Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * llvmjit_inline.cpp
4 : * Cross module inlining suitable for postgres' JIT
5 : *
6 : * The inliner iterates over external functions referenced from the passed
7 : * module and attempts to inline those. It does so by utilizing pre-built
8 : * indexes over both postgres core code and extension modules. When a match
9 : * for an external function is found - not guaranteed! - the index will then
10 : * be used to judge their instruction count / inline worthiness. After doing
11 : * so for all external functions, all the referenced functions (and
12 : * prerequisites) will be imported.
13 : *
14 : * Copyright (c) 2016-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
15 : *
17 : * src/backend/lib/llvmjit/llvmjit_inline.cpp
18 : *
19 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 : */
21 :
22 : extern "C"
23 : {
24 : #include "postgres.h"
25 : }
26 :
27 : #include "jit/llvmjit.h"
28 :
29 : extern "C"
30 : {
31 : #include <fcntl.h>
32 : #include <sys/mman.h>
33 : #include <sys/stat.h>
34 : #include <sys/types.h>
35 : #include <unistd.h>
36 :
37 : #include "common/string.h"
38 : #include "miscadmin.h"
39 : #include "storage/fd.h"
40 : }
41 :
42 : #include <llvm-c/Core.h>
43 : #include <llvm-c/BitReader.h>
44 :
45 : /* Avoid macro clash with LLVM's C++ headers */
46 : #undef Min
47 :
48 : #include <llvm/ADT/SetVector.h>
49 : #include <llvm/ADT/StringSet.h>
50 : #include <llvm/ADT/StringMap.h>
51 : #include <llvm/Analysis/ModuleSummaryAnalysis.h>
52 : #include <llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h>
53 : #include <llvm/IR/Attributes.h>
54 : #include <llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h>
55 : #include <llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h>
56 : #include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
57 : #include <llvm/IR/ModuleSummaryIndex.h>
58 : #include <llvm/Linker/IRMover.h>
59 : #include <llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h>
60 : #include <llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h>
61 :
62 :
63 : /*
64 : * Type used to represent modules InlineWorkListItem's subject is searched for
65 : * in.
66 : */
67 : typedef llvm::SmallVector<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex *, 2> InlineSearchPath;
68 :
69 : /*
70 : * Item in queue of to-be-checked symbols and corresponding queue.
71 : */
72 : typedef struct InlineWorkListItem
73 : {
74 : llvm::StringRef symbolName;
75 : llvm::SmallVector<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex *, 2> searchpath;
76 : } InlineWorkListItem;
77 : typedef llvm::SmallVector<InlineWorkListItem, 128> InlineWorkList;
78 :
79 : /*
80 : * Information about symbols processed during inlining. Used to prevent
81 : * repeated searches and provide additional information.
82 : */
83 : typedef struct FunctionInlineState
84 : {
85 : int costLimit;
86 : bool processed;
87 : bool inlined;
88 : bool allowReconsidering;
89 : } FunctionInlineState;
90 : typedef llvm::StringMap<FunctionInlineState> FunctionInlineStates;
91 :
92 : /*
93 : * Map of modules that should be inlined, with a list of the to-be inlined
94 : * symbols.
95 : */
96 : typedef llvm::StringMap<llvm::StringSet<> > ImportMapTy;
97 :
98 :
99 : const float inline_cost_decay_factor = 0.5;
100 : const int inline_initial_cost = 150;
101 :
102 : /*
103 : * These are managed statics so LLVM knows to deallocate them during an
104 : * LLVMShutdown(), rather than after (which'd cause crashes).
105 : */
106 : typedef llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> > ModuleCache;
107 : llvm::ManagedStatic<ModuleCache> module_cache;
108 : typedef llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex> > SummaryCache;
109 : llvm::ManagedStatic<SummaryCache> summary_cache;
110 :
111 :
112 : static std::unique_ptr<ImportMapTy> llvm_build_inline_plan(LLVMContextRef lc, llvm::Module *mod);
113 : static void llvm_execute_inline_plan(llvm::Module *mod,
114 : ImportMapTy *globalsToInline);
115 :
116 : static llvm::Module* load_module_cached(LLVMContextRef c, llvm::StringRef modPath);
117 : static std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> load_module(LLVMContextRef c, llvm::StringRef Identifier);
118 : static std::unique_ptr<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex> llvm_load_summary(llvm::StringRef path);
119 :
120 :
121 : static llvm::Function* create_redirection_function(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> &importMod,
122 : llvm::Function *F,
123 : llvm::StringRef Name);
124 :
125 : static bool function_inlinable(llvm::Function &F,
126 : int threshold,
127 : FunctionInlineStates &functionState,
128 : InlineWorkList &worklist,
129 : InlineSearchPath &searchpath,
130 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<const llvm::Function *, 8> &visitedFunctions,
131 : int &running_instcount,
132 : llvm::StringSet<> &importVars);
133 : static void function_references(llvm::Function &F,
134 : int &running_instcount,
135 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::GlobalVariable *, 8> &referencedVars,
136 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Function *, 8> &referencedFunctions);
137 :
138 : static void add_module_to_inline_search_path(InlineSearchPath& path, llvm::StringRef modpath);
139 : static llvm::SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValueSummary *, 1>
140 : summaries_for_guid(const InlineSearchPath& path, llvm::GlobalValue::GUID guid);
141 :
142 : /* verbose debugging for inliner development */
143 : /* #define INLINE_DEBUG */
144 : #ifdef INLINE_DEBUG
145 : #define ilog elog
146 : #else
147 : #define ilog(...) (void) 0
148 : #endif
149 :
150 : /*
151 : * Reset inlining related state. This needs to be called before the currently
152 : * used LLVMContextRef is disposed (and a new one create), otherwise we would
153 : * have dangling references to deleted modules.
154 : */
155 : void
156 0 : llvm_inline_reset_caches(void)
157 : {
158 0 : module_cache->clear();
159 0 : summary_cache->clear();
160 0 : }
161 :
162 : /*
163 : * Perform inlining of external function references in M based on a simple
164 : * cost based analysis.
165 : */
166 : void
167 548 : llvm_inline(LLVMModuleRef M)
168 : {
169 548 : LLVMContextRef lc = LLVMGetModuleContext(M);
170 548 : llvm::Module *mod = llvm::unwrap(M);
171 :
172 548 : std::unique_ptr<ImportMapTy> globalsToInline = llvm_build_inline_plan(lc, mod);
173 548 : if (!globalsToInline)
174 0 : return;
175 548 : llvm_execute_inline_plan(mod, globalsToInline.get());
176 : }
177 :
178 : /*
179 : * Build information necessary for inlining external function references in
180 : * mod.
181 : */
182 : static std::unique_ptr<ImportMapTy>
183 548 : llvm_build_inline_plan(LLVMContextRef lc, llvm::Module *mod)
184 : {
185 1096 : std::unique_ptr<ImportMapTy> globalsToInline(new ImportMapTy());
186 1096 : FunctionInlineStates functionStates;
187 1096 : InlineWorkList worklist;
188 :
189 1096 : InlineSearchPath defaultSearchPath;
190 :
191 : /* attempt to add module to search path */
192 548 : add_module_to_inline_search_path(defaultSearchPath, "$libdir/postgres");
193 : /* if postgres isn't available, no point continuing */
194 548 : if (defaultSearchPath.empty())
195 0 : return nullptr;
196 :
197 : /*
198 : * Start inlining with current references to external functions by putting
199 : * them on the inlining worklist. If, during inlining of those, new extern
200 : * functions need to be inlined, they'll also be put there, with a lower
201 : * priority.
202 : */
203 10464 : for (const llvm::Function &funcDecl : mod->functions())
204 : {
205 9916 : InlineWorkListItem item = {};
206 9916 : FunctionInlineState inlineState = {};
207 :
208 : /* already has a definition */
209 9916 : if (!funcDecl.isDeclaration())
210 6830 : continue;
211 :
212 : /* llvm provides implementation */
213 3086 : if (funcDecl.isIntrinsic())
214 488 : continue;
215 :
216 2598 : item.symbolName = funcDecl.getName();
217 2598 : item.searchpath = defaultSearchPath;
218 2598 : worklist.push_back(item);
219 2598 : inlineState.costLimit = inline_initial_cost;
220 2598 : inlineState.processed = false;
221 2598 : inlineState.inlined = false;
222 2598 : inlineState.allowReconsidering = false;
223 2598 : functionStates[funcDecl.getName()] = inlineState;
224 : }
225 :
226 : /*
227 : * Iterate over pending worklist items, look them up in index, check
228 : * whether they should be inlined.
229 : */
230 11432 : while (!worklist.empty())
231 : {
232 10884 : InlineWorkListItem item = worklist.pop_back_val();
233 10884 : llvm::StringRef symbolName = item.symbolName;
234 : char *cmodname;
235 : char *cfuncname;
236 10884 : FunctionInlineState &inlineState = functionStates[symbolName];
237 : llvm::GlobalValue::GUID funcGUID;
238 :
239 10884 : llvm_split_symbol_name(, &cmodname, &cfuncname);
240 :
241 10884 : funcGUID = llvm::GlobalValue::getGUID(cfuncname);
242 :
243 : /* already processed */
244 10884 : if (inlineState.processed)
245 0 : continue;
246 :
247 :
248 10884 : if (cmodname)
249 0 : add_module_to_inline_search_path(item.searchpath, cmodname);
250 :
251 : /*
252 : * Iterate over all known definitions of function, via the index. Then
253 : * look up module(s), check if function actually is defined (there
254 : * could be hash conflicts).
255 : */
256 20932 : for (const auto &gvs : summaries_for_guid(item.searchpath, funcGUID))
257 : {
258 : const llvm::FunctionSummary *fs;
259 10048 : llvm::StringRef modPath = gvs->modulePath();
260 : llvm::Module *defMod;
261 : llvm::Function *funcDef;
262 :
263 10048 : fs = llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionSummary>(gvs);
264 :
265 10048 : if (gvs->notEligibleToImport())
266 : {
267 : ilog(DEBUG1, "ineligibile to import %s due to summary",
268 :;
269 4818 : continue;
270 : }
271 :
272 10048 : if ((int) fs->instCount() > inlineState.costLimit)
273 : {
274 : ilog(DEBUG1, "ineligibile to import %s due to early threshold: %u vs %u",
275 :, fs->instCount(), inlineState.costLimit);
276 4212 : inlineState.allowReconsidering = true;
277 4212 : continue;
278 : }
279 :
280 5836 : defMod = load_module_cached(lc, modPath);
281 5836 : if (defMod->materializeMetadata())
282 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to materialize metadata");
283 :
284 5836 : funcDef = defMod->getFunction(cfuncname);
285 :
286 : /*
287 : * This can happen e.g. in case of a hash collision of the
288 : * function's name.
289 : */
290 5836 : if (!funcDef)
291 0 : continue;
292 :
293 5836 : if (funcDef->materialize())
294 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to materialize metadata");
295 :
296 : Assert(!funcDef->isDeclaration());
297 : Assert(funcDef->hasExternalLinkage());
298 :
299 5836 : llvm::StringSet<> importVars;
300 5836 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<const llvm::Function *, 8> visitedFunctions;
301 5836 : int running_instcount = 0;
302 :
303 : /*
304 : * Check whether function, and objects it depends on, are
305 : * inlinable.
306 : */
307 5836 : if (function_inlinable(*funcDef,
308 : inlineState.costLimit,
309 : functionStates,
310 : worklist,
311 : item.searchpath,
312 : visitedFunctions,
313 : running_instcount,
314 : importVars))
315 : {
316 : /*
317 : * Check whether function and all its dependencies are too
318 : * big. Dependencies already counted for other functions that
319 : * will get inlined are not counted again. While this make
320 : * things somewhat order dependent, I can't quite see a point
321 : * in a different behaviour.
322 : */
323 5046 : if (running_instcount > inlineState.costLimit)
324 : {
325 : ilog(DEBUG1, "skipping inlining of %s due to late threshold %d vs %d",
326 :, running_instcount, inlineState.costLimit);
327 606 : inlineState.allowReconsidering = true;
328 606 : continue;
329 : }
330 :
331 : ilog(DEBUG1, "inline top function %s total_instcount: %d, partial: %d",
332 :, running_instcount, fs->instCount());
333 :
334 : /* import referenced function itself */
335 4440 : importVars.insert(symbolName);
336 :
337 : {
338 4440 : llvm::StringSet<> &modGlobalsToInline = (*globalsToInline)[modPath];
339 10890 : for (auto& importVar : importVars)
340 6450 : modGlobalsToInline.insert(importVar.first());
341 : Assert(modGlobalsToInline.size() > 0);
342 : }
343 :
344 : /* mark function as inlined */
345 4440 : inlineState.inlined = true;
346 :
347 : /*
348 : * Found definition to inline, don't look for further
349 : * potential definitions.
350 : */
351 4440 : break;
352 : }
353 : else
354 : {
355 : ilog(DEBUG1, "had to skip inlining %s",
356 :;
357 :
358 : /* It's possible there's another definition that's inlinable. */
359 : }
360 : }
361 :
362 : /*
363 : * Signal that we're done with symbol, whether successful (inlined =
364 : * true above) or not.
365 : */
366 10884 : inlineState.processed = true;
367 : }
368 :
369 548 : return globalsToInline;
370 : }
371 :
372 : /*
373 : * Perform the actual inlining of external functions (and their dependencies)
374 : * into mod.
375 : */
376 : static void
377 548 : llvm_execute_inline_plan(llvm::Module *mod, ImportMapTy *globalsToInline)
378 : {
379 1096 : llvm::IRMover Mover(*mod);
380 :
381 3616 : for (const auto& toInline : *globalsToInline)
382 : {
383 3068 : const llvm::StringRef& modPath = toInline.first();
384 3068 : const llvm::StringSet<>& modGlobalsToInline = toInline.second;
385 3068 : llvm::SetVector<llvm::GlobalValue *> GlobalsToImport;
386 :
387 : Assert(module_cache->count(modPath));
388 3068 : std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> importMod(std::move((*module_cache)[modPath]));
389 3068 : module_cache->erase(modPath);
390 :
391 3068 : if (modGlobalsToInline.empty())
392 0 : continue;
393 :
394 9176 : for (auto &glob: modGlobalsToInline)
395 : {
396 6108 : llvm::StringRef SymbolName = glob.first();
397 : char *modname;
398 : char *funcname;
399 :
400 6108 : llvm_split_symbol_name(, &modname, &funcname);
401 :
402 6108 : llvm::GlobalValue *valueToImport = importMod->getNamedValue(funcname);
403 :
404 6108 : if (!valueToImport)
405 0 : elog(FATAL, "didn't refind value %s to import",;
406 :
407 : /*
408 : * For functions (global vars are only inlined if already static),
409 : * mark imported variables as being clones from other
410 : * functions. That a) avoids symbol conflicts b) allows the
411 : * optimizer to perform inlining.
412 : */
413 6108 : if (llvm::isa<llvm::Function>(valueToImport))
414 : {
415 4500 : llvm::Function *F = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::Function>(valueToImport);
416 : typedef llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LinkageTypes;
417 :
418 : /*
419 : * Per-function info isn't necessarily stripped yet, as the
420 : * module is lazy-loaded when stripped above.
421 : */
422 4500 : llvm::stripDebugInfo(*F);
423 :
424 : /*
425 : * If the to-be-imported function is one referenced including
426 : * its module name, create a tiny inline function that just
427 : * forwards the call. One might think a GlobalAlias would do
428 : * the trick, but a) IRMover doesn't override a declaration
429 : * with an alias pointing to a definition (instead renaming
430 : * it), b) Aliases can't be AvailableExternally.
431 : */
432 4500 : if (modname)
433 : {
434 : llvm::Function *AF;
435 :
436 0 : AF = create_redirection_function(importMod, F, SymbolName);
437 :
438 0 : GlobalsToImport.insert(AF);
439 0 : llvm::stripDebugInfo(*AF);
440 : }
441 :
442 4500 : if (valueToImport->hasExternalLinkage())
443 : {
444 4440 : valueToImport->setLinkage(LinkageTypes::AvailableExternallyLinkage);
445 : }
446 : }
447 :
448 6108 : GlobalsToImport.insert(valueToImport);
449 : ilog(DEBUG1, "performing import of %s %s",
450 :,;
451 :
452 : }
453 :
454 3068 : if (Mover.move(std::move(importMod), GlobalsToImport.getArrayRef(),
455 1056 : [](llvm::GlobalValue &, llvm::IRMover::ValueAdder) {},
456 6136 : /*IsPerformingImport=*/false))
457 0 : elog(FATAL, "function import failed with linker error");
458 : }
459 548 : }
460 :
461 : /*
462 : * Return a module identified by modPath, caching it in memory.
463 : *
464 : * Note that such a module may *not* be modified without copying, otherwise
465 : * the cache state would get corrupted.
466 : */
467 : static llvm::Module*
468 5836 : load_module_cached(LLVMContextRef lc, llvm::StringRef modPath)
469 : {
470 5836 : auto it = module_cache->find(modPath);
471 5836 : if (it == module_cache->end())
472 : {
473 3172 : it = module_cache->insert(
474 3172 : std::make_pair(modPath, load_module(lc, modPath))).first;
475 : }
476 :
477 5836 : return it->second.get();
478 : }
479 :
480 : static std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>
481 3172 : load_module(LLVMContextRef lc, llvm::StringRef Identifier)
482 : {
483 : LLVMMemoryBufferRef buf;
484 : LLVMModuleRef mod;
485 : char path[MAXPGPATH];
486 : char *msg;
487 :
488 3172 : snprintf(path, MAXPGPATH,"%s/bitcode/%s", pkglib_path,;
489 :
490 3172 : if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(path, &buf, &msg))
491 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to open bitcode file \"%s\": %s",
492 : path, msg);
493 3172 : if (LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext2(lc, buf, &mod))
494 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to parse bitcode in file \"%s\"", path);
495 :
496 : /*
497 : * Currently there's no use in more detailed debug info for JITed
498 : * code. Until that changes, not much point in wasting memory and cycles
499 : * on processing debuginfo.
500 : */
501 3172 : llvm::StripDebugInfo(*llvm::unwrap(mod));
502 :
503 6344 : return std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(llvm::unwrap(mod));
504 : }
505 :
506 : /*
507 : * Compute list of referenced variables, functions and the instruction count
508 : * for a function.
509 : */
510 : static void
511 9424 : function_references(llvm::Function &F,
512 : int &running_instcount,
513 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::GlobalVariable *, 8> &referencedVars,
514 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Function *, 8> &referencedFunctions)
515 : {
516 18848 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<const llvm::User *, 32> Visited;
517 :
518 129988 : for (llvm::BasicBlock &BB : F)
519 : {
520 763070 : for (llvm::Instruction &I : BB)
521 : {
522 642506 : if (llvm::isa<llvm::DbgInfoIntrinsic>(I))
523 0 : continue;
524 :
525 1285012 : llvm::SmallVector<llvm::User *, 8> Worklist;
526 642506 : Worklist.push_back(&I);
527 :
528 642506 : running_instcount++;
529 :
530 2280120 : while (!Worklist.empty()) {
531 1637614 : llvm::User *U = Worklist.pop_back_val();
532 :
533 : /* visited before */
534 1637614 : if (!Visited.insert(U).second)
535 857634 : continue;
536 :
537 2139678 : for (auto &OI : U->operands()) {
538 1359698 : llvm::User *Operand = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::User>(OI);
539 1359698 : if (!Operand)
540 407696 : continue;
541 1101704 : if (llvm::isa<llvm::BlockAddress>(Operand))
542 0 : continue;
543 1101704 : if (auto *GV = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(Operand)) {
544 44850 : referencedVars.insert(GV);
545 44850 : if (GV->hasInitializer())
546 43106 : Worklist.push_back(GV->getInitializer());
547 44850 : continue;
548 : }
549 1056854 : if (auto *CF = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::Function>(Operand)) {
550 104852 : referencedFunctions.insert(CF);
551 104852 : continue;
552 : }
553 952002 : Worklist.push_back(Operand);
554 : }
555 : }
556 : }
557 : }
558 9424 : }
559 :
560 : /*
561 : * Check whether function F is inlinable and, if so, what globals need to be
562 : * imported.
563 : *
564 : * References to external functions from, potentially recursively, inlined
565 : * functions are added to the passed in worklist.
566 : */
567 : static bool
568 9472 : function_inlinable(llvm::Function &F,
569 : int threshold,
570 : FunctionInlineStates &functionStates,
571 : InlineWorkList &worklist,
572 : InlineSearchPath &searchpath,
573 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<const llvm::Function *, 8> &visitedFunctions,
574 : int &running_instcount,
575 : llvm::StringSet<> &importVars)
576 : {
577 9472 : int subThreshold = threshold * inline_cost_decay_factor;
578 18944 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::GlobalVariable *, 8> referencedVars;
579 18944 : llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Function *, 8> referencedFunctions;
580 :
581 : /* can't rely on what may be inlined */
582 9472 : if (F.isInterposable())
583 0 : return false;
584 :
585 : /*
586 : * Can't rely on function being present. Alternatively we could create a
587 : * static version of these functions?
588 : */
589 9472 : if (F.hasAvailableExternallyLinkage())
590 0 : return false;
591 :
592 : ilog(DEBUG1, "checking inlinability of %s", F.getName().data());
593 :
594 9472 : if (F.materialize())
595 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to materialize metadata");
596 :
597 9472 : if (F.getAttributes().hasFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoInline))
598 : {
599 : ilog(DEBUG1, "ineligibile to import %s due to noinline",
600 : F.getName().data());
601 48 : return false;
602 : }
603 :
604 9424 : function_references(F, running_instcount, referencedVars, referencedFunctions);
605 :
606 38298 : for (llvm::GlobalVariable* rv: referencedVars)
607 : {
608 29616 : if (rv->materialize())
609 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to materialize metadata");
610 :
611 : /*
612 : * Don't inline functions that access thread local variables. That
613 : * doesn't work on current LLVM releases (but might in future).
614 : */
615 29616 : if (rv->isThreadLocal())
616 : {
617 : ilog(DEBUG1, "cannot inline %s due to thread-local variable %s",
618 : F.getName().data(), rv->getName().data());
619 742 : return false;
620 : }
621 :
622 : /*
623 : * Never want to inline externally visible vars, cheap enough to
624 : * reference.
625 : */
626 29616 : if (rv->hasExternalLinkage() || rv->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage())
627 716 : continue;
628 :
629 : /*
630 : * If variable is file-local, we need to inline it, to be able to
631 : * inline the function itself. Can't do that if the variable can be
632 : * modified, because they'd obviously get out of sync.
633 : *
634 : * XXX: Currently not a problem, but there'd be problems with
635 : * nontrivial initializers if they were allowed for postgres.
636 : */
637 28900 : if (!rv->isConstant())
638 : {
639 : ilog(DEBUG1, "cannot inline %s due to uncloneable variable %s",
640 : F.getName().data(), rv->getName().data());
641 742 : return false;
642 : }
643 :
644 : ilog(DEBUG1, "memorizing global var %s linkage %d for inlining",
645 : rv->getName().data(), (int)rv->getLinkage());
646 :
647 28158 : importVars.insert(rv->getName());
648 : /* small cost attributed to each cloned global */
649 28158 : running_instcount += 5;
650 : }
651 :
652 8682 : visitedFunctions.insert(&F);
653 :
654 : /*
655 : * Check referenced functions. Check whether used static ones are
656 : * inlinable, and remember external ones for inlining.
657 : */
658 55032 : for (llvm::Function* referencedFunction: referencedFunctions)
659 : {
660 46502 : llvm::StringSet<> recImportVars;
661 :
662 46502 : if (referencedFunction->materialize())
663 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to materialize metadata");
664 :
665 46502 : if (referencedFunction->isIntrinsic())
666 6068 : continue;
667 :
668 : /* if already visited skip, otherwise remember */
669 40434 : if (!visitedFunctions.insert(referencedFunction).second)
670 17670 : continue;
671 :
672 : /*
673 : * We don't inline external functions directly here, instead we put
674 : * them on the worklist if appropriate and check them from
675 : * llvm_build_inline_plan().
676 : */
677 22764 : if (referencedFunction->hasExternalLinkage())
678 : {
679 19128 : llvm::StringRef funcName = referencedFunction->getName();
680 :
681 : /*
682 : * Don't bother checking for inlining if remaining cost budget is
683 : * very small.
684 : */
685 19128 : if (subThreshold < 5)
686 4922 : continue;
687 :
688 14206 : auto it = functionStates.find(funcName);
689 14206 : if (it == functionStates.end())
690 : {
691 : FunctionInlineState inlineState;
692 :
693 7884 : inlineState.costLimit = subThreshold;
694 7884 : inlineState.processed = false;
695 7884 : inlineState.inlined = false;
696 7884 : inlineState.allowReconsidering = false;
697 :
698 7884 : functionStates[funcName] = inlineState;
699 7884 : worklist.push_back({funcName, searchpath});
700 :
701 : ilog(DEBUG1,
702 : "considering extern function %s at %d for inlining",
703 :, subThreshold);
704 : }
705 6322 : else if (!it->second.inlined &&
706 10724 : (!it->second.processed || it->second.allowReconsidering) &&
707 10724 : it->second.costLimit < subThreshold)
708 : {
709 : /*
710 : * Update inlining threshold if higher. Need to re-queue
711 : * to be processed if already processed with lower
712 : * threshold.
713 : */
714 472 : if (it->second.processed)
715 : {
716 : ilog(DEBUG1,
717 : "reconsidering extern function %s at %d for inlining, increasing from %d",
718 :, subThreshold, it->second.costLimit);
719 :
720 402 : it->second.processed = false;
721 402 : it->second.allowReconsidering = false;
722 402 : worklist.push_back({funcName, searchpath});
723 : }
724 472 : it->second.costLimit = subThreshold;
725 : }
726 14206 : continue;
727 : }
728 :
729 : /* can't rely on what may be inlined */
730 3636 : if (referencedFunction->isInterposable())
731 0 : return false;
732 :
733 3636 : if (!function_inlinable(*referencedFunction,
734 : subThreshold,
735 : functionStates,
736 : worklist,
737 : searchpath,
738 : visitedFunctions,
739 : running_instcount,
740 : recImportVars))
741 : {
742 : ilog(DEBUG1,
743 : "cannot inline %s due to required function %s not being inlinable",
744 : F.getName().data(), referencedFunction->getName().data());
745 152 : return false;
746 : }
747 :
748 : /* import referenced function itself */
749 3484 : importVars.insert(referencedFunction->getName());
750 :
751 : /* import referenced function and its dependents */
752 85558 : for (auto& recImportVar : recImportVars)
753 82074 : importVars.insert(recImportVar.first());
754 : }
755 :
756 8530 : return true;
757 : }
758 :
759 : /*
760 : * Attempt to load module summary located at path. Return empty pointer when
761 : * loading fails.
762 : */
763 : static std::unique_ptr<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex>
764 380 : llvm_load_summary(llvm::StringRef path)
765 : {
766 : llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> > MBOrErr =
767 760 : llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(path);
768 :
769 380 : if (std::error_code EC = MBOrErr.getError())
770 : {
771 : ilog(DEBUG1, "failed to open %s: %s",,
772 : EC.message().c_str());
773 : }
774 : else
775 : {
776 380 : llvm::MemoryBufferRef ref(*MBOrErr.get().get());
777 :
778 : llvm::Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::ModuleSummaryIndex> > IndexOrErr =
779 760 : llvm::getModuleSummaryIndex(ref);
780 380 : if (IndexOrErr)
781 380 : return std::move(IndexOrErr.get());
782 0 : elog(FATAL, "failed to load summary \"%s\": %s",
783 :,
784 : toString(IndexOrErr.takeError()).c_str());
785 : }
786 0 : return nullptr;
787 : }
788 :
789 : /*
790 : * Attempt to add modpath to the search path.
791 : */
792 : static void
793 548 : add_module_to_inline_search_path(InlineSearchPath& searchpath, llvm::StringRef modpath)
794 : {
795 : /* only extension in libdir are candidates for inlining for now */
796 : #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR < 16
797 : #define starts_with startswith
798 : #endif
799 548 : if (!modpath.starts_with("$libdir/"))
800 0 : return;
801 :
802 : /* if there's no match, attempt to load */
803 548 : auto it = summary_cache->find(modpath);
804 548 : if (it == summary_cache->end())
805 : {
806 760 : std::string path(modpath);
807 380 : path = path.replace(0, strlen("$libdir"), std::string(pkglib_path) + "/bitcode");
808 380 : path += ".index.bc";
809 380 : (*summary_cache)[modpath] = llvm_load_summary(path);
810 380 : it = summary_cache->find(modpath);
811 : }
812 :
813 : Assert(it != summary_cache->end());
814 :
815 : /* if the entry isn't NULL, it's validly loaded */
816 548 : if (it->second)
817 548 : searchpath.push_back(it->second.get());
818 : }
819 :
820 : /*
821 : * Search for all references for functions hashing to guid in the search path,
822 : * and return them in search path order.
823 : */
824 : static llvm::SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValueSummary *, 1>
825 10884 : summaries_for_guid(const InlineSearchPath& path, llvm::GlobalValue::GUID guid)
826 : {
827 10884 : llvm::SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValueSummary *, 1> matches;
828 :
829 21768 : for (auto index : path)
830 : {
831 10884 : llvm::ValueInfo funcVI = index->getValueInfo(guid);
832 :
833 : /* if index doesn't know function, we don't have a body, continue */
834 10884 : if (funcVI)
835 20096 : for (auto &gv : funcVI.getSummaryList())
836 10048 : matches.push_back(gv.get());
837 : }
838 :
839 10884 : return matches;
840 : }
841 :
842 : /*
843 : * Create inline wrapper with the name Name, redirecting the call to F.
844 : */
845 : static llvm::Function*
846 0 : create_redirection_function(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> &importMod,
847 : llvm::Function *F,
848 : llvm::StringRef Name)
849 : {
850 : typedef llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LinkageTypes;
851 :
852 0 : llvm::LLVMContext &Context = F->getContext();
853 0 : llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(Context);
854 : llvm::Function *AF;
855 : llvm::BasicBlock *BB;
856 : llvm::CallInst *fwdcall;
857 :
858 0 : AF = llvm::Function::Create(F->getFunctionType(),
859 : LinkageTypes::AvailableExternallyLinkage,
860 0 : Name, importMod.get());
861 0 : BB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", AF);
862 :
863 0 : Builder.SetInsertPoint(BB);
864 0 : fwdcall = Builder.CreateCall(F, &*AF->arg_begin());
865 0 : fwdcall->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::AlwaysInline);
866 0 : Builder.CreateRet(fwdcall);
867 :
868 0 : return AF;
869 : }