4966         492 :     pfree(attrs);
    4967         492 :     pfree(free);
    4968         492 :     pfree(isnull);
    4969             : 
    4970         492 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
    4971             : 
    4972             :     /* subtract the old change size */
    4973         492 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, change, NULL, false, old_size);
    4974             :     /* now add the change back, with the correct size */
    4975         492 :     ReorderBufferChangeMemoryUpdate(rb, change, NULL, true,
    4976             :                                     ReorderBufferChangeSize(change));
    4977             : }
    4978             : 
    4979             : /*
    4980             :  * Free all resources allocated for toast reconstruction.
    4981             :  */
    4982             : static void
    4983      674358 : ReorderBufferToastReset(ReorderBuffer *rb, ReorderBufferTXN *txn)
    4984             : {
    4985             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS hstat;
    4986             :     ReorderBufferToastEnt *ent;
    4987             : 
    4988      674358 :     if (txn->toast_hash == NULL)
    4989      674288 :         return;
    4990             : 
    4991             :     /* sequentially walk over the hash and free everything */
    4992          70 :     hash_seq_init(&hstat, txn->toast_hash);
    4993         168 :     while ((ent = (ReorderBufferToastEnt *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
    4994             :     {
    4995             :         dlist_mutable_iter it;
    4996             : 
    4997          98 :         if (ent->reconstructed != NULL)
    4998          96 :             pfree(ent->reconstructed);
    4999             : 
    5000        3758 :         dlist_foreach_modify(it, &ent->chunks)
    5001             :         {
    5002        3660 :             ReorderBufferChange *change =
    5003        3660 :                 dlist_container(ReorderBufferChange, node, it.cur);
    5004             : 
    5005        3660 :             dlist_delete(&change->node);
    5006        3660 :             ReorderBufferReturnChange(rb, change, true);
    5007             :         }
    5008             :     }
    5009             : 
    5010          70 :     hash_destroy(txn->toast_hash);
    5011          70 :     txn->toast_hash = NULL;
    5012             : }
    5013             : 
    5014             : 
    5015             : /* ---------------------------------------
    5016             :  * Visibility support for logical decoding
    5017             :  *
    5018             :  *
    5019             :  * Lookup actual cmin/cmax values when using decoding snapshot. We can't
    5020             :  * always rely on stored cmin/cmax values because of two scenarios:
    5021             :  *
    5022             :  * * A tuple got changed multiple times during a single transaction and thus
    5023             :  *   has got a combo CID. Combo CIDs are only valid for the duration of a
    5024             :  *   single transaction.
    5025             :  * * A tuple with a cmin but no cmax (and thus no combo CID) got
    5026             :  *   deleted/updated in another transaction than the one which created it
    5027             :  *   which we are looking at right now. As only one of cmin, cmax or combo CID
    5028             :  *   is actually stored in the heap we don't have access to the value we
    5029             :  *   need anymore.
    5030             :  *
    5031             :  * To resolve those problems we have a per-transaction hash of (cmin,
    5032             :  * cmax) tuples keyed by (relfilelocator, ctid) which contains the actual
    5033             :  * (cmin, cmax) values. That also takes care of combo CIDs by simply
    5034             :  * not caring about them at all. As we have the real cmin/cmax values
    5035             :  * combo CIDs aren't interesting.
    5036             :  *
    5037             :  * As we only care about catalog tuples here the overhead of this
    5038             :  * hashtable should be acceptable.
    5039             :  *
    5040             :  * Heap rewrites complicate this a bit, check rewriteheap.c for
    5041             :  * details.
    5042             :  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5043             :  */
    5044             : 
    5045             : /* struct for sorting mapping files by LSN efficiently */
    5046             : typedef struct RewriteMappingFile
    5047             : {
    5048             :     XLogRecPtr  lsn;
    5049             :     char        fname[MAXPGPATH];
    5050             : } RewriteMappingFile;
    5051             : 
    5052             : #ifdef NOT_USED
    5053             : static void
    5054             : DisplayMapping(HTAB *tuplecid_data)
    5055             : {
    5056             :     HASH_SEQ_STATUS hstat;
    5057             :     ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *ent;
    5058             : 
    5059             :     hash_seq_init(&hstat, tuplecid_data);
    5060             :     while ((ent = (ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
    5061             :     {
    5062             :         elog(DEBUG3, "mapping: node: %u/%u/%u tid: %u/%u cmin: %u, cmax: %u",
    5063             :              ent->key.rlocator.dbOid,
    5064             :              ent->key.rlocator.spcOid,
    5065             :              ent->key.rlocator.relNumber,
    5066             :              ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&ent->key.tid),
    5067             :              ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&ent->key.tid),
    5068             :              ent->cmin,
    5069             :              ent->cmax
    5070             :             );
    5071             :     }
    5072             : }
    5073             : #endif
    5074             : 
    5075             : /*
    5076             :  * Apply a single mapping file to tuplecid_data.
    5077             :  *
    5078             :  * The mapping file has to have been verified to be a) committed b) for our
    5079             :  * transaction c) applied in LSN order.
    5080             :  */
    5081             : static void
    5082          54 : ApplyLogicalMappingFile(HTAB *tuplecid_data, Oid relid, const char *fname)
    5083             : {
    5084             :     char        path[MAXPGPATH];
    5085             :     int         fd;
    5086             :     int         readBytes;
    5087             :     LogicalRewriteMappingData map;
    5088             : 
    5089          54 :     sprintf(path, "%s/%s", PG_LOGICAL_MAPPINGS_DIR, fname);
    5090          54 :     fd = OpenTransientFile(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);
    5091          54 :     if (fd < 0)
    5092           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    5093             :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5094             :                  errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m", path)));
    5095             : 
    5096             :     while (true)
    5097         418 :     {
    5098             :         ReorderBufferTupleCidKey key;
    5099             :         ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *ent;
    5100             :         ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *new_ent;
    5101             :         bool        found;
    5102             : 
    5103             :         /* be careful about padding */
    5104         472 :         memset(&key, 0, sizeof(ReorderBufferTupleCidKey));
    5105             : 
    5106             :         /* read all mappings till the end of the file */
    5107         472 :         pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_REORDER_LOGICAL_MAPPING_READ);
    5108         472 :         readBytes = read(fd, &map, sizeof(LogicalRewriteMappingData));
    5109         472 :         pgstat_report_wait_end();
    5110             : 
    5111         472 :         if (readBytes < 0)
    5112           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    5113             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5114             :                      errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": %m",
    5115             :                             path)));
    5116         472 :         else if (readBytes == 0)    /* EOF */
    5117          54 :             break;
    5118         418 :         else if (readBytes != sizeof(LogicalRewriteMappingData))
    5119           0 :             ereport(ERROR,
    5120             :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5121             :                      errmsg("could not read from file \"%s\": read %d instead of %d bytes",
    5122             :                             path, readBytes,
    5123             :                             (int32) sizeof(LogicalRewriteMappingData))));
    5124             : 
    5125         418 :         key.rlocator = map.old_locator;
    5126         418 :         ItemPointerCopy(&map.old_tid,
    5127             :                         &key.tid);
    5128             : 
    5129             : 
    5130             :         ent = (ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *)
    5131         418 :             hash_search(tuplecid_data, &key, HASH_FIND, NULL);
    5132             : 
    5133             :         /* no existing mapping, no need to update */
    5134         418 :         if (!ent)
    5135           0 :             continue;
    5136             : 
    5137         418 :         key.rlocator = map.new_locator;
    5138         418 :         ItemPointerCopy(&map.new_tid,
    5139             :                         &key.tid);
    5140             : 
    5141             :         new_ent = (ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *)
    5142         418 :             hash_search(tuplecid_data, &key, HASH_ENTER, &found);
    5143             : 
    5144         418 :         if (found)
    5145             :         {
    5146             :             /*
    5147             :              * Make sure the existing mapping makes sense. We sometime update
    5148             :              * old records that did not yet have a cmax (e.g. pg_class' own
    5149             :              * entry while rewriting it) during rewrites, so allow that.
    5150             :              */
    5151             :             Assert(ent->cmin == InvalidCommandId || ent->cmin == new_ent->cmin);
    5152             :             Assert(ent->cmax == InvalidCommandId || ent->cmax == new_ent->cmax);
    5153             :         }
    5154             :         else
    5155             :         {
    5156             :             /* update mapping */
    5157         406 :             new_ent->cmin = ent->cmin;
    5158         406 :             new_ent->cmax = ent->cmax;
    5159         406 :             new_ent->combocid = ent->combocid;
    5160             :         }
    5161             :     }
    5162             : 
    5163          54 :     if (CloseTransientFile(fd) != 0)
    5164           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    5165             :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5166             :                  errmsg("could not close file \"%s\": %m", path)));
    5167          54 : }
    5168             : 
    5169             : 
    5170             : /*
    5171             :  * Check whether the TransactionId 'xid' is in the pre-sorted array 'xip'.
    5172             :  */
    5173             : static bool
    5174         696 : TransactionIdInArray(TransactionId xid, TransactionId *xip, Size num)
    5175             : {
    5176         696 :     return bsearch(&xid, xip, num,
    5177         696 :                    sizeof(TransactionId), xidComparator) != NULL;
    5178             : }
    5179             : 
    5180             : /*
    5181             :  * list_sort() comparator for sorting RewriteMappingFiles in LSN order.
    5182             :  */
    5183             : static int
    5184          78 : file_sort_by_lsn(const ListCell *a_p, const ListCell *b_p)
    5185             : {
    5186          78 :     RewriteMappingFile *a = (RewriteMappingFile *) lfirst(a_p);
    5187          78 :     RewriteMappingFile *b = (RewriteMappingFile *) lfirst(b_p);
    5188             : 
    5189          78 :     return pg_cmp_u64(a->lsn, b->lsn);
    5190             : }
    5191             : 
    5192             : /*
    5193             :  * Apply any existing logical remapping files if there are any targeted at our
    5194             :  * transaction for relid.
    5195             :  */
    5196             : static void
    5197          12 : UpdateLogicalMappings(HTAB *tuplecid_data, Oid relid, Snapshot snapshot)
    5198             : {
    5199             :     DIR        *mapping_dir;
    5200             :     struct dirent *mapping_de;
    5201          12 :     List       *files = NIL;
    5202             :     ListCell   *file;
    5203          12 :     Oid         dboid = IsSharedRelation(relid) ? InvalidOid : MyDatabaseId;
    5204             : 
    5205          12 :     mapping_dir = AllocateDir(PG_LOGICAL_MAPPINGS_DIR);
    5206        1116 :     while ((mapping_de = ReadDir(mapping_dir, PG_LOGICAL_MAPPINGS_DIR)) != NULL)
    5207             :     {
    5208             :         Oid         f_dboid;
    5209             :         Oid         f_relid;
    5210             :         TransactionId f_mapped_xid;
    5211             :         TransactionId f_create_xid;
    5212             :         XLogRecPtr  f_lsn;
    5213             :         uint32      f_hi,
    5214             :                     f_lo;
    5215             :         RewriteMappingFile *f;
    5216             : 
    5217        1104 :         if (strcmp(mapping_de->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
    5218        1092 :             strcmp(mapping_de->d_name, "..") == 0)
    5219        1050 :             continue;
    5220             : 
    5221             :         /* Ignore files that aren't ours */
    5222        1080 :         if (strncmp(mapping_de->d_name, "map-", 4) != 0)
    5223           0 :             continue;
    5224             : 
    5225        1080 :         if (sscanf(mapping_de->d_name, LOGICAL_REWRITE_FORMAT,
    5226             :                    &f_dboid, &f_relid, &f_hi, &f_lo,
    5227             :                    &f_mapped_xid, &f_create_xid) != 6)
    5228           0 :             elog(ERROR, "could not parse filename \"%s\"", mapping_de->d_name);
    5229             : 
    5230        1080 :         f_lsn = ((uint64) f_hi) << 32 | f_lo;
    5231             : 
    5232             :         /* mapping for another database */
    5233        1080 :         if (f_dboid != dboid)
    5234           0 :             continue;
    5235             : 
    5236             :         /* mapping for another relation */
    5237        1080 :         if (f_relid != relid)
    5238         120 :             continue;
    5239             : 
    5240             :         /* did the creating transaction abort? */
    5241         960 :         if (!TransactionIdDidCommit(f_create_xid))
    5242         264 :             continue;
    5243             : 
    5244             :         /* not for our transaction */
    5245         696 :         if (!TransactionIdInArray(f_mapped_xid, snapshot->subxip, snapshot->subxcnt))
    5246         642 :             continue;
    5247             : 
    5248             :         /* ok, relevant, queue for apply */
    5249          54 :         f = palloc(sizeof(RewriteMappingFile));
    5250          54 :         f->lsn = f_lsn;
    5251          54 :         strcpy(f->fname, mapping_de->d_name);
    5252          54 :         files = lappend(files, f);
    5253             :     }
    5254          12 :     FreeDir(mapping_dir);
    5255             : 
    5256             :     /* sort files so we apply them in LSN order */
    5257          12 :     list_sort(files, file_sort_by_lsn);
    5258             : 
    5259          66 :     foreach(file, files)
    5260             :     {
    5261          54 :         RewriteMappingFile *f = (RewriteMappingFile *) lfirst(file);
    5262             : 
    5263          54 :         elog(DEBUG1, "applying mapping: \"%s\" in %u", f->fname,
    5264             :              snapshot->subxip[0]);
    5265          54 :         ApplyLogicalMappingFile(tuplecid_data, relid, f->fname);
    5266          54 :         pfree(f);
    5267             :     }
    5268          12 : }
    5269             : 
    5270             : /*
    5271             :  * Lookup cmin/cmax of a tuple, during logical decoding where we can't rely on
    5272             :  * combo CIDs.
    5273             :  */
    5274             : bool
    5275        1442 : ResolveCminCmaxDuringDecoding(HTAB *tuplecid_data,
    5276             :                               Snapshot snapshot,
    5277             :                               HeapTuple htup, Buffer buffer,
    5278             :                               CommandId *cmin, CommandId *cmax)
    5279             : {
    5280             :     ReorderBufferTupleCidKey key;
    5281             :     ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *ent;
    5282             :     ForkNumber  forkno;
    5283             :     BlockNumber blockno;
    5284        1442 :     bool        updated_mapping = false;
    5285             : 
    5286             :     /*
    5287             :      * Return unresolved if tuplecid_data is not valid.  That's because when
    5288             :      * streaming in-progress transactions we may run into tuples with the CID
    5289             :      * before actually decoding them.  Think e.g. about INSERT followed by
    5290             :      * TRUNCATE, where the TRUNCATE may not be decoded yet when applying the
    5291             :      * INSERT.  So in such cases, we assume the CID is from the future
    5292             :      * command.
    5293             :      */
    5294        1442 :     if (tuplecid_data == NULL)
    5295          22 :         return false;
    5296             : 
    5297             :     /* be careful about padding */
    5298        1420 :     memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
    5299             : 
    5300             :     Assert(!BufferIsLocal(buffer));
    5301             : 
    5302             :     /*
    5303             :      * get relfilelocator from the buffer, no convenient way to access it
    5304             :      * other than that.
    5305             :      */
    5306        1420 :     BufferGetTag(buffer, &key.rlocator, &forkno, &blockno);
    5307             : 
    5308             :     /* tuples can only be in the main fork */
    5309             :     Assert(forkno == MAIN_FORKNUM);
    5310             :     Assert(blockno == ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&htup->t_self));
    5311             : 
    5312        1420 :     ItemPointerCopy(&htup->t_self,
    5313             :                     &key.tid);
    5314             : 
    5315        1432 : restart:
    5316             :     ent = (ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt *)
    5317        1432 :         hash_search(tuplecid_data, &key, HASH_FIND, NULL);
    5318             : 
    5319             :     /*
    5320             :      * failed to find a mapping, check whether the table was rewritten and
    5321             :      * apply mapping if so, but only do that once - there can be no new
    5322             :      * mappings while we are in here since we have to hold a lock on the
    5323             :      * relation.
    5324             :      */
    5325        1432 :     if (ent == NULL && !updated_mapping)
    5326             :     {
    5327          12 :         UpdateLogicalMappings(tuplecid_data, htup->t_tableOid, snapshot);
    5328             :         /* now check but don't update for a mapping again */
    5329          12 :         updated_mapping = true;
    5330          12 :         goto restart;
    5331             :     }
    5332        1420 :     else if (ent == NULL)
    5333           0 :         return false;
    5334             : 
    5335        1420 :     if (cmin)
    5336        1420 :         *cmin = ent->cmin;
    5337        1420 :     if (cmax)
    5338        1420 :         *cmax = ent->cmax;
    5339        1420 :     return true;
    5340             : }

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