LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/access/hash - hash.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PostgreSQL 18devel Lines: 296 321 92.2 %
Date: 2025-03-31 21:15:44 Functions: 14 15 93.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             :  *
       3             :  * hash.c
       4             :  *    Implementation of Margo Seltzer's Hashing package for postgres.
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       7             :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
       8             :  *
       9             :  *
      10             :  * IDENTIFICATION
      11             :  *    src/backend/access/hash/hash.c
      12             :  *
      13             :  * NOTES
      14             :  *    This file contains only the public interface routines.
      15             :  *
      16             :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      17             :  */
      18             : 
      19             : #include "postgres.h"
      20             : 
      21             : #include "access/hash.h"
      22             : #include "access/hash_xlog.h"
      23             : #include "access/relscan.h"
      24             : #include "access/stratnum.h"
      25             : #include "access/tableam.h"
      26             : #include "access/xloginsert.h"
      27             : #include "commands/progress.h"
      28             : #include "commands/vacuum.h"
      29             : #include "miscadmin.h"
      30             : #include "nodes/execnodes.h"
      31             : #include "optimizer/plancat.h"
      32             : #include "pgstat.h"
      33             : #include "utils/fmgrprotos.h"
      34             : #include "utils/index_selfuncs.h"
      35             : #include "utils/rel.h"
      36             : 
      37             : /* Working state for hashbuild and its callback */
      38             : typedef struct
      39             : {
      40             :     HSpool     *spool;          /* NULL if not using spooling */
      41             :     double      indtuples;      /* # tuples accepted into index */
      42             :     Relation    heapRel;        /* heap relation descriptor */
      43             : } HashBuildState;
      44             : 
      45             : static void hashbuildCallback(Relation index,
      46             :                               ItemPointer tid,
      47             :                               Datum *values,
      48             :                               bool *isnull,
      49             :                               bool tupleIsAlive,
      50             :                               void *state);
      51             : 
      52             : 
      53             : /*
      54             :  * Hash handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters
      55             :  * and callbacks.
      56             :  */
      57             : Datum
      58        2356 : hashhandler(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
      59             : {
      60        2356 :     IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = makeNode(IndexAmRoutine);
      61             : 
      62        2356 :     amroutine->amstrategies = HTMaxStrategyNumber;
      63        2356 :     amroutine->amsupport = HASHNProcs;
      64        2356 :     amroutine->amoptsprocnum = HASHOPTIONS_PROC;
      65        2356 :     amroutine->amcanorder = false;
      66        2356 :     amroutine->amcanorderbyop = false;
      67        2356 :     amroutine->amcanhash = true;
      68        2356 :     amroutine->amconsistentequality = true;
      69        2356 :     amroutine->amconsistentordering = false;
      70        2356 :     amroutine->amcanbackward = true;
      71        2356 :     amroutine->amcanunique = false;
      72        2356 :     amroutine->amcanmulticol = false;
      73        2356 :     amroutine->amoptionalkey = false;
      74        2356 :     amroutine->amsearcharray = false;
      75        2356 :     amroutine->amsearchnulls = false;
      76        2356 :     amroutine->amstorage = false;
      77        2356 :     amroutine->amclusterable = false;
      78        2356 :     amroutine->ampredlocks = true;
      79        2356 :     amroutine->amcanparallel = false;
      80        2356 :     amroutine->amcanbuildparallel = false;
      81        2356 :     amroutine->amcaninclude = false;
      82        2356 :     amroutine->amusemaintenanceworkmem = false;
      83        2356 :     amroutine->amsummarizing = false;
      84        2356 :     amroutine->amparallelvacuumoptions =
      85             :         VACUUM_OPTION_PARALLEL_BULKDEL;
      86        2356 :     amroutine->amkeytype = INT4OID;
      87             : 
      88        2356 :     amroutine->ambuild = hashbuild;
      89        2356 :     amroutine->ambuildempty = hashbuildempty;
      90        2356 :     amroutine->aminsert = hashinsert;
      91        2356 :     amroutine->aminsertcleanup = NULL;
      92        2356 :     amroutine->ambulkdelete = hashbulkdelete;
      93        2356 :     amroutine->amvacuumcleanup = hashvacuumcleanup;
      94        2356 :     amroutine->amcanreturn = NULL;
      95        2356 :     amroutine->amcostestimate = hashcostestimate;
      96        2356 :     amroutine->amgettreeheight = NULL;
      97        2356 :     amroutine->amoptions = hashoptions;
      98        2356 :     amroutine->amproperty = NULL;
      99        2356 :     amroutine->ambuildphasename = NULL;
     100        2356 :     amroutine->amvalidate = hashvalidate;
     101        2356 :     amroutine->amadjustmembers = hashadjustmembers;
     102        2356 :     amroutine->ambeginscan = hashbeginscan;
     103        2356 :     amroutine->amrescan = hashrescan;
     104        2356 :     amroutine->amgettuple = hashgettuple;
     105        2356 :     amroutine->amgetbitmap = hashgetbitmap;
     106        2356 :     amroutine->amendscan = hashendscan;
     107        2356 :     amroutine->ammarkpos = NULL;
     108        2356 :     amroutine->amrestrpos = NULL;
     109        2356 :     amroutine->amestimateparallelscan = NULL;
     110        2356 :     amroutine->aminitparallelscan = NULL;
     111        2356 :     amroutine->amparallelrescan = NULL;
     112        2356 :     amroutine->amtranslatestrategy = hashtranslatestrategy;
     113        2356 :     amroutine->amtranslatecmptype = hashtranslatecmptype;
     114             : 
     115        2356 :     PG_RETURN_POINTER(amroutine);
     116             : }
     117             : 
     118             : /*
     119             :  *  hashbuild() -- build a new hash index.
     120             :  */
     121             : IndexBuildResult *
     122         330 : hashbuild(Relation heap, Relation index, IndexInfo *indexInfo)
     123             : {
     124             :     IndexBuildResult *result;
     125             :     BlockNumber relpages;
     126             :     double      reltuples;
     127             :     double      allvisfrac;
     128             :     uint32      num_buckets;
     129             :     Size        sort_threshold;
     130             :     HashBuildState buildstate;
     131             : 
     132             :     /*
     133             :      * We expect to be called exactly once for any index relation. If that's
     134             :      * not the case, big trouble's what we have.
     135             :      */
     136         330 :     if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(index) != 0)
     137           0 :         elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" already contains data",
     138             :              RelationGetRelationName(index));
     139             : 
     140             :     /* Estimate the number of rows currently present in the table */
     141         330 :     estimate_rel_size(heap, NULL, &relpages, &reltuples, &allvisfrac);
     142             : 
     143             :     /* Initialize the hash index metadata page and initial buckets */
     144         330 :     num_buckets = _hash_init(index, reltuples, MAIN_FORKNUM);
     145             : 
     146             :     /*
     147             :      * If we just insert the tuples into the index in scan order, then
     148             :      * (assuming their hash codes are pretty random) there will be no locality
     149             :      * of access to the index, and if the index is bigger than available RAM
     150             :      * then we'll thrash horribly.  To prevent that scenario, we can sort the
     151             :      * tuples by (expected) bucket number.  However, such a sort is useless
     152             :      * overhead when the index does fit in RAM.  We choose to sort if the
     153             :      * initial index size exceeds maintenance_work_mem, or the number of
     154             :      * buffers usable for the index, whichever is less.  (Limiting by the
     155             :      * number of buffers should reduce thrashing between PG buffers and kernel
     156             :      * buffers, which seems useful even if no physical I/O results.  Limiting
     157             :      * by maintenance_work_mem is useful to allow easy testing of the sort
     158             :      * code path, and may be useful to DBAs as an additional control knob.)
     159             :      *
     160             :      * NOTE: this test will need adjustment if a bucket is ever different from
     161             :      * one page.  Also, "initial index size" accounting does not include the
     162             :      * metapage, nor the first bitmap page.
     163             :      */
     164         330 :     sort_threshold = (maintenance_work_mem * (Size) 1024) / BLCKSZ;
     165         330 :     if (index->rd_rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
     166         324 :         sort_threshold = Min(sort_threshold, NBuffers);
     167             :     else
     168           6 :         sort_threshold = Min(sort_threshold, NLocBuffer);
     169             : 
     170         330 :     if (num_buckets >= sort_threshold)
     171           8 :         buildstate.spool = _h_spoolinit(heap, index, num_buckets);
     172             :     else
     173         322 :         buildstate.spool = NULL;
     174             : 
     175             :     /* prepare to build the index */
     176         330 :     buildstate.indtuples = 0;
     177         330 :     buildstate.heapRel = heap;
     178             : 
     179             :     /* do the heap scan */
     180         330 :     reltuples = table_index_build_scan(heap, index, indexInfo, true, true,
     181             :                                        hashbuildCallback,
     182             :                                        &buildstate, NULL);
     183         330 :     pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_TOTAL,
     184         330 :                                  buildstate.indtuples);
     185             : 
     186         330 :     if (buildstate.spool)
     187             :     {
     188             :         /* sort the tuples and insert them into the index */
     189           8 :         _h_indexbuild(buildstate.spool, buildstate.heapRel);
     190           8 :         _h_spooldestroy(buildstate.spool);
     191             :     }
     192             : 
     193             :     /*
     194             :      * Return statistics
     195             :      */
     196         330 :     result = (IndexBuildResult *) palloc(sizeof(IndexBuildResult));
     197             : 
     198         330 :     result->heap_tuples = reltuples;
     199         330 :     result->index_tuples = buildstate.indtuples;
     200             : 
     201         330 :     return result;
     202             : }
     203             : 
     204             : /*
     205             :  *  hashbuildempty() -- build an empty hash index in the initialization fork
     206             :  */
     207             : void
     208           6 : hashbuildempty(Relation index)
     209             : {
     210           6 :     _hash_init(index, 0, INIT_FORKNUM);
     211           6 : }
     212             : 
     213             : /*
     214             :  * Per-tuple callback for table_index_build_scan
     215             :  */
     216             : static void
     217      494544 : hashbuildCallback(Relation index,
     218             :                   ItemPointer tid,
     219             :                   Datum *values,
     220             :                   bool *isnull,
     221             :                   bool tupleIsAlive,
     222             :                   void *state)
     223             : {
     224      494544 :     HashBuildState *buildstate = (HashBuildState *) state;
     225             :     Datum       index_values[1];
     226             :     bool        index_isnull[1];
     227             :     IndexTuple  itup;
     228             : 
     229             :     /* convert data to a hash key; on failure, do not insert anything */
     230      494544 :     if (!_hash_convert_tuple(index,
     231             :                              values, isnull,
     232             :                              index_values, index_isnull))
     233           0 :         return;
     234             : 
     235             :     /* Either spool the tuple for sorting, or just put it into the index */
     236      494544 :     if (buildstate->spool)
     237      121000 :         _h_spool(buildstate->spool, tid, index_values, index_isnull);
     238             :     else
     239             :     {
     240             :         /* form an index tuple and point it at the heap tuple */
     241      373544 :         itup = index_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(index),
     242             :                                 index_values, index_isnull);
     243      373544 :         itup->t_tid = *tid;
     244      373544 :         _hash_doinsert(index, itup, buildstate->heapRel, false);
     245      373544 :         pfree(itup);
     246             :     }
     247             : 
     248      494544 :     buildstate->indtuples += 1;
     249             : }
     250             : 
     251             : /*
     252             :  *  hashinsert() -- insert an index tuple into a hash table.
     253             :  *
     254             :  *  Hash on the heap tuple's key, form an index tuple with hash code.
     255             :  *  Find the appropriate location for the new tuple, and put it there.
     256             :  */
     257             : bool
     258      230308 : hashinsert(Relation rel, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
     259             :            ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
     260             :            IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
     261             :            bool indexUnchanged,
     262             :            IndexInfo *indexInfo)
     263             : {
     264             :     Datum       index_values[1];
     265             :     bool        index_isnull[1];
     266             :     IndexTuple  itup;
     267             : 
     268             :     /* convert data to a hash key; on failure, do not insert anything */
     269      230308 :     if (!_hash_convert_tuple(rel,
     270             :                              values, isnull,
     271             :                              index_values, index_isnull))
     272           0 :         return false;
     273             : 
     274             :     /* form an index tuple and point it at the heap tuple */
     275      230308 :     itup = index_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(rel), index_values, index_isnull);
     276      230308 :     itup->t_tid = *ht_ctid;
     277             : 
     278      230308 :     _hash_doinsert(rel, itup, heapRel, false);
     279             : 
     280      230296 :     pfree(itup);
     281             : 
     282      230296 :     return false;
     283             : }
     284             : 
     285             : 
     286             : /*
     287             :  *  hashgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan.
     288             :  */
     289             : bool
     290      101448 : hashgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
     291             : {
     292      101448 :     HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
     293             :     bool        res;
     294             : 
     295             :     /* Hash indexes are always lossy since we store only the hash code */
     296      101448 :     scan->xs_recheck = true;
     297             : 
     298             :     /*
     299             :      * If we've already initialized this scan, we can just advance it in the
     300             :      * appropriate direction.  If we haven't done so yet, we call a routine to
     301             :      * get the first item in the scan.
     302             :      */
     303      101448 :     if (!HashScanPosIsValid(so->currPos))
     304         464 :         res = _hash_first(scan, dir);
     305             :     else
     306             :     {
     307             :         /*
     308             :          * Check to see if we should kill the previously-fetched tuple.
     309             :          */
     310      100984 :         if (scan->kill_prior_tuple)
     311             :         {
     312             :             /*
     313             :              * Yes, so remember it for later. (We'll deal with all such tuples
     314             :              * at once right after leaving the index page or at end of scan.)
     315             :              * In case if caller reverses the indexscan direction it is quite
     316             :              * possible that the same item might get entered multiple times.
     317             :              * But, we don't detect that; instead, we just forget any excess
     318             :              * entries.
     319             :              */
     320           0 :             if (so->killedItems == NULL)
     321           0 :                 so->killedItems = (int *)
     322           0 :                     palloc(MaxIndexTuplesPerPage * sizeof(int));
     323             : 
     324           0 :             if (so->numKilled < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage)
     325           0 :                 so->killedItems[so->numKilled++] = so->currPos.itemIndex;
     326             :         }
     327             : 
     328             :         /*
     329             :          * Now continue the scan.
     330             :          */
     331      100984 :         res = _hash_next(scan, dir);
     332             :     }
     333             : 
     334      101448 :     return res;
     335             : }
     336             : 
     337             : 
     338             : /*
     339             :  *  hashgetbitmap() -- get all tuples at once
     340             :  */
     341             : int64
     342          68 : hashgetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
     343             : {
     344          68 :     HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
     345             :     bool        res;
     346          68 :     int64       ntids = 0;
     347             :     HashScanPosItem *currItem;
     348             : 
     349          68 :     res = _hash_first(scan, ForwardScanDirection);
     350             : 
     351         204 :     while (res)
     352             :     {
     353         136 :         currItem = &so->currPos.items[so->currPos.itemIndex];
     354             : 
     355             :         /*
     356             :          * _hash_first and _hash_next handle eliminate dead index entries
     357             :          * whenever scan->ignore_killed_tuples is true.  Therefore, there's
     358             :          * nothing to do here except add the results to the TIDBitmap.
     359             :          */
     360         136 :         tbm_add_tuples(tbm, &(currItem->heapTid), 1, true);
     361         136 :         ntids++;
     362             : 
     363         136 :         res = _hash_next(scan, ForwardScanDirection);
     364             :     }
     365             : 
     366          68 :     return ntids;
     367             : }
     368             : 
     369             : 
     370             : /*
     371             :  *  hashbeginscan() -- start a scan on a hash index
     372             :  */
     373             : IndexScanDesc
     374         374 : hashbeginscan(Relation rel, int nkeys, int norderbys)
     375             : {
     376             :     IndexScanDesc scan;
     377             :     HashScanOpaque so;
     378             : 
     379             :     /* no order by operators allowed */
     380             :     Assert(norderbys == 0);
     381             : 
     382         374 :     scan = RelationGetIndexScan(rel, nkeys, norderbys);
     383             : 
     384         374 :     so = (HashScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(HashScanOpaqueData));
     385         374 :     HashScanPosInvalidate(so->currPos);
     386         374 :     so->hashso_bucket_buf = InvalidBuffer;
     387         374 :     so->hashso_split_bucket_buf = InvalidBuffer;
     388             : 
     389         374 :     so->hashso_buc_populated = false;
     390         374 :     so->hashso_buc_split = false;
     391             : 
     392         374 :     so->killedItems = NULL;
     393         374 :     so->numKilled = 0;
     394             : 
     395         374 :     scan->opaque = so;
     396             : 
     397         374 :     return scan;
     398             : }
     399             : 
     400             : /*
     401             :  *  hashrescan() -- rescan an index relation
     402             :  */
     403             : void
     404         526 : hashrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys,
     405             :            ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
     406             : {
     407         526 :     HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
     408         526 :     Relation    rel = scan->indexRelation;
     409             : 
     410         526 :     if (HashScanPosIsValid(so->currPos))
     411             :     {
     412             :         /* Before leaving current page, deal with any killed items */
     413          60 :         if (so->numKilled > 0)
     414           0 :             _hash_kill_items(scan);
     415             :     }
     416             : 
     417         526 :     _hash_dropscanbuf(rel, so);
     418             : 
     419             :     /* set position invalid (this will cause _hash_first call) */
     420         526 :     HashScanPosInvalidate(so->currPos);
     421             : 
     422             :     /* Update scan key, if a new one is given */
     423         526 :     if (scankey && scan->numberOfKeys > 0)
     424         526 :         memcpy(scan->keyData, scankey, scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
     425             : 
     426         526 :     so->hashso_buc_populated = false;
     427         526 :     so->hashso_buc_split = false;
     428         526 : }
     429             : 
     430             : /*
     431             :  *  hashendscan() -- close down a scan
     432             :  */
     433             : void
     434         374 : hashendscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
     435             : {
     436         374 :     HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
     437         374 :     Relation    rel = scan->indexRelation;
     438             : 
     439         374 :     if (HashScanPosIsValid(so->currPos))
     440             :     {
     441             :         /* Before leaving current page, deal with any killed items */
     442          62 :         if (so->numKilled > 0)
     443           0 :             _hash_kill_items(scan);
     444             :     }
     445             : 
     446         374 :     _hash_dropscanbuf(rel, so);
     447             : 
     448         374 :     if (so->killedItems != NULL)
     449           0 :         pfree(so->killedItems);
     450         374 :     pfree(so);
     451         374 :     scan->opaque = NULL;
     452         374 : }
     453             : 
     454             : /*
     455             :  * Bulk deletion of all index entries pointing to a set of heap tuples.
     456             :  * The set of target tuples is specified via a callback routine that tells
     457             :  * whether any given heap tuple (identified by ItemPointer) is being deleted.
     458             :  *
     459             :  * This function also deletes the tuples that are moved by split to other
     460             :  * bucket.
     461             :  *
     462             :  * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays.
     463             :  */
     464             : IndexBulkDeleteResult *
     465          34 : hashbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
     466             :                IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
     467             : {
     468          34 :     Relation    rel = info->index;
     469             :     double      tuples_removed;
     470             :     double      num_index_tuples;
     471             :     double      orig_ntuples;
     472             :     Bucket      orig_maxbucket;
     473             :     Bucket      cur_maxbucket;
     474             :     Bucket      cur_bucket;
     475          34 :     Buffer      metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
     476             :     HashMetaPage metap;
     477             :     HashMetaPage cachedmetap;
     478             : 
     479          34 :     tuples_removed = 0;
     480          34 :     num_index_tuples = 0;
     481             : 
     482             :     /*
     483             :      * We need a copy of the metapage so that we can use its hashm_spares[]
     484             :      * values to compute bucket page addresses, but a cached copy should be
     485             :      * good enough.  (If not, we'll detect that further down and refresh the
     486             :      * cache as necessary.)
     487             :      */
     488          34 :     cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, false);
     489             :     Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);
     490             : 
     491          34 :     orig_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
     492          34 :     orig_ntuples = cachedmetap->hashm_ntuples;
     493             : 
     494             :     /* Scan the buckets that we know exist */
     495          34 :     cur_bucket = 0;
     496          34 :     cur_maxbucket = orig_maxbucket;
     497             : 
     498          34 : loop_top:
     499         522 :     while (cur_bucket <= cur_maxbucket)
     500             :     {
     501             :         BlockNumber bucket_blkno;
     502             :         BlockNumber blkno;
     503             :         Buffer      bucket_buf;
     504             :         Buffer      buf;
     505             :         HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
     506             :         Page        page;
     507         488 :         bool        split_cleanup = false;
     508             : 
     509             :         /* Get address of bucket's start page */
     510         488 :         bucket_blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(cachedmetap, cur_bucket);
     511             : 
     512         488 :         blkno = bucket_blkno;
     513             : 
     514             :         /*
     515             :          * We need to acquire a cleanup lock on the primary bucket page to out
     516             :          * wait concurrent scans before deleting the dead tuples.
     517             :          */
     518         488 :         buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, info->strategy);
     519         488 :         LockBufferForCleanup(buf);
     520         488 :         _hash_checkpage(rel, buf, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
     521             : 
     522         488 :         page = BufferGetPage(buf);
     523         488 :         bucket_opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
     524             : 
     525             :         /*
     526             :          * If the bucket contains tuples that are moved by split, then we need
     527             :          * to delete such tuples.  We can't delete such tuples if the split
     528             :          * operation on bucket is not finished as those are needed by scans.
     529             :          */
     530         488 :         if (!H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(bucket_opaque) &&
     531         488 :             H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP(bucket_opaque))
     532             :         {
     533           0 :             split_cleanup = true;
     534             : 
     535             :             /*
     536             :              * This bucket might have been split since we last held a lock on
     537             :              * the metapage.  If so, hashm_maxbucket, hashm_highmask and
     538             :              * hashm_lowmask might be old enough to cause us to fail to remove
     539             :              * tuples left behind by the most recent split.  To prevent that,
     540             :              * now that the primary page of the target bucket has been locked
     541             :              * (and thus can't be further split), check whether we need to
     542             :              * update our cached metapage data.
     543             :              */
     544             :             Assert(bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno != InvalidBlockNumber);
     545           0 :             if (bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno > cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket)
     546             :             {
     547           0 :                 cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
     548             :                 Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);
     549             :             }
     550             :         }
     551             : 
     552         488 :         bucket_buf = buf;
     553             : 
     554         488 :         hashbucketcleanup(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_buf, blkno, info->strategy,
     555             :                           cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket,
     556             :                           cachedmetap->hashm_highmask,
     557             :                           cachedmetap->hashm_lowmask, &tuples_removed,
     558             :                           &num_index_tuples, split_cleanup,
     559             :                           callback, callback_state);
     560             : 
     561         488 :         _hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_buf);
     562             : 
     563             :         /* Advance to next bucket */
     564         488 :         cur_bucket++;
     565             :     }
     566             : 
     567          34 :     if (BufferIsInvalid(metabuf))
     568          28 :         metabuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_NOLOCK, LH_META_PAGE);
     569             : 
     570             :     /* Write-lock metapage and check for split since we started */
     571          34 :     LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
     572          34 :     metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
     573             : 
     574          34 :     if (cur_maxbucket != metap->hashm_maxbucket)
     575             :     {
     576             :         /* There's been a split, so process the additional bucket(s) */
     577           0 :         LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
     578           0 :         cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
     579             :         Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);
     580           0 :         cur_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
     581           0 :         goto loop_top;
     582             :     }
     583             : 
     584             :     /* Okay, we're really done.  Update tuple count in metapage. */
     585          34 :     START_CRIT_SECTION();
     586             : 
     587          34 :     if (orig_maxbucket == metap->hashm_maxbucket &&
     588          34 :         orig_ntuples == metap->hashm_ntuples)
     589             :     {
     590             :         /*
     591             :          * No one has split or inserted anything since start of scan, so
     592             :          * believe our count as gospel.
     593             :          */
     594           6 :         metap->hashm_ntuples = num_index_tuples;
     595             :     }
     596             :     else
     597             :     {
     598             :         /*
     599             :          * Otherwise, our count is untrustworthy since we may have
     600             :          * double-scanned tuples in split buckets.  Proceed by dead-reckoning.
     601             :          * (Note: we still return estimated_count = false, because using this
     602             :          * count is better than not updating reltuples at all.)
     603             :          */
     604          28 :         if (metap->hashm_ntuples > tuples_removed)
     605          24 :             metap->hashm_ntuples -= tuples_removed;
     606             :         else
     607           4 :             metap->hashm_ntuples = 0;
     608          28 :         num_index_tuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;
     609             :     }
     610             : 
     611          34 :     MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
     612             : 
     613             :     /* XLOG stuff */
     614          34 :     if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
     615             :     {
     616             :         xl_hash_update_meta_page xlrec;
     617             :         XLogRecPtr  recptr;
     618             : 
     619          34 :         xlrec.ntuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;
     620             : 
     621          34 :         XLogBeginInsert();
     622          34 :         XLogRegisterData(&xlrec, SizeOfHashUpdateMetaPage);
     623             : 
     624          34 :         XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
     625             : 
     626          34 :         recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_UPDATE_META_PAGE);
     627          34 :         PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
     628             :     }
     629             : 
     630          34 :     END_CRIT_SECTION();
     631             : 
     632          34 :     _hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
     633             : 
     634             :     /* return statistics */
     635          34 :     if (stats == NULL)
     636          34 :         stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult));
     637          34 :     stats->estimated_count = false;
     638          34 :     stats->num_index_tuples = num_index_tuples;
     639          34 :     stats->tuples_removed += tuples_removed;
     640             :     /* hashvacuumcleanup will fill in num_pages */
     641             : 
     642          34 :     return stats;
     643             : }
     644             : 
     645             : /*
     646             :  * Post-VACUUM cleanup.
     647             :  *
     648             :  * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays.
     649             :  */
     650             : IndexBulkDeleteResult *
     651          56 : hashvacuumcleanup(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
     652             : {
     653          56 :     Relation    rel = info->index;
     654             :     BlockNumber num_pages;
     655             : 
     656             :     /* If hashbulkdelete wasn't called, return NULL signifying no change */
     657             :     /* Note: this covers the analyze_only case too */
     658          56 :     if (stats == NULL)
     659          22 :         return NULL;
     660             : 
     661             :     /* update statistics */
     662          34 :     num_pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel);
     663          34 :     stats->num_pages = num_pages;
     664             : 
     665          34 :     return stats;
     666             : }
     667             : 
     668             : /*
     669             :  * Helper function to perform deletion of index entries from a bucket.
     670             :  *
     671             :  * This function expects that the caller has acquired a cleanup lock on the
     672             :  * primary bucket page, and will return with a write lock again held on the
     673             :  * primary bucket page.  The lock won't necessarily be held continuously,
     674             :  * though, because we'll release it when visiting overflow pages.
     675             :  *
     676             :  * There can't be any concurrent scans in progress when we first enter this
     677             :  * function because of the cleanup lock we hold on the primary bucket page,
     678             :  * but as soon as we release that lock, there might be.  If those scans got
     679             :  * ahead of our cleanup scan, they might see a tuple before we kill it and
     680             :  * wake up only after VACUUM has completed and the TID has been recycled for
     681             :  * an unrelated tuple.  To avoid that calamity, we prevent scans from passing
     682             :  * our cleanup scan by locking the next page in the bucket chain before
     683             :  * releasing the lock on the previous page.  (This type of lock chaining is not
     684             :  * ideal, so we might want to look for a better solution at some point.)
     685             :  *
     686             :  * We need to retain a pin on the primary bucket to ensure that no concurrent
     687             :  * split can start.
     688             :  */
     689             : void
     690        1832 : hashbucketcleanup(Relation rel, Bucket cur_bucket, Buffer bucket_buf,
     691             :                   BlockNumber bucket_blkno, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy,
     692             :                   uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask,
     693             :                   double *tuples_removed, double *num_index_tuples,
     694             :                   bool split_cleanup,
     695             :                   IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
     696             : {
     697             :     BlockNumber blkno;
     698             :     Buffer      buf;
     699        1832 :     Bucket      new_bucket PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY = InvalidBucket;
     700        1832 :     bool        bucket_dirty = false;
     701             : 
     702        1832 :     blkno = bucket_blkno;
     703        1832 :     buf = bucket_buf;
     704             : 
     705        1832 :     if (split_cleanup)
     706        1344 :         new_bucket = _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(rel, cur_bucket,
     707             :                                                         lowmask, maxbucket);
     708             : 
     709             :     /* Scan each page in bucket */
     710             :     for (;;)
     711         420 :     {
     712             :         HashPageOpaque opaque;
     713             :         OffsetNumber offno;
     714             :         OffsetNumber maxoffno;
     715             :         Buffer      next_buf;
     716             :         Page        page;
     717             :         OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
     718        2252 :         int         ndeletable = 0;
     719        2252 :         bool        retain_pin = false;
     720        2252 :         bool        clear_dead_marking = false;
     721             : 
     722        2252 :         vacuum_delay_point(false);
     723             : 
     724        2252 :         page = BufferGetPage(buf);
     725        2252 :         opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
     726             : 
     727             :         /* Scan each tuple in page */
     728        2252 :         maxoffno = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
     729      423688 :         for (offno = FirstOffsetNumber;
     730             :              offno <= maxoffno;
     731      421436 :              offno = OffsetNumberNext(offno))
     732             :         {
     733             :             ItemPointer htup;
     734             :             IndexTuple  itup;
     735             :             Bucket      bucket;
     736      421436 :             bool        kill_tuple = false;
     737             : 
     738      421436 :             itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,
     739      421436 :                                             PageGetItemId(page, offno));
     740      421436 :             htup = &(itup->t_tid);
     741             : 
     742             :             /*
     743             :              * To remove the dead tuples, we strictly want to rely on results
     744             :              * of callback function.  refer btvacuumpage for detailed reason.
     745             :              */
     746      421436 :             if (callback && callback(htup, callback_state))
     747             :             {
     748       30010 :                 kill_tuple = true;
     749       30010 :                 if (tuples_removed)
     750       30010 :                     *tuples_removed += 1;
     751             :             }
     752      391426 :             else if (split_cleanup)
     753             :             {
     754             :                 /* delete the tuples that are moved by split. */
     755      309994 :                 bucket = _hash_hashkey2bucket(_hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup),
     756             :                                               maxbucket,
     757             :                                               highmask,
     758             :                                               lowmask);
     759             :                 /* mark the item for deletion */
     760      309994 :                 if (bucket != cur_bucket)
     761             :                 {
     762             :                     /*
     763             :                      * We expect tuples to either belong to current bucket or
     764             :                      * new_bucket.  This is ensured because we don't allow
     765             :                      * further splits from bucket that contains garbage. See
     766             :                      * comments in _hash_expandtable.
     767             :                      */
     768             :                     Assert(bucket == new_bucket);
     769      127350 :                     kill_tuple = true;
     770             :                 }
     771             :             }
     772             : 
     773      421436 :             if (kill_tuple)
     774             :             {
     775             :                 /* mark the item for deletion */
     776      157360 :                 deletable[ndeletable++] = offno;
     777             :             }
     778             :             else
     779             :             {
     780             :                 /* we're keeping it, so count it */
     781      264076 :                 if (num_index_tuples)
     782       81432 :                     *num_index_tuples += 1;
     783             :             }
     784             :         }
     785             : 
     786             :         /* retain the pin on primary bucket page till end of bucket scan */
     787        2252 :         if (blkno == bucket_blkno)
     788        1832 :             retain_pin = true;
     789             :         else
     790         420 :             retain_pin = false;
     791             : 
     792        2252 :         blkno = opaque->hasho_nextblkno;
     793             : 
     794             :         /*
     795             :          * Apply deletions, advance to next page and write page if needed.
     796             :          */
     797        2252 :         if (ndeletable > 0)
     798             :         {
     799             :             /* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
     800        1546 :             START_CRIT_SECTION();
     801             : 
     802        1546 :             PageIndexMultiDelete(page, deletable, ndeletable);
     803        1546 :             bucket_dirty = true;
     804             : 
     805             :             /*
     806             :              * Let us mark the page as clean if vacuum removes the DEAD tuples
     807             :              * from an index page. We do this by clearing
     808             :              * LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES flag.
     809             :              */
     810        1546 :             if (tuples_removed && *tuples_removed > 0 &&
     811         142 :                 H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES(opaque))
     812             :             {
     813           0 :                 opaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES;
     814           0 :                 clear_dead_marking = true;
     815             :             }
     816             : 
     817        1546 :             MarkBufferDirty(buf);
     818             : 
     819             :             /* XLOG stuff */
     820        1546 :             if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
     821             :             {
     822             :                 xl_hash_delete xlrec;
     823             :                 XLogRecPtr  recptr;
     824             : 
     825        1294 :                 xlrec.clear_dead_marking = clear_dead_marking;
     826        1294 :                 xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page = (buf == bucket_buf);
     827             : 
     828        1294 :                 XLogBeginInsert();
     829        1294 :                 XLogRegisterData(&xlrec, SizeOfHashDelete);
     830             : 
     831             :                 /*
     832             :                  * bucket buffer was not changed, but still needs to be
     833             :                  * registered to ensure that we can acquire a cleanup lock on
     834             :                  * it during replay.
     835             :                  */
     836        1294 :                 if (!xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page)
     837             :                 {
     838         198 :                     uint8       flags = REGBUF_STANDARD | REGBUF_NO_IMAGE | REGBUF_NO_CHANGE;
     839             : 
     840         198 :                     XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, flags);
     841             :                 }
     842             : 
     843        1294 :                 XLogRegisterBuffer(1, buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
     844        1294 :                 XLogRegisterBufData(1, deletable,
     845             :                                     ndeletable * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
     846             : 
     847        1294 :                 recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_DELETE);
     848        1294 :                 PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf), recptr);
     849             :             }
     850             : 
     851        1546 :             END_CRIT_SECTION();
     852             :         }
     853             : 
     854             :         /* bail out if there are no more pages to scan. */
     855        2252 :         if (!BlockNumberIsValid(blkno))
     856        1832 :             break;
     857             : 
     858         420 :         next_buf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel, blkno, HASH_WRITE,
     859             :                                               LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE,
     860             :                                               bstrategy);
     861             : 
     862             :         /*
     863             :          * release the lock on previous page after acquiring the lock on next
     864             :          * page
     865             :          */
     866         420 :         if (retain_pin)
     867          78 :             LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
     868             :         else
     869         342 :             _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
     870             : 
     871         420 :         buf = next_buf;
     872             :     }
     873             : 
     874             :     /*
     875             :      * lock the bucket page to clear the garbage flag and squeeze the bucket.
     876             :      * if the current buffer is same as bucket buffer, then we already have
     877             :      * lock on bucket page.
     878             :      */
     879        1832 :     if (buf != bucket_buf)
     880             :     {
     881          78 :         _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
     882          78 :         LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
     883             :     }
     884             : 
     885             :     /*
     886             :      * Clear the garbage flag from bucket after deleting the tuples that are
     887             :      * moved by split.  We purposefully clear the flag before squeeze bucket,
     888             :      * so that after restart, vacuum shouldn't again try to delete the moved
     889             :      * by split tuples.
     890             :      */
     891        1832 :     if (split_cleanup)
     892             :     {
     893             :         HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
     894             :         Page        page;
     895             : 
     896        1344 :         page = BufferGetPage(bucket_buf);
     897        1344 :         bucket_opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
     898             : 
     899             :         /* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
     900        1344 :         START_CRIT_SECTION();
     901             : 
     902        1344 :         bucket_opaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP;
     903        1344 :         MarkBufferDirty(bucket_buf);
     904             : 
     905             :         /* XLOG stuff */
     906        1344 :         if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
     907             :         {
     908             :             XLogRecPtr  recptr;
     909             : 
     910        1092 :             XLogBeginInsert();
     911        1092 :             XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
     912             : 
     913        1092 :             recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_SPLIT_CLEANUP);
     914        1092 :             PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
     915             :         }
     916             : 
     917        1344 :         END_CRIT_SECTION();
     918             :     }
     919             : 
     920             :     /*
     921             :      * If we have deleted anything, try to compact free space.  For squeezing
     922             :      * the bucket, we must have a cleanup lock, else it can impact the
     923             :      * ordering of tuples for a scan that has started before it.
     924             :      */
     925        1832 :     if (bucket_dirty && IsBufferCleanupOK(bucket_buf))
     926        1372 :         _hash_squeezebucket(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_blkno, bucket_buf,
     927             :                             bstrategy);
     928             :     else
     929         460 :         LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
     930        1832 : }
     931             : 
     932             : CompareType
     933           0 : hashtranslatestrategy(StrategyNumber strategy, Oid opfamily)
     934             : {
     935           0 :     if (strategy == HTEqualStrategyNumber)
     936           0 :         return COMPARE_EQ;
     937           0 :     return COMPARE_INVALID;
     938             : }
     939             : 
     940             : StrategyNumber
     941          12 : hashtranslatecmptype(CompareType cmptype, Oid opfamily)
     942             : {
     943          12 :     if (cmptype == COMPARE_EQ)
     944          12 :         return HTEqualStrategyNumber;
     945           0 :     return InvalidStrategy;
     946             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14