Line data Source code
1 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 : *
3 : * basebackup_progress.c
4 : * Basebackup sink implementing progress tracking, including but not
5 : * limited to command progress reporting.
6 : *
7 : * This should be used even if the PROGRESS option to the replication
8 : * command BASE_BACKUP is not specified. Without that option, we won't
9 : * have tallied up the size of the files that are going to need to be
10 : * backed up, but we can still report to the command progress reporting
11 : * facility how much data we've processed.
12 : *
13 : * Moreover, we also use this as a convenient place to update certain
14 : * fields of the bbsink_state. That work is accurately described as
15 : * keeping track of our progress, but it's not just for introspection.
16 : * We need those fields to be updated properly in order for base backups
17 : * to work.
18 : *
19 : * This particular basebackup sink requires extra callbacks that most base
20 : * backup sinks don't. Rather than cramming those into the interface, we just
21 : * have a few extra functions here that basebackup.c can call. (We could put
22 : * the logic directly into that file as it's fairly simple, but it seems
23 : * cleaner to have everything related to progress reporting in one place.)
24 : *
25 : * Portions Copyright (c) 2010-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
26 : *
28 : * src/backend/backup/basebackup_progress.c
29 : *
30 : *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 : */
32 : #include "postgres.h"
33 :
34 : #include "backup/basebackup_sink.h"
35 : #include "commands/progress.h"
36 : #include "pgstat.h"
37 :
38 : static void bbsink_progress_begin_backup(bbsink *sink);
39 : static void bbsink_progress_archive_contents(bbsink *sink, size_t len);
40 : static void bbsink_progress_end_archive(bbsink *sink);
41 :
42 : static const bbsink_ops bbsink_progress_ops = {
43 : .begin_backup = bbsink_progress_begin_backup,
44 : .begin_archive = bbsink_forward_begin_archive,
45 : .archive_contents = bbsink_progress_archive_contents,
46 : .end_archive = bbsink_progress_end_archive,
47 : .begin_manifest = bbsink_forward_begin_manifest,
48 : .manifest_contents = bbsink_forward_manifest_contents,
49 : .end_manifest = bbsink_forward_end_manifest,
50 : .end_backup = bbsink_forward_end_backup,
51 : .cleanup = bbsink_forward_cleanup
52 : };
53 :
54 : /*
55 : * Create a new basebackup sink that performs progress tracking functions and
56 : * forwards data to a successor sink.
57 : */
58 : bbsink *
59 308 : bbsink_progress_new(bbsink *next, bool estimate_backup_size)
60 : {
61 : bbsink *sink;
62 :
63 : Assert(next != NULL);
64 :
65 308 : sink = palloc0(sizeof(bbsink));
66 308 : *((const bbsink_ops **) &sink->bbs_ops) = &bbsink_progress_ops;
67 308 : sink->bbs_next = next;
68 :
69 : /*
70 : * Report that a base backup is in progress, and set the total size of the
71 : * backup to -1, which will get translated to NULL. If we're estimating
72 : * the backup size, we'll insert the real estimate when we have it.
73 : */
74 308 : pgstat_progress_start_command(PROGRESS_COMMAND_BASEBACKUP, InvalidOid);
75 308 : pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_TOTAL, -1);
76 :
77 308 : return sink;
78 : }
79 :
80 : /*
81 : * Progress reporting at start of backup.
82 : */
83 : static void
84 308 : bbsink_progress_begin_backup(bbsink *sink)
85 : {
86 308 : const int index[] = {
90 : };
91 : int64 val[3];
92 :
93 : /*
94 : * Report that we are now streaming database files as a base backup. Also
95 : * advertise the number of tablespaces, and, if known, the estimated total
96 : * backup size.
97 : */
99 308 : if (sink->bbs_state->bytes_total_is_valid)
100 308 : val[1] = sink->bbs_state->bytes_total;
101 : else
102 0 : val[1] = -1;
103 308 : val[2] = list_length(sink->bbs_state->tablespaces);
104 308 : pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(3, index, val);
105 :
106 : /* Delegate to next sink. */
107 308 : bbsink_forward_begin_backup(sink);
108 308 : }
109 :
110 : /*
111 : * End-of archive progress reporting.
112 : */
113 : static void
114 370 : bbsink_progress_end_archive(bbsink *sink)
115 : {
116 : /*
117 : * We expect one archive per tablespace, so reaching the end of an archive
118 : * also means reaching the end of a tablespace. (Some day we might have a
119 : * reason to decouple these concepts.)
120 : *
121 : * If WAL is included in the backup, we'll mark the last tablespace
122 : * complete before the last archive is complete, so we need a guard here
123 : * to ensure that the number of tablespaces streamed doesn't exceed the
124 : * total.
125 : */
126 370 : if (sink->bbs_state->tablespace_num < list_length(sink->bbs_state->tablespaces))
127 370 : pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_TBLSPC_STREAMED,
128 370 : sink->bbs_state->tablespace_num + 1);
129 :
130 : /* Delegate to next sink. */
131 370 : bbsink_forward_end_archive(sink);
132 :
133 : /*
134 : * This is a convenient place to update the bbsink_state's notion of which
135 : * is the current tablespace. Note that the bbsink_state object is shared
136 : * across all bbsink objects involved, but we're the outermost one and
137 : * this is the very last thing we do.
138 : */
139 370 : sink->bbs_state->tablespace_num++;
140 370 : }
141 :
142 : /*
143 : * Handle progress tracking for new archive contents.
144 : *
145 : * Increment the counter for the amount of data already streamed
146 : * by the given number of bytes, and update the progress report for
147 : * pg_stat_progress_basebackup.
148 : */
149 : static void
150 695834 : bbsink_progress_archive_contents(bbsink *sink, size_t len)
151 : {
152 695834 : bbsink_state *state = sink->bbs_state;
153 695834 : const int index[] = {
156 : };
157 : int64 val[2];
158 695834 : int nparam = 0;
159 :
160 : /* First update bbsink_state with # of bytes done. */
161 695834 : state->bytes_done += len;
162 :
163 : /* Now forward to next sink. */
164 695834 : bbsink_forward_archive_contents(sink, len);
165 :
166 : /* Prepare to set # of bytes done for command progress reporting. */
167 695834 : val[nparam++] = state->bytes_done;
168 :
169 : /*
170 : * We may also want to update # of total bytes, to avoid overflowing past
171 : * 100% or the full size. This may make the total size number change as we
172 : * approach the end of the backup (the estimate will always be wrong if
173 : * WAL is included), but that's better than having the done column be
174 : * bigger than the total.
175 : */
176 695834 : if (state->bytes_total_is_valid && state->bytes_done > state->bytes_total)
177 15036 : val[nparam++] = state->bytes_done;
178 :
179 695834 : pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(nparam, index, val);
180 695834 : }
181 :
182 : /*
183 : * Advertise that we are waiting for the start-of-backup checkpoint.
184 : */
185 : void
186 308 : basebackup_progress_wait_checkpoint(void)
187 : {
188 308 : pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
190 308 : }
191 :
192 : /*
193 : * Advertise that we are estimating the backup size.
194 : */
195 : void
196 308 : basebackup_progress_estimate_backup_size(void)
197 : {
198 308 : pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
200 308 : }
201 :
202 : /*
203 : * Advertise that we are waiting for WAL archiving at end-of-backup.
204 : */
205 : void
206 298 : basebackup_progress_wait_wal_archive(bbsink_state *state)
207 : {
208 298 : const int index[] = {
211 : };
212 : int64 val[2];
213 :
214 : /*
215 : * We report having finished all tablespaces at this point, even if the
216 : * archive for the main tablespace is still open, because what's going to
217 : * be added is WAL files, not files that are really from the main
218 : * tablespace.
219 : */
221 298 : val[1] = list_length(state->tablespaces);
222 298 : pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(2, index, val);
223 298 : }
224 :
225 : /*
226 : * Advertise that we are transferring WAL files into the final archive.
227 : */
228 : void
229 26 : basebackup_progress_transfer_wal(void)
230 : {
231 26 : pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
233 26 : }
234 :
235 : /*
236 : * Advertise that we are no longer performing a backup.
237 : */
238 : void
239 292 : basebackup_progress_done(void)
240 : {
241 292 : pgstat_progress_end_command();
242 292 : }