Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * parse_func.c
4 : * handle function calls in parser
5 : *
6 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8 : *
9 : *
11 : * src/backend/parser/parse_func.c
12 : *
13 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 : */
15 : #include "postgres.h"
16 :
17 : #include "access/htup_details.h"
18 : #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h"
19 : #include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
20 : #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
21 : #include "funcapi.h"
22 : #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
23 : #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
24 : #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
25 : #include "parser/parse_agg.h"
26 : #include "parser/parse_clause.h"
27 : #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
28 : #include "parser/parse_expr.h"
29 : #include "parser/parse_func.h"
30 : #include "parser/parse_relation.h"
31 : #include "parser/parse_target.h"
32 : #include "parser/parse_type.h"
33 : #include "utils/builtins.h"
34 : #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
35 : #include "utils/syscache.h"
36 :
37 :
38 : /* Possible error codes from LookupFuncNameInternal */
39 : typedef enum
40 : {
43 : } FuncLookupError;
44 :
45 : static void unify_hypothetical_args(ParseState *pstate,
46 : List *fargs, int numAggregatedArgs,
47 : Oid *actual_arg_types, Oid *declared_arg_types);
48 : static Oid FuncNameAsType(List *funcname);
49 : static Node *ParseComplexProjection(ParseState *pstate, const char *funcname,
50 : Node *first_arg, int location);
51 : static Oid LookupFuncNameInternal(ObjectType objtype, List *funcname,
52 : int nargs, const Oid *argtypes,
53 : bool include_out_arguments, bool missing_ok,
54 : FuncLookupError *lookupError);
55 :
56 :
57 : /*
58 : * Parse a function call
59 : *
60 : * For historical reasons, Postgres tries to treat the notations tab.col
61 : * and col(tab) as equivalent: if a single-argument function call has an
62 : * argument of complex type and the (unqualified) function name matches
63 : * any attribute of the type, we can interpret it as a column projection.
64 : * Conversely a function of a single complex-type argument can be written
65 : * like a column reference, allowing functions to act like computed columns.
66 : *
67 : * If both interpretations are possible, we prefer the one matching the
68 : * syntactic form, but otherwise the form does not matter.
69 : *
70 : * Hence, both cases come through here. If fn is null, we're dealing with
71 : * column syntax not function syntax. In the function-syntax case,
72 : * the FuncCall struct is needed to carry various decoration that applies
73 : * to aggregate and window functions.
74 : *
75 : * Also, when fn is null, we return NULL on failure rather than
76 : * reporting a no-such-function error.
77 : *
78 : * The argument expressions (in fargs) must have been transformed
79 : * already. However, nothing in *fn has been transformed.
80 : *
81 : * last_srf should be a copy of pstate->p_last_srf from just before we
82 : * started transforming fargs. If the caller knows that fargs couldn't
83 : * contain any SRF calls, last_srf can just be pstate->p_last_srf.
84 : *
85 : * proc_call is true if we are considering a CALL statement, so that the
86 : * name must resolve to a procedure name, not anything else. This flag
87 : * also specifies that the argument list includes any OUT-mode arguments.
88 : */
89 : Node *
90 404086 : ParseFuncOrColumn(ParseState *pstate, List *funcname, List *fargs,
91 : Node *last_srf, FuncCall *fn, bool proc_call, int location)
92 : {
93 404086 : bool is_column = (fn == NULL);
94 404086 : List *agg_order = (fn ? fn->agg_order : NIL);
95 404086 : Expr *agg_filter = NULL;
96 404086 : WindowDef *over = (fn ? fn->over : NULL);
97 404086 : bool agg_within_group = (fn ? fn->agg_within_group : false);
98 404086 : bool agg_star = (fn ? fn->agg_star : false);
99 404086 : bool agg_distinct = (fn ? fn->agg_distinct : false);
100 404086 : bool func_variadic = (fn ? fn->func_variadic : false);
101 404086 : CoercionForm funcformat = (fn ? fn->funcformat : COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL);
102 : bool could_be_projection;
103 : Oid rettype;
104 : Oid funcid;
105 : ListCell *l;
106 404086 : Node *first_arg = NULL;
107 : int nargs;
108 : int nargsplusdefs;
109 : Oid actual_arg_types[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
110 : Oid *declared_arg_types;
111 : List *argnames;
112 : List *argdefaults;
113 : Node *retval;
114 : bool retset;
115 : int nvargs;
116 : Oid vatype;
117 : FuncDetailCode fdresult;
118 404086 : char aggkind = 0;
119 : ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
120 :
121 : /*
122 : * If there's an aggregate filter, transform it using transformWhereClause
123 : */
124 404086 : if (fn && fn->agg_filter != NULL)
125 794 : agg_filter = (Expr *) transformWhereClause(pstate, fn->agg_filter,
127 : "FILTER");
128 :
129 : /*
130 : * Most of the rest of the parser just assumes that functions do not have
131 : * more than FUNC_MAX_ARGS parameters. We have to test here to protect
132 : * against array overruns, etc. Of course, this may not be a function,
133 : * but the test doesn't hurt.
134 : */
135 404074 : if (list_length(fargs) > FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
136 0 : ereport(ERROR,
138 : errmsg_plural("cannot pass more than %d argument to a function",
139 : "cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function",
142 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
143 :
144 : /*
145 : * Extract arg type info in preparation for function lookup.
146 : *
147 : * If any arguments are Param markers of type VOID, we discard them from
148 : * the parameter list. This is a hack to allow the JDBC driver to not have
149 : * to distinguish "input" and "output" parameter symbols while parsing
150 : * function-call constructs. Don't do this if dealing with column syntax,
151 : * nor if we had WITHIN GROUP (because in that case it's critical to keep
152 : * the argument count unchanged).
153 : */
154 404074 : nargs = 0;
155 1021462 : foreach(l, fargs)
156 : {
157 617388 : Node *arg = lfirst(l);
158 617388 : Oid argtype = exprType(arg);
159 :
160 617388 : if (argtype == VOIDOID && IsA(arg, Param) &&
161 0 : !is_column && !agg_within_group)
162 : {
163 0 : fargs = foreach_delete_current(fargs, l);
164 0 : continue;
165 : }
166 :
167 617388 : actual_arg_types[nargs++] = argtype;
168 : }
169 :
170 : /*
171 : * Check for named arguments; if there are any, build a list of names.
172 : *
173 : * We allow mixed notation (some named and some not), but only with all
174 : * the named parameters after all the unnamed ones. So the name list
175 : * corresponds to the last N actual parameters and we don't need any extra
176 : * bookkeeping to match things up.
177 : */
178 404074 : argnames = NIL;
179 1021450 : foreach(l, fargs)
180 : {
181 617388 : Node *arg = lfirst(l);
182 :
183 617388 : if (IsA(arg, NamedArgExpr))
184 : {
185 48336 : NamedArgExpr *na = (NamedArgExpr *) arg;
186 : ListCell *lc;
187 :
188 : /* Reject duplicate arg names */
189 108130 : foreach(lc, argnames)
190 : {
191 59800 : if (strcmp(na->name, (char *) lfirst(lc)) == 0)
192 6 : ereport(ERROR,
193 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
194 : errmsg("argument name \"%s\" used more than once",
195 : na->name),
196 : parser_errposition(pstate, na->location)));
197 : }
198 48330 : argnames = lappend(argnames, na->name);
199 : }
200 : else
201 : {
202 569052 : if (argnames != NIL)
203 6 : ereport(ERROR,
204 : (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
205 : errmsg("positional argument cannot follow named argument"),
206 : parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg))));
207 : }
208 : }
209 :
210 404062 : if (fargs)
211 : {
212 346474 : first_arg = linitial(fargs);
213 : Assert(first_arg != NULL);
214 : }
215 :
216 : /*
217 : * Decide whether it's legitimate to consider the construct to be a column
218 : * projection. For that, there has to be a single argument of complex
219 : * type, the function name must not be qualified, and there cannot be any
220 : * syntactic decoration that'd require it to be a function (such as
221 : * aggregate or variadic decoration, or named arguments).
222 : */
223 166454 : could_be_projection = (nargs == 1 && !proc_call &&
224 164974 : agg_order == NIL && agg_filter == NULL &&
225 164408 : !agg_star && !agg_distinct && over == NULL &&
226 322618 : !func_variadic && argnames == NIL &&
227 731464 : list_length(funcname) == 1 &&
228 237118 : (actual_arg_types[0] == RECORDOID ||
229 117108 : ISCOMPLEX(actual_arg_types[0])));
230 :
231 : /*
232 : * If it's column syntax, check for column projection case first.
233 : */
234 404062 : if (could_be_projection && is_column)
235 : {
236 10508 : retval = ParseComplexProjection(pstate,
237 10508 : strVal(linitial(funcname)),
238 : first_arg,
239 : location);
240 10508 : if (retval)
241 10290 : return retval;
242 :
243 : /*
244 : * If ParseComplexProjection doesn't recognize it as a projection,
245 : * just press on.
246 : */
247 : }
248 :
249 : /*
250 : * func_get_detail looks up the function in the catalogs, does
251 : * disambiguation for polymorphic functions, handles inheritance, and
252 : * returns the funcid and type and set or singleton status of the
253 : * function's return value. It also returns the true argument types to
254 : * the function.
255 : *
256 : * Note: for a named-notation or variadic function call, the reported
257 : * "true" types aren't really what is in pg_proc: the types are reordered
258 : * to match the given argument order of named arguments, and a variadic
259 : * argument is replaced by a suitable number of copies of its element
260 : * type. We'll fix up the variadic case below. We may also have to deal
261 : * with default arguments.
262 : */
263 :
264 393772 : setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate, location);
265 :
266 393772 : fdresult = func_get_detail(funcname, fargs, argnames, nargs,
267 : actual_arg_types,
268 393772 : !func_variadic, true, proc_call,
269 : &funcid, &rettype, &retset,
270 : &nvargs, &vatype,
271 393772 : &declared_arg_types, &argdefaults);
272 :
273 393772 : cancel_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate);
274 :
275 : /*
276 : * Check for various wrong-kind-of-routine cases.
277 : */
278 :
279 : /* If this is a CALL, reject things that aren't procedures */
280 393772 : if (proc_call &&
281 504 : (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL ||
282 498 : fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_AGGREGATE ||
283 498 : fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_WINDOWFUNC ||
284 : fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_COERCION))
285 18 : ereport(ERROR,
287 : errmsg("%s is not a procedure",
288 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
289 : argnames,
290 : actual_arg_types)),
291 : errhint("To call a function, use SELECT."),
292 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
293 : /* Conversely, if not a CALL, reject procedures */
294 393754 : if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_PROCEDURE && !proc_call)
295 6 : ereport(ERROR,
297 : errmsg("%s is a procedure",
298 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
299 : argnames,
300 : actual_arg_types)),
301 : errhint("To call a procedure, use CALL."),
302 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
303 :
304 393748 : if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL ||
305 49288 : fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_PROCEDURE ||
306 : fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_COERCION)
307 : {
308 : /*
309 : * In these cases, complain if there was anything indicating it must
310 : * be an aggregate or window function.
311 : */
312 344954 : if (agg_star)
313 0 : ereport(ERROR,
315 : errmsg("%s(*) specified, but %s is not an aggregate function",
316 : NameListToString(funcname),
317 : NameListToString(funcname)),
318 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
319 344954 : if (agg_distinct)
320 0 : ereport(ERROR,
322 : errmsg("DISTINCT specified, but %s is not an aggregate function",
323 : NameListToString(funcname)),
324 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
325 344954 : if (agg_within_group)
326 0 : ereport(ERROR,
328 : errmsg("WITHIN GROUP specified, but %s is not an aggregate function",
329 : NameListToString(funcname)),
330 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
331 344954 : if (agg_order != NIL)
332 0 : ereport(ERROR,
334 : errmsg("ORDER BY specified, but %s is not an aggregate function",
335 : NameListToString(funcname)),
336 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
337 344954 : if (agg_filter)
338 0 : ereport(ERROR,
340 : errmsg("FILTER specified, but %s is not an aggregate function",
341 : NameListToString(funcname)),
342 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
343 344954 : if (over)
344 6 : ereport(ERROR,
346 : errmsg("OVER specified, but %s is not a window function nor an aggregate function",
347 : NameListToString(funcname)),
348 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
349 : }
350 :
351 : /*
352 : * So far so good, so do some fdresult-type-specific processing.
353 : */
354 393742 : if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL || fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_PROCEDURE)
355 : {
356 : /* Nothing special to do for these cases. */
357 : }
358 49288 : else if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_AGGREGATE)
359 : {
360 : /*
361 : * It's an aggregate; fetch needed info from the pg_aggregate entry.
362 : */
363 : HeapTuple tup;
364 : Form_pg_aggregate classForm;
365 : int catDirectArgs;
366 :
367 46338 : tup = SearchSysCache1(AGGFNOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid));
368 46338 : if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */
369 0 : elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for aggregate %u", funcid);
370 46338 : classForm = (Form_pg_aggregate) GETSTRUCT(tup);
371 46338 : aggkind = classForm->aggkind;
372 46338 : catDirectArgs = classForm->aggnumdirectargs;
373 46338 : ReleaseSysCache(tup);
374 :
375 : /* Now check various disallowed cases. */
376 46338 : if (AGGKIND_IS_ORDERED_SET(aggkind))
377 : {
378 : int numAggregatedArgs;
379 : int numDirectArgs;
380 :
381 342 : if (!agg_within_group)
382 6 : ereport(ERROR,
384 : errmsg("WITHIN GROUP is required for ordered-set aggregate %s",
385 : NameListToString(funcname)),
386 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
387 336 : if (over)
388 0 : ereport(ERROR,
390 : errmsg("OVER is not supported for ordered-set aggregate %s",
391 : NameListToString(funcname)),
392 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
393 : /* gram.y rejects DISTINCT + WITHIN GROUP */
394 : Assert(!agg_distinct);
395 : /* gram.y rejects VARIADIC + WITHIN GROUP */
396 : Assert(!func_variadic);
397 :
398 : /*
399 : * Since func_get_detail was working with an undifferentiated list
400 : * of arguments, it might have selected an aggregate that doesn't
401 : * really match because it requires a different division of direct
402 : * and aggregated arguments. Check that the number of direct
403 : * arguments is actually OK; if not, throw an "undefined function"
404 : * error, similarly to the case where a misplaced ORDER BY is used
405 : * in a regular aggregate call.
406 : */
407 336 : numAggregatedArgs = list_length(agg_order);
408 336 : numDirectArgs = nargs - numAggregatedArgs;
409 : Assert(numDirectArgs >= 0);
410 :
411 336 : if (!OidIsValid(vatype))
412 : {
413 : /* Test is simple if aggregate isn't variadic */
414 186 : if (numDirectArgs != catDirectArgs)
415 0 : ereport(ERROR,
417 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
418 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
419 : argnames,
420 : actual_arg_types)),
421 : errhint_plural("There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires %d direct argument, not %d.",
422 : "There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires %d direct arguments, not %d.",
423 : catDirectArgs,
424 : NameListToString(funcname),
425 : catDirectArgs, numDirectArgs),
426 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
427 : }
428 : else
429 : {
430 : /*
431 : * If it's variadic, we have two cases depending on whether
432 : * the agg was "... ORDER BY VARIADIC" or "..., VARIADIC ORDER
433 : * BY VARIADIC". It's the latter if catDirectArgs equals
434 : * pronargs; to save a catalog lookup, we reverse-engineer
435 : * pronargs from the info we got from func_get_detail.
436 : */
437 : int pronargs;
438 :
439 150 : pronargs = nargs;
440 150 : if (nvargs > 1)
441 150 : pronargs -= nvargs - 1;
442 150 : if (catDirectArgs < pronargs)
443 : {
444 : /* VARIADIC isn't part of direct args, so still easy */
445 0 : if (numDirectArgs != catDirectArgs)
446 0 : ereport(ERROR,
448 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
449 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
450 : argnames,
451 : actual_arg_types)),
452 : errhint_plural("There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires %d direct argument, not %d.",
453 : "There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires %d direct arguments, not %d.",
454 : catDirectArgs,
455 : NameListToString(funcname),
456 : catDirectArgs, numDirectArgs),
457 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
458 : }
459 : else
460 : {
461 : /*
462 : * Both direct and aggregated args were declared variadic.
463 : * For a standard ordered-set aggregate, it's okay as long
464 : * as there aren't too few direct args. For a
465 : * hypothetical-set aggregate, we assume that the
466 : * hypothetical arguments are those that matched the
467 : * variadic parameter; there must be just as many of them
468 : * as there are aggregated arguments.
469 : */
470 150 : if (aggkind == AGGKIND_HYPOTHETICAL)
471 : {
472 150 : if (nvargs != 2 * numAggregatedArgs)
473 6 : ereport(ERROR,
475 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
476 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
477 : argnames,
478 : actual_arg_types)),
479 : errhint("To use the hypothetical-set aggregate %s, the number of hypothetical direct arguments (here %d) must match the number of ordering columns (here %d).",
480 : NameListToString(funcname),
481 : nvargs - numAggregatedArgs, numAggregatedArgs),
482 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
483 : }
484 : else
485 : {
486 0 : if (nvargs <= numAggregatedArgs)
487 0 : ereport(ERROR,
489 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
490 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
491 : argnames,
492 : actual_arg_types)),
493 : errhint_plural("There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires at least %d direct argument.",
494 : "There is an ordered-set aggregate %s, but it requires at least %d direct arguments.",
495 : catDirectArgs,
496 : NameListToString(funcname),
497 : catDirectArgs),
498 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
499 : }
500 : }
501 : }
502 :
503 : /* Check type matching of hypothetical arguments */
504 330 : if (aggkind == AGGKIND_HYPOTHETICAL)
505 144 : unify_hypothetical_args(pstate, fargs, numAggregatedArgs,
506 : actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
507 : }
508 : else
509 : {
510 : /* Normal aggregate, so it can't have WITHIN GROUP */
511 45996 : if (agg_within_group)
512 6 : ereport(ERROR,
514 : errmsg("%s is not an ordered-set aggregate, so it cannot have WITHIN GROUP",
515 : NameListToString(funcname)),
516 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
517 : }
518 : }
519 2950 : else if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_WINDOWFUNC)
520 : {
521 : /*
522 : * True window functions must be called with a window definition.
523 : */
524 1868 : if (!over)
525 0 : ereport(ERROR,
527 : errmsg("window function %s requires an OVER clause",
528 : NameListToString(funcname)),
529 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
530 : /* And, per spec, WITHIN GROUP isn't allowed */
531 1868 : if (agg_within_group)
532 0 : ereport(ERROR,
534 : errmsg("window function %s cannot have WITHIN GROUP",
535 : NameListToString(funcname)),
536 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
537 : }
538 1082 : else if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_COERCION)
539 : {
540 : /*
541 : * We interpreted it as a type coercion. coerce_type can handle these
542 : * cases, so why duplicate code...
543 : */
544 494 : return coerce_type(pstate, linitial(fargs),
545 : actual_arg_types[0], rettype, -1,
547 : }
548 588 : else if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE)
549 : {
550 : /*
551 : * We found multiple possible functional matches. If we are dealing
552 : * with attribute notation, return failure, letting the caller report
553 : * "no such column" (we already determined there wasn't one). If
554 : * dealing with function notation, report "ambiguous function",
555 : * regardless of whether there's also a column by this name.
556 : */
557 30 : if (is_column)
558 0 : return NULL;
559 :
560 30 : if (proc_call)
561 0 : ereport(ERROR,
563 : errmsg("procedure %s is not unique",
564 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs, argnames,
565 : actual_arg_types)),
566 : errhint("Could not choose a best candidate procedure. "
567 : "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
568 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
569 : else
570 30 : ereport(ERROR,
572 : errmsg("function %s is not unique",
573 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs, argnames,
574 : actual_arg_types)),
575 : errhint("Could not choose a best candidate function. "
576 : "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
577 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
578 : }
579 : else
580 : {
581 : /*
582 : * Not found as a function. If we are dealing with attribute
583 : * notation, return failure, letting the caller report "no such
584 : * column" (we already determined there wasn't one).
585 : */
586 558 : if (is_column)
587 104 : return NULL;
588 :
589 : /*
590 : * Check for column projection interpretation, since we didn't before.
591 : */
592 454 : if (could_be_projection)
593 : {
594 156 : retval = ParseComplexProjection(pstate,
595 156 : strVal(linitial(funcname)),
596 : first_arg,
597 : location);
598 156 : if (retval)
599 144 : return retval;
600 : }
601 :
602 : /*
603 : * No function, and no column either. Since we're dealing with
604 : * function notation, report "function does not exist".
605 : */
606 310 : if (list_length(agg_order) > 1 && !agg_within_group)
607 : {
608 : /* It's agg(x, ORDER BY y,z) ... perhaps misplaced ORDER BY */
609 0 : ereport(ERROR,
611 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
612 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs, argnames,
613 : actual_arg_types)),
614 : errhint("No aggregate function matches the given name and argument types. "
615 : "Perhaps you misplaced ORDER BY; ORDER BY must appear "
616 : "after all regular arguments of the aggregate."),
617 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
618 : }
619 310 : else if (proc_call)
620 14 : ereport(ERROR,
622 : errmsg("procedure %s does not exist",
623 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs, argnames,
624 : actual_arg_types)),
625 : errhint("No procedure matches the given name and argument types. "
626 : "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
627 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
628 : else
629 296 : ereport(ERROR,
631 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
632 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs, argnames,
633 : actual_arg_types)),
634 : errhint("No function matches the given name and argument types. "
635 : "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
636 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
637 : }
638 :
639 : /*
640 : * If there are default arguments, we have to include their types in
641 : * actual_arg_types for the purpose of checking generic type consistency.
642 : * However, we do NOT put them into the generated parse node, because
643 : * their actual values might change before the query gets run. The
644 : * planner has to insert the up-to-date values at plan time.
645 : */
646 392630 : nargsplusdefs = nargs;
647 419342 : foreach(l, argdefaults)
648 : {
649 26712 : Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(l);
650 :
651 : /* probably shouldn't happen ... */
652 26712 : if (nargsplusdefs >= FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
653 0 : ereport(ERROR,
655 : errmsg_plural("cannot pass more than %d argument to a function",
656 : "cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function",
659 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
660 :
661 26712 : actual_arg_types[nargsplusdefs++] = exprType(expr);
662 : }
663 :
664 : /*
665 : * enforce consistency with polymorphic argument and return types,
666 : * possibly adjusting return type or declared_arg_types (which will be
667 : * used as the cast destination by make_fn_arguments)
668 : */
669 392630 : rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(actual_arg_types,
670 : declared_arg_types,
671 : nargsplusdefs,
672 : rettype,
673 : false);
674 :
675 : /* perform the necessary typecasting of arguments */
676 392564 : make_fn_arguments(pstate, fargs, actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
677 :
678 : /*
679 : * If the function isn't actually variadic, forget any VARIADIC decoration
680 : * on the call. (Perhaps we should throw an error instead, but
681 : * historically we've allowed people to write that.)
682 : */
683 392494 : if (!OidIsValid(vatype))
684 : {
685 : Assert(nvargs == 0);
686 383520 : func_variadic = false;
687 : }
688 :
689 : /*
690 : * If it's a variadic function call, transform the last nvargs arguments
691 : * into an array --- unless it's an "any" variadic.
692 : */
693 392494 : if (nvargs > 0 && vatype != ANYOID)
694 : {
695 2150 : ArrayExpr *newa = makeNode(ArrayExpr);
696 2150 : int non_var_args = nargs - nvargs;
697 : List *vargs;
698 :
699 : Assert(non_var_args >= 0);
700 2150 : vargs = list_copy_tail(fargs, non_var_args);
701 2150 : fargs = list_truncate(fargs, non_var_args);
702 :
703 2150 : newa->elements = vargs;
704 : /* assume all the variadic arguments were coerced to the same type */
705 2150 : newa->element_typeid = exprType((Node *) linitial(vargs));
706 2150 : newa->array_typeid = get_array_type(newa->element_typeid);
707 2150 : if (!OidIsValid(newa->array_typeid))
708 0 : ereport(ERROR,
710 : errmsg("could not find array type for data type %s",
711 : format_type_be(newa->element_typeid)),
712 : parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation((Node *) vargs))));
713 : /* array_collid will be set by parse_collate.c */
714 2150 : newa->multidims = false;
715 2150 : newa->location = exprLocation((Node *) vargs);
716 :
717 2150 : fargs = lappend(fargs, newa);
718 :
719 : /* We could not have had VARIADIC marking before ... */
720 : Assert(!func_variadic);
721 : /* ... but now, it's a VARIADIC call */
722 2150 : func_variadic = true;
723 : }
724 :
725 : /*
726 : * If an "any" variadic is called with explicit VARIADIC marking, insist
727 : * that the variadic parameter be of some array type.
728 : */
729 392494 : if (nargs > 0 && vatype == ANYOID && func_variadic)
730 : {
731 354 : Oid va_arr_typid = actual_arg_types[nargs - 1];
732 :
733 354 : if (!OidIsValid(get_base_element_type(va_arr_typid)))
734 6 : ereport(ERROR,
736 : errmsg("VARIADIC argument must be an array"),
737 : parser_errposition(pstate,
738 : exprLocation((Node *) llast(fargs)))));
739 : }
740 :
741 : /* if it returns a set, check that's OK */
742 392488 : if (retset)
743 49272 : check_srf_call_placement(pstate, last_srf, location);
744 :
745 : /* build the appropriate output structure */
746 392416 : if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL || fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_PROCEDURE)
747 344240 : {
748 344240 : FuncExpr *funcexpr = makeNode(FuncExpr);
749 :
750 344240 : funcexpr->funcid = funcid;
751 344240 : funcexpr->funcresulttype = rettype;
752 344240 : funcexpr->funcretset = retset;
753 344240 : funcexpr->funcvariadic = func_variadic;
754 344240 : funcexpr->funcformat = funcformat;
755 : /* funccollid and inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
756 344240 : funcexpr->args = fargs;
757 344240 : funcexpr->location = location;
758 :
759 344240 : retval = (Node *) funcexpr;
760 : }
761 48176 : else if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_AGGREGATE && !over)
762 44614 : {
763 : /* aggregate function */
764 44794 : Aggref *aggref = makeNode(Aggref);
765 :
766 44794 : aggref->aggfnoid = funcid;
767 44794 : aggref->aggtype = rettype;
768 : /* aggcollid and inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
769 44794 : aggref->aggtranstype = InvalidOid; /* will be set by planner */
770 : /* aggargtypes will be set by transformAggregateCall */
771 : /* aggdirectargs and args will be set by transformAggregateCall */
772 : /* aggorder and aggdistinct will be set by transformAggregateCall */
773 44794 : aggref->aggfilter = agg_filter;
774 44794 : aggref->aggstar = agg_star;
775 44794 : aggref->aggvariadic = func_variadic;
776 44794 : aggref->aggkind = aggkind;
777 44794 : aggref->aggpresorted = false;
778 : /* agglevelsup will be set by transformAggregateCall */
779 44794 : aggref->aggsplit = AGGSPLIT_SIMPLE; /* planner might change this */
780 44794 : aggref->aggno = -1; /* planner will set aggno and aggtransno */
781 44794 : aggref->aggtransno = -1;
782 44794 : aggref->location = location;
783 :
784 : /*
785 : * Reject attempt to call a parameterless aggregate without (*)
786 : * syntax. This is mere pedantry but some folks insisted ...
787 : */
788 44794 : if (fargs == NIL && !agg_star && !agg_within_group)
789 0 : ereport(ERROR,
791 : errmsg("%s(*) must be used to call a parameterless aggregate function",
792 : NameListToString(funcname)),
793 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
794 :
795 44794 : if (retset)
796 0 : ereport(ERROR,
798 : errmsg("aggregates cannot return sets"),
799 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
800 :
801 : /*
802 : * We might want to support named arguments later, but disallow it for
803 : * now. We'd need to figure out the parsed representation (should the
804 : * NamedArgExprs go above or below the TargetEntry nodes?) and then
805 : * teach the planner to reorder the list properly. Or maybe we could
806 : * make transformAggregateCall do that? However, if you'd also like
807 : * to allow default arguments for aggregates, we'd need to do it in
808 : * planning to avoid semantic problems.
809 : */
810 44794 : if (argnames != NIL)
811 0 : ereport(ERROR,
813 : errmsg("aggregates cannot use named arguments"),
814 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
815 :
816 : /* parse_agg.c does additional aggregate-specific processing */
817 44794 : transformAggregateCall(pstate, aggref, fargs, agg_order, agg_distinct);
818 :
819 44614 : retval = (Node *) aggref;
820 : }
821 : else
822 : {
823 : /* window function */
824 3382 : WindowFunc *wfunc = makeNode(WindowFunc);
825 :
826 : Assert(over); /* lack of this was checked above */
827 : Assert(!agg_within_group); /* also checked above */
828 :
829 3382 : wfunc->winfnoid = funcid;
830 3382 : wfunc->wintype = rettype;
831 : /* wincollid and inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
832 3382 : wfunc->args = fargs;
833 : /* winref will be set by transformWindowFuncCall */
834 3382 : wfunc->winstar = agg_star;
835 3382 : wfunc->winagg = (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_AGGREGATE);
836 3382 : wfunc->aggfilter = agg_filter;
837 3382 : wfunc->runCondition = NIL;
838 3382 : wfunc->location = location;
839 :
840 : /*
841 : * agg_star is allowed for aggregate functions but distinct isn't
842 : */
843 3382 : if (agg_distinct)
844 0 : ereport(ERROR,
846 : errmsg("DISTINCT is not implemented for window functions"),
847 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
848 :
849 : /*
850 : * Reject attempt to call a parameterless aggregate without (*)
851 : * syntax. This is mere pedantry but some folks insisted ...
852 : */
853 3382 : if (wfunc->winagg && fargs == NIL && !agg_star)
854 6 : ereport(ERROR,
856 : errmsg("%s(*) must be used to call a parameterless aggregate function",
857 : NameListToString(funcname)),
858 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
859 :
860 : /*
861 : * ordered aggs not allowed in windows yet
862 : */
863 3376 : if (agg_order != NIL)
864 0 : ereport(ERROR,
866 : errmsg("aggregate ORDER BY is not implemented for window functions"),
867 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
868 :
869 : /*
870 : * FILTER is not yet supported with true window functions
871 : */
872 3376 : if (!wfunc->winagg && agg_filter)
873 0 : ereport(ERROR,
875 : errmsg("FILTER is not implemented for non-aggregate window functions"),
876 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
877 :
878 : /*
879 : * Window functions can't either take or return sets
880 : */
881 3376 : if (pstate->p_last_srf != last_srf)
882 6 : ereport(ERROR,
884 : errmsg("window function calls cannot contain set-returning function calls"),
885 : errhint("You might be able to move the set-returning function into a LATERAL FROM item."),
886 : parser_errposition(pstate,
887 : exprLocation(pstate->p_last_srf))));
888 :
889 3370 : if (retset)
890 0 : ereport(ERROR,
892 : errmsg("window functions cannot return sets"),
893 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
894 :
895 : /* parse_agg.c does additional window-func-specific processing */
896 3370 : transformWindowFuncCall(pstate, wfunc, over);
897 :
898 3316 : retval = (Node *) wfunc;
899 : }
900 :
901 : /* if it returns a set, remember it for error checks at higher levels */
902 392170 : if (retset)
903 49200 : pstate->p_last_srf = retval;
904 :
905 392170 : return retval;
906 : }
907 :
908 :
909 : /* func_match_argtypes()
910 : *
911 : * Given a list of candidate functions (having the right name and number
912 : * of arguments) and an array of input datatype OIDs, produce a shortlist of
913 : * those candidates that actually accept the input datatypes (either exactly
914 : * or by coercion), and return the number of such candidates.
915 : *
916 : * Note that can_coerce_type will assume that UNKNOWN inputs are coercible to
917 : * anything, so candidates will not be eliminated on that basis.
918 : *
919 : * NB: okay to modify input list structure, as long as we find at least
920 : * one match. If no match at all, the list must remain unmodified.
921 : */
922 : int
923 208072 : func_match_argtypes(int nargs,
924 : Oid *input_typeids,
925 : FuncCandidateList raw_candidates,
926 : FuncCandidateList *candidates) /* return value */
927 : {
928 : FuncCandidateList current_candidate;
929 : FuncCandidateList next_candidate;
930 208072 : int ncandidates = 0;
931 :
932 208072 : *candidates = NULL;
933 :
934 1222714 : for (current_candidate = raw_candidates;
935 : current_candidate != NULL;
936 1014642 : current_candidate = next_candidate)
937 : {
938 1014642 : next_candidate = current_candidate->next;
939 1014642 : if (can_coerce_type(nargs, input_typeids, current_candidate->args,
941 : {
942 236772 : current_candidate->next = *candidates;
943 236772 : *candidates = current_candidate;
944 236772 : ncandidates++;
945 : }
946 : }
947 :
948 208072 : return ncandidates;
949 : } /* func_match_argtypes() */
950 :
951 :
952 : /* func_select_candidate()
953 : * Given the input argtype array and more than one candidate
954 : * for the function, attempt to resolve the conflict.
955 : *
956 : * Returns the selected candidate if the conflict can be resolved,
957 : * otherwise returns NULL.
958 : *
959 : * Note that the caller has already determined that there is no candidate
960 : * exactly matching the input argtypes, and has pruned away any "candidates"
961 : * that aren't actually coercion-compatible with the input types.
962 : *
963 : * This is also used for resolving ambiguous operator references. Formerly
964 : * parse_oper.c had its own, essentially duplicate code for the purpose.
965 : * The following comments (formerly in parse_oper.c) are kept to record some
966 : * of the history of these heuristics.
967 : *
969 : *
970 : * This routine is new code, replacing binary_oper_select_candidate()
971 : * which dates from v4.2/v1.0.x days. It tries very hard to match up
972 : * operators with types, including allowing type coercions if necessary.
973 : * The important thing is that the code do as much as possible,
974 : * while _never_ doing the wrong thing, where "the wrong thing" would
975 : * be returning an operator when other better choices are available,
976 : * or returning an operator which is a non-intuitive possibility.
977 : * - thomas 1998-05-21
978 : *
979 : * The comments below came from binary_oper_select_candidate(), and
980 : * illustrate the issues and choices which are possible:
981 : * - thomas 1998-05-20
982 : *
983 : * current wisdom holds that the default operator should be one in which
984 : * both operands have the same type (there will only be one such
985 : * operator)
986 : *
987 : * 7.27.93 - I have decided not to do this; it's too hard to justify, and
988 : * it's easy enough to typecast explicitly - avi
989 : * [the rest of this routine was commented out since then - ay]
990 : *
991 : * 6/23/95 - I don't complete agree with avi. In particular, casting
992 : * floats is a pain for users. Whatever the rationale behind not doing
993 : * this is, I need the following special case to work.
994 : *
995 : * In the WHERE clause of a query, if a float is specified without
996 : * quotes, we treat it as float8. I added the float48* operators so
997 : * that we can operate on float4 and float8. But now we have more than
998 : * one matching operator if the right arg is unknown (eg. float
999 : * specified with quotes). This break some stuff in the regression
1000 : * test where there are floats in quotes not properly casted. Below is
1001 : * the solution. In addition to requiring the operator operates on the
1002 : * same type for both operands [as in the code Avi originally
1003 : * commented out], we also require that the operators be equivalent in
1004 : * some sense. (see equivalentOpersAfterPromotion for details.)
1005 : * - ay 6/95
1006 : */
1007 : FuncCandidateList
1008 11896 : func_select_candidate(int nargs,
1009 : Oid *input_typeids,
1010 : FuncCandidateList candidates)
1011 : {
1012 : FuncCandidateList current_candidate,
1013 : first_candidate,
1014 : last_candidate;
1015 : Oid *current_typeids;
1016 : Oid current_type;
1017 : int i;
1018 : int ncandidates;
1019 : int nbestMatch,
1020 : nmatch,
1021 : nunknowns;
1022 : Oid input_base_typeids[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
1023 : TYPCATEGORY slot_category[FUNC_MAX_ARGS],
1024 : current_category;
1025 : bool current_is_preferred;
1026 : bool slot_has_preferred_type[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
1027 : bool resolved_unknowns;
1028 :
1029 : /* protect local fixed-size arrays */
1030 11896 : if (nargs > FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
1031 0 : ereport(ERROR,
1033 : errmsg_plural("cannot pass more than %d argument to a function",
1034 : "cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function",
1036 : FUNC_MAX_ARGS)));
1037 :
1038 : /*
1039 : * If any input types are domains, reduce them to their base types. This
1040 : * ensures that we will consider functions on the base type to be "exact
1041 : * matches" in the exact-match heuristic; it also makes it possible to do
1042 : * something useful with the type-category heuristics. Note that this
1043 : * makes it difficult, but not impossible, to use functions declared to
1044 : * take a domain as an input datatype. Such a function will be selected
1045 : * over the base-type function only if it is an exact match at all
1046 : * argument positions, and so was already chosen by our caller.
1047 : *
1048 : * While we're at it, count the number of unknown-type arguments for use
1049 : * later.
1050 : */
1051 11896 : nunknowns = 0;
1052 37080 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1053 : {
1054 25184 : if (input_typeids[i] != UNKNOWNOID)
1055 12708 : input_base_typeids[i] = getBaseType(input_typeids[i]);
1056 : else
1057 : {
1058 : /* no need to call getBaseType on UNKNOWNOID */
1059 12476 : input_base_typeids[i] = UNKNOWNOID;
1060 12476 : nunknowns++;
1061 : }
1062 : }
1063 :
1064 : /*
1065 : * Run through all candidates and keep those with the most matches on
1066 : * exact types. Keep all candidates if none match.
1067 : */
1068 11896 : ncandidates = 0;
1069 11896 : nbestMatch = 0;
1070 11896 : last_candidate = NULL;
1071 53116 : for (current_candidate = candidates;
1072 : current_candidate != NULL;
1073 41220 : current_candidate = current_candidate->next)
1074 : {
1075 41220 : current_typeids = current_candidate->args;
1076 41220 : nmatch = 0;
1077 127494 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1078 : {
1079 86274 : if (input_base_typeids[i] != UNKNOWNOID &&
1080 39830 : current_typeids[i] == input_base_typeids[i])
1081 13050 : nmatch++;
1082 : }
1083 :
1084 : /* take this one as the best choice so far? */
1085 41220 : if ((nmatch > nbestMatch) || (last_candidate == NULL))
1086 : {
1087 14486 : nbestMatch = nmatch;
1088 14486 : candidates = current_candidate;
1089 14486 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1090 14486 : ncandidates = 1;
1091 : }
1092 : /* no worse than the last choice, so keep this one too? */
1093 26734 : else if (nmatch == nbestMatch)
1094 : {
1095 18606 : last_candidate->next = current_candidate;
1096 18606 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1097 18606 : ncandidates++;
1098 : }
1099 : /* otherwise, don't bother keeping this one... */
1100 : }
1101 :
1102 11896 : if (last_candidate) /* terminate rebuilt list */
1103 11896 : last_candidate->next = NULL;
1104 :
1105 11896 : if (ncandidates == 1)
1106 5284 : return candidates;
1107 :
1108 : /*
1109 : * Still too many candidates? Now look for candidates which have either
1110 : * exact matches or preferred types at the args that will require
1111 : * coercion. (Restriction added in 7.4: preferred type must be of same
1112 : * category as input type; give no preference to cross-category
1113 : * conversions to preferred types.) Keep all candidates if none match.
1114 : */
1115 20972 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) /* avoid multiple lookups */
1116 14360 : slot_category[i] = TypeCategory(input_base_typeids[i]);
1117 6612 : ncandidates = 0;
1118 6612 : nbestMatch = 0;
1119 6612 : last_candidate = NULL;
1120 29494 : for (current_candidate = candidates;
1121 : current_candidate != NULL;
1122 22882 : current_candidate = current_candidate->next)
1123 : {
1124 22882 : current_typeids = current_candidate->args;
1125 22882 : nmatch = 0;
1126 72026 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1127 : {
1128 49144 : if (input_base_typeids[i] != UNKNOWNOID)
1129 : {
1130 21786 : if (current_typeids[i] == input_base_typeids[i] ||
1131 7772 : IsPreferredType(slot_category[i], current_typeids[i]))
1132 9484 : nmatch++;
1133 : }
1134 : }
1135 :
1136 22882 : if ((nmatch > nbestMatch) || (last_candidate == NULL))
1137 : {
1138 8276 : nbestMatch = nmatch;
1139 8276 : candidates = current_candidate;
1140 8276 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1141 8276 : ncandidates = 1;
1142 : }
1143 14606 : else if (nmatch == nbestMatch)
1144 : {
1145 13368 : last_candidate->next = current_candidate;
1146 13368 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1147 13368 : ncandidates++;
1148 : }
1149 : }
1150 :
1151 6612 : if (last_candidate) /* terminate rebuilt list */
1152 6612 : last_candidate->next = NULL;
1153 :
1154 6612 : if (ncandidates == 1)
1155 1530 : return candidates;
1156 :
1157 : /*
1158 : * Still too many candidates? Try assigning types for the unknown inputs.
1159 : *
1160 : * If there are no unknown inputs, we have no more heuristics that apply,
1161 : * and must fail.
1162 : */
1163 5082 : if (nunknowns == 0)
1164 6 : return NULL; /* failed to select a best candidate */
1165 :
1166 : /*
1167 : * The next step examines each unknown argument position to see if we can
1168 : * determine a "type category" for it. If any candidate has an input
1169 : * datatype of STRING category, use STRING category (this bias towards
1170 : * STRING is appropriate since unknown-type literals look like strings).
1171 : * Otherwise, if all the candidates agree on the type category of this
1172 : * argument position, use that category. Otherwise, fail because we
1173 : * cannot determine a category.
1174 : *
1175 : * If we are able to determine a type category, also notice whether any of
1176 : * the candidates takes a preferred datatype within the category.
1177 : *
1178 : * Having completed this examination, remove candidates that accept the
1179 : * wrong category at any unknown position. Also, if at least one
1180 : * candidate accepted a preferred type at a position, remove candidates
1181 : * that accept non-preferred types. If just one candidate remains, return
1182 : * that one. However, if this rule turns out to reject all candidates,
1183 : * keep them all instead.
1184 : */
1185 5076 : resolved_unknowns = false;
1186 16420 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1187 : {
1188 : bool have_conflict;
1189 :
1190 11344 : if (input_base_typeids[i] != UNKNOWNOID)
1191 2780 : continue;
1192 8564 : resolved_unknowns = true; /* assume we can do it */
1193 8564 : slot_category[i] = TYPCATEGORY_INVALID;
1194 8564 : slot_has_preferred_type[i] = false;
1195 8564 : have_conflict = false;
1196 42120 : for (current_candidate = candidates;
1197 : current_candidate != NULL;
1198 33556 : current_candidate = current_candidate->next)
1199 : {
1200 33556 : current_typeids = current_candidate->args;
1201 33556 : current_type = current_typeids[i];
1202 33556 : get_type_category_preferred(current_type,
1203 : ¤t_category,
1204 : ¤t_is_preferred);
1205 33556 : if (slot_category[i] == TYPCATEGORY_INVALID)
1206 : {
1207 : /* first candidate */
1208 8564 : slot_category[i] = current_category;
1209 8564 : slot_has_preferred_type[i] = current_is_preferred;
1210 : }
1211 24992 : else if (current_category == slot_category[i])
1212 : {
1213 : /* more candidates in same category */
1214 6826 : slot_has_preferred_type[i] |= current_is_preferred;
1215 : }
1216 : else
1217 : {
1218 : /* category conflict! */
1219 18166 : if (current_category == TYPCATEGORY_STRING)
1220 : {
1221 : /* STRING always wins if available */
1222 2284 : slot_category[i] = current_category;
1223 2284 : slot_has_preferred_type[i] = current_is_preferred;
1224 : }
1225 : else
1226 : {
1227 : /*
1228 : * Remember conflict, but keep going (might find STRING)
1229 : */
1230 15882 : have_conflict = true;
1231 : }
1232 : }
1233 : }
1234 8564 : if (have_conflict && slot_category[i] != TYPCATEGORY_STRING)
1235 : {
1236 : /* Failed to resolve category conflict at this position */
1237 0 : resolved_unknowns = false;
1238 0 : break;
1239 : }
1240 : }
1241 :
1242 5076 : if (resolved_unknowns)
1243 : {
1244 : /* Strip non-matching candidates */
1245 5076 : ncandidates = 0;
1246 5076 : first_candidate = candidates;
1247 5076 : last_candidate = NULL;
1248 23054 : for (current_candidate = candidates;
1249 : current_candidate != NULL;
1250 17978 : current_candidate = current_candidate->next)
1251 : {
1252 17978 : bool keepit = true;
1253 :
1254 17978 : current_typeids = current_candidate->args;
1255 33000 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1256 : {
1257 27814 : if (input_base_typeids[i] != UNKNOWNOID)
1258 4014 : continue;
1259 23800 : current_type = current_typeids[i];
1260 23800 : get_type_category_preferred(current_type,
1261 : ¤t_category,
1262 : ¤t_is_preferred);
1263 23800 : if (current_category != slot_category[i])
1264 : {
1265 11816 : keepit = false;
1266 11816 : break;
1267 : }
1268 11984 : if (slot_has_preferred_type[i] && !current_is_preferred)
1269 : {
1270 976 : keepit = false;
1271 976 : break;
1272 : }
1273 : }
1274 17978 : if (keepit)
1275 : {
1276 : /* keep this candidate */
1277 5186 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1278 5186 : ncandidates++;
1279 : }
1280 : else
1281 : {
1282 : /* forget this candidate */
1283 12792 : if (last_candidate)
1284 9402 : last_candidate->next = current_candidate->next;
1285 : else
1286 3390 : first_candidate = current_candidate->next;
1287 : }
1288 : }
1289 :
1290 : /* if we found any matches, restrict our attention to those */
1291 5076 : if (last_candidate)
1292 : {
1293 5076 : candidates = first_candidate;
1294 : /* terminate rebuilt list */
1295 5076 : last_candidate->next = NULL;
1296 : }
1297 :
1298 5076 : if (ncandidates == 1)
1299 5026 : return candidates;
1300 : }
1301 :
1302 : /*
1303 : * Last gasp: if there are both known- and unknown-type inputs, and all
1304 : * the known types are the same, assume the unknown inputs are also that
1305 : * type, and see if that gives us a unique match. If so, use that match.
1306 : *
1307 : * NOTE: for a binary operator with one unknown and one non-unknown input,
1308 : * we already tried this heuristic in binary_oper_exact(). However, that
1309 : * code only finds exact matches, whereas here we will handle matches that
1310 : * involve coercion, polymorphic type resolution, etc.
1311 : */
1312 50 : if (nunknowns < nargs)
1313 : {
1314 50 : Oid known_type = UNKNOWNOID;
1315 :
1316 150 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1317 : {
1318 100 : if (input_base_typeids[i] == UNKNOWNOID)
1319 50 : continue;
1320 50 : if (known_type == UNKNOWNOID) /* first known arg? */
1321 50 : known_type = input_base_typeids[i];
1322 0 : else if (known_type != input_base_typeids[i])
1323 : {
1324 : /* oops, not all match */
1325 0 : known_type = UNKNOWNOID;
1326 0 : break;
1327 : }
1328 : }
1329 :
1330 50 : if (known_type != UNKNOWNOID)
1331 : {
1332 : /* okay, just one known type, apply the heuristic */
1333 150 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
1334 100 : input_base_typeids[i] = known_type;
1335 50 : ncandidates = 0;
1336 50 : last_candidate = NULL;
1337 210 : for (current_candidate = candidates;
1338 : current_candidate != NULL;
1339 160 : current_candidate = current_candidate->next)
1340 : {
1341 160 : current_typeids = current_candidate->args;
1342 160 : if (can_coerce_type(nargs, input_base_typeids, current_typeids,
1344 : {
1345 50 : if (++ncandidates > 1)
1346 0 : break; /* not unique, give up */
1347 50 : last_candidate = current_candidate;
1348 : }
1349 : }
1350 50 : if (ncandidates == 1)
1351 : {
1352 : /* successfully identified a unique match */
1353 50 : last_candidate->next = NULL;
1354 50 : return last_candidate;
1355 : }
1356 : }
1357 : }
1358 :
1359 0 : return NULL; /* failed to select a best candidate */
1360 : } /* func_select_candidate() */
1361 :
1362 :
1363 : /* func_get_detail()
1364 : *
1365 : * Find the named function in the system catalogs.
1366 : *
1367 : * Attempt to find the named function in the system catalogs with
1368 : * arguments exactly as specified, so that the normal case (exact match)
1369 : * is as quick as possible.
1370 : *
1371 : * If an exact match isn't found:
1372 : * 1) check for possible interpretation as a type coercion request
1373 : * 2) apply the ambiguous-function resolution rules
1374 : *
1375 : * Return values *funcid through *true_typeids receive info about the function.
1376 : * If argdefaults isn't NULL, *argdefaults receives a list of any default
1377 : * argument expressions that need to be added to the given arguments.
1378 : *
1379 : * When processing a named- or mixed-notation call (ie, fargnames isn't NIL),
1380 : * the returned true_typeids and argdefaults are ordered according to the
1381 : * call's argument ordering: first any positional arguments, then the named
1382 : * arguments, then defaulted arguments (if needed and allowed by
1383 : * expand_defaults). Some care is needed if this information is to be compared
1384 : * to the function's pg_proc entry, but in practice the caller can usually
1385 : * just work with the call's argument ordering.
1386 : *
1387 : * We rely primarily on fargnames/nargs/argtypes as the argument description.
1388 : * The actual expression node list is passed in fargs so that we can check
1389 : * for type coercion of a constant. Some callers pass fargs == NIL indicating
1390 : * they don't need that check made. Note also that when fargnames isn't NIL,
1391 : * the fargs list must be passed if the caller wants actual argument position
1392 : * information to be returned into the NamedArgExpr nodes.
1393 : */
1394 : FuncDetailCode
1395 407406 : func_get_detail(List *funcname,
1396 : List *fargs,
1397 : List *fargnames,
1398 : int nargs,
1399 : Oid *argtypes,
1400 : bool expand_variadic,
1401 : bool expand_defaults,
1402 : bool include_out_arguments,
1403 : Oid *funcid, /* return value */
1404 : Oid *rettype, /* return value */
1405 : bool *retset, /* return value */
1406 : int *nvargs, /* return value */
1407 : Oid *vatype, /* return value */
1408 : Oid **true_typeids, /* return value */
1409 : List **argdefaults) /* optional return value */
1410 : {
1411 : FuncCandidateList raw_candidates;
1412 : FuncCandidateList best_candidate;
1413 :
1414 : /* initialize output arguments to silence compiler warnings */
1415 407406 : *funcid = InvalidOid;
1416 407406 : *rettype = InvalidOid;
1417 407406 : *retset = false;
1418 407406 : *nvargs = 0;
1419 407406 : *vatype = InvalidOid;
1420 407406 : *true_typeids = NULL;
1421 407406 : if (argdefaults)
1422 393772 : *argdefaults = NIL;
1423 :
1424 : /* Get list of possible candidates from namespace search */
1425 407406 : raw_candidates = FuncnameGetCandidates(funcname, nargs, fargnames,
1426 : expand_variadic, expand_defaults,
1427 : include_out_arguments, false);
1428 :
1429 : /*
1430 : * Quickly check if there is an exact match to the input datatypes (there
1431 : * can be only one)
1432 : */
1433 801276 : for (best_candidate = raw_candidates;
1434 : best_candidate != NULL;
1435 393870 : best_candidate = best_candidate->next)
1436 : {
1437 : /* if nargs==0, argtypes can be null; don't pass that to memcmp */
1438 607964 : if (nargs == 0 ||
1439 548584 : memcmp(argtypes, best_candidate->args, nargs * sizeof(Oid)) == 0)
1440 : break;
1441 : }
1442 :
1443 407406 : if (best_candidate == NULL)
1444 : {
1445 : /*
1446 : * If we didn't find an exact match, next consider the possibility
1447 : * that this is really a type-coercion request: a single-argument
1448 : * function call where the function name is a type name. If so, and
1449 : * if the coercion path is RELABELTYPE or COERCEVIAIO, then go ahead
1450 : * and treat the "function call" as a coercion.
1451 : *
1452 : * This interpretation needs to be given higher priority than
1453 : * interpretations involving a type coercion followed by a function
1454 : * call, otherwise we can produce surprising results. For example, we
1455 : * want "text(varchar)" to be interpreted as a simple coercion, not as
1456 : * "text(name(varchar))" which the code below this point is entirely
1457 : * capable of selecting.
1458 : *
1459 : * We also treat a coercion of a previously-unknown-type literal
1460 : * constant to a specific type this way.
1461 : *
1462 : * The reason we reject COERCION_PATH_FUNC here is that we expect the
1463 : * cast implementation function to be named after the target type.
1464 : * Thus the function will be found by normal lookup if appropriate.
1465 : *
1466 : * The reason we reject COERCION_PATH_ARRAYCOERCE is mainly that you
1467 : * can't write "foo[] (something)" as a function call. In theory
1468 : * someone might want to invoke it as "_foo (something)" but we have
1469 : * never supported that historically, so we can insist that people
1470 : * write it as a normal cast instead.
1471 : *
1472 : * We also reject the specific case of COERCEVIAIO for a composite
1473 : * source type and a string-category target type. This is a case that
1474 : * find_coercion_pathway() allows by default, but experience has shown
1475 : * that it's too commonly invoked by mistake. So, again, insist that
1476 : * people use cast syntax if they want to do that.
1477 : *
1478 : * NB: it's important that this code does not exceed what coerce_type
1479 : * can do, because the caller will try to apply coerce_type if we
1480 : * return FUNCDETAIL_COERCION. If we return that result for something
1481 : * coerce_type can't handle, we'll cause infinite recursion between
1482 : * this module and coerce_type!
1483 : */
1484 193312 : if (nargs == 1 && fargs != NIL && fargnames == NIL)
1485 : {
1486 84306 : Oid targetType = FuncNameAsType(funcname);
1487 :
1488 84306 : if (OidIsValid(targetType))
1489 : {
1490 708 : Oid sourceType = argtypes[0];
1491 708 : Node *arg1 = linitial(fargs);
1492 : bool iscoercion;
1493 :
1494 708 : if (sourceType == UNKNOWNOID && IsA(arg1, Const))
1495 : {
1496 : /* always treat typename('literal') as coercion */
1497 448 : iscoercion = true;
1498 : }
1499 : else
1500 : {
1501 : CoercionPathType cpathtype;
1502 : Oid cfuncid;
1503 :
1504 260 : cpathtype = find_coercion_pathway(targetType, sourceType,
1506 : &cfuncid);
1507 260 : switch (cpathtype)
1508 : {
1510 8 : iscoercion = true;
1511 8 : break;
1513 388 : if ((sourceType == RECORDOID ||
1514 350 : ISCOMPLEX(sourceType)) &&
1515 162 : TypeCategory(targetType) == TYPCATEGORY_STRING)
1516 162 : iscoercion = false;
1517 : else
1518 38 : iscoercion = true;
1519 200 : break;
1520 52 : default:
1521 52 : iscoercion = false;
1522 52 : break;
1523 : }
1524 : }
1525 :
1526 708 : if (iscoercion)
1527 : {
1528 : /* Treat it as a type coercion */
1529 494 : *funcid = InvalidOid;
1530 494 : *rettype = targetType;
1531 494 : *retset = false;
1532 494 : *nvargs = 0;
1533 494 : *vatype = InvalidOid;
1534 494 : *true_typeids = argtypes;
1535 494 : return FUNCDETAIL_COERCION;
1536 : }
1537 : }
1538 : }
1539 :
1540 : /*
1541 : * didn't find an exact match, so now try to match up candidates...
1542 : */
1543 192818 : if (raw_candidates != NULL)
1544 : {
1545 : FuncCandidateList current_candidates;
1546 : int ncandidates;
1547 :
1548 191462 : ncandidates = func_match_argtypes(nargs,
1549 : argtypes,
1550 : raw_candidates,
1551 : ¤t_candidates);
1552 :
1553 : /* one match only? then run with it... */
1554 191462 : if (ncandidates == 1)
1555 184530 : best_candidate = current_candidates;
1556 :
1557 : /*
1558 : * multiple candidates? then better decide or throw an error...
1559 : */
1560 6932 : else if (ncandidates > 1)
1561 : {
1562 6424 : best_candidate = func_select_candidate(nargs,
1563 : argtypes,
1564 : current_candidates);
1565 :
1566 : /*
1567 : * If we were able to choose a best candidate, we're done.
1568 : * Otherwise, ambiguous function call.
1569 : */
1570 6424 : if (!best_candidate)
1571 0 : return FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE;
1572 : }
1573 : }
1574 : }
1575 :
1576 406912 : if (best_candidate)
1577 : {
1578 : HeapTuple ftup;
1579 : Form_pg_proc pform;
1580 : FuncDetailCode result;
1581 :
1582 : /*
1583 : * If processing named args or expanding variadics or defaults, the
1584 : * "best candidate" might represent multiple equivalently good
1585 : * functions; treat this case as ambiguous.
1586 : */
1587 405048 : if (!OidIsValid(best_candidate->oid))
1588 30 : return FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE;
1589 :
1590 : /*
1591 : * We disallow VARIADIC with named arguments unless the last argument
1592 : * (the one with VARIADIC attached) actually matched the variadic
1593 : * parameter. This is mere pedantry, really, but some folks insisted.
1594 : */
1595 405018 : if (fargnames != NIL && !expand_variadic && nargs > 0 &&
1596 0 : best_candidate->argnumbers[nargs - 1] != nargs - 1)
1597 0 : return FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
1598 :
1599 405018 : *funcid = best_candidate->oid;
1600 405018 : *nvargs = best_candidate->nvargs;
1601 405018 : *true_typeids = best_candidate->args;
1602 :
1603 : /*
1604 : * If processing named args, return actual argument positions into
1605 : * NamedArgExpr nodes in the fargs list. This is a bit ugly but not
1606 : * worth the extra notation needed to do it differently.
1607 : */
1608 405018 : if (best_candidate->argnumbers != NULL)
1609 : {
1610 16114 : int i = 0;
1611 : ListCell *lc;
1612 :
1613 66228 : foreach(lc, fargs)
1614 : {
1615 50114 : NamedArgExpr *na = (NamedArgExpr *) lfirst(lc);
1616 :
1617 50114 : if (IsA(na, NamedArgExpr))
1618 48264 : na->argnumber = best_candidate->argnumbers[i];
1619 50114 : i++;
1620 : }
1621 : }
1622 :
1623 405018 : ftup = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID,
1624 : ObjectIdGetDatum(best_candidate->oid));
1625 405018 : if (!HeapTupleIsValid(ftup)) /* should not happen */
1626 0 : elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u",
1627 : best_candidate->oid);
1628 405018 : pform = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup);
1629 405018 : *rettype = pform->prorettype;
1630 405018 : *retset = pform->proretset;
1631 405018 : *vatype = pform->provariadic;
1632 : /* fetch default args if caller wants 'em */
1633 405018 : if (argdefaults && best_candidate->ndargs > 0)
1634 : {
1635 : Datum proargdefaults;
1636 : char *str;
1637 : List *defaults;
1638 :
1639 : /* shouldn't happen, FuncnameGetCandidates messed up */
1640 13374 : if (best_candidate->ndargs > pform->pronargdefaults)
1641 0 : elog(ERROR, "not enough default arguments");
1642 :
1643 13374 : proargdefaults = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(PROCOID, ftup,
1644 : Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults);
1645 13374 : str = TextDatumGetCString(proargdefaults);
1646 13374 : defaults = castNode(List, stringToNode(str));
1647 13374 : pfree(str);
1648 :
1649 : /* Delete any unused defaults from the returned list */
1650 13374 : if (best_candidate->argnumbers != NULL)
1651 : {
1652 : /*
1653 : * This is a bit tricky in named notation, since the supplied
1654 : * arguments could replace any subset of the defaults. We
1655 : * work by making a bitmapset of the argnumbers of defaulted
1656 : * arguments, then scanning the defaults list and selecting
1657 : * the needed items. (This assumes that defaulted arguments
1658 : * should be supplied in their positional order.)
1659 : */
1660 : Bitmapset *defargnumbers;
1661 : int *firstdefarg;
1662 : List *newdefaults;
1663 : ListCell *lc;
1664 : int i;
1665 :
1666 7478 : defargnumbers = NULL;
1667 7478 : firstdefarg = &best_candidate->argnumbers[best_candidate->nargs - best_candidate->ndargs];
1668 23496 : for (i = 0; i < best_candidate->ndargs; i++)
1669 16018 : defargnumbers = bms_add_member(defargnumbers,
1670 16018 : firstdefarg[i]);
1671 7478 : newdefaults = NIL;
1672 7478 : i = best_candidate->nominalnargs - pform->pronargdefaults;
1673 44286 : foreach(lc, defaults)
1674 : {
1675 36808 : if (bms_is_member(i, defargnumbers))
1676 16018 : newdefaults = lappend(newdefaults, lfirst(lc));
1677 36808 : i++;
1678 : }
1679 : Assert(list_length(newdefaults) == best_candidate->ndargs);
1680 7478 : bms_free(defargnumbers);
1681 7478 : *argdefaults = newdefaults;
1682 : }
1683 : else
1684 : {
1685 : /*
1686 : * Defaults for positional notation are lots easier; just
1687 : * remove any unwanted ones from the front.
1688 : */
1689 : int ndelete;
1690 :
1691 5896 : ndelete = list_length(defaults) - best_candidate->ndargs;
1692 5896 : if (ndelete > 0)
1693 212 : defaults = list_delete_first_n(defaults, ndelete);
1694 5896 : *argdefaults = defaults;
1695 : }
1696 : }
1697 :
1698 405018 : switch (pform->prokind)
1699 : {
1700 48188 : case PROKIND_AGGREGATE:
1701 48188 : result = FUNCDETAIL_AGGREGATE;
1702 48188 : break;
1703 354364 : case PROKIND_FUNCTION:
1704 354364 : result = FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL;
1705 354364 : break;
1706 490 : case PROKIND_PROCEDURE:
1707 490 : result = FUNCDETAIL_PROCEDURE;
1708 490 : break;
1709 1976 : case PROKIND_WINDOW:
1710 1976 : result = FUNCDETAIL_WINDOWFUNC;
1711 1976 : break;
1712 0 : default:
1713 0 : elog(ERROR, "unrecognized prokind: %c", pform->prokind);
1714 : result = FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL; /* keep compiler quiet */
1715 : break;
1716 : }
1717 :
1718 405018 : ReleaseSysCache(ftup);
1719 405018 : return result;
1720 : }
1721 :
1722 1864 : return FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
1723 : }
1724 :
1725 :
1726 : /*
1727 : * unify_hypothetical_args()
1728 : *
1729 : * Ensure that each hypothetical direct argument of a hypothetical-set
1730 : * aggregate has the same type as the corresponding aggregated argument.
1731 : * Modify the expressions in the fargs list, if necessary, and update
1732 : * actual_arg_types[].
1733 : *
1734 : * If the agg declared its args non-ANY (even ANYELEMENT), we need only a
1735 : * sanity check that the declared types match; make_fn_arguments will coerce
1736 : * the actual arguments to match the declared ones. But if the declaration
1737 : * is ANY, nothing will happen in make_fn_arguments, so we need to fix any
1738 : * mismatch here. We use the same type resolution logic as UNION etc.
1739 : */
1740 : static void
1741 144 : unify_hypothetical_args(ParseState *pstate,
1742 : List *fargs,
1743 : int numAggregatedArgs,
1744 : Oid *actual_arg_types,
1745 : Oid *declared_arg_types)
1746 : {
1747 : int numDirectArgs,
1748 : numNonHypotheticalArgs;
1749 : int hargpos;
1750 :
1751 144 : numDirectArgs = list_length(fargs) - numAggregatedArgs;
1752 144 : numNonHypotheticalArgs = numDirectArgs - numAggregatedArgs;
1753 : /* safety check (should only trigger with a misdeclared agg) */
1754 144 : if (numNonHypotheticalArgs < 0)
1755 0 : elog(ERROR, "incorrect number of arguments to hypothetical-set aggregate");
1756 :
1757 : /* Check each hypothetical arg and corresponding aggregated arg */
1758 330 : for (hargpos = numNonHypotheticalArgs; hargpos < numDirectArgs; hargpos++)
1759 : {
1760 198 : int aargpos = numDirectArgs + (hargpos - numNonHypotheticalArgs);
1761 198 : ListCell *harg = list_nth_cell(fargs, hargpos);
1762 198 : ListCell *aarg = list_nth_cell(fargs, aargpos);
1763 : Oid commontype;
1764 : int32 commontypmod;
1765 :
1766 : /* A mismatch means AggregateCreate didn't check properly ... */
1767 198 : if (declared_arg_types[hargpos] != declared_arg_types[aargpos])
1768 0 : elog(ERROR, "hypothetical-set aggregate has inconsistent declared argument types");
1769 :
1770 : /* No need to unify if make_fn_arguments will coerce */
1771 198 : if (declared_arg_types[hargpos] != ANYOID)
1772 0 : continue;
1773 :
1774 : /*
1775 : * Select common type, giving preference to the aggregated argument's
1776 : * type (we'd rather coerce the direct argument once than coerce all
1777 : * the aggregated values).
1778 : */
1779 198 : commontype = select_common_type(pstate,
1780 198 : list_make2(lfirst(aarg), lfirst(harg)),
1781 : "WITHIN GROUP",
1782 : NULL);
1783 192 : commontypmod = select_common_typmod(pstate,
1784 192 : list_make2(lfirst(aarg), lfirst(harg)),
1785 : commontype);
1786 :
1787 : /*
1788 : * Perform the coercions. We don't need to worry about NamedArgExprs
1789 : * here because they aren't supported with aggregates.
1790 : */
1791 378 : lfirst(harg) = coerce_type(pstate,
1792 192 : (Node *) lfirst(harg),
1793 192 : actual_arg_types[hargpos],
1794 : commontype, commontypmod,
1797 : -1);
1798 186 : actual_arg_types[hargpos] = commontype;
1799 372 : lfirst(aarg) = coerce_type(pstate,
1800 186 : (Node *) lfirst(aarg),
1801 186 : actual_arg_types[aargpos],
1802 : commontype, commontypmod,
1805 : -1);
1806 186 : actual_arg_types[aargpos] = commontype;
1807 : }
1808 132 : }
1809 :
1810 :
1811 : /*
1812 : * make_fn_arguments()
1813 : *
1814 : * Given the actual argument expressions for a function, and the desired
1815 : * input types for the function, add any necessary typecasting to the
1816 : * expression tree. Caller should already have verified that casting is
1817 : * allowed.
1818 : *
1819 : * Caution: given argument list is modified in-place.
1820 : *
1821 : * As with coerce_type, pstate may be NULL if no special unknown-Param
1822 : * processing is wanted.
1823 : */
1824 : void
1825 1145844 : make_fn_arguments(ParseState *pstate,
1826 : List *fargs,
1827 : Oid *actual_arg_types,
1828 : Oid *declared_arg_types)
1829 : {
1830 : ListCell *current_fargs;
1831 1145844 : int i = 0;
1832 :
1833 3301014 : foreach(current_fargs, fargs)
1834 : {
1835 : /* types don't match? then force coercion using a function call... */
1836 2155246 : if (actual_arg_types[i] != declared_arg_types[i])
1837 : {
1838 619200 : Node *node = (Node *) lfirst(current_fargs);
1839 :
1840 : /*
1841 : * If arg is a NamedArgExpr, coerce its input expr instead --- we
1842 : * want the NamedArgExpr to stay at the top level of the list.
1843 : */
1844 619200 : if (IsA(node, NamedArgExpr))
1845 : {
1846 22632 : NamedArgExpr *na = (NamedArgExpr *) node;
1847 :
1848 22632 : node = coerce_type(pstate,
1849 22632 : (Node *) na->arg,
1850 22632 : actual_arg_types[i],
1851 22632 : declared_arg_types[i], -1,
1854 : -1);
1855 22632 : na->arg = (Expr *) node;
1856 : }
1857 : else
1858 : {
1859 596568 : node = coerce_type(pstate,
1860 : node,
1861 596568 : actual_arg_types[i],
1862 596568 : declared_arg_types[i], -1,
1865 : -1);
1866 596492 : lfirst(current_fargs) = node;
1867 : }
1868 : }
1869 2155170 : i++;
1870 : }
1871 1145768 : }
1872 :
1873 : /*
1874 : * FuncNameAsType -
1875 : * convenience routine to see if a function name matches a type name
1876 : *
1877 : * Returns the OID of the matching type, or InvalidOid if none. We ignore
1878 : * shell types and complex types.
1879 : */
1880 : static Oid
1881 84306 : FuncNameAsType(List *funcname)
1882 : {
1883 : Oid result;
1884 : Type typtup;
1885 :
1886 : /*
1887 : * temp_ok=false protects the <refsect1 id="sql-createfunction-security">
1888 : * contract for writing SECURITY DEFINER functions safely.
1889 : */
1890 84306 : typtup = LookupTypeNameExtended(NULL, makeTypeNameFromNameList(funcname),
1891 : NULL, false, false);
1892 84306 : if (typtup == NULL)
1893 83586 : return InvalidOid;
1894 :
1895 1440 : if (((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typtup))->typisdefined &&
1896 720 : !OidIsValid(typeTypeRelid(typtup)))
1897 708 : result = typeTypeId(typtup);
1898 : else
1899 12 : result = InvalidOid;
1900 :
1901 720 : ReleaseSysCache(typtup);
1902 720 : return result;
1903 : }
1904 :
1905 : /*
1906 : * ParseComplexProjection -
1907 : * handles function calls with a single argument that is of complex type.
1908 : * If the function call is actually a column projection, return a suitably
1909 : * transformed expression tree. If not, return NULL.
1910 : */
1911 : static Node *
1912 10664 : ParseComplexProjection(ParseState *pstate, const char *funcname, Node *first_arg,
1913 : int location)
1914 : {
1915 : TupleDesc tupdesc;
1916 : int i;
1917 :
1918 : /*
1919 : * Special case for whole-row Vars so that we can resolve (foo.*).bar even
1920 : * when foo is a reference to a subselect, join, or RECORD function. A
1921 : * bonus is that we avoid generating an unnecessary FieldSelect; our
1922 : * result can omit the whole-row Var and just be a Var for the selected
1923 : * field.
1924 : *
1925 : * This case could be handled by expandRecordVariable, but it's more
1926 : * efficient to do it this way when possible.
1927 : */
1928 10664 : if (IsA(first_arg, Var) &&
1929 8404 : ((Var *) first_arg)->varattno == InvalidAttrNumber)
1930 : {
1931 : ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem;
1932 :
1933 180 : nsitem = GetNSItemByRangeTablePosn(pstate,
1934 : ((Var *) first_arg)->varno,
1935 180 : ((Var *) first_arg)->varlevelsup);
1936 : /* Return a Var if funcname matches a column, else NULL */
1937 180 : return scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, nsitem,
1938 180 : ((Var *) first_arg)->varlevelsup,
1939 : funcname, location);
1940 : }
1941 :
1942 : /*
1943 : * Else do it the hard way with get_expr_result_tupdesc().
1944 : *
1945 : * If it's a Var of type RECORD, we have to work even harder: we have to
1946 : * find what the Var refers to, and pass that to get_expr_result_tupdesc.
1947 : * That task is handled by expandRecordVariable().
1948 : */
1949 10484 : if (IsA(first_arg, Var) &&
1950 8224 : ((Var *) first_arg)->vartype == RECORDOID)
1951 1748 : tupdesc = expandRecordVariable(pstate, (Var *) first_arg, 0);
1952 : else
1953 8736 : tupdesc = get_expr_result_tupdesc(first_arg, true);
1954 10484 : if (!tupdesc)
1955 2 : return NULL; /* unresolvable RECORD type */
1956 :
1957 119532 : for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++)
1958 : {
1959 119472 : Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i);
1960 :
1961 119472 : if (strcmp(funcname, NameStr(att->attname)) == 0 &&
1962 10422 : !att->attisdropped)
1963 : {
1964 : /* Success, so generate a FieldSelect expression */
1965 10422 : FieldSelect *fselect = makeNode(FieldSelect);
1966 :
1967 10422 : fselect->arg = (Expr *) first_arg;
1968 10422 : fselect->fieldnum = i + 1;
1969 10422 : fselect->resulttype = att->atttypid;
1970 10422 : fselect->resulttypmod = att->atttypmod;
1971 : /* save attribute's collation for parse_collate.c */
1972 10422 : fselect->resultcollid = att->attcollation;
1973 10422 : return (Node *) fselect;
1974 : }
1975 : }
1976 :
1977 60 : return NULL; /* funcname does not match any column */
1978 : }
1979 :
1980 : /*
1981 : * funcname_signature_string
1982 : * Build a string representing a function name, including arg types.
1983 : * The result is something like "foo(integer)".
1984 : *
1985 : * If argnames isn't NIL, it is a list of C strings representing the actual
1986 : * arg names for the last N arguments. This must be considered part of the
1987 : * function signature too, when dealing with named-notation function calls.
1988 : *
1989 : * This is typically used in the construction of function-not-found error
1990 : * messages.
1991 : */
1992 : const char *
1993 792 : funcname_signature_string(const char *funcname, int nargs,
1994 : List *argnames, const Oid *argtypes)
1995 : {
1996 : StringInfoData argbuf;
1997 : int numposargs;
1998 : ListCell *lc;
1999 : int i;
2000 :
2001 792 : initStringInfo(&argbuf);
2002 :
2003 792 : appendStringInfo(&argbuf, "%s(", funcname);
2004 :
2005 792 : numposargs = nargs - list_length(argnames);
2006 792 : lc = list_head(argnames);
2007 :
2008 1998 : for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
2009 : {
2010 1206 : if (i)
2011 544 : appendStringInfoString(&argbuf, ", ");
2012 1206 : if (i >= numposargs)
2013 : {
2014 48 : appendStringInfo(&argbuf, "%s => ", (char *) lfirst(lc));
2015 48 : lc = lnext(argnames, lc);
2016 : }
2017 1206 : appendStringInfoString(&argbuf, format_type_be(argtypes[i]));
2018 : }
2019 :
2020 792 : appendStringInfoChar(&argbuf, ')');
2021 :
2022 792 : return; /* return palloc'd string buffer */
2023 : }
2024 :
2025 : /*
2026 : * func_signature_string
2027 : * As above, but function name is passed as a qualified name list.
2028 : */
2029 : const char *
2030 768 : func_signature_string(List *funcname, int nargs,
2031 : List *argnames, const Oid *argtypes)
2032 : {
2033 768 : return funcname_signature_string(NameListToString(funcname),
2034 : nargs, argnames, argtypes);
2035 : }
2036 :
2037 : /*
2038 : * LookupFuncNameInternal
2039 : * Workhorse for LookupFuncName/LookupFuncWithArgs
2040 : *
2041 : * In an error situation, e.g. can't find the function, then we return
2042 : * InvalidOid and set *lookupError to indicate what went wrong.
2043 : *
2044 : * Possible errors:
2045 : * FUNCLOOKUP_NOSUCHFUNC: we can't find a function of this name.
2046 : * FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS: more than one function matches.
2047 : */
2048 : static Oid
2049 38738 : LookupFuncNameInternal(ObjectType objtype, List *funcname,
2050 : int nargs, const Oid *argtypes,
2051 : bool include_out_arguments, bool missing_ok,
2052 : FuncLookupError *lookupError)
2053 : {
2054 38738 : Oid result = InvalidOid;
2055 : FuncCandidateList clist;
2056 :
2057 : /* NULL argtypes allowed for nullary functions only */
2058 : Assert(argtypes != NULL || nargs == 0);
2059 :
2060 : /* Always set *lookupError, to forestall uninitialized-variable warnings */
2061 38738 : *lookupError = FUNCLOOKUP_NOSUCHFUNC;
2062 :
2063 : /* Get list of candidate objects */
2064 38738 : clist = FuncnameGetCandidates(funcname, nargs, NIL, false, false,
2065 : include_out_arguments, missing_ok);
2066 :
2067 : /* Scan list for a match to the arg types (if specified) and the objtype */
2068 85070 : for (; clist != NULL; clist = clist->next)
2069 : {
2070 : /* Check arg type match, if specified */
2071 46416 : if (nargs >= 0)
2072 : {
2073 : /* if nargs==0, argtypes can be null; don't pass that to memcmp */
2074 46008 : if (nargs > 0 &&
2075 25542 : memcmp(argtypes, clist->args, nargs * sizeof(Oid)) != 0)
2076 9664 : continue;
2077 : }
2078 :
2079 : /* Check for duplicates reported by FuncnameGetCandidates */
2080 36752 : if (!OidIsValid(clist->oid))
2081 : {
2082 6 : *lookupError = FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS;
2083 6 : return InvalidOid;
2084 : }
2085 :
2086 : /* Check objtype match, if specified */
2087 36746 : switch (objtype)
2088 : {
2089 21848 : case OBJECT_FUNCTION:
2091 : /* Ignore procedures */
2092 21848 : if (get_func_prokind(clist->oid) == PROKIND_PROCEDURE)
2093 0 : continue;
2094 21848 : break;
2095 188 : case OBJECT_PROCEDURE:
2096 : /* Ignore non-procedures */
2097 188 : if (get_func_prokind(clist->oid) != PROKIND_PROCEDURE)
2098 12 : continue;
2099 176 : break;
2100 14710 : case OBJECT_ROUTINE:
2101 : /* no restriction */
2102 14710 : break;
2103 36734 : default:
2104 : Assert(false);
2105 : }
2106 :
2107 : /* Check for multiple matches */
2108 36734 : if (OidIsValid(result))
2109 : {
2110 42 : *lookupError = FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS;
2111 42 : return InvalidOid;
2112 : }
2113 :
2114 : /* OK, we have a candidate */
2115 36692 : result = clist->oid;
2116 : }
2117 :
2118 38654 : return result;
2119 : }
2120 :
2121 : /*
2122 : * LookupFuncName
2123 : *
2124 : * Given a possibly-qualified function name and optionally a set of argument
2125 : * types, look up the function. Pass nargs == -1 to indicate that the number
2126 : * and types of the arguments are unspecified (this is NOT the same as
2127 : * specifying that there are no arguments).
2128 : *
2129 : * If the function name is not schema-qualified, it is sought in the current
2130 : * namespace search path.
2131 : *
2132 : * If the function is not found, we return InvalidOid if missing_ok is true,
2133 : * else raise an error.
2134 : *
2135 : * If nargs == -1 and multiple functions are found matching this function name
2136 : * we will raise an ambiguous-function error, regardless of what missing_ok is
2137 : * set to.
2138 : *
2139 : * Only functions will be found; procedures will be ignored even if they
2140 : * match the name and argument types. (However, we don't trouble to reject
2141 : * aggregates or window functions here.)
2142 : */
2143 : Oid
2144 23308 : LookupFuncName(List *funcname, int nargs, const Oid *argtypes, bool missing_ok)
2145 : {
2146 : Oid funcoid;
2147 : FuncLookupError lookupError;
2148 :
2149 23308 : funcoid = LookupFuncNameInternal(OBJECT_FUNCTION,
2150 : funcname, nargs, argtypes,
2151 : false, missing_ok,
2152 : &lookupError);
2153 :
2154 23308 : if (OidIsValid(funcoid))
2155 21556 : return funcoid;
2156 :
2157 1752 : switch (lookupError)
2158 : {
2160 : /* Let the caller deal with it when missing_ok is true */
2161 1752 : if (missing_ok)
2162 1712 : return InvalidOid;
2163 :
2164 40 : if (nargs < 0)
2165 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2167 : errmsg("could not find a function named \"%s\"",
2168 : NameListToString(funcname))));
2169 : else
2170 40 : ereport(ERROR,
2172 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
2173 : func_signature_string(funcname, nargs,
2174 : NIL, argtypes))));
2175 : break;
2176 :
2178 : /* Raise an error regardless of missing_ok */
2179 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2181 : errmsg("function name \"%s\" is not unique",
2182 : NameListToString(funcname)),
2183 : errhint("Specify the argument list to select the function unambiguously.")));
2184 : break;
2185 : }
2186 :
2187 0 : return InvalidOid; /* Keep compiler quiet */
2188 : }
2189 :
2190 : /*
2191 : * LookupFuncWithArgs
2192 : *
2193 : * Like LookupFuncName, but the argument types are specified by an
2194 : * ObjectWithArgs node. Also, this function can check whether the result is a
2195 : * function, procedure, or aggregate, based on the objtype argument. Pass
2196 : * OBJECT_ROUTINE to accept any of them.
2197 : *
2198 : * For historical reasons, we also accept aggregates when looking for a
2199 : * function.
2200 : *
2201 : * When missing_ok is true we don't generate any error for missing objects and
2202 : * return InvalidOid. Other types of errors can still be raised, regardless
2203 : * of the value of missing_ok.
2204 : */
2205 : Oid
2206 15340 : LookupFuncWithArgs(ObjectType objtype, ObjectWithArgs *func, bool missing_ok)
2207 : {
2208 : Oid argoids[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
2209 : int argcount;
2210 : int nargs;
2211 : int i;
2212 : ListCell *args_item;
2213 : Oid oid;
2214 : FuncLookupError lookupError;
2215 :
2216 : Assert(objtype == OBJECT_AGGREGATE ||
2217 : objtype == OBJECT_FUNCTION ||
2218 : objtype == OBJECT_PROCEDURE ||
2219 : objtype == OBJECT_ROUTINE);
2220 :
2221 15340 : argcount = list_length(func->objargs);
2222 15340 : if (argcount > FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
2223 : {
2224 0 : if (objtype == OBJECT_PROCEDURE)
2225 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2227 : errmsg_plural("procedures cannot have more than %d argument",
2228 : "procedures cannot have more than %d arguments",
2230 : FUNC_MAX_ARGS)));
2231 : else
2232 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2234 : errmsg_plural("functions cannot have more than %d argument",
2235 : "functions cannot have more than %d arguments",
2237 : FUNC_MAX_ARGS)));
2238 : }
2239 :
2240 : /*
2241 : * First, perform a lookup considering only input arguments (traditional
2242 : * Postgres rules).
2243 : */
2244 15340 : i = 0;
2245 32972 : foreach(args_item, func->objargs)
2246 : {
2247 17662 : TypeName *t = lfirst_node(TypeName, args_item);
2248 :
2249 17662 : argoids[i] = LookupTypeNameOid(NULL, t, missing_ok);
2250 17656 : if (!OidIsValid(argoids[i]))
2251 24 : return InvalidOid; /* missing_ok must be true */
2252 17632 : i++;
2253 : }
2254 :
2255 : /*
2256 : * Set nargs for LookupFuncNameInternal. It expects -1 to mean no args
2257 : * were specified.
2258 : */
2259 15310 : nargs = func->args_unspecified ? -1 : argcount;
2260 :
2261 : /*
2262 : * In args_unspecified mode, also tell LookupFuncNameInternal to consider
2263 : * the object type, since there seems no reason not to. However, if we
2264 : * have an argument list, disable the objtype check, because we'd rather
2265 : * complain about "object is of wrong type" than "object doesn't exist".
2266 : * (Note that with args, FuncnameGetCandidates will have ensured there's
2267 : * only one argtype match, so we're not risking an ambiguity failure via
2268 : * this choice.)
2269 : */
2270 15310 : oid = LookupFuncNameInternal(func->args_unspecified ? objtype : OBJECT_ROUTINE,
2271 : func->objname, nargs, argoids,
2272 : false, missing_ok,
2273 : &lookupError);
2274 :
2275 : /*
2276 : * If PROCEDURE or ROUTINE was specified, and we have an argument list
2277 : * that contains no parameter mode markers, and we didn't already discover
2278 : * that there's ambiguity, perform a lookup considering all arguments.
2279 : * (Note: for a zero-argument procedure, or in args_unspecified mode, the
2280 : * normal lookup is sufficient; so it's OK to require non-NIL objfuncargs
2281 : * to perform this lookup.)
2282 : */
2283 15274 : if ((objtype == OBJECT_PROCEDURE || objtype == OBJECT_ROUTINE) &&
2284 326 : func->objfuncargs != NIL &&
2285 156 : lookupError != FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS)
2286 : {
2287 156 : bool have_param_mode = false;
2288 :
2289 : /*
2290 : * Check for non-default parameter mode markers. If there are any,
2291 : * then the command does not conform to SQL-spec syntax, so we may
2292 : * assume that the traditional Postgres lookup method of considering
2293 : * only input parameters is sufficient. (Note that because the spec
2294 : * doesn't have OUT arguments for functions, we also don't need this
2295 : * hack in FUNCTION or AGGREGATE mode.)
2296 : */
2297 324 : foreach(args_item, func->objfuncargs)
2298 : {
2299 204 : FunctionParameter *fp = lfirst_node(FunctionParameter, args_item);
2300 :
2301 204 : if (fp->mode != FUNC_PARAM_DEFAULT)
2302 : {
2303 36 : have_param_mode = true;
2304 36 : break;
2305 : }
2306 : }
2307 :
2308 156 : if (!have_param_mode)
2309 : {
2310 : Oid poid;
2311 :
2312 : /* Without mode marks, objargs surely includes all params */
2313 : Assert(list_length(func->objfuncargs) == argcount);
2314 :
2315 : /* For objtype == OBJECT_PROCEDURE, we can ignore non-procedures */
2316 120 : poid = LookupFuncNameInternal(objtype, func->objname,
2317 : argcount, argoids,
2318 : true, missing_ok,
2319 : &lookupError);
2320 :
2321 : /* Combine results, handling ambiguity */
2322 120 : if (OidIsValid(poid))
2323 : {
2324 102 : if (OidIsValid(oid) && oid != poid)
2325 : {
2326 : /* oops, we got hits both ways, on different objects */
2327 0 : oid = InvalidOid;
2328 0 : lookupError = FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS;
2329 : }
2330 : else
2331 102 : oid = poid;
2332 : }
2333 18 : else if (lookupError == FUNCLOOKUP_AMBIGUOUS)
2334 6 : oid = InvalidOid;
2335 : }
2336 : }
2337 :
2338 15274 : if (OidIsValid(oid))
2339 : {
2340 : /*
2341 : * Even if we found the function, perform validation that the objtype
2342 : * matches the prokind of the found function. For historical reasons
2343 : * we allow the objtype of FUNCTION to include aggregates and window
2344 : * functions; but we draw the line if the object is a procedure. That
2345 : * is a new enough feature that this historical rule does not apply.
2346 : *
2347 : * (This check is partially redundant with the objtype check in
2348 : * LookupFuncNameInternal; but not entirely, since we often don't tell
2349 : * LookupFuncNameInternal to apply that check at all.)
2350 : */
2351 14996 : switch (objtype)
2352 : {
2353 14438 : case OBJECT_FUNCTION:
2354 : /* Only complain if it's a procedure. */
2355 14438 : if (get_func_prokind(oid) == PROKIND_PROCEDURE)
2356 18 : ereport(ERROR,
2358 : errmsg("%s is not a function",
2359 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2360 : NIL, argoids))));
2361 14420 : break;
2362 :
2363 218 : case OBJECT_PROCEDURE:
2364 : /* Reject if found object is not a procedure. */
2365 218 : if (get_func_prokind(oid) != PROKIND_PROCEDURE)
2366 12 : ereport(ERROR,
2368 : errmsg("%s is not a procedure",
2369 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2370 : NIL, argoids))));
2371 206 : break;
2372 :
2373 298 : case OBJECT_AGGREGATE:
2374 : /* Reject if found object is not an aggregate. */
2375 298 : if (get_func_prokind(oid) != PROKIND_AGGREGATE)
2376 18 : ereport(ERROR,
2378 : errmsg("function %s is not an aggregate",
2379 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2380 : NIL, argoids))));
2381 280 : break;
2382 :
2383 42 : default:
2384 : /* OBJECT_ROUTINE accepts anything. */
2385 42 : break;
2386 : }
2387 :
2388 14948 : return oid; /* All good */
2389 : }
2390 : else
2391 : {
2392 : /* Deal with cases where the lookup failed */
2393 278 : switch (lookupError)
2394 : {
2396 : /* Suppress no-such-func errors when missing_ok is true */
2397 230 : if (missing_ok)
2398 52 : break;
2399 :
2400 : switch (objtype)
2401 : {
2402 36 : case OBJECT_PROCEDURE:
2403 36 : if (func->args_unspecified)
2404 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2406 : errmsg("could not find a procedure named \"%s\"",
2407 : NameListToString(func->objname))));
2408 : else
2409 36 : ereport(ERROR,
2411 : errmsg("procedure %s does not exist",
2412 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2413 : NIL, argoids))));
2414 : break;
2415 :
2416 60 : case OBJECT_AGGREGATE:
2417 60 : if (func->args_unspecified)
2418 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2420 : errmsg("could not find an aggregate named \"%s\"",
2421 : NameListToString(func->objname))));
2422 60 : else if (argcount == 0)
2423 24 : ereport(ERROR,
2425 : errmsg("aggregate %s(*) does not exist",
2426 : NameListToString(func->objname))));
2427 : else
2428 36 : ereport(ERROR,
2430 : errmsg("aggregate %s does not exist",
2431 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2432 : NIL, argoids))));
2433 : break;
2434 :
2435 82 : default:
2436 : /* FUNCTION and ROUTINE */
2437 82 : if (func->args_unspecified)
2438 6 : ereport(ERROR,
2440 : errmsg("could not find a function named \"%s\"",
2441 : NameListToString(func->objname))));
2442 : else
2443 76 : ereport(ERROR,
2445 : errmsg("function %s does not exist",
2446 : func_signature_string(func->objname, argcount,
2447 : NIL, argoids))));
2448 : break;
2449 : }
2450 : break;
2451 :
2453 : switch (objtype)
2454 : {
2455 18 : case OBJECT_FUNCTION:
2456 18 : ereport(ERROR,
2458 : errmsg("function name \"%s\" is not unique",
2459 : NameListToString(func->objname)),
2460 : func->args_unspecified ?
2461 : errhint("Specify the argument list to select the function unambiguously.") : 0));
2462 : break;
2463 24 : case OBJECT_PROCEDURE:
2464 24 : ereport(ERROR,
2466 : errmsg("procedure name \"%s\" is not unique",
2467 : NameListToString(func->objname)),
2468 : func->args_unspecified ?
2469 : errhint("Specify the argument list to select the procedure unambiguously.") : 0));
2470 : break;
2471 0 : case OBJECT_AGGREGATE:
2472 0 : ereport(ERROR,
2474 : errmsg("aggregate name \"%s\" is not unique",
2475 : NameListToString(func->objname)),
2476 : func->args_unspecified ?
2477 : errhint("Specify the argument list to select the aggregate unambiguously.") : 0));
2478 : break;
2479 6 : case OBJECT_ROUTINE:
2480 6 : ereport(ERROR,
2482 : errmsg("routine name \"%s\" is not unique",
2483 : NameListToString(func->objname)),
2484 : func->args_unspecified ?
2485 : errhint("Specify the argument list to select the routine unambiguously.") : 0));
2486 : break;
2487 :
2488 0 : default:
2489 : Assert(false); /* Disallowed by Assert above */
2490 0 : break;
2491 : }
2492 0 : break;
2493 : }
2494 :
2495 52 : return InvalidOid;
2496 : }
2497 : }
2498 :
2499 : /*
2500 : * check_srf_call_placement
2501 : * Verify that a set-returning function is called in a valid place,
2502 : * and throw a nice error if not.
2503 : *
2504 : * A side-effect is to set pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs true if appropriate.
2505 : *
2506 : * last_srf should be a copy of pstate->p_last_srf from just before we
2507 : * started transforming the function's arguments. This allows detection
2508 : * of whether the SRF's arguments contain any SRFs.
2509 : */
2510 : void
2511 49278 : check_srf_call_placement(ParseState *pstate, Node *last_srf, int location)
2512 : {
2513 : const char *err;
2514 : bool errkind;
2515 :
2516 : /*
2517 : * Check to see if the set-returning function is in an invalid place
2518 : * within the query. Basically, we don't allow SRFs anywhere except in
2519 : * the targetlist (which includes GROUP BY/ORDER BY expressions), VALUES,
2520 : * and functions in FROM.
2521 : *
2522 : * For brevity we support two schemes for reporting an error here: set
2523 : * "err" to a custom message, or set "errkind" true if the error context
2524 : * is sufficiently identified by what ParseExprKindName will return, *and*
2525 : * what it will return is just a SQL keyword. (Otherwise, use a custom
2526 : * message to avoid creating translation problems.)
2527 : */
2528 49278 : err = NULL;
2529 49278 : errkind = false;
2530 49278 : switch (pstate->p_expr_kind)
2531 : {
2532 0 : case EXPR_KIND_NONE:
2533 : Assert(false); /* can't happen */
2534 0 : break;
2535 0 : case EXPR_KIND_OTHER:
2536 : /* Accept SRF here; caller must throw error if wanted */
2537 0 : break;
2538 0 : case EXPR_KIND_JOIN_ON:
2540 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in JOIN conditions");
2541 0 : break;
2543 : /* can't get here, but just in case, throw an error */
2544 0 : errkind = true;
2545 0 : break;
2546 38240 : case EXPR_KIND_FROM_FUNCTION:
2547 : /* okay, but we don't allow nested SRFs here */
2548 : /* errmsg is chosen to match transformRangeFunction() */
2549 : /* errposition should point to the inner SRF */
2550 38240 : if (pstate->p_last_srf != last_srf)
2551 6 : ereport(ERROR,
2553 : errmsg("set-returning functions must appear at top level of FROM"),
2554 : parser_errposition(pstate,
2555 : exprLocation(pstate->p_last_srf))));
2556 38234 : break;
2557 0 : case EXPR_KIND_WHERE:
2558 0 : errkind = true;
2559 0 : break;
2560 0 : case EXPR_KIND_POLICY:
2561 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in policy expressions");
2562 0 : break;
2563 0 : case EXPR_KIND_HAVING:
2564 0 : errkind = true;
2565 0 : break;
2566 0 : case EXPR_KIND_FILTER:
2567 0 : errkind = true;
2568 0 : break;
2571 : /* okay, these are effectively GROUP BY/ORDER BY */
2572 12 : pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs = true;
2573 12 : break;
2577 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in window definitions");
2578 0 : break;
2579 10836 : case EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET:
2581 : /* okay */
2582 10836 : pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs = true;
2583 10836 : break;
2586 : /* disallowed because it would be ambiguous what to do */
2587 6 : errkind = true;
2588 6 : break;
2589 36 : case EXPR_KIND_GROUP_BY:
2590 : case EXPR_KIND_ORDER_BY:
2591 : /* okay */
2592 36 : pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs = true;
2593 36 : break;
2594 0 : case EXPR_KIND_DISTINCT_ON:
2595 : /* okay */
2596 0 : pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs = true;
2597 0 : break;
2598 6 : case EXPR_KIND_LIMIT:
2599 : case EXPR_KIND_OFFSET:
2600 6 : errkind = true;
2601 6 : break;
2602 6 : case EXPR_KIND_RETURNING:
2604 6 : errkind = true;
2605 6 : break;
2606 6 : case EXPR_KIND_VALUES:
2607 : /* SRFs are presently not supported by nodeValuesscan.c */
2608 6 : errkind = true;
2609 6 : break;
2611 : /* okay, since we process this like a SELECT tlist */
2612 88 : pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs = true;
2613 88 : break;
2614 0 : case EXPR_KIND_MERGE_WHEN:
2615 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in MERGE WHEN conditions");
2616 0 : break;
2619 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in check constraints");
2620 0 : break;
2623 6 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in DEFAULT expressions");
2624 6 : break;
2626 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in index expressions");
2627 0 : break;
2629 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in index predicates");
2630 0 : break;
2632 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in statistics expressions");
2633 0 : break;
2635 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in transform expressions");
2636 0 : break;
2638 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in EXECUTE parameters");
2639 0 : break;
2641 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in trigger WHEN conditions");
2642 0 : break;
2644 12 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in partition bound");
2645 12 : break;
2647 6 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in partition key expressions");
2648 6 : break;
2650 0 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in CALL arguments");
2651 0 : break;
2652 6 : case EXPR_KIND_COPY_WHERE:
2653 6 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in COPY FROM WHERE conditions");
2654 6 : break;
2656 12 : err = _("set-returning functions are not allowed in column generation expressions");
2657 12 : break;
2658 0 : case EXPR_KIND_CYCLE_MARK:
2659 0 : errkind = true;
2660 0 : break;
2661 :
2662 : /*
2663 : * There is intentionally no default: case here, so that the
2664 : * compiler will warn if we add a new ParseExprKind without
2665 : * extending this switch. If we do see an unrecognized value at
2666 : * runtime, the behavior will be the same as for EXPR_KIND_OTHER,
2667 : * which is sane anyway.
2668 : */
2669 : }
2670 49272 : if (err)
2671 42 : ereport(ERROR,
2673 : errmsg_internal("%s", err),
2674 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
2675 49230 : if (errkind)
2676 24 : ereport(ERROR,
2678 : /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg GROUP BY */
2679 : errmsg("set-returning functions are not allowed in %s",
2680 : ParseExprKindName(pstate->p_expr_kind)),
2681 : parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
2682 49206 : }