Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * readfuncs.switch.c
4 : * Generated node infrastructure code
5 : *
6 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 : * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8 : *
9 : * NOTES
10 : * ******************************
11 : * *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! ***
12 : * ******************************
13 : *
14 : * It has been GENERATED by src/backend/nodes/
15 : *
16 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 : */
18 70227650 : if (MATCH("ALIAS", 5))
19 3324108 : return (Node *) _readAlias();
20 66903542 : if (MATCH("RANGEVAR", 8))
21 867288 : return (Node *) _readRangeVar();
22 66036254 : if (MATCH("TABLEFUNC", 9))
23 1488 : return (Node *) _readTableFunc();
24 66034766 : if (MATCH("INTOCLAUSE", 10))
25 3808 : return (Node *) _readIntoClause();
26 66030958 : if (MATCH("VAR", 3))
27 22603426 : return (Node *) _readVar();
28 43427532 : if (MATCH("CONST", 5))
29 4823514 : return (Node *) _readConst();
30 38604018 : if (MATCH("PARAM", 5))
31 564328 : return (Node *) _readParam();
32 38039690 : if (MATCH("AGGREF", 6))
33 99030 : return (Node *) _readAggref();
34 37940660 : if (MATCH("GROUPINGFUNC", 12))
35 1092 : return (Node *) _readGroupingFunc();
36 37939568 : if (MATCH("WINDOWFUNC", 10))
37 6834 : return (Node *) _readWindowFunc();
38 37932734 : if (MATCH("WINDOWFUNCRUNCONDITION", 22))
39 360 : return (Node *) _readWindowFuncRunCondition();
40 37932374 : if (MATCH("MERGESUPPORTFUNC", 16))
41 726 : return (Node *) _readMergeSupportFunc();
42 37931648 : if (MATCH("SUBSCRIPTINGREF", 15))
43 271694 : return (Node *) _readSubscriptingRef();
44 37659954 : if (MATCH("FUNCEXPR", 8))
45 1021752 : return (Node *) _readFuncExpr();
46 36638202 : if (MATCH("NAMEDARGEXPR", 12))
47 96638 : return (Node *) _readNamedArgExpr();
48 36541564 : if (MATCH("OPEXPR", 6))
49 3091144 : return (Node *) _readOpExpr();
50 33450420 : if (MATCH("DISTINCTEXPR", 12))
51 1802 : return (Node *) _readDistinctExpr();
52 33448618 : if (MATCH("NULLIFEXPR", 10))
53 506 : return (Node *) _readNullIfExpr();
54 33448112 : if (MATCH("SCALARARRAYOPEXPR", 17))
55 75884 : return (Node *) _readScalarArrayOpExpr();
56 33372228 : if (MATCH("BOOLEXPR", 8))
57 547742 : return (Node *) _readBoolExpr();
58 32824486 : if (MATCH("SUBLINK", 7))
59 90842 : return (Node *) _readSubLink();
60 32733644 : if (MATCH("SUBPLAN", 7))
61 39544 : return (Node *) _readSubPlan();
62 32694100 : if (MATCH("ALTERNATIVESUBPLAN", 18))
63 0 : return (Node *) _readAlternativeSubPlan();
64 32694100 : if (MATCH("FIELDSELECT", 11))
65 28694 : return (Node *) _readFieldSelect();
66 32665406 : if (MATCH("FIELDSTORE", 10))
67 1106 : return (Node *) _readFieldStore();
68 32664300 : if (MATCH("RELABELTYPE", 11))
69 287298 : return (Node *) _readRelabelType();
70 32377002 : if (MATCH("COERCEVIAIO", 11))
71 50798 : return (Node *) _readCoerceViaIO();
72 32326204 : if (MATCH("ARRAYCOERCEEXPR", 15))
73 10450 : return (Node *) _readArrayCoerceExpr();
74 32315754 : if (MATCH("CONVERTROWTYPEEXPR", 18))
75 842 : return (Node *) _readConvertRowtypeExpr();
76 32314912 : if (MATCH("COLLATEEXPR", 11))
77 8840 : return (Node *) _readCollateExpr();
78 32306072 : if (MATCH("CASEEXPR", 8))
79 419302 : return (Node *) _readCaseExpr();
80 31886770 : if (MATCH("CASEWHEN", 8))
81 1528730 : return (Node *) _readCaseWhen();
82 30358040 : if (MATCH("CASETESTEXPR", 12))
83 58808 : return (Node *) _readCaseTestExpr();
84 30299232 : if (MATCH("ARRAYEXPR", 9))
85 37058 : return (Node *) _readArrayExpr();
86 30262174 : if (MATCH("ROWEXPR", 7))
87 13306 : return (Node *) _readRowExpr();
88 30248868 : if (MATCH("ROWCOMPAREEXPR", 14))
89 636 : return (Node *) _readRowCompareExpr();
90 30248232 : if (MATCH("COALESCEEXPR", 12))
91 18152 : return (Node *) _readCoalesceExpr();
92 30230080 : if (MATCH("MINMAXEXPR", 10))
93 836 : return (Node *) _readMinMaxExpr();
94 30229244 : if (MATCH("SQLVALUEFUNCTION", 16))
95 13756 : return (Node *) _readSQLValueFunction();
96 30215488 : if (MATCH("XMLEXPR", 7))
97 2502 : return (Node *) _readXmlExpr();
98 30212986 : if (MATCH("JSONFORMAT", 10))
99 24496 : return (Node *) _readJsonFormat();
100 30188490 : if (MATCH("JSONRETURNING", 13))
101 10388 : return (Node *) _readJsonReturning();
102 30178102 : if (MATCH("JSONVALUEEXPR", 13))
103 6344 : return (Node *) _readJsonValueExpr();
104 30171758 : if (MATCH("JSONCONSTRUCTOREXPR", 19))
105 2774 : return (Node *) _readJsonConstructorExpr();
106 30168984 : if (MATCH("JSONISPREDICATE", 15))
107 1128 : return (Node *) _readJsonIsPredicate();
108 30167856 : if (MATCH("JSONBEHAVIOR", 12))
109 11766 : return (Node *) _readJsonBehavior();
110 30156090 : if (MATCH("JSONEXPR", 8))
111 6128 : return (Node *) _readJsonExpr();
112 30149962 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLEPATH", 13))
113 1568 : return (Node *) _readJsonTablePath();
114 30148394 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLEPATHSCAN", 17))
115 1568 : return (Node *) _readJsonTablePathScan();
116 30146826 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLESIBLINGJOIN", 20))
117 210 : return (Node *) _readJsonTableSiblingJoin();
118 30146616 : if (MATCH("NULLTEST", 8))
119 50380 : return (Node *) _readNullTest();
120 30096236 : if (MATCH("BOOLEANTEST", 11))
121 3228 : return (Node *) _readBooleanTest();
122 30093008 : if (MATCH("MERGEACTION", 11))
123 6366 : return (Node *) _readMergeAction();
124 30086642 : if (MATCH("COERCETODOMAIN", 14))
125 129242 : return (Node *) _readCoerceToDomain();
126 29957400 : if (MATCH("COERCETODOMAINVALUE", 19))
127 1874 : return (Node *) _readCoerceToDomainValue();
128 29955526 : if (MATCH("SETTODEFAULT", 12))
129 1750 : return (Node *) _readSetToDefault();
130 29953776 : if (MATCH("CURRENTOFEXPR", 13))
131 902 : return (Node *) _readCurrentOfExpr();
132 29952874 : if (MATCH("NEXTVALUEEXPR", 13))
133 820 : return (Node *) _readNextValueExpr();
134 29952054 : if (MATCH("INFERENCEELEM", 13))
135 1884 : return (Node *) _readInferenceElem();
136 29950170 : if (MATCH("RETURNINGEXPR", 13))
137 1194 : return (Node *) _readReturningExpr();
138 29948976 : if (MATCH("TARGETENTRY", 11))
139 10440242 : return (Node *) _readTargetEntry();
140 19508734 : if (MATCH("RANGETBLREF", 11))
141 686670 : return (Node *) _readRangeTblRef();
142 18822064 : if (MATCH("JOINEXPR", 8))
143 300554 : return (Node *) _readJoinExpr();
144 18521510 : if (MATCH("FROMEXPR", 8))
145 664246 : return (Node *) _readFromExpr();
146 17857264 : if (MATCH("ONCONFLICTEXPR", 14))
147 1850 : return (Node *) _readOnConflictExpr();
148 17855414 : if (MATCH("QUERY", 5))
149 1019592 : return (Node *) _readQuery();
150 16835822 : if (MATCH("TYPENAME", 8))
151 787030 : return (Node *) _readTypeName();
152 16048792 : if (MATCH("COLUMNREF", 9))
153 2292278 : return (Node *) _readColumnRef();
154 13756514 : if (MATCH("PARAMREF", 8))
155 151738 : return (Node *) _readParamRef();
156 13604776 : if (MATCH("A_EXPR", 6))
157 745352 : return (Node *) _readA_Expr();
158 12859424 : if (MATCH("A_CONST", 7))
159 1474974 : return (Node *) _readA_Const();
160 11384450 : if (MATCH("TYPECAST", 8))
161 368442 : return (Node *) _readTypeCast();
162 11016008 : if (MATCH("COLLATECLAUSE", 13))
163 10444 : return (Node *) _readCollateClause();
164 11005564 : if (MATCH("ROLESPEC", 8))
165 54028 : return (Node *) _readRoleSpec();
166 10951536 : if (MATCH("FUNCCALL", 8))
167 428278 : return (Node *) _readFuncCall();
168 10523258 : if (MATCH("A_STAR", 6))
169 62508 : return (Node *) _readA_Star();
170 10460750 : if (MATCH("A_INDICES", 9))
171 14366 : return (Node *) _readA_Indices();
172 10446384 : if (MATCH("A_INDIRECTION", 13))
173 32760 : return (Node *) _readA_Indirection();
174 10413624 : if (MATCH("A_ARRAYEXPR", 11))
175 6760 : return (Node *) _readA_ArrayExpr();
176 10406864 : if (MATCH("RESTARGET", 9))
177 1497082 : return (Node *) _readResTarget();
178 8909782 : if (MATCH("MULTIASSIGNREF", 14))
179 402 : return (Node *) _readMultiAssignRef();
180 8909380 : if (MATCH("SORTBY", 6))
181 122212 : return (Node *) _readSortBy();
182 8787168 : if (MATCH("WINDOWDEF", 9))
183 4098 : return (Node *) _readWindowDef();
184 8783070 : if (MATCH("RANGESUBSELECT", 14))
185 17546 : return (Node *) _readRangeSubselect();
186 8765524 : if (MATCH("RANGEFUNCTION", 13))
187 51026 : return (Node *) _readRangeFunction();
188 8714498 : if (MATCH("RANGETABLEFUNC", 14))
189 242 : return (Node *) _readRangeTableFunc();
190 8714256 : if (MATCH("RANGETABLEFUNCCOL", 17))
191 870 : return (Node *) _readRangeTableFuncCol();
192 8713386 : if (MATCH("RANGETABLESAMPLE", 16))
193 280 : return (Node *) _readRangeTableSample();
194 8713106 : if (MATCH("COLUMNDEF", 9))
195 138930 : return (Node *) _readColumnDef();
196 8574176 : if (MATCH("TABLELIKECLAUSE", 15))
197 1536 : return (Node *) _readTableLikeClause();
198 8572640 : if (MATCH("INDEXELEM", 9))
199 19170 : return (Node *) _readIndexElem();
200 8553470 : if (MATCH("DEFELEM", 7))
201 316880 : return (Node *) _readDefElem();
202 8236590 : if (MATCH("LOCKINGCLAUSE", 13))
203 2176 : return (Node *) _readLockingClause();
204 8234414 : if (MATCH("XMLSERIALIZE", 12))
205 250 : return (Node *) _readXmlSerialize();
206 8234164 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONELEM", 13))
207 10768 : return (Node *) _readPartitionElem();
208 8223396 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONSPEC", 13))
209 9856 : return (Node *) _readPartitionSpec();
210 8213540 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONBOUNDSPEC", 18))
211 60424 : return (Node *) _readPartitionBoundSpec();
212 8153116 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONRANGEDATUM", 19))
213 45352 : return (Node *) _readPartitionRangeDatum();
214 8107764 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONCMD", 12))
215 6670 : return (Node *) _readPartitionCmd();
216 8101094 : if (MATCH("RANGETBLENTRY", 13))
217 2044164 : return (Node *) _readRangeTblEntry();
218 6056930 : if (MATCH("RTEPERMISSIONINFO", 17))
219 1212204 : return (Node *) _readRTEPermissionInfo();
220 4844726 : if (MATCH("RANGETBLFUNCTION", 16))
221 107814 : return (Node *) _readRangeTblFunction();
222 4736912 : if (MATCH("TABLESAMPLECLAUSE", 17))
223 614 : return (Node *) _readTableSampleClause();
224 4736298 : if (MATCH("WITHCHECKOPTION", 15))
225 4638 : return (Node *) _readWithCheckOption();
226 4731660 : if (MATCH("SORTGROUPCLAUSE", 15))
227 176196 : return (Node *) _readSortGroupClause();
228 4555464 : if (MATCH("GROUPINGSET", 11))
229 4180 : return (Node *) _readGroupingSet();
230 4551284 : if (MATCH("WINDOWCLAUSE", 12))
231 2872 : return (Node *) _readWindowClause();
232 4548412 : if (MATCH("ROWMARKCLAUSE", 13))
233 5476 : return (Node *) _readRowMarkClause();
234 4542936 : if (MATCH("WITHCLAUSE", 10))
235 2968 : return (Node *) _readWithClause();
236 4539968 : if (MATCH("INFERCLAUSE", 11))
237 1634 : return (Node *) _readInferClause();
238 4538334 : if (MATCH("ONCONFLICTCLAUSE", 16))
239 1874 : return (Node *) _readOnConflictClause();
240 4536460 : if (MATCH("CTESEARCHCLAUSE", 15))
241 228 : return (Node *) _readCTESearchClause();
242 4536232 : if (MATCH("CTECYCLECLAUSE", 14))
243 246 : return (Node *) _readCTECycleClause();
244 4535986 : if (MATCH("COMMONTABLEEXPR", 15))
245 7850 : return (Node *) _readCommonTableExpr();
246 4528136 : if (MATCH("MERGEWHENCLAUSE", 15))
247 2948 : return (Node *) _readMergeWhenClause();
248 4525188 : if (MATCH("RETURNINGOPTION", 15))
249 150 : return (Node *) _readReturningOption();
250 4525038 : if (MATCH("RETURNINGCLAUSE", 15))
251 3218 : return (Node *) _readReturningClause();
252 4521820 : if (MATCH("TRIGGERTRANSITION", 17))
253 1184 : return (Node *) _readTriggerTransition();
254 4520636 : if (MATCH("JSONOUTPUT", 10))
255 1486 : return (Node *) _readJsonOutput();
256 4519150 : if (MATCH("JSONARGUMENT", 12))
257 630 : return (Node *) _readJsonArgument();
258 4518520 : if (MATCH("JSONFUNCEXPR", 12))
259 1992 : return (Node *) _readJsonFuncExpr();
260 4516528 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLEPATHSPEC", 17))
261 1972 : return (Node *) _readJsonTablePathSpec();
262 4514556 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLE", 9))
263 590 : return (Node *) _readJsonTable();
264 4513966 : if (MATCH("JSONTABLECOLUMN", 15))
265 1648 : return (Node *) _readJsonTableColumn();
266 4512318 : if (MATCH("JSONKEYVALUE", 12))
267 820 : return (Node *) _readJsonKeyValue();
268 4511498 : if (MATCH("JSONPARSEEXPR", 13))
269 164 : return (Node *) _readJsonParseExpr();
270 4511334 : if (MATCH("JSONSCALAREXPR", 14))
271 112 : return (Node *) _readJsonScalarExpr();
272 4511222 : if (MATCH("JSONSERIALIZEEXPR", 17))
273 108 : return (Node *) _readJsonSerializeExpr();
274 4511114 : if (MATCH("JSONOBJECTCONSTRUCTOR", 21))
275 440 : return (Node *) _readJsonObjectConstructor();
276 4510674 : if (MATCH("JSONARRAYCONSTRUCTOR", 20))
277 200 : return (Node *) _readJsonArrayConstructor();
279 60 : return (Node *) _readJsonArrayQueryConstructor();
280 4510414 : if (MATCH("JSONAGGCONSTRUCTOR", 18))
281 372 : return (Node *) _readJsonAggConstructor();
282 4510042 : if (MATCH("JSONOBJECTAGG", 13))
283 210 : return (Node *) _readJsonObjectAgg();
284 4509832 : if (MATCH("JSONARRAYAGG", 12))
285 162 : return (Node *) _readJsonArrayAgg();
286 4509670 : if (MATCH("RAWSTMT", 7))
287 758430 : return (Node *) _readRawStmt();
288 3751240 : if (MATCH("INSERTSTMT", 10))
289 73010 : return (Node *) _readInsertStmt();
290 3678230 : if (MATCH("DELETESTMT", 10))
291 4510 : return (Node *) _readDeleteStmt();
292 3673720 : if (MATCH("UPDATESTMT", 10))
293 13326 : return (Node *) _readUpdateStmt();
294 3660394 : if (MATCH("MERGESTMT", 9))
295 1900 : return (Node *) _readMergeStmt();
296 3658494 : if (MATCH("SELECTSTMT", 10))
297 546826 : return (Node *) _readSelectStmt();
298 3111668 : if (MATCH("SETOPERATIONSTMT", 16))
299 17658 : return (Node *) _readSetOperationStmt();
300 3094010 : if (MATCH("RETURNSTMT", 10))
301 8776 : return (Node *) _readReturnStmt();
302 3085234 : if (MATCH("PLASSIGNSTMT", 12))
303 0 : return (Node *) _readPLAssignStmt();
304 3085234 : if (MATCH("CREATESCHEMASTMT", 16))
305 2056 : return (Node *) _readCreateSchemaStmt();
306 3083178 : if (MATCH("ALTERTABLESTMT", 14))
307 56726 : return (Node *) _readAlterTableStmt();
308 3026452 : if (MATCH("ALTERTABLECMD", 13))
309 58682 : return (Node *) _readAlterTableCmd();
310 2967770 : if (MATCH("ATALTERCONSTRAINT", 17))
311 264 : return (Node *) _readATAlterConstraint();
312 2967506 : if (MATCH("REPLICAIDENTITYSTMT", 19))
313 980 : return (Node *) _readReplicaIdentityStmt();
314 2966526 : if (MATCH("ALTERCOLLATIONSTMT", 18))
315 12 : return (Node *) _readAlterCollationStmt();
316 2966514 : if (MATCH("ALTERDOMAINSTMT", 15))
317 564 : return (Node *) _readAlterDomainStmt();
318 2965950 : if (MATCH("GRANTSTMT", 9))
319 36042 : return (Node *) _readGrantStmt();
320 2929908 : if (MATCH("OBJECTWITHARGS", 14))
321 36274 : return (Node *) _readObjectWithArgs();
322 2893634 : if (MATCH("ACCESSPRIV", 10))
323 34274 : return (Node *) _readAccessPriv();
324 2859360 : if (MATCH("GRANTROLESTMT", 13))
325 1832 : return (Node *) _readGrantRoleStmt();
327 320 : return (Node *) _readAlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt();
328 2857208 : if (MATCH("COPYSTMT", 8))
329 21052 : return (Node *) _readCopyStmt();
330 2836156 : if (MATCH("VARIABLESETSTMT", 15))
331 52434 : return (Node *) _readVariableSetStmt();
332 2783722 : if (MATCH("VARIABLESHOWSTMT", 16))
333 1688 : return (Node *) _readVariableShowStmt();
334 2782034 : if (MATCH("CREATESTMT", 10))
335 73034 : return (Node *) _readCreateStmt();
336 2709000 : if (MATCH("CONSTRAINT", 10))
337 67634 : return (Node *) _readConstraint();
338 2641366 : if (MATCH("CREATETABLESPACESTMT", 20))
339 224 : return (Node *) _readCreateTableSpaceStmt();
340 2641142 : if (MATCH("DROPTABLESPACESTMT", 18))
341 128 : return (Node *) _readDropTableSpaceStmt();
343 48 : return (Node *) _readAlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt();
344 2640966 : if (MATCH("ALTERTABLEMOVEALLSTMT", 21))
345 60 : return (Node *) _readAlterTableMoveAllStmt();
346 2640906 : if (MATCH("CREATEEXTENSIONSTMT", 19))
347 968 : return (Node *) _readCreateExtensionStmt();
348 2639938 : if (MATCH("ALTEREXTENSIONSTMT", 18))
349 70 : return (Node *) _readAlterExtensionStmt();
351 448 : return (Node *) _readAlterExtensionContentsStmt();
352 2639420 : if (MATCH("CREATEFDWSTMT", 13))
353 404 : return (Node *) _readCreateFdwStmt();
354 2639016 : if (MATCH("ALTERFDWSTMT", 12))
355 244 : return (Node *) _readAlterFdwStmt();
357 562 : return (Node *) _readCreateForeignServerStmt();
358 2638210 : if (MATCH("ALTERFOREIGNSERVERSTMT", 22))
359 438 : return (Node *) _readAlterForeignServerStmt();
360 2637772 : if (MATCH("CREATEFOREIGNTABLESTMT", 22))
361 896 : return (Node *) _readCreateForeignTableStmt();
362 2636876 : if (MATCH("CREATEUSERMAPPINGSTMT", 21))
363 484 : return (Node *) _readCreateUserMappingStmt();
364 2636392 : if (MATCH("ALTERUSERMAPPINGSTMT", 20))
365 220 : return (Node *) _readAlterUserMappingStmt();
366 2636172 : if (MATCH("DROPUSERMAPPINGSTMT", 19))
367 252 : return (Node *) _readDropUserMappingStmt();
369 96 : return (Node *) _readImportForeignSchemaStmt();
370 2635824 : if (MATCH("CREATEPOLICYSTMT", 16))
371 1352 : return (Node *) _readCreatePolicyStmt();
372 2634472 : if (MATCH("ALTERPOLICYSTMT", 15))
373 168 : return (Node *) _readAlterPolicyStmt();
374 2634304 : if (MATCH("CREATEAMSTMT", 12))
375 124 : return (Node *) _readCreateAmStmt();
376 2634180 : if (MATCH("CREATETRIGSTMT", 14))
377 6448 : return (Node *) _readCreateTrigStmt();
378 2627732 : if (MATCH("CREATEEVENTTRIGSTMT", 19))
379 392 : return (Node *) _readCreateEventTrigStmt();
380 2627340 : if (MATCH("ALTEREVENTTRIGSTMT", 18))
381 96 : return (Node *) _readAlterEventTrigStmt();
382 2627244 : if (MATCH("CREATEPLANGSTMT", 15))
383 264 : return (Node *) _readCreatePLangStmt();
384 2626980 : if (MATCH("CREATEROLESTMT", 14))
385 3580 : return (Node *) _readCreateRoleStmt();
386 2623400 : if (MATCH("ALTERROLESTMT", 13))
387 896 : return (Node *) _readAlterRoleStmt();
388 2622504 : if (MATCH("ALTERROLESETSTMT", 16))
389 164 : return (Node *) _readAlterRoleSetStmt();
390 2622340 : if (MATCH("DROPROLESTMT", 12))
391 3400 : return (Node *) _readDropRoleStmt();
392 2618940 : if (MATCH("CREATESEQSTMT", 13))
393 1312 : return (Node *) _readCreateSeqStmt();
394 2617628 : if (MATCH("ALTERSEQSTMT", 12))
395 392 : return (Node *) _readAlterSeqStmt();
396 2617236 : if (MATCH("DEFINESTMT", 10))
397 17208 : return (Node *) _readDefineStmt();
398 2600028 : if (MATCH("CREATEDOMAINSTMT", 16))
399 2696 : return (Node *) _readCreateDomainStmt();
400 2597332 : if (MATCH("CREATEOPCLASSSTMT", 17))
401 776 : return (Node *) _readCreateOpClassStmt();
402 2596556 : if (MATCH("CREATEOPCLASSITEM", 17))
403 8040 : return (Node *) _readCreateOpClassItem();
404 2588516 : if (MATCH("CREATEOPFAMILYSTMT", 18))
405 296 : return (Node *) _readCreateOpFamilyStmt();
406 2588220 : if (MATCH("ALTEROPFAMILYSTMT", 17))
407 1028 : return (Node *) _readAlterOpFamilyStmt();
408 2587192 : if (MATCH("DROPSTMT", 8))
409 49942 : return (Node *) _readDropStmt();
410 2537250 : if (MATCH("TRUNCATESTMT", 12))
411 3290 : return (Node *) _readTruncateStmt();
412 2533960 : if (MATCH("COMMENTSTMT", 11))
413 12640 : return (Node *) _readCommentStmt();
414 2521320 : if (MATCH("SECLABELSTMT", 12))
415 200 : return (Node *) _readSecLabelStmt();
416 2521120 : if (MATCH("DECLARECURSORSTMT", 17))
417 5582 : return (Node *) _readDeclareCursorStmt();
418 2515538 : if (MATCH("CLOSEPORTALSTMT", 15))
419 4396 : return (Node *) _readClosePortalStmt();
420 2511142 : if (MATCH("FETCHSTMT", 9))
421 11512 : return (Node *) _readFetchStmt();
422 2499630 : if (MATCH("INDEXSTMT", 9))
423 12600 : return (Node *) _readIndexStmt();
424 2487030 : if (MATCH("CREATESTATSSTMT", 15))
425 1278 : return (Node *) _readCreateStatsStmt();
426 2485752 : if (MATCH("STATSELEM", 9))
427 3112 : return (Node *) _readStatsElem();
428 2482640 : if (MATCH("ALTERSTATSSTMT", 14))
429 52 : return (Node *) _readAlterStatsStmt();
430 2482588 : if (MATCH("CREATEFUNCTIONSTMT", 18))
431 45444 : return (Node *) _readCreateFunctionStmt();
432 2437144 : if (MATCH("FUNCTIONPARAMETER", 17))
433 137662 : return (Node *) _readFunctionParameter();
434 2299482 : if (MATCH("ALTERFUNCTIONSTMT", 17))
435 1336 : return (Node *) _readAlterFunctionStmt();
436 2298146 : if (MATCH("DOSTMT", 6))
437 2184 : return (Node *) _readDoStmt();
438 2295962 : if (MATCH("CALLSTMT", 8))
439 886 : return (Node *) _readCallStmt();
440 2295076 : if (MATCH("RENAMESTMT", 10))
441 2784 : return (Node *) _readRenameStmt();
442 2292292 : if (MATCH("ALTEROBJECTDEPENDSSTMT", 22))
443 92 : return (Node *) _readAlterObjectDependsStmt();
444 2292200 : if (MATCH("ALTEROBJECTSCHEMASTMT", 21))
445 796 : return (Node *) _readAlterObjectSchemaStmt();
446 2291404 : if (MATCH("ALTEROWNERSTMT", 14))
447 3186 : return (Node *) _readAlterOwnerStmt();
448 2288218 : if (MATCH("ALTEROPERATORSTMT", 17))
449 1216 : return (Node *) _readAlterOperatorStmt();
450 2287002 : if (MATCH("ALTERTYPESTMT", 13))
451 120 : return (Node *) _readAlterTypeStmt();
452 2286882 : if (MATCH("RULESTMT", 8))
453 2176 : return (Node *) _readRuleStmt();
454 2284706 : if (MATCH("NOTIFYSTMT", 10))
455 388 : return (Node *) _readNotifyStmt();
456 2284318 : if (MATCH("LISTENSTMT", 10))
457 148 : return (Node *) _readListenStmt();
458 2284170 : if (MATCH("UNLISTENSTMT", 12))
459 76 : return (Node *) _readUnlistenStmt();
460 2284094 : if (MATCH("TRANSACTIONSTMT", 15))
461 70310 : return (Node *) _readTransactionStmt();
462 2213784 : if (MATCH("COMPOSITETYPESTMT", 17))
463 5204 : return (Node *) _readCompositeTypeStmt();
464 2208580 : if (MATCH("CREATEENUMSTMT", 14))
465 384 : return (Node *) _readCreateEnumStmt();
466 2208196 : if (MATCH("CREATERANGESTMT", 15))
467 368 : return (Node *) _readCreateRangeStmt();
468 2207828 : if (MATCH("ALTERENUMSTMT", 13))
469 788 : return (Node *) _readAlterEnumStmt();
470 2207040 : if (MATCH("VIEWSTMT", 8))
471 30380 : return (Node *) _readViewStmt();
472 2176660 : if (MATCH("LOADSTMT", 8))
473 132 : return (Node *) _readLoadStmt();
474 2176528 : if (MATCH("CREATEDBSTMT", 12))
475 1372 : return (Node *) _readCreatedbStmt();
476 2175156 : if (MATCH("ALTERDATABASESTMT", 17))
477 92 : return (Node *) _readAlterDatabaseStmt();
479 12 : return (Node *) _readAlterDatabaseRefreshCollStmt();
480 2175052 : if (MATCH("ALTERDATABASESETSTMT", 20))
481 2268 : return (Node *) _readAlterDatabaseSetStmt();
482 2172784 : if (MATCH("DROPDBSTMT", 10))
483 204 : return (Node *) _readDropdbStmt();
484 2172580 : if (MATCH("ALTERSYSTEMSTMT", 15))
485 332 : return (Node *) _readAlterSystemStmt();
486 2172248 : if (MATCH("CLUSTERSTMT", 11))
487 476 : return (Node *) _readClusterStmt();
488 2171772 : if (MATCH("VACUUMSTMT", 10))
489 21364 : return (Node *) _readVacuumStmt();
490 2150408 : if (MATCH("VACUUMRELATION", 14))
491 21016 : return (Node *) _readVacuumRelation();
492 2129392 : if (MATCH("EXPLAINSTMT", 11))
493 38394 : return (Node *) _readExplainStmt();
494 2090998 : if (MATCH("CREATETABLEASSTMT", 17))
495 3688 : return (Node *) _readCreateTableAsStmt();
496 2087310 : if (MATCH("REFRESHMATVIEWSTMT", 18))
497 524 : return (Node *) _readRefreshMatViewStmt();
498 2086786 : if (MATCH("CHECKPOINTSTMT", 14))
499 412 : return (Node *) _readCheckPointStmt();
500 2086374 : if (MATCH("DISCARDSTMT", 11))
501 60 : return (Node *) _readDiscardStmt();
502 2086314 : if (MATCH("LOCKSTMT", 8))
503 2204 : return (Node *) _readLockStmt();
504 2084110 : if (MATCH("CONSTRAINTSSETSTMT", 18))
505 202 : return (Node *) _readConstraintsSetStmt();
506 2083908 : if (MATCH("REINDEXSTMT", 11))
507 2164 : return (Node *) _readReindexStmt();
508 2081744 : if (MATCH("CREATECONVERSIONSTMT", 20))
509 128 : return (Node *) _readCreateConversionStmt();
510 2081616 : if (MATCH("CREATECASTSTMT", 14))
511 540 : return (Node *) _readCreateCastStmt();
512 2081076 : if (MATCH("CREATETRANSFORMSTMT", 19))
513 100 : return (Node *) _readCreateTransformStmt();
514 2080976 : if (MATCH("PREPARESTMT", 11))
515 3524 : return (Node *) _readPrepareStmt();
516 2077452 : if (MATCH("EXECUTESTMT", 11))
517 31318 : return (Node *) _readExecuteStmt();
518 2046134 : if (MATCH("DEALLOCATESTMT", 14))
519 8108 : return (Node *) _readDeallocateStmt();
520 2038026 : if (MATCH("DROPOWNEDSTMT", 13))
521 296 : return (Node *) _readDropOwnedStmt();
522 2037730 : if (MATCH("REASSIGNOWNEDSTMT", 17))
523 92 : return (Node *) _readReassignOwnedStmt();
524 2037638 : if (MATCH("ALTERTSDICTIONARYSTMT", 21))
525 80 : return (Node *) _readAlterTSDictionaryStmt();
527 15444 : return (Node *) _readAlterTSConfigurationStmt();
528 2022114 : if (MATCH("PUBLICATIONTABLE", 16))
529 2744 : return (Node *) _readPublicationTable();
530 2019370 : if (MATCH("PUBLICATIONOBJSPEC", 18))
531 3456 : return (Node *) _readPublicationObjSpec();
532 2015914 : if (MATCH("CREATEPUBLICATIONSTMT", 21))
533 1580 : return (Node *) _readCreatePublicationStmt();
534 2014334 : if (MATCH("ALTERPUBLICATIONSTMT", 20))
535 2132 : return (Node *) _readAlterPublicationStmt();
536 2012202 : if (MATCH("CREATESUBSCRIPTIONSTMT", 22))
537 884 : return (Node *) _readCreateSubscriptionStmt();
538 2011318 : if (MATCH("ALTERSUBSCRIPTIONSTMT", 21))
539 918 : return (Node *) _readAlterSubscriptionStmt();
540 2010400 : if (MATCH("DROPSUBSCRIPTIONSTMT", 20))
541 448 : return (Node *) _readDropSubscriptionStmt();
542 2009952 : if (MATCH("GROUPBYORDERING", 15))
543 0 : return (Node *) _readGroupByOrdering();
544 2009952 : if (MATCH("PLACEHOLDERVAR", 14))
545 0 : return (Node *) _readPlaceHolderVar();
546 2009952 : if (MATCH("APPENDRELINFO", 13))
547 43766 : return (Node *) _readAppendRelInfo();
548 1966186 : if (MATCH("PLANNEDSTMT", 11))
549 482328 : return (Node *) _readPlannedStmt();
550 1483858 : if (MATCH("RESULT", 6))
551 227368 : return (Node *) _readResult();
552 1256490 : if (MATCH("PROJECTSET", 10))
553 8772 : return (Node *) _readProjectSet();
554 1247718 : if (MATCH("MODIFYTABLE", 11))
555 91478 : return (Node *) _readModifyTable();
556 1156240 : if (MATCH("APPEND", 6))
557 13986 : return (Node *) _readAppend();
558 1142254 : if (MATCH("MERGEAPPEND", 11))
559 508 : return (Node *) _readMergeAppend();
560 1141746 : if (MATCH("RECURSIVEUNION", 14))
561 820 : return (Node *) _readRecursiveUnion();
562 1140926 : if (MATCH("BITMAPAND", 9))
563 152 : return (Node *) _readBitmapAnd();
564 1140774 : if (MATCH("BITMAPOR", 8))
565 294 : return (Node *) _readBitmapOr();
566 1140480 : if (MATCH("SEQSCAN", 7))
567 236986 : return (Node *) _readSeqScan();
568 903494 : if (MATCH("SAMPLESCAN", 10))
569 306 : return (Node *) _readSampleScan();
570 903188 : if (MATCH("INDEXSCAN", 9))
571 186450 : return (Node *) _readIndexScan();
572 716738 : if (MATCH("INDEXONLYSCAN", 13))
573 15916 : return (Node *) _readIndexOnlyScan();
574 700822 : if (MATCH("BITMAPINDEXSCAN", 15))
575 26540 : return (Node *) _readBitmapIndexScan();
576 674282 : if (MATCH("BITMAPHEAPSCAN", 14))
577 26088 : return (Node *) _readBitmapHeapScan();
578 648194 : if (MATCH("TIDSCAN", 7))
579 700 : return (Node *) _readTidScan();
580 647494 : if (MATCH("TIDRANGESCAN", 12))
581 202 : return (Node *) _readTidRangeScan();
582 647292 : if (MATCH("SUBQUERYSCAN", 12))
583 10422 : return (Node *) _readSubqueryScan();
584 636870 : if (MATCH("FUNCTIONSCAN", 12))
585 47588 : return (Node *) _readFunctionScan();
586 589282 : if (MATCH("VALUESSCAN", 10))
587 8158 : return (Node *) _readValuesScan();
588 581124 : if (MATCH("TABLEFUNCSCAN", 13))
589 626 : return (Node *) _readTableFuncScan();
590 580498 : if (MATCH("CTESCAN", 7))
591 3178 : return (Node *) _readCteScan();
592 577320 : if (MATCH("NAMEDTUPLESTORESCAN", 19))
593 466 : return (Node *) _readNamedTuplestoreScan();
594 576854 : if (MATCH("WORKTABLESCAN", 13))
595 820 : return (Node *) _readWorkTableScan();
596 576034 : if (MATCH("FOREIGNSCAN", 11))
597 1980 : return (Node *) _readForeignScan();
598 574054 : if (MATCH("CUSTOMSCAN", 10))
599 0 : return (Node *) _readCustomScan();
600 574054 : if (MATCH("NESTLOOP", 8))
601 156506 : return (Node *) _readNestLoop();
602 417548 : if (MATCH("NESTLOOPPARAM", 13))
603 82096 : return (Node *) _readNestLoopParam();
604 335452 : if (MATCH("MERGEJOIN", 9))
605 7264 : return (Node *) _readMergeJoin();
606 328188 : if (MATCH("HASHJOIN", 8))
607 30082 : return (Node *) _readHashJoin();
608 298106 : if (MATCH("MATERIAL", 8))
609 4064 : return (Node *) _readMaterial();
610 294042 : if (MATCH("MEMOIZE", 7))
611 1422 : return (Node *) _readMemoize();
612 292620 : if (MATCH("SORT", 4))
613 83256 : return (Node *) _readSort();
614 209364 : if (MATCH("INCREMENTALSORT", 15))
615 780 : return (Node *) _readIncrementalSort();
616 208584 : if (MATCH("GROUP", 5))
617 246 : return (Node *) _readGroup();
618 208338 : if (MATCH("AGG", 3))
619 45102 : return (Node *) _readAgg();
620 163236 : if (MATCH("WINDOWAGG", 9))
621 2486 : return (Node *) _readWindowAgg();
622 160750 : if (MATCH("UNIQUE", 6))
623 5208 : return (Node *) _readUnique();
624 155542 : if (MATCH("GATHER", 6))
625 1024 : return (Node *) _readGather();
626 154518 : if (MATCH("GATHERMERGE", 11))
627 330 : return (Node *) _readGatherMerge();
628 154188 : if (MATCH("HASH", 4))
629 30082 : return (Node *) _readHash();
630 124106 : if (MATCH("SETOP", 5))
631 686 : return (Node *) _readSetOp();
632 123420 : if (MATCH("LOCKROWS", 8))
633 7906 : return (Node *) _readLockRows();
634 115514 : if (MATCH("LIMIT", 5))
635 4580 : return (Node *) _readLimit();
636 110934 : if (MATCH("PLANROWMARK", 11))
637 26364 : return (Node *) _readPlanRowMark();
638 84570 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONPRUNEINFO", 18))
639 666 : return (Node *) _readPartitionPruneInfo();
641 1386 : return (Node *) _readPartitionedRelPruneInfo();
642 82518 : if (MATCH("PARTITIONPRUNESTEPOP", 20))
643 1194 : return (Node *) _readPartitionPruneStepOp();
645 252 : return (Node *) _readPartitionPruneStepCombine();
646 81072 : if (MATCH("PLANINVALITEM", 13))
647 81072 : return (Node *) _readPlanInvalItem();
648 0 : if (MATCH("EXTENSIBLENODE", 14))
649 0 : return (Node *) _readExtensibleNode();