LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/executor - execScan.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 24 33 72.7 %
Date: 2025-02-22 07:14:56 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * execScan.c
       4             :  *    This code provides support for generalized relation scans. ExecScan
       5             :  *    is passed a node and a pointer to a function to "do the right thing"
       6             :  *    and return a tuple from the relation. ExecScan then does the tedious
       7             :  *    stuff - checking the qualification and projecting the tuple
       8             :  *    appropriately.
       9             :  *
      10             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
      11             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
      12             :  *
      13             :  *
      14             :  * IDENTIFICATION
      15             :  *    src/backend/executor/execScan.c
      16             :  *
      17             :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      18             :  */
      19             : #include "postgres.h"
      20             : 
      21             : #include "executor/executor.h"
      22             : #include "executor/execScan.h"
      23             : #include "miscadmin.h"
      24             : 
      25             : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
      26             :  *      ExecScan
      27             :  *
      28             :  *      Scans the relation using the 'access method' indicated and
      29             :  *      returns the next qualifying tuple.
      30             :  *      The access method returns the next tuple and ExecScan() is
      31             :  *      responsible for checking the tuple returned against the qual-clause.
      32             :  *
      33             :  *      A 'recheck method' must also be provided that can check an
      34             :  *      arbitrary tuple of the relation against any qual conditions
      35             :  *      that are implemented internal to the access method.
      36             :  *
      37             :  *      Conditions:
      38             :  *        -- the "cursor" maintained by the AMI is positioned at the tuple
      39             :  *           returned previously.
      40             :  *
      41             :  *      Initial States:
      42             :  *        -- the relation indicated is opened for scanning so that the
      43             :  *           "cursor" is positioned before the first qualifying tuple.
      44             :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
      45             :  */
      46             : TupleTableSlot *
      47    29140508 : ExecScan(ScanState *node,
      48             :          ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd,   /* function returning a tuple */
      49             :          ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd)
      50             : {
      51             :     EPQState   *epqstate;
      52             :     ExprState  *qual;
      53             :     ProjectionInfo *projInfo;
      54             : 
      55    29140508 :     epqstate = node->ps.state->es_epq_active;
      56    29140508 :     qual = node->ps.qual;
      57    29140508 :     projInfo = node->ps.ps_ProjInfo;
      58             : 
      59    29140508 :     return ExecScanExtended(node,
      60             :                             accessMtd,
      61             :                             recheckMtd,
      62             :                             epqstate,
      63             :                             qual,
      64             :                             projInfo);
      65             : }
      66             : 
      67             : /*
      68             :  * ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo
      69             :  *      Set up projection info for a scan node, if necessary.
      70             :  *
      71             :  * We can avoid a projection step if the requested tlist exactly matches
      72             :  * the underlying tuple type.  If so, we just set ps_ProjInfo to NULL.
      73             :  * Note that this case occurs not only for simple "SELECT * FROM ...", but
      74             :  * also in most cases where there are joins or other processing nodes above
      75             :  * the scan node, because the planner will preferentially generate a matching
      76             :  * tlist.
      77             :  *
      78             :  * The scan slot's descriptor must have been set already.
      79             :  */
      80             : void
      81      578162 : ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo(ScanState *node)
      82             : {
      83      578162 :     Scan       *scan = (Scan *) node->ps.plan;
      84      578162 :     TupleDesc   tupdesc = node->ss_ScanTupleSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
      85             : 
      86      578162 :     ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(&node->ps, tupdesc, scan->scanrelid);
      87      578156 : }
      88             : 
      89             : /*
      90             :  * ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno
      91             :  *      As above, but caller can specify varno expected in Vars in the tlist.
      92             :  */
      93             : void
      94       18422 : ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno(ScanState *node, int varno)
      95             : {
      96       18422 :     TupleDesc   tupdesc = node->ss_ScanTupleSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
      97             : 
      98       18422 :     ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(&node->ps, tupdesc, varno);
      99       18422 : }
     100             : 
     101             : /*
     102             :  * ExecScanReScan
     103             :  *
     104             :  * This must be called within the ReScan function of any plan node type
     105             :  * that uses ExecScan().
     106             :  */
     107             : void
     108     2014408 : ExecScanReScan(ScanState *node)
     109             : {
     110     2014408 :     EState     *estate = node->ps.state;
     111             : 
     112             :     /*
     113             :      * We must clear the scan tuple so that observers (e.g., execCurrent.c)
     114             :      * can tell that this plan node is not positioned on a tuple.
     115             :      */
     116     2014408 :     ExecClearTuple(node->ss_ScanTupleSlot);
     117             : 
     118             :     /*
     119             :      * Rescan EvalPlanQual tuple(s) if we're inside an EvalPlanQual recheck.
     120             :      * But don't lose the "blocked" status of blocked target relations.
     121             :      */
     122     2014408 :     if (estate->es_epq_active != NULL)
     123             :     {
     124         356 :         EPQState   *epqstate = estate->es_epq_active;
     125         356 :         Index       scanrelid = ((Scan *) node->ps.plan)->scanrelid;
     126             : 
     127         356 :         if (scanrelid > 0)
     128         356 :             epqstate->relsubs_done[scanrelid - 1] =
     129         356 :                 epqstate->relsubs_blocked[scanrelid - 1];
     130             :         else
     131             :         {
     132             :             Bitmapset  *relids;
     133           0 :             int         rtindex = -1;
     134             : 
     135             :             /*
     136             :              * If an FDW or custom scan provider has replaced the join with a
     137             :              * scan, there are multiple RTIs; reset the epqScanDone flag for
     138             :              * all of them.
     139             :              */
     140           0 :             if (IsA(node->ps.plan, ForeignScan))
     141           0 :                 relids = ((ForeignScan *) node->ps.plan)->fs_base_relids;
     142           0 :             else if (IsA(node->ps.plan, CustomScan))
     143           0 :                 relids = ((CustomScan *) node->ps.plan)->custom_relids;
     144             :             else
     145           0 :                 elog(ERROR, "unexpected scan node: %d",
     146             :                      (int) nodeTag(node->ps.plan));
     147             : 
     148           0 :             while ((rtindex = bms_next_member(relids, rtindex)) >= 0)
     149             :             {
     150             :                 Assert(rtindex > 0);
     151           0 :                 epqstate->relsubs_done[rtindex - 1] =
     152           0 :                     epqstate->relsubs_blocked[rtindex - 1];
     153             :             }
     154             :         }
     155             :     }
     156     2014408 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14